13 THE MOItXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAT 9, 1911. PORTLAND HOTEL The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, TCith Private Baths. kew riBrpaoor build iko Moderate Rates. FtH Uetschan & Sons, Props. s - J T-ar rSUTED IEPT, ISO. rRIVATE f !S?l.l3ffil, mams .A. 3 1 - - - - - I I I ll HOTEL LENOX T, D. aad V. R. JORCE.TSE5, CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. rte fell Water. Lasr Oletaire rkeae a tvery Hewas. RATES SLOOand Up fwaxgggBSXBgli i i sssaeja. I r -r 3ts--S--'-.. S j s cry c B is if 3 Lar.est Sam. I. F.ri Hotel Donnelly TACOMA. WASH. Most Central! Located Hotel ia th. City Rocsntly Modarniaexl RATES 75c TO $3.03 Eoropcaa Plan I"aroI-d Convict Rr-irrrtrd. OREOO.V CITT. Or. SUy . (Spe cial Bert Oummlnics has been tr rested her. and Is belns; 4ield to await th. arrival of an officer from Jackon County. H. Is charred with harlnc stolen Z shirts. Cummins was arrested some weeks aro upon complaint of Con s'able A. L. Irwin of Ashland and after his return tn Southern Orecon was sentenced to Are months in the county lull. H. was paroled but broke the parole, according to Information re relred her. yesterday br Chief of Po. lie. Shaw from SherlS W. A Jones, of Jackson County. DAILY METFOIUHXKilCAL KEPORT. roRTUNP. May S. Maxtmirm t"T) rat-ire. (4 degree, minimum. 44 degree Ruer rel?nc. A M.. feet: chance In laet r houra. t 1 foot rte. Total rainfall. 4 P. X. to 4 P. M.. 14 Inch: total rainfall sine MpttmVr l. JM. J.M7 Inches: nor rnaL 40.ll inches: deficiency. 11! inches. Tnral eunshtna, Z hours 5 minutes; poa s ble. 14 hours - minute. Barometer tr daeed to sea !! at I P. J.J Inchas. THE WEATHER. 5 Ll Wind i tl TT c - o a w; a 2 . 7? 5 J ; a " a : : ? ." : : Stats of Waataaa, STATIONS. r.ji- -.ton. ... .... alrarr hli-axa. ...... I-nee. I Moines.... I'uiurn. ....... .arelia ....... e!Tefon. .... feiena. JkckeoTi;:. .. Kansas nty. ... Varsnneid Montreal , w Orleans. .. Tork ."cth Hat orr ri Yakima-, J'tioenlT. ...... ocatilo Portland poeaburr- . . . Sacramento. ... rt. Louis. ...... t-t. Paul Mlt Lake 4- ut Francisco. Mkiroa. ...... Fpoksne. Ttcomt T-etooeft Island. Walla Wal:a. .. lit M i: w Cleae s: .ih io sw 'cloudy 4 .e.i, t ,vv Pt cloudy 7 ., .ve ii iouiiy ... . w.e-ii r. i iou'ir ...I ? .e tIW ,1-t cloudy ...I 74 4.WO' IHW l-l-ar ..j ;:4.i: vwViou.iy 4. Ill 4 StV lK..n 4.St S SE Vieae ti.M:s C'eaP 4e 4.4H, 4 .-FT It'loudy 7 4.40 4 SW riear o .! 4 SW Iflear 7o .44 l E Ifloudy 6 S. l l? W IRala 44 4 . ;! 1 SW 'irar ? -' 4 vv'l-t .Ijody .: s s.ve.t; w 'I'loriiiy. I H . t W 'Italri .1 ira.s is stv i-iou.ly J t- ".) 4 N W i lear it: o.oo i: n Var 7 .4 4 N CVar 71 4.44'14 '-lolldy 14 .4 IS VT Oar 44 4.44I 4 V Cloudy 40 T. 14 S Cloudy 4 4. j;i 4 w -ioudy .1 .:: ll s Rain .1 m e. 14. 4 E cloudy T. Trace. FORECASTS. Portland and viclnltv Fair, preceded by saowers: warmer: westerly winds. Oregon Fair, preceued br showers north west portion: warmer: wevte-lv winds. Washington Chowers. followed by fair; wa-mer; eeterly winds. fdaiio anowere, followed by fair; warmer toorth and eoutbwevt pTt Ion a WEATHER, COXDITtOXa. Ths North Padio low nrassur. baa moved The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European n $1.50 per day and upward. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED TUNE, 1908 A hotel in the very heart of Portland's cosiness activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, fl.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. SwetUcd. SecreUry and Manager. . 5 -! . i mi ri Tat III I I I I rE3M F a . Cl i cEa 3 a a e aM i u u i Jl J THE CORNELIUS Ths House of Welcome, corner Park and Aider: European plan. Dew. modern ad strictly up to date: fine sample rooms: rata tl per day and up; rooms with bath. IJ per day up: all outald rooms: our omnibus meets all trains. O. W. CORNELIUS, H. S. rLETCHER, ! Proprietor. Minaret; HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth SLnd"Wa-shIngrton Kew IJeteL Elcsaatly Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATXI rOK J a: UMAX IT. NT. Eaiosxaa Ilaa. Bna stoeta All Tisl M. K. TOLET. PKOriUarTOH. BATHS. The Bowers Hotel Elarvata. Jf ear Waaalaartea Srrevt. Cafe in tie City Smke Unsorpassd M Hmbi S1.04 Per Day M Rooaaa IIM Pee Day ' T3 with Bath S3.aa Per Day Kaaasa far C.ssaserctal TraTclera. R. C BOWERS, Pres. aad Mir. sjrrlr Maaaser .f k. Part I and Hal el. i 'Bus rsnMIe to Wromlns snd a new high-pres sure area has marie Ha appearance on tn north California coaet. Liurlng tha lat :4 hours gocwl rains bir fallen in axtrema Northera California. Western Oregon. Waeh- Instoa and Northern Idaho. Tha teas opera' V.ast lure has fallen decidedly In Oregon. ern Washington and Idaho and risen along the eastern elope or the KorRT Mountain. The conditions are favorable for clearln weather In this district Tuesdav. It i; be warmer during the afternoon and tn tha early morning froet will form In Southern and F.astern Oregon. Eastern Washington aad Idaho. tDWlKO A. BEAU. District Foracmatar. Comriasses. fleM-c-lassea. barometers, hydrometers, mlrrosconas. scientific tnnirilDL Woodard. Clark. A Co- una APKRXTTTrTX At Washington. D. C. April Jtt. Annie Abernethv. wife of Frlgadler i general Henry C. Hodges, I. 8. Army. retired, and only daughter or irovemor (Teorge and Mrs. Abernethv. Interment tn tha Arlington National Cemetery. May i BREED At family reetdencs. in?- East Kevententa North. May a. Jsmes Punnr- ton praed. beloved hueoand of Olive and father of Edward. Cbarlea and LiOjral Breed. Funeral aouc. later. CAMPPETJ May T. at 1 o'clock p. M.. Howard Campbell, at SuS Oalana ave.. Pasadena, cai. : remains wiu be brought to Portland for Interment. Announce ment of funeral later. rOERAX NOTICES. PENXOTER la this city. May T. at her late residence. S East 44th st- North, Aletta Teepl Pennoyer. aged tl years a months and 17 dajra The funeral serv ices will be held at Flnley's parlors at 14 A. M. tomorrow (Wednesday . May 10. Friends Invited. Interment in. Fir Cem etery. M MJ.ER In this cltv. Mar S. Peter Miller, aged 06 years. Father of Mrs. Christina (reen and Heuea Miller. Krfends and acqualntancea are respectfully Invited to attend tha funeral services st Dunning- A McF.ntees cnepel. Wednesday. May IO. at S P. M. Interment Klvsrvlew Ceme tery. COT. PEN" Ths funeral services of Vra. L4 sle R. Golden will be held today (Tues day!. May . at t P. M.. at Hsmatock funeral parlors. 1(T E. 11th st. Inter ment Rivervlew Cemetery. Friends In vited. KEFFE Vsy . Joseph Keefs. aged 71 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral todav at Dunning A McEntee's chapel at :45 A. M.. tbencs to Cathedral at 8 A. M. intarmsnt ML caivary Ceme tery. CAPEN. ELLERT Funeral sei . es will be held at tha home of Mrs. A. W. Ross st Willamette. Or.. Tuesday. May 9. at A. M. and at Flnley's cnspeL Portland. Or., at a P. M. Friends Invited. ASHTOX In this city. May 7. at the fam ily residence. 441 Cmstilla ave.. Mary K. Aihton. aged 14 years 1 month snd ? 7 daa The funeral services wlU be held at the above residence at 14 A. M. Wed nesday. May 14. Friends Invited. Inter ment Rivervlew Cemetery. SCHMF.ER The funeral services of Pauline I. Schmeer will be held at Flnley's par lors at 1 P. M. today (Tuesday). May t. Friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cem etery. Albany aad Pendleton capers please copy. . AMCSEMEXTg. HEILIQ THEA1ER LAST TIME TONIGHT Marie A ice Perrin ILLUSTRATED TALK OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. Prlrn $t.jn. fl.OO, 75c. OOc. 33c 23c SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY fJf7ff Jf THEATER X lllLilVJ nh aad Taylor Phono Main 1: A 1122. OLGA NETHERS Next Thursday-Saturday Nights. Special Plica Matlnea Saturday. Double BUI. Mtr Beatrice" "The Enigma" Friday Night, May II. "Krdemptloo of Evelyn Yaudrmy" Evenings: Lower Floor. 12.00 $1.50. Balroay. first a row. St. 50: next rows. Sl.vO; following ran, 73c; Uat S rows. o0c Entire Gallery. &Oe. Saturday Matinee Lower Floor, $t.V XI. OO. Balcony. II.OO. 73c, 5c Gallery. so. xac. SEATS SELLING Sherman, Clay & Co. Russian Symphony Orchestra ARMORY Modest Altschnler, Conductor. THURSDAY,. MAT 11 Afternoon. 3:15; Evening. 8:15 Prices: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Direction Ix)is Steers-Wynn Coraan. Mala 9 and A SMO. "- m-m M. a. t. Hnker, Mgr. TONTOHT AIX WEEK. MATINEES WEDN'EtDAT SATCRDAT. Seventh Week of the Great Trl-Stsr Season. Flnrenre Thenrflor. Thorlow ROBERTS ROEERTS BERGEN IV SM.ON. Kr.plnss. ;.V. 1V Tic. SI. Mats.. 2Sc. ROe. MATX S, A 1SIO T DAT 15-25 50 NIGHTS 15-25-50-75c MAY IiAm Hart's -The I .It tie Mmr.eer": The IIts Armanis, Tha Three Kiibee. Hal Ford, F.le. Ward and Herehel llenijler. Roblnsoa Newbold and Mari. crtbUin, LeKor A Paul. Caeq nailed VsotWTllte. A THIS WKEK S MnelnU T.nnds S. r.ttrope e lateet and areate.t mimical trrni; Mack and Benton. Bloeaom Kohinnon, 'Kill. Marhce- Mill to.. I.ulsl rKl Tronpe, Meld and ttloaa. Billy Link. Pantaces trcrneetra. fantaaeecone. popular onces. Matlnea daily. 3:30, v. GRAND Week of May 8 8 Vassar Girls 8 Harry lXlsir. Violet Mac.Mlllaa. knaa A Alvln. tight Qoeenly Mald eae In . Merry Mussrml nemhle. Jsmes R. McCaan Ce.. Joe Kenton's . Awak ening Athletes. tiRANDASCOl-E. Matlnea every day, 3:Su any seat. 11c. Evening perforrosnces st 7.30 snd u; bslcony. 15c: lower floor. 25c: box sests. GOc BUNGALOW THEATER Mmln 117 aad A 4St. Lvric Muslravi Com4y t'ompmny Summer -n. with ttaos two funny comedlAns. Went Vrk, with laal FTWrher, Prima Donna, and th lamoaft Lrrle Cborun. aiir minted. prsntlnr that cramlntr travesty, Welner A hchattzl. la HJ HfcVILLnE. M-Udc rry dny. two avenlna; prfarnianrs. 7 :4-i and :!. umt old prices. and 4c BASEBALL RECREATIOW PARK. Cor. Vsi(ki Twealy-f ourlll St a. VANCOUVER PORTLAND Mar 9, 10, II. 12, 13, 14. Games Besrla Weekdays at 3 tOO p. M. ssisari Zulu p. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 1! Free to Bleachers Wednesday. IT'NKRAL NOTICES. FISHER In this city. May 7. at the resi dence, 16&t Oregon street. Lulu I Fisher. iM 60 year. 2 months 13 Rays: beloved wife of Captain James N. Fisher. Friends Inviten to attend runeral services, which will be held at Holmaa'a enapel. Third and ftalmoa streets, at 2 P. M. today I Tuesday). May 9. Interment In River vlew cemetery. OMFARA At residences 429 Urates street. Janaes T.. agea 1 year, belovea eon nf lr. and lira. John 8. tVHeara. Funeral day. May it. st S:4. A. M. . thence to tie. Mary's Church, where services will he held at 8 A. M. Friends Invited. Inter ment Sat. Calvary vmetery. Dl'OAN The funeral of th. late Albert J. Dugen will tsks plsra at Hemstock un dertaking parlors, bast 13th snd Uma tilla, eeilwood, at 10 o'clock today (Tuns- oay. auspices oi ttoai Arcanum. TONftBTH I W H.A L CO.. MAIUII'AU hum;.. IAM.-tl. DflOS. Mala ft 11: A 1102. r una ins A JsrF.ntee, Funeral Dlrvetara. fth and line. I'bone Mala 4SO. Lady aa- aJetaak oi vwy vore.es. .llV AKJI HOLMAN O.. Funeral lllrwt- ssw, txa m sc. uay aseistaat. rpaa. M. aei. J. P. FINIJEY A POM. Sd aad M Lady attendant- I'hoae Main S. A 15. KAsT MUI Funeral IMrertore. so. s F. t. IMwaing. lae. K- 6$. B tAta. 7.F.I I.FR-H1 Kr. ni 94 Hllllam are. Kaat IOAS.-4; ivaa. i-aa v attendant. I.KK4 II. Vodertaker, rer. Fast Alder aod Finn, ejtst 7SL. a ixss. uuy assistant. afJESTTNO XOTICK& A. AND A, ft. RITE Meat Ins; tonight social only. By order YEN. MASTER. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4. A. F. AND A. W Special com munication tbls (Tuesday! even ing. T:SO. E. Sth and Burnslde. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Urdar W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. PORTLAND LODGE. Ntt BS. A. F. AND A- M. Special communi cation this (Tueedayl evening. 7:3o o'clock. Work In E. A. degree. Visitors welcome By order W. M. C M. dTEADMAN. 6oc. CORINTH1AN CHAPTER. NO. E4. O. E. S. Mssontc Temple. stated communication tbls (Tues day) svenlng. Degrees. Order W. U. BOKKELLA. HOLT. Sec. F.LLISON SNCATHPMENT. NO. 1. L O. O. F. Regular meeting this tTueeday) even ing at i o'clock. Fatrlarchal drgree. Visitors always wslooma. K. 06VOL17. Scribe. V THEATER AHTAGES it CLASSIFIED AD. RATES O-nUx or Bund-. Paw Lin. On time 12 8am at! two nnftecutlT tlnm. ....... .SZ hane md three cuurutlve timea SUM bnie ail x or tcveo cwnaecaiive tim. .rt aEnlllaacea nuBt accotupuoy oui-of-towa ardt-ra. Mx word co ant aa ana Una on cah ad vertUraienint and Do ad counted lor lea to an two Unca. Hbrn an advertisement la not run eonaeoo Uto tltnea the one-li rue rate applies. On ciiwrce of book advertisements the eltarite will be based on me actual n amber et linos apariiiK in the paper. res;uruesa af tiie noiuier of words In ea.'n line. in i ew Today ail advertisementa asra cbaJ-ffjcd by ncaitre only, la Unas to toe Incn. Ihe above rates apply to advertlsemeata onuex ew Today and all other rlassil.ca tion excepting- the foUowlns: altuailuns Wanted, Male. (Situation Wanted. 1 rinale. tor Kent. Kooms. Private Families. Kooma and lioard, private Families. House keeping- Kooma, Private r ami ilea. Ibe rate on the above classification Is 1 cents a Una each Insertion. tor the accommodation af patrons, Tha Orettonlan will accept . ciaasiifled advertise ments OTer the telephone, provldionr the ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the pbone, bat bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted ever the phone, depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertlsemeata. (Situation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for ana insert loa only will be accepted for "Houses for Kent, Furniture for bale," "Business Opportuni ties, "Koomlnc-bottscs" and "Wanted to Kent. AUCTION SALE TODAY At Baker's auction house. 3 52 Park St. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker as Crowell. auctioneers. AUCTION" TODAV. Bsrsers suction house, ITS E. 3(orrl- son. 10 A. M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITY HALL Mala SOS. A ISM. HCMAXK OFFICER. Serareant Crate, Residence 24 E. 24th. N. East 477s. H. A. Dasumlr. Kes. t3t Wasco St. U . u. bies, Res. T2 E. 16th. East 17SJ. Horse Ambulance. A S101: Pr. Ex. 4. Klihla. Sundays and Holidays, A S10C: Pr. EE 4: Trunk T. NEW TODAY. North Coast Heights Vancouver, Wash. This beautiful addition to the City of Vancouver, vv avilngrtnn. situated on the highest jrround within the city lim its, overlooking; a Dart of Portland, the v. uiuiiiDita nirr aury mi buiiio uis tnnre, and the surrounding; country, with four perpetually snow-covered mountain peaks in view: crround level and verv accessible: streetcar line to the addition. The addition contains 379 lots with streets and alleys: plat has been approved and filed: will furnish abstract of title with every lot; lots adjoining; are selling; for tr.00 and $60 eacn. trice iiuo.uno; ,20,000 cash, bal ance on easy terms. EDSON M. ROWLEY. Sole A sent. 80S W'asbloKton St Vancouver, Wash. AN EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT BETTER INVESTIGATE! 2 ACRES, INCLUDING FOR STREETS, WITHIN THE 334 MILE CIRCLE, NEAR MOUNT TABOR Already Platted Into Lots, 50x100. Streets are graded : a permanent -Bull Run water main (14-inch) laid nearby, now under pressure: building restriction ?1;j00 throughout entire ad dition, containing over 100 lots. Will sell below market at acreage price, for half or nearly all cash. Write or call on owner, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, 702 Yeon Building. Portland, Or. Irvington On E. 20th. N.. In the district thslt Is particularly desirable on account of Its attractive homes: 9 rooms. 4 bedrooms sleepinir-porch, shower baths, hard wood floors: artistically arranged and decorated throughout; $S500, half cash. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY AnExchange I have a piere of business property beAnnrj better than 10 per cent, to ex change for eight or ten-room house. value not to be over $10,000, with no incumbrance and close in. See Mr. Vochon. r. J. ROSENBERG & CO., 618 Lumbennens. . Marshall 556, A 4227. Bungalow EAST MAIN ST. $3700 New. modern, 8-room buniralow. 982 E. Main St.. west of 33d street: beam rellins;. Dutch kitchen, full basement, fiirns-'e. Owner leaving city. Must sell quick. Terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 ftecoad St.. Lumber Exch. Bids. 1500 Acres S25 an Acre All platted, best of or chard land, close to Port land. A bargain. ' Investigate. V 62, Ore- I buy old accounts, notes and judg ments. N 65, 0REG0NIAN. NEW TODAY. Do You Want a 10-Acre Orchard and Chicken Ranch Just 7 miles from the Morrison Street bridge, on the West Sidef 7 acres in bearing fruit trees of the very best commercial virn ties, such as Spitzenbens, Yel low Newtown and Baldwins. There is no house on tbis place, but a fine well of water and good barn. This place is just $500 be low the market price, and we have an option for just one week, and if some one does not buy at this price we are going; to take it ourselves, and then the price will be raised to just what it should be $1000 per acre. For this week only the price is $475 per acre, and $1800 cash will handle it, with easy terms on bal ance. The Gowan-More Co. 315 Chamber of Commerce. Phone, Main 184, A 4298. A Clear Profit of We have for quick sale a third in terest in a sure-selling Orchard Subdivision Fifty-three miles from Portland and adjoining the .Churchill-Mathews prop erties. Tract of 470 acres, surveyed into small tracts; blue prints now ready and in hands of selling agents. - Other two-thirds interests held by two prominent business men of the city. Invest $S000 and make a profit ot i' per cent. Give us an opportunity to convince you. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 404-5 Lewis Building. $3000 Sacrifice on 10-room house on Kll- Ungsworth ave. The house Is well built and modern throughout; six bed rooms and sleeping-porch. Owner val ues lot at S-iOOO and claims house cost $6000. and has authorized us to sell for $7250; $-1000 rash, balance 5 per cent II taken at once. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY HCT 8 j Vwyil 1 1 "ivq i ijli k. mTirirnry vji You can never know the true condition of the title to your property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It All. 20MX0 PAID-CP capital behind every abatraet we prepare. Members Orecoa AiaoclaHon of Title Men. $7000 Thl rrlce Includes a fine lot on S. W. corner of K. 13th and E. Pine St.. with two houses bringing- In fair rental. Only two blocks from Washing-ton Hlgrh and Hawthorne Grammar School. A very desirable site for an apartment house and well within walking distance of the business district. Can secure the full quarter block If wanted. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second. 802 E. Bnrnalde. Irvington Home Brand new and strictly modern S- room house, 4 oedroms and sleeDlnc- porch. den, furnace, fireplace, panel dining-room, beam celling; and all other latest Improvements. $1000 below value. Price. JOVBO $ir00 cash, and monthly payments if desired. GP-l'SSI ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bid, 4th and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS ' -Ty. keady.00' A J O 926 Cham, of Co'm, J jO MORTGAGE LOAN0 EDWARD E. GOl'DEY, Lewis BdIIuIbi'-;. LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT TRUST CO, Board of Trade Building;. MORTGAGE LOANS rlpL JOHN E. CRQNAN, 70 jO 002 Spalding; Bide. O PUBLIC LAND8 1(1 OPENING. m IfAsI YOU ARE ENTITLED TO FILE ON F- liJlV I60ACRES0F IRRIGATED LAND. A.JI MAKE APPLICATION NOW Jjjl YVnNOKSOrirRRIGATlONCa fffjl YAJOv sV EXCHANGE SUM. A&ff NEW TODAY. The Real Thing 24 Per Cent Net on cash investment of $25,000. Xet income pays out full valuation of $50,000 in eight, years. This property is one of the best ;o cated apartment-houses in the Xob Hill district. Will increase in valua tion, and the figures prove it a payiEg investment. Investigate at once. F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 404-405 Lewis Bids. An Exceptional j Investment 19 Net 100135-ft. corner, suitable for bus iness property. Present improvements four-flat apartment and three five room cottages. Street improvements all in and paid. S3250 CASH will handle, balance five years at 6 ! per cent. A property that will aiaks a big increase in valuation in the ncit , five years. See P. E. TAYLOR & CO., 404-405 Lewis Bldg. Home in Irvington District TWENTY-NINTH AND WEIDLER STREETS. Thoroughly modern, six rooms and sleeping-porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases, furnace, gas and electricity; fflne plumbine: hisrh. sightly lot. One block from new Broadway canine. Deferred payments If desired. OWNER, 901 BOARD OP TRADE. Marshall 17S7. 960 Acres CANADA LAND $6.50 per Acre IN GOOD FARMING DISTRICT South half section 25. and all section 35. township 20. range 27 W. 2, about seven miles from thrifty new town, on C. P. R. Open prairie land, pood soil. Obl'gred to sell quick, which is reason for extremelv low price. Must have 13000 cash, will eive deed and take mortgage for balance In three equal an nual payments, tvc. vv ire or write. JAMES WHITE, Sntherlln, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to nlt: soecinl rates und favorable trmi on targe loans on business properties. Funds loaned for Private Investors. . A. H. BIRRELL CO. $02 McKay Bldg.. Sd and Stark. $4250 WEST SIDE ,30x100, near 14th and Harrison. Karnopp & Kopf, 325 J?y. Exch. Bldg. REAL ESTATE T1 FACERS. Beck. William G.. 312 Failing bldg. Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay bldr MS. Che.pui A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. 8. A Co.. 508 Corbett bldr. Jennings A Co., Main 188. 204 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONE3 CO. H. P. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Ilultnomah st. (Holladay Addition!. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Lots. LOOlt INTO THIS. 100x100. West Side, close In, can bo bought cneap. Bee c. E. Haas, with J. .ri. Tipton Co., nus spalding bldg. LARGE ot near Rose City park, cement walks, graded streets. Bull Run water. $.,5U; no agents; no commissions. Owner, 201-203 Board of Trade. LOT 75x100 on 21st, near Brazee, facing fast: improvements in ana paid lor. Sasw. $looo cash will handle. Woodlawn GRAND-AVE. CORNER. North of Holladay. fine apartment site. Only $7500. Vanduyn and Walton. 615 Chamber or commerce. FOR SALE. Beautiful lot in Laurelhurst. IBOt.'W). $i:"xj. Easy terms. c 2700, Woodlawn THK one bargain In Rose City Park. A fine lot for $150 less than the cheapest lot anywnere near it. wntet me. o 11 Oregonlan 2 LOTS. UNIVERSITY PARK. $700 Lots 39x41). block 123, University Park. 2 blocks to car; easy terms. Fred W. German. 3-D Humsioe. Main Z7T6. FRUIT TREES. Lot five minutes from car. 10 mature full bearing apple trees, Spltzen bergs, easy terms, p oo. oigwnnm. . Fl r.ast sine apartment sue. 0UX1O0. on E. eth N. ; price i.uw. terma McAllister A Lueddemann, im Electric bldg. HAWTHORNE CARHNE. A slgntly block, overlooking ths city: price eiw. oy owner, xabor 1560. LOTS, homes and acreage In Rlverdale. Thomas viggers. rt. jr. jj. r-o. i, Oswego, Oregon. EQUITY In Portland lot to exchange for anytning oi vaiuw. n. . wood. W7 Couch sc. BY owner, lot 50x100. E. 8th snd Mason; enst iront, i. minutes rrorn center city; S.IUV CHBU. -J . -.1. l-'il v IB. .!. HEAKT or irvingion; terms: td-xldn. east front; $2000. pnoi.e Marshall 712 for this snap. FOR SALE Rose City Park lots at a dis count tor a lew aays. jnquire room 4aa Chamoer t-ommerce. 60x100 lot close to car: cement walk in and paid for. price .ju; win make easy terms, jr t)4. uregonian. $3300 LOT. 45x100. Close In. good proposition for flats. Phone East 1855. FOR SALE by owner, full lot 3 blocks east of Lsdd's Addition; sijou. terms. AO w. uregonian. CORNER SNAP. $750 42d and Broadway. 1 block to Rose City Park car; terms, pnone Tabor 2607. WILL sell equity in two lots. 60x100. 3c car fare, cheap If taken at once. A 1284 after & P. M. LAURELHL'RST equity in 4 lots. Cheapest OI tne Plgn-lifnuq uura. D X u ll. KILLINGSWORTH ave. corner, 100x100. near Delaware ave. j-none owner, juast 6 LOTS, near Mt. Tabor, cultivated. Phone owner. East 3860. ROSSMERE $723 cash takes mv lot today. This Is a bargain. Main 4126. $75 DOWN. $10 month. 50x100 lot. $475. near Alameda Park. 42Q tjwetland bldg. WAVERLEIGH HTS. lot, 32d and Kelly stT, bargain. Owner. AE 90, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM house and lot: must sell Immediate ly, moos owner, feast r-z&. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. 100x100 corner, near school. $3000. This is a wonderful bargain. Quarter blocks in vicinity are priced from 47500 to $10,000. S0xl25. extending from Spring to Kllzabeth. with modern 7-room house, .S00d: city view forever; land alone worth J10.000. 100x240, on 16th and Myrtle. Supers view, J1S.000; will divide. IOOxJOO on Terrace El. splendid neighborhood, line city view. $1750. lots. Alta Vista. S350O. V acre, facing Alta Vista, one block car, splendid fruit trees, $3500. 24 lots. Greenway, beautiful east view. $2500. WIU divide. 5500 sq. ft. on carllne. fine view, $1500. Many others. Can suit ths bomeseeker and the bargain hunter. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 883. SPLENDID home building site. 64x200 feet, fronting on two streets, within corporate limits of City of Portland; 5c car fare. Only $700; $200 rash, balance $13 per month. This is easily worth $1000. Owner non-resident. Must sell. This price and terms hold only until Wednes day. May 10. Owner, 519 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON LOTS. We offer a few extra choice lots for $1200 and $1350; beautiful corner. $1500 snd $1550; very easy terms, or discount for all cash; improvements bonded; these lots are close to Irvlcgton carllne. A. R. DIAMOND & CO.. 207 Railway Exchange Bldg.. or East 13th. and Knott sts. Phone Main 1320. East 1796. For Sale Houses. SNAP. ON EAST IRVING. NEAR 1STH ST. Beautiful 2 H -story, 7-room. strictly modern, almost new house, on full quarter Mock, beautiful lawn and all kinds of shrubbery and small fruit; price $7KX). or will sell house and oue lot for $.i000. easy terms. Lota in this location are selling for $2500. If you are in the market for a fine home and a bargain, take our ad vice and look, at this one before you buy elsewhere. C. F. PFLITGER & CO.. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. Suits 12 and 14. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED 1SS0. ROSE CITY PARK. Two brand new houses, one has hard wood floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, handsome book cases and every convenience possible; no better work or material no matter how or when built; rooms all large; price right and terms to suit. Bungalow of Ave rooms and enclosed porch, finished floors, fireplace, etc.; there can be three rooms finished in attic with little expense: price $3600; near carllne on 46th st. See these and you will ba suited. L. R. Bailey Co.. contracting arch itects, 324 Ablngton bldg. Phona Marshall 646. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, by owner, cement basement, laundry trays, wood lift, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-romo. large llv-lng-room with fireplace, reception hall: one nice bedroom downstairs, off oi which there is a toilet and bath, two large bedrooms, with den between up stairs, large closets, every room tinted, gas and electric fixtures in, shades in: lot Is 41x100. in lawn, seven bearing fruit trees, walks In, street graded and paid for. handy to two carlines, nice neigh borhood: price is $3500. Look at this place. 1076 E. Grant st-, or phone owner. Main 1677. after 7 P. M.. Tabor 165L $5500 SPECIAL BARGAIN. This is a strictly modern 6-room house with hardwood tioors downstairs, furnace, fireplace, combination fixtures, wash trays, full basement, near 2th and Clackamas. Holladay Park Addition; now complete ly furnished and will throw in furniture If taken at once; easy terms to right par ties. M'CARGAR. BATES LIVELY, 301 Yeon Bldg. BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND! To see is to believe. New 8-room house on carllne, in Rosa City Park, the beauti ful restricted residence district; full two story, full cement basement with laundry trays, large attlo aod sleeping porch; fire place, bookcase, buffet, hall seat, cloak room with mirror door; Dutch kitchen, furnace, gas and electric fixtures. Cheap at $5000. Our price $3000. Easy payments. No agents. Phone Tabor 1379. DO TOU WANT TO BUILD? I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DESIGN ING AND BUILDING UP-TO-DATB FLAT BUILDINGS. WHEN I BUILD. NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I CAN SHOW YOU A BIG INCOME ON THE INVEST MENT, AND WILL FURNISH YOU WITH PART OF THE MONEY WITH WHICH TO BUILD. Z. K. LOCKS 629 HNKf BLDO. 6-ROOM .BUNGALOW. $5500. This attractive, thoroughly modem bun galow, with hot water heat. Is located In the North Irvington district, on E. 10th St. N., near Knott St.: if you desire some thing nice la a choice neighborhood, bet ter see this. M'CARGAR, BATES & LIVELY, 301 Yeon Bldg IRVINGTON bungalow, five-room, with sleeping porch and one room finished up stairs, well arranged; large living-room and dining-room; lot. 50x1011. alone worth $1800; price $4500: terms $7.10 cash, bal ance monthly. Ca'll or phone GOWEN-IUE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor. Lumbermen's bldg. For bale by Owner BUNGALOW. KAn x -i,Kiia. $2350.00 Why pay rent. Six rooms, new, modern, tn a fast-growing district that will sure make profit to purchaser. A real bargain. Telephone Main Biiu. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Completely furnished, with up-to-date roods, gas and electric lights, gas range. stationary tubs, etc. This place is a little beauty and price j;iw on terms oi f iou cash make it an attractive buy. Fred W German, 3Jft Burnslde. Main or A 2770. A MODEST HOME. East 8th street, near Alberta street; 5- room house, lot 40x100 feet, cellar. Datn. lawn and roses, trult trees; price -ivu. easy terms. 243 Stark Street. FINE tuburban home in Oak Grove. Oregon City line: Ita acres; o-roum nuuse; pantries, batll. nrepiace. mrite veronu, barn, woodhouse and chicken corral; vege tables, fruit trees and berries, alio cnou-e shrubs and flowers. $4500. E 72. Ore gonlan. . UNION AVENUE HOUSE. Between Going and Wygant: 7 rooms. hrlck basement, bath, gas; rented at pres ent; price $41100. terms. UUUlAltU H ItLlUltft, 243 Stark Street. ARE you looking for a home on the East Side? We have some line bargains in houses In Irvington, Rose City Park. Lau relhurst and other attractive East Side districts. McAllister A Lueddemann, 722 Eloctrlc bldg. SIX room Rose City Park residence: large rooms, elegant ngncing uxture. auuwer bath, sleeping porch, furnace, full oak floors, cement basement; price 4oih; $1500 down, balance to suit. E 62, Oro gonizn. EXCELLENT buy In St. Johns homo of eight rooms, modern, on corner lot, jouxiw. Bee Mr. Vachon. F. J- KUSEril-JKti ffr- Cl-I.. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 656. A 4227. $300 CASH for a strictly modern 5-room bungalow; lirepiace, uuuni-a&es, ouuet. Dutch kitchen, bath, wash trays, large attic; balance of payment to suit; price $2500. See owner, Jas. A. Clock. 252 Al der. Phone Main 8180. OWNER wishes to sell eight-room house. good locality, every modern convenience, 1 block to two carllnes, hard-surface streets; beautiful lawn, trees and flowers. &01 East Flanders. B 1407. $5 STARTS you on a nice, lev!l lot near Mt. ecolt ic car, witn cnj water ana graaeu itreet. balance per montn. HIGLEY& JBISHOP,132IHIRpST. $5rtno New, modern six-room house; large reception nan, attic ana sleeping porch, facing one of the beautiful parks In Ladd s Addition. Phone owner. East 5104. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Must sell my beautiful home. Make me sn clfer. toing caeap. Leaving city. 523 East 2eth St. N. Phone E. 3735. MODERN 5-room bungalow on lot SOxlOC with 5 large cnerry trees tor tne low figure of $2300 on terms to suit. Western Sec Co., 414 Spalding bldg. NEW modern bungalow of 5 rooms, full basement, nne nome, only t.uou; $l;,0 sh. bal. to suit. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg. TAKE your choice of these two nice, new" modern houses, easy terms. Inquire of owner, J. E. Dugan, 820 Chamber of Cora merce. EAST 15th and Clinton 7 rooms, two-story oricg nouse. xurnace, cement Dasement, corner lot 100x100: bargain. Phone owner. Main 7004. Call 385 3d; BY OWNER Exclusive district, 7-room bungalow, strictly modern, bargain, 7 car lines. 1104 Rodney ave. Home phone, C17S. . IF YOU want a good buy in a modern six- room house in linest part of irvington. se: owner, 415 East 2"th Rt.North.. 6-ROOM modern house In desirable location. close to tar mm ciuitu, ery reasonable ll taken soon, can vix uantenbeln ave. $25 MONTHLY buys b-room bungalow, house completed today, modern and sightly. Phone Owner, East 2741. 6-ROOM plastered house. 3 blocks from car- line: terms, woodlawn 3U24.