14 TITE 3IORXIXO OREGON TAX, TUESDAY, 3IAY 9, 1011. FOB MlK- )lKfllMMni ttfam plant ron SALE. fallow In Ki 1 1r vnelne. ((.. ete. 1 in f:riiiM order and in good work irr eond'tion. are for ui: 1 Return Tube Boiler. 72 In- by 1 ft. 1 KuJl Automitlr EdcIdc llxl. t Man bnvia Jet Coadonfi 6xsl2 Inches, 1 InrloMd Type Feed Water Heater. 2 Yrtlrl Tt'iilr A If- P. each. t General Elcfrlc Bt-Polar Generator, 175 Yolts. 3 empire. 10 revolutions. 1 General :-tric Uotor of 5 H- P.. al- nrl rurfrn! Kitil nll 1 Grri Electric Motor, M H. 41 reet current. ttu volts. Abov ran K en in operation at tha mill f Albers Bros. Mining Co.. Front and Main Sts.. and win r so:a very rea- nr ib A Tor delivery shortly aftr J una 1 FOR SALE. CON I- H A N D DOORS WINDOWS, ;l.AS- PRICK. i.umbfr. PLUMBIN; Ffj'PLIES. IRON PIPE. HTEKL AM) CAST IRi'N. AT THE YEKY LuWEiT TrtlCES. INTER.NATIONAL HLIXi. A WKtCKINO i'OMPANV, 307-SlI FOURTH KT. M A ('.SHALL 134. BAROAINS for a few day only: Remington o. 7. 123.' FOX. KX 3. : rlllrk. o. O, JIT 5: )i;ick. No. 7. $25. The North wee l Typewriter Co., o Cth at. wATKr-nsrr.u-Tor?. w e m:v clothing, evfrtthino, Htrbeet price paid for men's cast-off rlnthmr ahoM - w a la a hnv ladle" clot h Inr. Call ud tha Glob. Mala 2060. Si First. i.tjr Columbia. MOXET LOST unless yon rail the Ford Ao-tlon Co. and get tnelr prices on what yon nave 19 mil nam tji, a PARGER AUCTION" HOL'SE. Huys trt sells furniture and stoves; scents t'ir Wedge Wood nnti and stoves. Z.v E- .Morrison, l'fione 1U22. Try us. WE tir the hicheat easft nrle for second- niui furniture. tester Minis. Pbons Eaat M.!4. $J Hawtnorne ave. IF TOU have household f-mltura to sell. call up Georgt H3kr Co.. 1J2 Para su bejeo at residences a specialty. T.AI"TH not less than 25 ft. and 8 feet bam. from omifr: state price) and where- aon. V i .1. Ore-Kooian. WANTED To buy furnltnr of 8 to rooms. ownTi only, 2h7 13th at. PAHTIKS mant to rent or buy I' Oregonian. pool tab lea. WAXTKI) gata; atata price F. Q. B. boat et port land. AO 87, ortgnlen. WANTtU To rnt fr umtnff, houseboat or barge, phono Kait 2439. . WANTED Tmiti to plow lot In University Park. Adrir Arthur Heller, rlty. helt watted mala. caxTrsm en wili give permanent EMPLOYMENT In Portland and out a! a a to pa to aTerl firat-cbua aaJaaxnen who navo had axprlnc tn ono or mora of tha follow tnc linear Inrarsjica. typawrttara. pub!tcation. Utah raglatara or othar pa claltlfa. This la no ana p. but men with poraarrraaca. capacity for work and aober will recelva hicheat remuneration. SS6 Oak arrest. MUNICIPAL FREG EMPLOYMENT FU'KKAi; WANTS t rnf tr;mmrmin. nar city. 1 Kn rtl-rtnan, near city. 1 raf-hl-ttr. 1 crrlatce-rtUer. 1 boom man. 1 m. hln man who la band aawyer, Southern I rcrv. 2 bnrh hand; must bo cablnatmakara; Futhrrn Orricon. Mrn tor factory work. $1.8 to 1 2-25 par dav. &oc far a. No Fea 379 Madiaon BU ARLE-bodled men wanted for tne V. S. Ma rine Crpa. between tha aca of I'J and io. Must be native born -r have r)rst papers. Monthly pay fl.1 to l. Additional com bmuiloD noslble- Food, c'orhluc. CUir trs and medical attention free. After 30 jrars svr ic can retire wrh .5 tr cent of pay an.l allowances. Service on board bMd and a.ihore tn a:i parts of tha world APiy at I. S. Marine Corp Recruiting ex. . Bred. n hide. 3d and Washing ton st,. Portland, or. WANTED Gang edgerman, $3. Gang trtmmermitn, 9--7S. Hard resawyar. Jl. Saii'i and door machine man. $L5 up. Two box n n tiers. to 1750. Man and wife on dairy ranch. $i0. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Ofnco. U North Second St. fiALEM EN Exceptional opportunity for mn of persnaaty and good add res to connect with live up-to-date real estate firm with large holdlnca and unquestioned Integrity; we write the best contract In Portland, deal fairly with the puMic and our men and give man v ai-la that hf Ip get business. A'idresa, stating age and qualifications. AH SL Oregonian. WANTED Young mn, colored, good habltaT to drixe a wagon and act at porter and make himself generally useful In whole sale house; wages 310 per wett. Address AO Oreg-uilan. SOLICITORS I have a good-paying posi tion for rhoee who are willing to ue aome energy: a big Income to hustlers. Call 41 Mohawk bldg. after 8 A. M. Mr Ake. WANTED First-class bakers fVr French bread and rolls. Trust have b-t of refer ences. Apply Commercial Club. th and Oak streets, superintendent's office, be tween 0 and 11 A. M. WANTED A numoer of young men for tel egraph and station service, positions pay ing f&5 to $7i per month. For particulars rail or addrea Tel. Dept.. room Com monwealthbldg., Cth and An keny ats. UPHOLTERETtS Steady work for compe tent men, 31.50 per day of eight hours. Address CRESCENT FEATHER COMPANY. San Francisco, CnL WE are manufacturing a new and useful article; everybody needs It; chance for ou to make btg money. 2-7 Washington st., room fiAI.ESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa cific Coast-grown nursery stock: cash paid weekly, i'aclno Nursery Co,, 308 Cortatt bldg. WANTED Experienced machine man to work tn dor department. Apply Walsh Bus r roor C-. New Westminster. B. C WANTED Ftrat-claas horaeahoer. no other need apply; wages $4: eteady Job. W. P. Morris. Albany. Oregon. WANTED At once, a few lire boys with wheels to deliver telegrams; good wages. Western Union Telrgraph Co.. 70 3d st. WANTED A good bnch m older, also m atove mounter. Apply to Albion Stove Moras. i-:a.. v ictoria. is, t. WANTED Man of neat appearance to solicit for a large corporation, good aaary If ault ed. App ly after 9 A. M.. 721 Yeon bldg. WANTED An Al shipping clerk ; s--r-d ref erences. West A Siada Grocery Co.. Job bers. Aberdeen. Wash. HANDY man, clean and sober, to help mom ir.gs and evenings in homo. 741 Marsh all at. WANTED at once, boy, about 13 yeare old. to leaxn tho plumbic g business. Call at 47t Union are. N. WANTED Men to learn moving-ptcturo op erating, than demand good salary. 3J3 Oak at. WANT to let contract to clear la or more acres land to responsible party. (15 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED Several A-l solicitors. Appiy ftde AVahinston StreeL PAINTERS wanted at CH First st. Teddy flata Call evenings, Flat F. CALKS MA N" for retail hat department. Zn- qmreEastern Hat ractory. Q4-Oq 3d at. STENOGRAPHER. wllUng to start at bot tom for good opportunity. 1117 Toon bldg. JAPANESE for commercial photoworkT Sit McKay bldg.; reference a. WANTED An asa-er and chemist; work. Phono Main 4 Me, city BOY to coik and do light housework tn private famlly.PhonoTabor 3a. WANTED CaMa-t-maker. Call 444 East Stark st. Clark's Planing- MUL WANTED Flrst-clssa painter; no dubTnsed apply. Sandy Auto Co.. 6vJ Alder at. WANTED A good clar salesman. Call this evening at 7:30. 2J3 Clackamas st. OOCD map agent wanted; references or bond required. Apply 208 Fanton bldg. aVXPERIENCEDwslterl"good wagcsL Rus sell Oyster House, 141 Russell st. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and-portrait agents, new offer. Cwtberth studio. Dtkurq bldg. OLA S3 bevelers. Tea-i gtaslers snd cutters. Pa l fl? Art C lass Wors. 151 Front at. WANTED First-class paper hanger. Call tot Williams ave. -COMS TO THE PACiriC WITH WARD? a so my ad oadew bu loess pr-nnnhl-tw HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. Ofl!c Pacrtary Employment Dapart ttant. T. M. C. A. Younf man, atranrer. out of work If70 Bis total caah aaata If I pay TU $5 for ampioymnt mernoaraaip win only hava $1 left batwaaa mo and ataxia- Uon. Bcretr Tf van ntv t5 for spoela! am ployment memoerahlo oa will h tha T. M. C. A., with all Its raoourca. bwtwaaa you and atarvatlnn. "hat happvaadf . . . loang man took mambershlp. Inalaa off two bauxs ha found aatlafaotory am ploy mant. Iuiin April, loll. 108 calls for men. 12 posltiona filled. Is" nw mem barm. Em ploymen t or raf and of mambarshia fea suarantd. cWe avratajy amployment dapartmantt T. sL C. A. WANTED "MO VINO PICTURS OPEitATOltS. In all CITIES throughout tha WORLD. NOW la your OPPORTUNITY to LEAKM FI N E, ryfnir bulnwp. OPEIUTuRS KAKN $Ti TO I0 WKKKI.Y. Actual THBATEK EXPERIENCE Sl an. We have the largest and finest EQUIPPED SCHOOL In tha WOULD. r.:rlal UW PRICE on LESSON d today. THEATERS make !0 to luO DAILY. THEATERS EQUIPPED on EASY TERMS. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE a MOVING PICTURE SCIIOOU &' WashluRton au. Near 17th. Hl'STUNO REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED AT ONCii. I want about ten good, aquara walea men to aaatst me at Aberdeen. Washing ton; I am putt inr on a Un tract th ra lor tha beat company in the city. You won't bare to go outalJo Aberdeen to aell. becauae the peopi there hav con fide rca In Aberdeen. I am carry In on a a r rat advertising campaign and taleamc thero now are dolnr nna. Get out c Portland, get out of tha rut. I will pay Tour fare to Aberdeen it you can aito fijo that tou hae delivered the Kood anrwhera ele. Call at room 4-4 Lumar- mens Bank bulldtna;. corner Sth and 8 lark street, at once. ak for Mr. Caaay, n r.irT3i:ta me here. Ccme into a new field where tha horn people don't knock. A NEW PROFESSION. INTERSTATE COMMERCE. An Intelligent man may qualify. Fal arles $K0 to Slooo monthly. Are you quarried ? The nw railroad law, effective 1 Aucuit. together with tha Hoi) burn 1 of l.Mti, Ttecejitats tha employment by 50U.04KI large shippers and J0.tw com merclal associations of mn who can han die traffic work under the new Govern ment system. LET US ASSIST TOU TN SECURING ONE OF THESE POSITIONS. GAT TON Sl KEEFE, xi Marquam BIdg. Call IJ noon to 10 P. M. TOUNt) man. II to to years of age. for general work ; one who has had aorn knowledge of millinery or willing to learn tha millinery buslxiosa. Portland Empor ium. 1. E. Solomon. HELP WANTED FEMAXE. W A NT ED Stenographer, per month a start. one beaming ijerman trierreu. 'all at mom 11 Mulkey bldg. 2d and 3turriMn ats. SPLENDID position with big wages to thoee w no procure results; ail or part time. Call 4 IS Mohawk bldg, Mr. Ake, artr oa. m. ETHNOGRAPHER and office girl, ono with sums insurance exixr!eiice preferred. Ay plv In own hand w ruin z. stating age and experlene it 'JO. Oregon tan. MUNICIPAL Free Employment Bureau tenda e ery courtesy to girls and women In search of employment. Lady assistant. No fees charged. 27 Atadlscn st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; none other need apply. 3U4 1-th u I'hone Main 7040. WaM'KI Itertner. cs;oe woman for r sponsible position. Viavl Co.. UU9 Koth chiid b'dg.. 4:h and Washington. WANTED A lady who can do first-class retiring and aiteratlons. standard Cleau tng Works, tth and Madison. GOOD girl for general housework. 673 Thompson st., corner llHh. East 2004. WANTED Teachers to represent children's education Journal during Summer months. Apply Marquam bldg.. afternoons. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 3-tiVs Washington St.. P.oonj 314. Main eJti or A 3.' 00. NEAT girl to assist with housework and rsre or baby In country home near Port land; witge Jullwaukle, Red 4C HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 H Washington at., cor 7th, upstairs. Phone Main u&2. WANTED Girl for general hourework small lamlty; all adulta. Apply 7 Kear ney at. GIRL or woman fir general housework In country near Portland; $25 a month. Phone uresnam 100 or 1 m. Oregon la 11. STRICTLY A No. 1 typewriter operator with railroad or dictaphone experience; atata ex perl ence. salary, etc. AF hit. Oregon i a n. WANTED young girl to help with house work, no cooking or washing, to go horns n:gms. 4ui c. v asnington. NEAT, experienced nurse girl or young wo man : references. I'hone Main 130U. 8U Marsnsu sr., near 4tn. WANTED Private instruction In the Ensr lish branches one hour esch day; give pnone namter. Anarcss a L 13. Oregonian, WANTED A rlrl for housework and cook ing, wages .i per mouth. llilO Thurman su. Willamette ticignts. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework in family of three; good wages. li iiii its k. salmon. WANTED A reliable, experienced girl for general n'iuieworn; twu in xami:y. Lm. &.tn at. Taror iu. GIRL to assist In general housework. 545 Yamhill. Co 4 COUCH FT. An experienced dining- 1 wiu t i 1 , iuimi bim;p ( nome. WNTED Chsmbermald. Call Tho Seward tiotei. room Detween 1 snd 3. GIRL wanted for candy and fruit store. 40 w. otn St., corner couch. WANTED Experienced skirt-makers. w ei, 1 an if lauor, 14 lutn st. MI I'D LE-AGED Isdy fir housekeeping in 11 1 Lie no me. vv, vrejTjnian. WANT girl for fruit store; Front and Madl son. rjl. Louis Tountas. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- piy 6:tJ Lovejcy st. MAN and wire to work amall farm, close to i-oruanq on anares. x 90. Oregon i a n. ANTED A starch room helper. Apply ... ty i.uuu'ii j v--. Artnur at. EXPERIENCED family second girl, wages 30; family cooks. Main -':'. A 4773. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 377 East Z2d at. North. WAITRESS wanted. Stein's restaurant. 4th, at. 123 WANTED Girl for Phono Main IHS. general housework. WANTED Oood cook. In small fimtfT. Ap ply 7o9 Northrop st., bet. and i4th ata. WANTED A waitress at MomecXrloCafe. 2S3 Grand ave. WANTED Girl for general I'hone C 2444 noma phone. housework. GIRL for general housework email family good waxes. Apt. L UOtf Flanders WANTED Girl. general housework no was fa m g ; referencerequlred. 714 e rare 1 1. WOMAN for general housework and plain cooking. German preferred. Main 9o0d. GIP-L for general housework: good waeZ 305 Hassalo at. Cor. Grand ave. YOUNG lady for commercial photo ahon. II McKay bldg. WANTED Neat, competent girl for second work. Marshall st. TWO camp waitresses. $?5. Hansen's La dles Agency. 145 a Washington st., room 7 6T1VLS for shooting g al l7ry7 3 1 "and unl 42: 4th at. Between 10 and 12. GIRL for general housework. lags. SM th ot. Call morn- GIRL for general housework. Apply at once. (fS Davis, bet. Slst and 12L WANTED Good cook, otherhelpkepT 833 Lorejoy at. WANTEDQlrl Iter light housework anl plain cooking. Call mornings. 321 6th. WANTED Girl fr general housework. 375 Eas t 11 th .No rt h. 1 iroad wi y c a r. WANTED Competent Bursa for two chil dren. 705 Overton. NEAT girl to wait on table sod assist with housework. 4o3 Morrison. WANTED OTrl experienced, for cigars, gro ceries, oaady att-uxe. XIX 0U stt. HE LI WANTED FEMALE. WAXTED YOUNQ LADIES FOB TKLsV PHONS OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY PACIFIC TELEPHONE TJBLJCGRAPH COu MAM? TH A0U AJIKXXY ITftV triVTm Experienced saltslady for cloak and sutt department ; must be thoroughly cap able and have beat of reference. Apply L Oevurta & Bona, Second aad Yam alii ata.. suit department. nrttTJ wXTcn. Apply Standard Factory No. 8, Orasa st. ana Lat Tayior sU WANTED Three Sunday school teachers or other active church worn era tor vis iting homes of Sunday school children; salary $4."i per month: state employment. WANTED Nest, refined and kind ladv to help niother care for young babv snd no hotifework. Call today. 414 Marquam bid?.; will have to furnish best ol ref erences. A NUMBER young ladles wanted for tele- ; graph service, good positions guars nieen. or oartic-jiars ca 1 or aadreu ie . dpi.. room 5.5 Commonwealth bldg., Cth and Ankeny sts. FAITHFUL, competent woman r-i:h or with out experience, lor permanent posuiun with local business firm. AK 73, orego nian. WANT ED First-class stenographer, about 2 hours a day: will eventually result in permanent position; stato price, AR 72, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework In small fam ily. 16 Hoyt. IIE LPJVAX rtD MA LE OR FEMALK. A MAN and wife on a fruit farm In White Salra-in alley. Man for general work about the place ; wlfu for cook and general housework for a small family. All mod ern convenlencea. For Interview, Inquire Tha J. McCrakcn Co.. 73 Front st. BERRY PICKERS. Beginning about May 13. we will need a large number of strawbery picjcerse and packerse at good wages. Apply at office of White Salmon alley f ruitgrowers Union, White Salmon. Wash. WANTED Baritone. t;nor. soprano, con tralto: also one male . character singer; fine engagement: sure money. Clark Con servatory. Merchants Trust bldg. GOOD slrger for vaudeville act. 14RI Wi nona st. CASH boys and rash girls wanted T11II & C.tbbs store. at tho MISCELLANEOUS. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man atft-inrnt and practical w ork. E. 23D AND MORRISON. Tske K-ti or Mt. Tabor car; look ua up before deciding; to enroll aisewnera. WANTED Stead t man to work In estab lished general repair shop: experience not Lecessary ; will teacn you ino duiih-. only shop of tha kind on the Coast; no competition; a snap: Investigate; small In vest mint required ; cannot do the work nlone: must have rartnur. Call today. Re liable Repair Shop. 46 Grand ave., near Last Oak. downstairs. VAUDEVILLE acta wan tea; big salaries paid; do you want to try 7 will give you a course In professional dancing, singing and general stage training, pnyanie wnen booked; booked when competent; sets for ny number of people. re i'rot. v nee 1 an. Forester's Hall, 8th floor Marquam bldg. Main tTSJ. WANTED Men and strong; boys; no ex- tta tn learn a trade: aoo studen'a. -, Imo contract Johs: half work, study half the time: automobiles, electricity. plumb- In g. bricklaying: free catalogue. United Trade bchool contracting CO., ioo Angs Jos. 10.tK)0 FOS1TIONS for sraduates last year; men and women learn barber irane in S weeka. help to secure position; gradu ates earn from 313 to 2S woekly; expert lcatructors; fools free; -write for cata log uea. Mohlar Syitem of Colleges, 33 Mortn 4th st.. Portland. Or. WANTED MEN. To learn to operate moving; pictures; op erators make 8-0 to 340 week.y; learn business in 10 days; easy terms. School 1 of Operating. 626 W Wash., near 17th. RAILWAY MAIL, P. O. clerks, clerk-car- rlers. customhouse. Internal revenue ex am in at ions everywhere. Free book on courses. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland. Or. WANT more scholars In milllnerr achool. makeover ahop; bring your old nat, iei me aurprisa you both in work ana price. Moved irom Aiuner niocic to i0 Ainer. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED . Send postal for Portland, or., examination schedule. Frsnktln institute. Dept. 241) F. Rochester. N. Y. PRIVATE lessons In BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING. PER SONAL ATTENTION given students, ool Belmont, cor 13th. East 14S4. WILLIAMS TEACHERS' AGENCY Vacan cies for next year; teachers for all depts. wanteq. m cnamner or commerce. APPETITE for tobacco completely de stroyed; formula fiOe. Address w. A. Drcnnan. Ib2 E. 7th N., Portland. Or. LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond ence fc.cn 00 is, :;u Aiaer at., open tin o p. M. Send for tree catalogues. LEARN automobile driving and renalrlnc: actual practical experience; uay or even ings. a-U'-i Washington St.. room 415. MAKE) money writ Inr short stories or for papers; bijr pay ; tree nooxiet tells how. United Press Syndicate, han Francisco. WANTED Professional and amateurs to rexister; several engagements now open. 1 larK conservatory. WILL take a limited amount of scholars for dramatic class at 15c a lesson. AD 00, oregonian. PRIVATE School SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $5 mo. 6 14th st. Main ZS'JS. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, oil Swat- land bldg.. WANTED by painter; will tint rooms $2.50 a room, pnone jsaat tj. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. X YOUNG married man with rood refer ences, strictly sober, energetic snd honest. wants position an helper in office where mere is a rnan-e ox aavancement. isox U. Clarkston. W an. POSITION bv a combined course student of a Portland business college, ns book keeper or secretary ; best references fur nished. Address Merrill Potter. 40U Alder st.. city. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and statements. Install systems. GUllngham, auditor, 411 Lewis bl hie. jus Jarshali 7 17. YOUNG man. capable and enercetlc. wants position : has baa mercantile experience as boo k Keeper ana sieuograpner. sales man and mr.nager. AP oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, thoroughly ex perienced, conaiaeraa zirst-ciass man. J oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, employed nights. wanta day work; o yearar experience; win accept a n y o n 1 cepo 1 10 n. )i 1 .o re g oni a n. POSITION, bookkeeper, references; can u typewriter, pnone Last ts. M lce Ilaneooa. GENTLEMAN, middle age. German descent. looks for posiuon as nurse ana compan ion. Address ax bJ. oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored man wants clean ing or Janitor work; good reference. Marshall 1055. LICENSED chauffeur wants position, either in or out of town; ran do own repairing; referenees. 8 62. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR would like position In city or out; steaay ana soner. as g-t. oregonian. PASTRY baker, German, wants position. bl, oregonian. A-l MILKER wants position; work. W u. oregonian. DAIRY man. herdsman and milker wants c o m p ie tech a rge o r n era . a be, oregonian. MARRIED man wishes position caring for norsca ana uriving. i-none ooajawn o. MILLWRIGHT and practical sawmill man wanta position, x si. oregonian. GOOD Japaneae boy wanta any kind of work in city AH at. oregonian. YOUNG man from the East desires any anaoraoia joamon, su 00, urtioua SITUATION WAXTED-MALE Mlacellaneoua. ATTENTION, REAL ESTATE MEN. Eastern representative of large Oregon land company, which has changed sell ing plan, la now open for engagement with company dcetrlnr hlgh-ciafs man WHO CAN GET RESULTS. AL b'J. Ore- gonian. Mil 'DLE-AGED married man. aobcr and re liable, wanta poaltlon as watchman, jan itor or aome sort of light work; any wapes; references: bond or real estate se curlty lfneed be. AJSl, Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR wishes stefdy position, good mechanic, careful and reliable driver, five years' experience, best references. AJ od, Oregonlan. A FOREIGNER boy. 16 years of a?e. wants situation with some ramuy to do nouso w.i k In trder to learn the language. Address Jim Contos. 274 Davis St. MAN. 24. wants situation: can frlve $lo0 acurlty; best of references; total abstain er; experienced grocery line. AF 1, Ore gonlan. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman. 18 years Eastern experience, graduate engineer; studied design In Europe, wishes perm arent er.ga g ement, AT 73. O re gon i a n BY experienced drygoods salesman, 15 years experience in dress goods, suks. ready-to- wear; capable or managing department. t; i4, urtgonian. HONEST Japanese desires a position as store porter t saloon, drugstore 1 or gar dener on the ranch : speaks English and has experience. Water su, Portland. WINDOW-DRESSER. card writer. know edg-i of advertising, desires position tn modem, up-to-date store. Apt. 6. liM W. 4th, Spokane, ash. Joe J. King. WANTED position by an industrious mar ried man, 3..; will do most anything: un derstand horses; country preferred. K 72, Oregonian. OPERATING engineer wants work; wide power-plant exjerience; will go anywhere Al reference; good mechanic L 73. Ore Konian. AM handy man all around the house, ex perlenoed housework or gardener, restau rant dishwasher. Phone East 2304. 4S1 E. Morrison. VERY respectful West India colored man wants work as cook or waiter. Address George Bnptiste. 427 Everett sL WANTED Land to clear by an experienced man with good outnt. Address .Uo vv asn in g ton 3t..Portland,Oj-.Wilkerson. CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, wants position with private iamuy or on delivery truck ; can repair car. ak uu. oregonian. COLLECTOR Young man. 3 years expe rience. A-l reference, desires position. AG t4, oregonlanJ JAPANESE wants position driving automo Mie; t raduato Angeles Auto facnooi. At 8T. ore s a n jaiK AN Intelligent. well-recommended young position at anything ; can man wants d o cleric al w ork. hat, Ore goal an. MANY years' experience. Japanese cook. wants position in private family, city or country, u 71. oregonian. CAPABLE man wants position with sur veying crew; good mountaineer. AR fc;, Oregonian. MAN and wife, to work out of or In town. capable of dome most anything, such as no tel. etc.. reicrences. f 1. oregonian. I COOK and dishwashers, Japanese, good ex perience, want position in country no tel. O 02, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position; private pre- Xerred; references iurmsnea. A b by. Ore gon Inn. EXPERIENCED. all-around baker, also defserta of all kinds, wants position in hotel or restaurant. O 10. Creonian. YOUNG stable man and driver wants any klrd of work. AJ b Oregonian. POSITION by motion-picture operator; re ferences, au areas o a. zutn st., city. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants perma nent pojitK'n; also experienced in en ice management, bookkeeping and other cri cai work. E 0O. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with aome experience. desires good position. Phone Marshall 2751. STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book- KCfping seeks position. I'nonu A 5440. Dres smsJi 1 11 g DRESSMAKER, capable, would like enpage- mnts by day; rcierenccs. k 7, Orego nian. H trese k eeprrw. REFINED lady wishes position caring for invalid or eiaeriy couple, can zorenoon o ra f t er & P. M. Woodlawn 278 3 WANTED Position as housekeeper for first -class hotel. or manage rooming house. P 85, Oregonian. N ursei EXPERIENCED nurse, caro Invalid, elderly loi.e person, gentleman, indy. city, coun try; can go to California; reasonable, M a in3 3 S3; TRAINED nurse would care for invalid gentleman; homo privileges. 17CU Berkeley s l. EL Johns car. INVALID ladies, I have new method treat ment for chronic nervous; private room, reaso oable. Tabor 22 1 3. PHONB A 733a for good, practical nurse; doctors reference. !ometlcs. GIRL wishes position In small family. 333 Fairbanks ave. COMPETENT Swedish pirl desires position general ho use work. Apply 72 Lovejoy sL SWEDISH girl wishes to do general house work. 2U7 k. 14th sc. Miscellaneous. WANTED By an experienced woman, posl tton as cnamDermaia ana seamstress in private family. Catholic Woman's League. Main rti. YOUNG lady wants to work for board and room mornings and evenings for respect able people, phone E-eiiwood 113. POSITION as teacher or companion; refer ences exchanged, (.aliss) Ala t tie Hauen, Kustnurg. a. YOUNG lady wants position as cashier, ex perienced una can xurnisn good references. Ad oj. oregonian. FRENCH lndy, experienced cook, living at nome, wisncs situation in private family. X Oregonian. YOUNG lady, wants kitchen or chamber work by the day. Phone A 11' So, 520 Mar shall st. EXPERIENCED woman (Swedish), wants position as cook wnere second maid Is Kept. I'none Main l..;.E. LADY, experienced, wishes day work, wash ing, ironing or cleaning. .Mrs. Boyd, 903 Glenn ave. N- RELIABLE girl, neat appearance, wants work in confectionery store; experienced. r-ast an.. COLORED woman, experienced, wants small washlnps. shirt waists a SDecialtv. Mar shall Iu05 CAPABLE woman, family cook. $33 up; dieh washer, waitress, st. Louis Agency, 3o3 Wash. Main 2039. A 4775. STRONG, capable woman desires situation; cs.ro ci lnyaiiu. sick. jwainuy, a 4Tio. GOOD worker would like a few more places WOMAN wants work two days a week. Call ooaiawn WANTED Day work by lady. Mississippi ave. A COMPETENT woman wishes work by day; no naic aaya wan tea. a 1447. COMPETENT piano teacher glvea muslo les sons tuc eacn. rnona A. 4411. LADY wishes hour or day work. Phono a 2'os, room o. CAPABLE lndy wanta a position of trust; can give rcierence. Main Sys. BY younic lady In office or market. Sell- wood 1130, or 70s East 14th st. South. DAY work by reliable woman. Main 1U03. Mrs. Brown. STRONG German for housework In after noons, near Broadway East 4903. WANTED AG ENTS. RELIABLE salesman can make big money seiung our weu-anown line of naray non irrigated trees, shrubs, rosea, etc.; out fit furnished: caah weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company, Orenoo, Or. AGENTS I have household novelty, no talk- inir required: demonstration makes sale. Call Commercial Hotel, room 114, between 3 and 3 P. M-. this week. FINE proposition for competent salesmen. exclusive contract, nest selling proposi tion going. Inquire 410 Couch bldg. WANTF7T TO RENT. Houses. WANTED A 4-6-room, mcdern cottage. with yara; waiRing distance of 10th and Morrison; reasonable rent. AB 62. Oreco nian. MAN ard wife want rent small furnished cottage, west &iue. best references. Ad Tres F. George Flower, P. O., city. WANTED Three or four-room cottage or nat. unrurnisnea; state price, etc AP vO. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house. West Side. Phone East 24.18. WANT to rent 6 -room house or buiie?alov WANTED TO RENT. Room. GENTLEMAN wants room with h eat and good llsht; phone and bath; please give location and price. E S5. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires nicely furnished room, good neighborhood. West Side, no Hats, no signs. AR 74. Oregonian. 3 UNFURNISHED hons-kceping rooms close In. East bide. AT uresonian. FOR RENT. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU Rooms. apartments. Hats, nouses. zso w Ir.gton st. Marshall 21 bJ. Furnlhhed Rooms. NOW OrEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Thoa-. three peautifullv furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK PARSON3 ROWLAND 213V. 4th St, 211 W 4th SL 207 M. 4th St. On Fourth at., running from Taylor to Salmon au Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms : atrlctl up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tha ordinary In the heart of the city at reasonable prices, civa us & call as w know von will ilka it. Rooms bv the day. week or month. Tourist trade eolicited. HOTEL CAPLE3. Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient BeL 7th and Park sts. Opposite new Hcilig Theater, one block xrom I'oruana tioLei; oriCK ouiiaing. just completed; handsomely . furnished; every modern convenience, elevator servioo. steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without nrivate baths, etc.; centrally located, near postoCfice; just off ail car lines; very quiet; low rates by cay, week or month. Phone Marshall 3200. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. New. modern, brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call ai d see us. Regular and transient trade soiic'teCL SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne. beautiful I v furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and colli water, steam heat and telephone every room; special Summer rates by week or month to permanent guests, -r irst class fit ill in connection. Transients so Ucited. GRAND UNION HOTEL, .S7 East Burnside st. Fifteen minutes walk to business center of city, best location on East Side; 120 modern rooms, single or en suite; room wit h private bath rates $2 to $3 per week; transient, 75c to 31.A per day. East 004O. B 1 2 75. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS. Moderate prices; weekly raiea, $3, $3.50 up, including public pnone ana uain steam heat. THE OCKLET, Morrison St., cor. 10th st. CALUMET HOTEL. Park st.. betw en Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free "bus or W car at depot; rates H single, auaw coutle; also family looms witn private UAta. etc. Rates per wcck. UNDER new management; The Rex, 5-ISVk Wash, street; nice outside rooms, thor oughly renovated, at prices to suit every one ; oo to 91 per weeK ; transient so licited ; also housekeeping rooms. HOTEL UENWICK An ideal home for bus! ness people; central (y located, elegant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and Tayior sts., 1 block from Port.and Hotel opposite ueiiig 1 heater. Main hi a. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 2US1 Third street. between Taylor ana baimon sts.; not and cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates $3.50 and up, olio day and up. Main 234, A 3207. BUSHMARK. HOTEL, 17th ana Washington Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and 00 Id water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. LIGHT, airy rooms, modem, suites or sin gle. S2 und a ween; live minutes waia to theaters and stores, free pnone Lir.de ii Hotel. 2ti'J Market at. HOTEL BURNS New, modern, phones In rooms, private baths; transients solicited ; reasonable rates. loo y 12th at. Marshall 27'.io. . THE COLONIAL, outside double rooms. $3.50 to $u.iu; lumo ery nanusome rooms, on first floor. lt5 10th st., cor. Mor rison. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished single rooms; hoi ana co a water, oain anu phones. $12 to $15. u5 Jefferson st. Main 64u5. NICELY furnished rooms and sleeping porch. dO-j 12th su; Data ana shower. phone and electric ngnts. NICELY furnished roonxa at Maxim's Hotel, 149 7th St.; centrally located; bath, tele phone, running water, reasonable price. ROOMS, furnished and unfurnished, single or cn suite, neater ana elevator service. Tourny bids.. 2d and Taylor. THE LARRABEE 227 Lorrabee st-. nicely Turnisneu rooms, muueni, row rates. Furulfibeci Rooms in Private t a 111 11 j. ONE large well furnished room on the bot tom floor suitable lor two. $14 per month. Phone, bath and heat; board If desired. Main 42S8. 571 Gnsan. FURNISHED rooms, Jti.50 per month; one block from car. 426 East Grunt street. Brooklyn car A NICE, light, clean room with closet, in private family. 320 Montgomery. Phono Marshall 370. NEWLY furnished room, adjoining bath, prl vale entrance from street, very desirable for two men. $4 week. 23U 10th. PLEASANT, well furnished rooms on car line; home privileges; use of piano; rea sonable. Phone Tabor. 424. A FEW newly furnished rooms in private house; bath, hot water, electric lights, walking distance. 00 N. 19th or M. utila, jiOR RENT Nice clean furnished roomi electric lights and bath. G2tl Clinton st. $2.50 per week: W-R car. FURNISHED rooms for 2 in modern flat, 3 minutes' walk. ZtH 10th st. Phone Main 8207. BRIGHT, well-fumishcd room; phone, hath, electric light. 370 Weidier, cor. Union ave. C 29Q5. NICELY furnished rooms, private family, reasonable. l'o K- 10th st., cor. Belmont. Phone E- 5162. PLEASANT furnished front room suitable for two young men. 243 Stanton St., take U car. Phone Woodlawn 387. NICELY furnished room in steam-heated flat, with every modern . convenience, phone A 407O. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, single, en suite, light, phone, bath ; swell loca tion waiklng distance. 53 ISth st. N. NICELY furnished front corner room, suit able for two; free phone and bath; rea sonable. o,Ci 13th st. CLEAN, small room, $d month; unfurnished room, largo housekeeping room. 028 Flan- ciera. $3.50 NICE front room, suitable for two. 294 11 1 hst. FURNISHED room with home privileges, for lady; references. I'hone A $2 AND up per week ; desirable location, clean rooms. 3t5 X2th st. SINGLE room for gent; heat, bath, phone, $2. 325 12th sf $10 MONTH Nice room, fine location, close In. 452 5th. FTNE. large, furnished front rooms, private h o use. 7 L8 E. M o rr i s o n s t. 2 FURNISHED rooms in private family; rea sonable. SSH E. Market, near Grand ave Unfurntsned Rooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. M1LNEK BLDG., 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. frooms With Board. SEATTLE, WASH. Rose Lodge, at Alki Point. JClty office, 806 Low man Bldg. TENT 3 OR ROOMS WITH BOARD. By day, week, or month. Special rates, good for the so as on. given guests arriving on or before May 10. References required. hTHB WHITEHALL, family hotel; rooms with private batns and excellent table .board; four squares from the p. O. "The Place" that is not "for gale." 2.33 8th st. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. H0 Flanders, y. N. Heath, sugt THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Select private boarding-house; walking distance. THE CASA ROSA Large, airy rooms and Doaro, jiuu jenerson. ELEGANT room facing the nark, including ooaro, reasonaDie. farK. LARGE front rooms with board, suitable for 2 or a young men. B3 is. 17111 Room With Board tn Prl vote Family. LARGE pleasant room suitable for two. breakfast and dinner. Main 2nl. LARGE rooms, with running water, and ooara 010 iiorrison st- A Bss. BOARD and room; good home place; alngla Muua, 4 ah touattui auuq TOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. A LADY. Just finished building a new home in Kose city parK, wouia nao wife to board and room or two ladies can have use of parlor with family use 01 sewing maenme ana privilege own washing: this is strictly private fam iiy. Call Tabor 2j4h. HOARD with slnffle or double room: prl vate family; flrst-clasa residence district. Phone E uS5. LARGE room with alcove; fireplace; also .small room with sleeping porcn. 010 Mor rison st. Phone A .i2s- ROOM with board for 2 jrentlemen in prl vate residence; walking distance. East 1329. NICELY furnished room, board, $25. for two gentlemen; refined family. 049 lay lor. FIRST-CLASS room and board. private home, man and wife r two or three young men. iib,i atn at. Mam FURNISHED room with board for two. 107 N. 16th. near Gllsan. Main 5513. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private family. 645 Yamhill st. 392 SALMON Nice front room with board h ome cooking, all home privileges. Apartments. 0LANDO" APARTMENTS, 20th and Washington. 2 and 8 -room apartments. elegantly furnished; low rates; walking distance, bee tnese betore you locate. "THE HOUSMAN," 730 HOYT, BET. 22D AND 23D STS. Two and three-room apartments. 1 gantly furnished; also a few unfurnished just opened. ery reasonable. THE EVERETT. 44 Everett St. New and elegantly iurnlshed apart ments: 3 rooms, recention hail and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacitic telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts Bur- rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay streets. Strictly high-class. 8-room suites, unfurnished, with prl vate vestibule, bath and phone, electric cievator. RING HILL APARTMENTS. Will have two vacancies, one 4 rooms and one 5 -room auariiuents; if you de sire a choice apartment in this select neignoornood apply immediately of jaa- itor. ui iwlng u, cor. ol vvayne su THE LILLIAN. Cor. Oth and Muut corner? Sts. New. modern, brick, elegantly furnished. large outside 2 and 3-roont suites, free Pa c: lie phone In each apartment, disap pearing beds. Icebox, jauiior ; no carfare to pay; only two apartments left. Best In city tor the prlce THE AVALON. Corner Ross and Clackamas ; new and beautifully furnished and unfurnished apartments of three and four rooms and sttieDinK porches; desirable location: walk ing distance to West Side business center. Catl personally or phoue Private Kx. 4. Kentai dept. THE JULIANA" One 2-room and one 4 room apartment, elegantly xurnisueU; now open xor rent; very icaaooaDie. UANTKOKN APARTMENTS, 251 12th St., near Main. EKgant three-room apart ments with private balcony; large rooms. every modern convenience and each ar ranged witn two sleeping apartments, rtnia $2.50 to$75u. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt sts., now reudy for oc cupancy ; most modern J and 4 -room apartments in city ; each apartment has large private balcony and every modern convenience; rents irom 4-J0 to $45. ODERLE1GH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat. Phone East 300. H ADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 11th St., cor. Hali. 3 And 4 -room furnished or unfurnished apts., private bath, phone and balcony porches; newly furnished, strictly modern Summer rates. Phoue Marshall 1171. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hali St., near 11th. walking distance, v est Side, new brick building, completely furnished 2 and It -room apartments, private bath, phone, hot water heat, rent $30 and up. Main 42yD. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park ami Columbia sts., one 3-rooui unfurnished apartment vacant May 10. All modern conveniences, beautilul location, front lng the parK. Apply to manager. HE-U KAN APARTMENTS Marshall, bet. l!tth and 20tn ; up-to-date, nicely fur nished. 3 rooms and batn. A homelike place; something out of the ordinary; no xiretrap, uko some Jiuin ov, a iui. THE PARK-HARRIS. Special Summer rates on three-room apartments; most of them unfurnished; one four-room, furnished. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair St, For rent, one newly furnished and ono unfurnished apartment, with sleeping porch; modern. Main 0247, A 7511. CAM AR APARTMENTS, 704 Lovejoy su. 30 per cent lower than me rest, iwo j-roum and one 2-room apartments; reasonable. Take W car. get off Lovejoy st. Phone Marshall 210. THE Kentucky Apartments, East 28th and . , . 1J 1.ITI I.. a. fiVk? K . ... .. I ousan au, j- wa, mu iuodurn, iurnlshed complete. Private bath and phone in each apartment. THE MORDAUNT One 4-room and recep tion nail, Bieain "ftti, ivL uuu cuiu water, opposite Christian Scientist Church, lath and Everett. BRAINTREB APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished and unfurnished 6-room moaura apart men im. 2U5 12 th st. Phones A 7431, Main 7741. IRIS APARTMENTS, lid and Mill sts, 6- room uuiuruisueu. a. 10.1 uuou l, i-room uniurnibhed apartment, S3tJ. Modern im nrovements. adulta only. SAN MARCO APTS., East 8th and Couch Xsew oncK, iiiuuctii, 01 wiii wim bath. 1 apartment $23; 1 $20. Pnone Last 2751. THE CECILIA. 22d and Gllsan, one fur- nisnea. one un."- oiianmcui; pri vate phones and porch ea, with awnings. Marshall 1&04. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef- lerson sts.; 0-1 uwm umu.uiaueu, wilu Data all outside rooms, modern, every conven' ence- 6 minutes' walk from P. O. ; very reasonable rent. Main 2o00. A 8118. THE BUR XL One iront ana one back apartment lor rem mi y reasonable. Ap ply to the Janitor, tita Lovejoy su, near JilSL ; VERY desirable apartment, reasonable rent. bee Janitor. iuo ivcmuc, -wi anu xver ne" or Morgan, Piiedner & Boyce, Alaia aui5, A 2015 ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 706 Everett St.; very (icsi Lauio iwu. "iico muu luur-ruum apartments, completely furnished, entirely modern. A 7501. THE WESTFAL. 410 6th, furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartments, walking dis tance, prices reasonable; no children. 1HE LEONCK jj-urnisnea a-room apart ment; private uaiu uu iu" 100 zza st. N. BO.ANTA APARTMENTS and single rooms HflWly Xurnisueu, '"wumu, 1 r-u.- sunable rcnU18jMs.!Ljj.ar.na1' TWO furnished or unfurnished front house keeping rooms ror rein; j pi-.iiieiiL o, cast 7th and Belmont sts. Phone East HJuv. MODERN apartment. 2, 3 or 4-room. private bath, phone, owu Deimui. ruuuo iaour 1253 BRUCE APTS. New. modern 6-room apart. jDtjlll. V Cii.r -- mwm. ti iui- ltor. Marshall 1423. ALTAMONT APTS.. beautifully furnished 8 and 4-room LiiiDin,, ci jr 1 casonaoio renL Corner 6th and College. Main tiOso. 3 S ROOM furnished, steam-heated apart ments; moderate rents; close in. Oneonta, l5,7 17th st.. near Yamhill. THE STANLEY. Either furnished or unfurni-hed" apart ments. 701 Wash i n g ton st. BT. CROIX Apartments; for rent a three- room apartment, tuu4icioi xurmsned, $40 Apply 6-3 Washington st. The Cookery. MORTON. 697 Wsshington st., furnished and unfurmsnea 4-rwm Linen us, modern, reasonable ST. CLAIR, 7io v ayne st.; modern six- room apartment, rimna Jiain SPLENDID 4-room unfurnished apartment. c 1 ose in. j " "c c-QJt "-- THE ELMS Two and three-roowi apart ments, completely furnished. li)l 14th st. XBTEThaRTFORD Best modern apts. In the I oiix, 2itt aad glanders. FOR RENT. Apartments. LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. 19th and Marshall Streets. These are the most elegantly furnishe apartments in Portland, having ell mod ern conveniences up-to-date in every re spect. Each apartment is furnished in the most elaborate manner, with fine Bigelow Axminster carpets, massive oak ard mahogany furniture in newest de signs. Special attention Is directed to tha extremely low rates. No such prices for the service to be found elsewhere in the city. Investigate and you'll be convinced. Strictly modern and up to data. Telephone Marshall 1012. "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. 19th and Marshall. NOW OPEN. THE LOVEJOY. i VOR. 17TH AND LOVEJOY. ONE BLK. FROM S CAJl AND 16TH-ST CAR. PRICES; 2- roorn suite, $27.50 to $32.50. 3- room suite. $40 to $45. New. modern, corner brick, beautifully furnished, all ready for Immediate house keeping; nice lartro reception hall, bath, electric dumb elevator to each kitchen. Independent phones each apartment, best JANITOR service in the city; plenty of heat and HOT WATER ALL THE TIMB; nice large laundry, plenty of storage room, every room an outside room and the prices are 30 per cent lower than any in the city. If you want to save money and get the best, come to the Lovejoy. I THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor St. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts.. Walkincr Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 8 and 4-room apartments; buildincs new and atriotly, modern; service first-class. CARMELITA APARTMENTS, Corner of 33th and Jefferson sts., four and live-room apartments, unfurnished with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States Telephone In every apart ment and the most modern conveniences found in the city. Phone Main 80CS and Miss Allen, the manager, will show you through the apartments, or call ud main office. Main 6704. THE BARKER Corner 21t and Irving sta in is new 4-story brick, opened January J I 11 ; furnished and unfurnished In two, three and four-room suites with reception hall; Pacific phone in each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing; beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room. 1C you want something extra lino, come to tbe Barker. Phone Marshall 2961. THE BANNER APARTMENTS Modern 2-room housekeeping suites, very desirable, SliO, $24; these rates Include ELECTRIC LIGHT, STEAM HEAT. HOT WATER. bath and phone; JANITOR SERVICE; walking distance; NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE. See them, and you will look no further. 4S9 Clay sL. near 14 th s L HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 biocKs south rrom Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart meuts; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet clean! nn. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $2ti, $.0 and up; must be seen to be appreciated. TUB LOIS APARTMENTS, 704 Hoyt st. Two and four-room apartments, furnisneo, and unfurnished, steam heat, private baths ard phones, bullt-lu Ice bxes, electrto end tireless cookers. extra large airy rooms. Janitor service: the most exclusive apartment-house in The cit y ; references required, phone Marshall 2021. THE CODY. East 7th and Taylor sta ; new corner brick, all outside rooms, elegantly fur nished two and three-room apartments; private phone and electric light, janitor service and bath free; walking distance and Summer rates. Plats. FOR RENT Two strictly modern 8-room flats, furnished with wood and coal ranges, with gas plato attached, largo rooms with, built-in wardrobe and pantry, cupboard. Iar.ce closets, stutlonary porcelain wash tubs, porcelain bathtubs, nickel plumbing, upper Hats over stores; speaking tubes and electric door openers; in new building on Glbbs street, between Front and Water sts.; rent $20. Key at drugstore, corner Front and Glbbs: two carlines (3 and Fulton) pass the doors. FOR RENT 6-room modern upper corner riat, iirht and che?rtul ; linoleum on kkch n and bathroom; $32.50 month. Cor ner 22d and Kearney. Key712Kearney. FOR RENT 4 or 6-room, nicely furnished, desirable flat for Summer, very reason able to reliable people only. - North) 18th st. THE CLIFTON, 780 Irvington st., modern 6- roorn apartment. o.; all sunny rooms; 2 Bleeping porches; references. H. F. Daly. M a in 53 S i. rVS-ROOM lower flat. 4GS East Burnside st. Rent $30. Russell & Blyth, Common wealth bldg. NEWLY furnished 6-room flat, modern; walking distance on 7th eL; tine neighbor hood. Call 40 Swetland bldg. Main 3232. TWO 5-room flats, one G, one S-room resi dences. Irving ton. c laou. .uast. iid. w. H. llerdman. FOR RENT 1 upper and lower 6-room flat. heat and water, summer rates; cor. ibtra and East Main. K e y 6 2 6 E as t M aln . NEWLY finished, strictly modern upper flata for rent. East loth and Clay, can 607 East Clay, after 4 P. M. 20 SMALL furnished flat, walking dis tance, 1 block to cars, choice location; adults. East 6043. MODERN 5-room upper, outside flat, good location in improved neiiioornooa; rem $ 2 2.50. 1 ncludln Swa t e r. Ea st 6317. 292 COLLEGE ST. Next to corner of 6th; lower, modern o rooms, rent o-j. ai. muo, 713 Dkum. m MODERN flat. 6 rooms, 101 East 19th, and East Washington sts. in one xaoor 414. PART of furnished flat for rent, S rooms. 6 minutes walk irom i-ostoxnue. -o is 10th st. LOWER flat with hardwood floors; A-l neiK'iborhood, Nob lllli; to responaiDie parth-s only. Phone Mnlnu21jC FOR RENT 6-room flat. lipht and con veniences, periect. xroaaway car. Appiy 3 a 0 K. tHn s t. No r t h. -ROOM, well-furnished flat, reasonable; w a 1 kin gdl stance. -Mars nan 443. aj 30. FURNISH ED 5-room flat, new, modern ; walking distance, w esL siue. juain .ij.. SIX rooms and bath, $20. L car. 817 H Mis sissippi ave. pnone c ao. - ONE partly furnished or unfurnished 4-room flat, c 1 o se 1 n. 1 n q uire -ofi a:i st. ICE flat, well furnished. West Side. 233 Worcester bldg1. A uio. ROOM corner flat, 5S1 3d st. fireplace, bath, lifts. FINE new modern upper flat, near Mill; w a 1 kin g d lstance. 1. Main SJII. F LAT $2250. W. Reidt. East 1187. Housekeeping Rooms. WELL-FURNISHED house, flats, rooms; 5- room cottage. -u montn; anoirer ov; suites, 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, $3, $10. $12 month: 3 $15. Apply 364 26th st. North. "W" car from depot. 5th, west on M o rris on to 2 0 t h. block north. 1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, batn. phone, clean linen, heat. 400 Vancouver ave. and 2034 Stanton: take U car. THREE neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, lawn, roses, private en trance, 20 minutes walk to Pos toff ice, 101 East 11th st., corner of Washington. HOTEL EDO ER TON. Housekeeping and furnished rooms for rent. 117 H Knott st. - CLOSE IN. Housekeeping and single rooms, reason able rent. 163 Park sl. 461 EAST MORRTPON. cor. 8th.; completely furnished housekeeping suite; walking dis tance. NICE front housekeeping rooms: $18. In cluding fuel. 27 13th St. ( ST7M A R K " ?C i'.'2 1 f Ea r, t B urns id n f t . T wo h ous e k -e p i n g s u i t e s ; k a?, sin k . pantry. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms at 2S2 Larrabee St.. corner of Halsey. 1 NEWLY furnished, rooms. Jh .(