1C T1TE MOTIXTN'G OREGOXTAX. TUESDAY, MAT 9, 1911. NEW SERVICE IS ON Portland Merchants Expected to Use Foreign Line. HARRISON FLEET TO CALL If Steamer Can Get Sufficient Busl hfm Here, This Port Will Be Included In Regular Sched ule From Kurope. If Portland merchants will route rla th T. & J. Harrison line, which Is a erioa recently Inaugurated from Eu ropean to Pacific Coast ports, at least "SO ton of carco f..r each vessel. thl port will be Included In the resjular schedule and derive the benefit of a ervlce. that will provide a carrier In ward every I" days, Balfour. Guthrie A. Co.. local aarents for the line, have received a copy of the schedule, which announces that steamers will sail from I Liverpool, the last Kuropean port of I call, beginning- with the Senator. June I 1. The Crown of Castile will sail July and carriers that have not been announced will depart Ausust 5. Sep tember 2. September 30, October 28. No vember 25 and Iecember 2J. The first vessel to deliver cariro here will be the Senator, though the Cen turtan and Candidate are brlnsrlnsr mer chandise to the Coast, principally for fan FVanelsco and British Columbia and will not call. The Candidate sails from Liverpool. May 13. The aim of the operators of the service Is to be come established In advance of the opening of the Panama Canal and ef forts are bclmr made to Induce local shippers to handle their European pur chases on the same basis as do those of f'uset Sound, which have Increased the reputation of the northern harbor through routing small shipments fre quently by water from abroad. Instead ef using trans-Atlantic service and re shlpptnc by rail from New York to the Coast. The Harrison Interests operate lines to Calcutta. New Orleans. West Indies. Mexico, liraxil. South and" East Africa . and have a combined fleet of 4 steam ers with a cross tonnage of 250.000. It has been the custom locally to route large consignments of merchandise on sailing vessels bound direct to Port land or often when they are to call at one of the Southern ports also, but lialfour. Guthrie & Co. are canvassing among Portland firms to induce them to patronize Uve new service even with mall shipments that can be carried fre iucntly. but expecting to gather from all firms an amount each month suf ficient to warrant the steamers coming here. As "50 tons Is less than the average cargo of the Oriental liners that ar rive each month In the Portland A Asi atic fleet. It Is pointed out that Port land certainly consumes more Euro pean products than of Far Eastern frooda. much of which are destined for the small percentage of the population made up of Celestials. ' steamer Johan Poulsen yesterday left for Westport and the steamer Despatca for Xalama. - Coming to discharge cargo loaded In turope. the British steamer St. George yesterday sailed from San Francisco and will proceed to Puget Sound to finish discharging and load outward. Virtually 28 hours after she left Port land in tow of the steamer Ocklahama. the British shin Vincent, wheat-laden for the I" n I ted Kingdom, crossed out to sea. the tm of her departure being 8:25 o clock yesterday morning. When the steamer Undine discharged freight at Lewis River points Saturday. she returned to Taylor-street dock and prepared for her annual Inspection, which took place yesterday morning, and she resumed service In the afternoon. I -est of the moves to be made by the Oriental liner Henrik Ibsen before sail ing for the Far East will be made today ABOVE THE AVERAGE 84c; receipts, wheat 16 cars, barley S cars. corn 3 cais. nay o cars. SEATTLE. May 8. Wheat: 93c; fortyfold. 87ttc; club, 8ic; r.d Russiun. 86c BInestem. Fife. 87c Condition of Winter Wheat on May 1 Was 86.1. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 8. Wheat Mar. Sc: July: ttuc: September. B3t ft;-n,c. Cah: No. 1 hard. S1.014: No. 1 Northern. 99Hc1.01; No. 2 Northern, va feKBSc; No. 3 wnent. V4,fU.C Flax eloied at $2.57. Barley, 70cel-03. Com. No. 3 yellow. sm62c. Oats. No. white, 81 hi 32c Rye, No. 2, (1.0361.00. MONTHLY CROP REPORT ITKaSIEB INTELUGENC. Dae ta Antra. Kama. Frem. Oo. W. Eld.r. .Pan !!.. . Hercules. ..... -Mnnskonf . . Menrta, Ibsen. .lion none. .. A ltan-. ...... KurvKa. . . . Fue H. Elmore Tillamook. Indicates an Average Yield of 15.6 Bushels Per Acre as Compared With 15.2 Bushels Last Year. Spring Planting Slow In In In In Pan Frenelsc In in May r'alcoa Braver Fan Pedre. Uoldeo Gate... .Tillamook... Breakwater. ... Coos Fay.... Anvt..... ......Bandon. .... Wear Co pdro... Roanoka. ...... Han Ilgo.. Poo. City. ..... San Pedro. .. Riverside Balboa Data .In port port port port port port port v 0 May May May June European Grain Markets. LONDON. May 8. Cargoes, tone firmer. Walla Walla for .hipment 3d higher, at 36s. English country markets, nrm. French country markets firm. - LIVERPOOL, May 8. Close: Wheat May. 6s 11 Vd: July, 6s llHd: October, 6s id. Weather, cloudy. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. May 8. The visible supply of grain In the United States Saturday. May C. as compiled. by the New York Produce Exchange, was as follows: Bushels. Decrease. Corn 6.3sn.OiiO sno.ooo Oats h.oas.ooo l.iso.ooo Rye ei.ooo Barley 1,169.000 10 13 14 IS 8 Scheduled ta Depart. Name. For. Tta Sue K. Elmore Tillamook... May Ai:tan. Eureka...... May 9 Hen-Ik Ibsen.. Honjrkong. ...Mar 10 Ceo. W. Elder. .San tilreo. ... May 10 Oolden Gate. . . Tillamook- ... May 10 breakwater. ...foos Hay. . . May -11 Falcon Fan Francisco Mar 11 An1l. ......... Bandoa. . ... May 12 leaver. ....... fan Pedro.... Mar Roanoke. ..... .Kan I U so. . . . May Bear San Pedro... May Roe City...... Fiin Pedro.... May ircuir Honrkong. . . .May Riverside Hal boa ..June 13 JT 13 BIG IJOILDKKS EXCOrNTEIIED First Fier of Broadway Bridge Will Beach Bottom This Week. Lrg boulders encountered over 80 feet below the present stage of the Willamette has retarded sinking oper ations on the first Broadway brtdise pier and while there Is lees than two feet of material to be excavated be fore the caisson will rest on Its fu ture base, it Is estimated that the work cannot bo completed until the end of the week. Mixed with the boul ders Is considerable small gravel. which Is being removed through sue tlon pipes. In order to get the boulders to the surface buckets with a circumference of Z0 Inches will be placed In oper atlon tomorrow and they are to be hoisted through two "wells. one at each end of the caisson, but like the main opening In the center, through which the "sand hogs" enter and leave the air chamber, they must be used ulth the same regard for the air pres sure. The buckets will be raised to the door of a "lock" and after entering that the lower one will be closed and the material hauled above the caisson and the same procedure followed In lowering them. As the sinking pro gresses mere concrete Is placed on top ef the caisson to give it weight, and when It Is on bottom the work of com pleting the shafts can be hurried. ntOST STREET PATIXG STARTS Montague & O'Ketlly Get Direct Contract With Property Owners. Work was commenced yesterday on the repaying of Front street, north from Flanders to Balfour. Guthrie t'o.' new flour mill. The work Is be ing done by the firm of Montague A O'Keilly under contracts entered Into directly with property-owners. The Ctty Engineer has taken up the ques tion of continuing the Improvement north from Balfour. Guthrie's property to the Eastern Western Mill. Probably no undertaking that could be Inaugurated would prove of such benefit and be the source of as much tattsfactlon to West Side dock-owners and draytng corporations as the paving project, for along the thoroughfare it Is generally admitted that Front street Is In the worst condition of any street In the city, and while teams are able to traverse It. the deep mud In Winter and dost In Summer make It Impas sable for pedestrians In many places. The Belgian blocks now in place will be removed, reduced In size and laid on a cement foundation so a more even surface will be given and space be tween railroad tracks Improved, which are now mudholes. when she shifts to Montgomery dock No. 1 to work wheat for which space has been engaged. She sails tomorrow. There was launched from the ways of ine Portland Shipbuilding Company yes terday afternoon the tug Charles M. I oreiner. which is the pioneer of the x-urtiana lowooat . ompany s Ileet- The vessel, in conjunction with barges re cently built, will be used in harbor work.. After being on the disengaged list since April 12. the French ship -Marechal de Castries was yestereay chartered br the Pacific Export Lumber Company to load lumber for the United Kingdom or tne continent. She will carry about 1.j0. feet, and will start loading the latter part or tne month. To the Portland Shipbuilding Company has been awarded a contract by the Columbia Contract Company for the con struction of two barges, each to have length of 142 feet, beam of 4S feet and depth of hold of nine feet. They are to be used In hauling rock to the Columbia River Jetty. News was received yesterday from Vancouver. Wash., of the finding of the body or George Hartor. who lost his life six weeks ago through falling over board from the steamer Jessie Harklns. on which he was employed as a member of the deck crew. The identification was made through articles found In the clothing. Bringing 14u0 tons of cargo from San Francisco, the steamer Falcon yesterday entered at the Custom-House, as did the steamers Shna Yak. W. S. Porter. F. H. Leggett and Despatch. The Oriental llnr Hercules entered from Hongkong and way ports. The Shna Yak cleared for Eagle Harbor in ballast, the Porter for the return in ballast and Despatch for San Francisco with X.u00 feet of lumber. Damage to the steamer Ehaver, which caught fire last month, was yesterday adjusted by the insurance Interests, and work will be commenced today. Until bids are received, it will not be known to which yard she will be sent for the principal repairs. Under the arrange ment with the Insurance Interests, the Shaver Transportation Company ac cepted the money and will make repairs as Its officers direct. It Is hoped to have the steamer In service In a month. There belns no more wheat to move because sales have stopped temporarily, j pec int. j.-w. n. a. co. nas oraerea me steamer Spokane withdrawn. from the Snake River route, and she went out of service yesterday. It Is said there re main about lO.iXO sacks of wheat in that territory which have not been negotiated for. Repairs have been completed to the steamer Lewlston and she has been launched at Hiparla. but both vessels will be Idle until new crop grain moves. At the rate the new Bank Line steamer Orterlc Is discharging at Victoria and the fact she will proceed to Comox to coal. It Is expected that she will reach Astoria Friday evening and probably arrive here In time to begin loading cargo Saturday. WASHINGTON. May 8. The average con dition of Winter wneat on May I was Sfl-i. compared with 83.3 on ADrtl 1. 82.1 on May 1. 1S10. and 80 the May 1 ten-year aver- as, according to tne crop repon ui Department of Agriculture, issues i P. M. today. . . I The area of Winter wheat to oe ninni-o as about 61.S07.OOO acres, or i. aerea. 6.6 per cenil more inn mo fcarvestea in iwiu. ana j.no.'--v ' than toe area sown last Fall t34.4SS.ovO acres). . The condition of the wheat crop on w 1 of the last five years averaged p"r cant, the final yield per acre averaged 13.3 bushels. If this ratio should prevail tins year, the condition of 86.1 per cent would Indicate a yield of 15.6 bushels per acre, which compares with 132 In the United States the nnal eatlmate li 11)10. Of Spring plowing. 71.0 per rem wm com pleted up to May 1. compared with f0.3 per cent In llo. a ten-year average of B7.2. Of Spring planting. 60.0 pervcent. ccmpared 1th 63.0 In 1U10. The averaire condition of rye was PO.o. compared with 80.8 on April 1. 91.3 on May 1. 1110. and 88.T the May 1 ten-year aver- e. t , , The aerear; ot winter wneat rom.iimi to be harvested and condition or w inter wheat anl rys on a-'ay 1 by Western States follows: . l.ooo 286,000 Increase. The visible supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was K, OU7.000 bushels, decrease 32.-013,000. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. May 8. Standard copper, dull, spot and May. 11.609 11.70c; June. July and Auicust. 11. 6oj 1 1.75c. London, steady; spot. f.3 ISs 8d: futures. 54 lis 3d. Arrlvxals reported at New York today, 823 tons. Custom-house returns show exports of 7328 tons so far this season. Local deal ers report rather an unsettled market for rorper. Lake. 13.87H fr 12.60c; electrolytic, 12.12',ei-2.".c. and casting, 11.87Vtlc. Tin. steadv; spot and May. 42p42.5oe; June. 42.O0 w 42.0oc: July. 41.63942.25. and August, 41.2jtt42c. London, firm; spot, C1M Cs; futures. 190 Ss. Lead, dull, 4.40 4.."0c New York and 4.2:5 0 4.3iic East St. Louis. London, dull. 12 18s Bd. Spelter. 6.4095.45c New York; 5 20 5.30 East SL Louis. London. 24 5a. Antimony, dull; Cookston's. 9C?'9.5oc. IronCleveland warrants. 45s Ud In Lon don. Locally, iron was quiet; No. foundry Northern, No. 1 foundry Southern and No, 1 foundry Southern soft, $15,256-15.75; No. 2 Northern, (15 15.50. Winter vheat Cond. .! . .1)4 .06 .0 .l"2 meadow Hve Con.l. .00 .B7 .P-l .W3 .15 .97 (nay) State A-rage. California 92rt.ti Washington 72.JO Orenon 530.0M Idaho .tn.umi Montana 836.no Utah 164. OoO The average condition or land was 84.7. compared with 89.8 In 1910. and a ten-year average of 9.4. The averag condition of pasture was Bi s. compared with 89.3 In 1910, and a tan-year average of 87.4. FEAR OF DAMAGE FROM DROUTH. Offsets Speculators' Fear of Bearish Crop Report. CHICAGO. May 8. Fear of drouth dam- axe counterbalanced tolay with wheat spec ulators an Idea that the Government report wouU prove decidedly bearish. As a mat ter of fact, the document turned out less discouraging to the bulls than had been pected. but the result was not known until after Hoard of Trade hours. In conse quence, the close was easy. ft hie off to tae up. Corn finished ivHc to 1 Hie dewn; oats lower by VVc to Hffittc and nog products at 7 to to 67Hc advance. In the face of Quite general belief that the Washington report might be relied upon te favor lower prices for wheat, the market showed decided snap on the buying skle at times. The drought talk in the Northwest furnished one rather pressing reason. An other was a liberal decrease In the United States visible supply total. On the whole, the day was characterized by bursts of live liness. The May option went wholly Into the background. July ranged from SS to 88 c and closed at 88tc, a net loss of Hi4c Heavy selling by two leading operators ho have large packing-house interests. weighed down the price of corn. July fluc tuated between 61eciwc and 52 Sc. clos ing weak at the first-mentioned leveL e nnder the latest figure of Saturday. Cash grades were easy. No. 2 yellow finished at 64iwt4c. Oats weakened with corn. Hleh and low points for July were 32Sf32!c and 82c witn latest sales VBSt net lower, at 32 c. provisions rose on account of a small run of hogs. After the pit was cleared, pork had gained 15 to S7ic: lard 7 to 10c and ribs 7c to 12Vic to ISc The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. May 8. Evaporated apples, firm, with a fairly active Jobbing demand. On the spot, fancy are quoted at 14"10c: choice, 13 hi w 14c; prime. 13c Prunes, unsettled, higher on the reports from the Coast. Quotations 1 ranged from 8H to 13 c for California, up to 80-40t and from 11013 He for Oregor from Sot to 80s. Apricots rather quiet, firm; choice, 14 H 14; extra choice, 14&15c; fancy, 15 a 19c. Peaches, firm, with small offerings; choice, 8QH4c; extra choice, 8Vi69c; fancy, 8Vs V IOC. Raisins, firm, with many Increasing d mands. Loose Muscatels, GVi7c; choice to fancy seeded, 8j7c; seedless, aWUo'ta London layers, $1,4041-45. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 8. Cotton futures closed steady. May. iozc: June. 15.47c; juiy. ja.m'c; August. J4.H1C; September, 13.41c: October. 12 91c; November, 12.84c; unirrawr, i.ouc; .January, 12.IBC: JUarcn, 12.S7C. Cotton, spot, closed quiet 15 points higher." jiiuaung upianas, 13.00c; ao gulf, 15.90c sales, tt'juo bales. Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. May 8. Wool Unchanged, medium grades, fine, 13 16c; fine, medium. 11012c. Hops at London. SlVERPOOL, May 8. Close: London iPaciflo Coast). f5Q. Hops In Elgin Butter Market. EL6lK. May 8. Butter firm; 2H4c- Out put. 603,700 pounds. May July Sept .7 .SO Low. . .87ti Close. I .4H .US i .S7S -8H Hops at New York. NEW YORK. May 8. Hops Firm. Sclo Company Strikes Ore. SCIO. Or.. May 8. (Specla..) The Crown Mining & Milling Company, organized here some time ago to develop mining claims near Gates in Marlon County, has found exceptionally fine ore. Five claims are under control of this com pany. . All the officers and stockholders live either In Sclo or near here, many of the leading business men having sev eral shares of stork. Hay ocean Not Largest. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. May 8. Arrived Steamer Beaver, from San Francisco: steamer Fal con, from Saa Francisco; steamer 1 now. tone, from Saa Francisco. Sallad steamer loe City, from Saa Pedro via San ran laco. Astoria. May 8. Condition at the mouth of the river at t P. M-. smooth: wind, west : miles: weather, raining. Arrived at t and left up at t A. M. Steamer Falcon, from Ma Francisco. Arrived at :S0 and left up at S:S0 A. M. Steamer Beaver, from ban Pedro and San Francisco. Arrived at 3 and left up at 7 A. M steamer Yel lowstone, from San Francisco. Sailed at A. M. British ship Mncent. lor Queenstown or Falmouth. Sailed at S:S0 A. M.Gasoltne schooner WHhelratna. for Ya qulna. Arrived down at 8 and sailed at M. steamer Rose city, tor Ms rran- lsco and San Pedro. San Francisco. May . Arrived at noon Steamer Nehalem. from Columbia River. Sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer Aberdeen, for Portland. Sailed at 1 P. M. British steamer St- Ueorge. for Portland. Coos Bay. May t. Sailed Steamer Break water, for Portland. San Francisco. Maw 8. Arrived Steamers Daisy, from Wlllapa; Coronado, from Santa Monica; Daisy Mitchell. Tahoe and New burg, from Orays Harbor: Flfleld. from Co qullle. River: schooners Oakland, from Stus law River; Roy Somers. from Grays Harbor; bark Antlope. from Newcastle. Australia: barkentlne Irmgard. from Mahukona. Sailed Steamers Norwood, for Grays Harbor; Maverick, for Astoria, towing barge 81. Los Angeles, Msy 8. Arrived Steamer Bear, from Portland. Sailed A. B. John son, for Columbia River. May., July.. Deo... May.. July. . Sept. . CORN. '.B5, '.CIS . .62S .61 ! OATS. .; .j: .32 .32 S .12 .32 May.. July. . May.. July. . Sept. . 8.07H 8.1:s S.22 5 July.. Sept. . 8.10 17H ,t.2i 8.08 8.0V Tide at Astoria Tnesday. High. Low. 18:43 A. M 7.3 feet:4:t0 A. M l i feet 10:5J P. M....S.4 feet 4:S1 P. M I. feet MESS PORK. I.7 14.40 li.lt 13.18 LARD. 8.07H 8-IH 1.12 t.Z2 H.tTm SHORT RIBS. 8.07V, S.07VS I.OlVi 1.00 1.00 7.87 V. loan quotations were as follows: t lour t irra. Rye No. J. L11 81.15. Barley Feed or mixing 65 6 8 5c ; fair te choice malting. S-v1.10. Timothy seed 112 Ciover S1S.7. Pork Mess, per barrel. 8ie.16Slt.50. Lard Per 100 pounds. 18.10. Short ribs Sides (loose ). I7.S7HO. Sides Short, clear (boxed), 88 'a 8.35. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 131.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 570.000 bushels, compared with JS1. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United States decreased 1.813.000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 1.143.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 128 cars; corn. 3(1 cars; oats. 210 cars; hogs. 15.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 1S.400 o unit v neat. Dusneis 71.SO0 Corn, bushels .......... 309,200 Oats, bushels 298.200 Rye. bushels 1.000 Barley, bushels 34,600 .5fj .SIS KIT- IT. I .50 .60 jf2?V 31 1' .a-'t I It 1 .31 (' J 18.07H 18 40 VW 16.07 V, 13.07 Vs SiS. Men and Women Cured The famous S. K. Chan Chi nese Medicine Company, with their remedies, of herbs and roots cure won derfully. It baa cured many sufferers when other remedies have failed. Sure cure tor chronic, private aliments, nervousness. blood poison, rheumatism, s.thma. pneumonia, kidney, throat and lung troubles, consumption, stomach dlsordors and other diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. NO OPERATION. Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mra S. K. Chan. Call or write to The 8. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co., 226Vt Morrison St.. Portland. Oregon. 233.000 395.000 250.500 7.600 Grain at Fan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 8. Wheat- Steady. Barley Steady. Spot quotations: Wheat shipping. 31.47V4C1.50 per cental. Barley Feed. 81.50 per cental; brewing, tl.60Sl.57H percental. Oats Red, 11.42 a 145 per cental; white, nominal; black. 81.1501-32 per cental. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, 81.38 per cental; May. 81.53 per cental asked. LAZY LIU "I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar tic I feel very much better. I shall cer tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen.' Anna Bazinet, Osborn Mill No. a, Fall River, Mass. Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe, 10c. Z5c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to ears or your money back. 828 - L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chine Doctor spent lifetime study et herbs and research In China; was granted diploma by ths Emperor; guarantees cure all ailments of man and woin.a when others fall. It you suf fer, call or write to 188 KIN'S MEDICINE. CO.. UtVt First. Cr. Alder. ParUaad. Or. CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. j Graniteville. Vt "I was Dassin ' through the Changeof Life and suffered r r o m nervousness and other annoving symptoms, and I can truly say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has proved worth mountains of ; gold to me, as it restored my health I and strength. I never forget to tell my inends what ILvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has dono for ma dunng this trying period. Completo restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter." Mrs. Chas. Barclay, B.F.D., Graniteville, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. Xo other med icine we know of has such a record of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than SO years it has been curing woman's ills such as Inllamma' tion, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreg- 1 1 - 1 . , marines, periodic pains ana nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of life. Mrs. Pinkfaam. at Lynn. Mass- invites all sick women to write iier f or atlvice. Her advice is free, and always helpful. A Family Medicine Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey A pare distillation of malted j grain a safe tonic an aid to j digestion endorsed by 50 years' popularity. Procurable every where at $1.00 a large bottle. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. T. f5) MEN CORED Is Our Fee SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic casea cured. All b u r n 1 n sr. itchlns; and Inflammation topped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call. wrUe for list of question. Office Hours 9 A. M. to I F. U Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. fd. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. 224 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner 1-Ir.t. Portland, Or. S. H. WAI JING CO. Orlgrinal Chinese herb and rsn medicine. JIan or woman sufferinjr with any internal, external or eruptive disease can be cured speedily and have all the traces eradicated from the system by our Wonderful Remedies. Free consultation and ex amination. 301H First st.. Portland, Or. Grain Markets of the Northwest. TAfOMA. May 8. Wheat Blurstem. Mj frr; cmr. s.r; red Russian. Pftc: fnrTyfold. Saa Franc'sco marine men refuse to permit Portland to retain credit for constructing the largest gasoline yacht In the L'nlte.l State's, which has been asserted with reference to the Bay ocean, now under construction at Joseph Supple's yards. It Is said that the Contra Costa, built In 190S by John Hans;, a naval architect. Is 40 feet longer on the water line than the Bay Dcean. havlna- a leneth over all of 1S0.1 feet, beam of S7.2 feet and depth of . 7 " . iiiu. cicmcaiui lac circiauou Known as plasma, a II hold of li.3 feet. She Is of 831.60 tons consuiucoi wuitu is me inie ueaiing quality oi ine Oiood. i his plasmic gross and 497. tons net register. CURES 0 C30 lavlUrtUatlllal UlaleaElK3 There is a natural element of the circlation known as plasma, a fibrous property is frequently destroyed bv imoure accumulations in the Mood, nnrl i this vital fluid not only loses its power to heal, but becomes a source of irri i tation to any wound or open sore or ulcer on the flesh. The blood contin ually discharges the impurities into the place and gradually the infection spreads and the sore enlarges. External applications cannot cure an old sore, because such treatment does not affect the blood ; the most that can be expected from plasters, washes, salves, etc., is a cleansing, soothing effect n . . it. tii. n r i. i - . , . Cisco. This will frive loos Bay anoiner " wf. w. w. uuu vivj. cuics m is pciietuy natural way. 11 goes passenger and freight boat to Fort- down into the blood, and removes the imparities and morbid matters that are Ian1- the means of keeping the ulcer open; then the sore i3 bound to heal. S.S.S.is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and not only does itcleanse the circulation, but it restores the healing, plasmic qualities and aids in promoting every necessary quality for good health. S. S. S. builds new flesh tissue from the bottom of the ulcer to the outer skin, and makes a permanent cure. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at druz Coos Bay on FJdcr's Ron. MARSKFIELD. Or, Mar . (Special.) The North Pacific Steamship Com pany has arranged to have the steamer Geo. W. Elder stop at Coos Bay on the war from Portland and San Fran- Marine Notes. Heading for Ala.kan waters with llchl house stores, the tender Columbine yes terday railed at Seattle far additional ahtpments. To load lumber for California, the Stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA. j! Hours ; : fc-.J-Janle bears the (joy) , Beuan of counterfeit 4 THE DR. GREEN METHOD OF CURING MEN LOWEST PRICES QUICKEST CURES that atay cured. NOT A CENT CHARGED unless cured. I of amy specialist. A certain cure Is what you want. This we will give you beyond doubt If your case 1 curable. There Is absolutely no patch work about our treat ment, for soon after beginning it disagreeable symptoms disappear and the trouble never returns. Our best reference Is our former patients, whom we have cured and made happy. If discouraged because you have failed with others, call and see us. A confidential chat, to gether with a thorough personal examination, will cost you nothing. If you take our treatment, you may pay for It when satisfied, or when cured. Our specialty la VARICOSE VEINS, OBSTRUC TION! S, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, NERVO-VITAI, DEBILITY. PKOSTATIC, BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles. CONTRACTED ailments, PILES and all RECTAL ailments. WHAT YOU WANT IS A CURE COME TO US AND GET IT. pvr OXTtTTVJ Cf 362 Washington St UK. VaKaC-E-iN J. PORTLAND, OR. Hours Dally, 9 t 5; Evenings, 7 to 8 Sundays, 10 to 1. Cured in Five Days 4 5 X 'l't . Smith. Varicose veins. Hernia, Blood Poison Ks Detention Fwra Occupation, Family or Home NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TWE-8AVINO, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE, A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Aliments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and ohemlcal analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure is what you wttnt. VARICOSE VEINS impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory . way that the vital parts are pre ss rved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established, Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. HERNIA (RUPTURE) Disregard of existing hernia has ost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most oangerous to life, because of the increased liability to strangulation. I cure rupture in selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In one treatment. 808 " FOR BLOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrlich's won derful new discovery, " 608." in cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures In soa treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical science. Thle new remedy has been successfully used In thou ands of cases. Let me explain It to yon. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paldme for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varloosw Veins. Hernia, Piles. Fistula, Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours t A. M, to I F. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. lie Dr. A. G. I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill ind experience, acquired in such a tvay that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. Dr. A. G. Smith 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. Danger Lurks in Neglect SECURE THE SERVICES OP "THE FOREMOST SPECIALISTS" "HONEST TREATMENT POSITIVE REStXTS" My Claims Are Founded on Cures If you aro & VMk, alllnr man stop and think what you could accomplish If you were strong and well what a source of happiness, food health and robust strength woujd be to you. It takes more strength to be sick than well It takes more strength te live under the conditions ot Illness than It does when In health. All my life I have been studying this problem -curing complaints of men restoring to strength weak, ailing men. I know that I can quickly and surely restore you to health. My immense practice, my large medical offices are the result of cures sure, certain. I can cure you. PI jjf My Fee in Many Cases CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSE VEIXS OBSTRUCTIONS PILES FISTULA o Detention from Business or Home. No Borers Operations. Many Cases Thoroughly Cured in One Treatment. I hare Proof for Kvery Statement I Make. YOU CAN PAY AFTER CURED INQUIRE Investigate for yourself. REMERBER, IT COSTS YOU NOTHIXG to have the opinion of the best. A thorough, painstaking EXAMINATION given aob and every person by me personally. WEAKNESS To any man who Is suffering from WEAKNESS FUNCTIONAL DECLINE, or PROSTATIC DIS EASES let me ask you the question: Will you put your time against mine? If I fail to cure, MY SERVICES COST YOU NOTHING. This remark able treatment you can only procure from ME. It consists of 21 TREATMENTS NO MORE. NO LESS. Each and every treatment Is given by me, as It Is too valuable to Intrust to an assistant. I can cure you and make you as well as you ever were In your life. I will tone up your sys tem, cleanse the poison from your blood, give you s healthy color to your cheeks, a brightness to your eye. so that In a very short time you would not know that you ever had a sick day in your Ufa. ABSOLUTE CURES Tou can't afford to experiment with your HEALTH AND STRENGTH. . . My Ions years of experience as a SPECIALIST In diseases peculiar to men have proved to me that SO per cent of the men are suffering from one or more of the following conditions: VARICOSE VEINS, DISORDERS, RUPTURE Speclfio Blood Poison. Contracted Disorders, Kid ney and Bladder Troubless. Postratlo Disease. Piles, and all Keflex Pelvic Ailments. Examination and Consultation Free SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Medicines furnished from my own laboratory. $1.5 to I8.B0 per course. It you cannot call, write for particulars. Many cases are curable at home. Hours I A. M. to P. M. . Sundays 10 to 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. tSOVfr TAMHTLL ST., COR. SECOND 8T. PORTLAND, OR. CURED IN FIVE DAYS I Cure Nervous Debility, Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Disease, Diseases of the Liver Disorders, Piles, and All Diseases of Men Heart Lungs, Fistula I Advertise What I Do, and Do "What I Advertise. $10 EXAMINATION GIVEN FREE BY A PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN 30 YEARS A SPECIALIST. COME AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128 Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.