TITE MORXIG OREGOXIAN. MONDAY. MAY 1, 1911 l -i : : IVR M.i r wct- I , I I I Hiieeilanraal. COTNTRT lonil SO acres. mi. "" citr: fin. looiloi for MnlUrlum or gar dening ana cniane. -- ' UK BALK. mww. Vettlcte and Mr WE bar. oo hand at all "J?: binatlo. u4a and biram horse trial Sr. fit and mdr for immit. -J om and try our borse at out tjpmtt. K?. "em uamiud by your own -erm.r-y .nd b r.tlsflrd buy them. Pr,".7from $123 op- V. ' .""a' and beer, Kramer :ialia bcaool. Jefferson ale. A PRETTT gray gelding, weight 130O or A,r.r. ThU bora. I. young an d u 1. nd all right every war; price I-'jO. Oregon 1 ilJiori St.bUt. th and Barnaul.. Phon. vnn 12J2 or A Slia. GOOD hor. md mare. 53 OO pound ound aid tru. worker. T and B y--.r. o.d. bar -a and on. Teka H!l M' "'Sale", w.k W railroad track, houa. number tL FOR BALE 2 n tam. young weighing 2uO and 3ov0 lba, sound and u. Una team young, weil-matched Taria, w.:aln 27..0 lb. -und and , t aoul blemishes. 2-6 Ruscll at. a-nt-E to pall: 7-year-old team, with 3-toa OgloSec W.ggon. with top. aid. cur tain, piano board and doubl et of har ca.thla la a bargain. Call Tabor13.J; GOOD team. harnea. new on: !' wood aaw. 50 .cords pole all lor Thumaa Cilllhan. a-.!S Thorburn ava, ' i 1'bona Tabor -. For-SALE Almoat new furnitura delivery . Z wagon, atron, and w.ll-bu.l. T - wagoo. L Ocvart at Bona. 1.3-3 111 at. . rOK SALE, cheap first -clas t"P . nd HI light .double btrn. AVpl)L;V ?. -.-..-. v.,rth corner &andv road. r.aal e " - " ' PORTLAND mablea. l N 15th at. PJ t.aa rig for hlr py day QTm onus. i U eXd of young draft taoi- from ITU " to Ingulra lth and s.vlerta NEW ooae nac waoa for aala. lul Norjli 4ih at. . . -atanoe. QnaM Ma laanuaiaia VE oRar for aala tha o:lowlns unredeemed tnatrumenta and other article to cover a"ra7 rharea. tre,ht and adrancea. Kraba 113. Cblck-nnc . . M'eln. !. lacker Bna. iVJi. Chl.kerin . ..). r-roeraon 170. Weber l'.i0. lvlmbn,t 1-70 Kelao 1. Stelnway 130 S.oldard Anelua piano player to. muJlc In cluded: i-lanola S drop-bead acwii.g mlcblnea 11 to Anc.lua piano player iieen $102- , -baa. irooda are all In n condition. Te-tn rah. till. guaranteed tr.fcu Conao'.idated ttoraa at orwardin Co.. C M. 01en"a waxebouac. - fin. at-. ba5 I'd and 3d. vToLtXf"or aala. on. of tha beat-toned ln atrumenta on the Coaat: only trial turn. X Oreonian. AatonaaMlea. ' FK:ONt HAND CARS. 8TEAR.NS .7 paaa. ryL. J" P ful;y equipped ; fine condltlJtt. I 'w CHALMEKS 1010 30. 6 paaa.. 30 H. P fully equipped. (U.V1. PS.EKLKS T paaa.. fully qulpp-d: aood buy. IIS". MAXWELL S cyU. paaa; for quick "cad'lLAC 1910. t paaa. fully equipped, a r.il barsalo. 130O. BEO-J cyL. 8 paaa.; top. oO. CAX)ILLAC ln. i paaa.. 30 H. fuliy equipped: re tain ted. lCc-0. HCICK a cyL. paaa ful.y equipped. JIERCE 19lo. cyL. 36 II. P., 5 paaa.; At condition. 3hio. BLIi'K Uodal 10. 4 cyl. runabout with top $."fOL Th. owner, of the, can taav. left tnam with ua for aala. they havln purchaed JU Plerc-Arrow or CadUlao cara. Our lt of cd ear la continually cban(ln(. It will nay you to Ineeatlitate. covet MrroR car oipany. Main A 46.S7. 7tb and Couch St a. W will occupy our new 4-atory and baaemant concret. bulldlns. Slat -"and Waahlnytop atreeta. aboQt May 1. PIERCE ARROW 4S HORSEPOWER, -plerc. Arrow n li. P. 7-paenser haa been run about sooo milea. juat re relvl enmpiet. mechanical overhauling la now being repainted. Haa a complet. equipment of hlcheet giada. Including aeveral eitra caalnga. etc. Apply 3oti Meella Fargo building. Tlenhonea: Parlflc, Private Exchang. L iiuua. ii Home. A olil. Houa. i , At'TOUORILE SACRIFICE. Pandy .paaaanrer Cadlliao In ana con dition. Juat ovarnaulad, tire, la urellent ehap. new top and wind ahleld: thia la a anap and JoO caah takea lu u3 bw.t- landbldg; TOR SALE or trade (or land, aa Auburn touring car and Flandere runabout, prac tically new. In A-l condition: reaaon for filing, hav. nor car. thaa 1 need. J. S. il-all. Telephon. Eaat 2S. Al'TOMOBILES for aala; two derconetratora. aMgbtly umud Carter, arm. 30- H. p.. Jll.'.o and f UCMl Car tartar iet Co., 7tb and . Oat AN ACRE of good land. doe. In. on Weat htde. value 9om. and annae cash to trala for a good 4-paaaengcr auto. AP 7a. Oregon ta n. T-PASSKNCER auto. trad, for anything good to aat or varar. lota or a.-reage Mult. Co. X m:i y a w Coun t r y Club. ' ANTEO Motorcyraj will exchange equity la two corner lota. baap. 11 eV. Ore gon lnn. AUTOMOBILES boaght and aold. Call or writ, for bargain l:st. Cuatom-Hoc. Aat. Co.. 331 Everett at. Main InVj. U-H. P. Overland, never been uaed; 10 U. than factory price: la Two Studcbaker for ttonX Vance. 213 Front at. MT'ST aell at oaca for caah. 4-paaeeeger Parry roadater. practically aaw. a bar gate. 3- Everett atreat. BVAP buy. lutO 44Vhoraepower Martoa road arer. good a. new. AM SL oregonlan. gUrda. Dm aael Pet mora. 1. r.O)D iavtng bena and one good Ply mouth Rite, rooater. 3H young chicken, acea ranging from 3 daa to 2 monthi old. ! of which are Wblte Wyunrtottee: wil aell reaaonabl. If all taea at once. Phon. C jo to. - Alredal. Terrier Imported atud "Laddtx Monarch. Laddrg Kennela. Eatacada. or. 4MVAAA pEcovn-nAvn urick. Out of th 0:da. Wortmin A iCine btdg. on 5th and Washington ata Irqut l.NTEIOiATIONAI. Hl.lnJ. A VK tXKINO COMPANY. S07-311 Fourth St. Maxthail 1J51 UMBEK. Thonaand of feet of arrocd-Tiand lum ber; baa been naed one fur cribbing: for aala at lowest prlcee. n INTERNATIONAL PI. 7X3. at WRECKING COMPANY. S07-3I1 Fourth St. Marshall 1S34. ONE MII.L10N"CLtAr';D-HAND BRICK. 3 per thousand ; pressed and common brick, now In Olda. Wort-nan A King and ta -ha Corbett building, ready for July delivery. PORTLAXD WRECKING CO, JO&-10 North llrb bt Main 37. A 3734. LtTMBER Ll'MBER Lt'MBER. Second-band flooring and dimonaloa text la parfect condition; tf per thou sand. Portland wreckino compant. 10S-IOJ North 11th at. Mala 17. A 3734. MAKE MB AH OFFER Far my 2-foot motorboat; speed IS miles, eats A; good aa aaw guaraatewd: or my 1 foot launch, apeed a miles, seals J O. fully equipped; both must be aold. af SH. Oregonlan. rxVR AND WINDOWS, new and aacond band. up. POKTLAfro WRECKING CO, luA-lOT North Ilia eu Main 37. A 873d. BARGAINS for a few day only: Remington No. 7. Fox. No. X Hi. Bllrk. No. S. il'.ftO: Bilek. No T. -- Th. Northwest Typewriter Co.. 0 6th St. SNAP IN" UPRIGHT CA.F.S. S !arga tsprtght p:at. case, for sal. at a aacriOca. Apply People's Clothing Co, : lo Third tat. FOR SALE Stock aaoe.; Salem. Or.: On. location, low rent, good atock; forced sala. W. E. Viacant. aastgnaev baiam. Or. SAFES Near and Sd-haad; low prices : aey terms'. afa opened, repaired and painted. FUKCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND APE CO, 6 lib at. Mala ajua. a 411. 1TCR SALE Sbowcaaea. wallcaaea. coun tersT general ftrtar. la atock and mad. to seder at loweat prtcaw. 3-3 Uraa4 ava. & FOR 0ALE or ren u logging and hoisting nglnea. Railway Equipment Co, 74 1st St. Phon. A 2343. Mala SatO. Jtivr.l. gaa rang, for aala. sacrifice. Phone TALK motor eyed, TS. also gent' bike, like new, cheap, fr-tl 4th st. A X)D !3 rlga caa. for aale. ;o. At t lob Karnerenop. o o esumiios. WANT cycJ. brooder. Call np Woodlawa 713 W A N ;T F. r Jood fraah mil i co ml lie or a . Rlnbecke. Grand Leader, flth st. tsAFPCS - second-hand. Wiu su ctwi far caa. 1 va. Oregoalaa. .. . . r I nrt n .vTrn vai e I HKU watei-ixmaiji. I .-i i L a i v. 1 MALLEABLE attl range, good aa new. Jlu. .'ii) Slsssrl sil rango. fine conilltlon. Ji; No. cook atovea. v60 to 13.44 4 burntr gaa ranges. Jewel or Reliable. I-50 t 10; hotel dreejarra 1.60. full-six. dreeaers 5 to metal beds 1.50 to 10. chiffonier with mirror $7..V). quartered oak .xtensitm table, round lop. undlvldlng pedeatal 1A3. six solid oak box l chairs $li rock.rs $1.3 to tS. H3 Ussissala ruga . vl- Axmlnater ruga li.5 to tl'A Anglo-Indian t liton rug. 11x12, good aa now. for J0. and lota of otber bargalna In ruga of all la": roller-top deak artth drawers on both aides, eolld quartered oak 13.B0. rnvolv Ing offlc. chair $30 quartered .ak dl r ex-tore' office ta.!. a aw.ll Plec. of offlc. furniture, 39 Inches wide by Inches long, for -'.60: buffet. tf to -0. M large golden mi sldebonrd to S..1M oak combination bookcase and deak l. lady's -desks (4 to 11X30. refrigerators J io to 13.io. bamboo bookcaaea i3c. cherrywood bookcase 4 5a center table. SI to tli. library table 3.:.0. twlcefoldlng bed. .olid oaJt. 7.0: kitchen treaaure larre slse. $1 kitchen cupboard, aolld oak with glass doors. 7: kitchen table L cblna cloaeL weathered oak $. aanltary coucb with cotton pad . bed lounge, ve lour cover, good condition. $3: hall rack a to I7.60; banging ball mirror. Ii.50: lsx40 ta. French beveled mirror 3. eaaol mirror. In weathered oak frame. 10; magaxln rack 41.25 to -'. hardwood w.shstan.ir ft to IX old-fashioned rosewood clock J. . Our tor la full to overflowing with all kinds of new and fin. econd-hand house furnlahlnga from soma of th. beat home In Portland. W do not carry any traahy good and guarantee, everything w. aeu th. aama aa you .would get la any flr ciass store In Portland. Our prtcn ar. about ona-half what you would hav. to pay for new goods and our new goexia sTe about one-quart ar lea than the large atoree would charge you. Coma and 10..K around, you will find eomethln lntaroal . Ing whether you buy or not. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANT. 643-347 Washington, bat. lth and 1-th ata, Both phonee. Main 1109 or A S.9J. M'GRATH A G1RVAN. propa. STEAM PLANT FOH SALE. Xii. following boilera. engine, etc, etc, all In flrat-claa order and la good work li.g condition, ace for ': " ... 1 Return Tub. Boiler. T2 In. by 1 1 Russell Automstlc Engine, llal,8 1 Steam Driven Duos Jet Condenser. gxx 1 - Inrhss. 1 incloaed Type Feed Water Heater. 2 Vertical Bollts. H. P. each. 1 General Electric Hl-Polr Generator. 1:5 volts, aa ampere. 100 revolutions. 1 General Electric Motor of 3 1L P di rect current. 500 volts. 1 General Electric Motor. M H. P, di rect current. 500 volta. Above can be seen In operation T tn. mill of Alber Bros. Milling Co, Front ai d Main Sts, nd will be olfl very rea sot sb. For delivery shortly aftar June i , FOR SALE. . BECONI'-HAND DOOBS. , wixiiowa i GLASS, BRICK. I.t'MBER, PLCMBINU SI'PPLIES. IRON PIPE. , STEEL AND CAST IRON AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE. INTERNATIONAL BLPO. WKECKING COMPANY. 307-311 FOl'RTH ST, MARSHALL 134. FOR 8ALS. Two 100-n. P. horizontal return tabular boilera. complete with Inclosed tvp. feed water beater. BUx3H Smltn valve fed pump. Dodg. Injectors. safety valves, crown valves. 6.lnrh bender aad all angle vstvea and Williams feed-water reculator, with safety water column a. la good con dltlon. Also on ' 1I-H. p. vertical submerged bead tubular boiler, complete with aafety valv. and flttlnga Including Buffalo In lector; atxnosc new; only used a short tiro. For farther particulate Inqulr. at room 201 Oregonlaa bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOra. WE BUY CLOTHING. KVERYTHINO. Highest prlc paid for men's Cast-off clothing ahoea: we also bur ladles cloth. Ing. Call up th Olobe. Mala 2USO. 2U0 First, n-ar Columbia. MONET LOST onles yea call th. Ford Auction Co. and get their prices on what you have t. sell. . Mala (U31, A MS. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE want household gooda. furniture for caah or commission. Eaat 1022. ou9-379 aV Morrison at. That's alL WE pay the highest cash prtr. for second hand furntturer Seater si Martin. Phon. Last "il.tt. g4 Hawthorne ave. WANTED No. IA special kodak or Xo. SA, with bigh-grart. ahutter and anastigmat lens. Y s. Oregonlan. Wf"M"D In lots' of 1000 to 2000 cords for delivery covering period of 10 to 13 months. W Bo. oregonlan. IF TOU hav. household f-.raltur. to MIL call up Georrt Baker 4k Co.. 153 Park at. Sale at reeldencee a snsvclulty. HELP WAS? -MALE. 5 y-xpFRIENCFD agent who know how to ' I results. ve nit- au e.ri.wer l" that ehould easily net you 14 to $3 per dav old-established house. For Interview. retly at once, stating phone numoer and pa r tl tula r. to A 4. Or gonian. EXPERIENCED adv.rtlalng llcllor. com mission: s;eclal edition or Contract work. Apply noon hour only. Benedict lna Press, lltHi Journal bl'ls "A'tNIED A capabl man to handle stock tn an A-l local corporation; n.in but a first-riasa man need apply. Address Box -.".. Salem. Or. WANTED Young man to aaalat In porter srork experienced preferred; wholesale hat house. Call Tuesday altar a P. M. M and 63 Front St. . WANTED Good men to learn to drlv. aeroplanes; contract salary f.vK to I'."). wn a year, bend stamps for reply. R tot. i oregonlan. BOY wantetl, aout 13. for Inauranc. office: opportunity i-r advancement; lunst llv. at home. Address la own hand writing. M To. Oregonlan. WANTED Anbitloua boy. 17 or IS. for of fice and ator. Must com well recom mended, otherwise don't apply.- 74 lat St. WANTED MotlcTnTplctur operator for Ed monton, li. C week. W 4y. Orec gontan. MAX of neat appearance to Solicit toe larg. corporation, good salary (f suited. Apply after 9 A. M. 7-f Yeon bldg. TWO retail cigar mgn: write latter, giving exp-rt-ut:e. salary expected and phuu. number. J 1. Oregonlan. WANTED An A-l spotter for tb. Greater Portland jieam Iy. Works. Call at Sit Milwaukl. at. t WANTEIV Man and wife for farm: must have bad experience with chickens and coma. Call at Lirexel Hotel to 11. RKL1AIUE young man lor delivering. Call Tuesday. 123 N. 16th. The Horns Uyelng ec iraiinn t ...... WANTED Young rr.an to carry dishes; $10 i- . i .. 1 1 .1 . ... ... -a rr weca. VV'l . . . . . v. . . . . 4th St. MAN for alterations and hushe'lng. Call Tuesday 12a N. ld'.h. Th. Lome Dyeing 4k Cleaning Plant. WANTED Young man for relief at noon: rtg.ar ators; bring rcfer.ocea. Board of Trad. Cigar Store. , WANTED Experienced solicitor for houae-to-hous. canvassing. Spring Vailoy WUi. Co, 244 Yamhill. tTAXVASSERS mak. to 10 a day; see us. W. hav. the money-maklng propoal tlon In town. Llncoln'a 243 Morrison at. EXPERIENCED "solicitor and collector for Inetallment houae: good future for right man. Llncoln'a, 245 Morrlaon. SALESMAN On with signs of Ufa; no charitable offering. Addrea M 42, Ore gonian. WANTED Young man over 19 years old as nrrice hoy. Call at 1202 Yeon bldg, ask for Garrison. WANTJvD Floor salesman for phonograph atom: permanent position. B 44, Orego- nlan. HARXESSM AKERS and collar thongers. No t labor troubles. W. Davis Bona. San r rancieco. v a. HORSEMEN and coffers wanted- no booje fighters need apply. Merrill. Saw Voua try I'lub. afternoons. IF yea hsva $6O0 you can mak. $50 per week; money secured; your own boas. 11 e.7. Oreronlan. OT. about If years old. to learn th. busl nea and make hlmslf usefuL Lion Cloth ing CO.. 181 d at. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Competent woodturner. Ore gon Planing Mllla. 19th and Vaughn. WANTED Ftrst-claaa veatmaker. Crown T a llor Shop. 4th and Sta rk at GALKe) manager and experletced-"shn aalea. man. Oratialeauer,oin sua jaiqer. -COME TO THK PACIFIC WITH WARD." Se. my ad under business opportunities. WANTED Dlh washer. Cafeteria. 5th st. Apply 'eerless WANTED Two good picture agents: good. new propowltlon. Inquire 373 E. Morrison. BOY wanted to drive llrht delivery wagon. 1 nlque Tailoring Co, 3t' Stark at- J TOI'NG man for postcard clerk. 322 Wash ington st. , GOOD baaa. also a tenor that playa mandolla ' or guitar. S 77, Oregonlan, INCIDENT. ' OlTle. Secretary Employment Depart ment. Y. l. C. A. - Young man, stranger, ont of work tI hi. total caah aaeta If I Pay you $5 for s peels 1 employment membership I wiu only hav. $16 left between mo and starva tion. v Secretary If yon pay IS for special m- ployment membership you will hv. th. T. M. C. A., with all It resource, between you and alarvatlou. 0 , What happened T ' Young man took membership, insia. ox two hours he found satisfactory employ ment. ' . During March, mil. 18J other found mpiovnient In a like manner. Employment or refund of membership fee guaranteed. 8a secretary employment department. T. M. C. A. , . WANTED MOVINO-PICTLTIE OPERATOR8 , Tn .very city throuRhout th. world; now IS TOUR OPPORTUNITY to' learn a GOOD-PAYING TRADE. OUR SCHOOL RECOGNIZED IN THE East ae th STANDARD; we ar the factory Jobbsrs for .11 STANDARD ' MOVING-PICTURE . MACmXES. 6UPPLIE8. FOLDING CHAIRS AND ELECTRIC PIANOS: msny a thousand beautiful plr-tur. films for rent: THEATERS EQUIPPED COMPLETE OX EASY TERMS. New York Fltm 47 o., for squar. deal. t-tJi Wash., near 17th. SALESMFTV FOR REAL ESTATB. W. need two or three bright, clever solicitor on our new sub divisions. It you an a aalesman or desir. to be on, why not elt th thing that will pay you beat T Real estate la th most profitable of all commodities to aelL Send u your nam and let ua writ you about our opportunities. C 7a, Oregonlan. . ABLB-bodted men wanted for tn V. S. Ma rine Corp, between tb ages of 19 and 3.1. Must b native born or have first papera, Monthly pay $15 to lrt9. Additional com pensation possible. Food. clothlnK nuar trrs and medical auction free. After 30 .yearr service can rcJir. with 73 per cent or pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the -world Apply st I'. S. .Marin. Corps Recruiting OfTice. Breeden bldg, 3d and Washing ton sta, Portland. Or. WAXTKn SEVERAL EXPERIENCED AR CHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMEN FOR WORKING DRAWINGS. APPLY ROOM CO. HENRY BLDG. . . . CHINESE or Jap boy to do chamberwork and some Janitor's work at the Colonial, liij lutb - HELP WANTED ITMALS. "ATINTED Young lady, with experience aa stenographer and assistant bookkeeper, for general oklc. work. Address, slating sxperlenc. and salary expected, lndopend ent Creamery, Indoperuience. Oregon. YOI'NG lady of neat appearance to do apo dal outaid. work for larg. corporation; experience unnecessary. Apply after 9 A. M, 721 Yeon bldg. WANTED Woman for general housework: must be good cook, neat and reuaDie; amall family ard good wages. Phono East 147S, or call 840 E. 12lh N. MUNICIPAL Fre. Employment Bureau x- tends .very courtesy to girls and women In search of employment. Lady aaslsta.nL No fees charged. 3172 Aladlaon st. LADY with ability to. solicit and collect for Installment houa. A money-making roposltlon for right party. Lincoln', 243 lorrlson sL ' EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, two In family; good wages. Apply morn ing. Mrs. Katx, 69 North 33d st, phon. M S2S2. WANTED Good itlrl for general houso , work; must be good cook, good wirt-i to n-rht pauy22S Union ava. N. East 2a, C 1 22 4. WAITED Neat girl for reception rooms; must help sewing: also skirt helpers want ed. V. Kaapar, ladles tailor, oitl Wash ington st. GENERAL servant, Scotch or German pre ferrod. by family of two. In town at pres ent, country later. Address Mrs. E. F. Gulhrle.Medfoi4. Or. WANTED Toung lady to learn reception room work: good poattlon for lady of ability. Portland Studio. $10 Macleay Oldg. WA N'TED 5n experienced chambermaid. Call altar 2 o'clock, room 222. Seward HoteLJ ' WANTED Experienced hand for alteration department. Apply New York Outfit' Ing Co, 101 First. GIRL for general housework, country home, modern conveniences, small family. Ap- ply 035 weiaior st. WANTED Clrl to take care of baby In afternoon. Apply 831. Th HUI ,23d and Washington, mornings HOUSEKEEPER, ranch. $SO; chambermaid and waltreaa, country, $30 each; cooka Howe's Ladles Agency. 814, S20S Wash. BY wholesol. house, a competent, rellcbl. woman who Is ambitious. Experlenc. not essential. AO 68. Oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and housework: also mald for second work. MM) Marshall at. NEXT, competent girl for reneral house work, small family; wages $23. 739 Was co at. . OIRL to assist general housework, small family. Apply Monday, 743 Overton st Tel. Mnln 50 '3. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework: none other need apply. 22) Sf. pair. Phone Matn PH. GIRL wanted for second work and to assist with car of child of 3. German preferred, good wages. a0 Everett st. FINISHERS on men's neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co, Phoenix bldg., 83 8th at. WANTED a girl for general housework; good horn, for young girl: 8 In family. 877 Eliot ava, Ladd's Addition. WANTED Experienced woman men's al teration department. R. M. Gray, 273-273 Morrlaon. GIRL to do housework and help cook In boarding-house. 2tth and XjcolaC Marshall WANTED Saleslady who can use type writer; permanent position in retail stores A 47. Oregonlan. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co, 609 Roth. child bldg, 4th and Washington. M tlS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY, 826i Washington st. Room 31 Main M36 or A 8206. GIRL for general housework, family of four, adults, good wages. Phon. Tabor 1627. WANTEP An experienced and competent nuraeglrl. Silt Johnson st, near 24th SL Phon Main 6966. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages, no washing. Apply 88 Trin ity Place, corner 19th and Everett sts. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. . - 83 Washington st, cor 7th, irpstalra, Phon Main 2092. WANTED A girl for general housework. Phon C 2258. WANTED Plain cook and general house keaper. 603 Davis, 'between 21st snd 22J. GOOD girl wanted for housework. 67S Thompson at. East 2904. C 19S3. WANTED Thoroughl?. experienced waiat makers. Mrs. F. W. rat. 75 North Uth su WANTED Flrst-cUas drafters and helpers for dressmaking. 208 Columbia bldg. WANTEDGTrPfor" general housework, small family. Call at 864 lloyt st- GIRL for general housework; call 308 East 11th st- zsortn. corner pi praaee. GIR7' for general housework and cooking. 825 Tillamook St., East J12SZ. C1 dot. WANTED A girl to do general housework. syf't ' WANTED Girl, for cljophouse. 345 to Mor rison st. Apply 641 wssniligion ai.. cor. .uin at. GIRL or woman for general housework. Call 924 Broadway morning. BODY Ironer wanted. National Laundry. WANTED A girl for dining-room work. 163 iy.h st. t ' " GIRL for cooking. and general housework; 4 adults. HOP Taylor at. Main 3040. W A NTE D Lu n ch girl:- experience not necrsaacy Peerless Cafaterla. 66 Bth SU GIRL to wash dishes and help In delicatea- sn. a7-i-i tun 2 CARGO talleymen. $3 day. Pioneer Em ployment Co, 16 North Second st. GIRL wsltres wanted. 44 Washington St. Star Restaurant, GIRL to assist wlfh general housework and cooking. 729 lloyt. , "ft ANT experienced girl for- waiting table. 141 Rusacll St. Good wage. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mala RS5. WANTED A girl to fold papera Monday morning. Shepherd Bkodgctt, 231 1st t- : : , rent. FOB BENT. W ANTED YOUNG LADIES FOB TELE PHONE! OPERATING, WITH OB WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO- EAST TH AND AJDKEVt BTSL INTELLIGENT young Udy with some ex perlenc In soliciting or demonstrating. Her. Is an excellent opportunity to earn $4 to $3 per day selling an everyday arti cle. For Interview reply at one. with particulars, phon. number, tc to C 60, Oregonlan. GIRLS WANTED. " . Apply Standard Factory Now . Graaa are. and East Taylor at. HELP W ANTE D MALE OB FEMALE. I HAVE lu-found-trip tickets from Portland through Yellowstone National Park for that maney up-to-date teachers and stu dent Call 208 Marquam bldg. . next Tuesday between 4 and 6:30 P. M. I WILL furnish flv round-trip ticket from Portland to San Francisco to 5 hustling salearoeff or women. Se. me at 20S Mar quam bldg. next Tuesday between 4 and 6:.1o p. M. M ISCE LLAXKOUS. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn barber trado la weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to 126 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata log uea. Mohler System of Colleges, 4 North 4th St.. PortlauLOr. MEN -wanted. age18-23, ffr firemen, $100 monthly and brakemen $0 on nearby rail road. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Positions guaranteed competent men. Pro motion. Railroad employing headquarters over 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age. send stamp. Railway Associa tion, care Oregonlan. ' g WAXTED Men and strong boys; no ex pense to learn a trade: 300 students, $20. ooo contract Jobs; half work, study half the time; automobiles, electricity, plumb ing, bricklaying: free catalogue. United Trade School Contracting Co, Los Ange les. RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflce clerks, lnttor-carrlers. custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for examina tions; free book. Pacific State School. McKay bldft, city. , GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal for Portland. Or, examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 249 F. Rochester. N. Y. WANT more scholars In millinery school, makeover shop; bring your old hats, let ' me surprkee you both In work and price. 850 Vj Morrison st. WANTED To learn how to find vacancies, msko successful application and secure positions. ' Addre. . Foster Informatlun Co, city. SMALL CAPITAL WILL MAKE no to $100 dally In the moving plctura theater business. Full particulars gratia. f26 Washington near ittn. MAKE money wrltm short stories or for paper: big pay; free booklet tells how. cnlted Pre Syndicate, San Francisco. LEARN automobile driving and repairing; actual practical experience; day or even Inge. 326Vi Washington st, room 415. LOCiL OFFICE International Correspond ence Schools. 233 Alder st, open till 8 p M. Send for free catalogues. $20 WEEKLY distributing books by mail; book and Instructions. 60c. Address, with- out delay. Sweeny Pub Co, Portland, Or. WILLIAMS TEACHERS" AGENCY Vacan- cls for next year; teachers for all depta. wanted. 816 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE School SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $5 mo. 1U9 14th st. Main 3S93. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, short hand and typewriting. Phone East 14SL LACE curtain to launder; work guaranteed. A 4S6L ; ' FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Swat land bldg. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping. Eat 1484. S1TUATKTXS WANTED MALE. Book keepers and Clerks. WANTED Position by unmarried man RS. Long retail, general merchandise selling and some bookkeeping exporlence; will start on small salary If shown conditions warrant: willing to leave Portland; refer-" ences. AP 40, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position In or out of town; can use typewriter for billing; will take position as timekeeper. Age 21. Address J. W. Van Horn, general delivery. YOUNG man. 23. bookkeeper and office man; 6 years with New York banking house; 2 years In commercial line; first -clues ref erences; want position with a future.' A 80. Oregonlan. t WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepar balance and atatements. Install systems. GUllngham, auditor. 411 Lewis bldg, Marshall ut. 1 AM a young man. foreigner, with knowl edge of English; want a position as clerk or anything not heavy labor, where I caa work op to good salary. V 60, Oregonlan. REGISTERED "pharmacist, over 1 year' experience, good habits, best of references, want position, city or country. 3 46, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, employed, wants to change; 7 years' experience; reference and bond. W 36. Oreamlan. , Miscellaneous. VERY respectful West India young colored man would like to work with private fam ily as cook or waiter, and Is willing to do anything as to be In work. Address ueorge naptiste. j-ti cvetcu DAIRY man. herdman and milker, German slr.rrle. would Ilk complete charge of herd; can teat and keep records, feed for nigneax pniuuciiuii. i , .-..-,"".- YOUNG man 'who took charge of general merchandise tor. for 4 year In this city would like to get something to do. Pleas, call or writ, to J. J, S2H Mississippi ave. JAPANESi Flrst-clasa cook, wants posi tion in country hotel, boarding-house, ramp, or only cook In family. AR 64, Oregonlan. SUCCESSFUL road salesman wants good line to sell exclusively, or two or more side lines that harmonise. Oregon and Washington territory. V fill, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS gardener will take contracts for looking after gardens or work by the dar or hour. 12 yeare" experience. A. D. Hlhman. 33 North 22d at, phone A 7446. WAITED Position of trust where honest, reliable, steady man 22 would be appreci ated; something with a future; wants work at once. J 70, Oregonlan. FARM work by single man; experienced gen eral farm and orchard work; sober and reliable. AN 78. Oregonlan. WANTED Work at one. by a thoroughly competent millwright and carpenter. Ad dress 707 Reade St. Main 5857. JAPANESE, good, experienced cook And helper, wants position, country hote.- Y 4S, Oregonlan. ; JAPANESE wants position, any kind work, 6 to 8 o'clock in morning. S 67. Ore gonlan. SOBER, reliable chauffeur .wants position; can do repairing; references. AK 6L Or gonlan. FIRST-CLASS grocery clerk wants work In store; best of reference. Addreas 4709 61st st. S. E, city. CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, wants position In prlvat family, city or out; can fix car. R 36. Oregonlan. STATIONARY engineer want work. A 1 reference, wld. experience in large power plant, fine nsechanlc. AH 60. Oregonlan. WANT Job a Janitor in hotel or bldg.; ex perienced; beat reference. J 66, Ore gonlan. ; WANTED Licensed chauffeur wants Job driving: can do own repairing; will go anywhere. R. Rhyne. 461 Eaat Hancock. EXPERIENCED house, window, carpet clcuner: floor polished; day contracL Main S835. Martin. FIRST-CLASS chef deairea position; best of references: is willing to go out of town. T 66. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED all around cook wants po sition in or out of town. T 67, Oregonlan. PAINTER, paperhanger. wants to work for owners. Meves, Woodlawn 4TT. POSITION bv motion-picture operator; ref erence Address 47 E. 20th st, city. FIRST-CLASS cutter and practical tailor wants position as cutter. S 66. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants any klrna of work bet. 4 to A. M. AO 67. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted In private family by experienced cook. Plion. East 4704. NURSE to sick or Invalid gentleman. Call or addrea E. P. M, 71 DlvUion t- PHYSICIAN CHEMlS'l. " Graduate one of best Eastern schools, year and half Interne in large hospital, two years private practice; recent post graduate, tlesires salaried position or pri vate practice In town where immediate Income Is assured. Special training In surgery, chemistry and clinical microscopy. . 1 . . . ait All flnron an. EXPERIENCED German gardener, strictly . . na ..ii.hi, a vmra of ace. speaks good English, wants position on private place; local 'references. AO 78, Orego- niaai. A JAPANESE wants situation to work In V . tntnrv .vhnUaflls. F. L. 327 Everett St. - SITUATION WAITED rEHALE. Boekkeeper and Stenographer. STENOGRAPHER. 11 months experience, desires position; reasonable salary. Phons Woodlawn 1323. MISS ANDERSEN'S work Is high-class; al ways pleases; burr tucks specialty. 108 Ttdtwr Ants. DRESSMAKING-Chlldren' clothes a sp- ciaity. r-aai ooiv AIP.3. DAVIS, dressmaking. 1S9 West Park. ataan a-hi. EXPERIENCED maaseuso, will oall at pri vate residences and give vibrator and lectrlo treatments, also massage. Ladies only: moderate terms. Telephon. Wood lawn 1669. ' . PRACTICAL nurse wants permanent horn, with Invalid or aged person; will do light housework. $20 month, wooaiawn ia. X HAVE prlvat. room, new process treat ment. Invalids, nervous, convalescent, ra- xerencea. aaoor aaio. PHONE A 7334 for experienced nure; doo- igr a reierencea. POSITION In doctor office by undergrad uate nurse. Phone Main 2293. Housekeeper. WANTED Position as housekeeper ror widower or bachelor, by middle-aged lady with boy 12 years old: good cook; country prof erred. Address Mrs. Hobba. Houlton. OrT POSITION as fcousekeeper by young woman, hotel or apartment-house: competent, courteous: best business experience. W 40, Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper or cashier by a A LADY housekeeper desires position In ho tel or widower's home. H 4S, Oregonlan HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple or In- vai:q juio. .'u.u o .... -. -- Mlscellaneomw WANTED Place to care for Invalid and do light housework; city references; $30 a . . . -.! i . i. " I a ri j TllOtllll. OV. M EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS '"' by hour. References given. faellwood 1787. YOUNG lady would like to get day work In house or hotel. Please call at 821 is alississippi ave. POSITION In camp as cook and helper by . .. .j ..... , v..if 4307 or a ( 1 mutacr .... ... - - arena ap wa, . . ...... TELEPHONE operator, experienced, reliable, visnes p w . a.o --.-. uregoniuu. CURTAINS carefully done. Tabor 2445, C 2-2. EXPERIENCED German, girl wants posl .inn dninp housework. Main 83S3. WANTED Day's work by colored woman Phone Main 1100. LADY-wantTshirtwalsts to launder at home, work guaranteed. Phone Main 7708. EXPERIENCED cook wants situation in private mionj.. o-- " SITUATION wanted in private family by experienced cook. Phone East 4704. LADY wants day work of any kind. Main WOMAN' wants work, 23 cent hour. Call 93 North 13th t- WANTED AGENTS. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc; out fit tarnished; cash weekly. 'Address Ore gon Nursery Company, Orenco, Or. ATLAS AGENTS Our new census atlas wifl make you rich: nearly 300 pages, over 100 pages new maps; big commissions, free outfit. J. L. Nlchol & Co, Napervllle, Illinois. SALESMEN making Oregon and Washing ton to take orders for mado-to-order suits. Jacobs Shirt Co, 83 5th st. WANTED TO KENT. House. BY refined" couple, 6-room bungalow, good condition. Portland Heights, good view, 8 or 5 years. Carlock e Muellhaupt, 1032 Cham.Com. WANTED Furnished flat. West Side. F . V. Brown, Dolly Varden candy shop, 827 Morrison. ' FOR BENT. Booms. ItON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. . -MILNE?. BLDG." BSOir, MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASON ABLB. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU Rooms, apartments, flats, houses. 2oti Wasa- . . ....!! ' . . .11 in gton it. aiau . o furnished Room. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those Lre beautifully furnished hotel. . HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Ml NOOK PARSONS ROWLAND SS18 4th t. 211-, 4th L 207M, 4th L On Fourth at., running from Taylor to Salmon st- . Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private batbs. hot ana cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prlcea. If you want something out of th ordinary In the heart of th. city at reaaonabl. prices, giv. us a call as w. know you will Ilk. It- Rooms by the day. Hk or month. Tourist trad, solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. . . Residential. 350 Taylor. TrantdenC Bet. 7tb and Park st. Opposite new Helllg Theater, on block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; naodaomoly furnished; every modern convenience, elevator eervlce, team heat, telephon and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suite, with or without private bath, etc.; centrally located, near postofflce; Just off all carlines; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 8200. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. New modern, brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trad solicited. CALUMET HOTEL. Park sL, between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free bus or W cat at depot; rates $1 single. $1.30 duuLle; also family foom with private Data, e t c. Rates per week. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for busi-nt'-as people; centrally located, elegant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and Tuyior sts, 1 block fruan Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 916. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 20S14 Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sts.; hot and cold water, steam heat, elevktor; rale $3.50 and UP. ouo day and up. Main 2374, A 8267. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 17m and Wasnlngton Newly furnished rooms, single or n una; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone in all rooms: rata reasonable; transients solicited. THE COLONIAL 3 handsome rooms on first floor, some with hot and cold water; large windows opening to loth and Mor rison: $6. 30.50 and $7. 163 10th st. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle, $2 and $3 a week; hve minutes' walk to theaters and stores, free phone. LlcUell Hotel. 269 Market at. THE DAVENPORT Newly famished single rooms: hot and cold water, bath and phones, $12 to $13, 505 Jefferson au Main fc433. -NICELY furnished front corner room, suit able for two; free phone and bath; rea sonable. 333 13th st. LARRABEE 22714 Larrabei st, modern nicely furnished rooms, transient; &c and Up; low rates py -wee, or momn. NICELY furnished front room, steam heat, running water, free bath, electric Ughta. SINGLE rooms, furnished; steam heated; $10. Oneonta, 187 17th St., near YamhilL Famished Rooms tn Private Families. 1 LARGE, 1 small front room, modern. 381 East Main, cor. Union ave. - A NURSE would share her apartment. 693 Lovejoy St. Main iioo. TWO neatly furnished room. 335 Madlaon street. FURNISHED room, prlvat. family." 62 . Ella st. LARGE furnished room, alcove, on. or two gentlemen. 10a 13th. . . d - f.l..i. tTanillr- J UfUHUrU lwvn.r m - A FEW newly furnished room In private nouse; oain, not. '...,." walking distance. Apply 06 N. 19th 01 M 6G18. : PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large furnlhed room wltn court, gooa ij.. -" sonable; also one unfurnished room. Ad dress 489 21st st- r-none aiain. NEWLY tinted, nicely furnished rooms. In swell location; modern, adjoining bath; one or two persons; -only $4 week; an- .... ... -. - 1 1. . , otner one o. ao" x..... FURNISHED front room and kitchen; light, water and telephone free; gas range for cooking. 306 4th. $4.50 per week, $1S per montn. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with pri vate bath, two double beds and open flre pluce, two gentlemen preferred. Marshall 870. 320 Montgomwryst. NICELY furnished bedroom and alcove: suitable for one or two gentlemen. Phone, electric light and bath. 70 N. 15th, near 1 1 a v is. NICELY furnished front corner room, suit able for two; free phone and bath; rea sonable. 833 18th st. ONE large front room, suitable for two, larg yard, $2.60 per week. . 332 1st st, near Market. BRIGHT, well-furnished room; phone, bath, "electric light. 870 Weldler, cor. Union ave. C 2903. TWO rooms, front and back parlor; fire place, bright and sunny. East Side, walk ing distance. Phon. evenings. East 2250. NEW nicely furnished rooms, all modern conveniences, close In; rate reasonable. Tn. Baiter, zoo ovnei. NEATLY furnished sleeping rooms. $a to 110 month; also sleeping tent. 379 ouch st, - - - NICELY" furnished room. modern conve niences: centrally located, 404 Clay st, near 10th. 2 NICE furnished rooms.' 862 Stanton St.; use of phone, nice yard, close to Union ave. car; $8 for steady roomers. FURNISHED rooms In modern house near car or in walking dlstanoa; will sell fur niture at 124 E. 18th at. LARGE sunny rooms In beautiful private residence on Nob Hill, walking distance; references. Marshall36L WHY don't you take a look at that dandy rfont room: every convenience; reason ablb? Today or evenings. 26S Park. SINGLE roonf suitable for gentleman. 289 7th st. SMALL Voom for worklngman, $L50 per week. , 2-19 7th sL NEWLY furnished rooms. 330 Couch sL, be tween jjtth and 17th. QUIET, clean room, attractive' sent, nice location, walking distance.? 452 ;th st. ONE "' neatly furnished room for one gen tleman, $2.25 per week. 305 12th hl VERY ;deslrable rooms, single and eh suite; home' privileges; references. 331 11th. THREE furnished frorrt rooms, prlvatefam- lly. 751 Williams ave.; . . ELDERLY lady, employed, to share In steam-heated suite; references. Main 1C75. NICE front room for 'two gentlemen, with . board, private family. Eaat 1329 ATTRACTIVE room, reasonable, 10 minutes from Washington stt 347 13th. YOUNG lady bookkeeper wants room mate. Phone A 4135. NEWLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Apply 284 North 20th sL ar TCnfurnlshed Rooms. HARRISON COURT, 394 5th St.; 2 rooms, unfurnished; modern conveniences. Main 514S. A 7363. DESlrfAKLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MILNEP. BLDG, $30V4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, $10. 533 Montgomery st. lioonia With Boare. PORTLAND Women's Union, 28d year; rooms with board.. us of sewing-room, li brary. Slu Flandera, V. N. Heath. gupt THE CASA- ROSA Large, airy rooms and board, 300 Jefferson. SUITE nicely furnished, modern, home cook- lng. 617 Kearney. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen. 389 Tay 1 or. ELEGANT room facing the park. Including board, reasonable. 374 Park. , LARGE front rooms with board, suitable for 2 or 3 young men. 33 N. 17th. THE Lamberson 554 Couch, Rooms for one or two gentlemen. Rooms With Board In Private Family. PLEASANT room and excellent board In walking distance for two refined young ladies who would appreciate home privi leges; fine view, large veranda and flowers; $5 per week for two, $7 for one. Phone Marshall 243s. NICE room and 'good board with young couple (men only), walking distance. mono a oa4i. TWO furnished rooms, with or without board. Home privileges. Walking dis ' tance. 8 E. 11th st, X. Phone E 1054, ELEGANT room, hrst-class board, walking distance; two or three young men. Main or ooa ois bu FRONT rooms, suitable for two. Horn, cooking. 75 North 14 gt. WELL furnished front room for rent, mod ern. 30 N. 16th, near Wash. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two. breakfasts and dinner. Main 207L LARGE "suite of rooms suitable for 2 or 4. 204 N. 22d St. Phone A 7230! NICE place for room and board. Call East 23U0. LARGE front room, running water, closet. 515 Morrison. $20 Pleasant room, home cooking; all mod ern conveniences. 47o Main st. Apartments. THE WESTFALL, 410 Bth st, one 8-room furnished corner apartment, strictly mod ern; private bath and phone, automatlo elevator and Janitor -service; rent reason able. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 ST. CLAIR ST. for rent- One newly furnished 8-room apartment with sleeping porch, modern. M ain a-', a mix. HANTHORX APARTMENTS. 251 12th st, neaf Main. Elegant 3-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished; private balcony for each apartment; every modern conven lence; rents reasonable. CUMBERLAND Apartments, West Park and Columbia street, one two-room furnished apartment vacant May 1, all modern con veniences, beautiful location, fronting the Park. Apply to manager. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished, comforts of home, private phones and baths, elevator, pri vate playground for children, Ideal loca tion. 228 N. 20th st. Marshall 2028. IRIS APARTMENTS, Third and Mill sts.; 5-room unfurnished apartments, $45; 4 room unfurnished apartment, $36; modern Improvements. Adults only. WELLINGTON COURT APTS, 2-room suites, furnished and unfurnished, all modern; ronts reasonable. 15th and Ev erett, aiain ijeautiiuii . u. ....... .......iwucu 5-room modern apartments. 295 12th at. Phones A 7431. Main 774L THE BERYL One front and on. back apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap ply to the Janitor, 69a Lovejoy su, near 21st- : ARCADIA APARTMENTS. T06 Everett St.; very desirable two. three and four-room apartments, completely furnished, entirely modern. A 750L WELL-FURNISHED, four-room apartment, walking distance. From May 15 to- Sept 15. References required. Tel. A 3233. the LEONCE Furnished 3-room apart ment; private bath and phone. 186 22d st. X. . ATTRACTIVE new 6-room apartment, beau tifully furnished, player piano, references, no children. East 437. 1 DAVENPORT APTS. 505 Jefferson st, 3 rooms, furnished, modern, private phone, bath and janitor; reasonable. Main 5433. AXTAMONT APTS, beautifully furnished 8 and 4-ro6m apartment, very reasonable ren t. Corner 5th and College. Main 6080. AT the Westminster, 6th and Madison, fur nished and unfurnished apartments; rent reasonable. EURNISHED four-room modern apartment, steam heat, walking distance. $30. Cot tel Drug Co, First and Sherman. THE CECELIA, 22d and Gllsan; apartments with privato phone and porches. FIVE-ROOM apartment for rent In The Braintree, 12th and Columbia. THE CHETOPA 4 rooms, new furniture: all rooms outside; steam heat. Telephones. MORTON. 697 Wash, st, three-room un furnlshed. modern apt,; reasonable. FURNISHED apartment: 3 outside rooms; bath, pantry, modern; low price. 44S Clay. 2-ROOM modern furnished apartment, 1162 Vx Union ave. North. Woodlawn 2379. THE ELMS Two and three-room apart- menta, completely -furnished. 191 14th st. StC CLAIRT 715 Wayne st.; modern six room apartment. Phone Main 4930. T-ROOM apartment, modern, between two canines. 715 Johnson: key at 711. NICE 4-room unfurnished apartment, close In, Phone East 638L ' NOW OPEN. THE LOVEJOY. , COR. 171 H AND LOVEJOY. ONE BLK. FROM S CAR AND 16TH-ST, CAR. - PRICES: J-room suite. $27.50 to $32.30. 3-room suite. $40 to $43. New modern, corner brick, beautlrrtliy furnished, all ready for Immediate house keeping; nice large reception hall, bath, electric dumb elevator to each kitchen. Independent phones each apartment, best JANITOR service In the city: plenty of heat and HOT WATER ALL THE TIME; nice larso laundry. ' plenty of storage room every room an outside room and, the prices are 30 per cent lower than any In the city. If you want to save money and get the best, come to the Lovejoy. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett, ' Bet. 20th and Elia Sts. THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY FTR NISHED apartment-house in the city, con sisting of 3 rooms, large reception hall, bath. 2 clothes closets, sleeping porch, disappearing and wal' beds, automatlo electric elevator and Independent Pacino. phones; plenty of heat and hot water all the time; not In the apartment-house dis trict but one of the choicest residence) , districts., surrounded by elegant homes. If you want the best la th. city, com. to the EVERETT. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth an 4 Salmon Sts. s Walking Distance. , Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room ( apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service hrst-class. "OLANDO" APARTMENTS, 2uih and Washington. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, elegantly furnished; low rates; walking distance, be these before you locale. CARitELITA APARTMENTS. 1 - Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts-i foJ and tlve-room apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Paciflc States Telephone In every apart- - ment and the moat modern convenience found In the city. Phone Main 3968 and Mis Allen. tha manager. will novir you through the apartments, or call ui main office. Main 6764. , THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving st. This new 4-story brick, opened January 1. lnkl; furnished and unfurnished In two. three and four-room suites with reception hall; Paciflc phone In each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room, lr you want something extra fine, com. to the Barker. Phone Marshall 2961. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; r.er Urlck building, completely arst-class, fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, receuilon ball, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor service; . rent per" mouth $20. $30 and up; must b. seen to be appreciated. THE DR1CKSTOX apartments. 2 and 3 room. first-class and up-todate, modern In every way. Hames' disappearing beds, all outside rooms; bath and kitchen out side, 4-story brick, automatic elevator and dumb waiters. Prices very reasonable. Private phone each apt. Phone ilaisuall 57. 44S 11th st. THE LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. New. modern, brick, elegantly furnished, large outside 2 and 3-room suites, free Paciflc phone in each apartment, disap pearing beds. Icebox, janitor: no carfare to pay; only two apartment left. Best In city tor tne puce. PENISULA Apartments One of Portland s finest apartment-houses. 4-mlnute car service, beautiful part city to live. HJa'A Albina ave, cor. Klllingsworth. Take Mis sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, its, 15 min. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished. $17.50 to $30 mo., also iirjwnii.hejjapt:oodlawn o9. BANNER APTS, West Sine, 489 Clay st, near 14th st. All modern. 2-room apart ments, completely furnished for house keeping: new house, new furniture; rates ' $22 to $25, including electric light, steam hi at. hot water, telephone, Janitor service, laundry, walking distance. Marshall 20i. ' IONIAN COURT. " 570 Couch, 1 block from Washington st, on 18th st,; tel. Main 1102. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, electrio elevator, hot and cold water, telephon and Janitor service. Apply of manager; reference required. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st, near 11th. walking distance. West Side, new brick building, completely furnished 2 and 8-room apartments, private bath, phone, hot water heat, rent $30 and up. Main 42U9. ORPERLE1GH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark St. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat. Phone East 600. KING HILL APARTMENTS. Will have two vacancies. One 4 room and one 5-room apartments; if you de sire a choice apartment in this select neighborhood apply immediately of Jan Itor. 171 King S t, cor, of W ayn su CAMAR APARTMENTS. 704 Lovejoy St. 10 per cent lower than the rest. Two front basement apartments, furnished or unfur nished, reasonable. Take W car. get off LoveJoy st. Phone Marshall 2910. GARDNER apartment, furnished 2-room, with bath. Phono 2S71, or call 506 East Ash. H ADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 11th St, Cor. Hall. RE-UKAX Apts, 024 Marshall, Nob Hill dis trict; up-to-date, cozy, airy, most homelike In city; see and be convinced; 3 rooms furnished; private bath and phone, $30 up. Main 6032. A 3191. W car. 8 and 4-room furnished or unfurnished apts with private bath, phone and bal cony' porches; newly furnished, strictly modern; Summer rates. Phone Marshall 1170. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson sts. : 3-roora unfurnished, with batn all outside rooms, modern, every conven ence; 5 minutes' walk from P. O.; very reasonable pent. Main 2506. A 8149. AL'BERMARLE APARTMENTS at 383 Wil liams ave. East 4163. Up-to-date fur nished and unfurnished apartments, two and three rooms: Summer rates; five mln utes' ride from Washington at. East 4193. KEELER APTS, 14th and Clay sta, beauti ful 8-room corner apts, private vestibule, bathroom and phone; 2 closets, new brick building: electrio elevator. Apply at once. . SAN-MARCO Apts, E. 8th and Couch sts.; new brick; private baths, phones, Jani tor service; 3-room apts, one $23 and on $26 a month. Phone East 2751. THE MORDAUNT. Two apartments, $35 and $40; opposite Christian Scientist Church, 18th and EveretL MKINLEY. New and beautifully furnished apart ments, with bath; all modern convenien ces. 429 East Morrison st VERY desirable apartment, reasonable rent. See Janitor. The Kearney. 21st and Kear ney or Morgan. Flledner & Boyce. Mala 2015. A 2015. ELEGANTLY furnished two-room apart ment fireplace, furnace heat, electrio lights and bath; Summer rates. 320 Mont gomery st. Marshall 370. LANDORE Apartments. completely fur n'lshed 8-room apt, sleeping porch. 283 10 th. , BOZANTA APARTMENTS and. single rooms rewly furnished; strictly modern; rea sonable rent. 1S9A 23d st- Marshall 2S2L FURNISHED apartment. Including piano. The Morton, Washington and King. Flat. FURNISHED 4- rooms, modern, fine loca tion. West Side, close in. Phon. Marshall PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 561 Davenport St. ; 4 rooms, nicely furnished, bath, gas, nic. grounds ana view. FIVE-ROM lower flat, 468 East Surnsld. St. Rent $30. Russell & Blyth, Common wealth bldg. NEW-furniture In a 5-room heated apart ment, easy walking distance; rent $30; price '.ow If sold quickly. East 1542. FOR" RENT New. modern, 5-room lower flat- furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc, reasonable. 64 Vi East 19th St. North. MODERN 4-room flat, 3 blocks from Steel bridge. 200 ileal men st. FIVE-ROOM furnished flat on 22d gt.. near Lovejoy: adults. A 2062. FOR RENT--Modern 5-room flaL 740 Min nesota ave.'- woodlawn 1S05. MODERN upper and. lower flat. cor. 10th and E. Burnsme st. mono r,. pool. 3-ROOM modern flat. Inqulr. Servllla, 225 Market- Phone Main 51. MODERN 3. 4 or 5-room flats for rent. Phone East 6046. ' FLAT. 4 rooms, bath, -wood hoist and 0r pLace. 481 3d st.