UOMEi OS EABT PAYMENTS. 9!-room m. stories, all mo5ern. east tr-t., bMutiful mn shade btnck from cr; sir-t improvement pa. . radr f" ofcupfcflcj; VX oiu, bal aao monthly p-ajrme ta. BTTNOAIXW. 6 rorn. lane-- tt-?rtr p:r. fumr, book -rsea, buffet. Puf l kitchen, hmxdwood floor; eat frorl-l street t.-nprovmn:i ra.l. ha.f boc rrorn car- dowo. baaae on mot:r &.0ts Te ae-ia that old AprU 2S. was la thia apa-ra- wm rooms, two-story, tqaara house. tut betnr foaipliM; oak C ?or. fireplace, Iutc k urban, buffet, all other modern coava!ncM; 2V feet trbrn csrltne; 1-500 casa. balanc a monthly pajrmenta. On a of tha uncompleted houses, old April 2. "We bar savers, other hot-sea anl ban raiovs which will ba completed mob; lot ua mow tem to you bafore you buy. provident iwrrrvm trcstes COM PAN T. 301. S03 Beard of Trarte Bid. Marshall 47a. A PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Owntr of far or aula spIodtd haw Belchfa rM:t!er.c; strictly modern. 6 largo a try and woll-llchtad bedrooms, also 2 a$eepln- porches with dreaalnc-rooma, mtr ror. doors. llvtns:-room 3-4. with large fireplace. 3 lain -room .ox.;, beauti-ailr pn4-i. tars ar-ppia.ee and bullet, iarro kitchen, ba pantry, tiled sink, cool cji bocrd. etc; panie4 bll . i&rd-room anJ .n, caihedral bni-d and rustle Areolar; wtn ceiLar and frultrvra. love-T s-Tncd d I runs: porch and larjce prrh off from l! vioj-room: 2 complete bathrooms. 3 toi lets, 6 lavatortvst haMwoo-k floors. -wood-hfts. wood, coal an 1 ctothea chute, roomy c. neat a. It lota. 'irlr-w s. ari:' loiy native tres varv.binr that makes frr actractlvenaea and com fori. A se cluded location, beautiful turround.no prt-e onfy $14 tun an arranae termm. ii EX K X " F K L P H O f M K. U w ncr. FpKi.DC ilUI. SI.BT RPAN IIOMU Only "- required: one of tha nicest 8-room modern bungalows In Roe City Park: full bae-sment. attto, fireplace, man. 11. seat, turret, porcelain plum hint;, laun dry trars. electric Ujchta, shades, laxaa iivtnc-rooms. dandy alt' hen. etc.; lot fraded. chlrkn -souse and pen, garden, .wra, etc; ft nt shed Nocznter 1; moun tain new. 1 bi-xrk to cr; cement aUl In and paid: prt-e See James t Lorin. i 5 ti pal din told. ilaxsUali T5d. A ZSX ( jfc'O 7-rvora houa on East 19th St. North, two blocks south of Alberta carllno; buht two years. In flrst-claaa condition ; cement basement, pantry, nice bath, all rooms larra and l.h- Good ra.nce neiah bcrnood. 2 blocks to school. Price e-CuwJ; 1 20 cash, balance easy monthly payments, OOWAX-IDE TRt'ST CO. Ground floor L.umhrmena Blds 5th and Stark Hta TIREE attractive new 5-room modem cot taes on ( aat 3m h at.. H block to car, 10 minutes to town. Improvsments all In and paid. Housee now betns; plaatered. anl can ba finished to suit buyer. The are unusually cuttaa Prlco $ 2vsk acini 1 csh payment balance monthly. OoWAN-IB TKTST CO. Ground Floor Lumbermen UidC Bth aod btark hta IKV1NGTO.V HOME. K0. prand, new and ready for orcupsney. a rooma, hardwood floors, handsome wood work, Hicntmc Cxturea complete, furnace, 2 flrepla.'ee. full cement basement, larce attic, far as east, on car Hue. int il'O fl. bard-aurfaca pavement; price 4CkaK terms. n. P. TALMSR-JONES CO.. 21-213 Coiiinierrlal Club l :ds I'hones Va n bWK A HX A LUIS A HOLj?E- rooms, on l"t atx feat, cl'tee to Rus sell st. and Wirumi ave : stable; r-nis for $-5 per month; price Sewu. terms caah. H. P. PALMER -J0NFS CO.. 21- 2 1 ft Comnen-UI Club !':da Phones Alsin Sk3L A -tliX T-KOOM story and a half cottar, built on bungalow styie. In Irving-ton district. Has s eepins; porch, fireplace. d-ubia construc tion throughout, fine basement. Iot tQx 3' east fmnt. choice lo- a:ity. Price oai 9400. $1 cash, balanc to suit. GO'.VAN-IDK TRt'ST 0 . Ground Kloor L.umbermns Hid. 1 3"0 DO W'N-; ' 25 PER MONTH. $1U7 A PRICE. $-room modern house. Warsr r-Richmond carl tna GARLAND at CO., 11 4th St. k-P.OOM Kthlcrn residencs. best West fide location, beet district, which 1 will sell for jrsmX Wilt accept $ 2a cash and loo c time on balanc. It la a bar sain. J. Pnl'h, 513 i.' ham ber Cort.rr.erce. LOOK H EKE! VroAm 1mm. modern and com n'. eta. let finished, m blocks north Rose City ark cat. N-x 6 4rtth North. o look t, It. then s- owBTl 3IO Hherlock blJj. BCSLVES3 LOTS IX I.T1.B. f.1 TO ITV CEMENT SIDEWALKS. r.RAPED M'UNTAIN" WATER. THE rojIIMi IXPl-STKlAL CITT ON THK X'"nTH BANK ROAD. OO VP ANT PAY. SPECIAL. RATE SI'.VDAT. UfQriBR AT OfR OKFICE ANT TIME. kASET HIMASOX JEKIXRT. I'EALFM IV 1.AM. C31AMBBK OP COM MERCK BLDO. rORTXA.NO. Or. WE HAVE IT. Two brtrlc bui:d.ni on a lot ti.trrt T 153 ft. In on. of Oron' prcrrr. mtl. e;tl of s00 p.p;e; now pviti ..t:.r thAa lo pr c.nt on lnvt:nni. whlb c a ly InrJ; wll; con id.r rmifi or good rv.lil.nc. or apart. siukthous. proprtr. J KOsENBSRi'. 613 Luiribrmo i: !r. !raOall t'.ti. A 4--;. LOOK AT 'l CUsAN' ST. J.t'OO cah. rimaicJcr on tlm.. bny a Ha. apartrn.ct aid.. xIoX oa CUan t.. a.ar i31. Improvement, ail In an4 raid: I n.-i mon.y aad win bW thia prop.rtr .rr cfc'.p- If rou want a i.p. c.t bu.. S. J. Ootjar. 231 H Jlor r'.n .t. IMJuUE prop.rtT I bav. an apartment' huuM renting at $230 yr month. It ta ry cln.. m. I will fll him for JIT.J'W. and wtll aecTt f.o.' H property, .uhrr country or city. fw In rub, and l.n( tim. on balanc. J. E. emLth. SU Cham -rr Co.nmerr. TRArKAOI FOR SALE. 1 f"t oa l.-V. r N- f' rail. Pa tr-.-. nil of Prrhr -: ptir. I !. Icrma .ls r.h. b.nce . p.r month. JOHNSON & IHM'SOX. . 5C'K-iJ l-t'.ard of Tri. I'.Mr. WAHtHOCSB OR FACTORY it, witn 4l fr.t ra.iroaj tr4rkya and f.a b.ock of land, oa.y Klww. fd t.rma. M. E. TIlOMrsnx CO.. I Fourth St. Msm ". A 13" A-rra.. 2 A. RKi AT THOLUil 6TATIOV. All rl.arl. amoth tnoufh to rut with a lawn mor, 3 ft to .tor. and atattoa. Tm. la a barsa.n. .ttlt.nl. for a aubur-oaa horn., and pure ia..r can na. four ) r..- try pay for lu Jnj-Jir at Chamber of Co .rn.rt-.. CHOICE 10-ACRH trai-tat actual yalu: ao apulatl. or pa.iaxl prl: pr1ca at whtcn you can afford to buy and put tf a land tn cultivation: !n4 that la wo.-, h tb. anon.f. Com. and arrar.. to for youra;f. Palm.r. 61 Couch bMc 1 ACRES. CTw t ltit;oD and new Mt. Hood Electric: be.t of aoll. .nouah timber to pay f"f land: aprlnsa and runnln atrvam; oniy 4 per acr. cash. AO . Ora foalao. LjlR-.r. acr tra-t of land. b.t aolU eultab!. for .uburban homa; chick. na. fruit; Weot Side, within 4 mile rtrcla. oa Ora ron Electric; $-.a ch and 114 par month, till at Corbatt Wld. jn rRH ef eholr. California land oa railroad to trad, for Portland property or cood email ranch. Ijarxd Lerwta, room S Lonbvmtu bids. Acreaar. I ACREAGE. Tract, of ona-half to 19 acr-a each. In th. yalley Ju.t weat of Coon' U CrMt; t!ia ycry beet of toll, no rock, arayal or nil.a ud aplandld water at 21 feeu Wi hay 4 people on tola tract that hav. bought from two to four time, earh of thle land; let ua refer you to thra for recommendation, both aa to quality or oli. and our treatment of boera. e are the oldest and larccat acreage Brra In Portland. Ton are sal when deallnf. with ua. A y-ry amall tract of thlo hUhly fertile oil. located whore yoo et conaumei-ar pnea for .yeryihln yott produce, when cultivated In fruit, berrlea. onlona. horae ra'll'h. rhnbarb. aaparacua or poultry win beat any anlary you ever had and la aafe and aura and you are your own master. Independence and health for tha entire lam i iy. Both steam and eleetrlo car. only eo mlnutee rid. from center of city; tha tun nel wlU reduce thia to Si mlnutee. Price, ranee from $2.V rr acr. up and tipon eay monthly paymenta; let ua show tnls without expense to you. THE BHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. slain J. A SMOk XX TOT TTAXT LA NT) : . that jou cart IRRIOATE PfRIXfl THE PRT SUMMER. So that you can double or treblo your yields? If ao. ct In on the fround floor of our 1i"!l!ametta Valley Irrtrated land. RAKT11A.N A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Hide.. Portland. ( Ask for Mr. Harto. ) Branch ofuce on the itrounda at WEST STATTO.V. OR. m Take :1S P. M. S. P. train afCntoo Depot to Weat Stayton via Woodburn. ACRE AO K 2S to T0 per acre; 2IO0 acrea. subdivided Into ISO trarta of 9. ft. 10. 10. tn to lev) acres each; best fruit and car een land, deep soli. One water, do rockl one hour's rtue from Portland, rati and river transportation: town and school In center of tract: good roads In front of every tract. Tour chance to ret an Ideal mor.ey-maklnt: home. These tracts sell oa aicht to practical people. Call and make an early ..lection. McFAKLAND INVESTMENT CO. tip Corbett Eld. BARGAIN. Beantlfnl S-acr. tract, all In blrh state of cultivation and fenced, county road on two tfilea; lies fine and level; 13 miles from Portland. 1 block from electric sta tion; also joins a. little town, thickly set tled community; price luO: cash, bal. to suit. CO-OPFHtATIVB REALTT COMPANY. ollt-Hu-ll Railway Kichange bldf th and titark. 10 ACRES I37S. 14 acrea of tha best "redshot" solL free from rock and all tillable, southern ex posure; running wat.r, abundant wood, near school ana county road; mall and telephone lines: only two hours from Port land; soil, elevation and dralnaae right for fruit; nothing better or cheaper on the market. Remember, only IZT.SO an acre. PALMER. 613 Couch bids-.. 109 4th St. 10 ACRKS FLACK LOAM H mile to electric etatlon and general store, suitable for tomatoes, celery, rhu barb, asparasus. melons, or any product requiring extremely rich land. Can sell this with a small jsvment down, balance to suit customer. Tula Is an opportunity you should not mtsa You owe It to your, self to Inquire at 3&S Chamber of Com merce. BE AL'TIFTT. tract of 91 acrea, five mllee fro: Portland city limits. 1 mile from railway station: best of berry land: wtll make fine suburban homes and owner will subdivide to suit purchasers; prlc. -.'0 per acre or will trade for Portland in. come property. Adolf Watt hies, oaner. foe, Vnlon ava North. Phone Woodlawn 231, Portland. Oregon. 10 ACRES, neur electric carllne, 16 miles from Portland P. O. ; excellent soli, level, all cleared and cultivated; close to good country town, with school, churches, store, etc; good roads. f"J.VJ per acre, good terms. Will sell half of this tract at same rate. It's a bargain. J. W. HEFKKKLIX RKALTT CO. ;o.l Corbett b:dg. Marshall sii, A 41. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking diatance to good town: runnnlog water, beat soil, fre. wood, splendid fruit district; vl.w of Columbia Rlv.r and snow peaks; 3 acres fJ""': 3 acres $300, 10 acrea S.VM). 2i acres $oOO; 1U par caat csah, easy paymenta tKA.SK MiAHI.AXO REALTY CO. o Yeon ii.Js.. Portland. OR 10 ACRES. Wish to trade for 5 or 10 acres, with or without Improvemt-nta, west of city, near Barnes or Cornell roada John P. Weston. Chamber of Commerce bids, phone Main W1. TUB MAKING Of" A FINE HOME. 2 acres, mostly clear, oa carllne. 1 Mocks to station, flneat of soli, running water; BO minutes out. cnly llloo. I3d' down, balance on or before S years. per cent. Dubois A Crockett. Washington dMc. room 3. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACT. & seres In f-year-old Spttsenberg ap ple tr.ee and ft acres In bearing Italian prunes, location IdeaL 2 blocks from sleo trio car and ft stores and high school: close to Portland; I4x. David Lewis, room 2 I.umbermena bldg. ABOUT-Jl"acresof fne stump lnd. S mllea west from Pos'offlre. on splendid road: right In rhe line of the growth of Port land; creek runs through this; bargain; ft.Ve per acre. Ail details by applying to AT ST. Oregonlan. GREAT BUT FOR $. IS acrea ail In cultivation, with I acres of apple trees In bearing- new bungalow and f.n. outbuildtncs: 2 blocks to electric csr and 7 stores and high school; cIom to port. and: t.rma David Lewis, room 1 Lumbermen, blcig. FINE FOIt CHICKEN RANCH AND KURUHBAN HOME. ft acrea close to Portland. 2 blocks from electric car station. West bide, best red shot soil fine for fruits. A snap at f "00; or will sell half at aim. rate. Oo to oftlce bffore 10 A- M.. 2t3 Corbet! Mdg. 1 ACRE Comfortable house. small fruit and berries; ground plowed for crop; close to stores; In vl.w of rinlem Eleetrlo car line; only ISOo: S3oo down, balance easy terms: 6 per cent Interest. Western Land Co.. i48v. Stark St. ao ACR Ed. must be sold at a sacrifice prlc.; best ian.1 In lbs county, no hill, no ravine, we!i-lmi roved property. 12 miles from Courthouse In Portland; 1160 per acre, good terma Py owner. 406 4th St. .-:; o. ' 4 acres. Improved with a small house, close to station. $4-0 will handle It. OTTO A HARK&OS REALTY CO., li.i First at. JUS T THE TH IN 3 FOR OLD FOLKS. fliKKt for a nice 2 v-scre place with houM and go.-(t well, handy to eleetrlo cars, easy terras. K. Fuc&s. 221 H Mot ri sen at. 20 AC R ES H ac k onion land, nil level; 2 acre clear; small house. 30 cord of wood; mile from .lectrlc carllne sta tion: only f.'Too: 110.10 down, balance easy terma Western Land Co.. 2431. Stark NEED THE MONEY. 5 acres beautiful Tualatin Valley land cheap for cash: no agauta. Address own er. AO 62. t'rcgonlan. A SNAP In acreage: only mile from cl:y llmlte; the be.t bargain In or near Portland. boa ma at once. Alt L Orcgoiiisn. AC R E AO E ACREAGE. We bsve small tracts close tn at rea sonable prices, be. us before you buy. Ll.oCHli:Al.T YCO.. 2tKSA!.ler St. 49 ACRES of choice California fruit lnnd. close O R. IL and town, for $3.9; owner calng dir. L'avld Lewis, room 2 Luin bvrmens bldg. At'KF.A'.H HOME. " Fine acreage borne for sale In Oak Grove; f4o. W 4 Oregonlan. AiKilAilC and tarma. from $12.10 per acre up. large and small tracts. Call Kinney A Ftampher. ftSl-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. CITY acres, near Mount Tabor. Phone o.n. r. East ;wO. Hnsejtc ADVANTAGE OF OREGON 10O-t.. book gives amount ef Oovernment land opea le bomeetead. In ..eh county la the States of Oregon and Washington, and deeenptloa ef same; gives nom.:ead. desert, timber, stone, coal and mla.raJ laws; two maps at Oregon tn colon, 21x2s, showing R. R. In operation, an. showing all propose K. K. aad .lectrle tines, including ala.tera sss Central Oregon. 2e tub, or three soe. Map of Washington tn colora Six?, aoc -Sim mo. Runey a Co.. Hamilton bldg. s)i0v RELI.VQUTs H M E T. very fine tim ' ber. also 9 claims adjoining. 2. 000. 009 ' e-h. bea ltiful p ne and fir. b-'mestesd or timber claim. $1$ Marquam blue. Pbons ars na 1 HOMESTEAD relinquishment cheap If taken at once. May consider horse or cow In trade. AfMrcsa p 77. Oregonlan. TEN men wanted to locate on Central Ore goo homestead land: leave Toewlay. 14214 Cecon et-. pear Washington; room IfL CAN locate two psrtlea on excellent home stead. Phono WoodJawa 2sal. xnE aroKXixG For Sate Fruit Lands. FOR SALE Eighty acres of excellent red snot soil; Ss acres cleared and well Im proved: In tha new Mount Hood fruit dis trict; will be only two miles from the "Mount Hood railway when completed: s acres of old orchard, prunes, cherries, ap ples and pears In good oondltlon; 4 acres of l-year-ol1 apple trees and 1 acres of new orchard planted last Fall; Imple ments and crops all go for $10000: terma Address owner. L L. Qarver. Dover. Or. TUALATIN VAIJ.EY ACREAGE. 10 acres, all planted to cherries and apples; best varieties; will bear some this year; owner has 20 acres: will sell 10 acres on very easy terms. Land will pay Its way out. Only short dlstancs from the Oregon Eleetrlo and 80 minutes' run from Portland. Fine deep soil county rosa runs by. For terms and price call upon or write CELLABS-VTRTOS CO., Yeon bldg. LTI.H orchard land. I have a young or chard and want to sell soma land to f" money to Improve the rest; will sell from 30 to SO acres; 4H miles from Lyle on good county toad; red ehot soil, easily cleared: will take part cash: balance at T per cent. Write F. IS- Manchester. Lyia, M ashlnyton. ATTENTION. REAL ESTATE MEN! W-E HAVE JUST THE THISO .2P THE 6MALL INVESTOR. WE NEED YOUR HELP. 10 PER CENT COMMIS SIONS. PRINTED MATTER FI NISHED. ANSWER. HIVING NAMB AND ADDRESS. AH 4L yKEW.MS.i- REGAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing apples In the famous Hood River-Moslsr olstrlct. on our new plan. A small cash payment will start you right. Call or writ, for beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPANY. SOT Yeon bldg- HOOD RrvER-MOSIER DISTRICT. 160 acres, all good fruit land; must bs sold soon and prlco la under settled val uea. $33 per acre; only ft miles out on good road. Call on or writs CELLARS-MLRTON CO.. Yeon bldg. WALNUTS AND APPLES. 8 and lv-acre tracts planted to walnuts and apples; terma Also 1122 4 acrea cheap, all near Sheridan. Yamhill County. N. W. LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO.. Lon Williams. Mgr., 432 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BT.PO. ft ACRES, all ready for work; no rocks or stumps to contend with; deep rich soil; close to station, only short run from city; $2-'0 per acre; $200 cash will handle this tract: balance to suit. CELLAHS-MURTON CO.. Yeon bldg. BIO BARGAIN 13,000 acres, near railroad and steamboat. Northern California, grain and stock: Unproved; $12.50 an acre, terms. Write C. M. Wooster Compan-, 7u2 Market St.. Bsn Francisco. OAf A fine farm 14 mllea from depot, tools. Improvements, Slock, crops, etc Come aulck. KINNEY 8TAMFHER. 631-32 Lmbr. Ex. Bldg. IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Good homes at reasonable prices, for In formation, write the Farmers' Union, Amity, Yamhill County. Oregon; R. 1, Box loo. t 00 ACRES best Mosler apple land. S acres clear, fine small house, furnished com plete: ail fenced and cross-fenced. Apply owner, C. G. D wight. 170 North ISth St. TEN acres best. income-bearing Hood River orchard; close In. reasonable terma SeeE. Barker. 150 Front st. WOMAN wants work by ths day; references. I'hona Xl.Un 716. Hale -Carina BEAUTIFUL LITTLE COUNTRY HOME. Is seres, all In high stale of cultiva tion; lies nice and level; 2 acres of bear ing orchard; balance all In crop; new I-room plastered California bungalow, modern in every respect; fine new barn, all nicely plastered and all necessary out buildings painted and In fins shape; good well. This property Is located 12 miles from Portland on good macadamized road; only 4 blocks from eleetrlo station with l.-mlnute car service; $ blocks -to high and graded schooL This place Ilea In fine open country; nice little homes on all aides. Price $2800; $1000 cash; will make easy terms on the balancr . CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 51S-20-:! Railway Exchange. AUCTION SALE of ti;act of land on Klamath River near Keno. -Or. On Monday, alay :. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the office of the Reclamation Service. Klamath FaU, Or., the United States will sell at auction a tract of land, with appurtenant rights, containing about H9 acres lying about one mile northwest of Keno. Or., and located In Section as. Township 29 South, Range 7 East. W. M.. said tract being a strip of laird 400 feet wide and extending along the left bank of Klamath River for 9000 feet and Including a fall In the river of approximately ( feet. For further partic ulars address United States Reclamation t-rvlee at Klamath Falls, Or., or at Port land. Or. Walter L. Irish sr. Secretary of the Interior. GET YOUR FAMILY OUT ON A FARM. 10 acres very fine black soil, six-room house piped for hot and cold water, good well, woodshed, etc., land already plowed, not a foot of waste land: mile from trolley station and general store, eoll suit able for all products grown In the Tuala tin Valley. I can sell this property on such terms that It ran ba paid for from rrops raised f you can make a small pay ment to start with. This Is an exceptional opportunity for someone to get a profit able borne. Inquire 33 S Chamber of Com merce. CHOICE TRACT OF LAND. POME PROPERTY. SOME CASH. '120 acres of choice land. SO acres rleared. some timber. 5 splines, water piped to bouse: good barn: bearing orch ard: 20 miles from Portland. H miles from a rood railroad town: first-class soil; win take the low price of $ por ai-; will take good property up t $30uO; liu0 cash, long time on bnlance. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Room 3, Washington bldg. CHOICE TRACT OF LAN D. SOME PROPERTY. PART CASH. 120 acrss of choice land, 00 acres cleared, soms timber, 9 springs, water piped to house, good barn, bearing or chard. 24 miles from Portland. 24 mllea from a good railroad town; first-class soil; will take the low price of $.-, per acre; will take good property up lo $3000; $1000 caa'L. long time on balance. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Room 3. "Washington bldg. Bi. ACRES, ft miles southwest of Portland: S. P. railroad station is at one corner of this; fine 6 -room bungslow. good w-ell, new barn. 60 bearing fruit trees, 60 two vesr-old fruit trees, acre In straw berries In first crop; 2 acres of strawber ries Just planted: plenty of grapes; price $l'i.,V-. I.VHio cash, balance at S per cent. AK 70. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES nine miles from The Dalles In the alosier district, all nice level land. SO acrea clenred. balance easily cleared. On main county road, partly fenced, good well on place. Price $30 per acre, or will trade for Portland vacant or Improved property. Inquire of GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Hldg. 4S ACRE4, close to Portland, near eleetrlo carllne, school, church, store; splendid county road; best deep soil; 30 seres cleared and cultivated, balance timber and pasture; living stream. Price this we.k. 1125 per acre; good terms given. J. W. HEKFERLIN REALTY CO. 20.1 Corbett bldg. Marshall 2VJ0. a 4 OS 4. 40 ACRES Only 1 Va miles from electric carllne. ft acres, under cultivation. 12 acres more easy to clear, balance good timber: lias 6-room house, barn, orchard, berries, cnicken-bouse. hoghouse, all for 23oo; $U00 down, baL 8 years at per cent. WESTERN LAND CO.. MB H Stark sL TOO ACRES In Willamette Valley, one mile from good town and railroad. This Is a small tract proposition. Hundreds of acres In immediate vicinity were recently sold out In small fruit tracts at $130 to $200 per acre. Our price only $40 per acre. See C.OWEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. 27 4 ACRES. 10 acres In cultivation, balance easy to clear: 25 bearing fruit trees. 400 strawberries, 2"0 f eet - of grapevine: a . good 2-year-old house, barn, good water. 1 miles from K. R. town; certainly a good buy. Price $loOO for a few days on lv. WESTERN LAND CO.. MSlj Stark St. CO ACRES of splendid soil, good house, barn, ail fenced, on county road; 13 acrea in cultivation, balancs rotten slumps, easy to clear; good water: 3 miles from town; on R. R. Price tsoo; f 14o0 down, balance 3 years. 6 per cent. WESTERN LAND CCy,2S "4. Stark SL FOR SALE Best 20o-acro stock "ranch In Curry Co.. well Improved, good house. S barns, rich black solL plenty fine water, best of apple land, some good osk. white cedar and fir timber, best of bunting and fishing. 20 per acre; no Winter feeding. Address Morrill Bros, Hare, Curry Co Or. TEN ACRES ON FOURTH ST. LINE. Twelve miles west of Portland; all level and seetle.1 to clover. Not a foot of waste land. aAooo cash, balanc easy. Thia Is a swell little farm. GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. 60-ACR E f arm. rlcht close to Portland, good bulldlncs. and best of soil. Fully equipped wtth stock and Implements. Fine crop now growing. Price only $1000 and time on part. J. K. Smith, 613 Chamber Commerce. XOR SALE On Sandy Road, $2 acres fine land. 11 talles out. Owner, AS 7S. Ore gonlan. BAROA1N 270-acre ranch near Redding. CaL Writ F, A. Balrd. Kaddlnc Cal, oregoxian, thuksdat, 7 " ' ' " FOB SALE. 1 TO RESALE. for Hale Farm a. LIVE OAK AND STNSET COLONY FARMS ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN. ONE-F0L-RTH DOWN. BALANCE 10 TEARS. THIS GRANPEST OPPORTUNITY EVER OFFERED-TO SECURE A FARM IN CALIFORNIA. v "Located In Sutter County, the "heart of the great Sacramento Valley, this county Is rapidly be coming the leading alfalfa, fruit and dairying center of tha stale. Irrigated by tha Butt County Canal System, the most satis factory Irrigation system In the United Slates. Th terms are one-fourth down and the balance In 10 years, one-tenth escn year If you want to apply all the profits each year on ins purchase price, you can easily have a deed to your farm, worth then several times what It cost you. all paid for out of the crops. In ft years or lesa You tin pay only one-tenth each year if you prefer and use the balancs as you see fit. Map and Oovernment reports on th sou. Irrigation, climate and markets of our Live Oak and Sunset Colonies sent FREE. The most liberal offer ever made to secure a farm In California. For tha wbols story address CACRAMENTO VALLEY FARMS CO., . Live Oak. Sutter Co.. California. GO-ACRE SACRIFICE. Located IS miles from Portland, lli miles from electric line. 24 to boat lnd ing and prosperous town; fine, deep, rich soil, soil that will grow anything; has running water all year round, 2 good wells and 2 good springs, not a fool of waste land, no rocks, lies well. This Is a farm on which you can run a dairy, raise chick ens, hogs, berries, fruit or anything you wish; good fences, 40 acres In crop, po tatoes, oats, vetch, clover, timothy, ksle: 2 acres In fruit. 6 acrea good pasture, balance stumps and standing timber, 800 cords wood cut and about Gr'O cords stand ing. This wood is worth $2500 alone; 7 room house. 8-room cabin, barn large enough to hold 20 head of cattle, chicken house. 2 roothouses, wagon sheds, gran ary end toolhouse, young team, 1 cow, chlrkuis, cream separator, bueey, wagons, plows, harrow, cultivators, lot of other articles too numerous' to mention. Enough grain for stock until harvest. R. F. D.. telephone, on two main county roads, 4 mllo to school, church across the road. This Is an exceptional good farm and a rood buy: price $000, $4600 cash, bal ance teems. CHAPIN A HERLOW. C) 832-8SS Chamber of Commeres. HAPPY VALLEY LAND MAKES FOR TUNES QUICK. Your last chance at cheap land In the last rich fruit valley In Southeastern Brit ish Columbia. Small or large tract, on easy payments. We'll plant the trees or develop the farm before you come if you wish. f.'.OO.OO net profit per sere from strawberries, great crops of delicious ap ples, grapes and other fruits immerse yields of all vegetables. Close markets and hlgl prices Insure big. quick protita Climate and sill IdeaL Fine transport a. tlon and Irrigation systems, low water rates and taxes, guaranteed titles. Buy now while commercial development Is new. Prices will soon soar. For the rich as well as the poor there ars big things along this Irrigated Route to Indepen dence. Break away from the time clock and the "age limit." Satlify your land and home hunger. Come to The Happy Valley of the Columbia River where many fortunes will grow fast In th next few years. Write for particulars to Columbia Val ley Irrigated Fruit Lands. Limited. 204 Main street. Wllmer. British Columbia. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 100 acres ail In cultivation. 88 acres In grain and clover, 12 acres In berries, 20 head of choice milk cows, IS head of choice heifers. 4 mares, 2 colta. S regis tered Berkshire sows, 1 Jersey bull, 1 gasoline engine, cream separator, pump and feed cutter, all farming utensils, good Improvements, all under fence, 2 "4 miles west of Dayton, on county road to lie illnnvllle and to Salem, 4 miles east of M. Mlnnvllle, In the heart of the Valley. Price $140 per acre, terms. YAMHILL COUNTY REALTY CO.. 410 Kothehlld bldg., 4th and Washington Sla, Portland. Or. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner, 1S2 Morrison sL TEN acres rich soli, on railroad; sell for $300. $10 down. $10 monthly; bargain. Main 327L Box C14. Miscellaneous. ATTENTION, REAL ESTATE MEN. WE HAVE JUST THE THING FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. WE NEED YOUR HELP. 10 PER CENT COMMIS SIONS. PRINTED MATTER FUR NISHED. ANSWER. GIVING NAME AND ADDRESS. AR 41. OREOONIAN. EUGENE. OR. Best home city of state. Population 10.IKK). Good schools, good society, pure wa ter, no saloons, no poverty. 1 sell all kinds of Eugene real estate. Established lHb2. Ask for what you want. George Melvln Miller, Eugene, Or. TO EXCHANGE. 24 ACRES, fine soil, perfectly drained; 30 acres in cultivation; 4 acres timber and pasture; orchard of 300 trees In good con dition; will yield SOO to 1000 boxes of ap ples this year; 330 young trees set out this year: good comfortable house, barn and outbuildings. This property Is 23 mllea from Portland and commands a beautiful view of the whole country; 2 miles from electric station; close to Willamette river and town. Price $4S00; $li400 equity to trade for house and lot or good lots. Balance can run long time. CO-OPERATIVB REALTT COMPANY, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange bids-. 4th and Stark. THREE acres, 20 minutes' ride from Haw thorn bridge, between "Sth and 29th ets.. Improved with good 7-room house, fur nace, good plumbing: facee 270 feet on Improved street, cement walk. Has 120 bearing fruit trees in first-class condition. 1 14 acres of small berries, large garden filanted for this season. Can be cut Into ots and sold st big profit. Half mile norlh of Reed Institute, ono block from car. Prlc $20,000. Will trade for farm In Willamette Valley. GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. TO EXCHANGE! We have a house and corner lot close In on East side, valued at $3500, to trade for Improved acreage, not too far out Willing to pay some cash difference. GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. WILL trade Sox loo feet, with 2 stores, leased for S years, located at Lafayette, Or., for Portland property and pay dif ference In cash up to $1200; want some thing about $6000. Marshall 1456. WILL trade SO acres of good well Im proved land, close In. for roomlng-hous In city or grocery or dry goods stock. Particulars s4 tin SL. room 417. Pbons Main 831(1 WTLL exchange fifty, acrea for good city property paying ten per cent. Interest oa fifteen thousand dollars: close to Port land. By owner. 400 4th st. 22 ACRES of gocd land 12 miles from Port land, near carllne: will trade for an au tomobile worth fl.Ko for first pvymeoc Se owner.221Jis Morrison it. room 9. EXCHANGE 20 acres, irrigated. Kenne wlck. Wash., for lots, equity, house or screage. Box 143, -1L D. No. L Hood River, Or. , COLORADO and Nebraska farm lands. Im proved snd unimproved, to exchange for Kogue Klver properties. The Best-Fuller Realty Co.. Grants Pass. Or. B-ROOM modern house; carpets and shades; close to car, business center and 2 schoola tak. team. lot. some cash, terms; $4000. Owner. 1240 Michigan ave. WANTED Some One bearing orchards and unimproved Rogue River properties from llo.OoO to $100,000. Charles Sharp. 33 Kant nth St.. Portland. Or. 100-ACRE FARM. Very best of land. $4M0. at 4 per cent, ft years time. Or will exchange. Box 2. Warren. Or. WILL' trade 5 -room house and lot at 106 East 61st for a small farm or homestead . relinquishment. Phone C 2052. $3500 EQUITY In modern eight-room house. East Side, for farm property: would pay some cash difference. AG 60. Oregonlan. INCOME property on West Side, worth $14 ow will trade for farm or timber land up to $6000 or $8000. C 64. Oregonlan. vcTbUY and self" equities; we exchange fo what you have. Western Investment Co., 417 Board of Trade. HOUSE furniture to exchange for a good doUvary horse. Phone ast 6220. mat 4, 1911 CHOICE 8-acre tract on Oregon City car line. 20 minutes- ride from city. under cultivation, fine well, 6-room house, lawn, chicken-house and yard, new wood house, soli A-l. excellent for small fruit ana chickens: surrounded by beautifully lm . proved place: equity $3000; take part cash and some exchanse. AK 61. Oregonlan. CENTRAL WASHINGTON. 40 miles from North Yakima. 8 miles from a prosperous town; SMI-tract, con a. sting of orchard, wheat and meadow land; will take improved Portland prop erty or A-l mercantile business as part payment. Address owner, AL 63, Ore- gonlan. FARM. $30 PER ACRE. 100 acres fruit and dairy ranch. 45 a-res In cultivation, 15 acres in wheat, 15 acres bar. 7-room house, large barn, runninc water: price $000: will take a house, and lot worth $4o-K, balanc on time. E. J. Gelser. 221 H Morrison st. CIGAR STORE for land. 5 acres for rooming-house. Rooming-house, for small farm. 40 acres for small rooming-house. House and lot for farm. GARLAND A CO.. 191 4th St. WILL trade well-furnished house for lOOx 100 feet In North Irvutgton or Lincoln Park; East Sid and near Union ave. John P. Weston. DOS Chamber of Com merce. Main 60.J7. I HAVE $323 equity In fine comer, size lO.lxMO, In Hvdo Park, on Sandy Road; will sell for $2'") cash or trade for good piano. Phone Marshall 122. . WILL trade a home with $5000, clear of In cumbrance, for good suburban or country ' business: will bear Investigation. Call room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg. NICE 4-room cottase. on good carllne. elec tric light and Bull Run water In the house: fine lot. $1000 equity; exchange for something at Garden Home. AK 61. Ore gonian. WE have over 1600 trades. We can match you up. H. A. Chandler Co.. 610 Lum bermens bldg. WANTED Good automobile for .Hood River property. Owner, 127 11th at. rhone Main 2S20. WILL exchange clean Portland real estate for water power roller mill. Address Howard. 426 East Yamhill. NEW YORK loL trade for Portland prop er t yoraA-tornobllejlJ" WANT 20 acres, Tualatin Valley. fjr hand some 7-room house. Main 1022. WASTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE cllonts waiting for houses and bungalows; must be modern and up to date In every respecL If you hav some thing that you want sold quickly, list It with us. AT 35. Oregonlan. I AM a working man: I want H or 1 acre of ground, 6c carfare of Portland; I will pay $30 down and $10 a month, 6 per cent Interest: should prefer a place with a shack already built- AF 70. Ore gonian. WANTED. Have, 16500 cash' to invest In real es tate; prefer Income property; will give or assume mortgage; give exact location and lowest price or no attention paid. AO SI, Oregonian. I WANT to buy som acreage near a carllne suitable for platting In acre or half-acre tracts: give price and location; will deal with owners only. Address AH 67, Ore gonlan. WANTED Small house and lot near car line on easy terma Will pay $100 down, or exchange Victoria. B. C. property for Portland home. Address P. O. Box 1160, Victoria. It. C. , WANTED 500 to 1000 acres of logged-off land, near transportation: must be reason sble: give full description, price and lo cation: no agents. S 68. Oregonlan.. I WANT to buy at once from owner a lot on the East Side of the river, on a car llne; give full description. Address AH 66, Oregonlan. WANT a or 7-room modern bungalow, cot tage, close to carllne; must be cheap for cash; give full description and location. C 62. Oregonlan. WILL take good suburban lot or mortgage as first payment on new 7-room resi dence; Westmoreland; easy terms. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. . WANTED 2 to 5 acres with house, not over $2000; can pay $1200 cash. AL 69. Oregonlan. HAVE buyer for West Side income property; $60,000 cash to Invest: must act quick. HIOLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. HOUSE of 6 rooms, near school, not far from business, about $3000. M 58, Orego nlan. BUNGALOW as near business center aa possible, small lot will do. L 60. Ore gonlan. FOIt SALE TTMBIB LAND. " ATTENTION, REAL ESTATE MEN! WE HAVE JUST THE THING FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. WE NEED YOUR HELP. 10 PER CENT COMMIS SIONS. PRINTED MATTER FUR NISHED. ANSWER. GIVING NAME AND ADDRESS. AR 41, OREGONIAN. 1.600.000 TIMBER with complete planer, shingle, sawmill: 15 miles Portland; ex cellent market: $2750. Also 1,500.000 yel low pins near Bend; bargain. Owner. 1030 Grand. North. TIY BER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CKACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. JTAKM FOR RENT STOCK FOR SALE". COO acres, 40 acres sown to oats and 10 or 13 acres will be planted In potatoes, balance In pasture. The following stock and Implements: 12 milk cows 2 heifers, 2-vr.-olds, 4 calves. 2 horses, 11 head hogs, 100 chickens, 4 geese and 3 turkeys. 2 sets double harness, binder, mower, rake, diso harrow, another harrow, potato planter, feed cutter, fanning mill, spraying outfit, 1 new cream separator, small tools and household furniture. Price $2300, terms; rent $300 per year. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO., 133. First st. FARM FOR RENT Near Forest Grove; 100 acres: crop half In; horses, wagon and harness and Im- rlements for sale; cash or share, rent. nqulre at M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak. WANT BIO TO RENT FARMS. PRACTICAL farmer, with references, wants to rent a furnished farm. Address A 66. Oregonlan, or phone Main SS39. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 804 McKay bldg. er FOK SALI5. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saddle and harness horses that are fit and ready for Immediate use. You come and try our horses at our expense; have them -examined by your own vet erinary and when s-.tlsfied buy them, prices from $125 up. Wa handle only th. best. Kramer Riding School, 16ih and JeffersonjitB. . FOR SALE 22 head of young draft horses, weight from 1200 to 1700 lbs.; 4 to 6 years old: all broke and gentle: will Bell from $300 up, per pair; also 3 ponies well broke for children to ride and drive, $35 a head; take Salem F.leetrlo to Ti gard. Enquire at Livery Stable. Must sell at- once. " REMOVAL NOTICE. Have moved from 1640 Macadam St. to corner 5th fnd Montgomery; will have car fresh horses, weight from 1200 to 1600; will arrive Thursday, 4th; all horses guaranteed as represented. Don't forget. 5lh and Montgomery. Phil Suetter. $225 BUYS team, weight 2600 pounds. $200 buys team, weight 23O0 pounds. t i. one horse: all with harness and wagons; all sound. . Take Sellwood car to Insley ave., walk to rallorad track. House. 7M. WILL accept one or two good work horses as part payment for 10 acres fruit land; balance very easy terms. Call 423 Cham ber of Commerce bldg- phon Mar. 23; A 4817. 3 TEAMS mares, 2200 and 2230 lbs., true single or double, harness and wagon, at bargain; $4G buys 1400-lb. horse, true as steeL Woodstock. 67th and 63d ave. Phone Sellwood 17SS. MARE weighing 1100; been used by lady, good driver: works single and double. Call 14tb and Union. Ask to se Mrs. Gill's mare. WANTED Horses or xnares for farm work"; prices must be low. Call Thursday after noon at Columbia Hardware Co.. 104 4th St.. I. R- Berry. FOR HIRE Horses, wagons and business rigs, by day. week or month; 34 15th SL North. Phone Main 120. Lawler's barn. Ask for Mr. Evans. FOR SALE Well matched truck team, 6 ytars old: dark brown: perfectly sound; weight S200. See J. Selfer, Haas Stables. 2r-4 Is' sr. CAR of horses Just arrived: 14th and Union at 1000 to 1500; well broke; will sell Wed nesday at public auction. TEAM of black horses weighing 1100 each. Well broke. Call 14th and Union. Ask to see King's team. I HEAD of young draft horses from 1735 to lt.S. Inquire 14 Ua and Sari ex its, nores. Vehicles, Carriage Etc. MULES MISSOURI MULES. Pair young, free working mules with new harness, heavy breeching; they ar kind and true to work In all places, ex tra fast walkers; price $2S5; trial al lowed. 5fR Alder st. HORSES AND MARES. 60 HEAD CHEAP. 605 Alder St.. corner l.Tth. The above horses have been used by city contractors, teamsters and business houses: there are horses of all kinds, suitable for business, family or pleasure purposes. Give us a call before buying. Read a few of the many bargains below. It will give you an idea of what we have. All horses warranted according- to what they are and trial allowed. 6o5 Alder sL S,-,Sn TEAM AND HARNESS $3S3. 3o0-lb. team, sound and true, fat and handsome, true and reliable, single or dou ble; a bargain. r.OS Alder st. PAIR HEAVY DRAFTERS. 8100-lb. team, ages both S, sound and true, fat and handsome; no better team in the state, owner going to Alaska only reason for selling: no reasonable offer re fused. Can be seen at 505 Alder St. KING AND PRINCE. 2900-lb. team, full brothers, blocky built and closely mated: they look alike, act alike and work alike, and if you drove them you would think they thought alike: cost a brewery $800 less than 1 year ago and have been replaced by auto; price with harness $500. 6v5 Alder st. $350 WILL PURCHASE pair heavy drafters, 3200 lbs., 7 and 8 years; this Is an exceptionally good team, and I defy any man to duplicate It for $4ii0; true as steel in any spot or place. "605 Alder st. Mare In foal, due In six weeks, big, handsome Norman mare, 1400 lbs., kind, true and reliable: price $100. about one third her value. 60.; Alder st. Thin blue roan, work or ranch horse, with new harness; $70; trial allowed. 508 Alder st. $1S5 will purchase mare and gelding. with heavy breeching harness; both ar sound. 6 and 7 years old. weight 2100 lbs.. also almost new farm wagon, very cheap. 303 Alderst. Ask for Mr.otesanL PASTURE for horses, near Portland. Apply 339 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410 Automobiles. SECOND-HAND CARS. STEARNS 1909. 7 pass.. 4 cyL. 60 H. P., fully equipped: fine condition. $3500. CHALMERS 1910 30. & pass., 30 H. P.. fully equipped. $1150. PEERLESS 1909. 7 pass.. fu.ly equipped; good buy. $2500. MAXWELL 2 cyL, 5 pass.; for quick sale. $425. CADILLAC 1910.- 5 pass, fully equipped, a real bargain. $1300. PEO 2 cyL, B pass.; top. $K)0. CADILLAC 1909. 5 pass.. 30 H. P., fully equipped; rerainted. $1000. BUICK. 2 cyL, 6 pass., fully equipped. $450. PIERCE 1910. 6 cyL, 86 H. P.. 6 pass.; Al condition. $3000. BUICK Model 10, 4 cyl. runabout with top. $300. The owners of these cars have left them with us for sale, they having purchased 1011 Pierce-Arrow or Cadillac cars. Our list of used cars Is continually changing. It will nay you to investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Main 6470. A 4587. 7th and Couch Sts. We will occupy our new 4-story and basement concrete building, 21st and Washington streets, about May 1. PIERC1-; ARROW 48 HORSEPOWER. Pierce Arrow 43 H. P. 7-passenger 1910.. has been run about buoo miles, just re ceived complete mechanical overhauling. Is now being repainted. Has a complete equipment of highest grade. Including several extra casings, etc. Apply 50d Wells Fargo building. Telephones: Pacific. Private Exchange 1, House 45; Home. A 6i21. House 43. " TC YLI ND E R WINTON, 7"PASSENGE R AUTO. As good as new; has everything pos sible to go with car; has only been run a few months: am going East. Price $22uO. Main 1756. - STORE your autos In absolutely fireproof building; live or dead storage; open day or night; 6-passenArer auto for rent on short notice. East 23d and Morrison. Belmont Garage, East 2119. LADY LEAVING CITY; BAROAIN. $450. Ford runabout with top, etc.. In fine condition. David Lewis, room 2 Lum bermens bldg WANTED First-class five-passenger lat model automobile In exchange for Med ford (Or.) unimproved property; must be reasonable. Charles Sharp. 333 East 0th. AUTO MAN Can give you about 1 day's . work each week If you will accept real es tate In payment. Call 418 Board of Trad bldg. . " CHALMERS DETROIT. 40 H. P. Will seat 7 people; almost new, for $1500 cash: owner leaving the city; cost $3200. Dave Lewis. Marshall 712. COLUMBUS electric, victoria, two-passenger, almost new, excellent condition, 50 per cent discount. B 2745. FOR SALE Cadillac 30" touring car, fin condition. 201 4th St. A 1516, Main 8504. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain list. Custom-Hous Auto Co.. 331 Everott St. Main 1649. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Studebaker Garford, 40-H. P.; practically new and fujjy equipped; bargain. B 62. Oregonlan. FOR SALE One fine team of horses. 6 years old. weighing 3000; sound and true and without blemishes. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE or trade, 1911 5-passenger tour ing car, standard make, reasonable terms to right party. AL 64, Oregonlan. KEO runabout, carries 4 passengers, in good condition; cheap It taken at once. Phone East 858. FOUR-CYLINDER FORD runabout, nearly new. $4.0. Main 1758. pianos. Organs ano Musical Instruments. 6TANDARD make piano for sale; used short time; cash or terms. Main 6663. VOSE upright piano, fine condition. $150 cash. N 66. Oregonlan. Birds, Docs and Pet Stock, THOROUGHBRED white Leghorn eggs for setting. 15 for $1.00. The best all the year layers. Telephone B 2H51 or 310 East 50th; two blocks south of Haw thorne ave. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs; spo clal price per hundred; Leghorn Ban tams. Sellwood 1335. Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddtx Monarch." Laddlx Kennels. Estacada, Or. Miscellaneous. 400.000 SECONP-HAND BRICK. Out of the Olds, Wortman & King bldg. on 6th and Washington sts. Itqulre INTERNATIONAL BLDG. A WRECKING COMPANY. 807-311 Fourth St. Marshall 1834. LUMBER. Thousands of foot xf second-hand lum ber; has been used once for cribbing; for sale at lowest prices. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. A WRECKING COMPANY. 207-311 Fourth St. Marshall 1S34. ALL FOR $175 Two brood sows, 0 medium-size, 1 boar, 3 medium-size to fat ton, 6 pigs. 5 small size, in all 23. Ad dress Irvlngton Dairy, care steamer Iralda, clt y. FOR SALE Launch, length 30 ft., beam d'i ft., 20 H. P.; engine speed 14 miles. Bargain if taken at once. Address 41a Alder at. 80-FOOT speed hull. 5-foot beam, 60 b. p. Hercules 4-cylinder engine; speed 20 miles, first class in all particulars. AS 54. Ore gonlan. BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No. 7. $25: Fox. No. 3. $35; Blick. No. 5. $17.50; Blick. No. 7. $26. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 90 5th st SNAP IN UPRIGHT CASES. 3 'arge upright plate cases for sale at a sacrltlce. Apply People's Clothing Co., . 100 Third sL EAFES New and 2d-hand: low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PUr.OELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 6th SL Main 6309. A 4114. FOR SALE Coin and currency collection; may be seen at office of W. F.' Ross & Co.. Jewelers, Washington bldg., 2704 Washington sL. near Fourth. BEAUTIFUL HOUSEBOAT, furnished: a snap; 4 rooms. Owner, 610 Lumbermens bldg. Main 8766. NO. 7 Remington typewriter, perfect con dition and action; great bargain. Mar. shall 681. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, countera General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave. S. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines.. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st St. Phones A 23os. juain .'dt. FOR SALE $10,000 worth 23 per cent in come bonds, denominations of $250 and .... i-tr... 40 Rnnlrilnfi. hldff. , . NEW HOME machine and typewriting desk V.nn tMH -all OQ 1 IT flnv NEW Bailey buggy, cost $300; will sell for C-Q. Al'lllf 'T Jan...... e. GAS stove and water heater for sale, rea- BOnapie; party len.ms ........ van a HOUSE painting, papering and tinting, $2.50 . t.r. V fti Dr.rnninn FOR SALE Good cook range for -wood or coal. AM 6.1. Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Toledo scale, meat rack and glass meat counter. 23 1 12tl st. 15 Miscellaneous. HERE Is a real sale that you always look for, but seldom find. The entire stock or the North Pacific Furniture has been so, a to us for 40 per cent less than it cos, because they were losing money and want ed to get out of business. We are putting this stock on sale at Invoice, or dealers' cost price, and tn stock is still In the store, 1S4 First street, where we. bought iL We begin tho big sale next week, but if you want to avoid the crowd, come in any day this week. 2-ply springs, $1.00. Yum Yura springs, $1.85. Iron beds. $1.90. Second-hand ranges from $17. Cotton-top mattresses. $2.25. Pillows, a pair. $1.30. Remember, the best bargains are in high-grade goods. Terms of this special sale are casn. EDWARDS CO., SALE. - - 1S4 Firsl St. STEAM PLANT FOK SALE. The following boilers, engine, etc., etc., all In first-class order and in good work Ing condition, are for sale: 1 P.eturn Tube Boiler. 72 In. by 18 fL 1 Russell Automatic Engine, 11x16. 1 steam Driven Deane Jet Condenser. 6xSxl2 inches. 1 Inclosed Type Feed Water Heater. 2 Vertical Boilers. 6 H. P. each. 1 General Electric Bi-Polar Generator. 125 volts. 36 amperes, ISOO revolutions. 1 General Electric Motor of 5 H. P.. di rect current, 500 volts. 1 General Electric Motor, 50 H. P., di rect ourrenL 500 volts. Above can be seen in operation at the mill of Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Frent and Main Sts.. and will be sold very rea soi:ab.'e:Fordelivery shortly after June "1- CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. second hand. In perfect condition, $1.30 per square. ONE MILLION CLEAN 2D-HD. BRICK. $5 per thousand; pressed and common brick, now In Olds, Wortman & King and in the Corbett buildings, ready for July delivery. LUMBER Second-hand flooring and dimension stock in perfect condition; $6 per thousand. DOORS AND WINDOWS, new and second-hand, 40c up. PLUMRING SUPPLIES, new and Second-hand, at remarkably low prices. PORTLAND WRECKING CO.. . Main 87. 105 No. 11th st. A 37.16. FOR SALS. Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubular tollers, complete with Inclosed type feod water heater. 6Hx34' Smith valve feed pump. Dodge Injectors. safety valves, crown valves. 8-inch header and all angle valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with safety water columns, in good con dition. Also on 12-H. P. vertical submerged head tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings. Including Buffalo In jector; a4nost new; only used a short time. For further particulars Inquir at room 201 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. SECOND-HAND D00R3, WINDOWS. GLASS, BRICK. LUMBER, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. IRON PIPE. STEEL AND CAST IRON AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. & WRECKING COMPANY. 807-311 FOURTH ST.. MARSHALL 1834. ' 6 A FES 2 second-hand. Wiii sail cheap for cash. F 932. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes; we also buy ladles' cloth ing. Call up the Globe. Main 2bbO. 290 First, near Columbia. ' MONEY LOST unless you call the Ford Auction Co. and get their prices on what you have to seU Maln 8951, A 2445. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE wants household goods, furniture tor east or commission. East 1U22. 309-270 E. Morrison sL That's all. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phone East 3134. 843 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU have household furniture to selL call up Georgo Baker A Co.. 1j2 Park vu Sales at residences a specialty. . WANT Eastman Kodak, postcard sixe. 123 First sL WANTED Second-hand Victor grapho . phone. Address AK 76, Oregonlan HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN FOR REAL ESTATE. We need two or three bright, clever solicitors on our new sub divisions. If you are a salesman or desire to be one, why not sell the thing that will pay you best? Real estate is the most prolitable of all commodities to sell. Send us your name and let us writ you about our opportunities. C 7S. Oregonlan. SALESMEN WANTED Best real estate proposition In Portland; firm of unquestioned standing desires to Increase Its selling organization; a new subdivision ready for the market; an es--pecially good opportunity for salesmen of ability who will hustle. Address D 62, Oregonian. ABLE-bodled men wanted for tne U. S. Ma. rtne Corps, betw een the ages of 19 and 33. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $09. Additional com pensation possible. Food, clothing. Quar ters and medical attention free. After 30 an r.tl,U with 7.t Ylr CHllt of pay and allowances. Service on bourd ship and ashore In all parts of the world Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Breeden bldg., 3d and Washing ton sts.. Portland. Or. REPReexTATIVE shoe salesmen with es tablished Jobbing and department store trade in Oregon and territory, to sell tine Juliets, barefoot sandals, slippers, Ieg glns, overgalters; commission oasis; state references, also yearly sales. Address Su perintendent, 417 East 93d St., New York City. WANTED SEVERAL EXPERIENCED AR CHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMEN FOR WORKING DRAWINGS. APPLY ROO.M 620. HENRY BLDG. 2 EXPERIENCED agents who know how to gt results. We have an everyday article that should easily net you $4 to J5 per dav. Old-established house. For Interview, reply at once, stating phone numoer and lrUcjlhirsto A 48. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising silicitors, com mission; special edition or contract work. Apply noon hour only. Benedictine Press, 306 Journal bldg. WANTiCD Man and wife to take charge of halls and furnace .in exchange for cosy 8-room apartnient. Apply basement ISO Irving SL. 10 A. M. WANTED Reliable young man to take car of my business while I'm out of town; experience unnecessary, small capital re quired. Call g2 Sixth st. WANTED A general all-around popcorn man, experienced, with one of long crisp tables. Apply in writing to H. L. Norris, 845 Granville sL, Vancouver. B. C. (SALESMEN wanted to sell our lino of Pa cific Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly. Paciflo Nursery Co.. 30S Corbett bldg. , , EXPERIENCED bushelman wanted; prefer elderly gentleman. Call 104 11th st. Leigh ton Dye Works. WANTED Laundryman, washer or all around man; steady employment. Moore's Laundry. Hlllsboro. Or W ANTED at once, a water well-driller, used to Keystone rig; only first-class man need sppiy. P. O. box 23, Victoria, B. C. MAN of neat appearance to solicit fo.- larg. corporation, good salary if suited. Apply after 9 A. M. 720 Yeon bldg. WANTED A good bench moider. also a stove mounter. Apply to Albion Stove Works. Ltd.. Victoria. B. C. WANT steady men to clear land; only good workers need apply. 615 Chamber of Com merce. HARNESSMAKERS and collar mongers. No labor troubles. W. Davis A Sons, San Francisco. Cal. STENOGRAPHER who Is willing to start at the bottom. 111S Yeon bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cutberth studio, Dekum bldg. SALESMAN wanted; salary and commission. Apply 702 Spalding bldg. PHYSICIAN wanted, licensed in Oregon, for office work, short hours. X 77, Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE salesmen. Call 11 18 Yeon bldg. ; WANTED 2 boys with wheels: good wages. 2t5 Alder sL -COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Ses my ad under business opportunities. BOY, with wheel; good wages. Apply at once. Portland Emporium, 126 6t h sL NFIWS- afgents for railroad train .service. Barkalow Bros.. 326 Johnson sL OOATMAKERS wanted. Inquire at Holbrook .1 -11n 119 hlrcr