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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1911)
9 THE MORXTNO OREGONIAX. SATURDAY, APIHL7 29. 1911. PAGEANT PASS TODAY TWO PRIZE EXHIBITS AT THE DOG SHOW. WILL r .y.V Best Dog in Portland Bench Show Will Be Selected Tonight. V '.VI .-' r REGULAR CLASSES TAGGED .5, - V! CINE M ' WrfSMiT e ,t9 Mr. J. A. Ellis' Tolntrr Wins From Seattle Stance, Crack Eastern Winner Imported bjr Sound City Fancier. Work of the Judges In the recular elaaaes InMhe 12th. annual bnch show rf the Portland Kennel Club, was com pleted Inst nlKht, the third day of the show. Alio Judse Hopton began passing upon the dou entered tor the special prise. With completion of Juririn-r In the special classes this afternoon, the Judg ing of the best dog In the show and beet of the opposite in torilsht. followed ry a lone parade or winning doits inn tne awarding of trophies, the most suc cessful bem-h snow ever held in Iort lund will pass Into history tonight. Rrc- rs-rrea.kln rrnvili have frequented the former Old. nonnun King: store, Fifth and Washington streets, each day of the show and today a multitude of persons la expected, taxing the capacity of the spacious showroom. Judging of specials will commence this afternoon at 2 o'clock and ml.l prooably require all afternoon. At S o'clock to night the president's cup for the best dog; !n the show will be competed for. There Is expected to be no little rivalry for thta much-coveted trophy, also for tnat for the best d"g of opposite sex to winner of preelilent's cup. Mrs. Ellis' Entry Wins. Repeating her performances of the six previous years. Co. Walla walla .Rush, the pretty pointer bitrh owned by Mrs- J. A. Kill, of Portland, last Bight won the C. B. May cup for beet pointer bitch In the show, beating Se attle Mance. the crack Eastern winner Imported by E. Gersch. of Seattle. For years Seattle fanciers have been striv ing to defeat I h. Walla Walla Hush. but without success. This waa one of the specials classes. Ch. Handsome In II. owned by Ir. Alan Welch Smith, of Portland, was ac corded the honor of belnc the best English setter dog In the show, defeat ing for toe Honors his son. Blue Bob, owned by Mrs. Wilson Clark, of Linn- ton. Or Ol. Willamette Defender, bull terrier. wned by Mrs. Ueorge B. Story, of Portland, suffered the second defeat of his career last nlicht. failing before ound End Sombrero. the Olympta puppr owned by ilrs. O. C. Israel. In the specials class. The winning terrier was pronounced by Judge Hopton to be m wonderful specimen of bull terrier. Lady Evelyn, a puppy pointer bitch owned by Mrs. R. C. Kceney. of Eugene, and shown by Charlea R. t ampion, of Portland, won the J. A. Fills rup for b-t pointer pups, and the Humane A et- ertnary Hospital cup for beet pointer In novice class. Specials were Judged only so far as the first two classes In bull terriers. There remain more than two score cups to be awarded. Boston Terriers Hard to Judse. Boston terriers presented a hard class fir Mr. Hopton to Judge yesterday, some Terr fine specimens being shown. Ar roy's Aviator, owned by Freeman Ford, of Pasadena. Cal.. won tho prlxe for the best Boston terrier dog. with Bert I. owned by a A. Chast. of Portland, runner-up. In the bltchea class Bromello Lassie, owned by Mrs. George L- Mc- l.aran. of Seattle, took the chief prise, with EdcllfTe Opal, owned by Hayes Easterbrook. of 3t. Helens. Or, reserve winner In the winners' class. W. B- Fechhelmer. of Portland, again won signal honors with his famous fox terriers of the Multnomah strain ajultnoroah Raller winning In all classes. French bulldogs were also judged yesterday, along with Irish ter riers. Skye terriers. Pomeranians. lit Dull terriers. Chihuahuas. Japanese gpanlels and English sToy spaniels. There were large fields to Judge from in the lit bull terrier classes but the dogs were not more than fair In those divisions. "When the parade of winning dogs Is seen In the show ring tonight Portland folk will have the opportunity of see : i x 1 X aSE3S if- K , . 7""sn i,eiwis v.". . - .--t 1 S - F e . . ' : I . -4!J 1 ; g?3 Pierre Jacquee. Mrs. R. O. Queanetles. Portland, winner: Imp Coacher. Mra. & 8. Lamunt. Portland, reserve. Uostoa Tei i lets, rlass SIS, novice doss nert. S. A. Chase. Portland, first: Edgewood lerbr. Jr.. J. B. Wold. 1'ort.nnd. eecond; Ktuart's Hilly. Mrs. II. C. Jenkln. Portland, third: Dynamite Plaeher. Mrs. 1. c. Inciter, t'ortland. reeervs' ('! SiT. limit d Pert. S. A. .hae. Iortiand. flrat: bemloch Jockey. Mrs. N. H. Peer. Tacoma. secomt: Suiilvan'e Jocco. I'hsrlea F. Manning. Kveretl. Waah.. third; Huart Hilly. Mrs. It. C Jenkln. Portland. reeervs. Clan tl. Amerlcsn-bred doga Henaloch Jockey. Mrs. N. II. Peer, Tacoma. first: tiul- itvan'a Jocco. chsrlea F. Manning, fcverett, Waeh.. second; lielmar, 8. A. Chase, Port land, third. Class its. open dogs 1S to 17 pounds 5ulllvan's Jocco, Charlea F. Manning. a.ver. t. Wash., first. Class SMI. open dors MT to 55 pounds) Arroyt Aviator. F. Kord. ps.lena. cal. first: Bert. S. A. Chase. Portland, second ttemloch Jockey. Mrs. X.H. Peer. Tacoma. third: Rem. V. K. Roberts. I'ortiar.o. resen-e. Class 2i2. winners- dogs Arroy a Aviator. r. Ford, fasadena. al., winner; Bert, 8. A. Chase. Portland, second. Class ?."!. novice bitcne tnaenrre 'pai. Hayes Kasterbrook. 81. Helena. Or., first; lrens Biddy. Charlea F. Manning. Everett. Wash., second; Berry K. Porter. Mrs. R. W. Ketchum. Portland 'euuai tr.ira witn Wil lamette Sparkle. Mrs. M. O- Van Alstyns, l'ortland. Class S.vv limit bltebes Knaeiiire tpsi. tlsyrs Easterbrook. St. Helens. Or., first; Irene's Biddy. Chsrlea F. Msnnlng. Everett. Wash second: Mr Opal Pride. Mary E. GannuD, Portland, third. riasa S.vt. American-bred Mtcnea nro- mello Lassie. 'Mrs. George L- Jtciaren. rr.i- ile first: Kndclirra Symbol. Mrs. H. A. ew- turg. Tacoma, second; Irene's Hlddy. Charles F. Vannlnc. Everett, waanj. intra: simri Purveem. H. A. Chase, portlana. reserve. tiaaa 1ST. ooen bitches (13 to IT pounosj Irene's Biddy. Charlea F. Msnnlng. Ever. it. Wash., first: Murray s sspno. a. a. Jackson. Portland, second. Cisas 2SS- open bitches ! to 22 pounds) Bromello Lassie. Mrs. George U tc- Iran. Tacoma. first: EndrlilTe Opal. Hayes Easterbrook. bL Heians. ur.. secona: r.uu- llfre pvsbod. Mrs. H. A. evoury. Ing some of the best dogs In the l"nl- third; Kevilo lrlncea II. B. E. Huutley, fd Statea." said Mr. Hopton Isst night. "The Western dogs compare very fa Torably with the Eastern dogs, par ticularly In the sporting dog classes. The Boston terriers are very good spe cimens, as are the Fox terriers. Following are the awards In the straight and special clasaea made by Jdr. Hopton yesterdsy: Class 29. novice doge 9oaD() End Snnv -era, Mrs. tl. C. Israel. Olynipia. Wasb., Bret, Bohemian Duke. Mrs W. S. Pane. rort:anO. hmw; Major Patrick. Tayvr. Portland, third; WIIumus prince. JE:gene Klty. l"ortiana. reserve. ' sea 20. limit dote ."ound End S n Mra O. (. Israel. o:ympla. Wash. Bret; Major fa trick. c Tay.or. port- . Jaad. second; 11 a. v marker rr'.nce. L- r;. Ter- r-'. I -a uranda tn-.. third; Teddy Boy. Mrs. JSeckwtta. Portlsnd. r. serve. fiass 2.11. Amexicaa-bred doge Sound Fad Sombrero, Mra ci. C. Israel, Ulymi-ia. Week,. Orel; Teddr Bey. Mrs. He.-kwitX Portend, second: Willamette Prince. Eu- geae Kalty. fVJrtland. tiUrO. Class 2-XX open ds Sound End ora- b-ere. Mra O. C. Israel. Olympta. Waaru. flrst; Bohemian Duke. Mrs. W. K. )'a:ge. Portland, second; llaymarkel prince. I. o. Terry. LaOrinde. lr.. tMlrd. Clasa tl. winners' doirs Sou rid End oaibrem Mrs. II. C. Israel. Kimnii. Wash.. winner: Bohemian Duke. Mrs. W. 8. Paige. srtiano. reserve. C!asa 23X nor tee Mtch Hlchlsnd Ladv. F. E. Hurdlck. Portland, nrat; Thsndaras White Hope. Mra. A. tl. Innea. Mllwaukte. Or., second; B.omebrjry ficrappy. i'hi;ijp s-e a. rert.ana. tniro. Clasa lie. Umlt Mtchee Wl'lamette Sen eetloa. Prank E. Watktns. Portias first; Xrartrad snowbird. L t). Terry. Ur.riiule, seccad: Stiletto Sharp. W. U. Oberg. Port lend, third. laae Z?.7. Amer1can-brd bitches Wll- smte sntl.o. rre-k K. Watklns. Port. Und. rt; Thendarae vrhlte Hope. Mrs. A. v. innea. reriiano, eeennd. -see 2. open bltchee Willamette gen- sauon. rrank tl. w atklns. Portland, arst Poaaybred Snowbird. I ! Terry, Ulina'K t.. aecono: stiletto Sharp. W. O. 'Obe.-g. Portland, third. -:aae SOS. wtnaers Mtrbes Willamette Bensatloa. Frank K. V'atklca, Portland, winner: Bonneybred Snowbird. L. U. Terry. Lerasde, or., reeerve. Teach Balldoaja. Clase 540. novice does and bitches Quesaellee Soseleaeai, Mrs. Gerrowa. Cort land, first; Nipper. Clarence H. Beckmaa. port la ad. second. Clasa 1(1. limit dogs and bitches Pierre Jacques. Mrs. R. C. Queanellra. Portland, ftrst; Imp t'oacher. Mrs. S. 8. Lamont. Portland, seconfj. Nipper. Clarence H. Beck man. Portland, third. flaee 21. American. bred do, a and b. tehee Pierre Jarouee, Mrs. ft. o. gura. rel'.ee. rortland. first. Mi. per, Clarence H. Beckmatk. lortland. second. Clase S. opea doja and bitches Pierre Jacques. Mrs. K- O. Queens lies. Portland, I'A.tlanrf r.Mm'ft. inn. winners bltchee Bromello Lss- sle. Mrs. tleorse U Mrlran. Seattle. Wash. winner; End.-l.ire Opal. Hayes basicroruoa. St. Helena. Or reserve. Fog Terriers (Smooth Coaled) Class 2d2. novice dogs Multnomah Kaller. YC. n. Fechhelmer. I'ortlanrt. nrst; Muuno. roah Racket. C. E. Sengstake. Portlend. s-c. nd; Vultr.omah Hustler, fortland. third; Teddy. Clair M Lacy. Cortland, reaerve. l';Mae 2U. limit does MUltnomsn neiier. W. B. Fechhelmer. portiana. nrst; uuitno w.eK Meckel. i K. Senestake. I'nrtlsad. sec ond; Multnomah Rtatier. Joe Itiehs. Port land, tuird; Teddy, ciair J- larj, j onianu. reserve- t'laaa 24. Amerlcan-rreo ones Jiuiinn- mah Kaller. W. B. Fechhelmer. Portlnnd. m: Multnomah Kackt. C. E. Frnkatake. I'onland. aecond: Multnomah, i;usiur, J we Kleba. Portland, tniro. t-!aa -JVV open dogs aiuitnnmsn tianer, W. B. Fechhelmer. Portland, nrst: gulino- ah Backet. C K. Senastake. ITirtlana. seo- ond: Multnomah Bustler, joe Kitns, rort lanrf Ihird. winners- tioft iuitnomaa Raller. W. B. Fechhelmer. t'ortland. winner; Multnomah HackeU I- f- aengstaae. -on- reeerve. Clasa 2SH. novice bitches Multnomah fletleae. W. B. Fechhelmer. Portland, first. i'laa limit Miches Multnomah rtesa:- W. II. Fechhelmer. fort. and. nrst. Class 2TO. American-bret bitches Mult nomah Restless. W. B. 1 ecnnelmer. 4'ort Un.L flrst. Clsss 271. open bitches stuitnoroan Keel- leea. W. B. Fechhelmer. Portiana. Orst t iase 27i. winners' bltcnee Multnomah Reatlrsa, V. B. Fechhelmer. Portland, win ner. Fax Terriers t ire- tiajreo. , riasa i'9. novice bitches Teppie. Ed. Wallace, l-ort'.and. flrst. Irish Terriers. fieea 2s4. ouddv dgs and bitches The Panahee. Harry Bobtett. Portland. Ilrat. Clasa novice aga naising uopetui. Charlea Tenoent. Seattle, flrst. Class 2s. limit ooas. Ksistng Hoperui. Charles T'nnant. feestt.e. Brst. Class 2XS. open ooas liaising Hopeful, Charles Tennent, Seattle, flrstr Claes 2Jt. novice bltchea The Banshee. Ila-ry B-bbett. Portland, nrsu Cass 2V4. winners dogs snd bltchee- Raisin HooefuL Charlea Tennent. Seattle. winner; The Banshee. Harry Bobt.ett, Port land, reserve. tsye ecnere. -lasa 2T. novice dogs snd bitches Rsgs. Mrs J. O. Gauld. Portland, first. Clasa 2s, open dogs ana bitches Bsgs, Mrs. J. C. Gauld. Portland. Brat- Black aad Taa Terriers. Class 299. novice dogs snd bitches Toddle. Mra K. Androea. Portland, first. 3t. opea dogs and bltchea Ttmmy. Mra. R. Ladd. first. Pemeraaiaaa. Class ant, puppy dogs snd bitches P. now- first: Imp Cnacher. Mra. g. . Umont. I fl-ke. M l.s E. Campion. Portland. BrsU Portland, second: Wee Wee France. M B. a laRiont, Portland, third. :t. winners' dogs and bite baa Clasa zo2. r.ovlce dogs aad bitches Vug- gira, E. p. Young. Portland, first; Baby. Mrs. Charles Fast. Portland, second; snow- flake. Miss E. Campion. Portland, third Teddy G.. A. B. Slauson. Portland, reserve. Class .103. limit doss and bitches Ire land Saucy Girl, Mra. li. G. Large, Portland, flrst; Snowball, R. Chamberlain. Portland. second. Clsss Sod. winners' dogs snd bltchea Ire- Isnd Saucy Girl. Mrs. II. G. Lsrce. Port- lam, nrst; snowball, n. cnamDeriatn, sec ond. English Toy Rpsnlela (Any Colar). Class 307. novice dogs snd bltchea Baby Boy. Miss Hnse Jackson. Portland, flrst- Class 310 Jackson's Midget. Mrs. 8. E Jackson. Portland, first. Class SI1. winners' dogs snd bitches Jackson's Midget. Mrs. 8. K. Jackson. I'ort land, wlnnrr; Baby Boy, Miss Basel Jack son, reserve. Airedales. Class K.I. novice bitches Penlope. Philip P. Leche. Portland, flrst; Msg Muller, Sa lem, second. Japanese Spaniels. Class 31.1. limit do its and bitches Mojl. Churl.. tie Keldel, Portland, first. Class 315. open docs and bltches Toga, Mrs. J. C. English. Portland, first. Class 316. winners' d"ps and hitches Mojl, Charlotte Reldel. Portland, winner; Toga. Mrs. J. C English, Portland, reserve. Chihuahuas. Clsss 334. limit bitches Lady Chlqulta, Mrs. Kose Evensen. Portland, first. Class 33j, Amerlrsn-bred Lite lies Lady, Mrs. Boss Evenson. Portland, first. Class 83U. open bitches Lady Chlqulta, Mrs. Kose Evensen, Portland, flrst. Bull Terriers (Other Thaw White). Clsss 344. puppy dogs Junior. Miss Irene Phillips. Portlsnd, nrst; Colonel II. E. P. Evans. Portland, second: Rles One-Kound Jack. F. E. Rles, portlsnd. third. Class 345. novice dogs Barney R.. Dr. F. O. Armstrong. Portland, first; Duke, Mrs. J. A. Wsddell, Portlsnd, second; Buster Brown, Arthur E. Jenkins. Portland, third; Jack. O. N. Pierce. Portland, reserve. Class 34d, limit dogs Barney R.. Dr. F. O. Armstrong. Portland, flrst; Duke. Mrs. J. 1- Wsddell. Portland, second; Buster Brown. Arthur E. Jenkins. Portland, third; Jack. O. N. Pierce. Portland, reserve. Class 3-17. American-bred dogs Jack, O. N. Pierce. Portland, flrst. Clasa 848. open dogs Buster Brown, Ar thur K. Jenkins. Portland, flrst: Junior. Miss Irene Phillips. Portland, second; Duke. Chsrles H. Bruce. Portland, third; Buck. u. W. Holcomb. Portland, reserve. Class Si I, novice bitches Hutch. A. P. McCarthy. Portland, first; Teddy Girl. . M Rles. Portland, second. Class 8."2. limit bitches Irish May. TV, J. Bruce, Portlsnd, first; Msld. W. J. Bruce, Cortland, second. Class 3.Yi. American-bred bltchea Teddy jiri. tu. At. Kirs, 1'r.rtland, nrst. Specials. Elwood Wiles cun for best Encllsh setter do c'b. Bandsome Dan II. Dr. Alan Welch smith, rortland. winner. J. O. Boyt cup for best English setter oucn aleadowvlesr May. Dr. A 'an Welch smith. Cortland, winner. McCsrgar. Bates 4k Lively cup for best r.ngusn setter dog in noice clasa Blue Bob, aire, nnson Clark, unnton. Or., winner. Jack Coffman cup for beat English setter ouch in novice clasa Meadowy lew May, Dr, Alan Welch Smith. Portland, first. R. Velcutb. cup for best English setter pup Aian. lens Kertsktn. Dr. Alii Welch smitn. cortlana. winner. Mrs. Frank O. Creasey. cua for best solnt er In novice class Lady Hvelya. Mrs. R. C iveeney, r-ugena, or., winner. C B. May. cup for best pointer bitch in. nana nana Kuan. Mra. J. A. Ellis, Portland, winner. Humane Veterinary Hospital, cup for best .". r uv irfnnm nanger, diaries K. campion. Cortland, winner. J. A. Ellis, cup for best pointer pup Lady r..e,Ju. airs. . u. iveeney. Eugene, or., win ner. Meier aV Frank, cup for best Boston ter rier nog Arroy's Axlator. Freeman Ford. Pasadena, cel.. winner. Hotel Seward, cup for best Boston terrier bitch Bromello Lassie, Mrs. George L. Mc Laren. Seattle, winner. Power a Estaa. cup for best Boston terrier In novice eiaas Bert c.. 8. II. Chase. Port land, winner. Dr. Ben Nordan. cup for beat Boston ter rier bitch In novice clasa Endcliffe OpaL Bayea Eaterbrook. St. Helens, or., winner. Chausse-Prudhomme. cup for beat Boston terrier pup Betty R. Porter, Mrs. K. W. Ketchum. Portland, winner. Orpheum Theater, cup for best collie dog (sable and whitel Grayhaven True. Mrs. E. Brtetenback. Portland, winner. Gay Lombard, cup for best collie bitch (sable and white) Baronet Hope, J. Mar row. Hillsboro. Or., winner. Mra. Thomas Kerr, cup for best rollle In novice class Grayhaven True. Mra. E. Brletenback. Portland, winner. Honeymaa Hardware Company, cun for best collie class (other than aable snd whits) Bsronet Hope, J. Marrow, Hills boro, Or., winner. fig Slchel. cup for best collie nun Shade- land Contest, c. D. Nairn. Amity, Or., win ner. Ballnu Wright, cup for best bull terrier dog Sound End sombrero, Mra G. C Israel, Olympla, Wash, winner. Master Georae Watklns story, cup for best bull terrier In novice clnsa Sound End Sombercro. Mrs. G. C. Israel. Olympia, Wash., winner. vmmi - ii'rtiAl fp rj--. i ?if arllo, -IT . IrSiisI w. -'JXK 3-. - ..s.r ; ,i r af --w.- 5w Buy your motor car on business grounds and buy with .both sides of your dollar. In your business you like to have everything proved in advance. That's the sure way. You can do that in buying a motor car that is, you can in a Reo. What you can't see by taking a ride in a Reo, has been absolutely proved for you. You see a powerful, swift, smooth-running, quiet, comfortable, and handsome car. You can't see whether the car has the quality that will make it endure. The Reo has perfect and complete proof of this. It went from New York to San Francisco in 10 days 15 hours 13 minutes kept on going day and night, with not a wrench touched to its engine, finished in perfect condition. And the record was made fair and square and open, with affidavits to prove arrival and departure. Buy your car on business grounds and buy with both sides of your dollar. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. 493 Alder Street 1 ". i - .. ;:. i .-'- .v . .".e.. 9m TV-'- -i.'i.v. imitmwm jmmvvm -.' a. - " LIS ARE DRASTIC His Would Repeal All Old Waterfront Titles. On an ivfrnc- a- man's hair turn army flva years earlier Uiaa a woman'. . GRANT TO GATHER DATA Proposed Ordinances, If Knacted, Would Compel Ijong-Estiiblished Business Houses to Make Other Arrangements. City Attorney Grant declared yes terday that it would require several weeks of arduous research and In vestigation by him and his deputies ann tne use or detectives to compile sufficient data upon which to base opinions on 16 proposed ordinances by Councilman Ellis to rescind ordinances Klvln-r to various persons along the waterrront tne rljrnt to build wharves and buildings and to transact business. Mr. Grant asserts that this is the most sweeping and significant legis lation introduced before the Council in recent years. Millions of dollars' worth of prop erty on both sides of the river all along the city limits Is Included in the proposed ordinances. which at tempt to take over all of the street ends and some additional wharf line. The old ordinances. granted years ago. have been taken in good faith by the owners of docks and other business property and hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of busi ness houses have been established and have been in operation for years. The Ellis ordinance seeks to repeal all of the old grants and thereby to compel property owners either to move or to make arrangements other wise. In some instances, entire busi ness establishments, such as the Standard Box A. Lumber Company, would be compelled to move. Questions raised in the Kills ordi nances are of the gravest importance," aid City Attorney Grant yesterday. I can make no statement at this time whether the Council has authority of law to repeal the old ordinances which give the right to occupy certain streets and other property along Hie river. In cases where revocable permits were granted. I presume the Council has power to revoke, but in case of the ordinances being repealed. I will have require much hard work. I will have to detail a detective to investigate some phases of the case. The cases are altogether too important to be rushed through." The original of the Ellis ordinances was Introduced into the Council Jan uary 12. 1910, and was referred to the committee on judiciary and elections. It was sent back to the Council and laid on the table, where it has slum bered ever since, until Mr. Ellis caused it to be taken up at the last session and to be discussed. At that time he introduced 15 similar ordinances, which were referred to City Attorney Grant. PETITIONS TO BE PROBED Present Grand Jury Will Leave Legacy to Its Successor. Complete investigation of irregulari ties in the circulating of initiative pe titions and kindred matters will be left a legacy to Its successor by the April grand Jury, whose official life ends to day. Virtual admission-that the next grand Jury will be assembled soon after being lmpanneled and will take up the matter where Its predecessor, for lack of time, was compelled to leave off. wag made by District Attorney Cam eron yesterday. Phases of the matter which the Jury plainly wished to delve into-but could not. are the allegations that Council man Ellis was lured away from the city by an offer of legal business while the Irregularities were being committed; the charge made by the circulators that Ellis was a party with them: the sworn statement of Ellis that he was offered a bribe: and the widespread impres sion that the revelations in the matter of the paving petition have only skim med the surface or forgeries upon Dai lot Detitions. Witnesses are expected to De caned today in the matter of the cnarges against State Dairy and Food Commis sioner Bailey, in which case no testl mony has been taken since the probe of the underworld began. No witnesses were examined by the grand Jury yesterday. Work on Logging lioad Begins. EUGENE. Or., April 28. (Special.) Work was begun this week on the three-mile stretch of logging railway to be built by the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company up Deer Creek from Its main logging road above wenaung. is. i. Johnson, of Portland, has a force of 40 men at work now. This stretch of road will be built substantially, for the locomotives used by the company are very heavy and a good track is absolutely necessary. When the pres ent contract is completed the Booth Kelly Company will have IS miles of logging road In the vicinity of Wend- ling. Some or tne nnest timber In TICKET OFFICE IS OPEN XORTH BAXK IS FIRST XOT OX "RAILROAD ROW." the state is tapped by the new three- to take weeks to decide, as It will mile extension.. Business for Line to Beach and Ore gon Trnnk and Electric Railways to Be Handled. Persons intending to travel over the North Bank or any of the affiliated roads today can buy tickets at the new ticket office at Fifth and Stark streets that opens this morning. For the past six weeks a corps of carpenters, mechanics, painters and decorators has been busy remodeling the Interior of the building and now it resembles , a new structure entirely. Everything has been placed in splen did condition and the place presents an attractive appearance. The walls have a buff tinting and the ceiling is a cream color. Tile floors and marble base around the walls and counters make it sanitary. The ticket cases, woodwork and coun ters are finished in mahogany. The large plate-glass windows are orna mented with plate-glass lettering. The tops of the counters are protected by sheets of plate glass. Window seats have been provided for the accommoda tion of waiting patrons. Tickets for the North Bank Road, in cluding the line between Portland, As toria and Clatsop Beach points, for the Oregon Trunk Road and for the Oregon Electric and the United Railways will be handled from this office direct Eastbound travelers will be able, also, to buy transportation over the Great Northern or Northern Pacific and Bur lington lines with diverse routings east of Chicago. Ij. F. Knowlton, late city ticket agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway, will have charge of the new office. N. S. Wagner will be chief clerk. This is the first railway ticket of fice to be opened west of Third' street and the departure is being watched with interest among railroad men. It is predicted that this move will mean the early breaking up of "railroad row" on Third street, which for years has been considered the only place where a railroad could do effective business. Several years ago at the Osaka ex position the Emperor placed upon his breast a decoration of a high military order. He received notice yesterday of the decoration of the Meijl Order of the Middle Cordon of the Rising Sun. It consisted of a diploma certifying to the decoration, and a gold medal of the Rising Sun, with a 'silk ribbon attached. Colonel Dosch was director of ex hibits to many expositions and served in that capacity at the Lewis and Clark fair in Portland and the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc Exposition at Seattle. He also represented Oregon at the World's Fair at Chicago. The certi ficate accompanying the medal of honor reads: We, by the grace of heaven. Emperor of Japan, seated on the throne of lineal suc cession, unbroken ages eternal, do hereby f-xprc'sa our beaevolance In presenting the Meiil. Order of the Middle Cordon of the Rising Sun. to Henry B. Dosch of the Third Ord.'r of Merit, tho exhibit director of tha Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc Exposition. U. S. A. Sinned and sealed at Imperial Mutshlto Palace, Toklo. the 17th of the fifth moon ot tho 4.1d year of Moljl. the 2570th year of the coronation of the Emperor of Japan. (Counters SAXEMA. OGUMOCHI. . Fourth Order of Merit. s Wbite Slaver Convicted. , Charles Peters was convicted at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon by. a Jury In Judge Bean's department of the Federal Court of having violated the white slave law by transporting Minnie Hill from Redding, Cal., to Medford, Or., for immoral purposes. It . was found necessary to place the girl in a stralghtjacket in the County Jail yes terrfav after she had been brought from the Salem Insane Asylum to Portland to testify against her alleged betrayer. When she was taken before the Jury she refused to take the oath, saying she did not know "how to swear. DOSCH AGAIN DECORATED Middle Cordon of Rising Sun Be stowed by Japanese Emperor. For the second time Colonel Henry E. Dosch, of Portland,' director of ex hibits and privileges at the Alaska-Yukon-Paclnc Exposition, has been decorated by . the Emperor of J apin. druggists- Foley Kidney Pills Tonic in Action Quick in Result Give prompt relief from BACK ACHE. KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM. CON GESTION of the KIDNEYS. IN FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREG ULARITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE-AGED AND ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. W. H. Fulton, Blomlngton, 111., ays: "I suffered for many years with weak; kidneys and backache and my bladder gave me much annoyance resulting in loss of sleep and severe headaches. I tried various kidney medicines which gave me no relief. I heard of Foley Kid ney Pills and began taking them and in just a few davs I noticed an im provement. I kept taking them until my backaches left me. my kidneys and bladder are again strong and act nat urally. I honestly believe Foley Kid ney Pills are the very best kidney and bladder remedy ever made." Isold by ali i i