Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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' : r- rzzzi i ! FOR rent. 1 rem. I ""J'-
nn.r AXTrn xitJL
Office F--er-tsry L:u p.ormrnt Depart
ment. T !. C A. ,
Vounf man, etrsnger. otit of " ' -'
hi tots! cash assets If I pay ou tS tor
special rr.ploymeBt membership X wi.1
only ksve $: left between m and .ar Ta
ll n a.
Secretary If yon pay IS for apodal ern
B'oymtnt mtmhnhtp you will have tbo
V. 11. c. A.. mrth ail It raaooieca, fcoiwoaa
joti and atarvalloo.
What blPIMD!? .
Young rnan took member-ship. Inld of
Iwo hours he found satisfactory mplor-
During March. 1911. 12 othara foaad
mn.oTment la a like manner.
Employ-neat er refund of mamboraoip
fee guaranteed.
bv Kimtry employment dpJ"t l
T. M. C A.
LSA D OLAZIEP.s44 cent per honr. Paelfl
Art rt:an Work. VI Front sr.
BT Lr w AxTr.n rintAtx.
itk Ajn r rim,
INTELLIGENT yonig lady with aoma ex
perience tn ol:ctrtng or demonstrating.
Here l an excellent opportunity to earn
II to 13 per day selling in everydiy artt-cl-.
For Interview r-plr at once J"'-?
partlr-alara. phone Buniber. etc to C oo.
Apply Standard Factory No. tL OrB
. and Caat Taylor at.
BT I.AROE whnleal h :!.. bright young
lady for clerical and t nocrapfcic 'rk.
muat b- rapid and con !ntl"i:a worlt.T.
ui in oan hand writing, aiatinj aalury
apctd.A BT.t)ronlaa.
WA XTEIi A youn lady to work In drap
ery d-penm-nt. to act aa atnt-k k ir and
rheckrr, email ealary but perman-nt. Ap
ply to rirpet lpartment C 1. Oeyurta A
FAHILI co-k. ; second 'rl. t:i (ranch):
hotel cook. 15; 3 wallressee. Hi. tmra
advanced. Ilnn i Ladles' Acency. 4es
Vtasnincton st.. room T.
i IN tCIPAfrree"" ;mp:oj-mnt r.urean ex
tends svery eoorteey to flr.s and women
In s-arca &f enipioyment. Ijiir assistant.
No fee charced. Zl- Xadlaoa at.
WANTED Teacher to represent erlMren'a
educational .uma' durin Summer
months, esceltent salary. Apply "-- alar-
quam bM.. between 13 and --
WANTtlGood jlrl for ene7al n.u--v.ork:
mast be p o I rook fwj wac--s to
ri-rit party. 2-S L'nlon ave. N. East il. C
1 i. .
GIRL for cookli and xeneral housework.
German preferred. Cail 14 Market at.
a 1 1 mornma .
WANTED Sewln rlrla. apprentice paid
whll learning. Mr. ". s . Young. 141 E.
17'n. cor Ilelmont. st? car.
THREE more solicitor; men or women:
alary $J-io a day. Call Hotel Cla.k.
r.m II. l"th and Btark.
WANTED A srrona: young B"m.tB capable
of giving m.tes.ce In ladles' Turkish baths.
A 1. 7 . I T. gon t e n.
li T wholesola houae. a competent, reliable
woman who Is ambiMotia Experlenco not
essenrul. A'l . Crej.nUn.
W NTED Competent girl f-'r cooking and
general housework: none need apply.
S.'S it. Clair. Prior. Ma'a rll
WASTED Hr?net. carao-e woman for re
aponeiMe poaltton. Vlael Co.. KoO Kota
cnlld b'dg.. 4ltk a d Washington.
WANTED Tounr g:rl to asit In err
of batx and secoud work. Nfehnda
are., a the headofJohnon and-oth.
UOCSEKEEPER. one who ttnderstands tho
care of a horn and children. Ail 77.
" (rrt gonlan.
WANTEt Immediately. clever amateur.
Good road ensg-ment. Clark Coi eerva
toty. Mer-hants Trust Fluf.
KLI.IABLE gtrl for general housework and
rookie. .v Tllism-Hjk St.. Broadway
ear. East 'J;:.. C ltod.
WANTED Good saleslady to solicit and col
lect: good money tu right party. Phon
F.aal siJJ.
WANTED Competent girl for geneml
house-work, small femlly pf adults. 7MI
Kearney at., near lUth.
W"ANTED--GlrI for renrral housework to
sieep at home: abort h-'ura: sma'l fern
liv. App'y at Coun. II Crest ot( rv;orv.
WANTED '"""k for private boarding
house. Call from A. M. to li. 4ol Msui
son. comer loth. Mitln Cisitt.
WANTED Chocolate and boubon-d'.pper;
ni'ist be experienced. Th Dolly Varden,
CUT Tlforrlson st
IVEAT experienced girl or young woman a
a nurse for small child; also to asslt wttrt
id work; reference. Apply s- MarshalL
"WANTED Girl or wamun for housework, la
country Bear Porr'and; Wages ljo. i'hooo
JLIwaukle Red
Olds. Wortman A King store. Apply a to
to A.M. Superintended s office.
Inncriroom. old. Wortman st King's.
Apply a to 10 A.M.
O'.ds, Wortsnaa A Kings. Apply A to IO
ExTeHIENCED girl for general housework.
J0 per month, bo washing. 4 00 loth,
ner Jackson.
it1 HOWE'S LADTsLs' AG EN'rT., Washington at.. R.oai 314.
Mam .'05 or A S.'tl.
StlVj Viaaningtoa at., cor Tto, upstair.
Phone Mala -t2.
WANTED Idy to work for self and bus.
band s room and board. Pnoe 14 2 la.
Th Pakery.
TOL'N' girl for bouaework and help with
eooalng. Call mornicga. S'Jl tth
GIRL to assist' with central housework.
WANTED Gtr: for shooting gallery. g-od
wsg-s. Apply to 273 llttrnslde st.
GIRL to do bouaework In small family. 733
E. Couch.
GIRL to asslat with general Bouaework
cooking. 4. Columbia at.
OI KL for general housework and cooking.
91 Marshall- Main 412a.
OIRl for cooking and general housework, 4
adult. 600 Taylor at. Main 3U4-J.
WANTED GlrTfor general housework. 373
East 11th Nor.h. iiroadway car.
A ilO'iu girl wanted to work In store. 443
K. rumiftl.
IK I'ERIENi'ED waltresm. Thompaos'a Re.
Uunnt. 14 sfh St.
I RST-CLAS.a. dres,f-aker wanted for anop.
'a.l Wootilawa S-'ao.
Tt-XPF.RIEN'-ED second g!-l. wage 3i. i!3
Kord st. Phon stain 750.
tXPi;RlSX'ED chambermaid; nulls othsr
need apply. 2-"--". Ktrt st.
WANTrv Ftret-ciaee drafters and helper
for dressmaking. 2v4t Co.umbla bMg.
COOK for famtlv of two. Call ID A.f.7VnTll
3 P. M. 371 N. 31st. Wll.amette Heights.
WANTED Girt toselst-ilth 'general hotiaa
work and car of tahy. Phtue A 5
GIRL for general boneework, family amaJL
I'hon WoodiaWn 2i.
VANTED ilr;. general houvwork: no
wasrtmg; reference required. T14 Eyerett.
NEAT girl to wait on tablo and,ass!st wltli
housework. 45 MorrlS'n.
WANT mor scholsr In millinery rhool.
makeover ahop. brtng your old hat, let
me aurprtae you botn la work and price.
a-V1 Morrtson at.
C to fia daily In th moving picture,
theater buvtnees. Full partlcuiar gratia.
Jiu, wsnir,r:t.-in near 17th.
MAKE money wrltmg abort stories or for
fpor- big pay: f-e booklet tells kow.
!.d Press Syndicate. .a Krancisco.
LEARN au"tomobil driving and repairing;
actual practical experience; day or even.
Inge. 12t, Washington at. room 413.
wTl. LI AM. 4 "I CA C HE R Ar. E N C Y Vscan
cleo foe nxt year: teachers for all depta.
w anted. Mo Chamher of Commerce.
WRITING. II mo. 2 nth st. Main ir.'X
land bid.
MISTElMxrorS. I HTUAIIira w.-l.. x xvu lunub I " " I --, I . ,..,-i.., i. I Houses.
l!KN' and boy, learn automobile repairing
and driving, plumbing, hrk-klaylng. elec
tribal trs-:e. civil engineering, surveying
In most practical way. our eltKlenla earn
$ l-$5 day. Position Mcurwl. satisfaction
guaranteed: catalogue free. National
school of Trade. W. 7th. Lo An
The only thoroughly equipped achool
ThomuKh Instruction. comiKtnl mn-ag.-mer.:
and practical work.
Take S-rl or Ml. Titwr car. look us up
before deciding to eliewhcre.
10.CX1 POSITIONS for sraduatee laet year:
rcen and women Irani tarber trad la
I weeka. Help to aecurc pu-i.iua.
. . - ttt to t weekly: expert
Instructor: toola free: write for catjj
M v , i. : - fivai.m of Oollccea.
Kortn ta at ror.iano. w.
MEN wanfd. aae lt--'.. mr, nrm'.
mon:M- and brcmn (" nwrby T""
1'oat'lor.a ruarantccd competent men. Pro
motion. Kailroad rmploy:nc headquarter
over men aent to poaitlona monthly.
Staia aa. nd -tamp. Railway Associa
tion, care rnn im i i n.
WANTED Mm and atron bny; no ex-p-
: e to -ream a trade: aK atudenta. -i.-ih
contract Johe: half work, study hair
the time; automobile, electricity, plumbing-,
brtrklarlnc: free catalocue. I'nlted
Trad School Contracting Co.. i.oa f
rtend postal Tor I'oruami. it., riiminaiiuu
rche.lule. Krsrk'ln Institute, Kept. .4 J
y. Roche-ter N. T.
SONAL ATTENTION riven stuaenta. Sil
Kelmont. cor 13lh. East HS1.
WANTED Vounc lady partner In vaudeviMo
act: no experience necessary. AH 7S.
LC"AL f"KI'"E International Correspond
ence Schools. ;:u Alder at., open UH S
T M. S-nd for fr.e catal"cue.
GOOD man with some money as pnrtnar
In photo vlewii.g. AJT7. Oregimlan-
W ANTED Vounf men to learn morlns-plc-ture
opera? inc. 3:13 ink st-
Bookkoepera and lerka.
POSITION as bookkee;cr. assletant book
keeper, tltnekeeiwr. general offn asiisi
ant; 24 ars of ai;e; i yearn' experi
ence. Operate typewriter. adding ma
chine. Iceferencea. AE 0. oregonlan.
WILL a; "uiT.7cri'E.CLOSi: OK WRITE
up books, prerar ralances and ststements,
Invta 1 systems, audit jr. 411
Leais II.Ic Marshall 717.
WANTED Small et of booka to write up
afternoons by exprr-nced man : stillsfac-
l i . 1 g ran 1 ecu. auuiiii . ' . v.
II young man. position boakkeeiM-r or aen
ertl office work: S yeais" experience: best
of reference furnished. AL C7. Orego
nlan. WANTED Position In offlc by young
mn. a-: have had year' experience
wfnee work: best of reference: willing to
tart at inallsalary. AK77. Oregonlan.
EXPEP.inXOKD b-iokkeeper. 37. reliable,
wanta poeltion: will go out of town. AK
117. Ur.-rfonlan.
Tol'N'i man. Zi. wants position In general
si ro In small town. AT . Orecnlan:
POSITION aa b..okke."p.r: reference f urn-she.!.
Phone Tabor 7U3.
Graduate one of best Eastern school,
year and half Interne In large hospital,
two year private practice: recent poet
graduate, d-slrea salaried position or pri
vate practlt in toan short Immedlal
Income Is assured. Special training In
B'irgery. chemistry nnd clinical microscopy.
N 1 marloJavMt. AK tij. Orrgonlan.
TA'oRK wanted: 1 am a man with a family
and am down and out financially, but
can maae g.od If 1 only can hav a
chance; will eomeone offer me aomething
to do? 1 care not what It Is. so long as It
Is honorable: something permamnt In
I'reference 10 high wages: can furnish good
references; I am no booxeflghter. AM 6d.
TOl'NO man from East with business ex
perience, not afraid of wort. capaM of
working at eartous kinds of work, desire
employment: prefer to Inves soma money
wlln services. What hav you to offer?
AC oL oregonlan.
LArxnRYMAX. A-I washer, atarcher and
nntshcr. wisnej position In or out of town;
can glv good references. A3 l. O ego
man. YoL'NG man wishes position on a farm or
would take charge of Sam: all work re
liable and trustworthy. AG CIS, Or-
IIEALTITT young man would Ilk position;
have had office experience, but am will
ing to take other work In city. AT 61.
TOrXu man. married, with some knowl
edge and experience In architectural
drawing, wants position wher ambition
counts. AO Oregonlam
TOL'NG man desires psltlon. tak car of
hrses. gardan and ganrral worst. AL Cd.
PIRST-CLASS Japanese cook would Ilk
hotel, restaurant, country, city. 121 N.
!Jth '.K.IL Y;
MAN and wife want Janitor work or car
of rooming-house, phono East 6024, room
blTI'ATlON wanted. 25 years' expennc
r 'tail drugs, general merchandlaa. AJ o7.
IIHi-M-.t. wants position, niwn or caie,
aa lunch c.Mik or stockman. Leava not
I at 1-j S Main at.
PRINTER, nonunion. !. year cxperieoce.
a l;ic position prirat offlc. city. AJ
A JAI'ANESK boy want plac porter or
. hairier work. Addreaa P. S- Taka, OS N.
r.T.'; St.. city.
WANTED Th management or cooking f'r
large camp or Loardiog-hous; married.
AC 7S. Oregonlan.
POSITION by e-tperlcnced carpenter fora
men; fr.Tne. finish or concreto construc-
tlan All 7d. Oreonlaa.
EMPLOYMENT by engineer: 14 year" x
p.rtnco In power and light plant on
Coast. AP 7. Oregonlan.
A NO. 1 merchandise packer and marker
wants posit km. iiest of references. AK
ru. tr.y ontnrt.
A GOOD experienced cutler and tailor
wanta steady poeuioa. 4J4 Second sL H. P.
liern hardt.
THREE young men wish position on farms;
will separate: reasonable salary, some ax-
pertencei. AK t9, tlregonian.
Cll AITFEL'R want po,mm. v yen rs' ex-
perienc. beat of reference. M 67, Or
CH XI'FFECfC Japaneae. want position m
private fsnitly. city or out; can .fix car.
It 5. Oregonlan
MAN ard wife In Summer resort, hotel or
cafeteria: wife first-class meat and pastry
cook, mil as heiper. Alt 5-i, Oregonlart.
A JAPANESE wanta situation to work In
house or factory; wholeaala. F. L. 327
Everett r
JAPAXESE, competent boy. wanta any kind
of posttloo. In apartment, hotel or room
In g -house. P h one A 4'.T0.
GOOD tree-trimmer and all-round orchard
man: references. AP 67. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy want work two hour,
morning or erentrg. AO os. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE good cook, want position oa
any place. K Cd. Orcgonluru
LIVE Nipponese wants position In stor;
stirt snail wix-. A J 4. Oregonlan.
GKtK'ERY clerk wsnts povltlon, eao glrsy
beat referencva. AD . Oregonlan.
TforNtl German wlahr position In saloon
for general work. AR 6ii Oregonlan.
Itoekkeepe-rs and bteetnsjraphorw.
fOI'N'l lady want position as bookkeeper
or caalner or any position of trust; can
furnish A-l local reference. AC . Ors-
COMPETENT young lady tenogrttpher. four
j'arrf experirnc; best rafcrtnc glren. f
ii. Orcgonln!
Pl'RLIC tenocrapher draire deak and
space la exchange for atenorraphlo work.
II 11M3.
EXPERIENCED UdT bookkeeper desire
work to occupy fear hour dally. M 67,
EXPERIENCED lad- bookkeeper, whole
sale and retail desires responsible poai
tlon. M . Oregon la n.
jorvi ledv typewriter operator wanta
work morning. AE 44. Oregonlan.
liR::ssMAKINO In families, children' or
la.ll.-s stork. Aak for I'hon A 4u7S
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. ladle' tailor
ing, all the latest styles. s!7 Montgomery.
Mm ion
DRESSMAKER, competent, want few mor
cnisr.-ment by day; rfernc. AM 69,
One conlnn.
DRESSMAKING plain and fancy; work
guaranteed. Call Tabor 1 1-4.
WASTED All kind of plain sewing. Phon
Main 4S1T. Ilea, 412 Jefferson St.
PLAIN sewing he th day or at boms. Call
Main 6432, Apt. 4.
Mlia DAVIS, dressmaking. 1S9 West Park,
Main 82U7.
MATERNITY nurse want case; $1S week;
will do work. Marshall 127.
Howsekeepei .
WOMAN of good habita. pleasant and agree
able who can be depended on to look
after rooming-house or widower home;
must b neat ami refined and In good lo
cation. 8 bo. Oregonlan.
POSITION aa housekeentcr by young woman,
hotel or apartment; competent, courte
ous: best business experience. W 41,
A LADY housekeeper desires position In ho
tel or widower's home. H 4H, Oregonlan.
Uousek eeper.
POSITION a housekeeper la hotel or rooming-house,
experienced In handling help.
Marsh all 137H.
A NEAT' housekeeper desire position for
widower In city. K M. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE gill want light housework In
small family and wish to learn English.
Y fill. Oregon Ian.
Tdl'XO rlrl. Ilk assist with housework and
help with baby. Phone Main 2447.
LIGHT housework from y to 2. 73 cents.
Phone East '7.
CI'RTAINS laundered for 23c per ralr and
vp; mending and coloring free. Phono
Woodlawn I'tisi. blT9 Gantenbeln ave.
WANTED House cleaning, waahlng and
Ironing or reataurant work by day. 9Sft
Alhlna ave.. phojie Woodlawn 2220.
POSITION In camp as cook and helper by
mother and daughter. East 4d07 or ad
dress AF 00. Oregonlan.
GOOD laundresa and cleaner wishes work
today, and Tuenday'and Wednesday next
wee. aiain -ni alter a
LADT wants nosltlon In phvslrlan'g offlce:
has had thre year experience. Phon
Main IM41 or Ms . Oregonlan.
TOL'NG lady denlres position as companion
to elderly lady or nurse for one or two
cniiaren. ages a 10 a. rnuns asm
HOfSEKEEPER. bov 4. hotel cook, cha
bermaids. nurses, jfl. Loul Agency, 3v3V
Wash. Main 20-!. A 477J.
CAPABLK woman cook, hotel, restaurant.
camp, waitress, nurse. . Main 2uJ A4ta.
YOtlNO lady going to school wnt house-
work half days. AD (I. Oregonlan.
COLORED woman, washing to take home;
ahlrtwal: a specialty. I'hon A 4ill.
YOU.NO man. German, wants position on a
farm or city. AM 87. Oregonlan.
CTRL, 1. want evening work. Flat 1. 213
E. 16th. corner roaimon.
PclsiTKNrshier o"rchecker In restau
rant or theater; experienced. Main ul7.
WANTED Work by the day: washing,
. Ironing, cleaning. Marshall 1M!.
CI'RTAINS carefully done. Tabor 2443,
LADY wlshe day work. Phon Main 6I27.
WE WANT general agent and ollcltoi
from very town to sell direct from factory
to consumer th most wonderful vacuum
cleaner made. Moat powerful suction of
any machine. Geta quart of dirt In Ave
minutes. Sella 1H. No alemnshlp re
quired. Employment year round: big
prom to solicitor. Write for particular.
O'Neill-James Co., 33T Madison St., Chi
cago. III.
RELIABLE salesman can mak big money
selling our well-known lin of hardy aon
Irrlgated tree. hrubc rose, etc; out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Addreia Ore
gon Nursry Company. Orenco. Or.
AT LA8 AGENT Sv Ou r "neVcensu atlas will
mak you rich: nearly 30O pages, over 100
pages oew mapa: big commissions, fre
outnt. J. L. Nichols A Co.. Napervllle.
T WO agent New article, when housewlf
see u h wanta Portland and vicinity
territory now open. O 80. Oregonlan.
WANTED By reponlbl tenant, modern
house, t acre or more ground. One-hair
hour from Portland; best references. Main
121.1. apartment 3. address AB 68. Oreg
onlan. WANTED At once. Furnished house or
first-floor flat, not less than 6 rooma
and bath; with all modern conveniences
and furnace. In walking dlatanca; West
slde A 70ST;
WANTED 3 or 6-room house. 3 month;
will pay xto per month; walking distance.
Addrea Mac Ha Bros., cor. 7th and Al
der. WANTED Furnished cottage, flat or room
with private family, piano included; east
preferred; reference. A T. Ore
goman. BY refined coupl. a-room bungalow, good
condition. Portland iaelgnia. good view.
3 or G years
Car lock At Muellhaupt. 3032 Cham. Com.
WANTED To rent unfurnished, 3-rooni
modern bungalow or cottage with yard.
Kose City Park or SunnyUdo preferred.
AH SO. Oregonlan
WANTED Furnished flat. West Bide. F. V.
Hrown. Dolly Varden candy shop, 327
WANTED 7 or n-room house on West Sid.
Telephone Marshall 2244.
A GENTLEMAN desire a room, clean and
nicely furnished, with convenience, in
goo -I neighborhood. West Sid. K 60, Ore
gonlan. .
GENTLEMAN" wishes desirable room with
private family of refinement; must be
""-close In; he will exchange references; give
full particulars. A J 7, Oregonlan.
TOI'NO man want a furnished housekeep
ing room on v eat old, witu price. L 00,
GERMAN wishes small bedroom In German
family. 6 month. K f. oregonlan.
Room Wlta Board.
WANTED Board and room by two respect
able young men employed in aowntown
offices; within walking dlatanca; atata
terms. AK 67. Oregonlan.
W'ANTED Room and board, young coupl
-t-o. 4-year-old child-; desirable locality. L,
67. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good location for shoe store In
a good town In Oregon. Aav. if. oreg
onlan. t'OB KENT
Rooms. "TOR 6 months or a year, new 6-rootn house
at Eaat 41st at. and eatn ave. Taxe -a-vicar,
get clt at 4Slh ave. First houae eaxL
Rent 122-SO per month.
apartments, flats, nouses. zasta waan
lcgton st- Marshall 1.
Famished Booms.
12 Elsventh BU
New, modern, brick building, steam
Batd. prlvat baths, hot and cold watr
In room, baautlfully furnished, cogy aad
eomfortaala, Kent vry reasonable, call
ad ae us. Regular and txauaient trad
park aL. between Morrison and Alder.
Heart of the city; quiet and modem ; free
k.o or W car at depot: rate II single.
doull; also family rooms with private bat a.
tc. l:ale perw ek.
HOTEL RENWIC'K An ideal heme for bual-
neaa people; centrally locatea. elegant
rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and
Tayior t, 1 block from Poruand Hotel,
opposite Helllg Theater. Main W16.
AL'DITOKICM HOTEL,, 20.t- Third atreet.
between islur anu ."imgn aia.; not anu
cold water, steam hear, elevator; ratea
3.fe) and up. euo day and up. Main 2374.
A 07.
bLbliMAHK. HOTEL. lTth and Waahlngtoa
2veiy lurnieoeo. rooms, amgie or en
aulta; private batha. steam beat, hot and
cold water and phon In all room; rates
rsssonaole; transients solicited.
2vlCE front room for 2 with or without
boatd. right on ear. Tak ML Scott
car to Laurel wood. Inquire 6J0; Foster
LIGHT, airy room, modet n. suite or ln-
glm. S3 and - a wea; nv minute- walg
to theaters and stores, fre phone. LlrUell
Hotel. 20 Market at-
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished single
room; not auu co . ,1 sier, sua ana
f hones, til to li. ivi Jefierion su Maia
Hi. .1
THE HART room and partmnts 44 Mor
rison Nice clean room xrom l per mo.
up. electric light, fre hath. J. W. Hart.
Prop. ;
LARGE. unny, mocern room, single or
en suite, not. suu iviu 1,1 , aessunaoie
LARRABEE 227 V, Larrabee St.. modern
nicely turn nea rooms, transient; ovo up.
6INOLE rooms, furnished; steam heatedi
elO. Oneonta. aet 111a at near xamniiu
Furnished Koom.
Those three beautifully furnished hotels,
SUVi 4t.1 at. 211 4th st. 407H 4th st
On Fourth st. running from Taylor to
Salmon at. Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private bains, hot
and csrM water In all room: trlctly
up-to-date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary la the heart of the city at
reasonatiie prices, give u a call a w
know you will Ilka li. Rooms by the day.
week or month. Tourist trsd solicited.
SexldentlaL 300 Taylor. TranxlBnl.
Bet. Tth and Park at.
Opposite r.ew Hellig Theater, one block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just
completed; nsntlsomely furnished; very
modern convenience. elevator rvlce,
mm heat, telephone and hot-and cold
water In every room; single room and
suite wlh or without private bath, etc.:
centrally located, near I'ostoffice; Just o.f
all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day.
week or month. Phone Marshall 22U0,
rnrojshedl-mintinllTate Family.
A VERT finely furnished front room to a
permanent gentleman, near new Multno
mah Club: electric lights, heat, pri
vate family; no other roomers. SUS Sal-
DESIRABLE room In modern bungalow. 20
minutes' walk from Morrlo bridge;
pleasant home for congenial .ung man;
$10 month. Telephone Eaat 2-i0.l.
A FEW newly-furnished-: rooms In private
houK' hth. hoe water, electric lights.
walking distance. Apply 6ti N. 1UIU or
M. btilS.
VunMT n,eloe and bedroom connecting, good
ventilation, gas and electric light, hot
and cold water: rate reasonable J4 n
11th. bet. iorrlson and Alder.
NEWLY furnished light rooms. Modern
house, gas. electric iighL 'phone, ta'o
I'all between 8 and 11 A-M. and 3 and
l'.M. P.'.", 13th t-
ROOMMATE wanted by young man living
at home, walking distance, on East Side;
references required; reasonable terms. AL
70. oregoiilan.
LARGE, well-furnishetl housekeeping rooms
hot and cold water; also ein-ie rooms;
walking distance. 564 Flanders.
HOMELIKE front roome. One largo
hoiieekeeuln-r room. liie entrance. o-a
Flanders. Nob HIJI.
NICELY furnished room, modern conven
ience, centrally . located. 404 Clay 1
near 10th.
BUNXT, well-furnlsneu room, modern con
veniences, walking distance, one niocs
ML Tabor cars. Phone B 215S. 170 E. 14th
st. .
FTJRNISHED room in private family; por
celain bath, gas, phone; very ituu
431 3d.
i.-f TT--rjt.v liiiv emnloved. to s.iare In
tram-heated ulte; relerences. Marsha.!
NICELY furnished front corner room, suit
able for two; free phone and bath; rea
sonable. s::3 13th st.
Fl'RNISHED and unfurnished rooms, single,
er. aulte: llaht. nhone. bath; swell loca
tion: walking
-,3 1st It St. N.
BRIGHT, well furnished room: phone, bath,
electric light. 370 WeiUler, Cor. Lnion
ave. C 2ii5.
FT'RNISHED room. d..'-0 per month; one
block Irom car. 4.0 casv vi,
Brooklyn car. .
ROOMS for rent, electricity, gas llnht, free
phone and bath: reasonaule. 42a Har
rison L Phono E liej2.
S NEWLY furnished connected front rooms,
modern conveniences; reasonable. 434 V
Yamhill, phone Marshall 763.
CLEAN room for one or two gentlemen:
both telephone, electric light; walking
distance, .tiovs 1 ars st.
VERY desirable furnished room, one or two.
riirht down town and only ia per week.
21 Tenth st.
iToOMf forone or two ladies employed with
use of laundry and sewing machine.; 4
1, locksro m Was h 111 g torn H'3 Everett st,
VERY pleasant newly furnished 2-wlndow
room; homo privileges: breakfast f de-
hud. 774 Lovejoy. Phone Marshall 6o
NICELY furnished room in pleasant home;
phone, heat. bath, electric Ljht. Main
2f 1 2- 6'J Klsr.ciers. .
NICE front room for two gentlemen, with
board, private family. East 13-9.
NEATLY furnished bedroom; walking dis
tance ;1.73 per weck.42J)6t.h jit.
PLEASANT furnished rooms, double or sin
gle. 254 32th. near Main.
414 SALMON A single room, gentleman
WELL furntrhed modern room with home
privileges; single ot en suite. 3jl 11th t.
FL"IvNISHbrooms71.50 to 0; frco phono.
bath. 2 N. 14Ui st-
VERY pleasant front room; walking dis
tance. Main 3312. 361 loth.
FURNISHED" room, private family. 63
Ella st.
YOUNG lady bookkeeper wanta roommate.
Phone A 4135.
NICE outside room, desirable rent, fine lo
ci' lion, walking distance, 4.".2 5th
DESIRABLE location, clean room, $2.25
week, one $1.76. 805 12th L
$3..M)"'.'EEK Large front room suitable for
two. 204 11th t.
LARGE furnished room, alcove, one or two
gentlemen. 105 13th.
LARGE. Htfht cqmf"ortable rooms. 1S6 14th,
ynfurnistaed Rooms.
Koom With Hoard.
PORTLAND Women' Union, 23d year:
room with board, ua of aowing-rocm. li
brary. tH. FlairSHathl.
THB CASaTrOSA Large, airy room and
board, 300 Jefferon.
SUITE nicely furnlhed. modern, home 000k-
lng 61TKcaxney.
ELEGANT room facing the park, including
board, reasonable. 374 Park.
LARGE front room with board, suitable for
2 or 3 you ng men. 33 N. 17th. .
THE 1-amberson 564 Couch,
one or two gentlemen.
Room for
WANTED Men to get board and rooms; $5
Dur week. 375 N. 10th St.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
FOR one or two men. Young couple.
Walking distance. Reaaonabie. Phono
A 634k ; ,
ROOM with board for 2 gentlemen in pri
vate residence; walking distance. East
LARGE lower floor, front room, suitable for
2 men. nni-tia ooo., -
ELEGANT room. nrst-cla board, walking
distauce; two or three young men. Maia
- 23S0 or 863 0th L
WOMAN who can ew may hav room and
board in exenange iur ukiu services m
family of 3. N T9. Oregonlan.
LADY, living alone, wishes man and wife
SBO WOrk IO 100111 sou wwiu, u.v wi
lon StallWOOd 160S.
WANTED 2 gentlemen to board and ahare
large, utitnnj ,-""- . .
Phone Main 603.
THE LEONCE Furnished s-room apart
ment: privato Data anu puuue. aou ..o.
st. N.
W ELL furnished front room for rent, mod-
em. 30 - - lUtn, near v Mil.
NICELY furnished room with board. 3"J2
Salmon, corner oi jom.
FURNISHED room with board, reasonable.
ptiy vortnrup i.
LARGE room, with alcove, and board. 613
Morrison su r-nono a a?.
LARGE pleasant root, suitable for two.
Breakfast ana uinnrr. . m ,vii.
n5TCLASS room and board in private
I a in 11 y. Dsa 1 amaaui si.
2 pleasant room, home cooking; all mod
em COnveiiieoce. o i
Elegantly lurniahed. comfort of horn,
private phones and baths, elevator, pri
vate plaveround for children, ideal loca
tion. -2i S. 2oth st. Marshsll 2U2S.
o-room uniurnisiieu spariiiieiiis, s; -
room unfurnished apartment. $36; modern
Improvements. Adullsoniy
Beautifully furnished and unfurnished
S-room moaern apartment. 293 12th L
very neirabie tao. three and four-room
apartments, completely furnished, entirely
modern. A 7301.
THE Chelopa. ISth and Flinders ., mod
em. 4 room, newly furnished and unfur
nished apartments. Apple to Janitor. .
DAVENPORT APTS. 503 Jefferson t.".
room, furnished, modern, private phone.
btandJjlior.reaonahle. MalnW:
AI.TAMONT APTS.. beautifully furnished
S and 4-room apartment, very reasonable
rnt. Corner 5th and College. Jain 6US0.
ST. CLAIR, 715 Wayne t. : modem Bl.
room apartment. Phone Main 4030.
2-room ulte. S27.SO to $32.50.
S-room suite, 340 to $45.
New, modern, comer brick, beautifully
furnished, all readv for Immediate house
keeping; nice large reception hall. bath,
electric dumb elevator to each kitchen.
Independent phones each apartment, best
JANITOR service In the city: plenty ot
nice large laundry, plenty of storaKJ
room every room an outside room and
the prices are SO per cent lower than any
In the city. If you want to save money
and get the best, coma to the Lovejoy.
r.44 Everett.
"" Bet. 20th and Ella St.
NISHED apartment-house In the city, con
sisting of 3 rooms, large reception hall,
bath. 2 clothes closets, sleeping porch,
disappearing and wal' beds, automatic
electric elevator and Independent Pacillc
phones: plenty of heat and hot water all
the time; not In the apartment-house dis
trict, but one of the choicest residence
districts, surrounded by elegant home. If
you want the best in the city, come to
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and Btrictly
modern; service flrat-claas.
Corner of 13th and JefTerson sta.. four
aud nve-room apartments, unfurnished,
wltn reception hall, automatic elevator.
Pacific States Telephone In every apart
ment and the most modern conveniences
found in the city. Phone Main opots and
Miss Allen, the manager, will aaZ.
you through tho apartment, or call up
main office. Main 61 04.
THE B A-tKER Comer 21st and Irving st.
Thl new 4-story brick, opened January L
imi; furnished and unfurnished In two.
thre and four-room suites with reception
hall; Pacific phone In each apartment:
electric elevator, Tolmcs disappearing
beus, built-in buffet and writing debit, gns
ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room. 11
you want sometliing extra line, com to
ire Barker. Phone Marshall 2961.
H TnZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Colum bla.
4 blocks aouth irom Morrison street; ..ow
brick building, completely Urst-c asa, tur
MMied in 2. 3 and 4-room lamily apart
ments; private bath, reception ball, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, tree phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor service;
rent per month $2ti. $30 aad up; must be
seen to be appreciated:
SOS Market St.. between lMh and lUtn
sts. New and nicely furnished and unfur
nished 2, 3 and 4-rooin aoartment. Con
venient, large rooms. Each haa a fluo
view over the city and mountain .Must
be een to be ai-preciated. Prices reason
able, x block from Cliapman-sr. car.
Cor. 6th aud Montgomery Sts.
New. modern, brlc-t, elegantly furnlahed.
largo outside 2 aud 3-rooui suite, free
Pacillc phone in each apartaaent. disap
pearing beds, icebox. Janitor; no carfare
to pay; only two apartment left. Best
In city for the prlc. . ,
PEN ISULA Apartments One of Portland's
finest apartment-houses. 4-mlnute car
service, oeaullful part city to live, llto
Aibina ave., cor. Killlngsworth. Take Mis
sissippi, L or Kenton car at aniro. su-.
W ash, sts., 15 min. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms,
completely furnished. $17.50 to $30 mo.;
WISO uuiuiui.u- uih .. . . . L-;
BANNER-APTS.. West Side, 4S9 Clay st.
r.ear 14th st. All modern, 2-room apart
menu. . cnmnletelv luruibhed for house
keening new house, new furniture; rates
. - including eiecLiis liKnt, steam
htat, hot water, telephone, janitor service,
laundry, walking distance. Marshall 2n74.
near Main. Elegant three-roora apart
menta ith tirivate balcony: large rooms,
every moderu convenience and each ar-
ral ted with two sleeping apariuiruia.
rents $3a to $40.
"lt and Hovt sts.. now ready for oc
cupancy; most modern 8 and 4-rooin
apurtments In city; each apartment has
.large private balcony and every modern
convenience; renvs nom .v -.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two and three-room apart
ment; private bath, hot and cold water,
team heaL phone East 3U0.
414 11th St.. cor. Hall.
3 and 4-room furnished or unfurnihed
apt., privato bath, phone and balcony
porches; newly iurnisnea, strictly mouern;
summer rates. 1 none iaua.ii 110.
THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St.. near
lltn. WaiKUlg- Uiat-aoce. iicbi t-.ue. -
brick building, completely furnished Z and
t-room kiiiirttnents. private batli. phone.
hot water heat. . rent $30 and up. Main
Will have two vacancies. One 4 room
and on 5 -room apartments; If you de
sire a choice apartment In - this select
neighborhood apply immediately 01 jau
ltor. 171 KJng St.. cor.ofyV'ayne tfU
30 per cent, lower than tne rest, iso o and one 2-room apartments: reason
able. Take W car. get off Lovejoy sc.
Phone Marshall 21110.-
xrna wfivt One 2-room. one S-room and
one 4-room apartment, elegantly furnished
at very moderate rates, strictly modern.
The Juliana. Trinity Place. between
Washington and Everett sts.
CLMiiEltLA.ND Apartments, West Park and
Columbia street, one two-room furnished
apartment vacant May 1, all modern convenience-.,
beautiful location, fronting the
Park. Apply to manager.
RE-UKAN Apt.. 024 Marshall. Nob Hill dis
trict; up-to-uate. cozy. airy, most nomeiiae
In city; see and be convinced; 3 room
furnished; private bath and phone, $30
up. Main 0U32. A ait'l. w car.
ferson sts.: 3-room unfurnished, with bath,
ell outsiue rooms, modern, every eonven'
ence; 5 minutes' walk from P. O. ; very
reasonable rent. Main 2500. A 3148.
i.or-,. ave. East 4103. Up-to-date fur
nished and unfurnished apartments, two
and three rooms; auuinier raica; live min
utes' ride from Washington st. East 4103.
kM APTS.. 14tn and Clay sta. beauti
ful 3-room corner apta., private veatlbule.
bathroom and phono; 2 closets, new brick
building: elecirlo elevator. Apply at
New and beautifully furnished apart
ments, with bath; all modern convenien
ces. 429 East Morrison -
410 6th. furnished and unfurnished
strictly modern apartments, walking dis
tance, price reasonable; no children. ,
THE LOIS Apartment, 704 Hoyt: 1 4-room
suite, unxurnisnea; a .-ruum suuo, iur
nished; private bath and phone; every
convenience; references required.
SUNLIGHT apartment. 3 rooms, large
closet, bath, phone, heat, splendid loca
tion, good car service. Tabor 176S. 1295
THE BERYL One front and on back
apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap
ply to the Janitor, 6a Lovejoy at., near
21sL .
ST. CROIX For rent. 3-room apt-, com
pletely furnlstiod, $20. Apply 623 Wash.
St.. TPS Looaery,
VERY desirable apartment, reasonable rent.
. . v-i.. T V, . k'eaeoev " 1 t -n,l U' . - -
ney. or Morgan, Flledner 4k, fioyca. Mala
2015. A 2o 15.
2-3-4 ROOM furnished, steam-heated apart-
1 ... I . . -. In I It. ... . r , Q
1S7 J 7th St.. near Yamhill.
BEAI'TIFL'LLY furnished apartment, with
sleeping j.orcn. taucit Apta., bummer
ratee Main 3606. ;
GARDNER Apartments. 13 East Ash.; very
deslratile: iurnisnea; two rooms ana batiu
East 2S71 or call N6 E. Ash.
T.avnORE ADartment. completely fur
nished 3-room apt., sleeping porch. 28S
AT the wtminster, 6th and Madison, fur
nished and unfurnished apartmenta; rent
reasonable a -
FURNISHED four-room modem apartment,
steam heat, walking distance. $J0. Cot-
tel lirug rug-i nii .-jirnuan.
THE CECELIA. 22d and Glisan; apartment
with private phone and porches.
prvF.ntOOM apartment foV font In The
Bralntree. 12lh and Columbia.
MORTON. 6HT Wash. St., three-room un
fumlshed. modem apt.; reaaonable.
THE ELMS Two and three-room apart
ments. completely furnished. 191 14th at.
SPLENDID 4-room unfurnished apartment,
close In. Phone Eaat 63S1.
FOR RENT Furnished apartment on King
street. Phone Marshall 2SS8.
BO.ANTA APAKTJt EXTS and single rooms
r-ewly furnished: strictly modern: rea
sonahle renu IsQt 23d su Marshall 2e2L
FOR RENT C-room flat with all modern
conveniences; porcelain bath: ' supplied
with Eclipso range with gas plate; built
in closets and cupboard, stationary por
celain w-ashtub, electricity and gas lir-hts:
oulto large rooms, with closets: West
Side; rent $20. Apply I. Gevurtz & Sons.
173 First St. .
NEW 5-room flat, hard finished floors
throughout, all outside rooms. s range,
water heater, coll In furnace, fireplace,
large yard. 608 E. Madison st. Call Rand,
l.cad Ac Co., ;jio rloara 01 i raue
FOR RENT Lower tlat with hardwood
lloors: A-l neiKhborhood, -Nob Hill: to
responsible parties only. Phone Main
NEWLY furnished modern flat: 2 rooms
rented to desirable Bentlemen; prefer cou
ple without children: gotid neighborhood.
West Side. Marshall 052. .
NICELY furn(shed flat, located at 164 E.
12th, corner Belmont; walking distance:
one block from Morrison at. carline; will
rent unfurnished.
FOR RENT One upper and lower 5-room
flat, heat, hot asid cold water; Summer
rates; will furnish for term of years, cor.
16th and East Main; key 628 East. Main.
5-ROOM flat, well furnishsed. piano, good
location. West Side, Apply 232 Worcester
hldg. ;
Fl'RNISHED flat for rent; modern. West
. Side; adults; references; ready May 10.
743 Northrup st. A 437L
FIVE-ROM lower flat, 4CS East Burnslde
t. Rent $30. Russell Jc Blyth, Common
wealth bldg.
FOR REXT C-room flat, light and con
veniences, perfect. Broadway car. Apply
3S6 E. lith st. North.
2 FINE new modern flats. Just finished,
near Mill St., walking distance, rent $23
and $27. Phone Main 8311.
FURNISHED 4 rooms, modern, fine loca
tion. West Side, close in. Phono aiarsuan
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room, modern
flat, walking distance on 7th st. Cail 420
fcwctland bldg. Alain 3-.
ELEGANTLYfurn!shed 3-room flat, reason
able. 706 Vancouver ave. Tnke U car.
FLAT, 4 rooms, bath, wood hoist and flre-
place. oSl 3d at.
8-ROOM modern flat. Inquire Servilla, 2:5
Market. Phone Main tli.
FLAT $2250. W. Reidt. East 1187.
FINE modern upper flat. 0 rooms, newly
Housekeeping Koom.
THE BEAVER. 12th and .Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gaa ranKe. eiec.
trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 per month up: a clean place, best In
the city for money; short distance from
Union DepoU Take- "S" or lGth-sL cars
north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
$1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath.
phone, clean linen. heaU 4u6 Vancouver
ave. and 203 btanton; taae u car.
THREE furnished front housekeeping rooms
with alcove, reasonable. The Idaho. 3S0
6th st.
THREE furnished front housekeeping rooms
with alcove, reasonable. . The Idaho, 3o9
6lh st.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG.. furnished room for
housekeeping; very central. Apply room
36, 3a and Morrison sts.
SUITE of 3 large, nicely furnished house
keeping rooms in nricK uuuaing. jus 14
union ave.
4-KOOM furnished, heated front apU
onta. 187 17th sU. near YamhilL
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping
rooms $1.60 to $3 a week. 291 2d su
4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th, modern 2-room
suite, furnace heat, no children.
NEW CASTLE. 402 Third St.. housekeep-
lng rooms. $3 perweek; steam, heat, bath.
FURNISHED housekeeping room; free phone
and gas. JU4 loth at.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
and dressing-room; private entrance, lareie
porch, cozy Summer home. 443 E. 13th
st. N. Take lrvmgton car.
IWO furnished housekeeping rooms In base
ment with private entrance from street;
these rooms are dry. exceptionally con-
- venient. close in. 131 lltn, corner lamniu.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly furnished,
nice location, walking distance, one block
off of Washington su, near 17th st. 550
Couch su
TWO clean well furnished housekeeping
rooms: phone and bath. 164 Grand
Ave. N. .
2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with
sink. Tiantrv. cas and electric liirnt. rea
sonable. SI North loth su. cor. Flanders.
n u 1 n ...I,. i,ca l!ahl eoom, flra.ilnr-n.
other room, paino, choice board, refined
neignOOrilooou lOJ. aimeuaii, -e
LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms,
gas. bath, phone; also garage, at D. A.
Mclntyre 3 place. aj.r..a itn. t
2-ROOM suite, absolutely clean and nicely
furnished, 10 minutes from e-ostoiiice.
26UV-. Clay st.
3 OR 4 rooms for light housekeeping, elec
tric light, nice yard. 307 N. 22d, cor. Pet-
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, strict
ly modern, 720 alilwauKie au jr-aone Ben
wood SO. .
2 OR 8 large, completely furnished house
keeping rooms, modern nome, near river.
572 K. otn St. poutn. r-none aeiiwooq aoa.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $15 per
month. 67 N. 14th. between Davis aad
T wo furnished housekeeping rooms; gas,
bath and p.ione; $15 a month. 1S6 N.
14th. Phone A 1608.
TCTCPir.v furnished'' housekeeping rooms;
strictly modern; walking distance. 8S5
M11L '
NEWLY furnished S-room suite on first
floor- modern ana large yaru ; tree oain.
phone and lighu 175 21st. south of Wash.
2 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
phone and batn. juo lam st.
TWO furnished and 3 unfurnished house
keeping rooms. 311 cneriy. r.e o-ov.
TWO front rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing. 475 rJ. biurnsiue st
A NICE clean single housekeeping room,
phone, batiu 103 N. loth.
TWO . furnished housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance, o-t a., x-ieu ,v,
346 HALL 2-room housekeeping suite, fully
cquippgo. . go. ....
CENTRALLY located, large, convenient, rea
sonable. 420 Main 3U
FOUR nice housekeeping rooms first floor,
private, also smisi-- oo.o. . ....
T.-.1 WILLIAMS ave., 3 front furnished
housekeeping rooms; water and yard; $12.
HOUSEKEEPING room, reasonable rent. 432
12th st.
TWO suite,
and bath.
2 and 3 rooms, piano,
332 M1U SU
H OUSE KEEPING- rooms. 481 West Parle.
Phone A 63S2. 15.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 429
E. Asa. East ami.
NICELY furnished rooms, very desirable lo-
catloti. 214 aatn s-., co. ioioi.
TWO large, furnished housekeeping rooms.
642 East Karl su
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
at 63 North 14th st. Main 2007.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; homelike; furnace
heat, clean, close In. 807 3d St.
FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 355 Taylor st.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. lower floor. 4i5 Montgomery.
r-Q RENT New T-room modern house;
basement and furnace heat. 4204 East
64th. Mt. Scott car; garden and chicken-
yard; $20.
8-ROOM house; cemM! Dasemenu furnace.
gas- desirable location; at S.l.J Kelly St..
South Portland; rent $30. Key at eJ3
Kelly t. Main 4777.
SJIOOM cottage for rent, within 15 minutes'
walking distance. 24T N. ISth. Phone
Main 332L
a.RAnf house, suitable tor two xamuies.
rent $45? Phone Main 1408 during week
and East 141 Sundays.
T" TtoOMS. modem, In every respect. 1026
E ,19th st. N., V, block Alberta car. $20
per month. Phone Woodlawn 19 1.
siX-ROOM house, modern, 912 Cleveland
BiA v 1 -.xTHIIaiea a ve - coori vai-dw
Svc.. cue uo . it.... --'
Main 2131. A 2131
rent $"-
FOR SALB cheap, new 3-room bungalow,
bath, toilet, .loxlOO lot; 3 block from
car Call IQItS East Morrison st.
6-ROOM modern house to responsible parties
only; renti.. iuiui ,
FOURTEENTH and E. Alder S-room, mod
ern house. Key at 6S7, next door.
6-ROOM modern houe. 412 San Rafael su.
... cj aoio-
MOt'ERN 6-room house.
attic Phone A
74S5. Key. OO at" aivii.
MODERN 6-room house. No. 170 North 23d
gt. Phone a 0000.
FOR RENT A five-room
Grand ave. ortn.
Furnished flat, 5 rooms (Nob H!ll, $40.
Furnished flat. 3 rooms. Aibina. $2.
FursfT.shed Hat. 6 rooms. Tth and Jack-
"u'nfurnished flat. 5 rooms. West Park St.,
2' unfurnished flats. 3 rooms. Aibina,
fl. and $20.
Unfurnished flat, 6 rooms, 1C E. lltn,
Large house. 33 rooms, arranged for 3
apartments. 500.
House, & rooms, S3o Kelly,
t AJtil
near Curry
'Hone o rooms. Kellv St.. near irover.
Kelly St., near IV
374 4th, near (
House, 6 rooms,
Other houses and flats listed every day.
Free Map of Portland for Strangers.
230 N. 19TH. near MaShal! : large nouse.
three apartments, one each lloor; tu
bath on each lloor. steam heat, etc.; ail
newly painted and tinted throughout: rent
$00. Inquire Mr. Graves. Graves Mua.o
Cu.. Ill 4th St., city.
5-ROOM cottase. bath, gas and cement
basement, nicely situated in sdiithwesl
part of city: rent $-'7.50.
250 Alder st.
HOUSES and Hats for rent, some furnished.
Free maps of city for Strangers.
NICE, new, 6-room house. E. 31st St., $20.
Mr. G., 316 Board of TradebUlgJ
- Furolsned Housr
FOR rent furnished. New modern 9-room
house with large wardrobes, porches and
lawn; upper and lower baths; beautiful
homo all for the board of two people. No
children. Phone Columbia 184. or call
lu9 Burr st.. St. Johns car three blocks
from Burr station. .
WELL furnished home of 6 rooms 745
East Madison st. can be had for five
months; furnace, fire-place, piano. Call
at premises or Woodward. 104 2nd. Maiu
143(i. A 1436.
MODERN 7-room nicely furnished cottage,
close in. fireplace, furnace, gas and elec
trlo lights, piuno. Call after 6:30 P. M.
6S4 Eaat Alder. Phone East 2774.
FOR RENT Part ot furnished house, to
married couple or 2 ladies- Will give
employment at light housework. Phono
East 2H1L
MODERN furnished 5-room cottrtfre. also
3-room furnished flat with bath, gaa.
D14 E. 21bu W-R car. .
FOR RENT Well finished 3-room flat;
West Side, near carline; rent $25 Jer
mo 11 th. Particulars at 170 6th st.
NICELY furnished 6-room modern house;
fruit trees, berry and rose bushes; nice
lawn, call 703 Overton st.
NEW furniture of 5-room flat for sale
cheap; on West Side; rent $20.50. Call
C4 Klia St. or phone A 7500.
8-ROOM house, new, modern sleeping porch,
beautiful lawn. Woodlawn lul.13
WELL-FURNISHED T-room house, 22d and
E. Madison. Phone Main 0547.
FOR RENT FurniBhed cottage, fruit and
tent. 243 Monro st. Main 2117.
MODERN 5-room cottage; $25. Tel wood
lawn 1479.
NICELY furnished T-roonv house and piano
for hve months, well located. Call M. 9570.
SMALL furnished house. 291 Benton; rent
Mouse's fur Rent trurnlture for Sule.
1 1 ROOMS, on 10th St., large, pleasant,
clean rooms, nicely furnished; big supply
of silverware and dishes, 20 boarders;
furnace, hot and cold water, nice lawn,
cement basement; only $1100; easy terms.
Marshall 303.
VERY desirable live-room flat close in on
West Side; rent only $30: carpets, cur
tains. Majestic range, with gas plate
and oven attachment for sale. AG 79.
NEARLY" new furniture of 5-room flat for
sale; flat also new; reasonable rent; every
convenience; close in, East Side. AJ 60.
FURNITURE of beautiful new 5-rooin
bungalow, for sale cheap on installment;
rent $1S. Take Richmond car. 547 E. 35th,
riear Ellsworth. .
AT a bargain, furniture of a 10-room boarding-house
In best location in Portland.
For particulars, owner. East 522(1.
FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale and houso
for rent reasonable; corner house. - 333
13th st. No agents.
NEW furniture of 4 modern rooms for sale
cheap; terms. Phone Main 5487
SWELL furniture of 6-room flat for sale,
close In. Phone owner. Marshall 3032.
HOUSEBOAT and furniture for sale. 447
ith at.
Summer Resorts.
FURNISHED cottage at Seaview. 3 blocks
north of station, on tho boulevard,- facing
east; 4 bedrooms. living-room, dining
room, kitchen; $150 to OcU 1. For sale,
FOR RENT May and June, 5-room cot
tage, furnished; fronts on ocean and plank
walk. Seaside, Or. 504 Maple st. E. 5007.
WASHINGTON ST. corner store, new brick
building, only $10 per month. 5-year leaso,
small store, th and Stark. $30 per mouth.
Oak sU store 16x50, cheap. $75. 7th St.,
15x50, new bldg., $00. Best restaurant
in town at $75. Complete list of available
stores. W. H. Webb. 511 Lewis bldg. Mar
ehall 1970.
FOR RENT Good store on Madison street,
near west approach of bridge in brick
bids ; will' remodel to suit tenant: rent
reasonable. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay
niog., 00 sou. cooi. o...
FOR RENT Store 2.1x100 at 269 Front St.
This Is bewween Madison and Jefferson sts.
A good location, reasonable rent. A. H.
Blrrell Co, 202 McKay bldg., 3d and
Stark sts.
FOR RENT An Ideal canoe and boat garage-
nothing like It on the river; about
100 feet frontage. Apply Gas Power &
Supply Co.. 244 Hawthorne ave. .
FOR RENT Store on growing business
street; plenty of customers to draw from.
Phone Main 6249.
43 FRONT ST.", near Ash. 25x100, 2 floors;
very reasonable renU Call at above num
ber. . .
FOR RENT cheap, fine large corner store.
East Side, corner 07th and Foster ave.; .
long lease. Phone Main S4ug.
STORE-for rent for most any kind ot busl
ness. 438 chamberCmmerc
FLOOR. 50x100, in brick building, very
reasonable. .209-311 Front st.
STORE at 186 Morrison St.; 60 feet deep;
can make it 100 feet; rent reasonable.
STORE for rent. Phone East 123.
flO to $35.
S. W. Cor. 6th and;ashlngtongt.
RENTER wanted for privato office with
joint reception-room; very convenient,
cheap and desirable; no local real estate.
Call 906 Chamber of Commerce.
DESK-ROOM in select location cheap to
proper party; write, stating business; tel
ephone, towel service and clerical service
Iurnisnea. au 11. vicsoo.n.".
FINE location for dentist or physician oa
East Side; cheap rent to proper parties.
301 Yeou iiiog.
Choice rooms. Railway Exchange bldg.
We furnish a desk and other office equip
ment. Apply 309 Railway Exchange bldg.
FOR RENTSeveral stores and shops at
east end Madison-st. bridge; rent $20 to
$40. according to ize. Apply V. D. Smith
Uei VO-. ;.- nae. mo. t.p
PART of office for rent, table, chairs,
phone, maps, etc, $8.50 per month. Call
Marshall 1015 or Woodlawn 2674.
FOUR good-sized offices, good light and ven
tilation, SI SOU per luuuui, j.o- o..-
son st.
MOST centrally located offices, all-night ale-
. t. O..O C-otlonit Vtlrle. oe lin.
VH Ull bci ice. 000 r . .', - -
itor, tth and Washington
NICE-iiyht front office with use of reception-room.
617 Board .of Trade, Norta-
DESK ROOM. $8; fine location; phone and
stenographer. A J TO, Oregonlan.
FOR RENT Good location for barber shop.
bathhouse ana steam cleaning; gooa lease
ana cheap rent, phone Main 4353.
CONCESSIONS wanted for Council Crest:
rental or percentage. Apply on tne
Telephone and other bonds bought and
so'd. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ahington.
RESTAURANT, central, big trade, other
Interest forces sale; nargain today. Par
ticulars 24SVi btarK St.
EASTERN MFG. CO. wants a live man. Ijt-
xie. casu, ae i-oilinoo lejj. mi ui.i suu
per year. 25 Madison bldg.
FLUMBINS shop for sale; best location In
city for beginner. 520 union ave.. East
MEAT MARKET. West Side; cheap rent:
paying aouv. au iv, wre-gunian.