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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1911)
V KT-AL ESTATE. "Vac bale Hm a. (ASK Bafane tSS p-r month. th no rent, mp f lha naateet little hnmM fin Broad way itrwt 1m Irvinston today. This bouea i only months o:a and tonrmfniy ma rm la vry rvspect. Ha A fin room, racapuon room. livir.g-room, dtntng-room, TKjtch kitchen. b4roma, sawlng-room. den. sleeping porch, berk and front port-he: In facL everything het you eould poeslblv as for. We ere asking n:r t. fr thla Ikiim which ia at 1 . 1IO.W1 V.U acluil valua. I "oTn a In ana 11 is prov our aaeeri ln and If thla bMM do got fill lha bill hav mora la tha aura local'ty. F. K. TAIL'R CO.. r48 Lewis Bldg, ia and Oak Sta BARGAIN. IRVINGTON nOMF. At 824 East ISth street North. en tha Ir?io(Cni carilne. a block and a ha'f from th Lroadway line. Bufltrn m-roem hoa, furnace, bathroom. and lctrtc flxtur- vuhtua, cement ealiar floor, woodilft, double boarded housa, fln residence location for Irving ton. Pr'.c below anything In that auction, phone Cast 93 or niatcii and Sunday East 72a. W w AN 11? PL 15TH X. Eul 5:i. C 14. haa a IJi.soe bom fir vtuc&i lea a. larva room. Inmc cintng. mmta and Mraatlnll ha.L all finished in caoica Eastern oak. no stairs, $ larv bedrooms, both fioora splendid work In eak. u pa tain doors ail oak. wooawora in Imoorted animal. kitchen large. and wood ra.r. a v ary tqalpmcnt. bom moat modern throughout: no deiauiaa miuiui- uoa ovar to phon. So Agents. TWO T-roo 1 bouses on East lth at. North, two blocks aou'h of Albarta cirlln: built two rear. In flrst-clas condition: cement basement, pantry, nice bath, all rooma larca and usat. ui rio'nr borhood. 3 block to einool. Prlc $JO-o: 14 cash, baianca aoar monthly paymanta. OOWA.N-1DK IKLST CO. Ground Floor Lumbermen Bldg. tVth and Stark Mi O'MNO TO BflLD? WB DJ-SION' ARTITi'" HOrE. AND MIKE NO CHAIl'IKJ FOR PLANS IF we pun. p. it will pay to s-kk u IF TOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THS RESIDENCE OR APARTMKNT FOK TuU. OIH HU-LTATlu.S la luLK fBO- Twrio.v. la. R. TtAILTtT CO.. : ABl.VOIOX BLDO. ROSi-; CITV I'ARK. $10 MUXTHLT. T roorr.a. lot i"al". ImproTamanta ta and paid: all tha hjill-la ronn:ncaa; fill baamrnt. ate. National Hralty Truat Co.. 3-S W"ahlntoa It, room tld. t-bona aialn slatu. T.K MB BKFORB TOU PCII-D. WHt-.RE I lll!Lr 1 WILL LOA wriNF.T AT A LOW RATE OF I.NTF.RE.-T WITH NO HROKKRA;S Ftrj ANU NO CHAKOE Fl R PLAN.. I H E CLI ENTaJ WHO WILL LliA.--B APAKTMENT9 AND WAKRHOCSS4. IF VOL' HA VS A LOT 81-ITAJlLE I CAN IAa.iS VOU A SOOD PROHV.--ITION. z k-Ji.-KE. .JHEXRT EL DO. fHRRB actraettva naw 5-room modarn eot tairaa on fcaal loth at.. - block to car. 10 minutaa to town. Improva.nrnta a.l In and paid. llouaaa bow balna plaatarad. and Ha ba flnlanad to aul buyar. J' ara nnuanillr awall cottaaaa frtr l.u-A amall caan paym-nt. ta.anca moatbljr. ;oWa.v-ile tmlst co . Ground Floor Lumbarmana ia.dg. Bth and Mark Xta i;o CASH. WALKINO DlilAXCE. 2S Tnon:a:y. "tr,s-. - . 4-mora bur.alow. baia. toiiat. 80-Toot lot. fruit Uaa. garden and lawn; prlca TETSCH WITWFR. tli Hoard of Tr-t '.a. Main 21S2. A li.'.ik UJO. TERMS. Modern and attrai-tlv e-roo-n dwalllr en Cla. kamaa at., naar E. 'Itiih: lot 13; ary Una location; horoa practtr:r naw and vary aitra--tiva: arrant.-.l. pri'-a with atraat Improvainanta ail pa.d. t v.k Good tarma. MCAHOAR. HATES LIVELY. Sol Yon tiHi. Il- CARU to raaponalbla paopla only: mr baautietil a-room, ator-r-and-balf buncalow, iuil2H lot. ana Tlfjw. furnac. avrry fm vrnl"nc: aaa It and ba convlnrad; Hmw thoma dlatrlct. JU E. 54th at : prica .. paymanta f4o monthly. Inciu llnt intareaL PETSTll WITHER. ilH ItoArd of Ma:n slii A lyj. IRVINOTOS 1I'"ME. $S73'1. T-room houaa. ona ba- k from itroaj wit rarllnaa. faclna aaat. two flraplanaa. hot watar bait, aaapina porch. hardwoid floors. S'.ranao-ln auramt'r klccnan; all straet lmproTamn'i ara in and paid rur. H. V. PALMER-JUNE.-1 CO., Zi:-:i3 Commarcial Club l ldf. Phones Main Si.o. A -'VT.J MT. TABOR. Why pay SI-vO for a small horns when yon can aat fir tha aam price a irood e-room house with 2 a-rcs lanfl. null Itun water, lsrfa barn. chicken-houaa. tool houaa. 'o baaut:ful P.oyal Anna cherry trees in full boaiinr. paara. prunaa. ar!s and other fruits? bheehy Bra., 13i near Washington. 8WISi PC NO A LOW. Flna T-room bungalow. 4 bed rooms, hot water hat. fireplace, doubly cor.etructed. finely finished, auto garage, lot 4?vS4. east front, street Imsroyeinents paid; prlca iiTOO-. 'i-o caab. t?o par montb; on S. th at.. Brooklyn Heighta CP.l'?I V 7. A HOW. 31T Board of Trade bid?., ath and Oak. OR SALE fi -room bouse ta ml" Tabor Heighta. 1 bhx-k south of Hawthorns car. on &7th at.: ronarc-ed with tevor, full basamant. cement f'a-r. furnice. s'ectric Tights, gas. Dutch kitchen, bui'.t-ln buffer flrep:acr. back and front stairs, stairs to attic. A complete house for $-4000, aioi,0 rash. Inquire of owner across tha straet or phone Tabor 881. V-ROOM story aAd a half cottage, butlt on bungalow style. In Irvlngton district. Haa e.eeplng porch, ftranlaca. doubia construc tion throughout, basement. Lot Cg l'H aas front, choice locality. Prica only I4i00. tlO cash. Kalnnca to nlv OOWAN-1DK THIST CO. Orouad alo-tr Lumbarmana Hide. XZlrKTNTE IuCZtTEXTIOM. New. atrictly modern n-ro-.m housa. flna location and every convenience, near & cent car. building restrictions, 3uglo. bearing fruit traea Owner must sell. No reasonable offer refrscd. No commission. C5in wiil handla. baianca 13 a month. J Qregonian. pav) FOR a new 5 -room bungalow. H block from car. $"00 ciaX balance terma 93000 for an 8-room bungalow. 2 blocks from car. larga rooms, all modern, $u0 Cash, baianca terms. II LAN CHAR I) A CLEMSON. 04 flx;h l-t. WHT PAT KENT. Wa will aeil you a homo and yon can pay for it on easy montMv payments: our housea Include furaa.-e. fisturea. hardwood floors, snades, ale. Provident In vestment A Trustee Cow. ;Kl-2uJ Board of Trade. Owners. liiii E. Taylor" T-room housa. on lot 4-vl". good local ity, near S-S car: pn.-e t-'luo, easy terma, merchants savin. h a trl-st COilTAN Y. WALNUT PARK HOM E Eicluslya district. 7 rooms. s:tping porch. modern, new, beautiful fre, near T rarllnes. h school snd irin.nir; furnished or tinfurrtlrhed; $4ja beiow value. Owner, llba Rodney eve. Phone C 1674. a-ROOM bouse, sleeping rorch. fireplace, oak fioora. shower baia. full lot; -i minutes' ride; a. furnace. beaut:ful lighting fix tares, eti. etc uwner Wl.l sa.r.rice lldi If fl :: caa la paid. Worm HHi. S 3S. Oregon Ian. looto NEW. modem six-room house, larga recepttop. hall, attic and sleeping porch, faring on one of the Le.iutilui rarka in Uiiai Addition. limit lor ownra usa. Phone owner. East &I04. (MA LL house and lot, two blocks from-Kern psrk stsiioo: three-room hioca .ir.d lot. Reservoir rark. Mr. n.v:t ear. :. i.wner on premises, SM y,b. at.. Arista. Easy terma f4Siei. PORTLAXn HKI'JHT-i (iowniy r.-si-denca. good view, a rooms and attic; alt modern improvements, far 3 blocks from tar. Price.'. Call for further pjr tlcularaat dtip!dlnbldg. A (KAP IKKW. walking dla'anca. comer lot. 4-ronro new home, Hoiladas Add.. 97.M cash. baL l?3 per moa. bc Jaa C. Lo a n . ! p a Id in b i d g. BT OWNER Molern a-room bouse, on Fast Coucb St.. Between K Ultk snd E. lain; two cirilO'f. let oOiIotl. terma. Call all E. Couch SL Phone E.iat 4 TOo. ILZIO 5-ROOM cottage with bath. BdalOO lot. feacad. straa berries, fruit, vary aasy te.-ms; Mt. Hcott car, CELLARS-VI V ETON CO.. gJS Taoa bldg. 1473.1-IRVI.V.ITON hom. numiT East -h. near Halaey. rented till scpu 1 at 1 15 per month. - CELLARS-MI hTON CO . ---5 Yeon bldg. iTsd'e-MuUEHN T-room housa. bath.alec trtc lhts. cement basameut. terms If de al red. T ass art. 41a Chamber af Com merce. tlX-ROOM bungalow, new, modern! naar Favtooma. light flxturaa and shvdas In eluded, terma lika rent. Owner. Phooa B S-J, BT OWER ft-roora modem bungalow, 1100 rash, bsUaaoa Ilka ranL Pbona Sail wood lata. REAL ESTATE. For nala Haossa HOMES ON EAdY PAIMLNTi Pli-room house, two gtorles, all modern, east front, beautiful lot. many shade raea, block from car; straet Improvement paid) new. ready for occupancy; $W cash, bal ance monthly paymanta. PrXOALOW, S rooms, larga attic. Bra place, furnace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, hardwood Boors; east front; all street Improvements paid; haif block from car; $o down, baianca on monthly pay manta. Tha ana that was In thla spaca was old on April -S- Fig rooma. two-story, sonar house. Just being completed; oak floors, flreplaca. Iiulch kitchen, burtet. all other modern conveniences; 209 feet from carllna; !4uO cash, baianca monthly paymanta. On of th uncompleted housea aold April We hav saversl other hoasea and bun galows which will ba completed soon; let us show them to you befur you buy. PROVIDENT IXVFSTMENT TRUSTEE COMPANY. SOL JOJ Board of Trade Bids. Marshall 473. A lo-'i PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Owner oflera lor sal splendid new Heights raaidenc: strictly modern. 6 large airy and well-lighted bedrooms, aiao a Sleeping porches with draestng-rooma, mir ror, doora. living-room L'ox:t4. with larga fireplace, dining-room 2ox-. beautifully paneled, large nrep.aca and buffet, larga kitchen, pass pantry, tiled sink, cool cup board, etc; paneled billiard-room and den, cathedral beamed and rustle fireplace; wine cellar and fruitroom; lovely screened dining porch and large porch of from Lv log-room; 2 complete bathrooms, 3 toi lets, ft lavatories, harlwoosi floors, 2 wood-lifts, wood, coal anl clothe chut, roomy cloeeta. 2 lot, driv-we. garage, loveiy native treea. everrthlng that make for attractiveness and comfort. A se cluded location, beautiful surroundings price only 14 0. Can arrange teimgL HENRY r. PRCTtHOMMK, Ownr. vl Spalding Hidg. x PEAI-TIFt'L HOM 71 HAWTliltNlO AVE. Reduced for quick aala to $7000. This new snd elegant 10-room housa Is Just completed, haa a flna large reception tialL. a full-length alttlng-room, with fire place and hardwood fioora, 0 large bed rooms; bath, aleeplng porch, fully equipped with cloacis and every modern convenl erce; Dutch kitchen, cooling closets, wood lift, full cement basement, cement laundry trays, furnace, fireplace up and down stairs. The woodwork, tinting and shadsa ail harmonise most beautifully. If you want tha best for the money, ask to sea this: lot t"xl2'A north facing. Can (is liberal terma HAWTHORNE REALTT CO.. Cor. a4fh and Hawthorn ara. labor 61& b :t7. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUPIVELT. T-room housa. rant'nf for I3S per month. FOR NOTHING: buy og 21S oa Spring, worth 110.000. for f&H. and hous will b thrown In. Modem. 7 rooms, near Ford-street bridge, built for home, beautiful view, t minutes' walk to Washing ton. (7300. Htytlah residence. 1 very laxg rooms, attic; city Tlew; avery con venience, il5,Sse. t rooms, up to tha mlnut. S lota, view of Mount Hood and rtver. j.ioo. ft rooms, comer lot. walking dis tance. KCS0. 7 -room bungalow, splendidly built. Many others; homes all parts of Heights from J ::."' to 150.000. Malu 1S51. BROOKE. A til. tloO CASH. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. 5-room, story-and-half bungalow; hav It finished to suit yourself; fireplace, laun dry tras and averyihlng completa; wO f oot lot. PRICE $3000. PETSCIf A WtTWER. MS Hoard of Trade. .Main 1'1X A IRVINOTON HOME. 30O. PrantX new and ready for occupancy, 8 rooma. hardwood floors, hsndaome wood work, lighting flxturca complet. furnsca, 2 erep'.aces, full oemsnt basaraent. large attic, face east, on carllna. lot 3xli0 feet. hvd-surCac pavement; Dries 80000, terma IL P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 211'-21S Commercial Club lildg. Phone Xlain su'j'a a 20iJ. $350 CASH slvea you Immediate poasession of S - roo m modern up-to-data bungalow In Haathorne district; haa all the mod ern conveniences, such as Dutch kitchen, rtreplsca. built-in buffet, laundry traya. cement basement and floors. paneled dining-room, cement walks around th huuae, etc., balanc $2s.'o liko rent. Par-tl-ulara. Western Iuveatment Co., 411 Board of Trs de. A LB IN A ITOCSE. 8 rooms, on lot &xl00 feet, eloo to Rus sell et. and Wll'.liuns ave. : stable; rents for 2i per month; prlc $40vo, terma ? cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 2111-213 Commercial Club Midg. I'hone Main bU1. A 2003. tlrtiMi 5.ROOM house and lot. on East JUh street. S block from car; cement side walk, bearing fruit treea berries, rosea and shrubs; $400 cash, baianca (15 a, month. Marshall 863. &HA1X psyment down, balance monthly, buys naw borne, Irvlngn, re.-tly for oc cupancy. Furnu.ce. fixtures, window slaadea, full cement basement, i'bon owner. East .tad. Main 674. $5'0. " House and lot 4oal00. worth J7oco. at Kern Park. Inqulr of W. W. Wood. 1M Madison. A COMPLETELY furnished house on Falling street. 4J:. If taken this week, i'hon Woodiawn 67ft. FOR SALE by owner. T-room house. 2 blocks car. $-0 m out h. A S f-'J. Qregonian. llnalneaa Property. HERE M A GOOD BUY. 8 lots, 114xli0. corner of Going at., occupied by a new modern store building and new fi-room strictly modern bunga low: flae location for a grocery or general etore; especially suitable for man and wife: on account of sickness owner will sell for 8-4-40O. terms on part. LOOK AT 772 OUSAN FT. $3500 cash, remainder on time, buy ai fine apartment site, ooxliki. on Gtisan St.. near 20d: Improvemente all In and oaid! 1 need money and will sell far beiow tha market price. Thla la a choice location to invest, and ail I grow In value vary rapidly. E. J. GE1SER. S21 S Morrison st. 137310 ACRE?! J37i 10 acres of th best "radahot" Soil, fre from rock and all tillable, southern ex posure; running water, aboundant wood, school and county road; mall and telephone lines: only two hours from Port land: soil, elevation and dralnar right for fruit : nothing better or cheaper on the market. Remember, $37.50 an acre. PALMER. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th SL SMALL CHICKEN RANCH. 1 Mocks from or carllne, $ blocks from another: . blocks from city school; .l-room bouae; gsrdcn planted: chicken-hous and chicken-yard: about 60 chickens; $00 cash handlca IL PACIFIC N.-W. DEVFLOPMENT CO., 40.1 (-ouch bldg. lo 4tn St.. nr. Waah. st 7h ACRES' In WlTlamett VaTlc y, one m ifa from good town and railroad. Thla la a small trsrt proposition. Hundreds of acres In Immediate vicinity were recently sold out In amall fruit tracta at $100 to $Jo0 per acre, our price only $40 per acre. e CO WEN -IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermen Bldg. $ tooOMR cr tracts, close In on West Side, th vry beet garden land, no rock or gravel, wood rnourh to last a family 30 years: there is nothing: on tha msrket so desirable: H rash, balanc $10 monthly. ij tin. ur..niiiaii. ONE ACRE. 1 acre with good modem hens and all kinds of trait In the city of Mllwaukls, prlca lOOW: will sxchanga for farm. GRCSSI at ZADOW. 317 Board of Trad Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 1 ACRE Comfortable house, small fruit and bairrtee: cloee to ator-e, in view of Ultm Electric: only 0u. $300 down, bnl. easv terms. F.STL R N L AND CO.. 241 4 Stark PL FOR SALE -Tin acres logged-orf land. 10 miles from Forest Grovs; good fruit land, $12 per acr. Addraaa Buz 45L Foreat Grove. Or. ACRE AOS HOME. Flna acreage bom for aala In Oak Orove; $4300. W 48, Oregonlan. ACREAC1B and farms, from $1X30 psr aora up: large and small tract. Call Klnnef etampber. 831-8 Lumbar Exchangs bldg. REAL E5TATE. Acreage. ACREAGE. . Tracts of one-half t 20 aero each. In tha valley Just west of Council Crest; the very best of soli, no rock, gravel or hill And splendid watar at 21 feeL W ha 4S people on thl tract thai have bought from two to four time acn of thla land: let ua refer you to them ror recommendation, both as to quality or soil and our treatment of buyers. vv ara the oldest and largest acreage firm In Portland. Tou ara safe when dealing with ua. A very small tract of thla highly fertll oil. located where you get consumer price for everything you produce, when 1 .-4 nnlnnl tl01Se- 1 11 ia iaia. . . , - . -. ---- radish, rhubarb, asparagus or poultry will beat any salary you over had and Is saj and surs and you are your own master. Independence and health for the sntlre lamuy. Both steam and electric 'cars, only 40 minutes rid from center of city; th tun nel win uiis to a mwaw Prices rang from $250 per scr up snd tipoa easy monthly payments; let us show this without expense to you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMTA1ST. 102 Fourth BL Main 83, A 8000, FLNE FRCIT RANCH. 10 acree of finest lsnd all under cultl yatlon. haa 7 acres of aasorted fruits In full bearing, berries of all kinds, haa good T-room house In good oondttlon, new bam and outbuildings, fin well and aounaance or water; piac ail icnceu, lies on good county road, joins small town, good schooL church, ate : 8 blocks from electrlo Una snd station and only 11 mllea from heart of Portland: this place I lo cated in a very pretty valley and Is a good buy. and anyone wanting a nlca horn with plenty of fruit and In on of th best sections of the country will buy this. Prlca $3700; terms. THOMPSON aV SWAN. I0 Rothchlld Bldg., Portland. Or., and tu and Main tits., V ancouver, v. asn. 40 ACRES. SACRIFICE. 1 miles from Portland. 1H miles from electric Una, 24 miles to boat landing and prosperous town; flne. deep, rich soil; soil thst will grow anything: has running water all year round; 2 good wells and 2 good springs, not a foot of wast land, no rocks. Me nicely; you can run m dairy farm or raise anything you wish on this place; acres in crop, o acres goon pas ture, balanc standing timber, 7 -room house. 3 -room cabin, lat-g barn, and other outbuildings: young team. cow. farm im plements, tools, etc.; enough grain for stock until harvest. K. e . L.. telephone, on main county road: H mile to school, church across road; this Is a sacrifice, as tha man owning this farm has loft and gone back to his old Job on the Sound, lesvlng hi wife, an ex-school teacher, to take car of th placa, 6ba Is now ready to rive up. Thla place can be had for $0000, $r.r,oo cash. CHAPIN HERLOW. (C) S32-83S Chamber of Commerce. DO TOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIOATE DURING THE DRT SUMMER. So that you can doubla or treble your yields? If so. get In on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley. Irrigated land. HARTMAN t THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Ask for Mr. Hartog. ) Branch office on the grounds at WEST STATTON. OR. Take 4:15 P. M. 8. P. train at Union Depot to Wast Btaytou via Woodburn. HARD TIMES. W do not antirlpate hard time to strike the Northa-cst during th next few years, but. If we should .have hard times th man that haa a 5 or 10-acr tract will not aufror. while th trad man in th city will sufler first. ACREAGE FROM $60 to $200. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., ' 03 Couch bldg. 109 4th St., nr. Wash. st. THREE acres. 20 minutes' rids from Haw thorn bridge, between 2ftth and -t'th ate.. Improved with good T-room house, fur nsca. good plumbing: faces 270 feet on improved street, cement walk. Han 120 bearing fruit trtea In -Jlrst-ciaaa condition. 1 4 acres of small berries, large garden filanted for this season. Can ba cut Into ots and sold at big profit. Half mils north (JL. Keed Institute one block from car. Price 8-O.O00. Will trad for farm In Willamette Valley. OOWAN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermen Bldg. ACREAOK $20 to $70 per acre; 2400 acre, subdivided Into 1.10 tracts of 3. 5. 10, 20. 80 to 100 acres each; best fruit and car dan land, deep soli, fine water, no rockl one hour's ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school in center of tract; good roads in front of every tracL Your chanc to get an ideal money-making home. Thes tracts sell oa sight to practical people. Call and make an early selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO, 410 Corbett Bldg. $40 PER ACRE. Fin land near Portland: small pay ment will put you in poasession; get In on the ground floor. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 4"3 Couch bldg. 109 4ih St.. nr. Wash, st. BEAUTIFUL tract of 21 acres, flv miles from Portland city Umlte. 1 mile from reilway station: best of berry land; will make Ona suburban homea and owner will subdivide to suit purchasers: price t-100 per acre or will trade for Portland In com property. Adoir Matthles. owner. 818 Union av. North. Phono Woodiawn 248L Portland. Oregon- CHICKEN and fruit rancrres near Portland; walking distance to good town; runnnlng water, beat soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia Rlvsr and snow jieaks: 2 acres (200: 8 acres $300, 10 seres $0o0, 20 acres O0: 10 per cent ciso, easy paymenle. FRANK rFAHLAND REALTY CO, 809 Yoon Bldg., Portland. 180 ACRES nine miles from The Dalles in th Mosier district, all nice level land. Ho acrea cleared, balance easily cleared. On main county road, partly fenced, good well on place. Prlc $30 per acre, or will trade for Portland vacant or Improved property. Inqulr of GO WAN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermena Bldg. TEN ACRES ON FOURTH ST. LINE. Twelve mllea west of Portland; all level and seeded to clover. Not a foot of waste land. $.oO cash, baianca aasy. Thla is a swsll little farm. GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. WASHINGTON ACRES. In 4 and S-acre tracts, flne cleared land, ready for planting, rlsht on the Orecon Electric line, at $3oo per acre; easy terms. There are Just 12 tracts left; nrat come, get th choice. Western Sec Co.. lt Spalding bldg. CITY acrea. near Mount Tabor, er. East SHtiO. phon own- llomeeleaoa. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book give amount of Government land open la homestead. In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and dsscrlptloa f sams; givss homvs;ead. deaert. Umber, stone, coal and mineral laws: two maps af Oregon In colors. 21x23, showing R. K. In operation, one showing all proposed H. R. snd electric lines, including Eeslsra snd Csntral Oregon. UOC each, or three 600. Map of Washington In colors, 21xH. 2oo Kliumo, Kunay A Co., Hamilton bldg. WE leave Wednesday at 9 A. Mon Ore gon Trunk R. R. with a party of Eastern people for Culver Junction. Central Ore gon. Come, Join us and secure a closa-ln homestead or a chance to locate In a booming town. Culver Townsll Co., 301 Buchanan bldg I60-ACRE homestead'rellnquishment. good land and 4.0OO.O0O feet flna timber; located near coast in Curry Co.; will sell very chesp. J. E. Smith. 818 Chamber of Com merce. For Sale Fruit Laaoda. WALNUTS AND APPLES. 8 and lo-acre tracta planted to walnut and applea; terms. Also 1122V. aorss cheap, all near Sbsrlrian. Yamhill County. N. W. LAND AND IMPKOVk.Uli.NT CO, Lon Williams. Mgr.. 482 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDQ. BIG BARGAIN 18.000 acres, naar railroad and steamboat. Northern California, grain and stock: Improved; 812.60 an acre, terma Writ C XL Woosier Company, T02 Market sL, Ben Francisco. SNAP A fine farm Hi mllea from depot, tool. Improvements, atock, crop etc. Com quick. KINNEY STAMFHFR. 621-3J Lmbr. Ex. Bldg. IN THE WILLAMETTB VALLET. Good homes at reasonable prices; for In formation, write th Farmers' Union, Amity. Yamhill County. Oregon; R. L Bos 100. TEN acra beat. Income-bearing Hood River orchard; close In, raaaonabl terms. Be B. Barker, ISO Front L RF.AL ESTATE. -Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER SNAP. 8480 per acre will buy ons of th best 20-acrs orchards In the well-known Hood River Valley If taken AT ONCE; NEARLY ALL In standard vaiietlea of apples, a good part In full bearing; also small fam ily orchard; good house, bam, outbuild ings, team. Implements and tools. Fin spring water In house: biggest bargsln ever offered. Produced almost 1S00 boxes of applea aaaaon 1910. and mora In aight this year. ' If you really want a place In th Hood River Valley, where you can hav a beau tiful home and become Independent rale lug apples, invaatlgat thl without da lay: $0oo cash, balance easv term. DEVLIN F1REBACGH. OoT Yeon Bldg. . . ATTENTION, REAL ESTATE MEN! WE HAVE JUST THE THING FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. WE NEED TOUR HELP. 10 PER CENT COMMIS SIONS. PRINTED MATTER FUR NISHED. ANSWER. GIVING NA11K AND ADDRESS. AR 4L OREGONLAN. REGAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing applea In th famous Hood River-M osier district, on our new plan. A amall cash payment will start you rtghL Call or writ for beautiful fre booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPANY, 007 Yeon bldg. 00 ACRES best Mosier sppl land, 5 acre clear, flne small house, furnished com plete; all fenced and cross-fenced. Apply owner, C. G. Dwlght, 170 North 18th st. For Sale Farms. BUY THIS FARii AND SMILE. Carefully read this ad, then If you want on of th best farms that money can buy, take a day oft and thoroughly InvestL guie this bargain. 70 acres, all cleared and Improved follows: . 10 acres In oats and vetch, seeded laat FalL 2 acres In alfalfa. 6 acres timothy. 8 acres in oats and vetch, seeded la March. 5Vi acres In potatoes. 1 acr In mangels and carrots. 1 H acres ready for kale. 1 acre garden and amall fruits as fol lows: strawberries, grapes, currants, goose berries, raspberries, asparagus, etc, bal anc of place used as pasture, sxcept six acres, which, are in lake. With this farm you get 1 bull. 12 head $100 cows, 8 horses. 2 sets work harness, 1 track wagon, plow, cultivator, etc.; ail tools necessary to farm, cream separator, and all dairy utensils, tiO range, heater, all furniture, etc Articles too numerous to mention. Place ready to make money day you buy it. New T-room plastered house, new bam and all necessary outbuildings, telephone In house. ... Located 22 miles from Portland, 1 mil to prosperous town, supporting G stores, bank, churches and large graded school; boat passes plac daily. 1 train each way daily to Portland. Seattle and way points; soil finest river bottom. 2 acrea tomatoes produced I13UO net last year. If you are a dairyman andsrant a farm to make money and can make a aubstan ttal payment, call and arrange to go either by boat or rail and look at this place. Price $11,000. We have an experienced dairyman In charge of our farm depart ment and he places the real valu of thla farm at much higher figure. CHAPIN it HERLOW, (C) 832-333 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL HOO AND DAIRT RANCH. ISO acres of fine soil, with 80 acres un der Cultivation, part in crop; 20 acres mora very easily cleared, 20 acres of good aw timber; land all lies good, haa tine trout stream through land; tine spring water piped to buildings, good windmill and elevated tank; good l-ruom plastered house In good condition, new barn 6-x72, fin orchard of assorted fruits in bear ing; $ acres of good prune orchard, good fruit dryer, cost $1500; another 4-room house, also chicken-house. hoghoueeand all necessary outbuildings; place fenced; Ilea on good road, close to school; 2 miles from railroad and small town and only 9 miles from Vancouver; the soil ia of the best, having no rock or gravel: there is about 10 acres of flne beaverdara land on this placa, which is flna for onions, pota toes, etc. Anyons wanting a general farm ing and dairy proposition will be more than pleased with this place. Price only 110. 00O; terms to sulL Would consider part trade for Portland property; but must ba at cash price. 6 EE US FOK FARMS. THOMPSON A SWAN. 205- Rothchlld Bldg.. Cor. 4th and Wash ington sts., Portland. Or, (th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. HAPPY VALLEY LAND MAKES FOR TUNES QUICK. Tonr last chance at cheap land In the last rich fruit valley In Southeastern Brit ish Columbia. Small or large tract, on easy payments. We'll plant the trees or develop the farm before you come if you wish. tsoO.OO net profit per acre from strawberries, great crops of delicious ap ples, grapes and other fruits immense yields of sll vegetables. Close markets and high prices Insure big. quick protlta. Climate and soil ideal. Fins tranrporta. tlon and Irrigation systems, low water rates and taxes, guaranteed titles. Buy now while commercial development la new. Prices will soon soar. For the rich as well as the poor tnere are big things along this Irrigated Route to Indepen dence. Break away from the time clock and the "age HmlL" Satiify youh land and home hunger. Come to The Happy Valley of tha Cclumbla Rtver where many fortunes will grow fast In tba next few years. Write for particulars to Columbia Val ley Irrigated Fruit Lands. Limited. 204 Main street, Wllmer. British Columbla. TWO BIG SNAPS. 20 seres. l mile from railroad station In Washington County, north of Bunks, on good county road. Excellent soil, all fenced and 7 acres under cultivation; gooa' well and living water, house, barn and outbuildings; young orchard of about 80 trees, also grapevines- good team, new wagon, buggy, plow and other implements; also 2 cows. 1 yearling and 25 chickens gu with the place. Price only $170O; $a00 cash, balanc 2 years at 7 per cent. 40 acres, 14 miles from railroad at Banks. 2 miles from United Rv.. electrlo line, on good county road, 11 acres cleared, 4 acres under cultivation, 8 acres creek bottom; all fenced, good shot oil; spring and creek; old 5-room house and other outbuildings; assorted family orchard and berries; about 150. Ooo feet of aaw timber and 700 corda of wood on the place; saw mill close by; price 82400, $000 cash, balance on or before 8 years at 0 per cenL KAUFFM ANN MOORE. 320 Lumber Exchange. TEN sections of raw land. 2 miles from a new railroad town, running water through part of IL Heavy volcanic ash soil; $10 per acre. 4fc cash. 640 acre All in wheat, crop goes. 7 miles from town. $22 per acre, cash. 820 acres All in cultivation except 13 acres, fair buildings. $15 per acre. 640 acres All tillable, 7 mllea from town, a snsp at $12 per acre, terma If you are looking for a good wheat farm that will produce come and look them over. INLAND LAND CO.. . "CON NELL. WASHINGTON. ONE of th best homes In Columbia Co., only 1 1 miles from railroad station, 24 miles from Portland. New, 10-room house, California bungalow, cost 92200; concrete cellar, barn and outbuildings, 19 acres. 17 in crop. 5 acres the best of beavsrdara. This is a real bargain at 13750, and you will have to hurry to get it. Terms, $1300 cash, balance 3 years. Call on. R. L. STANWOOD, Houlton, Or. - SERIOUS accident compels me to sell 20- acre rruit rancn. xiv miles rrom baiem, on Oregon Electrlo extension, and couuty read. Deep, rich soil, nearly 14 acres in two-year fruit treea New 8-room bunga low, completely furnished Including piano Good well, bams, horse, etc Everything goes for $xooo on easy terma Take Hall's Ksiry. road to farm of J, W. Rogers, R. F. IX No. 8. Salem. 25" ACR Ed of rich land. 1 mile from store. cnuroa ana postomre; good rosd leads to land; some bottom, some, rolling Innd, good water on place; R. R. survey within 8 mllea of place; this snap can be picked up for a short time only at the price of $13 per sere: look this up. W EST ERN LAND CO.. 248Vi Stark St. FOR SALE Beat 28no-acre stock ranch In Curry Co.. wen improved, good house, 3 barns, rich black soli, plenty fine water, best of apple land, som good oak, white redsr and fir timber, best of hunting and fishing. $20 per acre: no Winter feeding. Address Morrill Bros.. Hare, Curry Co., Or. $58 TAMHILL FARM $55. 120 acres of good soil, 2" miles from good town; 10 Oaeres In cultivation, good buildings, spring water, 1-8 of crop goes with place; land adjoining aold for $:ioo per acre. Price $35 per acr. Call 740 Oregon st. Take Rose City ear to E. 22d. 40 ACRES 11 clear; frame housa and barn. chicken-house ana yard, orcnard. good spring, crops In; horse, $ cows, plow, harnoss, chickens: H mile from town; price $2500, $1700 down, balance easy terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 4 Stark St. FOR SALE 1000-arre Gilliam County wheat farm: eoo in cultivation; good house. Darn and water: only 4 miles to railroad; $20 per acre, on very easy terms from the owner dtrecL T. H. Llttlebales. Foreat Grove. Or. TEN acres rich soil, on ratlrosd; sell for $3O0, si Down, iu mommy; oargain.1 Main S27L Box 614. KaNCH, 80 acrea, with buildings. 18 miles from portiano, naar iecir.a ims; Dargaui for all cash, by owner. 1S2 Morrison st. For Sale Farms. FORSALEAT A BARGAIN. 100 acres all In cultivation, 8 acres In grain and. clover, 12 acrea in berries, -!U head of choice milk cows, 15 head of choice heifers, 4 mares, 2 colt. S regis tered Berkshlr sows. 1 Jersey bull. 1 gasoline engine, cream separator, pump and feed cutter, all farming utensils, good Improvements, all under fence. 2i4 miles west of Dayton, on county road to Mc illnnvllle and to Salem. 4 miles east of McMinnvilie. In the heart of the Valley. Price $140 per acre, terms. - YAMHILL COUNTY REALTT CO., 410 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Washington St.. Portland.. Or. FOR 8 ALE 830-acr wheat farm: flne, level, deep soil; all In Fall wheat; small house: only 4 miles to railroad: $25 per acre. T. H. Llttlehalee. Forest Grove, Or. Miscellaneous. ATTENTION, REAL ESTATE MEN. WE HAVE. JUtiT THE THING FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. WE NEED TOUR HELP. 10 PER CENT COMMIS SIONS. PRINTED MATTER FUR NISHED. ANSWER, GIVING NAME, AND ADDRESS. AR 41, OREGONIAN. EUGENE, OR. Best horn city of state. Population 10.0O0. Good schools, good society, pure wa ter, no saloons, no poverty. I sell all kinds of Eugene real estate. Established 1882. Ask for what you want, George Melvln Miller, Eugene, Or. GEARHART PARK lot. 400 feet from new hotel, with fine ocean view; water, sewer and electrlo light in street. SZ2 unam ber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. 8500 ACRES, improved wheat ranch. 1900 acres in wheat, 1-3 of crop in warehouse free of charge, good buildings and plenty 01 water: an in cultivation; xroin a w 6 miles from station: $33 per acre. 2720 acres, ftuO in wheat, all of crop goes, all In cultivation, good buildings and Dienty of water. $30 per acre. Will take Portland Income property as part payment. ' A large hardware and Implement busi ness in Eastern Washington Incorpnratod for $30,000; will exchange for good liu Droved land. Want merchandise stocks in exchangs lor land. INLAND LAND CO., CONN ELL. WASHINGTON. MT FINE SUBURBAN HOME, 10 acres near Courtney; highly im proved ; grand view; great varluty Trull ; 8-room modern house, water system. barn, greenhouse, one of the best subur ban homes; no mortgage; want some cash; take baL good property; 8c fare ureron uity line: now get ousv ana nurry. CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. FARM $50 PER ACRE. IrtO acres fruit and dairy ranch. 45 acres In cultivation, 18 acres in wheat. 13 acres nay -room house, large oarn, run ning water, price fOuO; will take a house anu lot worm ?.JoU": Daiunce on lime. E. J. GEISER, 211 H Morrison St. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR LAND. Koomlng-house for house and lot or land. fc2-room apartment-house for land. 40 acres for rooming-house. Bhlngie mill for house or land. GARLAND CO.. 101 Fourth St. TO EXCHANGE. W have a house and comer lot close In on East side, valued at $5500, to trade ror improved acreage, not too rar out Willing to pay some cash difference. GOWAN-IDE TRUST CO.. Ground Floor Lumbermens Bldg. FARM FOR HOUS3. Have 200 seres, located 6 miles south of Madras. Crook County. Oregon; creek through place: good well; ItiO acres fenced, small cabin on place; will trade lor house to value fjooo and $juu cash. Call 421 Mohawk bldg. 160 ACRES of land. H cultivation, orchard, house and barn, springs, best of soil; will trade for .grocery store or rooming house: no Inflated Drlce will be considered. Western Investment Co, 417 Board of lrade. FARM FOR HOUSE. 90 acres, Clackamas, price $2000 and $2000 cash for Portland residence worth $2000. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FURNITURE and complete house-furnishing store, well established-business, orlce $10, 0011. Including the flne store building I will exchange this for first-class real estate, city or country Owners only. Call on J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE a $7000 equity In a 6SO-acre wheat ranch that will pay Itself out In a snort time; price $.10 per acre: win ex. change for more or all; nothing better. T. K, 058 Going sL WILL sell my euulty in half acre, close in. also equity In Alameda lot or will trade both for a good 7-paasenger auto. Phone bast zit. 8-ROOM modern hou'e; carpets and shades; close to car, business center and 2 schools, take team, lot, some cash, terms: $4000. Owner, 1240 Michigan ave. TRADE Equity In 240 acrss land. Union County, suitable mixed farming; 3.0O0.000 ft. clean pine on part; will trade for clean lot or house. P 78, Qregonian. 100-ACRE FARM. Very best of land. $4000. at 5 per cent, 3 years' time. Or will exchange. Box 23. Warren, Or. APARTMENT-HOUSE wanted in exchange for acreage at Coos Bay; will pay $500 cash difference. Amadon & Corbin, 216 Lewibldg. Main 407L WILL trade for real estate or sell on easy terms, a small woodworking plant with established business. Address owner, F 57, Oregoniaiu I-HAVE a deed to some Rose City Park lots which I will trade for a good first mortgage; will take or pay cash differ ence. J 60. Oregonlan. GENERAL merchandise; best valley town; over $40,000 business. Invoice $000. For farm, prune orchard preferred. AV 45. Oregonlan. $3000 BUYS modem bungalow: will trade for farm up to $1300. Balance mort gage. 7 per cent- Owner. East 274L . 10 LOTS In Davenport Wash., to exchange for Portland lot. Rose City Park pre ferred. Phone C 2300. FINE residence lots. West Side, to trade for small farm. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com merce. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, centrally lo cated, exchange for restauranL Phone Main 32J. WILL trade 5-room house and lot at 106 East 61st for a small farm or homestead relinquishment. Phone C 2052. EH INGLE mill to sell or trade, capacity 300,000: no reasonable offer refused. For particulars 505 Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange clean Portland real estate for water-power roller mill. M. D. L. Howard. 4S5 S. 6th st. WE can match your trade; we have 1500 trades. See H. A. Chandler, 610 Luraber- mens bldg. , BOARDING and rooming-house to exchange for grocery store; no agents. AT 63. Qregonian. BTORE for rent, fixtures to trade, good loL In fine business location, Williams av. ; reasonable renL K 56, Oregonlan. NEW YORK lot. trade for Portland prop arty or automobile. AN 66, Oregonlan FINE wheat ranch, close to station for Portland property. P bo. Oregonlan. HOUSE furniture to exchange for a good delivery horse. Phone East 6220. WASTED REAL ESTATE. I HAVE a buyer for a home between W11 lisms avenue and Tenth street, between Multnomah and Broadway: must be a bar gain. John r. Weston, 908 Chamber of commerce. Phone 6067. WE HAVE clients waiting for house and bungalows; must be modem and up to date in every respecL If you hav some thing that you want sold quickly, list it with ua. AT 85. Oregonlan. WANTED. Have 11500 cash to Invest In real es tate: prefer Income property; will give or assum mortgage; give exact location and lowest price or no attention paid. AO $1. Oregonlan. WANTED Small house and lot near car llne on easy terma Will pay 8100 down, or exchange Victoria, B. C, property for Portland home. Address P. O. Box 1166, Victoria, B. C. . WANTED 500 to 1000 acres of logged-off land, near transportation: must be reason able; glv full description, price and lo cation; no agent. S 68. Qregonian. WANTED 15 to 25 acres near station on electric line, betweea Portland and Gresh Am. with or without buildings; give price, terms, location. F 6H, Oregonlan. WILL take good suburban lot or mortgage as first payment on new T-room resi dence; .Westmoreland; easy terms. F. H. Lewis $ Lewis bldg. WANTED to buy Cottage or bungalow on monthly terms; no first payment. K 67, Oregonlan. WANTED 8 or 4 lots In district suitable for nice modern bungalows. Will build. A 64. Oregonlan. WANTED $ or 7 -room modem horn, close In, $3500 cash: AB to, Oregonlan. ATTENTION. REAL ESTATE MEN! WE HAVE JUST THE THING FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. WE NEE? YOUR HELP. 10 PER CENT COMJIa FIONS. PRINTED MATTER FLU N1SHED. ANSWER. GIVING NAME AND ADDRESS. AR 41. QREGONIAN- WE MUST sell 160 acre on the Wilson River, with about four million feet of fir and cedar timber; sickness and mis- ' fortune compel! this sale; give ua an of fer. See attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. 1.506006 TIMBER with complete planer, shingle, sawmill; 15 miles Portland; ex cellent market: $2700. Also 1,000.000 yel low pine near Bend; bargain. Owner, 10J0 Grand, North. ; TIYBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. 5 ACRES, chicken ranch, house and chicken house, at Gates Crossing. 10-cent carfure. rent $10 a month. Inquire Frank L. Ber- COUNTRY home, 20 acres, 8 miles from city; line location for sanitarium or gar dening and chickens. A 58. Oregonlan. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J- McCracken, 804 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle and Harness. HORSES AND MARES. 50 HEAD CHEAP. 503 Alder St.. Corner 15th. The above horses have been used hy city contractors, teamsters and business houses; there are horses o all kinds, suitable for business, family or pleasure purposes. Give us a call before buying. Read a few of the many bargains below. It will give you an Idea of what w have. All horses warranted according to what they are and trial allowed. 505 Aider st. $3S3 TEAM AND HARNESS $385. 3iK-lb. team, sound and true, fat and handsome, true and reliable, single or dou ble. A bargain. 000 Alder St. PAIR HEAVY DRAFTERS. 3100-lb. team, ages both 5, sound and true, fat and handsome, no better team in the state: owner going to Alaska only tea son for selling: no reasonable oiler re fused. Can be seen at r05 Alder at. KING AND PRINCE. 2900-lb. team, full brothers, blocky built and closely mated: they look alike, act alike and work alike, and it you drove them you would think they thought alike; cost a brewery $800 less than 1 year ago and have been replaced by auto; prico ' with harness $000. 505 Alder st. S3dO WILL PURCHASE Pair heavy drafters, 32U0 lbs.. 7 and 8 years; this is an exceptionally good team, and I defy any man to duplicate it for $4o0: toue as steel in any spot or place. 60S Alder st- Mare in foal, due in six weeks, big. handsome Norman mare. 1400 lbs., kind, true and reliable; price $100, about one third her value. 000 Alder sL Thin blue roan, work or ranch horse, with new harness, $70. Trial allowed. 5o0 Aider st. FOR SALE BT PRIVATE PARTT. 2yoo-lb. team brown horses, blocky built and closely mated, with good heavy boD and substance: kind and true, single or double. This Is not a worn-out team, but one that is ready to do hard work. I am going to Alaska only reason for selling. Can be seen at residence. 874 Savler st. Price, allowing trial, $320. Also set of harness at purchaser's option. WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saddle and harness horses that are fit and ready for immediate use. You come and try our horses at our expense; have them examined by your own vet erinary and when satisfied buy them. Prices from $125 up. We handle only the b3st. Kramer Riding School. 16th find Jefferson sts. FOR SAJkE One pair of matched black Percherons; 2 matched pairs of drivers, blacks and bays, and 6 other head, from 3 to 6 years. I raised these horses myself and will sell them reasonable at my farm, 1V4 miles west of Oregon City, on top of hill. XV. M. Robinson. FOR SALE. 4 dump wagons. 4 teams, 8000 pounds each. 3 royal scrapers and plows. Tabor 743, B 3255. 108 EAST ALDER ST. FOR 8ALE 2 fine teams, young horses, weighing 2SO0 and 3000 lbs., sound and true: one line team young, well-matched blacks, weighing 2700 lbs., sound and without blemishes. 226 Russell st. 22 ACRES of good land. 12 miles from Port land, will trade for an automobile worth $1200 for first paymenL See owner, 221 Morrison St., room 9. TRUE to pull; 7-year-old team, with 3-ton goose-neck waggon, with top, side cur tains, piano board and double set of har nesa; this is a bargain. Call Tabor 1353. FOR HIRE Horses, wagons and business rigs, by day. week or month: 34 15th st. North. Phone Main 120. Lawless barn. Ask for Mr. Evans. GOOD team, harness, new wagon, gasoline wood saw, 20 corda pole wood, all for $000. Thomas Gliiihan, 1S2 Thorburn ave. phone Tabor 620. GOOD team, mare and horse, guaranteed, weight 2300 lbs., cheap. Sellwood car to Insley ave.; walk to last house, railroad track. FOR SALE, cheap, flrst-clnss top bugsy and set light double harness. Apply 035 East 07th sL North, corner Sandy road. FOR SALJ5 Three cows and one Jersey bull 4 years old, one Jersey row at Haley sta tion. Mrs- Sarah A. Laine, Boring Or. $370 EQUITY in corner lot on Portland boulevard to exchange for piano or offer. 60S Swetland bldg. ONE 3-year-old filly, registered, gentle and well-broken. 427 Schuyler st. 6 HEAD of young draft horses from 172S to 1825. Inquire ldth and Savler sts. PASTURE for horses, near Portland. Apply 339 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410. TO TRADE for horse, a Milburn farm wagonT 3-in. tire, almost new. Phone A 31170. llanos. Organs ana Musirai instruments. VIOLIN for sale, one of the best-toned In struments on the Coast; only $150; trial given. X 69, Oregonlan. Automobiles. SECOND-HAND CARS. STEARNS 11109. 7 pass. 4 cyL, 60 H. P, fully equipped: fine condition. $3500. CHALMERS 191030. 6 pass., 30 H. P, fully equipped. $1150. PEERLESS 1909. 7 pass, fully equipped: good buy. $2000. MAXWELL 2 cyL, 6 pass.; for quick sale- $425. CADILLAC 1910. 5 pass, fully equipped, a real bargain. $1300. REO 2 cyl., 5 pass.; top. $400. Cadillac: i!09. 5 pass.. 30 h. p., fully equipped: reralnted. $1000. BUICK 2 cyl, 8 pass, fully equipped. J450. PIERCE 1910. 6 cyl, 86 H. P, 5 pass.; Al condition. 13000. BUICK Model lo, 4 cyl. runabout- with top. $000. The owners of these cars have left them with us for sale, they having purchased lull Pierce-Arrow or Cadillac cars. Our list of used cars is continually changing. It will nay you to investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 6470. A 4087. 7th and Couch Sts. We will occupy our new - 4-story and basement concrete building, 21st and Washington streets, about May lj PIERCE ARROW 43 HORSEPOWER "Pierce Arrow 49 H. P. 7-passenger 1910, has been run about SoOO miles, just re ceived complete mechanical overhauling. Is now being repainted. Has a complete equipment of highest grade. Including several extra casings. etc. Apply 006 Wells Fargo building. Telephones: Pacific, Private Exchange 1, House 45; Home, A 6121, House 40. STORE your autos In absolutely fireproof building; live or dead storage; open day or night; 5-passenger auto for rent on short notice, laast-23d and Morrison, Belmont Garage. East 2119. AUTOMOBILES for sale; two demonstrators, slightly used Cart.rrars. 30-H. P, $1150 and $1100. Cartercar fcales Co, 7th and Oak. LIVE salesmen; experience auto truck and pleasure cars; open for 1911 contract: give terms fully first letter. Salary and com missions. Confidential. S 79. Orcgonian. FOR SALE Pope-Hartford five-passenger car, newly painted and in good shape; will sell on time. 471 Yamhill st. Phone A 8115. AT A SACRIFICE PRICE will sell my Baker electric Victoria car; practically new; am leaving city. Phone me. Main 6675. WANTED Motor cycle; must be In good condition; state make, price wanted and terms. A O 69. Oregonlan. I TO EXCHANGE, city property for acreage. for 1 -passenger jnacnine. Apply room 320 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Cadillac "30" touring car. fine condition. o 4tn st. a isio. Mam 8064. TO EXCHANGE City property or acreage for 7-rassenger machine. Apply SZB Ablng ton bldg C. P. Wills. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain list. Custom-House Auto Co, 831 Everett St. Main 1849. MUST sell at once for cash, 4-pasaenger parry roadster, practically new. a bar galn. 829 Everett street. new, $40. Main 1756. Dtw.l 400. Main 1756. Automobiles. WANTED TO PURCHASE AN AUTO MOBILE. 5-passenger car. 30 to 40-h. p.; must be In good condition: no lemon; win pay $100 per month until paid for: no notice Liken unless full particulars given. AP 70, Orcgonian. . AUTOMOBILE SACRIFICE. Tntndy 5-passenger Cadillac In flne con dition. Just overhauled, tires in excellent shape, new top and wind shield: this Is a snap and $300 cash takes lu 603 Swet land bldg. Birds. Dogs and Pet Stock. 100 BARRED Rock. White Wyandotte chickens, 0110 Mandy Lee incubator for sale. Selvood 01)2 or 540 East 3Ql.ll sL Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddix Monarch." Laddtx Kennels,Estacada, Or. SCOTCH collie, main puppy, for sale. Fine pedigree. Tabor 303. P. O. Box 06O. SCOTCH collie, cheap. 4S9"Washl ngton i. SNAP buy. 1910 40-horsepower Marion road ster, good as new. All 01, Qregonian. Miscellaneous. HERE is a real sale that you always look for. but seldom find. The entire stock of the North Pacific Furniture has been sold to us for 40 per cent less than it cost because they were losiug money and warn ed to get out of business. We are putting this stock on sale at Invoice, or dealers' nost price, and the stock Is still In the store, 1S4 First street, where we bought it. We begin tee big" sale next week, but if you want to avoid the crowd, come in any day this week. 2-pIy springs. $1.00. Yum Yum springs. $LS3. Iron beds. $1.90, Second-hand ranges from $t7. Cotton-top mattresses, $2.20. Pillows, a pair, $1.30. Remember, the best bargains are in high-grade goods. Terms of tais special sale are cash. EDWARDS CO, SALE. 1S4 First St. STEAM PLANT FOK SALE. The following boilers, ensine. etc, etc, all In first-class order and In good work ing condition, are for sale: 1 Return Tube Boiler. 72 in. by 18 ft. 1 Russell Automatic Engine, 11x16. 1 Steam Driven Deane Jet Condenser. 8xSxl2 Inches. 1 Inclosed Type Feed Water Heater. 2 Vertical Boilers. 6 H. P. each. 1 General Electric Bl-Polar Generator, 125 volts. 36 amperes. ISM revolutions. 1 General Electric Motor of 5 H. P, di rect current. 000 volts. 1 General Electric Stotor, 50 H. P, di rect current. 000 volts. Above can be seen in operation at the mill of Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Main Sts, and will be sold very rea sorab.'e. For delivery shortly after June x CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. second hand, in perfect condition, $1.50 per square. ONE MILLION CLEAN 2-D-HD. BRICK. $0 .per thousand; pressed and common brick, now in Olds, Wortman & King and in the Corbett buildings, ready for July delivery. LUMBER Second-hand flooring and dimension stock in perfect condition; $6 per thousand. DOOHS AND WINDOWS, new and second-hand, 40c up. PLUMBING SUPPLIES, new and second-hand, at remarkably low prices. PORTLAND WRECKING CO, Main 57. 100 No. Ilth st. A 3736. FOR SALE. SECOND-HAND DOOR8, WINDOWS, GLASS, BRICK. LUMBER. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. IRON PIPE. STEEL AND CAST IKON a AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. & WRECKING COMPANY. 807-311 FOURTH ST, MARSHALL 1S34. FOR SALS. Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubular boilers, complete with Inclosed type feed water heater. 6x3H Smith valve foed pump. Dodge injectors, safety valves, crown valves, 6-inch header and all angia valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with safety water columns, in good con dition. Also one 12-H. P. vertical submerged head tubular boiler, complete with safety valve and fittings. Including Buffalo In jector; almost new; only used a short time. For further particulars inquire at room 201 Oregonlan bldg. 400.000 SECOND-HAND BRICK. Out of the Olds, Wortman oi tiing bldg. on 5th and Washington sts Inquire INTERNATIONAL BLDG. & WKECKINO COMPANY. 807-311 Fourth SL Marshall 1834. LUMBER. Thousands of feet of second-hand lum ber; has boen used once for cribbing; for SMle at lowest prices. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. & WRECKINO COMPANY. 807-311 Fourth St. Marshall 1834. MAKE ME AN 0FFER For my 2S-foot motorboat; speed IS miles, seats 8: good as new; guaranteed; or my 19-foot launch, speed 0 miles, seats 10. fully equipped; both must be sold. AF 08, Orcgonian. FOR SALE or trade, rare old violin worth $100, but will take any old thing: also soda water tank. What have you? Phone East 447(1. 362 Morris St. BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No. 7, $25; Fox. No. 3. $35; Bilck. No. 0, $17.60: Bllck. No. 7. S20. The Northwest Typewriter Co, 90 5th sL SNAP IN UPRIGHT CASES! 8 large upright plate cases for sale at a sacrifice. Apply Peoples Clothing Co, 100 Third st. ' SAFES New and 2d-band; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired snd painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO, 85 5th SL Main 6309. A 4 US. DINING table, large rug, sowing machine, Edison phonograph. 3001s Morrison, room 42. BRING your material and I will make or trim your hats cheap. Basement, 151 Lownsdalo St. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 223 Grand ave. & FOR SALE or renL logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st sc. Phones A 263, Main 236.1. JEWEL gas range for sale, sacrifice. Phone Marsha 11 460. A 9x12 AX. rug, violin; also mandolin. Pho ne Woodiawn 10 2 5. YALE motor cycle, $75; also gent's bike. like new, cheap. 2od' 4th Bt. . FOR SALE ICH-inch Reliance paper cutter. Inquire at 229 First sL. city. A GOOD $35 cigar case for sale. $20. At Club Barbershop, 570 Washington. NEW HOME machine and typewriting desk; also second-hand tents. Call 391 E. Clay. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 27th Uma tliia a.c Sellwood. NEW Bailey biigsy, cost $300;rwill sell for $30. Apply 24 Yamhill st. SAFES 2 second-hand. Will sell cheap for cash. F 932, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes; we also buv ladles' cloth ing. Call up the Globe. Main 208O. 290 1- irst, nuar Columbia. MONEY LOST unless you call the Ford Auction Co. and get their prices on what you have to oelL Main 8951, A 2445. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE wants household goods, furniture for cash or commission. East 1022, 369-370 E. Morrison sL That's all. LADY, living alone, desires refined couplo to ooara ner tor rent 01 nouse. 11 ,u, orego nlan. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Beater & Martin. Phone East S134. 848 Hawthorne ave. IF YOU have household furniture to selL call up Georprc Baker & Co, 102 Park st. Sales at residences a specialty. WANT Cycle brooder. Call up Woodiawn 713. HTEt.P WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class vestmaker. Crown Tailor Shop. 4th and Stark sts. WANTED A boy to herd l few cows; good A 3979. home and small wages. HIGH-GRADE salesmen. Call 1118 Yeon bldg CARPENTER, plasterer and hotel man. lo- ' cate new town. Room 10, 140i- First. NEW agents for railroad train-service. Bar kalow Bros, 326 Johnson St. WANTED 2 boys with wheels; good wages. 2b5 Alder et. "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." See my ad under business opportunities. LEAD GLAZIERS, 44 cents per hour. Pacluc Art Glass Works, 151 Front at. . i