' -. -i 17 TTII? MOttXiyO OREGOXIAy. TITURSDAY, MAY 4. 1911. . - - - f r T wrv-sr--., f WXAXCIAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I. V Slurc. FOR RENT iM store on M.lison street, eaar west arproacb of h:la In brick blda : will remodel to suit tenant: rent nuoutlc A. H- Hlrr-"ll lo, WJ Mcrvay bills.. 41 and Stark eta. h RENT An Id-al ao. toi boat garage- nothing like It on tbe nvtr; about l-a feet frontage. Apply Gaa Power Bupp.y -'a, 14 4 Haw-Horj ea ve. SEVERAL stores at east rnd Mad;eon-st. bruise. II" " " according to six. In quire 271 H' eve. TORE at 1M Morrison at-: can m It I'-O fratrereaavnbl. Office. offices for rent. tin to MS. X tRrH ANT , SAVIN' i -I A TRUST . . Cor. tjxand'xihlngtonSL jF.K ROOM la select location cheap to prc- party: writ, elating business, tel erheae. towal earvtee an4 clerical aervlee furalaaad. AO 77. fJTUunUa. sLITE OF ROOMS for physician. a. f-r dseuet. and an apartment, ex.-e.lent ! ration at Fenlaeu.a. by ood- lawa 0i TINE location for dentlstjasr physleisn on East SUe; cheap rent to proper tiartiea. M'CAKOAJL ItATeV LIVELY. &h TfOl Illdg. brr'icE"isrAK"roK fknt. Choi- rooms. Hallway Exer.anse bide. Wo furnish a :-k and other oil ice equip ment. Apply 3" Railway Exchange bi.tg. Vf,n BVVT Several Horn and sh-T" at eaet and Xidlmn-il. brl.lxre; rent - to 1 rO. according to sue. Apply V. I. bmlca Pual Co.. z-l llawtnoma ave. rriH RENT. Desirable froal office, light ard rormy: $13 per wiooth. Appap rum S. Hiake- MeFa.1 bb!g- . ---- .f nCfw-ta far r.r! tablo. chairs. phfM. nap. ate.. per try nth. Call Marshall 1UI3 or woooiawn -- FOUR rood-atxrd offices, good light and ven tilation, at ted per mouth, at 181 Morri son at. Hutrr centrally located cfTlcaa. all-nl!l flo ra tor aaroro. -J Mwatiaad kUfc or )aa Itor. atb and Waanlaatoo. MCE llht front offvca WHS no ot rcp-tloa-tonm. all l:ord of Trado. Korm wat Ral:y Co.. pr J. T. Morrow. Sag OFFICE or db room: bright. ehr1n of flro; front of alator. ftO HorjrJld. lf;svc room In f iTiit-c lasa o;( lea for rant. Call 117 AMnfton tinr Xt:-K KOIM. tS; Una loatton: rhona and tnraphr. AJ 70. uretonlnn. bisif..s orroRTfMTrr.s. COXC TO THE PACinC WITH WARD." rRta wantad In Pmclfle NorthwaaU Taclflc Mutual lJfai 4 J yara old. 21 anllllnna au'ta In m-noy. H. H. Ward. Mr.. T12 bpa.dip bld. BrSI.NESS OPPOUTINITIKP. Good npnln on lino of C A A. K. K.. In Urnmn County. Oron. fr tha filtoln Inn of builnraa: S-vrl aaw mllla. iMn- la mllla. wooim mill. brlckTard and n ral BirrrhantJlaa atora. lor part'.rulara addrna fiph n cn rv r. CnrvaUia. Or. REST AI'R ANT. Ownar nunl so Kaat to racalva an ln-hantan'-a: will aacnf: at l-aa than on ha.f alu: Ux-atrd J "t rljrht. nat pruflt : par uay: ir:c m i. CRl Srl lAUlltt', TpoardofT ra.la bldu . 4tli an'IOalt. KKI.SO Orator and Chap Houw. Keltn. tVaaft.. bat lofatioo In town, will aat 44. flTa roorra apatatra. $.15 a montb. bava a 2-raar laaa; must aril on irrounl of alck nraa. will glva good deaL Addreaa P. O. Box ".. U NCH countrr at Mrtollua Or., now dotna fair bualnraa. makea a'o1 waa-ra. wun aicallent proapacta; til aall at inrolca: about I - . am rolnir on homrtaad. Kor partieulara adtiraaa R. IX Lllla- Good laaaa. l"LrNrIO int'ilmraL rrqilrlnc t70: It la that lKl tfiat I will c'.va aood aa curity for tha moaay and a guarantee of j prr cant pr aonarn on trta dollar. Call at room 2-7 laimbar ticmnn bld. Corner 2d and Stark . WANTED Party with from to lisa to taka trtrat In good paying bualnaaa; will aiaad invrntlgatlou; wa haa gaad apaalng a Cailfornia. Tna Ama Atarcantlla Aganey. Kata bis 41 AMngton bigg. PARTNER wantad l ral aarata offlca; dil no, iignt; will maka K to JH monthly. If yoa want a good bustnaaa. call and In vaatigata. Room Hi. kurabar Kxcbaxiga bldg. CI'lH. rosFECTI'"NEP.T. -M'.HT GHO t'EKT AND Ll.NOUKuoM Jul tha piac f ic a lady or man and wtfa. uiah'u PEAi.rv co. uw Aldar xiiraau H'ANTED To mrt com potent movlng-rlc-turo oparator with four or flva hundrad r.a to Invaat In autaida boua. Call R. Marcbanti. lt and Da via. City. No atrtcga cor. id rod. PARTNER WANTED I am building houa-a and aalilng thatn. and ard a man witn J O r .ji-. thia 1 ona of th moat profltab:o bualnaaa la rortlaad. IV. Oragonlan. FOR fAl.k. t-W.""- ator of w-ll a-ort-d hiHar. old aatabliand. ta tba bualnaaa cot-r of oar ox tba iargaat ritiaa on tha Commt. IJU.JVO caah, bai. tl tna. AV 11. Or-fcn!afv fc r r'.y 1 A I Cigar atand lM. grocary afora .'0O: aaa for I13ni. restaurant for $.ma. w hava any kind of btiinraa yoa wish for. Coma In and talk wita ua. Call 14 Hoard o Trada. taT API.!.-H ED buslaras. aul:ab; for man and wifa willing ta put a fw hours' wnra a day; now Batting anoul prr month; prtt-a $.VM. t'rmi Lf wanted, lnqulra wareeattr bldg. WANT you to know ori- thousand doUara ln aeatad paya yoa .0 par year or .D per manta. C:l or write for partlrulara. Alaaka Coast Flati Co.. locorporatad, ill Bv-baaaa bldg.. Portend. Oragaa. RCAU' ISTATE bao. doing g jod bu-tn- as. asatt pamnar to show customer prvpar. tr: ywu caa maka lljo to IwO tiwntMy. Partieulara room 3.1 Lumber Kzcbanga. FOR SAE Flna rotall groeary at Involra. aaont9aa: reairi.-t-d district, cl'-kaa Jn: pae4 at rests 1 established buslneaa; 171 dally aalea. Teleuhona tha awaar. East I Ta. axcept Sunday. STOCK companlea Incorporated. Wa bid ti offer enttra Issue of atookg or b-mda fue aala for corporations. Tha K. Jay Hie ktna Company. 364 Llllcptl Squara. But fa. N. Y. TOCNO MAN. KTRANOKR. Maka careful usveattgatloa at 9X9nmm f as I ley before you laveat mooey tn aay rr prapoaauoa. Aaeiaory sMpartmaal. I. la. CONKECTTONERT. r'rir and fruit store, paving liua monthly ovt all expenses; .w0 rajulrad. Room b-3 Lumber a;x ehange. E A T C CTTE it Toung man to Invest" I i with lerrtrei, P!( chance: or will aell cheap: good trada. cash m s r k et. phoaa Woodiawn lSd. FOR SALE OR t,EA.S Completely quipped pianinr-miil In city of lii.ooo. Address S. K. Ban lard. Vancouver. IVuk, m 14a. FOR SALE by ewaar. 4 0-room hotel with bar and poolroom In connection; wrlta for partieulara. Joaepa Dalton. North Taktma. Waah. LEAVl within tea days, will locate heme, seakara on lu acraa goremrurnt land. Port Gaorge ctstrtrt. lintlsh Columbia. J. T. MrLeod. 17 17th it- Main 4U. 1IALF Interaat ta an old-established bust pess. doing a g-od bustnea. Fr full par. tleulara call Kinney gr B'irrphfr. Lumber Excbanga bldg.. rooms a:ll-:l'J. RESTAURANT. A rood one. good lease: good trade; for aale cheap. 3 1 iT av la tur comer oth. FOR HALE Meat market: will Involra fix turea, part cash. See owner; must aell at ant: sleknasa. AO S3. OregonUn. il A LF IN T F. 14 EStT-Pa y fng busTness": trl-1 Ctrea: evperienca urnei-esaary: tJOQ re aulred. Marahall leVl. partieulara. IlrTlCK room In a- house, till rooms raving 1 monthly or all xinj; $i.Mel; coxd terms. Room !.3 LumberKxi-hange. CONFECTIONERY aad light gro srtea, good loeatioa; leaving city raaaoa aailins. Woodiawn SI. PHOTO GALLERY, on ground floor, fine location, long lease. Cheap. AT 64. Ors gonlan. BALOON tlood comer, doing good bu-l-r.ea; reason for aelimg. aickneea. 84 N. eh. tt4A.ll ITliSARA luachei. ete.. ooentng for steady man: can cfeay 1 every day; raejulrea t - Call ;i Stark . Ft iR a ALE Coffae-houee. doing jj a day bualnaaa. Ownar leaving city. 3M4l East A .'Per. A GOOD- ONI Will Invoice about 1-75: do ing good buatnese. Call at l'-Ts Beimoot. corner East 44th at. PARTNER wanted In eleanlnr bu!nesa. nna location and a big money-maker. West ern Investment Co.. 417 Hoard of Trade. CI5AR stand, very e-ntral. 4 y--.re teas-, aolld fade, rn. a tl'Vl- Cull M stark u BARKER shop, eonntrr town, beat trade. HWi. terms. Ca:i .l'j Stark st, Jt EST At RANT, barealn; will aceept raaaon. Ml orfer. Call . I '- Stark at. FOR RENT -naat for cigar Kind. Inquire 44 1st L BCS'-NEt-a oPPOHTrjiinES. BE( LIVER PAI-f- r DENTAL, pIl'CLV RT'SI N LSSL STOCK AND FIXTURE". A CHEAT OI'l ORTl NITT. Under and by ylrtuo of an ord-r of tna Superior Court of tha Btata of asn Irgt. a tor King County, mada and en tered In the case No. T58 entitled Co lumbna JOenlal Manufaeturlng Co.. plaln tirf. ii Northwestern Pentai Supply Co.. defendant, tha undersigned as receiver "I aaid deendwnt la authorised to clter Tor aale. -as a whole, the enure eatoek. furni ture, fixtures, including aafa and officw furniture and flxturem. and good will ot aaid business on aeaied blda to be cpened at 1J o'clock, noon, oa Monday. May 16, Jkll. . . Paid atoek conaista of a modern ana well assorted stock of dental auppllea ot a'l descriptions and can ba aaan at room -7. Lumber Exchange bids-. fcealtla. Terms of ei-la. cash. Each bid must ka arrom ranlcd by a cerurled check, for 10 par t-ext of the amount bid aa an evi dence of good fnltl. to ba returned If tha bid ta not accepted. All bids are to ba eut'jeet to tba appro-raj of tha Buperlor Court of tha male of Waablngion for King County, and tha court reserves tha right to reject any and all blda. All blda soon.d ba addreaaad to tba of flea of tha undersigned and Indorsed oa tha outside "Bid lur Stock; of Dental supplies." . A full iBTantory of tha trtock and fl turea may ba aeon, and permission to ex amioe the stork obtained, and any fur. ther information desired will be f-.rrntshed by the underalgned on application. HOWARD J. FRIES. Receiver of NorUiweet lentat bupply Cec ;.'7--i Lumbar Eachaaga bldg, beat U a. Was a. IP TOC WANT A GOOD RCSINFf-l LOCATION IN A COMINO TOWN. rEK LYLE AT ONCE. f.O UP ANT DAT. . SPECIAL RATES rl'NDAT. Call at olii office for iet iils. KEA5ET. HUMASON ex JEFFERT. I'EALERS IN LAND. CHAMBER OF COMMERCK FLDO-. MERCHANDISE STOCKS. Good general atoek 7f", aalea I.IS.nM. l-,ood general atock I11.440. aalea $s.000. The latter will exchange for laxm, wian Ing to retire. .,. . Grocary atocka ranging from 11004 to 'Res'tauranta. IIOSO to 1500, with profit able trade. ORrR-SI gc 7ADOW. . . til Foard of Trada bldgo 4th and Oak. S URt'R R AS'O ROCER T. " Station on ML Scott car, will aell atock. fixtures and building or will aU atock and fixtures and rent building for I'.'S a month. Look this up. BLOCH REALTY CO.. J-Jd Alder Street. DRUGSTORE. A well-established bualneaa. located In One of the best d.strlcta In this city; will aell at invoice, cneap rant, long eaaa; about ISoOil. ll.VWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. Li t 34th and Hawthorne are. HOTELMEN. LOOK 1'ERE! Widow wanta to aell her &i-room botal with bar and own llcanee. good leaae and low rent; sacrificed for :KK0. or take good l'or::an4 properly. Facha. 221 ie M jr n von at. A I;t. LlALI.t; real eetale man (who ia alonei wanta partner to attend office etc True office has a fine list and some good deals pending: can glee hlchest references ard expect mat; only 1173 required, call 2 16 Stark at. SO H. P. ZOOOO capacity mill for as la. all or half Interest, ta rlchl party; 111 health cauaa of aala; mult change climate: planty pine timber; good local market; la Cen tral Oregon. Geo. H. Knapp, Gist, Crook tVunty. Oregon RESTAURANT and lunch counter wanta honest partner to act as cashier: owner docs tha cooking and can't depend on hired b'p: will pay you -t weekly and board: $110) required. Roota S-3 Lumber Kxchangw ' WANTED Aa Invention that baa merit and would be a household necesaaity; electri cal preferred ; can fumlah capital to man ufacture and market auae; must hava full details In Brat latter. AU lit. Oro . gonlan. riuu riRLOR. Confectionery, elgara. taraalea. etc: fine loratlon, good trade. $70O; will consider Cirtaor, Hall a Gustln. 11 Lumbermena idg. DEUCATF.biKN. On Washington atraet; fine mtt-jres. clean and attractive: b yeare leasee 26'0k iiUK-H REALTY CO, Sod Aldsr Street. A HPECIAL BAROAIN. Fine furnished cafe In beat downtown location, large aaatlng rapacity and long l-ase: very caeap at doi"A Anawar. AL 74. Orrgoalan. FOR -4ALE Grocery and delloateaaan, do Irg fine bualneaa. wail located, good leaae, 'will aell at Invoice; recelpta $4u par day; must leave city at once. Inquire tliVs Washington at., room SltL FAHTNElt wanted for a w.ll-establlhed cigar, confectionery and light lunch busi ness: average daily aalea about $10. This J lace la on a much-traveled street. Price v.o. call 27 a Stark at. THE Vancouver Carpet O-nnlng Warka. with machinery and good trade, la for aala reaaonaiile; owner must retire. Ad dress I r parucuiacs, a-4 arvsgvaj v . an-ouver. H. C- Cltix KRT. atiietlr cash, ao detlrory. dally ralee average .V0; rent only $10 per month: this place rl-ara $ day above all expenses, rnca $x0. call g; Ptark at. r.VRTNER wanted for central cash atora; ran depend on good aaiary and ahara of profita. which are large. Partieulara, "" . btark at. FOR HALE Half Intereat In good live real estate bualneaa; good rhanca for man to leara tba real estate bualneaa. Partieu lara 14 th at-, room til. GRO'ERT. aalea $0 day. growing district, . lease, low rent; yoa can secure It by pay. Ing wholesale price for tha atock; not $1 tonus. Call tlHU Stark st. UAl.r Interest In a reliable real estate of fice, beat or reasons ror setting: your money secured : references given and re quired. Particulars dl$ Hoard of Trade, BAR CAIN In a private boarding-house. 30 niomx full of board era. doing good bust, neea. In Una location: ao agents. B , Ore gonlan. FOR SALE: hares of stock In Haxel wood Co.. Spokane, at 1 1 lu par share; thla ta lesa than book value Jan. L 1H1L M. M 'rtensen. Ames. Iowa. RESTAURANT and lunch room on Main at., rent $'A: everything complete: would In voice ljn; price only flrso; thla ta a anap. owner go'rg East. Ca 1 1 7 Stark st, CONFECTIONERY STOKE. Good corner, fine nelchborhool. 4 llvlng rnoma, 710. llall at Gustln. 811 Lumber-n-. ens bldg FOR SALE Restaursat near Ankany car barns, a snap it taken at once. j lita st. r. 1 1 1. STOIvE. atock fISOO. T3 acres, ij cultivated. Implements, slock, gvod butlillnr. aaxrl flie. $i.v0. terms. frtJO Grand ave. N. $iie) CONFECTIONERY and clrars. oa Washington atreet. doing good bualneaa. Call His Hoard of Trade. I'l.i MHING bualheee In town of A0O0: ona other shop in town; Invoice about $1800. AV 4 L Oregonlan. CASH grocery: have opening for gteady nian: pay you well; requiree very Utile money. Call al-e Stark at. CliiARS and confectionery, central, rent ;7; nice transient trade; one living-room; price (lOOO. Call 27 Stark st. BEAVIS May Oil stock la $10; will sacrifice small qusntity for syap. Aaareea jlh na. ore g.-inlan. REAL ESTATR7 bnilnesi: opening for steady man to ahow land, etc.; proflta Isrre. I'arllrolars. Stanc st. COFFEE house, cheap, terms, or will rent furnished. K. vv. wood. aS7 Couoh au Owner. $ in WW CONFECTIONER Y and cigars. West bide corner, mooey-maaer. can am Hoard of Trade. BA RP E RSHOP for aala, good paying shop. 6 c.-.atrs aad hatha; leaving city. i'b'x N o-.h it. BE a traveling picture showman, thorough tuition and machine fumpieta; oaly $yS. laetimle. Oak. . 14 .Ni'll counter for $inO; partnera don't arree; ar.ap. Call gl'-. Stark at. REAL EfTATB PARTNER: EXPERIENCE t.VNICEWART. 4 US EtLLI.Si VLD. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IN THE TIEST COLLEGE TOWS JN THE NORTHWEST. LOCATED TN A TOWN WITHIN 1 MILES OF PORTLAND. THIS- 13 A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rOMEC TIOXERT STORE AND ENJOYS A MO NOPOLY OF THIS PARTICULAR BLuI NESS l.V THIS DISTRICT. WE CAN SHOW GROSS RECEPITS TO THE AMOUNT OF l."0ii WORTH OF NEScI DONE IN THE PAST YEAR. THIS JS A BONANZA FOR SOS1KRODT. OTHER AND LARGER BUriIN,SH . IN TERESTS IEMAND THAT 0VNER SACRIFICE THIS. TO A R r PONS I H LEI-ARTY 100O Wn.L HANDLE THIS. COME IN AND LET US TtLL lOU JJi.iRE ABOUT THIS PLACE. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. .H-Jv-21 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. FTNB LOCATION FOR BANK. THE BEST LOCATION FOR A BANK IS IN THE NEW TOWN Or MAUPIN. WASCO COUNTY. ORE- GON. "ON THE DESCHUTES RIVER. THE ONLY TOWN PI TWEE! THE COLUMBIA RT ER AND MADRAS. INVESTIGATE. J. W. CROSSLEY. MAUri.N. OREGON. CONTRACTOR an builder whose health has broken down wanta to aell 11 noueea. mostly .finished, some ao!d on contract, some ranted: value S31.73: mortaairee $14,600; bis Interest $1..17J: will eell the w whole works for $io cash. Thla la ; offer that you bear of but once In a life time and anyone In or winning to enter the building line will find thla an 'mt unbelievably good opportunity. X Tv. Oregon la n. AT VANCOUVER. Washington, at end of beat carlme. Just completed; elegant bun-galow-etyle store building with wide porches, full basement, moat fixtures al ready Installed, suitable for waiting-room, confectionery and refreshments: only atora Ir. vicinity; It t-claea opportunity for nsht party; rent reasonable. Apply personally or by letter to A. J. Euderlln. Star Brew ery office. Vancouver. Waah. . MAN or woman with $J"0 to uO to Join me la a high-class clean legitimate bual neaa. staying from 3 to 4 weaka In all large cities of America; no canvassing nor agent propoaitloa; a splendid chance to travel for health and pleasure and double your money every 30 days: must have A No. 1 references. AP HI!. Oregonlsn. SNAP. Opera-house leaae for aale. 4 years: fully equipped' running licensed motion pic tures: stage, scenery; road shows booked by John Cort; newly decorsted. seats ii0; rent $; Oregon town of 6ikhi; good rea aona for selling; big bargain for right Party: $looo eaelu.F en. Oregonlan. A GOOD INVESTMENT I have a business block In coming Oregon coast town w hich Is earning 14 per cent on the inveatment; two stores are leased for long time: f 4.100, terms If desired. 823 Chamber of Com merce. MANUFACTURING PARTNER. Capable man wantad aa partner In a woodworking plant; will bear closest In vestigation money goea Into bualneaa and fully aecured; $100o will handle It. Call room 111. Lumber Exchange bldg. BUSINESS man. with good references some capital, wanta to Inveat with sexvlcea in some business that Is profitable; business ofTered must be from owner and subject to Investigation. AM 42. Oregonlan. . RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Ona of tha most popular places In the city; fine location. For particulars ad dress owner. AH 70, Oregonlan. NO AGENTS. JUA EMMLE stsnds for the best place to get moving picture machluea and auppllea; film re at era. 838 Oak. Onn. Walla Fargo'a. kcs ...A ...... nf fin. atora and llvlnk- roorns oa Williams ave.; loratlon central; logetner viui i ouuiui rem. " . some quick. Call lor Hurlbert. 80J Lew la b A t. . ' CIOAR atore and confectionery; clears $100 per month; rent $3 per month; $Uu0. Restaurant that will pay for Itself la two months; JuO. UA KLA. U ax t... li'l -viii WANTED Partner with $S0. movlng-plc-ture ahow or movlng-plcturw school; ex perience unnecessary: money fully se cdeaewman.SJViWsjih,ji earI7th RAVE a fine opening for an energetic hust ler that will clear not lesa than $-lo0 per month. Inquire Weatern Inveatment Co, 417 Board of Trade. MOVING picture show, near Portland, clear ing 50 to $00 weekly; $700 down and pay balance out of bualneaa. 404 lioth- child bint Rent $115; corner, clean atock. trade 1-0 a day; about $Uuo. Hall fc Gustln. Oil Lumbcrmens bldg. HALF Interest In a real estate office that Is paying $loo per month: nothing- but a aood. live nu wanted. Particulars at S10 Spalding bldg. , V AC Am 1 uiuna. . Confectionery, fixtures for sals cheap; rent $2tK Hall ex Gustln, 611 Lumber. mena pi tig. . -t-f r. v Ti i un 1 1 V 3 Uvlna-rooma. clean new atock and fix tures. $4uo. Hall ex Gustln. 411 Luinber mens bldg. ' I . FOR SALE at Invoice, grocery store. 1449 Wlltlama ave. Owner. C 2'Joi, M 113. BUSINESS STATIONERY at special prlcaa. Acorn Press. Ill Buchanan bid. Main 5544. ir yoa rti where you can clear $;io per week, weat ern Inveatment Co.. 417 Board of Trade. BAKERY lood location, good bualneaa; selling account alckneaa. - AP OS, Ora lonlaa. yvo RENT Oood location for barber shop, bathhouse and steam cleaning; good leaae ana cheap rent- Phone Main 3S. CONFECTIONERY for sale; good location, good lease; rent $.14; price $100. Ca.l 3rtT First at. WANTED I'arty with $.100 for aura auc ceas with Huso FaatlvaL A 64. Orego Plan. PARTNER Good paying bualneaa, must b ave few ruadred dollars. D tl, Ore gonlan. CONCESSIONS wantad for Council Crest; rent I or percentage. Apply ao the grounda. """aTiNTNO AND INDUSTRIAL 8TOC K3. Telephone aad other bonla bouxht aad ao d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Abington. GOOD reataurannt. well located, lease own ar tired of others running It; will taks bett o.'fer today. 232 Worcester bldg. 1 AM prepared to Inveat a few thousand dollars in some room ouameaa: give tun particulars. AK. 44, Oregonlan. GOOD paying grocery business, established yeftrs. iiwner. o.n cnion ave. rv. FOR SALE Meat market, sacrifice. AB 64. 4reg onlan. i WILL aell half Interest meat market; can't depend on hired help. AG 61. Orcconlan. 00 BUSINESS cards, $1.00: yon must bring WHAT havs you to sell for rashT Owners only, r-ee H. N. Bain. $14 Railway Exch. KOOMTNO-nOCSFS. ROBINSON COMPANY, Apartment Houses, Hotola and Rooming Houses our Specialty. Boom brl. Selling bldg. Phona Main 113. lS-room rooming-house, $1173; $400 down. 14 -room rooming-house, $S30; $300 down. 11-room roomlng-hoiise, $1000; $G00 down. 10-room rooming-house, $400; $300 down. lO-roorm rooming-house, $700; $330 down. a rooms and sleeping porch. $1000; $700 down. $ rooms and iloeplng porch, $1000; $400 dqwn. e-room lower flat. $700; $100 down, irl-room rooming-house. $i;mi cash. rroom roofnlng-house, $ti.10 cash, s-room room 1 1 k -h nunc, $4o0 cash. ROBINSON CO.. 622 Selling bldg. Main IIWO. IP LOOKING for hotels or rooming-houses, don't fail to see our list before buying. We saved othera money and can save you money. We have a large list, all sizes, and can please oa 3'.'4ls Washington at., room 214. FAMILY HOTEL. It rooms, corner brick, elegsntly fur nished: 4 years' lease: $404 rent. Will guarantee to clear 4440. Will take real eate for part; liberal terms. Chllders, 31$ Board of Trade. READ THIS. Do you want a nice home, a good pay ing business, and $14110 worth of furniture for $VrO? If ao, and you hare $3.10 cash, call 411 Henry bldg. A SNAP. - 2.1-room bosrdlng-house. 2 yeare' lease, cheap rent, full of boarders, quitlng on the account of III health. 130 Page il Phone East floS. Terms. T"ROOMS. Nob Hill, cost 150 to furnish In February- owner leaving; must aell, $42o. 3 Is Board of Trade. 44.-.0 CASH 7 -room house, transient; 3J years' lease. TRAILERS REALTY CO.. 2(H 11 st. TUP DACTVIC REALTY CO.. HOTELS ROOMING-HOUSES ' Apartment Houses and Real Estate. Phone Main 8.140. A S4"o. "Wa are exclusive sjents for the folio -Inr. WE CAN SAVE YOTJ TIME AND MONEY on any house In the city. THIS aTUST BE SOLD. 74 ROOMS. 37 apartments. 12 uncle -rooms, over half furnished; we are offering thla place for $2li('i( leas than It cost, on account of serious Illness; can be bought now and sold airaln at a big profit; the leaae runs tor d years and Is worth alone $3000. 40 ROOMS. PRICE $5o00. , , Arrarured on terms to stilt, this Is lo cated on the busleat street In the city; corner brick, steam heat, running water in rooms; good lease at reaaonablo rent. 12 ROOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, arranged In housekeeping apartments; A BEAUTIFUL PLACE, homelike and a aood Income. 4-year lease at " Pr month. ONL $1000 cash required to handle this. We have others, all elxcs and prices, it you have not been In our office, come In and be convinced. ANOTHER JUST LISTED. , Must be sold this week. 60 rooms, rent $200. 3-vsr lease, steam heat, all on one floor, nicely furnlahed. part housekeep ing; this la the beat we hava seen for the money, price only $2500. easy terms. WHO WANTS THI9 SNAP? 30-roora transient house, located near P. O. - rent $130: 21 months leaae. rood furniture; clears $125 month: price S1750; terms 'S. cash; act quick, as It will aell quick at this prtoe. 34 ROOMS. 8 YEARS LEASE. Well furnished, down town transient house, near Portland Hotel; rent $2 Jo month: clears $200 a month; price only $3:M0; terms; you can't bent this. 14 ROOMS. IS MONTHS' LEASE. Located In 2 bloeka of P. O. : rent $00: price $1100. H cash; enough said; see It quick. 13 ROOMS. 2-YEAR LEASE. We will guarantee this to be the heat furnished and cleaneat email home In Portland today; all aleeplng rooma. best claaa of all-men roomera; the rent la only 643; guarantee clearing $93 a month and owner keepa 2 rooms; price $1700 and la worth It. 10 BOOMS. $730, H CASH. If you wsnt a nice, clean home near the White Temple, this Is It: everything as clean as can be and well furnished; bu sure and sea tt- A GOOD LEASE GOES WITH EVERY HOUSE IN THIS LIST. R. H. OOODKIND CO.. 602-4 Board of Trade Mldg. Marshall 409. A 1030. TO OWNERS OF APARTMENTS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. WE GUARANTEE to Sell your ROOMING-HOUSE or HOTEL In SO days If your price Is right. We have more calla for houses from 1$ to 40 rooms than wa can fill. Phone ua and one f our ao llcitors will call. 36 TEARS IX THIS BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., Suite 18 Ycon bidg, 6th and Alder sis. Phone Main 4S1 snd A 7112. HAVE YOTJ $U0O IN CASH ? If so,' we csn put you In one of the best WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSES, con taining over 50 ROOMS; all extra well furnished and BEST OF ALL everyone is occupied. There la a good S-year lease at lesa than $3 per room. Now If you want something Al and GILT-EDGE, ask to see thla ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO, ' Suite 41 S Yeon bldg.. Fifth and Alder ata. ROOMING-HOUSE of 23 rooms, in good lo ratlon: houae full all the time; owner sick and must sell; HVj.-year louse at $73 per month; price $14.10 and a bargain ut the price. This Is not a high-toned pi set, but a good, clean house. In a good loca tion and a place where tbe right party ran make money; Investigate this at once If you want a good proposition. Apply at 233 Stark St.. near Second. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO.. HOTELS, ROOMING-HOUSES. APART-MENT-HOUSES, REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Phone Main bo0. A 8473. 322-24 Falling bldg.. 3d and Waah. TS Y J a P1 T Portland's "LEADING HOTEL BROKER" 50-ROOM HOTEL TO TRADE. Washlngton-eL Porner; modern brick : long leaae. well furnished; doing good biialneas: $2500 cash, $2,100 property takea tha place. Inquire owner, 421 Mohawk bldg. Phune Main IPSO. I FURNISHED large 10-room house beau tifully December let. renting for house keeping (or $V4; must aell. no agents. C 1K4i. East 3uo3; APARTMENT-HOUSE. 83 rooms, rent $80, a years' lease; for sale by owner. Price $2000. 632 Williams ave. 11 ROOMS, rent $45: nicely furnished; close In: clears 150. and nice home; $900. 31$ Hoard of Trade. WHAT have you to sell for cash? Owners only, ejee H. N. Iialn. 619 Railway Exch. rOR SALE- 15-roomT" rooming-house; $500 will handle lu By owner. 212 VI 4th st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST April 23. Sunday, on the road near Oregon City, a large sealskin collar with trimmed atole ends; finder kindly ruturn to Bu.t urn A Pendleton, till Morrison St., Portland, and receive reward. LOST On May 1 In Piedmont car. a small lady's gold watch with fob attached. Ini tials "H. W." on watch: finder will pteaae return to Helen Woodcock, 1407 Union ave. N, corner Dekum and get re k ard. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prlcaa; we raxmvate mattreesea and return same day: we also renovate fealhere. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. 226-22S Froni. l'hone Main 474: A llilL LOST Small (old watch and pin. Initials E. 3S. T. ; believed to be lost near 1.1th and East Harrison sta.; return to 1348 K. Harrison er phone Tabor 2464. Re ward. LOST Between Montavllla and Sandy road, rertlrruaa's gold watch with coin charm. Kvenliixs 817 E. 72d St. North. Reward. XontavTlla car. , LOST Friday evening, ellver medallloa set with opals and hung on silver chain; re ward on returning to A. H. Birrell Co., 22 McKay bldg.. 3d and stark. FOUND Greek fraternity pin aet with pearls, eng. R.N.. '00. Owner C. Radke, LaurelhuraL Archie Mason's camp. LOST Blue-eyed, whaengora-kitten; iib cral reward if returned to 607 Holly au, Ladd's Addition LOST An elk's tooth, engraved No. 13, C G. U. Reward. C G. UwiKht, 170 lath at. X. LOST An Elk locket and chain on Stark au. between 9th and 7th ata; kindly re ' turn 10 Hotel Oregon, room 734. LOST Purse containing; about $30; If found p lease return to Nau's Pharmacy. LOST Lady's watch. Monday Bight. Re ward at Oregonlan office. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will be received by the City Recorder of Toledo, Or, until 7:30 P. M.. -Monday, May 16, 10 J L for the construction of a gravity water supply sys tem for the aald city. I'latis and specifications msy be seen at the oHlce ot cue City Recorder, at Toledo. Or., or at the office of Stauuard 4c Rich ardson. 410 Henry building, Portland, Or. A cerlllied check payable to the Mayor of Toledo. Or, drawn on some solvent l ank, equal to ten (lu) per .cent of ths bid must accompany each proposal. Ths succesalul bidder A'ill ba required to fur nish a surety bond equal to 75 per oent of the total bid to Insure the faithful per formance of the contract, F. N. HAYAJEN. Recorder. (Seal.) Tolado, Or. NOTICE OF BOND IS8UE. Notice ia hereby given, that bids will be received by the Committee on Ways and Meana of the Common Council of the City ot Astoria, Clatsop County, State of Ore gon, until Monday the ath day ot June, lyll, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M., of aaid day, for refunding $HO,ouo municipal bonds of the City of Astoria, due Sep tember 1st, 1911. The right Is reserved to reject any and all blda Send all bids to the committee or Olof Anderson, Audi tor and police . Judge. C J. CURTIS. L. O. BELLAND. CHRIS. SCHMIDT, Committee. FRUIT CANNERY FOR SALE. Sealed bids will be received tor the site, manufacturing plant, machinery and all materials on hand, of the Lewis River Canning Company, of Woodland. Wash. Bids will be closed at noon, Snturday, May 13. Address all bids to E. W. Robinson. Woodland. Wash.. R. F. D. No. L Blda must be accompanied by a certified check of 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. Tbe board ot directors reserves ths right to reject any or all bids. Plant la adapted to other manufacturing purposee. For further detalla apply to E. W. Robinson, Woodland, Wash, ii. F. L. ev'o. L Proposals Invited. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. May 8. 1911. at his office. No. 7 First St., room 8. Portland, Or., for stock of mer chandise consisting principally of gents' furnishing goods, shoes, groceries, cigars, tobacco, hardware, etc., located at Miasisslppl ave.. Portland. Or., of the Inventory value of $3472.bti, together with nxeures of th Inventory value of $.i0.20; also stock of like nature located at 3-1 North 17th St.. Portland, Or., of the Inventory value of $1S.44, together with fixtures of tbe Inventory value of $2O0. Bids will be received on either or both stocks. A deposit of 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. -An Inventory of the prop erty is on tile st the office of the under signed and the property may be Inspected upon application at aald office. R. L. SAB1N. . Dated Portland Or.. May 1. 1U1L , BIDS FOR ROCK CRUSHER. -Notice Is hereby given that bids will be received by the Committee on Ways and Moans of the Common Council of the City of Astoria until Monday the 16th day of May. 1911. at the hour of 1 o clock of aald dav. for furnishing the City of Astoria with a rock crusher. Plans, de tailed information and prices to be sent to the undersigned. The right Is reserved to reject aay and all bids. 1 c. J. CURTIS. Chairman. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa Improved city property or for building COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding Bldg. $3.100 FIRST mortgage, $5o0 one year, bal ance equally two. three and four 'ar"1 $10,000 orchard security; will discount 10 per cent cash. AO 62. Oregonlsn. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. r I n woo.l lrt morlrllEeS. E. C Easton. b27 Beard ot Irade Bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. You are not required to own a lot. as wa loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. Thia la the salaried man'a plan to own a home. Call or write for particulars. bTANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO, J. H. Delaney, State Agent, 426 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY to loan on lnaide Portland prop erty. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 619-20-21 Railway txchaniiO. $1000. TWO sums of $2500 and $3000 to loan at 7 per cent on improved Portland realty. For quick action call on HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept.. Chamber of commerce bldg. ' MORTOAOE-LOANS. . . Made at i to s per cent. Hour A. M, 10 to 12; P. M.. 1 to S. 904 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; $ to 5 yeare' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable bav lngs A Loan Association. 210 Stark St. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estaLe security. ED W P. MALL, 104 Second St. . $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loana at 1" Vli large loans a specialty. J. IL Mclieaxie Co.. 514-q 13-SlU Gerlinner bldg. FIRST snd second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city properly any where In Oregon or Waaningtou. E L Devereaux. Ffciilunbldg, 44 6th St. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GCUDEY. Lewis jauiicuug. V7E HAVE plenty of money to loan ea lertland property In auma from $1000 ta ' 150.000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. Vlltdner a:Bjiyceo03-504 Abingtoa bidg. MONEY TO LOAN. $2000 to 44000 at I per cent for a term of years. BLOCH HEALTH UU., zoo Aiuerou MORTGAGE Investment Company, capital stock $100,000, buya mortgagee, contracts of sale, etc Offices 4U9-10-11 Couch bldg, Portland. Or. Write or call at ofllce. MONEY TO LOAN In sums from $1000 to 61O.UO0, upon Improved Portland property. ' Union Pacitio Lite Insurance Co, 603 Oro- gonlan ping. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or tor ouiiaing puxpusc. - --- A rust coaipauj. oy.,.Ma IMPROVED or unimproved property; smail building loans; contracts and mortgages fcounht- W. H. Nunn, 446 Sherlock b'.ug. HAVE $20o0 to place on IMPROVED city hiilMlnffs must be comDle-leO. 211 Lewis Diag. ass; xor xxiaiu $200 000 TO LOAN, largs loans a specially. building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. S2FiIingbldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rate. -A. ti. Birrell Co.. 202 AlcJiay bldg.. id and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate. In amounts to suit borrower, dillders. 319 Board of Trade. MORTGAGE loana. 6 to 8 per cent; no commission. Loewenson, 4U2 Buchanan b:dg. . MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. V. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state aaent. Multnomah Co.. iu C. of C, WIU loan $10,000 or lasa, real estate security. FatTluktou. 116 Commercial Club bldj. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough A Sella, B10 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. 1 c-u.-w HlUiybli. 233 STARK 8T. MONEY to loan on city y, suburaan property; 5. 221 .Morrison it. easy, terma Room $1500 to $2000 to loan on improved property. as 71. oregonian. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or coliat- 1 ,,iy. C TV. Fallen. U08-U Kenton PRIVATE money loaned on real estats mort gages. A. H. Ml ley. It, 204 Gerliuger bldg. -OME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" For resajaDansyapajdJngbjd MONEY for good Inside loans, 6, 7, &. Carlock A Muellhaupt, 1U32 Cham. Com. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C Fur. ,-.:l:l it. of C blda. A 2oUJ. PRIVATE MONEY $4O00 10 loau oa Irving toa real estate. Eaat 2003. MONEY to loaa on real en Late In amounts to suit borrower. Lawyers Abstract & Trust 10. $3006 TO loan, close In. 7 per cent. Easton, 2 7 Board of Trade. $700. 6S000. $1000 TO LOAN. E. L. Hovr ar(l -214 Commercial block. SEE P RLJ? HO MM tii0u opalding bidg. Jloney to Loan on Chattels and Salaries. t $ $$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered wltn a lot ef small debts; let ua furnish money to settle them. WB LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of aecurltiea; terms to suit; aiso easy weekly or monthly luatallmenta. Wo buy and loan oa nrsl and souond mortgages and equity in contracts. T.I S REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. $11 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 2064. $ $ , $$$$ $ Vt'g HAVE ONE TO LOAN On salartee only. In amounts of front ji to $100. at ths lowest possible rates. Business strictly confidential. All we require to that you be employed on salary and you got tha money quickly, without mortgage, indorsee or otuar a, curlty. STATE SECURITY CO, 30s Failing Bldg, Cot. Third aud rt ashluton Sto. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up en all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal properly. Easy Weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray A Cunningham. 201 Kothcnild bldg northwest corner 4th and Washington. ' MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In tid principal cjtiea save yourselt by getting my terms tirstl TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchange. MONEY ADVANCED. On lurnliure, pianos, storage receipts, eta. Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CCA, 307 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kirTuToTie curlty. chattels or real estate; Union Loan co 35 Lalayette bldg.. oth and Wn.h .7. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and lewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d st. - . LOANS on diamonds and other securities. William Hoil. room 0, Washington hlrt A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Tbe Loaa Co.. 414 Dekum bidg. MONEY loaned .on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 is 3d. near Alderl Loans Wanted. LET us place your money, good mortgagee; rsfsrsncea, F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. Loana Wanted. MORTGAGE LOANS. We have a steady demand for money m sums from $1000 to $5000 on good real estate security at 7 and S per cent; let ue place your next loan for you. R. F. BRYAN. 605-T Chamber of Commerce. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged securities; first m iort- fages; long-term Investment. Provident nvestmcnt A Trustee Co, 20L 30$ Beard of Trade bldg. WILL pay 7 per cent for 3 years on $3000 and give for security large modern home on Willamette Heights. See B. R, 414 Spalding bldg. I WANT to borrow $6000 on 4 flats, and SOxlOO lot In good location on the W est Side, value of property $13,600: will pay 7 per cent. Answer AP 74. Oregonian. WE CAN place four loans on first mort gages: two of $2000 and two of $lio0. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201 203 Board ot Trade. ; $12.o0O IS WANTED. 8 years, on "-est Side, "tiata" (10). Income $230 a montn 5ox 100; value ot propeny, w,. "'" ,r . T per ceutf no agents. Call Marshall Hoc. . . -l 1 1 . - ukan . 1 1 r.er cent. on nice corner residence, close In. coil SI" Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Loan of $250o with which to erect .3.100 -house on $1000 lot, 7 per cent Interes t, private party. AR 70, Oregonlan. WANTED By reliable business firm, $3000 nt 10 per cent for 6 months; first-class security. AO 03. Oregonian. WANTED $1200 for 8 years at 8 per cent , on 2 business lots at Kenton, worth $JoOO. Call 317 Board ot Trade. ; . WANTED $1100 and $1700 for S years at 8 per cent; ample improved security. A 7S, Oregonlan. WANTED $5000. 3 yesrs, at 7 per cent, on city property, valued $32.OO0. AT 56, Ore gonian. WANTED 11.100. 3 years at 7 per cent, on good residence property. Grussl A Zadow. Sll Dtiani Di nftuq. SEE PRUDHOMME, 906 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of licea on the Pacific Cot-st. furnished wltn every therapeutic appliance uaed by tne most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have eomethlng better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treaimenta, vibration, radia tion and heaL Bake ovens. X-Rays, static, colis, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, helios. solar, giant and King lights. W e are the only physicians on tha Pacific coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices, vt e have been In Portland over live years and treated thousanaa of patients and uevor had a death. We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the ortlce to treat patients. We can CURE, do e"r3 and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchilds bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; coauoe menl cared for; consultation free. 818 H Washington sL Alain 8U2S. A 5607. SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur. C. Holmstrom. digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorders a specialty: only scien tific masseur in. this city. Offices B0.-4 Oregonian bldg. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailme.its. under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East llta St., second door south from East Ankeuy carline. l'hone East 26U(B lbOJ. . CLOSING out stock of half and ahell goods; pure human hair in all shades; also store fixtures, large mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost aud less; special Jobs to dealers. Grand Leader, hair dept., 6th and Alder. PILES, fistula, fissure and other DISEASES OF THE RECTUM CUR-ED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for namee of CURED PATIENTS AS REFERENCE. Dr. E. K. Scott, suite 922 SelllngBidg. WANTED Pupila to learn halrdrcaslng. manicuring, lacial massage, acalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-12 Ds kuux bldg, over Lipman, Wolfe A Co. KlCHWr HANEBUT. Leading wijrand toupee makera; finest . stock of human hair goods: halrdreaalng. manicuring, lace and scalp treatments. 14i 7lh at. near Morrison. Pnone Main 546. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood anu skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and plies. Consultation Iree 181 1st st, Portland. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetlo healers, treat all chronic diseases. 267 is Russell sU. Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours frou 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases ot women and surgery. Exora Iration free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg, Cth and Washington. Phone Main 4041. DRESS suns for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressea, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt coils and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co, 809 Stark. MRS. Stevens, - 16 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 343 is Yamhill, cornerjeventhst- LADIES' have your old hats made, over at tne Makeover bliop, 410 Aiuer at- sxata reblocKed, irlmineu, and cleaned S. JOHNSON Electric facial, massage and scalp treatment. 422 ta Washington su, suite 62. WE do everything in ladies' tailoring; suits to your measure from $35 up. J. M. Ehrlich Co, Phoenix bldg, Oth and Oak. O. ONNE JURY AS Natural sanatorium, 176 E. 6Uth. Competent masseuse both sexes, steam and water baths Both phones. MISS E. DAVIS, manicuring, Hotel Row land. 41 n. between Taylor and Salmon, room 310. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes, $L26. Stipe Taylor pTug Co, 269 Morrison st, jaA.GrXKTIC eleotrlo treatments for nervous ness, rheumatism, lost vitality, mental, spiritual scientist. 100 11th. Hours lo to 9. OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch 95c; curls aud pulls. 75c Sani tary Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. KATHRYN MORRIS, 422V4 Washington st, 100m 15. manicuring. shampooing; no sign. WILLOW vour own PLUMES; illustrated copyright" Instructions. 25 cents, postpaid. Liueral Arts College, box 185U. Seattle, N. JOHNSON Electric face massage. 422-ta Wasnington st, suite 11). BAL.M OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of wuuienr 53SlylsstMainW16; uV(T Courtwrlghr, feature and skin special ist.' 123 ta 14th. cor. Washington. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mri M- D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. M 6474. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD A CO, PUBLIC- ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worceater Block. Main 7369. A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. CXlLLfsTDERRIDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worceater block. Phone Main 6567. FRANK R. WILCOX general accountant. Posting, checking up, making statements of accounts, verifying balances, also sys- temauziug. 110 diiiuihi uiua. Antique Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co, 471 WuBh st., repair and rehnlsh antiques and all hue xurniture, also make same to or oer; expert work, low prices. Phone Mar- suaiiAuw. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 ta Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 166 Morrison sr. Attorneys. . E COOPER. attorney-at-law. General .i .inrti examined Rem oua 1424 to'l42S Yeon bldg. M. 673, A 2Q7L Rotni nod Swlmminir. p'ortlatd Swimming baths. 167 4 Lh Elegant plunge; steam, tub and shower baths. 20c HILLS SANITARIUM Rbeuinatio treat ment, elegant plunge. 95 FronL M 45L Carpenters. WANT all kinds of Job carpenter work: ' answered. .'. .1 1 1 . 1 cans ........ .j -...ua su Main 17o0. A 130. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny, the only acientllic chlropodlsta In the city. parlors 302 w u-o i, a w. cor. 2d ,r,A Alder. Phone Main 1S0L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. IA Hill, room 420 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. Brass and Machine Work." HARPER'S BRASS WORKS: Brass casting and machine work, 106 N. 6th. Main 2702 Chiropractic Physician. -CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC T1CK-NER"; Say It fast , . . - , .. o .A a-:to- DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Fliedner bldg. Hours 9 to 6. Contractors. W L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. 6th at. Main 6661, A 76U2. Woodlawn 662. Contractors. CARPENTER and contractor; . Jobbing and remodeling a. specialty; sign work. O. P. Bliss, 322 ta Stark. Pnone Main 9017. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Welia-F'argolugMaln&60. Coal aud lVooo. . DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood, .;o per load delivered any place in the city. Portland Wrecking Co, 105 107 11th st. North. Main 01. A 37od. BUKNS1DE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail, 4-it. sawed fir and hardwood. OHlce aud yards at 125 E. 7th at. Phono Last 7 24. JB 2777. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and. Giiaan. M. 6359. M. 6351. A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main .1006; A 1106. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood. Marshall 960. 313 Water St. WOOD-J-Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4596. COAL, A 4547. Prompt dellv. Neer A i'arr. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD Collections. ADJ. A COLLECTION CO. Law and col lections. 1U24 Cha. of Com. Main 7610. PORTLAND Collection Agel-cy ol7 Alisky bidg. Ail debts collected. A 7317. M. 42J2. Consulting .Engineeis. UNITED Engineering- A- CouttructlOQ Co, Eng. and contrac tors. 711 Lewis bldg. Dancing. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessor a lor $1; waltz, two atep; threo-atep; stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and eve, Prot. Wal Wlllson's School; oldes: and only rec ognized academy lor correct dancing. 366 ta Wasn. st, uet. W. Park and loth sta. LESSONS 20c Heath's Dai cing School, 1UD Second sl. between Washington and Stars: streets; stage dancing taught, waltz aad two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday oveoii.g, 6 to ill; lessons ually. Dentists. ' ALVEOLAR TEETH whera bridge work Is impossible; docs away entirely with plates, briugework; we cure pyorrhea lioune teetn; absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co, Abiiigton bldg- loo 3d THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sis. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown, D. V. S, omco 12U N. 11th su Main 4U66; res. E. 5440. Hospital 80 12tn. Engines Gas ana steam. KOUEK Macninery Co, Coast agts. Se&bury steam eaginea and boilers, gasoline eti gine. 261-263 E. Morrison st psoas E. 515. pans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO, 5U0 Lorlng st. Dust collecting ana ventilating sys tems. Pboues C 11x6. E. 3269. Ir'eed Store. ZIULER A MiNSER, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, sliiugies. 294 uranu ave. E. 462. Laxncibcape Gardener. G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener and nursery man, has niovau tu 06O E. olu. Sell wood 11B7. Lea titer and Findings. CHA3. S. MASTIC A CO, 74 Front. Leatner ut every description, tape, mtrs. nuuiiias. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es- tabllshed 16JS. 169 Front su MuslcaL Emil Thlelhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, 9O0 Marquam. A 416O. Marshall 1029. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMIThI graduate Klrkvllle, . Mo, class ot li96; post-graduate, luui, unuer Dr. A. T. still, founder of tne sc ene. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1987, A 196 Dr. R. tS. Nurihrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Nervous ana Chrome Diseases. Phone office M. 649. Res.. East or B 1026. Papering sndTuitlng. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat, clean work Phone East 3o6. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish la best adapted to the Coast climate. BAsa nts'l'ER PAINT CO, 191 Second sr. RASMUSSEN A CO., Jobbors. paints, oils, glass, sasn and doors. Cor. 2d aud iaylor. Patent Attorneys. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. PATEN1S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law. late or U. b. Patent onice. Booa let free. 719 Board ot Trade Plug. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, lnxiiageiuen t cajea. o u4 Deku m b itfb . Paving. THE Barber Asnhslt Paving Company, 00i 6U6Electrlc bluZ- Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 617 Bees, biog. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. 71 6th St. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta. M. 8469. " ' Plumbers. FOX A CO, PLUMBERS. 209 2d- St- Main 2001, A 200 L COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb era. 493 Glisan. Main 6187. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 14UL Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Ruga om old curpats, colonial rag rugs. East 356U. B 126U. 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, highest grade; factory prices, easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms corner Third and Pine. Factory Kenton, Portland. THE" MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d st. Safes at factory prlc-es;second-haiid safes. Secoud-Hand Goods. WE pay the highest prices for second-nand clctning and shoes. A 31UQ. 53 ta N. oth. Showcases, Bank and Show Ftxturee. THE LUTKE MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap las Showcase CO, 6th aad Hojl It. Lutao. manager . R. H. BIRDSALL, 206 HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in stock; prompt delivery, bales qxent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. btcamsliips. ALLEN LINE picturesque St. Lawrence Route Weekly. Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent, or ALLEN A CO, 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, Storage and Transfer. FREE STORAGE FREE. All household goods go into brick warehouse free for the first 30 days and at the lowest rates thereatter; moving and packing done by experts. Van Horn irans ler Co- Both phones. q 0. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., offices "and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 696, A 1096. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved ana packed tor shipment- 87-69 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON 'TRANSFER CO,, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents storage office 310 Hoyt st, betweeu oth and 6th, Phones Main 69. A 1169! Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. Flnley. 249 Columbia. A 1643. Typewriters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter at change. 267 ta Washington SU TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $00, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. $3 ytr month, pacific Stationery A Printing t 208 2d st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at eut rates. P. D. C. Co, 2111 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour: rates to large nouaea. jj xooo. f.sai 4401. Wall Paper and Fainting. ROOMS papered. $2 and up; will bring sam ples to you; nave ixikc Beicnou an sijmcj., also painting and tinting and wall paper cleaning: first-class, neat, clean and reas onable. Gordon Wall Paper and Paint Co., 4fil E. Morrison. Phone East 2304. WeU Prilling. DRILLING wells a specialty: priced reason- -n est, 182 Morrison st, Portland,