17 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 191. FLOUR If ORIENT -seattne kr oil dealers Teeterdar. Tha new quotation In str.rle can lota la H cents. In w ood barrels l$Vs centa ud In Iron barrla TI eeata. China Is Well Supplied for the Present. rOKTLANO MARKETS. Grala. Floor. Frd T.lr. WHEAT Track prices: IllufHra, 4c: clut. MiStiH.c; red iiuftsiaxi. ore"" ton: ner oiled bar- NATIVE WHEAT AVAILABLE 4c: clut. MiStiH.c; red Valy. hc; 40-fv:d. a- KAKLK V .holr fe-d. 28 per ton. middlings. 131; shorts. 42fc..jotf -; ro. icy, : woww. KltK parenia. 14.93 per barrel; etralf-bia. tl.lt; export. II 10; Vails-. I4.SCI yrmham. I4.AO; wbolo wheat. $4.70. MAT Timothy. Eastern Oreron. No. U t:i.i4iaJ.3..; light -raised. (1:0; heavy ml ltd !T ". 1S.HJ: alfalfa. IH9I5; clo ver iijo ; la.jo; cram hay. 11-i.so I4.ja. CORN Whole. Jt: cracked. J0 per Ion. OATS No. 1 white. I?.). SOU, 30 per ton. Oixninjc of the Year Saw Immense Receipt of Oregon and Wash Injjton Product at the Port of Hongkong. Thm f'ovr market In Fovth Chtn im show lnv ihitti mi gum of a rvart.oa. after tbo btff hlpmnu that ro mad from Ortfoa and Waahtacon in ta laat two month of 110 an4 tho first two moatha of 1911. Barer on that Mo rctaht tako mor flour bow If thy eo old ( It at tholr own prW. but with tho whoat marltta bro twndloc W ward bnilarw haa Bcamarlly bloc 4. Wrttlo lha HoQjrhonc Fhatifhai mnr- kt wro la tho mMrt of tho boom. ordtr wr nt to ata North Factfle Coaat polnta which kpt aoma mill easy for thr-t months on thta boolBooa alono. About a moKioa bao of floor woro Imported Into Iloagkonc Sarin Novvtnbr and December, brlnclng tho total for 1910 to aim oat tho total toI- umo of 199. In aplto of a genera. r bad yar. During; January and Fvbruary Im- porta Into Ilo-cckone; amounted to 1.9T.00 baca. Receipts In March did not exceed n0.n bara and rr!pts In April about 2OO.0n bar. However, tho receipt fr tho first two months of tho 7r x- ee4 ono-thlrd of tho total Imports Into Hniiionf for 1thr tho year o&y or 110. Tho flour arrive-d in Immenso caraor. half a willtloa bars hartns; arrlTcd In Hone- VcWbkoa and rralta. TROPICAL FRUITS Ore., javets. S3 ?3w;t.S rrr box: California rrapefrutt. $-Jf l..t: bananas. tf&4e pr poun.l; pine apple, syic pr pound; lemons. J.vu; tang-trifi-, fl. .3 per box. f'KKSil r'RLIT jStrawbciTUa. Kiorin. 11.74 tt.'5 p-r crate; Loo An gulf ll.S0Cl.7S pr crate: aiplrs. f sriry. Si u choice. ei i 1. .": comfii.cs. "m. U II prr box.' VK:BTAIi.K-S Asparssus. SI rT bX Ol.lu p4r doiia: raUaK. nw. Si -" pr hundr-diaht; caul if low rr. Sl.li l. j pr dnsn; cucumbers. 1 pr down; rut plant. llVc Mr lb: aarltc. lou I'jr rr p-un Irttuco. Vic ier doien: huthouao letturt, lUDttS pr box: pas, 7ifc per pound; pp- Prs. 4u Sc per pound; mil no, lie pr dosan; rhubarb. 343c pr pound; sprouts. 9c: tmato-s. SJ j 3 U.V BACK VKOETABL.KS Carrots. Sl.z9 I.5o prr sack: parsnip. l.o; turnip. Sll'i Met. SI-JO. 0 T A T i J Kri urrioB. Jobblns; ptlf. I2 30 Pr hundred; now potatoes. 7o he pvr pound. U.MO.xs Jobbins; priri: ureron. J a p-r luv; Austrsllan. SX&u pr lwv; Tsxaa. $3.2$ par crate; Callforaia, SJ par crata. Dairy aod Caoatry Prsdoem POlLTRV Hens. KSulTc: broiler. Ito turkeys. Joe; ducks. HgJ.'c; gees, numlnal CrtHod turkeys, chutis. lc. -Oresun ranch, candled. 20O310 DT aos-i; cas count, iwc prr dose a. CIltklM. KuU cream, twins. ia par la. i ouns America, 14c Bl'TTKH City creamery extra. 1 and 1' pound prints. In boxes. iUc per pound; I than box lots, cartons and delivery ex'.ra. i'ORK. Ktocy. lusll Vio per DuuaO. - - VEALr Fancy. SJ to 125 pounds. lVaOtlo per pound. STEERSQUARTER UP High-Grade Lot Brings Pre mium at Yards. BUNCH SELLS AT $7.25 Ilaj-Fcd Montana Cattle Bring $6.85 Sheep Market Is Steady With Normal DemandHogi Do Not Go Over $7 Grecertee. Dried Frwlta, Eto. tRIEU FRUITS Apslea. 12 8 llSfco per - . " " " " I pound; currants. llc; apricots. lhOHc; konr within one week. Tho demand I nates, pack, life per pound; firs. ouik. ansa ana practically an ino unusual toi-i white or b.acs, by saxk. ll-iO ami of bus:nesa was transshipped direct to I sSc; S-ls, i.li; U-ls Mhaw S.llk rhlon ulnfa .KiwIn. 4 ft A w. - I aXDrU. ISC ' .w M . " I SAlilON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. ,urw " lo o-m-n - '"i""' $2.1 per doaen; $-pound talis. Si-6; ! penaenre nf the markets upon American i jouod flats. 44.40; Alaska plus. 1-pound flour. Fatluro of arsll.ible wheat supply I la. is. Sl.is. from China for Chinese mills baa been so complete that Shanghai mills closed down altoaether. tfhanrhal Itself Imported half million bars of flour for Its own us and for sals to markets depending upon It, up to last reports. During the whole of tho unusual Importations no stocks of flour have accumulated. Native wheat will bee In to Influence tho Chinese markets thta month and Importa tions from America from now on are likely in be small; a normal Chinese crop will enable the Shanghai mills to not only sup ply their northern markets, but cut Into the former exclusively American field In P'-uth China. Tho large wheat crop In Auatrulta may have some bearing upon tho -eltuation. though there have been only very small shipments f Australian flour to the Far East. la drums. 21 0 3o per .41 L BJlWfHLH OF tiRAlX TRADE FIRM Fair Demand tUUts aad Avallall 8 applies Art Ught. There were no new developments In any department of the grain market yesterday. Thrre was the same fair demand as existed lajt meek and the same scarcity of offer- in cm. The market waa consequently Tery firm. Tha prices quoted showed no change fnra last week. I-o-al rcetpts. In csrs, aero reported by the Merchants Kxchangr as follows Wheal. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Wonder. ..t I x !. r-r o 1 7 a a H-a.Mi t date.l I ". 2t 43 4'J 2.m;j lir ago lmJ Ilia 2 I J The mkty grain statistic of the Mer chants' Exchange follow: American Visible Supply Hunhela cot e i-fc. Roasted, i poubd. .M T8 Walnuts. 17 li O18o per pound Bras it nuts. I414c; fl.uvrt. lie; alrnonds. liullc: peacaus. ISc; cowan uts tQctstl per dosea; cnestnuts. I2hc per pound; n.ckory auts. Stfluo per pound. UUMvI Choica. SS.7S per case; strained. Ike per pound. bALT-uranulated. Il per tun; hsr- g round, looa, $1 & per ton; OUs. $1 per ton. libANd tfrnsll white. 4 c; iarse white. 4 1ac, Lima, kc; pink Sate, reu lexicat.s. tfce. bayou. 4c KICfc. -No. l Japan. 4c; cheaper crades, II.64ai.ii: Soutirfra head. inSlc. ported imperial. c; uupurted ciui .No. 1. fcLuAR Dry rranulatad. fruit and berry. fS.4e; yellow 1. Si.: powdered. Si.v. Terms oa remittances within la days. 0 duct to per pound; If later than li days and within if days, deduct ho Ar pound, alsplo sugar, lftgKo per pound. Frwialoas. BAMS II to pounds. llo; 12 to 14 pounds. 14 it 14c; 14 to 1 pounds. lftUtfloc: skinned. 10c; picnics. 1 cotts rulL l Wc fcMOKtU SI EATS Beef tonguft. Sc; dried beef sets, none; outsldoa. none, Sid. 2?c; knuckles. 20c ktACU.N Fancy, :7c. standard, zic; Chuiv-e. Z-'c ; Eng:i9li. 14 sc. DRY SALT CLKEU Iti-gular short clears. dry suit, lic; smoked, ijvc; back, lifcht. slt, 13c ; smokru. HSc; backs, heavy. sail, lir; smuked. 14c; exports, salt. AJSc; smoked, la Sc. 1. A K I Kettle rendered. tierces, 1 tuts. IZHtc; standard pure, tierces. 11c; tuba. 11 lfr; choice. tierces. 11c; tubs. lwo; shortening, tierce. Ic. iril. .. 1 .. !. . . .. . . May Var Mm v 1 . Ma l'.. I'MG... May r. '. Mav .-... Mua.ititus oa Fr L. K . I ontmnt en4tm . 2-' f.T.Otj 1-7. . ;t.V !.- ' .2.IXo.fni .r:.tv.::.tHM enttr c April J9 Itujnr ! lecreae. 1. !.:. Bed 1. V. t.aal 2. H..a- tVlSI.IMNt I.Ol I."' TTek ending ilsy 7. W Hiisheis 3.WMt 0ia 1..N0 Oils. LINSEED OTL Pure raw. Ia barrels. II.OS. boiled, in barrels. Sl.04; raw. la cae. $1.07: bailed, in cases. $1.09. Tl'RFKNTI.VE Cases. Sc; wood barrels. IJc; Iron barrels. ; la-case lots. S3c (iAM)LlM. Motor aaoiine. iron barraia. 1-; casea. SVc; K gasoliae. iron tr- reis. cases. 3!. St. COAL OIL Ordinary test, eases, 164119; bulk, in tanks. 14c; bfgb test, :Sc 190S w wi'l s shipmnia (flour irluded Work Week eclinc ending April .9 Mr 7. d 2. I J.97H at 440 Oi -k endtnc l av Fr..m uiihle t. S.. 'an.. 1 . wai Arin(fria .1 .' o lmr. p.rts. . 7 .. O );uaia ..... X v la-la -ii.O1 Hops, Yt ool. II idea, F.tc. HOPS 11S crop, last sale at SOHc crop, lie: 1st 1 contracts. 2c. M Off AIR mukt, 37 Sc per pound. WOol- Eastern Ore sou. nominal. 12914c per pound, according to shrinkage; Vailey, 1 J r I Ce per pound. I'KI.TS Dry. iv; salted, country pelts. v' SI per pound; lamb pe-lts. oo. llIDf.. Sa;trd fatilra. 7 S Pr pound: salted calf. 1.1c: salted kip. T ke; sslted stags, green hides, lo !: dry J idea. 17c; dry can. 17l?c: dry stais." lltiUc CAHOARA HA HK. Per pound. 5c ijmjM RANCH EGGS ADVANCE Totala I 1 flOO n orl-i's sniprneata saasoa Ttal Mace Frm V. an I Canada Ar!t!n Australia. . ... Tanul'taa PrtS. . Hiia. India. IO.&4..o t.7'd.00 dale: ame Period Jo't ' l La t aii. . lo,;. al 1 r '. 7 ) I Total 4;.4 41.7 4 - H.73.o iMi. . tM .6ri.544.00 43S,XX0Ov .3.".;, IMMl I;. 1 7 .' 4 t.".0 AUSK. OKDFIIS AUK LKGLU THAN t:VM UKIXRlv. Mp.nl Arrl.ew trmtm THIawi.iik. .t 1. iMfflrleal. A fair ahlpmnt of Tillamok fhim waa r lvl yeaterdAy. bat th.r. wr. ordera boo k 1 for a macta larirer qnantlty. and d It. arte, bad to b. materially cot. Th. mar. ket waa. In coaaequeac. very firm, tut jriv., wer. not alvanrd. Th. we.k ep.nd ateady la th. butter m.rh.t- Cccs wer. more ptnttfol than t'T eni. Itm. past, but th. market remained firm. Th. e(( market In th. Ka.t ahow.d a ball cent Uvcr ever Faturdaa quotation. f!.tpta ot poultry wer. Ilpht and laat week', price wer. repeated. HTTUKK Or rTKAH BKRRIE9 UC.nT Ane4ker Car I Cowtkutt rrwm Lm Aagele. Rerelyt. mi VetrrtaMea. ttrawberrtr. wer. trarce ytatorday and norma sold at Saturday pricey. LTS and SMV It waa th. expectation that a car of Southern California berrleo would ba ahtpped from !. Ancele. Ijtxt nlabt. In ether rp.cta th. produc market waa well aupplled. Reclpta Included two cara of orang.a. on. ear of lemooa. two cara of cabbac and on. car each of yellow Ber muda onlona. Mexican tomatoea and mixed TA'alla Villa ..(.tablea. rtv. car. of bananaa ar. dua Thuraday. Sr.ltle Market Is Ktrm at l!i Outs. Poultry Xovra More ActlTcly at Ixnvrr Prlcos. SEATTLE. Wah., May SrMK-lal. Fr.h rann ease were quoted hlcner. at :i centa, thta mornlna. The idlanre wa. du. to liKhter rwatpta and a .tron demand front Pout heaetern Alaska. Nortkm rlr. f ..r fre.h rri ar. larfrr than they hav ever been tc th. rait. Poultry reelpta wcra heavy. Th. demand waa apparently heavier at the new price, which went Into effect thia mornlna. A rarload of Anceica berries arrived ftund.r n;vht aid were put on rale this momma. Advice, received irem Florin t. day Indtrat. that on account of coUl weather the week a btpments may be !tit. Wiilt. Kalmoa ahlppero will be two weeks later tban ueual with their rrrter Th. a.para.us market was alutted aaajn. Commission men aoM Ions imn as low as CO centa per box. Head lettuc. was high. t TJ centa. A fresh rarload of Texas ltermuria onlorte has arrived. The onions ar. quoted at A carload of new t'.l Iforni. sacked vecrtabtes ia to arrive this week. It will b. th. erst carload of th. Til potato market waa stronc at Hi to (41. Few dralvrs are asklns; JIH. except fur extra fancy Taklma stock. Th. a rain markets w.r. all Ann today. Onto for Jun. delivery were In demand. Aa bl(b aa -'9 waa paid today for No. 1 hit. cat. rBODrCB AT BAS rKANCISCO. City Qwwtattsns Mar. r. I J ro k Ll Hor mabslft is highf.h. Italf-C rat Adsaoc. la New -Crop Caatracta Is Brported. A half-cent advance has been scored la the California market for new-crop bopa. TesterOay. advlca reported a contract made at rt'i centa la the Sonoma section. In tha Oregon marks th.r. wer. no new developments. There were orders on hand for spot bnpe for export account, but deal era con Id not and any bops for sale at th. prices bid. A letter from Nuremburf. dated April 23. said th. German market bad advanced 10 I. It marks and tha crop was backward. Bank flrevtatra. F-ank clearings of th. Northwestern ci Ilea yesterday wer. aa follows : Cleartnra. Balances. Tort land. fl wax i;.M3 Seattle I.S.1-I3T3 I T aroma. . 7'4.u?T L-pvU. . IrW.SII no.l'ii Cwrreat la that Bay haaa. 8A.V FRANCISCO. May . The follow. tna: produc price, wer. current today: Vegetables cucumoera, ,oc; (arllc. 4 0c: arwrn peas. 4ndc: .trine beans, lou loo; asparagus. TScvll.71; tomatoea, noml- J: era plant, ivvic J.attrr Fancy creamery. 23 Hc. Es Store. lc: lancy ranch. Ilo. l'.uiter rane. creamery, 4c. Cheese Young America, 11 i 13c nlons 4J. Millstufts Bras. !37 0 2s; mlddllnca. 33 Krult Apples, choice, $2: common. (1.33; Mexican limes. Il.tlltf; California lemons. choice. -Xl; common. ILau; erangea. aae4. el.Utf 3. Hiv Wheat, iiieri. per ton: wheat anl eats. Il.ll: alfalfa. af4ll. Potatoes callnaa uuroanaa. ; Ore gon Burbanks. $2fl. Keceipts a lour. ao4 quarter sacka; wheat. 4'J centals; barley. Si centals; oats. 777 centals; oats. Oregon. 014 centals:' potatoes, :i sacka; bran, ;4 aacka; hay, 807 tons. Th. week opened at the yarda with a rood run of atock of an klnda and an ac tive demand. Cattle wer. tha strong fea ture of th. daya trading. Th. top prlc on prima steers waa ela Tated a quarter when a bunch of 14 head of extra quality stock brought 17.-5. They were sent In by W. H. Leonard, of Pome- ry. In the same car were rive cowa mat sold at ld.23 and two stags that brought tha same price. Eleven earn of Montana hay fed tTeers were disposed of, m9st of them bringing 11S1. Other aalea of steers wer at lu.'-'n to I&73. livestock men urge cattle shipper, to get In all their woll-finlshed stuff before tha Spring run of. California grass-fad cattle -brains. Th. sheep market waa quite steady. Tw. large slse bunches of wethers sold at 14.71. Tha best price paid for hogs during th. day were 96.D5 and t Recelpta yesterday were: 613 cattle, 873 aheep. 4u3 hoga and 14 horse. Shippers were: J. E. Rlgler. Grand Dalles. Waah.. two cara of aheep; Qeorg. Wood- worth, Anaconda, Mont., 'six cara of cattle; H. 8. McQueen. Anaconda, Mont., two cara of cattle; George Kraps. Oakland, two cara of sheei; James Berthols. Btayton. ona car of horse's: W. D. Bamer. Enterprise and I.ostlne. two cara of hogs: W. H. Fields. Idaho Falls, one car of hogs; J. B. Baylor, Echo, three cars of cattle; - R. A. Lewis, Idaho Falls, two cars of cattle; Lee Lewis, Idaho Falls, two cara of cattle; R. L. Boat man. Monlda, Mont-, seven cara of cattle J. It. &ae. Shelley. Idaho, one car of hogs. and W.. li. Leonard, l'omcroy. nash.. ona car ot cattle. The day'a sale, were aa follows Weight. Price. sr. steers l.7 .4(i :;! steers 1173 0 3 41 steers 1141 6.K3 1 steer 6. HI .' stei-rs I'l l- 1 tiJ 1 steor 1070 -'' 24 sKwrs lo.M 8. 2 bulls 11113 5.0.) 1 siag H-O S.lxl T.S steers loju 8 :1) 2d steers 97tt 0.0 3 slera 11MS a20 1 steer 11HU 6 10 2 steers 74 tf.'JO 2! slrers 1013 6. -JO sterrs 177 8 -'O 1'H steers 10V2 8. JO 17 hoes 2i4 6 P.'i SO ho 204 6 93 21 st.HT 1134 6.73 14 steers l.-, 7.23 2'. sivers ...................... 915 6.: '.'." steers 1174 B.R3 l:i steers 1141 ti.5 12 steers 1119 .h.1 12 steers 1I33 6.83 25 steers 1141 6 SO 21 sterrs 1152 6.71 7S steers , 12iS 0.S5 0 cows iirj .-'. 1 stsg 1H) 6.25 1 suir .121HI 6.: 3 bulls 15113 4.7S 1 bull 1210 4.73 2 bulls 1325 4.73 2.13 aethers HI 4.75 31S wethera Ue 4.' H4 hoes IV.l 7.00 35 hoes 184 6 73 4 hi.-s 240 IX) 1 team draft horses. ............... ,$54.Oi 1 chunk 1 plug Pficea current on tm atock at the Portland wete as folluws:. Prime grain-fed steers .... Inline hay-fed steers. ...... Choice steers Good to cnoice steers Fair to good sle.ro. ... Common steers Prime cows ....i. tjood to choice cowa Fair to good cowa poor cows .... Cholc. heifera ( holes bulla (liKd to rtiolce buna .'hole, lisht calves ;ood to choice light calve. Fair to medium light caivea. choice heavy caivea J to cnoiie neavy caivea.... n.t.tjs ft..-,. Choice ataga 0.219 6.23 j...-l 10 1 hole e stags 4.uu 4.30 Hon Choir, hogs 7.009 T.2S ;.m i to choice nogs o.ios 7.00 'hole, heavy 3.3flt 6.23 -,o-k1 to clinic heavy t.50 oTnmon O.OO1S tt.l bt.Mk hogs 7.O0O 7.2J HOeep Grain-ted wethers, heavy 4.30(1 06 LhoTf yearlings w.tnsra. grata fed O.vugt a.0 Old wethera 4.001 4.o0 ood to cnolc. shorn wetnera... e.-i' 4.0a hole, awea, grain-fed 4.30 4-71 Fair to medium ewe. 3 73 9 4 (rO llood to choice shorn swa. S.7Si 4.U0 hole wool lanins. grain-tea.... n.BOtf a,jg i:i.n.l ia .hole, wool lam ha a-rala fed o.dw a.a. Cbuic shorn lamb, grain-fed... 3. 23 is I.4. Cood to choice enorn laraoa, grata fed tPB D.23 Fair to good iambs, grain lea.... 473d 4 .1 Culls 2 00. I.30 Th. following quotations represent priaea en thia mara.i lor tne aiizer.nt ciussee ot hordes: Drafters, extra navy. S3009.W0: rafters. 14t.O to 17DO iba., ll.Vf!350; draft- rs. l-'o to 140" lbs.. sioot2o0: chunks. ho 3 1.5o; plugs. slO-oO: driving horses. 73 nd up; sauiie norscs, tu ana up. 200 74 Ts 7-T. 104 104S 2:tsi4 ,28 7 232 27 44 1.S00 80 t '"ino iii'i iisti 1,800 120 110 ""'166 "od" "sd" "s.ino is" H '""ioo 'ysit '"inn "Asii '3S4 l.lOO 31 SO7. SO0 4SV 48 ""400 iroivi" ir ann 127 "4 12i 400 cot. o Ron 137 1 137 l.tMH) 19, 19 1.2O0 !l3Vi Ti3 Ii00 129 12 200 16 id Am Agrlcult .. 800 C8 Ri Am Beet Sugar. 4.rtoO 48 4rl American Can.. 28.000 124 10. Am Car 4b Fdy Am Cotton Oil. 2.1XO 57 srH Am Md A Lt pf. IOO 22 22 Am Ice Securl.. BOO 22 22 Am Lineeed ..... ..... Am Locomotive A in Sniel A- Rvf do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy Am tutar Hf Am Tel Tel.. 2.600 149 148 Am Tobacco pf. ..... ..... Am Woolen 300 S3 S3 Anaconda M Co ..... Atchison 35.000 110 .109 do preferred.. 3O0 103 103 Atl coast Line Bait Ohio ... 400 Bethlehem Steel Ilrnok R Trsn.. 80 Canadian- Pac .. 6.3O0 Central Leather 1.300 do preferred. Central of N J. Ches A Ohio... Chlcnao ft Alton Chi Gt West .. do preferred.. Chicago 4k N W C. M A Bt Paul C. C. C St L.. Col Fuel A Iron Col A Fnuthern. Consol Ghb .... Corn Products .. Del A Hudson.. D A R Grande., do preferred.. Distillers Sucurl Erie do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... General Elee . . Ot North pf ... Ot North Ore . . Illinois Central, lnterbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester Inter Marine pf Int Paper ..... Int Pump ..... Iowa Central .. K C Southern . . do preferred.. Laclede Gns . .. Louis A Nash.. Minn A St L . . M. 6 P A S S M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred. . Mo Pacific .... Not Biscuit . . . National Lead. Mex N Ry 2 pf N T Central N X. Ont A Wea Norfolk A Weat 8nO 10 10 North Am 3O0 73 73 Northern Pac. . 3,600 125 123 Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .. l.lw0 122 122 People's Gas .. 400 1"4 104 P. C C A ft L.. 100 94 94 Pittsburg Coal Pressed S Car Pull Pal Car Ry Steel Spring. Reading Republic Steel. do preferred Rork Island Co 2.300 do preferred. . St L A S F 3 pf 100 St L Southwest do preferred SIoss Sheffield .. 1"0 Southern Pac .. 3.4'Kt Southern Ry . . 1,R"0 do preferred.. 4oO Tenn Copper . . IOO Texas A Pacific M'O Tol. St L A Wea l"V do preferred.. 30" Union Pac IB."1"' do prererrea. . IT S Realty ... 200 T.T S Rubber ... 1.500 TJ S Steel 84.000 do prererrea. . o . rtah Copper .. lo Va-Caro Chem. I5.1OO Wabash - an nrcrerrea. . Western Md ... 300 Westing i.Iec Western Union. 200 Wheel A I, E Lehigh Valley.. 4.100 "io6 '7' .' 200 106 103 "joo 22 22 4-0 137 1.17 400 32 32 100 7 67 4O0 4 48 1O0 13 13 80O 52 S2 33.700 155 154 28 '40 'bo 115 I 27 65 37 27 10 49 17 94 71 40 74 119 44 61 '.-in " ' C8 "74 74 28 "40 'rio 114 27 65 S7 27 19 49 177 94 75 1 .1 74 119 44 59 "SB ' ' 67 "74 174 66 47 11 112 rn 22 23 10 37 104 " 41 117 148 9S 3.1 37 110 103 123 104 .11 232 27 27 7 30 21 4.1 144 11 114 30 63 143 14 l!l 2 64 30 4K 37 I.-0 12 fiO ISi HS3 127 16 40 16 33 6d lllo 145 21 137 32 IWt 49 IS 62 S2 10.1 32 10 7.1 12.1 24 122 104 94 19 32 100 32 134 80 94 -11 62 40 3" "! r.o 114 27 fi4 87 27 19 48 177 94 7ft 89 74 11S 44 no . 15 3H 67 67 4i 174 Bonds Investments TimberLands McGRATBSNEHHAUSENCO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bid. Portland Oregon of the Copper Producers Association for April, made public today, ahowa an Increas. of stocks on hand or approximately 0.0.0.- 000 pounds, compared with a gain or o, 870,000 pounds In the preceding month. Production for April amounted to 118, 083.228 nounds. a decrease nf about 12,- &0O.O0O nounds from March. Domestic dellv cry waa only 62.407.650 pounds, a falling on of almost 14.000.000 pounds from the preceedlng month, and foreign delivery, whteh waa suDnosed too have been very heavv for April, amounted to but 62.120.509 pounds, or a gain of more than 3.000,000 over laat March. CliirftKO Produce Market. CHICAGO, May 8. Butter, steady; cream eries, 16-ii)21c; dallies, Ecn. firm: receipts. 20,401 cases; at marie cases Included. 13 614c; firsts, 16c; prima firsts. 16V.C Cheese, steady: Daisies. 12 c Twins, 11 t?llc; Toung Americas, 1213c; Long Horns. 1 2 4f 1 2 c TRAVELERS' GUIDE. OPEN RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. Freight received dally at Oak-st. dock for The Dalles. Mood River. White Salmon. Umatilla, Ker.newlck. Pasco, Richland. Harford, white Bluffs. Lewis- ton. Idaho, and in termediate polnta FIRST-CLAPS PASSKXGKR SEBVICK. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD B1VER. WHITE SALMON. THK 1JA1.IJ-.X Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tues.. Thura. 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Hon., Wed . Kri., 1 A. m . arni-1115 at ruo i.nH .hoot ft T Ttf. same day. W 0, Buchanan. Sunt.: W. S. Kmalltvood. Gn'l Mgr. Phonea Main 2960. A 8527 , N. Y. C. G. 3s. 8S North Pac 3'S. 71 do 4-s 88 call 2: IMS. 00 07.60 Tanoua classes ot Union Stockyards .6.T3$7.25 . 6.5V as . . ..oiis gas . 6.7.9 6.00 . 4.73d t ut . 3.509 623 . 0.-JOW u.-l . 4.709 5.00 . 4.509 4.73 . a.M-j 3.7) . 4.769 i.00 . 4.23 9 4.73 . 7.75 9 8-00 . 7.509 7.73 . 7.009 7.54) OiUU 6.C. Total sales for the day. 210.100 aharea, BONDS NEW YORK, May 8- Closing : qnotatlona: U. S. Rer. ri rc i"' do coupon .... i,f' U. . Ji rr, irrsu do coupon ,V",i... 'T,.' ... nii V. S. new 4s reg.114 ; iscon wn a 7. do coupon . J - D. R. G. 4 S. .. B2 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. May 8. Money on steady. 2 2 per rant; 1 rui,nB, l.V artlve. 60 days. 2 per cent; io u.j., t r cent: six moni.ii.. " , .nm. naner. 8V4tc 4 per cent. sterling exchange steady with actual buM ne.. in" bankers'1 bills at 4.8I50 for 60-day bills, and at (4.SU33 lor uemanu. Commercial dihs, -.oo. Bar silver, 63 c novernment bonds. Irregular;, railroad bonds, steady. LONDON, May 8. Bar silver, quiet 24 9-16d per ounce. vf .m v i li irt 1 nrr cfmv. Th. rate of discount In the open market e. .knn hiiia ia 2"ir2 8-16 per cent; do for three months bills, 22 8-16 per cent. av TPTtANCISCO. May 8. Sterling on London. 60 daya. 4.84: do eight, 4-0. Drafts, sight, par; teiegrapn. ac CHICAGO. May 8. Exchange oa New York. 20 j.er cent premium. Travelers' Cheques of the American Express Co. The Ideal Form of Travellngr Credit for Foreign Travel, Home Use, Motoring. UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED. Local Office Seventh and Stark St a. Miami Copper. Mohawk , Nevada Con... Nlplrelng Mines, Eastern Minlnsi Stocka. BOSTON. May 8. Closing qnotatlona: Alloues oO Amalgamated . . 63 Am'n Z. LA 8. 24 Arl. Com ...... 16 Atlantic. 3iNorth Butte Butte coalition.. 17 (Old Dominion t al at Aria. ... Cal A lie. la.... Centennial .... Cop Ran C CO . . R rlutte top sa Franklin Glronx con Oraaby con.... Greene Cananea Isle Royalla.... Kerr Lake .... Lake copper... Salle Copper 19 3f 1S 10 6 8 10s 11 69 l .32 3 AMERICAN WHITE STAR BED STAB ATLANTIC TBANSPOBT WHITE STAB DOMINION Canadian Serrlc. Co. 'a Office, 619 2d Aye., Seattle; or O. W. Minger. 154 Wash.: A. 1. Charl ton. X5G Mar.) V. K. Johnson, 142 2d; K. F. Baird. 100 ad; Vald. Lldell. 26 N. 6th; II- Dickson. 122 Sd. 61 '.Osceola 47 Iparrotu 12 Qulncy 61 shannon ...... 1 1 ISupsnor. 9)Suii A Boa M. 6 Sup A Plus Cop. 14 53 1 amarack ) 6!U. H. 8 R A M. 74 13J do. pfd. ...H8 6 Utah Con 14 32 Winona. 6 3iWolverln. 108 CANADMH PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS Ctiiravo Ur(ork Markfi. CHIOAon. Mar K Cattl- Rec-eipta MtU mat?, at nHt: markft mt4y to had up. Wtaifm mifrr. 4.M ? 5.rti; atnekera ami rjcr. H.d.4.: c and ncirers. lio-ca itcraipta MtmiatM at 8n"oo; mir t RrnTwIiy 10c up. Uirht. . H0f7 2: mix.. i.?v-t f iu; dcatt, .n.-. w t; rnucn. .Vi.f 9.M; n-4a to choice h-avy. f ZkM t ; pi-c. f yo.W; bulk of aalca , fO-yo IV. Sh"fp R-wlnta etftnat''l at S.-VM): mar- t raily. Native. 3it4 7i; Wfnttrn. S3. 23 r4 i.: v-earltnca, Hiitiy -.54: Iambi, native. OV vv cfifrn. ! o.hi. ilARKET LEADERS HEAVY ICE IORK TO XEGLKCT TIIAX TO SKLI.IXC; PRESSURE. " ' " Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. May 8. At tha beginning of business today the condition of the United States Treasury waa: .-AHrln. Kal.no. In th. Trcaiurv offlceX $22.62.80J In banks and-PhUippln. treasury. :il.wii.2W7 Total balance In general fund... 82.61.724 rmlliiarv rerelrjts Yesterday 2.726.110 Ordinary disbursements yesterday. 2.732. 464 Denclt to Oats mis nscai year...- oin.oi. Deficit this time last y..ar 17,450.5:'.;; These figure, exclude Panama fwnai ana public debt transacijons. Coffee anal Sugar. NEW TORK. May 8. Coffee futures closed steady, net Av. points higher to two points lower. sales, 4o,uuu nag. aiay, io.ooc; June. 1063c: July. 10.60c; August. lO.suc; Keut.mber. 10.23c: octoDer. 10.00c: rsovera- ber. loe: December. S.USc: January and February. .t7c; Marcn. v.osc: April, v. vug. finot. steady: Klo No. 7. llc; canto. No. 4. 12. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova. 13r16c. nominal. Raw sugar, firm: Muscovado. .s teat. 8SSe; centrifugal. .96 test, 8.83c: tnolaaeaa sugar, .b test, a.oec. Kennea. steaay. Monthly Copper Stathetics- VFW TQHK, May 8. Th monthly report Ths Tourist Highway and scenic Route to Europe via Th. St Lawrene RWer. the Shortest Ocean Passage Legs than Four Days at Sea by the 1MPRESSE3 OF THK ATLANTIC." Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin, $:K; second cabin. $M.25; one-claaa cabin (called second cabin). $47.60; third cabin, 830 and 31.25. Ask local agents, F. R. Johnson, G. A.. 142 Third St., or J. J. Forster. T. P. A.. 60 First Ave. Seattle- JAPAN Cook's Summer Vacation Tours Fiftv-eipht Pays $450. All Expenses Included. Send for Free Booklet. Tickets to ALASKA, Y0 SEMITE and YELLOWSTONE. - TH0S. COOK & SON 689 Market Street, San Francisco. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclflo 8. S. Co.'a S. 8. Roanoka and S. S. Eldsr Ball every Wedneaday alts nately It t P. 11. "ticket orxice 1J2 XalrJ St.. nar Alder. MAKTIN J. IIIGLET. Passenger Agent. W. Ml. SLtbf-tH. Freight Agent. a' none. at. jsi. a d IsrrUaa la Isnamaaa. slasthar deolma waa aaauaced. la tar- an.l July. loa Daluth DULUTH. Minn.. May A Flax. to arrlv.. .2.4; May. fu. ITag Market. oa track arrlv.. (2.5-1: Msy. 42.56 asked: 2.34, nominal; September, 12.20, Bom- Operators Give More Attention to Crop and Copper Reports Than -to Stocks. NEW TORK. May 8. Th. monthly .tat.. merit of tha copper producers and tha Gov ernment crop report received more atten tion from th. Onanclal community today than did the atock market, where trading was so llfelen aa to be almost without sig nificance. Kxpectatlona of a good crop report were goneral and acted aa a ataylng Influence. Price, declined moderately and th. clos. showed many small net losses among the active Issues. Th. copper producers' st-atement waa not favorable aa bad been expected, but publi cation of the report had little effect on stocks. Algamated Copper yielding only fraction. In the steel trade, also. Indica tions of Immediate Improvement are few. Th. real market leaders, with few excep tions, were rather heavy, although this sevmed to b. du. mora to neglect than to pressure. Atchison waa atrong toward th. close on th. report from Parla of th. list ing of lOO.ooO sbarea on the Bourse. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, f 3.626.000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSI.Na STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing eaius. man. wv, Hid. Allla Chsl pf 27 Amal Consex 8.600 Co W 63 aU s To Owners of I Automo b i lesj "Automobiles do not skid on bitu lithic pavement, and I take great pleasure in running my auto over it, and so do the many owners of automo biles in Albany." ' J. A. Howard. Real Estate, Albany, Oregon. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER ' Calls from Alnaworth Dock. Portland. 0 A. M-, May 1. 6, 11, 16. 21, 26. 31, June 6 and every flv. days. Freight received at Alnaworth Dock dally up to a P. M. raa- senger fare, nrst-class, SIO; second-class, $t. including meals and berth. Ticket of ne Alnaworth Dock. Phonea Main 2C8 Main 170. A 1284. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M- S. B. Beaver May 13, Bear 18. Rose City 1:1. From r-an trancisro, rvortnnound. 12 M. S. 8. Bear May 11, Rose City 16, Beaver 21. From San Pedro, Northbound. 12 M. 8. 6. Rose City May 14. Beaver 19, Bear 14. II. G. Hmlth. C. T. A.. 14S Third St. JT. W'.faRunMm. Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phonea; Maim 40z. zes; A 1402. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. S05-608 Electrlo Bldgr. Portland. Or. Oskar JJuber, Aianacer. , NEW YORK PORTLAND REOUIAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Law Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bid-. Portland. Or. Main 8378. A SSlt, NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union line of X. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELIJNGTON Direct through steamers, sailing from San Francisco, May 81, and every 28 daya Well lnarton and back. 1st class. S2G4. Other rates also low.. The Use to Islea of the South. Seas. For reservations se. Coupon Railroad Agents. I t adarasi uceanig D. D. .o ban irancuco Total Assets showing 4 years'1 growth of LUMBERMEN'S NATIONAL BANK May 1,1908 - $1,371,043.09 May 1,1909 - $2,192,458.53 May 1,1910 - $3,216,362.33 May 1,1911 - $4,570,789.54 On Fifth at Stark UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAX FRANCISCO FOUNDED 1864. Capital Paid in ,..-.,.t.-.T-. $8,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits ...,-. .$7,828,023 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and 'Virginia City We TBuy and sell TForeif-n Exchange: Issue Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred its and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available In all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. ISfTEREST PAID OX TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. r CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. MM. A. MAC RAK, Manager. J. 1. BUHTCHAELL, Asst. Manager. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital .., Surplus and Undivided Profits , Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail-, able on all parts of the world. .$1,000,000.00 . 700,000.00 Corner Washington and Third Street. UNITED STATES DEPOSIT ART. Merchants National Bank Established 1880. , Second and Waahlnarton Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. ! Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 The Merchants National Bank solicits the bus'ness and cordially in vites the accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations, feeling assured that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local conditions acquired during our twenty-five years of banking experience will render relations, once established, permanently agreeable and mu tually beneficial. R. L. DURHAM, President. M. L. HOLBROOK. Vice-President CO. W. HOTT. Cashier. 6. C CATCHINO. Asst. Cashier. C. DETERINCf. Asst. Cashier. First National Bank t Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce Incorporated 1867. Bead Office .Toronto, Canada. New York, 16 Exchange Place. London, 2 JLombsrTd Street. Over two hundred other branches In Canada and the United States. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold. Interest allowed on time deposits, and a general banking business transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS. T. C. MALPAS, Manarer. i 4