Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Accomplishment Is Feature of
Yesterday's Victory Over.
San Francisco.
Vancouver Finds Slants of
Three Pitchers, While Engle
. Is Invincible.
"TJUrS C "J jj.; "" ef,Jisie.....uiiiisities 1
' f "j 1 . - r . if
L 4 ' - - - - - - - . - . -: $ ,'
V' - ' -: ' . . . r "" . T . ' .'' V , 't vi
f-eaJt Acquire Only One Tally, AYhlle
McCrrdie'9 Men AmiM Total of
Sis From Offerings of
Mbsklman and Sutor.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 11. (Special.)
Another triple play, the second that
the Bearer warriors have pulled off this
wwk aaralnst the Seals, wu the Inter
esting feature of the Portland victory
It tu hardly a necessity, that triple,
as the Northerners. having located
liarry Sutor. had their game well In
hand. C to 1. but even the old-tlmrrl
can t remember far enough b k to
place two triples by one club within
three days. When fans stop to r-frt
that the entire Coast League went ail
of the 110 aeaeon with just two triples
to their credit, the performance Is ail
the more remarkable.
Perhaps It Is that Ean Francisco
fans ar becoming; accustomed to that
sort of fleldlnc-. fr the play didn't raise
the enthusiasm that was Its due. As a
cleancut bit of flcldicg It far exceeded
that InCrld effort of the middle of the
week, although with the game prartl
cally tucked away, the speedy retire
ment of the Son Kranclscaas that came
In the eighth Inning meant far leM
than on Wednesday, when the bases
were hurriedly cleaned with neither
team bavins; scored a run.
6 a tor Start Well.
Marry Sutor. who started In rood
shape, for all told he fsnned 10 men
la his seven Innings of play, seren of
them In a row. weakened In the sixth
and with the score a 1 to 1 tie just
before he started to stop itave away
Ave runs to the Oreironlans on costly
walks and expensive hits.
Tom Seat on pitched remarkably
steady ball all the way and had a lead
that was well-nigh unbreakable
The triple play was over almost be
fore the crowd had realised what had
happened. Seaton. who had not walked
a man for seven Innlnrs. suddenly de
veloped a streak of wlldaess. MrArdle
was passed and so was Jimmy Lewis,
who was playing; center field. Then
Tennant hit a liner straight at Rapps.
The ball struck In the baseman's jrlove
and Kapps. quick as a flash, turned
and tagged ' Lewis, who was off the
bar. In the same Instant, and almost
with no motion lost, he wheeled to
ward second, threw to Fecktnpaugh
and MeArclle was out t second before
he could get back to the cushion.
Beavers Score In Hrst.
Up to that time the p'.ar had been
of the ln-and-out rarlety. The Beavers
sent a run across la the first inning,
thanks to two bad errors. It looked a
mighty large run for four Innings, since
the Seals were having trouble to con
nect with Seaton and the tally that
tied came almost out of the clear skies.
Oscar Vltt was bit and, after stealing
second, came home on a single that
Claud Berry sect crashing through to
Sutor wound himself op for keeps In
the sixth and seventh. In that sixth
all the damage was done with two
The seventh was almost as bad.
Rodgers walked on another costly four
balls and Murray sacrificed. Seaton
tripled to center to score the men In
fror.t of him and after Chadbourne
singled. Because Sutor nlded the ball
and then stood stock still as the men
wera running. Ryan aqueexed the Port
land pltchsr home on a sacrifice.
Tripled out In the eighth, the Seals
saw themselves doubled out la the
ninth, hopelessly snowed under. The
.Portland I Fan Fran-lx-o .
AbLH.P.A.E I Ah w p. a v
t"Wu.Tt 4 1 e S 0 Powell If.. 4 t 1
1 w M I 1 1 3
e u rmrrr. ct sees
i nAnt.ia.
0 Shsw.rf . .
0 H hlr.:b.
Kn.3. J
Xr"-.r. If.
P.p.. 16.
P"k p'
R'a"aia, I
M ry.e. .. t
1 IS
H.rrr.e. ..
IM ich'r'.. .
Med"! en"
1 11
1 O
-.-'" i .e. e',V-'" -Iialr
in"'- . . ..
aNva. i.
Double plays Van Buren to Dnltn; 9ttnsoa
to Sruhnr. Wild pitches Zamlock i
Stolen b.aee Carlisle. Patterson. Hslster.
D'liin. Time of fame noura Tmpire
Shirting of Pltcltcra Falls to Stop
Kun-Gr-ttlng by Corninutcrs.
LOS ANGELES. May II. After Oak
land made four Bits, netting an equal
number of runs In the second. Los An
geles substituted Klein for Schafer In
the box. with still more disastrous re
sults, for In the third seven hits brought
In seven runs. Score:
Loe Ancles
Ab Bh PaA E
ravt.Sl 3
Moors.rf 4
Irt"e.rf 4
Il a.2h 4
liowd.lf 2
Metx' S
I' 3
Orind'e.c 3
fi-ha r.p O
Kletn.p. 1
3 0
0 3
1 1
0 S
0 1
0 6
0 O
Ab Bh.Po.A.E.
II Coy.rt . .
O. Maie t.lf
01 Cut. w. 2b
1: Zach
o Htr.3b
2' pt-arce.a.
0; Kllroy.p.
3 110 0
10 0
Lindsay does xot wait for
actiox by directors.
W hee r.p 3 0 1 4 Ol
Totals 29 4 2T IS "ft) Totals IT 2T 14
Los Anselee ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o
Has. bits 10I1OOO0 1
Oakland 0 4 7 0 1 0 0 0 01
iiase bite 1 4 111110 1 1
Rons Pfyl. Marrart. Out .haw. Met line
Wares 3. I'sarce 2. Kllroy 3. Hits Off
erhafer 5 In two Innlncs. Klein 8 In tw
Innlnia Thrse-baee hit rfyL Two-base hit
Zarber. Sacrifice hits Cutahaw 2. Zacner.
Fun on balls orr Schafer 3. Kllroy
Wheeler 1. struck out Dr Kllroy 4. N"h(
sr a. en!n bases lavls. I'lyL Coy. Mas
Ssrt. ware. louDle piaya atetxeer
Ie!raas to Dillon: Cutahaw :o Wares
Pfrl: Wares to Cutahaw to PfrL Wild Ditch
tfebafsr. Time Umpire AlcQreeyy.
Wolverton Sends Iltze, Who XVas
Totals 15 1 IT 14 U Total .IT 3T 10
FerttsriS 1 S S S 3 3 t 1
nits I S 0 S I 2 ; S 1 t
sen rraaclsco s s o s l s s s e I
1 1 e e 1 i 1 o
Batted tor Weaver la sixth; batted for
b. fc.. tu ssventn.
Rous Raa r. Sheehan. Kruser. Rndeers,
eea:tn. itt. si runs ao T hi-, off hutsr
in seva un'.ne. Tare- bw hit Beaton.
Tww-oase aits Rvaa. Madden. S.rif!ce
hits Ja hl.r. Murray. Ren. iuter. srolea
be bail bourne. Rvao. bheehao. Kruj.r
MrArdls. T.nnant. Vltt. First base en
eatl.d balls Off Seaton t. off Suter 2.
ttrur out By Seatoa . by toskuaa I.
by 8utr IS. lilt by pitcher Vltt. Double
lia Rarpe to Shsehan. Krwlc.ra to Peck
InaiNTb t. Kaps Tr!;l play Rappe to
Tsckmpeuch. W;id ptt.-b eut.r. Tin of
hour minutes. I ruplre Hllde-
ir.e i
Vernon Makes rite In Ninth but I fa
Xot Enough.
SACRAMENTO. May II. SaeTamento
lad an example of how near a team
ran come to giving away a game and
Still win today, wben tbey went Into
the r.lnth Inning with an f to I lead
and presented Vernon with Ave runs.
The score:
Vernon Sacramento
Ab.HPo-A.EI Am.M.Po.A.E.
fccss.lf . . 5
Pact' a. lb 2
Prae-r lb 2
t'ln n.rt. 4
cDolK 2
Hurrllib 3
Frown. c. 4
P:elh.p 3 3
r-.-.ehan 1
e'WUIsts 0
o;h!nn.3b.. a
l' 4
O Lalonse.c 2
i llont.r.K
O I'
0 ck.p
i t nag IO.P
0 3
1 ft
1 13
0 1
1 1
3 3
1 1
Hurt In Wednesday's Game, Homo.
LOS ANGELES. May II. (Special.)
The Los Angeles club is not the only
one hit hard by the Injury hoodoo.
Manager Wolverton. of the Oakland
club, today shipped Mitie. his main
stay behind the bat. back to Oakland.
after ascertaining that the Injury re-
ceived In w ednesday s game would In
capacitate him Indefinitely, and Tlede
man was hurried here from the North,
to be used In the event of Bunnle
I'earce, the change ecatcber, meeting
with a mishap.
Even with Mltse out of It. Oakland
Is pretty well fixed behind the bat.
with Tearce in shape for regular duty
but no club fancies having Its regular
catcher laid on the shelf.
Lone; la Hesitating; About Releasing
Texas Pitcher.
SAX FRANCISCO. May II. (Special.)
Although the five days time allowed
under the waiver rules on Frank
Urownlnsr exr'red today, no announce
mrnt was made by Danny Long as to
whether any other club in the Coast
League had put In a claim on th
Texan. In fact, while Long Is silent.
It looks very much aa If he proposes
to give Ilrownlng another trial, very
likely In one of the games this week,
before deciding whether he will be
given to the Portland Northwest club.
Browning did so well last Thursday
when he took the game after Eastley
had lost it that Long wanta to be
Four Leasees at a Glaaee.
TotaU jj io ;i u , Totale 33 10 37 13 4
Ratted for Raleigh tn ninth,
will.tte ran for St.nson la ninth.
V ernes S o 0 0 6 T
Hits 21 11010 3 10
farr.msnto 4 1 2 1 MHO S
Hi" 2 1 3 2 1 0 S 0 lu
Ren Carlls 2. T:oss. Patterson. Prash-
ear, fctmson. she-han. Phlnn. Van Hlir,n.
rlll 2 Xiborrr 2, Putin. Zsmlook. Hls
rrarie off Zarr.loek. IO. & runs. In 8 1-3
limnse. Tw-bass hits Zamlnck. LaLonte.
Sninn. Sacrifice hits L Inss 2, Kaii0-
trst base on errors ecrim,nto 3. liases
balls Off RsJetsn 3. off Zamlock S. off
y-MseeraM 2 I-fl on bases scrmm.nto S.
Vtraoa 12. etrwk out Fy NsJetah 3. br
2-anilork a by ntzcsraid I. lilt by pitcher
by j-emiiics. AAUesse bjt Haielaa.
Farltte Coast. Nerthwota
W. I P C. w,
PortUnd ..24 IT .iss, Spokane ..M
Pn Fraa..22') Seattle ..12
Sc'mnto it - .ol." aacouver 12
Oakland .& Taromi
Noraon ...1U23 .OJ Portland ..
Loa Anrls-1T2 .404, Victoria ...
L. P.C
6 .?M
S .o
S -L71
9 14 .SKI
8 14 .3114
1) .16
w. Ie. P.t .1
Nation aL
w. I.
rtro:t ...2J 4 .S4 Phlladel'la Is
I ston 14 IO .B3 Plttsbnra .14
I'hlladet-a .12 9 .all New Tork..l4 9
N-w York. 11 11 .lVo Clnclnnau .11 a
riilmw ...1111 .fi'ltucufo ...13 11
Wa-ortncton 9 12
rieyelanJ.. 9 IT
Kt. Uouls. . 3 19
.4i". St. Louis... T IS
.S4n Hjeton .... 114
:0s Brooklyn ..ll
Testerdny'e Keaults.
Paelflr Coast League Ponland ft. Ban
Franrieco 1; Oakland 12, Lie Anrrles u;
b. ratr.ento .S. Veruon T.
Northwetfsrn U.ku Vancouver 11. Port,
lend 1; Taeomaieatt!e and Victoria-Spokane
game, were postponed on account of rain.
American Leayne Boston 6, Clerelaad 3;
Washington 6. t'hlrago ft: Detroit . New
York 6: Philadelphia IT. St. Louis 18.
National Leaeue Cincinnati 18. Boston 8:
CM-ao 0, New Tork 8: Philadelphia 9.
Pittsburg S; bu Louis S. Brooklyn 3.
Northwest League President's Ac
tion Said to Hare Been Caused by
Tacom Manager' Regret.
TACOMA, Wash May 13. (Special.)
Without waiting for the action of the
board of directors of the Northwestern
League. President Lindsay tonight re
Instated Mike Lynch, the suspended
manager of the Tacoma Tigers. While
the reinstatement Is provlHlonul upon
the confirmation of the directors. It
is generally conceded that the directors
will not override the action taken upon
Lindsay's own volition.
while the president of the league
has Issued no official statement re
garding the case It Is Intimated that
he allowed Lynch's return to the game
upon the assurance that the big mana
ger is heartily sorry for the trouble
which occured In Vancouver. Lynch
will replace Abbott In center field to
morrow afternoon In the game between
the Tigers and the Giants.
for Detroit to defeat New Tork today.
He scored from first on Crawford's
short Fin trie to right, from second on a
wild pitch, and In the seventh stole
home with the winning run while
Sweeney was arguing with Umpire
Egan. Hartsell was spiked In the knee
by Cobb in the third and had to re
tire. Score:
RH.E I R. H. E.
New Tork.. 6 8 0, Detroit ....6. 9 1
Battertee Caldwell and Sweeney;
Covington and Stanage.
Washington 8, Chicago 5.
CHICAGO. May 12. A batting rally
In the ninth Inning when two singles,
two stolen bases, an error and a triple
netted three runs, gave Washington
the game. Two passes, an error and a
single In Chicago's half scored two
runs. Score:
R. H. E R. H. E.
Chicago ... 8 8Washlngton 6 8 S
Batteries Olmstead and Block; Gray
and Henry.
Philadelphia 9, Pltteborg 5.
phia won Its third straight game from
Pittsburg today. The home team
knocked Steele off the rubber In three
Innings and also hit Phllllppl's deliv
ery hard. Beebe strained his back in
the seventh and was forced to leave
the game. Magee made three singles
and a triple and in five times at bat.
R. H. E. R H. E.
Pittsburg .5 2Phlla. 12 0
Batteries Steele. PhlllppI, Ferry and
Simon; Beebe, Moore and Moran. Um
pires Rlgler and Flnnernan.
Cincinnati 18, Boston A.
BOSTON, May II. Weak pitching by
the local staff gave Cincinnati the
game with Boston. Pfelffar retired at
the end of the sixth and Flaherty and
McTlgue. who followed, were easy for
the visitors. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Boston S 11 4,Clncinnatl .18.21 4
Batteries Pfelffer, Flaherty, Mc
Tlgue and Graham; Suggs. Burns and
McLean. Umpires Eason and Johnstone.
Chicago 6, New York J.
NEW TORK. May 1!. Chicago broke
even on the series by humbling the lo
cals. Ritchie was remarkably effec
tive until the ninth and then, with two
out. struck a wild streak and had to be
supplanted by Brown. The visitors
won the game by hammering Ames for
five runs and six hits in the fifth.
R. H. E RUE.
Chicago ...( 1( IjN'ew Tork.. 8 4 1
Batteries Richie, Brown and Kling;
Ames, Prucke and Wilson. Umpires
O Lay and Brennan.
He and Gibson Penalised for Dls
. putlng Umpire's Decision.
NEW TORK, May 12 President
Lynch, of the National League, today
announced the suspension for three
days of Manager Dooln. of the Phila
delphia Club, and Catcher George Gib
son, of Pittsburg, because of the trou
ble they had in the game at Philadel
phia yesterday. .
During the game Gibson and Wagner
were sent to the bench by Umpire Fln
nernan because of objections they made
to his decisions, and in the argument
Dooln took a hand. Flnnernan reported
the matter to President Lynch and the
suspensions resulted.
The suspension of Manager Dooln of
the Philadelphia National League Club,
announced by President Lynch today,
came as a surprise to the officials of
the local club and fans. What trouble
there was between Dooln and Flnnernan
of yesterday's game cannot be learned,
but Dooln la accused of "uslna lan
guage to Flnnernan In the fourth Inning,
wueu mo t-niiiies made their first eight
runs. Gibson disputed with the um
pire over calling of balls and strikes
wnue tiiui was at bat and was re
moved from the game. In th n-
ceeding Inning Wagner kept after the
umpire from the bench and was sent
to me cjuonouse.
Canadians Hare Eleven Tallies at
End of Session; Roadsters Have
One Home Crews Total of
Hits Is Three.
We threw the same away, dear brothers.
It was not a difficult feat.
But like about two hundred others.
Ws wanted to so home and est
Berger-LamUne Lament.
"Pa" Georgia Engle, ten years ago
the star hurler on Jack Grlm's Portland
pennant winners, returned to the pater
nal hearthstone yesterday and let Port
land down with three hits. In the mean
time and It was a mean time Vancou
ver's swatsters fell upon three of Nick
Williams' elabsters for a total of 15 hits.
The score was 11 to 1. To eleborate a
Utile on that scenario. It might be well
to add that Vancouver bad the Jl and
Portland collected the L
Le.mline started heaving the spiral fuz-
sers for Williams. He lasted two frames
after allowing six hits and lour tallies.
Berger than went upon the mole. The
visiting sluggers, like the police report
er's story of a darky ball, " mingled
around for a couple of moments and
then they mixed."' Such a carnage!
Five walks and two hit in an Inning
and a half. Bloomfield was called from
the bench In the middle of the fourth
and the one hit he allowed in the frame
brought the ninnlng up to five scores.
Total 9 to 0. "Bloom" pitched good ball
from that on.
The weather was brrr cold and less
than 200 fans were in the stands. It was
a grand little Imitation of a December
day. This may account for the Lem-
llne and Berger failures to show any
thing that would shatter the epidermis
of a lemon meringue pie.
There is little use in dwelling on how
the visitors garnered their runs. "Burst
of batting" is a way Bob Brown might
put It. "Poor pitching," says the fan.
Take the first Inning. Adams, Bennett
and Brashear hit eafely In a row. James
walked. Then Harrison drove to right.
Three rung. The rest Is a repetition, only
worse. In the fourth a walk by Berger,
an error and a hit clogged the sacks.
Berger then passed Brashear and Harri
son and forced two moro. Such Joy!
Jamds, Bennett, Harrison' and Spies-
Tan were the batting heroes.
There was Just one other feature to
the game its Irksome slowness. In all
this epidemic of automobile-giving some
one ought to offer a benzine wagon to
the team finishing a game here in less
than twd hours. They wouldn't be out
many buggies at that. Kane Is con
stantly howling at the men, but it does
no good. Life Is too short, too evanes
cent for a fellow to waste his halcyon
hours squatting on the quarter deck of
a splintery board. Give us a little pep
per and ginger. The score:
Vancouver Portland
Ab.H.Po.A.E.1 A0.H.P0.A.E.
Br"n"r.ef 4
AJams.rf 5
Ben'tt.l'b S
Bras' 4
James.2b 4
Harrm.lf 4
Sch'n' 4
Spls"n.c 4
Engle, p. 8
2 2
3 4
1 14
2 0
2 1
1 2
2 4
1 0
0Spoas,cf .
11 Stovall.rf
Harris, c.
MlUcr.rf .
Totals ST 15 27 10 .2
O 0
1 0
1 0
0 1
1 0
o 0
o o
2. 0
0 0
0 0
o o
S 0
St. Louis 8, Brooklyn S.
BROOKLTN, May 12. St. Louis made
It three out of four with Brooklyn,
winning through a combination of hits.
errors and poor pitching. Score:
R. H. E. R H. E.
St. Louis. ..8 13 OjBrooklyn ...8 3
Batteries Golden and Bresnahan,
Bliss; Bell. Bcnardt and Miller. Um
pi res Klem and Doyle.
Boston 6, Cleveland 2.
CLEVELAND. May 12. After pitch-
Ing invincible ball for five Innings,
Mitchell weakened and Boston made
enough hits to win. Jackson's one
handed running catch was the feature.
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Cleveland .2 IJBoston . ... s 2
Batteries Mitchell, Harkness and
Smith; Clcotte and Carrigan.
Philadelphia 17, St, Ixrnls IS.
ST. LOC1S, May 12. Philadelphia de
feated St. Louis, In a slugging match
today. Each team used three pitchers.
R H. E.' R. H. E.
Phila IT 19 8t. Louis.. .13 18 6
Batteries Coombs. Morgan, Bender
nd Livingston; Hamilton, George.
Mitchell and Clark. KrelshelL
Detroit 6, New Tork 5.
DETROIT, May 12. Tyros Cobb, run-
in g wild on the bases, mads It possible
Boston Lad to Take on Italian Boxer
at The Dalles.
THE DALLES. Or., May 12. (Spe
cial.) Kid Ezpostto. the little Italian,
and Spike Hennessy. of Boston, have
been matched to box IS rounds here In
the local opera-house May IT. Local
fight fans remember the slashing three
round bout these fighters put up as a
preliminary to the Lynam-Bennett go.
which occurred here last Fall, and a
longer route Is expected to prove the
best boxing match ever held here. Hen.
nessy haa been cleaning up the aspir
ing lightweights around Vancouver and
is confident he can put his new oppo
nent away before ten rounds, while
.xposito is Just as confident of his
ability to dispose of the harp.
Good preliminaries to the main event
have been staged, among them Carl
Curtiss, who is scheduled to appear in
the A. A. V. wrestling tournament In
Portland May 18 and 19. and who win
box Fred Reynolds. Curtiss Is a well
known all-arould athlete as well as
looioau star or tee heavyweight type.
Costly Errors and Inadequate Pitch
ing Result In O-to-0 Score.
LEGE. Corvallls. Or., May 12. (Special.)
The Agricultural College baseball
team won from- Idaho University here
today by a score of-9 to a The visitors
lost tnrougn a series of errors.
The first three Innings were fast and
well played, but In the fourth the vis
itors' second baseman failed to hold a
throw and Keene scored. From this
time on. the local college men had It
all their own way. In the fifth the
Idaho team went up In the air snd be
fore they recovered three Corvallls men
bad crossed the plate.
Idaho failed to get a man past sec-
ond bass during the entire contest.
Robinson, who was in the box for the
visitors, was hit freely, while Rieben
had his opponents at his mercy at all
Batteries Idaho, C. Robinson and
Williams; O. A. C, Rieben and Wolff.
Mors phonorrapha and records from the
United 6tatea are flndins their way abroad,
the value of exports In 1910 being 2,70O.esB.
or mote thaa double that of the previous
Totals 81 8 27 10 1
Vancouver S 1050001 1 11
Hits 4 2 0 8 1 1 0 2 215
Portland O O 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hits 0OO11010 0 3
6truck out By Lamllne 1. by Berrer 1.
by Bloomneld 4. by Engle 6. Bases on balls
Off Larnline 2, off Berger o. off Bloom-
field 2. off Engle 1. Two-base hits Adart'S.
Mundorft. James. Rung Miller, Brlnker
(2). Adams (2), Bennett (2). Brashear (2).
james, nimson, jungle. bacrince nits
Harrison, Ensle. Sacrifice fly
Stolen bases James. Ort, Brlnker. Bennett,
riarnson. mii by pitcnea bans fc,ngle.
prasnear. by nioomneia. rassea Dan tiur-
ris. Innings pitched By Lamllne 2. at bat
11: Berger 1 1-3. at bat 8. Base bits Oil i
Lamiuia 0, runs 4; oft Berger 2. runs 3.
Time of game Two hours. Umpire
rvano ana
Notes of the Game.
umpire Kane chased players Garrett.
Archer, Tonneson, Gouih and Snooks off
the bench in the seventh Inning for "crab
Gervals or Jensen will heave for Vancou.
ver today: jUamline or Archer for Portland.
ngle has won the only four games he
nas pitched this year one one-hit, two
three-hits and one six-hit affair. Quite
record as a starter.
1 his Is Eagle's tenth season and he has
been with three different pennant winners,
Portland In 1901, Vancouver in 1U0S and
Seattle In 1909. He pitched for Portland
1901. 1902 and li03: Columbia, s.- C In
J904; Denver. 1905. 1906, 1907; Vancouver
lliOS; Seattle, 1909, and Vancouver, 1910
and 1911.
Pitcher Fheehy. released by Williams, has
decided not to sign with Vancouver. He
has accepted a pitching Job at Medford and
will be with Portland next year.
"Put Rusle In,'" shouted a fan when Ber
ger was going badly.
Adams stole a hit from Casey by plucking
a liner off the fence. Mensor suffered a
similar misfortune when James kaoclfsd
down a screamer and retired Williams at
second In the seventh frame. .
Not a Portland man reached first base
until late In the fourth.
Umpires will change next Monday and
Portland will probably get Longanecker.
who Is working the Beattle-Tacoma series
this week. Lindsay may switch him, how
ever, on account of his mix-up with Will
iams at Spokane.
Speas made a beautiful peg to the plate to
catch James after a long sacrifice fly ty
Splesxnan, but James slid safe.
The diamond was muddy and made field
ing by tke pitchers extremely difficult.
Moser, ex-Oakland pitcher, baa been re
turned to Wolverton by Boston.
Bob Brown says he doesn't want the
Northwestern pennant.
"It's the principle of the thing." is bis
extremely sulphldlo explanation of the con
templated rejuvenation of the Hetllng case
at the next league meeting.
Harrison Is playing a spectacular game for
Vancouver. He is clouting better every day
ana worm every minute or the time.
Brashear got him from the New England
"Don't chew the rag, chew our gum."
shrieked a youthful peanut vendor amidst
merriment among the "four dozen."
Hams or Bacon y
for breakfast not only afford a most delicious and ap-
petizing meal it is a muscle builder tfs well it fits one
f y look sor the successful start of a day of strenuous
I f toe S SJXv duties- In Columbia Brand Hams and Bacon 3
t 1 If Tnsnected V you hV8 tho idoal broatfast treat Each ham I -
IV and Passed I 01 Ado of hlLeoa ls U. H. Government Inspect- I J
II 1 V " II ed. passed and stamped. You have every I S
. V w assurance that Columbia Brand trade mark '
v oa Hams and Bacon means highest quality. f-'f
V At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafo J?J
Vnlmu Meat Company, Portland, Ore.
aS rioaear ruasn of th raciflo
Faster Time
Central Oregon
. ' ARRIVE CULVER. . . .7:00 P. M.
Direct stage connections to Prineville, Redmond, Bend, Burns and
other interior points.
V . .t,:i v
1. VtfM-.
- j v -
4 i
We are selling this beautiful bungalow below cost on account of the owner
leaving the city. The property ls 75x100, and 7 rooms, located G46 East list
street. Price $7500. This ls one of the prettiest places In Irvington.
Tom 3 Ec Donald Here to Get Event
Transferred If Possible.
Tom McDonald, formerly one of the
greatest athletes of the University of
Washington and now a member of tho
Seattle Athletic Club, is in Portland trv-
lnr to arrange for transferring- of the
Pacific Northwest Association track
and field championships op Seattle this
McDonald says the Seattle AthlefJo
Club ls anxious to get the meet because
that club la to send e. team of eJght or
ten athletes to the National chamnlon-
shlps, which are to be at Pittsburg- June ,
Town Lots and Acreage
in Electric Addition to
At junction of United Railways and Pacific Railway & Navigation
Company, 27 miles from Portland.
Banks, trading center and metropolis of Dairy Creek Valley, will
grow rapidly as farming, timber and agricultural country is developed
as direct result of coming of electric line.
Land is fertile, free of rocks and stumps and ready for planting.
Highly suitable for small farms. Berry, fruit, poultry and dairy
ranches will bring good returns.
Banks offers abundant opportunities for factories and industries
and for investors both large and small.
For information, call, write or telephone.
235 Stark Street, Corner Second.
Trains from Banks leave from in front of this office.
Ask for latest timecard.
SO and July 1. next, and If Seattle se
cures the meet June 15 or IS, it w il
prove of great benefit to the Seattle
The Pacific Northwest meet belongs
to the Multnomah Club by rotation this
year, and it is to get the consent of the
winged "AT" officials to the transfer of
the meet to Seattle that McDonald ls
visiting Portland. It is generally un
derstood that Multnomah has waived
claim to the meet in favor of Astoria,
where 't is planned to have the meet in
August during the Centennial celebration.
Salem High. 4, Eugene High 3.
SAX. EM, Or.. May 12. (Special.) In
a closely contested game Here today
Salem High School defeated Eugene
High School, 4 to 8. In the last In
ning a dispute arose as to the batting
order of the Eugene team, but the
same was finished. State Treasurer
Kay umpired. Wagers and Beebe act
ed as the battery for Eugene and Smith
and Cheneweth for Salem.
McMInnville to Play Sheridan.
SHERIDAN. Or., May 12. (Special.)
Sheridan will meet the McMinnvllle
ball nine hero Sunday, and a fast game
Is looked for. Tho locals are playing
fast now, under the coaching of Cap
tain Knickerbocker, an ex-Eastern
coach. The stockholders have given the
Sheridan club a fine park.
Vancouver Wrestlers Coming.
Vancouver, B. C, Athletic Club has
entered two men In the National wrest
ling championships of the Amateur
Athletic Union to be held next week.
These are George Walker, Pacific
Northwest champion at 158 pounds, and
Al Hatch, a lightweight.