Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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Sonoma Hop Market Gets An
other Lift.
Orezon Pealcr Otter 50 1-3 and
20 3-4 Cent tor the New Crop.
Marks la " Germany Ar
Almot Exhausted.
Tit 'Wane la the bop market continue
sneaerked. Twenty-o tti waa paid tor
jMsr-crcp Sonotnaa jMUrOr, according to
s wire iram4 la th afternoon, ead tn tbla
state H and 20 etili wera offered on
It baa beevrme plain, that tba market In
the United tjtatea thla rear will ba la tha
hand, of tha growers at Oregon and Wash
ington, an! It will ba In these taro states
that tha dealers from now oa will try to do
tha bulk of thai baying. They have, already
bou(bt ap or have control of practloai:y
three-foartha of tha California crop. Con
tractlcg ta tba Soothern atata la atlll under
way and bayora ara parts 20. 1 aadl
casta for three yaara ta tha Sonoma, aeo
tloa. Tba California crop la back-ward In
tha large sections.
A ltter recetTed from Noremtnirg yester
day contained tha following Information:
-Stock of 110 bopa lft In Germany
amount to 400O eat and In Austrla-Han-gary.
-WO cwt. Tba amount oa band la
hardly' sufficient to meet requirements, aa
the beer output baa Incraaeed considerably,
owing to warm weather. Tba cooeuroptlon
of beer la much larger than In the corre
sponding time In the last two year. Brew
era who hava made their purchases of laat
yeara crop on the baaia of reduced produc
tion tn the laat two yaara will, therefor,
hardly be suf flclently provided for. ao where
thla damamnd la to ba satisfied I a. ques
tion. Price are eapected to advance."
Japan Slee-chanie rrapartns; ta Ship ta
Japanese augar merchant ara preparing
to ahlp Formoean augar ta Vancouver, where
tt will probably b refined by the Brltlah
Columbia Refining Company. It Is estimat
ed that Canada, require, approximately SOO.
OOO.OVO pounds of augar annually. Soma of
this demand la supplied by the FIJI Islands,
where British Columbia refiners have ea
tenslve sugar-producing Interests. Tba
freight ratea from Japan to Vancouver ara
silently favorable to Formoaaa augar pro
ducers, and It la expected that Canada will,
bamag trade opposition, take a- ronaldex
atlc quantity of Japan I Formoaaa)
The price of Formoaaa raw sugar la
placed at about II per 133 pounds, belag
considerably leaa than the price quoted for
the Hawaiian product. Tha Hawaiian man
ufacturer of sugar-mill machinery ara now
successfully supplying; machinery for For
moaaa sugar mill.
Japanese Interested la the sugar trade am
endeavoring to buy tha beet-sugar proper
ties of the Mormon settlement at Raymond.
Alberta. Canada. HoLDtxi ask KiGttrR rulers
Ianprwrerara Abroad Haa Bullish, Krfect aa
The local wheat market Is quiet, bat keen
wp Its strong ton. The foreign situation Is
gradually Improving, and tbla tact makes
holders la the section all tha firmer, ao
that prtcee keep Just about ao far above
esport ralue all tha time. Tba market la
purely a local affair, with tha principal
demand coming from California. So far aa
can be learned, there la no Inquiry here for
hlrcnaat e wheat t Japan, but aora busl
neea In flour with that quarter Is expected
to be worked thl month.
The market for patent flour la Una and
the demand Is food. It Is evident that
price will go no lower, but whether ther
la sn advance eooa remaine to be seen.
Local receipt, la rare, were reported by
the aiercaaata Exchange aa follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hs
w.. SI 1 M . lo i
Tvir -
va-edaeeday ... 31
Thursday rl 4 II
Tear st ' J
shis I. dstainu T I'.O
Tear ago Pill 124 ll
4 T
S 11
1 3
! I I"9 1
u:3 ITIM
Market Will Be Better Haekeel Teuton ow.
evr Fotateea Freaa FVoevda.
A car of California berrle passed through
rort!and yestonlsy en route to Spokane, and
tn local supply was therefor Ueht. amount
ing to orly too crates. The market was
frm at I Z for Jeaslcs and IM4 for Dol
lars, one car of Florin berrlea and pos
sibly two. will reach this market Saturday
trails TVs'! araragua cleaned op well
at II a box. Another car will arrive to
day. Hood River asparagus was scarce
and the bt broach t 11 S a dos.n. A car
of long greea California asparagus will
rosea fortland Monday.
A ahlpment of aew potatoes from Florida
was put on the market. They were of Sne
quality and sold at T cents a pound, as
against T tj cents, tha prlc of Cali
fornia new potatoes.
A car of alexaraa tomatoes will arrive
tomorrow, also a shipment of Mexican sweet
Peas were easier at THfJI cents a pound.
Other vegetables war generally steady.
Heme Clean I at IS Cents Fgg Trad la
Tha demand for poultry continue active
and bena readily bring It cents. Receipts
have been light all the weak.
There was ao change la tha egg market
yesterday. Receipts were not large, but
the demand wss slso slow.
The dressed meat market was a dressing
affair. The best veal end pork were quoted
at 14 cents, but II waa aeceasary. la eome
Instances, to shade th:a figure.
Kutrcr and cheese war In stsady demand
and unchanged.
Mohair Market at New Tee.
New Tor advlcea of Slay say of the
mohair market there:
Mohair suitable for combing purposea la
la st.adr demand. Attraotjv lota of hair
command high prlree and sales wrra made
during the week at prices as high as 34
rente T"pound The amount of domestic
reiuhlag mohair available on thl market Is
small, as comparatively little haa found its
wav Into dealer bands thla season. Con
sumers operated heavily In the growirfc
districts, and a good part of tha mohair
that arrived was on the dock, accord
ing to seller. Mohair suitable for carding
poxpoee la aot betng sotirht for so keenly
a the longer mater. 1. gome Inferior fiber
was purehssed recently aa low as 22 refits,
but dretrsble stock fetches from 2i cents to
IT cents a pound readily.
Bank leaeiag.
Hank clearings of tit Northwestern dtlea
yesterday were aa follows:
f!e.rlnve- psTsncee,
TVrtand m.i rj.-tnj
aatt:e 1.0..37 i:j.,.e
Tiromt 4.. sT.STJ
nimjLXD nuim
nrala. rtoaw. Fevxl Ft.
1 MT-Tra. k prl.-s: riue-t-m. M
p..-. rluo. dc. red Russian. tUc; Valley, ;o;
etvfolrf. are. -
HA KLK Y Chowe feed. VOL
bt l uLa I V Tt il ran. i:.iOu per toa;
alddltng. HI: shorts. r33.SOO:a; rolled bar
ley, i-wsooiaio.
FUrK pateuta, It.vS pr barrel;
tralgbta.; exports, 11 II; Valley. 14.11;
tnlnm. t4 whole wheat, t-4 Ju.
COP.X Whole. I.U: cracked. 130 per ton.
OATa No. 1 white. tw.aO per ton.
Ur timothy, tvaatera Oiegoo, No. I.
liLio-jT; JO: light mixed. lti2C: heavy
mixed. III.5Jlr 1S.S0; alfalfa. 115; clo
ver. 112.50 0. iJU; grain bay. li-50 0 14.50.
Tesretabke and Fratta.
TROPICAL FKUITS Orang-. aavels.
: iljilli per box; California gispefrult.
lluliO: bananas. tASSe per pound: pine
apple. Ctjfo per pound; lemons. 13.1091;
tancerlnes. $1.73 per box.
KKtnH FRUIT etrawberrles. Florin. -9
-3 per crate; g'-oer errlc. lic per pourd;
apples, fancy. Uali.'1: choice 11.j;
cummcn. 7 0r c 1 1 per box.
Vlir;TAHl.Ki Asparagu. 11.00 per
box: slul-3' P-r doaen: bran. ITHc: cab
tar, new. S2.23 Per hundredweight, caull
nuaor. tl.ul75 per den; cucumuera.
11.40 2.Ui per dozan: egg-piant. 33c lb; gar
lic, lvt 12c per pound: .uuc. ioc per d ox
en: hothous lettuce. l.iuf2 per hoi: pea.
Hf per pound: peppers. 30tf3.c per
pound; radishes. 14c pvr doxen; rhubarb.
it2-c per pound: tomato-, U it 3.2J-
l.SO per sack; pars n I pa. a LW); turnips.
11 15 J I.J-J; beets. l.U.
ruTATuaV-Oregon and Eastern. i.50
per hundred: new potatoee. 7 u So per pound.
ONinNti I17in4 per bun
Crvd; liermuds, i- it - 2 per crate.
Dairy and Country Proa) are
POVT-TKT Hene, lHc; broilers. JOr.;
turaaya. lee; ducks. SlsjXIo; gee, nominal;
dressed turkeys, choice. -3c
h.viii-1 Oregon ranch, candled. SOtfSlo per
doxea; case count. lHc per dosen.
CULUii Ku.l creson, twine, la J per ln.
uung America. 14c
BUTTtK City ermry extra. 1 and Im
pound prints, in boxes. 24C per pound: lee
than box lota, cartona and delivery xtra.
I ORK Fancy. V-tJl'tc per pound.
VLaii Fancy. w loc por pound.
Oroceviea, Dried. Fruits. El.
DRIED FRUITS Applea. lltflltal per
pound; currant. 11 tec; apricot. l.liilc;
uatea. package. 14 V a per pound; fig a. oulk.
white or black, by sack. fc; -. ILs
I. -.i. 11-Ua. S; 4-la. !; 14-ls, see;
smyrnas. Is.
BALMON Columbia River. 1-pjund tall.
II. 1 per doxen; S-pound talla. l-t; 1
pouad riata, lx.40; Alaaiaa puaa. 1-pouad
taila. I1.2i.
tort'at; Roasted, la drama. 11 aj Ho per
.LT8 Walnuts 17 a O lte per pound;
Braxtl nuts. Italic; nibsrts. 14o; almonda,
14 olsc; p.acans. Isc; ooouanuta. )ilil pes
ooaen; cheamu-.a, UVto per pound; hickory
nuts, btilso per puunu.
IsONavX Choloe. la.II per case: trained,
lac per poand.
tALT liraaulated. Ill per toa; balf
grouad. lvua. It. a per toa; 30a, per toa.
KtjLVd 6maU white. l,o; laxue while
I Vac; Luna. tVac; ptsa. I!tr, rea.Jtexocaaa.
ISc: bayou. 4c
RICt .No. 1 Japan 4 a; cheaper grade.
(1.14 4.11; Southern head. SIc; Im
ported Imperial. na; Imported exa Ko 1
I. llic
aUUAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry.
11 40; yellow 1. .;: powdered. ..
Tarma on remittance within 13 days, de
duct 4e per pound; If Later than 11 days
and witnia 1 daye, deduct Ma peg pound
staple ur, Utllao per pound.
BAMS 1 to 14 pounds, lltlliaie: II to
14 pounda. lVlVc: 14 to Id pounds.
13wlbV3C; skinned. Isc; picnics, l-lc;
cuttu. ruU. lVc.
blluKKD albATS Bf tongues. 45o;
dried beef set, none; outsldes. nans; sa
slde. lie; knuckle. 20c
BACON Fancy. 17c: standard. ttc;
Cho.ce. :?c; English. 14 HC
LRY 8 ALT CURED Regular short dears,
dry salt, llfec: smoked. lbc; backs, light,
aalt. lie; smoked. lVc; bavas. heavy,
aalt. lmc; smoked. He; exports, salt.
11S: smoked. 13Vi0-
LARI Kettle rendered. tierces. lie;
tubs. 11 Wc; stsndard pure, tierces lie;
tubs. 11 c: choice tierces. 11c; tuba.
14ssc; shortening, tierces fVkc
LINSEED OIL Purs raw. la barrels.
II. vj. boiled. In barrels, 11.04: raw. la
cases. Il.t7; boiled. In cases, 1 1.09.
TCRI'ENTLNE Cases, tic; wood barrels,
IJSc. Iron barrels. I'JC; 14-cas lots. 13c
UASOLLNt; Motor ataaclin. iron barrels,
13c; rases. 22c; S gasoline, iron bar
rels. 2a; caaca. 3-' W c
COAL OIL Ordinary test. case. 14010.
bulk, la tasks. tSc; high test. IlVaO.
Bona. Wool. Hides. Etc
IlOrs 1010 crop, pomlnal; 109 crop, 13c;
1911 contracts. 2r2Vc.
ilOH Ailt Oioice. 37 So per pound.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, nominal. 19414
per pound, according to Shrinkage; Vail;.
12 4v 1 3c per pound.
PELTS Dry. c; salted, country pelts,
63c v 4 1 per pound: lamb pel is, 23c
IIIDES Salted hide. TSe per pound;
salted calf. 13c; salted kip. The; salted
tags. Stc: green hides. Is less; dry bides.
lc; dry calf. ilQISc; dry stags. 1 1 Q 1-c
CAdCAKA BARK Per pound. So.
Small Trading in Barley and Oat.e.
Over Supply la Light.
I'onliry Lower.
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 1L (Special.)
A few California red onions will be offered
aa thla market nxt week. Advices from
the Sooth today stated that a shipment Sell!
be msds st once. Meanwhile the market
Is practically bare of all onlona except a
few Australians snd Texas Bermudss. A
few Imperial Valley Bcrmudaa are offered,
but find a slow sale. Florida tomatoes
were held st 14 to (4.50. Another csrload
of celery haa arrived. It was la excellent
condition and quoted at 14 a crate.
The berry supply was llgbL Jessie sold
t SI. 50 to 11.73 and Dollars at 13 to 12.30.
Tennessee berries Were offered at
Tha prlc of th best four-tier Wlnep
applra has been advanced to 1.1.25. There Is
a pronounced shortage of cheap cooking ap
ples. As a result ef heavier receipts of Spring
broilers, the prlee has dropped from 3d to
4o cears per pound. Poultry receipts have
dropped off since the price was cut at coon
try points. There was hardly enough poul
try offered today to meet local requirements.
Wheat waa stronger at 44 to ." rents.
Millers and dealers believe that practically
all the old grain In the Northwest will be
used before the new crop ta available. In
fact, the cleanup promise to be more cora
ptttte than at any time In arveral yeara. Bar
ley and oats vera dulL Th hay market
waa Arm.
Quotation Carrent la tba Bay City Bar
8 AN FRANCISCO, May 11. The-following
produce pncee were current today:
Vegetable Cucambers, 40f0c: garlic. 4
O0c; greea peas. 3 4c: string beans. 7t
loe; asparagus, use till. 50; tomato, 73c
S2: eg plant. 10 0 13c
Butter Fancy creamery. 22 SC
Eggs Store lSe; fancy ranch. 21c
Cueeee Young America. 11 toil 14c.
Onloas NomlnaL
Mlllstuffs Bran. S2S 9 2S; middlings. 131
O -13.
Frolt Apples, choice, 12: common, f 1.33:
Uexicaa Itmea. (.3uv3: California lemons,
choice. 11.11: common. 1LI0; orangea. naval.
S 1.23 l3.
Hay Wh'nt $llti,.60 per ton: wheat,
and oats, 12: alfalfa. $I1
PotaToea Salinas Burbaska. 2.I11; Ora
gon Burbaoke. II.3Otr2.70.
Receipts Flour. 2153 quarter racks;
wheat. 1SB0 centals: barley. S112 centala;
oala. 137 centala; potatoes. 170 sacks; bay.
2rw ton.
Vrtal Markets.
VEW TORK. May 11. Standard Copper,
weak; spot. My and Job. 1 1.33 ll.ouc;
July. ' August, ll.tV3 11.65c. London, quiet,
spot lid Ids; futures. 34 Is ltd. Custom
house return show sxnorta af lrt ton so
far tMa month. Lake copper. 12-37 S
(12.30c: el-ctrolytlc 12.11-v t 12.21c; caat
Ins. ll.7V.ai2c.
TUv. firm, quiet; spot and Var. 42.4.-.1J4e;
Jun. 41.1943e: July. 4130 12.20: August.
41.23 V41.40C. lndon. steady; spot, 1 11' 3 IM;
futures. it0 13a.
LcaL easy. .40a4.34V New York; .2d
4.23 Eaat ft. Louie. London 113.
Hpelter. easy. ft.MfJ.4A New Tork: 8.209
3.23 East St. Iouts. London. 24 7s (Sd.
Iron Cleveland warraota f.a In Indon.
Loesllr. Iron was quiet; No. 1 foundrr
Northern, do southern and do eoft. $13.23iJ
la.Tsc; No. 2 louaifv Northern, 13j !
Good Demand Has Favorable
Effect on Sentiment.
Attempt Is Made at tbe Opening to
Break Steel, bat It Meets WlUi
Failure Market Is Well
NEW TORK. May 11. A firmer tone de
veloped today In th securities market and
price movements, though small, were la tba
main upward. Trading was of tha aaraa
listless character aa oa tha previous days of
th week, but operators who had been per
sistently bearish reversed their position to
day and supported th market.
Th demand waa chiefly for th require
ments of professions! trsders, and waa most
pronounced In United States Stsel. Resdlng.
L'nion Pacific. Lehigh Valley and Eric
United States Steel seemed to be the sus
taining force of tha list. An attempt to
force a break was made at the opening,
when large blocks of the stock were thrown
on the market, but the price barely wavered
and' bear tradera were forced to cover at
rising price.
Trading la tha bond market was some
what heavier today and th continued good
demand In this department exerted a favor
able effect on speculative sentiment. Calls
for bids for the Government's Panama
bonds are expected within a few days. Tbs
success of this Issue, which will bear S per
cent, but will be without th circulation
privilege. will be watched with unususl In
terest, since It will place Government bonds
In competition with other Investment
Reports of the gross earnings of 80 rail
roads for April show that the roads were
still falling behind last year, the combined
receipts being l4S.o-tO.000, as compared with
f40.tlS3.0OO In 1910.
Foreign markets were as featureless as
our own. A large gain In the proportion
of reserve liabilities waa shown In tha Bank
of England's weekly statement. The Bank
of France reported substantial addition to
Its stock of gold and silver.
The bond market was strong. Toal ssles.
par value, $3,010,000. United States 2s de
clined on calL
Bales. High. Low. Bid.
AIMS Chal pf 2UH
Am Copper .. 1.100 OS 62 03
Am Agrlcult .. 1 t.7 07 Dit
Am Beet Sugar. 4.4"0 4ft 4S 474
American Can . 2.400 12 lit UK
Am Car A Fdy. UOO S3 S3 52
Am Cotton OH. 3.2UU 3d 63 S.V
Am Hd A Lt pf 22
Am ice SecurL. 2I
Ara Linseed lots
Ara Locomotive. loo 87 87 S Sin
Am Smel A Ref. 1,000 75 74 H TH .
do preferred. ..... ..... 104
Am 8l-l Fdy.. 100 4 1 41 40
Am Sugar Rcf 11
Am To I ft Tel.. 1.800 14SS 148 14S
Am Tobacco pf. lt0 VS, 8S 93
Am Woolen ... SuO 34 33V 33
Anaconda M Co . 47 S
Atchison ." 110 V, 10f HO'i
do preferred.. GOO 103 lost 10.1
Atl Coast Line 123
Bait A Ohio ... 200 104 Vs 104 104 H
Bethlehem Steel 31
Brook R Tran. B.B00 T 7t 7
Canadlas 1'ac . 2.SUO 233V 232i 21111
Central Leather 27
do preferred ..... 18
Central of N J ST8
Ches a Ohio .. 1.000 81 71
Chicago A Alton 80
Chi Gt West .. 300 SO", 20& 2(H
do preferred.. 1.W0 42'A 42 42
Chicago A N VT TOO 14.1 14S 145
C, M A St Paul. 1.1U0 120 HUvi l-"0
C. C. C A St L. 04
Col Fuel A Iron 29
Col tt Southern 32 V
Consol tia .... .100 144 144 144
Cora Product . Too 14 14 14
Del A Hudaon.. i0 171 " 1 170
D A R Grande.. ! 28 2S '4 28
do preferred.. 300 04 3 64
Distillers' Securt 34
Erie 12.300 82 81 82
do 1st pf .... 2.400 6l 4! !W
do 2d pf .... SO0 88 3
Cen Electric ... 4i0 13d 133 18
tit North pf ... 600 12T 12W 12T
C. t North ors.. 1O0 SO. 5S 0
Illlnol Central 138
Interbor Met .. .O0 1S 19 1SH
do preferred.. 1.3"0 32 b2
Inter Harveater. 1.0 127 12 127
Inter Marin pf 1.7h 17 1 IT
Int Paper 1M 0
Int Pump 3i0 81) 88 38
Iowa Central .. 2"0 IB 1 14
K C Southern .. 4U0 81 3 34
do preferred.. ..... 6 T
Laclede Cx ... Tt0 10.1 104 105
Loul A Nash .. 200 143 143 14.1
Minn A St L .. 40 2.1 22 2.1
M. 8 P A S S M 1.2rt 13d J .1.1 1S
31 o. Kan A Tex. 400 32 33 32
do preferred.. .....
Mo racidc 000 4 48 40
Nat Blsiult 133
Nat Lead 2
Mex N Hy pf. 200 82'. 32 32
N T Central ... Too 107 10 10T
.V T. Ont A H'es 10 42 42 42
Norfolk A We a. 2oO lu 10d 10d
North Am T2
Northern Pae .. 2.200 123 124 123
Tacine Mall 24
Pennsylvania... o,TO0!2ti 121 !-
People Ga ... lOO 10S 103 104
P. C C A St L. 4
Pittsburg Coal .. 500 20 20 204
Pressed 8 Car- 32
Pull Pal Car 10
Ry Steel bprlng SI
Reading 32.100 13.1 1M 13.1
Republic Steel . 1.SO0 80 30 2
do preferred.. . S"0 4 4 P4
Rock Island CO 8O0 29 2! 2t
do pr.-ferred. . l'"0 l 61 1
St I. A 8 r J pf 100 40 40 40
St L Southwest. ...... ..... 0
do preferred.. ...... M
Sloes Sheffield 50
Southern Pao .. 2.!oO 114 114 114
Southern Ry .. I."" 27 27 27
do ptefurred.. 400 83 63 t.1
Tenn Copper ..... 8fl
T.xas A Pao 24
Tol. St L A Tfes 200 19 1!H 19
do preferred.. Rit 4fT 4S 4S
Union Pacirtc .. 22.HOO 17 176 177
do nref erred.. 4"0 .14 4i 0.1
V S Realty ... 4o 7 7.1 7
II S Rubber ... 1'o 3! 80 8
V 8 Steel 84.20O 7 74 7.1
do preferred.. S 11 118 119
rtah Copper .. 90 44 44 44
Va-Caro Chem . 1.S00 oui 641 0
Wabash 3
do preferred.. 200 8 8 30
Western Md .. 1.000 r.S-, &S f.
Westing Elee 300 68
Western Union. 40 74 74 .4
Wheel ALE.. 10O 4 4 4
Lehigh Valley . 8.0O0 174 173 174
Total sale for th day, 24X4O0 soar.
NEW TORK. May It. Closing quotations:
U. 6. ref. 2s r-H0!?. T. C. gn 8. 8
do coupon ...100 No. pacific 3a... 71
TJ. 8. 3a reg.....lOlNo. Pacvtlo 4a.. .100
do coupon ...10llLnlon Paclfla 4s. 101
U.S. new 4s rf.ll4Wls. Central 4s. 8
do coupon ...115 jjapan 4a .... Hi
D. A R. O. 4s. B2B
Htaclts at Bostaw.
BOSTOX, May 1 1. Closing quotations:
Alloues 1 IMohaa k 88 B
Am. Copper.. 6.1 Nevada Con. ... 18
A. Z. L. A om.. 21 Nlplssing Mines.. 10
Alison a Com. .. 1.1 North Butt..... 27
Atlantic s,.vortn Uka....
a f. r? A 8 M. 12
Old Dominion... 30
Osceola 96
Butt coalition. 17
I'iL A Arizona. !o
1-arrott S. A C.) 11
ri. a- Hecla...4U0 k)ulncv
fentennlal 1 l-s irhannon
Cop. Ran. C. Co. tiO .uperlor
v vt,, tie Co. M. 11 Sun A Bo uln.
rrsnklln 9 ,-Sui A Pitt Cop. 14
Olroux Con. .... 5 Tamarack 34
firaribv Con. ... 83 U. S. 8. R. AM. 34
Oreen Cananea. I do preferred
I. Royal (Cop., is utan con.
Were laks....
,rth copper Co. 44
tAki former.... 82 IWinona
1 Kail coppar 3IWolvrln
Miami Copper... 20 I
Money, Eiduure, Fto.
NEW TORK, May 1L Money on ealL
steady, 2i2 per cent; ruling rate, 2;
closing bid. 2: offered at 2 per cent.
Time loans, somewhat stronger; AO days,
2 per cent: 90 days. 2ji per cent;
six month. 893 per cent.
Prim mercantile paper. 8 9 4 per cent.
Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi
ness tn banker' bills at 14.8430 for 90-day
bills and at 34.843 for demand. .
Commercial bill. $4.83.
Bar silver. 33 c
Mexl-an dollar. 43c
tiovernment bond, easy; railroad bonds,
I.ONDON. May 11. Bar sllvar, stsady at
24 Hd per ounce.
Money. ltyl per cent.
ias (AM M 4count la tfea Aa matkst
for short bills Is 203 8-l per cent; do
for thro months' bills. 2 02 3-16 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. May" 11. Drafts, tight,
par; do telegraph.
CHICAGO. May 11. Exchange oa ; New
Tork, 10c premium. .
Contrition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, May 11. At tha begin
ning of business today th condition of tha
United States Treasury was:
Working balance In Treaeuxy of
fice sj22.00T.4S0
In banks and Philippine treasury. .11, 220,0:1.1
Total balance In general fund.... S0.7ol.321
Ordinary receipts yesterday 2.3.j27
Ordinary disbursements l.?-.0''S
Deficit to date this fiscal year... 2.041.447
Deficit at this time last year.- 1ft.ObO.Mrt2
These figures exclude Panama Canal and
public debt -transactions.
Bengal Bans: Bate Down.
CALCUTTA. May ll.--The rate of dis
count of the Bank f Bengal was reduced
from T to per cent.
- - j
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW TORK. May 11. Evaporated apples,
firm, with moderate Jobbing demand. On
the spot, fancy. 14 15c; choice, 13 9 14c;
prime. 13c.
prunes, scarce snd prices continue to show
an upward tendency; Quotations from
14c for California up to 30-4OS and 11 V
14c for Oregons f rum bos to 3ds.
Apricot, very nrm. bu: demand la small
at the advances; choice. 15c; extra choice,
18913e; fancy. 16trl7e.
Peaches, quiet, but offerings small and
prices very firm; choice, 89c; tours
choice. 9esc; fancy. 10c
Rslslns. firm on small stocks; loose mus
es tela. j7c; choice to fancy seeded. T
rise; seedless. S 6 l"c London Layers,
Coffee- and Sugar.
NEW TORK. Stay 11. Ccffee futures
closed steady st a net decline of 1017
points. Sales. 48.300 bags. May, 10.42c; June,
10.3Oc; July. 10.27c: August. 10.1.1:; Sep
tember, 10.08c; October. 9.88c: November
and January, 9.T4c; February, .T3c; March,
9.77e; April. .78c.
Spot coffee, quiet: Rio No. T, llc: San
tos No. 4. 12c. Mild coffee, dull; Cordova,
18915c, nominal.
Raw sugar, nrm: Muscovado, .89 test,
3. Stic; centrifugal, .98 test. 3.80c: molasses
sugar, .89 test. 8.11f. Refined, steady.
Best Steer on Sal Go at $7 Weth
ers Bring $3 and Lambs
There was only a moderate amount of
stock on sale at the North Portland yards
yestsrday. Th market held steady throuzh
out. Two loads of prime steers were sold at
$7. and others ranged In price from 86.50
to 86.1H).
The best sheep sold up to IS and lambs
brought 13.25.
Receipt were 222 cattle, 20 calves, ilo
sheep and 887 hogs.
Shippers were R. N. Stsnfleld. Stanfleld.
1 car of sheep: C. 8. Walker. Echo, 4 cars
of cattle; T. Beaudron, Joseph, 2 cars of
sheep- Kldwell A Caswell, Lowden. Wash..
3 cars of cattle: Henllne A Ohllnger. Ne
braska. 9 cars of hogs; F. B. Decker. Silver
ton. 1 car of cattle and calves, and Fred
Adams. Deer Island. 1 car of cattle.
The day'a aaloa were as follows:
Weight. Price.
24 steers "27 tb.SO
168 sheep 85 3.o0
2steera J 22
0 steers J240 6.8S
24 steers .... ....-.......-. l-8 u.oo
23 steers r-s: ft b5
60 steers 121 - T.0
100 wethers 103 6-
91 lambs 77 8.23
Prices current on the various classes of
stock at the Portland Union Stockyards
were a follow:
Prime grain-fed steer $8.75,7.25
price hay-fed steers 6.83 w 7.00
Choice steers S'60
Good to choice steers 6.00M 8.50
Fair to good steers 6.73 'it 6.00
Common steers J-?" 3.73
Prime cews B.50'0 8.23
Good to choice cows ............ 6-'K 5.23
Fair To good cows ,.U
Poor cows 4.30 q) t.ii
Choice heifers ?'9' $il
Choice bulls 4-iSl t oo
ioo.l to choice bulls 4.259 4.i3
Choloe light calves 7.734 8.00
Good to choice light eslvea 7.50 a 7.73
Fair to medium light calves T.OOtf 7.50
Choice heavy calvee 8 SOW .0
(loud to cholc heavy calve.... 6.00 5.n
Cholc stags 8.23 8.25
Oood to cholc stags 4-OOw 4.50
ChotceTogs T.009 7.10
Oood to choice hogs 6.50V 7.00
Choice heavy 6.60 7.00
Oood to choice heavy 6.004; 6.50
Common -00 .o
titock hoga 7-50 ii T.ii
Oralnfed" wether, heavy 4.50 tVOa
Cholc yearling wetbvrs. graln-
fcl (.009 6.34
Old wsther 4.0O 4.3
Uood to choice shorn wethers:.. 4. 25 4 u
Cholc swes, grain-fed 4.604 4.7
Fair to medium we 8.75f 4-00
Uood to cholc shorn wea...... .73r 4.U4)
Cbolc wool lambs, grain-fed.... 5.10 6.73
Uood to choice wool lamb, grain
14 5.23 B.34
Cbolc shorn Iambi, grain-f.d... 6-23 6-40
Oood to cholc shorn lauba, grain
fed S 00 8.23
Fslr to good lambs, grain fed.... 4-75tf 6 21
Culls a3o 8.60
Th following quotations represent prises
a thla market for th different classes of
horses: Drafters, extra heavy. i:k0!dSOO;
drafters. 1400 to 1700 Iba. 11609850; draft
ers. 1200 to 1400 Iba. 11000 230: chunks.
701-2-3-4-5 Lewis BIds
Portland Oregon
To Owners of 1
''Bitulithic pave
ment, in my opin
ion, is positively
non - skidding, and
when driving over,
it, whether it is wet
or dry, I never give
a thought to my
machine skidding."
Frank Phillips,
President Security
Savings Bank, Los
Angeles, Cal.
r-.oT,r.T a T t v .-riMCTDnrTRn TO MRET THE REQUIRE
ISO g 1.50: plugs, $1040: driving horses, J73
and up; sadll horses, 100 and up.
Chicago livestock Markets.
CHICAGO, Mar 'll. Cattle Receipts es
timated at 550O; market, steady: beeves.
- . . . . ... - a ai -. r.n - Tvtt
em steer. is.S0S5.60; stockers and feed
ers, 94V4.55. cows ana neuera, f-.v
calves. S4.S0iffo.7S.
... i . a I Jt a. Ill fsfWI tntF.
atlOK- "Ce' al.aii"lB,l.cva 1,1. v .
krt atrontr tu hado higher; light. $5.0O(
roujin, 9 it. ivv -; -uo. '
5.tavr6.05; pli?B, $3,73(5' 6.20; bulk of ales.
Sheep Receipts estimated at 14,000; mar
ket stronr to 10c higMT; native, $34.KS;
r.e-a. r sj. A a O . wanpllnva ' A AT art W ftft'
namta, native, 4.50 6.65; Western,,
(9. o. .u.
Dulutb Flax Market.
DULTJTH. May 11. Flax on track and to
arrive, $2.5-1: May. bid; July, $2.53;
September, 2. 18 bid.
Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu
minous Pavements. S05-608 Electric
Bldg, Portland. Or. Oskar Huber,
Pres.I,lncoln May 17 K Pennsylvania May 27
11 A. SO. l.ieoinuu uu
tKais.Aug.Vlc.May 2o
tKItx-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant.
Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg.
So-ond Cabin Only.
Will call at Bnulopne.
H. S. HAMIH HU May ti, S P. M.
8. S. MOLTKK -June 3
Land the Midnight Sun
vrtDtir i v CDIT7Hpnr:TrN T( 'Tv T, A XT"
METEOR. . . . .
Irons Hamburg; during; June, July ana
Augufft. Write for Booklet.
Hamburg-American line, 160 Powell 8L. San
Francisco. CaL, or Northern Pacific, O.-W.
R. It N. Co.. Burlington and other R. R.
nirices, Portland. Or.
Freight received
dally at Oalt-st. dock
for The Dalles.
Hood River, White
Salmon. Umatilla.
Ker.newlck. Pasco,
Richland. Hanford.
Wlilte Blurts. Lewis
ton. Idaho, and In
termediate nolnts.
Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Toes..
ThursL. 7 A. M. Keturninp; leave Th Dalle
Mon.. Wed.. FrL. T A. M . arlivlntt at Port
land about 6 P. M. same dsy. W 8.
Iluchanaa, Supt-t W. S. Small wood, fan'l
Mrr. pnones Main 2960. A 8527.
TraveIers, Checks
Letters of Credit
Drafts on Foreign Countries, Money
Cable and Telegraphic Transfer of
Money Payable Throughout
the World.
American Express Co.
Seventh and Stark Streets.
The Tourist Hlg-nway
and Scenio Route to Europe
The St. Lawrence Ttlvr.
the Shortest Ocean Passsce.
Less than Four Days at Sea
by the
Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to Liver
pool. First cabin, t90; second cabin. ol-jj:
one-class cabin (called second cabin). 47.50;
third cabin. 30 and 3LS5. A.k local
agents. F. R- Johnson. G. A., 142 Third St.,
or J. J. Forster. T. P. A, 09 First a-va,
The most delightful spot on entire world
tour for your vacation. Delightful sea bath
ing at the famous beach of WalklkL The
splendid SS. .Sierra 410,000 tons displace
ment) makes the round trip In 16 days, and
one can visit on a side trip the living vol
cano of Kllauea which la tremendously ac
tive, and see for himself the process of
world creation. No other j-ip compares
with this for the marvelous and wonderful
In nature- Visit the Islands now, while yon
ran do It so easily and quickly and while
the volcano Is active. Prompt attention to
telegrams for berths. Sailings: May 20.
Juna 10. July 1. Ju'y 22. etc.
C7S Market Street. Saw Franrtsca.
Lovr Rates. Schedule Time.
SIS Railway Exchange, Bids.
Portland. Or.
Main (37. -. A SMI.
From Alnsworth Zock. Fortlsnd. 9 A. M.
8. H. Beaver May 13, Bear 18. Rose City 23.
From tsan Francisco. Northbound. 12 M.
B. 8. Bear May 11, Kose City 16, Beaver 2L
From San Tedro. Northbound, J 3 M.
8. 8. Rose City May 14, Beaver 19, Bear 14.
H. O. Smith, C. T. A., t2 Third St.
f. w. Rnneom. Agent. Alnsworth Dock.
. rhoncs: Mala 402. ZeSj A 140'i.
mmm mum
i? H
IN ATaI-O.IM A l. bajstk
Conducts a
erchants National Bank
Established 1SSS.
Second and Waahlnajtoat Streets.
Capital and Surplus $350,000.00
Tha Merchants National Bank solicits the bus'ness and cordially tn
vltes the accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations, feeling;
assured that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local
conditions acquired during; our twenty-five years of banking experience
will render relations, once established, permanently agreeable and mu,
tually beneficial.
R. L. DURHAM. President. M. I HOLBROOK. Vice-President,
CJO. W. HOTT. Cashier.
B. C CATCHING. Asst. Cashier. C. DETERINO, Asst. Cashier.
First National Bant
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000 :
' Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Company
Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets
Capital and Surplus $950,000.
InviteS Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Savings
FPFRCT1VB APRIL 3. 1011 Leave Seattle, Wash., Sundays, at midnight.
EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1011 Leave Seattle, Wash., Sundays and Wednesdays
at midnieht.
NOTICE Wednesdays' salllnff to Prince Rupert only tratll Jane 11.
Connecting with S. S. Prince Albert from Prince Rupert every baturday at
1-00 P M. for Queen Charlotte Islands, and for local points at 1.00 P. M.
Wednesdays. Ratea Include meals and berth north of Vancouver.
For tickets and reservations apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H.
Burgis. General Agent. First Avenue and Tesler Way. Seattle, Washington.
Sails from Alnsworth Dock. -Portland,
A. M-. May 1. . 11. 1- 2X. 28. 31. June
5 and every five days. Freight received at
Alnsworth Dock dally up to S P. M. Pas
senger fare, nrst-class. $10: second-class,
7. including; meals and berth. Ticket of-D-e
Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 264
Main 170. A 1234.
. m . A 1 1 tsrUh 4 w. is m Via)
as... i.lD-. with s number of ttlO
aiici i. "r - -
frultgTO-wers. wo have embodied In this
Spray Outfit the suggestions which they
gave. ,
The first machines on tha market
were too heavy (weighing not less than
2000 pounds). This machine weighs
only 1300 pounds, which la a feature to
be considered on hillsides and .soft
The machine is built low enough to
clear the branches of the trees, being
4 feet S inches from the ground. The
tank and cover for the engine are so
constructed aa to serve as a platform
for the operator to stand on while
sprayinic down the calyx. Again it dif
fers from the first machines in that it
is very abort, beine but i feet 8 Inches
wheel base, making it possible to turn
This Spray Outfit, with the Fair
banks - Horse one - horsepower engine,
direct connected to a special pump de
signed to give 200 pounds preaanre con
tinuously thrones two hose connection
and noaalea from a tank: of ISO Rations
rapacity, appeals to the fruitgrowers
because it embodies every feature they
regard as important.
We invite you to Investigate thla en
tirely new Spray Outfit. Write for
if F?
"Prince Rupert" and "Prince George"
Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert,
Stewart and Queen Charlotte
Island Points
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Pacino 8. B. Co-'s a. 8. Roanoka
and 8. 3. Bldar sail every Wednesday alter
nately at 6 P. M. Ticket ottice 1J2 Third
St., near Alder.
UARTTN J. 1TTC.T.KY. Fassenger Agent.
VT. II. 8I.C86ER, FTeight AgesU.
fnanea at. 1314. A 1914-