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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1911)
TTTE MORNTVO OREGOXTAN. SATURDAY, MA"" 13, 1911. 15 FOR KENT. Apart in rate. LOWEST RATE J" IN TUB CITT. MOST CLEQANTLT FURNISHED. "NOB HILL- APARTMENTS. 19th and XinhtU Streets. ThM tr the nut elessntlv furnlshe, ctr:mrti In Portland, having ail rel era conveniences up-to-date in every re ncct Kacb ipirtnfM fta furnished In the most elaborate nitnner. w lib. fin Blrelow AiniUuKr carp-ta. mualvt ti and mihocinj furn.ture In nswrrt de signs, special attention is directed to tha ea'.rems.y low rates. No such prices for the service to t found elsewhere in me city- investlgat and you'll bo coavincwa. strictly modem and op to data. Telrpnona Marshall 1013. "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. iota ani Marshall. NOW OPEN. THE LOVEJOT. COR. 171 H AND LOVEJOY. ON BLK. FltOM S CAR AND 15TU-8T. CAR. 3-roorn suite. -7 o to 133. SO. 1-room suite. Ito io itj. . modern, corner brick, beautifully iuru.inmt al ready tor Immediate house keeping; !- Uih reception hall. bath, eirctno dumb elevator to each kitchen. Independent phones each apartment, beat JAMTull servlre In the cttyj plenty of neai and MOT W ATEJt ALL, THE TIMS nice large laundry, plenty of etorace reom, every room aa outalde room and tho prices are 30 per rent lower than any la the city. If you want to save moaejr aao, get me boat, curr.e to U Lore Joy. TtiE IXJIS Two and three-room apart- meats, completely fui mailed, lvl 14tn at. lusts. TOR RENT 4 or l-roum. nicely furnished. deslraaia flat for bummer, very reason aole to reliable peopie only. 12 North lata at. TRICTLY modern new lower corner 5-roora CAE; rent 130; rlee In: ri. 14th and Haul' son; phoae3trsaa!l:.004. FIVE-ROOM lower flat. M East Burnable at. Kent 110 Kuasc.l 4 Biy th.' Conimoa- weeutA bid. IN Irvlngtoo. modern lower (.room flat. 43 a. rtu at. north, 2 block Broadway car. Inquire 314 Vj Eugene at. v'W. strictly modi m. 6-rootn upper Hate, East lv'lh aad CUv'. rent $25. Key fcvl TH HE E-HUO M (urn'h4 flat, all con veniences. 22A Markeu 1 bona Mala IT WO 3-rootn flats, one 6. one S-roora rvel dencea. Irvlngloo. C IS 60. East W. H. Herdmaa. fuR RENT 1 upper and lower e-roomflaU heat and water, hammer ratee; cor. lath and tuil M ala. Key 4 2t EalMala. MODERN flat. rooms. 101 V Eaat 11Mb Jd East Washington sts. l'hoae Tabor A-,. fLA?, 4 roome. near 2d; part of furniture t'tr amie: very reasmaola rent. Talephona u Call 742 r.ltean. LOWER wttb hardwood floore: A-l Beiahborbood. Nob Mill: to reepwfUlbia partiea ca.y. 1'hone Main 624'JJ 3I COLLWE ST. Net! to corner of 6tb; lower m'xie rn o rooma. rent reaaonabla. Uaia 11 ' or A 8.;. Ill Iwkum. ' XR R E NT o rom Tat llcht and con venteacea perfect. l;roadway car. App.y E. fcth at. North. KEWLT furnished B-room flat, modern; waikicc divtanre on 7th at., fine neig.ihor hood. Call 4J SwetiAlid bldg. Main 6-S2. STJRNljiHtl Vroom Oat. new. mo.irQ; walklnditanceVeattiide. Main g-Jll. v-ROOM modern Bit. second floor; (Is. Wooolawa aus. c oci. CORNER CUt. rooin7"r:'uth Side. 10 mm n:a ritie- veth.Mrhall lylw. URVtSHEt -room flat, plino. West aide, very central Phono A Tl7. . 340DE TIN ft room Wwer f it. yard and baaemeft. 3 carllnee: (1. Phone aaat 51od. fRCOlT Hit. we:i'furn:hVlwaUllni CiM taace. Marshall 4S. tn 11 St. 4VROOM f'.TC raotlenu heatedl alecplns; porch. Thurman. pnons Main JM4a. FLAT for rent. I mom and bata. a-M WuiHx Main ijA FLAT. West Side. n!ce:y furnished, plana. laraace neat, iii murceetcr bldg. A Alia. ROOM upper flat for rent. 130 per month. a4 Broad way, corner lth. Call r.aat tfJU. $17 MONTH Lower Mat. 4 large rooma, free phone. 71 East 3-d. near cttara. Housekeeping Itooms, tHS BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished tor housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, launUry. free; 113 per month UP: a clean place, beet la the city for mney; short dtslance from Union Depot. Take :" or Itfth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dega WEI.I-n ilNISH:P.r bouse, flats, rooms; 3 cottage. "o montn: another 117 3o: eut:'S. 2 furnished housekeeping rooms. Ix 110. 112 month: S flo. Aply 3f4 2th st- North. "W" car from deoot. ftih. west 00 Morrison to Srjth. block north. SI 60 TO 12.30 WEEK: clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bata. pboae. cleaa linen, .heat. 4 06 Vancouver ave. and litAs'-w Stanton; take U car. NEW two and threeroom apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, ten minutes' walk from poatoffu-e. prices from lid to i per month. phone East 6:79. HOTEL EDGERTON. Housekeeping and furnished rooma for rent. 1U tsKnottt GOOD furnished housekeeping rooma. 91 14 First at,, room 11. Himsekeeplng Rooms ln Prtvate Family. ONS block eowth of Baker Theater, two furnished housekeeping rooms In base ment; thla is worth Investigating. 131 S-ROOM suite, heat, phone, gas range, bath, hot water; refined home, clean, reason able. li'JO 12th at. tTfiE or four-room furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 113; new furniture. 7C1W Aiavir. Take :3d-et. car. ksjLS MONTH Two rarge furnished housc kaeplng rooma; bath, gna, elactrto Ugnta. wbene. 60I E. Mameou. BtRSISHEl) housekeeDlne rooms I'd . I snoot a heat, lignt. phone and bmt n in. : ciamq; no cruiuren, 1,0 .N. lech. W-o Portland Kelghta frol Davenport st. ; .ou. Hnsif 1 u.uvu ssMHna; oatn. gaa Pbone A 17. , UROa well-furnlshed front suite, range, free shuns and bath. 124 gas per anonta. .us voiumoia. near titn. 1 lrt t strlc I soea i& v TOR PENT Furnished housekeeping rooma. nficu7 Btnosm, in privaia xamiiy, raa oeabltv 71e4 Corbett st. 13 MONTH Threa furnished ed housekecp 127 Last Id to. 'in N Vng rooms, 3 bsals, gaa. near Morrison. NICELY furnished bousekeenine roomw- all modern oonveaieacea; rent rTrsmnahle. Sid 12th at. tfOPEHN, well-fumlabed housekeeping rooms, excellent location, reasonable rent. 302 nth. &11 141 H ST.. corner of Clay, large, con venient one and two-room housekeeping lrvR RENT 1 furnished housekeeping room 42 a.. Ah- Phone East 107. ,"iCELY furnished housekeeping-roomaT 411 Buxaslde. bet. 13th and 14th. FURNIHaTD parlors: piano: pantry, kitchen; pleasant location. 4;s loth st. Ttvo front rooms for housekeeping; bath. gas and pbone: gto children. 3 40 College. S NICELY furnished honsekecplng rooma, kr floor, modem, E. Burnalde. THR6 furnished housekeeping rooms, tee s.eeptng rooma 9 East S:h St. t-ruora suite, laundry, nice yard, beautiful n e lg h bo r hood. 7 ml nutes P. O. 387 lot a. Fl'RNISHED housekeeping rooms tn privets family, first floor. Mam CKNT RALLY reasonable. l.-cated. large 42J Mam St. convenient. FURNISHED front housekeeping room $10 up. 40 tar lor. FRKI-1 housekeeping roorna to zniddle I ac y. 1 n quire 73 N. 1 . h. FOR RENT Three nice housekeeping rooma, at 117 East TamMll at. l-R'XTM housekeeping surte, $10 a month. 742 Savler st. ICLFAN, airy housekeeping rooma, walk'ng cieranoa. no..aaay ave; oot n pnonee. I too 7-RMM modern cottage, large yard. 113. 10th aad Alberta, i'hoae Wood. awn 2.V11. ySP.OOSt cot-aga til E. 13th anil Balmoss, Phone East 14 is. lJtOOM BOTjwe. ,'JtoroL g .ITr f-odaro. Call 11 la a. ear alter a As, srs usy rOR REXT. Itaoa HorsEi T rooma. 570 Wei-ller at I . I rooms. 1 K. Washlnrtoa 4.0 rooms, lath and Aah 40.00 S rooms, til Kelly st 30. 0 rooms. Ororer and Kelly 45.00 rooms, 'jS Front SS.OO I rooma. 7i7 E. Ankeny - 4.u 7 rooms. E. 4th and liraaea 10.00 T rooma 4 Davenport 21.0 S rooms. Vaurhn 17.0 VUT. 3 rooms. 473 West Park. 10.00 rooma, 7s Jornson st 4?.S rooma lost E Washuiston .... :n-00 i rooms. 1114 Williams ae Il.SS ( rooms. Iu33 K. 11th North :o.oo a rooma, 41S aaco 2 '..00 i rooma ' E. Main t'1.00 s rooma 4-1 E. 12th :s.0 4) rooma S4 Waaco 1 rooms, 701 Vancouver. 4. 1.00 VIRN1SHED. 1 rooms. 0I Market :S.( n rooms. i K. Salmon. ........... 4.0 1 rooms. Kmc st - 100.00 11 rooms. North ;tth 1;3.'M t rooms. 74SW Northrun. 7 rooma 101s P.s.elsh 65. no 1 rooms. :il E. Id North 6.V04) 6 rooma 442 Union are. ......... S..0 ( rooms. 1071 E. TamhIII 1 rooma flat, 7th and Jackson..... 10. OA I rooms. E. 10th 25.00 ( rooma lo;4 Williams Offices for rent U lo J47.40 MERCH.VNT3 SAVI.MIH A TRUST COM PANT. Wa Collect Hentals. -ROOM unfurnished liouse with bath, newly tainted nA niDered throvrhont. 127 lath St.. between Waihlnjlon and Alder. Rent JS a tnont to family. Apply l- 14th St. l.nnov modern house, select nelrhborhood. Ilk mlnntM frflm fdSton C. I.'IH.U -aSH. balance terma Provident Investment Trust Co.. 201-acl Board of Trade. HOUSE. S rooms, modern: basement; chick. en-houses and yards; fruits extra lot tor sard en if desired; near Mount rscott car. Mra. Cooper. 73S 9th -. Tremonu IRVINOTON. An attractive 7-room eaanntonrej: rent IrtO. bungalow; all F. E. BOWMAN Is CO.. E. 2:d and Braaea. E. 033. HOUSE In Irvlngton. furnished or unfur nished. 10 rooms, srncuy mooero. rnom Oak ina Buck 111 P. O, Mllwaukla. Or. It. F. D. 1. bog 37 VOIKHV ti-room houso near carlme; rent reasonable: In.jure at Hodgere Mart 010- aou Cx. l10 Chamber of commerce. EXPERIENCED se-.ond girl wanted for June 1; wages no. Telephone Miss Aina- worth. Main gr A bi.o. lilTr.ft rorl-:lt.v rl-room residence, furnace. gas. elecinrtiy. amc ana neroias cme" In. East Side. Inquire HQ 3d at. l-'7 ." MODERN a-room residence, furnac gas. eirctrlvlty, attic ana oasement. ciusw Hi, E ast S ide. I nQ u Ire 110 JO st. a. ROOM house, suitable for two families: rent !.. Phone Main 14iis aunasi waeg and East 741 Sundays. MODERN A-room house, attic Phone A 7 v i Key Sit K. 17th. NEW sis-room hoose. must sell Immedlata ly. phone owner. Tabor lVftj. MkIKIlN ilt-roem house; S20. 544 East f'-th sr., ctty. WR car. Ftnralahesl Howaea. NIOELT FURNISHED -room house In most exclusive West Side location, for rent irons about June 1 to October 1. at liov per month. Addraaa. with references, o tregonIan. WEIJ-FLRNISHBD cottages. I rooms. ;0 month; 4 rooms. 117.; also housekeep ing suites. Apply o4 North ?oth. w car. from depot, ith. wast on Morrison to :th. blo.-k north. NUELY and completely furnished modern buricaiow in sunnysltla newly tiniea walls, gas. electric. light, bsscmeoL Pbone Taborl 11a. FOR RENT Completely furnished 5-room cottage- gas. lawn: 130 per month; ref erences required. 10'4 Williams ave. Take U car. Key at 1018 Williams ave. ROOM nicely furnished house, strictly modern, piano, flreplaoe. lovely yard. plea. y truiL. 1 none a,ast ViA, i0 i orris. FURNISHED house for rent to August 1. at 3th atid E. Main; ownsr going sast. Phone Main S2vl. FOR RENT To responsible people, a woll- furnished house of 7 rooms, very desirable neighborhood. Phone Msln 3760. A 40JU. S-R'OM suite, laundry, nice yard, beautiful neighborhood, 7 minutes P. O. Sol lout. WANTED Couple to share 6-roora furnished house. Call 7V1 Belmont. liwu fut Kenr I arullarw lex NINE ROOMS. On Clay at-, must be sold today; sleep tr.g porch, small truck garden, planted: rent price 1430. '.V cash wni handle it. inquire or 1, J. Justen. i.i railing bidg. Pbone M. o"W. A 1472 S ROOM3. Elegant furniture, most desirable loea tlon. rent only $37.60; I300 cash:, price Saimj. I assure you this le not mlsrepre seated In the least. Inquire of L. J. Jus- ten. 323 Falling bldg. f3oo FOR Quick sale by owner: modern 8 room house; worth $4jOO; easy terma 116 K. 211th st.. N.. H block north of Killings. worth; Alberta car. Fl KNITURK. or 5-room flat. 4 blocks of Washington St.; rented rooms pay ex penses: rent aju; cheap IX taken at once. fl30 CASH, balance easy, six cosily furnished rooma sweet-toned upright piano, every. thing goea; pleasant neighborhood. 41 f 1 a . 1. FURNISHINGS of modern 7-room sou furnace, electricity, gaa. rent 133; three rooms rented psylng all expeneea; very qesiraoie. eoj. otn st. AlJoa. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale and bouse for rent reasonable; corner house. 3oi Uth st. No agents. FUnNlTUKB S-room new. beautiful, ssgbt corner flat, 8 blocks business canter, loa price. Main 74d. A T7m. FURNITURE sale. R-room cottage; rent I 12U. 3is Marshall St. T-ltOOM house for lease, furniture tor sal a sV43 Williams ave. Take U car. FU'KN'lTl'RE e-room flat, good as new bar gain; 12'.iA Marshall lotto. 401 rt 3d. Bunmrr Bsserta. lO RENT At Seaside, nine-room modern house, furnished complete, facing ocean; 1 blocks south of Moors Hotel. Phone A 32J8. SEASIDE lov-ntton. 172. Complete fumiahed cottage, good Cheap if rented now. Pbone B Mores, FOR KENT. An Ideal canoe and boat ga rage; nothing like it on the river; about loo reel zrontage. Apply oas aower st puppiy tu. 244 llawtnorr.e ave. PART of of flea with use of table, chairs. phone, maps, e t c. SsoO per month. 227 Lnmbcr Exchange blue. Phona Marshall iota. FOR RENT Store on growing buslne street; plenty of customers to draw from. pnone Main , bEVEItAL stores at east snd Madiaon-st. bridge. 12U to $10. according to size. In quire 2 1 1 iiawtnorne are. 9 STARK, near 0th. with double slxed baaement. 10x30. Apply 2oI aahlngton, STORE tor rent. 74 N. 6thl Inquire at the corner store. FINE large corner store for rent, cheap. Phona Main 4o8 for particulars. FINE brick cor. sore.' East-Uthand Haw thorne. Apply 173 East 13th. cor. Yamhill. BTORE for rent. Phona East 182. ' Office. OFFICES FOR RENT. $11.00 to $;7.M. MERCHANTS SAVING?) c TRUST COMPANY, a. W, Corner th and -WTsshtngton Sta. FINE location for dentist or physletsn on East Side: cheap rent to proper paruse. MCAKGAR. BATES LIVELI, 3ul Yeou Bldg. FOR KENT Several stores and shops at eaat eno .waoison-sx. bridge; rent 120 to leu. according to else. Apply V. O. Smith Fuel Co.. 23 Hawthorne s v e. DESIRABLE OFFICES. MANCHESTER 11L1-U 61 H ST., BETWEEN STAKK AND OAK, FOUR good-slxed offlcaa. good llglsf and ven tilation, at e0 per month, at 112 aiorrl son st. DESIRABLE front or back offices to let, with good service, very reasonable Apply 42 Buchanan bldg.. tgs Washington st. MOST centrelty located offices, all-night ele vator eervice. 8el S wetland bldg., or Jan itor. 3th and Washington. Nice light front of floe with as ot reewp-tlon-rowo. 4 17 Board ot Trada, Nerth weat Realty Co.. per J. T. Morrow, sec DESIRABLE desk room at reasonable: terms. inquire room 222. Abington bldg. FOR RENT Pabtls BaUlav Allaky bldw 14 ana Morrison. FOR HINT Desk room fa offices. Very rems- onahte. S VI. Oregontan, FOR HINT Front Allaky b 11-.. Id and. Morrison. DESK room la ralta wlxh stscMgrsphwrw 111 Board of TrasVe. FOR KAL2 FurrUrnra aad bass est oaioe la Teoa bills. L WO. Oregoniaa. TO I.E SE- TO LEASE. lOvxloO. 24TH AND YORK. Within terminal district: tract on Tork street. Will put up building to suit tenant. barrett Bros., 303 Board of Trade bl-ir. FOR LEASE Good corner 60x100 lot, rtltht In the beat business section. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding- bid. See Mr. Haas. lost ami FOUND Where you can buy genuine halt mattresses retail at wholesale prices: wa renovate mattresses and roturn same dsy; wa also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hnlr Factory. 11. Metsrer, Front. phope Main 474: A 1J7. LOST Thuradny evenlnr. on Washington St.. bet. Id and 9th sts.. bet. 1 nnd 5 o'clock, purse contalninc 176 and small change; a liberal reward fur return of money. J. Welnst..ln. room 401. hi Stll St. TeL Mnrshall ;t:7. LOiT Tow. on Tudar afternoon, white spot In center of bead, also little lame: bad chain attached, chain mended in thrt'e different plares. Return Fraiik Tavone, 405 e.. .tn st. LOST or strayed Mare. mule, brown color. spilt In left ear blind In left eye: re ward. Pbone White Fuel Co., Eaat U14 or B 3QH4. Cor. 6-.h and East Morrison. LOST About May 2. sold penknife, marked c. f. a. and chain, also gold kcynns; marked same. For reward i't each apply Powers A Estes Phsrmacy. 0th and Alder. LOST Ladles' solid sold hunting rasa watch. Elgin moveraenta between 13th. Alder, 10th and Mill. Call 141 lUth; rs- ward: M. 6Ul't. LOST r.emlngtnn Typewriter Company service pin. Return to si btark st- lie- ward. LO.T Lady's small watch and fob charm wnn colored enamel pictures on each side. Phone BeilwooU to. Reward. business ovpoRTrNrrrEs. I AT VANCOTTVER. w ashlngton. at end of beat carllne. Just completed; elegant Dun-galow-atyle store building with wide porches. full basement. mot fixtures al ready Installed, suitable for waiting-room. confectionery and refreshments: only store Ir. vicinity; firet-clsss opportunity for riftht Party: rent reaaonable. Apply personally or by letter to A. J. Endcrlln. atar BMW- ery cirricc. Vancouver, wmn. I HAVE for sale an Interest-bearing In vestment security which will pay large returns on capital soon. Ths officers of this home company are successful Port land business men. The security can ba seen and lnveetieated readily and bear the closest scruttnyJ E U3. Oregonlaiu j HUE yoo friends In frio FurI who have raw hundred dollars to Invest in Oregon timber and fruit lands' Furnish us Hot of names, ws mail them printed matter setting forth our proposition in detail. Pay you commission on all sales made to sucn psrtlea Call 30tf-81o Abington bldg. THE best paying legitimate business for the Investment ever offered; a few hun dred doliare will buy thla; will aell half Interest, with management: will clear from to 1-toO monthly: errwrience unnecessary: glvo your phono number wnen writing. O Oregonlan. t K. .M.WCOHF.R. do you want to go In ouslness in Pon:and? If so. call at 417 Iloard of Trade. We have a business that has been clearing over $2 a month; bank books will show It; 17S0 cash rn- quireq; retcrences glycnand required. OLD established, well located grocery busi ness aomg business yearly, good, clean stock, modern ftxturea long loase at S Its value. This Is an unusual bargain at 16&00, aa owners must sell. K 02, Ore- FOH BALE or trade, my stock of ladies and gents lurnisnings: also boots and shoes; Will Consider aulomouilo aa nart ru v will Invoice i:soo; this Is a money-maker; liavo oougnt tarm and must sell; rent cheap. v.e(i isour i6ii, owner. WANTED Party with nvm 12J00 to 13304) io taae Inter eel m good paying bualneee: will stand Investigation; wa have good svsiiinR in t-ajiiornia. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Main BnaA 411 Abington bldg. ILLNESS COMPn.S CHANGE; MUST SAC- KlKiCB PllOFITAHI.l.- M A N I IT A CTU R- INO BUSINESS CLEARING llOO WKEeT. LY: STAPLE ARTICLE: ESTABLISH KD i KAl'L 1 KAPKHIFA-CU VtiT X'KtTTS- SAKY. PRICE 123UO. F 01. OREGVNIAN. WANTED A younr lean with IIOOA eanltsl. to buy interest In mi.k route already estab lished: duties, to drive wagon, collect and look after buslneaa In town; Al reference required: one that ca speak German pre ferred W Wo, Oregonlan. r VAUDEVILLE and picture-house. Washing ton town of 2000 population, eountv seat. ones ineeter bunding; no opposition, clearing 130 to 130 weekly: long lease: rood reason for selling: JOOO. AV lol. vregnnia GOOD OPPORTUN1TT FOR LIVE RE8- taurant man to start restaurant in a 200 room hotel; Orst-class fixtures and good lease. Apply at the Hotel Foster, 3d and osrii sia. iz to 3 M. BARBER shop for sale, price f 2O0 .M caah. at bkamokawv Waah.: take steamer Lurllne or write F. L. Carlson; two bath tubs; no rem. maae an average of 183.33 each numn last year. STORE FIXTUP.ES. Shelving. counters. showcases anrl evorythlng nrceaaary for a confectionery ouswi-sa i or sale cnrsD. xiail sc tiuattn. oil i-umuermens Diug. WANT yoo to know where 1100 earns $24 w rear, is a gooa investment; iiooo at that rate means 120 a month: investigate. Alaska Coast Fish Co. Inc-, all Uu- cnanan oiug.. s'orllano. FOR Strictly gllt-cdced buslneaa nnenlnes sucu as cigar storua. coniectloncrlea, gro cery stores, restaurants, pool rooms, meat maraets, etc.. nave n talk with us before .buying. Kahle Realty Co.. 276 Stark st. TOUNG MAN. STRANGE!. stags careful investigation at expense of seller before yon Invest money In any proposition, Jsavisory xeapartment. x. WANTED Partner In large, modern room ing-house, one experienced and capable of managing same: owner has other busi ness; price I3OO0; snap. AT 00, Orego- sllbT be sold, meat market with stock and fixtures: well located; doing good easiness; price s-v ens o. uerman-Amer-Ican Land Co.. Newberg. Or. FOR RENT Good location for pool hall. one oatnnouew ana oaraeir snop. cheap rent; good lease. Call or write 2ul 3d su Anderson. . HALF interest In leirltlmate business; ex- p.'rlonco not required; If you are hustler can maae P'-r weex; only 14 oo re quired. Call 278 Stark st. GROCERY and confectionery; good busi ness ana in a tine location, inquire cor ner Union ave. and Madrona at. Phono ! v oouiawn xiiv. HALF Interest In an old-established busi ness, doing a good business. For full par ticulars can Kinney A Stampher, Lumber a-xchange bldg.. rooms e31-r32. FOR SALE Motion picture theater, fully equippea; now clearing between 1.O0 and esou a montn ; eooa location and price; reasooaDie. et ex. tsregoman. IF you wish to get Into the real estate business right, without having to buy aeuia. write me. J. p. Wilson, Lock Box u, i-ortiana. BARBERS. 3-chalr shop for sale, good lease, cheap rent. Address Box 700, Route o. x, rortiana, or. . WOULD Ilka to loin party already estab- llsnea in cnicken business: can Invest money arm services. 314 commercial block. REAL ESTATE Owner wants a partner he can depend on to show land, etc: Drof- ita larsre. raruouian. ;-g MarK st- FEED BARN for sale. SOxlOO. good paying Dusirrees; easy lerms. 11. tu. btoley. Box IT. 3. wooooum. or. - SIDTVPO vantirf wttk ttIA. . . I ' .o-. touou , , ntg pronts: nanuio your own money. AJ "3. orego man. - BLACKSMITH wanted; only shop within mllea; rent very low. good caah trada. In- quire C. 8. Etaalcs. 243 Front St. FOR BALE Smoked meats, bntter, ergs and cheese: have fine location; good lease. 228 Washington st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bonsrht aad so'.d. Fletcher lnv. Co.. 223 Abington. CENTRAL restaurant, $-13 day- business : will accept first resaonable offer; sickness Torres jscruice. ixil ir), Stark St. X WILL guarantea yon 25 per oent per year on an investment of $10,000. J. K. Tipton Co- 1108 Spalding bldg. SPECIAL Owner of cash store wants in. to rested help: will pay rood salary and share of profita. Call 2Vj Stark st. AN officer In a contracting company must ell his Interest', this la a splendid oppor tnnlty. Address P 0d. Oregonlan. BARGAIN In mfg. buslneaa, 1S0O0 yearly Front an Investment; $2300 cash or trade, nqulra 812 Everett St. FINS business) opportunity for neat, honeat young matt with little capital aa partner. 242 Flfthst. , $;- WILL pat yon In business that win pay row 121 to 111 week from start; par ticulars 41 Helling bldg. FLl'MBINO biialnosa in town of gooO; er.e other shop In town; ttivoioa about $1800. AY 4L Oregonlan. RMTAIRAJHT. . JL gooHono; good lease; good rrarl s ; for alo esssapv $14 Davis) sH corner sHh. BC14INKS3 OPPORTUNITIES. FURNITURE and home furnishing business lor sale, which last year made a net profit of l.""0; established 8 years: In creased profits each year; good location, long lease, low rent, low inaurance; brick building. 20,000 feet of floor space, four floors: no shrinkage, no decay, no chance; a profit on every sale. Will invoice flO.OOo; runs its own wagon and team. No commission, no bonus; owner mnst sell half or whole interest this month: the most thorough Investigation Invited. Call for owner on phone Main 300 or write to "Owner." 235 Glenn ave.; 14000 cash down will handle this. . PRINTING plant for sale, consisting of five Job presses, stitcher, cutter, etc 1 nis one of the most prosperous and best-known plants In Vancouver. Owner wishes to dttposn of the business for personal rea sons. Invoice price about 70lX: full par ticulars can ba had on application to Mr. C has. J. Kav. Columbia. Paper Co., Ltu Vancouver, B. C. 1R0 CASH boys good paying picture show. 1 am a builder and took contract for buildings in Eastern Oregon. Must leave at once. Theater clearing Hi to 133 weekly. No opposition. 3i0u people In neighbodhood. New building, long lease, moderate rent. Theater crowded nightly. A good squsre proposition. Owner Tabor SJ; night phone Tabor 324. FOR PALE A SNAP. Hotel Mitchell. the leading hotel In Mitchell. Or.; up-to-date In every partic ular; well located and doing good paying business: well furnished and tuny equipped. Price complete, f200O. one half cash, balance on time. Call or ad- dress Miss Kosa Specht. Mitchell. Or. "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. 1'acltic Mutual Ltfe, 43 years old. i'2 m interna assets. We loan money. 11. K. Ward, Mgr.. 712 Spalding bldg. CLIENTS needing money offer three lots. Fort George. L 142K; lots n, , 7. block 20. section C. I'JOO; also lot S3, block 7. sec tion B. lloo. Spot cash. Splendid loca tions. Much below list price. Richard Obee. 4Q7 Wells Fargo bldg.. Marshall 21129. B-OR HAT.E PLACER MINE. good terms, takes best placer property in Oregon: goon enter in . ditchea and pine line lnt.talled. fully Pipe 1 uuclng equipped. pro property, bargain for quick action; Address AL V- Oregonlan. HAVE 110O0 caah and am looking for a good business opportunity; I am a prac- tlcal business man. have also office ex- perlonce; glva particulars In first letter. oils, oregonlan. . TtvctIT ni'STVRSa SALE. liooO. good terms right party, good i stock, equipment, live city, 20,000 popula tion: acai with owner. js s, viso- nlnn. WANTED Honest nsrtncr with 1J59 for fine equipped traveling moving picture show. Moving picture theaters maae m to 1100 dally. Further particulars 626 1s Washington, near 17th. V INTEREST for sals In good-paying fish market; one month rent paia iree; make 123 to t:' per week. Apply to Fred Bogard. peninsula Fish Market. Washing- ton Public Market. PARTNER wanted; I have three, new pool tahlis anal full equipment lor poolroom, also small stock of cigars and tobaccos. wsnt partner to take charge of burluess only 12O0 required, k Oregon m GEN. BWB. business In best W illametta Valley town; Invoice nooo. aomg over business: win stana lnvosuga-.ioa; best reasons lor selling. AV ao. orego nlan. .WANT partner In manufacturing an article . every family wants; Dig proni, no compe tition; must have HOoO and a man of .ability and reputation. Answer Madras Hotel, room 40. GROCEJIY and meat business for W0: in voices over giooo; trouble netween part ners causes sacrifice; sates u to xio aayt an cash; if you want a bargain, can tooay msyj Stark st. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Down town restaurant: must be sold to day for C.'iOO; worth 11300: rent ITS; snap, phone Webb, 1070 Marshall. RESTAURANT. Right down town. S-year lease, good fixtures and paying well; bargain; terms. it l'i oregonlan. WANTED Partner In repair shop, good opening for man handy, with very liltte capital required. Anquire in ursnti wvc. near 00.K. PATENT for sale, or to have it manufac tured on royalty basis; for full informa tion Inquire between 1 and 2 F. M.. or address Daniel Nlemand, Medford HoteL PARTNER WANTED. I want a partner in my real estate business to tend the office, Call Marshall 15, A 485t. FOR BALE 26 shsres of stock tn H axel- wood Co.. Spokane, at 1120 per snars; thla Is less than book value Jan. i. AUXA. M. Mortensen. Amea lowl. SMALL means will put you In paying busi ness from start; money secured. xAim- ber Kxchange. alOVlNO-PICTURE theater that you can try before pay In a cent, for sal cheap. 404 Kotncnud Plug. WANTED Partner with $400 for moving- picture show at Summer resort, bis; money-maker, u p. oregonlan. OOOD location for a pool hall, bathhouse. barber shop, cleaning and pressing: good lease, cheap rent, ui aa st- Anderson. PARTNER wanted in sawmill business; $5000 to $20,000. Ijoxorth-Wills Co., 70s Spalding bids- FIXTURES complete for grocery, on Install. lenta can be seen 13 East zstn ana Asn. 600 BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you must bring this ad. Host city primary. iuz -Antra. LUNCH counter, good location, lease and business. $1QO. AT 00. oregonlan. WOULD buy photo studio; stats price and location. As oregonlan. LOOKING for a business opening, have $300 with servises. an commercial biocg. $123 CASH buys complete restaurant on Madison St. inquire zoe 1st st. REPAIR shop; want partner with $400; profits good. can 24b 'i mriL RESTAURANT. 52 N. 2d st.. for sale choap. See R. w. wooa. -07 coucn st. MATT RE SS factory: bargain. 817 Hamil ton bldg. Main 41V0. Swank. WANTED To buy a bakery In country, ox location for one. J Du. oregonlan. WOULD like to buy Into a transfer buslneaa. af Hi, oregonian. CLEANING and dyeing work; Una location. Main 6407. - EOOMrNfi-HOCsr-s. FOR SALE. Rooming-house. 14 rooms In first-class West Side location; rent too; running wa ter In rooms and steam heat, walking dis tances large lawn, all rooms light and airy; rooms always rented; for further particulars call up Marshall 1284. Loca tion loo 17th St., corner of Morrison. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO- HOTELS. I'.OOMINQ-HOUdES. APART. Air.. i-nou&r.r., REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Pbone Main 8300. A 3473. 823-24 Failing bldg., sd and Wash. MARY E7. LENT. Portland's "LEADING HOTEL BROKER" LISTEN. Tt m tell von about a good roominr. house proposition I have in a good country I town in Washington, can at 4s Chamber of commerce. 00 COUCH 13 rooms, neatly furnished on Couch, near 6th, good locality at your own price, must ba Bold on account ot death in lamny; party must leave. PRETTIEST place In city, ten large, clean rooms, furniture new ana gooa; r.o agents. must sen. r.ast sooo. o inn. SACRIFICE. . S3 -room apartment-bouse, corner, brick. 3 yoarsr lease, owner, ooii wiinama ave. $3O0 CASH, balance terms, buys 11-room roomixig-nouse; tine iurniture, gooa loo tlon; rooms run, -ps. Atn st. FOR SALE 10-room transient house, cheap. Call afternoons, zoifr Bra at- SPECIAL NOTICES. . Proposals Invited- PrPOSALfl FOR FUEL, OILS, FORAOB AND BliDDI.NO ban Francisco, Cal., April 15, lUL Sealed proposals will be received hero and at office of Quarter- Hi aster, Fort I lose crane and Presidio of Monterey, until 11 A. Mi, May 13, 1811, and at tha offloo of the Depot Quarter master, Honolulu, H. T., until 9 A. M-. May HW 1011. for furnishing during the fiscal rear commencing auiy x. ivii, ruel, otle. foraga and bed.ilng for posts and stations In the Department of California, . 6eo section 8710 Revised Statutaa, Infox. matlon furntahed on application to the Quartermaster at Fort Rosecrans and Pre slulo of Monterey, tha Depot Quartarmas- i ter, rionoiuiu, a. x or to r. VON pert it AD KH, A. Cj. M. G. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING NOTICB, Bids will be reoalved at tha office of ftte Astoria Centennial Committee. Ino , Elka bldg.. np to 10 o'clock A. M., Thurs day, May IS, for STeet illumination work. Wiring streets of Astoria, tarnishing ircsiiwrs luiimwcmi giooee. and main- I talalng tha vrork for 80 days from August I 10 to September 0. For specifications Vnrl farther information, address A. A, Tremp, manager, Astoria Centennial Committee. I In Astoria, Or. WANTWD Contraatora to Agnro en plorurt J most furnish honii, Inqnlre 3 ol-s-1 Luis. J bermens) bidg, sth, aa4 b tar it ata, dtjsl 8TECTAL NOTICES. Froposala InvUed. AXVE1RTISEMENT EXTKKSIOW OF1 WATER MAINS. Central Point, Oregon. May 11. 101 of atea proposals win oe receivun ui i.' Cltv RMCOrilee or Central Point. Orego until 5 o'clock P. M June 0, 1S11, ft extending water mains lor the city or i, tral point. The work will consist of ex cavatlng and back-filling trencnes. naui lne an.l Isvlne steel nine, hautmz ant placing valves, valve boxes, hydiants. All labor and material to bo furnished by the contractor. Plans and specification! may be seen at the office of City Recorder or central .point. Oregon, or at xne- onic of Osgood ft Curomlngs, civil engineers, Meriford Orecron. All bids must be submitted on the printed forms furnished by the City Re corder of Central Point Each hid shall be accompanied by certified check In favor of the CI Treasurer of Central Point for 5 per cen of tha amount bid. A bond acceptabli to the City of Central Point will be re quired for full amount of the contract trice. The right is reserved to rejec any and all bids. J. W. Jacobs, City Re corder: W- C. Leaver, Mayor. SEALED proposals will be received by the Btate Board of Control. Olympta, until lu o'clock A. M., May 2."., 1911, for floor and wall tiling delivered and set at State Penitentiary. Walla Walla, specification will ba furnished on nun lcatlon. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Olympla, May 10. 11)11. FINANCIAL 1100 INVESTED 13 years ago earned to date over write for booklet- Ban r ran Cisco Home Builders, Sil fneian piue. ban Francisco, California. 13500 FIRST mortgage. 7 per cent, asvi eiv,vvu SKUnijr i will uikuuuv xw i tcu. for cash; this Is 21 per cent net on your money, s 17, Oregoulan. MORTGAGE J150O bearing 1 per cent so acres unimproved land, neur aieaiora land value 14000. Koot, H-o K. Ex. bldg Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY. To hnlld or Durohaee homea Tou not required to own a lot, aa wo loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. This is ths salaried man'e plan to own a home. Call or write tor particulars. STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H Tlanev State Agent. 423 Chamber of Commerce bldi tM0 12200, 12500, $600, $700, 1000, 13000, I hand: wo want to nluce thia money on on band; wo want to place this money on good mortgages at once; no delay; terms reasonable, call at you spaiuiug o.e Henry C Prudhommo Co, LOANS. MORTGAGES. LOANS. at s lo s PKK CENT. Large loans especially solicited. J. FRANK. POUTER. 004 Chamber of Cojnmerce. qjj lalpKOVED city property or lor uuuu Irs- ntirooaes? H lo a Years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building prcfcTeases. inn r.quituie ov A Loan Association, 240 atarksu PLENTY of money to loau at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. . KDW. P. MALL, 104 Second su 1300.000 ON Improved city or farm property building or small loans at lowest prices large luans a specialty. . n. Co.. 314-313-310 Gerlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where in Oregon or v asnington. a- lievereaux, Feuton bldg., b4 tith sr- MOKTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOUDEY. Lewis Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on Portland property in sums from now to ISO.0O0 at lowest current rates. Morgan, Fliedner A Boyce, 60S-SO8 Abington bldg. MON E Y TO LOAN. Wa have 410.000 to loan in amounts from $1000 to (3000 at 7 and 1 per cent. tu b. rlalAA, oua-l cnam. ot t-om. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia, ui ac Trust Company, U10 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES J100 t6 $10,000 to loan on real estate, c. s. Nickiin, so i.aiayette bldg., 0th and Washington sts.. Mam bo-. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts ana mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg, SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN - on KEALTY. ASK MH. E ASTON, 827 Board of Trade Bldg. $10,000 TO LOAN oa West Slda Portland real estate. Aiiquite iww -. - bldg; $2'0,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. DU11U111K oiia, ions. . v . 812 Falling bldg.. $1300. $2000. $3000, $30. $10,000 1U bOAlt -X WT.C. EASTON, 827 Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest mii.i A H Hlrrell Co.. 2tlll McKay bide.. 2d and Stark. -. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASON ABLB HAT ED. a. rl. LElwia. a ubftia Bin. funds loaned. 6 ner cent. W. E. Thorn. as state agent, Muitnoman co., eoo t,. ox u. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrington, 410 commercial V1UD Diuat. UONEY, any amount, 6 to S per cent. Good- no u g h4tel t x. lu a p aiain g niag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LElo fiAlAIMUfl, ZJJ BlAHh. 81. MONEY to loan on city, suburban property. easy terms. Room o. -2ifo aiorrisun st. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat- eral security. W. Pallett. oo8-0 Fenton. RESIDENCES financed and built- A. Furlon i;,t33 C. of C. b Id g. Main 103L PRIVATE, money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. rt. jane)., rt. vi, ueriiiiKer otug. MONEY for good Inside loans. 6, 7, 8. Carlock A Muellhaupt, 1032 Cham. Com. PRIVATE MONEY $0000 to loan on Irving ton real estate. x.aat avoo. MONEY to loan on real estate In amounts to suit borrower. LlHfuinwuwis uusi w. MONEY to loan on lnaids Portland proper- t y. AT .11, orego n la n: TO loan, $1300 at 8 per cent, first mort gage. pnone cast eiox. SEEXjydM-5-E,-?8-Spal-lna'-bldKt Money to Loan on Chattels and Salaries, $ $ $ $ $ If you know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be potnpreu wim is lot o. amau ucuia, jet us furnish money to scttxe tacm. WE LOAN ON Furniture nnd pianos', storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity In contracts. U. 6. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 313. Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 20S4. $$$$$$$ WB Hft-VE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of from $6 to lloo, at the lowest possible rates. - Bus-In eta strictly confidential. All wa require is that you be emnloved on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, lndorser or other se curity. blATlS erJUUltlTX CO,, S08 Failing bldg.. Cor. Third and Washington Sta. MONEY MONEY MONEY. Do you need money today 7 la vour land lord waiting for his rent? If so, call on me. 1 loan Immediately and confiden tially on your piano, furniture, automo bile or real estate equity. Lowest rates of interest, M. Maiden, 603-4 Swetland bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates. easiest payments. Cime and get money -when rou want it, and pay aa you can. Offices in all prmcrpal cities. D. H. Tol rjaan, 817 Lurat er Exchange. VIONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinas ox securities, xuraiture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray & Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg., northwest oorner 4Vth and Washington. MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. L,owest raiee. BUTTON CREDIT CO. 807 Spalding bidg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan CO.. 83 lAjayette piug.. tun ana wash, sts. LOW rates; ws loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx moon, 74 uo. LOANn on diamonds and other seourlties. Wm. Hon, room is, waaningtoa bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan co ei uenum oiag. MONEY loaned on - diamonds and Jewelry, stnotiy conxiaentiai. iiv oa. near Alder. Wanted " WANTED On good residence, $7300, 8 per cent inu, at once, u, tx. xipton uv, 110a Epajdlng bids. WANTED -X loan 300 tor t years on ; no Incumbrance, nronertv worth 1' pnoni laPPT tMl. i,i,,,ro WAKl2tK)0 loan onnowiy completed B-room house, 8 per cent, AC 71, Ore. $8l",n! , PHONE! TINDOLPH MAIN $304. 111 BO-JtO or TRAPS LET ns plane your money, good mortgage references, F, IS, leswit, 8 Lewis bldg. FINANCIAU Loans anted. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged securities; first mort gages: long-term investment. Provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 201. 101 Board ' of Trade bldg. MONEY WANTED. Let us place your next mortgage loan, R. F. BRYAN. 603-7 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED. To borrow $15,000 for 2 years. $75,000 se curity; will pay pood rate of interest. J. J. Kead. 318 Board ot traaa diqs. WANTED stiuOO at 7 Der cent on close-in, imnroved real estate, value $10,000. rent $130 per month: will pay expenses of loan out no commission. AT no, oregonian. I WISH to borrow $2500 to aid In building home on good Irvington property; give editress and I win present propoeiiioo no agents need appl y. JP 99. Oregonlan 1170O 3 vears. 7 ner cent: nen house. East 22d. r.ear Ankeny: sold for f70U. Owner, JU!2 Hawthorne ave. WANTED $2200 for 3 years at 7 per cent on nice corner residence, close in. Call S17 Board of Trade bids'. WANTED $1800 on first-class security from private party at 8 per cent- a, U'J, ore gonian. WANTED $2500. 13000. $3300. $4000. on im proved residences at once. J. H. 97pton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. $8000 FOR 3 years at per cent on hlehest- Erade Portland realty; no agents, o Oregonlan. WANTED $1300, 3 years at 7 per cent on good residence property. Grussi se .auuw, 317 Board of Trade bldg. ADVERTISER wants to borrow $1000 for a period and at a rate to suit lender; amnio collateral security. Telennone aiarsnau 000. $1500 ON MY $5500 homo near Union ave.; pay all expenses, w !). Oregonlan. $2500 WANTED on 8-room, 2-story home, worth $570O; A-l loan. A 00. Oregonlan. $1500 WANTED on good houseT8 par cent to private party. N.4. Oregonlan. WANT $1500, 8 per cent, on completed now home, worth o4o0. Af 00, ureKumim. SHORT-TIME money to loan on real estate. Wallace E. Thresher. 437 C. of C. SEE PRUDMOMMK. 900 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of fices on the Pacific Coat. furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by toe roost advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We uso every form of -massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens, X-Rays. static, coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, oaone, sinusoidal, hellos, solar, giant and King lights. We ars the only physicians on tho Pacific Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices. We have been in Portland over five years and treated thousands of patients and never had a death. We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CUKE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and ner.-ous wrecKs. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half of tha third Udbr of tho Kothchilds bldg. Dr. W. E- Mallory. Naturopath. MEN CURED QUICKLY. Modern electric treatment for nervous debility, enlarged glands, rectal, chronic blood and skin ailments. Consultation free. W. I. Howard, M. D.. 304-B Rothchlld bidg.. 4th and Washington. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock in the city to 00 cioBea out at cost, convent, oerman and pure hair cut from one head only; good switches for 05c and up; all fix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig uses, bulldlnjj torn down for Llpman Woife site. Grand Leader, Sth and Alder. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases ot women and children, sur gery; chronlo and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; confine ment cared for; consultation tree. 81SH Washington st. Main 828. A 6807. IWEDIdH TRAINED NURSE Hclslngtori graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom ach allmeuts. under physician's direo tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 East lit St., second door 6outh from East Ankony canine. Phone East 200, B 1803. YOUR old piano made new s.gain; will go to your home and examine your piano a; a very moderate price; have best of Eu- ODean references as well as New York. Boston and Chicago. Address Piano, phone u Axyta or Ai. o44u. WED1SH medical gymnast and masseur, C nuiuiatrom, digestive, nerve, sexual ana enromo disorders a specialty only scien .ma masseur in tnis city, unices ou. Oregoulan bldg. FEB VET & HAXKEHT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stoca ox numan nair goods; nalraressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 -a at., near atorriaon. pnorre Alain 040. WANTED The -people to know that nave tna only positive cure tor plies in this 2oth century; one box will convince tlio most skeptical. Room $23 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. HELEN SoK.Na and J. E. Perry, magnetio heaters, treat all chronic diseases. 201 h Ruasell su, Portland, or. Phone c 212, hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam lration free. 302 Merchant Trust bltig. Cth and Washington. Pbone Main 4047. DRESS suits for renu $1.60 month; keep your Clothes Cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and cenveries. unique lauoring co aoa stark. MRS. Stevens. IS years Portland's lead Ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata book, "palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 843 s Yamhill, corner Seventh su MISS WALLACE Practical nurse, electric, magnetic treatments, rneumatism, lost vi tality, mental science. 1U0 Uth su; hours 10 to V. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood ana stun ailments, kuuney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 1st st.. Portland. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist. Office Ti seinng-Hirson Diag., wash, su Meetings Wednesday 8 P. M. Main 6S24. LADIES Lorenz antiseptic cones are sooth' ing, cafe ana sure, sups isyior Drug Co., Morrison St. WE do everything In indies' tailoring; suits to your measure irom too up. J. M. Ehrlich Co.. Phoenix bldg.. Sth and Oak. JOHNSON. electrical, facial, scalp treatment. 422 Washington su, suite 19, first floor. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, lot, uui, o ooxea. 1.40 Dtipe Taylor Drug Co., zap Morrison su T.inY ohysiclan can accommodate nervous and contlnemont cases; can employ your own physician. B4Q HaBsaio st. KATHP.YN MORRIS, 422ti Washington St. room Id, manicuring, suampouing; no signs. MME. Courtright, feature and skin special lau 3u0 Swetland bldg. Main 5042. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. Oo onTia su wam win. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. Al. D. Hill, x ueaner oiag. At o4i3. SCALP. treatments) Rooms 6 and 7, 34014 Alder SU, notei ciwcu. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MACKENZIE. BAIRD & Cdf. FCBLiC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 24 W orcester .Bloc. Main 7300. A 1440. rAiiniil and expert In all matters mt. tainlng to municipal, commercial, factory CCSt and inuuiuuil nceouuticg. r-nl.I.Lsr BL'RKIDGE & THOMPSON.- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, i-onimeruial. County and Munlciniii. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phona Main 0567. Antiqno Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 V, nan. at., 1 -1"" .v-..,.,D,. antiques and all One furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low prices. Phone Mar- hall ivvi. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists tun ".J" -v. 7a ' aamiistoo. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and Qd-"10""! 01 log J1UI I .lull st. Attorneys. is- COOPER, attorney-at-law. ri.n...i practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L But lis and Swimming. portlatd Swimming baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge: steam, tub and shower baths. 25c, HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treats meat, elegant plunge. 693 Front, M 451. Chiropractic Physician. -CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NEK"; Say It fast and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 6:30. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. 223 Fliedner bldg. Hours to 0. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. 5th. Main 27 u 2 Collection a PORTLAND Collection Agency 17 Allsky bldg, AU debts collected. A 7817. M. 4222, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Contractors. W. L. BUCKNER, oontractor, jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. Sta fit. Mala 608I, A 7002. Woodlawn 602. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Fl03sle Devony, tha only acientirio chiropodists In tho city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger bids., s. W. cor. 2d Vand Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. il. D. Hill, room 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. Contractors. CAl'.PKNTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty; sign work. O. P. Bliss. 3224 Stark. Phone Main 9017. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main SSO. Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. $:;.i0 per load delivered any placo in the city.1 Portland Wreaking Co.. 103 107 11th St. North. Main 37. A 37.16. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail. 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood, office and yards at 125 E. 7lh St. Phone East 724. B 2777. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 0th and Glisan. M. 03511. M. S351. A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Main 1006: A 1106. -Wood and coal. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and Marshall 9Bt). 313 Water st. wood. WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4596. COAL A 4347. Prompt dellv. Neer & Farr. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK . WOOD BRANCH E. 33 D ST. WOOD Consulting- Engineers. UNITED EuKineering & Construction Co., Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. DuncIruj. Li-SSONS 25c; 4 lessons for $1: waits, two step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Willson's School; oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 880 Vs Wash. st bet. W. Park and loth sis. LESSONS 25c Heath's Daicing School, 10 Second st.; between Washington ond Star'it streets; stage dancing taught, waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 lcesons; class Monday cveuli.g. s to 10; lessons daily. Dentists. AI.VLOLAR TEETH where bridge work IS impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people.. Alveolar Dental Co., Abington bide. 100 3d THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts. Dog aud iiorse llospitaL Dr. Brown. D. V- S., office 120 N. 11th st. Main 4Uod; res. E.. 5440. Hospital 30 12th. Kiectric Motor Hospital. WALKER-MACKENZIE Electric VWorks, t-usl 117. Motors sold, reuled, repaired. i-,ngines bag ana Steam. KOBElt Machinery Co., Coast ut'-s- Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline eu giae. 281-2a3 E. Morrison su I'ltolta E. 613. Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO., O0O Lorlnsl su .oust collecting and ventilating bj tema Phones C In 5, E. 32si. i'eed Id lore. ZIGLEtt as MISNJiR, hay, grain, teed, ce- ineut. Shingles. 201 Grand ave. x.. B-. Landscape Gardeners. FIRST-CLASS gardener will take contracts lor louitiug alter gt-rdea anu lawns, or will work by uay or hour; new wurk layed out; no gbJ-den too small; good wura; Jirompt aitenuun. A. D. lieniiuin, 8&3 N. l12d su Phone A 7440. G. H. S1EBELS, landscape gardener and nursery mull, hae muveu to obtt E. Ota. Sellwood lltoi". . Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. AIASTICX at. CO., 74 Front. Leather of every aescrlpuun, tups, nurs. fuiaiugs. J. A. SXltOWUitlDUE LEAliitR CO. Its- tabhshed lboS. laa Frout su -Medical. DR. E. K. SCOTT, 022 Selling bldg. Diseases of the l.ectuui. .uuMeul. Emit Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil devdic, DUO Alaiquam. A 41UU. Alaishull 1U2U. Osteopatlilo l'liysiclans. DR LEllO Y SaiITIL graduate Klrkvllle, Mo class 01 lb; posL-urauuale. lsul. uuuer ui: A. T. Still, iuuuuer of too sci ence. 1142 belling U1U. Al, 19ai, A lsso. Dr. 1U B. Nortlirup, 415-10-17 Dekum bidg.. Nervous anu Chronic Diseases. Phone utlicu M. 3411. Res., Eaat or B 1028. Papering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; clean SLOrit. flxune East '000. neat. Paints, Oils uidtius. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast climate. HAaa ULtllilR PAINT CO., 191 second su RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, aaah and doors. Cor. 2d and 'laylor; Patent Attorneys. PATEN1S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at iaw. luu u ti. b. Patent oilice. Buois- le Liree. 71 0 Board ot Traue biug. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MAltl'i.N, 400 Chamber ol Commei-co bldg. ' R. c. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat en ts, lulling uiiieu t cases. 004 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 00s 0U3 Electric blot;. Oscar liuber, Portland. WARREN Construction Co, Street paving, siuewalkg aud crosswalks. 317 Beca bidet. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years In Purtlanu. 71 Otn su Mate 010. ripe. POltTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. iiaou. FOX 209 2d SU CO., PLLMBEHS. Main 20O1. A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO., samtaxy plumb exa. 403 Giiean. Main b487. ' Rubbur Stamps. ALSO seals, stelluns, choice stationery, stCs Cunmaguams, zdi bt-ura. sum 1401. Rug Weavers, NORTHWEST RUG WOP.KS Rugs from old caruets, ootomal rag ruga. .Tcast 853U. B 12au. 153 Union ave., m. E. Aiorriaun. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. IIOIIIO iiiuuutw, laeioijr oiicea. cany terms; seculid-uaud sales cheap.. Salesruuiiis 00 Tliirdsl- Factory Kentuu. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d SU Safes at factory plices; seeouu-uauu. imcs Secoud-lland Ooods. WE pay tue hlgueat prices for second-hand doming anu .o-. o ?a v m. Showcases, Bank and Shovr Fixtures. THE LU IKE Allf o. co., brancn urana Rap- lus oliuwuase --, i.n auw, nwj. iv. A,, manag er K H. HlKDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG., Showcases in stoua; piouio. uen ,,i 7, aaase agent, M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new ana secoau.-11a.11u- ,mm ,11 iiw, amct wws. Steamships. ALLEN LINE picturesque ot iahiuui.s nuum Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, iajnuON and HAVRE, FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. ALLEN A C P., 12 ' N. Dearborn SU, Chicago. Storage and Transfer. jfREE STORAGE FREE. All household goods go Into brick warehouse free fur tho fust 80 days and at the lowest rates tliereatter; moving and packing dono by experts. Van Horn 'i. ler Co. Both phones. C. Q- PICK Xransler a btorage Co., offices and comuiuuiows "i ones, wmicuuuss, separate iron rooms anu fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. our. 2d and Pine sea. Pianos and furniture muved and packed for shipping. Main 6U(i, A 11)0. OLSON-KOE TltANSFi.iT CO. - General transferring and Btorage, safes, pianos and furniture moved uiu pauxed Zor shlpinenU b7-80 Fruut sL Tolepaune Main 647 or A 247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer ana lorwaruing agenta storage omce 810 Hoyt su, between 6th and uthi poonea Main t9, A 1100. Xaxlderuilbts. MOOSE, elk heads, full worn. 1. B. Flnley, Columbia, a 1314, Typewriters. WE are the exchange tor the largest type writer concern on tnis coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex. change, 2SIV Washington su TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $00, fully guaranteed, easy pameuia, reutais, ss far month. Pacifio Stationery & Printing ls 208 2d sU NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. Li. C. Co., zui Btaru. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on lloor $1 per hour; rates to large nouses. 21 ioou. hlaat Hilt. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty: priced reason. able. Call Mam 104a or writs Millar .as .West. 182 Morrison su, Portland. . .