K - y FOR M.ST. Housekeeping KMDl. " ' T u r rt.vvvr il'iRTUEXTi Vilrrn :-room housekeeping suites. .... a a c i t'te.. rat !:., KI.V-TKIOlj'iKT. ST r. All M K AT. IUT WATEli. bath iad iy.n; JAM.' ti,rv vrn- l-'i liVITt fir-.- e th-m, and oa will look no turir.r. CU t . n-r 14th si IMS PEAVER. Ufa nd Minhi!!. far mland for bukpln. nnrt. trie Is fat, hot water. loth, launrr. froa tuo c.t lr money, snort di'ai from &or:h .of. off at Marshall at. No d.a fOM RK.NT 2 furfi!h4 ro-ma fr ltr bath. ror.abi. T WUiiams a-a. Howkrrian BimaJJ2rt-t ?J-r- Portland Ho.cM. 1 JVavrnport st fnur a. i r f umio4 foomi ; bib. ga I'hon A ITHL utr, het. (a, phone, hot i tat... b-l I , a.ny. rfir."4 hitue. raooaLl. t 'Iran. 1-tti s. Tivn hAMmKBt ruumi. nrht off s:ret. way axr iTrnciL r.oaa la and ttj cheap rent, lil llth sc. TWO oierant fum!she1 hotiskerpiT. r'Himf Dcun. els-.-trie l.ichts ; L-ttti. 34 Ha.l at. fct 11 E (nn.iM'.!l Curnihal ho.isekeeptn front ron. : ;ji st-ve. r fre-. walk.tR d.stanr. No chi.Jrcn. flv r-W K'irnpy, 8 CLEAN room. lth por -h. be y fur maheU for bocakcpinc. 110. -U4 I-d ney a to. thonih; bat. light, i- h..no and bath in rlu d t i ; bjjc h t i U r e ru 17 N . 1 ti in. NK aulte. or.o ln:o hukrplnc room, all viTDlaci. Just oft W aatungxoa, N. 2lt at. VITNISMED housekeor..ris rooms at Mnta illa. i- tso-ruom apartment, lail up Tabr 4 1 J.. S-KO'M suit In miirn flat; absolute! nran ar.d nicety furn.ahef.; l minute to I'ontofftc e; rfrn crj . 2 j; TURKS nk-eiy furnishrd houkn";.nir rooms, l:rhu bith. phone; vrjr ds.r- b;. 43i Morucomery. TlRMSHKD houi..kp:n rooms, strictly modcrr.. la private f.uniiy. cry rrasonaia. Ma. a 61 74. ,'J LOTDIH THKKE nllT furnished r-Ntrna, lowor floor. inuUvra. &v t- iiurn TWO nUtlf fumljthi front hnti-rk'Pplnc rooms. rcasonAtie; sici.ani lociuon. 14th at K:Tf.V fumiihi rooms, suitnbio fr ;;ht housk-ptr.c: fr ?-hoa and btn -o jS; ;t-i'.iur.e Ma:a 1311. FO( nlc. brtpht rooms. wt-:i furnished raa ranre. m- ard : a Summ' homo. Prniorit h. Irdersn. I trv THREE flnrantly furnished housckrrplnr room, walkma: (lifn-f. 2 cars, all gas tnciudrd; month. :i Iry St. K M SEKEririN; auir'-s: bat. phono, bath S CLEAN, mo'lrm furnished houl-pna, roou.. cmunii f Ior. Trontsu JilOELT furnlid room, vrrv t!"a.rabl li- rttl m. JI 4 I -th St.. cr. Mimon, l-ROOM suit. c!n snd fiat; completely furnished, ail fnvm-nri. j. .in. TKNlsllEDh i.-k.-rir.T rNi. 7 N 14th. biea lis nd Er'tt. TH REE hous'ktns;-ro.i mor rooms If 1,ant:!t :.s. rent i Kffty at. $19; B-room suit, laundry. nlo yard. btM If ul Dr i h borhood. t it: l nulfi t . .TT7 IQth. SIH Hall at; 2-rooti hous"kf rin suits; con v imr ; rrnt rranahltt. ON E or tw Si? and furn.she! hous'-k'-epfnf; rooms. 4-H at ilark.H St. llth. cornrr. Clav. I.tr. roni cairn t 5 tnd 3 - room boiiskeplne ulttf , S NICEl-T furrlabd rooms, lowor floor. fall R-m ' Ilurn.w:o at - Sri'R V IS H E D roorne. bmt h. go. 4tb st, j :-HiMU housekrvpiRs; sutto. 24 11th st Hoot a. THR CHEATER MEIER E R N" K STORK RE VTA L AND l.N KoKMATI'N HUKSAU. Horn---hunter, ytait our up-to-uts r tal and !rforrua:!on department. 4th foor, ma fa bo ii dies', and th vacancies wa Liv I'ste.J of tiw rsb.t hous i ana ria:s. Voa'l, aavo ttm la i'!tm propny and romfortaoiy ltl. 9 k-.-p ia touca VLth all tirtnt hou-a. f:ia and BPart- insnts In tho city. v also keep a list of ?ie btn.dinrs la ourso er rnirur;ioo. Tho combined lia'a vt all rel eit i al ra. Thia In form At ion LB ato.uts!y Tre. WHL YOU WAV T Tr. Kr.N T A HOloa THB MEIER FRANK COMPA.VT, FOR It EXT. Ai A-rooin houM in Ta:or!rirhta. Key ttear tho r-.ouaa, at Nx b'J E Tuta at. Fbona Tabor IT 1LA r.TVAN T1IOVPPO.X. REAL TATK lKPT. Chan. bar of Ommorco fcUf. W'HKN oa rnott you'll ned NKW Fl'R N ETL'KE. :uy It j idictoua'y n ths East tf.leh and tho aain(S will : 4 your Our Low I'KirE.. which la t ysars fr.ado u ons of i'wrtiand a Mr rest furnl- turo houses. r ma-i possibio beaus rnut en tno r.ast mjc, tacreoj ola; . a yen- rent. MORtiAN-ATOl LET FCRNITfRE CX. t'J- ij Grand a., tor. Et Mark it. FOR HEM. 5- room hnujf. 1 . -rooin bouses, $1K :-rHm huia. furntd. $t-V00t 3 roo'iis. furnuhed. -'0.w 24-rHirn airtment. fla1" P I.O ' 11 REALTY CO.. 20 Alder St. 7-K OM modem h us. 4 bedrooms n 2i flor and largo attic with servant s r;m. (umi-. ran water heater, shades and fistures, yard; 2 1st. near Kearney ar. ; lee for ons tftr; reference. H. i'. r'nlnr.er- Jon- Co.. a Tents. 1'13 Cnun-rClal 'tub bids:-, phopes Main tH-J. A F;t FKN1 Iacd f tf-room house, thor- oukM) motlTa ; near Ha w th.rne ; $ per moiiin. Also a o-rorn Tnrnine-i bunga low, f.r Z per month. I hone Tabor H 13V7. Call l-l Hawthorn are. HOL'SbS and flafa for rent, soma furalsbsd. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY". rrs ma ps o f el tyfor F tranjre rs. TWO 4 -room furmhed cot tares, f 1 7.0 and 4-0 month. Furntahetl hou?'keepine; suit4. 2 roms. !. V1 month; Ap ply a&4 Nr:h itith. W cur west oo Mor rison to 26th. block .or;h. rOR RENT 13: mod rn 5-room ettaa;e. 2 blocks from car; take Mt. ri ott car to lark's atatioa. 1'bono Tabor C47. U. 1L Taylor. tNFURNlSHtll e-room houso wlthbathZ l-'7 14:h sc. between Washington and Al dor w ill bo rentod for $' a m i.ia to family for rldt-nc. Arply A. " iL Kerr. rmre'atUi am a K errKr-'. ; $20 NEW. modern. T-room h-ase. furnare, electric licrhta. bath, nlco .aw n. garden, chicken. yard. barn. 42t4 iu. tUta. 2 blocks Mt. Scott line. t-ROOM modem house. se!ect nelrhhorbcxl, lo mlnutos from Foe toff ice, lutiO -aah, balance terms. Provident Investment is irust Ca. 2il-203 Board of Trade. iIOf?E in IrTlnsjton. furnished or unfur nished. 10 rooms, strictly modern. Phon Oak Grots, It lack 113. P. X. MUwaukle, Or R. F. IX 1. boa 27. f .7 50 Modem tV-room res tdene. with fur nace, vas and electric lijtlit. attic and baaemeut; waiklps; distance. Inquire 110 M st. DWELLING a moms and bath. S?9 Taylor st. Went side; rent iJi per month. 1'hoae Maln J J4. T-ROOM modern house. Holladay ParlrrIr- Insjtcn car a month. 422 Cham- b or o f Coram erce. FOR RENT H rooma. modern, on Russell and Klxby at.; icus. i'hone Woodjawa o fiEVEN rooms, sleeplnr porch. 0 room a fur nisiied; girdea. roe and fruit; 45 month- W-W car. 811 E. sjd at. TV A NT ED Idy to work for clf and hus band room and buiud. Thoa u lil v. thp. ring. rOR KENT. Modern 5-room cott.-. Mo-k car. electric light, .tc; T. WoodliTD IHV FOR KE N"T -rorn modern hotu. a: 471 El l-'h it- bin Lflvlaloa and Caru ta.ra. yhon Main 4sl. n -BOOM hou. nltKbla for two famlll: rant 145. I'hon. MaIo 14S durlas w.k an4 Et HI gunriarm. -KKM mwlni hou.". lore, lo $15; Al berta di:rict. Woodiawn 4S4- cD'!RN -rTom h"ua, attic Ihon. A T 1 . KT ' 'l" HOVSS Kit m-rma. comr lath and Laurai lUMtk Port. and H!cht. $20. rOtTRTEEVTH and E Ald'r l-norn. mod ra hotj.. K.7 at AS:. axt door. 4-ROOii mod.rtj hou to rpn:bla part onjy; fat 1 1. Inqulra ui Cut Mark. KOOMS and 3 Dlnn tr rnt, by aanar, a; 1'wlnrjli. W 'i:iwa VX i-'vntt.Tle Hubii. rURNISHED 4-room cottage. 7th and Clay, Inquire .X Ita st H. TO ehar furauhed cottage. 114. lit-tost 26:21 sc. I -OR RENT. llOrEHN. rlxY. B-room houK. o.rtly tur n:h-a. misjloa di.-itr.s.room. furni'.ur to m.trri. km and i:c!rirlty. apacioua arounda, 2uu ft hrdsa. chotc. roa. nr i nion .vc. Miicniano. rnoacm v. -w. ooj .a q lai. JflTI.T ri"lt.N"ISHED 9-room boua In mo.t irlu!v. Wnt Hid. location, for rrnt from at-out Jan. 1 to October 1. at tlOO P" month. Addrau. with rofernca, O t.rconian. FtVK-KOOit romplrtrly furnlahad modern bouw on Eaat Mtl. for rent for nvi ninntha from i!ay I at 4S month; raf arrnc. required. Parrtah. Watkina Co. 8 AMrr at. HEAt'TIKLI. furr.thd a-room corner hou. cio. in on w ..t sid 1 block front Vahlncton; will rent for month or lonaer: can aublat 5 room If desired. ' "t per month. T ei. Oronlan- linpL'HN a-room furnlahad fat. rronna foor. bath. U':tch hitch. n. Terr dealrabla. adults. Katt -oth at. Seliwood i. iloUilitX rt-room furnt-'hed houac. T44 Clackamna St.. corner l.'J. Call between 9 A. il. and i P. M. .No children, tv: I-r.OOM nicely furnished house, strictly mcWn, ptano. flrcpimce. loTe.y yard, plen ty fruit, i'hone East Z-'. : .Morris. YVKST SIDE Kor rent or for salo. ft-room furnished cottage, owner. 2S lath at. or ilaln 4a afterl'M. unnrnv ftirrttahed- 5-room cottaire. al' S-rooni furnished flat with bUi. caa. til E. list. V-R cai li.V C'OMPLKTKLT farr.lshed house. Sttlt- aple fr 2 fanilllca Eaat Houae. far Kept T nrmmre for baila. FVRNITVRE of a beautiful modern T-room Dal. everytblna; flrat-ciaaa. brass bed a. al.t floa mattressea. rino linena. best of r rvela furniture, etc: 4 rooms rented to jcrn.ancnt people; 4 minutes walk to Olds ar Klna's; something good and clean an. I a bargain for only ". II. W. OAKLAND Sl CO.. lUl4thSt- a nnnu riM.nl fnmittir. most rteslrable loca tion, rent only iJl.:-: "" cash: price IS'iO. I assure you this la not misrepre--eentrd In the leaeu Inquire of U J. Jua- ten. o-- Falling bidg. SfVKN" rooms, rloso In. on c:ay at-; beauti fully and tastefully furnished; bniaa bda. o.k furniture, aood carpels, lots of ti.i... etc - must ao auickly: StJTs on Irrmi Marshall SWKI.I. furniture for T rooms for sal ehep; railroad party having to icave city. 1-h.ii e owner. Marshall So3i S-I. M.il furnished flat for rent; furniture for sale very cheap If taken at once. S Market, flat G. Fl'IlNlTl-'ltE of 6 roo:n house for aaie, hcu. for rent: a nice home, nicely fur nished. 1SS i3d at. North. I'LHXITtHE of 8 rooms for sale and house for rent reasonable; corner nouae. ooo Uth St. No .Rente. nTiII.V furnished hiuic. 7 rooms, for sale or rent: West Side, modern, a mtnutea from I'oetofflca. AP e'J. C'regonlan. IllT. TAKES furniture of clean 5-room cot tare, in month rent, walking distance. (H today, hi E. hth North. - "i:o. M"house for teas', furniture for sale. to Williams ava. Take U car. Fl'RN'lTL'RE of nine rooms, houae for rent. very cent ra I. Owner, l-v fa K si. Kummrr Resorts. FOR RENT At Seaside. Or.. 0 rooms, fur- t shed newly), X block rrora posionice. Ires coal and dry fir wood, frea water and electric light for the season, from .May lo to rptember lo, for -O0 caah. No bed linen furnished. Address Jumes I'etersoo, Seaside, or. P. O. bet OI.. MuIiBKN cottage. I rooms, completely f ur- nl .rd. to rent at Bea.ioe. inquire sor rel s. cor. 4th and Alder. fSEA.IHE C3-npl-ye furnished cottage, gooa location. Cheap If rented now. i none WANTED to rent for season a lot at west eria.de for teot:ng; atate price ami er..encea U HI. Oregonlan. FOR HALE Furniture of room (lower r.at; rtoi ...v per moinu ... Inquire 431 Chamber Commerce. bEVVIEW. on ridge. 4-room with nreplaca. 4lu season. Mr. W oous. cot now io. STORK TO KENT 113 Grand ave.. aultable fur a great many ur.ea or nueineaa. 11 A HTM AN at THOMPSON. HKAL ESTATE liEPT. Chamber of Commerce llldg. .it KENT An Ideal canoe and boat ga- r.ite; nothing Ilka II on the river: anout 1v feet frontage. Apply Gas power tupriy e'o-. 4 Hawthorn ava. FOIl RENT Store on g.-owlng buslnesa street; plenty or cuatomer to araw i rom. Phone Main BtYKKAL s.vres at east end Mad.son-at- brk.lse. to sro. accoruiug lo aiaeb m qutr. 271 Hawthorne ave. FuR KENT The building at 11 Cth at.. aultable for restaurant or otner -Business. Inquire Crown Tailor Shop. 4th and ltark. STORE at lf Morrison St.; CD feet deep. can make It IPO feet; rentreasonapie. PINE brick cor. store. East 11th and riaw- tnor ne.A pply 1 East 1 t n. cor, i am :i i h. Jsa STARK, near 6th. with double sited basement. 3T.sio. Apply i5waaningion. L't-K room In suit with stenographer. Ill Hoard of Trad. NEW room, arranged for restaurant. 1064 loth, near onsan. t'none r- eoi. frTORE for renu 74 N. 6th. Inquire at the corner store. TORE for rent. Phone East 1 23k OffW. OFFICES FOR RENT. $1 l.oo to $.17 .VI. MERCHANTS SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANY. S. W. Comer nth and Washington Sta. FOR RENT. Desirable front office, light and roomy, In modern bulldinc. $13 per month. Ap ply Okl B:ake-McKall bldg.. 45 Fourth t- SUITE OF ROOMS for physician: also for dentist, and an apartment, excellent lo cation at Peninsula, by owner. Wood lawn 102. . FINE location for dentist or physician on East Side: cheap rent to proper paruec. al'CAKGAR. BATES ft LIVELY. 3ol Yeoa Bldg. FOR RENT Several store and shops at east end Madlon-st. bridge; rent S20 to $lo. a.-cord. r.g to size. Apply V. u. bmltn Fuel Co.. 2-: Hawthorno ave. FOUR good-slsed offices, good light and ven tilation, ai loo per mouto. at la. aftorri- lvB t. kOiT centrally located office, all-night ele vator service. s.3 awetiana Diag.. or jan itor, oth and Waehlngton. NICE light front office with use of recep- tion-iom. 617 Board of Trade. North meat Realty Co.. per J. T. Morrow, flee FOR RENT Storeroom and 0-room bunga low. BIX1CH REALTY CO., SP9. Alder St. 10 DKSK room In weil-llghted office. S23 Ky. Exch. bldg. DFSK r.ora in first-clasa office for rent. Call 217 Ablngton bldg. SPECIAL XOTICKcV. proposal Invited. FRUIT CA.N.NLHI FOR SALE. Sealed bids will be received for the site, manufacturing plant, machinery and all mat.rtaia on hand, of the Lewla River Canning Company, of Woodland. Wash. Blue will be closed at noon. Saturday. May 13. Address all bid to E. W. Robinson. Woodland. Wash., K. F. D. No. 1. Bids must b. accompanied by a certified check of 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plant la adaptad to other manufacturing purposes. For further detail apply to lw w. Robinson. Woodland. Wash H. -. rx No. 1. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE. Portland. Oregon. April lo, ivii eoaiea proposaia for furnishing and delivering fuel oil to the United state at Three Tree Point Military Reservation. Wash- will be received at this office until 11 A M., May lo. ion. and then publicly opened. In formation on application. J. F. at c In doe. Major. Engineers BOND SALE. CITT OF EUGENE, OREGON. $;"i.0 electrical lit hung bonds, $2S.iKa sewer bond. lat of sale, June 6. 11L Information furclahed upon application to H. et. Bryeon. Recorder. KtTf ant rorxn. "UOsT If party who took glass from Se curity Savlnga Bank FViday, return to watchman or caa Tabor 723, will call II mlatak LOUT Buckskin bore, burned with rope on front leg. marked l right aide, o Mom. at. Reward. LOST On L ear, leather handbag aontaln tng small purs and personal papers. Re turn to bO Firat tu, corn.r Oak. Reward. Cost I-ady's small watch and fob chain with colored enamel pictures on each side. phone rVllwood 444. Reward. 1T Ijtdy brown purs by teacher la Holm-oVe School, at Old ft King'. Sat urday .lanlng. 7:10; reward. Mala 400. FOC Nt -Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattreesea and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hllr Factory. H. Metsger. SJUJi Fronu Phore Main 474: A 1S74. lX)sr Between Rose City Park and First Consreratlon.nl Church, a filigree bracelet; gold links w-lth blue enamel. Return same to W. I). Scott, 212 Ablngton bide., and receive reward. LOST On Friday.- May 6. a brass-studded dog collar and ltcense tag. f.'nll Main Si.iS or call at 5:4 Clay and receive illb- eral reward. 1XST Pet turtle dove from t. Please return. Reward. tTS E. Main BISISKR" OPPORTUNITIES. MERCHANDISE STOCK. Good general suck. fTUOtl; sales 33, Cuu. Oood gen. toek. J1200O; snlea ri.0OO. letter will trade 4(or farm, wishes to ret. re. Iloth grocery and r;enernl storK in country and city from ilooO to .'.oimi. Proa:ablo rastaurants tf-Mi to l.".0o. QRl'sSI oc ZAIiuIV. SIT Board of Trad e II llg.4 1 h a nd Oak. Al VANCOUVER. Washington, at end of best ccrllne. Just completed; elegant bun-gslow-stylo store building with wli.e p.'rehes. full baaemenl, nmat fixtures al ready ltjataiied. auttahle for waiting-room, confectionery and refreshments: oniy store Ir vicinity; flrat-clafs opportunity for right party; rent reasonable. Apply personally or by letter to A. J. Endcrhn, ttar Brew ery office. Vancouver. Wash. W1IB TO THB PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Life. 43 years old. 21 millions assets. We loan money. H. H. Ward. Mgr.. 712 Spaldlnf bldg. MOVINO-PICTL'RE THEATER. Brick bldg.. modern; big mon.-y-maker; this place Is on the market, as owner must go Enst; trlnl will be given to right party and you can be caehl-r and see what the pluco la doing and making; price tlSou. 417 Board of Trade. WANTED Party with from SiiUO to $-150 to take Inlereat In good paying business: will stand Investigation; me have good cpcn.ng In California. The Ames Mercantile Agency, slain 3-a 41S Ablngton bldg. TAILOR or first-class cloaner and pressor wauled, to take half Interest In one of the best paving shops on Stark St.; It will take 2o0 to handle this: a trlnl of a week or more will be given. Prompt Tailoring Co., 43J Stark at. WANTED Business man with ome means. fry manufacturer, to open branch otnee l Fnokane. Frisco or Los Angeles: perma nent, safe, remunerative, genteel business. Call 3.3 East Morrison. WANTED Steady, sober partner for a good rasn business thnt will pay you iw a month from start, which can be in creased; S:io0 required. Particular 41 Board of Trade. HOME BAKERY. Trade I3te a month; rent $23; can double the buslnesa; f-'toO. HALL C.LSTIN. 611 Lumbermen Bldg lease BAKERY. Oldest and only Independent bakery In aiedford. or., doing J4U0 per wren: ceu tral location; rent low: price right. TODD ft CO.. Medford. Or. rnvrWTinN'llHY FIXTURES. Rent 1'0. or can move fixture If de sired; loo. HALL ft OU9TIN. 611 Lumbermen Bldg. THE Vancouver Carret Cleaning Works, with machinery and good trade. 1 for ale reasonable: owner must retire. A a dress for particulars. 521 Broadway W Vancouver. B. C. SCHOOL STORE. Close to high school, clean and good, rent 123; ITSO. II ALL ft GUSTIX. 611 Lumbermen BldiN WOULD you Invest your money o a to earn 10 per centT No aervlce required I can how you how with perfect security Sboo required. Grumm, .23 Chamber o! Commerce. WANT you to know where fliwi earns $24 a year, is a gonci investment: sioint that rate means $20 a month; Investigate. A.aska Coast Fish Co.. Inc. oil Bu chanan bldg., Portland. YOUNG MAN. STRANGE. Make careful Investigation at expense ef seller before you invest money In any proposition. Advisory uepariment. x. at. C. A. SKATING link wants nartner to act as cash ler; will pay you salarv ir,o mommy una share of profits, which owner can shove Is never less than i00 monthly. Room S2.1 Lumber Exchange HAVE a good bakery In country town: I want a good baker with a little capital; you can either rent or buy It. AH tK Oregonlan. FOR SALE Meat, fish and poultry market cash sales over 90 dally: no reason for selling; long leaae; no sickness. L stf. Oregnnlaru PATENT' for sale, or to have It manufac tured on royalty basis; for full Informa tion Innulr. between 1 and 2 P. M-. or address Daniel Nlemand, Medford II otrL SOLID business has opening for energetle. man: will pay fi... a month sniary and a share or tho profits: money luuy securea. Partlrular 2isi stark st. WILL rent to responsible party saloon, all furnished, ready for busine In good country town. Room 623 Lumber Lx- chenge FINE opportunity for young mnn with busl nesa ability to mnnaae miriness wince i am on the road; little money required. 227 H W ashington St.. room 222. WANTED Reliable man take half Interest. well established real estato bueiness that Is paying big profits. Inquire 417 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE Auto repair shop, on good-paying basis: parties leaving state: will give term on part. Call or address Then ft Osborne. 42 Belmont st. I'hone East 20-1. INVESTOR would We to submit a propo sition that will stand any lnvcstiittion yuTi want to make: cr.n show looo per cent-Ad 82. oregonian. HALF Interest In an old-ettabMshed busi ness, doing a rood buslnef. For full par ticular call Kinney ft Stampher, Lumber Exchange bldg., room 631-S32. $2.0 PARTNER wanted In cash buslnes that will nay vou $123 monthly: duties eas- Uy learned and reference given and re- quired, rt oom r-.v i.umper r.icn a n k e. FOR SALE Bicycle and general repair shop, gasoline engine, lathe and some stock. In good town, close to Portland. AV f.6. Oregonlan. WANT cis-ar store or confectionery store. If you don't want to trade, will pay cash. K 8. uregoman. PLI MBING business In town or 0O00: one other shop In town; Invoice about $lsou. AV 4L oregonlan. OPENING for steady man In s central caah etore: will pay good salary and share of prof Ita call 24S"-i stark st. PLANING mill partner wanted; requires $:t.MHl; profits large: duties easily learned. Call 21b Vj Stark St. MOVING picture theater near Portland clearing $2ia monthly. Price $lO0; terms. 4"4 Rothchlld bldg. SHOEMAKER wanted who buy a shoe re pairing buslnesa cheap. Apply at Sirow bridge Leather Co..-' IBS Front St. WANT grocery store; have the cash., al-o valuable acreage; I $7, Oregonlan. mean business. ' AL RESTAURANT. A good one. good lease; good trade; for aicheap. 815 Davl St.. corner 6th. CONFECTIONERY for sale, good location. living-room, nice clean parlor, rent $24; price $.S00. Call 307 1st su $601 Confectionery and cig.irs. on Washing ton St.; doing good business. (.all 019 Board of Trade. RESTAURANT and lunch counter, busy St.. ' rent a.10; owner naa 10 go coai, (inc. $273. Call 276 Stark st 6 A LOON Good corner, doing good busi ness; reason for selling, sickness. &4 N. 61 b- $1400. GOOD .corner location, store, 2..x00. 3-year lease and fixtures for sale, a ha. uregj nian. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Tslephone and other bones bought and so d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablnston. OONFECTIONER Y store; good location; rent $20; 4 living room. $J76. Call 731 William ave. GROCERY and confectionary (tore with Ilv- Ing-room. rent 4.o: fine location; will Invoice about ISOO. Call 276 Stark st $2oO CIGAR atand; bargain If taken at once. Call 41 N. 3d; BARBl-m shop for sale; 2 chairs; owner want to leave town. N. 6th t. $13 STARK ST., one-chair barber ahop for al cneap. 1S3 BUYS neat meat market, doing good nuatnee Phone B.Uwood 1379. FIXTURES complete for grocery, on Install menta. caa o seen is East "sta and Ash. $00 BUSINESS cards, $1.00; you must bring this ad. Roa City Frlntery. 102s, Thlr-L $13A REAL EtTATPJ nartn.ra. experience unnecessary. .00 reiung Ding. ffoMB reatatirant, confectionery and lunc owner, living rooma. a.iq Ruaanll u WANTED Restaurant with lease for etis- laiuar with aaab. Marshall 713 4S65, LYLE. TOWN LOTS IN LYLE ARK THE BEST BUY IN' THE NORTHWEST TODAY AT THB PRESENT OPEN ING ALLOTMENT PRICES. ' SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL II LI STUATE!) CIRCULAR. KSAr:V, HLM AbON ac JEFFERT, DKALEKS IN LAND. CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. PORTLAND. OREGON. von fill.P a fiVAP. Hotel Mitchell. the leading hotel In Mitchell. Or.: un-to-date In every Dartlc- niar; well located and doing good paying business: well furnished and tuny equipped. Price complete, $2000. One half ensh. balance on time. Call or ad- dress Mi. a Rosa Specht. Mitchell. Or. GOOD opportunity for live restaurant man to open restaurant In 'K-room notei, nrst class fixtures and good lease. Apply Ho tel Foster, 3d and Da via. DON'T BUY A Grocery, cigar and confectionery, restaU' rant or rooming-house, bakery ar delica tessen or any other buslnesa until you sea I s. we have a tine Itst or legitimate dubi ness chances to select from. BIOCH REALTY CO.. 20fl Alder St. A GREAT SNAP. Tf you are looking for a flrst-clars bus! ne.a nit .hit - mnn and woman can take care of, we have It In a grocery and lunch place with B-room nat, tumisneu, good lease, cheap refit. Owner, 161 North 14lh at. hHT noons SHOES. Clean, new stock drveoods. shoe and millinery, about 12000; well located, rent g-o per nonm. GRL'SSI ft ZADOW. S17 Board of Tiade Bldg., -4th and Oak. 60 H. p. 20.000 capacity mill for sale, all or naif interest, to rlgnt party; 111 neann cause of sale; must change climate: plenty pine timber; good local market; In Cen tral O-egon. Geo. II. Knapp, Gist, Crook county. Oregon. FOR SALE I offer for sale cheap my har ness shop .In Elma; I have a complete tock and a good location. It la the only harness shop In town, nnd Is a good-paying business; good reasons for selling. Ad dress c. N. Long. Lima, van. MR. NEWCOMER Do you want to go In business In Portland? If o, call at 417 Board of Trade. We have a business that has been clearing over $200 a month; bank books will show it: SiOO casn requires; reference given and required. CIGARS AND POOLROOM. g7.w for stock nd fixtures, twner non resident; If owner attend to buslnes II can be ma.le to net to t per uay. GRl'SSI ft ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. rOXPErTIOXERT STORE. Pent $15, lease, fine location, everything new, good trade, no competition; $000. HALL ft GUST1N. 1 611 Lumbermens Bldg. PARTNER In a good-paying business; can clear S25 week; experience not necessary as owner will tench you the buslnes price 320. Call 276 Stark t- TRANSFER business: 3 teams. 8 wagons. hurness, etc.; doing good business; must ell account other business. K bo, ore gonlan. HALF Interest In reliable real estate office; beat of reason for selling; your money secured: references given and required. Particular Ulg Board of Trad e. ELECTRIC buslnesa for sale: stock of elec tric and gas supplies, also fixtures: good location, small rent: $400 cash. Owner leaving city. AR 73, Oregon. CIGAR and confectionery tore. Ilvlng-room, rent $:'.7; central location; West Slde can clear $150 month; price $1000. Call 276 Stark st. GROCERY, confectionery and fruit store, located on fine business treet. rett oniy a.u; living-rooms, nice, vieuu .im.ii price $750. 111 4th st. FOR SALE by owner. 5 0-room hotel with bar and poolroom In connection; write for particulars. Joseph Dalton, North Yakima, Wash. PARTY with $130 can secure $-iOO worth of quick-selling specially; will retail for 9oo; sickness recson tor seuing. Ait oa, Oregonlan. ; CORPORATION and furniture for sale, alio three offices for rent. Snap If taken today. NORTHWEST REALTY CO., 617 Board of Trade. FOR SALE H Interest In good garage and agency; Includes position of $100 per month; $1HH) will handle. Addrcaa AG 86, Oregonlan SPECIAI Grocery and confectionery store with living rooms, furnished; furniture goes: $1.1; diin't fall to look this up. Call 61 Board of Tradet PICTURE show; owner want a partner he can depend on; profits large; experience not necessary. $050 required. Call 248 4 tark st. FOR 6ALE 26 share of stock In Hel wood Co., Spokane, at $12u per share; this Is less than book value Jan. 1, lull. M. Mirtensen. Ames. Iowa. LADIES' tailoring, also pressing and clean ing business: rent $-0; lease: big trade; ran clear $30 week; price $250. Call 276 Stark st. FIRST-CLASS stock sales agent wanted: good commission, splendid demonstrator. Apply O 87. Oregonlan. $loH Confectionery and cigars: West Side corner; uoing gooa uumness. .ail ois Board of Trade BARGAIN In mfg. business; $S0O0 yearly profit on Investment; $2-K0 Cash or trade. Inquire 31; Everett St. HOTEL :. 19 room. 25 boarders, rent $30; act quickly If you want this, 1S3 Madison iu ItE LIABLE real estate dealer doing $K00O a year business want active partner, par ticulars 417 Board of Trade. NEW cash grocery, on a coming business street; no rcmonanie oner rciusea; cneap renk See owner. 803 Alberta. CONCESSIONS wanted for Council Crest; rental or percentage. Apply on the grounds. ' J- PARTNER wanted for cash grocery; re quires very little , money and good profits g ua ranteed. Call 248 H Stark si. YOUNG man as partner to start good busl- nes.i; (400 or $500 required, o tu. orego nlan. ROOMTNG-HOC8ES. 2 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS 2. 22 room, new building and brand new furniture: Axmlnstur carpet and leather upholstered chairs: rent $10d, with 5 years' lease; price $1750, term $lOf0 cash; now. get busy If you want a SNAP. $1600 PUTS YOU IN POSSESSION of a fine 64-room apartment-heuae; Ax mlnster and Wilton carpets and hardwood furniture; first-class West Side location; rent only $223, with S fears' leane; clear ing $270 per month. Wo have others. FLETE LIST. It and MONEY. Ask to sw our COM will save you TIME ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., Suite 618. Yeon Bldg., 6th nnd Alder St. 12 ROOMS, rent $35; price $000. IB room, rent 400: i-yaar lease; anuo terms. 40 rooms, rent $100; $-year lea; steam heat; Washington u, $2000. 87 rooms, 2 14 -year lease, (well apartment-house; $1600 cash, balance out of the buslnesa EUREKA REALTY CO., 527-628 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall t3. 60-ROOM transient hotel, near Vnlon Depot; the best transient-house In Ponlnnd; well furnished and clean; good leaae at low rent; $12,000 Income per year: prtue $H7., $.',(100 cash, balance on terms. Marshall 8 03. EOTEL and roomlng-hou of ISO room. centrally located and well established, on Front St., to lease for term of year. 24rlck bldg. Rent reoaonabl. Call en A. H. Blrrell Co.. 203 McKay bldg., 8d and biark. PACItlfrlCB TODAY, $300 oaah; modern 5-room furnished Hat. rinse to Waalnnglon u a rooms renipii eienr Hi flue Imported linen ai d blankets. Call owner, M loth it., near mark, today, CbOMlNOTROUSE, fiTrooina, flna location. fin furniture, iiash or terms, pnene owner, Main 67TBt inSKTTIEST place In ally. TefPIiTria, "eTearl room, furniture new and goodi no agents. T- y LJ?V1iE"." 1 '!" U ' "4T. 1T-TIOOM hotel, fi-year lease, sent (- new- ' paperer! ana paiuteaf if.ciria iiguiaf 'VI take . O hS. Oregunian, BOOM ING-HOI.:6E S years' lease, eentral- ( yioca too, bargain, call ai- yb4 yo-? WANTED Roamlng-houaa with leass, fes oustomar, ai or shall 715, A 48oa, PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. Hotels, Apartment-Houses, Rooming-Rouses. 411 Henry Bide. Phone Ms-shall 664. ELEGANT LITTLE HOTEL. 1 rooms, runlnng water, modern, beau tifully furnished, close In. long lease at $100 a month; this is a dandy Bouse and $1500 puts you In possession. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 18 room, rent JsO. good lease, steam heat, hot and cold water; elegant new furniture and carpets; clears over $100 above expenses; special price this week. 14 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. A completely furnished house, very close . In, rent $40 .always full, clear $60 per month; evervthinK Is good and tho house Is scrupuously clean. A good buy for $1100. ROOMS. Housekeeping, rent $10. nice yard, house rery well furnished; will pay all expense nd give tidy Income beside; price J.oO; terms. PEE THIS. , 13 rooms, steam heat. Nob Hill dis trict, rent oniy $40: nice building and yard; completely furnished for light house keeping: Income $135 per month; $6j0 cash handles. Hurry. FINE HOME. 14 rooms and four sleeping porches: good lease at $5; fine cronnds. trees and ehrubbery; eleuantly furnished; running water In rooms: a grand home and a fine Income: price $ 1700; terms. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO.. HOTELS. ROOMING-HOUSES. APART-MENT-HOUSKS. REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Phone Main 8500, A 3173. 322-24 Falling bldg.. 3d and Wash. MARY E. LENT. Portland' "LEADING HOTEL BROKER ROOMING and boarding-house. 13 rooms, rent only $25; good money-maker, price only 1300; located on West Side Call lui 4th t. FINANCIAL. $3Sn0 FIRST mortgage, bearing 7 per cent, $10,000 security, will discount 10 per cent for cash. Here's a chance to get 17 per cent on your money. AK UO, Oregonlan. $100 INVESTED 13 yoars ago earned to date over $15,000. Write for booklet. San 1 ran cisco Home Builders, 871 l'helan bldg.. San Francisco, California. Money to Loan Heal Lstate. 6 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. You are not required to own a lot, as we loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. This is the salaried man' plan to own a homo. Call or write for particular. . . STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. 11. Delaney, State Ageat. 423 Chamber of Commercebldg. T.OAV. MORTGAGES. LOANS. AT 6 lo 8 PER ctiNi Large loans especially solicited. J. FRANK PORTER. 04 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to i years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable hav ings ft .Loan Association. 24u stark su PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. BDW. P. MALL. 104 Second st. ; $500,000 ON improved city or farm property ; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxie Co., 514-515-510 Gerliuger bldg. FIRST and sccona mortgages and contracts jiurchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. 1. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 84 6th su MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOUDEY, Lewi Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lean on Portland property in sums l'rora $10oO to $5o,0ou at lowest current rates. Morrau, r liedner ft Boyce, 50S-5O6 Ablngton bidg MONEY TO LOAN. We have S10.000 to loan In amount from $lo00 to $5000 at 7 and 8 per conu XI. P. CllIAil, wv.-t . . MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes. cuiumoi ...i. Trust Company, DIB Spalding bldg, iinisv also 13000 to loan on good Droved city real estate security in real dence distrlcL 615 McKay bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small building, loans, coniracia uuo uioh-e.c bought. V. 1. INUlin, a puvwocb. TO LOAN. fiOiXi at 1 ner cent for a term of year. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 206 Alder SU $10 000 TO LOAN on West Side Portland real esrbte. Inquire room 416 Spauldlng bldg. $1000. $3000, $5000 TO loan on improveo. ci t v nrooerty. uwiowh uiuo., . - - cester bldg. $210,000 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty, hut rim. loans, lowca. i. , - 812 Failing Jildg. t u ivir emtio to loan on Improved property. Address 4 X amain - or yuum tt,u 4251. No brokers. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. n. nirrmi co., u- o.. 2d and Stark. $1500. $2500 and $50o0 to loan on improved city properly, no a.oi., mo." on this phone,Malnb304.inuolpti. MORTGAGE I.OANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. Ltwia, 8 Lr-nu -rn-iu di.i. fund, loaned. 6 ner cenu W. E. Thom- . . . I . . I . .. v. , - mi, C " f I ' as siate .neim uiiUUu..u - - WI1I loan $19,000 or less, real estate security. Farringlon, 410 t-omilieicim emu mug. MONEY', any amount. 6 to S per ccnL Good nough ft Seltx,31uSiialdlnB bltlg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LE WIS sALUllu-i .t-i ai.-vnn. 01. MONEY to loan on Improved city property, 025 Yeon bldg. I'none jqaraiiau ooo. MONEY to loan on city, suburban property. easy terms. rtoom o. .-i:a $1500 TO loan on good city real estate. Y 6, oregonian. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security, c V . xaiieiL, ova-u eeiiiou. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. 11. liuey, 11. IfU-t. lacruuser uiug. COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." For real estate loans, 713 bpalding mag. LOANS made on improved city property. John Bain. OOP paiaing pmg. MONEY for good Inside loans, 6. 7, 84. Carlock ft mueiiuaupi. iim. num. voiu. RESIDENCES financed and built- A. C. Fur long. 03 01 i u.m- -m,... $400 to loan on good really. 515 Chain- per ui cuiiniic.tu. PRIVATE MONEY $0000 to loan on Irving ton real v.iaic. MONEY to loan on real estate In amounts to suit borrower. Linjeo.""";.. -iMBi-.. MORTGAGE loans, 6 to 8 per cent; no com mission. i.pewqnpoii. to. x ucii-.nao mug. MONEY to loan on Inside Portland proper ty. Al o-. uiciuuiij. SEE PRUDHOMME. J00 Spalding bldg Money to Loan on Chattels aod Salaries. $$$$. AUK Yutl LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you know how easy our terms are you would not be hort of money. JJou t be bothered with a lot of email debt; let us furnish money to eiti mem. WH LOAN ON vnrnitiir. .nd oinnoa. atorcure receipts, llveatock.' rooming-house and all kinds of ecurltle: terms to suit; also easy jr or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity In contract. V. 8. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg., 181 8d. Main 20S4. $ $ $ W'E HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaiiea only. In amounts of from $6 to $luu, at the lowest possible rate. Buslnesa strictly confidential. All we require 1 that you be employed on alary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, ludoraer or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO 008 Falling bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Sta MONEY MONEY MONEY. Do you need money today? Is your land lord waiting tor his rent' If so, call oa me. 1 loan immediately and confiden tially on your piano, furniture, automo bile or real estate equity. Lowest rate of Interesu M. alaiuen, 6o8- Baretland bldg MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping bouse and other fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Citnt and get money when you want It. and pay a you can. Office In all principal citie. D. H. Tol sun, 317 Lumter Exchange. MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 807 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loan on all kind of se curity, chattel or real estate; Union Loan Co., 33 Lafayette bldg.. Cth and Wash, sta LOW rate; we loan money onr diamonds and jewelry. Marx ft Bloch, 71 3d. LOANS on diamonds and other aeourltles. Wm. HolL room 9, Washington bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattaL The Loan Co., 414 Pekum bldg. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelryv sirloUy confidential. 141 Sd, near Alder. Money MONEY loaned In amount from 410 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential Gray & Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld bldg., ' northwest corner 4th and Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED A loon of $730 on an equity of nLout $12u0; this equity is on property valued at about $4500 with oblialions amounting to about 4140O. leaving a net security of over $oOOO; must be private partv; I will take the loan for one or two years and am willing to pay 10 per cent Interest. AR 71, Oregonlan. WE can Invest your money at good rate of Interest; gilt-edged securities; tlrst mort gages; long-term Investment Provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 201, 203 Board of Trade bldg. WE CAN place four loans on first mort gages: two of $2000 and two of $17"0. Provident Investment ft Trustee Co.. 201 203 Board of Trade. . LOAN WANTED. , Want to borrow SliiOO to $2000 for six years on highest grade security. AL 80, Oregonlan. I WILL guarantee 2.1 per cent on an In vestment of $'.0,000 for one year. See Allen, with J. H. Tipton Co., 1103 Spalding bldg. WANTED 3 loans of $2500 each; 3 Vearg 8 per cent; residence close In. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. WANTED $2200 for S -year at 7 per cent on nice corner residence, close in. Call 817 Board of Trade bldg LOAN $2300 wanted two years. 8 per cent, lmnroved Irvington property valued at $5000. Phone East 2017. $2000 WANTED at once. 8 per cent to private party. V 83, Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow $2O0O, $3000 and $4000 on residence property In Irvington. J. H. T I pton Co.. HQS Spalding bldg. I WANT to borrow $0000 on fine West Side flat property. See mo at 414 Spalding bldg. WANTED $2000 loan on newly completed 0-room house, 8 per cent. AC 71, Ore- genian. . $5000 WANTED ON FINE HOME. 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. V 82. Oregonlan. WANT $1000 on home worth $:iO00; will pay 8 per cent, but no commission. AF 80, Oregonian. LET us place your money, good mortgages: referencea F. H. Lewis. S Lewis bide. LOAN wanted, $1500, first mortgage real estate, y orth $4500. O 86, Oregonian SEE PKUDHOMME. 900 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL, WE HAVE the finest equipped private of fice on the Pacinc Cokst, furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by tne most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We uso every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens, X-Rays. static, coils, violet light and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, heilos, soljir. giant and King lights. W e are the only pliys-ians on the Pacific Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices. We have been In Portland over five years and treated thousands of patients and never had a death. We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of tho office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north haif of the third floor of the Rothchilds bldg. Dr. W. E- Mallory, Naturopath. ' DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; confine ment cared for; consultation free 8ISH Washington SU Main 8028. A 5607. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hclslngfors - graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under phvsician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th su, second door south from Jr,asi imw carline. phone East 200, B1S03. CLOSING out stock of hair and shell goods; pure human hair In all shades: also store fixtures, large mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost and less; special Jobs to dealers. Grand -.eauer, hair depu, 6th and Alder. PILES, fistula, fissure and other DISEASES OP THE RECTUM CURED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for names of CURED PATIENTS AS REFERENCE. Dr. E. K. Scotu suite U22 Selling Bldg. E1VEDISH medical ,i'mnit and masseur. C. Holinstrom, digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorders a apeclalty; only scien tific masseur in this city. Offices 302-3 oregonian bldg. FEBVET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee maker; finest tock of human hair goods; hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7 th su. near Morrison. Phone Main 646. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin aliments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetlo healers, treat all chronio diseases. 207 Russell st.. Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 J. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exara iratlon free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg-. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DKESS suite for rent, $1.60 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed. buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. SOD Stark. MRS. Stevens. 16 years Portland' lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "PalmiBtry Made Easy," on sala at 843 s Yamhill, corner Seventh sU MISS WALLACE, magnetlo electrhj treat cnents, rheumatism, lost vitality, mental, s plritu al. scientist. 190 11th. Hours 10 to . MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientisU Office 22 Selling-Hirsch bldg.. Wash, su Meetings Wednesday 8 P. M. Main 6S24. LADIES' have your old hats made over at the Makeover Shop, 415 Alder SU Hat reblocked, trimmed, and cleaned. WE do everything in ladies' tailoring; suit to your measure iroin .oo up. a. ua. Ehrlich Co., Phoenix bldg.. 5th and Oak. O. ONNE JURVAS "Natural sanatorium, 178 E. 60th. Competent masseuse both sexes, steam and water baths Both phones LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes, $1.25. Stipe TayloT LTug Co.. 280 Morrison SU MAGNETIC healing, consumption, crippled. eveslgllU openly cuieu, reasouuuie. Jirs. Meves, 728 Albina ave. Woodlawn 477. LADY physician can accommodate nervous and confinement cases; can employ your own physician. 840 Hassalo st. WILLOW your own PLUMES; illustrated copyright Instructions. 25 cents, postpaid. Liberal Arts College, box 1850, Seattle. N. JOHNSON Electric lace massage W as h l n gton su, gune i-i. MM l-i Courlright, feature and skin special- 1SU 8U aWBUasu uinfe. jmiii oo-.-. KA1HKYN MORRIS. 422 Washington su. room lo. mamcurma. nmiiiiiiuumb, up pi.iip. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease of women. 032 uavis su mim d-i.. MOLES, wrinkle, uperfluou hair removed. jar, ai. - xiiii, - -. SCALP treatment- Rooma 6 and 7. 84614 Alder It- notei j.iwcu. BOME one to adopt bright boy. five years. Monday, 'l uesuay. r, o- or x .010. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD ft CO.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block Main 7300. A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and industrial accounting. COLLIS. BERKIDGE ft THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phone Mala U567. Antique Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 V, ain. 11.. iift.. -'o- -"i.ii auiiijuee ana all fine furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low price. Phone Mar shall 19. Assuyer and Analyst. c-.11b & proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 V. Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and orc-ieaim null, j no ravo.a oil si. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER. attorney-at-law. General TiraC-tlCe, ao-Liaui. .-.-.miuco. xieiuoveo. to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 673, A 207L Bath and Swimming. port lard Swimming baths. 167 4tn Elegant plunge; steam. "" Q"""' o.ina. zoo. HILLS SANITARIUM itneumatio treat- menu eiegaui pmu.o. -to. i-'miu Al 40L Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and niacnine woi a. nn uui. aiain 21 02 Contractors. W. L. BUCKNEK, contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store seum. s r. em at, Main 6881, A 766A Woodlawn $63. Chiropractic Physician. "CHI-RO-PR AC-TIC TICK-NER"; Say It fast and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 6:30. 55 EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. 223 Fliedner bldg. Hour 9 to 6. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Devour, the only scientific chiropodist in the city, parlors 3U2 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. lid and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. I. Hill, room 4-0 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. Contractor. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty: sign work. O. P. Bliss, 322 V, Stark, rhone Main 9017. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 vveus-rarfco u.ui. jmni o-w. Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood $:i.V0 per load delivered any place in the citv. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105- 107 11th St. North. Main 37. A 3730. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail. 4-fU sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 123 E. 7th su Phone Kast 724. B 2777. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. Oth and Glisan. M. 635U. M. S351. A 2415. . CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1006; A 1106. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal Marshall 900. 313 Water SU and wood. WOOD Dry 4-ft. sawed to order. M 4598. COAL A 4347. Prompt dellv. Neer ft Farr. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST W OOP Collection. ADJ. ft COLLECTION CO. Law and col lections. 1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7810. PORTLAND Collection Agency 817 Allsky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317, M. 421.2. Conhulting Engineers. UNITED Engineering ft Construction Co.. Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Dancing. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessor lor $1; waltx. two tep: three-step; stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and ove.. Prof. Wal WiUson's School; oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct danclns. SsOli Wash. st.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. LESSONS 25c. Heath's Darclng School. 109 Second su, between Washington and Stark streets; stage dancing taught, walta and two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday .oveiiii.g, S to 10: lessons dally. . Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is Impossible: does away entirely with plates, bridsework : we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. lOd 3d THE old reliable Union painless Dentist. 1st and Morrison sts. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S., office 120 N. 11th it. Main 40b6; res. E. 5440. Hospital !0 12th. Enftiu us and Steum. KOBER Machinery Co., Coast agt- Seabury steam engines and boilerB, fcuso.llne en glne. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 615. l-an aud Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO., 500 Lorlcg L Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115, E. 32S9. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MINSER, hay. grain, menu shingles. 2U4 Grand ave. feed, ce E. 482. Landscape Lardenera. FIRST-CLASS gardener will take contracts lor looking uiter gurucn ana luwiis, 01 will work by day or hour; new work liiyed out; no garden too small; good work; prompt attention. A. D. Hcnman, 385 N. 22d SU Phone A 7446. G. H. SIEBELS. landscape gardener and nursery man, has moved to uso Hi. tun. Sellwood 1107. Leather aud Findings. C1IAS. S. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 FronU Leather of every description. iaps,inlrs. luuunb-. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablishcd 1858. 1 81) Front su Musical. Emll Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. WO Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1C2U. Osteopathic Physician DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo., class of lailS; post-graduate. 1S0J. under Dr. A. T. Still, foundor of the sc; elice. 1122 Selling bldg. tM. 1987. A 1985. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-10-17 DeUum bldg.. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office M. 34. Res.. East or B 1028. Papering nnd Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat, clean work, phone East 358. Paints, Oils and t.lass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is ' best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS liU KTLR PAINT CO.. 181 Second SU RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of U. s. 1'atent Office. Book let free. 710 Board of Trade bldg. TjTs. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by U. L). MARTIN. 400 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat en ia1infiiuejilejitc aa eji1jhMDeJkujnbJdg. Pjivlng. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 606 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber, Purtland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bid.'. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 6th u Main DIP. ?!'Pri PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 3489. FOX 2d SU CO.. PLUMBERS. Main 2001. A 200L COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb era. 403 Glisan. Main 84S7. Rubber Stumps. ALSO seats, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's. 2J1 Stark. Main 14U7. ' Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs frc3 old carpets, colonial rag rugs. East 35&0. B 12SO. 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison- Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, factory prices, easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooma tiO Third st. -Factory Kentou. THE MOSLEK SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Safe at factory prices: second-hand sales. Sccond-Huntl Goods. WE pay the highest prices for second-hand clc t h i n g and shoesJA3 i'.to. 53 Vfr N. titli. KhowcaeegBaiik and Show Fixture. tTTlU'IKE Ml'G. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., Oth and Hoyu R. Lulae. ids manager. K. H BIRDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG., showcase In stock; prompt delivery. Salt ac,eiit. 11. Winter Lunib.r Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and aecond-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Steamships. ALLEN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON and HAVRE, FRANCE. Splendid Scenery, shortest passage, low rate. Any local agt lit 01 ALLEN & CO. 127 N Duaruorii St.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. FREE STORAGE FREE. All household good go into brick warehouse free for the first 30 days and at the lowest rates thereafter; moving and packing done by experts. Van Horn Xrans fer Co. Bouh phones. C. O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and pine ts. plauos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main SOU. A IPSO. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed lor shipmenL 87-oO Front sU Telephone. Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage ofnc 210 Hoyt st., between 5th and oth. phones Main 09. A 1109. Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. Finley. 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typewriter. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast: investlcats: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex. change. 281 s w aBiiingiuii .u TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $t!0, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals, $3 month. paclno Stationery ft printing ca. 208 2d su NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rate. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour: rates to large bouses. B 1650. East 4197. Well Drilling. DRILLING well a ipeclalty; priced reason able, Cau mam lo.u or write Miner 4 .West. 183 Morrison su Portland,