TirE 3rORXIG OREGONTAX, - WEDNESDAY, MAT 3, -1911k OF MAIZE IS - URGED Railroad Distributes Seed Be lieved Valuable for Use ' on Drier' Soils. POOR LANDS YIELD WELL Crop Is Tended Idke Corn, but JUrTted Mort CJwap'r Care ful Seed Selection Kipected to Help Resistance. Ia an effort to Introduce a crop that mar grown with profit In a dry soli, the traffic department of the Harrlman lines In the Northwest, through Its of fice In Portland, la distributing; 1000 pounds of seed of mllo maize, a plant of the sorghum variety, which has been grown with much success In other dry land territory. A lot of selected seed was procured from the mllo maize district of Texas and small quantities sufficient to sow a small tract for experimental purposes has been sent to several farmers In the, eastern cart of the state. They re nrred to nlant It and care for It the first year and to enlarge the tract de voted to tnis purpose wun lurereum years. If the Texas seed Is not hard g iy enough for the Oregon climate, in the t. BCWUVI J Bt l 1 . i V a am ' .... 1 1 1 i n in k r A h rtii he suffi ciently strong- to withstand any climate. Sed Selection Heirs Crop. In the past four or Ave years the de velopment of mllo raalie as a grain crop hns Veen progressing rapidly. The carefully selected mllo maize of today Is a great Improvement over the com mon. nnselected crop. Ordinarily the stalk has been reduced, by selection, to a uniform height of 4 to 4 4 feet In regions lying at an altitude of 3000 to 4000 feet. Through selection of seed. the heads have been changed from mostly drooping to mostly erect. By further car In choosing the seed, branching has been almost entirely pre vented and the growth of "suckers has been checked. Mllo maize Is at present the most successful Summer grain crop for dry regions. It is ear Her and a more drought resistant crop than corn and makes a satisfactory feeding substitute. The average yields of corn under same' conditions have been 10 bushels to the acre less than those of ml'.o. The soil requirements for mllo maize are about the same as those for corn. Well worked sandy loams or clay loams are best. The roots penetrate to depths of three to four feet In ordinary soils. Fair yields result on rather poor lands. In the semi arid country mnch depends upon how the soil Is handled to con serve moisture. reeding Is Profitable. R. B. Miller, traffic manager of the Harrlman lines, has been Instrumental In the Introduction of mllo maize In Oregon, lie believe that carefully se lected seed, through a period of from two to three years, will develop a crop that can be easily and economically rrown In the driest portions of the state. The crop requires about the same attentions as corn and can. be harvested at much less expense. The seed con tains the principal value and Is fed to chickens, rattle and hogs, without being; removed from the stalk. It has been found best to allow the stock to thresh out the seed for Itself. - Mr. Miller also urges farmers to grow It for commercial purposes, but advises that greatest profits can be derived by feeding It to livestock right on the farm. Fed to hogs. It has been figured as worth SI a bushel, which Is consider ably more than It could bring on the market. "" -Our activity In this movement pri marily Is a selfish one." he explained recently, -but our Interest Is common with that of the farmer. By growing mllo maize he makes his farm more useful, increases the products of his property tnd enhances the value of his land. As soon as he starts salslng additional livestock he Is. ready to use the transportation lines and our rev enue Increases. RATE WILIi AFFECT PORTLAXD Shippers Interested in Case Xow Reins Heard at Tacoma. Portland shippers . and railroad men are watching with keen interest develop ments In the rate case now being heard at Tacoma and which may result In the establishment of lower class rates from the western terminals to points west of the CascatJes. The case has grown' out of the appli cation of the Spokane shippers to the Interstate Commerce Commission for lower commodity rates to points between Spokane and the eastern slope of the Cascades and the Intervention In that case of Walla Walla. Kennewlck and Baker for similar concessions. After those cases had been filed Ta coma and Seattle Instituted an action before the Washington State Commis sion for a rate eastward to meet the Spokane reduction. If It Is granted by the National body. Chehatis. Centralis, Aberdeen and Hoqulam have Intervened. While Portland has not Intervened In that case, this city Is Interested for the reason that If the commission grants the reduction to the Western Washing ton cities similar reductions must be made out of Portland. Archibald Gray. assistant general freleht and pa.senger agent of the Great Northern, and Harvey E. Lounsbury. assistant general freight agent for the O.-W. R. Ac N. Co.. have gone from Port land to Tacoma to reypresent their re spective roals at the -hearing. W. W. Cotton, general attorney for the O.-W. R. A X. Co.. will ap;ar for that line. The railroads are asking the Washing ton commissioners to reserve judgment In the cu until after the Interstate Commission makes Its decision In the Spokane case, which It now has under a-trlsemect. The two casvs are so close ly Interwoven, it Is pointed out. that a decision In the one cannot be made without complicating the other. HODS WORTH IS SATISFIED Milwaukee Representative Has Great Faith In Northwest. "Others who visited the Coast have retarnM with wonderful stories of the splendid advantages of this country. -and I always tbought the enthusiasm aroused by travel made thsm little bit over sealous In their description, but now I find that they have not told half enough." declared W. H. Dodsworth. general aent at Milwaukee, for the Chicago. Milwaukee Pua-et Sound Rail way, upon his first visit to Portland yes terday. , Mr. nodsworth. who waa a member of a special party of Eastern officials of the Milwaukee road on a tour of the Coast, arrived In Portland yesterday aione. lie explained, that Wis other GROWTH MILO members of the party have scattered to various portions of the Northwest. It was their intention to come to Portland, in their private cars, immediately follow ing the close of festivities at Seattle and Tacoma. which were arranged in their honor. A message from the borne office yesterday advised some of them to return to Chicago and the party disbanded. The trip waa made primarily to allow the Eastern men to see the Puget Sound extension of the Milwaukee road and to afford them an opportunity of becoming acquainted in the territory which will be opened op by the Inauguration of through service, the latter part of the present month. Mr. Dodsworth is a veteran in the service of the Milwaukee, having been associated with A. J. Ear ling, the president, when both were work ing their way toward the top ranks. SIGN' Ali EXGIXEER TO SPEAK Block System to Bo Explained to Admen by Expert. ' . A- H. McKeen. engineer in charge of the signal system in use on the O.-W. R. N. lines, has accepted an invita tion to apeak before the Portland Ad Club at the regular dinner to be given by that organization on Wednesday, June 7. ' Mr. JtcKeen haa charge of the block signals in use on the system and baa made a thorough study of this modern device for the operation of trains and the prevention of the loss of life. Under his direction- several valuable improve ments upon the ordinary block signal ar rangement have been made. It la llkelv that he will set up a miniature block signal system to HJua trate bla lecture before the Admen. Veitcb Called to Seattle. Called to Seattle by advices from the general offices of the Chicago, Mil waukee Sc Puaet Sound Railway, J. R. Veitcb.-district freight agent for that line, left Portland yesterday to arrange for the final transfer of the local busi ness of the Chicago, Milwaukee Sc St. Paul road into his .hands and for the combination of the affairs of the two systems bis office. Mr. eltch con sequently may be given a higher posi tion with the Western road, inasmucb as his responsibilities will be greatly Increased. All the duties formerly ful filled by E H. Rowe. retiring general agent for the- old road, will be con solidated with those of the new otlice. Mr. Veltch. who formerly had Jurisdic tion in the freight department only, probably will be given charge of the passenger business also. Railroad Personals. W. C. McBrlde. general agent for the Denver St Rio Grande system, has gone to Los Angeles otr business.. E. F. Balrd. city ticket agent for the? Burlington, accompanied by Mrs. Balrd. has gone to Chicago and New York. R. Blaisdeli. auditor of the O.-W. R. Sc X. Co. and the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, is In Chicago on business. B. H. Turnbull. general agent for the Illinois Central in this city, has re turned from a business trip to Califor nia. J. B. Spellman. of Ban Francisco, as sistant chief engineer for the Western Pacific was a Portland visitor yester day. W. O. Roberts," contracting freight agent for the Great Northern, is visiting in St. Paul and other points In the Mid dle West. a Frank R. Johnson, general agent of the passenger department of the Cana dian Pacific, has returned from a busi ness trip to California. James Hughes, of Tacoma. assistant superintendent of the sleeping and din-Ing'-car department of the Chicago, Mil waukee St Puget Sound Railway, waa in Portland on business yesterday. O. L. Dickeson. former special Inspec tor for the transportation department of the Burlington system, has been ap pointed assistant to the vice-president of the White Pass St Yukon Railroad, ac cording to advice recently received here. TACOMA FOILED ON RECORD Portland longshoremen Loaded Ships Tears Ago In Less Time. Portland stevedores refuse to concede Tacoma's claim that it holds the Paclflo Coast record for loading vessels, because longshoremen stowed 1000 tons aboard the American-Hawaiian liner Alaskan In nine hours and 4& minutes. It Is said that each longshoreman averaged 2.6C tons an hour against the former record of 2S tons an hour. Local stevedores say that in 1898 a ves sel was loaded with 22.0tO sacks of wheat at the old Victoria dock in nine hours and the gang numbered but 14 men. while with the same sized crew another carrier was given ZMTC0 aacks of wheat at Irving dock in nine hours, the following year, the grain approximating 14 tons. At present the dally average ia fM tons with no effort being made to lower tne time and In every Instance the crew numbers less than the Tacoma contingent. Lately no rapid work haa been done for an en tire day because In most Instances wheat carriers have shifted often to complete cargoes. SECOXD STEAMER IS FLAVXED Kellogg Interests Xow Have Extra Set of Machinery on Hand. -When the steamer Joseph Kellogg is stripped of her boiler, shaft and piping. In ad.aUon to smaller gear that will be necessary to prepare the way for the installation of a boiler with heavier steam pressure, a larger shaft and new piping, the Kellogg Transportation Com pany will be In possession of an extra set of machinery for a sternwheel steam er and there Is in contemplation the construction of a llghtdraft carrier to care for business of the Cowlitz River basin, much of which Is drawn by Ta coma firms but should come to port land. The Kellogg made her last trip yester day and on ber arrival the work of stripping her of the boiler was begun. In a few days she will be towea to sup ple' a yards for an overhauling and it is thought she will be ready tor service in a month. The steamer Sarah Dixon has been chartered for the Cowllts River route temporarily. Captain Kellogg said he engines and other parts- were storea .t Cat. in and that the Kellogg's boiler and shaft would be taken there and housed until the llghtdraft vessel was nlanned. Practically half the cost ot con structlon will be saved through hav ing the machinery on hand. All of it la serviceable, but has been removed from the Kellogg to make way for steam equipment of greater power tnat ia be ing counted on to reduce tuei expenses. Omega's Voyage Fast. . ,,. .fflu nf the. Pacific ElDOrt Lumber Company satisfaction is being xperlenced over tne raci me utrau hip Omega, the last lumber carrier in the 110 fleet to clear, has reacnea Hamburg after a passage of 120 days. hile members of the firm reckon 135 i iii - mnd nAssase to that har bor. The Omega carried 1.850.S5I feet of lumber and it waa the prize cargo being of selected material and a large portion made up 01 vertical grain need ing for the Hamburg-American line, which is constructing a new steamer. State Revenue Increases. . OLYMPIA. May 2. (Special. The Ptate Tax Commission has collected ill.117.S7 durlrg the month of April, of which amount II3IS represents liquor license money.' A year ago the liquor license money totaled but IJ350." NEW TRADE SHIFTS Shingle Business With East Goes to Gray's Harbor. COLUMBIA FALLS BACK Washington Manufacturers Also Find Opportunity to Push Their I-umber Ontpnt Into Eastern Markets. Columbia River shingle manufactur ers are taking:' second place as com pared with operators of plants on Grays Harbor in securing business on the At lantic Cn fne oft the occasion of the steamer Riverside being loaded there last month she carried 6.000,000 shingles and on her return in June she will take at least 4,000,000 more, space for which has been reserved. The steamer Stanley Dollar has sailed from Ban Franolsco for Grays Harbor and will get away next wek with lumber and shingles for the r-ast. I Grays Harbor millmen evidently have grasped the opportunity of regular shipments and not content with dlspos CTEAMHB UTTEIXtQENCaV Doe to Arrive, Kama, From. . Date Henrlk Ibsen. .Hongkong. ...In port Bear. ......... San Pedro.... In port Roanoke. ......San Pedro.. ..In port RoseCttr San Pedro... .May 3 Oolden Gate... Tillamook.. ..May 4 Breakwater. .. .Coos Bar May S Cue H. Elmore Tillamook.... May 0 Geo. W. Elder.. San Pedro.. ..May T Alliance Eureka May T Falcon., an Frsnelsco May 8 Beaver San Pedro. . . . Msy 8 Anvil .....Bandon...... May 10 Klverslds Balboa June 8 : Schedule U Depart. Kama. For. Date. Hoanoke. ... ...San Pedro. ... May S Boar Ban Pedro. ... Msy S Henrlk Ibsen.. Honskons. . . . May G Golden Gate.. .Tillamook.... May 5 Breakwater.... Coos Bsy May 6 Rom City San Pedro. ...May . Eus H. ElmorsTlllamook... May ' S Antane Eureka May 0 Geo. TV. Elder. . Kan Pedro. . . May 10 Falcon San Francisco May 11 AdII. ...Bandon. .... May 12 Beaver San Pedro. ... May 13 Riverside Balboa June 13 ing of thtlr shingle output they have Impressed Eastern firms with the best qualities of lumber and large amounts win be moved during the season. Bates St Chesebrough Inaugurated the California St Atlantic Steamship 'Vmpany'a service there with the visit of the Riverside and while the mala fleet will come north with Inward cargo for Portland. It begins to appear as though the northern harbor will be principally depended upon for south bound business. Shingles in the Northwest territory originate north of the Columbia River, several large plants being on the Wash ington side of the stream and there seems no reason why they should not compete with the Grays Harbor mills and reach the Atlantlo market. In which event arrangements could be mads for the California St Atlantic steamers to load on the way to sea. J. Ernest Laid law. agent for the line here, yesterday announced a schedule covering the arrival of steamers until September as follows: June 8, steam er Riverside: July 9, steamer Geo. W. Fenwlck: August 9. steamer Stanley Dollar or steamer Riverside, and Sep tember 9. steamer Leelanaw. The of fice of the company is being moved from the Lumbermen's building to room 420 in the Railway Exchange building and business is such that with local offerings and those obtalnable-on Grays Harbor vessels are assured good car goes until after the July sailings. A traffic agreement has been signed between the company and transporta tion lntereats plying on the Mississippi River north from New Orleans and dur ing the coming season, when consider able barley will move, rates will be quoted for handling the grain to Middle West districts, all of which has moved by rail during the past year. From San Francisco the company has' trans ported quantities of barley this season, but it Was destined for New York and Philadelphia. BELL SIGXAL 'IS ORDERED Three Coasting Steamers to Adopt Sew Submarine Safeguards. First of the lines operating out of Portland to adopt a modern nautical safeguard, the submarine signal bell, will be the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Company, which has closed a contract with the Submarine Signal Com pany for Installing the apparatus on the steamers Beaver. Bear and Rose City. In addition, the Pacific Mall Steamship Company will equip seven of Its vessels In the trans-Paclflo trade. The bell indicates to masters or offi cers on watch when the vessels are with in a certain range of a llghtvessel or other station where the shore apparatus Is maintained and for that reason Is valued during foggy- or stormy condi tions, when objects near land are diffi cult to distinguish. Llghtvessel No. 88, stationed off the Columbia River, and others of the coast stations, have the bell signal gear, which is submerged in deepwater and is operated by a mechan ism similar to clockwork, so that at regular Intervals the bell sounlds, each station having a separate system of strokes so they can be distinguished. Steamers having the bell system are equipped with dlaphrams, one on each side of the keel and the same distance from the bow, which are connected with the pilothouse by a telephone that haa two receivers. On approaching a light vessel the operator fits the receivers to his ears and by the sounding of the bell, which has been distinguished a distance of 14 miles, it can be ascertained whether the vessel is heading directly tor the station or to port or starboard, the sound in one ear being more pronounoed thad in the other. ' When the vessel is head ing directly for the station, the compass is consulted to learn the definite course. SECOXD PROPELLER BROKEX Harklns Loses One Wheel, Breaks Another and Orders Third. More trouble was yesterday experi enced on the steamer Jessie Harklns through the loss of a blade of her pro peller, which necessitated her stern be ing raised and another blade ordered cut off so as to eliminate the jar caused by the absence of one fluke. Last week she lost a wheel near La Camas, and was towed to the Willamette Iron St Steel Works to have 'it replaced and reeumed operations Sunday. Arrangements were yesterday made with Fred De Rock, a local diver, to go to La Camas and endeavor to locate the lost wheel. A- third one is being cast for Immediate use. but as they cost over S1k) it is desired to regain the old one for emergencies. Because of blgjier water more than the usual amount of drift Is running and it is presumed that damage to propellers is due to striking submerged logs or drift. The Harklns is not out of commission and at the first opportunity the new wheel will be shipped. Marine Notes. Under orders to load at Raymond for the Golden Gate the steamer Carlos left the harbor yesterday afternoon. Heading for London with lumber the German ahlp Wllhelmlne is due to leave the harbor this morning in tow of the steamer Ocklabama. In tow of the steamer Ocklahama the schooner Lottie Bennett was delivered at Rainier yesterday, where she will load lumber for San Francisco. Longshoremen will work wheat into the hold of the British ship Vincent at Irving dock today, as she shifted there yesterday afternoon from Montgomery dock No. Z. Castings have arrived for the Gov ernment dredge Chinook and if condl ttons are fuvorable she is expected to start working at the entrance to the Columbia River tomorrow. Repairs to Taylor-street dock, made necessary because of a recent jar sus tained when the steamer Lurllne was docking, were completed yesterday when, a demolished flue was replaced. Joseph Supple has been awarded a contract for repairs ana general work on tha Government steamer Major Guy Howard, which is due from Astoria this week and wlIT be on the ways two or three weeks. Outward manifests of the steamer Bear.. "which sails today for San Fran cisco and San Pedro, and the gasoline schooner Anvil, sailing last night for Bandon, were filed yesterday at the Custom-House. Reports that the gasoline schooner Condor, from Waldport, has been de layed on the present voyage are denied by I. W. W. Brown, agent of Couch street dock, who says the vessel will Bail tomorrow. . ; Major Mclhdoe, Corps of Engineers. IT. S. A, spent yesterday at Fort Stevens in connection with Important work under "Way on fortifications and in Installing new equipment in the way of electrical appliances. Last of the Japanese oak cargo of the Oriental liner Henrlk Ibsen will be ashore today and she will go over to the flour mills to begin working outward cargo. The vessel will have a full load. Captain' E. H. Berry, of the steamer Sarah Dixon, was transfered yesterday to the steamer No Wonder, as Captain Whltcomb, of the steamer Joseph Kel logg, will navigate the Dixon while she Is on the Cowlitz River run. Four times the steamer Sarah Dixon signaled for the Morrison-street draw yesterday afternoon, the last whistle being sounded at 2:50 o'clock, and it was not until then that the bridge tender rang the bell for the draw to be cleared. Orders have been issued by Harry Campion, superintendent of the towage and pilotage service of the Port of Portland, for the pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer to head inside today to re plenish ber stores and the tug Oneonta will patrol outside. When the schooner resumes her station the tug Wallula will be ordered out of commission for a month. In the Olson & Mahony' fleet the steamer Westerner sailed from San Francisco Monday, the Shna Yak was due to leave yesterday, the Yellow stone tomorrow, Jim Butler Saturday and the barges Amy Turner and Gerard C. Tobey are loading, all with cement. On the next voyage of the steamer Francis H. Leggett it will come to Portland Instead of discharging at Astoria, and la to unload 1800 tons of cement at Supple's dock. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, May 4. Arrived Steamer Kl&math. from San Francisco; steamer J. A. Cbanalor, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook; steamer Carlos, for Raymond. Astoria. May Z. Condition at the mouth of the river at S P.- M., moderate; wind south 42 miles; weather cloudy. Left up at 2 A. M Schooner Lottie Bennett. Sailed at 6 A. M. Steamer Olson Mahony. for Puset Sound. Arrived at 6 and left up at 8:30 A. M. Samer Klamath, from San Francisco. Sailed at 8:15 A. M. Steamer Saslnaw. for South Bead. Sailed at 8:30 A. M- Steamer Golden Gate, for Tillamook. Arrived at 3:30 P. M. and left up Steamer J. A. Chanslor. from San Francisco. 6aa Francisco, xay x. eauea mi i noon Steamer Beaver, for Ban Pedro. Ar rived at 2 P, M. Steamer F. 6. Loop, from Portland. Arrived at 12 noon Steam- g-b Imn from Portland. Sailed last nlsht Steamers westerner and J. B. Stetson, for Portland. ,-ooa Rrv. Mav 2. Arrived at 8 A. M- Steamer Breakwater, from Portland. Avonmouth. April" 3a Arrived French ship Vlncennes. from Portland. Liverpool, .May 2. Sailed Ivernla, for Boston. ' Hongkong. April zy. saneo impress oi India, for Vancouver. Seattle. Mar 2. Arrived Steamers 'Wst- son. Bee. from Eureka- Rosecrana. from San Francisco; steamer Tucatan. from Vlc torta. Ffllled Ptewmers Queen. AtlRa. tow- My Terms Treatment within the reach of all. I will not acoept your case If I cannot cure ' yoo. I will give you an absolute guarantee to care you or not charge you one cent for my services. The reason hundreds of men today are discouraged is because they have given no care to whom they entrust ed their case, their precious health. They do not consider the ability, professional standing and reputa tion of the physician or specialist of whom they took treatment, but have considered far more the fact that by not going to a specialist of ability thay could get cheaper treat ment. Such is not the case, because It requires ability and skill to cure any one of the ailments to which I devote my full time and attention. - and the specialist who possesses the ability to cur's, gets all the business he can attend to. If you are today discouraged because you have not been cured It is your own fault. You have no one else to blame but yourself. If you have sought treat ment and are not cured, it is simply because of the fact that you have not thought enough of your health, your life, to pay the pr'ce of a com petent, reliable specialist, who pos sesses the ability necaaaary to cure you. The one thing for any man to consider is simply this: 'Tt want to get cured. I must get the ailment conquered before it conquers me." If you look at this matter from this Standpoint, valuing as you must do your future health and happiness, vou will consult at ones the. BEHT and MOST RELIABLE specialist, one whom you know from his per manently and long-established reputation to be the best, and if your case Is placed with him the cure will surely follow In short order. LASTLY, REMEMBER, there is no man who really desires to be eared who cannot place his ease with me. BECAUSE I always arrange friv terms so that any man can receive expert attention and car at my in sTrijunoN, I OnU SAJTELT A1VD PERMANENTLY "Tle Aflsmls, Wetvens Deellae. Kldstey Bladder Allaneats, Varies etu mm Ail AUsMBta reonllsur t Mask . EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION FREE Men make no mistake when they com to me. I give you the results of ' long ezperlenc. honest, conscientious work, and the best service that money can bay. If yoa are ailing ooneult me. Medicines furnished In or private laboratory from 11.60 to $.6 a course. If yon cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours t A. M. t t P. M. dally. Sundays, to II only. n ? jlr ! 1 ft 230! Yamhill St ji. Louis Medical to. p WOMAN TELLS STORY OF INTENSE SUFFERING At the age of about 40 years, I was at tacked with hemorrhage of the kidneys or bladder which continued for several years without a check. I finally took advantage of your generous offer and procured a sample bottle of Swamp Root. Believing 'it helped me, I pur chased a fifty-cent bottle, which con vlnced me that it. was helping me. Three other bottles cured me. In two or three years, over-work brought my ailment back, but one bottle stopped 1 I feel as if I owe my life to you for the great blessing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root has been to me. I recommended it to all human beings suffering as was. You have my permission to pub llsh this letter and if any person doubts it, if they will write me, enclosing stamp, I will give ruu particulars. Yours very truly, MRS. T. Bl PHELPS. Rocky, Ark. Personally appeared before me this lst day of August, 1909, airs. i. c. i.eina whn suhscribed the above state ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and in iaci. L. P. PURVIS, J. P. Letter to Dr. Kilmer A Co Blnghamton, Y. Prove What Swamp-Boot Will Do For You. t- - ti- viimar A- Co.. Blngham- ton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone, you wiu aiso a booklet of valuable lniormation. i -ii akAnt thA irlrinev and bladder When writing, be sure and mention The Tm-tinnrt Hail v oregonian. ncsii fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug etores. ins barce 93. for San Francisco : steamer JT.J"e .reamer President, for Everett: .schooner Ed ware . .UUI1, v-w. . Australia; scnoouer . A. Tacoma.' May s. oi..-. mlral Sampson, from Alaska: steamer Pres m,,ra.1 i.. rnMKo: steamer Maver- Booer .teamer Admiral Samp- OU, m .J-" ... Xlcloa at Astoria Wednesday. . T man. .... . . a tH0:49 A. M. . 0.8 Tee 5:30. PT teetho? P. M....3.9 feet Vancouver Wedding; Rendezvous. it a itf i-tit-vf!R Wash.. May 2. (Spe claD Virgil B. Day, 19 years old, son of Mrs. Frahkie Stowell, and miss it rsnnr 17 vfars old. daughter of F. R. Capper, of Portland, were married here today. Glen Wells, of Kelso, and fliiss Dalsv Whitlow, a Vancouver girl, were married nere toaay. Are You "All In?" That's what is wrong with a lot of men who feel gloomy, de spondent and unambitious. A little more "steam" is all that such men need. By "steam" w e m e a n strength, stam ina, vitality. To put it all in one word, we will say electricity. A few weeks' application Electra Vita will renew the vim and energy of any man in this condition. It pumps new life Into tired bodies and stores up a reserve force in all the nerves and organs. Electra-Vita is a scientific device for infusing the system with a glowing stream of electricity while you sleep. It gives to every weak or inactive organ the power to do its work properly as nature intend ed. Those who have used Electra Vita say that it is the grapdest ln vlgorator of the age. Get This Free Our big. free book tells all about Electra-Vita, how it cures and what It coets. Send us this coupon with your name and address and receive a copy by return malL The Electra-Vita Co. 209 Majestic Building Seattle, Wash. Please send me, prepaid, your free 90-page Illustrated book. Name Address NOT A DOLLAR REED BE PAID UNLESS CURED Cured in iSf"""-. T f v s ! I A ' i i a . jr :. - : . -a : . ' a Dr. A. O. Smith. I am the only specialist in Port land vtho does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know yon consult a true spe cialist, who sees " and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a aray that no other can share, and ihonld not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. WRITTEN GUARANTEE! Dr. Smith's written guarantee mean ear or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or reruna every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services oosL.J;? nothing unless I cure your Varices Veins. Hernia. Piles, Fistula, Blood Poison, or any ailment -I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours S A. M, to S P. M. Sundays, 10 i. It to 1 ?. It Dr. A. G. Smith VARI CURED IN -I Cure WW Fistula and All Diseases of Men I Advertise What I Do, and Do What I Advertise. lp$10 EXAMINATION GIVEN FREE BY A PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN 30 YEARS A SPECIALIST. COME AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Corner Alder and Se;ond streets. Entrance 128 "4 Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. THE DR. GREEN GUARANTEE TO MEN Our guarantee No Monry Required Until Sat.Ktted is your ab solute protection. Con sultation, examination and diagnosis free Our specialty is All Ailment or .Mep. What you want is a cure. Come to uin and get it Hours daily 9 to 5. Even ings, 7 to 8. Sun days, 10 to L . DR. GREEN CO. 302 Washington St., Portland, Or. BIXO fHOOXO, CHTXESK DOCTOR. Strowbrldxe bids, 1& 14 First street, room 11. end 225 Alder st. Chinese Boot end Hert Medicines. Cures Cancer, Rheuma tism. Consumption. Dropsy. Catarrh, otomacn. Lung. Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic aliments of men ftnd wo men, examination free. m-ugtors, 2SS Flanders St. L. T. YEE & SONS The O'd. Sellable Chinee Dsctor spent lifetime study f ntrbs and research la Chin; was granted diploma by hs Emperor: guarantee ears all ailments of man and woxnea when others talL If you suf fer, call or writs to iHH m RON'S MKDICINK CO.. 14 Vi First. Cor. Alder, forties i. Or. i m9 c at f Bomtrtl Golden meal M J Ctnponnd X M g A safe sod simple remedy for fm I Brondbitu, Coon, Hay Fatr f (C Hi f inflammations. Irritation", nlofrr I V1 ' f atlons ot ALL. mueoue membranes I -1. I or llntnjra of the nose, tSroat, I fTTj I atonaaoh or otber organs. I vO AT DRU001STS SI llOW Whr net curt yourself vmmmwmm "r--'Treatlew1theaehbottle I y or mailed on request. 1 X.l tarn denial Ce. J fcjW' itiv..:, - Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison ISo Detention Fran Occupation, Family or Home NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MAITT CASES PERMANENTLY OUHBD IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME -8 A VINO, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE, A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MT WORD AND WILL CITE TOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURB BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE 500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. I invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to youmy treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula. Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and g;lve you FREE a physical examination: If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure la what you want. VARICOSE! VEIXS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pra se r v e d and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re sstablished. Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. HERVIA (RUPTURE) Disregard of existing hernia ha cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the lncreaaed liability to strangulation. I cure rupture in selected cases with per fect safetv and entail no Buffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In one treatment. " 00 " FOR BLOOD POISOIf, I use Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery, ' 0." in cases of Spscific Blood Poison. It cures in one treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical scienee. Thle new remedy has been successfully used in thou sands of cases. Let me explain it to you. 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. COSE VEINS FIVE DAYS Nervous Debility, Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver Disorders, Piles, RECEPTION ROOM CROWDED Increasing Numbers of People Who Hear of Wonderful Properties of the Chinese Herbs. SIMPLE, SAFE AND SURE CURES. In gratitude to this wonderful man many former sick people have sent him testimonials expressing their apprecia tion for the benefit they derived from, the Chinese herbs sold them. These letters are on file In his office and will be shown on request. The ingredients of his preparations are compounded from Roots, Barks, Herbs and Buds that are gathered from -the most remote quarters of the globe, and dissolved in hot water where they are readily assimilated when taken into the system. CONSULTATION FREE. If you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and cir-. cular. Inclosing 4 cents in stamps. THE C. GEE AVO CHINESE MEDICINE) COMPANY, 1624 First St., cor. Morrison, rununu, urrguii, CURED Is Our Fee SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and Inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un- able to call, wr'te for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co, 224 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First, Portland, Or. I Wo