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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1911)
1 TIfe 3IORyiXG OREGOXIAN. MONDAY. MAY 1, 1911. . s : ' I . - vnTTr f FINANCIAL, I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t I mvt.u oppoRTrsmES. I bcsinten, oFPORirMrua. ! special, notices. " v . V mn w " I rUH IVX. . I I . I - - i - I Ijinm U BlltML - I.UQ1 I . Flat. FOR KENT A -room flit with all modern (onit'niratu: porcelain bath, suppll-d wi:h Eciips run with (as plate: built in closets and cupbnar.1. stationary por celain weahtub. electricity and tu lights, quit larg rooms, wun closets: "est Side: rtit $20. Apply L Gvrt Son. 173 First ;. NEW 8-ronm fat. hard finished floor throughout, all outsiJ room. gas range, water heater, coll In fuma-. nrep-ac. large yard. - E. Madron at. Call F.and. I . r a3 a; t.o.. )iq zoe.i w 1 - - - NICELY furnished 3-rcom flat about mid dle of Mar. for Summer; reasonable to re liable people only; aa Ideal Summer bom with porches and yard. walking dlstaac. 72 N- ISth at. FOR RENT Lower flat with hardwood floor; A-l neighborhood. Nb Hill: t r.spocaibi parties our. phon Main Fi-R RENT naw 4 -room flMs. extra disappearing bad. strictly modern. naver been occupied. 10 i Hawthorne .. cor 3ih. Inquire owner 1J Hawthorne ave- FINF. modern upper flit of t-rooma. choir location. I3d and Johnson ata. Kent 1 3 -C. Korell. Sth and Stark. LomlxnMM bl4g. Phono Marshall 712. FcVr-rITnt fmTip-r and lower 5 -room f at. best, hot ar.d cold water: Summer rarea: will furnish for term of years. Cor. 14th and Eat Main; key 626 Eaat Maln. TVfa7a7-one7oomB and one rooma; furnace, ana range and ra-water heater: Eaat 18th and Kaat Madison ata. D. O. Woodward. 1H Second St. FI RSISHrD flat for rent; modern. W"l SMe: adults; reference: ready May lo. 73 Northrup at. A 4371. FOR RENT room flat. light and con venience, perfect. Broadway car. Apply SM E. J at. Xnnh. FLAT 822'.0. W. Retdt. Eaat 1187. Hausekeeptog Rooms. -THE BELMOR." $1 per month and op for aleeplng rooma: $12.84 per month and up for bouss keeping rooms: stesm heat. gas and ! trlrlty; new b-tek bldg.. cor. Et Id and Belmont; formatted new throughout THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nlahed for housekeeping, gas rang, olec. trie lights hot water, bath, launury. free. $15 per month up; a clean p. sea. oeat in the city for money; hort dlstanc from Vnlon Depot- Take -8" or loth-t. rara north, ftl on? at Manhall at. No dog. WELL-FURNISHED hooaea. flat, rooma o-rooir cottage. $-0 month: 4-room lower flat 17 50; aultea. 2 furnished houeekeep Ing roome. s. 1'. Hi month; t 111. Ap ply 4 2oth at. North. "W" car from de pot. 8th, weat on Vlorrlaon to -nth. biocK north. i TWO nlcelr furnlahed houaekeeplnf rooma. heater, caa hot, desirable location; 1 on alngla room, ti per month. 05i lo t. sum ISOi tl 80 TO $2 SO WEEK: clean, furnlehed houaekaeplng rooma. free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 4-' Vancourar re. and a'Al Stanton: take U car. CLOSE-IN ROOMi Hooscke-ping and eingle rooma by th day or week at l Fttk et.. corner ilor- rieon: reasonable rent. 41 EAST MORfUSOS 6T Completely fur nished houseke pine aulta; bath, electrlo light, reasonable. FINE tMJWNTOWN HOME. MJLNER BLDO.. SSuu, MuKKISON ST. MODtRN. CENTRAL, HEASONAHLE. CAaBRlDOG BLTK.. fumlahad rooma for housekeeping: very central. Apply room 84. Id and Morrison sta. 4-KOOM f.irnlshed. neated front apt. One- onta. II? 17th au. near YamhllL flOUPEKEEFINO rooms, electric llghta. gaa. Th Rose roomlng-houe. lH'j 4 Third st. FVRNISHED housekeeping' suites reaaonabl. 231 '1 Market St. TWi" furnished housekeeping rooms, suit able for a. 83. The ldah.. Sl 8th. SINGLE n1 housekeeping rooms at CadTlla. 1 reasonable . 1'nones ilti. A 273d. fl RMSHEP housekeeping rooms 81 3S to il a week. and :l sleeping :d st. Housekeeping Room le 11-lrate family. TWO nearly furnished housekeeping room: Ifarhl. eleen and cosy; ronnertlng: nlra neighhorhoo.1 ; wa!king distance; rent rea sonable. Including light, water, bath, phon and laundrvtng privileges. 3, North 21at at., near Washington. 3 MODERN furnlahed housekeeping room, corner house: lawn, rosea; also one nua front hay wln'low room; adults; walking dlstan-e. 1 Kast llfh. ror. Washington. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma In baae ment with private entrance from atreet; thee rooma are dry exceptionally con venlenr. close in. Ihi 11th. corner Yamhill. C'OetT new furnlahed housekeeping room and kitchen: gas. electricity, bath ad phone: reasonable rent. Uliaan at-, near :ist. TWO large mode-n and elegantly furnished rooma for housekeeping In . private resi dence, choice neighborhood, close In on est cooe. 1 j v vsjs w r, virsuoivu. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, excellent location, very reaaonabl. ill inn Nt'EI.T furnished r xttns. with or without housekeeping privileges: rhone. bath, large lawn. in-. N. th. Marshall 2174. LTrJHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, gas. bath, phone, also garnge. t D. A. M-In:yres p!a;e. lit K. Hit. OR S large, completely furnlahed house keeping room, modem home, near river. BT E. h st. South rhone Sellwood WO. 14th st. 88 NORTH S'?th. newly furnished rooms In 1. J and 3-roora sultea, complete for housekeeping. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma. ground floor. Blv-e aurroundlng. 82 K. 4&th. B 1111 TWO furnlehed and S unfurnished house keeping rooma. 311 herry. East S'-'.VX jTdr ITk i-E PINii-rooms, homelike, furnac heal, clean, close In. 37 3d at. TWO frnnt rmitr.s furnished for housekeep. Ing- 473 K rturnslde st. PLEASANT light housekeeping room, ev ery convenience. M!n31l; Sol lth t. 3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooma; phone.bath -"J th t. FOR KENT New'y furnished housekeeping rooms. 3.V3 T.s y:or st. au E. 8TH fT Furnlahed housekeeping rooms, reasonable prices. FIVE n:cl7 furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, private entrance. 2l lutb. J N I v" T T Y fumlshe.l"housekeeplng "rooma at :l North 14th at. Main 3eiii7. N S N- IrTH. near Marshall; large house. thre apartmen's. one each door; tit bath on each floor, steann heat, etc.; all newly painted and tinted througnout: rent ia. Inquire Mr. Grave. Grave Mualo c.. ill 4th st.. city. HOl&3 and rrats for rent, some furnished. M KUCHA NTS SAVIN-:-" TKLST fuMPANT. Free mapof cltyfor Strangers. 8,-ROOM house; cement basement, furnace, gss: dea.rabie location: at a tj Kelly at., outh Portland: r-nt 8J0. Key m b33 Kelly gt. Main 477T. ROOM HOt'SE. 82J rent; tu stove, stoves. - erpet. and acme furniture for aale. 24 'o 1-ge. SEVEN-ROOM modern house; block and hslf to car. good location: key at Jill E. J 1st st. N. M"PERN e-room house. IK'tpsv lot: Esst Kent, between Brc-.h lyn and Reacc-n; 8- per month. Main 37 Sellwood U-i. V-K-HM house, sultible for two famtlle: rent I4.V Phone Main 14tia during week ai.d East 141 Sundays. j"lvOOVS. mo.l.-rn. In everv rese- t. 1 K E. ltn st. N-. S block Alberta car. 1--J per gion'h phor.e V o--1 !a an l-.l 7. D ELLIN'" - rooms and bath. "! Tayl-r. West tilde. 8-1- eo per month. Inqiilr at premises or pnons Main 1J4V H 'jM hoiie! $ 1 7'. U" F"sth it! Tn quire Monday and Tuesday, room 6. up stair. Jiw Mlmon st. FR KENT 3-roo-n cottage. 813. Inquire O. H. Tjylor. f.arke .on. FOCRTEENTH nd E Alder 4 -room, mod ern house. Key at 37. next door. (Tl KELLT ST.. near Calnee 7 rooms, mod ern conveniences. Phone pel i wood 1A40. 4-ft OO M HOl i-E. modarn. high and sightly. . 1st st. jj r. o y: R N 6-room house, mttie. Phone A I4si- Key. t E 17th. $jl PER month, modern g-rora house. E. I !' h and H'irnslde. B l-i'.'-'. NIK- new. A-room house K nist St.. 8-0. Mr. ri.. 81 Boar l of Tra.le M.1g. t - UbeaV Hoi fprslM. well-furnished flat. reasonable. Walking distance. Marshall 44. 6;j jj. fiv. Rivi furnished fat for rant. Lavla , nsar Uth st. it! r nratsned Homes. FOR rent furnished. New modern t-room house wl:h large wardrobes, porches nrt lawn: upper and lower baths; beautiful home all for the board of two people. No children. Phone Columbia or call 10 Kurr at., ik Johns car thre blocks from Burr station. r r v f tj . .1 . r omnletelw furnished modem hous on East Side for rent for flv months from My t t 4 per month: reference required. Paxriab, Wntklna as t o.. Alder st. FOR ItiTNT For a months. -room modern bouse, completely furnished ISO per month. Keferenrr necessary. Apply 0 iarsha!I. near -4th. Main 1V1T. Mi'Ul.T furnlahed g-room modern house fruit tree, berry and rose bushes; nice lawn, call 703 Overton st. IRVINOTON will rent my modern 5-room furnished bungalow. raonaMe to reapon Ible oarty. 443 East l.lh North. MAY 1 Beautiful modem lower flat, fur nlshesd complete, nothing to buy; West Bio, close in. '-01 in IRVINtJTON Will rent my modern 6-room furnished bunga.ow. reasw-naoie 10 iwiwh aible party. 443 1 East l-tn. isortn wart of t-room furnished house, nlano. reaaonabl rent. 74 Corbett sL Main . ForR-ROOM cottage, partially furnished; gaa. electric light. 4a raat t. lay. IRVINOTON. 8-room furnlahed house, piano. East 31. 10 ROOMS, all on 1 floor. 2th and NIcolaL Mouse lor Kenr f rultor for g-ate. -ROOM fiat for rent, rurnnnre tor aaie: Axminater ruga, almost new upholstered 1 -lb . n O I I turn turv. seven iuihui'-p ' " - Main 8447. 3JSV Mill t. IX'RNITVRB of beautiful flat, good loca tion: can rent rooms If desired; 6 room lesrtlng Into ball; u S. 17ih- Phon E8 FOR SALE Furnltur for S rooms at hall . . 1 1 -I. u U neeeA- prica. u"uoi ns-iuf v"- - B lan. Fl'RNITCRE of 8 rooms for aaie and house for rnt reaaonabl; corner bouae. S33 loin ev. ..-e e s - - HOCSE for rent. I2J; furniture for aaJs St4 Raleigh st-. Monday morning. Snsnxner Kceorta. ONE 6-room cottage, furnished, overlook ing ocean. Seaside: two others. clo to ocean from May to .November If desired. Marshal'. 1V4. WELL furnished t-room cottage. Hermosa Park. Seuatde. Or. May. Juue and Sep tember. O M. Oregontan- Ftorr. TxiM rknt An Ideal canoe and boat ga rage; nothing like It on the river; about i feet frontage. Apply uae ruti s Supply y-o.. 'J44 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT Ctore on growing business street; r'enty of customer to draw from. Phon Mala S24P. 43 FRONT ST.. near Ash. 23x100. 1 floors: very reaaonabl rent. Call at abov num h.r. FLOOR 43xl0o brick building. Vnsuranc rat flOo per 8 IOO; electrlo light. 11 North 4th at. GOOD tor for rent, fixture for sal fgrocery). good location. William av. Will take good lot. K 67. Oregonlan. FOR RENT cheap, fine large comer tor. East Side, corner 7th and Foster ava; long lease, rhone Main MiA. STORE for rent at 8th ana Blaxk sta. in quire 75 lat st- . FINZ brick cor. store. East 11th and Haw thorne. A npl y17 East 15th. cor. Yamhill. FOR RENT Storeroom. 18 by 80. at tit Oak st. Apply on the premlsea STORE 2i0; 171 Third u; A-l loca tion. Apply 171 Id st. STORE at IS Morrison St.; 60 feet deep; con make It 100 feet; rent reasonable. STORE for rent. Phone Eaat 12S. Office. OFFICES FOR RENT, 110 to 1.15. MERCHANTS SAVINOS A TKf 8T . COMPANY. S. W. Cor, flth and Washington St. FIN b location for dentist or physician on Eaat Side; cheap rent to proper parties. MCAROAR. BATES LIVELY. 801 Yeon Pldg. FOR RENT Several stores and shops at eest end Maillson-t. bridge; rent 820 to 84". according to atxe. Apply V. D. Smlttl Fuel Co.. Hawthorn ave. FOl'R good-aimed offica. good light and ren tllation. at tk) per month, at lSa Morri son st. . MOrlT centrally located offleee, all-night ele vator service. ft"3 Kwetland bldg.. or jan itor. Sth and Washington. NICE light front office with use of reception-room. 617 Board of Trad. North weat Realty Co.. per J. T. Morrow. Sao. FOR RENT Desk room with phon and desk. 408 Rothchild bldg liESk ROoi first floor, electric light, steam heat. 0 Fourth at. North. BC'INES OPPOBTT X TTI ES. G-i opportunity for llv restaurant man 10 stsrt restaurant In a 2i-o-rooru hotel; flrat-c'.ass fixture and good lesse. Apply at the Hotel Foster, 8d and Davis sta. 12 to 2 P. M. LEASE for sale, reasonable: new. large, red brick apartment-house. In Nob Ulll. one block from carline; not dealing through stents. R ... Oregonlan. SALOON and rooming house suburban: lease, cheap rent; 8126 will handle; real estate men take notice. Owner, AH 88. Oregonlan. WANTED Tartner to take charge of office; good legitimate cash business; must have Jaoo cash; reference exchanged. Y 33. Ore gonlan FOR SALE by owner. 80-room hotel with bar and poolroom In connection; writ for particular. Joseph Ialton, North Yakima. Wash. I WANT a good, sober man a partner In solid raah tualneea 4hat will pay yon no lei-a than 8-- monthly. Particulars room 3-J3 Lumber Exchange FO R S aTe On m of the best general mr. chan1tae business In Lincoln county, do ing 8 per day raah ealee. Thla 1 a snap. Addrese J- C. Dixon. Elk City. Or. FVR SALE 26 share of stock In Haael wood Co.. Spokane, at 811JO per ehare; thla la lee than book valu Jan. 1, lwlL M. Mortensen, Iowa R EST ACRANT Flrsv -class place, rent la ntly I4i. lease; right down town, clear ing over 82' a month: price ti:KK oarlamv t o.. ihi rounn rt. FOR SALE Bla-ksmlth tools ar.d shop; good location; established business- Chap. If taken soon. Call In person. Geo. Schlat- ter. Troutdale. Or. I.Al N liHT FOR SALE. Hteam laundry at Wood burn. Will sell entire buslnee or half interest; a snap; li-i. W. Francis. W-Kdbnrn. Or. SOR RA I I! OR 1.KAS1C I'omti I at e ! e equipped plenlnr-Tnlll In city of 10.000. 5 Addreea B. eft. namaro. tancouver. wash.. B--X 14VU GROCERY and confectionery; good bual neaa and In a fin location. Inqulr cor. Union ave. and Madison au Phone Wood U a 2110. GROCERY atore: best auburh In Portland: average receipts. 80 to 8011 dally; living rooms In connection with lease. Call C 2 1 .'.J or 4S.H Alherta mu . STORE, stock 8130O. 73 acres. 3 cultivated. Implements, stock, good buildings, sacrl- fl--e. $". terms. JU. i30 Grand ave. N. FOR SALE; Rastaurant near Ac ken y car barns, a snap If taken at one. 8 K. ISth St. E 111. t CAFETERIA for sale. Ion lease, cheap If taken at once; good paying place for the right party. All AS. oregonlan. SALOON Good corner and doing good busi ness: reason lor seuing. stranesa 04 N. th st. HARDWARE BUSINESS. In south Dakota, exchange for land or Portland property. AN 41. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Meat market In good locality, dclng a good business. Cash proposition. Addreea K 47. oregonlan. m in 7n q andTTndu'strial STOCKS. Telephone and other bond bought and so d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablngton. CONCESciloNS wanted for Council Crest; rental or percentage. Apply on the grounds. PLUMBING shop for sale; best location la cltv for bKlnr. 33u Union av.. East Side. 81-m CASH geta a factory that aold f In four months Balance eaay term. Ad -dres owner. F en. Oregonlan. SNAP Come and see this for a bargain In a three-chair barter shop. J5J -ra(t Burn. side. FOR SALE A first-claas thrse-cnalr barber shop at a bargain for rash. Call or write. P. p. Hoehn. Jerome. Idaho. FIRST-CLASS bakery, doing good business. 10 East 211 h St.. near Burnslde. M'TERN dye works, complete, long lesse. prU-eressonabl. A P 37.Oregr.nian. REM. ESTATE PARTNER: EXPERIENCE 1 N 5 flilK.5?-A R ! SELLING Bl. fx I. LIVE real estate partner, experience un- necessary. 4' seinngj niqg. BUSINESS STATIONERY St special prices. Acorn press, biz AVicnanaa &10- Ham 3334. THREE ELEGANT APARTMENT-HOUSES APARTMENT-HOUSES APARTMENT-HOUSES FOR SALE) AT A SNAP. A SNA P. A SNAP. LOW IM PRICE. EASY TEBM3. For aale. thre beautifully turnlhd apartment-honee. one or 7S ROOMS. With 28 Apartments. ONE OF 121 ROOMS. With 12 Apartment. ONE OF 79 ROOMS. With 82 Apartmant. House built of most elegant brick, very one fitted with the lateat and moat modern improvement ana convenience. . . - Houses are situated In th Tery beat part of th city, on th West Fide, convenient to streetcar and downtown bualneaa district. Elegantly and magnificently fur nlahed: long lease, low rent, fur nltur for sal t a big snap; part cash, balance on easy terms. Apply to Alx Oe-vurta. f I. GEVTJRTZ A SONS 17S-5 Flrat Street. Phon Main 81144. RECEIVER'S S ALE -DENTAL- SUPPLY BUSINESS, BTOCK AND FIXTURES. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Under and by virtu of an ordor of the Superior Court of the Stat of TA asn Irgtcn for King County, mad and en teFed In th case No. 7S entitled Co lumbus Dental Manufacturing Co.. plain tiff, vs. Northwestern Dental Supply Co.. defendant, the undersigned a receiver or aaid defendant is autliorlxed to olfer for sale, aa a whole, the entire stock, furni ture, fixtures. Including safe and of1" furnltur na "fixtures, and good will of said business on sealed bide to be opnd at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, May lb. 1Uiald stock consists of a modern and well assorted stock of dental supplies of all deacrlptlons and ran be aeen at rootu 227. Lumber Exchange bldg., Seattle, Terms of at.le. cash. Each bid must he accompanied by a certified check for lo per rent of the amount bid aa an evi dence of good faith, to be returned If the bid is not accepted. All bids are to be subject to th approval of the Superior Court of th State of Washington for King County, and the court reserves th right to reject any and all bids. All bels should he addressed to the of fice of the undersigned and Indorsed on the outside "Hid for Stock of "Dental 6uppllea" . - A fulj Inventory of the atock and fix tures may be seen, and permission to ex amine the stock obtained, and any fur ther Information dealred will be furnished by the undersigned on application. HOWARD J. FRIES. Receiver of Northweat Dental Supply Co., 227-235 Lumber Exchange bldg., Seattle. Wash. MDSE, SNAP. Overworked and must sell my tore, clean stock fren. mdse.. well assorted, fine trade: sales 816.000, making money, grow ing country town, richest farming com munity tributary to Portland: Invoice about ISSOO; will lease or sell bldgs. GRUSel A ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SAW MILL. Water and rail transportation, plenty timber, capacity 40.000 feet; everything first class: doing big business: price only 818.000. half cash, balance good security, or will exchange for Improved farm or wheat land; no agents. GRI SKI A ZADOW. 117 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FRUIT cannery for sale; all equipped, ready for business; located on railroad track, close to Columbia River, for shipping; food water, electric lights and In a rlne ocallty for fruit; will sell at a bargain: call on T. L. Slmmona, Fishers, Wash , or G. A. Allen. I112I and 1024 Yeon bide Portland. Oregon. . CORNER saloon, established 20 years, doing a large t-uslnens; good lease, cheap rent for location: absolutely Independent of brewery. Independent license. Only re sponsible buyers need anawer. aa I have nver offered this for sale and don't want to do business with agents; good reason for selling. AC 7o. Oregonlan. SNAP. Opera-hons lease for sale. 4 years: fully equipped- running licensed motion pic tures; stage, acencry; road shows booked by John Cort : newly decorate.!, seats 7o0; rent 845; Oregon town of Ki0; good rea son for selling; big bargain for right party: $1000 cash. F 46. Oregonlan. FORBALE Musia and Sporting Goods busi ness: best business ooenlng In valley, In university town, low rsnt. long lease, fine location, big pronta; owners must outside; Invoice about 82.100; terms or ex change on part. Addreea Box 80, Musi Store, Eugene. Or. -COMB TO TBB PACIFIC WITH WARD.1 Agents wanted In Pnclflc Northwest. Pacific Mutual Life. 48 year old. 21 million assets W losn money. H. H. Ward. Mgr.. 712 Spalding bldg. OWNER MUST SELL. 60 acres, good soil, all level, within 15 miles of Portland. In good fruit district; II subdivided in S-acre tracts; can re aell thla and make you a nice profit In a short tl me. Room 416 McK ay bldg. FOR SALE Ladlea' suit and furnishing business, located on one of beat corners Washington St.; long leaae; at Invoice: owner have other business; cannot attend to It. f.VOOO cash required. Carlock A Muellhaupt. agents. Chamber of com. trNfil counter at Metollue, Or., now doing fair bualneaa. maaes gooa wages, wun excellent prospects: will sell at Invoice; about S?.1o; am going on homestead. For particulars addreaa R. D. Lytle. Good HARDWARE, Implement and plumbing bualneaa In live Bouinerrj Oregon town, large bonda Jut voted for municipal wa ter plant; opportunity for plumbing very good, owner going East. Phon Tabor S09 for particular. GOOD opportunity for all around practical painter wun oo,f or sue,; psiois, oils, etc.. with good contract bualneaa. Estab lished H years. In live town; will Invoice stork and tools Addreaa R. T. Booth by A Son. McMlnnvllle. Or. WANTED Party with from 82300 to 83SO to take Interest In good paying business; will stand Investigation; w hav good panlns In California, The Am Mercantile Agency. Main SfliS. 416 Ablngton bldg. FOR PALE I.IO.Otw) stock of well assorted hardware, old eatabllahed. In the business center of one of the largest cities on the Coast. 120.000 cash, beL time. AV IL Oregonlan. HARDWARE. Implement, paint Stock, In voice 812.000, latloo caah. balance terms. New Northern California town with sawmills tributary, box factory, big ranch trade. Address AV 23, Oregonlan. CIGAR and confectionery, first-class loca tion, rent only 823; llvlng-roome; no com petition: clears at least 8 ISO a fncntb; a rare bargain for 8 1 -'00. G ARLAND A CO.. 1 91 Fourth 8U WANT you to know one thousand dollars In vested pay you 824 per year or 820 per month. Call or write for partlcutara Alaska Coast Fish Co.. Incorporated, 611 Buchanan bldg.. Portland. Oregon. STOCK companlea Incorporated. We bid to offer entire issues of stocks or bonds for sale for corporatlonaj The K. Jay Haw kins Company. 86S Elllcott Square, But fa;o. N. Y. YOUNG MAN. STRANGER, Make careful Investigation at expense f teller befor you Invest mony la any nropjaltlon. Advisory Department, Y. M. 0ENERAL merchandise etnre: beat point In Enste-n Oregon; sales laat year over 863.-M-0: low expenae: sell at Invoice: If agree able, present owner would retain an In teret. Warrena. B22. Chamber of Com. NEW store on Fulton boulevard, one block from Multnomah station, on th Oregon Electric Ry. ; a fine opening and cheap rent to the right party. Call 414 Spalding bldg. FIRST-CLASS grocery for sale. Inqulr SIS Lumber Exchange bldg. HOTEL PARTNER Owner will guarantee $-400 net per month. 130 rooms. 6 year' lease: very low rent. Particulara. room 313 Lumber Ex- changebldg: FIVE THOUSAND dollar commercial gtock for sale. In blocks of on hundred and up; paytr.g proposition; thla la a llv on a AO $7, Cfcregonlan. OWNER of a recently purchaaed furniture and nouaefumlahlng business must raise (3000 cash on or before May 2. and to do this wHl sell a whole or half Interest at I2W0 less than Inventory: good business: gooa building; good location; low rent; long lease; business haa paid over 830.000 dividends In seven vears: full Investiga tion Invited. Address owner at 233 Glenn ave.. Portland, or call phone Main 3'S0. HARNESS and Implement business, estab lished 7 years, all gooda in first-class shape: ownera have other buainess and cannot give thla business their personal attention: here Is a good opportunity for an energetic man with from $2"00 to $2,100. Will sell or leaae th buildings. Address owners: Estacada Mercantile Co.. EstacadaOr. . S00 BUSINESS cards. 81.00: yon must bring this ad. Rosa City Prlntery, 182 V Thlrd. ROOMlNG-TIOCSrS. g ROOMS, rent 8-14; modern house on Wesv Side, price 00. - . 12 rooms, prlc $450; rent 35, Income 116 rooms, right down town, good leaae. rent 850: price $1100. terma 40 rooms, modern, rent $180; 8-year lease; terma 67 rooms, near Morrison treet. swell apartment-house, rent $223. Long lease, steam heat, clears $260 a month above all expenses: I100O cash, balance out of the business.' EUREKA REALTY CO.. 627-62 Chamber of Commerce. M arshall 93. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSES If yoa want to buy or sell, see us; old est established business chance Arm In the city. 1 hone A 1321 or Main S774. Several special bargains today. G ARLAND & CO.. 191 Fonrth St. A BARGAIN Ten rooms nicely furnished, part housekeeping, heaters, gaa stovea; beat business corner on Grand ave., splen did Investment for small capital: lease: leaving city, muet sell at sacrifice; $475 cash. Phone owner Marshall 1207 TEN rooma corner building, arranged for houaekeeplng and aleeplngerooms; nice furniture; clears (60; terms. Owner, 263 6th. t FURNISHED large 10-room house beau tlfullv in December, renting housekeep ing for l4; must soil; no agonta. c 147, East 8001. ROOMING HOUSE Ten rooma for sale, well furnished, always full: rent $35 month. Inquire at 160 H Grand. Good location, one block from Morrison. HLF-Interest-Iri" sm old-cstabTlshed busi ness, doing a good business. For full par tlrularsacall Kinney A Stamphtr. Lumber Exc h ange bldg.. rooms 531-532. ROOMING-HOUSE. 18 rooms, all furnished, good location, rent $30; next to Pantagea Theater. 1074 4th St.; to be sold by owner. A SNAP Eight rooms, housekeeping, pays handsomely, good reason for selling. 321 6th su (loco FOR a fine furnished 8-room bouse on Montgomery. Including a piano; $o00 cash, balance monthly, tip Sixth st- LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine half mattreaaea retail at wholesale prices; w renovste mattreases and return same day; w also renovat feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger, S24-223 Front. Phon Main 474: A 1374. FOUND Auto lamp, between 21st and 22d and Upshur su Call ttoa Upshur. W. G Fsrrer. LOST Pocketbook. Finder, (rood reward. Call at 454 Belmont. J no. Manthey. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. V" SEALED bids' will be received at the of fice of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, 4u2 Tilford building. Portland, Or., until 6 P. It.. May 4. 1911. for the buildings on the ground recently purchased by School Distr:ct No. 1. In block H7, gcslwood. These buildings consist of dwelling-houses, etc., bearing the following numbers: J"2 Umatilla street. 6u6 Umatilla street, 620 Umatilla street, o24 Umatilla street. 623 Harney street. 1I92 Kaet Fifteenth street. KIU0 Eaat Fifteenth street. Bids to be made on each building sep arately. Certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of each bid, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each propoaal. Board of Directora reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. R. H. THOMAS, Bchool Cleric Dated April 27. 11)11. NOTICB TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposal will bs received by the City Recorder of Toledo, Or., until 7:30 P. M-. Monday, Msy 15. 191L for th construction of a gravity water aupply ava tem for the said city. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the City Recorder, at Toledo, Or., or at the office of Stannard A Rich ardson, 410 Henry building, Portland, Or. A certified check payable to the Mayor of Toledo. Or., drawn on some solvent bank, equal to ten (10) per cent of the bid must accompany each proposal. Tli successful bidder will be required to fur nish a surety bond equal to 73 per cent of the total bid to Insure the faithful per formance of the contract. F. N. HAY DEN. Recorder, (Seal.) ToIdo. Or. NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS OF SEIZED GOODS Notice I hereby given that the following article have been seized for violation of the U. 3. customs and rev nu laws, to-wit: 1 iconic. 1 arrto. seized at this nort. 1400 cigarettes, seized In JJictrict of Fuget Bouno. 13 boxes of cigars, 8 pieces silk cloth, 1 piece wool cloth, seised In Iilstrlct of Astoria. aii nersons claiming the above or any part thereof are hereby notified to nle tneir cisim, uu -- v ....... . . vk - toms. District of Portland, within twenty daya from the first publication of thla nOtlC, to-wu; ID jdu uajr vi April, ivii, . P. S., MALCOLM. Collector of Customs. OFFICE of C Q. M., Vancouver Barracks. Wash.. January 2D. 1911. Sealed pro posals In triplicate will be received hc-re or at offices of th respective post Quar termaster, until 11 o'clock. A. M., i2uth meridian time. May 3. 1911, for furnish ing ful at Forts Egbert and Olbbon. Alaska, for fiscal year commencing July 1. 1W1L Information furnished here or by Quartermasters at posts, united States reserves the right to reject or accept any or ail nrooosals. or any nart thereof. Eu- velopea containing proposals shot-id be rnaraea: rropofiis tor ruei at , ao- drossed to Post quartermaster. Fort Eg bert or Fort Gibbon. AlAska. or Chief w. M., Vancouver Barracks. Wash. NOTICE OF BOND ISSUE. Notice Is hereby given, that bida will bo received by the Committee on Ways and Means of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Clatsop County. State of Ore gon, until Monday the 8th day of June. 1811. at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., of said day, for refunding $sO,oi0 municipal bonds of th City of Astoria, due Sep tember 1st, 1811. The right Is reserved to reject any and all blda Send all bids to the committee or Olof Anderson. Audi tor and police Judge. C. J. CURTIS. L. O. BELLAND. CHRIS. SCHMIDT. Commute. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, 403 Til ford building. Portland. Oregon, until 6 P. M.. May 4, 1911. for grading and other wlae Improving the grounds at Chapman School. Blils to b submitted on each school separately. Copies of specifica tions and plans may be obtained at the office of the Clerk. Certlflt-d check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. pay. able to R. H. Thomaa. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves th right to reject any and all blda R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated April 2i. lull. FRUIT CANNERY FOR SALE. Sealed bids will be received fur the site, manufacturing plant, machinery - and all materlala on hand, of the Lea-la River Canning Company, of Woodland. Wash Bids will be closed at noon. Saturday May 13. Address all bids to R. Y. Hobinson. Woodland. Wash., R. F. D. No. 1. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check of 6 per cent of the amount of Shi bid. The board of directora reaervea tna right to reject any or all blda. plant la adapted to other manufacturing purposes. For further details apply to E. W. Koblnson, Woodland. Wash., It. F. D. No. 1. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. 402 Til ford building. Portland. Oregon, until S P. M.. May 4. 1811, ror cutting and disposing of the grass for the period of time from May 6 to June 30. Inclusive, 1911, on the grounds of Brooklyn and Irvington schools; grass to be cut once each week. Bids to be made on each school separately. Cer tified check of 5 per cent of the amount - of each bid. payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each pro poaal. Board of Directors reserve th right to reject any and all blda R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated April 28. 11L OFFICE of C." Q. M- Vancouver Barracks, Waah.. April 18. 1811 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M . May 2. 1911. for furnlsh and electric current for Illuminating and small motor purposes at Vsncouver Bar racks. Wash., during F. Y. 1911. Informa tion furnished here or by Quartermaster at post. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals. ' or any part thereof. Envelopes contain ing proposals should be marked: "Pro posals for electrlo current at Vancouver Barracks. Wash.." addressed to Chief Q. JA-, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. - . 1 1 I BIDS will bo received at the of fice of Bridge A Webber, architects, room 422 Hamilton bldg.. Portland Or., until li A. M-. May 6. 1911. for the electric wiring of the main building and power house at Multnomah Farm, about one mile west of Troutdale. No bid will be oonsldered unless accom panied by a check, payable to th order of the County Court of Multnomah Coun ty, Or., certified to by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate bid. and this check Is to be forfeited a fixed and liquidated dam ages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and to furnish suit able bond for the faithful performance of said work. In case the contract is award ed to him. Plans and specifications ran be seen at the office of the architects. The right to reject any or all bids la hereby re served. T. J. CLEETON. County Judge. W. I LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. D. V. HART, County Commlsslonsr. SEALED bids will be-received at th of fice of R. H. Thomas. Sohool Clerk. 402 Tilford Building, Portland. Oregon, until 6 P. M.. May 4. 1911. for grading and otherwise Improving the grounds at Washington High and Hawthorne Schools. Copies of plans and specifica tions may he obtained at the offlc of the clerk. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must ac company .each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all blda Dated April 26, 191L R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. BIDS FOR ROCK CRUSHER. Notice Is hereby given that bid will be received by the A"ommlttee on Ways and Means of the Common Council of the City of Astoria until Monday the 15th day of May, 1911, at the hour of 8 o'clock of aald dav. for furnishing the City of Astoria with a rock crusher. Plana de tailed Information and prices to b sent to the undersigned. The right la reserved to reject any and all Diaa C. J. CURTIS. Chairman. FINANCIAL. un&TninE r .n I K H On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST COMPANY, 916 Spalding Bldg. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. On good hrst mortgagea E. C. Easton. 827 Hoard of 1 rade Bldg. Money to Loan Real Ustate A PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. You are not required to own a lot, as we loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. Thla is tna nan man's plan to own a horn. Call or writ xor particulars. . bTANDAKD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Delaney, State Agent. 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY to loan on Inalde Portland prop arty. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 619-20-21 Railway Exchange, MORTGAGE LOANd. Made at 5 to per cent- Hour. A. is.. 10 tu 12. P. U. 1 to 2. 804 Chamber of Commere. ON IMPKU ED City property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges, money advanced as building progreasea The Kquitablo Sav- t o. . i-.lnn OlO klnrk St lilgB AC l.uU neuumuuui PLENTY of money to loan at and 7 pr ED W P. MALU 104 Second Su $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; hiillrimi- or small loam at lOWOSt prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxis Co.. 514-513-316 Gerlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and -contracts purchaaed on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. K. L, Dcvc-reaux. Feiuon bldg..B4 nth St. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOUDEY, Lewis Building. SKI 000 TO LOAN. West Side improved real estate. Union Pacific Life Insurance Co., 604-005 Or- gonlan bldg. W A. HAVE plenty of money to loan Irt-rtland property In sums from (loOO t iSO.Ooo at lowest current ratea Morgan. (ilcdiier A Eoyce, 3U8-606Ablngton bids. MORTGAGE Investment Company, capital stock $100,000, buys mortgages, contracts 01 sale, etc. omces -luv-iu-ii v.uuvn umg Portland. Or. Write or call at office. MONEY to loan on Improved real estat or tor building purpoaes. Columbia Lifa A Urust Com pany, 916 Spalding bldg. impriivkd or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgages bought. W. Ai. INUnn. -10 oi-ciwca u-ufc. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest ratea VV. G. Heck, 812 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loana on olty property; lowest ratea A. it. iiirreii iu., .u, jucivj ,us 2d and Stark. PRIVATE MONEY $3000 $2000 J13O0 soOO to loan on good real estate aecurlty. Call at once at 900 Spalding bldg. (Rioo TO loan on good city rea lestate at 7 w ... ...11 H? U -ri e -C-aA Kl.lcr per ceni. i.aii j a- - --- - e no agenta MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. g. H. LEWIS. LEWIS BLDO. Stat fund loaned, 6 per cent- W. E. Thorn aa. slate anentMullnumah Co.. 4uo C. of C Will loan $10,000 or Uaa real estate security. Farrlug too, 116 Commercial Club bldg. MONEX. any amount. 6 to S per cent. Good. sough A Seitx, 10 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 238 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on city, suburban property; easy terms. Room 5, 221 s Morrison st. 1 UA,ii on real, personal. Chanel or coliat er.l securuy. C. W. Pailett. 30S-9 Fenlon. PRIVATE money loaned on real eatats mort--sair.s. A. M- Mlley. At. 204 Gerllnger bldg. "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" For raJeataieloans7J2palulngbUig. MONEY for good Inside loans. 6. 7. 8. Carlock A Aiuellhaupu luau Cham. Com. RESIDENCES financed and built, a. C Fur long. 033 C. of C. bldg. A 20O9. FhTVaXE MONEY $ooo to loan on Irving ton real estate. feast 2U53. MONEY w loan on real estate in amounts to suit borrower. Lawyers ADs'ract at A rust Co, XrIAVE $5000 to loan on West Sid realty. M 64, Oregonlan. - MORTGAGE loans at reasonable ratea Lowenson Bros. 4 J 2 Buchanan bldg. SEE 1' ".Cir1 H OMME,ll00 Spal ding bldgT- Money to Loan on Chattels and Salaries. $$$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKINO FOR MONEY? If you know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let u furnish money to settle tiiem. WE LOAN ON Furnltur and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-nouses and all klnda of securities; terms to suit; also oeay weekly or monthly installment. We buy and loan on nrst and second mortgages and equity In contracts. U. o. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 80. Main 2084. $ $ $ $ $ ( Wsi UaVs! MGNAv Au LAJMJi On salaries only. In amounts of front (3 to $100, at th lowest possible rat, II us In as a strictly confidential. Al ws require is that you be employed en salary and you set the money quickly, without mortgage, indoraer or otner se curity. BTATflJ SECURITY COv. 308 Falling Bldg.. ror. Third and Washington ate, MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon thir own name without curity; cheapest raleavaasleat nayment; offices In 66 principal class; ave yourself by gettlcg my term first. IOLxA.N, B17 Lumber Exchange. iioNEY loaned la amounts from 810 up on al. kinds of securities, furnltur. piano oc any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential, oral- & Cunningham. 201 Rothchild bidg northw est corner 4th and Waanlngtoa. " MONEY ADVANCE!. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, eta. Lowest ratsa HUTTON CREDIT COv, 307 Spaluiug bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds" ofsT curlty. chattels or real estate; Union Loan rv. as Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. ... 1 ow rates; we loan money on diamonds and lewelry- Marx Bloch. 74 3d st. LOANS on dlamonde and other aeourltlea WllllrnHoIl. room 9, Washington bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The LoaaCo-. 414 Dekuro bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 Vs 2d. near Alder. Room V anted. LET us plac your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 LswU bids. WANTED From private party, (3000 for terms of years on gilt-edge country uiun- gage; will pay AO per cent. 1 10, gonian. WAl can invest your muuey av bwu Interest; gilt-edged securities; first mort- . . , Brnvliilint gages; loug-ieriii m . c. - ' 7 Investment & Trusts Co.. 2L 203 Board ot iraae oiag. WE CAN place four loans on first mort gages; two of $2000 ana two 01 Provident Investment A Traste Co., 201 203 Board of Trade. gl.1.10. 11800. 12000. 12500. $3500. $4000. $5000. Flrat real estat mortgages, high state of Improvement. 8 per cent Int. J. H. 1 ipton t .0.. .iiua. apaiomg omg. $3500 ON high-class residence property, S years; will pay per cent 10 private y.v. AO 60, Oregonian. .. tat v v-f cinnft hollHln.- loan, good Interest, liberal commission, ample security. A 52, Oregonian. LAURELHURST $280 on hlgh-clasa 7 room bungalow; will pay S per cent and expensea 47, oregonian. x-.onn ffivTEn ON CLOSE-IN INCOME PROPERTY: 8 per cent to private party. AK 58. Oregonian. WANTED 11500. $ years at 7 per cent on good residence property, lirussi sc mouw, 317 noara or -iraae- I.OAN of $1500 on Improved city property. x o J, mciuumi WANTED $2000 and $1200 on 1st mort gage at 8 per cent. S 76. Oregonlan. SEE PRUDHOMME, 906 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. Tt-C- T I 1 T - C ,1. - l ..ntnnail nClvatO Of 111-, nnia voe onto. v ..... - 1 1 , v. flees on the Pacific furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by tne most advanced men in burope nun lr-H w o.e no rimes we never operate. We have aomethinu better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion ana neat. ake ovens. - . coll. viol., lleht. ttnri llltr violet rayS. MiH-e-An.,Amu omn. Sinusoidal. hellOS, solar, giant and King lights. We are the nhv.lcl.n. on the PaclUC C03SI vising radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices. V e have been in Pordand over five years and treated thousands of patients and never had a death. We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands .- f so-called "Incurables" and neri'ousf tccks. In vestigate for yourself. W occupy the entire north half of the thlrV floor of the rtothchilds bldg. Dr. W. AS. aiaiioij-. Naturopath. INFORMATION WANTED Any person knowing the address of Alex Nugent and Albert Peetv. two bridge carpenters em ployed hv Rate. A rtodirers on C. M. A Puget Sound Railway, at Kyle. Shoshone County. Idaho. In October. 1009. will please communicate with Woody A Woody, or Delos T. White. Missoula, Mont. DR. A T. If 1-5 A flRIFF. ni.e..e. a children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; connn- ment cared for; consultation free. 81314 Washington st. Alain 09.0, A ooui. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny . canine. Phone East 260. B 1503 CLOSING out stock of rialr and shell goods pure human hair In all shades; also store fixtures, large mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost and less; special Jobs to dealera urana i-e", hair dept.. 5th and Alder. PILES, fistula, fissure and other DISEASES OF THE RECTUM CURED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for names of CTTR F.n PiTTPVTS so. T tr-e-ERENCE. Dr. E. K. Scott, suite 922 Selling Bldg. WANTED Pupils to learn hairdrosslng jajii.uil!, IBL-iSI inHBFSKV, - ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-12 Do- I V , 1 . . . . . I . JL CO eum u 1 11 s -. over iipman, w one MASSAGE given at own homes by lady or gentleman, European graduates: double I. I .1 v 1 .1 ...... Kw latest method; great auccesa Phone Marshall FITRVIHT a. HiNEfirT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th St.. near Morrison. Phone Main 040. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures biooa ana skin aliment, muuej eu bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 131 1st St.. Portlana. WANTED Services of a good newspaper clipping bureau. N. w. Municipal 1 con struction Co.. 41S U. S. Bank bldg., Salem. Oregon. IIKI.KN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic aiseasos. --ni n Russell st-. Portland, or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. nn a. A AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Phone Main eusr. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired, xrorupt cans anu deliveries. Unique Tailoring no., oua otarg. jurts. otevens, 10 yeiir , m ii.i.u ing paniii.t cvii .i v in-. n j .... ... .. . book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at K4o s lamnitl, coiner coveiiin su N JOHNSON Electric facial, massage and scalp treatment. 422 V Washington st.. suite 52. WE do everything In ladles' tailoring; suits to your measure irom oo up. j. -n. Ehrlich CO., pnoenix oiog.. otn ana ubk O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium, 178 E. 60th. Competent masseuse both sexes, steam and water baths Both phones. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25o box; 6 boxes, $1.25. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch 93c; curls and puffs. 750. Sani tary Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. KATHRYJ MORRIS, 422$ Washington St.. room 15. manicuring. shampooing; no signs. WILLOW your own PLUMES; Illustrated copyright instructions. 25 cents, postpaid. Liberal Arts College, box 1850. Seattle. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist. 386 li Washington st.. room 22. Main 6824. Meetings Wednesday, 8 P. M. WILL F. A. Mc please write to 31. K., 167 E. Reno? BALM OF FIGSRemedles for disease ot women. 532 Davis st. Main 9215. CHIROPODY, manicuring, vibratory scalp maasaKe.330H Morrison St., room 15. DR KETCHUM treat women' maladies. lltjhl )Q ,., lu 1 llin . n . 1 . 11 1 1 1 . 'THE BATTLE CREEK bath. 246 Yamhill st bet. 2d and 8d. Main 193s. MME. Courtwrlght, feature and skin speclal- -, 1-j-ili- 14th. cor. Washington. SOMEONE to adopt bright boy, age 5. B MOLES, wrlnklea, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. M 3473. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIRD A CO.. PCBL1G ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 224 Worceater Block. Main 73UU. A 1443 Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. COLLI 3, BERRIDGE & THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 304 Worcester oioca. ruouo Alain 001. FRANK R. WILCOX, general accountant. jruBime. v. ii . ...i.iiiiii. of accounts, verifying balances, also sys tematizing. 718 Spalding bldg. Antiq ue Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique- Furniture Co., 471 Wasn. St.. repair eou icuuibu umiques and all nne furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low prices. Phone Mar shall 1997. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, chem- IStS SHU wiiojo- -1. .! "o.i.n s 1011. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana oro-ve.vios .,., .nui.i.uu Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General nractice, .u.iii.1. - nnuovea to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873, A 207L Baths and Swimming. Porllard Swimming baths. 167 4th Elegant plunge: steam, tub and shower baths. 25o. jjjLUS SANITARIUM Rheumatio treat ment. v-""s i .hi. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th only scienvnio v.owv""-ve ,u in, cuy. parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D Hill, room 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. Bras and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Krass casting and. xu4sC-ain wora. 111a tn. iaaln, 2Oe 5? BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of ilce and store setting. 8 N. bth su Mala "III. A Woodlawn 662. Contractors. ' CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing ai3 remodeling a specialty; sign work. O, P. BUss, 322'4 Stark. Phone Main 9017. BORERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Faigo bldg. Main 530. Coal and Wood. BCRN'IDB FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail 4-ft sawed fir and hardwood. Offlc and' yards at 125 E. Ith t. Phon JJast 724. B 2777. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood $3 80 per load delivered any plac In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 103 107 11th st. North. Main 37. A 8736. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft- cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Glisan. ai. 635M. M. S351. A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coaL Main 1006; A 1100- NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. - Marshall 900- 313 Water at. WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4596. COAL A 4547. Prompt dellv. Neer A Farr. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. o3D ST. WOOD Collections. ADJ. & COLLECTION CO. Law and col lections. 1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7810. PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Alisky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 4222. Chiropractic Physician CHI-RO-PR AC-TIC TICK-NEl?'; Say It fas and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 6:30. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. lrt Oregon. 223 Fliedner bldg. Hour 9 to 0. Consulting Knglneeis. - UNITED Engineering A Construction Co Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Dancing. LESSONS 25o; 4 lessors lor $1; waits, two step; three-step; stage dancing, etc: every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal WilUon s School; oldest and only rec ognized academv for correct dancing. 8stiVi Wash. st.. bet- W. Park and lOtn ata. LESSONS 25c Heath's Dat-clng School, 10A Second St., between Washington and strh streets; stage dancing taught, wait and two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons: claa Monday evc-iil r. g, S to 10; lessons dally. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work i lmDO&slhie- doe. awnv entirely with nlates. bridgework ; we cure pyorrhea (loos teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. 106 8d THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists, 111. JUU1IIHIU IU. Dor- and Horse UospltaL Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. office 129 N. 11th st, .Main 40s6; rea E. 6440. Hospital 80 12th. Engines Gas ana Hteam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasolln eu glne. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone hi. 615, Fan and Blower. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO., 600 LorlngJ St. Bust collecting and ventilating ys-tcrr-s. phones C 1115, E. 8209. Feed Store. ZIGLER A MINSEK, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, ghlnglea y4 orand ave. E. 482. Glazing. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, windows. new, second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co. 105-7 11th st.,N:Main A3736. Leather ana Findings. , CHAS. S. MASTIC & CO., 74 Front, Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 180 Front su Mineral Water. SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottler for Hires. Manufacturers of high-class carbonated beverages. Notify us ot all empty siphons, bottles and cases. Phones, Main 6U91, A lSUu. Carter-Gratton-Nelsoa Bottling Co.. 828 Johnson St. Musical. Emll Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevoilc. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1629. Osteopathic Physicians ' DR. LEROY SM1TIL graduate Kirkvllle, Mo., class of lSis; post-graduate, 1907. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder ot the sci ence. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1957. A 1.85. Dr.. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekura bldg.. Nervous and Chronto Diseases. Phone oft Ice M. 349, Res., East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS- HUETER PAINT Co.. 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. PATEN1S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, luto of U. S. Patent Otfice, Book let free. 719 Board ot Trade bldg. R C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, Intilngement ca-ies. 604 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 817 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 year . In Portland. 71 6th su Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPS CO. Factory anoi office near 24th and York sta M. 848a Plumbers. FOX A CO.. PLUMBERS. 209 2d St- Main 2001, A 200 L COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb, era. 493 Glisan. Main 8487. Rubber Sramue. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery. to. Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Hug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Hugs from old carpets; colonial rag ruga East 8380, B 12S0. 133 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison. Safe. PACIFIC COAST SAFE) AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, highest grade; factory prices, easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms corner Third and, pine. Factory Kenton. Portland. THE MOSLEIt SAFE CO., 108 2d St. SaXea at factory prices; Becond-hand safes. Second-llund Goods. anr ..av the hiieiiest prices for second-han clr.rhln and shoes. A S190. 53 V N. Bth. WhnwcasesJlank and Show Futures. THE LU'IKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap 10s Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyu AL Lutke, manager. . R. H BIRDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcases in stock: prompt delivery. Sale agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch: nevr and seconq-nanu. jiam im,. --u me. Steamships. ALLEN LINE ,... ficiureauuo ci. w. w eeaiy oaninea . . mi. MONTREAL 10 LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW ..... 1 11 . i-r.i.- 1.- tj . 1 - L- LUiMlUn "u xn.ivi. Snlendid scenery, shortest passage, low rat, in, local m-nnt. or L LI.EN A CO.. 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. ' FEE STORAGE FREE. All household goods go into brick warehouse free for the first 30 days and at the lowest rates thereafter; moving and packing done by expert. Van Horn Trans far Co. Both- phones. C o. PICK Iransfer A Storage Co., offices and commoaious s-storj uiiuk nareuouso, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 500, A 1990. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-89 Front st. Telephone Main 547 or A 22-47. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transier anu lurwaiuiug seiiL oiuiags oflic 310 Hoyt st.. between Sth and 6th, phones Main till. A 1169. Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. Flnley. Z4'J V.ol urn n. TjTewrlters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast- Investigates all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex. change. 287 V, Washington St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, 820 to $60, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals, $3 far month. Pacllio Stationery & Printing u, 203 2d st- NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at out; rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. " CARPETS cleaned oil floor $1 per hour; rates to large houses. B 1650. East 4497, Well DrUUngl DRILLING well a specialty: priced reason. I able. Call Main 1346 or write Millar all 4 West. 183 Morrison L. f ortland, . ' a I