THE MORNING OIIEGOXIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 13. 1911. 17 ! ( K PACKERS ASK MORE Higher Prices on Columbia River Salmon. POUNDS DIME ADVANCE Quotation Named by Kverdlns; & Karrrll J re 91.85 on Tails, SO on Flats and 91.15 on HaWes. Good Park Expected. Hitnj filth la a crone market for tnnf.ijlraon this year. Bverdlng Farrell nave Dtmrd opening prices above last rear's level. - one-pound (lata and tails being ad' vancea 19 cents and naif-pounds S rents. Their quotations are as follows: Talis. II. S3 Bats. 12; half-pounds. SL1&. Orders hare come In freely and these canners could sell their entire prospective pack at these prices. Their saJmoa Is being put up this year la the new style sanitary cans, without solder. Conditions are favorable for a normal Pack alone the Columbia. To date the run has been ahead of last year at this time and the packers do not fear that high water will interfere with their operations. With modern machinery the canners can take care of a catch of any slse. Prices have not been announced yet by the ether packers on the river, but the Im pression prevails that all of them will name a higher quotation than last year. In the Eastern trade there has b-n much Interest In this question and the bis Jobbers have anticipated an advance. The New Tork Journal of Commerce quotes sn authority on the subject ss follows: "The probabilities are that prices for eanaed salmon will run somewhat higher en Columbia River rhlnooka than last year. The last bis: pack of salmon on Puget Sound was In at which time 1.0"H.ono cases were put up. In 1810 about t'rO.000 eases were packed, so that for the two years more than l.fMjo,uoO cases of sockeyes alone were produced. This salmon baa all been mar keted, which means an average consumption In each year of over SOO.00O cases. This season the pack of sockeyes Is not expected to be more than 2..MX) cases. Tou will readily see. therefore, that there Is bound to be a tremendous shortage of sockeye sal mon supplies, which, if made up at all. nun be made np from the Columbia River output. For this reason slone It Is not safe to figure on the same basis this year for Columbia River salmon as that of last sea son. "Of course, all the matters relating to probable packs, consumptive demsnd and food prices rn general ire bound to be con aidered by the packers In making prices on the canning pack of Chinook salmon, but the most Important factor from the can ners standpoint la the advanced coat of parking as compared with that of previous years." race. new. (2.25 per hundredweight, cautl flower. SI.5J1.73 iter dozen: cucumbers. :5 per dozen: ess-clant. 15c lb: car lie. Iutl2c per pound: ivttuce. SOo per dos- ' ' . . u ...r, V j . v ji i , A -. ' -i rf c per pound: peppers. 30ti3.o per puuuu: raaisaes. lie per aasen: rouoaxo. 1 r a -o tr pound: Lorn a toes. hAt'K. VKi;tlAIiI.KS Carrots. SLZfttf I. SO per sack: Daxanloa 125 3 1S0: turnips. 1 25 J l.-Xl; beets, ti.yo POTATOES Oreenn and Eastern. I2..K) per hundred: new potatoes. Tvo per pound. n .n Australian. I4.iitj4 per nun and; Bermuda. 2w2.2S per crate. Dairy and Country Prod oca. PCCLTRT Hena Ht: broilers. 2c turaejta. ZK; ducks. 22t2Tc; geese, nominal aresaed turkeys, choice. 24c tGGS tireeon ranch, caudled. fO021e per oa; ess count. IV per a oxen. -u r- uii cream twins. 1 3 J per is. Tbucg America, lfcc. BUTTER Cltr creamery extra. 1 and pound prints. In boxes. iUc per pound: less than tox lota, cartons and delivery extra. ruKI Fancy. vtrl"c per pound. YkAL f'ancy. VitfclOc per pound. Crsc erica. Dried Fruits, Etc DRIED -FRUITS Apples. 1I011V49 per pound: currants, lilac: apricot. i:souc dates, package. lste per pound; nga u!k. white or black, by sack, tj c; i-ta, l-.i: i2-i:s. lie. i-iia, Si-J; h-ik c, smyrnas. ISO. iALHON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. 12. le oer doaen: 2-pound tails,; 1 pound flats. i-0; Alaska piux, 1-pound talis. 11.26. COFFEE Roasted. In arums. 11414a per pound. -M.TS Walnuts. 17 S ISO per pound Brasil nuts. 14vltc: nlbarts. lto; almonds. HOIlc; peacan. lie: coco acuta. )0ovtl per dosea; chestnuts. HVio per pound; hickory nuta Salvo per pound. HOXliI Choice, per case: atrainea. I Wo per DOuAd. HALT uranulated. Ill per too; Hair- ground. Ides. Il l per ton; sue, II per ton. BKA-Nd Small white. 4 lie: large white. ffec; Uina. V.c; pink. io; red, alexicana, liac: bayou, to. RICK No. 1 Japan, lie: cheaper grades. J.3 ..: southern head. 4sT7o; im ported Imperial, lc; Imported extra, No. 1. buuan Dry granulated, fruit and perry, 16.41; yellow D. 14.701 powdered. S.i. Terms on remittances within 1& daye. d duct 4e per pound; If later than II days and within II days, deduct He per pound. Maple sugar, lSiulse per pound. rBODCCE AT BAS FRANCISCO. Quotations Current In tlie Bay City afar. Sets. SAN FRANCISCO. May 12. The follow ing produce prices were current todsy: v tigetabtcs Cucumbers. euirtiOc; garlic, 4 0 6c; green peas. Itf 4c; string beans, 5 2 Ic; asparagus. TScfetLeO; tomatoes, IL&O tl-: e;tg plant, l.iuc. Huttcr riv; creamery. X3c Egge Store. 19c: fancy ranrh. 21c Cneese Young Americas. Ilsfel4c Onions Nominal. MlllstuSs Bran. 128029: middlings. 131 a jo. fruit Apples, choice. 12: oommon. 11.99: Uexican limes. li.Mni- California lemons. cnotce. i3.z; common, 9i-v; oranges. navaL l.JOWO. Bay Wheat. Ill OH 50 per ton: wheat. ana oats, evoi; aiiaua, luaii. Potatoes dallnaa Burbanks. 12.1101: Ore gon nurotDii, I.MW-IU. Receipts Hour. 232S quarter sacks neat. 3s cvntais; oats. 12.011 centals: oats. Oregon. 337 centals; bran, 109a sacks; miaanncs. b sacks; nay. lott tons: wool. &to bales. SMALL RU1M AT YARDS 11 I.I. PRICES ARE PAID FOR WHEAT OrTe rings Are Small In All Department of the Oraln Market. A firm feeling prevails In all branches ef lh- grain, flour and hay trades, but the market doea not show much sign of activ ity. Wieat offerings are small and buyera can only supply their wants by paying full prices. Quotations show few changes from last week. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were re ported by the Merchants Exchange as fol lows: This wk. Last wk. Lnst yr. Argentina . . . .2..1'W.not 3.-sStt 2.JX'l.ltO Australia .... 03.1.'o l.Syj.l.Xl 3J,o.o In Ha ;:!.UOO 344. OK) SI 2.1X10 Lcal receipts. In cars, were reported by IDA jaercnanis r.xcnanste as follows: W heal Barley Flour Oats Hay CATTLE AXD SHEEP MARKETS ARE STEADY. Hogs Show Signs of Weakness, but Prices Here Are Well Above the East. Ionday TiieHlty . . Wednesday Thursday . rlday ;.i ... -:: ... 31 ... 2.1 10 Tear ago 9 .ason to datel1373 Year ago .... 9120 4 4 T 44 I24S 3a 4 12 11 7 2170 11-30 10 4 S 5 3 ."l4 1120 IS 13 B 9 2908 2721 OUJ HOPS SEJ.I. AT TEN CENTaf Bnalneea H Ala Dnne la Last Tear's Crop In This btate. Old hops sold at the highest price of the season yesterday. 10 cents being paid for the crops of 1904 and 1907. This shows healthy strengthening of tba market In all Its depau-tments. Gunderson Bros., of Oer- vats, sold IIS bales of 1906s and 101 bales f 1907s at this figure to Mlsrhler and Crib ble, of Aurora. There nre now left unsold In Oregon, 1000 bales of 1900a and 800 bales of 1907s. Another important transaction In the mer est was the purchase by Julius Wolf of 10S bale of 1910s from Marlon Palmer, of 611 Terton. The exact price was not learned, but It was better than 20 cents. The contract market continues blocked, as growers news continue above those of buyers. In Yakima. 20Tj cents hss been offered and refused for the new crop. A California wire reported the purchase by Donovan of the Hutchersoa lot of 110 tales of 19O0 Sonomaa at 13 cents. STOCKS OF TILLAMOOK CHIE8K SMALL Market la Strong. Bnt Not Likely to Co Higher. The market continues almost bsro of Til lamook chooee and prices are strong) but the leading handlers have no Intention of ad vancing their quotations, as the present scarcity Is only temporary and a higher level of prices here would bring In che from the East. There Is a good shipping demand, but orders can only be partly filled. The butter market holds steady on city creamery at the old prices. There was no chute In the egg situation. Receipts on the street were small and the demand was not active. Chtrkena continued firm and cleaned np early. Dressed meats were weak. BETTER MTPI.T OF BERRIES TO DAT Larger Shipment af the Season Will Arrive Iron Calif, The market was short of strawberries yesterday, but will be better supplied today, as between 120O and 14'K crates will arrive from Florin and Loom la. Prices will bo Brm. , A car of Walla Walla aaparagus wss re ceived la the afternoon. A car of fancy asparagus will be in from California tomor row and will be the laat long green car of the season. The street is badly over stocked with rhubarb, which sells aa low aa 1 S cents a pound. Bank Clearings. Pank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterdsy were aa follows: There was a small run of stock at the yards yesterday and consequently business was light. Cattle and sheeg were steady In tone, but the feeling In the hog dtvlslon was barely steady. fso steers were offered and onlv a few fair-grade cowa and a bunch of poor calves. A good-slxed lot of fair to choice wethers brought 14.60. while for the hogs .75 was 11 the buyers would pay.- Recelpts were 21 cattle and calves. 269 sheep and SO hogs. Shippers were W. Cooper. Union. 1 car of cattle, calves aad hogs, and John Shepherd. Jsckson. Wash., 1 car of sheep. The following table, compiled by the Livestock Reporter, shows the source of the livestock shipped to the Portland market In April: Calves. Hogs. Ill 7W 16 1002 ' 14 232 Cattle. . . . xj ...1S20 .. 2 ... 72 ...1441 2heep. 11.9J6 l.135 638 1.032 Portlard rteattle ., Tacoma . Spokane Cleirtnvs. ....ll.srw.U'rt .... 3.111.17 .... 711 .... S..2.7! Balances. 1--M4 142. S7 .304 90.343 PORTLAND MARKETS. Bluertem. PS . Sic; Valley, sfc; Oram. Floor. Feed, Eto. WHEAT Track prKts: V4i-: riub.ic. red KUMiaa, eu-foUl. S7c HAMLET Choice feed. I212.30l. illLLsTL'FFS Hran. !2t.soa23 per ton; tr.lod :t'- 131; shorts. 4-3. ti u. ro.led bar ley. - iClfl'l-it. FLOCK Patents. 14.93 per barrel; straights. 13. Ii; exports. II II; Valley. 14.1a; wrah.m. 14 : whole wheat. 4 70. CORN Whole. 129; crnekej. !3o per ton. OATS No. 1 white. I -.; per too, MAT Timothy, fcastern Oresnn. Xx L 2l.io6 J---.: liht mixed. 119020; heavy raised. 117.508 11.30: alfalfa. 1141, 1I: clo ser. lJoJ 13-iO; grain hay. 1 13.30 I4.IA. TegetabWe aad rmfta. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, aavets. 33 23 b 3-2 J per box: California grapefruit. $3a3.tO: bsnansa. IT13SC per pound; pine apples. ie; tr pound: lemons. tl.Sti; tarcerinee. 11.73 per box. FRESH FHl'lT t!:rawnrrles. Florin. 32 3 per crate; c-"errrlea, 13 Sc per pou-d; apples, fancy. 19$2.3: choice. 314IL30; ommcn. 73cflJl per berx. VEOETAPLKS Aipararua. tint per oVez; HwLIOper doi; beans, 17 d 2e; cab- rjtata. Oregon . . . Idaho Washington California Montana Nebraska 2829 Utah . . Totals 6A6S 141 4t3 18,131 Yesterday's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 13 calves 4I6 4.73 4 cows 9U0 fi.&0 3 cows 903 6.30 4 cows 847 4.33 1 bull 1040 . 6.00 1 bull 1120 4.30 221 wethers 95 4.60 30 hogs 207 6 73 2 horses, chunks 823.00 Prices, current on ths various classes of stock at ths Portland Union Stockyards wero as follows: Prime grain-fed steers 17.00 S 17.25 Price bay-fed steers 6.S.. v 7.00 Choice steers ..". 1 6.85 cooa to cnoice steers. ......... . e.uot 6.oo Fair to good steers. . fi.73''( 6.O0 Common steers A..Otf 3.73 prime cows t 7. 6.25 Good to choice cows .... 5.1h-o 5.25 Fair to good cows 4.75 C.0 Poor cows 4S0' 4 73 Choice heifers &.totit e.74 Choice bulls 4.7S0 5 00 Good to choice bulls. 4.23r 4.73 holes light calves.. 7.73 o) S.00 Good to choice light calves 7.J0 j 7.73 Choice heavy calves 3 I0v 6,o r.ood to choice heavy calves.... &,vity 5.50 Choice stags S.73J 6.23 Good to choice stags 0.25a 6.13 Hoar Choice bogs 6 709 7.00 ;ood to ckolce hogs ........... 6 5" 6.70 Choice heavy ti.txltr 6.-0 Common ......... lOOtt a.04 btix-k hogs T.OOtl T.25 Cheep Choice Spring lambs 6 T5 7.00 1vm4 to choice Spring lambs.... A.0v-a 6.75 Choice yearlings 5.2.1? S.50 ;ood to choice yearlings ....... &.oi&r 5.i'5 Fa.r to medium yearlings 4 7 3 vr 5.00 Choice ewes 4 fto 4.75 Good to choice ewes ........... 4aiis 4-50 Fair to medium ewes &.7S 4.00 Good to choice heavy wethers.. 4.5f &.no OM heavy wethers 4.'H1 4-50 Mixed lots 4.'lx 5.00 The following quotations represent prlaee en this nisrWet tor the uttrercat t-latses of Kortes: Drafters, extra heavy. 13004130a: drafters. 14uO to 1700 Iba. (150S 330: draft ers. 12iK to 1400 Iba. HOOj230: chunks, I0li0: plugs, 110 40: driving horses, $TS and up; saddla horses. IO and up. Chicago Uvrstoek Market. CHICAGO. May 12. tattle Receipts es timated at 13VO; market steady. Beeves, 14 59645; Texas steers. 4X05.O; West ern sieers. 34.9041 3.60; sten-kers and feedra. I4 3.Y65: rows and heifers. I2.40U6.63: calves. 14 6017 0O. Hoes Keccipts escirnaieo. at i.umi. alar- ket gene-ally 10.- hlgb-r. Light. I:t?6.40; mixed. 3.K99.21; heavy. 13 SOT, a. 20; rouch. ..bOa.W3; gooa to cnoice heavy, IM.Sii.:h. Pigs. S.eo(6.35; blk of salea. .05t6.20. bneep rieceipis minwru ai lu.u)"!. jinr- ket steady. Native. l3'tf4.M: Western. 1.504i; yearlings. 14.H0H S.0: Jambs, native. S4.v4.ou: eeivrn, rMf Seattle Market . . . BUYING M CLIP Dealers Contracting Freely in Triangle Section. ACTIVE AT SODA SPRINGS Better Than 17 Cents Reported to Hare Been Paid for One Clip. Old Wools Qnlct With Some Demand for Palled. BOSTON'. May 1!. The Commercial Bul letin will say of the wool market tomor row: Business In the Boston wool market for the week hss been moderate as a whole. with Interest In certain lines more pro nounced this week than last. Fleece wools nave sold mora freely, but at the same level of prices, while the demand for pulled wools has been somewhat more pronounced than a week ago. Eooured wools were active, while territories have moved moderately welL The new wool clip hss attracted ths great est attention of the trade, the triangle sec tion 01 tne west being the center of at traction. Dealers have shown a more ag gressive attitude towards the new wool than hitherto, contracting quits generally In the section around Soda Springs, and paying tor one cup. it is said, teller than 17 cents. borne buying is belne- done in Ohio and Michigan, but on a mors limited scale. IS and 13 cents for medura and fine wools be ing ttio respective ruling prices. per cent) closing oia, iti par cent; oaerea i - per cent. Time loans lirmer. wrxiy aaya, wer eent; 90 days, 2H per oent; six n ontna, ij S.tlftT ceDL prima mercantile paper, .8 54 to 4 per eent Kterllne- exchange steady with actual pusi' ness In bankers' bills at 34.8450 for 60-day bills and at 14.8040 for demand. Commercial hills, 4.o3. Bar sliver. 53 He Mexican dollars. 45c ' Bonds Government easy, railroad Irreg ular. CHICAGO. May 12. Exchange on New Tork, 15c premium. Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. May 12. Closing Quotations: Allouex 31 IMohawk 30 I Amalg. Copper.. 2'4 'Nevada Con. ... 1SH A. Z. U Sin.. 24VNlptssing Mines.. M1H Arizona Com. .. 13iNorth Butte..... 27 Hi Atlantio 5 North Lake 654 B ft c C Ar S M. 12V Old Dominion... 4u Butte Coalition. 17 Cal. ft Arizona. 48 Cal. ft Recla. . .459 Centennial 11 Cop. Ran. C Co. 60 K. tfutte CD. M. 11 u Franklin 9 Olroux Con. .... 514 Granby Con. 83 Greene Cananea. 6 do preferred ..46 I. Rovale (Cod.1 15 ITTtah Con 14 Kerr Lake OS'l'tah Copper Co. 44 li Lake CODDer. ... 32 I Winona 6 La Salle Copper 5 '.4 Wolverine 10S4 Miami copper... lDVi Osceola Parrott (3 ft C) II H Quincy 68 Shannon Superior 33 sup ft hob inn., a Sup ft Pitts Cod. 14 Tamarack ...... 36 U. 8. S. R. ft M. 34 HIGH PHIGE FOR OfllOUS AUSTRALIAN'S ADVANCED TO " .4 1-2 CEXTS AT SEATTLE. Wdbl at St. TMils. FT. LOt'IS. May 12: Wool Unchanged. territory and Western mediums. 1542 17c; idtsiac: nne. licflc fine mediums.. IN STOCKS PEMAXD TOO SMALL TO MAIN TAIN PRICES. Declines Are Small as Bearish Traders Are Afraid to Follow Market Downward. XEW'TORK. May 11 The demand for stocks proved too small today to maintain prices at the level fixed by yesterday's rise and a mild reaction occurred. Today's losses were slight, however, aa beartnh traders were reluctant to follow the market downward. The market. In consequence, was virtually at a standstill much of the day. A atgnmcant development of the dav was the ready sale of the .11.000.000 three-year ' per-cent notes or the International ft Great -Nortnern Railway. The rapid sale of these notes was regarded as an Illustration of tne large demand for short-term securities. Another Indication of the existence of laree demand Investment Is found fn the sustained strengtn or the bond market. It Is gen erally expected several Issues- of new se curities will be brought forth in ths near zuture. Tomorrow's bank statement should ahow a smau gain in cash by the banks. Bonos were irregular. Total salea nsr vaiue, et.iu4.uvu. united states coupon 4s ueciineu a on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bio. 26 '4 02 56 i 48 11 6514 Supply of Berries la Light and Mar ket Is Lifted Alaska "Egg Orders Are Large. SEATLE. Wash.. May 12. (Special.) Strawberries were so scarce today that the price advanced. Only 150 crates arrived from Florin last night. Dealers could have handled 2500 crates had they been avail able. The best Fiorina sold today aa high as 3 and few good berries sold below 12. 50. Australian onions were quoted In some quarters on Western avenue today at 44 centa. establishing a new high level for onions in this market this year. English walnuts are quoted higher at 18 cents. A fresh carload, of Florin grapefruit has lived, but Is unchanged in price. The produce trade was fair today. The demand for poultry was brisk. Several un filled orders remained on dealers books to night on account of the limited supply. A few small Alaska orders were filled today. Northern egg orders are larger than a year ago. Veal sold briskly ar Jop prices. With higher prices In the East, the lo cal wheat market today was strong and out side prices were paid for wheat In the coun try. Buying has been renewed at several Interior points. As high as 95 cents was offered for No. 1 bluestem today. Club drags, owing to the inactivity of the Ori ental flour market. Practically no new flour business has been worked m the Far East during May. Oats were firm at $29.50 and barley at .28. Sales. High. Low. 1.400 loo E.9O0 1.300 63 it 67 4S 12 1.000 66 H son 100 600 2O0 20O lOO 100 7.1 ii 105)4 1484 HSS 8744 1104 103 124 4 10 32 74 28SS 27 H 99 is S00 80 Vi 794 100 100 1,000 so 100 300 600 "s76 100 10, 900 2.OO0 800 2tH 600 20 42 145 120? 60 . 1434 15 "2S4 644 'ai 50 40 157 U 12T 200 1364 140 Imports and Exports. N'frW TORK. May 12. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the Port of New York for the week ending May 6. were val ued at 616.3S1.843. Imports of specie at the Port or New itrx for the week ending today were 14 8.152 silver and tas.791 gold. Kxpnrts of specie for the week were Ii'15., t'i silver and SHOO gold. Allts Chal pf ... Amal Copper . Am Agrlcult .. Am Beet Sugar. American Can.. Am Car ft Fdy. Am Cotton Ool.. Am Ha ft Lt pf. Am Ice Securl.. Am Linseed ... Am Locomotive. Am Smcl ft Ref do preferred.. Am Fteel Fdy.. Am Sugar Ref. Am Tel ft Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen . Atchison S.900 clo prererred. . lOO tl Cosst Line. 100 Bait ft Ohio ... 20O Bethlehem Steel 2o0 Brook R Tran.."S..W0 Canadian Pac... 2.740 Central Leather do preferred. . Central of N J. Che. ft Ohio .. hlcago ft Alton Chi Gt West .. do preferred. . Chicago ft N W M ft St Paul C C ft St L. Col Fuel ft Iron Col ft Southern. Consol Gas Corn Products .. Del A Hudson.. D ft R Grande .. do preferred.. niKlllers- Secur Erie do 1st pf do 2d pf ... Oenersl Elec . Ot North pf .. Gt North Ore . Illinois Central Interbor Met do preferred.. 100 Inter Harvester fioo Inter Marine pf 3oo Int Paper 200 Int Pump 1O0 Iowa Central .. $0 K C Southern .. 100 do preferred.. ...... Larledo Gas .. 4O0 lAuls ft Nash.. loo Minn ft St I... S') M. 8 P ft 8 S M 200 Mo. Kin a Tex 4O0 do preferred Mo Pacific .... 600 49i4 National Lead.. ...... ..... Mcx N Br ! pi. .HKl N Y Central . . . 1,1 no N T. Ont ft Wes loo Norfolk ft Wsst North Am ., Northern Pao Pacific Mall . Pennsylvania ... 2.4O0 People's Qns . .. 20O P. C C ft St U. 00 Pittsburg Coal Pressed S Car... Pull Pal Car P.y (Meet Spring. Resdlng 2.WO Republic Steel.. 600 dr preferred. . 100 Bock Island Co do preferred. . St L. ft 8 F 3 pf HO 8t L Southwest. ...... do preferred.. . Sloss Sheffield 300 Southern Pao .. 200 Sou thorn Ry .. g.300 do preferred.. 4O0 Tenn Copper .. ...... Texas ft Pacific Tel. St L ft Wes 200 do preferred.. IJJnion Pao .... ir..5io UW iirriLTmb, ..'". TJ 8 Realty ... 4oo TT S Rubber ... oo O 8 Steel 23.200 do preferred., l.&oo TTtah Copper loo Vi-Caro Chem 7 8.600 Wabash do preferred.. Western Md . . Westing E lec Western Union. Wheel ft L E.. Lehigh Valley 624 67 47 11 Metal Markets. NEW TORK. May 12. Standard copper. dull; spot. May and June, ll.65ll.60c; July and August, 11.5511.65c London,. dull; spot. 53 lis 3d; futures, 54 2s Cd.. Ar rivals reported at New York today. 745 tone, Custom-houso returns show exports of 10,000 tons so far this month. Lake cop per, 12.37 12.50c; electrolytic, 12.1214 O 12.25c; casting. 11.87 12.00c Tin, dull and Irregular; spot. 42.55a 43.25c; May. 42.40e42.60c: June. 42.65&43C: Julx 41.78 42.40c London, steady; spot, 106 10s. futures. 189. Lead, easy, 4.40 4.50c New York; 4.20 4.25c East St. Louts. London, spot, 13. Spelter, weak. 8.33g6.45c New York; 5.20 ft 5.25c East St. Louts. Sales. 50.000 July, East St. Louis, 5.15c and 50.000 pounds August East St. Louis at 0.15c. London, 24 7s 6d. Iron Cleveland warrants, 45s 9d In Lon don. Locally iron was quiet; No. 1 foundry Northern, No. 1 Southern and do soft, -$15.25 4 15.75; No. 2 foundry Northern, Ilog iS.oO. 75(4 105 Vi 14SS N4 87 110 103 4 124 i4 1041s 32 79 571 99 Va 20 H 42 145 12054 60 1434 1 Vi 28' " 644 "siii OO 34 157 4 1204 624 12714 10 3 104 344 ios 14.1 2.". 134 33 32 S 17"4 42 '4 1.200 125 Vs 121 '4 1054 15614 3 94 V4 52 S 1264 17 10 39 15 344 10514 l"irt 32 54 "484 K'7 4214 12414 1214 los 934 1554 -"'), 9414 4014 - 40 Prop la May Fork. CHICAGO. May 11 May pork fell 11.43 barrel In price today, closing at S16 as against S17 43 24 hours previous. There has been something of a squeexe against short sellers In that option and the drop In quae tat ions was taken to mean that the delin quents bad pocketed their losses and effect ed a settlement. IMilntB Flax Market. PaiTH, May 12. Flax on track and to arrive. 12.5S: March. $2.35 bid: July. 42.5114 bM; Beptemaar, a.9 somisrs 49 S 114", sa 4!4 114X 27 14 63 19)4 194 178 4 P.14 7114 SB 4 76 V4 1194 44 61 177Vi MJ4 764 g 119Vk 119 444 444 22 10 li 87 74 H 104 J . 4014 lis 14KV4 9S14 3714 J IO 1084 104 314 784, 23114 2714 B'JVs 278 794 so . 204 424 14514 J-'"!4 20 H 524 14S 14. 64 34 814 4! ir.fl 120H o l.Hl 184 2 1204 164 111 38 15V4 - 334 7 ll)5i 1451s 136 324, 48 M 4 82 14 HMt. ec 111614 72 i 1244 24 1214 10414 93 S 20'4 32 160 31 1.15 '4 234 94 204 en s 4ua 3l 66Vi 48 1144 27 n 5Vs 30 2i;V4 19 484 17714 P5 76 894 75 Vi Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 12. Coffee futures closed steady on showing of early cablet. The close was firm at a net advance of 69 12 points. Sales. 20.000 bags. May, 10.35c; June, 10.40c; July, 10.85c; August, 10.37c; September, 10.17c; October, 9.97o; Novem ber, 9.90c; December, 9.82e; January, 9.82c; February, 9.63c; March and April. 9.84c. Spot, quiet. Rio No. 7, Tiftc; Santos NO. 4. 1214c Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova,' 139 15c. nominal. Raw sugar, steady. Muscovado. .89 test. 3.36c; centrifugal, .96 test, 3.86c: molasses sugar, .89 test, 3.11c Refined, steady. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Msy 12. At the begin ning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury was: Working balance In the Treasury of fices -.. .2a.l40,6I7 In banks and Philippine treasury 81.2S6.476 Total balance In general fund. ..- 82.209.709 Ordinary receipts yesterday 3.645. 209 Ordinary disbursements 1.52S.633 T)efieit to date this fiscal vear 24 9:il Deficit this time last year. 17,152,124 These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. May 12. Evaporated ap. plea, nulet, small offerings, prices firm. On the spot, fancy, 14 14 y lie; choice, Z3iU 14c; prime. 13c. Prunes, nrm. quiet; quotafons range from etJ14'.4o for Callfornlas usf to S0-4Os, 114 14c for Oregons from 80s to 30s. Peaches, inactive, but nrm; choice, 84 w Be; extra choice, 914 6914c; fancy, 914 4 10c Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, May 12. Butter Steady. creameries, io2ic; aairies, 1318c. Eggs bteady. Receipts, 25,034 cases: at mark, cases Included 12V413c; firsts, 1514c prime firsts, 14c Cheese steady. Daisies. 12 14 42 14c: twins. 1Z14C; loung Americas, 13 He; long horns. SHORTS'ONTHERUN Stampede to Cover in Chicago Wheat Pit. " MARKET CLOSES FIRM Doubtful Condition of the Crop in the v Southwest Causes an Abrupt Change In Sentiment. niv Ai,u, MAT 12. Short sellers were stampeding for cover today at the close of ino maricei in wheat. Their action was due to the pit having become oversold and then suddenly confronted with millers' re ports telling of a somewhat doubtful con dition of the crop In sections of the South west where the drouth was most severe last rati, a larger number of shorts were out on the run today than at the previous ses si C. Early pressure from longs, who wero easing their position and taking profits, tempted excessive short selling. Then there were seemingly well-founded statements cur rent that the recent wetting down of the Dakotas and Minnesota, as well as Canada, had been of much greater benefit than was generally supposed. The resulting decline. nowever, came to an abrupt end after mid day, when Assertions were made that Kan sas City shippers were sending back Into Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas for milling. On all months except May the market closed firm at about the best prices of the session. July ranged from'884c to do at o and In the end was 1 a 1 Vk c up at 9014 c. In. corn the chief feature was the rela tive weakness of the May option. July fluctuated . between 524 and G3Vic53Kc closing at 52S3c. with a shade net gain and firmness on the bulge In wheat. Cash grades were In good demand. No. 3 yellow finishing at 5414 55c. v Alleged damage by drouth In the South west and In France helped a rally In the oats trade. July figures ran from 8314c to 344c. wlti the close 14c off at 3414c. ah provisions showed an easier tone and at the nnal bell were fractionally cheaper. with May pork nominally 81.45 less expen sive than last night. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. S .9S4 S .97V4 t .964 .S91-1 .90 .88. '.8S .89 .874 .904 .914 .89 CORN.- V .54, .544 .S3 14 V .52 .534 -B0V4 .53-4 .SS4 .5274 .SIVs .61Vi -50i OAT3. .3314 .3414 .33 .33-14 -3414 .334 .33 .34 .33 MESS PORK. May 17.46 17.45 1S.00 . 16.00 July 15.15 15.15 16.00 15.0714 14.3114 14.37Vi May.... July.... sept. ... Dec. ... May.... July. Sept.... Deo..... May.. July. . Sept.. Close. -96 .90 14 .894 .14 .53 .93 .534 .61 V4 .344 .3414 .3 Sept. July.... Sept. ... July. ... bept. . .. 14.50 8.174 8.25 8.00 7.954 14.50 LARD. 8.224 8.25 8.15 8.30 8.30 8.224 SHORT RIBS. 8.104 8.10 7.974 8.0214 8.0214 7.95 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2. il.1001.12. Barley Feed or mixing. 6585ct fair to choice malting, 7c4 Jl.Uo. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, none; No. Northwestern, none. Timothy seed 812. Clover (15.75. Pork Mess, per barrel,-$17.37 17.50. Lard Per 100 pounds, 87.508.1214. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 257,000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by rsradstreets. were equal to 3,132.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 540,000 bushels, compared with 320,000 bush els the corresponding day a year -ago. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 113 cars; corn. 195 cars; oats, 145 cars; hogs. 11,000 bead. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels .. Oats, bushels . . Barley, bushels Receipts. Shipments. 13.800 ....223.000 ....210,000 . ...191,000 .... 23,000 7.000 105.000 77.400 324,900 11,200 Grain at San Francisco. FRANCISCO, May 12. Wheat per cental;; cental; SAN Firm. Barley Easy. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, J1.4714 milling, $1.50 per cental. Barley Feed. gl. 4501.4714 per brewing, 11.551.57!4 per cental. Oats Red, s 1.32 14 tr 1.45 per cental white, nominal; black, il.l51.32Vi per can can Doara sales Wheat No trading. Barley December. fl.3Kli per cental May. 81.494 bid 1.50 asked per cental. Grain Markets of tbo Northwest. SEATTLE. May ' 12). Wheat: Bluestem, 94c; fortyfold. 88c; club. 8714c; Fife, 8714c; red Russian. 80c; oats, $28 per ton; barley. $29.50 per ton. Today s car receipts, wheat Vi cars, hay 3 cars. TACOMA. May 12. Wheat: Bluestem, 94 90c: fortyfold. 88c; club. 8614 s7c; red Russian, 84c Receipts Wheat lo cars, corn 4 cars, oata 1 car. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 12. Cotton futures closed steady, net 1 point higher to 5 points lower. May, 13. sue; June, 15.70c: July. 15.7 .c; August. 15.45c; September, 13.70c; October. J3.0tc; isovemner, 12.:uc; Decern ber, 12.93c: January. 12. Hoe; March, 13.04c - London Wool Sale. LONDON. May 12. The offerings at the wool auction sales today consisted cf a. mis cellaneous assortment of 11,037 bales. Ths i demand was quieter, but the best grades remainea active ana nrm. cape of Good Hope and Natal were slow. Prices were unchanged. 60 AO 14 154 364 60S 6S-4 74 4 173V4 100 364 3R4 8,500 0 BUVi SIH) 684 6Si 200 74. 744 2tH 4H 4 i 900 174U 174 Total skies for the da-. 163,100 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, May la Closing quotations: TJ. S. ret. 2s reg.l'K) V. Y. C- g 314s 884R do coupon ...looT4.No. Pacific 3a... 71B TJ. S. xls reg lot No. Pacific 4s...loo4 do coupon ... 1014 Union Pacific 4s.l014 TJ. S. new 4s reg. 1144 Wis. central 4s. X.lVj do coupon .. .114-' ! Japanese 4ak... 89 D. B- U- 2T4B Money, Kxchange, F-te. LONDON. May 12. Bar silver Steady, 14 l-14d per ounce Money 14 per cent The rate of discount ra the open market for short bills Is 23-11924 per cent; three months' bills. 1 1-16 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Msy 13. Sterling on London, 40 days, 14-84 Vi ; sight. 44.81 H. Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 3c NEW TORK. May IS. Money on call steady. Oka Aim. xwr east; ruling rate, 214 London Stock Exchange. LONDON, May 11. American securities opened steady and about unchanged today. uuriag tne nrat nour prices advanced on fair buying. and at noon the market ranged 4 to 4 higher than yesterday's ew xorg closing. Hops at New York. NEW TORK. May 12. Hops Firm. Grants Pass la Host Today. GRANTS PASS, Or., May 12. (Spe eial.) The third annual convention of the Epworth League of Southern Ore gon will meet in this city tomorrow and will continue in session for three days. Various exercises have been pro vided for each day. Ministers from all the valley towns and Klamath country will participate in the programme. The district officers are: President, James Martin; secretary, Ida B. Momyer; treasurtfr. C C Robinson; league su perintendent. B. A. Bristol. The South ern Pacific has granted low rates for the occasion. Vancouver to Celebrate Fourth. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 1J- (Spe cial.) At a meeting; of the Commercial Club' members here tonight, it was de cided that Vancouver would have a three days' Fourth of July celebration. A com mittee of 12 will be named to take charge of the arrangements for the cele bration. During the celebration lt is planned to have motorboat races on the river. The chib has. appointed Mm.- J. W. Smith. Rev. Otto B. Gray and Dr. J, M. B. Chalmers a committee to per feot the organization of an Associated' Charities Society here. European Grain Markets. LONDON. May 12. Cargoes firm. Walla Walla for shipment. 36s. English country markets firm, 6d dearer. French, country markets firm. LIVERPOOL, May 12. Wheat May. 7s ad: July. 6s 115d; October, 6s 9sd. Weather, cloudy. 1 ; NOTI ? Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 12. Wheat May. 99c: July. $1.00: September. 9.1V4 B3!4c; December, 921jc. No. 1 hard, $1.03; No. 1 Northern, $1.01 1.024 ; No. 2 North ern, 98c $1.01 14; No. 3 wheat, 64399c Hops, at Jondon. LIVERPOOL May 12. Close: Hops at London. Pacific coast, IS 5s & 6 6s. Automobilists .TTENTIOI "I do not believe the rough surface finish on bitulithic pavement will in jure automobile tires unless the brake is applied too suddenly, causing the tires to slide." P. A. Young, Al bany, Or. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. 605-608 Electrio Bid, Portland, Or. Oskar Uuber, Manager. TRAVELERS GUIDE. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON Direct through steamers, sailing from San Francisco, May 31, and every 28 days. Well ington and back. 1st class. $204. Other rates also low. The line to Isles of the gonta Seas. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or aaoress uccsouo Q. as. VQ4 san jrrancisco. We LUiyiBERWEWS CONDUCTS A SAVING DEPARTMENT 4- INTEREST THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,850,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Issued in Denominations of $10,$20,$50,$103 which identify the holders and are accepted at full face value by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. These afford the best means for carrying funds while traveling. . LADD k TILTON BANK . "established 1859 - Capital , , .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. Corner "Washington and Third Streets. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains TKAVELEKS' GUIDR. j it rrvrt1 n i ti.ij AMERICAN WHITE STAR RED STAB ATLANTIO TRANSPORT ' WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service Co.'s Office, 619 Zd Ave Seattle) or O. W. Stinger. 254 Wash.: A. I). Chari ton. 2SS Mot.; F. R. Johnson, 142 3d; E. F. Balrd. 100 3d; Vald. Udell. Si X. 6th: H. Dickson. 122 8d. TRAVELERS' GCTDB. JAPAN Cook's Summer Vacation Touts Fifty-eight Days $450. All Expenses Included. Seiid for Free Booklet. Tickets to ALASKA, Y0SEMITE and YELLOWSTONE. TH0S. COOK & SON 689 Market Street, San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails front AInsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M., May 1, 6, 11. 18. 21, 26. 31. June 6 and every Ave days. Freight received t AInsworth Dock dally np to e P. M. Fas- senger fare, first-class, 10; second-class, (7, Including meals and berth. Ticket of fice AInsworth Dock. Phones Mala 26S Main 170. 1234.' San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclfla S. 8. Co.'s 9. 8. Roanaka end 8. S. Eldsr sail every Wednesday altev nately at P. M. Ticket office 133 Third St.. near Alder. MABTIlf j. HIOtFI, Passenger Agent. W. M. SLU8SEK. Freight Agent. Phones M. 1814, A 1811. OPEN RIVER TRANSPORTATION COl STR.J.N.TEAL Freight received dally at Oak-st. docs: for The Dalles. Hood River. White Salmon, Urr.atllla. Kennewlck, Pasco. Richland. Hanford. White Bluffs, Lewis ton. Idaho, and In termediate points. rnisT-cuss passenger service. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD BIVEK, WHITE SALMON, THE DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Bun., Tues.. Thurs.. 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed., Frt., 7 A. M.. arriving at Port land about 6 P. M. same day. W 8. Buchanan, Sunt.; W. 8. Smallwood, Un'l Mgr. Phones Main 260- A 8527. gammi mum The Tourist Highway and Scenlo Route to Europe via The St. Lawrence River, the Shortest Ocean passage. Leas than Four Days at Sea by the "EMPRESSES OP THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to Liver, pool. First cabin, $80; second cabin, $.jl.23; one-class cabin (called second cabin), MT.oO; third cabin, $30 and $31.23. Ask local agents, F. R. Johnson. G. A.. 142 Third St., or J. J. Forster. T. P. A.. 609 First Ave.. Seattle. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. SIS Railway Exchange Bids'. Portland. Or. Main 8378. A 8922. SAN FRANCISOO PORTLAND SS. CO. From AInsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. B. S. Beaver Msy 13, Bear 18, Rose City S3. rom ban t rancisco, isortnDouna. 12 M. S. 8. Bear May 11, Rose City 16, Beaver tl. From Ban Pedro. Nortnbound. 12 M. 8. 8. Rose City May 14, Beaver 19, Bear it. H. O. Smith, O. T. A., 142 Third St. T, W. Ransom, Agent, AInsworth DooSW ' Phones: Main 402, 268i A 1103. JLI r