12 THE MORXIXO ORERONIA?T, MONDAY 3IAY 8, 1911. KK1I. rTTK. Fr KMm -KttjU Land. A RA R 71 OITOitTf MTT. 40 a-rraa, J btir.nf, $ in joun? Pr'sn" r-rg acd N"Jtona, a 6-r-m houw. I ; Tvl. palate. I. f urruahed. bam. oat ca. (lm t'itr, trn-ta, wi.on. cow. c.f. eiit kna, t:-;ho:i. tjiW and too. a: ; fur H-i per acre. eaeh. ta ;nr Mar. Owner, Roy Dlg at. Miff. Orcoc Ft ie AUDEHTA LAND. Ill U an ec-e. Moatly "lr praur! land. rcay for th plow. Poll a de t: s lcam w'.th eUr ubolL Cov rd with heavy growth of ntlv grwa. Aibr:a Ian ! r attrmctlnc atrtetiy i!h-ca tmmleratlon. Pri- and oppor tunities eoaaderrd. thn Ina irt tn cr-.pet In ih world. CiU r writ rr fre iitusuated booit lu-Iy dcnolng Ucm lar.Ja. lDkVM'xTARTttT LAND CO., Lumbrmai bids. Colonization rnii Canadian Pacific Railway. for s jClh. I bar 40 acra three mKes from Or- j ra CltT. with th Mo i:a niaradsm roni on on aid an 4 th MiiaT 1L (new bui;iior on th o-.her; th land la all level and rifT to cleer; ben a.ashe l and bum.l. Now th prw Is on y $150 per a era ( ir a: I. or wlK sell any la acre rir th sam prlca, $15; some carina. Inquire at Dtm:ck A Uimtck'a qff.f An-lTna .-'.g.. tor C. D. Rotwaoo. tba owctr. My axllrea la or a on city. ' ; l akXnt e K 0AS UtiViZHTl S K 67 2 acrw. 4 ufadr plow. 2 acre in pota ail kind of brri-. 50 young fruit tr. CoQ cordis of wood on pinr. una : tnoctj ivl. fin -rom nous with fln toa btfmtrt, fin cam. mpror-mnti worth $10oO. place on mil from Kalama en mat a county road: party must s-dl- i Prtra $-10A $1500 cash. Writ us for tMJca1na. TaYLOR PMt'Z. Kalama. Wash, 45 ACREd, V" to Portland, near le-tr!o carina, ebool. ehur-h. ator; splendid i county road: beet deep tl; 10 acrra , :laxd and cuitiraied. baian' timber ni paMtura; llln stream. Prlra this waak. llJi rr acr; tartna kItcu. J. W. 4aE FEltLI? KKALTI -U- Marshall iW AJi S "rtO C A S H. 14 acraa. f.ur miUi from WlnWk. Wul iiouaa. barn, runnlna; watrr. partly c:axed. Now tn crop, but couirt arrirm fr poaawaaton mon. 1'ric only IJuW. Tils 10 a r-al ar.p. CoWLN'-li'K TRT'ST CO.. L.u:nbrmana ltit!c rnR fiiLR-FMt a err atock ranch In iurry Co.. wrll Improved. gofd boua. J bama. rich b'-irit aoii. pipr.ty r:n watrr. bvat of appl hnil. aom giMd oak. whit c-!r an J 'if tlmbT. bt of ht:n:!nr and i fiaina. I'- Pr ara: no Wintr (Mdir.r. Adda Morrtil lirvau. Hart. Curry Co. pr. TOn BAl.T. liVJ-arr OlMtam County WHEAT FAKM. s: in cuItlTntlon. tlood rioua. Pin and water; only a rn lira to railroad: 4-' pr acra. Fair trmi from i th nr dt-rct. T. IL Uttlehale. For- I at Ors. Or. 1 f NAP 1 tin farm 1 mlira from dtpot. toola. Irr.provamvntak aia. crupa, lo Uat qui' k. KINNET BTAMTHFR, Ml-3i UnbrEx. 1; 0g Jtor PALE .T1i-acr WHEAT FA P.M. In Marrow County- frtn lvl land, all In Fall wheat only 4 mllrt to railroad. $Ji pr acr. Kaav tar ma T. IL Hulchal Voraat Orov, Or. 101 SALE by owBr dol, w-:i-;;npi oed t m-vt wnni i arm. no ":;t in sn r- min County. 3-V a ra in gram th'a :mr. nuiAtQ'lrr b-tng 'tramor Xaiowa-i. IL i. on. W iico, Or. TEN acr rtrb soil, on railroad; aI fr gJOO. $10 down. $10 monthly; bargain. Ma:nJ&.7 lii10 rl 0 nt- RANCIL So re. wttft butl'itnra. IS mil fmm Port'antl. nr cicctrti: tine ; bargain f ir all ca.ih. brownr. Ij Morritoa at. FOR bALX oa iUndy Poad. XI acr fla land. 11 nllca out. Owner. Aa 7a. Or- J010- BARGAIN 27'-acr ranch near Padding. Cai. rit w. a. nairo. t.H3C.i,g. iu M iacvl Laseotr. HEAL ESTATE PA RO A INd. 3 Scrv at Itoae jrood. J,' . lt nd new Knilow. $1''0. 6 act. a, l.i;l for pitttlcr. 7 1'0. 13 lota ovr.ooktng tu WLainetto and Foreland. .o ana up. S sere wl-.h.j 4 blocks of th MII waukt p '."Tli:e at big aartdc. F1K--T STATS HAK. Mllwauai. or. 'hon ,ed 11. EUC.ENri OIL Be hTT city of at at i Popalatloa 10 ot-Ak Good achoiiSL good society, pur wa ter, no saloona. no poverty. I ei all kinds tt uru real estate. Ejtalilthd 1"" Aak for what, you want. Geor& M.via Millar. Eugeti. T. WILSON R1VLU. 14 J acre, electrlo road urwejed thrvurh ih land. i acraa of tin bottom laid and 4,'?.U0O :-t of r"d timber; forced on th msrkt at at 400. Ku.l particulars at attorney's ox flct, 414 tpa;aing blig. TO EXCHANGE. 14Y H'Vrr lrrlicated firm. cleared. fencd. aorth tld agTeatn Twin Fall tract. R. R. throurh pla e. on mile from n town i. wc.i-?ttea coinmunr.r: wt;l tr-i: for good Port. and pr"pr:y or il aay mini: crlc j per acr: ray equity baianc of 4-1 pvf acr du 6 yara. 4 r-r cent; would a'o dlvid Into ho-acr tracts C E. 4ia A CI! K TO TP-A OB ACKKAOE - OK I.Oli luit A HoMP. Owing to chanced p.aua I will trad my quity in tn bouso I am purine on tn in stallment p.aa in I Cos C:ty lurk tor va- 1 cant property. uj I. trcgonian. BEAUTIFUL S-room restdenc In beat I ti n of W alnut 1'ark: pvd atreeta; x i' v ki io eaccanga ior acrak or gooa i lira, tie C. L r.AMIFRGER Room X l.um'jTm-ra iildg. MarhalIJlU. FOR PAI.K or excharve for good land. hardware. Tumitur and Implement bust nas In A faat growing town In the Wil laraett Val!-r. dotug a fine bualneaa tok and building about 30.ok. ur partK-ulara addrca uwcr, Box -17. Port- Mno, KJV. TWO fin buildlnj lota ia highly restricted . resident park; equity of aoout $1'H); will exchang aaute fjr cheaper unimproved lota or smsUl piece clo-tn acreage. Phon Jta ia a lM r-i u ri i Rjcame. TO EXCHANGE 5 acrea of cholc fruit land. ail la orchard, id mile from I Portland, by electric or st-am K. R .: will ! trad- for equity In houa and tot or lot in t'ort.Ano. a yj. trrg.n!o. IF YOUR stov don't bake, tntd It: bar rain for th k.cd tr.At does bak; cash Lack guarantee. V want your trad. AOS fc Aiorr:aon st. FULL quar:er liok. West S.d. 200-foot track; will coiu;Jrr city pronely, acrea or fruit lands up to lid. Out, baiiuic 4 per cent. T 7. OrgonLin- WILL exchar. fit-an Fortiand real eatxt for WMU-r power roller milL Address rtjwarq. r.aat t amhiiL NEW YORK lot. trade for Portland prop- j eriy or automobile. A sn. Oregon la a. fOR RE VT FARM 7AJCM. nr lior:ng. 2o A. cultlvarod. 13 A. jHture, fair iniroemanta. orchard: will rant year or mora, cash or gram rant, and allow cah for improvement work: want party wuhora eipenenc in f ruitraiaing ; atat iprAC and raxexanc. AK, U. O-ACRE fr.rra for rent. 13 acre clear; will ik worn ror rent. s waahington st. FOR Ml t TINr.KB LAND. A.vA'..t' iixut.ji wun complete planer. aMnrf., aawmlU; 13 mile Portland; x tutat market: $2750. Also 1.5ov.ovO yel low pint near Bend; bargain, Ownr, lvJO or anu, iort.x tivhkr Lands EOVGHT AND boLD C. J. MCKACKEN. g4 McKlV Bldg. W AN TED REA L ESTATE. CLX or n-room hous. modern, close In. all U. 74tl. A 4-4'j. Monday. $-10 so A. M. oo cm. a. W.INTED TIMBER UD TIWHEt lards wanted. So McKay bldg. C- J. MeCrackea. FOR ALB. Ilorwew. Vehicle avad ITarar aa. Ix-H HIKE Horaea. wtfoc and buMnea r:jrs. by day. w-k or moth; a4 13th at. North. Ph a Main 12K Lawlar's bars. A i for i; r. F. a ci M' C rentte black mar. 1104 ha, good aecond -hand a'.ngl harness. leaving c:ty; miut aIi to rata cash to go oa. lil Sco n i a t COD w.-r-k atork for rent, horse and mule. J. W. S w cry Co naiructlo a Co 404 W ;; Far bU.g. FAcrtRE for bra7nar PoVtlacdrApp:y ,i :-rlok b,d. Pan Main 141J. He ONE imi 1 h)r. iafe for tina. t:z North 1 Tt.ru iroman or chll- WANTFD Oentle hor for buaicea buggy. A.Ue'a "u4 ro rs. ix . etlrie rd tin WE har on f.9nd at all tima fin com bination BiM and hirnrti boraes that ar fit and raady fr lmineT..ata ua. You rem and try our horaa at our tipem; haa them mmlncd r ur own vrt rrlnary and m bra Bitlafi i buy tbern. frlraa from u?- V hand: only lb bt. krimff Kiulna; lCib sod Jf:ron a:. FOR FAl.E ?pan of horra. ict and 7. lay. hlsn H'. grtt!e. good rondltton. Ith iarnaa. aorth $T; Plllnf prir J-i'ii, Addrra S. K- Weynck. "orth I'laina. or. f'n. Pbon WILL. acert on or two good work horaea aa part payment fr 10 ar fruit land; balaor vrr faar t-rma. CaiJ 432 Cham- b-r of rnuarc bMg-. plioa Maraiiall 273. A 4317. UOKSKd Now yiTfsn aom prvd ns chfap. at tn koj rny i-ara si.-, and Sandyroad-Adf.ma &CampllL A C All LOAD of wM-brd bora. Try n- tl. Water and iontcmcry Ma MMi lni rumrai a WILL my :mot r.-w piano, coat yar a co y taaaa ic. na-i cn. uau aaay trrm.. A d il aa A U Aotoraotillra, 1. Orcjonian. RTPAUV-ilnd 7 vmi . 4 VyL 60 H. P.- fui:v iuin&l: fine ct-nttlon- f.i.tHx CHAl.VFH.s ll1i ao. s pa., ao H. P.. ..IT. .f-.1 ft I 1 ..). FF.EKi.fc.s3 Vjuj. T pan.. ful!y cyL. p-; 'or quick CADILLAC !!. psaa. fully quippd. i t.-. ft ton S C A D I L L A C 1 y rj. 5 Paa-. 3 H- P-. TUICK 2 cL. & pa", fully qulppd. f 4iO. MKncs 101. cyL. 38 IL 5 pass-: Al crnolllon. J3oOU. Bl"l"K-Model aw, 4 cyl. runabout with lop. Tha nf im car ha v Uft them with a for a', they having purchased i 1 .11 llfr-Arro or Cadillac car. Our i l:at of uad cars ! ront.nutlly changing. Xt will ray yon to invMtuar. POVKV MOTOR (.'AH I dMHAXT. t.r n ri:u a i'.nT. Tth a.nd L'ourh St a. W win occupy our new 4-atory and bajimnt concrot building. 21at and W aanlrgton trt . a bni May L PACKARD K.N'A HS. Wa rnr th follow tn aoclally rood buys In Packard cara, ail orrhauied and cuoxantMKl by m th satn as a n car la guaranteed: 1 7-paaenirr touring car. 1 o-pMMngr twurlng car. 1 runatKMit. FRANK C. RIOOS. Cornell road. and Waahington sts. Main 442. PrrRfK ARROW 4 HOHfEPOWEK. -piarc Arrow 4S H. P. 7-aenger 1010. raa bn nin ebaut So mlica. luat r- clvd cmplft m-hanKat overhauling. Is now rem repair io. m a comnii oulrmant of hi chest crad. Including a-vrai extra. c"inga, tc. Apply ouii walls Farco bulldlnc. T"iPNona: 1'nnnc. Plvara Kxchang L iloua 40; Horn. A 6121. lioua AMR you looking for a tararalnT rad thla; in in T-iianrer R-cvutifier inion buio. car tn bttr-r condition ttian th day It lft th factory. All th extra ouiomcnt poa- aiMe, Car coat complete UvO; th lady, thi owna it I-ft It with m to aIl f.r $'.,-"0. David Lew la. room 2. Lumbermen biag. FOR SALE--Dandy Bpasnaer Cartuiao automobii. In fin condition; rtw rrons ti-ee. too and wind shield. Juat bn thor- 'ourhly overnauled. enaln In fn ahapej b-r la a anap for 3u0 caah. Maldon, C'-3 Ewetiand b!f!ff. flAKER ri.LVTRIC Lateat model, ahaft drive, nearly nw; eTrd al bargain by lady leaving th cur. PACKAP.D GARAGE. 8S N. 23rd at. Main 4:li PUTS A rilALMFTRrt 4 H. P. In tlfrtnt condition: car aa rood aa) t)w: c -at orlrlnallr S32m aa tt it. in da. David Lewla. room ?. Lumbermen bldg. 4-CYLINDEK 20 H. P. FORD. In !rcant condition. Including top, etc: almost new; ft;0. David Lewis, room 2 Lumberman bdg. OXK rre fine aol!. clo In. Wevt Fide, alu g-too: win trad for amau runuoout or 4-paanrr car; alii clve or take da- f.'renr to uit you. - 6-.urfrnnivi. o reaaonshl ofler refiad for pope-Hrt- ford electric auto wnnout Daiier;ca; cost J is W ln.iu!r"i0thiit. col.rMHL"S elctrtc victoria. two-DaaaenKr. ttmait new. i'eiieut condition. &u pr cent dlarounL fc 2i4o. ALTV'MORILK S t-u g-i and aold. Call or write for taraatn l.L ruptnm-Hooie Aula U. 3JI Kvrvtt at. nin ISItf. FOR SAIE Prven-paaeenercr ijtudebaker- i'.;trfrd. 40-H. P.: practirany new ana f u;iy eq.'ilppedbargnin; H t..OreKoninn. CtRNElt. I'xlOO. Em lIth and I. eland. val'te io -: to traa for a-pasaenger car. j oreiE'irtian. CARTHRCAH. allehtly tiaed.- demonstrator. S 14mi new. pr:- i ii. trtrcar mm Co.. 7th and Oak. Phon A 707. M. 23 .'0. TWIN c!lndr Indian motorcycle. Call at 64 S Love joy at. or prion aiain o-ya. STEARNS 5-paat:arr toy tonneau. for sai iepbyo-aaer. t-4E.lbth orth- HAVE A fin lln of new and used cars from 2'X up. Se Vance, 21 - Front St. P.EO runubout. 175. Cottel Drug Co. plnla. Irnra and pet Mock. CHOICE fancy-bred Llewellyn setter pups. HiJ Everard St.; v-w " car to ist and Fverard. two blocks wet; cheap. Ad dress C. Prey, pollc station. AJredal Terriers Imported stud "Laddlx Monarch. Iaddix Kennets, r-ataeac a. ur. M iaccllaneoo FOR PALE. FECON D- H A N D DOORS WINDOWS, CLAH, BRirK. 1. 1 'Mil KK. PLUM B I N F U P PLfES. IP.ON PIP STEEL AND Cast iron, at thr very lowkst pp.icea INTERNATIONAL ItLDG. 4b WRECKING COMPANY. 30T-S11 FOURTH FT t PS?T v I t. 1534. FOR HA Lb. Twe 100-R. P. hortxontal return tnhntar roller, comolete with lnclod tvr feed- water beater. r.'ix3H ralth valv fd puroD. Iodr Ir.Jectora. safety valve. crown valvea. ft. Inch header and all angi vaivas and w itllams feed-water reirulat.ir. wan aaiair wait column a. in tuod coa- ajiion. Alao Ana IS-Vf. P. vertical auhmarrad fread tubular boiler, complete with safety valv and attlngs. Including Buffalo In jector; a'moat new; only used a short t:m. For further particular Inqulro at iwra .ui isregouian brag. LUMBER. Thouaands of feet of aeoond-'hand Itm. bar; has been used one for cribbing; for INTERNATIONAL BLDG. A WRECKING 1 L:ual'A T. 07-311 Four'h St. Marshall 134. 11F.V3 SPRING SUITS. I meet and beat atronaeat nmntlt Inn t th city of Portland on men autta. $14 io v suits ior gi..T; s.i.v to iir suits. gM...': $2. 51 to 3u suits, IS.70. Mv t3.il a month rent and system of buying docs ii. j i rami uunn. room aid, Oragonian llILn Al KIE wool-cardina- mill carries 'A one une or pure wmte wool batting for comi'iricn ana mattresses: old Wvxl com forter ard mattresnea acoured and re carded. MUwaukl CanllDg Mill. Milwau- a Bargain. Launch with too on. 12-horsenower en. glnea. 36 feet lone: ptic $4ii. Enquire Doamoaa. norinweac eornar u a.i 'mn orrcge. MEN'S TROUETCS. Men. buy your pant of me and aav mnnr; 4 to s-4 o pant ror S3.u; S3 to PtD! for S2.50. Jimmr Dunn, roam 1 vrf k o ; a n p.u a;. FOR SALE At a bargain. 1 9-horse power porta Di praawim en; ma. mounted tn tiucka; haa r.oer been used. Call at t7 I BARGAINS for a few days only: Remlnaton No. 7. 1J3; Fox. No. 3. J35; Bllck. No. 6, SiT.&O: I'.ilck. No 7.' $Ji. Ths Northwest i ypwntr o., vv ota st. IAK KS N w and d-hnd ; low price- eas terms: safes oy-ned, repaired and Dalnted. PUKOELL SAFS CO. and FokTI.AvS SAFE CO A Aih St. Miln 630ft, A 4111 ft AND 7-ROOM house, for saie, for re moval. .orinwri-. pAri oi city. Bargain. U V" r-a . a nm. FOR SALE Show case a. watlcaae. conntara oenerai nxture in aioca ana mad to order at loweat pric, 2 It Grand av. & FOR SALE or rent, losclng and hoiatTng I engines. Hallway Equipment Co. 74 1st I ft. Intone A 2:id3. Alain 2361. I OUSE painting, papering and tinting. I per room up, Y 64. Orecor. Tan. rn R twin motorcycl In rood rcndiiion H2xt cash. Call at 151 u:h Union are. , FOR rAl.E Pool table, complete set cues. tTca aq PJiif. vj rj, oregonian. TT'0 typewriter, cheap for cash. Boom Washtnv:on bMg. SMALL p'-i and t rood sos for sae. Ap : p.y to uaii. na:r st. rtK 9 A If. M I ct tlaneoa a. STEAM PLANT POk PALE Tt foiioin bnllers. cnglns. etc.. to. al In firat-rlaaa ard'r and in good work' log condition, are f.r a;iir: 1 Keturn Tub Poller. 72 In. by 1L 1 Kusaeir AutJmatir Eugln. Ilxld.' I M-am Lu-lvcn Dean Jet Condanaor. Cxxl2 Inchea - 1 Inclosed Tyn Feed Water Heater. 2 Vertical Hoilcra. 6 H. P. each. 1 o-nral Eltnc 11-Polar ienerator. 125 volt. 3d mot-res. lsJV revolution. 1 Gt-neral Ki trie Motor of 5 IL dl rect current, .".i -O void. 1 G-n-raI Lc;r1r Motor, 50 II. P.. 61 rect cu.-rnt. volt a. Abov ran b pwn In oneratlon at th mill of Alber Itrua. iTillloa Co.. Fron . and Main St-, and will b aold very ra- eot ab'e. For delivery anoruy atter Juny i CORflfGATtD IRON HOOFING, aecond hand, la perfect condition, per aiuar. ONE MtLLIOV CLEAN ?T-HD. BRICK. $' pr ihoufind; prcascd and common brick, now In old. Wortman & King and In th Corbett buildings, ready fur July delivery. LUMBER Scond-hand flooring a.nd dtmrnalcn atock in pcrlect condition; 9d per thousand. DOORS AND WINDOWS, new and seo- OBd-r.nri'i. -itic tijt. PLUM BI NO SUPPLIES, new and seo ond-und. at remarkably low prires. PORTLAND WRECKING CO.. Main 37. 103 No, llch at. A 3738. CHEAP t No. 0 Fturdavant blower: 1 20- h. p. Ka!rrante-Morso gaaollno engine, 11 h x. foia raaolln enicine: 1 2 V -h. p. Weber gaaolln engine; 1 liarcua horae- hH-mr nocki: 1 biiveri hub ooxire ma chine. Ad'lreas Tetara Matbla Worka, Kclao, Waah. SAKK.H. 1 larg. 1 medium, at "a bargain. AP 73. Oregonlnn. . WAN'TF.D MIfCETJ-ANEOrS. tl'B M'V rifiTMIVf. P.VVHTTHINd Hfgheat prlca paid for men's caat-off eiothina:. ahoa: we alao buv ladla cloth Inc. Call up th Glob. Main Z4ttt w pi: at. near Columbia, MONEY LOST vnleae yon call th Ford Auction Co. and gt their prices on what you nav so aLk Aiain a ?-M3. BARGER AUCTION HOUSE. Buys and aclis fumltura and stove! arenta for WedKe Wood rn?ea and stove: ' Morrlaon. Phone li'J. Try ua. WK ptv the Qiaheat caah nric for aecond- r.and furniture, beater at jiariin. rooot Laat Sl.IL ?.4 Hawthorn ira IF YOU hav houachold f-rnltur to IL call up George paker Co.. 102 Paris at. Sale at ealdencs a vpaclalty. WANTED To buy furniture of 8 to roomi; ownera anly. -M 13th at. HtLP WANTED MALA. INCIDENT. OrY!c Secretary Employment Depart ment T t P A Young man. at ranger, oat of work (120 Ms total caah aaa.ua If I pay you W for special amptoyitieut membership i win only hay $ii left between mo and starva tion. feecretarv If ton nr IS for special em ployment membership you will hay th a. at. a., with all its rouxc w.wew you and starvation. What t..r.iu.l Young man took membership. Inside 4 two hours n found satUXaciory empioy lurlng April, 1011. 198 calls for msa. 1.12 positions filled. Employment or refund of mmbrhlp ee (uarsntbea. t aocretaxy gtnaloyxnent department, T. AL C, A. APLE-bodled men wanted for the TJ. S. Ma rin Cor pa, between th axes of iv anu .i-. Must be native born or have II rat papeta. Month.y pay S1G to t0'. Additional com pe mat Ion possible. Food, cloth Inc. f?1--1 lera raj medhal attention free. After SO yeara' sorvice ran retir with 73 nr cent of pay and allowances. Service on board hip and ahor in all parts of the world Apply at V. S. Marin Corps R-crult;ng Office. Dreed on bid., 3d and Washlnif on "ta. Portland. Or. 8ALESM EN Exceptional opportunity for qicn of personality ayia good address to connect with ll v up-to-dato rval eatat Arm with lurg holdings and unqueatlomd Integrity ; we write th beat contract in port.and. deal fairly with th public and our men and give .many aids that holp get buaipt-aa. Andrea, at at in jt age and Quallilcationa. Ail b4. Oregon inn. MUSICIAN. WANTED Trap drummer, 2 a id trombones, liiii tass. 2 cornets, to travel; sure salary, good U eat men t. no boose Cnll between 8 and 10 A. M. today, Oxford Hotel, 0th st. Mr. McManua. room S5.Later addrya AV GS, Orcgonlan. FIRST-CLASS bread baker to take charge of shop; must be good on fancy roiia aud French bread, etc. Call between 12 and 1 P. M. Mr. Dupont, 6J3 Wash. at. French con f o tlon ery. WANTED Young man stenographer and avslstant on books in large insurance r Jlco; mst be competent, accurate and ambitious; state salary expected and give reference. Y S3. Orcgonlan. WANTED F1 rat -clans bakers for French bread and rolls, trust have beat of rcfer encea. Apply Commercl.il Club, 5th and Oak streets, superintendent's office, be tween 9 and 11 A. M. WANTED A numoer of young men for tei- esrapn anc station service, positions pav lrc Sti to & per month. For particulars call or address Tel. Icrt., room C1K Com monwe n 1 1 h bid g.. 6th c. n d A n k cny sta. YOUNO MAN. HTRANGEIt, Make careful investigation at ex Dense of seller before you invest money in any proposition. Adviatory DopanmcnL Y. M. C. A. -A NO. 1 French pastry cook and cake bak ery, only an expert need apply; don't come only well recommended. J. DupouC &.& Wash. st. WANTED Active educated man to manage ui ii.ii l ii bhiiu, rnruMPu; arive rererence. Buslnvas Men's Clearing House, 723 Phe lan bldg., tan Francisco. Cal. WANTED Kirat-clas chef with crew for caf In town of 2O.C00; a good meat cut ter; gtv phone number, AH 6 - Ore gon Ian. WB are manuf actunc a new and useful nj'ic vki)wut iiecua ii, caance ior you I to make big money. 227b Washington I SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa clflo Coaat-grown nursery stock: cash paid weekly, l'adflc Nursery Co., 308 Corbtt bldg. wa. i t.i txperi'iiceu machine man to worn in aoor aepanment. Apply Walsh Sash A Door Co.. New Westminster. B. C, WANTED Assistant manager for hotel and arm; wouiu sen naif interest it satlsfac tor'. All M. Oregon Inn. wanted loung men to learn tnovlng- piciuro ujwmiinit; iuii course lacJuulng- WANTi-D rlrst-ciaas foman, night work. i-ir j"'u". ui wi civy; giv phon. WA.MbU rirat-ciass horseshoe-, no other neea appiy; witres s; ateaay Job. w. P, Morris. Albany Oregon. MAN wanted to take charge of office and snipping goou wafrea. van ijj Madison Monday, between 7 and 7:30. WANTED At once, a few live boys with w nee ia 10 un vrr ivh-ki niiia: rnoa w Western Union Telegraph Co.. 76 8d at. WANTED A good bench molder. aim a stov mounter. Apply to Albion Stov v. or as, L.iu icioria, ts. u. WANTED Man of neat appearanc to solicit ior a tars corporation. goni salary if suitca. Appiy arter w a. it . . . iv on bldg. WANTED An Al shipping clerk; sTd ref- erancva est Maat urocery Co., Job ber. Aberdeea. Wash. SHOE salesman wanted, only those with ex- pcf.enc niu apply. io Sealing. 70 iiorn.von su , A BOY to aaslst In baklnr; atcady. Lowell Co.. . viv--.'- btarx. at raith. WANTED Ituaheiman. coat maker, pants- inaker.Holbrook, thetallor. Couch bldg. EXPERIENCED waiter; rood wages, Rua- sU Ojster House. 141 Kussull st. EXTERIENCED waiter; good wage's. 13$ HUSaeii au EOT for messenger, afternoons. Apply pyb- 1 q lUbra rj'. BOY wanted to drive wagon. Inquire l'JS first si. r.crsernrui. WOODCUTTERS wanted at Kelly Home- ateau rami, rveny j.une. WANTED Baker, bench hand, at the Ger man 2iaery. c-.ucm, kjt. EXPERIENCED solicitors. Call 104 llth st. pHOrOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents. new offer. Cutberth studio, Dckum bidg. STRONG - boy for"-lardwarebuMnVaa: atata a g ea nure rere ncrs. Oreg cm i an . WANTED A good farm hand. Addrea R. M. Harding. Sllverton. Oregon, GLASS bevelers. lead g!axiers and cutters. P a c in o Ait ass works, xji Front s HIGH-GRADE sal came n. Call 111S Yeon oi'ig. - COVE TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD.- lac my aa ucaer pusinsss opportunities. HELP WANTED MALE. t SALESMEN WILL GIVE PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT la Portland and outside towns to several first -clans salesmen who have had experience in one or more of the 'following lines: Insurance, typewriters, publications, cash registers or other spe cialties. This Is no snap, but men with perseverance, capacity for work and sober will receive highest remuneration. 288 Oak street. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanted. Eva Stone, Lebanon, Or. Mrs. HELP WANTED FKMALK. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OH WITH OCT aUCFEUIENCH. APPLY PACIFIC TELSPHONB 4a TXLEGRAPH CO. BABY TH AXD AN KENT 0XTL WAVTKa Experienced saleslady for cloak and s-uir department; must be tnorougniy cap able and hav best of references. Apply L Gevurts A Sons, Second and Yamhill sts.. suit department. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Standard Factory No H Oraad av. and Eaat Taylor sL WANTED Three Sunday school teachers or other active church workers ror vis iting homes of Sunday school children; salary $45 per month; state employment, tt any. X 75, Orcgonlan. A NUMBER young ladles wanted for tele graph service, good positions guarantee a. For particulars call or address Tel. Dpt.. room COS Commonwealth bldg., Cth and Ankeny sts. EaDY agents, good addreas. make 3 to 3 per short-hour day selling a real genteel staple article; everybody wants It. Room 1. 3"6 4th. 7:30 to 8:30 -A. M., 6 to 7:30 P. M., except Sundays. FAITHFUL, competent womin vi:b or with out eipenence, for permanent posit ion with local business firm. AM 75, orcgo nlan. MUNICIPAL Free Employment Bureau ex tends every courtesy to girls and women In search of employment LaJy assistant. No fees charged. 272 AlsdUon sL GI RL for general houaework In Irvlngton. aij Late -'tftri st. Aorth. Telephone iaat looO. Small family. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral nouseworK in ramiiy of tnree; gooa wages. Kaflt 1167. 778 E. Salmon. WANTED Competent girl for general nouaeworx; none other need apply. Si4 12th at. Phone Main 7649. WaNTKi) Ktrioeo, capsol woman for r- sponalble position. V lavl Co.. G09 Koth c n 1 1 d b?dg . . 4t h and Wa ah in gt o n. WANTED Teachers to represent children's euucation journal during summer months. Apply 722 Marquajn bldg., afternoons. WANTED Neat woman dinner cook, who knows how, for new restaurant; state wages; also waitress. F 84. Orcgonlan. W X VTKn Wrtman mlav vllh . n .Ml iauy, iipni nouseworK, wagva ld per ) MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3-0 V Washington St., Room -314. Main feJ30 or A 32C1. HANSE.VS LADIES AGENCY. $43 S' Washington at., cor 7th. upstalrm, Phono Main 2C92. a.mlu txperiencea coat and gown nanaa. x. uavuru & oona, zu and Yam' hllL WANTED Girl to do general housework. small family, good wages. Inquire 604 Hoyt st. WANTED A lady to work tn boardinir- houso for her and huaband's room and board, pnone Last 3S7S. 121 yRus3ell st. WANTED Girl for general housework; a in an ramiiy; an aauits. Apply 7bd Kear ney st. GIRL or woman for general housework In country near Portland: $23 a month. Phone Gre ham 103 or T 51. Oregonian, OUNG lady to learn commercial photo trade; one not afraid of work; must live at home; references. S10 McKay bldg. WANTED Light character lady for road enow. Apply oetween 1 and 3, May 8. SOS's 3d st. WANTED A good reliable woman for kltchtn work and plain cooking. Rose City Sanitarium, 23d and Johnson sts. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family: good wages. 631 Thompson. Phone K. 474L WANTED A young- girl to assist with baby and second work. Meiiuua av., head of Johnson and 25th sts. NEAT, experienced purse girl or young wo man ; r ere r ence s. t'none Alain 13UV. b22 Marshall St., near 2 1th. WANTED Private Instruction In the Eng- Uih orancues one nour earn cay; give p hone nu mber. Address AL 73. Oregonian. GODD girl for general housework. 673 Thompson St., corner xvia. iost zuui, A KK LI ABLE girl for general housework. Irvinu'tou car. 436 East 17th North. Phone C 2116. YOUNG girl to assist with housework: pre- icr one to stay uome nigaia, -iva i. v asu- lngton. GIRL t assist In general housework. 545 Yamhill. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work. luth st. WANTED A gTTI for general housework. two In family. 6S6 IringsL WANTED Neat, competent frlrl for second wo rk. SCO M arha Us L WANTED Competent waitress. Apply Tha Criterion restaurant. $2 bth st. V.4 COUCH ST. An experienced dining room girl; must sleep at home. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 632 Lovejoy st. ,W ANTED Good cook. In small famflv. Ap ply 769 Northrup su. bet. 23d and 24th sta. WANTED A waitress at M onto Carl o Caf e. S3 Grand ave. GIRL for general houaework small family; gooa wagca. ayu a, quo jt tanaers. WAITRESS wanted. 347 Everett sL White or coioreu; k'"! wsgei, WANTED Experienced waitress 3SSMor rlson at. WANTS D Girl, - general housework ; no WABhing; reference required. 714 Everett. EXPERIENCED waitress. Thompson's Res tuurant. 144 4th st. WOMAN for general housework and plain coklng,German preferred. Main 9358. GIRL f"r general housework; good wages. Ha5aIo st. Cor. Grand ave. GiKL for general housework; good wages. 3U3 Hassalo St., corner Grand ave. CO M P E T ENT girl for genVral housework. Call mornings, 024 Broadway. GIRL for general housework. Apply at once, 49S Davis, bet. 2 lit and S2d. WANTED A pantry girl and dining girl at 163 12th and MorrUoc. WANTED An experienced waitress, andra Court. 63 Ella st. Alex- WANTED Experienced girl for cigar and fruit atand. 127 W N. 6th. WANTED Good cook, other help kept. 833 Love Joy st. WANTED Girl for light housework and plain cooking. Call mornings. 321 6th. NEAT girl to wait on table, and assist with nousewora. - oiornaun. GIRL for general house workin smaUfam lly. 6i6 Hoyt. GIRL for Kcneral houaework. no coo kins:. good wages, good home. 574 3th st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. A MAN and wife on a fruit farm In Whit taim-n alley. Alan tor general work about the place; wife for cook and general housework for a small family. All mod ern convenience. For interview, lnqulr Th J. McCraken Co., 72 Front at. GOOD sieger for vaudeville act. 1431 Wi nona st. nSCEIXANEOCS. WILLIAMS TEACHERS' AGENCY Vacan cies for next year; teachers for all dpta wanted, 616 Chamber of commerce. . y MISCELLANEOCS. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL. The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction, competent man agement and practical work. E. 23D AND MORRISON. Take 6-S or Mt, Tabor car; look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. VA UDEVILLE acts wanted: big salaries nalrl- H vrti want tn frv? Will tlve VOU a course In professional dancing, singing and general stage training, payaoie wic booked; booked when competent; acts for any number of people, see frou vrneeiau. Forester's Mall, bth noor wwquam oiu. Main 6832. 10.0OO POSITIONS for wradGates last war 4 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from S13 to 2j weekly: expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata- lno-tiM- Mnhlfr Svatem of Colleges. North 4th st.. Portland. Or. WANTED Men and strong boys; no ex tt-ma tn tuarn n trnrie' 'Ai)i Students. -tl.' u0 contract jobs; half work, study half the time; automobiles, electricity, plumb ing, bricklaying; free catalogue United Trade School Contracting Co., ios Ange les. W ANT E D M EN. To learn to onernte moving Dlctures;-0p' erators make '-'O to $40 weekly; learn business In 10 days: easy terms. School of Operating, 61iC V Wash., near l.th. RAILWAY MAIL, P. O. clerks, clerk-car riers. customhouse, internal revenue ex aminations everywhere. Free book on courses. Pacific States fienool, McKay bldg., Portland Or. WAVT mnm tic- hnlnri In millinery school. makeover shop; bring your old hats, let me surprise you botn in worx ana pne Moved from Mllner block to 37B Alder. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send nnstal for Portland. Or., examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 249 F. Rochester. N. Y. PRIVATE hrssons w In BOOKKEEPING. KuniiTHivn ind TTPFWR1TING. PER SONAL ATTENTION given students. S61 Belmont, cor 13th. East 1484. APPETITE for tobacco completely de- stroyed; formula ooc. Address W. A- jjrennan, lis E. 7th N., Portland, Or. LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond -ence Schools, 233 Alder St.. open till a P. M. Send for free catalogues. MAKE money writing short stories or for paper: big pay; rree oooKiet tens now. United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. LEARN automobile driving and repairing; actual practical experience; day or even ings. 32GI6 Washington St.. room 413. WILL take a limited amount of scholars for dramatic class at 23c a lesson. AD DO, Oregonian. PRIVATE School SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. 3 mo. tii 14th st. Mam nav. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, till Shet land hide. 8 rTC ATIOX JW ANTED M A LE Bookkeeper and Clerks. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and statements. Install systems. Giliingham, auditor, 411 Lewis bldg., Marshall 717. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, thoroughly ex perienced, considered first-class man. J 3, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, employed nights. wants day work; ti year experience; win accept any office position. M SI, Oregonian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or gen eral of nee work. Phone East Jixt reier ences. POSITION, bookkeeper, references; can ubo typewriter. Phone East i4. Miscellaneous. MECHANICAL DENTIST. Wanted Position by experienced labora tory man ; superior workman; can assist In operating; flrst-clrtss references. Ad dress Mr. C. Wyss, 05 East 12th sL. city. MIDDLE-AOED married ma, sober and re liable, wants position as watenman, jan itor or some sort of light work;, any wages; references; bond or real estate se curit y If n eed b e. A J S tf. O r e g o nliin. CHAUFFEUR wishes steady position, good mechanic, careful and reliable driver, nve years' experience, best references. AJ oo, Oregonian. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman. 18 years Eastern experience, graduate engineer; studied desiun in Europe, wishes perm ar ent ergagement. AT 78, Oregonian. BY experienced drygoods salesman, 13 years experience In dress goods, silks, ready-to-wtar; capable of managing department. C 74, Oregonian. HONEST Japanese desires a position as store porter (saloon, drugstore or gar dener on the ranch ; speaks English and has experience. 321 H Water St., Portland. WANTED Position by an Industrious mar nod man. 33; will do most anything; un derstand horses; country preferred. K. 72, Oregonian. OPERATING engineer wants work; wide power-plant experience; will go anywhere; Al reference; good mechanic L 73, Ore gonlan. AM handy man all around the bouse, ex perienced nouseworK or paraener, restau rant dishwasher. Phone East 2304. 4S1 K. Morrison. COLLECTOR Young man, 3 years' expe rience, A-l reference, desire position. AG 64, Oregonian. BUTTER and Ice-cream maker wants nosl- tion; not afrafd. of work. AE 82, Orego nian. BOY 16 rears of aire, speaks little English, wants housework. Address Steve GUon, 60 4th at. North. JAPANESE wants position drivinc- automo bile; graduate Angeles Auto School. AE 87. Orctfoniau. MANY years experience, Japanese cook, wants position in private family, city or country. K a, uregonian. A GOOD honest young man, would like position or driving, experienced lu solicit- In e- AJ 10. Oreg on lan. CAPABLE man wanta position with sur veying crew ; good mountaineer, au to. Orcgonlan. Van and' wife, to work out of or in town. capable of doing most anything, such as hotel, etc., references. f i l, uregonian. COOK and dishwashers. Japanese, good ex perience, want position In country hotel O C2. Oregonian. ' LICENSED chauffeur wants position, either In or out of town; con do own repairing; references. s svz. ureconian. JAPANESE wants position, cooking and housework In family. P hi:, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants any kind of work in city. Art ay, uregonian. YOUNG stable man and driver wants any klrd of work. AJ os. uregonian. POSITION by motion-picture operator; fere nces. Ad d re 33 o 1 11. zvxn St.. c i t y. WANTED Position in hardware store; re- lerences 11 uesirea. rnoas cast iw-i. A POSITION as hotel clerk, city or coun try; best of references, j 63, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED painter, paptrhangei-, want to work for owners. w oodlawn 477. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Monographers. BY competent lady cashier, willing to as s 1st In bookkeeping o stenographic de partment. "Best references. , Phone Tabor 2113. YOUNG woman; A-l stenographer and gen eral office assistant, also experienced In 1 law, capable of managing office, five years onPacifIc Coast. AD74. Oregonian. POSITION Bookkeeper, $45 to. e tart, chance of raise, v -, uregonian. Dressmakers. HAVE your Summer sewing done at 302 12th st. ill make your own or chli drea's dresses. Phone A 7336. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing by the day. Phone Tabor 4S3. PLAIN sewing by day. Phone East 4034, C 2001. DRESSMAKING Children's claity. Phone East 6370. clothes spe- Nuraea. EXPERIENCED nurse, care invalid, elderly lone "person, gentleman, lady, city, coun try: can go to California; reasonable. Main B oneek eepera . REFINED lady wishes position caring for Invalid or elderly couple. Call forenoon or aftor 5 P. M. Woodlawn 2 7S3. POSITION aa housekeeper by younjr woman In respectable family. 304 E. Morrison. YOUNG girl to care for children or assist with housework. CC9 Northrup. Miscellaneous. CURTAINS laundered for 25c per pair aud L'p; mending and coloring free, Phon Woodiawn 26S4. b'J7tf Gantenbeln ave, YOUNG woman wants wWk by day, 25c an hour. Phone A 3H92. WANTED Day's work by colored woman, Phon Main 1100. WANTED 2T or 8 hrs. morn, or eve. clean in gajiairtrneatsPho 4400. WOMAN wants work two day a week. Woodlawn 623. Call WANTED Pantry work In pood restaurant cr cafeteria, phone Main37u6- LACE curtains laundered. Tabor 443, C 2227. Call ..morning or evening. WANTED AGENTS. WE WANT general agents and solicitors from every town to sell direct from factory to consumer the most wonderful vacuum cleaner made. Most powerful suction of any machine. Gets quart. of dirt in five minutes. SAtis $18. No salesmanship. re Quired. Emploj ment year round ; btg profit to solicitors. Write for particulars. O'Neill-James Co., 337 Madison St., Chl- ' cago, 11L RELIABLE salesman can make big- money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc ; out fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or. ' LIVE agents; our specialties sell at sight; big money; write for territory. Peeriesa Specialty Co., 634 Commonwealth bldg.. Denver. Colo. FINE proposition for competent salesmen, exclusive contract, best selling proposi tion going. Inquire 410 Couch bldg. WiANTFT -TO RENT. Houses. WANT to rent 6 -room house or bungalow, $15. Main fi354. FOR RENT. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU Rooms, ' apartments, flats, houses. 266 h Wash lngton st. Marshall 21oD. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN 'inose tnree Deauttzuiiy lurnisnea note is. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ' ROWLAND 213V. 4tn St. 211V. 4th St. 207 4th St. On Fourth sc. running from Taylor to Baimon sc. 3 ran a new oricK. eieganuy furnished; steam heat, tprlvate baths, hot and ccld water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. XI you want something out of tn ordinary In the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as we know you will like lu Rooms by the day. week, or month. Tourist trad solicited. HOTEL CAPLEfi. ResldentlaL 350 Taylor. Transient. ftet. 7th and Park at. Opposite new Helllg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed ; handsomely furnished ; every modern convenience, elevator service, steam beat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single roorni and suites with or without nrlvate baths, etc: centrally located, near postoffice; just. off all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day, ww or mun tn. rnooe aiaranau HOTEJu SAVON. 12U Eleventh SL New. modern, brick build inc. steam tieated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnisned, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and cee us. Regular and transient trad onc'tca, SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw thorne, beautifully furniBhed rooms, sin gie or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, at earn heat and telephone In every room; special Summer rates by week or1 month to permanent guests. r lrsi class grill In connection. Transients so- Uclted. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 367 Va East Burnside st. Fifteen minutes' walk to business center of city, best location on East Side; 120 modern rooms, single or en suite; rooms with private bath rates $2 to $S per week; transient, 75o to $1.30 per day. East 5940. B1275. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS. Moderate prices; weekly-rat. $3, $3.50 up, including public phono aad bam steam heat. THE OCKLEY, 890 Vj Morrison St., cor. 10 th st. CALUMET HOTEL. Park St.. between Morrison and Alder, Heart of the city; quiet and modern; fras 'bus or W car at depot: rates $1 slnxle. $1.3 flout le; also family rooms with private Data, tc. Kates per ween. UNDER new management; The Rex, 548 ash. street: nice outside rooms, thor oughiy renovated at prices to suit every one; ?..ou to per ween.; transient so licited ; also housekeeping rooms. HOTEL RENW1CK An ideal home for bus! ness people; central ly located, elegant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Port.and Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main U10. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 2U8 Third street. between rayiur ana a aim on sts.; not ana cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates $3.00 and up. ouc day and up. Alain 234, BUSH MARK. HOTEL, 17th and Washington Wewly f urnlshea rooms, single or n suitt; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold vater and phone in all rooms; rates reasonable; transients souciieo. LIGHT, airy rooms, modem, suites or sin gle, 2 and - a weeK; nve minutes want to theaters anu si ores, tree pnuue. ucueu Hotel, 260 Market st. THE COLONIAL, outside double rooms. $3.50 to o.;u; some very nan a 30121 e rooms, on first floor. lud loth st,, cor. Mor rison. ' THE HART rooms and apartments. 494 Mor rison .Nice clean rooms xrom sij per mo. up: electric light, Ireo bath. J, W. Hart, prop THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished single rooms; hot and co'd water, bath and phones, $12 to $15. 505 Jc iter son au Main NICELY furnished rooms and sleeping porch. ivj lth St.; Data ana shower. p h o ne and electric ngnts. LARGE, sunny, modern rooms, single or en auitc, hot and cold water, reasonable rates. 30 N. 17 th. NICELY furnished rooms at aiaxfm's Hotel, 149 7th st.; centrally located; bath, tele phone, running water, reasoiiablo price. LAURADEE 227 Larrabee st,, modern nicely furnished rooms, transient ; OOc up. Furnlfihed Rooms in I'rlvate j-ainlly. 2 NEWLY furnished connecting front rooms. moderu convenience, suitable for married couple or 2 or 3 gentlemen ; no other roomers ; very reasonable. 5o4 Yamhill. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for rent in private family, will give break fast; ail modern conveniences; ono block of car. 110 Ellsworth. ONE large well furnished room on the bot tom floor suitao.e lor two. 14 per montti. Phone, bath and heat; board if desired. Main 42. 571 Gllaan. VT-T. VlCUm nnmm ill. Tift nAI ll n n Vl nn hlnci. frnin car. at Grant street. Brooklyn car: NICELY furnished rooms In pleasant home, phone, heat and electric lights. 704 Mis sissippi ave. A FEW newly furhtshed rooms In private house; bath, hot water,, electric lights, walking distance. 66 N. Jitth or M. 661. FURNISH ED rooms for 2 In modern flat, 5 minutes' walk. 2JS 10th st. Phone Main &ZJ7. BRIGHT, well-furnished room; phons, bath, electric light. 370 Weidlor, cor. Union ave. C 2U05. PLEASANTLY located, on West Park. large room for 2 gentlemen, sleeping porch If desired. Main 90uQ. NICELY furnished rooms, private family, reasonable. 1 ; E. 16th St., cor. Belmont, Phone E. 5162. NICELY furnished front corner room, suit able for two; free phone and bath; rea sonable. 3.3 13th st. PLEASANT furnished front room suitable for two young men. 243 Stanton st,, taite U car. Phone Woodlawn 3h7. LARGi2 front room, nicely furnished,' suit able for 2. 5 minutes' walk from P. O. 3&2 Jefferson, corner 10th. NICELY furnished room In stoam-heated flat, with overy modern convenience, phone A 407O. NICELY furnished sleeping room for two gentlemen: bath, gas and phone. 472 Tay lor, near 14th st. FURNISHED ana unfurnished rooms, single. en suite. light, phone, bath; swell loca tion; walking distance, oil lSth st, N. NEWLY furnished room, adjoining bath, pri vate entrance irom street, very desirable for two men. $4 week. 230 10th. NICELY furnished front corner room, suit able for two; free phone and bath; rea sonable. 3:i3 13th st. FRONT room in modem home; 12 mm. on Sd car; quiet, rerined neighborhood. 8S0 E. Yamhill. $10 NICE large modern room, facing llth st, 33 j lttn. A itoi. COSY furnished worn, modern, reasonable. 30 N. 16th st., near Washington. 13.50 NICE front room, suitable for two. mnst. FINE large rooms, 504 E. Ankeny. Break fast u wisneu. NICELY furnished room, rent reasonable 254 I2tn. near Main. $10 MONTH Nice room, fln location, close in. -lu.; ;i 11. SMALL sleeping-room suitable for man poy, per w e e k. vui. LIGHT, airy room with fireplace; suitable ior two, wttihiiiij aisianct. iorth 20th. NEWLY furnished rooms. .The Resonla, 335 Jionifiomery su FINE, large, furnished front rooms, private VERY pleasant front room; walking- dis tance. Alain, wol2 301 loth. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. NICELY " f urn i showroom" allconveniences. suitable for youni; man; West Side, walk ing distance. 634 Flanders. Phone Mar shall 1320. L'nfiirnianed Rooms. DESIRAULE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MILNEP. BLDG.. 330 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. ttoomi) With Board. SEATTLE, WASH. Rose Lodge, at Alkl Point. ICity office, 303 Low man -Bldg. TENTS OR ROOMS WITH BOARD. By day. week, or month. Special rates, good for the season, given suests arriving on or before May 13. Reference required. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d years rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 6l Flanders. F. N. Hfeata.aupt. THE CALVARD, 432 Morrison, cor. 13th. Select private boarding-house; walking distance. THE CASA ROSA Large, airy rooms and board, 300 Jefferson. ELEGANT room facing the park. Including board, reasonable. 34 Park. LARGE front rooms with board, suitable for 2 or 3 young men. 33 N. 3 7th. Rooms With Board in Private Family. l LADY, just finished building a new home In Rose City Park, would like maa and wife to board and room or two ladies; 'can have use of parlor with family use of sewing machine and privilege of doing own washing; this Is strictly private fam ily. Call Tabor 2540. SUNNY, vell-fum!snea room, modern con veniences, walking distance, one block S-S, Mt, Tabor cars. Phone B 215S, 170 E. 14th st. t HOME cooking, private family, new house, modern. 624 Northrup st., between ltn and 2oth; take W car. Main 4115. PARLOR suite, larpe, light rooms, fireplace, other room, palno, choice board, refined neighborhood. 701 Marshall, A 4020. ROOM with board for 2 gentlemen In pri vate residence; walking distance. East 1320. . FIRST-CLASS room and board, private home, man and wife or two or three young men. 563 5th st. Main 2380. ROOM with dinner for Jewish man; erences. Main 3S2L S ref- FIRST-CLASS room and board, $25 a month. Ma in U102. . ROOM and board for two, $55 per month; nice front room and fine bath. Main 2233. S')o SALMON "Nice front room with board; home cooking, all home privileged FURNISHED room with board for two. 107 N. 16th, near Glisan. Main 5513. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private family. 545 Yamhill cL BOARD and room; good home place; singl rooms. 787 Glisan; Main 3314. ; LARGE pleasant roon, suitable for two, 1 breakfast and dinner. Main 207L 1 BeTl'TIFUL, room, board for two gentlemen, $25 month; splendid location. 549 Taylor. ( LARGE rooms, with running water, and board. 515 Morrison st. A 8S28. ROOM and board. Nob Hill district. PC. 22d. Telephone A 7230. 204 A partments. "OLANDO" APARTMENTS, 20th and Washington. 2 and 3-room apartments. elegantly furnished; low rates; walking: distance. Se these before you locate. m "THE HOUSMAN." 730 HOYT. BET. 22D AND 23D STS. Two and three-room apartments, ele gantly furnished; also a few unfurnished; Just opened. Very reasonable. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th aud Clay streets. Strictly high-class. 3-room suites, unfurnished, with pri vate vestibule, bath aud phone, electrlo elevator. THE LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. New. modern, brick, elegantly furnished, large outside 2 and 3-room suites, free Paciilc phono in each apartment, disap pearing beds, icebox, janitor; no carfare to pay; only two apartments left. Best 1 n city for the p rice. . PEN1SULA Apartments Ono of Portland's nne&t apartment-houses, 4-mlnute car service, oeautiful part city to live, 1135 Albfna ave., cor. Ktllingsworth. Take Mis sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third and Wabh. sts., 13 mm. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished, $ 17.50 to J30 mo.; also uuturnlfehed aut. W oodlawn 2259. THE AVALON. Corner Ross and Clackamas; new and beautifully furnished and . unfurnished apartments of three and four rooms and sieepiug porches; desirable location; walk ing distance to West Side business center. Call personally or phouo Private Ex, 4, Ke n tal dept. , 'THE JULIANA" One 2-room and one 4 room apartment, elegantly furnished; isbvr open for rent; very leasuuable. KE-UKAN, Marshall, between llth and uth. up-to-date, eianoraceiy lunuauou. upartmeuts, 3 rooms, private bath and pnono; something leal nice and homelike at a reasonable price. Main 60o2. A 3101. W c- . HANTKORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th st,. mar Main. .iegaui mree-ruuiu ments with private balcony; large rooms, every modern convenience and each ar ranged with two sleeping apartments; rem$32.5uJ$j7.50! ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 2l3t and Hoyt sts., now ready for oc cupancy ; most modern 3 and 4-room, apartments in city; each apartment has large private balcony and every modern convenience; rents from 30to$43. ODERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat, phono East S00. U ADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 llth St., cor. Hall. 3 And 4-rooin furnished or unfurnished apts.. private bath, phone and balcony porches; uewly furnished, strictly modem; bummer rates. Phono Marshall 1171. THE NORTHAMPTON. 40. iriaa st., near llth. walking uisuuice, vv est oiue, now brick building, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, private batn, phone, hot water heat, rem $30 and up. Main 4200. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Coluiiiuia sts., one o-ruum uiuumisiiou upartinent vu.ca.ut May 10. All modern conveniences, beautilul location, front ing the park. Apply to manager. THE Kentucky Apartments, East 28th and (jnsan sis. -t it.n., '- 1 . w w dim modern, furnished complote. Private batli and phono in each apartment. THE MORDAUNT One 4-room and recep tion nail, siea.ni xictiL, iiwt ciuu cum water, opposite Christian scientist Church, 18th and Everett. B RA INT REE APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished and unfurnished 5-room modern apartmenLu. 205 12th, st. Phones A741. Main7741. IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill sts, 6- room UUIUI Uisaeu apti mien 1, ; 4-room unfurnished apartment, $6. Modern im provemeuts, adults only. SAN MARCO APTS.. East 8th and Couch New DriCK, nioueni, a-ruum apis., Willi bath. 1 apartment $23; 1 $J6. Phone Ease 2751. ; MADISON Park Apartments, Park and Mad ison BIS., one luur-rooui, grounu IlOor, furnished apartmentjall outs!de rooms. BRUCE APTS. New, modern 6-room apart ment, w i'r -Jin uuu Mfurup sta. i im i tor. M ars h alll 423. THE Chetopa, 18th and Flanders at., mod ern. 4 rooms, newly furnished and unfur nished apartments. Apply to janitor. ALTAMONT AFTikT beautifully furnisheid 3 and 4-room apartment, very reasonable, rent. Corner 5th and College. Main 60S0. ST! CLAIR, 715 Wayne st. ; modern aix room apartment- Phone Main pJoO. SPLENDID 4-room unfurnished apartment, close ln Phone East038l. 2-3-4 ROOM furnished, steam-heated apart ments; moderate rents; closo In. Oneonta, 187 1 7th st.. n e a r Ya m 1 1 il J. " the Stanley! " Either furnished or unfurnLhefl apart- m e n 1 3. 701 Wa s h i n g ton st. ST. CROIX Apartments: for rent a three room apartment, completely furnished, $40. Apply 623 Washington st. The Cookery. MORTbNT"69Washington furnished and unfurnished 3-room apartments, modern, reason a b le- THE ELMS Two and three-room apart ments, completely furnished. 101 llth at. THE HARTFORD Best modern aptaTln the city. 21st and Flanders.