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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1911)
10 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911. EFFORTS TO FIND CANDIDATE GO ON Anti-Rushlight Forces Are Un able to Agree on Man Who Will Consent STRENGTH IS REQUISITE Judxa Gntrabdn Believes Oath of Office Would Prerent Hl En tering Race, Thoogh Exempt ing Federal Aspiration. r Bl SltUCHTS nXHAUTY its, aecordlns to ths official count. m;lud yesterrjay. as to Majror. th. ploralUr br vhtob A. O. Roahllaht rretrej th, Rapubllcaa aooluUM for that eftlc. la 6 At array's primaries la UiJ. Th, Tot for th thrv can didates was: Lombard 1391. Itush llht tut. Werleln 1TI. City Audi tor Barfeur icc to complt tl official can rasa of th Tot for th other candidate today. Whll the inoT.mrnt to brine oat an independent candidal against Bush light for Mayor haa not been aban doned, th anti-Rushlight force arc not maletolt rapid progress. f"ereral con ference biTi been held within th past 4S hours, but any effort to bring; toa-ether the rarlous persons partici pating In the separata deliberations has thus far proved futile. It 1 recognized by th advocates of an Independent candidate that It will be possible to defeat Rushlight. If at all. only br combining th opposition on on man and even then the candldat mast be a stroDar man. Th difficulty experienced tons far in th Independent movement has been to find a man. embodying the necessary qualifications, who will consent to make the race. When th plan Is submitted to such a citizen, he promptly takes the position that his personal Interests make It Impossible for him to consider the subject or to serve the city as Mayor If elected. Efforts to find the right candidate, however, will I be continued today. Referring to the published statement that he might be asked to run as an I Independent candidate for Mayor Judge Gantenbeln said yesterday that his oath of office seemed to him to prevent I his becoming a candidate for any office I not of a Judicial nature during the I term for which he was elected. The oath taken by Circuit and So- preme Court Judges and Justices con- I eludes: I I will not accept any other office, I except Judicial office, during the term I for which I have been elected" I "It Is my opinion. said Judge Oan- tenbeln yesterday, "that th oath of office will prevent my becoming a can- dldate for Mayor. I do not believe, however, that the same oath of office would Inhibit a Judicial officer from accepting a Federal position." LOCKWOOD DEXIES C.VXDIDACT Commit tfe Call Declared Issued in Ac cordance With Law. Concerning the decidedly stormy ses sion of the Republican City Central Commute Wednesday night. Charles E. Lock wood, of the Portland Repub lican Club, yesterday denied that be was a candidate for secretary or any other offlo In the organization. He also repudiated th charg that h was seeking to secure control of the com mittee In any way. "The call for this meeting, said Mr. Lock wood, "was Issued In compliance I with the direct primary law, which contemplates that each political party. within Ave days following the primar ies, shall effect an organization of the City Central Committee by electing a I chairman and secretary and an execu tive board. Ttls call was signed by several members of the committee. At the present time the Republicans do not have a city organization. Mr. Lo gan, as chairman of the county com mittee. Is not chairman of the city committee. Committee to Reorganize. Reorganization of the Democratic City Central Commute will take plac at a meeting of that commute In the Medical building tonight. George 11. Thomas, who was nominated for Mayor by his party, will resign the chairman ship of the committee and It. u. Van Duser. a prominent Democrat and presi dent of the Jackson Club will probably be named as successor to Thomas. It ts also likely that the commute will formulate definite plans for supporting the candidacy of Thomas for Mayor. GROCERS PLAN REST DAY Wednesday Afternoon Off Intended I I Forrv-flve East Side srrocera have I formed a Wednesday-af ternoon-ofT club and In obeying the mandate of the so- defy have closed their stores at 1 o'clock each Wednesday for the past two week a They Intend to continue this practice) and ultimately hope to have all the grocers of Portland fol- low their example. Nearly every grocer ast of East Twenty-eighth street has agreed to the Wednesday-afternoon- closing; pact. "TVs open oor stores at 1:15 o'clock each morning, except Sunday, and rare- ly do w. leave our places of business before 7:30 at nlaht," said a sookea- man of the new grocers organisation I . . . - . . i l wno nas oaeu a memoer or ins rort- I land urocers Association ror ten yeara "Saturday nights It Is 10 o'clock or after when we ara through. It Is as much for the benefit of our clerks as anything els that we of tha East Bids have taken this course. Th consumers ara willing aad all we need Is tha support of the other Portland grocers to make this a reg-Qlar weekly trsds custom." It Is said grocers of Denver, Pasadena and other cities have a similar policy. LEGION HOLDS BANQUET I Reminiscences of Civil War Are Ex chanced at Board.. Reminiscences of the Civil War were exchanged at the annual meeting and banquet of the Oregon Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. an organization composed of union sol diers who held commissions In the rlvil War and their descendants, held I at the Bowers Hotsl Wednesday night. I The War Governor of Oregon " was the toast responded to by .Robert T. I slatt. who told of the services of Addi son C Gibbs la retaining the state In the Union column In face of the fact that the feeling of the populace of the state was nearly evenly divided. Major Cicero Newell told of thrilling experi ences of himself and others In the rar. "The Boys of was the toast re sponded to by Charles W. Purton. who reviewed the history of that time, re called the events which led up to the war and concluded by tracing the re sult of, the conflict on American history- Officers elected for the ensuing year were: Commander. Colonel Ausustas R. Bstn- bndca. u. 8). A., retired; senior Ties-oom-naader. Edward C Mears; Junior lce-oom-MDdtr. Captain Daniel Webster. V. 8. V.; recorder. Captain Oarln E. Caukin. U. 8. V.s registrar, Wallace afcCamant: treasurer, Uetstenant Thomas A. Jordan. U. &. V.i chancellor. Arthnr P. Tlfft; chaplain. Ueu- tenant Cullen E. Clin.. U. 8. V.; councillors. Colonel Jamas Jackson, U. 8. A., retired; Major Jame Can by. U. B. A.. Captain Wll llaan D. Crosby. U. 8. V.. William H. Chapln. and Edward E. Martin. Thomas Sharp. Jr.. of Prlnevflle. James Cobura Bigger, of Eugene, and Thomas Cummlngs Smith. Jr.. of Salem. were elected companions of the second class. General John M. Bacon acted as toastmaster. Those present were: Oeneral John at. Bacon. V. 8. A.. Colonel A. H. lialnndra. U. 8. A, General Thomas A. Anderson. U. B. A., retired. Colonel O. K t-Ounnle. V. 8. A.. Captain Daniel Web ster, i. . v.. ueutenant-Colonrl John aur. phy. V. & A.. Major a R. Harrtncton. V. fi. .. Jud. R. Q. Morrow. Waliac Mcaam ant. Ueutanant John 1 DavU V. 8. V. Lltoteoaat T. McGowaa. V. 8. V, B. C. Mean. A. P. Tlfft. Captain W. V. Crosby. U. 8. V.. William H. Kapua. W. H. Chapln, Captain R. 8. Offler, U. 8. A.. Captain R. 8. Ureenleaf. 17. 8. V, Dr. F. B. Eaton. Ala. J or E. T. Lanslas. V. 8. V.. Lieutenant J. E. Hall, V. S. V, c N. 8torkw.ll. C K. Mar tin. E. A. Roblson. T. R. Rosers, Colonel James Jackson. U. 8. A.. Uentenant C E. Clin. U. 8. V and Captain . EL Caukm. U. K. V. Major Cicero Newell. U. 8. V.; Major is. A. wood. u. S. V. and Henry J. Blddle were visit. eg companions. The invited guests Included Charles W Fulton. R. T. Piatt, Alex C. Shaw and Ralph A. Coan. WASHINGTON HAS HOPES JIIGII SCHOOL ATHLETES OFT FOU ErGEXE MEET. Team, Though Strong, Is Ilandl capped by Loss of Dick Grant From Rank by- Injury. Though th exact personnel of th Washington High School representation at the big track event was not an- nounced until lately, the men who de- parted under the Washington colors last night are the strong organize- tlon that the school has been hoping for since the meet was announced. The team selected for the Oregon meet has a very good chance of mak' Ing good. The one disappointment was the accident last week whereby Dick Grant, the pride and the bope of the school, sprained his ankle In training, Grant carried away honors In the recent Columbia meet and It was ex pected that he would also perform aaually as well In the Eugene meer However there are other good runners In the squad who generally take first places in meets. Those attending the Eugene contests are: Wilson, who will run the mile; Wlndnagle. the mile and half mile; Barber, the half mile, quarter mile and the relay; Crlckmore, the 100-yard dash, the ;:o-yard dash, and the relay; Jackson, the 220-yard hurdles, broad Jump and relay; McLaren, the 220-yard hurdles and the relay. CANAL ROUTE IS CHOSEN Tickets to New York by Way of Pan ama in Demand. Interest In the Panama Canal Is em phasised by the fact that Portland people ara beginning to select the Isthmian route In their Journeys to the Atlantic Coast, several having looked transportation that way In tn last few months. Dr. 11 D. Johnson, of Portland. yes- terday arranged with Dorsey B. Smith, manager of a tourist agency for a trip over the Pacific Mall steamers to Sulboa. thence across the Isthmus on the Panama Railway, giving him an op portunlty of viewing the work on the canal, and to New York on a Panama Steamship Company vessel. He will sail from Portland August . DAO.T M KTBOROUH.1CA1. BZTOB.T. PORTLAND. May 11. Maximum temper ature, 4 decrees; minimum. 41 drirreea. Hlver r-allne. S A. M., 10.9 fret: cbans In last tN hours, rise .z foot. Total rainfall IS P. M. to S P. M.). none: total rainfall elnr Beftvmber 1. IvlO. 32.36 Inches; nor mal rainfall since Feptember 1. 4O.80 Inches; oricinrr ok rainfall since wi'imb,r i 1U. a4 laches. Total sunshine, a hours So minutes: poeslble sunshine. 14 hours 4S minutes. Barometer (reduce! to sea levi, at P. M.. 2 Inches. THE WEATHER. 5 Wind ! O f F i e. B STATIONS. late os Weataaa B 1 c I: UDM 1 SW IClear M u.oo is iw Iriear 72,0.00.12 SV IPt. cloudy 61 T. ,12.N li-t. clouuy Denver. ....... IMS Moines.... Dulutb 40..X l MV l Iflf F.ureka. ....... 62 . 12 N Cloudy k'loudr f2.ive.toB. . . SOO.MI 8 NE J,O.I0 4E V.'.in.I TIO.IO 10 W 6S 0.00( S NW TtO.Ol 10 NE 2 O.OO lrt SE 80 O.I4 To SV 4 O.OU'lNW Helena Pt- cloudy Jaeksonville... Marsha-id. Montreal. ."..... New Orleans. ur"-V ' j.or,B Takima.' Phoenix Pocatetio nrnKbarm Parrsjuon'to. ".".. St. Louis ",.P,UL" ' lgo Fan Francisco.', Siskiyou.. IClear Clear Cloudy Clear IClrar Clear H'loudy ICloudy (Cloudy 72 O.00 4 SB O.Ooi 4 NW 4 O .OO 8 W n.iear S4 O t NW (Cloudy 72 O.OO N Cloudy S O.txH t lear Cloudy Cloudy o.oo; 82 O.0S 22 W 0. Chi 12 NW'Pt. cloudy "-V.1W1 o v IClear e2 0.0.'12W Clear C4 0.o.j4N ! Pt. cloudy eCO.oni 8 SW ICloudy , fife O.OO) 4 N k-b ndy ' 4S T. I 4 SW iRaln ;n" ' s com a . . fatoosh Island. . Walla Walla. .. ...I 72'0.(VI 4 xw;ciaar .1 4 o.oo: 8 a Ipi cloudy Washington. . . . T. Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. TDarins the last 12 hours the barometer hn fallen rapidly over th. North Paclfle States and cloudiness has Increased la Ore gen, Washington and Northern Idaho with out any rain having fallen except a small amount along the Strait of Fura. The East ern storm Is central this evening north of th. lake region. Showers and thunderstorms hav. ecrurred in the LDir Mlaslsslrml Val ley snd In portions of the lake region. The temperatures hav. risen nearly everywhere Mri "S. ZVCXZ sippl Valley. Light frosts occurred this morning la Oregon, astungton. Idaho. Wyoming and Nebraska Th. renditions are favorable for unsettled weather In this district Friday, with show ers In Northwest Oregon. Westers and ex treme Eastern Washington and Northern -L rjL,J,V.K?:-,."-8oatBwe,t T- gon and Eastern Washington. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudi ness, followed by showers; westerly winds. Oregon Fair, except showers northwest portion, cooler southwest portion: westerly winds. Washington bowerj i 'est aad extreme XX'. north portion, edwakd A. BAX, .District -rorecastaa, ELIOT TEAM LOSES Grammar School Boys De feated by Irvington. TINY PLAYERS ARE GAME Fielding; Honors Carried Off by Ta..i . I , .v rsn...i A-l MID UUUHfl auu AUV1 ocwuu Baseman Is Star of lS-to-5-Score Contest. Connecting with Pitcher Powers slow ball, which bad mystified them early tn the game, the Irvington School team overcame a E-to-4 lead held by Eliot in the seventh Inning of the first of the Grammar School League final games) and won the game, 13 to 5. Nine of the IS runs were scored In the lost three Innings, when the Eliot team "blew up. Eliot's team, composed for the most part of tiny tykes seemingly too small to wield a bat or throw a league ball. carried off the fielding honors of the day. making two fast double plays. Eddie Burke, the Eliot second baseman, was the star of the game, despite the fact that be was the smallest man on either team. Be figured In both double plays. bit out three safe bits, one a three-bag ger, and scored one run. The Irvington boys were too big for the Eliot lads and more experienced, hav ing played together several seasons. Nevertheless, the Eliot boys played good ball throughout, superior hitting win ning for Irvington. Irvington s men got 14 hits off Powers. The two Irv ington t wirier McLauchlan and Hay- don let Eliot off with only six safe hits. Following is the score: Irrlnrtnn Rllot Ab.R.PoJLE.1 ah.R.Po.AB. Irne.e. . 4 a is 0 1 rnton.8n 4 0 6 1 1 Bch Tr.Sb S 3 0 1 O Burk.ib. 6 4 3 0 UrU B -b O 1 Hl'ownl.n 4 10 8 Kon' 4 10 1 O McLn.lf. 4 O O 0 1 EtemT.rf & 8 0 0 O'stem' 2 0x13 Peab'k.lf Bill 41381 Cliff, cf. . 4 1 1 0 O-Meln ah.rf 4 0 0 0 0 H'n.Zb.p S 3 O 1 0 Holmes. lb 8 Oil O 0 B-ran.U. 4 3 0 0 OjPn'n'k.e S 0 S 1 Totals Totals S3 6 2T13 I 8 CO KB BI IKNINGa Eliot ..v IlllOtttO S It-rlPcton 1 O O 1 1 1 4 S a 13 Rnns Irrlna tit. Pnhlllw nmn rv rv etrmler (J). Peabrook. Cliff. Hardon 2(. 6wan. Upton, llurke. liwera K gimior. Holmes. Three-base bits Burke. O, Etemler, curt. 'iwo-bas nits Seabrook, Bonney. 8ao- nuce nits McLaugnua. btolen Huso pow ers (2). K. eitenJer. Pannlck. Irrlna lit. Bchlller (2), McLaughlin, lionney (2), Sea brook. Haydon. Swain 12). Struck out By rowers o. oy Mciaugnnn n, by iiaraon 11. louble Blars Burks to Holmes Khea to Burke tn Holme. Base, on halls oft? Pow. ers S. Off McLaushiln &. off Havrton 1. Powers. Psased ball Pennlrk. Umpire i ivin, r oiaaoro, OK uienco ncnoou Th Rtenhens team wan from 19 w uuj.kjb i win in g a masterly guna TREP" TEAMS PLAV TODAY Important Game of Season Scheduled on Muluioniah Field. The headllner In the lnterscholastlo baseball vaudeville show will be staged at 3:15 P. M. behind the Multnomah Field footlights with Washington and Lincoln High Schools ss the actors. This is regarded as the all-Important Dasebau contest of the season between prep" schools of Portland. Patterson and Welch will be th opposing; twlr- lers. Tha Portland High School Band win d in attendance. The slavers win De: Lincoln- Washington Peterson Pattersoa Tuerck .... Schllt Cobb Cummlnga . Greer e Carson -P Welch, tvorden lb Hewitt ... .-b. , Wilson -"b Smith .as. ....,.,, , Orebo -'t Q. Miller Oroc. ..... Buckley ... ...-rf A. Millar cr Qeorge Ron Ins; Clnb Folk to Dance. Members of the Portland Tin win r -iud ana tneir rrienas ct' been in vited to an Informal opening-night oanca at tne ciuonouse, foot of Iron treat, at 8:30 o'clock tonltrht. It la planned to have these Informal gather ings every fortnight during tha Sum mer. Wrestler IVnglcr Seeks Uont. Charles Fenaler. a heavyweight wreatier, is in fortiana seeking a bout. lis says be won from Fred SchaefTer, of Tacoms. in Portland several years ago. BtKETlXO NOTICCa. CAMP SCOUT TOVNO. Na X ' V. Attention! A special ef Importance will b. held nail, ntn and Alder si-. er.nlng. May 13. at S o'clock arrangements to be com- P. O. ELKS itlmh.r. .s D .--. Lodga No. Hi V. P. o. Elk are ricTuestea - otn today ( Fri th. y"wl:l proceed In a body to the undertak? ins parlors of J. P. Flnley a Son to conduct uilleumler. VUltlng brothers are invited - " w r, oi. ."""H Ruler. SELL WOOD LODGE NO 1.11. - F AND A. M i.,.y "U m?" i,wth." V! vnmg. Wall. Ka lath V, VT SLttT."'' - " fc in a. . degree. icg brothers welcome. By order w 3 C W. STRlNli"sec ANCIBNT ORDtK OF HIBERNIANS .r. B.reDy notirted or the death ?t Brother, Roidy at th. T f.mlV resi dence. 745 Minnesota ave. Funeral I...-- Z. iiZ-Z'' " !-t ' 8:S0- Services at at. Mary s Church. Williams "av and Stanton su.. a a. Id. Interment Mount CaL 1 " lv ' job, a. BRADY. Sec PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 53. A. F. AND A. M K U I . i IT munlcatlon this (Friday, .renlng 7:30 o clock. Work In V r j" &ei.lVU,llor w.'.lcom'A ner .. . . w jo. o 1 &AUMA.V, . Secretary. fa MOUNT TAROR I XI no R vn 42. A. F. AND A. M. A stated communication this (Friday) vening at 7:15 o'clock. Business .uu nvul viHuof oreinrea cord ially welcomed. I. R. TOUNO. Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE. Na 48, A- F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) evening 7:80. K. tth and Bumsld B. A. dcgTS Visitors welcome. Order W. DOnTT.iKD GRCETLI VEREIN All members ane requested to meet at th. Swiss Haul a3 H Tnl'a at 12:80 todaJr lFrt May la. to Sliraa in. iunil ot uur Tbos late Drotnvr, . " Meienoerg, MTBTLB CHAPTER, NO. IS. O. E. 8. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening In Maaonlo Tem ple at o'clock. Social. By order W. M. JUt.NIS UALLUWAY, Secretary. KASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 r'ciocir- I. O. O. F. Temple. First and Alder street Third degree. Visitors welcome. 4 U. 8. Vi tS meeting 52111 t nr II im Friday tttr snarp; tj., pieiea ror our department encamp. J ment with Washington during the '3 " Festival. Also other InfpoVi: ti business. Geo. H. Carr. AdJa- " taut: A. J. SaUsburr. Cm ' JO B. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER Tth and Tsjlor Phone Main 1; A 1122. Olga Nethersol e Tonight, 8:16 opiock. "THE REDEMPTION OF EVELTX TAtDRAI." Tomorrow (Saturday) night and special price matins tomorrow double bill. "SISTER BEATBICK"- and THE ENIGMA' Evenings Lower floor $2. il.SO: balcony. S rows 1.50. 6 rows II. f rows 75c, last I rows too; gallery, 50o. Tomorrow's matinee Lower floor $1.50. tl. balcony, t rows It. I rows 75c 11 rows 50c: gallery, 85c J 5c Main 3 and A S36. "" Geo. I Baker. Mar. TONIOHT ALL WEEK. MATINES) SiTCRDAT. Seventh week of the Great Trl-Star Season. Florence ThenHore Thurlow ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN TH 'SAM FJOX.- Shrsnlnca zoo. SOc. T&c SI. Vats. ?i BOc Xixt week 1 ne couaarx oiri.' r a rv . A i a.. kLfcri-VEE EVUI DAT 155-50 ! NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50.75 iVFFK MAT a Jules Hart's "Th IJtUe Mtraover"; The Kta Armanis. The Tare Knbee. Hal Forde, Kla Hard and Herabet llendler. llooiason lewDoui ana jaan a. iribiln, aB.7 a raul. GRAND Week of May 8 8 Vassar Girls 8 Harry Lcclalr, tixht Queenly Maid Violet BlacMillaa, ens in a .flerry Muftlral Knemhle. Knox 4t Alvin. Joe Fenton'a Awak lames R. MoCann ening- atbletes. Co.. r.HANDABCOl'E. Matinee evsrr dav. S:80 any seat, !.. Fvonlns- nsrnrmsncss at 7:30 ana v:io; bcony. 15c: lower noor. 23c: boz tTseanalled Tandevtlla A IX TI1IS. WEKK 5 Musical Lira ill 5, Europe's lateet and areatest musical sensa tion; Mack and Ilenton, tsiossom nooinson, O'Killm Karhee-Hill Co.. Luiai l'lcarra Troupe, Held and Moan. Billy link, Fanmaea vrcnesKra, l'anus;esooDb Popular slices. Matinee dally, 2:30. T:30. BUNGALOW THEATER Main 117 and A 42 1 4. Iyrio Musical Comedy Company Summer s- sfn. with those two runny comedians, vtest ft ark. v th Jennie Met oner. Prima Donna. and the Ktmotii Lvrie Chorus, auirmented. presentlns; that srreamlnp travesty, Weiner Schnitzel, In "OLJ (StVUXaK." Matinees every day, two evening; performances. 7:43 j ana sami oia prices, lzo ana xoc Si- a X AHTAGES BASEBALL; RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn aad Twenty-fourth St a. VANCOUVER vs PORTLAND Slay 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Games Beain Weekdays at StOO P. M. bunOays Xiao f. in. LADIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SAXES TODAY. At Wilson's, corner Second and Yamhill. Bale at lo A. At. J. I. Wilson, auctioneer. DIED. HAGUE In this city. May 11. Jennie W.. wife of Joseph J. Hague, aged 24 years. 1 month. 22 daya Tha remains are at Flnley'a parlors. Funeral notice will ap pear In a later issue. GILL May S, in San Francisco. Cal.. Peter Ulll. lather or ti. J. om ana airs. a. r. Hernard of this city, ttemains sent to Portland for Interment la Rlverrlaw Cem etery. IX'M-RAL NOTICES. lwr At her lata home near Otla Or., May . Laura U. Lowe, ageu ou 7ra o months, 8 daya beloved wife of Professor A. N. lvowe, ana mocner or s. n. wun-ej and Mrs. A. A. Lowe, of 839 Wasco St.. this city. Funeral will take place from tha parlors of tne East Side Funeral Direct ors. 414 Eait Alder and East Sixth, today Friday). Mar 12. at 1 F. M. Friends re spectfully Invltad. Interment Multnomah cemetery. TIFRNET At residence. 100 Idaho street. May 11. Michael Tleraey. aged 73 years, heloved husband of Ellen and father of John. James M.. Mary. Nellie. Cclla, ot this city, and William Tierney, of Everett, Wash. Funeral will take plac. from late residence tomorrow (baturaayl, Mir is, t 8:30 A. M.. thence to St. Lawrenco's I Church. Third and Sherman streets, where I services will be held at A. M. Friends In- I vlted. Interment Mt- Calvary Cemetery. lZS-i ltt&fXSriZXKi r ft rally ruideoce, T4o Minneiot avenue. Saturday. May 13. at S:3o A. M., thence to St. Mary's ohurch. Williams avenue aad Stanton, where services will b. held at 9 A. M. Interment Mount calvary Cmvury. iiinaiy omit xiowers. STTER3 The funeral services of the lata Annlca Jeffrey Mver wife of Hon. Jeffer son Myer will be held from her late residence. ITS East 12th street North, to day (Friday). May li. at z r. M. Friends may view the remains oetween id ana li cloCK A. M. unerai lervuei private. Mrs. Luls. H. L.trK. aged a year u month 2 day Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral service which win be hem rrom tne above re. Irienc. today (Friday). Msy 12. at t P. M- Interment bcappoose. or. LARSON In this city May 6. Martin Lar son, aged zs years. Funeral services will take place at uunnmg a Mca.ntee s chapel, today (Friday). May 12. at lO A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. COOK In this city. Msy 10, Josesh Cook. father or tj. j. look, agea w year iu month zs day i ne funeral services will be held at Finiey-s chapel at lO A. M. tomorrow taaturaayj. rnendi in vited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. WHITING In this city. May 10. Emm L. Whiting, aged bb year ft month 23 dny Th. funeral services will be held at Fin ley's chapel at 2:30 P. M- tomorrow (Sat. urdir). Mtr IS. Friends invited. Inter ment Greenwood cemetery. VU1LLEUMIER In this cliy. Msy 10. A. Vuiueumier. area ot years. The funeral services will be held at F1nleyg parlors at 1 P. M. today (Friday). Friends in vited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. QROVER The funeral services of the late xaifayette t. rover win do neid at the S'rSTi pnUM.odayn VBd-5C y 12. Friends lnvHed. interment River- ere Mar It Cemetery. TON8ETTI CO, MARyl AJ1I ItUKJ., 1LUIIAI. DK.-It.NS. Phone.: Main SlOli A 1109. Dunning McEntee. Fonernl IMrertan. 7lh and line. Phone Main 430. ladv st. aistan. vi iic di iviiuij wHtww. KIIWARD HOLMAN CO.. Fim.r.1 T ,1 r u.. era, E?u sa ss. umaj assistant, none .M. 507. J. P. FINI.EY RON. Sd and Madlum. lady attendant. I'hone Mala , A ISV9. KANT SLDK Funeral Directors, ikimm to F. . Dunning, loo. E. 62, B 625. ZEI.LFB-BYRNE8 CO.. 884 William. aTsX East lOaS. O 1088. Lady, attendant. LKRt'il, Undertaker, ror. East Aider aad Sixth. L.t 78L B 1888. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE S0C1EH OFFICE CITY HA IX Main 598. A 7589. IliMANC OFFICER, Senceant Crater Residence 24 is. Z4tb. x. h.aat 4778. K. A. Doamlre Kes. -S26 AVasoo St. W. G. sCatoa. Kea. 7S E. 16th. Et 175, Hon imbulaoo. A 6101: Pr. Ex. 4. KUbts. 6anJy aad Uolidajra, Jk 614ff( F& CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Oallr or SimdJijf. Per Line, On time 12 Mm ad two Miuectitlve times ...sie . KsaitiM ad three rannecut iT times S0 bame ad nix or seven consecutive times. .6 lis Keinittacee must accuuiiiaoy out-of-towa orders. . m I biz words eonnt a one line on cash ad- rertlsements and no act counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not run conseca- tilw ilmM the nuetlme rate aDDlies. . On choree of book advertisements tbo char ire will be tOKed on tne acitoui numoer of linea. aDDearinir in the DADr. reirttrdle of tbo niAiiaber of word in each line. In ISew Today all aaverusenienu are cb arced by ineasore only. 1 lines to iae ioch. The above rates oddIt to ad vert lsem eats i on tier "ew xouay" aua an omer cau9uca uon excepting the ronowui: situations ttancen, juaie. bltuations Wanted. 1 finale, or Rent, Kooms. Private Families. Kooma and Board. Private Families. rlAiiaikeenIna iUvomi. Private f amilies. The rate on the above classification la 7 Mmt aa line earh insertion. tor tbo accommoda tion or patrons, mm Ore-; on Jan will accept viassined advertiso- , menu over tne teiepnone. provimntr tne au- i vert Uer is a subscriber to either phone. o prices will bo q noted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the follutvins; duy. Whether subsequent advert Ineraents will be rwuld over the nhone. deneudii unun the promptness ox tne payment oi teicpnone au- TSt.'M I erer th telephone. Order for one infwrt.oa onlr will be accented for "Houses for Rent. t-nrnltnre for Dale," "unsineae yiHriuaj tlee," "Koomlcs-bouses" and "Wanted t Rent.- JfEW TODAY. FREE $100 AND A 10 1 5 8 7 3 9 4 6 2) GOLD WATCH Arrange the numbers so they total IS both ways. 1 To- all who answer cor rectly we will give $100 GOLD BOND equal to a payment of $100 on any acre- I age or property yon may purchase; also to I all who buy we will five a sold watch. The presi(Jent 0f pacc Northwest Development Co. an4 owners of larze tracts of land in Waih. In it ton Conntv are maklnir tnls oner to aa- vertise WashitiKton County and Portland. Tualatin Valley land (the ricbast in tne Etate or Oregon) is near electric ana steam transportation, from six to twenty miles zrom ferriana. ' 'e own some of the best tracts in Washington County, ranging- in price from I 0 o 200 per aero. State if you are buy- GUA-HANTEE If you can duplicate this offer wituia same proximity ot city nan. Portland, we will give KEa LAND. Contest closes May 16. Pacific H. W. Development Co. INC. Dept. "C 06 Couch Bid-.. Portland, Or. Due Consideration I HAVE A QUARTER BLOCK IN THE RETAIL BUSINESS DIS TRICT, WHERE THE ADJOINING TENANT NEEDS MORE ROOM AND IS READY TO GIVE "BOXP- ED" LEASE AT 8 PER CENT NET AND PROPERTY IS BOUND TO INCREASE IN VALUE. REPRE SENTS AN INVESTMENT OF $120,000 TO $130,000, ABOUT y3 CASH WILL HANDLE, AS MONEY CAN BE GOT AT 6 PER CENT ON T111S rltUrKKTl, MAlVlNli 1U PER CENT NET ON MONEY IN- VESTED, WITH THE INCREASE IN VALUATION IN 5 YEARS THIS PBflPFRTV WTT.T. W.T 19 tn 15 I PER CENT, MAKING A NICE HOLDING PROPERTY. THIS IS NO APARTMENT PROPERTY. Edw. P. Mall 104 2D ST. LUMBER EXCHANGE, Finest Body of Land In Oregon and A-l Stuff for Platting Approximately 1000 acres, located about thirty miles south of Portland and close to electric line. Most all in his-h state of cultivation : hoir-wire f pncerl : three conntv roads, school. . ... j t: ciiuiuu, tic, uauujr. into ia uiiij 4J05 per acre, With exceptionally good te' ftt11 Particular see KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. A Secret $200,000 HAVE A BUSINESS PROPERTY AT ABOVE FIGURE. PAYING 7 PER CENT NET, UNFORTUNATE Lfl btJAS L1J J?UiC ArJU L T O YEARS, YET OTHERWISE, - RENTAL. ABOUT $S0,000 OR $90,- 000 WILL HANDLE. Edw. P. Mall 104 2D ST. LUMBER EXCHANGE. Business Property Russeli Street Between Union' ave. and Williams lot 50:t145- Improved with three dwellinsrs. in -rood condition. Income $50 per month, clear. This is a choice Investment. Price $8000, half cash. CHAS. RINGLEB & pp., 211 Lewis Building. Irvington Bargain Swell, eight-room, new modern house, on B. 26th, near Brazee, doubly con structed, hardwood floors. Dutch kitch en, furnace and fireplace, and all other latest improvements, .trice only liuOO, 12500 cash. GRUSSI ZADOW, 81T Board at Trade Bids;, 4th and Oak. 792 Clackamas Blx-room house on a full corner lot near carline. Owner values lot at $2500, and house $250G. Our price for quick gala $4500; terms. MERCHANTS SAVIXGS etc TRUST " COMPAJfT. 'KW TODAY. North Coast Heights Vancouver, Wash. This beautiful addition to the City of Vancouver. V ashingrton, situated on the hlirhest Ground within the city lim its, overlooking: a part of Portland, th uoiumDia stiver valley tor some dis tance, and the surrounding country, with four perpetually enow-covered mountain peaks in view: ground level and very accessible; streetcar line to the addition. The addition contains 379 lots with streets and alleys: plat has been approved and filed; will furnish abstract of title with every lot; lots adjoining- are selling for IfiOO and $600 eacn. trice; SL'O.OOO cash, bal- ance on easy terms. EDSON M. ROWLEY, Sole Agrrnt, S06 TTashlnfrton St Vancouver, Wash. Home in Irvington District TWiaTV-SIXTH AND WEIDLER STREETS. Thoroughly modern, six rooms and sleeping-porch, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, furnace, gas and electricity: flna plumbing; high, sightly lot. On block from new Broadway carline. Deferred payments If desired. OWNER, 001 BOARD OF TRADE!. Marshall 1787. CHEAPEST LOT ONI UNION AVENUE 60x105. In the heart of business, near two pressed-brick stores, for $3250. Must have $1875 cash, balance 6 per cent. This Is the last chance to buy a lot for this price between Burnside and Aioerta streets. J. D. KEXXEDY, 836 Union Art, X. 17 1296 INCOME 8 new flats, lot 90x100. rent S190 per month: price J1Z.5U0: J62O0 cash. Near Kusseu at. GRUSSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade bids 4th and Oak. Irvington Home 6 rooms, modern, near both carlines. Owner. C 1489. West Side Flats Four fine flats, paylnjr 10 per cent In rentals, walkinc distance. South Front street; lot 50x100. Price $10,800, half cash. A line Investment. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Hoard of Trade Itlds 4th and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS f(Yf 110,000 to $100,000. ftyf Y n 1 Y- keady, r In J IKJ 020 Cham, of Com. J I tj MORTGAGE LOANS PtOf JOHN E. CRfiNAN, HOI J JO 903 Spaldlnglldg. tj LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT & TRUST CO Board of Trade Building. rbal estate healers. Beck. William G.. 812 Failing; bid;. Br" BeDtdlcU 6 McKy Wflfc Chrpln A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commeroo. Cook. B. B. & Co.. 608 Corbott bldg. Jennings ft Co., Main 188. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONE3 CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bids. The Oregon Keal Estate Co., Grand ave. and m. e. Thompson co., cor. 4th and oak sta. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. "HOME SITE" Two choice lots in fine condition. 3 blocks from good car service; size each 40x15; $600, $150 down, balance eaey payments. tHArl, & HEiKLU W, (U) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. rtKATTlFTjL. WEST SIDE LOT. Cr!r Hill, at head of Washington st.. 60x100 feet; sightly, fine view, close In; actually $50O below tiie market; price $7000, terms. (jUDl'AKU at VV ICUKilV. 243 iStark Street. $425 LOTS close to Rose City Park car: terms to suit you; eacn one u a snap, save rent, make your own little home; -water in now. See what others arw do ing in same block; auto to show property. ciee Jas. J. logan, oio opajuing mag. inflxlOft. E. 7TH AND GRANT. R. TC. corner R. Orant and 7th St.: a good corner for small factory or a good specu lation; 16000. GRCSSI & ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON SNAP. V. E. Cor. 26th and Tillamook: I must ll st once, this beautiful corner lot. 50s 100: will sell Stiuu oeiow actual vaiu Own er 369 Russell at. $3 CASH WOODSTOCK CARL.INB. 40x120 lots, city water piped to each National Realty & Trust Co.. 3J6Vj Wash. SNAP. T V.ave a larse lot near Rose City Park. all cement improvements and water in; S530: will maKe very eusy terms. At ttl. . - Oregonlan r.o p.osr CITY PARK Belle Crest lot: Improvements paid; -Ot) feet to car; east front; worth sw; now )jju. rnona J 206S. Owner. 618 E. 65th. N. LARGE t near Rose City Park, cement walHs. graaea streets, uji ttun water. $500; no agents; no commission Owner. 201--0J i:oarq or iraae. GRAND-AVE. CORNER. North of Hollaiiay, fine apartment site. Onlv 7."rO0. Vanduyn and Walton, filj Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Beautiful lot in Laurelhurat, 160x50. $1350. Easy terms. C 2760. Woodlawn 15.-l. LOT "5x100 on 21st, near Braze facing east: improvements in ana paia for. jij, $000 cash will handle. Woodlawn 3220, C 24r 2 LOTS. UNIVERSITY PARK, $700. I.ota 3UX4U. diock i-j. university fark. 2 blocks to car; easy terms. Fred W. German. 3-'0 Humslde. .Mam 2778. trrMTTT THEKfl Tn ffve minutes from car. 10 mature full bearing apple trees. Spitzenbergs, easy terms. A3 so. oret.ui.iu.ii. -c-f.w modern 5-room bungalow, 49th and Hawthorne; au uuiivciucuctTB. iuu caeh. balance montniy. gyanqblag. thk n-n barsain in Rose City Park Iota: sauu ioi ivi iin-cu-, iu soil, pari cash, u ii, ureBjiiittu HAWTHORNE CARLINE. k tsirbily block, overlooklnr the city; p r i c jc w. oy owner, laoor iota ctt t.tvopWORTH ave. corner, 100x100. near iieiantua a wwucr, coat 3;S60. LOTS, homes and acreage in Klverdale. Thomas vikb, weo. BY owner, lot 50x100, B. 8th and Mason eaEt lrOUl, lO llliuuva as win vcilLOi; Clt Jf , 8&00 cash. J. M. Davis, 200 2d. 3500 LOT. 45x100. rinse In. Eood proposition for flata. phone East 1855. IRVINGTON Choice corner lot on Stanton street, aj n jvin o re gon ian CASH buys full 1 00x100 on East C7th, near Ha wl noma, fiioutj n do i. CHOICE lot, ROxlOO. Alameda Park. 8475, easy terms, can iu a weiiana Dia. LAURELHT7RST equity In 4 lots. Cheapest of the high-graae ones. S 1077. REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Lots. BUT AN ACRE ICE AR CITY LIMITS $200 UNDER VALUE. For $25 down and $10 monthly yon can become the owner of an acre pieco on beautiful macadamized Powell Valley road, near Gates station, 10c f.-tre. Wo offer tracts of cultivated land, fine gar den soli, no stumps and.brush, for S500 to $750 each, which is $200 under other prices. Buy acres here at lot prices and make profits as others have done, be fore you have to pay for It. Show them to vou any time. Portland-Pacific In vestment Co., 418 Railway Exchange bldg. FOUR LEVEL lots, all cleared and ready to Dulia on; close to scliooi. cnurnnea. Btores and railroads; these are good for a rice home or splendid investment; will sell tha 4 for 100. terms. Owner, 1013 Chamber of Commerce bids. IRVINGTON LOTS. We offer a few extra choice lots for (1250 and $1350; beautiful corner. $1500 and $15;0; very easy terms.' or discount for all cash; improvements bonded; these lota axe close to lrvlnston carline, A. R. DIAMOND & CO., 20? Railway Exchange Alldg.. or East 13th and Knott ats. Phone Main 1328. East 1796. A CHOICE LOT. I have one of the best lota In the first quarter of Laurolhurst that I can sell oa very easy terms for $1200. This is view lot. close to carline. and is a snap at this price. Call at office at 39th and East Gllsan and ask for Mr. Clements. Main 989. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE SITE. 70x100 ft. on E. 22nd. near Knott St., bard surface pavement and all street im provement in; adjoining handsome home it cannot be beat at the price, 92500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bids;. Phones Main SG89 A 20T.3. S50 DOWN Buys lot SOxliH) on East 42d street, ce ment walks and streets graded, parking; and shade trees; high and signtly land; price $D"0. SOUDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. $1000 LOT3 FOR $600. $25 down, $10 monthly: improvements in and faid for; several fine homes built and under construction in this tract: this is a beautiful location. Just south of Hawthorne ave., overlooking the city and Mt. Tabor. See owner, Jas. A. Clock. 251 Alder. Phone Main 81S9. BARGAIN UNEQUALED. J1000 lot for 650. Very desirable dis trict, high, sightly, near 39th. 2 blocks from Rose City carline; $65 down, bal ance second mortgage If desired. Can arrange GO per cent building loan. Cash required for house and lot. about ( G U2, Oregonlan. 100x100 FEET. East 42d street; streets graded, cement walks, parking and shade trees; price 1400, terms 100 cash, balance 10 per in un th. QODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. 100x100, SOUTH MT. TABOR. Purchased for home; owner has left city and wishes to dispose of his Interests here; will sell at a bargain; (500 cash, balanco terms to suit purchaser. AS 63, Oregonlan. CORNER LOT SNAP. A fine corner lot. 40x100. on E 29th and, Going its.; price (675. (150 cash, balance 2 years, 6 per cent; worth (SoO. GKUSSI ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade liklg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bargain. t-room house, renting forr (35, on 80x215; most exclusive residence section: Una olty view; Improvements in: (8500; ground absurdly etieap, house thrown in. Main 3551. BROOKE. A S839. SNAP. IRVINGTON. Most beautiful lot In Irvington; east front, high und sightly; for quick sal. price (13UO, some terms. E. It. Mark ham, 205 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. CHEAP LOT. CLOSE IN. East 22d street, one block to carline, nice level lot. 5UX120 feet, for (750; good terms; while they last. GOCDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. OWNER says eell 102x150 tvst, near car at very low price or $100. I'aoa) Woodlawn LOT IN Irvlnston; way below value; cholco building Bite, owner, w Vi, ure g onla n. 6 LOTS, near Mt. Tabor, cultivated. Phon owner, East aboi). FEW cents a month will buy fine building lots. Tnresner, 4ji c. or c WAVERLEIGH HTS. lot, 3Ud and Kelly st- jjargain uwner. aiJ vu, uregonian. ROSSMERB LOT 50x100, Improvements In and paid; bargain lor cash. Main 412$, $1075 IRVINGTON lot at sacrifice. $1075. owner must sen, aj lis, uregonian. For Sale House. THI9 WILL PLEAS K YOU. Brand new. 6 rooms and den or libraryx furnace, bath, wired and piped for elec tric lights and gas; walls tinted, extra line finish: three aleeplng rooms; owner lias Just authorized us to reduce the price from ?37Go to $3250; close to Union ave. and Walnut Park. QOIiDARD & WIEDRICK. 2-13 Stark st. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DESIGN ING AND BUILDING UP-TO-DATH FLAT BUII.Dl.NdS. WHEN I BUILD. NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I CAN SHOW YOU A BIG INCOME ON THE INVEST MENT. AND WILL FURNISH YOU WITH PART OF THE MONEY WITH WHICH TO BUILD. Z. K. LOCKE, flCD HENRY BLDG. 6CNNYKIDE HOME $4000, on easy terms; beautiful o-room nouse on ti. mttx st. : modern In every particular; Just being completed; large living-room, dining room, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, 'Z jieenine-rooms ana sieepinir-porcn. run basement antl furnace; blrdseye maple floora; Interior finish very handsome; beat car service In city. Investigate this. Mc Alllster & Lueddemann, Tz Electric bldg. THE one BEST place at Seaside, Oregon; choice property, tnree acres; nigu, sightly, overelooking beautiful Necanlcum River, "West Side; 2X trees, large and small, spruce and hemlock; house painted white; 6 rooms, porches on three sides. Summer house, croquet grounds; boat Included In. purchase; fishing excellent; price 84200. N 96. Oregonlan. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS homes; we hav several beauurui nouses ior sale in this elegant home district at prices ranging from .'500 to SIXOou: ail new and mod ern; magnificent view property. For par ticulars see McAllister at. jueaaemann, i Electrlcbldg; FINE tuburban home in Oak Grove, Oregon City line; I'A acres; o-room house; A pantries, hatn, nrepiace, large veranaas; barn, woodhouse and chicken corral; vege tables, fruit trees ana Derries, ana choice shrubs and flowers. 84000. E 72, Ore gonlan. BUILD A HOME. Have two lots In Laurelhurst: will build to suit you; make terms; savo you money. Don t buy ready built. See Hiatt, 211 Lewis bldg. ROSPMERB business lot, near Junction, iSandy road and .Broadway, SSth. at bar eait: fine lot, Broadway, near 83d st: best 100x100 corner in Rossmera; Ross mere inside lots. Charles Zollinger, Cor bett bldg. A COZY HOME. House and outbuildings, choice lot 40r 127 : near good car service: 8725. 8350 cash, balance easy terras; buy now. UtiAfl.l fc HKLUW, ( L ) 332-38 Chamber of Commerce. JUST FINISHED. Natty and artistic bungalow. 5 rooms and bath, in Irvington Park; only one block to cars ; to see it is to want it : price $2350, and easy terms. Owner, Eanschbach, 1020 Yeon bldg. 5-ROOM modern cottage, half block to Al berta car; cheap at SJSoO: I will accept lot or acreage up to 81SO0. time on bal ance. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Com merce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, near Ford-street bridge; 7-room residence, built tor home: beautiful view; three minutes' walk to Washington; 87500. Main :.o31. A 3 S3H. BY OWNER Exclusive district. 7-room bungalow, strictly modern, bargain, 7 car lines. 1104 Rodney ave. Home phone. C 1673. ; ROSE City Park bungalow, by owner, 8390O; $900 cash; two blocks rrom car; nve rooms. modern In all respects; ouni-in cnina cios et. buffet and Dutch kitchen. Tabor 2747. I FOUR-ROOM house, chicken-house and two lots, Mount Scott line; -jo win nanaie If taken at once; balance monthly. 8o7 Chamber of Commerce. WFST SIDE, on nth St., 11-room house. 42Mxt06; price 5nt. n casn. bai. terms. HIGLKY v liiMiur. 1-3 in'ru oi. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, partially fur nished; 60x100 corner; snane trees; $4600; easy t e rm Fhon eTa bo r IS S 9. IRVINGTON Int. l!th St., near Stanton. 8KoO. under market, au ii. orefoniaix.