See Louis W. Hill's Famous Paintings in Tea Room TODAY in th lobby of our 7th Floor Restaurant and T Room will b Hplajrd Ferry's r.l.bratml America First pic ture, recently printed to Port land fcy Loula V.. Hill. pre.ld.nt of the Northern Pacific ThM Immeiii oil p.lntln. "P rpt tctnri In th i'on,aJ.fl1V1 clr Park Lake SIrDonald. urlnn.U Glacier. Uk. ht Mary. etc. HoMbrook's JUI11 Thatr Or chrtra wUl play betwaen 11:10 and 1:10 P, XL 5enc 5 Teachers to Europe Ask for Votes When Shopping START right now and help some public school teacher you know to win one of these splendid trips remember, be sides the three who will go to London or Paris, there's the , Easterr i tap mth a visit to Chicago, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and ten days in ew."iork City. And then the nine prized of vacations at Oregon Beach Resorts. One prize is a monfh's vacation aVany resort. The other eight consist of 8? and 2 weeks' vacation, all expenses paid, at Bay Ocean, Long Beach, Gearhart or Seaside. . Glove Sale Is Continued MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST noon. YOU cannot afford to remain out of the ranks of the hundreds of wo men who are supplying their Glove needs in this greatest of Anniversary the most wonderful values of the vear on long or short Kid or Fabric Gloves! To $2 Kid Cloves, Special 98c "Women's 1 and 2-clasp Kid Gloves of white or natural Washable Chain- tan fane ana iique or vjiuco Kid Gloves in black and col ors. $1.25 to $2 grades, pr. $3.50 Long Kid Cloves. $2.49 Finest quality Lambskin Gloves. 16-button length with three clasps at wrist. White, black and tan. in sizes 5Y2 to 7. Best Jrt fQ $3.50 crades. specially priced at, pr. i)ZJ ChUdren's Cloves, Pair 25c Incomplete' lines of children's real Kid Gloves in black only. Sizes Cor 5 to 8 years of age. w 98c $1 Silk Cloves, Special 89c Women's 16-button Long Silk Gloves in black and all shades, made with guaranteed double finger-tips. $1 QQ Silk. Gloves, special atOtC 75c Silk Cloves, Only 63c A world famous make of women's 2-clasp Silk Gloves in ,black, white and all shades. Made with tmaranteedQ tips. Best 75c grades, DJC Worth from 50c to $1 nr? the pair, special today fajC $1.50 Kid Cloves at $1.19 Womcn'sfinest Kid Gloves with fancy "or TarLs Point em broidered backs. Colors, tan, mode brqwn and , 1 Q navy, $1.50 grade, D J. . 1 7 Suiaialv Knit Underwear Nee IX il f . r.oll ORDER BY MAIt ds Today! MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. OUR enormous business on Women's and Children's Knit Under wear commands the lowest prices in the country I A half dozen of the biggest mills have sent us their surplus and sample lots to sell now, right at the' season's beginning, far under-value. Read every item of this stirring announcement below. And don t fail to come! , x fre.lUJAMiAin 17 Great assortment of Women's TO 7 DC UlaerWear, C Union Suits in iow neck, no sleeve, knee style or high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Also tight knee 07 ..i All roimlnr nr extra sizes 65c and 7oc suits, special &tJ$K, - w 50c Knit Underwear at 27c Almost half price today on a big special purchase of Women's Fancy Vests, Pants and Union Suits! Lace-trimmed umbrella or tight, knee styles. 9 Regular 50c grades, Q special today only, $5 to $7.50 Hand-Embroidered Silk Vests Famous Kayser make, ex tra fine quality in assort ed colors. Extra special for today at only S3.98 $2 to $3 Union Suits-High-grade mercerized silk and lisle in high neck, long sleeve, knee or ankle lengths. Spe- t -t AO cial today at D 1 ,40 $1.25 Union Suits, Special 89c Women's finest. $1.25 Union Suits in low neck, no sleeves; high neck, long sleeve', with knee ' or ankle length. Spring and Sum- -j g. mer weights. All sizes, f J low price louay ,biui. - x85c and $1 Underwear Bg lot of fine ribbed Pants, Tights, Vests and Union Suits in plain and crochet lacejo trimmed. Today, OOC Women's 12c Vests Low neck, v no sleeve styles, in Swiss and Rich elieu ribbed. Special to day only, none to O dealers, each for OC Women's 25c Vests Low neck, no sleeve styles, in all regular and extra sizes. Lace insertion or plain lisle. J Regularly 25c, ea. J. f C Women's' 40c Under wear Fine ribbed Vesta, Pants and Tights, in good medium weight. All sizes, special for today nn only, priced atC Kayser Silk Underwear Less Famous Kayser Silk Vests and Union Suits in plain and embroid ered styles, reduced as follows: Vests, plain or embroidered, $1.59 Emb. Vests, white, pink, blue, 2.19 Union Suits Low neck, no sleeve, knee length, $3.98. Women's 35c Vests High neck, long sleeve styles,, in all regular and extra sizes. Special for to day only at low 1 Q price of each for liC New Summer Under wear In wide range of Vests, Tights, Pants and Union Suits of all weights, plain and l&ce trimmed. Special t1 C W k 7 Votes in Big I Contest to 6 j P.M. Tuesday WEST SIDE. l School. Vote. I Dickinson. Miss . Shattuck. .158,330 Rocers. KtinH. ldd M Porter. Miss F. G.. Filln.... 36.900 11 DeGraff. Grace. Ladd 17400 11 Herrle, Maude, DaTi. 15.925 W Chalmers. C, Couch 15.025 Barnes, Caroline, Lincoln 13,150 V Chance. Winifred, Failing 18.050 11 Binsnam. Mrs. ., Couch 11.025 II Thomas. Hattie C. 8.600 y EAST SIDE, Q Morphj. Cora, Highland 131,300 1 Black, Mrs. t. B., FenninsnU 75,125 II Catlln, BUnche,-' Hawthorne.. 66,125 y Taubenheimer, Mabel, Sellwood 69,600 n BushneU, Mrs. Jen., Irvimtton 18,600 fl Wither, Delia, Clinton-Kelly.. 10,175 11 Bueter, Emma. Arleta 10,125 W HalUnEbey, Miss O., Thompson 8,975 V Hammond. Adeline, Shaver... 8.675ft Falb, Marie, Ockley Green..... 7,675 11 STATE AT 1ABGK. U Carter," Irene, Mllwankle 32.150 V JennlnKS, Bronte, Harmony . . . 29,775 Q Gist. Freda, Yamhill 26,050 II Webb. Nora W., Vnlon 14.875 II Cosper, Miss M., Salem 6.775 W New Marquisette Bands Just In ORDER BY MAIL.. FAVORITES! and among this express shipment of new Marquisette Bands are the beautiful Oriental and Persian effects for trimming kimono waists, that so many women have been asking for late ly. Prices range 0O Cf from 50c yard up to P-.-vr New Cash's Wash Braids Women on two continents have learned to ask for Cash's when they want the best Wash Braids. All the new shades, spe- CAp cial at, yard, 10c up to-V Dining-Room j L Furniture Is Specialized Today Today, aoiia Oak "Diner" $4.25 27 Extcns'n Tables $19.98 Elegant iolid oak 6-foot Exten sion Pedestal Dininp; Tables, as illustrated above. Waxed Golden, Earlv English or Fumed Oak fin ish, fitted with famous Tyden Duo it vie lock and remov- (31 Q QQ able top. $27 Tables mm mi $25 Buffets at $18.98 Solid Oak Buffets, exactly as illustrated above, finished in highly polished golden oak. Regular $25.00 Buffets, of fered for one Q ClQ dav only, each p!0.i7O Exactly as pictured fine Solid Oak Dining Chairs with high grade leather slip seats. Waxed Golden, Early English or Fumed Oak finish. Posi tively offered for CM O C one day only at "Furniture UphoIstVg" Our Furniture Upholstering Shop is equipped to do the very highest class of wnrt at moderate urices. Telephone and we will send an expert to estimate on any work. . MEIER FH-MK'S, FOURTH FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. Our Mav Club on "Hastings Kitchen Cabinet Opens Today In accepting the exclusive Portland agency for Hastings' Kitchen Cabinets, we believe we have the most modern and labor-saving Cabinet ever built 1 - A solid carload shipment of Hastings Kitchen Cabinets will be .v ronisnt rinh Plan of rjavments. soia mis muiiLii uii . Hastings Cabinets, exactly as illustrated-31 distinct features the kitchen. a place iur cih;iuui6 ... . it...: tItt r-oj-h for fljivtMnff. instead of walK- ingi JoTne & 'iTas Caet Club today 1 Prices $35, $40 and $45. v $5 at Purchase, $1 a Week Naiad Shields Sale Extraordinary ORDER BY MAIL. OHULK OX .Tl A 1 L.. MEIER Jt FRANK'S, . - . -y-r FOR Wednesday Notion Day, we continue the special demonstration of Naiad Dress Shields with these extraordinary specials! Just compare them with tVia nrWs on Naiad Shields elsewhere. Positively for today only. 20c Naiad Shields, No. 2 Nainsook, 12 22c Naiad Shields, No. 3, Nainsook, 14 25c Naiad Shields, No. 4, Nainsook, 1J 20c Shirtwaist Shields, Nos. 2 or 3, H 30c High-Front Shields, No. 3, for 19 25c and 35c Shields 17c Also for Wednesday only, special lot of fine Silk Dress Shields in Summer weight. Nos. 2 and 3, all sizes. Regular 25c and 35c -J "7 Shields, 3 pairs 50c, special, the pr., 1 C To $4 Curtains, 15 Patterns $2.15 ll ilil a rnin,Kii. THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. SURELY not a thrifty housewife will miss this A WwWsdav . sale of Lace Curtains! Fifteen newest patterns in handsome French Net Curtains ot white, ivory or ecru. Beautiful Cluny insertion ana eage, aiso xieuuais.- ance braid effects. Our regular $3, to -l -$3.50 and $4 Curtains, special today at D.10 $1.25 Couch Covers 79c Don't pass by unnoticed this timely bargain on Couch Covers ! Handsome Oriental stripe designs, three yards long and 60 inches wide, with heavy fringe a'7Clr around. $1.25 grade, .C fZSSOm rim 'ILZB $ 1 .25 Not'm Curtains 89c And select from 20 pat terns in our best $1.25 Not tingham at 89c ! . "White or ecru, in plain and allover cen ters, with ilorai ana ctf scroll borders. Today, Oi7C 25c to 50c Beautiful New Wall Papers Now at 17c For beautiful, exclusive patterns and wide choice there's no other Wall Paper stock here abouts which can compare with Meier & Frank's! Today only, we offer 2o latest designs in hitrh-erade Wall Papers for living-rooms, bedrooms, dining-rooms and halls, in all col- - ors Actual 25c, 35c and 50c Wall Papers, specially priced at only, single roll today, 1 C iWI APPLB FOit Waists Metre t Franlt'ii, Second Floor. EVERY woman in Portland will want to see this latest innova tion in Waists! It's called the "Slip-o" no buttons, no hooks, no fasteners. You simply slip it over the head and it's ready to wear. Of course, we're the first to show these new "bhp-o" waists in Portland. Made of plain and fancy Taffetas, plain Messalines in all colors. $7.50 and $10 See Fifth-Street Window $3 Woolnap Camp Blankets $2.45 nnnF.R BY MAIL. MEIER FH.ISK S, Xllinu rwv. A BOUT time to think of all Camping necessities and wre help A greatly with this compelling price-reduction on our famous "Woolnap" Camping Blankets! Come in gray or tan pm k H V 4) Cotton Camping Sheet BlanKets, m grayv tan or white. . Specially priced for today's selliner. pair 7C 90, 1.25, $1.50, tD 1. O Emmerich Pillows, sanitary, restful and healthful. Filled with fresh, clean feathers. Specially priced for pj f- fnrtahle weicht for out-door sleeping - $4 White Wool Blankets 400 pairs, full sized, with dainty, pink or blue borders. Special today (JjO 1? while lot lasts, the pair, iDJ.l J $4.50 White Wool Blankets Full size of fine white wool, with pink or blue borders. Special for today's selling, the pair, $3.45 today's selling, each, 1 and $5 Reliance Lawn Mowers, $4.19 ? AVE almost a dollar toaay in ima MEIER FRAMCS BASEMEXT. ORDER BT MAIL. O sale of famous "Reliance " lawn Mo-svers! J- Exactly as pictured, 14-inch size, built of first-class material, strong and durable. Reel runs very lightly on ad- xvi. ot-oIIoI Vion-Viparino-s; has 9- ; v. ArAx-o tcTippIo nlsn 5i,Vinch reel and 3 cutting blades. Best f Q $5 Lawn Mowers, today at Z. I v NewsforSummer Travelers nonrn WV TW K TL. n m. .uivr.. Prtl BTH FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL, OUSING price -reduc tions today on strong Duck-covered Trunks, water-proof painted arid linnH with art cloth. All fitted with 2 large trays, 2 leather straps and brassed trimmings. $ 9.75 Duck-covered Trunks, 30-inch size, ?8.3Q $10.25 Duck-covered Trunks, 32-inch size, ?S.Q $10.75 Duck-covered Trunks, 34-inch size, $9.10 $11.25 Duck-covered Trunks, 36-inch size, $9.55 To $3 Keratol Suit Cases $1.90 Save today on sturdy and durable Suit Cases. Covered with Keratol and linen-lined, with shirt fold. Full 22, 24 and 26-inch sizes, which sell regularly at $2.50, $2.75. and $3 each. Special J - QA for today only if X mZJ $6.75 Leather Suit Cases $5.65 Twenty-four-inch Suit Cases of genuine cowhide leather, with linen lining. Made seven inches deep, with leather straps all around and extra strong handles. Regular $6.75 Suit Cases, spe- 2? C . 1 C cial for today at DJJtJ Housefurnishing Savings in Basement IMPERIAL FLOOR PAINT Imperial Fl'r Faint, the best ready mixed floor paint on the market. All colors and finishes. To- $4.50 Iron Frame Clothes Wring erg, illustrated, with good rubber rollers. Guaranteed 3 ffO years. Today at only $1.25 All-Copper Nickel-Plated Tea Kettles, No. 8 size, illustrated QA above. Spl. today day,y2 CO- gal. ean"'7' $1.00 Griswold Waffle "TQ Irons, illustrated, today at $1.25 Nickel-Plated Coffee Pots, as illustrated, five-pint size; very ornament al and durable. Of fered special today only ) "94c 35c Wire Ex tension Strainers, good quality and durable. Special for today n f only, each1 $2.50 Floor Sweeping Brooms, as illus trated; 14-inch size, all bris- TO 10 tie, with 4-foot handle, spe. $1 .25 Tnrkev Feather Dusters, as illus trated;' 14-inch size and extra heavy. Today QC only at 'J ; 25c Solid Back Scruh'g Brushes 19 50c All-Bristle Paint Brushes, 3"39c inch size, special today at, each 7 1 ' . - m N V, a 1