13 TTIE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, 3IAY 3. 1911. E TO LIBRARY FEE Suit Will Enjoin Collection for Benefit of Minority of Lawyers. FIELDS GIVES CONSENT Frlrate Corporation. Condoning EntTprI, Now lias I-Yce Kent and Free Gas and Public Helps Fay Costs. Validity of the law requiring each pcr od filing a. suit lo the Circuit Court to pay SI toward the support of the Mult nomah U Ubrary. owned and 'con trolled by a private corporation. Is to be attacked in a suit now In course of prep aratton. which the prospective plaintiff la keeping In the background. Consent has been obtained from County Clerk Klelds to have the suit directed at him. In an effort to enjoin him from collecting the fees from the public for the support of the library. I have been approached by attorneys at various times." said Mr. Fields yes terday, "with the suggestion that I re titmm m rtlet the dues for the library. and thus testhe law. I have not done j nowever. as a via nuv icci hh tne Initiative. Fields Thinks System Wrong. "Since the law requiring me to collect fees for the library became operative. I havat felt guilty In doing so. as I do not believe that It Is a proper source of reve nue for the library. I have consented to have the suit directed airatmit me to have the constitutionality of the law de termined definitely. The Multnomah Ij- Library was founded years ago. The members at that time, and for a. Ions' time afier that, paid H' each as Initiation fee. It was decided Uter to omit the fees and accept members at the rate of lit year as regular dues. Those who are now paying that amount have access to the library as members, and otheca have no right to the library, unless tney are as sociated with a firm holding a right to It. For a long time the library lias had the free use of rooms In the Courthouse, and the county has paid Its gas bills. The library authorities asked the County Court for rooms In the new Courthouse, but the court Informed the representa tives of the association that If there should happen to be any rooms not need ed by the county, the library might have the use of them, but refused to grant the library right of way over any depart ment of the county. Future Is Xot Detrrmlncd. - Whether the law library will be main tained In the new Courthouse will not be determined until the new building Is completed. When the old building Is be ing removed to make room for the west wing of the new building, the law li brary will be forced to find outside quar ters. The revenue of the library under the law that Is to be attacked amounts to almost JeuJ a year. The law requiring the public entering the courts for legal business to pay duea to aid In supporting the library went Into effect two years ago. From then until now. the fees the public has paid for the library, accord ing to records at the Courthouse, approx imate STaCO. The proposed suit attacking the law Is being prepared by s man who has spent a month In working out the details. About one-sixth of the attorneys of the city have the privilegea of members or the library. Bailey to Plead Monday. J. W. Bailey, state dairy and food commissioner, was arraigned before Presiding Judge Gantenbein yesterday on the Indictment charging him with neglect of official duty in not publish ing In March & bulletin giving the results of chemical analyses In his de partment. He will plead Friday at 3 P. M. Bailey's recent Indictment on a similar charge was set aside by Judge Morrow because it failed to allege that any analyses had been made that neces sitated the publication of the bulletin. The present indictment corrects this omission. MRS. KAYS CAPITULATES Promise Made to Mend Ways If Sen tence Is Suspended. With two convictions on appeal In the Circuit Court and a third case pending In Municipal Court. Julia Kays, of 79 West Park street, gave up her flKht with the police yesterday and In Municipal Court consented to with draw her appeals on the two cases and mend her ways if the pending: prosecution were remitted. Fines ag gregating $150 will be paid and the woman has been allowed to go under suspended sentence. The house kept by Mrs. Kays was on the list the publication of which led to the recent grand Jury Investigation. Hue was also the holder of a Federal liquor license, and was arrested by Kergeant Riley on that account. A Una of 10t was Imposed and an ap peal was taken. Then the woman was arrested again on a charge of keeping a disorderly house, was convicted and lined S5i. Again she appealed. Im mediately she was arrested on a charge of serving liquor to a police officer, and this case came to trial yesterday. MOVE FOR PEACE FAVORED Chamber of Commerce Indorses Sweeping Arbitration. Perpetual peace between the two great English-speaking nations received the unqualified Indorsement of the trustees of the Portland Chamber of Commerce yesterday In a resolution which the secretary was Instructed to send to the President and Vice-President of the United States, the Secretary of State, the committee on foreign re lations of the United States Senate and the British and French Ambassadors at Washington. The action of the trustees was due to the correspondence now in progress between England and the United States with a view of perfecting a bond of peace arbitration, no matter what is the question involved, "whether honor, territory or money." The action of the Portland body la similar to that of chambers of commerce throughout the i United States. Similar bodies In Enjr I land are working In conjunction with those of this country. "Cut out the dope! Cse Nature's coral It Is 'Oregon Herbs' for kidney and bladder trouble. Guaranteed at i Piummer'a, Third and Madison." OBJECT DN "THE RIGHT IS POWERFUL DRAMA Theodore Roberts' Portrayal of Famous Bole of Frenchman One of Greatest Stags Delineations. rw rS? . - 1 Xts-"--' ' --sstJ J - ;.- t ,7w: i til A&& r TIIF.ODORG ROBERTS AS JOB PORTLGAIS, IN TI1K RIGHT OP WAT" "THE RIGHT Or WAV." A Drama la live Acts by Eugene W. Preebrev. from tbe Novel by f Mr Gilbert Parker, M. P. CAST. Charles Steele Thurlow Borcen. I Eustace Wantage. Kq Doctor Weldon. .. .Donald Bradbury Louis Woodford ? Joe portugals Theodora Roberts. i Captain Thomas Fairing J. Frank Burke ? Billy Wantage Dsn Bruce I Jack Brown :..Earl Dwlre Price '. Walter Renfort J Kathleen Steele. ... .Florence Smythe Suxon Fay Balnter Jake Hough Paul Hurst Rouge Gossella Dan Bruce Jougon Ronald Bradbury Borln Earl D. Dwlre Gavel Robert Knox Ribeaud .. Frank Rice M. Rosslgnol. tbe Seigneur John Burton Ths cur J. Frank Burke 1L Marcei. the surgeon ...Paul Hurst Rosalia Florence Roberta Paulette Dubois Brenda Fowler Louis Trudell Louis Woodford The Abbe Frank Denlthorne Q UITE In keeping with the high standard maintained In the Baker productions both as concerns plays and players. Is the stage story of Gilbert Parker's well-lked novel "The Right of Way." Undoubtedly a powerful modern play, which has commanded more than ordinary attention tbe Baker produc tion proves no exception and Is staged as well as the original company that brought It here fl-st. Then, as now. Theodore Roberts was one of the lumi naries in his creation of the character role of Joe Portugals. the French Canadian. He has made the study of this uncouth big boy of the Northern woods a type that has been accepted by other and lesser actors as a model to imitate, and all the Joe Portugals put on In stock or by road com panies are spurious copies of Mr. Rob erts' famous conception. Mr. Roberts portrays the man just as the author has given him to us on the printed page; only that the written CAMEL MEN PLAN TRIPi ARAB PATROI OF AL XADEIi TEMPLE GIVES ITIXEKARY. Big- Train for Northwest Shrlners to Take Part In Calgary Celebra tion on July 4. Final announcement as to Jhe itiner ary of the Arab Patrol of Al Kader Temple, on its trip to the annual im perial council of the Mystic Shrine, to he held In Rochester. X. T. the week beginning July 10, were made publio yesterday. The Itinerary was submit ted by A. H. Lee. chairman of the com mittee on transportation, and was adopted. Tbe patrol will have a spe cial train, which will leave Portland July . There are sufficient members of the patrol on the register already to call for four special cars. The trip will be noteworthy and very attractive, as tops will be made along the line at Important places. One of the chief events will be the participation at Cal gary, which will be on July 4. In hon or of ths occasion the Calgary commit tee has nsmed it "American day." A festival will be In progress and In honor of the coming of the members of the patrol the day was designated. Another Interesting: stop wlU bo at Ni agara Falls. The members of tbe patrol will keep In mind the fact that they are from Portland, and will lose no opportunity to advertise this city. They will wear rose colored uniforms, which are to be made especially for this trip, and will be distinctive, so that wherever they it ''.(St; ' ' "ti : Si X (if. words are voiced In living tongue and the big dominant figure may be seen. The picturesque and broken English of the French-Canadian, tbe Inflammable passion, the doglike devotion and chilif' like beliefs of tbe man are made so perfectly a part of the character that one Is loath to remember that Joe Is only an outer semblance, and that Theodore Roberts is under the mask. In the scene of the confession, tho acting of Mr. Roberts was one of the most tremendous things ever permitted a Baker audience to see. The great body of the actor shook with tbe stress of repressed emotion, his facial ex pression was Illuminating, and his broken cries carried the effect of poignant grief. Thurlow Bergen Is seen in Guy Standing's original role of Charley Steele which he handles capably, die playing splendid discrimination in his picturing of the three contrasted types of man; first as the drunkard and prof ligate, later as the man from whom all memory of the past has been oblit erated by a wound in his head, and still later, with memory restored, as an altogether new type, with all the strength directed rightly, of the other two characters and with none of their fallings. Mr. Bergen vresents each of these truthfully and sympathetically. J. Frank Burke as Captain Fairing and later as a Cure, is meritorious and Dan Bruce gives a clever character sketch of Billy Wantage, the irrespon sible youth for whose forgery of notes cnarley Steele unwittingly is blamed. jonn tiurton, wno is always a great favorite with Baker audiences and re ceives a small ovation on every ap pearance, nas a Keenly-developed char acter bit. as an old justice of the peace. All the' roles are well cast. Karl Dwlre In a small, but Interesting part. as one 01 Steele's victims; Ronald Bradbury, as a doctor, and Frank Denl thorne, as the abbe, are all excellently periormea. Miss Roberts is Rosalie, a simple, pretty role that calls for none of the big talents we-are accustomed to find in Miss Roberts' parts. One of the finest and most colorfnl of roles Is afforded In Brenda Fowler" fauiette. a spirited delineation of a French-Canadian beauty. Miss Fowler's dusky charm and vivid coloring lending Itself exceptionally aell to the role. Fay Balnter is an attractive Suson. and Florence Smythe Is interesting as Kathleen Steele. The entire play Is well staged and entertalnlna through out. go. the people will know where they are from. The complete Itinerary of the patrol from Portland to Rochester la ri. Iowa: Leave Portland A. M.. Julv 8: arrive Se attle 7 A. M., July 1: leavs Seattle A. M . July I: arrlvs Victoria 1 p. M. Julv 2: lee Victoria a P. M., July 8; arrlvs Van- S"y,,.6 ? ,M-S, JalJL ,",lT Vancouver X ,p- ,M -, July S: arrlva Glacier 13 noon. July 8; Lav. Glacier 2 p. M.. July 8- ar rlva Banff 7 P. M.. July 8; leave Banff 8 A- M. July 4: arrive Calgary u A. M.. July : leave Calgary p. f., juir 4. BrI rive Winnipeg p. at.. July 6: leave win r.lpC A' M-v !Iul B: rrlT Kort Wil liam 12 noon July : leave Fort William I w M,-,J,i''.8- bot: prlv Toronto 1 P. M.. July 8: leave Toronto 8 A. M-. July ft. Stop at Niagara Falle. Arrlvs at Rochester S P. M . July ft. TARIFF ON , BAGS URGED Competition of India Declared to Be Ruinous to Trade. India, with cheap labor and vast re sources, as well as its reputation for bag-making, formed the basis of the complaint of Everett Ames, manager of the Ames-Harrls-N'evllle Company, of 49 6i Fifth street, before tne meeting of the trustees of the Portland Chamber of Commerce yesterday. In 'his request that a telegram be sent to Washington to pro test against the removal of the tariff In bags, as proposed by the House. Mr. Ames said that If the tariff were removed from bags, the product would be shipped into Portland from India so cheaply that every bag dealer would be foroed out of- business. He said that wages in India were only a few cents a day and that human life was so cheap that It was only a question of raw ma terial, of which there was a large supply. The trustees authorised the sending of the telegram requested. A- French chemlet claims to have made a practical alloy containing more than SO per c-nt magnesium, a feat that has baffled scientists for generations. OF WAY wJS... - w i --to CITIES GET LARGE SHARE OF PEOPLE Less Than Third of Population Added to Oregon Has . Settled on Farms. REMEDY IS BEING SOUGHT Country Faces Greatest Problem of Generation, Says Official of Commercial Club Land Is Calling for People. Although the population of Oregon increased 20.239 in the past 10 years, only 65,759 of those were located on farms. Nearly 100.000 more than three times as many sought the cities and towns. These conclusions appear from an analysis of the census of the state's rural population, completed yesterday by Manager Chapman, of the Promotion Bureau of the Portland Commercial Club. During the past 10 years, according to the census, the population of the cities has Increased 101 per cent, while the rural population has gained only 29 per cent. People In urban communities outnumber the country dwellers almost 100.000, the figures being 355,463 as against 288,312. When the proportions between town and country today and 10 years ago are compared the situation becomes almost startling. During this period the peo ple In the towns of Oregon have more than doubled, while the people on the farms have gained only 86,759. Ten years ago Oregon's people were fairly equally distributed between city and farm, with the country having the best of It by 31.673. This margin has not only been wiped out by the fast grow ing cities, but they have piled more than 100,000 on top of It. Land Needs Men for Development. The state, as a whole, has gained 260.239 people In the past 10 years, an increase of over 62 per cent. Fewer than 66,000 of this new population have gone to the farms, while almost 200.000 have settled in the cities. Out of the great number of new people Oregon dded to itself during the past decade, three went to the cities for every one who went to the country. "We ere facing the greatest problem of the generation," said Mr. Chapman of the Commercial Club, "for If we can get more people on the soil many of our other troubles will settle them selves. How to get the-landless man on the manless land Is the great work to which the Portland Commercial Club and the Oregon Development League nave set themselves. The figures show that there Is dire need of It. The man who can devise a way to offset the lure of the white lights of the city and get men to set their feet on the ground. Instead of treading asphalt all their lives, deserves well of his country. 'Far be it from me to decry the growth of Oregon's bustling, active cities, but I do not want to see them built up at the expense of the country. They must go together; any other way Is fatal to substantial progress. Remedy Being Attempted. ' "I do not know yet how successful our efforts will be to get people on our vacant farm lands Instead of hav ing them flock, to the cities as they have been doing. Much Is hoped from the 'back to the soil' movement that now has considerable vogue. It will be Interesting to note at the close of the next 10-year period whether we have been able to put a stop to this rush to the cities. I very earnestly hope that the next census will show a bal ance on the other side of the ledger." The Commercial Club figures show a falling off of the rural population In some counties of the state. These are particularly the large wheatgrowing countries where the lure of the cities has attracted the small land owners and their holdings have been absorbed by the neighboring wheatgrowers. Bigger farms and fewer people are the rule In Gilliam. Grant. Union and Wheeler counties. Wasco and Hood River Counties. whose figures are combined for pur poses of comparison, because 10 years ago Hood River County had not been created, make the greatest gain in rural population, their gain being 196 per cent. Crook County is third, with 117 per cent, then Klamath, with 64 per cent Harney and Lake with 63 per cent each, Clackamas with 54 per cent. Baker and Columbia with 45 per cent. Lincoln 43 per cent, Washington "2 per cent. Polk with 41 per cent, the rest of the counties having gains below 40 per cent. These figures are somewhat reassur- rlng, as they show that not only In the Eastern Oregon "cow counties," where the settlement has been active of late, but In Western Oregon the soil Is win ning many back. Smaller farms and Intensive agriculture are doing the work. It Is the hope of the Commercial Club that this tendency can be extend ed over tne entire state. Table Shows Increases. The following table shows the In crease or rural population by counties Par ct. . 1910. Inc. 8.740 45.0 6.81.6 23.0 22.849 64. 0 8.941 '1.0 S.HtT 45.0 8.216 21.0 7.1K 117.0 1.870 4.0 12.009 9.0 2.305 io.n 4.100 11.0 3.U13 t;3.0 0.9J7 25.0 r.r.Tu 6.0 6.7U6 R4.0 ' 3.405 63 0 19.f,fi5 3M.0 4.323 43.0 14.176 15.0 6.371 ttl.o 18.574 .3 3.0.-.3 12.0 38.122 8.0 9.723 ' 47.0 3.137 19.0 4.514 33.0 15.94 196.0 11.278 4.0 7.354 30.0 5.370 10.0 16.770 42.0 1.848 8.0 10,013 18.0 268.313 . 29.0 1900. -6.012 4.M4 ...... 14.758 3.9TK 4. 784 ...... 0.845 8.301 1.785 , 11.076 ' 2. .13 4.HII ...... J.8J4 7.1110 B.227 a.r.s 2.OM1 14.0A9 3.017 3.446 19.S38 2.711 12.108 6.8( . I'.IJIM 3.375 River s.134 10.7X3 10.S37 4. fix 11.7S5 2.020 8.448 Baker Benton ..... Clackamas . Clatsop .... Columbia . Cooe Crook urrv ...... Douglas .... llllam .... rant . Harney .... ackeon ... oeephlna .. Klamath ... Laka ...... .ane ...... Lincoln .... Linn . ...... Malheur ... Marion .... XI orrow . . , Multnomah Polk herman ... Ilamook .. Waaco-Uood matuia . .. nlon ...... Wallowa ... Washington Wheeler .". . amhill .... Totals . . . . .322.553 CITY CAN GRANT FRANCHISE B. Zelgler Asserts East Side Can Give Railroad Demands. J. Bv Zelgler, who proposed the amend ment to make It Impossible to va-at streets extending to the water front or grant permanent concessions of water front property to corporations, asserts nat under the provisions of the amend ment It will be legal for the city to f grant the railroad company a franchise f for the use of streets for Its freight depot and railroad facilities. He said I yesterday that under the following pro vision OI 1 1 1 13 uiiiciiuiucuL, niiii.u uo voted on In June, the railway company may secure the use of the streets need ed for the depot: A street shall be held to fulfill its func tion aa a street by being used In any way for the purposes of travel, transportation or distribution, by or for the public:- and where a street abuta against a water way or connects with a railroad terminal, it may be occupied by any structure or ma chinery facilitating or necessary to travel, transportation or distribution, and which does not Interfere with full access of the' purllc to the uses named; and this clause hall Include and apply to all structures necessary la the improvement of tbe publio docks. The subject Is now being considered by the railroad committee of the East Side Business Men's Club, which Is negotiat ing with the railroad officials. It is the contention of the railroad officials that there is no authority that can give the 1 company a franchise which will Justify ' It in expending the large sum appro priated for freight developments, but General Manager O'Brien has said re peatedly tli;ft if such a franchise can be given, be will go ahead with the freight facilities and make the big fills required. This is one of the points the railroad Is Investigating, and on which a report may oe expected tomorrow night at the regular meeting of the club. GRAY WOULD LEAVE BED XHTIV PRESIDENT OP XORTH BANK RAPIDLY RECOVERING W hile Railroad Man Lies in Hospit al, He Is Formally Elected to Head of HIU Lines. Although he felt himself well enough to leave his bed and go to his office, Carl R. Gray, president of the North Bank Road and the Hill lines in Oregon, took the advice of Dr. E. B. McDaniel who Is attending him, and remained at St. Vincent's Hospital yesterday. He is rapidly recovering from the illness that attacked him before he reached Portland Sunday morning, but may re main at the hospital for several days more. Mr. Gray has kept In close touch with his office, and as there are no urgent matters to demand his attention he will not enter actively upon the per formance of his duties until he ob tains the consent of his physician: He Is eager, however, to become acquaint ed with his office staff. Several of the North Bank officials have called at the hospital to visit him. Meetings of the directors of various roads of which Mr. GrayVIs to be the head have been held in the last few days and his election to the office of president formally was made. Direc tors of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle, known as the North Bank Road, met at Tacoma yesterday, there being pres ent: Howard Elliott, president, of the Northern Pacific; Judge V. V. Brown, of Seattle, and George T. Reid, of Ta coma. Local officials of the Oregon Electric, the United Railways, the Oregon Trunk, the Pacific & Eastern, The Dalles, Port land & Astoria Navigation Company and other HIU enterprises, of which Mr. Stevens was the head, met here yes terday at the call of W. F. Turner, the secretary, and elected Mr. Gray presi dent of those companies. BOY CRUSHED BY ELEVATOR Paper Carrier Caught Before Oper ator Could Save Him. Caught In a moving elevator at the Lumbermens building. Fifth and Stark streets, yesterday. Barney Schmitzer. a newsboy, 11 years old, was so badly crushed that his death is momentarily expected at St. Vincent's Hospital. The injured boy Is a brother of Harry Schmitzer, who was run down and killed by an automobile driven by Roland Chapman, on December 16 last. ' W. Wllkle, the operator of the car, anva that the bov's own act was re sponsible for tbe accident; that he was looking at something out In the street and did not start to enter the car until it had gone up about two feet. As quickly as possible, Wllkle shut off his power, but the car ran up until its floor was within four or five Inches of the top of the door, and Young Schmitzer was hanging over the edge, so that his body was caught at the middle and ter ribly crushed. An ambulance was called and he was taken Immediately to the hospital. TIDINGS OF PURSE COME Man Arrested on Charge of Keeping Money Found In Street. Tidings of a purse containing $37b. which dropped from his pocket three months ago. at Sixth and Burnslde streets, were received yesterday by F. H. Dill, when M. E. Trautman, having confided to a friend that he was the Special Sample Sale MEN'S SUITS A sample lot of hand tailored Suits just In browns, grays and blues. Regular values 20, 327.60 e-i A QC Special wlt.SO On sale this week while they last. Cash or credit. LADIES' SUITS Rearolar s.23, fan, : Cash or J Q JZi Credit JlI7efaJ Beautiful all wool serges, handsomely tai lored. About 50 suits to close, consisting of white serges, plain blue tailored serges, latest tans and grays. None in the lot ever sold under tia, some as high as $35. On sale all week if they last. CASH OR. CREDIT SILK PETTICOAT SALE Over 100 of the smartest silk petti coats ever put on sale at the price. Beautiful colorings, all shades. SPECIAL S3. 4. Regullar $5 to $7 values. Terms if you want them. Open an account. Pay us 31 down, then 50 cents a week and get one of these skirts. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 34.1 Morrison St., Bet. 3d and 3d Sts. We regret we have been unable to meet tbe great public demand for printed matter and plats of 1 The Coming Industrial City on North Bank Road. Our engineers are still at work on tbe plats. Grad ing will start this week. Miles of cement walks are to be laid. Mountain water piped to every lot under pressure. Many new buildings will be start ed at. once as soon as material can be placed on the ground. " YOU MUST SEE LYLE The Logical Manufacturing City on the Columbia Riyer. Call at our Office and Arrange to Join Our Excursion Sunday, May 7 Special Rates Trains Leave 9:45 A. M. Return 7:45 P. M. Keasey, Humason & Jeffery Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Or. Offices at Lyle, Washington. finder of the money, was arrested by Detectives Tlchenor and Howell on a charge of larceny. Dill, who has a wife and five children, disposed of his little personal property In Portland and was about to depart for a new home in Texas when he lost the'money. He was on the way to the Union Station to buy tickets, carrying the money. In gold. In his pocket. While he was running to catch a car the weighty purse broke through his pocket PENNn-LTAXIA, WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO, ILLINOIS, INDIANA, TEXAS, LOIISIAJTA, OKLAHOMA, WYOMING, KANSAS, CALIFORNIA. Sufficient to Supply 200,000 People With $20,000 Each California's Oil Industry Worth One Billion Dollars Oregon's oil territory is more largely extended than California and its oil industry will be also worth a THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS Do you think it reasonable that just because you live in Oregon is any reason why all the Government and other eminent Geologists are fooled on the state T Not one of the above states had more certain assurances of great oil deposits than has Oregon. Oregon's oil territory is now being developed on scientific lines and he is a very foolish man who thinks Oregon will not prove soma great oil fields. This is a time NOW that MR. OPPORTUNITY is knocking at your door. A small amount of money put in now right would GIVE YOU A NICE BANK ROLL. Let us show you how to get in RIGHT. Write A. L., care Oregonian, for an appointment. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN This Is an exceptionally good offering entirely out of the ordinary or commonplace. 12 rooms, on corner 100x100. Here are meager de tails: 1st floor Reception hall, living room, dining-room and library connected; 3 doors to the porches you see In picture; kitchen, pantry, lavatory. 2d floor reached by beautiful stairway and secret stairs, 4 splendid bedrooms and sewing-room, sleeping porch, beautiful tiled bathroom, with shower; extra large closets in each room. 3d floor A fine amusement room and servants' room. IN ADDITION The harmonizing draperies and rugs, valued at $600, and the elec tric fixtures, costing 500 are included. Lot has some beautiful trees. Price only 116,500, part cash. Even if you had planned to pay more it would pay you to Investigate this. Permit to Inspect at office. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Real Eatate Department Specialists for High-Class Residences Chamber of Commerce and the loss was not noticed until too late. Utterly destitute, he appealed to the detectives, but nothing developed until yesterday, when the indiscreet statement of Trautman was heard of. Trautman, when questioned, admit ted that the money was probably Dill's and that he ought to have returned it, but later he changed his mind, said that he had received the sum from a real estate deal, and refused to sur render It. J IRVINGTON FOR SALE A