TTTE MORXiyO OREGOTAX. 3TOXDAY, 3IAT 8, tDlT AIRSHIP WRECKED IN TIL FLIGHT Aviator Walsh Has Narrow Escape From Death at Twelve-Mile Park. WIND PROVES UNRELIABLE Attempt to Torn In Teeth of Breeze Renders Steering Gear Cseless nd Aeronaut Takes Chance With an Orchard. Oa thousand wildly eiclted ppl aw a Curtis aeroplane, driven by Ed ward Walsh, wobble like a wounded bird at a height of 75 feet at Twelve Mil Park Sunday afternoon and go crashing downward like a catapult Into the topmost branches of an apple tree. The alrihip waa badly wrecked, but Aviator Walsh fortunately escaped In- Jury. Tha accident occurred less than a j mile aouih of the race course, when "Walsh, on his aecond start, attempted to turn with the wind and found him self helpless la tha teeth of a treacher ous sust from the west. With steering sraar useless and with fences and for esta ahead offering no signs of relief, tha daring aviator determined to take his chances with tha around, and down he plucked Into an open spot on the summit of a small knolL YESTERDAY'S FLIGHT AND ITS FINISH. v. lurnmnsi nrrriTP VlI.i.un utrtHiD 4 TO 91 PORTLAND Champions Drop Last Game of Present Series at Home and Depart for South. 4 - ' : fc. - ' . - " . it .-..! 1 I k ' ' - ""' - j - - .... .-" I - ' rr zs i f i .-4 ' Machine Bounces Like Ball. Tha aeroplane hit the rroun all jnd rtahi. but bounced off like a rubber ball, crashing down the declivity through a picket fence at a 20-mlla rait and Into an orchard. V'alah bad the presence of mind enourh to Jerk his front lifting plane Into action Just ai the machine bit the fence, his move meat sending; the nose high Into the bouchs. whence Walsh was rescued moment later by H. Ovman. owner of tha orchard, whose home waa less than to feet from the scene of the near- fatality. "The wind was puffy and the machine refused to respond. said Walsh, after Ms Jarrlna; experience. "Tha frame work of the aeroplane was badly smashed and the wings torn to shreds, but I don't think the actual damage will exceed Ji'). Mr. Manning has asked m to make another flight to morrow and I expect to do so. either with this machine. If It can be repaired in time, or with my other. The engine Is Intact. Walsh's Drop Comes Suddenly. Nearly 100 automobiles lined tha roadway when Walsh essayed hla first trip down the speedway at 2:1S- He klmmed cloaely along tha ground for a half mile, testing his engine, and tha machine waa then brought back for the final flight through tha heavens. By J:0S. when ha waved to his helper to "Let er go," the number of autos along tha route had trebled, and breathless expectancy followed tha gradual rise Into the atmosphere. When the biplane had- reached tha torn to tha left the watching throng plainly raw that something was wrong, for Walsh headed straight on. swerving dangerously from side to side In the high wind. The drop cams suddenly a mile south of tha starting point, and Immediately there was a rush across the fields and over tha fences, the crowd evidently desiring to be "In at tha death." as Secretary Manning, of the Pacific Aviation Company, humor on sly remarked. Aviator Takes Too Many Chances. A- D. Wllloughby was on the field representing tha Commercial Club of Rose bu re-, where the Mannings have booked Walsh for May 11 and II. Of f lals of tha Portland Rose Festival were likewise on hand to get a line on the maa-blrd. If weather conditions are favorable. Walsh promises a successful flight this sfternoon at S o'clock. "Walsh shouldn't hare attempted to fly In the puffy wind." declared J. W. ''aers. a California aviator, who wit nessed the fun. "He was anxious not to disappoint the crowd and overlooked tha danger attending." ACSTR.U.IAX TOCIl IS PLAXXED Cincinnati Man May Form Alt-Star Nine for Long Trip. H. goldsmith, representing a Cincin nati sporting goods bouse, -Is in Port land, arranging for a three months' tour of Australia by a baseball team of all-stars chosen from the Coast and major leagiws. The visitor talked over tha various details of tha proposed Junket with Mlque Fisher In Seattle last week and yesterday interviewed Walter McCredle. "No contracts or agreements of any aina nave yet oeen made." said Mr. Goldsmith. "Australia is ripe for a tour of this kind the coming Winter, and I figure we can make the trip with less than $1500 expense. Mique Fisher has had two experiences with foreign tours, but I have not closed any deal with him yet" George Hlldebrand. Coast League umpire, and Cal Ewlng. of San Fran cisco, are also talking of-an Australian trip, says Mr. Goldsmith, and Hllde brand may possibly take over tue ar rangements. "Hildy" was a member of tha Reach All-Stars team which toured Japan. China and the Philip pines. "Australia Is becoming one of tha most fruitful fleMs for the sportinir goods houses." said Mr. Goldsmith. "We are shipping thousands of dollars' worth of boxinir gloves to the Antipo des every month. France Is another country that Is suddenly awakening." Goldsmith will be here until Tues day night- CHIPS HOLD LEAD Mutts Trimmed in Exciting Game 4 to 2. BO-PEEPS ANNEX CONTEST Despite Advantage Secured by In nrrectos Myer's Agregatlon Suc ceeds In Overcoming It, Win ning by ft to 4 Score. Hitting opportunely In tha third ln nlng for a total of three runs, the Champs yesterday defeated the Mutts In the third Sunday s clay In the Sun day Morning League at the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. The final score was Champa. 4; Mutts. 1. The Champs got their last run In the fourth Inning. l ne winning team was favored with much luck. In the first inning with three men on bases and none out. Dudley Clark, captain of tha "Winged M" team. hit into a double play and none scored. On the other hand, the Mutts were al so blessed with a bit of luck, gaining both their runs by errors, the first on an overthrow of first base by Catcher bammons and the second on an error by Centerflelder Krobn. followed by a hit. Game Is Interesting. It waa the best gama of the Sunday Morning League aeries, mora "pepper" being shown because of the sharp riv alry between the two clubs- Barton's Champs lead the league with three victories and nc defeats, while Fisch er's Mutts hava won only one contest and lost two. Next Sunday moral ntr the Champs and Little-Bo-Peeps and Mutts and Insurrectos meet. The play ers In yesterday's game were: Mutts. e... .Schmidt. i;'ob. i zrz-'&r .-.41 U -rrT" ; ' ' '-Til IJ--- ! -v v "w - -- t I . U r. z V ;V i . -?--T Jl7--SA DItAHl.F.D AEROPLANE DRIVE' BV AVIATOR WALSH BEI.XG RESCITRIJ KIIOM TOP OF APPLE TREE B AR TWELVE - MILE RACE COURSE, A.U PICTURES OF WALSH IN FLI GUT. VISITORS "FIND" SEATON victory twice, will pitch for Lincoln today and Howell Jones, no doubt, will do the pitching for the Portland Acad emy. Cornelias Leads League. HILLS BORO. Or, May 7. (Special.) . In the Washington County League, Cor nelius today defeated Forest Grove, 6 to 1. and HUlsboro won from Banks, 10 to 6. Cornelius leads the league with no de feats, while Forest Grove and HUlsboro are tied with a percentage of .600. Banks has lost every game. Dorlands Win From Ford. . Dorland's Music team, of Vancouver, won a pitchers' battle from the For4 Auto team Sunday at the Columbus Club Park, t to 2. Matthews and Young allowed but one hit apiece. Toung la to be given another try with Nick Wil liams' team. HEW! SERIES OPENS First Vancouver - Portland Game Here Today. PITCHER CHANGES HANDS Champ. Fammons Kins .... Twohy .. Slnnott -P .!.. .st.. Fenton Stead man stott Clark Giants Trounce Estacada. Tha colored Portland Giants returned last night from Estacada, where they trlmm,il , H hnm , i o m 1 O r ft ' m rilftn I of the Giants, was the star with four hits in four times up. Batteries: Giants Henry. Vernon and C. Edwards; Esta cada Lake and Heitsman. Campbell n M.-C:nlan Smith Krohn Young if .cf. .rf. Dranxa Schmidt . Tobias Champa Alutta 02 SCORE BT INNINGS. O 0 S 1 0 0 10 lirplre Jim Parser. Bo-Peeps Overcome Lead. In the second game the Llttle-Bo-Peeps won from the Insurrectos by tha score of 5 to 4. The Insurrectos got an early leadT but It waa overcome by Parke Myers' team. Myers' team Is In second place with two games won and one lost. The players were: Uttre Bo-Peers. Insurrectos. M Mvrra e Dowllne iK-uic.aa ...'. p I'.arteis Vorri lb. ... ....... .. Kropp hhtarvr 2b. Ireland lianas .. .3t prr.lura V. Myrs And'rim SIthna If Hoi Liool.v cf atetzser Dr.Nrffe it buff Umpire Bercer. Oregon City Defeats Overland. When Irvine, catcher for the Over lahd Auto team, of Portland, had his finger Injured in the second Inning of the game at Oregon City yesterday, his teammates became discouraged and Immediately proceeded to throw tha rw- m i (l r v n n ritv winnlnv ft tk 0. Parkhurst relieved Irvine behind the bat. FORMER PORTLAND DOG WINS Willamette Sensation Captures Big Honors at San Francisco. Willamette Sensation, the bull ter rier bitch recently Imported from New York by Frank E. Watklna. of port land, last week won three goM nje-.ils. a winner's ribbon and a i'ver cup at tha San Francisco Kennel Club shorn. The Portland bitch was fl-si in the limit lucres. American br1 bitchts. open bitches and winner's bitches. At the San Francisco Kennel Club exhi bitions gold medals are awarded for first prises in each class Instead of blue ribbons. Saturday night Willamette Sensation waa shown for the specials prizes, win ning the J. Maxwell Taft cup for the Camas Defeats Llnnton. CAMAS. Wash-. May 7. (Special) Camas won its seventh game by de feating; the Llnnton nine today, 4 to 0. W lnterbotham struck out 10 men. Batteries: Camas W lnterbotham and Gleason: Llnnton Thompson and Sutherland. Ontario Shuts Out Vale. ONTARIO, Or, May 7. (Special.) In the first game In the Oregon-Idaho League, played today at vale. Ontario shut out Vale to 0. Tha league Is composed of four teams, Ontario. Vale, Payette and Emmett- A schedule of games has been arranged for every Sunday until September. Wet Grounds Stop Game. SALEM. Or, May 7. (Special.) With water covering the diamond of the new league grounds here, the In itial game of the Willamette Valley League in this city between Salem and the Dllworth Derbies, of Portland waa postponed today. McMinnvllIe Loses to Pacific PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Forest Grove, Or, May'7. (Special.) Pacific Univer sity baseball team defeated McMinn vllIe here Saturday 4 to 1. Pacific Uni versity took the lead from tha first and shut out the visitors up to the ninth. Cubs Defeat Baltimores. By a score of 9 to 4 tha Portland Cubs yesterday defeated the Baltimore Lunch team. The losinsr team declares best bull terrier bitch In the show In 1 lnal lne aecl8,on "npire brought aalnlns- this etin vm. ... e .!.. about their defeat. - cruMuui defeated the Duchess of Mavfalr. animal recently brought from Eng- laaa: JJonan Grey, winner at tha Pasadena Kennel Cub show thi. Spring, and Champion Beaux Belles, tha Game May Be Played Today. After having been postponed three different times, tha annual baseball contest between TVirr 1 n H AnmAmmi Fan Francisco winner. Wlllsmetta , Lincoln High School probably will be Sensation was shown at Pan Francisco played today on Multnomah Field. Pat ty J. T. Hubbart, of SaatUa, I tersoa, who has pitched his team to Soldiers Defeat Wabash. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., May 7. (Special.) The First Infantry today defeated the Wabash Independents, of Portland. 4 to 2. The polo game, between the Portland Whites and the Vancouver Drabs, to have been played, was postponed. Junction Trims Creswcll. JUNCTION CITT. Or., May 7. (Spe cial.) Junction City defeated Creswell at Creswell today, 4 to 0. , Junction City Is still In the 1000 class. Batteries Junction City, McKelllp and Perman Cresawell, D. Rankin and Morrison. Browning, of San Francisco Coast ers, Sold to McCredie, Who De clares He Will Keep Cp the Good Work. Hooligans Get Head Start on Locals by Grabbing Two Runs In First and McCredie's Men Are Second Best Then. BT TV. J. PETTI A TV. The Vernon crowd of Hooligans, which wound up tha first home session of the Champion Beavers yesterday, treated Tommy Beaton'a hitherto mystifying shoots most unceremoniously and cap tured the final contest of the series by the score of 4 to 3. Tho home guard got off to a bad start, for two runs were collected by the Hooligans in the opening session. Carlisle and Ross slnpled successively and Patterson sacrificed, which ad vanced both runners far enough alone: to score, when Roy Brashear uncorked a single to left, making the third bingle off Seaton in that inning. Seaton has seldom allowed that many hits In a whole game, but yesterday he had "off day" and the Hooligans pasted him for 11 safeties. A single by Ross and Brashear's two ply smash registered another run for the Interlopers in the fifth, and a pass to Patterson followed by hits by SUn son and McDonell put the deciding run over in the eighth. In this inning, Peckinpaugh hooked a short fly by Burrell and made an unassisted double play which pulled Seaton out of a tight hole. Locals Score In Fourth. Portland failed to get a run across until after two men were out In the fourth inning. KrueRer doubled and took third on a passed ball. Rapps walked and Peckinpaugh singled to right, sending Krueger home. Rodgers also walked which filled the bases, but Murray failed to get the ball past Mc Donell, and the hope went glimmer ing. With one down in tha eighth, Mur ray walked and Seaton and Chad bourne filled the bases with successive hits, Murray being held at third on the latter's drive. Ryan's out at first scored Murray, but Sheehan popped a foul to Burrell. An error by McDonell put Rodgers on in the ninth, and Henderson, bat ting for Murray, drove one through Brashear for a base. A sacrifice by Barry and a long fly by Chadbourne sent Rodgers home with the third run, but Ryan flew out and tho game was over. Both Teams Leave. Both teams left last night for the South; Portland going to San Fran cisco to hook up with the Seals for the first time this season, and Vernon vis iting Sacramento for the first session with the Senators. The score of yesterday's game fol lows: Oakland ' 0 1040008 Hits 0 3 1 8 0 2 2 1 11 f SUMMARY. I Runs O'Rourke. Danzls. Mahoney, T-.a- Lonee, Maggart. Coy, Piyl. Cutshaw, Het- , linR. Stolen bases Margart. Coy. Cutshaw. ; fernoiL two runs b nits on inompsun in 2-3 lnnlnes. Hume runs Mahoney, rryl. Tw.j-baae hits Heitllng. Sacrifice hits Coy. Wares, PfyX First base on called balls Oft Thompson 4, oft Nourse 2, off Pernoll 2. Struck out By Noursa 2, by Pernoll 2. Double p'aya Heltllng to Cutshaw to Pfyl; Cutshaw unassisted. Wild pitches Nourse. Time of game 1:40. Umpire ItcGreevy. LOS AXGFXFS LOSES TWICE Powell's Home Run Wins First Game for Seals Second Easy. LOS ANGELES, May 7. By losing two straight today. Los Angeles fell another notch in the Coast League race. The score at the end of the morning game stood 5 to 4, a home run by Powell in the fifth bringing it about. In the afternoon, San Francisco bat ters found with ease the delivery of Schafer, Wheeled, and Klein, who were tried in the box in that order. The scores: MORNING GAME. BOHR FULLS BEFORE ROADSTERS McQuary Tries to Show the "Home Folks" He Is Great Pitcher, but Fails. Los Angeles A. ti. Akln.Sb.. "Rrnit rf Delms,2b. i now a. ir. 1 Dillon. lb. Grlndle.c. inorsn.p. Wheelr.p. Abbott.. San Francisco"O.A.E.. 2 10 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals. .34 0 0 9 27 12 2 0Povell.lf. 5 0 4 0 Wevr,2b. 3 llTen'tlb. 4 0 Melchr.rf. 8 0:Mad'n,cf. 3 OiVltt.Sb.. 3 1 Berry.c. 3 3 0 MelkJe.p, 1 0 4 2 2 2 2 1 13 0 0 ROADSTERS' PLAY SUPERB Casey and Stovall Pull Off. Fielding Sensations and Lameline Holds Canadian Crew Safe All Times. at Totals. .32 10 27 14 2 SCORE BT INNINOS. Los Angeles 0 2 10010004 Base hits 0 8 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 8 San Francisco 0 0 20 1 1 1 0 0 5 Bass hits 1 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 1 10 ADbott batted for Thoraen In seventh. SUMMARY. Runs Moore. Howard, Metzger, Dillon, Powsll. McArdle, Weaver. Melchoir. Hits Made off Ihorsen 9. in seven Innings. Home run PowelL Two-base hits Dillon. Ber nard, Metzger. Powell and McArdle. Sacri fice hlia Madden, Dillon, Vilt, McArdle. Weaver. Innings pitched By Thorsen 7. Bases on balls Off Thorsen 1; Melkle 1; Wheeler 1. struck out By Thorsen 6; Mel kle Double play Akin to Delmas to Dil lon. Wild pitch Thorsen. Passed ball Grlndle. Time 1:45. Umpire Finney. AFTERNOON GAME. Los Angeles Akln.3b. Moore, cf. Bern'd.rf. Delms,2b. Howd.lf. Dillon, lb. Abbot t.c Schafr.p- Wrheelr,p. Klein. p.. . Sniltb... Totals. 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 1 3 0 5 2 11 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 m i i it o San Francisco Ab.H.f 0 Powel.lf. 0 0 Wevr.2b. l,Terrt,lb. 0 Melcr.rf. 2 Mad l:Vltt,3b... 1 Berry.c. 0 Suter.p. . 81 of Varnon AD.H.FOJI.JS. Calcfs Lose to Dilworths. The Dllworth Derbies won from tha Calef Bros, on Buckman Field yesterday, C to 2. Batteries: Derbies More land and McKenale; Calef Bros. Taylor and Edwards. MontaTllla Loses to Columbus. The Columbus club defeated the Mod tavllla club yesterday morning by a score of 10 to 2. Borth struck out 11 Montavllla batsmen. Jefferson Lowers Sclo's Colors. The Jefferson ball nine won from Sclo Sunday, & to 4. Batteries: Jefferson Blrtchet and Felger; Scio Teene and Moore. Emporiums Down White Caps. Tha Portland Emporium baseball team won from the White Caps Sunday afternoon on tha JLnabel grounds 16 to 2. MbntaTilla. Cnbs Lose. The Columbia dub defeated the Monta- villa Cubs In tha other game of the double-header, 11 to 2. Wallace Sign Company Blanked. Troutdala whitewashed tha Wallace Sign Company, of Portland, yesterday at Troutdale, 6 to 0. HONORS DIVIDED AT CHEHAXJS Big Crowd Sees Contest In Washing ton State League. CHEHALIS. Wash.. May 7. (Special.) Chehalls and Centralla broke even here today in the State League. Che halls won the morning- game, 13 to 4, and tha visitors tha afternoon ame, 4 to . The afternoon crowd waa a record- breaker, about 1200 being- present. Tha throwing; of Chehalls' shortstop. Moore, waa a reature in tn mornlnir a-ame. as waa a catch by Centralla's left field er, Gleason, In tha afternoon. Summary morning came: R.H. E.l R.W. E. Chehalls ..13 S 2Centralla ...4 C 4 Batteries Chehalls, Coleman and Wilklns; Centralla,' Scott and White. Struck out Coleman 6, Scott S. Bases on balls Off Scott 7. Two-base lilt Miller. Afternoon game K.H. E.I R'h. E. Chehalls ...I f 4Pentralla ...4 6 3 Batteries Chehalls, Calahan and Wilklns: Centralla, Krause and White. Struck out Calahan , Krause 4. Bases on balls Off -Calahan 4. off Krause 3. Two-base hit Guyn. Three-base hit wetsel. Berry of Chehalls made an un assisted double to Moors. Umpire Hail. Carl' 4 Ross. If o S Bras-r.2b 3 gtins'n.rf 4 4 BurrM.8b 8 Brown.c 4 Bre k'e,p 4 Unattended by pomp or ceremony, Portland's Northwestern League season will open at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Coast League ball park, providing-, of course, the weather is favorable. There will be no band, no parade and. It is hoped, no rain. Archer or Garrett will pitch for Portland, probably Cates for the Cannucks. Rob Brown's Vancouver club, which finished second in the 1910 pennant race, will be this week's attraction with the Spokane champions opening one week from today. Nick Williams then takes his Roadsters on the circuit again for three weeks. A peculiar feature of the schedule is that Portland fans will not get a look at the Victoria club un til the first week In August, while Se attle will not show here until June 27. Pitcher Browning Acquired. The Portland Xorthwesterners have not singed the circuit during the first three weeks, but Nick is determined to land 'near the top, and as an indication of this the club today received word that Pitcher Browning, of tho San Francisco Coasters, had been sold to McCredie.) Ewing got Browning from the Texas league in lsus and he looked so good at the close of tha following season that Detroit drafted him, using him a portion of last year before returning the diminutive righthander to San Francisco. Browning had a record of 1 straight victories in 1909 and it was the Portland team, incidentally, that put the dent in his record-breaking performance. "We expect to keep on strengthening until we have a team second to none," declared Judge McCredie yesterday. The Vancouver squad, which makes its bow in Portland today, is composed of seasoned veterans, many of whom have displayed their prowess in Port land before. Lewis, an old Oakland backstop, is doing the bulk of the catching. The infield is last year's, with one exception, at third, the sale of Dick Breen necessitating the switch, lng of Bobby James, of the 1909 Spo kane club, from second to third.. Pus: Bennett, star kevitnimr nf .- Seattle Giants, has plugged up the aaD .Thom'"-,'L 5 at second. Julie Streib. the younict 2 octogenarian on tne coast, is at first 1 Heister.lf and bcharnweber Is at short. Brown's outfield Is beefy, headv. fast and good with the stick. Brlnker. Soo- pound speed marvel, a graduate from the 1910 law class of the University of Washington, leads off the battimr order nd adorns left field between tim Swain. Adams and Brashear cnmnUT. the quartet. The pitching staff has more f.mllla. faces. Erve Jensen, Ell Cates. Ed Erlckson and George Engle are all well known to Rose City fans. T-ne umpires for the series xt-iii h. Steve Kane, ex-National Leaguer, and Amos Rusie. famous pitcher of the New York Giants, who is lust breaking in. He will handle the bases. l l o S 2 0 010 2 2 8 3 10 0 2 15 0 2 0 0 6 8 13 3 Portland AD.H.raA.6. o ch'd'ae.df 4 5 0 Shee'n.3b 4 OKru'g'r.lf 4 8 1 Fe'k' 4 0Ro(!g's.2b 3 ClMurr-y.c 2 o,!eaton.p. 4 Hena n, i Barry". 0 Kuhn". 0 Totals 84 10 27 16 l 8 0 I 1 0 2 1 1 010 1 3 0 4 0 6 1 1 1 0 0 O 0 0 Totals S3 8 27 13 2 Batted for Murray in ninth. "Batted for Seaton In ninth. Ran for Henderson. SCORE BY INNINGS. Vernon 2 0 00 1 001 04 h7is 1112002 010 Portland 0 0 O 1 O 0 1 0 1 S Hits 2 0021020 1 S SUMMARY. Runs Carlisle. Ross (2), Patterson, Krue-g-er Rodgers. Murray. Struck out By Bea ton 6. by Brackenrldge 6. Bases on balls Off Seaton 3, off Brackenrldge 4 Two-base hit Kruerter. Three-base hit Ross. Double plays Beaton to Sheehan to Seaton to Kaps: Pecklnpaugb unassisted. Sacrifice hits Burrell. Barry, Chadbourne. Stolen basts Chadbourne. Passed balls Brown. Time of game 1:50. Umpire Hlldebrand OAKS BEATEX "COME BACK" Sacrametito Club Wins Morning Game and Loses In Afternoon. SAN FRANCISCO. May 7. Tho Oaks came to life in the afternoon game here today, after a gerles of drubbings and showed Sacramento a reversal of form. The morning score was 8 to 2 In favor of Sacramento, and the afternoon, 4 to 8 In favor of San Francisco. Christian and Knight handed the open ing match to the Senators, alllowlng 13 hits and registering only two strikeouts between them. The Oaks ' twirlers re ceived poor support, three errors being charged to the Infield and one to Cen terflelder Hoffman. Danzig, of Sacra mento, landed the only home run of the morning game. Pernoll cut the Sacramento swatsmen down to eight hits In the afternoon game and the Oaks landed heavily on Thomp son and Nourse. . Scores: MORNING OASIS. Sacramento I Oakland Totals..42 17 27 12 a SCORE BY INNINGS. Los Angeles 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Base hits 0 2300001 1 7 San Francisco ...1101414 1 0 13 Base hits ..1 2 1 1 5 2 4 0 1 17 Smith batted for Klein in ninth. SUMMARY. Runs Akin, Moore. Delmas, Metzser. Dil lon. Powell 2. McArdle 3, Weaver. Tennant, Melchoir 2. Madden. Vitt 2. Hits Made off Schaefer 4 In four innings; Wheeler 3 in one inning. Stolen bases Akin. Powell. Three-base hits McArdle and Delmas. Two base hits Melchoir, Howard and Bernard. Sacrifice hits Powell and Madden. Bases on balls Off Suter 3; Schaefer 3; Klein 2. Struck out Bv Suter 5: Schaefer 1. Dou ble plays Weaver to McArdle to Tennant. Time 2:10. Umpire Finney. XATIOXAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati 8, Pittsburg 4. CINCINNATI. May 7. Cincinnati de feated Pittsburg today, 8 to 4. Lelfleld was relieved In the eighth inning by Camnltz, who gave a base on balls and was bit for four consecutive safeties. Suggs was wild early in the struggle, but was relieved in the eighth to allow Mc Lean to bat for him. Score: R. H. E- R. H. E. Pittsburg ...4 6 OlCinclnnatl ..8 14 0 Batteries Lelfleld, Camnlti and Gib son; Suggs, Gaspar and Clarke. Umpires Brennan and O'Day. St. Lonls 6, Chicago 5. CHICAGO, May 7. In a hard-fought game of 10 Innings, St. Louis defeated Chicago today, 6 to 6. Sallee. was in fine fettle, until the last Inning, when the locals gathered three hits, and Harmon was sent in to pitch. He held Chicago safely. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Louis 13 4Ch!cago 5 6 t Batteries Sallee Harmon and Bresna han; Richie and Archer. Umpires Rig ler and Finnernan. TACOMA, Wash.. May 7. (Special) Portland's debut into the baseball society of Tacoma this afternoon re- : suited In the Canadians getting the hook and the Tourists getting the game. Analyzed with the careful psy chological brain of a Munsterherg, two causes might be discovered which brought about this result. The first was the desire of one Leo McQuary to show off before "home folks." Although Leo wears the dark blue affected by Mr. Brown's employes, he resides in Tacoma. This being his first trip here with the Vancouver team, he wanted to show father and mother, sitting smilingly in the grand stand, that their baby boy is "soma heaver." Kitty Brashear acceded to his plea and Leo took the mound. Bing, went Mr. Speas as he faced the youth, a clean single being scored. Bang, went Mr. Casey for a double and Speas counted. Biff went Jesse Stovall and ' Casey counted. Bung, went Mc Mc Quary to the bench and Jervals took up .the burden. During the afternoon, Mr. Casey gave an exhibition which was worthy of the golden harp sightless-Homer had he lived in these baseball days. This occurred in the fifth inning and it resulted in Casey being accorded an ovation such as must have greeted his prototype in those classie mudsill days. Scharnweber cut loose with a drive which had all the earmarks of a full fledged swat. It drifted right for sec ond base and Casey was after It- Ho knocked it down with his bare hand and when he fell, tossed Scharnweber out, Just as the runner dashed Into the bag. (Prolonged continued and vocif erous applause.) Not to be outdone by the gallant Casey, Jesse Stovall engineered a lit tle grandstand play of his own in the sixth inning. After a long run he stuck out one hand and Brlnker's long drive nestled In the glove more ova tions by the bugs. The second reason for the victory by the Tourists was the faultless pitch ing of Lamline. The four scattered blows of Vancouver kept him riding easy and nine of the Brown hired men died after futile attemp' to connect with the ball. As President Brown said after the game, the Tourists could have beaten a picked team of the Na tional League today, and that is all there was to It Following is yesterday's score: Portland 1 Vancouver' Ab.H.Po.A.E. Ab.H.Po.A.E. S 3 8 0 4 0 10 0 l'asev.2b. 4 10 1 o'Adams.rt. 8 10 Stovll.rf. 5 2 3 0 0 Ben't.2b. Mundf.3b. 2 0 0 1 Wlll-s.Sb. 3 1 7 0 0 Har'n.Sb. 4 0 1 4 0 Streib, If. ort.lf 4Z20U Harris,cf. 4 1 11 2 0 Lewis.c Lamlln.p. 3 0 0 0 0 Jerv's.p. L larKe.p. Totals. .34 0 27 8 0 McQ'ry.p. James. . 0 2 1 13 0 0 Totals. .30 4 29 12 1 VnB' 6 O'R'ke.Sb 4 THIRD BASE MAX BTCES HURT 1 Seattle Team Is Further Crippled by Accident to Player. Dulln.3b. Lrch' Zam'ck.p 0 Magrt.lf O Coy.rf. .. 5 5 0 2 0C'tsh v..2b 3 0! Wares. ss 8 oiHetln.ob 0 Mitze.c. . OlChr's'n.p Knight.p ITied'n.c. jZacher. 1 woivn" AMERICAN" LEAGUE. Detroit 5, Chicago 4. CHICAGO. May 7. Detroit defeated Chicago, S to 4, in 10 Innings today, before a crowd said to be the largest that ever witnessed a game at Amer ican League Park. Johns won the game in the tenth, when he hit to center for three bases and scored on Cobb's single to right. Score: RH El RH E Detroit 6 10 2iChIcago 4 10 4 Batteries Lively and Stanage; White and Sullivan. ( Cleveland 6, St. Louts 2. ST. LOUIS, May 7. With tha bases full in the twelfth Inning, Jackson hit the ball Into left field for a home run, Cleveland winning, to 2. Score: RH E RHE Cleveland... 6 11 ljSt Louis 2 8 1, Batteries Ingling and Land; Powell and Clark. STANDINGS AND RESULTS. 1 l 1 o 1 13 Paclflo Coast. w. t- 0 I Portland . .22 15 0 San Fran.. 22 18 Racr" 18 m Oakland .-19::1 Vernon . . .18 2a Los Angl-16 22 Northwestern. W. L. P.C. .55l5pokane . .36 8 .G.iOjgeattle ....11 5 .48tiVancouver .97 .47ii Portland ..612 .474Tacoma ... 6 12 .421j Victoria ... 4 13 .843 .6(i3 .333 Batted for Jervals In sixth inning. SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland 2 001 0000 03 Vancouver. 0 00 0 000 0 0 0 SUMMARY. Runs Speas, Casey, Mundorff. Earned runs Portland 2. Stolen bases Adams 6, Caaey. Mundorff. Two-base hits stovall. Casey. Scharnweber. Hits Off McQuarry 3. In one-third of an Inning; off Jervals ti. in five and two-thirds Innings; off Clark none in three Innings. Bases on balls Lamina 2. Jervaif 4, Clarke 1. Struck out Lamline 9, Jervals 4, Clarke 2. Double plays Ben nett to Scharnweber. Passed ball Lewis. Time l'4j. Umpires Tonneson and Erlck son. SEATTLE WIXS TAME GAME Wildness of Pitchers and Errors of . Victoria Lose for That Team. SEATTLE, Wash., May 7. Victoria's error and Thomas' and Sage's wildness enabled Seattle's few hits to develop into many runs and the locals won an uninteresting game. 12 to 0. Skeels pitched good ball, holding the visitors to one hit. Score: Seattle " 1 Victoria AO.H.FO.A.E. Ab.H.Po.A.E. Ooe-h.3b 2 0 2 1 l'Davls.lf . . 2 0 2 0 0 1 x 'i .v Kay er.-o 111 0 Mll'on cf 1 0 0 0Good-n.3b 1 3 0 0'H's'dr.rf 0 4 0 0! 0 8 3 16 2 0 1 D'sh od.c Ray' 5 Da'ds'n.lf 3 Weed.rf. 3 4 Leard,2b 4 Kad' 2 Sp'n'cr.o 5 Skeals,p. 8 Thorn's, p Sage p.. Totals 26 1 24 11 6 from one Kalians! Iveatroe. w. l i'-.'ueti-oit ...ih Phlladel'a 16 5 .750 New York. . U ,of boston .. . . it VnB' 4 0 1 o-Ro-e.2b 4 14 1 SEATTLE. Wash, May 7. (SDacIal 1 Seattle's list of maimed and irv players was Increased today by the addition of Third Baseman Run , v. -. shoulder was dislocated in turning first I DanSg'lo 4 l li base. Jack TIghe says Bues la out of ' M-onev'.rt 4 2 0 the game indefinitely, as it was his H'ster.if 4 right shoulder on which he struck Percuss 4 Cocash will try to play third. EddiA Householder, manager of the Victoria Club, says Bues is the most promlslnar young player in minor league baseball. and that Seattle has bean greatly weak- enea. - Totals 87 13 23 14 0 Totals 80 4 27 23 4 Batted for Tledeman in nlntn. Batted for Knight In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Sacramento 1 3 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 8 Pits 2 4 0 8 1 1 2 0 013 Oakland . - 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 2 0 2 Hits ..T 020000204 SUMMARY. Runs Van Buren, Thomas. Danzig, (2). Beister, Dulln. Lerchen, Maggart. Stolen bases Danllg. Mahoney. Pyfl tL'), Hoffman. Four runs and 6 hits in one and two-thirds innings oH Christian. Home runs Danzig (2) Base bits Coy, Maggart. Helster. Sac rifice hits Dulln. First base on called bails Zamlock 8. Christian 1. Knight 1. Struck out By Zamlock 8, by Christian 1, by Knight 2- Hit by pitcher Maggart. Wild pitches Zamlock. Time of game 1:30. Um pire McGreevy. AFTERNOON GAME. Sacramento I Oakland AD.n.t.n. AO.H.F0.A.E. Thos'n.p 1 Nourse. p 3 Lalonge.c 1 0 iH.-oy.rr. .. . 0;Zach' 0Cuts'w.2b 0i Wares, ss. v.H'tl'nftSb 0 Pernoil.p 0 2 1 0 0 110 1 0 Totals 84 8 24 16 1 Totals 80 11 2712 1 .7 Chicago .S.W'Phlladelp'a .407 Washington .3:i Cleveland. . .267iSt. Louis... .263 9 9 9 8 10 8 13 4 16 .500 .500 .441 .Jltsl .200 New York.. 12 C Pittsburg .12 6 Chicago ..11 Cincinnati. 7 8 Boston 7 24 St. Louis. . . 4 11 Brooklyn . . 5 14 Northwestern Batting. Leaders. Portland. Ab. H. P.C.J Ab. H. P.C. SDeas.P 12 8 .C67;Speas 12 8 .087 Netzel. Sp.60 2 .4UU,llunaorn ..43 17 Bues. Seat. 5o 20 .40.1 Mensor 57 18 .3on muumneia. JO 4 .3WMllIer 20 5 .373, Williams ..57 14 .37fjlOrt . .373 Casey Totals 81 6 26 12 2 H-juscholder out for stepping batsman's box to the other. SCORE BY INNINGS. Saattle 0 0 O 2 1 5 3 1 12 Victoria ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 SUMMARY. Runs Cocash (2), Raymond (31, David son (2), Weed. Crulckshank. Kndlng (2), Spencer. Two-base hits Crulckshank, Davidson. Sacrifice hits Davidson, Cruick ht Kadlns:. Million. Stolen bases Weed. l.o : Davis, Mlllon. Pitchers' record 8 runs and no, two hits oft Thomas in 5 1-3 Innings; nine runs 3 hits oft Sage in 2 2-3 Innings. Struck A m.,i,a. tmctia 1 out By bKeeis a. oy i nnmaa o. by l . .T i Mac.a nn hn tlTT SkPfi S .-1 .r.28 Frisk.Sp. . 5i 21 Zim'n.Sp.. 39 15 Mund'f.Po. 45 17 Brash'r.Va 82 12 c.a in r r.i 19 Weed.Eeat 87 13 .351 Stovall Kad'g.Seat 2910 .aio.aarria ...56 12 . . .56 10 ...01 lO .164 ...51 8 .157 .!78 .267 .250 .249 .214 SCORE BY INNIKG3. StTsmento ........0 0 0O0 0 1 Hits 'Vnterday's Results. Pacific Coast League Vernon 4, Portland 3; San Francisco 5-13, Los Angeles 4-5; Sac ramento 8-4, Oakland 2-8. Northwestern League Portland 3, Van couver 0: Seattle 12, Victoria 0; Spokane 8. Tacoma 1. American League Detroit 5, Chicago 4; Cleveland 6. St. Louis 2. No other games scheduled. National League St. Louis 6. Chicago 5; Cincinnati '8, Pittsburg 4. No other games scheduled. Vancouver Overwhelms Pickwicks. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 7. (Spe cial.) In a game full of errors, the Vancouver Independents defeated the Pickwicks, of Portland. 13 to 1. Bat teries: Vancouver Bleeg and J. Troeh; off Thomas 6. oft Sage 2. Hit by pitched ball Ratlin (by Thomas). .Balk Sage. Packed balls Sponcer, Dashwood. Double play Kadir.g unabated. Left on bases Seattle 8, Victoria 2. Umpire Longanecker. Spokane Wins From Tigers. SPOKANE. Wash.. May 7. Spokane won, 3 to 1, by well executed stick work in the first inning, four hits, two of them of the infield variety, with a sacrifice fly netting two runs. Kane was given a torrent of abuse by the crowd for a number of decisions, but really did excellent work. Score: Tacoma I Spokane Ab.H.Fo.A.E. Ab.H.Po.A.E. Bassey.lf R'K'd.ZD Morse. ss Cole'n.Sb Burns.c . War'n.rf Schm'z.p 0 4 1 2 0 0 2 12 0 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 Netz'l,3b 0Frisk.lf. 0;Nor' OZim' 0 Taus-r.2b 0 Hasty.c. . OiBon'er.p Cart' t. 2 b O 1 1 1 1 2 11 1 8 0 2 n o 0 5 1 1 1 8 .j........ 01011303 si Pickwicks. Casey, Wetatona and Beagle. J plrkana. Totals 81 6 2-. 14 0 Totals 29 9 27 11 1 SCORE BY INNINGS Tacoma 000001 00 0 1 Spokane ' 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 SUMMARY. Runs Fisher. Netzel. Cooney, Nordyke. Tuo-base hits Fisher 12), Netzel, Zimmer man. Sacrifice hits Coleman. Zimmermun. Sacrifice flv Tauscher. Stolen bases Netzel, Morse. Struck out By Bonner 5. Bases on balls Off Bonner 8, off Sonmutz 1. Wild pitch Schmutz. Double . plays Bassey to Coleman to Rockenneld. Left on buses Ta coma 7. Spokane 5. Time of game 1:55. Una- . A A