mE MORNING OREGONIAN. WKDNKSDAY, 3; 19H CHINESE REVOLT SPREADING FAR Anti-Manchu Army Advances From Canton Into Prov inces Neacby. RAILROAD TRAFFIC STOPS Slrt?t of Canton Strwn With Headless Bodies S1k Ferocity or Combat Admiral I.t Kills Ten Before Djlng. HOXCKOXO. May t The antl-Man-. ehu army. headed by AVu Sum. is now extending lta conqueata to the north and east from th Wast River. Though the government aeema to control Canton, tha rbel have raided Sam Shut. Wenchow, Woochow. Chung tok. Slmlhunf and Fat shan. Tha movement has apread from the West River, at the west of Canton, to the north and east, through Kwan tunic province and to Amoy. in the south eastern portion of Fuklcn province. AccordLcjt to the beat Information ob tainable, the foreign missionaries have not been molested by the rebels. Service on the Canton-Knowioon lec tion of the railway leading- from Canton to Horirkonr haa been abandoned, and the British railway officials have been ordered to come to this city. Refugees from Canton flock to Hongkong. Details of the fighting at Canton con firm earlier reports of the ferocity with which the troopa and the rebels engaged. Queueless heads and headless bodies In Kuropean dreaa are still exposed in the streets. Other bodies show that death was caused by strangulation. The cloth ing of western faction makes plain that the dead were rebels. The bodies of ihe soldiers killed appear to have been re moved. A son of the Viceroy of Canton and a maid were found hidden nnder a bed In the servant quarters of tbe palace which escaped destruction when the home was set afire. The commander of a Chinese cruiser was killed. Admiral IJ. who commanded the loyal troopa In the first two daya of .the fighting, is said to have killed 10 revolutionists before be waa mortally wounded. Bluejackets guard Shamlen and close fry are the American guboat Wilming ton, the German runloat litis, a Por tuguese gunboat and several British war ships. DEEP CHANNEL NOT NEEDED Kn sincere Report Against Dredging Columbia at Vancouver. OREOOXIAX NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. May t. Army engineers and the Secretary of War are not In favor of additional appropriations at this time for dredging the channel In the Columbia River between Vancouver and the mouth of the Willamette and so state In a report sent to Congress to day. The present project contemplates a channel In this stretch of river 10 feet deep and ISO feet wide. While a channel of these dimensions has several times been dredged. It always shoals during high water, thus making maintenance expetulve. The engineers report that ships vis iting Vancouver do not require a 10 foot channel and. as Vancouver has had no ocean trade to speak of since its large lumber mill was burned, the opinion Is held that there Is no imme diate demand for a 20-foot channel. Further appropriations In excess of $3000 annually for maintaining the Harden Island dyke are not recom mended. RATE CASE IS REVIVED Federal Court Asked to lleverse Judge Sanborn Decision. ST. IA.UL. May i. Ex-Attorney-General K- T. Toung and ex-Supreme Court Justice T. D. O'Brien, acting; for the State of Minnesota, today began ar guments in the United States Circuit Court before Judge Sanborn, vetting up J4 assignments of error In their appeal from the decision of Judge Sanborn In the Minnesota rate cases. Judge Sanborn recently gave judg ment In favor of the stockholders of the Great Northern. Northern Pacific and one; or two other Minnesota roads sgainst the State Railroad and Ware house Commission. The court held that the state could not make rates which affected Interstate traflfc. MUTUAL1ZAT10N PLAN ON vr York Legislature Considers B1U to Facilitate Move. ALBANY, X. T May 5. Chairmen Sullivan and Hoey. of the insurance committees of the Legislature, today Introduced a bill designed to facilitate the mutuallxatlon of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. The bill haa Use approval of the state Insurance depart ment. At present. Insurance corporations are prohibited from acquiring or Invest ing la their own storks. The bill au thorises them to Invest In such stocks In case such acquisition is in further ance of a plan toward mutuallxatlon. CROWDS RUSH TO GALLERY ' Colorado Senatorshlp light Still Awaits Developments. DENVER, May z. Interest or the pub lic in the Legislature, which adjourns sine die May . centers In the United Statea Senatorshlp. This Is caused by persistent reports that a Senator will be srlecfd before adjournment. A report tliat something was going to happen In tills catter today brought crowds to the galleries, but there were no develop ments. Congressman J. Martin, of Pueblo, was given tbe big antl-Speer vote and Frank C. Goudy. of Denver, received tha sup port of the Republicans. fiood Weai Crop Promised. ATHENA. Or.. May X. (SpeclaD The wheat in this part of the country la In the wry best of condition, despite the fact that this has been the dry est Sprint tliat the farmers of this community have had to experience. Tbe wheat Is growing rapidly and Is doing well. The clKhts and days both have been com paratively cool, which is pleasing. A g.xx! hard rain In the next two or three weeks will make a bumper crop for this entire country as the straw will not be long and tha heads wlU fill out exceed ingly waiL -. r- t I I I ........ ... - WOMAN WHO HAS BEEN CALLED "MOST BEAUTIFUL IN AMEBIC A" AND EX-BROKER HUSBAND WHOM SHE IS SUING TOR DIVORCE. Y LOVE IS SUMMONED Ex-Broker's Wif Determined to Secure Divorce. . SHE IS RICH, BEAUTIFUL Sensational Collapse of Business, la Which Chicago Man lost Mill ions, and Ilia Retreat to Oregon Is Recalled. f On I n ued From First Pa.) had lost $2,000.00 of Mr. Moore's money. It Is expected that when the divorce case la beard there will be a bitter con test over the custody of the couple's child. Mrs. Love and the child are now living In West. Thirty-seventh street. New Tork. In a comparatively short time. Love accumulated millions' In the banking and brokerage business. Tie became promi nent In society and his wife was a so cial favorite. Then -came his ignomlnous failure, which "cleaned" him. Love went "short" on May wheat In 1909. He played "bear" against Jim Patten, the "big bull"; wheat went op and Love went down and out. Mrs. Love Wealthy. At this time came his separation from his wife. It was said that they separ ated, not because Love lost all his money, but because he wss too proud to live off his wife's bounty. . Mrs. Love Is very wealthy., a fortune having been placed In trust for her before her mar riage. Amid much publicity. Lore announced that he was going to heed Horace Greeley's advice,' "Go West, young man." He said he was going to make another fortune. Ho went first to Seattle, Wash., and there he met a man from whom he ob tained a large Interest In a mining pros pect near Baker, Or. The mining coun try swallowed him up and nothing was heard of him until the divorce proceed ings began, except rumors that sifted back to his former associates In the fi nancial world, relating - that he had struck "pay dirt." - y LOVli.WlLL. NOT DISCUSS CASE Ex-Broker Spending His Time at . Mining Properly Near Baker! BAKER, Or, May 1. (Special.) Sid ney C. Love, whose vlfe In New Tork is suing- for divorce. Is spending his time In the mining district near Baker, where he is trying to recoup his lost fortune. After the loss of his fortune, he came to Baker and. securing mines, started with his old seal to again take the golden yield of - the earth. He has steadily refused to talk about his di vorce -and his most Intimate friends, of whom there are many here, do not know his real thoughts in regard to the caae. BECK HEADS ARCHITECTS CInb Adopts Constitution and Cre ates Furnishing Fond. At the annual meeting of the Port land Architectural Club last night at tha Commercial Club building, a new constitution wss adopted, a fund cre ated for furnishing new quarters and officers were elected for the fiscal year. The officers are: President. H. Goodwin Beck; vice-president, J. An drea Koullhoux; secretary. William H. lannigan; treasurer. William P. Daw son. Tha club In the past year haa con ducted an atelier for architectural students, haa recommended certain pro visions In the new building and plumb ing codes, and has advocated a civic center for the city. Of the member ship of 0. (0 were present last night. M'CLELLAN HEARS TRIAL (Conttnned from First Page.) Cuoocolo murder occurred in June, 190). Occasionally when Interrupted by Sorttno. Abbatema'ggio bowed with mock deference to 8ortlno and re marked: "But you know better than I do, as you were there." Abbatemagglo testified to the route followed by Sortino after the murder of Cuoccolo's wife, and Sortino shouted. Tou Insinuate that X had cab to i . ... ' . - : 1 " t : Above, Mrs. Sldaey C. Love. Be .low, Sldaey C. Leve. carry off the stolen goods'?" Errlcone Jumped to his feet and cried excitedly, "We found the cabman you tried to suborn Into' saying he carried Sortino. but he refused." - All the prisoners took occasion to begin a demonstration which the presi dent had difficulty In quieting. Sortino shouted vehemently that Abbatemagglo could not be heard. When the disorder was at an end. Sortino turned In the direction of Mr. McClellan and said Ironically. "If we are acquitted here, we will go to Amer ica, where you will accuse us of the murder of Petroalno." In answer to questions by the at torneys for tha accused. Abbatemagglo dented he had ever been a police spy. At the conclusion of the session, when the prisoners, handcuffed and chained, were taken from the court room and placed in prison vans, some of them who had been In America ap peared to recognize Mr. McClellan and, one. addressing him In English, said: "We are Innocent." TREATY IS DISCUSSED TAFT AND CABINET SEE TEXTA TIVE PEACE PACT DRAFTS. No Agreement Reached as to How Arbitration Board . for America and Britain Constituted. WASHINGTON. May 2. Several ten tative drafts of the proposed arbitra tion treaty between the United States and Great Britain were discussed by President Taft and his Cabinet today. Following the Cabinet aesslon. Secre tary Knox and his aides continued the discussion of details of phraseology, but tonight the President told callers no draft has been accepted as final and It might be weeks before the treaty could be submitted for ratification. Some difficulties in framing the treaty have disappeared, according to the White House. The criticism of Eng- lleh newspapers that the United States Senate must be consulted before dis putes could be arb'trated, was hardly m. valid objection, the" President thought. The treaty probably will be general In character, it will provide, accora Ing to the present Idea, that when dls- putes arise between the United States and Great tfrliain-mey may oe bud mitted to an arbitral court for settle mont- In the opinion of the President and his advisers. It Is perfectly natural tha Senate here, or Parliament, or the British Foreign Office should be con cerned In arranging the details for the settlement of each dispute. So far no agreement has been reached among the framers of too treaty here as to how the proposed arbitral court should be constituted. One-proposal Is that the questions at issue be sub mitted as they arise to The Hague tn bunaL Another is that as each ques tion comes up. a court be constituted by the agreement of both governments to settle that question aione. PORTLAND BOY IS EDITOR James B. Mann Elected In Charge of College Paper. V OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, Or., May Z Special.) James B. Mann, of Portland, has been elected editor of the Student Engineer for the coming .rear, slann. who will graduate next year In the mechanical engineering department, nas oeen loval auDDorter of the engineering mag' axlne. He will have the advantage of editing the final issue this year. In or der to get an understanding of edi torial problema. The managerntnp will be In tha hands of Fred McMilllan, of Salem. Mciillllan haa been assistant business manager this rear. The engineering magazine, which was fathered four years ago by Pro fessor T. M. Gardner, has developed Into one of the most Important of tne college publications, and aa the pro ceeds of the electrlcsl show, given ty the engineers, were all turned over to the paper. It Is planned to enlarge It considerably next year. REBELS CONTROL' WESTERN MEXICO Towns Captured; Federals Cooped Up; Americans Flee for Safety. RICH MINING CAMP-TAKEN I.a Colorado, Owned by Americans, Is Again Raided Rodoq's Force of Federals Can Only Hold Two Chief Cities of West, NOG ALES, Arix.. May 2. Almost all of Western Mexico Is In the hands of the rebels, who have captured one town after another and besieged Masat lan, the principal Pacific seaport, and Cullacan. Governor Rodog, of SInaloa, has so small a force that he can do no more than hold these two towns, and doubt Is expressed whether he can hold them long.' Fighting la almost continuous In SInaloa and Sonora. Not only Is the golltical welfare of the Western Mexican states affected, but American Interests are involved and in danger. Even the lives of Amer icans, hitherto held sacred by federals and rebels, are no longer regarded as safe in the Interior of Mexico. Americans Warned to Flee. Prominent railroad officials who reached Nogales from Mexico today brought with .them the warning from the rebels to remove all their families as auickly as possible into the United States and to advise all of their Ameri can friends to do likewise. Coupled with these warnings, was the threat of the lnsurrectos that they Intended, before tbe end of the week, to launch attacks against all the Mexican border towns. Many American families are coming acroqs 'the border.- Word came from the Magaalena ais trlct, southeast of Nogales of the com plete wiping out of a body of 30 fed erals under Luis Estrella by a band of rebels In the vicinity of Octates. Reports of heavy fighting near La Colorado, southeast of Hermostllo, were brought across the border today. The rebels claim to have recaptured La Colorado, which has been the scene of bitter fighting during the present re bellion. . ' Railroad Communication Cut. The situation along the Southern Pa cific lines in Mexico, which parallel the western coast for many hundreds of miles to the southward, is grave. Trains are running on these lines only as far south as Navojea, a hundred miles south of Guaymas, and Pullman cars are belngrun only as far as the latter place. All railroad connections south from Navojea are broken and there is no way of reaching the many import ant ports that line the coast. All wire communication Is Interrupted to the southward and only the smallest scraps of Information concerning the real sit uation are obtainable. Seven more railroad bridges are re ported burned and serious depredations by guerrilla bands, who would recog nize no authority superior to that of their leader, are comftlalned of. Gov ernor Rodog, of SInaloa, has command ed a Southern Pacific train to carry troops. Train service Is demoralized and no more trains will be run until fighting near Mazatlan stops. One loco motive and two cabooses have been pierced by shells. Mexico City has been fully Informed of the situation, but American interests are doubtful If relief will be forthcom ing. PEACE PARLEYS OX TTJESDAT Federals and Rebels to Settle Mexi can Turmoil. EL PASO, Tex., May 2. Judge Fran cisco CarabaJaL the official Mexican ro it a f nm mi!nTi.r arrived here to night, surprising everybody connected with the negotiations, as ne naa nui been expected for at least 24 hours. He Immediately went into conference with Roe car Branlff, E. Obregon and Rafael Hernandez, who have been acting as go-betweens In the negotiations thus far. At the conclusion of the conference Senor Branlff announced that Judge Caraoajal had "brought full' and nec essary powers" for treating with the rebel commissioners and that no hitch would occur on that score. Judge Carabajal , refused to reveal the in structions which had been given him at Mexico City. It was stated that the formal nego tiation would be taken up tomorrow in a tent to be erected In a willow grove on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, half way between Juares and the ln surrecto camp. - rsmhilil will act alone, while Dr. Vasques, Gomel will represent the provisional government, aaviocu Don Francisco Madero, Sr., and Senor Pino Suarez, a lawyer and provisional A,Am nf Vncntan - Senora Branlff and Obregon visited the tnsurrecto camp today for the first time since there has oeen a run gainer lug of Insurrecto chiefs at the camp, i tnnlrht that thev brought a proposition to neutralize the railway between Laredo and Mexico City, which now furnisnes tne oniy route of entry Into Mexico, anB which in tbe last few daiys has suffered from V. A 1 It Is said that the lnsurrectos were amenable to spme proposition for neutralizing tne roaa. oui wuuiu n ih, iirmiitlon to allow the federal government to transport over the line eurucient troops o proiKt m Inhabitants "f the country from bandits and outlaws. Some of the lnsurrectos at this point happened to remember. It Is asserted, the fact that government officials early in the revolution had not Infrequently characterized the reb els as bandits and outlaws, and feared a possible troop movement. There was a disposition to Insist on official credentials from Senors Branlff and Obregon before taking up their propositions or engaging In peace dis cussion. Some of the rebel chiefs took tha stand that all peace envoys, in cluding Carabajal, must have plenary powera to act on behalf of the govern ment. Senors Branlff and Obregon have declared their unofficial person ality In the proceedings and their de sire to continue their work as private citizens. The government is believed to have been disposed to name Senors Brans If and Obregon to the peace com mission, but it is thought they will con sent to act In an advisory capacity. The rebel leaders today completed their party platform, and all the rebel leaders affixed their signature to It. They call it an "act" and admit It is analogous to a declaration of Independ ence. It contains the propositions for peace In a general way. The actual basis for peace which the rebel commit- I sloners will submit in uaeir oomerenca I wltb the federal envoys la being writ ten tnnlsrht bv Dr. Vasauez Gomez, head of the Insurrecto commission, and will be discussed in another conference tomorrow. Much secrecy, is maintained aDoui the contents of both documents, but there la good ground for the belief to night that the Question of the resigna tion of President Diaz and Vice-President Corral Is taken up. Some pertinent questions, such as. the exact time or the President's retirements, are said to be contained in the document as pre requisites to a complete rehabilitation of the government. At first It was though) the. informal and indirect as surances which had reached here about President Diaz' disposition, to ' resign might be sufficient and before the peace conferees announce the result of their labors. It ls quite possible that these questions may be omitted, but the more radical of the leaders are very, insistent, especially ill view of the re ports of rebel military trlumpns in other parts of the republic- They say the negotiations at tne aiaaero Daso oi operations must bring satisfaction to the entire revolutionist party and not to any one part. . -' outlaws Slay and pillage Americans In Mexico Murdered. Rebels War on Brigands. DOUGLAS. Ariz., May 2. Refugee American mining men who reached Douglas today from Mexico report wide spread v pillage in the State of Sonora from Nacozarl south, and Jhe killing of two Americans at Santa Nina mine, southwest of Ures. A band of outlaws" appeared at Santa Nina camp, where S. J. Clark was employed as watchman. Clark was absent when the outlaws, numbering 30, appeared. His wife tried to defend the camp with a shotgun, but was wounded. . The outlaws hid in the house while the woman bathed her wounds. When her husband appeared he was riddled with bullets, and his wife was then murdered. Mr. and Mrs. Clark had been only a snort time at the mine, having passed through Donslaa a few months ago on their wsty to Sonora. Their former home Is unknown. There are no federal Mexican officers and only 20 soldiers between Cananea and Ures and the whole country along the Sonora River Is without law or or der. Another band of outlaws entered the Chumlta mine, shot the Mexican guard, looted the commissary and threw the ore for shipping over the dump. Another band sacked the camp of the San Lorenzo mine southwest of Naco zarl and when their right to loot the commissary was disputed, took Martin Hickinaon. the proprietor, and Charles Fineout. an employe, prisoners to Hue pac, where they are now detained. At the latter place every store was de molished and the goods confiscated. JACK MOSBY BADLY WOCN'DED American Rebel Leader Falls in u Skirmish Near Tecate. TECATEt Lower California, via San Diego. Cal., May 2. Jack Mosby, the American leader of a band of lnsurrec tos. Is badly wounded In the camp of the rebels here," two other members of his band are slightly wounded and two Mexican federal soldiers are dead, as a result of an unexpected meeting of skirmish parties 10 miles southwest of Tecate late yesterday afternoon. Reports from the rebel camp this morning state that Mosby may die. Jtie was In advance of his men and was shot from ambush at the first volley. He fell from his horse, but continued to direct his men. The Bkirmlsh changed the plans of the rebels for an advance on Tia Juana, Lower California. An American-physician, who is said to have attended Simon Bertr.old at Ala mo, Is with the rebel band. PIRATES CAN KEEP LOOT Chinese Warships Will Not Go After Despoilers of Liner Asia. SHANGHAI, May 2. There Is small prospect of the recovery of any loot taken from the Pacific Mail steamship Asia by Chinese pirates, who stripped the vessel thoroughly. The Asla was wrecked on Finger Rock, off the South China coast April 23, and was boarded by pirates after passengers had been transferred to another vessel. Officers of the Chinese warships, which are now on the scene, have re fused to assist In recovering the stolen silk, saying such work was none of their business. Hood River to Debate. urrr T? l v tt T? nr . Miv t. (SDeclaL) The next contest of the debating team oi tne mgn scnoui, which umus the championship for the Mld-Columbla Every woman's heart responds to t.hfi charm and sweetness of a babv's voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. J3ut even, tne Irtvi-no' Tiftt.iirft nf a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time i3 regarded as a period of suffering and danger. Women who use Afrtt.hpr's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by thi3 great remedy, are in a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers; it is in no sense a remedy for vari ous ills, but its many years of suc cess, and the thousands of endorse ments received from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but simply assists nature to perfect its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents cak ing of the - breasts, and in MothGM. every way con- 5X"tT, - tributes to fclPln strong, healthy "- xtSAAA mptherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at -drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRADJIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. Portland Printing House Co. J. L. Wright. Pres. and Gen. Manr. - Book, Catalogue and Commercial PRINTING B alius. Binding and Blank Book Making. Phon: Main 6201. A 22SL Tsnth and. Taylor streets, pertlano.. Ore iron. . LOOK AFTER YOUR FURS NOW rrES stored in. our fire-proof cold storage vault and insured against moths at a very reasonable, rate. If yon have your furs remodeled or renovated now at Summer reduced prices we store them absolutely free. ilweffiisli n- j.- Fr,.;rri rnr fniuA LjEaDNG SPECALTY" ffOUSJS FOK LAWES MISSES OflDXEV We dn es day and Thursday "Will be one of the greatest bargain features of the week. A sale that will be much in touch with those who are looking for exceptional bar gains:' Below are a few of the items mentioned: . - ANY DRESS OR GOWN In Our Gloak and Suit Department o LO The materials Crepe Meteors, Crepe de Chine, Foulards, Nets, Messalines, Eoliennes, Marquisettes, Voiles, Lingeries, Challies, Pon gees, Rajahs, Chambrays, Mulls, Taffetas, Serges. Special Millinery Offering dJO A Q Values to $8 for Only fO.Zf This special sale includes many of our best numbers in Turbans and Mushroom shapes Wednesday and Thursday $3.49 Neckwear Special) 19c This line includes a large assort ment of Jabots, Tabs, Dutch Col lars and soft Byrons, inlQ loce and embroidery effects X aVi Muslin Underwear Specials Drawers, values to $1.50.... 73 I Skirts, values to $2,00 73$ Gowns, values to $2.00 73 I Combination Suits, $1.75 vol., 98 Corset Covers, 75c vals. 56 district of the State Hia;h School De- J Hood Elver team will uphold the af batlnfr League will be with the team I flrmatlve of the question: "Resolved, of the Pendleton High School, winners That National Conservation Is Prefer of the Eastern district, May 12. The able to State Conservation." "PKf life! ! Ipi M TELEPHONING THE City and the Country are bound together by the telephone line. The farmer -and his family use the rural telephone constantly, calling up each other and the market town on all sorts of matters and for all sorts of supplies and information. City people also find the rural telephone of great advantage. A traveler from his room in the hotel talks with the farm folk miles away. . Without the telephone he could not reach them. The farmer himself may trarel far and still talk, home over the Long Distance Lines of the Bell System. The Pacif icTelephone & Telegraph Co. " EVERT BELL TELEPHOJTB I THB CENTER OP THE SYSTEM. Kissel-Kar Trucks STOQDARD AUTOMOBILES All one quality, but different prices. ' $1175 to $4000 86 TENTH STREET, BETWEEN STARK AND BURNSIDE Ask for catalogue. ' . Phone A 1917, Marshall 1915. The Recognized Leaders of the Industry Peerless Chalmers Each Pre-eminent ih Its Class ' KEATS AUTO CO... Seventh and Burnside Phone Main 5368 Open Evenings ft and Jftorrson Streets - , Handbags Special, 97c All our regular stock of suede and seal Bags, in several shapes. AVed nesday and Thursday, Q7f special TO THE COUNTRY Federal Trucks DAYTON Pope-Hartford Hudson - Discount