Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 09, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Picture Framing' Fourth Off Baby Carriages and Perambulators FotirtK Off All Framed Pictures Third Off 4tH Floor
Shoe Shining Parlors in BasementRental Dept. 3d Floor Principal Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades and Hammocks
Style LecUare
This Afternoon at 3
Auditorium 4th Fir
By Linda Ross Wade, "Economy of Dress"
This discourse will teach where and when
and how to economize in selecting materials.
How to tint laces, feathers, etc. How to
clean and utilize old lace. How to remodeL
"Trouvil 1 e
ffi Star Bargain Sale
$3.25 Go-Carts $14
Bisr Str Bargain Sale for today. A good line of
fokling Go-Carts with S-inch -wheels, 3-8-inch rubber
tires, wood seat and willow back; very light weight;
good, strong steel frame, easy-runninjj; 1 QC
fld up compactly; our $3.25 value for V J
Star Bargain Sale
85c Neckwear 19c
Women's fancy Neckwear, slightly mussed from be
ing handled during last week's "Busy Times"; hun
dreds of styles in all the newest effects. You will
be surprised when you see them. Actual 1 Q.
values up to 85c, offered special at only, ea.
Collars Now
at Half Price
Star Sale of this season's best styles
in the much-wanted Trouville Collars,
slightly soiled, but our regular stock
values at 25c to $1.75 each, of- y
fered special during Star Sale at
Star Bargain Sale
Star Bargain Sale
$2.25 Hat Pins 69c
Positively for today only. Tour choice of hundreds
of the newest ideas in Hat Pin styles. Every wanted
stone effect, including coral, rhincstone, in Britannia,
rose, and irreen gold and French gray, worth f Q.
up to L2o each, offered special at only, each $
25c Dairy Lunch and riM--! Opti
Ice Cream Parlors
in the Basement
cal Department
the Main Floor
Examinations Free
$lggCroqut Set 98c
In the sporting goods department, 4th floor. A sale
of Croquet Sets with hardwood balls and mallets;
galvanized arches, very strong and well finished ; at
tractive pegs. All put up in neat box; oirQO
regular $1.50 sellers, special Star Sale price fOC
s Big "S
With. Ovir Mammotlhi 6QtJv
tar BaraimLs" -in Coiiiectioi
Mail Orders From Out-of-Town Customers Filled on These Items Providing; Letter Is Written Same Day Paper Is Received
Star Bargain Sale of
Men's $1.25 Snirts 53c
In the men's corner, fdr today, main floor, a sale of men's
Shirts of good quality madras and percale; neat patterns, all
sixes, with cuffs attached; very pleasing patterns; neat-fitting,
correctly sized. Cut full and long. Our regular
C1.00 and $1.25 values, offered special at only, each J-
& A Phenomenal Star Sale of Gloves
S2.QO Rid and Cape Gloves for Only 98c
S3.5Q Long SilK Gloves for &1.29 a Pair
A splendid assortment of women's Kid and Cape Stock
Gloves, pique and overseam 6tyles, in black andQQ
colors; also wash chamois; $1.25-$2 values, pr. OC
Kayser Embroidered Silk Gloves in the 8, 12 and 16
button lengths; guaranteed finger tips; in 1 OQ
black, white and colors; $2.50 values, pair
65c Lisle Hose 25c
Child's 2Qc Hose 122c
Women's fine imported lisle thread Stockings in solid colors
and fancy stripes and figures and embroidered insteps. OC
Our regular 50 to C5o values, special price, the pair C
Children 'a ribbed black Cotton Stockings, seam- "I O Ly
less foot, reinforced heels and toes; vals. to 20c pr. C
Very good quality Silk Lisle
Gloves, 16-button lengths;
very seasonable 50o values,
offered special 'wOQ
today 'a sale at, pair"''
Women's Lisle and Chamois
ette Gloves, all sizes, OC.
our regular 35o vals."''
Gloves Cleaned at 10c Pair.
CHILD'S 11.00 GLOVES, 25c
Broken lines in children's Kid
Gloves, sizes 5 to 8 O IT
years; 50o-$l vals.. pair
$1.75 KID GLOVES AT $1.39
Several popular makes of high
grade Kids in pique and over
seam styles; $1.75 vals., $1.39
Popular makes 2-clasp Q
Silk Gloves, 75o vaL, pr. 0C
$2.00 KID GLOVES AT $1.79
Alexandre make of Kid Gloves,
real French imported stock with
fancy stitched backs; in black,
white and colors; IJ1 '7Ck
$2.00 grades, at, pr. P
$3.50 KID GLOVES AT '$2.49
Women's 16-batton length Kid
Gloves, 3-clasp Etyles, sizes up
to 7, in all staple f0 AQ,
shades; $3.50 values P
Star Bargain Sale of
$2 Union Suits $1.29
The men's store' abounds in Anniversary Sale bargains, and
the extra Star Sales add greatly to the day's opportunities.
Lisle Union Suits, in white or ecrn, long or short sleeves, an
kle length ; good fitting garments, actually worth C? "1 OQ
$1.50 and $2.00 suit, offered special today at only P "'
15c Coat H angers 7c
$1.5 OHair Brushes 69c
Dexter folding Coat Hangers, heavily nickeled, 15o value 7$
Hair Brushes, extra large size ladies' brush, real Siberian
hog bristles; imitation ebony and ivory handles riQr
backs. Best regular $1.50 values, offered special for"''
Fairy or Ivory Soap, 5c cake, 1 dozen to a customer for 45
Tuesday's Sale Wo
men's S2.5Q Waists 98c
This sale will eclipse all others for real values extra special
for Tuesday only. Women's lingerie and tailored waists, of
sheer lawn and batiste material, trimmed with embroidery
and Valeneiennea laces, or pin tucks; long or short QQ
sleeves; button front or back; values op to $2.50, for OC
&8QO Prs. Men's Fine
$4 Oxfords for $2.69
In the shoe store, main floor, a sale of 800 pairs men's patent
and gunmetal Oxfords. All are the new popular styles for
Spring, shaped on the most comfortable and practical lasts.
They are short lines, left from our best-selling fo
Oxfords; worth np to $4.00, offered special, pair P07
WStar Sale of Boys'
$2.00 Wash Suits 98c
In the juvenile store for today, Star bargains in boys' Wash
Suits, made of good quality Hydegrade, Galatea, chambray,
duck and percale, in Buster Brown, Russian blouse or sailor
blouse styles. Colors are tan, blue and white andQO
striped. Ages 2y2 to 10 years. Regular $2.00 values OC
&$1Q Mattresses $6.95
$13.5Q Iron Beds $8.75
Bedding section, third floor, a line of Enameled Iron Beds,
2-inch continuous posts, in white, cream or blue; CJQ '7C1
4 ft. 6 in. or 3 ft. 6 in. widths; regular $13.50 vals. P J
Mattresses of cotton felt, covered with fancy art ffC Q C
ticking, with plain or roll edge; regular $10 vals. $0.0
Tuesday's Star Sale
$9HammocKs $6.95
Today, on fourth floor. Double tapestry weave Hammocks,
jaequard patterns; highly polished bar at head, lay-back pil
low, with buttons and tassels; wide extra full valance, divided
suspensions, varnished wood bar at foot; patent ff? QC
tips, adjustable hitch. A regular $9.50 seller only N
igf Girls' Pumps
$3.5Q Values for $2.85
Main floor shoe store, a sale of Big Girls' Pumps with school
heels; 2-strap styles in tan calf, gun metal and patent leather;
sizes run from 2Vi to 7, in all widths. The girls will get a heap
more pleasure out of life and enjoy a lot more 0 Ol
real comfort in these pumps. Worth $3.50, pair V"03
& Tuesday's Star Sale
Printed Flaxons at 18c
In the wash 'goods section for today we will place on sale
a lot of fancy Printed Flaxons in very neat designs; fine
sheer materials for Summer dresses, for aprons, for children 's
wear, etc. One of the prettiest fabrics on the mar- 1 Q
ket. Offered special for the Star Sale at only, yard AO
prSa!e Tri mmed Hats
$3 to $5 Values $1.00
In the basement "nnderprice store," Star Sale of 300 beauti
ful trimmed Hats; foundations of new braids, small, medium
and large shapes; black and all wanted colors; strictly tail
ored and neatly trimmed styles. Actual $3.00 to CJ 1 f(
$5.00 values, bargainized for Tuesday Star Sale P"'
& $6 Lwn Movr $5.25
Hardware store, 3d floor. Lawn Mowers, 16-inch, (jJC OC
ball-bearing, easy running, 4 blades; $6 values at POfciO
Garden Hose 50 feet of i-inch Cotton Hose, complete with
coupling and nozzle: a light weight bat long-wear- CA O C
ir.g hose. Regular $5.35 seller, offered special for J
02Oc Sauce Pans 12c
35cSweepingf Com. 28c
Sale of 3-qt Granite Iron Lipped Sauce Pans, 20c vals. 12
"No Dust" Sweeping Compound for rugs and carpeta. Q O
Cleans without raising dust; 35c value, special at only OC
Window Screens, 24x37; regular 35o value, special for 30e
Parlor Brooms, best 50c grade, offered special for only 39
Table Damask 39c
$4.25 Napkins $3.75
Good quality mer'zd Table Damask, full bleached, 58-in. 39
Richardson's fine Satin Damask, full bleached, 63 JQ,
inches wide ; - offered special for Star Tuesday, yard
Richardson s fine satin Damask Dinner Napkins,
size 24x24 inches; regular $4.25 quality, special
Star Sale oi Men's
$l.QO Snirts at 49c
Star bargains in men's Shirts today in the basement "un
derprice store." They are made of splendid quality percale,
cut full in the body, well made and correctly sized. Cuffs
attached or detached, light or dark colors. Regular Q
$1.00 values, bargainized for this sale at only, each "'
ffiStar Bargain Sale of
$4 Sweater Coats $1.98
Such weather as this a man likes to be as comfortable as pos
sible, and nothing affords more ease than a Sweater. These
are all wool, plain colors and two-color eombina- (PI QQ
tions, with or without pockets; $3.50-$4 values at PMsO
Great Anntvewary Sale of Men's Clothing
&Star Sale of Men's
S1.5Q Neckwear at 55c
Here's a Star offering of snappy styles in Neckwear that
will appeal to all particular fellows who are in the habit of
wearing swell ties. They are the wide-open-end styles; pure
silk materials. Regular values ta S1J50; offered crv r r
cial during the Star Sale at the low price of only, ea.
Star Sale of $4.95
Petticoats at $2.98
Second floor, today, women's Petticoats of fine quality lawn,
longcloth and nainsook, with deep flounce of Val. insertion
and lace, linen torchon lace and elegant embroidery; many
styled in the new "hobble" effect so essential CO QO
for the new gowns; $4.95 values, special at only s5vO
ty $3.85 Chemise $1,9-8
Women's French hand-made Chemise, neatly embroidered in
floral and conventional patterns, some plain seal- 1 QQ
loped; best $3.85 values, special during Star Sale Xi70
Corset Covers of longcloth, nainsook and crossbar dimity,
trimmed with Val. laces and insertion, etc.; $1 values, 64
Depatj Collier Declares Ho Will
Continue Probe loco Official Acta
of Chief of Police Cos.
Rectpta tending- to show that Police
Commissioner Slcfc.l had aold clears to
rom.B about town" at an advance over
th. rrutr prleea, were not laid before
til. District Attorney yesterday as had
been promised. Instead, th. putative
holder of the damaging; evldenc Is said
to have reported that it "could not be
Grsater confidence was expressed yes
terday by Deputy Collier, as to th. pro
ductiveness of Ma researches In retting
together th. evidence for th. trial of
Chief of Po'.lc Cox on charges of neg
lecting his duty. Th. prosecutor, who
. on Saturday sdmltted that a week of
questioning witnesses had not brought
forth th. material evidence which was
necessary to convince a Jury, said yes
terday that lata developments had en
eouragd him to go on with the trial. It
Is believed that he will endeavor to prov,
that certain speclflo eases where disor
derly houses were running, were re
ported directly to Chief Cox and that do
action was taken by that official.
Collier repeated yesaerday that his re
searches had uncovered no evldenc. of
(raft and that even th. Inferences to be
drawn In that relation would reflect only
upon a few Individual members of the
police force.
A warrant Is out for Msyme Wallace,
proprietor of the Windsor Hotel, who is
charged with keeping a disorderly house.
It Is said that the woman has left the
city and that she can give material evi
dence. There was a lull In th. examina
tion of wltneases yesterday, only a few
being interrogated. The May grand Jury
will meet today and after spending a
few days in disposing of ordinary crimi
nal cases, probably will hear .vldenoa
on civic conditions.
w Films at People's Theaters Are
l Attractive.
"Aids." th. famous grand opera, was
the Star Theater' feature photo-play
yesterday. Thomas A. Edison fathered
"Aids." Th. imoreealva itorr. knawn
to all lover, of grand opera. Is a faith
ful portrayal, while the acting exceeds
j anything- in this Una ever attempted.
Owing to a great public demand th.
' Panama Canal film was retained. Two
blograph comedies and the return of
Miss Helen Lowe completed an entire
ly satisfactory entertainment.
The Arcade has 3000 feet of new, flrst
run films. The "Crusade of the Temp
lars" Is th. main picturet This la a
spectacular production of unusual
merit. "Hungry Hearts" deals with
parents, who. for th. pleasure1 of so
ciety, neglect thair children, ajid Uie
"Belated Bridegroom" la a clever farce
comedy. Miss Rose Randall Murphy la
the new and brilliant soprano singer.
Th. Oh Joy offered "When the Grin
roe. Came," a picture portraying- th.
struggles of the early border settlers
to wrest the lands from th. hands of
th. Mexicans. "When the Dead Re
turn." an Interesting- and life-like tals
of Canadian log-gera, and a comedy.
"The Bunco Oam. at" are
also good.
Four plctui provided a clever show
for East Elders at the Tlvoll. The bill
contained "Th. Snare of tb. City,"
"Her Master." "Max Forced to Work"
and "Tunis." an interesting- seen, and
descriptive film.
Plana are under way for the new
structure at Park and Alder streets.
The First-avenue nickelodeon will open
Wednesday night and th. Alblna at
Kllllngsworth and AJblna avenue is
being pushed to completion for the
People's Amusement Company as rapid
ly as possible.
Newspaper Toplo at Eugene.
EUGENE, Or, May 1 (Speclal.)-At its
regular biweekly meeting Saturday th.
Fortnightly Club considered 'Th. City
Newspaper as a special question for
discussion. Mrs. W. F. Osburn read a
paper on "Th Evolution of th. News
paper," and Dr. Charles Bennett, of th.
department of psychology, of th. Uni
versity of Oregon, spoke on "The Psy
chological Effect of th. Publication of
Crlm. and Scandal." A short review
was also riven of th. address delivered
recently at th university assembly by1
Edgar B. Piper, managing editor of Th.
City's Chief Executive Says Firms
Must Catch Up Before They
Start New 'Work.
Mayor Simon brought th.
veto power into play against the ac
tion of th. City Council In passing
street Improvement ordinances with
out petitions for such work. For the
first time since he became Mayor, he
vetoed an ordinance which calls for
the paving- of a street with hard sur
face. He declared that he does not in
tend to allow the paring- companies to
secure contracts which they cannot
The Mayor reoently called In all of
th. representatives of paving com
panies and notified them that be does
not Intend to have any more work
awarded that cannot be finished with
in the paving- season, ending about No
vember 1. One of the companies which
has much work on hand is the Ore
gon Hassam Company. It is a Hassam
Job which th. Mayor's veto strikes
this time. It is on Kerby street and is
estimated to cost $18,885. In his veto,
the Mayor says:
"Th. ordlnano. under consideration
provides for the improvement of the
street above named, by, among: other
thlng-s. paving the roadway of said
street full width with Haasam. .The
City Engineer's estimate of the prob
able total cost of the improvement Is
$18,995. I find upon investigation that
the street proposed to be improved is
a narrow street, but little used and
about 2800 In length. With the ex
ception Qf about 300 feet, the street is
but 80 feet in width. I also find that
the Improvement was Initiated by res
olution. "It is a well understood fact that
the Oreg-on Hassam Paving Company,
the company that has laid all the Has
sam pavement that has heretofore
been laid In the city, has so much work
on Jiand and so many unfulfilled con
tracts that It cannot do the work pro
vided for by this ordinance If a con
tract should be awarded to it- I am
opposed to loading- up paving com
panies with contracts that cannot be
completed within a reasonable period."
ties for new industries locating here.
The club wrote to Mayor Simon, re
cently, suggesting: that it would be
well to have a new committee and the
Mayor gave It his sanction, but the
members of the Judiciary committee, to
whom it was referred by the Council,
expressed themselves as of the belief
that the street committee can handle
that work without additional trouble.
Adams" Hair Brushes.
Nau's prescription pharmacy.
Corner Sixth and Alder.
Commercial Club Asked About Ad
ditional Body Sought.
Th Judiciary committee of the City
Council yesterday Instructed Clerk
Grutze to write to the Commercial
Club and explain the duties of the
street committee, with a view to as
certaining- whether the club will still
think it advisable to add another com
mittee to the Council to take care of
street vacations and sidetrack faclU-
Finest in.thejw'orld for Men and TSung Men
Sold exclusively- Ir