Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 10, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    t-ttb 3T0Tl?rrXG OREGOXTAX. U EDS LSD AT, STXT 10, 1911.
First Clash of Season With
San Francisco Disastrous
for Champions.
-Jfter Heavy Hitting of Enemy Cora
pels Retirement, Benny Lon;'o
Men Get More Tallies Off
of Fullerton.
BAN FRAXCCI3CO. Mar t.-t-SpecIal.)
r-.aying saa Francisco for the first
time this season, with Henley In the
box after a fuU week's rest. Walter Mc-
Credle today saw Benny Henderson, on
of h;s talr.ers. ignominious ty batted out
of tr.e box. and men writhed In silent
cony w hi.e the Seals went along gath-
erin in more runs off Fullerton.
Thanks to a let-down by Henley, or
fcatUng ra!'.y by the Beavers.' the Ore
gon delegation did not quit the game
scoreless, but they were so far benlnd
that their two runs to the eight of
Bia Francisco hardly counted.
it was the same old-story a lot of
fclttins; (or the locals and smashes that
came close enough together to count
mightily in the getting- of tallies, and
a trio more of tha bing'.es in the fourth
for two more scores assisted Benny back
to the bench. Fullerton shut down on
the hitting capacity of the men who
faced him, but he could not locate the
Plato and that, with an error In left.
was responsible for the further tallying
of the C'ailfornians, who are so close
to the leaders that another victory to
morrow afternoon would puncture that
commanding position of the Beavera.
Henley was In just enough trouble all
the way to keep the game Interesting,
fcut until Tommy Tennant started the
Mitath by dropping a throw across the
diamond, the San Francisco right
lander was not scored on. That Inning,
however. xw the Beavers take a brace
nd their three hits with the one error
iplains how they scored twice.
. The lop-sided score doesn't by any
means show the Beavers off to tne best
advantage. Their bits, not quite up to
those of the locals, came in bunches at
times, but as they were usually with
two down, it reduced their chances of
endlns men around the sacks. The
core in detail:
Portland I Saa
Tne.rt Powell.lf 41 S O O
Kyan.if .4
(f-i han.Gb &
Vrusr.lf 4
J'.apps. it 4
1 km u.ts 3
r. .i-aJ(, 4
Hrriyc 4
mi.p :
lrtn.p S
2 3 0 W 4 2 O O O
1 t 1 1 Trnr. I 111 t 1
1 T a V ll ld url 1 1 O O 0
2 2 8 1 M.her.3b 43141
1 4 U OVItt.Sb ...4 18 10
2 4 3 0 Bfr.l i- ...4 8 5 3 O
0 V 1 1 Hrnlry.p .4 1 0 S O
0 14V M'ch'lr.rf O o O O 0
Total 3C 0 24 1 3, Totals 82 13 17 1 3
rortlaad 0 O 0 O 0 O S O
in- l o i 3 o I o 8 o a
tan rrsnrlsco O O 8 3 3 O O O X
H1IS DMIltll S 13
Raae- Frae. Krarfr. Powa'l. McArdl.
TVav-r. Tnnanl. Midd'li. Vttt. lttnl. 2.
To-bm hit Bens. Kntfiar. tacrine
b;:a3Ja-14?n. Po;i. Ihrsl ta oa ra:id
t-.s Off ilnleron. 1; oft Heniry. Fuller
tin. X ?Trutk out Fir Hnirsoa. J: Han
ley. X iMuhle p r Hfy to Vttt.
to h-han. Ktjcer fo Kappa. i-asad
k.s H-irr. Willi plt-h-s il'aier. .-ul-lrtjD.
Sl'n ba-s I'eckinpau. Rods-srs.
M-Ardi, Teoaaal 2, VitL. limcf e( game.
V m plre
I.os Angeles Gets More Hits) bat Tails
to Scoro Often Enough.
LOS ANGELES. May . Although
Los Angeles got more bits than Oak
land In today's baiting- bee, the Oaks
won to 7. Score:
Los Atl I Oakland
Akla. IK o
lour, vf 4
U: dm
fmlth. r 5
i . r s
Xo d. II 3
ai r. 3t 3
I'lll-D. lb 4
btott. e 4
A nr. p 3
n ..ei r e
Crta . -f 1
0 0
0 Pfyt lb. 4
0 i.'ov. Tt. . 3
1 mi l. If 4
0 Cut w, b J
1 c r. ef 8
1 H-l'x. 3b 3
0 u r. ss 3
o ukm e. 1
H4rM, If 8
V fclurey. p 4
0 3
X 8
: i
3 V
8 3
1 10
1 O
o 0
0 9
Totals 41 It JT 13 3, Totals 39 13 ST 11
WSteler batted for Agaew la sloth.
X.oa Acx.lM 0 1 1 0003V I T
Hits 1 1 4 1 4 1 13
Oakland 1 0 3 1 8 0 3 0 le-
0 0 3 3 3 0 3 1 a U
r.ans Moore X. Smith. Kowsrd. Mrtsxer.
Tl. ion. Mssart 4. I'utatiaw 3, 7.achr. Het
line. Uaru Tbrebs. kits Macrt.
I'jt To-ba. sit ttitia. Coy. Moors,
fcaenfloe hll t utjljw. r..lua. htul.a
sira. 31.cit.rt. Culsh.w. Zaubrr. Wares.
aau no b . Ot Ai 3. ivilror A
Hit ty l irhrt bi. Mactart. Toir.
W blr. 2:13. fmnr 3tcOr.vy.
Vernon nunc lies HiLS In Fourth and
Scores Again In KiUtb anil Ninth.
8ACRAiIEXTa Cal.. Slay . Spe
cial. Vernon bunched hits on Sacra
mento In the fourth today, scoring three
runs. Scores In the eighth and ninth
gate the visitor the game, k to 3. Score:
Vmon Sacramento
Ak.R.Pa.A.E. lull pm B?
Csrl'Urf 4 II 1 A'anBur.rf .lis
K J.. 3
Ki tf. If 0
i' t !.: 4
l:iur.;o 4
Kt't-jo.rf 4 3
1. ir au.Jt 3
aa.c. 3 p. .. 3
S:WAXt.p 1
1 1 0 OK'u k -b 4 1 8 f
t rhoaia..c. 3 17 3 0
1 lt 0 lUUnff.e S 0 1 0
till .-.n.ic.Ib 31330
3 10 0 limo ej.rf 3 110 0
1 X 4 C Ills
-12 4 Uulin.Ao.. 8 13 8 1
18 0 0 l..rt-ri' 4 0 3 8 4
1 O J r'Kl i M.p t 1 13 0
0 0 10 i'kum. p.. O 0 0 0 a
sdloa... 1 0 0 0 0
TotaU JJ 11 2T ii lj Totals .11 3 37 11 1
Batted (or Pius-.rald In eiohta.
V-nia Rjn 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 8
, 4 0 14 113 1 4 11
Sa rsm.Bto Hull ....0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 3
Hits 1 00103310 3
Itucs Ross. Pa-.t.non 1. Pur.
r;. ilar. a..r. t'l'iceraid. stolen baar F
'arll... ::Da. 3iv.Lii4l. O'Kuurkc Hut
P't'ftl Ma limintfs. hits and tbr.
rxinj. rttjf.raM. ..stic Inmrsa. 11 hits and
tnrn ruoa. Horn, rtjrt Two-baa.
kit Mu.-relL emcrltic. bit lUDoaoIL. H
Sa. O kjrk flaaoe oa batia off Flls
.ra.i :. oft Hltl . off Stewart 1. Lti oa
t-. rtcrainino 0. V'tmoa i. Struck out
li Fi.j.r.u . by Hut 1. or bau L !
ruM. p. Kltararald to Duif. Lulia to
A-.nj.c. i:ifAr tj Jicino.l to Patttraoa.
Hcr.r..a f.y tm.-r.ll. Wild pitch
a. t. lime Two hours, t'mplre s'laa.y.
J-Iongated Southpaw No Lonj-er
Member of Oakland Clnb.
1X53 AXCSFn.ES. May . (Special.)
"U hen the Oakland team unloaded to
day at the ball park. 14 noses were
nnmera!ed. the Grecian profile of
511m- Nelson being- missing.
"i'.'-ta" stajeJ at home for the good
. ."':;."7' i i - - -4
EA.xrb 1 - i ,
if .Tv''U: ; i . Uv .
-;; 'V'' -W.l.-
f- .n Jv' V til : Vi--V-.ivV-: If . -.- ;. - : :-v-A
. - - H : ' SSii ' A
Vpper Left CarTeta, Pertlawd Pitcher.
Asmi Rnl- Lower Left Vasesn
esw C'atew, Eaale. Lower Rlaat .
er, Mew Maaaaer ef Vaaeoaver Tea
reason that olverton "canned" him
before the team took its departure for
the south. As Nelson has pitched only
fraction of one frame this season.
Wolverton felt that to carry Mm Ion it
er would be to lug- around about tlx-feet-six
excess basgage. The elongated
southpaw with the wide curves and
mysterious delivery has been coming
and frolng with the Oakland dub ao
long- that the fans were quick to note
his absence.
shaw is to ncjoix seas
"nnnky Stop In Portland on Way
to San Francisco.
Royal Ehaw. better known to the
fans of the Paclilo Coast and North
west as "H unity." was In Portland yes
terday on his way to join the Seals.
Shaw was a member of the San Fran
dsco club all last season, having- been
turned over by the Chicago Americana,
but this Spring objected to the salary
offered and refused to, report.
Ever since February Shaw has been
dickering- with Danny. Long- relative
to money matters, for the player be
lieved he was entitled to a raise, citing:
the fact that ho led the league In bat
ting. Thia distinction . Is generally
credited to Artl Rrueger. of the Port
land team, but thaw participated In
many more rimea than did the Fort
land outfielder.
Shaw also-refuses to play Infield any
more. and. aa he has' come to an ami
cable agreement with Long-, tt Is likely
that he has won his point, for the 8eala
are badly In need of an outfielder who
can hit the ball once in a while, and
'Shaw seems to possess this quallnca
' . e -
According- to advices from Tacoroa.
Fred Annis. the Tiger southpaw 4 wirier,
who deerted the team shortly before
the Northwestern Leairue season
opened. Is about to come back Into the
fold. Like most left banders, Annis
Is eccentric He became peeved" at
something- several weeks ago and
deserted Schreeder camp.
Some Cleveland scribes are touting-
Gus Fisher, the catcher with the Cham
plon Beavera last year, as an out
fielder. Fisher has been pressed Into
service as a pinch hitter by the. "Naps"
on several occasions and made so good
that some of the "dopenters". advocate
the making of an outfielder of him In
order that he may play regularly, for he
has little chance of becoming- a regular
Eddie Halllnan. the -Ans;el thlrd
sacker of last season, seems to have
beaten Frank Truesdale out of the
utility Job for St. Louis Browns. Trues
dale formerly played second base for
the Oakland club and has been turned
over to Buffalo In the Eastern League,
while Halllnan has been retained by Su
W. L.
Portland ..111 14
Kan Fraa..lS 1
Oakland ,.:nil
Vtraon ....It 24
Eao'm'ta ..11
ua Aars.n:
W. L.
p. a
.: Spokane .
.441 s.aul. . .
4h Vancouver
.47 Tacoraa
.4;'!'ortland .
.41 Victoria .
.17 4
.11 T
.10 8
7 13
Asaerlraa. ' XatlonaL
TV. U P C.I W. L. P C
t,ttT" I -Ti? ? i
rhlla. 0 0 .40O N.w York.. 11 7
N.w York. 0 10 .474 Chlcaao ...Ills
Oilraso ... 0 14 .474 Cincinnati .80
n ut m . si .444 lioston .... tit .8 18 .HI St. Iuts... 0 11
St. Louis... 8 10 .lit Brook. a .. 5 14
TwterlBys Reswlta
Paeire Otaat tatnis Hsn Pranelseo 8. a t: Oaklaad 8. Loa Aagaiaa 7; Var
aon 4. Pecramauto 3.
Nortb w-.tra Leas-ue Portland-Vancouver
Sam. postponed, rain; Tacuraa 1. beattl. 0;
bpokane 4. Victoria 3.
American Boston t, d.T.lanrl 4:
rtrtit la. Tork 4; aa otb.r cam.a
National Iai(u 1tttabarg 8. Philadelphia
1; Cincinnati a Boston 2. N.w Tork 8, Chi
cao 3: 6U Loula 2. Broskiya 0.
Four Leaawea at a Ulaaee.
t'sper Blk Umpire :
rr Twlrllna; Malwataya,
ormaa Braskear, Former
Umpire Has No Love for Presi
dent of National League.
Amos Rusle, 1io Also Ilandlcs) In
dicator In Northwestern League,
Was Idol of New Tork Fans
for About Ten Years.
When President Thomas J. Lynch, of
the National Leacme dropped Steve
Kane from his list of umpires after two
years' service last February he made a
bitter enemy. Lynch said at the time
that Kane was a capable official, but
was too short. Kane baa a different
"Strange ho didn't discover my phy
sical falling; before that," said Kane
last night. "It was dirty politics,
that's what It was. Doyle had a pull
and Lynch carried ma along- all Win
ter before ho had nerve enough to tell
me. Of course It was too late then
for me to land anything- In the Ameri
can or even In a Class A circuit, so
here I am out here. Poor old Bob
Emails went the same route, too, after
ti years' service. Harry Pull lam told
me one day that Emslle would have a
Job as Ions as he was president of the
league. The league lost a great offi
cial when Pulllara died."
President Lindsay not in touch with
Kane through President Chivington. of
the American Association. Kane um
pired four years In the American As
sociation. Amos Rusle, who la working- out as
an umpire under Kane In Portland
this week, started his wonderful career
as a major league pitcher with Indian
apolla In lStsS. Two years later Brush
transferred him 3)o New York, where
he was the idol of the fans for ten
years, or until 1900. His release came
about as a result of an injury to his
pitching- arm In 18S7. Rusle was with
Cincinnati for a few weeks In 1900 and
then retired from the game.
Pittsburg; 8, Philadelphia 1.
PHILADELPHIA, May 9. Pittsburg
opened its Kastern campaign today by
easily defeating the home team. Tha
vltitora. drove Kowan off the rubber In
the third when they made five hits.
Chalmers was also hit hard. Score:
R-H.E.I R.H.B.
Pittsburg .... 12 Philadelphia. 14 4
Batteries Adams and Gibson: Rowan.
Chalmers and Dooln.
Umpires Flnnernan and Rlgler.
New York 5, Chicago S.
NEW TORK. May 9. New Tork de
feated ChlcaKo In a game played In a
drlzsle. Mathewson outpltched Brown
and received better support. A feature
was the bard bitting of Shulte and
Myers. Score:
Chlcatro 3 T 2, New Tork ....5 9 1
Batteries Brown and Kllng: Matthew-
eon and Myers.
Umpires Brennan and CDay.
Cincinnati 6, Boston 3.
BOSTON, May 9. Cincinnati won her
first game of the season from Boston.
The visitors won In the first Inning.
when Beck drovo one of Tyler's easy
Steve Kane ..d , 11
Veroo. nay- 1 V -
ones over the rifrht field fence, scoring-
four runs. Score:
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
Boston ....3 6 HClnclnnatl .6 1
Batteries Tyler, Brown and Graham;
Ketfe and Clark. Umpires Johnstone
and .aaon.
St. Louis 2,' Brooklyn 0.
BROOKLYN, N. Y, May 9. Playing
In the rain, Harmon had the better of
Rucker and St. Louis shut out Brook
lyn in a pitchers' battle. Brooklyn used
17 man. bcore:
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
EL Louis.. 2 8 1, Brooklyn ..0 3 2
Batteries Harmon and Bresnahan;
Rucker. Ryan and Bergen. Miller. Um
pires Klem and Doyle.
Boston 5, Cleveland 4.
CLEVELAND. Mar 9. Boston made
! c"VeiaSr?toth,No?ahu w";
made off Karger until the sixth, but
Cleveland hit him hard In the ninth and
drove hlra from the box. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Cleveland .4 7 11 Boston ....6 11 1
Batteries West. Mitchell and Land;
Karger. Hall and Nunamaker.
Detroit 10, New Tork 0.
DETROIT, May 9. Detroit captured
the first era me of the series with New
York. Warbop was easy from the
start, while Works allowed three hits.
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
New York.O S 3 Detroit ..10 14 1
Batteries Warhop and Sweeney;
Works and Stanage.
Ex-Ballplayer Says American League
President Slandered Him.
NEW YORK. May 9. The 150.000 suit
for slander brought by John M. Ward,
formerly a ballplayer, against "Ban"
Johnson, president of the American
League, came to trial today before
Judge Hand, in the Federal Court.
Ward alleges that in 1909 when be
was a candidate lor the presidency of
the National League. Johnson made
derogatory remarks about him.
Railroaders Beat Silverton.
The Oregon-Washington Railroad A
Navigation Company Shops baseball
team last Sunday defeated the Silverton
club at Silverton to S In 10 innings.
Melllo pitched for the railroaders and
did good work. W. vJ. Fox. manager of
the shops team, desires games. As
recommendation he says the shops boys
have won six games thia season and
lost none. Phone B 2365 or East 110.
Swimmers to I lace for Trophy.
A special 440-yards swimming race for
a trophy donated by Larry Schade Is to
be one ol the features of the regular
weekly social swim of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club tomorrow night
Louis Thomas, Tom Garrett. Gus Man-
kurts and Georgit McClure, four of the
speediest swimmers of the club, will
compete In this event, which will be
a handicap affair. Instructor Cavlll
will give an exhibition of his amphibian
Athena Team Leaves Today.
ATHENA. Or, May 9. (Special.)
The high school tracic team is training
hard this week In preparation for the
University of Oregon meet to be held
In Eugene next Friday, May 12, and
the 'earn leaves here Wednesday. Those
golnz on the team are: F. Payne, iji
the half mile and mile; L. McEwen and
M. Hill, In the sprints, and G. Dudley,
in the weights.
iltf? . ;Mfp . 4-fr ".
Schlitz in brown bottles costs you no more than com
mon beer in light bottles.
Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives
protection, against light. :
All Schlitz is aged for months in glass enameled tanks,
so that it cannot cause biliousness. It will not ferment in
your stomach.
If you knew what we know about beer, you would say,
"Schlitz Schlitz in Brown Bottles."
That Hade Hii
Pitchers HoIHs and Sheeny Re
leased by Roadsters.
Gongh Will Bo Tried In Field This
Week, Having Reputation or Be
ing Effective With Bat Ort
. to Be Retained. '
That vacillating hussy they call For
tune stood In with the rain yesterday so
there was no Portland-Vancouver
game. However, while Jupiter Plu
vius, "jinx" of baseball, the circus and
Fourth of July parades, was paddling
around In the Vaughn-street puddle,
Manager Nick Williams got busy with
the scimitar and two heads fell Into
the basket, being those of Pitchers
Sheehy and Hollls.
The Portland Northwest squad now
numbers 17 men, as follows:
Catchers, Harris and Snooks; pltoh-
ers. Archer, Tonneson. southpaws, and
Berger, Lamline, Garrett, Bloomfleld,
right-banders; lnlielders, Williams,
Casey, Mensor, Mundorff; outfielders,
Speas, Ort. Miller, Stovall and Gough.
Ort to Be Retained.
Williams calculates to keep six
pitchers through the season, so if San
Francisco succeeds in getting waivers
on Browning and he joins the Road
sters, another scalp will have to come.
Ort will undoubtedly be retained in
the utility role, but one- of the outfield
quartet, Stovall, Speas, Miller and
Gough, will be forced to walk the plank
before June 1.
'We will try Gough In one of the
gardens this week," said . Manager
Williams yesterday. "He Is rated as a
heavy sticker and that is what we need
now. The twirling staff is getting bet
ter every day and will be right up with
the leaders before many moons. Tonne
son, especially. Is showing marked im
provement over training season form."
The Roadsters will use either Garrett
or Tonneson against Vancouver today.
Archer incidentally may be used as a
repeater during the series, as the Can
ucks are weak with the willow against
portalde hurlers.
Hollls Has Misfortune.
Hollls, one of the men released yes
terday. Is a former California State
Leaguer. He worked In part of one
game at Spokane during opening week.
Sheehy nails from Santa Maria, CaX ,
wa 0 ii
The lad had the misfortune to break a
finger a few days prior to the call of
"play ball" and was not even called
upon to show his twisters.
Bobby James, Vancouver lnflelder,. is
rapidly recovering from his attack of
"pink eye" and mar get into the game
at third today. James officiated at sec
ond for Vancouver last year, filling a
similar role with the 1909 Spokanea,
but the sale Of Breen to Cincinnati and
the acquisition of Pug Bennett necessi
tated James' transfer to the difficult
Breen easily led the Northwestern
third sackers last season in base run
ning, hitting and fielding, and his loss
has been a severe blow to Brown's
chances. Pitcher Harry Gardner, now
with Pittsburg. Is another Vancouver
man who is sadly missed and fans up
around the circuit are united in saying
that the Vancouver team is not quite
up to the machine which had Its fin
gers within grasp of the pennant dur
lng a goodly portion of the 1910 play
ing year.
Two of Victor's Runs Are Forced la
by Victoria Pitcher.
VICTORIA, May 9. Spokane won to
day's game In the first Inning when
Ave men scored, two of the runs being
forced in by bases on balls. Brown" was
taken out In the first and Sage pitched
the rest of the game in satisfactory
fashion. Score:
Davis, if. 5 2 .8 0 0 Xetz'l
3b 5 '-3 0 3 1
Ray'r, 2b 3
Mili'n. cf 5
G'd'n, 3b 4
H'h'r. rf. 5
Kell-r, lb 4
Ked'k, ss 3
Roche, c. 3
Brown, p 0
ease, p . 3
Thomas. 1
1 0 3
14 1
2 2 2
2 0 0
0 11 2
2 0 1
0 6 2
0 0 0
0 16
0 0 0
0 Coon'y, ss 5 2 0
0;Frlk. rf. 3 0 0
OiNord'e, lb 3 2 11
0 Zim-n, cf 3 3 0
0 Tau'r. 2b. 3 0 6
1 KlDD't. If 4 0
O.Hitsty, c. 4 1
fljSch'k, p. 4 0
Totals 36 10 27 16 l Totals 34 10 27 13 3
Spokane 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 06
Victoria : 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3
Runs Raymer. Million ' 2. Netzel 2.
Cooney Nordyke, Zimmerman, Kippert.
Stolen bases Zimmerman; Tauscher. Sacri
fice hits Tauscher, Reddick, Raymer. Two
base hits Goodman. Double play Nor
dyke to Tauscher to Nordyke. Pitchers'
record Two hltB and three runs off Brown
In 1-3 inning; 8 hits and 8 runs off Sage
In 8 2-3 innings. Struck out Schwenk 7.
Sage 2. Bases on balls Schwenk 3, Brown
3. Hit by pitcher- Raymer (by Schwenk).
Umpire Shackelford.
Hlggins Wins Pitchers' Battle With
Dickinson, of Seattle.
TACOMA. Wash-, May 9. Playing
practically gilt-edged ball behind Hlg
gins, the ex-St. Louis big leaguer, Ta
coma won from Seattle today by a 1 to
0 score.
Higglns allowed four scattered hits
and Dickinson for Seattle allowed but
two, but the latter was wild, giving
five bases on balls and hitting Rocken
field. This slip was responsible for
the only score, aided by Rockenfield's
from the
ttl J Main 115
Phones a-2H5
Henry Fleckenstein & Co.,
204.-206 Second St., ,
Portland, Ore.
daring base running and a hard smash
by Morse. Score:
Tacoma Seattle
Coea'h.Sb 4 113 1
Bass"y.lf 4
Roc"d.2b 2 3
Ken'y.rf 3
Abb't.rf 1
Col-n.3b 2
Burns,c 2
Klsh' 3
HI-I's.p S
0 8
0 2
0 2
0 2
0 0
0 1
1 2
0 13
1 2
4 0 2 0 0
4 0 2 0 0
3 12 0 0
8 18 2 0
8 16 0 0
3 0 7 2 0
2 0 O 4 0
1 0 0 0 0
Weed.rf .
n Kad'
ji Spenc'r.o
oj Dlck'n.p
' Sea ton,
Totals 23 2 27 18 l Totals 30 4 24 10 1
Seaton batted for Dickinson in ninth.
Tacoma ....0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 T
Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Runs Roekenfleld. Stolen bases Rock
enfleld. Sacrifice hits Coleman. Struck out
By HlKgins 3, by Dickinson 7. Bases on
balls Dickinson 5. Hit by pitcher Rock
eni?ld by Dickinson. Time- 1:25. Umpire
Ball Club to Make Tour.
Joe Greenwood, of Franklin, Neb., is
managing a baseball club known as the
Transcontinental Baseball Team, which
he plans to take on a tour of Nebraska
Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California,
Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and
South Dakota. He has written to
Portland asking for games during the "
early part of August. The tourists
probably will be college baseball men
and want to meet only amateur clubs
It is possible the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic Club team will meet the Kast
ern team.
Edwards to Box Gaffney.'
ROSEBURG, Or., May 9. (Special.)
Frankie Edwards, of Oakland, and Tom
Gaffney, of this city, will meet in a 10
round boxing exhibition here on Friday
night. Gaffney and Edwards fought a
draw here three weeks' ago, and the
fans are anxious to see them in action
again. Edwards appeared in Portland
several times in the Winter of 1909 and
Buy Edlefsen's fuel ties.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
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Bess, and Iafljgcifjoa. They do (hat duty.
Small Pill, Small Dosa, Small Priest
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