Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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    rOR BALE.
DfK, V-hic4- Mil ma-rl--.
W w kit a n hin t ail 1 1 m fin com
blnailoa Hdd ar. 1 h4rem horaa that
ar. f.t aad ready for Immediate bm. Too
Ar I . I nj raauiy lur in :un. imim i p i
com and try oar h"-rsa at ou axparn
lt them aaanilr-ad bv y-aur own t
com and try oar h"-rsa At auk tiPfBH
Jrrl' from t2A op. W hand. only
bT. Kitmw Riding bcbuoi. lota
Jffroa ate.
KOTICK 1 head I-ft- Homa rurmll4
eoa of best Bnarr fat Quality. V'trbt 1.,
la city; b.ocky man, 1 b.acau 14.. 1 pair
dapp, trara SvU: th.r lcTil pur
PoM Bortaa tA end Atomgoaaery -
I'hll Pu.ltar.
I'Oit aALE tisaa of nor, ai't I and
bar. blra Ufa. rafltfa. goavl condition, with
fcarnaaa. worth ;: sailing price rl
A'ldraaa & p. Wayne. Nona Flalaa, Or.
too. fnan
rOR fiALE CbaaD. a-ood c.-lvlna- bora and
airnoet n- w ri hoar-tired runabout and
tanita M3 ftath st, 8. E. nd of Raw
thorn carua.; walk on blocs wcat and
two blocks aouth.
AjM barga-a. 15 buys fcOO-jwacrad pony, bar.
n.sai and buss: I'll buvs iato-ponina
bore, tru aa eteal; take oodatock car
to 57!a and cjd art, I'liono !Uawl liM
PASTURE for borax, n-ar Portland. Apply
JUi charlock bids, .'bone Mala .410.
CHALM riKs lto W. ft pas.. NR. F
ffnl:v fuu'rDL 11150.
nrLl.-s IvtuA T para., fully
ec -r : : --.-1 rood buv. S234MA
XlAW'Lii 2 eyL. 4 pass.; for quick
CADILAC 110. S pan. fully equipped.
A real bargain. 113-0.
KKO 3 r-i S naai: ton. f tOOL
CALILLAC 1S-JV. 3 pass.. 30 R. T,
tavj equipped; repainted, firco.
asCiCai a cL. 6 pas, fully quipped,
1-lERCE loio eyl, S H. P- paaa.1
At condition. I.K-jUl
Hl'ici. Modal iu. 4 eft. runabout with
top. t:.-n.
Th f tha. car bar lft tbara
wttb ca for ale. thay having purrbaaa-d
1911 I't.rc-Arrow or Cadllia.- cara Our
l:at of us.d car la;ly changing.
It will cay vnu to Invesllsat.
covet siotvk car ii.vr.tvr.
w Main I7 . A 4T. Slat and W tinUttan.
ai.N A I'ai.
W off-r tba following specially good
bajjra ta t'ackard cars, all otarbauled and
guaraalaad by m th sam aa a Bw
car la ajuarantoaxl :
1 T-paaaenc-r toafinar car.
1 o-&aanar Wurliif car.
X fliLnavooui.
FKANK C. RlO'l.t.
Cornell road. -:i-t and Waahln.toa ata.
JUI ILANPtlt Suburban. iiO.
Moll lO iiul.-k. Ii;..
11S Rao tourtn car. fully atxlppad.
cannot a toki from no. est iav; pr;
1I0 R. M. F. 1 tour In car. fully qu!B-9-1.
Knox totirlna: ear. T-paaanrar. folly
quiprl. Ilka n-w; rit :(T'w: prk; iua.
Ctil.;a. tj' rar. 1 cl!o-lrr. a.ev.
tLoToir-ii'U.s!-: auto ca
til fevervtt.
t Por-Hartr" 4 iunrh. s Franklin
4 4t. 7 I Irna-Arroaa. a
f opa- I oitioa. A iDomna r ijara. a " i m
alaamar. 1 Kao. 1 Atl'eaall. 1 Prlaa and
S Qramm truck. Ail of the cars ar
nt:aranl4 In (od condition.
ar. r. aiiv. a. i..
Ka'a Aqto ror. liurnyl'la and Ttb.
CO" acaunt of OOIN'O EAST by next
Wa-inaat'ay. I will sail at a I1RF.AT li t
DVCTI'iN my t-wuaanaar Chialinara !-
trolt 4i-boraaraar. This car la fully
qulppwd; ft4 aa saw; roat zn 9 LHl ; will
a.l at a aartrtr for raab only. Phoo
Mala T04d. tataaaa 7 and a A. At. and 4
and P. M-
Thl car Is fully iuifPd lo arry d-
aait. ha. Kn run t.iit r llttla: caaat
aa it atanla 39vu. Uwnar will sail for
DAVID LEU'!?. Rmis S Lumbarmans bld
I'.akku ri.Err.ic.
Tataajt mo.11. shavft drlva, naarly Daw
oTravl at barcnia by lady laUC th
3 N. Z3rd at. Alain 4i4t
A 4-CTL. tV-paascnatvr SteTans Iruryaa ta
frt-laaa condl'lon. Jual ovarhaulrd. aw
tir-a a man fur Iw. Pbon C J
VS. tr,; 'nlan.
ft 10 HUTS X 4 -CT UNDER rOHD.
In ftn rondttlon: ownr Irtt It with ma
to tp and arlaaa front.
1AV1L L-UA'lav Room : L.umbrmcns bide
rl AlETZ runalaout; bra conlltlon; opcrt
l!on racs I.'hs day; Just tha Ihlnc for
ra.raman. cmtrscvr or collector; cheap
for cash- AO VI. (."racorlic
JNO raaaonabl ol!r r-fnaad for pp-H--rt-f"r1
l-rrtc atim without batteries; coat
J;-"X Inqutra I.S t!iat.
s-PASSFTNOER Cad'Ilae antomoblla to trad
for raal aacata or dlamoli'la of aqaal ralu;
prtc I'iuo. H "lbrwlt.4')JCouch bMi.
Hf'-HiRADE o-pua-ncr car. roat IJSOO:
win tait amall car tn trado: rvaaon. na4
Tnonry . P h on A 4T 1 T a m hlil St.
Al T' 1MOHII.K3 ooa:ht and sold. Call ar
writ tor tarsafa Cuatam-Hoaaa A ata
Co.. ill F.Toratt at- Ataln liMm
.WANT runabout la tfliuita for untneura
band lota. I'ana. Hi Caarcbar of Com
ma re a.
Al'ToMOMI.KS want-d for city and farm
lauda SMrUf ttie Rent Man, 23 Russell
at.. nar tvtlllarr.a ara.
TXi'LU'afRrS clactrtc Ptanhopa. 2 pajtan
car. usrd thra montha. cood as sew.
ila:f coat. K i. Ornnnlm.
FOR BAUS Cadillac "' touiin' ear. 2t4
4th at. A lOld. Mala bi04-
ft-r AfciEN'JKR Plrc-Raclna. l'JIO. for sal
cnaa. aav tarnis. I'hona Main S23.
jO:0 runabout. " ITS. Cot t-1 Drutfco.
ataaaa. ttraaaa ana Mcatrmt lalramraia
WAN'TED To plac a plana In a prlrat
bom for lnd"llnlta lrnth of tlm; raat
Luc. t'noc atatn a..7 1.
PZAJ i art or estate, tuuat sell, pbon
K. la-4. CaI 3Si Hoss st.
HASroUV ard ca for sal. IT.'phou
Woodlaaa 16.'.
Blrda. laania anal pat "toca.
U-MONTlla-OLD Atrcdala dot and thre
11-waaks-old pupa; pedlirreed stock. 409
K. 3th sr.
TlioRuL'iiHI'-RKD Scotch rollla doc. pcdl
cre Kuarant-il: prtc lvA F. K. Chldas
tor. 4 r'urmaa su
Airadaia Tarrlara Imported s:- d "Laddlx
AloaArch." LaUdlx Kennats. cUtacada. Or.
M iacellaneoua.
Tbousaads of feet of teoond-rmnd lurn
bar; has bean used one for cribbing; for
aa:a at loweat prlcaa.
l-Sri-ii.SAT10c.Ai, lil.DJ. WT.ECKIN0
0T-11 Pour's St.
Marshall 1S14.
X-o.vtsr prices.
aoT-311 4T1I ST. MARSHALL 1S34.
At a reasonable price if taken at once,
two lOaVhorsepower return tubular boilers,
la C rat -class condition; Just the equipment
for mill work; complete with fittings and
all equipment to install In your plant- Par
tloaLars at 201 Oregonian blag.
CHEAP 1 No. 0 Slardevant blower: 1 20
h. P. a'airoanks-Morse gasollns angina; 1
21 n. p. foos gasoiina engine; 1 2-h. n.
Webor gasoline engine: 1 Bircue horse
shoeing stocks; 2 Miver's hub boxing ma
chine- Addrea Peters Machine Workaj
Keiao, Wash.
AUI.WAU1LIE wool-carding mill carries a
Una line of pure white wool batting for
comforter and mattresses: old wool aom
fortar and mattreses scoured and ra
carded. aliiwaukia CarUIng Aim. altlwau
ale. Or.
Launch with top on. 1 J-horae power en
. glaaas. 14 feet long: price a. Enqulr
at boathotia. northwest ourner Madison
SXrtN.w and 2d-band; low price; eavay
terms: cafes opened, repaired and painted.
SAFE CO.. S3 th St. Mala tto A 4114.
20 HORSEPOWER We bar stationary gaao
llae engin la Cret-ciaas condition, been
used but a short time, cost 4-; for aal
at big bargain. Apply ao Gliaaa st.
WILL exchange J lota or diamonds for
bora or driving rig. eo a.ast 2s th st.
WW car to Oladatone ave.
Ofl 6 ALB 25 shares Oregon Oold Hill
mining stock- 8-J Railway Kxehango bldg.
CAil aft sxnooae 4 to 4 P. M.
BATE II4 flrst-claa stareoacople rtewa and
even scopes which I will sell for half of
cost; price 1 14. M- R Brown. 141 16th-
JX K BALE 114, one Tennessee camp range,
sultabse for reataurant. Inaulr ill ao
ond sc.
FOK BALaV Wioscma wallcasea, countera
Gentral fixtures In stock and mad to
order at lowest prices. Ill Grand ate. 8L
fcxK SALE or raoC logging an d hoi sting
agtnes. K-allway Equipment Co 74 let
t Phone A 2nl3, Alain 2ooJ.
For 8Al.E:--5-lne cow coming 'fresh tn on
week. ISO, S liOl-
tATF). 1 large, 1 madjrxm. at a bargain.
Ajs 7a. Oraganlana
WS STEEL, rura with watsr coll. 1
Jaaal (a range, : Charter osk stov
wun a-iter coll. fll: tl- w cnowoa
waahlna marhlna ITSft Mantel ftlldln
bad. Ur-box Iwardrote) couch. S4.SO; 1
oak kitchen cabinet. 1 1..5v; Ooldea bunet,
aaatharad nak round axlanalon table.
$.SO; six waathera oak r hairs (cood
ones), iiu; xis baby buacv. -: iu fiu
lna eo-rart. sa- Ui 1 2 Asmlnster ruat. 114
Iirusseli russ, "nil. i": full-slx dres-
srra. ;.So to -.'.; chiffoniers, d50 to
IS: Iron beda. tl.50. Wert em Silvaco Co.
S4i-o4T Waehlaa-ton. bat wean lth and
1':n ata. Itoth. phone. Mala 110s or A
1 1 .'A
BAHOAINf for a few days only: Rernlnxtoa
.Va 7. fj: Fox. No. a. 13.: BUck. No. a.
(1T.BO: uilrk. No T. S.-s The Northwest
T rpe w ri tar Co.. vo at a rt.
rOR SALE Cheap. Ilealy lew machine ta
first-class condition. 4-toa refns-erator;
machine now In operation and will demos
strata at any lima o, oreconlan.
Htwbast price paid for mea's cast-off
ciotninc. anoee; we aiao pny taaiar caoia
ll. Call up the Oiobe. Mala zutw.
Prat. near Columbia.
WANTED Honest partner with IJto for
flrve equipped travellnr fnovlnr picture
enow; moTtnc picture theater max siv
to 1104 dally, further particulars IStfe
wsshlnrtoo, near lth.
WANTED ctocond-baad planlnic mill, ma-
etner pieces. Must be reasonable; Ln rood
snap. AOaireas c. xtox i --. ira-a cau.
liiJKET l-OfiT
antes you call th Ford Aoctlon Co and
iret their prices on what you nay l asta.
Main 3I, A 7443.
Puts and sells furniture and stores
arents for Wedxe Wood ranse and stoves.
EIO E. MorrUia. Phone VXZi. Try us.
Wy N'TED Motor pleauur boat, must be
speecy and a barxaln for spot cash; stt
particulars of enxina and boat; no tubs
conaiaareo. At vo, orexonian.
WE pay the hixheat casn nrlce for second
hand furnltbre. Sealer A Martin phoae
Last J134. 4 llawthome Ira
IP TOU bar household f-rnltur to salt
call up Ueorxc- Haker A Co.. lil Park at.
aiee at reaiueacee a spatially.
LA TT wishes to adopt baby Ctrl from 10 to
I) months' old. Phone Kenwood inm.
1 AM votnr to Omaha: mlcht be able to
benefit right party. AK 4. QroKonian.
W ANTED Set real eaiat of He ma pa
Room 41". rpaldlcx bld.
help watted m.l&
I want about ten rood, stuar salea
mea to aaalst me at Aberdeen. Washing
ton; I am putting on a floe tract ther
for th beat company la the city. You
won't have to go outside Aberdeen to
sell, bee a use ths peopls there haa con
fidence In Aberdeen. I am carrying on a
great advertising campaign and saiesmsa
there now are doing Ana. tiet out of
Portland, get out of the rot. I will pay
your far to Aberdeen If you ran show
me that yon hava delivered the goods
anyweer ia. Call at room 4.4 Lumber-m-ne
bank building, corner fth and Mtark
streets, at once, aak for Mr. Casey, he
reprasants me here.
Come into a new field wbaro th homo
poopie aort knock.
WANTED Band resawyer. I.
-.rauwr on eortmg tattle, fxao-
Oang trimmer-man. 9-L73.
liaom man.
2g slip man. 12.50.
lioarger. pony side. $3,15.
ul-off sawyer. f2.. .
Ela-ht mill or yardmen. 2 St tip.
Man and wife on dairy ranch. 5!.
Man and wife on prl.ate place,
Largo list of saw work every day,
Mala office J a N. 2d St.
WANTED for I. S. Ansa, able-bodied atn.
married men between ates of I S and aj :
ritliena of Called Slates, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who cao speak,
re a -1 and write tb English language. For
inrormation apply to Recruiting officer.
Alnawortb bloc a, 3d and Oak ata., Port
land, or.
A bright- encrgtic sai manager, am
who la capable of aecurlng and handling
a sales force Is wanted: to euch a maa a
permanent and lucrative position Is of
fered. Apply by tetter nn'r. P. W. Cuater
at Co.. v it.i li Hoard of Trade bldg.
A WIIOLKSALE house in city wants a yoang
sown woo unncrstanaa stenograpny and
typewriting and who alao baa a knowledge
of bookkeeping: good opportunities for ad.
vancemcnt, must be of good habits. Apply,
stating wages desired. AJ 100. Oregonian.
ATTENTION Ex-lndustrlal and ax-bospltal
asaociation agents: An oid-lln company,
selling Industrial policies that glv cash
Indrmnltiea doctor, medlcln and hospital
services: want a manager who la also a
producer. K P3, Oregonian.
WANTED !alefrmen for exclusive territory.
oik ptortunuica, afauy position, com
plete lln Y akliDt Valley grown fruit.
snaa ana ornamental stock: cash weekly;
out At free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company,
Toppenlsh. Waah.
country snop; no ooozars nor clrarett
smokers need apply: printer preferred:
good chance for a man who baa araeed
and wants to Increase lu Address AV
llAi, oregoalan.
FOR new hotel In this cl!y A good rail'.
aoi nignt engineer tor on burner, on
who understands porter work, cleaning,
itc, and who la not afraid of work- k J 17,
WANTED Good all around hameasmaker
and salesman. lots of repair work, mar
ried man preferred; good steady Job for
rignt party. r . c&naxer. aalem. Or.
WANTED Orr-nlxers. Th Knlrhts of the
Hoso; splendid opportunity for men of
character and ability. 204 Hothchlld bids.
fortiann. or.
WANTED Plasterers and plasterers' lab
orers; nignest wages paid. Apply office
201 Loo bidg.. 4U4 Abbott St.. Vancouver,
H. C
SALESMEN wanted to sell oar Use of Pa-
cinc toajr-rrown nursery stock: cash Paid
weekly, paclflo Nursery Cc. Aoa
PRINTER Have opening for young man
wiiu some experience in setting type; f 17
a we---, la a.,. .a vreEonnn.
WANTED A young man who knows th
city to drive a grocery waron: stats age
m Mei I'tei" w o. acu. u n, Oregon laH.
WANTED Competent motion-picture op
erator; salary 423 weekly; have reference.
C KS. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS busheiman. married man pre
ferred; no boosera. 22 w. otb, Kugena,
WANTED 4 good, steady men to work for
live real rataw company. inqulr b4 6th
st.. room 417.
WANTED Experienced driver: only those
who know the city need apply, glvlnc
referanc and phone. R 08. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced machine man to
work In door department. Apply Walsh
Fash A Door Co.. New Westminster. II. C
WANTED Men with Army experience, to
guard mining property In Mexico. AM 08,
WANTED Best proposition In the city for
good family liquor solicitors. Gold Seal
Liquor Co- ltd 2d st.
MALE stenographer for wholesale house;
state age. expert en oe and salary expected.
R 4. Oregonian.
WANTED A good bencn molder. also a
stove mounter. Apply to Albion Htove
Works. Ltd.. Victoria. B. C.
WANTED Man of neat appearance to solicit
for a large corporation, good salary If
suited. Apply after 9 A. M.. 721 Toonbiag.
WANTED An all.around man In meat
market. Address Brodera Bros., Eugene,
WANTED An Al shipping clerk; s-Vd ref
erences. West A Si ado Grocery Co.. .job
ber. Aberdeen. Waah. '
AGENTS make big money selling our new
article; ret.illa for Si cents; profits are
big. 142 Fifth st.
BOT wanted to learn trade. Wm. Klumpp
Co.. 4 Washington st-
W ANTED All-around first-class baker: no
other need apply. 20 E. 2Sth at. North.
Itoo LOT. clear abstract, for $4.0. all cash.
D 44, Oregonian.
WAITER First-class counter man. Mavea,
all Washington st-
WANTE D An oven builder at H. Schrader's
ba-kery. Main sc. Oregon City.
WANT short-shift man, restaurant. To N. 4th
WANTED Delivery boy. Samuel Rosen
blatt, 3d and Morrison sta
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents,
new offer. Cutbartn studio. Dekum bldg.
BOT WANTED American Chicle Co.. 14th
and Johnson.
H T'l H OHA T) E salesmen have an assured
n.ure with us. 1114 Teon bldg.
BOT wanted In grocery. 293 1st st.
BAKCER wanted for Saturday, tea First St.
JuLEVATOAt c-oy wanted. Lang 4V Ca.
OIRc Pecretary Employment Depart
n.nt, T. M. C A. ,.
V-n. . ena nf W , irV
his total cash sseets) if I pay you $5
special employment memoersnip a w,,
only bare (IS left between m and alarm
ba-etar If yon pay SB for special
ployxient membership you will have
V w - . . . . . . . Ikettl
-. aa. a-, aa witn aia afc a ewa, -
you and stsrvatlon.
What happened f . ,-
zoung maa look memberemp. xxtwiuw v
two hour ho found satisfactory employ
liurtng April, 191L 188 calls for msn.
13a positions filled.
15 new membora.
Employment or refund of membersnip
fee guaranteed. .
See secratary smployment departxnssu.
T. M- C. A.
ABLE-bodled men wanted for tne L. 8.
rlne Corps, between the axes of 19 and a
Must be native born or have first papers.
Monthly nav IIS, to IftO. Additional com
pensatlon possible. Food, clo'.hlnc.
ters and medical attention free. After 30
years' service ran retire with 7S Per cent
of par and allowance. Service on board
ship and ashore In all parts of th world
ADoIr at U. 8. Marin Corps Recruiting
Offlc. Breeden bldg.. Sd and Washing
ton sta. Portland. t)r.
SALESMEN Exceptional opportunity tor
men of peracnallty and good addreas to
connect with Uv np-to-dat real estate
firm with large holdings and nnqueitlonfcd
integrity: we write the best contract In
Portland, deal fairly with the public and
our men and give many aids that help
get business. Andreas, stating age d
quaunrations. Art 04, urat'inian.
Coolt. country hotel. 140.
raatrr eoolr tan
Two restaurant waitresses. fS per week
Hotel waitresses. 125.
Chambermaid. f'.R.
General housework offers good wages.
Ladles Dept. 20iVi Morrison Bt,
COUNTRY hotel, cash. 410 snd 440. '
Waitress (out of city). .iu.
Restaurant waitress. IS week.
Housekeeper, $6 week.
845S Wash. sc. room 7.
umuD na.- I bih
Apply Standard Factory No. B, Oraad
sva. and East Taylor st.
WANTED A bookkeeper who nnderstands
stenogrsphy and typewriting; good posl
tlon for an energetic young lady. Apply,
stating wagea required- . AJ tr7, ore
gonlan. -
A COMPETENT woman for general house
work, no other need apply; aaaist wita
care of children; good home for right
party. P24 Broadway.
WANTED A sensible, responsible young
woman for assistant nookepeer: must ow
willing to work: neat appearance and have
relerencea. Apply to It Vt. uregoman.
WANTED Best of care ln private home, old
lady cualsclng from sever Illness; r-
erencee required; give phone.- P . Ore
MUNICIPAL Free Employment Bureau ex-
tenda overy courtesy to giria ana women
In search of employment, t-auy assistant.
No fees charged. ... aladison at.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; waxes -". nw rrankun,
Willamette Hel.hta Phone A 3584.
WANTED Girl to cook and do general
housework. Apply mornings 14 Everett
st., cor. .ci.
WANTED Girl for genera housework on
fruit ranch. White Salmon. Waah. Ad
dress W. A. Elevens.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be good cook. Apply 00 N. 2dd,
apartment o; references required.
WANTED First-class marker and body
Ironer. Ml. bcott Laundry. Telephone Ta
bor 25-
WANTKD Competent girl for general
housework, family or four adults. Apply
ln mornings. d22 Tillamook, r.ast 82.14.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework, family or two; must b good
plain cook. Call AJ:L,'l!:
AN experienced girl for general housework.
Good wages, s-j Tillamook su j-ast .oi,
C- - .
GIRL for shooting gallery, 20 to 10 years,
h,fl-- v work. SU to SJt nap dav.
" t 1 . "
a - 0-7 . U,,.e.le
W A N 1 K D Kenned, capable woman for re
sponsible position. iavt Co.. 009 Koth
tnlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WAN'TED Lady pianist for moving-pictures.
I 11 ion-avenue Tlieater, near Ituaseil. call
after U A. M.
riRST-CLASS saleslady for suit depart
ment. Apply suit aeparunent . uavurll
ar Son a
WANTED Experienced elrl aaalst general
housework; three in family; wages 12V.
East l.l.Jo. c a40.
-UVa Washington St., Room 314.
M aln b:g or A 8 26tl.
WANTED Seamstress to help In tailor
rhop.- sam'i Rosenblatt as Co., clotiiicrs.
3d and Alornson sta
WANTED Girl to take care of an old lady
at th patton -liom. rnona woodlawa
WANTED An experienced girl general
bousework. laundress kept; best wages
paid. Apply !Ja irving su. near 2d.
WANTED Woman with hand-carders to
make over a wool mattress. Marshall 1149
or address P. O. Box 2Kb.
tii Washington st., cor 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
GIRL to do housework .In small family.
33 fci. coucn st-
WANTED Girl for general housework. SCO
WOMAN for general housework and plain
cook In g; Main fjJ.3.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
WW I J . V.VI.VU aw
WANTED A young girl for second work.
1SS 12th at.
WANTED Experienced girl for dining-room
at 143 l.'tn and Atornson.
NICE girl or woman to help part of tlm
for home; small wagea 101 Aiarsna.i.
EXPERIENCED chambermaids, unmarried;
must be over a 23 6th at.
WANTED A woman to do general house
work. 704 landers sr.
WANTED Experienced waitress In private
lamny. xeiepnone Alain iwi or A 1001.
GIRL for general housework: good wages.
S'.5 Hagsalo St. cor. Grand avn.
G1HL, - assist in general housework and
care of two children. 7iu Clackamas.
WANTED Olrl for general housework in
family of adults. Phone Woodlawn 244li.
WANTED Good cook In small family. Ap.
ply 7ti raortnrup at., betw. l-.:a and aitn.
EIRST-CLASS coatmsker and laldes tailor.
N. M. Ungar. 20. V, 7th St.. opposite Hellig.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Rebe's.
404 Washington, pec juta and 11th-
GIRL to do housework. 702 Northrup st.
NURSE girl, not under IT. for child of 4
years una oaoy to montna Apply lo-ia
Tillamook. Take Rose City Park car. get
off O. It- A N. tracks. Inquire direction
at grocery store, or phone c 2402.
RAILWAY MAIL, P. O. clerks, clerk-car
riers, customnouse. internal revsnus sx
amlnatlons everywhere. Pre book on
courses. Paclflo States School McKay
bldg., Portland, Or.
cies for next year; teaohera for all depta.
wanted. Sid Chamber of Commerce.
APPETITB for tobacco
completely de
Address W. A.
Portland. Or.
stroyed; rormnla OOc.
Drennan. 182 Y- 7th N..
LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond-
ence ncnoois. .a Aiucr at., open till a
P. M. Send for free cataloguea "
LXARS aatomobll driving and repairing;
actual practical experience; nay or avea
lugs. JUdsk Washington st, room 413,
ARE you dissatisfied with present position
and prospects? Hsve you a trade or pro
fesslon? The new profession of Interstate
commerce calling f4r men offering from
JlsoO to IJ000 per year. Let us show
you how to qualify at little or no ex
pense and secure desirable and good-paying
position. Gatton A Keefe. 204 Marquaxa
WANTED Men and strong boys; no ex
pense to learn a trade; 300 students. -(.-000
contract jobs; half work, study half
the time; automobiles, electricity, P "mb
Ing. bricklaying; free catalogue. United
Trado School Contracting Co- Los Ange-
les. ,
WANTED Movlng-plctur operators ln all
cities throughout th world; no charg to
register your name.
Operators earn 125 to $33 weekly, motion-picture
628 s Wash., near 17th St.
locam position for graduates last ysar
men and women learn barber trade la
weeks, help to secure position: grauu
. atas earn from $18 to 126 weekly: expert
Instructors: tools free: writ for cata
loguea. Mohler System of Colleges. 3
North 4th st- Portland, Or.
Send noatal for Portland. Or., examination
schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 249
F. Rochester. N. Y.
MAKE money writing abort stories or for
paper: oig pay; rree booklet tens now,
united Presa ?yndlcate, San Francisco.
WRITING. SJ mo. r)9 14th St. Main 3S.3,
land badg.
WANTED by painter; will tint rooms $2.30
a room, mono fciaat ..03.
WANTED Alteration hands, men and wo
men, mens department. R. M. Gray,
- J-, 1 j Morrison.
Japanese man and wife for
ork on coun-
try home, l'hone morning.
A R33L
Bookkeepers and Clerka.
A YOUNG man wishing to locate permanent
ly ln Oregon or Washington would like
p'oslllon as department manager or buyer
In retail dry goods store.. Has had both
wholesale snd retail experience and can
furnish excellent references. O 93. Ore
POSITION by a combined course student
of a Portland business college, as dook
keepes. or secretary: best references fur
nished. Address Merrill Potter. 409 Alder
St., city
MANAGER Younrf man from Maryland
wishes position ns manager or clerk; coun
try preferred; 10 years' experience. M 97i
up books, prepare balances and statements.
Install systems. GIUlnRham. auditor, 411
Lewis biog., Aisrsnau 417.
POSITION, bookkeeping or general offlc
work, by young maa; r years experience;
rererences lurnlsneq. 1 e.q. oregonian.
WANTED Position aa bookkeeper or man
titer In business out of city; references
first-class. p 97, oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER 34. married, 1 years" ex
penance with big firms; best references.
u vtl. oregonian
WANTED position, rec. pbarm.. -O years'
experience, best or relerencea. fnono ji
60-4. Th Belmor Flats, room 63.
POSITION as bookkeeper; experienced ;
ferences furnished. Phone Tabor 7U3.
BOOKKEEPER. A-l olty references. Phone
ii x, J
YOUNG man recently from Denmark, wlshe
cituation as all-arouna nana ln wnoiesaie
store; talks German and some English;
references. Address 800 E. 7th St. N.
l'hone Woodlawn 1-12.
FARMERS Permanent place desired with
good farmer: some experience; single, 20,
no booze nor tobacco, strictly moral; in.
telllKent, strong; good to stock- B 9J,
oregonian. -
experienced city, retail And care of Jer
seys: wife will board hired help; reler-
enres. Address AV v.'. oregonian.
WANTED Position by an industrious mar
ried man, 33; will do most anything: un
derstand horses; country preferred. K. 72
WANTED By two good cooks, man and
wife, a position ln lumber or mining
ramp In Oregon at once. Roy E. Alex
ander, pox 40. Wendover. Utah.
EXPERIENCED autoroohlle driver and dem
onstrator open for engagement; prlvato
driving or demonstrating. Address room
211 Alder. Hotel.
CHAUKKEUR. Japanese, wants position with
private lamny or on delivery truck; can
repair car. A u, uregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cylinder and platen pressman.
non-union, wants position. Address J 99,
NEAT-APPEARING, well-educated young
man wun mecnanicai ability desires posl-
tlon; wages no object, al, 100, oregonian
GERMAN gardener and all around th
house wants steady place. AK 97, Ore
CAPABLE man wants position with sur
veying crew; good mountaineer. AR to.
WANTED By honest married man. position
in wnoiesaie nouso; can ao most anytnmg
give me a test. Phone Marshall 1217.
GKRMAN. honest young man, wants posl
tlon 01 any jtina oy aay or nignt. At us.
oregonian "
CHINESE cook wants position ln hotel or
boardlngahouse; many yaars experience.
Address l-rana; o., zo7 t-verett sc. city,
COOK wants work, knows his business. M
lb. oregonian.
Japanese Employment Co. will furnish all
kind help. Main 4-9, A 40 1 i. 264 Everett,
WOMAN wants work by the hour, it) E.
6tn st. North. Rose city park.
WANT pure American homo to work.
Japanese. Art ui, oregonian.
PLUMBER'S HELPER wants to finish
trade. A. 94. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and riteniarraphers.
STENOGRAPHER desires a permanent po
sition aim c nan co ior aavancejnent- Af
9b, orcconian.
DRESSMAKING Plain and fancy; work
guaranteed, fnone labor 1224.
PRACTICAL nurse, having hospital exper
ience. Laii Alain niu,
WANTED by a nurse, a case, steady work.
care invalid. ,15 a week. Aiaxsnail 1927.
WIDOW, 40, unincumbered, wishes position
nouseaceeper ror widower or bacneior or
small rooming-house, city or country; no
inner. Air a viola Patterson, wendiing,
MIDDLE-AGED -German woman as house
keeper; no objection to children or ranch;
references exchanged. Main 9390. 304
North 2t5th st
POSITION by lady, as housekeeper for 2 in
family, or widower. -07 jenerson st; side
door No. 3-
LADY wishes position as housekeeper; best
mreiita, f uwuea aiiu 1 , a ova
Room 15.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for wld-
ower or bachelor. AO 99. Oregonian.
AN experienced woman wants to cook ln
boardinir-house or notei, city or country.
Main 1762.
GIRL wishes position with small family
lor housework ana cooking: family who
spend Summer at beach preferred. 4UJ
Everett st. Phone A 1913.
NEAT colored woman wants day work; 25
cents an hour or ny tne week, tn small
family of adults. Phone E 2310.
WOMAN wants day work. Tuesday. Thurs
day and Friday. Mrs. Conrad, 34Z 1st st.
Phone Main 9207 after 6 P. M.
YOUNG lady wants position aa cashier, ex
perienced ana can furnish gooa relerencea,
AS S3. Oregonian.
TOUNG Japanese girl wants position, houae-
helper or schoolgirl, w 93. oregonian.
CAPABLE woman cook, hotel, restaurant
cam p. waitress, nurse. Main 2P39, A 4776.
TOUNG woman wishes housework by th
day or waiting table. Alain 9140.
WANTED Position by lady ln doctor's of
fice, r 97, oregonian.
RELIABLE salesman can make big money
selling our well-known una of hardy non
Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc.; out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Onr
gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or.
HUSTLING agents, men or women, arti
cle sells at sight, no talking: enstomers
waiting for It Utility Supply Co., 401
Marion block. Seattle, Wash.
YOUNO man would like morning and even
ing meals and ail Sunday meals with fam
ily near 43th st, Rosa City Park. Phono
Tabor AS 72. A. a!17.
FAMILY, adulu, desire unrumlshed house,
seven rooms, no Hals or apartments; must
be strictly modern and in good residence
district; satisfactory refarences. H US,
F r ' l or 6-room furnished fiat or cottage.
East Side preferred; must be modern.
Phone 31. 423.
REFINErj ung couple want completely
- furnished ?:. three to five rooms: must
bo choice neighborhood. W 91. Oregonian.
JAPANESE couple wants nice furnished
housekeeping room; state rent B 9S,
Oregonian. .
WANTED 8 rooms, convenient to 16th and
Oilsan. Phone Slain 9362
Rooms With Board.
BUSINESS man and wlfo desire by June 1
permanent room and board ln strictly pn
vma modern home wlLhln walking dlS
tance of business center. Phone Main 5379
between 9 A. AL. and S P. M- except Sun
Ttnanrr anil room ln congenial nrivate fam
ily whexe there are young peopla. S 98,
TOTTNO man wants room, private family.
near town; state terms, etc week or
month. G 94, Oregonian.
apartments, flats, bousea 2SHh Wash-
ington st Alarsnail llistf.
furnished Rooms.
Corner of Third and Davis Streets.
Respectable Family Hotel for Permanent
or Transient Guests.
$3.30 PER WEEK. $3.30 PER WEEK.
Nothing to Equal the Service In the City
xor tne money.
Steam heated, eleotrio and gas lights
hot and cold running water and telephone
In each room: free baths; elegantly tiled
baths and lavatories fitted with nickel
plumbing, porcelain tubs and washstands;
finest Brussels carpets, oak and mahogany
furniture: largo lobby: special attention
given permanent guests; under new man
agement Lowest rates ior mo service in
the city.
Those thre Beautiruliy lurniauea noteis.
4th st 2111. 4th st 207 U 4th Bt
On Fourth st. running from Taylor to
Salmon su Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and ccld water ln all rooms; strictly
up-to-date ln all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary ' ln the heart ot the olty at
reasonable prices, glv us a call as w
know you win iik it 1.00ms oy iuo ui.
weat or month. Tourist trad solicited.
Residential. 330 Taylor. Transient
net. Tth and Park ata.
Opposite new Hellig Theater, one block
from Portland Hotel: brick building. Just
completed; handsomely furnished; every
modern convenience, elevator sorvic-a,
steam heat, telephone and hot and cold
water In every room; single rooms and
auilaa wlrh or without urlvate batha. etc.:
centrally located, near postofflce; lust off
an canines; very quiet; low rates dj
week or month, phone Marshall 2200.
THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st, near
King; a perfect modern home; priaie
bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and
telephone In every room; finest part of
the city; the maximum of convenience,
the minimum of expense; we make you
reel at home; dining-room in connection;
best in th city ror the money.
129 Eleventh St
aaw artndern brick bulletins. ateam
heated, private batha, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnlslicd, cozy and
comfortable. Rents very reasonable- Call
ar-d see us. Regular and transient trade
SARGENT HOTEL. Grand ave. and Haw
thorne, beautixu v furnished rooms, sin
gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and
cold wator, steam heat and telephone tn
every room; special Summer rates by week
or month to permanent guests. r irst
class grill In connection. Transients so
licited. .
Park st. between Murrison and Alder.
Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free
bus or W car at uepoi; rates si single, ai.-v
CouLle; also family rooms wun private win,
etc Rates per week.
HOTEL RENWICK An ideal homo for busi
ness people; centrally located, elegant
rooms, 4iil modern conveniences; 7ih and
Taylor sis.. 1 block trorn roruana uoieu
opposite Hellig Theater. Main Old.
BbbBMAKK HOTEL, 17tQ and wasnlngtea
Newly furnished rooms, single or on
suit; private buths, ateam heat hot and
cold water and phone ln all rooms; rates
reasonable; transients solicited.
between Taylor and Salmon sts. ; hot and
cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates
$3.30 and up, 30c day and up. Alain 2.4,
A 3207
NEWLY furnished rooms Including hot and
cold water, eiectric ugnis, Data, aii-niKiit
elevator service, 11 a day, $4 a week. Ho
tel Burton. Yamhill and 2d sts.
WE have two or three single rooms that
are new and elegantly turnisneu; it you
want something clean, nice and olose In,
call 407 lotb. apartment L.
t.thht alrv rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, 32 and 3 a week; nvo minuiea want
to theaters and stores, xreo pnone. inaeii
Hotel. 32S 4th.
NICELY furnished rooms, hot and cold wa
ter, bath ana pnone, si-u ouo jeitersoa.
Main 6-13 iJ
THE DORMER, front corner room, suitable
or two: nee pnone ana Data, -m iulq
St., corner of Jefferson.
ROOMS, furnished and unfurnished, single
or on suite, neater ana elevator aurviua.
Tournybldg.12dacd :Ta.yjor.
THB PALMER Furnished roooms, $3
week and up. flJOVl Aider st
NICELY furnished room. $3 and up; tran
sient 300 up. JS1 zamnm.
TWO nice aleeping outside rooms, one 33 per
week, the other .ou. sis oaimon st.
THE LARRABEE 227 Larrabco St., nicely
furnished Bstoma. modern, low rates.
DESIRABLE- furnished rooms and suites at
337 12th St.
THB HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices, cor. d-'l ana Alor-igoiuery.
YOUNG lady wants young lady to share
room. rno toioaiai. room
NICELY furnished single and housekeeping
rooms; verycentrai. oaos vi aamngion.
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
A FEW newly furnished rooms ln prlvato
house; batn, not wator, electric ugnta,
walking distance. C6 N. 10th or M. 6G1S.
SINGLE room In private home, mcdern con
veniences, easy walking distance, s per
month. 304 East First North.
FURNISHED front room, electrlo lights.
phone and bath, .10 per month. 192 N.
10th, corner Kearney.
FOR RENT Pleasant furnished room ln
private family. 2us 14th st- near Taylor
st Phone Main 90-12
NICELY furnished front corner room, suit-
able for two; tree pnone ana bath; rea
sonable. 333 13th st
LARGE front room, suitable for 1 or 2;
private modern home; an convenience
lfS East 12th stPhone B 3030.
NEWLY furnished rooms In a private fam
ily, oatn, neat. 11(711- anu pnune Tree;
price 110 up. 850 Couch st- near lath.
THIS room is convenient and very desirable
for two gentlemen: rignt downtown and
cheap rent 230 Tenth.
CLEAN, small room, 10 month; unfurnished
room, largo housekeeping room- 028 Flan
ders. LARGE airy room with board: 10 minutes'
walk to r. o. ; man and wir or two or
three oung men. SG3 6th. Main 2380.
PLEASANT room, ten minutes from Wash-
lngtonstreet, reasonable. 347 13th st
THREE unfurnished rooms, ground floor.
private pain, gas, pnone. vjj. jq st.
$10 WELL furnished room, modern conven-
lences, walking distance. 3V3 lltn. A T7&3.
TWO front rooms, gas, bath and phone; 3
cnuaren 33U college.
SINGLE room for gent;
bath, phone; 12. 320
ROOM ond board for 2 gentlemen or man
and wife. rli. E. Ash, cor, loth st
ONE nicely furnished room, 310 a month;
gentleman preferred. 4i4 Clay. "
$10 AION'TH bClca room, Una Inc. tlon. close
in. 4M -ata.
Furnished Rooms an Private Family
NICE, clean, sunny room, newly furnished,
with fri-a nhon ann1 hath- five minutes
walk from the Postofflce. Marshall 870.
820 Montgomery st
NICELY furnished room for confinement
case, with all conveniences: private home.
891 E. Yamhill st. near 29th st Tabor
QUIET gentleman roomer desired ln private
family; easy walk to business mcuu, ...
modern conveniences; prices very
ate. l'hone East 4-to-c .
vicclt furnished room: modern conve
nlances. centrally located. 404 Clay st,
near loth.
NICE roam, suitable for 2 young men. close
ln: all conveniences. 228 10th st, near
LARGE, newly-furnished front room, sleep-
lng porch and fireplace, electric uguta.
.Marsnaii na-'; Dreaaxast ii. opbupu,
NICE, modern front room to let ln quiet
family, nice location, reasonable, toia
NICELY furnished room. 310 per mo.; also
room suitable for , ia. 100 is. -a
near Belmont Phone East 61S-.
NICELY furnished room In steam-heated
flat with every modern coavaiuaui;
Phone A 407CK J
FOR RENT Very large", nicely furnished
front room, all conveniences: private fam-
lly. Phone A aaiu. west aiae.
VERY pleasant newly furnished room, with
2- windows; breakfast If desired. Mar
shall tl.ii
LARGE well-furnished room with running
water and modern conveniences. 223 West
FURNISHED room, private family, walking
distance. B2 tllla st A t-oa.
PLEASANT room suitable for 1 or 2. rea
sonable. - 337 w. Park st.
2 FURNISHED rooms ln private family; re-
sonapie. boa m.,, neat vj..
re 00111a with Boarq.
Tiftn-r", mti tremwrs T? iwim And board.
splendid view; home cooking, ail modern
conveniences; walking oismnco; iu-
able. A 80U8. BOJ uora su unve.
THE WHITEHALL, family hotel; rooms
with private baths and excellent table
v K.ij-ft- four sauares south of P. O. "The
Place" that la not "for sale." 253 6th
LARGE, airy, steam-heated room, hot and
cold water, exceneut iauis t"iaui,j -
3 gentleman. bi lam sl.
MAN1TOU, 281 13th st; select room and
first-class taoie; nouso luoruuguijr
PORTLAND Women- Union. 28 d year!
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 41(i FlanderaFN. Heath, supt
thu cai.vardT- 432 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Select prlvato boarding-house; walking
ROOM and board if desired, new home. with.
couple. 870 Kerby St.
FURNISHED rooms with board, near Post-
office. 107 Uth at
ELEGANT room facing the park. Including
board, reasonable. oi4 Park.
Rooms With Board la Private Family.
0, T.iriHX sanitary bedrooms, bath between,
very desirable for family of 8 or 4; also
front parlor bedroom; large lawn, private
mouern home, sLriciiy uuma tuu-i,
Phone Sellwood 1 (not ln Sellwooa).
Fnn rent Rooms with board, single or
double, Jd.per week. 291 11th st, near
Jefferson. Marshall 2693
LARGE room, board for two, everything
tlrst-class, best home cooking, family
adults. 734 E. Burnslde. East 1636.
nnvP! eooklne. nrlvato family, na-w house,
modem. 624 Northrup St., oetv.ien 19th
and 20th. Take W car. Main 411o.
l" NICE, large front room, suitable fbr 2,
320 each or 25 for 1; also young man
wishes roommate. U03 Otn. Alain a-sua.
LARGE front room, running water, closet
all large rooms with alcoves, mo aiurri-
son st rliona A .o-s.
ROOM and two meals, 40 : lor A gentle
man, walking distance. 1 block from S-S
car. OOI -pennon., xooue x.
ri,r. .-in.-l l Will, eiwii,iiuuiij .. - -
choico location, very reasonable for Sum
mer lor two men, aiaraaau --o.
LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two,
breakfast and dinner, aiaia iwn-
FURNISHED room with board for two.
107 N. 10th, near Gllsan. Alain 6513.
SOMETHING good to eat, clean rooms and
comlortaoie Deo. 4.1. su su
FIRST-CLASS board and room ln prlvato
family. 343 Yamhill st
HAVE room and board for two gentlemen.
OOO naumfe .
ROOM and board ln private family. 676
Laud ave., near nu iV .
414 11th St. cor. Hall.
3 and 4 -room furulshed or unfurnished
apts.. private bath, phone and balcony
porches; newly iurnisneu, siricuy mouern
bummer rates. Phone Marshall 117L
KtL'KAN APARTMENTS Marshall. bet
IStth and 20th; up-to-date, nicely fur
nished, 3 rooms and bath. A nomelike
place; something out of the ordinary; no
flretrap, like some. Main 0032, A 319L
Elegantly furnished, comforts of home,
nriL-Btri nhona and baths, elevators, prl
vato playground for children. Ideal loca
tion. 2-0 -a. -v-ii a, aiaisuaii .v...
TO RENT Fine mouern apartments or 1
and 4 rooms, witu umu, v iiuuo&uav'a
-a.niaheH or unfurnlBlicd: beautiful loca
tion: walking distance. Apply at th
Calumet Hoefoparjiculars
FURNISHED three light airy rooms, pan
try, bath, yaxa, lO mmuiw naia iv uuai-
ness center; comfortable Summer home;
low rent; no cniiaren. ao -iay au
410 5th. furnished and unfurnished
strictly modern apartments, walking Ulo
taiice, prices reasonable; no children.
THIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill Ota, 8-
room unlurnisneu avaiuia-ia, . anwia
unfurnished apartment, $30. Modern lm-
provements, adults oniy.
IHB CECILIA. 22d and Gllsan, one fur
niched one unfurnished apartment; pri
vate phones and porches, with awnings.
Marshall lava.
thr CLIFTON 780 Irving st, modern 0-
room aiai uuui, j . wvuu,
Sleeping porciiea, iwwoiawa x. a, xvaiy,
Alain 33S3.
THE WICKERSHAM 18th and Flanders,
elegant o-room a"- iwwi.
THE Kentucky Apartments, East 28th and
Glisan sts, B 1432, East 6387. New and
modern, lurnlsnea complete, xrivato bath
and phone in eacn aparLiuent.
THB MO RD AUNT One 4-room and recep
tion hail, steam uchl, uui auu com water,
opposite Christian scientist Church, 18th
and Everett.
New and beautifully furnished apart
ments.' with bath; all modern conven
iences. 429 East Morrison st
Beautifully furnished and unfurnished
6-room modern apartments. 293 12th st
Phones A 7431. Main 774L
VERY desirable apartment reasonable rent
bee Janitor, xuw " w . uu xvear
ney, or Morgan, i'lledner & Boyce, Alain
2015, A 2015.
very uesiraoie luiee auu luur-room
-apartments, completely furnished, entirely
modern. A 750L
Cozy apartments, very desirable for
bachelors; comforts of home. Marshall
2028. .US N. 20th at
THE BERYL One front and one back
apartment ior rent vciy reuaonauie, Ap
ply to the Janitor, 6Di Love Joy at, near
ONE beautifully furnished 2-roorrr apartment.
outside rooms, -. mciuuiug iignt. ina
Adrian, corner Grand avenue and East
MurrisomPhone East 888.
2-3-4 ROOM furnished, steam-heated apart
ments; moamaia iciiio, wuba uaeuuio,
167 17th st. near Yamhill.
,27.30 Sunlight Apts., elegant 3 rooms.
iurnisuevi, v J' -- ' "db,
car service. A-o jjciuiouv. lauor 1.0a,
NEWCASTLE. 40-- Ix au st., neatly furnished
OUtSlue nOUaencej'iilS oieepiug lUVma,
steam heat, gas. bath and phone.
NICE 4-room unfurnished apartment hot
water, yuwuo, . ........ x-a
BO.ANTA APART3C ENTS and single rooms
Xewly iuriii"ei-, i.iuuQiu; ica
sonable rent 1894 23d st Marshall 28.1.
MORTON. 637 Washington st, furnished and
unlurnisneu a-iwuui aifwwiGuu, moaern,
Either furnished or unfurnished apart -ments.
Corner King and Washington sts.
THE LANDORE for rent; 2 completely fur-
nlsneq sparuuwiiai aaeeping porch. 285
10th st
2-ROOM modern furnished apartment ce
ment niag. ii cuion ave. North.
THE LEONCE Furnished 3-rooirI apart
ment; ptm-i-u unm, piiwiic. iy St. N.
6T. CLAIR, 715 Wayne st: modern six-
room aiiaroiieiii. aixmiw lain lyjo.
THE HARTFORD Best modern apts. In the
city. 21st and Flanders.
THE King Davis, corner King and Davis
aaait vaas aiuuai ju i.ll ISUOU raraTanw
730 Hoyt St.'
Between 22d and 33d st.
All modern convenlencea.
Strictly up to date.
Most Elegantly Furnished Apartment
House in the City of Portland, at Rates
that are Considered Very Reasonable
Two and three-room apartments a few
Don't fall to see these new apartment
before you locate. References required.
Uth and Marshall sta. " -
These are the most elegantly furnished
apartments in Portland, having all mod
ern conveniences up-to-date ln every re
spect Each apartment is furnished ln
the moat elaborate manner, with fine
Blgelow Axmlnster carpets, massive oak
and mahogany furniture ln newest de
signs. Special attention la direoted to th
extremely low rates.
No such prices for the servtca to "bo
found elsewhere in the city. 2nvestlgato
and you'll bo convinced.
Strictly modem and up to data. 1 .
Telephone Marshall 1012.
Elegantly furnished 2 and S-roorn apart
ments, strictly up to date; large, well
lighted rooms, roomy closets, rich furni
ture: vory cozy and homelike, near tho
business center.
Trinity Place, bet Washington and
Everett ata.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 2, 8 and
-apartments; buildings new and strictly
modern; service first-class.
20th and Washington.
Cozy, homelike, comfortable.
2 and 3-room apartments, elegantly
furnished; low rates; walking distance. Sea
these- before you locate.
Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts., four
and live-room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatlo elevator.
Pacific States Telephone In every apart
ment and tho most modern conveniences
found In the city. Phone Main 8908 and
Miss Allen, the manager. will show
you through the apartments, or call up
main office. Main 0764.
THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sts.
This new 4-story brick, opened January 1,
1911; furnished and unfurnished In two,
three and four-room suites with reception
hall; Pacific phono ln each apartment;
electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing
beds, bullt-ln buffet and writing desk, gas
ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room- If
you want something extra Una, com to
the Barker. Phona Marshall 296L
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely first-class, fur
nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month 320. 130 and up; must
be seen to bo appreclated.
Two and three-room apartments, ele
gantly furnished; also a few unfurnished!
just opened. Very reasonable.
.44 Everett St
New and elegantly furnished apart,
ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic eleotrio elevator and
private Paclno telephone; located ln one
of the choicest residence dlslriote sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. .
Corner 14ih and Clay streets.
Strictly high-class.
S-room suites, unfurnished, with prl
vato vestibule, bath and phone, electxlo
PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland's
nnest apartment-houses; a-minute car
service, beautiful part city to live, 1135 ft
Alblna ave- cor. Klllingsworth; take Mis
sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third ajid
Wash, sts., 15 mm. ride; 2, 8 and 4 rooms,
completely furnished; $17.50 to $30 mo.;
also unfurnished apt Woodlawn 2239.
Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts.
New. modern, brick, elegantly furnished,
large outsida 2 and .-room suites, free
Pacido phone ln each apartment dlaap
bda. icebox, lauiior: no carfar
to pay; only two aparliacuu loft Beat
ln city for the price. M
Corner Ross and Clackamas; new and
beautifully furnished and unturnlahed
apartments ol three and four rooms and
sleeping porches; desirable location; walk
ing dlbtanco to West Side business center.
Call personally or phon Prlvato Ex. a.
Two and four-room aiiaiw"-,
and unturniaued, steam heat, private batlis
and phones, bullt-ln Ice boxes, electric
. and nreiess cookers, extra Urge airy
roums, janitor service; the most exclusive
apartment-house ln the city: reference
required, phono Marshall 202L
East 7th and Taylor sta; new corner
brick, all outside rooms, elegantly fur- ,
nlshed two and three-room apartments;
private phone and electriu tlKht, Janitor
service and -bath free; walking distance
and Summer rales.
near Main. Elegant tnree-room aiai
ments with private balcony; large rooms,
every modern convenience and each ar
ranged with two sleeping apartments;
rents $32.30 to 337.30.
21st and Hoyt sts., now ready for oc
cupancy; moat modern 3 and 4-room
apartments in city ; each apartment na
large prlvato balcony and uvery lnodara
convenience; renu iron -v w ytf.
THE NORTHAMPTON. 07 Hall St., near
11th, walking distance, vveat sia new
brick building, completely furnished 2 and
8 -room apartments, private batn, phone,
hot water heat, rent $30 and up. Mala
Cor. 10th and Harrison Sta.
Kaw and eloeaaUv furnished 3 and 4
room apartments; private bath, steam
heat, hot and cold water; periecuy deaai
low rent; line location.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at.
Kew fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two and three-room apart
ments; private bath, hot and cold water,
ateam heat. Phone East 300.
and Coiumuia sts.. one ti-room uniurnlsheuj
apartment vacant May 10. All modern
conveniences, beautiful location, f ront-
lns the park. Apply to manager.
CAM AR APARTMENTS. 704 I.oveJoy st.. 30
per cent lower man tne rest; l two-room,
and 1 four-room apartment for rent, rea
sonable. Take W car, pet off at XvUar