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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1911)
CHANGES NOT MADE Worth Bank Employes Retain Places for Present. C. R. GRAY IS RECOVERING Soocessor to Mr. Stevens Is DIrct- ins Affairs lYom Hospital K. P. Shannon Continues) Acting as Chief's Assistant. Jrter changes In the ireneral of fice! of the North Bank road In thW city In consequence of Carl R. Grajr'a auccesalon to the office of president vacated bjr John F. Sterena. will not fee made immediately. Mr. Gray yesterday aent advice's from Ft. Vincent's Hospital, where he ie rap Idly convalescing; from hla recent Ill ness, that he desires to have ail the officers and clerks continue at their respective desks Indefinitely. He an nounced that it Is his wish that the change In the office of president be made with as little disturbance as pos sible. It Is his Intention to continue the present force in all departments. . P. Shannon, who came here with Mr. Ftevens as his private secretary, re cently has filled the office of assistant to the president, with executive respon sibilities, lie will continue In that po sltion. J. T. Aliddlemas will act as Mr. Cray's confidential secretary. He waa with Mr. Gray In a similar capacity for five years while the latter official was venlor vice-president of the Frisco sys tem. Gray Almost Kocovered. Mr. Gray has almost fully recovered from the effects of his Illness, which waa brought about by his multitude of duties Incident to closing his work on the Frisco system and taking up the reins In the Portland office. He will remain at the hospital for a few days, however, to train a complete rest. direct Ins; the affairs of his office from there. As soon as possible after becoming? thoroughly acquainted with the local situation he will take a trip over the various roads under his Jurisdiction. Hot until he is fully familiar with every phase of the situation will he be able to outline a programme of policy to ward the various Improvements and ex tensions under construction and con templated. Opportunity will be given a number of Portland business men to become acquainted with the new chief of the Hill lines here at the dinner to be riven by B. & Josselyn. president of the Portland Railway. Light Power Com pany, at the Arlington Club Friday night, the function bavins; been set forward from Tuesday night, owing to Mr. Gray'a Illness. Mr. Stevens also was to have been a guest of honor on this occasion, but accepted the Invita tion with the explanation that be mljcht he called East In time to Interfere with the plans. He wrote a brief note to Mr. Josselyn before leaving, declaring that the business which called him away so soon waa very urgent and that he re gretted hla Inability to attend the fare well dinner. SteTens Leaves Quietly. Mr. Stevens desired to get away from Portland without being questioned further with reference to his plans, and therefore did not travel over the North Bank, as It was naturally expected that he would. He left Instructiona to have Ms mail forwarded to the Union Learue Club at Chicago, which la a club fre quently patronized by transportation officials. The business that ia taking him East, it is believed, will not be tranaacted at Chicago, but at New York. If he decides to associate himself with other large Industrial concerns, as he has Inferred that he will, such ar rangement likely will be made upon his arrival at New Tork. Even his most Intimate associates here did not know of the time that Mr. Stevens would depart. Mr. Shannon alone was advised, and then only a very short time before he took the train. Mr. Shannon has been associated with Mr. Stevens for a long term of years, hav ing been with him on the Panama Canal and later at New Haven. Conn, when be was In charge of the New Tork. New Haven A Hartford system. "I guess Mr. Stevens is concerned less than anybody about his future." said Mr. Shannon yesterday. "He did not leave the faintest Idea as to what he Intends doing, but 1 'don't think he Js worried about It at all." TELEPHONE CASE' DECIDED Federal Judge Overrules Demurrer to Injunction Against Company. That a telephone company cannot right fully monopolise business waa In effect the decision of Federal Judge Bean yes terday In the rase of W. D. Tyler, re ceiver of the Northwestern Long Dis tance Telephone Company, against the United Telephone Company and the Pa cific Statea Telephone Company. The rase waa before him on a demurrer to Tyler's complajnt. He overruled the demurrer and allowed an Injunction granted several months ago to continue. The Injunction restrains the United Tele phone Company from disconnecting from the lines of the Northwestern Company. The United Company operates in Hub bard. Aurora and Canby. It la alleged to have bad a contract with the North western Company, allied to the Inde pendent system, for the exclusive use of the Independent's long distance line. The United Company la alleged to have sold considerable of Its stock to the Pacific Telephone aV Telegraph Company, known aa part of the Bell system, and tben an nounced It would discontinue Its long distance service with the Independents and use only the Bell Comapnys long distance line. It waa to prevent this that the Injunction was secured. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company maintained In Its demurrer that the contract between the United Com pany and the Northwestern Company would act In reatralnt of trade if al lowed to stand. The Injunction wf.I remain In force until the case la tried on tta merits. DAVENPORT BURIAL MAY 4 Arrangements Completed for Fnner. a! of Late Sllverton Pioneer. SILVERTON. Or, May 1. (Special.) Arrangements have been completed here for the funeral of the late T. W. Tavenport. to be held Thursday at :S p. M. Mr. Davenport, whose son. Ho mer Davenport. Is a well-known car toonist, -will be buried In the family plot In the Sllverton Cemetery- DAILY METEORO LOGICAL REPORT. I PORTLAND. May 1. Maximum tempera ture. IS degrees: minimum. 44 degrees, Riar readme at S A. M.. S.i f-et; change la last 34 sours. . fool slse. Total rainfall S P. M. to S P- . Inch: total rain fall since September 1. W. normal rainfall since September 1. . Inch" dlV-lnry of rainfall since September 1 llu 8.K7 Total sunshine Mar I. none; possible sunshine. 1 hours. IS minutes. Barometer ireduced lo sea-level) at 1 I . -. .-y.lvl Inches. - WEATHER CONDITIONS. A small disturbance is central over the North Paclflc states and llrhl rain has fallen In Northern California. Oregon and Wuh Inston. A ssvers storm ia central over the ruper St. Lawrence Vallev and reneral rains have fallen In the Ml-l-lppt Valley and In the Lakes region and Middle Atlantic States. In the Lakes region the rains were ac companied br high wlnda It la much in the Lakes region, the Ohio Valley and the middle Mississippi Valley, and there oas been a marked fall In temperature In ex treme Northern California, Western Oregon and Western Washington. It la generally warmer In the Atlantic and Rocky Mountain " tVTw" conditions are favorable for showers In this district Tues.!)r with lower temper atures In Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. -FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Showers, westerly winds. .... Oregon Showers, westerly winds. Washington Showers, cooler east portion, sosth to west wlnda Idaho Showers, cooler north portion, EDWARD A. DEALS. District Forecaster. Compasses, field-glasses, barometers, hydrometers, microscopes, scientific apparatus. Woodard. Clarke & Co. " CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ec Sunday. Per Line. On time "e Pome ad two e sretlvo times tie Seme ad three eooaecetlve tlmee SO bans ad sis er sevea euwaccuUve time. .See Kewuuaaose ease aocempway ewt-ef-towa erders. . . Mix srerds remit as ene line ea cash ad vertisements aad Be ad counted for leas tbaa twe llaea. W bea aa advertisement Is Dot ran enassca Uve liners tbe ooo Hires rate applies. Oa cbarge ef book advertlaeiaeats the charge will be based ea the aetaal Bombs f lines appearing la the paper, regardless ef lbs aasnber ef words la esu-b. lies. Ia ew Xeday all advertieenseale are charged by saeasare esUy. 14 uaee te Uh The above rates apply te advertisements eader -New Today" and all ether claaeiOce- UoM excepting the folloslogt cltnatioaa M anted. Male. Mluatlons Mauled, trmale. Ir Keot, Rooms, Priiale Families. Rooms aad Board. Frl'ste Families. Hoaaekeeping Rooms. Private Families. The rate oa the above clsestficwuoa la 7 rente a line each Insertion. tor the accommodation of patrons. Tbe Ororonlaa will uerepl classified advertise ments over the telephone, provldlnv the ad. vertlaer la a soberrtber to either pboae, 'e prices will be qooted over the phooe, but bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether sansequMM- advertisements will be aeeepteel over tbe phone, depends noon the neoraptneoa of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. situation Wanted aad Per sonal adrertieementa will not be accepted ever tbe telephone. Orders for ene Insertion only will be accepted for "It oases for Heat. Farnltaro for bale," rf-Baainees Opportual ttee." "KaomUg-boasea aad "Wanted te Rent.' AICTIOV SALB TODAY. At Baker's Auction House. 152 Tark St., furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Baker A Crowell. auctioneers. BtXETINC NOTICES. efT. HOOD CIRCLE. NO. l.M. Women of Woodcraft Members sre requested to at tend the funrral services of Neighbor Mol lis Oonley. this Tuesday) afternoon liar 2 101 1. at 2 o'clock, from residence, 526 East Mill street. lnfrm-nt Rtvervlew Ceme tery. By order JENNIE PERH1LL, O. N. LOU ELLEN CORNELL. Clerk. PORTLAND CHAPTER. O. E. S. Stated communications this (Tuesday) evening at S.14 Russell. 8 P. M. Degrees. Official visit of the grand worthy matron. By or der of w. M. ANNA B. COOTE. Secretary. A. AND A- R. RITE Oregon Lodge of Perfection, No. 1 Reg ular meeting in Auditorium, Roottlsh Kite Cathedral. thla S evening at 8 o'clock. Work in 14th degree. By orur VEX. MASTER. OREOON COVNCIL ROYAL AR CANl'M meets at the Auditorium. 2wt Third street, the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially wel come. O. O. HALL. Sec Csre Honeymso Hardwars Co. CORINTHIAN SOCIAL CLT'B W!ll give a dance ari'l card party this (Tuesday even ing in Masonic Temple. West Park and Tamhlll streets. All members O. E. 8. and friends Invited. NELLIE E. SCOTT. Secretary. THERE will be a meeting of the Ivanhos Push "luh tonight tTuesdayi. 8 o'clock. Runinesa of Importance and programme, eota and Powell car. BORN. OLIVER Jay Oliver, a popular mail clerk on tbe Portland-Pocatello run. is receiving tbe congratulations of his many friends on the addition to his family of a Bus baby girl, born April 13- DIED. GOODNOE In thle city. May 1. St her late r-sldence. 1024 Williams avenue. Ellen Goodnoe. sged 67 years. The remains are at Flnley'a parlor. Funeral notice la a later .issue. HOl'SEK-'At Pomeroy. Wash.. April SO. John Houaer. aged bl years, father of Max Houser. Mt'LLIN May L at her late residence 4-'S Ellsworth street. Alvina Multln, aged 33 years. Announcement of funeral later. PETERSEN April SO. at 8IH Ross street, t'lvde C. Petersen, sged 8 months. 24 dsvs. beloved sob of P. C. and Mary Petersen. Frtends sre invited to attend the funeral at the shove residence tomorrow (Wednes day). May S. at 2 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. SOTTOV1A At Sellwood Hospital, May 1. Emmanuel Sottovta, agrd .'.7 years. Re mains at Dunning A McBntee's parlors. Funeral notice latr. lTMlUL NOTICES. FAR LET May 1. at " Saa Raphael St., hester E- Farley, aged B years, 7 months. 11 days, beloved son of A. P. and tarry A. Farley. The funeral serviced will be held from the Church of the Strangera, corner of Orand avenue and Wasco strtrt. todav (Tuesalayl. May 2. at 2 P. M. In terment at Rose City Cemetery. HVBER At fteaalde. Or.. April SO. Prank Hubcr. Friends Invited to sttend funeral services, which will be held at llolman's chapel. Third end Salmon sis., at 10 A. M. tomorrow 1 Wednesday . May 3. . Services at the crematorium private. BINE In this city. May 1. at the family rsldnce. c."l East Taylor street, Charles W. Hine. Tbe funeral services will bs held at the above residence at SO P. M tomorrow (Wednesday. Msy e. Friends in vited. Interment Cincinnati Ohio. XAGIL In this city. April So, at 871 Esst Tailor street. Elvira E- Maglll. of Dutur. Or., aged 74 yeare. Punwral services will be held St Flnley s pariors at 2:30 P.-M. today tTuesdayt. Frl-ods invited. Inter ment Greenwood Cemetery. CHESTER E. FARLET. son of Albert P. and Carrie A. Farley, aged 6 years. 7 months. Funeral from Church of the 6txangra. Wasco street, near Union svenue. today (Tuesday), May 2, at at P. M. Friends in vited. TH ACKER At Bt. Vincent Hospital. April JO. Homer Tharker. axe.! 32 years. Re malna at Dunning A McEnlee's parlors, where they have been prepared for ship ment to Olytnpia, Wnso. CONLET Funeral services of Mrs, Mollis B. Coniey will be held at her late residence, C'4 East Mill. today (Tuesday,, May 2. at P. M- Interment Rivervlew Cem etery. TONSFTH FLORAL CO.. MAKVIL'AM MUX... H.OKAL. ULMON3. Phones) Main Mlri; A Hot. Dunning A MrKntee. Funeral Directors, 7th and line. Pbono Main 4o. Lady as sistant. Office ef tonniy Coroner. ia ARdThoLMAN CO.. Funeral Dlrect ers, 2te Id st. Laoy aaaiataat. Ftvuns M. 607. J. P. FINI-EY A HON, Sd nod Madiaoa. Lady attendant. Pboae Main S. A l&tNt. .UT SIDE Funeral Directors, successors te F. B. banning. Inc. e 62, B Zo23. ZLI.I.I.K-BV K Si E CO.. Itinera! I l rectors, U4 Williams ate-i both phones; lady asst. LEK47H. ladertaker eor. Fast Alder and ntxtb. Aa B I8SB. Lady ne-letanL OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFtCE CITY HALL Main SBS, A TSS9. MUM ANg OFFICER. Seraeaat Crate, Residence 24 E. 24th. N. Kast 411. B. A. Da ana Irs, Hes. fit Wasco SL W. (i. Eaton. Kea. II K. lsth. taat 17i. Horse Ambulance. A 101; Pr. Ex. A V'lgtts. Sundays aad liolldsys. A 100: P& A-v. i Iran U THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones Mala 1 and A 1122. TWO PERFORMANCES TO DAT. Special Pries Matinee S P. M. Last Tims Tonight 8:13. FREDERICK W ARD E In 8hakesreare's Masterpiece, . Ml IJl S CAESAR." This sfternoon: Low-r floor, 81, 7Sc, Bal cony S roas. 75c: ree.r first S ros, fc Gal lery. 35c, iic Evenings: 11.10, $1, 75c, 5uc, 85c. 2ic. Seat Sale Opens Today HEILK3 THEATER. 4 nights, beginning Thursday. Special price matinee Saturday. Frederic Thompson nresents ths dramatic senfatlon, "The -Spendthrift" with Doris Mitchell and Lionel Adams. Evenings: Lower floor,' SI. 50. 1- Balcony. B rows, 1. n-xt rows. 75c, Inst 11 rows, Bftr. Gallery, 3 .".-. X5c Saturday matinee, 8L 7oc, 60c, 35c, 25c, TK A Tv IT T? Mlnll BS(M. A V 0efc u Baker. Mgr. TONIGHT ALL, WEEK. Matinees Wednesdsy and Saturday Filth Week or the Great Trl-Star season. Florence Theodore Thurlow ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN In THE RIGHT OF WAY" Evenings. 25c. SOo. 7ic: tlstlneos. 25c. BOO. Neat week "Samson," v Election returns esturday night. BUNGALOW. THEATER Main 117 and A 4224. Geo. L. Baker, Mgr. TuNhlHT ALL WEEK Matinees Thursday snd Saturday. Greatest Comedy Success. THE C.IRL FROM RECTOR'S" Direct from a aensatlonal run of one year at Weber's Music Hall. New York. Evening prices. 2-c. 50c. 75c. 81. Matinees, 25c. 50c. Next week Lyric Mualcsl Comedy Co. MAIN , A lete MATLNES EVUtl DAT 1S-25E0 NIGHTS TOVw V THEATEE 1S-25-S0-75 u rt'K v 1 Mr t iillam Could assisted try Mlaa llattie Lorraine, .Miss Minnie Vlc toraon ompany, Tom Waters, Kohledello, aehrode Miilvry. The Hubert De Mont Trio, I .sura Buckley. GRAND Week of April 24 The SALAMBOS Piccadilly Johnnies Monroe and Mark Barnes and Robinson Nat Nszarro A Co. Gran da scope In the Most Baffling Eleetrlral Surprises). Claude Ranf Matinee every dsy. 2:80 any seat. 15e. Evening performances st 7:lio snd 0.15: baliony, 15c: lower Boor, 25c; box seats. 60c rneonalled Taadevllle, WEEK MAT 1 Herman Leib Co. In "IK)I"E. HalUgan and Ward, lour Nelson Comiques, Paul tiordoa. Robe Strickland, Aanea Burr. Pnntageacope. Popular prices. Matinee dally, 2:90, 7:30. . BASEBALL RECREATIOS PARK, Cnr. Vauaka and Twenty -fourth fits. VERNON PORTLAND May 2, 3. 4, 5, , 7. U antes Begin Weekdaya at Si30. fnodsys 2U10 P. M. LADIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. NEW TODAY. Within 5.0 Miles of Portland 1000 acres, 2Y miles from town and K. R. 650 acres in cultivation. Every acre of this entire .tract -can be planted. $30,000 Will Handle. Marshall 2230 Room 436 Apartment Site CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE, 4 BLOCKS SOUTH OP WASH. ST. CORNER LOT 50x100 Present income $100 per month. Takes only $10,500 to handle, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. This is a safe investment. Call and investigate. Carter & Van Zand t 615 SPALDING BLDO. FOR LEASE KOR A TERM OF YEARS the southwest corner of Morrison and Fourteenth streets, 100 feet on Morri son and 100 feet on Fourteenth street. For further particulars apply to owner. FOR RENT OR LEASE. AUvor Part. LARGE BRICK BUILDING on track, close In. Phone A 6297. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 s 7 J - paldliiV Bid 5 MORTGAGE LOAN EDWARD K. C.Ot DEV. Lewis BnUdlnaj. LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT st TRUST CO, Board of Trad Building. HEILIG w -e. L s Apartment Site 100x100 feet. CORNER 2 1 st and Kearney Streets Present income $150 per month. PRICE, $25,000 H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Com. Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653 PROFIT PER MONTH NET PROFIT $40a.0a PER MONTH NET PROFIT $400.00 PER MONTH NET BEST APARTMENT HOUSE PR0P0SIT0N IN THE CITY. Ho have for sale an eleuantly furnlehed 73 - room apartraent house that Is newly built and strictly modern In every detail in construction and furnishing:; con veniently located to down-town district; low rent and long- lease. Price $9500 Pay (3500 cash: easy terms on balance. No a (rents' commissions to pay. You deal direct with us. I. GEVURTZ & SONS 173-175 First St. An Unusual Investment Opportunity! WILL MAKE THOUSANDS You Can't Lose YOUR MONEY PROTECTED BY REAL ESTATE SECURITY Phone, write or call at our office and we will furnish prospectus explaining everything. ORCHARD LAND & TIMBER CO. 309-310 Abington Bldg. Phones: A 4121; Marshall 2837. Apartment Site 50jl00 feet, two blocks from Morrison Street Price $18,500 Only $6500 cash required. Cheapest close-in property south of Morrison street on the market, either for an apartment site or investment, present income be ing $600 per annum. If you are in the market for this class of property it will be futile to look around, as you cannot do better. ARCHIBALD 425-6 railing Bldg. Inside Property Unplatted in VANCOUVER, WASH- J0 acres, level and all cleared. In the center of Vancouver. Washington; sur rounding: property on all sides has been platted and nearly all lmorovedj ad joining lots selling- for Irora $70 to $1S00; tract will plat into about 180 lots: streetcar lines on two sides on main traveled streets; easy walking: distance to business part of the city, only blocks from new postofflce site. Price 6I,000. $32,000 cash, bal ance on time to suit: or 166.500. $16,500 cash and balance one-third each In one, two. and three years. Maps of Van couver showing" this tract furnished on. application. EDSO.V M. ROnXEV, SOLE AGENT, M06 WasblnaTtoa St Vaacouver, Wash. Ladd Addition MUST BE SOLD New, strictly modern, eight-room house, with furnace, fireplace, den, breakfast room, sleeping-porch, buiit-in buffet and sbookcases, hardwood floors, four bedrooms, fine fixtures, shades and everything readv to move Into; on an 80-foot street, all Improvements In and paid. This Is a $7500 house, but must be sold, and we want your offer. Can make good terms. GRl'SSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bid 4th aad Oak. BEST OF THE GREAT WEST is t . .Alia ffa rara vim aalnAni. taiaweii, iuch. - greateat fruit and dairy country on aarta. finest climate, ib-iiu 10 -w i-r nuc x-w Information and prices write MAUUEX BAlXLfcV. CAUHVUX, ULi-""- FEW HUNDRED sasSa INVEST l.OO and make two. We have three fine tracts of land less than 30 miles from Portland, for subdivision purposes. One of these tracts, consisting of 430 acres; can be purchased for only $65 per acre. Small amount of the pur chase price cash, balance' to suit. Of this tract there are 195 acres under cultivation, with over 660 bearins, fruit trees. Three fine sets of build ings. As soon as these tracts are sub divided we can readily resell the same for you, through our Eastern agencies. We can guarantee you 100 on your investment on either of these three tracts Investigate and see for yourself. F. E. Taylor Co. 404-5 Lewis Bldg., 4Th and Oak Sts. Can Yqu Beat 19 Net? 100xl35-f t. corner, partially improved with modern 4-flat apartment-house and three 5-room cottages. Street im provements all in and paid for. This is one of the best investments in Portland today, and it only takes 32303 ASH to handle it ; balance to run over five years at 6 per cent, during which time it will make a big increase in value. See r. E. TAYLOR CO., 404-5 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. AUCTION SALE Beginning Tuesday, May 2 o ",230 P.M. All Goods to Be Sold Without Reserve. 469 1-2 Washington Street Stock consisting of baby Irish coats, dresses, waists, collars, motiffs and laces by the yard: also Maltese, Cluny, Florentine and other hand-made laces, drawn work, Battenberg. silk kimonos, silk shawls and scarfs, automobile scarfs and silver scarf, and all kinds of draperies and tapestries. J. SASSO, Auctioneer Waterfront On Columbia River Near VANCOUVER, WASH. One-third of a mile of good, deep waterfront on Columbia River near Vancouver, Washington, located be tween tbe railroad water frontage of nearly one mile, and Vancouver; 100 acres of good, high land.except about 4 acres transferred to the S. P. & S. Co. for right of way through center; all under cultivation and pasture; good gravel foundation for large buildings: an excellent location for large factory site; high land may be platted and Is suitable for residence locations. Terms to suit. Price 150,000.00. EDSOX M. ROWLEY 804 WashlnictOD St., Vancouver Waah. Nortli Portland ttOfi ltf For 5 lotSl 250x100 c'or OssUlUUU ner. The cheapest fac tory site on the market. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 811,000 West Side Apartment Site Corner on Nineteenth street, now bring ing per cent on is,uuu. a huh to Invest your money if you -do not want to Improve at present. This Is right in the apartment-house district, Tbiti is a snap. Terms. Blanchard & Qemson ea sixth st. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to salt: special rates sad favorable tonus oa larae loans oa business properties. Funds loaned tor Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 02 McKir Bids., 3d snd Stark. NOB HILL CORNER Apartment Site, 50x100. Cheapest Cor ner UU IICDl OlUOs r.ii.nnn Will Bo Worth $15,000 a Tear From 1 u w . Fifth ant Washington St. Jewelry Stony MORTGAGE LOANS J10.000 to 1100.000. f(Yf L. Y. KEADY, fa V) 9-0 Cham, of Com. RRIGATED SWV PUBLIC LANtfy IN OPENING. Wl IT l YOUAREENTITLEOTOFILtOM If 1 I60ACAESOF IRRIGATED LAND. jfVf lrl MVE APPLICATION NOW CENTRAL OREGON IRRIGATION Wjtffif WWXV' "V EXCHANGE BlDGyjgf io Acres 20 minutes' ride from orrr office; 7 acres bearing fruit, trees, best commercial varieties; fine well water. Fine view, best Tualatin Valley location the garden spot of the world. Price $4500, S1SOO CASH, Balance to suit. The Gowan-More Co. 315 Chamber of Commerce. , Phones, M. 184, A 4298. Open Sundays. m You can never know the true condition of the title to your property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It All. 20O,0O0 PAID-UP capital behind every abstract He prepare. Membera OreKOn Association of Title Mea. Irvington An eleerant 8-room house In this beau tlful home district. It is modern in every way; house faces east; convenient to car. trice reduce a io tou. wasu required, fzuuu. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY REAL FSTATK DKALERA Bei-k. William G.. 312 Failing bldr. Brubaker & Benedict. 602 McKay tlds M 64 . Chrpln A Herlow. 83 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. a 4 Co., S08 Corbott bide. Jennings St Co., Main 188. 206 Oregonlsn. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P, 213 Commer cial Club bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and M'Jltnomah at. (Holladay Addition). M. E. THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sts. RE AT. ESTATE. For Sale Lrfita. .a. . - - . . . Wn.tnn (1 magnificent building; site, will bo for $2500 it lateen una ee&, wiiu, ranged; agents, don't answer. Address AT on, uregontan. Nice lot, east front and near Laurel hurst. Price J1350; $500 cash and 15 per month. GRUSSI ZADOW, 31T Board of Trade bldg..v 4th and Oak. YTILDWOOD. At Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric, lots 175 and up, on easy terms; Water mains laid to all lots. See owner, 414 Spalding bldg. LOT, 60x100, with fruit trees; line view and close in, on East 2Sth St., for $600. $6 cash and balance at $10 per month: water and improvements In and paid for. See owner. Spalding bldg. HARRA1N CAUSED BY UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. $650 cash buys an $8O0 lot In Rose City Park; mtEht accept a leaser cash pay- ment. O 11. Oregonlan. $50 FOR LOTS on C2d and W. Stark; la ths best buy In Portland; new carline now building. Call and see us. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO. 402 Yeon Bldg.. Marshall 849. QUARTER block in northwest part of city, splendid apartment-house site; see us for full particulars; price $30,000. PARRISH, W ATKINS CO.. 2M Alder Street. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst, 1st addition, be low original price, 00x100 lot $1000; also one for $13o0, half cash. Phone Marshall 64. BARGAIN LOTS. First st terraces on the Boulevard; lots $800 to $1100; easy terms. Call 421 Mo hawk bldg. FOR SALE Lot 50x100, Improved section of Piedmont, 1 block from carline; all Im provements paid for. Writs Station F, box 40J5. CORNER LOT, FIRLAND, $400. $10 down, $5 monthly buys this beauty, 60x100. Fred W. German, S29 Burnslds. Main or A 2776. LARGE lot near Rose City Park, cement walks, graded streets. Bull Run water, $550; no agents; no commissions. Owner, 201-203 Board of Trsde. EIGHT choice lots in Laurelhurst; high and sightly; will sell singly or together; prices right- See McAllister & Lueudemann, 722 Electric bldg. LAURTsLHURST equity at cost; bought at first prices; lot 15. block T, east front, lo cation perfect, bpllwooq luj. sOx 100 SCHUYLER St., between 35th and 36th, aouih frwnt; bargain If taken at once; terms if wanted. M 68. oregonlan. $775 KOSSMEHE $775. r UU IOI U U OlbU IICUI XJldACV Bl, KARNOPP KOFF. 325 Railway Ex. bldg. FINE East Side apartment site, 50x100. on E. Otn IN. ; price ierni. . ter at Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. 2750O 100x100. N. E. corner lth and Lovejoy sts.; terms. This is exceptionally choice psoperty. -uwaer, -aiain aoiu. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. a s'ghtly block, overlooking ths city: price $2700, by owner. Tabor 1560. FOR SALE Payments if desired; fine lot. East 11th st., Woodlawn; $600. Owner, Phone C 1874- $300 CASH Fine lot on Broadway, balance CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE By owner. 8 desirable lots at University Park, 1 block from carline. Bargain. Call 558 Broadway. TWO residence lots, block from Mount Scott Una. $200 cash, balance terms. M. B hobs, route 3. McMlnnvllle. U450 SIGHTLY lot on East 12th near Bra zee fine view: special bargain. CKLLARB-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. LOTS homes and acreage In Riverdaie. Thomas Vlggers. R. F. I. No. 1. Oswego. Oregon. BY OWNER. Ross City Park business lot, at a bar gain, t II OH3 tr-i-" EOUITY In Portland lot to exchange for anything of value. R. W. Wood, 2U7 Couch st. gy owner Most sightly residence lots on Portland Heights; price and terms rea BonablejC 5JCgolan. roUNCIl. CREST PARK lota both city and vailei views, from $800 up. W. J. Baker, 510 Board or irwm- 50x100 lot. Vi block from car; gas and ce ment walks in and paid for. Will sell for ,75 cash. O 61, Oregonlan. t nT on Tabor Heights, 50x100, east front and fine location. B 1206. PAYMENTS .if desired : fine corner lot, Portsmouth Villa, $600. Owner. C 1874. iiso BUYS my $700 equity to Laurelhurst lot phone Main 8928. 50-FOOT lot on Jefferson, near Park; termX W 70. Oregonlan. 100x100, on Kflllngsworth ave., near Dela- ware avfe- Phone owner. East 3860. IRVIVGTON Park lot sacrificed, best buy In the tract. 603 Swetland bldg. THREE' beautiful lots, east front, one or together. 085 Mississippi ave. 10 MONTHLY buys full lot near A car. Owner. AJ 58. Oregonlan. FINE lot In North Bellcrest, cheap; owner. East 2182. 9 to 6. LOT 50x100. between S4th and Division, $1300. AP 66, Oregoniatu PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. 100x10.0, corner, near school, for $f0O0. This - Is a wonderful bar gain; quarter blocks in this vicinity are priced from 7500 to $10,000. 8uil2i. extending from Spring to Elizabeth. with modern 7-roora, house, $&500: city view forever; land alone Is worth $10,000. 100x240 on 16th and Myrtle; su perb view, $18,000: will divide. 100x100 on Terrace Rd., splendid neighborhood; fine city view, 47i0. 2 v, lots. Alta Vista, $3500. , acre, facing Alta Vista, one block to car, splendid fruit trees, 2 b lots. Green way, beautiful east view, $2500; will divide., 5,"i0 sq. ft. on carline, fine view, i- HiOO. Many others. Can suit the home seeker and the bargain hunter. A 3S39. BROOKE. M. 3551. A SNAP $27!0. Lot 83x100. facing east, between Till amook and Hancock, on E. 27th, In a choice restricted district; price $-50; easy terms. See M'CAKGAK. BATES & LIVELY, 301 Yeon Bids. IRVINGTON LOTS. W offer a few extra oholcs lots ror $1250 and $1350; beautiful corner. $1500 and $1550: very easy, terms, or discount for all cash; Improvements bonded; these lots are close to lrvlngton carline. A. H. DIAMOND & CO., 207 Railway Exchange Bidg., or East 13tB, and Knott sts. Phone Main 1329. East liOO. CORNER LOTS. 50x63 FT.. FOR $l-52". ,,v INSIDE LOTS, 50x63 FT., FOR $1250. CORNER LOTS, 50x100 FT.. FOR $1950. INSIDE LOTS. 60x100 FT., FOR $1?0. OX EVERETT ST.. BETWEEN i-AsT 21ST AND 23D STREETS. IN DARCK ADDITION. FOR SALE BY OWNER. OF FICE CORNER B. 22D AND FLANDERS STS. Wil. T. DARCH. OWNER. SELLWOOD LOtTOOO 50x100 feet, at corner E. 9th and Marion sts. on freight side traik and within V block of o. W. P. carline; tnls is busi ness property witn a future; price $!400 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8600. A 2053. A FULTON PARK SNAP. Two beautiful full lots in Fulton Park, all cleared and level, 75 feet from the S. P. R. R. and only 2 blocks from the station on the Salem Electric; east front; price $1500' terms; better buy these now before the S. P. is electrified. For further particulars call at office INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Apartment-house site, on East 15th street, near carline, 80x100 feet. Will be sold at great sacrifice if taken at once. I need the money and this Is your op portunity. If you have $3000 cash to In vest, you should investigate this at once. Address owner, Y 77, Oregonlan. 3 LOTS, cheap, 2 blocks from Sandy Road; adjoins Belle Crest; suitable for small homes; cash wanted; they will be cheap; water In; owner says sell cheaper than anybody. See J as. c. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. TWO LAURELHURST. Together or singly at original pries, on easy 'terms, in best part of district; all Improvements in. M. E. THOMPSON CO., SI Fourth Street. Phqne Main 6084. A 3827 IRVINGTON LOT. I have a 51x91 Vi lot on 2Sth St., east front; will sell my equity for $201); price of lot was $1550 when I bought It and contract calls for $20 per month. All im provements paid. Address AT 60, Orego nlan. " "NEAR SANDY ROAD CARLINE. I will sell a fine 5ox50 on East 24th st. for $850; street improvements Included; $250 cash, balance $25 per month. Cali 740 Oregon. Take Rose City car to E. 22d at. IRVINGTON LOTS BY OWNER. The non-resident owner of several choice unimproved lots in Irvington will sell at a bargain for the next 30 days, while he remains in the city. Address AE 62, Ore gonlan. 8 LOTS, corner, Irvington Park, $050. How ard Land Co.. 603 Swetland bldg. For Ssre Houses. , $1000 CASH balance $25 per month, the same aa rent, one of tho neatest little homes on Broad way street In Irvington today. This house is only 6 months old and thoroughly mod ern In every respect. Has 8 fine rooms, reception room, living-room, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, 8 bedrooms, sewing-room, den, sleeping porch, back and front porches; in fact, everything that you could possibly ask for. We are asking only $5000 for this house, which Is at least $1000 below actual value. Come in and let us prove our assertions and if this house does not fill the bill we have mora In ths same locality. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 404-5 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Fine 9-room home, on corner 76x100, Tillamook and East 24th, on carline in best Irvington district; large reception hall, living-room, dining room, den, kitchen and pass pantries, five sleeping rooms, two fireplaces, cement basement and furnace, garage; beautiful . lawn and 100 rose bushes; alt street Im provements In and paid; price $S500, which is $1500 under value; must be sold at once. McAllister & Lueddemann. 722 Electrlo bldg. FREE! FREE I FREE I BUILDING Plans and specifications if wo bntld fo you. Money always on hand for construc tion work. You can pay for it aa rent. 603 Beck bldg.. 7th and Oak sts. HANDSOME Holladay home on Clackamas street; seven rooms, modern throughout and very attractive; large living room with beautiful fireplace, music-room, dln-lng-room, kitchen, three sleeping rooms, hardwood floors, cement basement and furnace, on corner; $S250, easy terms. McAllister A Lueddemann, 722 Electrlo bldg. Tfi'ViiTrtlT TRVI MflTflN Fine new 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, full lot, on East 11th, near Thompson; must be sold at once; look at It and then make us an offer; remember. It must be sold. GRUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. WOODSTOCK. 100x100, with beautiful 5-room bungalow, artistically arranged throughout, closo to carline; price $3750, cash $1000. balance 7 per cent. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. ATTRACTIVE five-room bouse in Irvington: 1 .fr.,M nn IRtVl nu. Thompson: east front; large living-room with nreplace, dining-room, kitchen, pass pantry, two large sleeping rooms and sleeping porch; price $5500. McAllister s Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. ARE you looking for a home on the East Side' See us. We have some fine bar gains in houses in Irvington, Rose City Park, Laurelhurst ani other attractive East Side districts. McAllister Luedde mann, 722 Electric blag. MODERX 5-roonTbungalow, Just completed, on lot 50x100, with 5 large cherry trees; this Is a beautiful home and a bargain at $"300, terms to suit. Call 414 Spalding; bldg. 8-room modern house, nwnar leaving for France, will sell for $7500. It's a big bar gain. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Com merce. , LARGE 6-room house, a fine modern build ing and an elegant home on Broadway st modern throughout at $4500, terms to suit. Call 414SpaldlngbldE- FOR SALE Three-room house, lot 50x100, 2 blocks from carline. house, lot and furniture complete. $1300. Call Main 1108 or AS 62, Oratjonlan. OWNER must sell modern new 6-room huuse and lot; a bargain, $S00 cash, bal ance terms. 37th and East Caruthers. Tel. Tabor 1933. 1000 EASY monthly payments, 5-room , i t,m.a nenr W-W itr- a annn- make your own terms. CELLAKa-aHjKlUi' .kj.. o.j iron oiag-. IRVINGTON bargain by owner; must be SOld; new O-IUUUl .uuwv. cash talks. E. 2621. IRVINGTON 8-room modern house, by owner; very reaunauic. v.i, j. xota st. N. or phone East 352. MODERN 6-room house, 60x100 lot; East 10th, Detween isrouKiyii uu xieacon; sv per moun. -wim i.. .... CHEAPER FOR CASH Attractive 5 rooms. terms. Phone owner, afarshall 1504. HOUSE for sale, account of sickuess. 1199 East itttn st. .unn. 7- ROOM modern house, walking distance. T4EW 6-room house, corner lot. East Side, SiCSUt, terms. jj.. .v xj. i. x. uiug. BARGAIN 8-room house, corner, close In. East Side: no agent. B 2301. $25 MONTHLY nuys 5-room bunrjalow: bath, attic, basement. Owner. East 2741. AM GOING away, must sell 7-room bunga low. Apply owner, uu- mmoer Jb.xc&ange. $500 BUYS house and lot, adjoining lots selling at $400; terms. L 52, Oregonlan. f