Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 12, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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McCredie's Men Fall Upon 2
Seal Pitchers and Result
Is 6-to-2 Victory.
He Ots In "Word War" With TIM.
tor and It Interferes With Ills
Pitching Browning Starts
Well and Gets Oration.
FAX FRANCISCO. May 11 tSpecial.
inert was a loud rattling noise
one again this afternoon aa
the Farina Coast League teams
shifted places In the close pennant rare.
Tha Seals gave war to first pi are In
favor of tha Bearers, and Oakland
dropped down a pec to fourth position,
while Sacramento moved up the ladder
to number three hole.
By reason of falling on two Seal pitch
ers In aa Innlnr apiece, the Beavers
plied up enough tallies at Oakland today
to aira them a ( to I victory. It was
uch a hollow rectory In comparison
with the thrilling battla of th day be
fore that many of the fans left the
grounds long before the contest ended.
It was a win for the percentage column.
however, and the Beavers are back In
first place with tha Seals in close and
prlent pursuit.
The a-ais started out like quarter
hordes, la the second inning. Melcholr
drew a base on balls and bounced a high
one to Sceehaa that enabled 'ilel to
sprint aul tha way from first to third.
In attempting to head off tha "Hying
jMlchmo." Kapps heaved the ball over
the. third baseman's head and the Seals
had their first run.
Ron Looks Big Till Fourth.
This run looked pretty big. ton. until
Ine fourth Inning. Then the Portland
troup opened up on Frank Kastley and
drove him to the clubhouse, dieehi
walked as starter and Krueger tingled
to center. Rarpa grounded to Moliler.
end with a double play In sight McArdle
dropped the ball at second and the bases
were fuIL Pecktnpaugh lined to Weaver
and Sheeban was held at third. Rodgrs
stepped Into the ball for a double along
t'e third base line, and two runners
scored. Murray followed this up with a
ilp! to the right field fence, and Rapps
tallied, making four runs all told. Long
waa about to yank Kastler at this
stage, but Koestner lined to Vlti and a
double play resulted, retiring the side.
Frank Browning was on the mound
for the Seals In tha fifth Inning and he
was accorded a great oration by the
crowd, aa ho quickly disposed of the
three Bearers to face him. With
watrers asked on him and programmed
to be sent to the l ortland club of the
Northwestern League. Browning was
making a fight to "come bark," and lie
succeeded well In bis efforts until the
unlucky sixth.
, ' ?usi its-'f-vHHISN-:-" 'filft'lsli
i . I .w Y - x lJv X, taait . W' i
Time 1:55.
Umpires starkell and Cart-
Cates Hangs "Indian Sign" on
Williams' Men While Van,
couver Scores Six.
Joss Has Poor Control and Tigers
IHU His Offerings Freely
TACOMA. Wash., May 11. Joss was
wild today and Tacoma won a shutout
J over Seattle, S to 0. Tacoma scored four
runs In the third Inning when Joss was
unable to control hie fast ball and the
batters slugged the slow ones. Schmutz
held the visitors to four hits and none of
the Seattle players reached third base.
Seattle I Tacoma
Ab H Po A EI AbHPoAB 4 0 10 OiBas'ey.lf. 3
Rsy' 4 0 2 4 0Roek.d.2b 4
Dav"on.!f 2 0 1 0 0 Morse. m.. 4
3 1 3 0 0 Ken'dy.rf 4
3b 8 1 1 3 HAbb't.if.. 3
- lLard.2b 2 0 8 4 0CoIe'n.3b. 2 3 1 in 0 llBurns.c. 1
I thw.c... 3 1 4 S 2
JOSS.P . ... 3 0 0 3 0)5chmutz,p
Jehaay Kllbaae.
Joe Rivera.
Charles Eytoa.
Joe Rivers, the Los Angeles Mexican Ind who gained a hairline 10-round decision over Johnny K1I
bane last Saturdny at Vernon, probably will meet" Frankle Conley on July 4 In the same arena. Jack
tirant. of Portland, tried to have the bout staged at Vancouver, acting -for the Vancouver promoters,
but legal entanglements have put a damper on the game there for the for the time being.
The decision by Judge Willis In Ia Angeles a day or two ago validating the boxing game as It Is run In
California, covers precisely the same ground that the court will have to traverse at Vancouver; For this
reason Portland boxing enthusiasts believe the outcome of the ministerial agitation will terminate favorably
for the promoters.
bnnev. Times of game X hours.
Kraeger Opens With Double.
Kmeger opened with a long double
to left and Kapps made a wild swing
which resulted In a triple along the
first-base line. It was a lucky hit if
ever one was. and as Rodgers Mew to
Melcholr. Rapps scored from third as
the fielder fondled the ball. Those two
runs were the only ones gathered off
Browning during the five Innings
which he worked.
Elmer Koestner pitched good bll
against the eals throughout. Ten
nant's homer In the fourth, coupled
with the lucky run made In the second
Inning, was the best the Seals could
do. although there were many occa
sions when the scoring goal was threat
Before Eas'ley went Into the box he
got Into an argument with the players
on the Portland bench and during t h
entire time he waa In harness he was
keeping up a running Una of conrersa
tlonal fighting. llastley opened up a
"few" when lie was derUked and I'm
rlre Kildebrand. Manager Long, the
entire Portland team and then some
were Included In Kstley s list of per
sons blacklisted. The fact Is that th
conversational fighting materially In
terfered with Frank's pitching and he
retired rather hastily to the clubhouse.
The score:
I'ortland I Ssa Fran-isv
Ab tlFo AT AbHToAR
r-Vrne.rf 4 0 O Powrll.lf. 3 0 2 0 0
l' 4 1 O tVcA l.e 4 1 3 1
Mich n.aa S o o s e tv.ver.-r 4 o 3 e 1
knnrr. l 4 2 2 1 UTn!.l 4 2 14 1 O
T"iPt.t 4 2 12 O 2 MHc'lr.-Jo 2 0 1 0 O
T'-. k V 4 0 13 l lr.hlr,:t Sins
lIt.D X 2 1 3 o .. 3 2 3
Murry.r 4 11 OH-rrv... 4 0 3 II O
Ko-n'r i 4 2 0 1 f: ity.p. I I
t!nw'S. o 2 0 O 3 O
MM-n. O o o
L ls." 1 I 0 0 0
TotaTs 54 to rr IS 2 Tnla.'s. 31 3T 1.1
R t-.1 fir Xohier ta alma. Hatted far
III la Blntiv
Fertiand . o 0 e 4 o 2 0 e a
H.lm 1 1 1 S U 2 1 1 O-l'l
Sa rrant'HK-o.O 1 0 I o o o o o j
- Hits 0 0 0 2 1 1 O 0 1 A
Flun hehan. Kosr i2. Tlappa 2.
TUHlf-, T.nact. MMicnlr. Four runs, a
btts ot Iiiilrjf In four Innings, Hacrirtre
,e1vr. Horn run Trnnnt ttoita bases
-Powell. Hrry. Thrte-base bit Kappa.
Two-baa 1 1 a Ryan. KoUa-rm. Kru-sr.
trat baae on cald bwl.a t ff Eaatly 1.
eif KiKtin 4. tFru-k out Br Roatnr ?.
by nreviBif 2. PotjJla play Vlti te Tan.
rant: iwruar to M'irray: Peckinpangh to
Krsers to Kappe: McArdle to Tcnnant.
V t;d pltrhaa Kaatry. Time of game 1.7.
X'mplra iildanrand.
Chris Malioncy Kimm-Ls Ont Ills
Firth Home Han la Sixth.
HACRAMENTf. Cel.. Mar 11. Oirls
Nah-iney batted out his firth home run
In the sixth Inning today. Sacramento
won the game.' 4 to 1. P.cre:
V.nvon I Bacramrr. ti
Roaa If 4
Kane.lf . 1
P t'on lb 4
-h' 1
Hr l r.. 1
st'tis'n.rf. a
ar-D n i.s 4
B r.l.l. I
Hron.r. 4
Ht wart.p 4
Hltt.p... PO.A.K.:
VsH r n.vf i
U'lit.f. I
0i-pais. lb. 4
SW'h'aey.rf t
1 Hmater If. 1
T'illn.:b.. 1
1 )R-rka.:b 1
l. r. h n.aa. 1
Itaum.p. 1
1 Tb'paon.p.
Xourae. . 1
r 3
1 11
1 o
Total. IT IS 29 11 Total.. 3i IMK 3
flatted for Baura In ninth. Too out
woa winalns run was ma dr.
Verona Ml I I It M X
Rase bits I I tOl ! )l I 1
Earrament I Itl I I HI 1 I 4
xtaae hits IMII1UI1 I
Runs Carlisle, btlnson. Burrell. Fhlnn.
MihvD'r, Holster. u'Hourke. Hits Olt
Haura 14. 3 runs. Innings pitched 9: off Stew .
art 1 run. Innings pitched 'a. Home runs
Stln'"n. Maboney. Tw-ba hits Hur
retl Sacrin.-e hit Rurrell. stoln bmaoa
rarllslM. Braahear. Stlnawn. &n!nn rliaaea
en balls Lift rUum 1. off Stewart 1. eff
TbAmpaon 2. Stru- k out By Haum 4. by
tteart 4. by Thompson 1. Hit by pitcher
Rhlr.n and Vthnnrt by Ptewart; iJerchen
by II. ti. r-d ball I Ion it. Double
glays trulia lo Lerchaa. bacritice fiy ili-
Angrles Find Wlgi; and Dubois Fre
quently. Winning; to I.
liOS AN;KI.R. May 1L Couchmsn
had the Oakland batters at hla mercy
today, and the only run scored by them
was due to an error In the eighth. On
the other hand. Ixs Angeles hsd n
trouble In solving the delivery of Wlggs
and Injbols. Score:
Lee Anrrl'i I Oakland
At.H Faa.Er Ab-H To A.F.
Pavls.:h.. 3 2 3 1 o' 4 in l p
M'ere.rf. 2 I 2 O Ot'oi.i 4 " 3 O O
Mar'ke.rf 4 n 1 O 0 Marc'rt If 4 1 3 O o
tlro a.2b 4 3 3 T 1 ut- w.Ih. 4 3 2 ft 0
llow'rd.lf 4 O 2 O OZarher.rf. 3 O 2 O O
il-tl r . 3 O 3 3 n Hrtll s.3b 3 I 2 t
1. 111m IS. 4 3 14 O O -.vr. .. 1 1 1 2 O
t;ririill.c 8 2 1 8 0'parce.c. I 1 3 2 O
Chmau.p 4 3 0 4 OlVliti.p.. 3 n O 0
DuDoia. p.. v v i o
Totals 31 14 27 13 V. Totals 31 24 12 0
Loe Angeles 0 1 U 1 1 J -
Hits O o 4 5 3 I 14 "14
Oakland 0 O 0 O O 1 0 1
Hits 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2
Rum Davra. sfonre 2. Metxser. rHMon 3.
Vrtndle 3. Wares. Hlta made off Wlsss. P In
e, Inntnira. Thre-i-base hits Dalma and
Plllon. Twe.base rtllsCourliTnan and Mar.
gart Parrlflc- bits Moora and Hartlnke.
?t.ln bases Delmaa. Metier. Cutabaw.
Wir. Hasea on halls Of f ' Wlggs 4. orf
( Auchmta 1. off Dnboia 2. Pru-k ont By
Wire. I. by Coachman 2. Double plays
Cmsrtaar to Pfvl. Hatllnc to pfvl; MtsT
to IH-Lmaa to Dillon. Tims 1 :40. Umpire
8 010
"Knockout" Wins Decision
Over Tommy Murphy Easily.
Ten Furious Hounds at Brooklyn
Marked by Heady Work of
Murphy hut Ho Lacks Strength
to Withstand Rushes.
state championship. The men compris
ing the team are Gordan. Taylor and
Chapman in the sprints: Boylen In the
distance runs. Fee In the hurdles and
Jumps and Chapman and Dickinson In
the hurdles.-
Portland Fans) May Seta Workont of
TtoadMer Manajter'a Idea Which
Appears Most Vnuual.
Pld you ever see a team made up
entirely of left-hand bitters? Probably
not. but Nick Willlania haa a scheme
whereby Portland fans may get first
crack at the novel Innovation.
From the done at hand Rasmussen,
cannot pitch to a left-hand batter.
said Wlllinms last night. "Now my
plan Is this: Outside of the battery
I am the only right-hand batter on
the Portland squad. Ye are after
catcher Bradley of the Portland Coast
ers. He Is a left-hand hitter, so by
nutting In a left-hand pitcher It will
leave me the sole starboard surrlror.
"Now If I can algn somebody to play
t first for me for the one game, a
southpaw awatter I mean. I will try
the unusual experiment. it snouta
be a great drawing card, to say the
Rasmussen pitched Independent bsll
In North and South Pakota last sea
son. He may go In the box Saturday
The Vancouver pitching staff, as It
stands, consists of Jensen. Cates. Krlck-
son. Ensrle. MeQusrry. Kaamassen.
Clark and Hheehy. Clark la a student
at the I'nlverslty of Washington and
will not Join the squad until June. He
twirled In a part of the ram Funday
t Tacoma.
NEW TORK. May 11. In a rushing
ten-round bout. Knockout Brown, of
New YorH outfought and easily won
the popular decision over Tommy Mur
phy, of Brooklyn, tonight. The "little
fighting; Dutchman." as Brfiwn is
called, was the aggressor from the
start, and while Murphy fought
heady fight, he had not the strength to
carry his skill to advantage.
One of the biggest crowds that erer
attended a fight in Brooklyn witnessed
the bout.
Round I.
Prosn at onra took tbe arsreeslre and
forced Murphy to the ropes alth a left
tie body. Murobv worked tn the center In
tbe clinch, uppercut with bts tight to ths
Jv. Prown continued boring tn. taking
Murphy's rights snd batterlns away with
both hands to the body. Murphy aom In
several atralaht rights to the face, but It was
Brown'a round.
Ronad t.
Rrotvn rushed and Murphy csurht him
with a right tn the body. A left swing
Hd Murphy's nose and the tao exrhsnfred
swings in the head. Brown rushed ssaln.
and Murphy uppercut bis right to the Jaw,
almost pttAttna Prown throush the ropes.
Prosn was bark quickly and fighting fast at
the cclL Murpnys round.
Round 8.
Brown rushed Murphy to the rones snd
ripped b1a left to tbe body. Murphy came
. . . . . . i riri wun m huit nam in ni nr., cut
the tall, rangy ancouver right-hander. , Brown's mouth, but Broan whipped i
Tisht to the jaw that sent Murphy tu the
rop-s. Frown was flchtins furl'-usly and
cashed a hard one to the chin at tha bell.
tfrown s round. ,
Round 4.
They met In the center of the rlns and
Murphy drove three clean lights to Brown's
chin. Brest rushed and smaehed his left
to tbe body. Murphy rushed Brown through
ine ropce. out aia no damage. The pace
Htnmi to do tailing on Murpny.
Round 8.
They opened with a clinch. In which Mur.
phr uppercut hla light to the far.. Brown
forced blm to the ropes and reached th
body with his right. Murphy trld to hold,
but Brown was too stronc for htm. Brown
stii was doing the forrlng and bad a shade
ui Datter of tne round.
Round C
Brown continued his work to the body,
gatttng home hard lefts. Murphy used his
uppercut in clinches, but Brown's swing
to Uta bead forced Murphy to break around.
Browa followed fast, taking Murphy's short
puoeaea aaa tearing away at tha body.
Round 1.
They met In tha canter and a right on
the mouth sent Brown to the rnpee. Brown
rushed and isuti wildly. Muruhr drove
straight rl(htbard to the mouth and hooked
nts lert to ths face. Brown was at sea and
Murphy sent left and right to the faca.
asala drawing blood from Brown's nose. It
was easily Murphy s round.
Round a.
A heavy rtgbt shook Murphy's head bnt
ha evened It up by stascerlng Brown 'with
ert uo rtgnt to ins jaw. sending Brown to
the ropes. Murpny seemed to hare regained
hla speed, but a hard left to the body almost
doubled hlra up. It waa tbe hardest punch
of tbe fight, and It hurt.
Bound S.
Brown reached the head with his left and
Murphy retaliated with a hard right upper
cut to ths chin. A. left awing aent Murphy's
head back, and a right to -the body sent
him to the ropes. Murphy landed a nice
upperacut to the face and ducked a left
awing. Murphy was fighting carefully, and
had a ahade the batter ot the round.
Bound I.
Brown rushed and drove Murphy to the
ropes, but did no damage. Two left swings
to the Jaw aent Murphy back and another
on the same mark almost put him to the
floor. Murphy uppercut with his left and
Brown came back with a right to the body.
A right uppercut caught Brown on the Jaw.
but Murphy took two bard lefts to the body.
Tbey were fighting bard at the bell.
Four I-eagwra at a Glance.
Paclnc raaat.
W. l p.r.t
rortlsnd ..:S1T .s... Spokane .
Fan Kran..-4iri .fi..attl ...
Sacramento V -O -CH'C'Vanrc uver
Oakland ..313- . Uroitli ..
Vernon t'ortiana
Las AnsTs 1124 .41SiVlctorle .
North west era.
vr. T- p.r.
IS R .T.1
It I .)
11 9
14 ..n't
5 l.l .Sit
6 IS .2nd
i. National.
w. I- r.r.l w. T. P C
Tetroit ...21 4 .' Phlladelp'a 1 e ...V)
lioston ...l.t 1 ...vptiteburs ..14 .-.
Phllad-ra .11 Tor..i a -o-
N-w Tork.lllO .S'-"4 Cincinnati .1 8 .4Mt
hlraao . . . 1 1 lO ..- Chicago ...1311 .32
Washington 8 12 .400 Huston .... 8 13 .341
"levelaud. vis"-"!. t.ouis.. Bja .811
St. Louis .. 8 18 .UlTlBroklyn ... S17 .21.1
Tee4erday"s Beaolta.
Pacific roast League Portland . San
Frai cisco 3: Los Anseles S, Oakland 1;
Sacramento 4. Vernon X
North weetern League Vancouver B. Port
land 0: Tacoma ft. 6eatUe 0; Victoria 21 Spo
kane I.
American Lesgua rnusdeipnia , CL
Lecls 2: New York . Detroit : Boston 7.
Cleveland (t: Chicago I". Washington .
Nations! League Philadelphia 1. Pitts-
bcrg 10: Cincinnati 13. Boston 10: Brooklyn
lu. St. Louis 1: blratro s. New Tora a.
1911 TennU Guides.
The Columbia Hardware Co. has lust
received new Wright A Dixon lawn
tennis guides.
Pendclton Athletes Depart.
PENDLETON. Or, May 11. (Special.)
Fresh from tbelr victories at Atbena
and Walla Walla In which they won the
In terscholastlc championship of Uma
tilla County and the trl-state cham
pionship, the members of tbe Pendle
ton High School track team left this
morning for Eugene to try for the
Y. M. C. A. and Cheniawa Meti Ready
for Saletn-Portland Contest.
Officials of the Chemawa Indian Train
ing School and the Portland Y. M. C. A.
yesterday agreed to run the . annual
Salem-to-Portland relay on Saturday aft
ernoon Instead of postponing it a week,
as wss announced. Good weather caused
the change. The SO-mtle race will begin
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the
Capitol building at Salem, and probably
win end at the V. M. C. A. building,
Portland, shortly after I o'clock.
The association's 10 men have been
chosen as follows: Barndollar. Booth
Payton. Vanderllp. Schwabaucr. Kurtz,
Paulson or Gunthcr, Hartman,-Jensvold
and Captain Tabb. They will run the
relnys In the order named.
Barndollar. Bodth. Payton and Vander
llp will go to Salem tonight and be sta
tioned at their posts along the road by
automobiles from there early tomorrow.
A. M. Grllley and P. W. Lee will be the
V. M. C. A. officials, while Assistant
Superintendent Campbell, of Chemawa
will look after his men's Interests. The
V. M. C. A. lias made arrangements to
bulletin the progress of the runners at
tbe association lobby.
Vancouver Club Owner Says He Is to
Demand Championship Be Taken
From 1910 Indians.
Like Banquo's ghost the lletllng case
will not down. Bob Brown, part owner
of the Vancouver Northwestern League
team, will go before the league directors
on May 14 wlthNi demand that Vancou
ver be awarded tho 1910 Northwestern
pennant. lie announced this step yes
terday to Judge McCredie. basing his ap
peal on the National Commission's rul
ing throwing out all games In which
Hetllng. a "farmed" player, participated
with the Spokane champions.
"Techloally, Brown la right," said
Judge McCredie. "I wouldn't take ft
pennant that way, however, and 1 tried
to dissuade him from broaching the
matter, but he seems determined."
The umpire situation and the Lynch
suspension will be the principal sub
ject tip at the May 14 session. Presi
dent Lindsay declared over long-distance
telephone yesterday that he would not
resign even If the directors did overrule
him and reinstate Lynch. The resigna
tion canard has been given considerable
publicity around the circuit.
The upshot of the fuss probably will
be an upholding of Lindsay, followed a
few daya later by an announcement that
Lindsay has relented and will allow the
battling Mike again to draw pay.
Bloomfield Becomes Wild as Haw
and Is Relieved by Tonneson
In Fifth Inning, but It
Matter Nothing.
Ell Cates. a slx-cyllnder, 60-horse
power pitching machine signalized hi
re-entry into Portland after three years
in the East by doling out to William
Roadsters what the doughnut sur
rounds. Score: Vancouver 6, Portland
0. Cates held the locals to five measly
hits in as many innings by having more
on the ball than the Roadsters had on
the bats. He displayed tact and like
wise finesse.
Both these qualities seemed to be
lacking In the Portland pitchers. Bloom
field walked six in three Innings, the
third, fourth and fifth, and Tonneso
waa called from the bench. Tonneson
started poorly by paslng two In a row
but then settled down and pitched -fair!
good ball. He allowed six hits an
three runa In four frames.
Stneerely, the game was not a not
able exhibition of the American pastime.
Vancouver had a peculiar system o
Retting men on first base and the
stealing second, third and home. The
Idea was most effective.
Ten. Sacks Stolen.
Altogether they netted 10 sacks In th
willy nilly scramble off Catcher Harri
and the boxmen, the worst feature o
It being that nearly 800 fans saw th
Tourists plunk a step down the per
centage ladder.
Portland cannot expect to win them
all, however, and even this defeat gives
the teams a four and four break. Wll
Hams' men took two out of five on the
rosd series and have chalked up two
of three so far at home.
The Canadians started out vora
ciously, gobbling two tallies In the sec
ond on hits by Brashear. Scharnweber
and Lewis. Things went along on an
even keel then until the fifth when
Adams and Prashear walked. Tonne
son relieved Bloomfield on the hill and
a sacrifice by James, scoring Adams,
was the net result. Brlnker counted In
the sixth on doubles by himself and
Bennett. Two more rang the bell in
the eighth and ninth.
Locals Haven't Chance.
" As for the locals, they didn't have
chance to cross except In the sixth
when, with the bases clogged. Manager
Nick lifted a sailer to center. The
Brin'r.ef &
Adams.rf 8
Ben'tt.2b 2
Bras' 4
James. 3b 2
Harr'n.lf 2
Pch' 4
Lewlac. 4
Ca.Ws.p 6
1 2
1 2
1 4
1 11
1 0
1 3
1 2
2 3
0 0
n ui
o o
Will's, lb
01 Mensp 4
o GouRh.rf 4
OiHsrrls.c 3
0 Bloo'd.p 1
Tonn'n.p 2
0 1
8 3
Totals 31 t27 11 1 Totals SO 5 27
Vsncouver 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 16
tilts 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 1 29
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits 1 0 0 10 10 1 1 S
Ftruck out By Bloomfield 4. TVnneson4,
Cates 2. Bases on balls Off Bloomfield 8,
Tonneson 8. Two-base hits Brinker, Ben
nett. Runs Brinker, Adams 2. Brashear.
James, bentrnweoer. lounie plays Harrl
son to Lewis, Bennett to Brashar. Sacrlfic
nits Casey. James -, Harrison 2. Stolen
bases Soharney. lewis, Bennett 3. Stovall,
Adams 3. Brashear. Harrison. Hit bv
pitched balls Miller 2, Stovall. Innings
pitched By Bloomfield 4 1-3. at bat off
Bloomfield 9. Hase hits Off Bloomfleld 3.
runs 2. Charge defeat to Bloomfield. Time
of same Tao hours. Umpires Kane and
the second
man going
Merchants Lose to High School.
ALBANY, Or.. May 11. (Special.)
By a score of 6 to 4, the Albany High
School baaeball team won from the
Merchants In the Albany Twilight
League today. A most peculiar feature
of the contest was that the Merchants'
catcher had only one put-out In the
entire game. Not a single high school
lad atruck out and the lone put-out of
the catcher waa secured when a man
tried to score from third base on a hit
and run signal and the batter missed
the ball.
Lincoln May Flay Aberdeen Here.
Negotiations are now on for the
Aberdeen High School baseball team
to play Lincoln High School here some
time towards the last of this month. In
the event of Lincoln winning; the inter
scholaattc championship here, the Aber
deen visit will be of interest in sport
ing circles, as Aberdeen Is a very strong
team among contestants lor the cham
pionship of Washington.
Donald 1, West Wood burn 4. -Donald
waa victorious over West
Woodburn Sunday in a game played at
West woouDurn. The score was 12
to 4. The Portland Cubs and Donald
will meet next Sunday.
Notes of the Game.
Scharnweber stole home in
Inning. Adams in the eighth,
to second on each occasion.
Lamllne will pitch for Tortland today and
Engle for Brashear. acordlng to announce
ments made last night.
Miller waa bit uy pitched balls twice In
his four times up.
Mensor. Harris snd Williams got all the
putouts in the first four and one-half innings.
Bennett and Adams each stole three baga.
Stovall annexed two fierce rwals and s
dead ball in four trips to the pan.
Cates pitched for Portland in IftOS. goinir
to Oakland In Jftna. part of 11108 he was
with Washington. Jumping from there to
the California outlaw. Last season he was
with Minneapolis.
With Miller on third and Blovall on first.
MundorfT lifted a short fly to left field in
the opening Inning. Miller. broke for homo
and waa an easy out at the plate.
Bennett robbed Mundorff of a hit In tha
ninth by stabbing a screaming liner.
Brinker, left-hand Datter, switched
over to the other side when Southpaw Ton
neson went in and the result was a two-
bagser Into left, his only hit.
t.oua-h iooks exceeoingiy promising in left
for Portland. He does seetia sensational
fielding, tut fell down with the willow yesterday.
Today is ladles' cay.
Last year Northwestern Lesgue umpires
wore gray stilts. They are back to the
regulation blue again.
Bob Brown, of the Vancouver team, has
telegraphed San Francisco offering to trade
Fecond Baaaman Bfcnnett for "Hunky" Shaw.
lany Long wires back "No."'
The five-day waiver limit on Pitcher
Browning will be up this morning and Nick
Wllllama will then know whether or not ha
gets blm.
Tha Portland Coasters went back up Into
first wban the Roadsters were tumbling Into
Bfth yesterday.
President Lindsay denies that he will re
sign if the directors overrule the Mlka
Lynch suspension.
Three-Bagger, Pass and Passed Ball
Score Victoria's Winning Ran.
VICTORIA. B. C May 11. Spokane
could not hit Thomas today, and lost
to Victoria by the score of 2 to 1.
Thomas struck out 14 men. Both teams
scored In the first. In the sixth Million
hit a three-bagger and after Kraft
walked Householder, Million came tn
on a passed ball. Score:
Victoria Spokane
Ab.H.Po.A.K.1 Ab.K.Po.A-E.
V V O U3
r 4 24 18 3
Totals 27 4 24 18 3 Totals. 25 7 27 15 0
Seattle 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tacoma 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 5
Runs Baasey, Coleman. Burns, Fisher,
Schmutz. Double play Shea to Leard to
Crulckstmnk. Sacrifice hits Burns. Coleman.
Struck out By Joss 1. by Schmutz, 7. Bases
on balls Oft Joss 3. off Schmutz 3. Tim, of
game l:3o. Umpire Longanecaer.
Philadelphia 19, Pittsburg 10.
. PHILADELPHIA, May 11. In defeat
ing Pittsburg today. Philadelphia broke
the season's scoring record In the Na
tional League. Caranits, Gardner and
Smith were all . hit hard by the home
team, while Alexander was effective un
til the ninth, when the visitors scored
seven runs on two-baggers by McCarthy
and Miller, two errors and four bases on
balls. MeKechnle was hit on the wrist
by a pitched ball in the first ' Inning
and forced to leave the game. Gibson
and Wagner were put off the field for
objecting to decisions. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Pittsburg ..10 6 l;Phila 13 17 3
Batterles-'-Camnltz, Gardner. Smith
and Gibson: Somer. Alexander and Doo
ln. Umpires Finnernan and Rigler.
Chicago 9, New York 3.
NEW YORK, May 11. After having
lost five games in a row, Chicago turned
on the New Yorks and defeated them in
a contest featured by the pitching of
Harry Mclntyre. Score:
, R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chicago 9 15 lNew York -.3 8 1
Batteries Mclntyre and Archer, Kling:
Crandall, Raymond, Marquard and Myers,
Cincinnati 13, Boston 10.
BOSTON. May 11. Cincinnati won a
slow game from Boston today. The local
team secured three home runs but weak
pitching lost the contest. Score:
R. H..E.I R. H. E.
Boston 10 12 47incinnati ..13 14 2
Batteries Brown, Purdue, McTige and
Graham: Fromme and McLean. Umpires
Johnstone and Eason.
New Coats for
Summer Wear
Just received a shipment of 487
factory samples of lightweight
Coats, just the thing for Sum
mer wear. The line comprises
the very latest ideas in silk
Dusters garments that are es
pecially designed for traveling,
driving, autoing, as well as for
street wear.
Values to $18
at $2 to $8.65
With our addition we have on
hand our usual stock of Rain
coats, Cravenettes and English
Slip-ons for men and women,
that are selling at a radically
low price, as we are forced to
vacate our present location.
Raincoat Co.
Open Saturday Evening Until
10 o'Clock.
Brooklyn 10, St. Louis 1.
BROOKLYN. May 11. Brooklyn
batted Steele and Geyer hard, white Bar-
ger was well nigh Invincible and the
home team won its first game of the
St. Louis series. Daubert had a home
run. a triple and two singles in four
times up. Score:
R. H. E. R. II. E.
St. Louis ..1 3 llBrooklyn ..10 36 2
Batteries Steele, Geyer and Bresna-
han. Bliss; Barger and Bergen. Umpires
Klem and Doyle.
Boston 7, Cleveland 6.
CLEVELAND, May 11. Cleveland and
Boston fought one of the hardest dia
mond battles ever seen here, the visi
tors winning In ten innings. Pinch
hitters were used by the wholesale.
which resulted In seven pitchers being
used. Score:
R- H. E.l R. H. E.
Cleveland ..6 13 0Boston 7 14 0
Batteries Tingling. Harkness. Kaler.
Blandlng and Land. Smith: Hall. Ci-
cotte. Wood and Carrigan.
was a pitchers' battle until the sixth.
R. H. E. R. II. E.
New York.. 6 10 0Detrolt 0 2 1
Batteries Ford and Sweeney; Lively
and Stanage.
Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 2.
ST. LOUIS, May 1L Philadelphia
scored three runs In a ninth Inning
rally and defeated the locals. Sensa
tional fielding by Shotton and Hoffman,
and Strunk's home run were the fea
tures. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Phlladel'a. 4 11 01SL Louis. .. . 6 1
Batteries Krause, Coombs and
Thomas, Livingstone; Powell- and
Chicago 20, Washington 6.
CHICAGO, May 11. Chicago batted
Groom all over the field and had little
difficulty in winning today's game. The
support behind Groom was ragged.
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chicago.. 20 20 3WashIngton 6 10 6
Batteries White and Sullivan; Groom
and Henry.
New York 6, Dotroit 0.
DETROIT, May 11. Detroit, helpless
n the hands of Russell Ford, failed to
reach second base, and New York cap
tured the second game of the series. It
I7-Year-OId Spokane Pitcher Goes
to American League Club.
VICTORIA. B. C. May 1L Paul Strand,
the 17-year-old pitcher of the Spokane
club of the Northwestern league, was
sold today to the Boston club of the
American League.
Strand will finish the season with the
Northwestern League. It is reported
that Boston paid $50X1 for the young
4000 Miles of Safe Going Guaranteed
On Wet or Dry Roads
or Streets
The tires that remove 90 of the dan
ger of accident, because they're guar
anteed not to skid in any direction, and
statistics show that 90Tr of automobile
arcirlents result from skidding.
In dry weather service Pennsylvania
Vacuum Cup tires offer advantages Just
as great in point of economy. The
height of ths knobs gives a half-inch
more wear as compared with smooth
tread tires. These tires will not heat
up In warm weather, because the knobs
and cups give double the radiating sur
face, and friction with the road is
enormously reduced. Due to these facts
they are giiarnnteed for 404M) miles.
Pennsylvania Vacuum t'up tires are
made by an Independent company.
Prices and selling policy are free from
influence by any trade, combination or
association. Write us for prices.
, :r
lis . - Mi
Ml" ; S3
min i.mir-i.i,v.m IriB'm.i .ilotili ,l
Emporiums Want Games.
The Portland Emporium team wants
games for Sunday afternoons or morn
ings. Call William Karg. Main 7070.
More herrtnes are. eaten Chan anr other
kind ot fu.h.
Davls.lf.. 4 0 10 ONetseLSb. 4 1
Ray'er.2b 4 2 12 OCooney.u. 3 0
Million. cf 4 2 0 0 0;Frlk.rf.. 3-0
HTeh'r.rf S 2 1 0 OiN'd'ke. lb 2 O 3 16 0 HZimm' 4 O
Ward.3b. 3 O 1 2 0'T'che.2b. 4 0
Redd' 3 0 11 0Klppert,lf 8 d
Roche,c. 0 0 0 0 O'Hasty.o... a 0
D'sbw'd.e 3 015 0 OlKraft.D. . 2 0
rnomas.p s
I 3 1 1 4 01
2-9 8 27 8 l
to the East
Totals 27 1 26 S 1
Victoria '. 100001 00 2
Spokane 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Runa Rayraer. Million, NetxeL Stolen
bases Cooney, Kippert. Raymcr. Three
base hit Million. Double play Thomas to
Tiashwood. Struck out Thomas 14. Kraft
6. Bases on balls Thomas 6. Kraft 1. Hit
by pitched ball ('ooney. Kippert. "Wild
pitch Thomas. Passed balls Roche 3.
May 16, 17, 18, 19,
22. 23. 24. 25, 27. 28, 29.
June B. 7, 9, 10, 12,
16. 17. 21. 22. 28. 29 an
July I. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 19. 20. 26. 27, 28.
August 3. 4. 6. 14. 15. 16. 17. 21 22 3 99 90 sn
September 1. 2, 4, 6, 6, 7.
RETURN 60.00
Tickets allow fifteen (IB) days for going passage, final
return limit October 31st.
Go one way and return another if you wish, stopovers al
lowed within limit In each direction.
Ride On tho OHIKTtl. I.IUITr.n Thrnnh nnrf
Tourist Sleepers Portland to Chicago, in seventy-two hours
without change. Service and scenery unsurpassed.
Tickets and sleeDlnz-car Teservatlon-s at City
Ticket Office, 122 Third Street, Portland, or at
Depot, Eleventh and Hoyt streets.
11. DI.lvSO., C. P. T. A.