the aronyryG QREGpyiAy, Tuesday, may 2, 1911. flr"Nni,r T,partment Now Located on 5th Floor-Complete New Stocks of jggmer Fiction at Reasonable PrW ggpfl Club Pian.OO at ParchaseSlToO a Week-No Interest Charge K.rmi' Music TO-1 ' : TZrTTTT? WANK'S ImEIEB & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S A a w a aaaawt - - miii .an m m w jjx J 1 i L . j day Rosebrook's Orchestra in the I Ktf' K lEMleler -(& Frank's Moisster (-ij lili es Kiiiim " I I T,... Mai ir-fn ;: .rMt A I enrh( I J&ZZR WksSmims. U MAIN BUILDING 1 II yra SMS. I ERECTED -1698 1 i saE u-wj rM3 3 w m saw i en- I II I w HI I r M I l 1 T-l WWW BJ 1 1 HI M M 1 1 ',.lr,Trr J-Ui,U Ar I MssaBaBaftftBMnMnji9slaft!lBaBWBBnaar t m a M l rvi f m ERECTED - 1909X RESTAURANT ROSEBROOK'S famous Ileilij The ater Orchestra will play the 'Kr miss" Paaeo Music today in our big 7th floor Restaurant, including selections from "The Hungarian Dances," "The Seasons," "The London Chappies," "The Gondoliers," and others. Splendid la carte menu prompt service. Teache Teachers' European Travel Contest rs Sent to Paris or London acker Sent to Chicago and New York r to Oregon Beach for a Month -TMtOAI center to circumference, the whole city has taken up this unpre V c n0,n TV,v,i PoTifPsf for Public School Teachers the fea- CL'ULULCU, JJUiVWtou J-am v " . . t 1 X w J a -rt f ture of our monster 55th Anniversary Sales, Tvincn oegan yebieiuajr , r, j i. e T-QCnTvio anrl in ri o-ht-hand section below we XnOUSanciS UI ulcs ncic j , o - . publish the names of candidates among various schools who have entered the con test! We will send to either London or .fans, an expend pt UN CONTEST UNDER DIRECTION ur JohnT. Carroll, Manager and Editor, Evening Telegram. . 0. C. Leiter, City Editor, The Morning Oregohian. J. L. Travis, News Editor, The Oregon journal. One Teacher From West Side One Teacher From the East Side er in Oregon Outside City The contest began yesterday, May 1, and will close the night of June 17. v -it. a :n -t-;Vi oil .ocVi n-r prpnir Tvnrcnases 01 Olt'S UC " r- " . - j l Uoll-fo nro Tinmrtprpfl in multimes 01 0 .-. . ii ? o- -oil fnT. vnfps; Tiurcnases ot . . n r Krt fnc. mitp1isps nf fifip. to hoc. 7a votes: rjur- chases of 86c to $1.10, 100 votes, and so on in corresponding mul tiples. And two principals of schools to be appointed by the City Superintendent of Schools. ' Retain your duplicate sales-checks and present them at booth for the ballots. Ballots to be voted at a large booth, located on main floor. Each ballot bears a date, five days ahead, and may be voted at the booth at any time until store-closing time of the final date of validity. Anniversary Sale of $25 to $35Suits,$17.95f5 1 .r-n nV WAIT.. - MFIER A ra-ISK-S-SECOXD TLOOK. O CORES of these smart lauorea ouiis T""" O small women went to our Anniversary c """ J ' terday-but plenty more left for today ! A lucky New York purcua.e oi . ---- - a iuckj a c iariT to sell nnder S2o, $23 and $J0. wnch u.n , ; . RtrictIv AC $5.00 to $7.00 New Spring Skirts $3.35 Dozens of brand new models in tweeds and mannish gray mixtures. Separate Skirts splendidly worth $o to $7. Plain flare and plaited effects of the close-fitting tvPe-tfQQC Vivn rl.rU'h Annivprsarv Sale 1000 Rich Silk Dresses Bought just for our Great 55th Anniversary Sales! 1000 ex quisite new Spring and Summer Dresses of Foulards, llessalines and Swiss Batistes, in scores of latet models. Look 'at these savings K H7v -ill $15.00 tn $16.50 Silk Dresses $9.98 $25.00 to $30.00 Silk Dresses $18.25 $40.00 to $75.00 Silk Dresses $27.45 25c and 35c Neckwear, 16c MEIER FTIAJTK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. TIME after time yesterday crowds blocked our main aisle, so intent were women on se curing a share of the exquisite 25c and 35c Neckwear, the Great 55th Anniversary Sales offer at 16c! Tsw Maude Adams Embroidered Laundered Collars, also wide range of lovely lace-trimmed Eabats and Point de Venise Jabots. Real 25c and 35c Neckwear, for our 55th Anniversary Sale at only, each Special Today 9 to 11A.M. Only 6c Maude Adams Linen Collars, that were sold yesterday at 15c. New low shape, all in vogue for Summer wear. Of best 3-ply linen q. From 9 to 11 A M. today, only 17 C Women's 50c Silk Gloves all new pure silk with guaranteed double finger tips. Make famous the coun try over at 50c. Two-clasp style, in black, white, colors. From oy 9 to 11 A M. today, only JC Anniversary Sale Toilet Goods Well-Known Articles Greatly Reduced MEIER FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. THINK of buying 25c cans of Dr. I. W. Lyons' Tooth Powder at 11c, 25c cakes of "Woodbury's Facial Soap at 10c, and hundreds of other articles almost as sensationally low ! Of course, we must restrict quantities, to protect ourselves against dealers, as many items are below wholesale cost. Come toaay I 10c Jap. Rose Glycerine Soap at 7 M. & F. Special Soap, dozen 23 50o Pozzoni's Face Powder at 29 New Lemon Quince Cream for 25? 25c Espey's Fragrant Cream at 1G $1.35 Bed Rubber Water Bot. 98 50c Good Bristle Hair Brushes, 28 $1.50 bottles of Oriental Cream 98c 50c bottles of Robertine, only 29c 35c bottles Fletcher's Castoria, 19c 50c Java Rice Powder at only 29c 25c Graves' Tooth Powder for 12c 10,000 Yards 12V2C and 15c Dress Ginghams, 9c MEIER FRAKS FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL STANDARD grades of Dress Umgnams sold tne world over at 12Vc and 15c a yard. Hundreds of the prettiest new patterns for Spring and Summer wear. "We bought fa 10,000 to sell in the Great 55th Anniver- sary Sales at thisvery low price, the yard To 15c a Yard Percales for 9c And 8000 yards of staple 12Vse and 15 Tercales in all the new liirlit patterns for men's shirts, women s and chil-Of dren's dresses. The chil- yard 35c Check Mulls for, Yard, 15c Dainty mercerized rh--Jt Mulls, that 11" make the prett'est sort of Summer frocks. All col ors. Over 1000 yards of 1 3oe quality to go at only Anniversary Sale Linens, lu Off MEIER FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR ORDER BT MAIL. UR Great Do th Anniversary Kales bring tne once-in-years opportunity of buying any article in our stock of fine Table Linens at less actual marked price I All the elegant, plain and fancy Cloths for round and square Tables. Banquet Cloths, Luncheon Cloths all with beautiful Napkins to match. Cloths, $5 to $100, go at $3.75 to $75. Napkins, $5 to $40, go at $3.75 to $30. - Everything in this enormous line at V4 Off 7, i - 11 ill of "iRjirtM ' i s, $2.50 Bolts of Nainso'k $1.98 Full 12-yd. original pieces ' fine, soft-finished Nain- Dok or Lonecloth, sold re- nlarlv at $20. t QQ On sale at only V'0 25c White Batistes at 15c Fine sheer White Batistes, in great demand now for all Summer garment uses. Reg ular 25c quality, 40 1 C inches wide. Yard Our Basement Bargain Square Sale of Sample Lace Curtains MEIER A FRAXK BASEMEAT. ORDER BT MAIL. OVER 5000 Sample Single Lace Curtains, white or ecru, 2 to 12 of a rattern. Out today at these crowd-bring ing Anniversary Sale prices: 50c to $1 Single Curtains at 29c $1.25 to $1.50 Curtains, ea. 48c $1.75 to $2.50 Curtains, ea. GG6 $3.00 to $3.80 Curtains, ea. 89c FIFTY-FIVE years under one name; one manage ment; one broad, relentless policy of fair, honest merchandising that's the honorable achievement of which The Meier & Frank Store is duly proud! There are still several old inhabitants of Portland who can remember the May in 1857, when Aaron Meier first opened the doors of that little, modest store down on Front street. . From the beginning, there was that ever-dominating policy of fairness and satisfaction which today has carried the name of Meier & Frank to the farthest corner of this great Northwest that has made it possible to transact business clear to the Ha waiian Islands, to Alaska, to California, Montana, Idaho, Wash ington. Service ! Honesty ! The famous guarantee of perfect satisfac tion in each and every transaction or your money back 1 We cordially invite our thousands of patrons in Portland and r nai-t nf tiA Xm-tTiwpst to hp.ln tis celebrate our 55th Anni versary this month. Savings of most compelling type have been provided on every kind of timely, wanted merchandise for Spring and Summer. Read below come! The Votes Cast Yesterday latest feS Tmch MIm B. CatUn , Kate Cahulin Anna Rogers Mary Fnulee Kate Kinsley Mary Millard Christine McConnell. Lelah Nelson C. A. Barnes Francis' Harris Beatrice Famo Carrie E. Hunt C. M. Krumveln Alice Monro Hannah O. Schloth. . . Mabel Tanbenheimer. Miss i- Llnbocker... Hattie B. BUllncs. . . Miss C. Murphy V (1 Porter Emma Klrkpatrlck. Celeste Alhln Gertrude Orrathouse. ernon urMon . . . OUve Halllngby.. Martha StruCkleT. Sarah Allen Vera Redman &aza Jones Sir. I. M. Allahands Adelyn Hammond. . . Wlnfred Hanley Helen Fetsch School. .Hawthorne . ... Ladd .Ladd .Kerns .Ladd .Shattack .Lincoln Hleh., .Davis .Lincoln Hish., .Conch Holman .ScUwood .Wash'tn Hlh. .Eliot .Wash'tn High. Sellwood ...... Ladd Hawthorne Highland .Falling ...t... . Woodlawn .. . , Sellwood X'hapman ,8haver ........ .Thompson ... ..Glencoe ...... .Chapman . . .. . Glencoe ...... .Highland .... . Lewellyn .... . Shaver .Highland .... .Clinton Kelly. Vote. .S10O .3050 ..600 .2050 .2825 .8835 .2525 .2585 .2525 .2525 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 ..2500 .1850 .1500 .1500 .1100 .1025 .1025 .1025 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 . 625 . 600 . 525 . 525 .. JS25 . 500 . 600 Teacher School. Mrs. L. D. Thomas. ..Eliot Emma Whitney Union. Or. Nora W. Webb Brooklyn . Miss Dimmlck Arleta .... Ethelyn Hablghorst. ..Stephens . Irene Bay Hell wood . Gertrude Ortb OJavls .... Mrs. K. A. Watson... Kerns Grace DeGraff . Winifred Hayes Uie FawceU. Miss L. Dunlap. .. ..Ladd ...Wash 'to High . . .Arleta ..Conch Miss F. Bollam .Peninsular .... Miss K. Armltage Washtn High. Margaret Monks Portsmouth Lillian Tingle Wash'tn High. Ruth E. Bounds .Lincoln High.. Ethel L. Slusser Ockley Green. Madge 0"Conner Falling Emma Klenon Clinton Kelly. Eva Josenh Helena Hunason.. Carolyn Bateon . . . 1.1 tie Cake Mary I. Donohoe Alice Porothy. Buckman ..Chapman ..Vah'tn High .Shattuck Shattni'k .. ..Chapman Olive Missamore Clinton Kelly. Keda Gist YamhUl. Or... Winifred Hawley.. .Highland .... DeUa Bluhn ..Arleta May L Ruthbm Jiunnyslde .... Elphe K. Smith Ladd Mabel Nixon Thompson ... Vote. . 500 . 450 ..225 ,. 225 . 500 . 200 . 175 . 150 . l.-.o . 125 . 125 . 125 . 125 . 125 .. 125 . 125 . 100 .. 100 . . 100 .. 100 . . 100 .. 100 , . 100 . . 100 , . loo .. 100 . 75 .. 60 ,. 25 .. 25 .. 25 ,. 25 .. 25 To $8 Handbags, $4.98 METER FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. ENUINE reduction for our erreat 55th Anniversary Sales today on finest $7.50 and $8 Real Leather Handbags in all the newest shapes and styles ! Fine, suede, moire, black and colored satin, red leather and other sorts that fashion has armroved this season. All have imported frames -in gilt or gun- metal finish. Reg. $7.50 and $8 Handbags, at -in gut or gun- $4.98 $5 Gold-Filled Bracelets, $2.49 Half price is the Anniversary Sale reduction today on fine Gold-Filled Bracelets in beautiful etched designs, all with secret catch and lock. Plain band patterns, so popular this season. Every one absolutely warranted satisfactory. d0 Regular $5 Bracelets, Anniversary Sale price only Jfci.i7 Anniversary Sale Umbrellas $20,000 Worth for About ,$14,000 MEIER FRAXK'S FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. OUR enormous stock of guaranteed Umbrellas tor men, women and children goes into the Great Anni cersary Sales today at sensationally-reduced prices! Guaranteed rain-proof materials on best Paragon frames. All styles of handles. $1.25 and $1.50 Umbrellas today for 93c $2.00 and $2.25 Umbrellas today for $1.69 $2.50 to $3.50 Umbrellas today for $1.87 $4.00 to $5.00 Umbrellas today for $2.79 $5.50 to $6.50 Umbrellas today for $3.29 All $7.50 to $20 Umbrellas at HALF PRICE