TIIE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, 3IT 9, 1911. 13 9 T Kal UK LTLE. TWX LOTS IV LYI E ARK THE Pr?T BUY IV THE NRTHHVET TODAT AT THE PKtlNT OPEN ING ALLOTMKXT PRICES. PFVD FR HfR SPECIAL ILr I.USTR4.TFD riH. i'LAil. kEASKV. HUM ON Ac JFFERT, DE l-KKS IN I. WIT. CIMVUKH i"K MVKRCfi. K'KTi..u. oi:i:.N. I R VI N '.TON. OWNER raust have monev and has author!.-! u to sell hli b-nutlful corner lot. .u on 24th and Schuyler st. at aarr-fice-. Improvements all In and paid r. This U your rhanr to t a line lot In a bsrh-claas. residence district Ulow the mark-t price. Term. No Informa tion glvn r tha phone. For further particulars regarding th above, aa aell at mat- others in all locations of tlia city cad on C. F- Pn.fCER as ro. Suite J and 14. Mutkey bldg.. id and Morrison- ESTABLISHED OWNER MUST HAVE MONEY. And h authorize. i us to sell Ins f!ne lot la Waverirlch Height a. on Brooklyn .. nir "th ; improvement In and paid for ar 9": 9m cash takes !t. You had b"er hjrnr ,; vru .n rh: nn.ir. a It will nt last b-ng ar this price. For fur ther particular rail on ' V Pfligr A ' . u.: 12 Mulker bldg.. 2d and Mor rion. I V V K 5 T r. n S. ATTK N f 1 0 Apart ment -hous site on Kn.t lMh t.. -ear earMr-. M,T,m fret; m l t, .-;d at arat evrifte taken at once. need ta money and tha your opportunity. If to tj have I ;y m r.iah t Invest. oi should tner!K4t this at once- Address ownr. At; W ore-ti'an. $inort ;.ot: Vfnz $vo. f25 down. $i' mr.fhiy; improvements In and paid for; several fine hmea bulit a ol un.l-r CTstru' iort In t h! :rar-i : thtn is a b-autiful o-i r nn. jut south of Hiwrhnrnfl ave., overi.n.kinc the cry and y'r. Taftr. firm oner, .I.ia. A. Clo K, A'der. I'hnne M nn Kl W K.TM 'KKLAXIX oire e-rmt.r laci i'r from $7S to a.-!KaiK, irral1 atr.-eta. water and gas; better us immedtttej y. lit V NW ! 'HAi'iX A. IIErtLW. R ? 3 i ( h i rn v" r of nrnmr?. A Ji.VAP T vt 8."iInv tAnm befweesj TlN Tamook an-! Hncok. on E. ln a r note residential district, price easy irm, M'CAKGA H. BATE-" ft LIVELY, r.oi yoq lid. S LOTS, side by i rt, xl-0. street crad-d. good wa.ar ; price only :.." ; 450 cajh. balance on !- own urr.i. i:; t nw mk -HAPXV ft HFRLOW. (R 337-T34 I'hamb'-r cf t'ommerce. I')1 iv POPTH MT. TABoR. Purchase 1 f--r home; owner has left e"y and ;jha to dupos of his tnu-resra hr. will fe.i at a trca:n; " cash. biiniv terms t suit purchaser. AF &S. Ori snlan. inv: v;ton. Corner Ixt south of Brasee. In th "' part of this exclusive district. Vt VFRiHANTS SAVIN IS A TRUST '-OMPANY. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. T h-v- Bvp io:s thit I will sell for SI las II ridr V.i!ue ; t.x-a' ed In the oet dist nt of the E..st S.de. ij-'re Improvements are all m. not p-rvmi- ! : wi:; help reita'e prt!-s fo build, i'hone Kasi frtt. Mr. Ijetahunfy. r"'I "Ft tve lots, a 1 r "earrd nnd rrlv to hulid onr el1 f iiooi. churche. atora and ra!Troa Thea are r -i f-r a ni-e "me rr sjii.T'i.i Inve.ttrneni : ni:i sell ihj f ur for on rrni. Oa uer. I"ld fhiinVr of '.rr.mer-e. PARK-T. PROPERTY. Ve(- deirFit"e quarter b'ovk. also J sin s' tofs anl fracc.Ti.il corner In the best vtni'ni section of th rtf us be. f.-.re feuvins Van -Turn ft Walton. M Chamber of Commerce. 4 LOTS A SNAP. 4 lots. Mx iriv one a corner on F. aud E Ankne- sta.; price- $-. IM'O riX t atMr.-e t ilT. GUI SI A ZADOW. 317 Board .f T-a- L. h and Oak ! DoWN. Femtttfti! Tot on fat 4nh street, ortxioo feet ; r-m-nt wa k, jcr tin and parking; a 'so sha-'e tres on tt: prre $.-). U'DDA:t A WiFDIlICK. -.'a Strk Street. CHEAP LOT. Near Flrlarl ra:on. fAt. level and sightlv: r-'e If. .-. UODDARD A WIElRlK. 23 Srark Str.t. .- rM WOODSTOCK , CARLIN'K 40-I2A lots. City wcter piped to eacb. National P':i)f ft Trust o . 3-'4 WasX WELL Wated i.m iolioie7 ity Park 1 t on hundred below market; prtc $775 rash; hck erf Eandv r-ad. side wa'.k. -'.rh. a:reet graded. Improvements paid n 11 e. " i . re ton nn. SNA P. 1 have a tare lot n-ar Rose f'ltr Park i' eenent improvements and water i witt make very easy terms. AP 61, l or -21 T! A RG A I N - i M' !iM $17 VV Th.s la a w.l-biii,i nr.e.tnry frame, not tt".i-.-i. cut r-.'r wier tn hii-; two p.'" from N'ViT1;a rmr. o-4f W.-st a--., on .01 "in; own r nerts ih Don -y. MCAHGAR. BATES ft LIVELY. ,T! Yeon H:1. 9VHWSWKLL LTNG ALOW .hh. Fi-e $-room t ur.c.t . fireplace and oth-r I.tfeat Im;r'.-mtr.t, bi 4txltH. r-io--k t- .-ar. n f .ltd. itr 1 .into 1; pri.- 9 ras.i. M.aiut month f, ! Flm t Trade Hid.. 4th ar d Oak. N E yji I'M' AVENi E AND ALBERT. -roo-n 1 airin. rn.T-rtl nnuv furn. f'tll r.Mi-ret lj'-i-n:. aoo-t tf .cM-rhoMl aa c.1 ro rriun nr. s-ft'K-.. s:tr. etc. p rtce $ -. e a - t r nrn Gf-DPRD A Wint'LlCK. 24 Stark Mrref. It A A IN f r ) w.'a ne r.-T.mTbull alow, f !-rp!ar. I men clot. woo1 elevator. laur.-lr- tras. fhdl-e. rn-otMMiin sa ar.i eierrrc riaiurea. lari attic. g"! Io.-alon. 2 nlorka K lt ear. 1 h!o.-k from Laureihursu iwsrer, iaoor:ii. VFRY f BETTY PT.AUE. Near ...a-a "iri r..i on vt. S-ott una. iw a. 1 fe-t kih -.! f.ur-ro. h-u; choice 'rif.t t. e and 14 siinut trees, .1. 'r,v r.-.. rn .Tj;.i. terms. c,'.iU'Ki a wy: 'rick. 4 t Star ti- t. $l"0 AbI a mor'm at a fin t-o., t st . own vour r-rt nr. :e J..hn per rent Will take bi- -a at K. H-h '. p n f r II with et-.n. 'b!m Ei' t'ottwji si., nur ith; ro-. n t n tr rery ttau: afao ext; ,'n ilin-rm- on derti j tr-e ti-tr 1 l-l a.) l-d thi is a snap. G t. . . M n:.i:--i-n ? I.urarmcin Mdg. P. .: CITY VAKKr Reanrif.il r.w hun'.w. five moms and s.e.-tnc pr.;i. truf.r md-m, n.i r..nn-- - 1 n.t ae it r 4Ai E. 5"t.i N. $; eih. balance easy, from e re. at 1 J G-n4 ae.. r-rt-rn bouse. ' U ; e.u hia. Jchll P. . mmcrcfl bldg. d thl j,-nr mor.ey n W'1..B. 4 Ciiurer of Phona Mi.n 4. FTN'K MODERN POMf. " I H VIN'i DV djtkdt. 2'h an1 firi-!( s t a. . S !. rorrr. chn- phora owner. M jrshatT l 7 n r s It Price nor HTLL I he a m f-m rora hn. bejt l'at:on. will aet for this la an opportun'y it a fine West fllda Hme. J. E. b-nlto. il j Chamber of 'oir.-n"r.-. C"D 7-ro om bona, near S r e bridge, ran han-Hed I le c. hi'inr to suit. : im-'r Keaity C'X. 49 Worcester bide Van MY HOME AT A BARGAIN. H a-re. i-r.rfim mKlern. wf h bwmt: 1. 4 hlor k from car line. 1 block f roi-i Ar'ataK.-bo.d L Or g -nfsn. f 4.vwt t a-r In fruit. 7-r-.m hojj, mf A tilt"', S bio-g ro nr. Leonard lrra. 317 'harr '"ommert-e. I, COKVKR lDb and H-ncok: aw . room bungalow. Owner. East 222. iiO NEAT. 5 roor-.s. modern, fruit, near A-l car, owner. Marshall 134. MUST saTirir fin bungalow and stg lota W IS. Oregonlaa. 1 REAL KrTATX. For Sal- Honatt, HOMES ON EAST FATMENT3. Fix-room house, two stories, all modem, I rear front, beautiful lot, many shade trees, bJ"xit from car; street Improvement paid; pew. ready for occupancy; $600 cash, bal- "-- rauoiniy payments. "RfNOALOW. 5 rooms, larae attic, fire place, furnace, book cases, buffet, Dutch ttrften. hardwood floors: east front: all street Improvements paid; half bltck from car: $5i down, balance on monthly pay- uivoie. The one that was la this space) was ota on Apru i. Fix rooms, two-story, square house, fust leing completed; oak floors, fireplace, Mitch kitchen, buffet, all othr modern conveniences: 200 feet from carllne; 960U eaiance mommy paymentSL One of tha uncompleted houses sold Aorll ?fJ we bars several other house and bun a-aowB which will be completed soon; let nuw mem to you before you nuy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A. TRUSTEE COMPANY. SOI. a,)s Board of Trade Bid. Marshall 473. A 1U22. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. t-roorn hou. renting for 35. for potninr. Buy sixl2& on Snrlnr: worth tlO.Ovv. fur 85u0, and house will be mrvwn in. Modern, 7 room a near Ford at. brldjre. built for home, beautiful view, I minutes- walk to Washington, $7300. iyiish residence. JO very larre rooma. attic; city view; every convenience. S rooms, up-to-the-mlnuta houne. J mm, view or UL Hood and river. 1500. & room a. corner lot, walking dls- "room bungalow, splendidly built. Msny others. Homes all parts of Heights 1 rtiTi SO S9U. Main liS I. BROOKE. A 3839. HtNDSOME HOME, Prlre $S73; In-ins; ton ae-iion : modern 2-atorr hma. g roma. plate glaa win- nons ana mirror; arristir oak s:airuaj. IN SHORT. An exceptionally fine place; less than H II A R TM A N ft THOMPSON. RKAL KSTATB DEPT. Chamber of Commerce Itidg. 2t0 CASH. SNAP. 1IAWTHORXK-MT. S'OTT DISTRICT. 0F.ALT1MU new bunsaTow ; Ave rooms. with 'P'nf porch, located 20O feet frorn Hawthorne ave.. on a hlrfh snd s'ahtly Mear lot; this home Is In a aeiect district and la so located that It will Increase 1 in aitie itrin trir next yar; ir you iiMkina fur a tv.-xutiTuI homo and an in- Temmnu. phone Tbor aHit. K.XST SALMON STREET HOUSE. Nlre mod rn t-room bouae. fumnra. ftrt plare. china rtaw. rt" nd ectrtc srd ail other mdern conveniences: lot ftoXTfn; nice lawn, lota of rosea, aome fruit trees; Mtlmnn. near --'d : fine !o- ra:ion; price $.Vi4i. (l'JtM cash acd S- : p r niontn. GRUSPI ft 7.AIOW. . -A1 7 TL?.LLT rd I d g. . 4t h n d Oak, fwiixo to Rni.nt WFT DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE No CHARGES FOR PLANS IF V?-. VI II. I IT WILL PAY TO HKH I'M IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCB THE RESIDENCE OR APARTMENT FOR LLriU.V. I R. BATLET ft CO.. $34 AB1NGTOV BLDG. feCMETHlNii noon. - room mcder n house, furnace. flrepTncaj, fu'l ron. rete basement, two complete bath rooms. bt f.'ilnO feet, atluated on East 2rh street, one block from Hiwthorne avenue, on bard-surface treet: rented for one year at 1:1 pr month. This 1 special at i-"p mil naniie. JODIAKD A WIKDRICK, 24.1 Sfark Street. 1200 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. li MONTHLY. T rooms, lot R0slOl. linDro-emenf la and paid; all the built-in conveniences: lull basemen t. fireplace. etc. National Realty Trust Co.. H'JdS Washtngtoa sL. viu bib, i'uddi ataia FREE! FREE! FREEt BUILDINO F'ars and specifications If we build for 1 you. aionej. always on nana for construc tion work. You can pay for It aa renu 602 trK t.M. ?th and tak sta HOUSES A aell-biiUt plain 7-room house, nn East lth at. North, one block off carllne. ce ment basement, pantry, bath, large light '-in . fa uei-iiDorr-ooa. near school. just the place for a lane familv. price $2rf. Terms 2'0 cash, remainder moniniy. KHon or can GOWKN-IDE TRUST CO., Ground floor. Lumbermen bldg. HARtiAIN. Four loa R.siiwv each, with larpe 4 room modern bungalow, all In large bear ing fruit trees, garden trurk. berries. a. i runs. ia n and iwwers; .'o minutes frou town. 2 blocks rroni rar ; verv at t rar rtve ' ani comrortahie home; prtre only $.170". -...0 casn. easv terms; mill sell all ha 1 1. M a ra hal ,1 AX M A;NIFIENT IO-ACR k TRACT. i lose to rlectrti rarline and city: s arre ;n h r:up p!tzenburg apple tr-es; blnre In llalinn prun trees in bearing : mll houne. will trade tr home in cUy. V!ue $o. I. BA MREROER. Roojn 2 Lumbermens Bldg. NEAT BUNOALOW. East .'d street. iiw feot from Clinton: -room modern bttnsalo r, rt ,"imx1o f--t, fiit I concrete basement and H.mr. nre p!ace. large attic, paneled dlnln-room : price $to. terms $.o ca-h. bntance easy. tiODD A R D A WIKDRICK. 2UI Stark Street. WONDERFUL BUY FOR $ HOO. A-morn modern rsldenc on Hawthorne, near -th st., lot 3vx1m. paved streets! paid : rnoijp-h. space on corner to build atores and fata. Thla place won't laat long at xerms. :. Is RAMHKRGER, Room 2 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 711 SUNN YSIDK 7 - rom bo-jse in rood neighborhood, ar -rllne; bt i2v1V This property la pood l-Uv at ! Te-me. VKrtl'H NTS S. INCS ft T tlT 1 MP NT. WHY PAY E v e win a. 1 you a nome ani yoq can ra- for '.t nn easy mon th iv 1 m en our houses Inriuda furnace, f tlu . hardwood fo-p tint r. shades, et. t i t la. wt meat A Trustee Co.. 2"1-1MJ Board of t ra:. 11 era. MODERN rrvr.Al.nw F-Tat NAr h. ne.tr Sa ndy road S - room sr i 1 1 v tnoim huncAio . mm n lt:r-h. place, f .;: concrete ha' iient. Uun '-t t-ava. tot il'W, price .;, terms $4io casn. raiar r easy. tioDDARD ft WfKDniCK. 243 Stark Street. kvt'XT TBOR BUNi ALOW $AO CAFH. a large rooms ano nne sleeping -porch ; et-tcttr un to the minute for convenience and beaut tf'illy ltel. with viw of en tire ctty and onlr Moh to car; brand nw and a anap for $40. Phoua Tabor li PER MONTH. INTEREST 6 PER CENT. buvs tw &-rom house wEth Isrge attle; eerthlng mmtrm; on A7t'n St.. 2 blocks from rar. prie4Mi. fit) Hnml!tua birtg NFW tbre-room honsa and lot 42i206. near avry-vt o-1sto- k cariina, 00. y 9L17A; nut her tbre blocks north of Ro City cariir.e: this is aiio pew and has 4 rooms; price Par'loutara 22 Fifth st. t'.ni $lKh $lo.o 9100a 3-roo-n bouse and larxe tenth fio iix"-ft. lot, t bick from Montavtlla rar. $ Joo down. $10 monthly. Frad W. lierman. e29 It urns I de. M or A 2774. FOR Immediate sale, H1 aacrlflca 6-room modern nurae nrar 73a and Thurman for 4 4'hmi. eaav term a. H. L. Hagemano, 30V I; at'.ay Etc h ang e. l:?"0 HA K"AIN. 9 -room cottage, wood- boist. cntna ci. cement oaae-ient. closa In. Ankeny car; alao 9 C-room house. Owner. East 56 ? J. $l.v c.SH. $12 per month; nice, new 4- room bungalow. I ox vxl0, near good car; rrt"" 912W MI'iLK Y A I ISH')P, H2 THIRD ST. FOR SALE Modern 7-room bnuae witn tr.re lots: one 101 in iru:t trees, all In tod condition. 611 Carlton are. Take Selt w od tar. . BE VL'TIFUL WllUmette Heights homo sar- r.an; t orcea sa:e y attorney. 414 Spa sling bldg. 3000 BUYS houaa and farre lot. 10 min utes waia vt uiop as cving 9, easy lerni. l$l Cable sU Owner. RE.iL ESTATE. For Kal HoiiaeaT $5.10 C.SjZH. 115 MONTHLY. 6 P Kit CENT INTEREST. Choicest bungalow In ltv; built fr homo, good district; fireplace. cement basement, stationary wash tubs, paneled renin;, bullt-ln bookcases, etc. First-class In every detail. A rar bargain; investi gate; prlca 92Yo. $100 CASH. Good 3 -room house, full lot, near car and srhool: bal. $10 mnnihlv. 6 per cant Interest. Why pay rent? Price SIKH). HEDRICK ft WINTERS. 405 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. . A OOOO BUT. 121 Tillamook, near E. I5d street. rooms and bath. Terms easy. Price ;i30. 'iiv. Mora details at omce. HAKTMAN ft THOMPSON, Real Estate Department Chamber of Commerce Bids. BEAUTIFUL -roora house in best Laurel- nursr aisinct; new and modern In every uiaii; isre uvmr-room. dlntna;-room and kitchen, den, 4 sloeptnc-rooma and a sleep lnporeh; hardwood floors, to fireplaces, many built-in features; faces eaut with view or mountain; a beautiful home and oa-rsain at siuuu; easy terms. McAllli ter ft Lueddemann, 72J Electric bldg-. v B A R J A IN S 400 TERMS. Modern and attractive fl-room dwelllns; on Clackamas st., near E. 2th; lot BOx 323; vory fine location; home practloaily new arm very attractively arranireti; price. wun sireei improvements all paid, s;ood term. M'CARGAR. BATES A LIVELY, 301 Yeon Bids. . A GOOD BUY. A good 6-room modern bouse on goo(i high Int. four blocks from good carllne. I.'t-minute service; this home can be had at a very reaaonabla price; $-10 uown, oaiance oy montn. BUY NOW OF CHAVIN ft HERLOW, (R) 832-38 Chamber of Commerce. $A0. Will buy a cnmfortabla home, balance at 6 per cent Intereat, making your rent only per monin. JOHN P. WESTON. 50 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 6967. W. H. HERDMAN has great bargain, fine home, large rooms, living, dining, library, reception hall, finished in Eastern Oak; kitchen, larce gas and wood ranges, . bedrooms. 1 Ine oak doors, best Imported enamel finish ; bat h modorn : beat equip ment poathle; Ho!laday Addition. East 27;i. C jsrtd; no agon t a. Bualneaa Property. 'DUE CONSIDERATION"." I HAVE A QUARTER BLOCK TV THE RETAIL BCSIXESH OIS THU WHERE THE A r.IO TNI NO T E N A VT N K K DS MORE ltO M AND IS READY TO GIVE "BOND ED" LEASE AT PER CENT NET A M pRi PERTY IS BOUND TO INCREASE IN VALUE; REPRE SENTS AV INVESTMENT OF :;". no 0 TO IU4.000; ABOUT H CASH WILL HANDLE. AS MONET "AN BE GOT AT 6 PER CENT ON THIS PROPERTY. MAKING A 10 PER, 1'KNT NET ON MONEY INVEST MENT. WITH THE INCREASED VALUATION IN FIVE YEARS THIS PROPERTY WILL NET 12 TO 15 PER t'K.VT. MAKING A NICE HOLHING PROPERTY. THIS IS NO APARTMENT PROPERTY. KDW. P. M ALL. TOI 2D ST. LUMBER EXCHANGE, A SECRET. $200 Ortrt. HAVE A BUSINESS PROPERTT AT ABOVE FIGURE PAYING 7 PER CENT NET; UNFORTUNATE LY LEASED FOR ABOUT 5 YEARS YET OTHERWISE WOULD CO M -M A X D A BIGGER RENTAL; A ROUT SA0.000 OK S90.000 WILL HANDLE. ED TV. P. MALL 104 2D ST. LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. GLISAN ST.. NEAR 5SD. $5500 cash buys a tine apartment site flxirtft, on Oilman at., near 23d. suitable for apartments, t.ats. stores .improvements all In and paid, price 7."iO0: this is the cheapest property ottered in that locality, and will -row In valuo very rapid I v. E. J. GEiSER. 221 H Morrison St. INVESTMENT I have an apartment-house the real estate and the furniture rent Ing for $ ii prr mntli ; I will sell tha same for $-7. ..Of ; will accept $10,000 In either farm or city property. $3000 in cash and long time on balance; will gve an es ceilent bargain. See J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. Acreage. OWN AN ARE NEAR CITY LIMITS. iNDEit vai.i;e. t DO W N AND f 1 11 M ) NTHLY. His hi on beautiful, new ly macadamized Powell valley road, finest road in th CMinty. near Gates station, iflo rare, we offer acre tracts of cult I vs ted land, rtne garden soft, no stump "r brush, at $T.(M I, so each, worth wzn more; oa wise and buy acis at less tliaa lot prices, dou ble your money lone before you have paid for them. Show them to you any time. Portland-Pact tic in v. co., 419 Hallway Exchange bldg. YOU CAN'T BEAT ouit PRICES AND TEL MS ON CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. WE WILL TROVE IT. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 45 Couch b!dc.. lvu 4th st. nr. Wash. St. FRUIT LAND. 29 acres. Hue land. about R aores slashed and partly cleared ; in best fruit and general farming district, near Port land, on coon road and close to trans portation; fine creek, good timber; a bar gain. $."J per acre, easy terms. TKOW I'RTLulK ft STEPHENS. S'7 Board of Trade. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO For the best buy un the Oregon Electric, with deep, black soil, as K'"d aa the best, at $I7S per acre, 2."i per cent leaa than ad (ln lug proper! . easy' terms, that an one can meet, ou should see this at our e perse. TKUWMKIP'IK STKPHtXS, RCJ Board of Trade. FR SALE On line of new railroad near o runts 1 ass in t he famous Rogue Rtver alley, some rnoice airaira and fruit land, all cleared and under Irrigation In lots tf 1". 2 or Do acres: price from $so S l.'iO por acre; on easv terms. Call Grants Pas ft Rogue River Railroad Co., 1 spaifiina Ding., i-n ana Washington. FIVE ACRES of cleared level, fertile land; very suiianie ror earn en. iruit or ciii-le ans; this land will par fur Itself with nne crop If put into potatoes; mile front d pot infl close ro ti mi K;i : .. ner aore: terms. n 1 1 lQld t"h a m ber of Commerce. FOK SLE 10 acre. 1 Ti tles of Portland, on (hrcgon Lle-lrlc : mile from Hilla boro. rlose to car; bungalow, pou'trv-hous and wei. new; In crop, best of ail and neiphborho-1,1: county rnd on tao shies. 0im. Phone Ta!'r CIlojrK 10-ACRE tracts at actual value: snecuiStive or padded prices; nrlcea at ah'.h you can afford to buy and put the land In rtil'itatton: land that la worth the money. Come and arranae to see fur ourevlf. Palmer. J 1 2 Couch bldg. ACREAGE SNAP, i to c;i on rlim. Ideal for sub- dtvI'liTiK. Souk- impkovenients and run ning 4r. L'ei H'i h-ndie. Best buy C'lUaldenng Iw lion on l he marker. Van duyn Walton. ;. ir I i-nber Commerce. ("II Oi " E 1"' a-rr-. il'Pr to .-If neurit- lt doer. rl"h eo'l. hoi e. barn, orchard. .-t boree. . rli ick ei . '" . 9 2,H- To: rita aan- -d V Hill" 1Tb W KVEUN LAND " - - nik St. $ ACRE.1, a short tp.Mi.intr et f Courtney station. irrg-on Cii y tunning wa?er: no ro-k : en'r -tN.it. t.rt -ah. halt nee ten ars. uin r, 2 ' i. r!.nij r bi.ig. FOR SALE 1 acre, 1 miles fr .n Court" house, facing Ba Line road. ! to ift. Hood Rj.; this prvperty wi;j :ouMe in lw.i veara Owner, lluS E. iut at Phone Tabor 1110. WANTFY To seTt H, 1 or I ePea. on eiec trtc line. 7 rerts fare, good soil, rn ma cadamlxed road, no reasonable offer re fused: must atlt at on-e. Bv owner. Ad dress M. j arron. lllliadale. Or. 2v ACREs7d"eep. bn7k soil; all level; 12 aorea cleared; mile to electric carllne. price 9-7h. very easy terms. W E STERN LA N lr"CQ-. 2 8 1 ark SL - 8-AURE tract on carllne; easy driving dia tance to poruma; ncn son; part Cleared. price 917n an acre. Easy terms. W E S T E RN LAND CO., 21 8 j St ark S L ONE 24 or 9 acres. 2 miles from city limits. West Slue, A-l soil, no -waste, price 9 4 00 pr acre n easy terms or dlacount for cash. F 93. Oregonian. ACREAGE and farms, from 112.50 per acre up. larce and sn-all tracts. Call Kinney ft Stampher. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO close an estat-, 1 M acres near Court ney, o. r. r.y.. an clear, small house, choice tmct; will be sold very cheap. C, H. Dye. Oregon city. 40 ACRE. land within 39 miles of Port land, 9:00 cash. M 43, Oregonian. CITY acrea, near Mt. Tabor, oa Tlst sL Phone owner. East $860. 4 REAL ESTATE. Arreace. ACREAGE. Gently rolling land, very fertile soli, no rock, gravel or hilts and only six miles west of Council Crest, nine miles from 2'ortiand Courthouse by wagon road. Platted Into t recta of one-half to 20 acres each with completed road along each tract. Fourth-street line and Oregon Electric give this tract 13 cars each way per day. Any sized tract you may desire from $,.Vt per acre and up, with easy monthly payments, call In and arrange to see this. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth street. Main 33. A 3500. DO YOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE DURING THE DRY SUMMER, So that you can double or treble your yields? If so, get In on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley irrigated land. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. ( Aik for Mr. Hartog. ) Branch office on the grounds, at WEST STAYTON, OR. Take 4:15 P. M. S. P. train at Union Depot to West Stayton Tla Woodburn. 87 ACR ES QUICK. A MAGNIFICENT HOME FARM NEAR PORTLAND. OVERLOOKING COLUMBIA RIVER. An ideal COUNTRY RANCH for a person who can enjoy life. We will sell this beautiful place for $K0O. Including a BEARING ORCHARD. GOOD HOUSE, BARN. ETC. The buyer may cut the farm into four or six tracts and double his money if desired. Automobile road and railroad station, make easy transpor tation. Land Is mostly under cultivation. Think of getting a tract equal to ;i7 CITY BLOCKS with Income, JUST RIGHT where you would be happy, at leas than half Its value. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., SOS Yeon Bldg., Portland. AT Hillaboro. 132 acres, cloae to station. SO acres under cultivation, new -room nouse with basement, barn, family orchard, land Ilea nice and has nne soil. ror tana in this location there is always a ready market, and anyone buying this 132 acres could plat Into smaller tracts ana man thftmaeive 1M oer cent net. Better hav us give yott more particulars about th above as well as many othera on our larg list. Price only ihu per sere; worn dniihle ria-ht now. C. F. PYluger ft Co. suite 12. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison, Established IhhO. ACR E AG b. $23 to $70 per aore; 14O0 acres. susdiv'fled Into im trans or o. iv, v, SO to 100 acres each; best rruit ana gar Hn land dD soil, fine water, co rock one hour's ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school In renter of tract; good roads In front of everv tract. Your chance to get an Ideal money-making home. These tracts sell oa sight to practical people. Call and make aa eariy selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT COt, 110 Corbet t Bldg. YOU WILL BUY THIS acres, all In high state of cultivation, Ilea itiHt like a carden. all in crop, all fenced, main county road on two si ties. 13 miles from Portland. 3U0 reel irom e;ec tri station. 35-ininuto car service, ttne, thickly settled, thriving district schools, churcnes. etc.; a big bargain. Price $1410, 1350 cah. bal. lonn time. I'rt.OPEH ATIVE REALTY CO.. Bl-20-:i Hallway Exchange bldg., 4th and Star sta. 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS. $00 PER ACRE. $60 DOWN AND $12 PER MONTH. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 4i5 Couch bldg.. 10tf 4th su nr. Wash. st. HAS it ever occurred to you that anyone selling you a piece of real estate ought to Da willing to repurcnaae tne same irom you at the price you paid, with a rea sonable rate of Interest7 If not, chances are that you paid more than It was worth. Highly Improved acreage can be bought on such terms. ror imorma lion write to or call on D. N. WATT, Acent, 1219 Yeon Bldg. CLOfE TO PORTLAND. Cleared and uncleared acreage. EASY TERMS. LOW PRICES. The place for your cheap chicken ranch. PACIFIC N- W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 40 Couch bldg., 100 4ih si. nr. Wash. st. EQUITY IN ORCHARD. I am compelled to dispone of my 10 acre tract for exactly what I have paid In. plus the cost of planting end Improve ments. This is an unusual opportunity to accure a well-plnnted orchard Ideally located, close to Portland, at a price that was catd over a year ago. Pay me my equity, the balance can be paid $-5 monthly. AS 31, Oregonian. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking diatance to good town; runnning m a ter, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district ; vlaw of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres $J0; 8 acres 9300, 10 acra $Mo. 20 acres $S00; 10 per cent casn, easy payments. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO- 800 . Yeon Bldg.. Portland. 5. 10. 20 AND 40-acre tracts, on good county road, good soil, 4 miles from Houlton. on A. ft C. R. R. station; $40 to $tiO per acre. R. L. Stanwxod,Houlton, Oregon. Horn ret eada. LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. If you are seeking a homestead propo sition we have a man at our offlco, who has Just returned from Central Oregon and will give free iu format Ion regard ing the rich farming belt that has re cently been thrown open for location. This gentleman is a large land holder in the sarna vicinity and is much Interested in seeing the country develop, so now Is your chance to meet a man that is thor oughly familiar with the country. This gentleman will he at our office every day Including Sunday from 3 to 6 until Wed nesday, May 10. This lnnd Is worth from 910 to 91& per acre right now. and if von have a homestead right don't delav. CENTRAL OUEOON DEVELOPMENT CO. 410-11-1 McKay Hi -Iff. Third and Stark St. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 1 DO-page book gives amount 01 uovernment land open te omeatead. in each county In the States of Ore-on and Washington, and deacrlptloa ef same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coai and mineral laws; two ma? of Oregon in colors, 21x2S, showing R, R. In operation, on showing all proposed R, R. snd electric lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20c each, or three 5Ua Map of Washington tn colors. 21x23, 2Uc Klmmo, Runey 4 Co.. Hamilton bldg. TEN men wanted to locate on Central Ore gon hcinestrad lino; leave luesdy. Hj Second st., near Washing ton, room 28. PARTIES waiting to buy homestead re- Jinqulsnments weal 01 cascades. 01 C ham ber of Com merre, HAVE several good homesteads In Southern Oretfi n. near coast. GARLAND ft CO.. 191 Fourth St. CAN locate two partlea on exceltnt home stead. Phono Wood lawn 2941. . Far bale Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER. SNAP. gtA per aore - ill buy one of the beat Jiu've nri-narus la the well-know n. Hood l.ner Valley. If taken AT ONCE : JCEAR I.V ALL :n sl.ind:ird variett-s rAaipies. a u-xo t ia. t lu full bearing; also small fan t-l.t orciar!; g.Mwi hunt,, barn, out I tilldlncs, w-nni. lui piemen ts ami tona Fine sorina water In house; blcest bar gain ever offered ; produced almost 1 800 boxes of apples season lulu and more sixht this year. If you really want piroe in the Hood River Valley, where you ran have a beautiful home and become independent raising apples, investigate tins without d-la. . "ma) cash, balance easy terms. XEVLIN 'ft FIREBAUGH, 17 Yeon Mdg. ; REGAIN your ie:tr. ana accumulate a eai t h gro w in g a ppiea tn tha famous Hood River-Muaier district, on our new pi a a. A email cash payment wlli start ou right. Call or writ, for beautiful free book'et. HOOD RIVER ORCHARU LaND COMPANY, D07 Yeon bldg. CHOICE INVESTMENT. scr-s. close to Mount Hood R. R. survey, moxtlv tillable If cleared, aomo good timber, fine stream, good view; $1000 will handle, balance easy; will surely dou ble in value less than year. Vandyyn A Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. WALNUTS AND APPLES. 0 and 10-acre tracts planted to walnuts ar.d apples; terms. Also 1122 acres cheap, ail near Sheridan. Yamhill County. N. W. LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., lxn Williams. Mr., 432 CHAMBE R OF CO MM ERCE BLDO. IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY." " Good homes at reasonable prlcs; for In formation, write the Farmers Union. Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon; R. 1. Box 100. For Sale Fsrma RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 1-2 Morrison sL REAL ESTATE. Ft Sate Fa FOR SALE. A very fine stock ranch of 8000 acres, lylns; in the edge of the Sierra Nevada foothills, in the San Joaquin Valley, cen tral part of the State of California. The entire tract is fenced and cross fenced with a good cattle-tight fence, and one mile square in about the center of the ranch Is fenced with a hog-tight fence. Good buildings, extra large barn and good-sized house, blacksmith shop, lceh-Mise.' milkhouse and other outbuild ings, nearly new. The ranch la capable of caring for at least 600 head of cattle the year round, and the fine large oak trees furnish acorns for several hundred head of hogs. A n abundance of nice clear cold water. The entire tract Is wall supplied with water, and is well distributed from a nice lit tle stream running through the tract, and from several line laree snrinas that flow all through the year, and from which I several hundred acres of the plow land could be Irrigated. Between 300 and 4o0 acres la now in grain. All of that, and . at least 4O0 acres more could be used for growing oranges, walnuts. apples, olives and alfalfa. Also, the entire tract is -overed with very beautiful and many large oak trees. Experts in the timber line say hat the oak trees on the place, if reduced to firewood, would sell for enough to cover the entire purchase price of the ranch. The original timber Is still on the tract; not a stick of it has ever ' been allowed to be cnt. This Is a ranch that must be seen to be appreciated; good road; can go to the ranch from tho railroad station in an automobile; 2 miles to school; post off ice, church and store; shipping station 11 miles. Price $15 per acre, one-half or more cash, balance to suit at 7 per cent Inter est. Address N. W. MOODEY. R. F. D. No. 3, Sanger, Cal. "READ THIS." 10 acres for $S00 $300 cash, all level and free from rock and gravel, facing on a arood county road and in a very thickly settled neighborhood;' good water and close to school and churches; one mile to store: IU miles to N". P. R. R. station 6 miles tn Vancouver, and only 12 miles to the heart of Portland. There is about 1 00 cords of Eood areen timber on the place. This is an extra good buy, as the land Is the best. Balance in 3 years, ner eont. 6 acres within 4 blocks of the carllne and only 4 miles from Vancouver. The soil la o fthe best snd It Is free from rock and gravel. This Is the cheapest thing on th carllne and the sou will nrodnce evervthlnr. An Ideal Dlace to live and work In town, aa you can keep a cow and raise chickens and all your living on the place. Stop and think It over, then come and let us show you It. Price only 9750; 9250 cash and the bal ance In 3 years at 7 per cent. FORD-GILBERT, Grand Theater Bldg.. Cor. 10th and Main. Van co u ver, W ash. HAPPY VALLEY LAND iAK.ES FOR TUNES QUICK. Your last chance at cheap land In the last rich fruit valley In Southeastern Brit ish Columbia. Small or largo tract, on easy payments. We'll plant the trees or develop the farm before you come If '"U wish. $500.00 net profit per acre from strawberries, great crops of delicious ap ples, grapes and other fruits immense yields Of all vegetables. Close markets and high prices Insure big. quick profits. Climate and ssll ideal. Fine transporta tion and irrigation systems, low water rates and taxes, guaranteed titles. Buy now while commercial development is new. Prices will soon soar. For the rich as well as the poor tuere are big things along this Irrigated Route to Indepen dence. Break away from the time clock and the "age IlmiL" Satisfy ydur land and home hunger. Come to The Happy Valley of the Columbia Klver where many fortunes will grow fast In the next few yenrs. Write for particulars to Columbia Val ley Irrigated Fruit Lands, Limited. 204 Main street. Wilmer. British Columbia. ALBERTA LANDS. $11 to 920 an acre. Mostly all clear prairie land, ready for the plow. Soil a deep black loam with clay subsolL Cov ered with heavy growth of native grass. Alberta lands are - attracting strictly high-class immigration. Price and oppor tunities considered, these lands are tn cheapest in the world. Call or write for iree illustrated booklet. luiiy aeacriDing these lanas. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND CO., Lumbermens bids. Colonlration agents Canadian Pacific Railway. 18 H ACRES, with good, new plastered house, barn and outDuiidings, an gooa 1 V- acres arood orchard aoes with place graded ccbool and church across the street on a five-cent carllne. electric line mil of it: splendid soil, no gravel, fine water good neighborhood; the land adjoining this Is selling for $1000; our price la $k0 per acre, part cash, balance running as J&ug as you want it. This neiontrs to us; ajt at once if you want It. Call Main 1075. Call for Cameron. FOR SALE. T have 40 acrs three miles from Ore gon City, with the Molalla macadam road on one side and the Molalla R. R. (now building! on the other; the land Is alt level and cwsy to clear; been slashed and burned. Now the price is only $150 per acre for all. or will soil any 10 acres for the same price, $150; some terms. Inquire at uimiCK oe Plmirk 1 on ice, Anderson bldg., for C. D. Robeson, the owner. My address is Oregon City. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 25 acres. 6 under plow, 2 acres In pota toes, all kinds of berries, 50 young fruit t rees, 600 cords of wood on place, land mostly level, fine 8-room house with fine stone basnment. fine barn, improvementa worth $1000. Place one mile from Kalama on main county road ; party must sell. Price $2100, $1500 cash. Write us for bargains. TAYLOR ft SMUZ, Kalama. Wash. 6PECIAL 40-acre farm close to electric carllne; has house, burn, orchard, berries. etc.; ' acres cleared; 12 acres more easily cleared : flue timber on balance: all for 92.VM); can pay 9600 down, balance 8 years nt t per cent. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. 9 hob CAS H 148 acres, four miles from Wlnlock. Waah. House, barn, running water, partly cleared. Now in crop, but could arrange for possession soon. Price only 930O0. This Is a real snap. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermens Bldg. DAIRY farm; 85 acres, nearly alt In cult! vation; only miies from town, cream ery, etc.; fine house, barn, orchard and the soil Is very rich and deep. Owner n'eds to raise money and price sacrificed. WESTERN LA.NU W., 248. Stark St. FOR SALE 1006-acra Gilliam County WHEAT farm, tu in cultivation. Good bouse, barn and water; only 4 miles to railroad; 420 per acre. h asy .terms from the owner dfrecL T. II. Littlebales, For est Grove, Or. S.VAP A fine farm 1 miles from depot. tools, improvements, slock, crops, eto. Come aulck. KINNEY ft STAMFHFR. 581-32 Lmbr. Ex. B'dg. 41 ACRES. $3000 tillable. 12 miles from railroad, water and good buildings; will cut uu Into several furina: price SI 3 an acre; no use bot tiering without $15,000 casn. M. r HimBuriro, .onuon, r. FOR SALE ClO-acre WHEAT FARM. In Morrow County. Fine level land, all In Kail wheat. Only 4 miles to railroad. 925 per acre. Easy terms. T. H. Littlehalea, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE by owner GojU. well-;:nptoved 720-acre wheat farm; no b.iUsr in Slur man County; 350 acres In train this jour, remainder being Summer fallowed. H. D. Stone. Wasco. Or. TEN acres rich soil, on railroad; sell for 9.100. $10 down. 910 monthly; bargain. Ma 1 n 8271. Box 514. No a gents. FOR SALE On Sandy Road. 32 acres fine land. 11 ntlea out. Owner, AK 78, Ore gonian. BARGAIN 270-acre ranch near Redding, Cal. Write F. A. Baird. Redding, Cal. Miscellaneous. EUGENE, OR. Beat home city of state. Population 10.000. Good schools, good society, pure wa ter, no saloons, no poverty. I sell all kinds of Eugene real estate. Established 1882. Ask for what you want George Meivio Miller. Eugene.. Or. WILSON RIVER. 160 acres, electric road surveyed through the land. Zo acres of fine bottom land and 4.000.000 feet of good timber; forced on the market at tr.f.00. Full particulars at attorney's of fice. 414 Spalding bide. W ANTED REAL ESTATE. wXNT E D Lot. close in. near carllne; value not over 9120; will tako modern 5 or 6 room bungalow If suited: state price and location. AP St, Ore go n ia n. 10OO TO 2000 acres of awamp or tidelands that can be reclaimed: state location and 'cash price: not over $15 per acre. AL 88, Oregonian. WANTED Modern house, close in; not over $5000. 6 or 7 rooms; will pay cash. AT 60, Oregonian. SIX or seven-room house, modern, close in. Call M. 7401. A 4492, Monday, 8-10:30 A. M. $35O0 cash. WILL buy a good house and lot near Union ave. and Weidler st. Phono Main ft97. FOR RENTFARMS. FARM, near Boring. 25 A. cultivated.' 15 A. pasture, fair Improvements, orchard; will rent year or more, cash or grain rent, and allow cash for improvement work; want party with some experience in f ruitraislng; stats experience and references. AK 83, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 275-ACRE stock ranch, value $11,000, In eluding personal property to value o 2.VH. in Lincoln County, on the Corvalll & Eastern R. R-. lust 9o miles from Port land ; all good, fertile soil ; 60 acres In cultivation and all in crops; balance o land cleared and can be nlowed: all un o'er good fence, with cedar posts and woven wire fence and cross-fenced; 8 acres In orchard: a house and two barns running creek on place; two good springs. Will take house and lot to value of $4u00, and S'J'hh) cash. Balance In five years. X 67, Oregonian. MY 160-acre irrigated farm. fiO cleared fenced, north aide seCTe (ration Twin Full tract, R. R. through place, one mile from new townsite, well-settled community; will trade for good Portland property or sen easy terms: price sio per acre; m; equity 3300. balance of $21 uer acre du 0 years, 0 per cent: would also divide Into SO-acre tracts. C 245, 350 E. 47th North. A SNAP. 1.78 acres, about 600 ft. from electric station, 6-room house, woodshed, 8 cherry trees, 1 black walnut, t prune. 9 plums. x pea on tree, row or grapes. 1 a is is fine little suburban home, no rock gravel; will take Portland lot up to $750 as nrst navment. balance S.o rer month price $2000. Inquire at 338 Chamber of commerce. 10 ACRES, adjoining valley town, for well located lots. House and lot and some cash for 20 to 40 acres. Improved. fi-room modern houpe for farm. 300 acres, stock farm, for city property. nave other good propositions. WHAT HAVE YOU? GARLAND & CO., 191 Fourth St. A CHANCE TO TRADE ACREAGE OR LOTS FOR A HOME. Owing to changed plans I will trade my equity in the house I am buying on the in stallment plan In Rose City Park for va cam property, u 11. oregonian FARM. $50 PER ACRE. 160 acres, fruit, dairy ranch, 45 acres in cultivation, IS acres in wheat, 15 acres hay. 7-room house, large barn, running water, price 9000; will exchange for a house and lot worth 94000, balance in & years. E. J. GEISER. 221 Morrison St. 6-ROOM residence with fireplace; xnacnift cent outbuildings, u block from electric station; within 3 blocks of 7 stores; a00 feet of high school; elegant drinking wa ter. .ouu, casn or irane. C. I- BAMBERGER. Room 2 Lumbermens Bid-. APARTMENT-HOUSE of 80 rooms, new and excellent furniture. 2. 3 and 4-room apart ments; good lease; best West bide loca tion; price $lLOt0. 1 will accept a farm up to 30UU0 and give time on balance. J. L. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern 8-room house in v aitiut Park. 2 blocks to a canines; KuxlOO lot and beautiful lawn, to exchange Tor good improvad farm or close-in acre age. C. H. Bamberger, room 2 Lumber men bldg. Marshall 712. I HAVE a modern 5-room bungalow, worth 9i"0. This is located in Spokane, Wash, and will trade for Portland property. CHARLES RINGLER &. CO., 21 L Lewis Bldg. 22 ACRES of eood level land, some tim ber, 12 miles from Portland, near carllne. on county road, to exchange for a house and lot. see owner. Morrison IL room 9. Phone Main 5256. INE apartment site, adjoining business dls trict. East Side, $15,0U0; will take part suburban property, some cash, mortKage or contracts for balance. A So, Oregonian. EXCHANGE Small house. 45x118 lot, near Hawthorne, cas.i value 92000, for acreage on Mt. Hood or festacada line. AB oH, Oregonian. . TO EXCHANGE Good lot in Blaine. Wash' ing ton, for 6x10 or 10x12 Job printing press; must oe in good oraer. .press fuo, Co., Forest Grove. Oi IF YOUR stove don't bake, trade it; bargain ior the Kind that does nake; cash back guarantee. We want your trade. 863 E. Morrison st. FULL quarter block. West Side. 100-foot track; win consider city property, acreaae or fruit lands up to 910,000, balance 6 per cent.- x , oregonian. M Y $1400 equity In modern 6-room house, walking distance, for small farm or acre age. E 89. Oregonian. WANTED 5-passenRer automobile, exchange acres gooa Kansas land, x 68, Ore onia n. WILL exchange clean Portland real estate for water power rOHer mill. Address Howard. 4-6 East Yamhill. FOR SALE or trade, the Montavilla Hotel, E. 80th st at end of carline. Call and see; $S0o cash. J. F. Marks. $100o EwUITY in new 5-room bungalow for unincumbered lot, bal. monthly. AT 84, Oregonian. WE buy and sell equities; we exchange for ' farms and city property. 417 Board of Trade. FIVE acres, good improved land, close An; will exchange for home In city of equal iuej price ww. rnone m ars nail 1 2.i BY OWNER, 640 acros or part In the applo belt of central Washington; all cultivated; 940 an acre. Address AP 89, Oregonian. $250 beach lot for diamond ring or stick pin. 420 Swetland bldg. FARMS WANTED. HAVE buyers for farms of 20 to 80 acres that can be bought on payments of $1000 . to $2000 cash down, terms on balance. If you want to sell, write me or phon Marshall 2o70. N. H. Atchison. 213 Ger linger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. WA N T E D Sever a I small farms between Goble and Astoria, near Columbia River. Albert Harala. 769 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. TIVBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CKACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. C J. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. C J. MeCracken, FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. $2S5 WILL purchase 2600-lb. pair of brown gemings, 00m i years old. Tat and hand some, with new set heavy breeching har ness. This team can pull a frelghtcar .oauea: exira rast walkers; warranted trial allowed. G05 Alder st. A GREAT BARGAIN. Being compelled to move to New York uy, 1 am oougea to dispose of my driv ing outtlr at a areat sacrifice, consistim of my beautiful thoroughbred fast road and family horse. Almont King. He is com in it years old and weighs 1125 lb la perfectly sound and gentle, will road naturally 10 to 12 miles per hour on his courage and la thoroughly fearless of all city sights and noises night or day; can 1 rot a iuu inue in z :-'U ana win pull large load to a wagon ; also new custom maae narnens ana almost new rubb tired open buggy; together with whip. iaprooe ana Diauaec; aiiowea two weeks trial. ?lto. Ask for Col. Gllpatrick s out fit. oOa Alder st. P. S. Also ho is a gentle saddle horse. Mules Missouri mules. $285 will mir- chase pair; weight 29'0 lbs.; warranted kind and true to work in any spot or piace; mis pair or iree-working mules cost 1 year ago $625. and are worth that to day; both are fat and handsome; war ranted clever in stable and out: free from all vices and tricks and two weeks trial allowed, at 5tb Aider st. P. S. Also at purchaser's option, al most new set of heavy breeching harness. Alder st. $185 will purchase mare and --Mir ages 6 a ner 8. weight about 2100 lbs., with almost new sot of harness. This is a good blocky-built team, prompt walkers and sure pullers: grand roadsters. Trial by calling 5o:. Alder at. 9350 WILL PURCHASE. Pair heavy drafters. 31'mt lbs.. 7 and S yurs : t his Is nn exceptionally good team, and I defy any man to duplicate li for 9400: true as stel in any spot or pla v. &nf. Alder St. Mare in foal. Quo In alx weeks, hi, handsome Norman mare. i-MO lbs., ki'id, true and reliable; price li;-; about onc tiilrd her value. 505 A Ider st. $1 00 will purrhase complete outfit con sisting of handsome 7-year-old mare. ITtibuna. sired by Edwin L. 2:214, he by Pidepooket lm dam 'nra T. i'tII''-, she by Emery Fearnut 2 : 1 7 1 . she Is sHfe for a lady and stands without a weight, fast roadster and very handsome and stylish ; w eight 975 lbs. ; new custom-built har ness and elegani runabout buggv; all al lowing trial. 9100. Call 505 Alder St., ask for Mrs. Roberts' team. FOR HIRE Horses, wagons and business rigs, byo'ay, week or month; 34 15th su North. Phone Main 120. Lawler's barn. Ask for Mr, Evans. HORSES Now you can see some good ones cheap, at the Rose City Park Sales Stables. 62d and Sand y road. Adr. mi & Cam pbell . FOR SALE 1 fine team young well-matched horses weighing 200. sound and without blemishes. J2B Russell st. TEAM mare-. 2 400 lbs., wagon and har ness, complete : must ho sold Immediately. 9LMr.., Call 351 -d st.. near Market. WANTED To sell heavy express wagon and 2 horses with harness complete. 175. P 87. Orepnniiin. ' A CARLOAD of well-bred horses, very gen tle. Water and Montgomery. ONE small horse, safe for woman or chil dren. 322 North 17th. PASTURE for horses, near Portland. Apply 839 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410. FOR SALE. Horace. Vehicles and Harness. WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saddle and harness horses that are fit and ready for immediate use. You como and try our horses at our expense; have them examined by your own vet erinary and when satisfied buy them. Prices from 9125 up. We handle only the best. Kramer Riding School. 16th and Le fferson st s. FOR SALE Fine 3100-lb. 8 and 9-year-old team, harness and 31 wagon. $350: 1 handsome 1450-Ib. S-year-old mare, $130; 1 lOoO-lb. ho rise, a little thin in flesh, $r"; these horses are all sound and gentle; trial guarantee given: owner giving up business. 313 Russell st. FOR SALE Span of horses, ages 6 and 7, bay, high life, gentle, good condition, with harness, worth $750; selling price $?25. Address S. F. Weyrick, North Plains. Ore jton. Phone 204. WILL accept one or two good work horses as part payment for 10 acres fruit land; balance very easy terms. Call 4o2 Cham-" ber of Commerce bids., phone Marshall 273. A 4317. FOR SALE cheap, fine young mare. Call evenings only. 2S15 RSth t. S. E.. end of. Hawthorne-ave. carl l no walk west one block and south two blocks. GOOD work stock for rent, horses and mules. J. W. Sweeney Construction Co., 304 Wells- Fargo bldg. W A N T E DG cnt 1 eho7sef a r bluliTess" buggy. Edelfsen Fuel Co. Pianos. Organ an d Maicat uiittratnenis. SACRIFICE. Must sell my brand new piano at once, cash or terms; responsible party. Main SiMO. I WILL take excellent care of a piano for its use; no children. Call 693 Glisan St., ask for Mrs. Smith. WILL selTniVa"lmoBt new piano, cost year ago $525: $250 "takes it. half caah, bal. easy terms. Address AD 71. Oregonian. STANDARD upright piano, sale cheap or rent. 4S7 Taylor St.. near 14th. t Automobiles. SECOND-HAND CARS. CHALMERS llH 30. 5 pass., 80 H. P.. fullv cguipped. $1150. PLERLES3 1000, 7 pass., fully equipped ; good buy. $2500. MAXWELL 2 cyl., 6 pass.; for quick ale. $425. CADILLAC 1010. 5 pass, fully equipped, a real bargain. $1300. REO-2 cyl., 5 pass.; top. $4O0. C ADILLA C 1 OOtf. 5 pass. . 30 H. P.. fullv equipped; repainted. $1000. BU1CK 2 cyl., 5 pass., fully equipped. 9450. PIERCE 1910. 6 cyl., 36 H. P., 5 pass.; Al condition. 93000. BUJCK Model 10. 4 cyl. runabout wlta top. $000. The owners of these cars have left them with us for sale, they having purchased iOH Pierce-Arrow or Cadillac cars. Our list of used cars is continually changing. It will nay you to Investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Main 6470. A 4.".S7. 21at and Washington. PACKARD SNAPS. We offer the following specially good buys in Packard cars, all overhauled and guaranteed by mo the same as a new car is guaranteed : 1 7-passenger touring car. 1 5 -passenger touring car. 1 runabout. FRANK C. RIGGS. Cornell road, 2;td and Washington Sta. Main 4542. PIERCE ARROW 43 HORSEPOWER. "Picrco Arrow 48 H. P. 7-passenger 1010. has been run about SOOO miles, just re ceived complete mechanical overhauling, la now being repainted. Has a complete equipment of highest grade. Including several extra casings. etc. Apply 506 Wells Fargo building. Telephones: Pacific, Private Exchange 1, House 45; Home, A 6121. House 45. 19 10 SIX-C YLJNDFK 7-PASSENGER WINTON. This car Is fully equipped In every do tall; has been run but very llttlo; cost as it stands $oD00. Owner will sell for 92200. cash. DAVID LEWIS, Room 3 Lumbermens bid:?. FOR SALE Dandy 5-passenger Cadillac automobile, in nne condition; new trout tires, top and wind shield, just been thor oughly overhauled, engine In flr.e shap; here is a snap for $300 cash. M. Maiden, 6i3 Swetland bid-. BAKER ELECTRIC. Latngt model, shaft drive, nearly new; offered at bargain by lady leaving the city. PACKARD GARAGE. G." N. 2:;rd st. M a In 4542. $4.".0 BUYS A 4-CYLINDER FORD. In fino condition: owner left It with me to sell ; top and glass front. DAVID LEWIS, Room 2 Lumbermens bldg. ONE acre fine soil, close in. West Side, value S-HH); will trauo ror smuu runtinout or 4-passen-er "car; will give or tako dif ference to suit you. E 85. Oregonian. 1910 METZ runabout: fine condition; opera tion costs 2oe day; just the thijiir for ualesman, contractor or collector; cheap for cash. AO 86. Oregor.laii. ' NO reasonable oner refused for lope-Hart ford electric auto without batteries; cost $ 1 800. Inq ulre 223 01 li st. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or wrlto for bargain list. Custom-House Auto Co., 331 Everett St. Main 164. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Studebaker- Garford. 40-H. P.; practically now and fully equip ped; bargain. H 62. Oregonian. CORNER. 100x100, East 16th and Leland, value $1000; to trade for 5-passenger car. J 02, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cadillac "30" touring car. 254 4th st. A 1510. Main S564. TWIN cylinder Indian motorcycle. Call at 6!4H Love joy st. or phone Main 7085. STEARNS 5-passenger toy tonneau. for sala C II clip Ujf unuoi. ou a. HAVE A fino line of new and used cars from $200 up. See Vance, 212 Front st. R EO runa bout, carry 4 passengers. Phone East 858. REO runabout. 9175. Cottcl Drug Co. Birds. In nml Pet Stock. THOROUGH BRED White Leghorn hens and roosters: also 1, 4 and lo-woek-old chicks. White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Bocks. Eggs for setting, 9L Call 310 East 50th st. CHOICE fancy-bred Llewellyn Bettor pups. 1153 Everard st.: "W-W" car to 41st and Everard, t wo blocks west ; cheap. Ad dress C. Frey. polico station. KE gTsTE 1 1 ED F r e nch bull bitch, ft years old, cheap; mo tji e r ofwlnncrs. C 1715. Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddfx Monarch." Ladd lx K ennels. Estacada, Or. Miscellaneous. FOR SAX 5 Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubulap boll-rs. complete with inclosed type feed water heater, Sx3H Smith valve feed pump. Dodge injectors. safety valves, crown valves, 6-inch header and all angisi valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with safety water columns, in good con dition. Also one 12-H. P. vertical submerged bead tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and .fittings. Including Buffalo In jector; aunost new; only used a short time. For further particulars inquire at room 201 Oregonian b'dg. - LUMBER. Thousands of feet of second-hand lum berf. has been used once for cribbing; for sale nt lowest prices. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. &. WRECKING COMPANY, 307-311 Four'h St. Marshall l3L MEN'S SPRING SUITS. I meet and beat strongest competition In the city of Portland on men's suits. 918 to 920 suits for $12.75; 22.5o to $2-,r suit. $14.75; 927.50 to $30 suits. $18.70. My 930 a month rent aud system of buying do-s It. Jiinnie Dunn, room Iil5. Oregonian bldg. CHEAP 1 No. 0 Sturdevant blower; 1 20- - h. p. I- u frhnnk?-Morse g so lino engine; II h. p. foo fTbPoline engine: 1 l.U-h. p. W .::-r gfi'oijne ciu-'p.p; 1 llarcus "horse-I'l-.r.:,1 storks: 1 Silver's hub boxinc nirt (h,::c. A''It-- Peters Machine Works, E :. Wash. MIL" i KU-T ivr,nl-c3t-i:in- mill carries a fine line of pure whin wool batting for r.imforters and mattrsse?: old vool com forters and mattresses scoured i.nd ra carded. Mllwauklo Cartiing Mill. Milwau kle. Or. A BARGAIN. Launch with top uii, iL'-horsopower en gines. 26 feet lotiir; price S450. Enqulra at boat house, northwest corner iladisuu bridge. MEN'S TROUSERS. Men. buy your pants of me and save money; $4 to $4.50 punts for 93.50: $3 to $3.50 pants for $2.50. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, Oregonian bldg. BAFES New and 2d-hand; low prlcea; easy 1 erms; sales openea. rep aire a and p aimed. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO., 85 5rh st. Main 6309. a 41 i AND 7-ROOM houses for sale, for re moval. Northwest part of city. Bargains. AD 72. Ort gonia n s. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases. counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 22 Grand ave. S. FO R SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st. Phones A 2H03, Main 2363. - HOUSE painting, papering and tlnTlng, $2.50 per room up. Y 64. Oreonian. REMINGTON So. 7 typewriter for sale cheap, 'or renL 209 Alisky bldg. SAFES. 1 large, 1 . medium, at AP 73. Oregonian, A fcAfgalo. i