rORTL-AXP, OREGON, 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 3. 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. LI-!0. 15.73G. V HYDE, INDICTED. RESIGNS: OFFICE New, York Official True to Gayno'r. Is VICTIM OF CONSPIRACY CRY City 'Chamberlain Caught in Carnegie Trust Net. BRIBERY IS MAIN CHARGE Hjde Is AcruM-d of Vtlag City lc polts to Force Banks leu Slake Loans to Tottering Concern. Innocent, He Tcclares. NEW TORK. May 2. Charles H. Hyde will resign as city chamberlain at one.. Under Indictment and under the fire of practically every newpaper In New Tork. he announced tonight that, although he la the victim of one of "the most wicked conspiracies In the his tory of the city," be will relinquish hla position In order not to embarrass the Oaynnr administration, lie baa been the Mirer's Droteffe for rears. Indicted secretly yesterday on two counts, one charging bribery, the other with taking an unlawful fee. Hyde pleaded not guilty In the criminal branch of the Supreme Court this afternoon with permission to change or withdraw the plea up to May II. and I was released under 17500 balL f City Deposit Joggled. " Inrestlgatlon of the Carnegie Trust failure brought out a batch of ln dirtments against those controlling Its affairs, who also are said to have boasted of their friendship with Hyde. Various city depositories were shown to hare made loans to the Caanegie di rectly before or after they received city deposits, and the prosecution will at tempt to show that the promises of these deposits was used as a club to force the loans to the crippled Carnegie Trust Company, then tottering. About the time these loans began to come In. the chamberlains secretary. John V. Smith got 114.000 from the Carnegie la the form of cashier's checks, which he deposited to his pri vate account. Shortly afterward he drew s,galntt this account II J. 390 In four checks, two of them payable to cash and two to the city chamberlain. The District Attorney will try to prove that 'this transaction covered a pay ment for services rendered. Bank Department Tnder Fire. The grand jury resumed Its- Investi gation of the Carnegie trust fiasco with Ul H. Cheney, state superintendent of banks, as a witness. Official of the bank will also be called to be ques tioned as to why the Carnegie Trust Company was not closed, although known to be tottering. Hyde's resignation has been In the Mayor' hands since Saturday last. It Is understood, but the Mayor has said nothing, although he held an hour's conference this afternoon with Samuel Vntermyer, Hyde's counsel. The city chamberlain's statement. Issued after this conference, predicts hie complete exoneration, but assails the District Attorneys office and concludes as fol lows: Conspiracy,, Says Hyde. "While I have no fear or doubt the whole conspiracy against me will be laid bare in a very short time. I do not propose to havs the administration of Mayor Caynor embarrassed, and I shall at once tender my resignation." Hyde asks - the public to suspend Judgment until the "motives behind the prosecution are brought out. and says that with 110 or more banlre with which he hs had daily transactions. It is strange that more alleged Irregulari ties ware not brought out. If I were capable of the-dastardly crime of be traying the city." . He was Indicted, he said, mainly on the testimony of the. discredited boss. J. G. Robin, who. he says. Is enjoying the hospitality or the District Attor ney's office. lie denies an alleged transaction with the Northern Bank, upon which one Indictment la based. Hyde's Contention Is Loan. The IH.eoo recelred from the iCar cesMe Trust Company, which the prose cution charges covered a payment for services rendered, was In reality noth ing more than an ordinary loan about which there was nothing Irregular, Mr. Hyde contends. "Two lejns aggregating 114.000 re ferred to as having been made by the Carnegie Trust Company. continued his statement, "were not made until November and Dec-ember. 1910, which was eight months after the deposit of. city money In 'the Carnegie Trust Com pany. Only one of these loans, that of HO. 000. was made on my Indorse ment, Business Men Knew. "Lawyers and business men of this community know that -for many years .my business and property interests have been sufficiently large "to Justify-large, credits to me In the banks and that I have frequently borrowed much larger sums than 110.000." WOMAN-GRATEFUL TO CHRIS EVANS LIFE SAVED . BY OUTLAW COST OF CAPTUKE. AT Timid Husband Compelled to Open Cabin for "Wife Exposed to Snow and .Hain. SACRAMENTO. CaL. May I (Spe cial.) When Chris Evans, train robber, stepped out of the Folsom prison yes terday a free man. Warden Rellley handed him a package containing an oldrfashioned gold signet ring. Accom panying It was a note written in a fem inine hand wishing him godspeed Into his new life. This was the sequel to an Incident that occurred In Evans' llfewhen he was a fugitive from Justice, being tracked by men and bloodhounds. It was the reward of a woman whose life Evans had saved Following Evans escape from the Vlsalia Jail, he sayed one night at a tent In the backwoods occupied by a woodcutter and his wife, the wife lying s'ck on the bed. The rude shelter leaked snow and rain, while a few rods awav stood a, comfortable mountain cabin boarded up for the Winter. The owner of the cabin had asked the husband to take care of It but had commanded him not to enter the hut. Evans commanded .the husband at the muszle of a rifle to break open the cabin and make his wife comfortable there. Evans and his companion spent the night n the tent. That act saved the woman's life and made Chris Evans capture easy for the pursuing posse. The bitter cold of the night spent In the tent so weakened Evans that he was an easy prey the next day. LIBEL SUIT FALLS FLAT Washington Supreme Court Holds I Court Records Privileged. OLTMPIA. Wash- May i. (Special.) Record on file at the Courthouse are, privileged documents and a newspaper may publish them without being guilty of libel per se. held the supreme tourx today In affirming the Whatcom County Superior Court, which sustained the demurrer of L. H. Darwin, business manager of the American Reveille, Belllngham. to the Information charg ing him with criminal llbeL T. 8. Hamilton, owner of the B. H- I Furniture Company, claimed that be cause he would not advertise. Darwin dug np all the old conditional sales and printed them to hurt his business. Dar win was convicted in the Justice Court. but won In the Superior Court and now j Is victorious In the Supreme Court. The court says that while the mo tives actuating the publication were not high, the decision must be sus tained. PIONEER WANTS 'SUBSIDY' Aged Stan's Son Could Support Him, out He Prefers Charity. SEATTLE. Wash.. May J. (Special.) Charity Commissioner Ed. Hannan is put on the defensive today by M satin Monohan. si years old. th founder of the town of Monohan, on Lake Sammlsh. Mr. Monohan came to the Courthouse with a definite Idea of what he wanted. He said he had paid taxes 40 years, had voted the Repub lican ticket ever since the party started and had arrived at -the time of life when he felt he was entitled to a "sub sidy from the county. He demanded a monthly pension to support his declln lng years in peace. Mr. Monohan said he had sons who were well off and offer to car for him. but one he did not like and the other was his enemy. 'Pay ma my subsidy." he said, "and I will not bother them." ' ' EX-MAYOR" WEDS AGAIN Eugene Man Marries Fourth Time; . Bride Thrice at Altar. EUGENE. Or.. May 2. (Special.) . Venturing for the fourth time Into mat rimony, ex-Mayor J. D. Matlock was married Sunday afternoon to Mrs. Mary Vanderpoo). who waa making her third appearance at the altar. The ceremony waa performed at tue home of the e,x Mayor's son and was a surprise, not even the minister knowing he was to perform the' ceremony until he was handed the license. Mr. Matlock has ust retired from the Mayor's office after having completed two terms. He Is Quite well known over the state, having delivered on sev- I f eral occasions a series of temperance I lectures pointing out and praising the I manner In which Eugene handles the I J enforcement or toe liquor laws. Mr. and Mrs. Matlock will leave In a short time on a honeymoon trip through Europe, planning to be gone for year. MRS. GATES GETS DECREE Husband's Defense to. Heport of Referee If Only Formal. NEW TORK. May 2. Opeclal.) Su preme Court Justice Gerard signed an Interlocutory decree of divorce ' today for Mrs. Mary W. Gates In her suit against Charles G. Gates, upon the re port of David Leventrltt. who was ref eree In the proceedings. Counsel for Gates did not oppose motion to confirm the referee's decree and It Is understood that only a formal defense was made. Mrs. Gates waa Miss Martin, but she took the name of Edgar when her mother waa married to a St. Louis manufacturer of that name. She narrled .Gates IS years ago. IVI'CLELLAN HEARS CIOMHST TRIAL Ex-Mayor Comments on Court Methods. DISORDER MARKS SESSION Unruliness Furnishes New Ex perience to New Yorker. INFORMER FACES S0RTIN0 I no frequent interruption rTom accuses. Abbatemairrlo Tells Again Story pf Mur der of Cuocculos. VITERBO. Italy. May 2. Two feat ures today made the Csmorr'st trial of more than ordinary . Interest These were the presence-of George B. Me Clellan. ex-Mayor of New Tork. In whose term of office Lieutenant Petro slno arrested Enrico Aifano, the alleged head of the Camorra. for which Petro- slno Is believed to have paid the pen alty of his life and the confrontation of Abbatemagglo, the Informer, by Cor rada Sortsno, whom he accused of be Ins: one of the actual assassins of Cuoccolo. The scenes of disorder were even more marked than usual, the prisoners In the cage Interrupting the witness incessantly, and shouting curses on his head. But through It all, the sitting continued and Abbatemagglo told again the story of the Camorra and details of the crime. . McClellan Makes Comment, Mr. McClellan. who appeared to be an object of great interest to the pris oners, remarked on the unusual meth ods of the court, which he considered. however. In many respects admirable. While Abbatemagglo repeated the details of the murder of Cuoccolo. Sortlno stood before htm and at times It seemed as though the two men were about to spring at each other. Cara bineers were placed between them and the twowere forced to content them selves with baneful glances and the clinching of hands. Though the morning session was stormy, that In the afternoon presented still more disturbed conditions. Sortlno Defends Himself. Several times a violent scene was prevented only by the Intervention of guards. Sortlno defended himself with skill, and pointed out contradltlons and Impossibilities In the statement of the Informer. He Ironically called atten tion to the fact that Abbatemagglo, in his accusation, had said those directly concerned In the murder had changed their clothes with the exception of Sortlno. although he was guilty of two murders. It was ridiculous to say that he wore a false beard, because until May, ISO 5, he had a natural one. and therefore the false beard would have rendered him unrecognisable to the po lice. Abbatemagglo Interrupted at this point, saying: "Thirteen months later all the police who knew you had been changed" (the (Continued on ptr 2.) : ! ! - .. ... - rrS- :: f 'y'.;..'. ' ...... . ,r ,r INDEX TO TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, E9 degrees: minimum. 51 decrees. TODAY'S Showers; southwesterly winds. Mexico. Almost all of western Mexico falls Into rebel hands and Americans flee to bor der. Pace 2. Domestic Cceds refuse to fall into arms of men in commencement play. Fage 1. Judge BOTdwell probably will try dynamit ing cases. Page 5. Funeral of oldest daughter of late Marcus Daly Is held In New York. Face a. Trial of Diets family begins. Diets conduct ing his own defense, face s- City Chamberlain, of New York, in dicted for Carnegie Trust frauds, re signs, protesting innocence. Page 1. Woman grateful to outlaw who saved her life at cost of liberty. Page 1. Lorlmer forces score victory in court. Page S. Bribetaking Ohio Legislators are not al lowed Immunity baths. ' Page T. Long strike threatened In Pennsylvania railroad shops, page 9. Wife of Sidney C. Love, ex-mllllonairo broker secures summons for him . in di vorce suit- Page 1. "Uncle Joe" Cannon, Representative Long worth and othes have hot debate on whiskers vs. bald head. Page 1. Foreign. Ex-Mayor McClellan sees wild disorder at Camorrlst trial. Page 1. Parlne Northwest. Sheepmen are barred from Government re serves. Page 6. State and Federal authorities agree upon plans for survey of Oregon. Page e. Washington State Mllltla fight is settled. Page . Tacoma recall election proves fruitless and another will be held. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. Oregon hay crop backward and market nrit er. Page 21. All around advance la Chicago wheat mar- icei. Face jl. Western sheepmen demand higher prices for new wool. Page 21. Reactionary movement in stock market ings -JX. Columbia River millmen taking second place, with (.rays Harbor men leading in shingle trade. Page 20. Sport. Northwestern Lesgus results yesterday: Ta coma , bpouane g; oiner games post poned. Page 8. Pacific Coast League results yesterday: Portland 2. Vernon 0; Oakland S, Sac ramento 2; San Francisco 6, lxs An geles 3. Pass 8- lfultnomah Club chooses official! for Na tional amateur wrestling tournament to be held in Portland. Page 8. Soloman. of Portland, wins championship billiard contest from Carney, of Sau Francisco. Page 8. Airship races will be held In Portland in june says new local organisation. Pages. Portland and Vicinity. Census shows one-fourth of Oregon's In creased population went on farms. Page 12. District Attorney McCourt flies application in reaerai court ror new trial of Post offlce condemnation site suit. Page 11. Farmers urged to try growing mllo maize in oner regiona Fage zu. Rlgtvi of private corporation to charge fee maintaining law library to be tested in suit. Pass 12. Fire damages third and fourth floors of Commercial block. Pago 4. Portland business man after tour of country mis city leaas. Fage 14. Msyor tells new Chief of Police he has free nana to suppress vice. Page 14. Gay Lombard frankly answers questions put to nun at meeting. Fage 4. Homer Davenport has letter written by late father short time before end. spec ulating upon death. Page 7. EIGHT-HOUR LAW DEFINED Washington Attorney-General Says Only Emergency Can Break Rule. OLTMPIA. Wash.. May 2. (Special.) In an opinion given to the State Bureau of Inspection today Assistant Attorney-General Lyle held that a road supervisor cannot work his men on the road 10 hours a day and evade the eight-hour law by paying: them for a day and a quarter. Be says these con tracts are void, as being: contrary to public policy. . The point was raised by the bringi ng to light of the fact that some coun ties had adopted the practice of per mitting: men to work on the rpads 26 days a month at 10 hours a day and then payjng them for 32 H days. The only timt the eight-hour law can be broken is in case Of emergency, says, the opinion, and otherwise such bills are not to be allowed. LOVE SUMMONED IN WIFE'S SUIT Unless He Defends Ac tion, He Loses Her. EX-MILLIONAIRE IN OREGON "Most Beauwui woman in America" Wants Freedom. CHILD MAY CAUSE CONTEST Complaint In Snlt of Spouse Au thorized by Publication Sensa tional Collapse of Chicago Man's Fortune Recalled. NEW TORK. May 2. (Special. Sid ney C Love, the former millionaire broker, will be obliged to come to New Tork State to defend the action for a divorce brought by Marjorle Burns Love or permit the suit to go by default. Supreme Court Justice Morschauser, sitting at White Plains today, decided that the New Tork court properly has Jurisdiction In ,lhe case. The case in due time -will be tried at Wh'te Plains. Mrs. Love obtained an order from Justice Mills, January 28, directing that summons and complaint In her suit be served upon her husband by publica tion. She asserted that It -was impos sible to serve the papers personally upon the erstwhile Chicago and New Tork banker, club man and horse show exhibitor, who loet his fortune two years ago. Two days after Mrs. Love began pro ceedings for a divorce in this state. Love filed a similar suit at Baker, Or near which place he is now engaged in the mining business. Couple Has Child. , In her affidavit Mrs. Love sets forth that she was married to Love in Chi cago In 1307. Two years later their child was born, while Mr. and Mrs. Love were living at No. 1114 West Thirty seventh street. At the time Mr. Love was In the brokerage business, with of fices in Chicago and No. 2 Wall street. In March, 1909, Mrs. Love says, she and her daughter went to Europe and Mr. Love followed one week later; Since that Summer Mrs. Love declares that she has not seen her husband, and re ceived only two letters from him. An enthusiastic artist has described Mrs. Love as "the most beautiful woman In America." Mr. Love, In his answer, says he was born In Iowa In 1872, that he engaged In business In Chicago and later estab lished branch houses in various cities. He declares that Chicago Is his home. Soon after his marriage, he and his wife made their residence in the West Thirty-seventh-street house. He says his residence in New Tork is merely temporary and .that he always voted in Chicago. Now he declares his legal res Idence Is at Baker, Or., where he has been appointed one of the State Mining Commissioners. Love Moore's Broker. Love was broker for William H. Moore, the railroad magnate, and at the time of Love's failure, it was reported that he (Continued on page 2.1 CO-EDS BALK AT HUGGING SCENE GIRLS WTLIi XOT' FALL IXTO ARMS OF CHORCS MEX. Girls Who Have "Agreed to Wear Short Dresses Say They HaTe' Gone Far Enough. BERKELEY," Cal., May 2. (Special.) Seventeen co-eds of the senior class at the State University broke up a re hearsal on the stage of the Greek The- ater this afternoon, declining to allow male members of the class to put their arms around them. The objection of the senior girls followed an attempt of Fred Carlisle, the coach, to have the co-eds of the "Baby Doll" choru3 of "The Hop King," the commencement week play of the class, fall into the arms of male chorus men at the con clusion of the dance. Claiming that they were not ac quainted with the owners of the arms, never having been introduced to the men, the co-eds declined the proposed first-meeting familiarity. Coach Carlisle and members of the caste attempted to smooth over the strike of the co-eds, but they re mained obdurate and The scene was temporarily dropped. The girls say they came'rup to the exigencies of the production by appearing la short dresses and the proposed familiarity was alto gether lacking in dignity. The feature will be dropped for the present unless Carlisle is able to bring the men and women of the chorus closer together. RACE SUICIDE HIS TOPIC Chicago Prelate Will Discuss Sub ject Before Mothers. , CHICAGO. May 2. (Special.) Bish op Samuel Fallows of the Reformed Episcopal Church has some decided views on race suicide-and is going to tell the women who are expected to throng St. Paul's Church on Mothers' day, Sunday, May 14, Just what those views are. The Bishop is not a radical of radicals on this subject. He calls Mr. Roosevelt an extremist. Tet he tells with pride that he is one of 10 children, that Mrs. Fallows Is one of 11 and adds that these are the Ideal sizes of families. He has four children himself, "not half enough," he says. Following are some of Bishop Fal lows' epigrams on race suicide: Simply to have one child where you could have half a dozen is sinful. Tho state can't compel people to have children; public opinion ought to do it. Variety is the spice of life. .There's a lot of spice in a good large family. There's something wrong with the American family when the foreigners who come here average more than three tiroes as many children. Roosevelt goes to the extreme on race suicide. By the way, Mrs. Alice Longworth has not obeyed his injunc tion, has she? The number of children In every fam ily should be from four. up always up if there's bread to' feed the extra mouths. On the wage of the average mechanic In Chicago there is no limit to the num ber of children a couple should have I except that set by nature. . In the majority of cases willful child lessness Is due more to the wife than the husband. MRS. SHONTS GIVES SUM Wife of Traction Magnate Will Edu cate Kentucky Poor. LEXINGTON, Ky., May 2. (Special.) Children of Breathitt and surround ing counties in the mountains of Ken tucky, who have lived in an atmosphere of feud since birth, are to be educated at the expense of Mrs. Theodore P. Shonts, wife of the New Tork traction magnate, who is on her way to Ken. tucky and will meet Colonel Jack Chinn at Paris tomorrow, for the purpose of going over plans. Mrs. Shonts has signified her Inten tion of giving $500,000 toward the building of a school for poor children of the mountains and with donations offered by others, this will be suffi cient to build a Commodious house and have sufficient funds for the paying of a corps of able teachers. It is said Mrs. Shonts asked President Taft where Bhe could put J500.000 into a school where It would do the most good and the President advised her to look over the Kentucky field. MOTHERS HIT AT MORMONS National Congress Declares Church -Power Contrary to Law. - WASHINGTON, May , 2. Declaring I that wherever the Mormon organiza tion controls, the church is in undis puted possession of all political power and contsary to the Federal Constitu tlon, the National Congress of Mothers, before closing its loth annual session tonight, adopted resolutions urging legislation to eliminate polygamy, re- I ommending constitutional amendment giving. Federal Jurisdiction over the crime of polygamy and protesting against the acceptance of the battle ship Utah of the silver service bearing the representation of Brigham Toung. Other resolutions urge parents to formassociatlons for child study, urge laws prohibiting the intermarriage of feeble-minded and degenerate persons, denounce the use of soothing syrups and "medicated soft drinks," and thank President Taft for his fight against the white slave traffic. Taft Not Coming to Pacific. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Mav 2. President Taft has ad vised Senator Bourne that his Summer, plans do not include a visit to Alaska or the Pacific Coast. He will not be able to visit the Astoria celebration. STATESMEN VIE IN WHISKERS DEBUTE Which Is Worse, Bald Head or Beard ? MOOTED QUESTION UNDECIDED 'Uncle Joe' Cannon and 'Nick' Longworth in Opposition. CARTER AND TAYLOR TALK Lawmakers With Shiny Domes and Those With Facial Foliage Try to Convince Press Club In Wash ington by Argument. WASHINGTON, Say 3-Whether whiskers aVe a greater detriment to man than a bald head is still a mooted ques tion. Four of the ablest men in public life debated the subject before the Na tional Press Club here tonight. The bout was under Marquis of Queensberry rules, and when the bell rang the referee threw up his hands in despair. The baldheaded side of the question was in the hands of Senator Taylor, of Tennessee, and Representative Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio. The "chin curtains" found their champions in ex-Senator Carter, of Montana, and "Uncle Joe" Cannon, of Illinois. Messrs. Taylor and Longworth entered the ring amid cheers. Their hairless domes sparkled beneath the radiance of myriad electric lights. Senator Carter and "Uncle Joe" cannon came with their whiskers combed for the fray. The shouts that greeted them were deafening. Wiley Is Timekeeper. Dr. "Pure Food" Wiley, of the De partment of Agriculture, was chosen as timekeeper, and each contestant was al lowed ten minutes. Scott C. Bone rep resented the Press Club as referee dur ing hostilities, but gave way to Speaker Clark, at the end. Representative Longworth, the first speaker, said he did not believe that a hair on the head was worth two on the chin. Neither was he willing to assume y that a bald head provided he should be considered bald was in any sense a handicap, either in public or in private life. Mr. Longworth asserted that on his birthday every man has a choice be tween hair and brains. His choice, he said, was apparent. "The condition of the disputants on the other side is utterly inexcusable," asserted Mr. Longworth. "In olden days whiskers were excusable they were sworn by but nowadays they are only sworn at. Whiskers Held Inexcusable. 'There is no excuse for such whis kers as those that adorn the chin or chest of the ex-Senator from Mon tana. I claim that whiskers are un sanitary and I appeal to the timekeeper to uphold me." Senator Carter was Introduced as 'Exhibit A" for the whiskers. ' "No man," said he, "ever voluntarily wore a bald head. A bald head is an affliction, a standing Joke, a physical infirmity. We pity but do not blame our opponents." Senator Carter insisted that the beard" was the real thing. . "No fair maiden," he said, "ever feared a promise from a bearded man. The beard Is a badge of manhood. The bearded man needs only opportunity. The first man to cut off beards was Alexander the Great. Measure of Warfare Brutal. It was a brutal measure of warfare to 'prevent antagonists from seizing the soldiers by the beard. Let us all wear beards and there will be no more warfare in this troubled world of ours. VThere is another thing about the bald-headed man. He goes naturally to prison without previous preparation. The subject is ready for the work. It takes some trouble to prepare a beard ed man for that unfortunate habita tion." Senator Taylor, Introduced as an ivory-pated Moses of the Tennessee Democracy," said that when Mr. Can non was Speaker of the . House, he shook pestilence and war from his hor rid beard. He dwelt upon the nobility of the bald peaks of the mountains and the bald heads of the American eagles circling about them in the atmosphere. Coming down to bald facts, Mr. Tay lor added: "Once I had raven tresses," said the Senator, wistfully, "but like Autumn leaves they left me. Ever since I lost them I hve had a horror of hair and supreme contempt for whiskers. On the other hand. I have always admired a bald head as a symbol of purity and Innocence." 'Uncle Joe" Cannon said he had never been funny in his life at least not con sciously so and quoted from a writer who recently was in Turkey and who said the saddest man he found in the empire had a bald head. He was the harem guard. When Speaker Clark was called up to settle the dispute, he insisted Tlhat a majority of men no longer wear whisk ers, because they were all trying to look like W. J. Bryan. He rather rapped the whiskerltes when he said a good-looking m-D could afford to have a smooth face, while an ugly one had better keep his beard. "Observe, gentlemen," he concluded. "that I have a smooth face." Hi 1 07.2