THE MOTINIXG OREGOXTAN-. FRIDAY. MAT 12, 1911. Huge Blackboard Today in the 7th Floor Restaurant; Will Announce Vote In Teachers' Travel Contest Up to Date Ask for Ballots J Lunch Today m Our 7th-FIoor Restaurant Music by Rosebrook's Orchestra See Oil Paintings Presented to Oregon fry Louis Hill Today's Butter Surprise Beechnut Butter 2 lbs. 49c Stirring Embroidery Surprise $1 to $1.50 AHovers at 69c MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. MEIKR nUMK, BASEMCVT ORDER BT MAIL. VER 500 yards of beautiful 20-inch Allover Embroid eries, divided into two extraordinary bargain lots for the 1110th Friday Surprise! . . Dozens of exquisite small eyelet patterns, for j ik the new lingerie peasant blouses and gowns. elrC Reg. 75c to 85c grades, 49c; $1 to $1.50 grades, SPLENDID Surprise Sale prices, on famous Beechnut and Butternut Butter, guaranteed fresh and m pure; 2-pound square; Friday Surprise Sale only 45 C Crosse & Blackwell's Lucca Olive Oil (not over two bottles to a customer). Friday Surprise Sale OOC Royal Banquet Butter, 2-pound squares, special only 53 Unparalleled 1110th Friday Surprise is f3 m. S20. 25. $$4 i5 Presses $12. 5 if MEIER & FRANK'S SECOND FLOOR NE of New York's most prominent garment manufacturers anticipated twice the busi ness on Silk Dresses this season as he received! v --JS When in JNew York two weeks ago. our buyer A fiV single Silk Dress the maker had on hand at a fraction A Y-P& f tne intended prices. To the dot, 732 of these ex- M ' JL c:n- ip - j i -.- ; v CTtAl 3 ! taacs auu vjuwiis urnvcu uy express. it Lgi V.wTsesS3SeisRegardIess of the regular price, whether $20 or $45, JC?! . . - X T 1 f S J 1 u w MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. II Y. all 'means the most extraordinary sale of " Dresses we've announced in years! Every dainty fabric! Every glorious color! Every stiinninj combination and trimming effect. Every size!- Plenty for small and large wo- Included are: Bordered Silk Foulards mm ltiMElegant Crepe Meteors ihV-tlulri&ured Silh Foulards it h Jli 'iUII O 91 t cio Dresses r-linv;i Shimmer intr Messahnes See 3 Windows on Fifth Street jmExquisite Silk Eoliennes I Lw ww w ww a Vviife tiairline Serges Voiles With Silk Drop Skirts -7 We Bought EverySilkDress a Maker Had it ? men as well! Dresses for afternoon wear, reception wear, luncheon wear, dinner wear, theater wear for Summer attire at the seasho re. In our regular stock this season we have dresses at $30, $35, $40 and $45, identical duplicates of those on sale at $12.55 Many. made with the new high Empire bodices; plain, shawl and charming sailor collars. All have the modish one-piece peasant shoulders with short, and long sleeves. ' Some have tunic skirts, others in plain circular styles. $38 Handsome Voile Dresses with silk drop skirts. High Empire waist effect; plain or peasant sleeves; colors of blue, Unprecedented Bargains at white, gray, tan and black, $12.55. t.n Si&n TVvnlarzl TVrpsspq PTnnioito bordered patterns, stripes, dots, figures some beautifully brocaded. Dutch neck and short sleeves, high neck, long sleeves, $12.55. t4i Taffeta and Messaline Dresses worth j wji ;j 9lb.ou to iiiacK, Diue, uopennagen, 4 avenier) Sva7- Your choice at only $12.55. Z:-iaJi C5ft onA MS Sill- THrtliAnno Tlreccoo naw tanrgreen, gray, brown. Emb'rd front,"round yoke, peasant sleeves, overskirt, at $12.55. It'll Pay to All Sizes From Be Here thel6Misses'to Kuiy women sj Friday Silk Surprise 85c Grades at 49c MEIER Jt FRAXK-S, FIRST FLOOR. TWO TIIOUSiXD yards of Lou sino Silks in strings And rhprks , - i on which I)anie Fashion has set her approval. Colors include wanted hlues, hrowns, tans, preens and other hues numbered among the season's favorites! Suitable for handsome afternoon frocks, party crowns and waists. Silks which sold Thursday at 8oc the yard. Special for Great Friday Sur prise ftale at, tue vara 49c Women's Beach Hats for 98c o Hat VER 2500 of them for the 1110th Friday Surprise! Women's Straw Outing Hats, as pic tured, trimmed with silk handker chiefs. Come in an almost endless array of beautiful colorings and patterns navy, pearl, reseda, cardinal, brown, 6ky, white, cerise, olive, black, gray, champagne, purple, lavender, etc. Per sians, Dresdens flowered and figured effects. . Ideal ITats for outing and beachi wear. The silk handkerchiefs on each Hat is alone worth $1.50 and the plain :5c to say nothing, of the trimming. Buy them trimmed complete today in the great 1110th Friday Sur- wlmKZ prise Sale in Men's Furnishing Department, first floor . To $2 Kid Gloves for $1.19 A LL big Anniversary Spe- ME1ER FHAXK'S' first floor. cials on Kid and Fabric Gloves in force until Friday night and here's an extra special on Suede, Chamois and Glace Kid Gloves just for Friday Sur prise ! One and . 2-clasp styles, which sell at $1.50 and f - 1 $2 the pair. Today at D JL X J To 40c Ribbons, Special 1 7c Thousands of yards of beauti ful. All-Silk Plain and Fancy Rib bons, Taffeta, Moire, Persian and Dresden effects. Extra quality at "25e'and 40c the yard. For Friday Surprise, yd. 17c To 35c Neckwear at Only 16c Beautiful assortment of dainty Rabats, Jabots, Cascades, Collars and .Silk Novelty pieces, all charmingly lace - trimmed. Sell regularly at 25c and 35c each. Friday Surprise X OC Short Lengths i2V2c 15c Ginghams 6V4c USABLE mill lengths of pretty Percales and Ginghams, suffi cient for charming little house dresses, aprons and other frocks! Every conceivable color combination in stripes, checks, dots and wanted designs to meet all demands. Regu lar prices 120 and 15c (1a the yard. Friday Surprise " 4C Remnants of White Waistings fine white madrases in a variety of pretty self-woven raised designs. 25c quality. 01 For Friday Surprise, the yard 1 '"Q- Trimmed Hat Surprise To $12 Hats, $5 MEIER 4t FRIVKK, SECOND FIX) OR. ORDER BT MAIL. WE'VE selected 100 of the nrettiest. new 7.50 to 12 i --f T - - T " Trimiriffl TTat mod pis manr of Xp-avfH them designed by Phipps, Uy- ianci, xisk ana wage ana marked them at $5 each for this great Friday Surprise! Newest shapes enlivened with Parisian dashes of color, and wide choice in the J c i : t -l Imp.FlowersLess 7.50 to $12 Hats, Friday only OO.UU Women's $3 to $4 Trimmed Hats in the Basement, a great variety of pretty shapes and colors. Spe cial Friday Surprise j? yf Q at" the low price of tt5 1 'SirLi Women's Untrimmed Hat Shapes in Chips, Azure Straws and Fancy Soft Braids.' Regular $2 to $3.50 grades, for 'the great J A Qk Friday Surprise Sale tD A T'J Silk Hose at 59c NEAELY half price on this splendid Silk Hosiery just for Friday Surprise! Lisle -lined throughout with 4-inch double tops and double, seamless heels and toes. Come in black, white, g sky and pink. Best 85c JMT qualities. Surprise, pair Women's Summer Hose at 27c Light-weight Summer ITosiery in black only. Made with maco split feet and wide elastic tops. Full fashioned throughout. Spe-rt cial, 3 pairs, 70c ; 1 pair C To 33c Veilings, Special at 15c Charming cobweby Veilings in dainty hexagon, Russian and other wanted meshes. Black and all dainty shades. Worth 25c - and 35c yard. Today only IOC All Young Men's $20 to $28 Suits for Friday Surprise $ 1 7.50 MEIER Jt FRANK'S, THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL, POSITIVELY nothing withheld choose from every $20, every $22.50,, every $25 and every $28 new Spring and Summer Suit in. our entire stock for Friday Surprise at i7.fn - This Includes All the Famous Sampeck Suits for Young Men. Scores of the smartest patterns in beautiful shades of brown, gray, tan and . fancy blues. Snappy, distinctive models that young men de mand. Positively for Fri- ij &9 p day only, all $20 to $28 i.jU Suite at the very low price t Men's to $25 Suits $ 1 2.50 Over 125 Men's desirable Spring and Summer Suits from $15, $18, $20 up to $25 lines. Incom plete range of sizes ; practical- d " O ( ly every man can be fitted. Today J) X 3 See Window hi ''ivf AT i& Sale Rich Cut Glass Tumblers at 44c Each WE pictured the three styles .in these rich Cut Glass liable Tumblers, so wonderfully underpriced for Friday Surprise ! No tice the many fine lines and splendid detail work. Made of high-grade glass, in a con venient size for table use. Tumblers which, sell regularly at $8 and $10 the dozen. Special for the JM A 1110th Friday Surprise Sales at the low price, each . To $5 German Silver Mesh Bags, $1.98 MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. A NOTHER special purchase just in by express in time for the 1110th Friday Surprise the finest $4 and $5 German Silver Mesh Bags to sell at $1,981 Large, medium and small sizes, with strong machine-made links and four different styles of beauti ful embossed German silver frames. Lined in white kid or moire silk long chain handles. Actual $4 and $5 Mesh Bags for Surprise Sale at Don't Fail to See Our Big Fifth-Street Window Display. $! $5:00 Reed Go-Ccrls at $1.98 MEIER A FRANK'S, FIFTH FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. See Alder Street Window p HTNK of paying less than half V reg. price at this time of year on the neatest, sturdiest . and most comfortable Go-Carts we could se cure! Made exactly as illustrated, with rubber tired wheels and large dash. Only 100 of them, so come early if you would not be disappointed. Our regular $5 grades 1 no for Friday Surprise only, V 1 0 Collapsible Go - Carts in one-motion Finely built and handsomely finished. For Friday Surprise this . regular rfc m r O $7.50 Go-Cart at this low price Surprise on Child's B'r'foot Sandals ON sale at 8 this morning for Friday Surprise, 200 pairs of misses' and children's barefoot Sandals, as illus trated. 'Made of strong tan leather with 2 buckles, broad toes and flexible- soles : Sandals, sizes 4 to 8, at, this sale, 49 Sandals, sizes 9 to 11, at, this sale 59 Sandals, sizes 12 to 2, this sale, 69 All 10c Shoe Polishes at 7 25c Silk Shoe Laces at 19 All 25c Shoe Polishes at 19 All 10c Shoe Laces only 7 -Black Shoe Laces, 3 prs. 5? Reg. $3.50 Cane Seat Porch Rockers $2.49 MEIER A FR-UiK'S, FOURTH FLOOR. J? RID AY Surprise Sale sav- ings of $1 on handsome Porch Rockers of a sturdy, dur able grade. Made of hard East ern maple with double Reed seats, exactly as shown in picture. Finished in red, green or nat u r a 1 colors. Reg ular $3.50 Rockers, for Friday Sur prise at $2.49 nil CZJi I A j i 6