Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    TriE 3I0RXIXG " OTtEGOXIAN, "'WEDNESDAY, " MAT "3, 1911.
Men Will Favor Soft Cuff Shirts
In the Men's Furnishing Section
No exclusive furnishing shop shows smarter men's things than
we do. We will match every style shown and at the same time
will save you money on shirts, ties, sox, or anything else a man
Because there is a deal of comfort in this sensible style. There
is no starchy uncomfortable stiff cuff feeling on hot days; Shown
in every fabric, every color and at every price.
1 Merchandise of Tfteril Only,.
Dressmakers' Sale f
Of every day furnishings for
the dress. Staples all under
priced. Bust Forms at 79c
Selling regularly al $125.
Size 32 to 44.
Made of papier
mache covered
with black jer
sey doth. Very
light and dura
ble. Every
woman can be
her own dress
maker with the
use of one of
these forms.
Sizes 32 to 42
inches. Come
early, as there
is only a limited number.
Best German gold eye need
les. All sizes from I to 1 0.
25 needles to a paper.
Best German gold eye darn
ers. Assorted sizes. 1 2
to package
Needle books containing
gold eye needles in assorted
sizes. Darners 'and bod
kins. Per book JC
5 yards of GofFs An
gora skirt braid, all colors
Crescent wool skirt
braid. 5 yards, all colors.
Nainsook covered rubber
lined shields. Sizes 2 O
to 4 yc
Transparent collar support
ers, assorted lengths. 4 to
Hump hook and eyes. Guar
anteed nonrustable. Silvered
and japanned. All sizes.
2 dozen
Fresh water pearl but- Q
tons, sizes 12 to 22; doz.
I ? n 3If fa
I t Garment Reduced
In this annual event domestic the
finer American and beautiful
French hand-made Lingerie are all
marked with special reductions.
Women's, misses, girls', chil
dren's and infants under dresses in
this store represent only those manu
facturers who give attention to qual
ity, workmanship, fit and finish to
their garments. Therefore in mak
ing reductions on every garment in
our stock you receive the double ad
vantage of buying the very best of
undermuslins at the same, or even
less than inferior garments are sold
for elsewhere.
25c Waistings
English madras waisting. con
sisting of mull checks and plaids
and dimity checks.
$1.50 Long Cloth
36 inches wide. Soft finished,
ready for the needle. Specially
adapted for under garments; 12
yards to the piece. -
$1.50 Bedspreads
Full size crochet bedspreads in
a large assortment of Marseilles
patterns. Extra quality.
20c Bath Towels
Extra heavy weight bleached
Turkish bath towels, made of two
ply cotton. Size 40 by 20 inches.
Silk Hosiery
In Black and Tan
Fine gauze all silk stockings
made with extra strong heels and
toes, with double silk lisle garter
top that will not break. All sizes
are here in all black and the
much-wanted tan shades.
Tea Pot Tiles 25c
Exactly as Illustrated.
A little imported novelty
decorated in Dutch figures
on white tiling in delph blue
and other colors. Practical
and useful and a protection
against singeing tables when
used for tea,. coffee pots or
hot dishes.
Gloves Cleaned, 10c
Eclipse Manicure Articles
Transformations, $5.00
French weft transformations
made of 16-inch fine French hair;
22-inch weft Natural wavy hair
n all shades.
Aida French Clusters $3
Made of real French cut hair,
24 puffs. Comes in round or ob
long shape. All wavy hair in the
natural hair shades.
That's all you have to know
about a kid glove.
mm ,p
Black Sailors
Made of rough straw with
straight, broad brim. Crown
varying from two to three and a
half inches. These smart sailors
are fashion's latest decree in Sum
mer hats. You will find them
here in many models. The one
illustrated sells
At $1.95
Other Smart Sailors in Burnt
and Natural Straws.
Untrimmed Hat Special $3.95
Once more we call your attention to these popular untrimmed
Milan hats. In the hood, turban and large picture shapes. Six
teen distinct styles in exclusive models are offered at this one
special price. Owing to their popularity it is almost impossible
to get orders filled, so a scarcity confronts you soon.
Automobile Veils
$1.50 Each
Here is an automobile veil
made of a specially selected
chiffon cloth. Just the right
quality that can easily be
seen through and at the same
time durable. Comes in all
popular colors; 2 yards long
and 1 yard wide, with an
inch and a half hemstitched
hem on all sides.
French Voile Waist
At $6.50
Here is a blouse that is
unusually smart.- The ma
terial is a lovely quality of
fine French voile. In white
combined with coral, with
King's blue or with black.
Made with kimono sleeves'
and collarless neck finished
with a plain colored piping.
Very effectively trimmed
with Bulgarian embroidery
and lace insertion.
Brass Bowls
Special 98c
Selling Normally at $1.75..
(4 9)
Handsome bowls of spun
brass measuring seven inches
across. These bowls have
ball feet and zinc liner.
Picture Framing
,. By Experts
The lowest prices in the city.
Introductory Sale
For One Week Only
$3.50 W. B. Reduso Corsets
Special $2.00
Voile Waists 50c
Today an additional shipment of
these very attractive waists are
placed on sale in our art depart
ment. They are stamped in new and
very effective designs ready for
Instructions in the various
branches 'of needlework on these
waists is extended to you gratis.
Stamped Crepe Waists
Price 75c
N e w and attractive designs
stamped on enough material for
making a most becoming blouse.
Outlaw of Cameron Dam Con
ducts His Own Defense.
Surrendered by Bondsmen, lie Ques
tions Jurors About Despotism
of Lumber Trust, Which He
Defied for Tears.
HAT WOOD. Wis.. May I. Surrendered
by his bondsmen and without lawyer.
John Diets, the outlaw of Cameron
Dam. his wife and his son Leslie were
placed on trial today before Judge
Alexander Reld in the Circuit Court.
They are charged Jointly with having
shot and killed Oscar Harp, a Deputy
Sheriff, who was one of the posse which
besieged the Diets cabin at Cameron
Dam on Thornapple River last Octo
ber, and who was found dead after a
gunflght with the Diets family. -
There were several warrants out for
John Diets, who for a number of years
had defied the officers. The trouble
grew out of a dispute with the Chip,
pews Boom tc Lumber Company, which
built a darn in the Thornapple' River
near the Diets homestead. The flood
waters. Diets claims, damaged his land.
He claimed he could not negotiate a
satisfactory arrangement with the com-
pany and he destroyed the dam and
held up a large cut of logs for a year
or more. The company was obliged to
haul the logs off with teams.
When the court opened, the Illinois
Surety Company, of Milwaukee, and
the Indemnitors who reinsured Diets'
$10,000 bond, announced thst they de
clined longer to ' be responsible for
Diets and he was given into the cus
tody of Sheriff Kred Clark. Bonds of
the other members of the. Diets family
have not bean revoked.
When the court asked Diets If be
wanted a lawyer. Diets said no. and
"I might ss well tell you I have not
any too much faith In lawyers, since
one told Myra that the lumber com
pany had IwO witnesses to impeach her
testimony and we would have to fight
the DvU with the Devil's club."
In the examination of Jurors. Diets
repeatedly asked them If they would
be Influenced against him and his fam
ily by what he called the despotism of
the so-called lumber trust.
leged was lost as the result of mis
management and negligence. The
headquarters of the concern were in
There are about 50 defendants
named in the bill, among them former
Judge Edward M. Armstrong. Repre
sentative H. C. Loudenslager. District
Attorney John B. Vreeland. Attorney
General Edmund Wilson and Edward E.
Grosscup. appointed last week as a
member of the State Board for the
Equalisation of Taxes.
Many of the defendants are well
known politicians connected with the
Republican machine in New Jersey.
When Armstrong was tried for em
bezzlement, and pleaded the statute of
limitations to escape. Attorney Gen
eral Wilson acted as prosecutor.
Jadge, Congressman, District Attor
ney Sued for $ ISO, 000 Lo.
TRENTON". N". J- May J. Thomas E.
French. Samuel K. Robblns and George
Bergen, receivers for the State Mu-
ual Building and Loan Association.
which baa been In litigation for four
or live years, today filed In the Court
of Chancery a bill against the officers
and directors of the company to re
cover about HaO.000. which It is al-
Pocatello, Idaho, Grand Jury Finds
True Bills Against Two.
POCATELLO. Idaho. May X (Special.)
True bills of Indictment ware returned
by the Federal grand Jury here today
against Kwan H. Ray. an educated Co
re an. and C- C. Ostrander, an Oregon
Short Line brakeman, on white slavery
charges. This marks the first step of
the Government officials in this part of
the Inter-mountain region In breaking up
what Is considered a well-organized gang
of procurers operating between Salt Lake
and Boise on the west and Pocatello and
Butte on the north.
The specific charge against the Corean
is a violation of the Federal statute pro
hibiting the transportation from one
state to another of women for Immoral
purposes. The charge against Ostrander
is violation of the Interstate Commerce
law. He is alleged to have sent an em
ploye from Pocatello to Ogden for him
self, and forged the word "Mrs." before
his own name, giving It to a woman of
the underworld to Journey to Ogden to
meet the Corean who in turn paid the
woman's fare back to Pocatello to lead
again a life of shame.
Alleged Treasurer of Lorimer
Fund Yet Free.
Grange Opposes Referendum.
EUGENE, Or. May 2. (Special.) Ths
Lane Pomona Grange met In Junction
City Saturday, with the largest attend
ance of any similar meeting ever held
in the city. The matter of co-operation
of granges wss brought up by the Cot
tags Grove delegation, and was dis
cussed, and the essential features
adopted. The following resolution was
passed unanimously: "Resolved. That
the Lane County Pomona Grange de
plores the action being taken to Invoke
the referendum upon the appropriation
for the educational Institutions of the
state, and we as grangers wlU do all
we can to discourage It.
r en die ton Has Small Kalnfall.
PENDLETON. Or.. May I. (Special.)
There is a deficiency In Pendleton's
precipitation for the month of April of
nearly an inch, while the rainfall for
the first four months of 1U is less
than naif the normal amount for those
four months, being more than three
Inches less thsn nsual. November, the
wettest one ever recorded here, with a
little more than four Inches of rain,
brings the total precipitation for the
present wet sesson up to nearly 10
Inches, which Is less than an inch short
of the normal. This Is also more than
was received during the entire year of
Consul Thomas H- Norton of Cbemnlts
writes that Mjvdoal Is an Important by
product In Saioar. where forests covsr ons
quarter of Ui aarfaco of the kingdom. It
Is largely used tn tbs manufacture of oxallo
and e-tlo acids and la puxlftog Ulumlnau
Bitter Fight Made to Escape Having
to Show Bank Books to Helm
Committee Court Gives
Tilden First Ruling.
CHICAGO. May 2. (Special.) An
other signal victory was won by the
Lorimer forces today In Judge Petit's
court when the petition to quash the
habeas corpus writs Issued last Friday
in behalf of Edward Tilden, William C.
Cummlngs and George M. Benedict were
refused by the court. The motion to
quash the wrltswas made by E. Allen
Frost, associate counsel for the Helm
I committee which is Investigating the
l methods employed to secure the elec
tlon of William Lorimer to the United
States Senate.
Numerous clashes between Judge
Petit and Mr. Frost marked the prog
ress of the day's proceedings In the
court in which arguments were being
made to determine whether or not Ed
ward Tilden, who is - alleged to have
been the treasurer of the so-called
1100.000 "slush fund" which. It Is
charged, was disbursed to pollute the
general assembly of the state two years
ago, will be compelled to appear before
the Helm committee and show his books
and records of his financial transactions
during the months Just prior to and fol
lowing the election of William Lori
Arguments Occnpj Session.
Hearing of arguments snd the clta
tlon of legal authorities occupied the
entire session of the court today and
further arguments will be made tomor
During the arguments this afternoon,
made by Mr. Frost, Judge Petit re
peatedly Interrupted counsed by asking
Do I understand that the Senate
wishes to examine all the books cover
ing a period of five months during
which the $100,000 Is supposed to have
been spent for the election of Senator
LorlmerT" asked the court.
"That Is the first time I have heard
that proposition raised here." answered
Mr. Frost.
Senate's Rights Urged.
Mr. Frost urged upon the court the
fact, which be declared to be obvious
to every thinking mind, that In investi
gating the purity of Its membership.
the State Senate was entitled not only
to "certain papers and documents," but
to ail of Mr. Tilden's papers and records.
"These documents are material to the
investigation that is being made by the
committee," declared Mr. . Frost. . "But
whether or not that Be true, the Sen
ate is the sole Judge and this court has
no right to attempt to pass on the pro
position In any way. And the pleading.
If it is to be made, that Mr. Tllden's
constitutional rights are being violated.
will not lie in this court or any other
tribunal of the land until after Mr.
Tilden has complied with the require
ments of the Senate and has appeared
before that bar and been duly adjudged
guilty of contempt and sentenced in
accordance with the authority of the
Mrs. Eddy's" Son Says Purpose of
Agreement Was Not Known.
CONCORD. N. H.. May 2. Counsel for
ik. niointiff In the action of George
W. Glover, of Lead, S. D., against
Henry M. Baker, executor or tne win
of the late Mary Baker G. Eddy,
founder of the Christian Science church,
en. a motion today to amend their
amendment of March 25, by adding the
mrnaiit that the asrreement made by
Glover prior to his mother's death not
to contest her will "was not made witn
!?. hut war made only with the de
fendant. McClellan, and the other di
rectors, whose purpose, unanown io
the plaintiff, was in order. If possible.
III Dtl U 1 3 lllrll.O. 1 T . . ...... - .
Eddy's llesral residuary bequest to them
or more man sz.uuu.vvu, oi wmtu mvncj
they were then In possession. In the
- ...amaTt o n .1 In Vfr MrPlpJIn n' ntir-
pose therein Mrs. Eddy took no part."
The "McClellan"
bald McClellan.
referred to Is Archi-
Moscow Priest Rnn Down by Auto.
MOSCOW, Idaho, May 2. (Special.) Dr.
J. C. Wik, a Scandinavian physician and
surgeon, while driving his automobile on
Main street today, accidentally ran over
Father Pecoul. priest of the Catholic
Church, who was riding his bicycle.
Father Pecoul was meeting a team so
near the sidewalk that he turned to the
left and Just at that time Dr. Wiik came
up behind the team and turned to the
right, resulting In the collision. Father
Pecoul was taken to a nospitai. wnere ne
was found to have been seriously hurt.
He is being attended by Dr. Wiik.
Coaling Station Advocated.
ington, May i'. Representative Hum
phrey today urged the Navy Depart
ment to establish a coaling station at
some point in Alaska, maintaining that
such a station would be of more use In
the event of war on the Pacific than
at any other point in American terri
tory remote from the Pacific Coast. He
points out that there are five suitable
tracts of Government land already re
served for naval or military use, any
one of which would be adapted for a
coaling station.
Indian Girl Acquitted.
JUNEAU, Alaska. May 2. (Special.)
Selina Dowllng. aged 17, reputed to be
the most, beautiful half-breed girl in
Alaska, was acquitted today of the
charge of murdering her mother, an In
dian woman, at Douglas, on January 27.
The mother died in agony after eating
candleflsh brought to her home by John
Harris, - an Indian suitor for Selina's
hand, and of whom the mother did not
Strawberry Short
cake at the Hazelwood
We have fine Straw
berries for today.
Come and have
Strawberry Short
cake at
388-390 Washington St.
An immense group of dainty Spring and Summer
"Waists in linen, lawn, mull and batiste, beautifully
modeled; some with long, others with short
sleeves, high or low necks, neatly embroidered;
collars and cuffs edged, pointed Plauen fl-
lace. Extraordinary value at. only $f&J
Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Dresses, Coats, Millin
ery, Skirts and Petticoats of the smartest type at
, modest prices.
Tou can pay for all your purchases in weekly or
monthly payments.
, ,
No charge for credit No discount for cash
Washington Street at Tenth
The Big Modern Credit ' Store