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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1911)
17 V TOR HINT. For" KFIN'T 4-room Hal with mr0rn , -,t -. bAth: luppii'a w-ttn. Ecilp. ra with gaa "i"!" tn :. nd cupboard, stationary bor- celala rahub. and " ?; quit, tor,, rooma. wit Wet S.d; r-ol $20. Apply i- G.VUXIS A Sons. 1 T i First St . VT .room Bat hard Bnlahed Boor throughout all " rooma. ( as ra . water heater, co a m fumac fire Uro, !arg yard. c t- Madison st Ca.l Kand. -M.ELT fonujhxl s-roora flat, about mld 1M of May. lor Hammer: rDi6l to r liebl. popl. only; an Ideal Summer hom. wit. po7:ne and yard, walking aiatanc. -vh n. t roR KO'T-Uwr n.t with hardwood floor: A-l iMri.4. N; H r.tooit. panic on.y. Pbn Mala C4B. ft ROOMS lower Tat. furnace, flroplac. re frlgerator. large porch: no 'hlldr.B und-r : d.ince. Inqulr 641 - 19- at. North. TWO Lata, odo ft room, and on. room.: friuiT. rtni. and ,aa-water r'-aJt ISth and Kaat Madison l D- U. W oodward. ! WfOTa t ta TH'H. between 17lh and Chapman. tlc.T furnished 4-room rati w piano. J.-OI-R room., rr.od.rn flat, walking ;,.. lis racramento. mr W illiams av. - SWELL i-room fat. fn view walking dl.tsnc. r.nt .12-iX --.3 East Il.t near liawtnorne. Vacant Majf i- t . . NEW furniture In a -roora'd apart ment, easy walking dialer.. : r-nt $30. pric low If Bo.d quick. T. r-aat Io4J. fJj.wKurnUb.d flat 2 rooma. bat .and ..'eepir. porch. p-rfnnl tenant. wa-su o :sic. Kaat 4W43. jTjT.Toii modern flat Inqulr Scrvilla. Z-l Marhst. i"noo as-un - twekeeln Ke 7. r. Tvrn l"ih and Varahall. fur- l.ned for bo"uaek..i.,r. a. Jl frto l.ahta. bot at.r. talh. '-- '" til. city for money; .tiort di.taac from l.ioS bepot- T.a. -a"' r 1.1B-.U ear. aMhil-H- !ELL-"tn.vi5HEn booaea. flat., room. 6 - roSrr cot or. i0 mootn: 4-room lo-er p;J .4 Srtth at. North. "W " car rom d Jrf. itn. w..t oa Morruoa to i6th. b.oclt north. t tl ft TO liSO WEEK: clean, furnl.hed ." and iMH StantoB :ak. U ' 5b t laje."cin.fortab:y famished ke-n:n rooma. m.-lam home, near nj-r. 171 E. th - South. F!ton. S.iiood .uit for reOaod paraoua. Tboaa Maia iw i. VEW CASrfl.K. 4'11 "i hlr4 at., hou.ekeep Vn rVAmlrJ p-rj-a: anJ...J:J;ain. ?:iDOJI furnished. baat.d front apt. Ooa- oata. 1I i;ttt t- Tamhi.u I77TT SEeTFTEI'INO rooma. .lactrlc. lis . . Ts?llrr,.--:,ll-d-!: 5WO furnlan.d hounkMptnc room, at j Larrab.. t- fcTRNIiHED houkoptn aultM raaaonabla. llkeeoln R- ra r-ri '! ""n.!! o foralahMd hooeka.pln rooma la buemicl. Try eomfortaole. pnato -trase frotn .troat; .ac...nt locattea. III J Eleventh. MMn SilSa. . 1-C.R BENT J or 4 farnl.hed room, f-r houaakaaptoc; .t; B.w turnuttra. .1 fca- - rl.r; . Wf hooka.pln rooma; aeparat an- tranea. ivl liut at. bat. Whinto and ; kraxk. " Kil Tww nicely rooma. Bear aV furntahed -houaekeepinK P. aaopa. TOO Ju rowa.i. brooa.yn. JTlCECffurnuhed r-roo:n hoitaekeepins auuea. alae 00 houeekeepln room. 4.1 Ttn. GOUT aouaa'kaeplna toJ aepin rom' aa. batX phone, alau faraia. at 1- Mtntyra5ptace.lK. Ilia. tF-0 alce'.y fumihed houBekeep'r roc-ri. eieUeat tocatlon. nzy reaaonab.a. -u. lta. CTriTE. cl.aa boo..kepln .Ulta. f!rt ' floor. 111. 2J!2th at. wTi FIUST Mtely furnUheU houekeep!n twrtfc t 111, FIRST Nlc.y fornlahcd houekepli: Ton BK.NT 1 modern honekeepln rooma. STl Rodrey lie C 1SI. a ri'TlMaHED rooma. : E. AH M. L' l 'fCKKEriN'l "r ba. hlng roomv rea .or.ab... ;.'.'lyh- b-t. I5tn and l-tth. , gLTS .MALL hotuiekeep'.nf room, auitabia id KAiL 2-room euitea. all eonreolencea .and reaaonaoie. I?T-s.TiKrfEPiX' aultee at 64 N- 2d. near J"U:MSlil)U houkefln room.. Tx0 WftK between and S4th .ta. E. CENTKAUT loceied; conyenlei Ill and vp. 4S at am . 1 sl'lTFIil. 2 blocka from I'oatofftce; $14 ana eta. rairnoa. THRiSr: houaeit-eoir.a- r'oma. one a.&Ca room for adulta. iS Tamhlll at. i I;Kf furnlahed for hou.-keenlnc: (af ran c . phone. bth. laan !ry. l;ill-hN. SM AI.M'I.V Two ery d.!rable rooms, trojnd Boor, furnl.hed for huuaekeeplnn. Jill K larye beujekMplQC rooma. nrat now, a!-1 r.m ault.. 4J1 Tth. Fl'RXTSHEl pa-lor.. plann. pantry, kitch en: d.lraMe locatl-n. Call 44a 10:h .t. hooaekeeplnc roon.a. reason able: freo phone and bjth. 4UJ Clay t. ItTil rooms fr lioueek--nir.R. b:a. saa and prione: no chltdren. J- !: .t. . FOR R&NT Newly turnutbed bouaekeeplnf . rooma 303TayIor at. KICHLT f'irnl.head hou.ekeeoine rooma 4!T E. AnkeOT. phone B. S'1T. 0 r X H i,T. FurnThe3 houaekeeplnc rooms: reasonable price. fi-V-0 furnlahedT nouiekeeplns; room. 4CT E. st. llu ROOM houa. cement bai-li"nt. furnace, desirmbie location; at e.t.l Kelly St.. South Portend: rent J?. K.y at hi Kelly St. Main 4TT7. Q7 RENT Mo-lern nouae. ....a rooma. Xolladay Park, TsO Multnomah at. Key at TA UtilriMtuti. B-RoOM modern bouse, bath. fas. f-15. Ap ply Ml Madi.on. near Bin. ft minute from -.h anJ Washington. ft-RM hwiK ault.hle for two famllle: rent 4V I'hone Mala 140. durlnsl week 1 Eat 141 yinoaya. tTROOU ho-it. modwrn. E. STlU North., bead at M'jltaomaa St.. rent (II. Inqalre at ! Ir.lnc at- For" REVT i-nm cottae. ntodern con venience. Wet Side. 11: per month, loo, air moraine a. AJ 4 Jackaonst. - P.OOM house, walklnr dl.'ance, tli C 11. Putrott. owner. 142t -I el- r.otn 14. Hn)EKS 4-rcMim ho'ia-, .40 per month. 1T0 N.mib t3J at. A Hoi Ft'i a RENT A miiJ'm r. roora eottase. Eaat For RENT New i-room cottae. Jtb and (nia at. 71 K EI.LTST.. (lain.. 7 rooma. moJ era coBVeateaca. Phone 6.1 : wood l4t. FIVE-ll-'WlU baxiaal.Mf. cor. Eaat Everett and lf. .1 e- V u o n e E aat lj I. $ j 0. f nmrned Heat. FOR RENT rirnl"d 0- room house on MH.U ST. rent . per mor th. between West Par and ioth Bts. liloch Really Co.. yd Ald.r .t. For r.nt. my new olesantir fumiehed ho., in !rtngt. a to reontble pariv. T; bathroom wtt ahower, piano. .ry t'lir-c compvte. E.4t runs. A 41-' I1HNI.IIE1) HOI PES. p rojim houa. con-. i.itei t furnlshad. Eaat lt e . near ll-lrnotlt. Oeo. IX Hcnaik. Ti S'srk af Main 35. A ?IT COl.tiNIAI. borne of T larg rooms, mod em. . frll: tenit. Oowera. ar.1n: wi.t rent for 4 moathe r yemr; refer- m.-e. V 4. trec.nian. FI'KN Iiil Kb houv. II mom for Hum. m-r rnie. very dc.:r.b. J4'h at. re.l--!. f"r r'.hl parties. Address with rf- ere.ce. L 41. treonian TH HSiSH V.t) T-rour.i hou. ihnriufh'jr n.o.1- rn. r r. 4na-r. 3fur 4 t rnon : h; c iv. rirt anJ r-on b:-k fr.ra rjr;n, r-4t. i i".arf n t. V r-Ki m n tt. KiOX fnr.h-1 c t"T fat; fruit n.l trn. l-l'V tvl X lr r cJ -; -4J .-p.ltiira b.rt C T i' f urn'tHaa-j -r'tn r.t f r-: ; faio.ri. 3 rotim flt will. Valtj nl ai .v-:.i-if. .l o on f.r: ! -. rd- to t.rt wiift: rati icr-i ; r nt. l-i a JNi-UT.'j'-'-- i-rn con-., with Urs y r. . ---- - ard. W "M a lT-'t. fb -OH RENT. Fttrnl.brd IIooaea. STRIOTI.T modern and newly '"'"Jr? completa. -roomea IiB'- , , Madiaoa and haa to b. to i b ap practed. hon. Eaat bat. 4.M and l P. M. HawaeooraiewT rtTrHrIaT Bala. nToOMS. on 6th at., modero. botn.. rant .t. i. not occopied .t "t";1; w,1;,; th. c:ty; IT taken thia will aell f"J $ caVh. or ay payment., lnqulra of L J. J jiten. FaUIPIL.B-'.?'- OXB ft-room cotta.a. ,U.hed cvarlook lna ocean. B.oW: two othn ci"??!r ocian. from May to NOT.mbor It doairad. ilarabanl. STLXJANTTidrooia " "C1 Sil! If aoid at one. Apt- !. 1 aln t-r cor. iynr. CE.NTRAU coy. -roo flat : for ront; $10 I.r month; fomltar. for ; aal barjaln . tu bath and phono. Call A Sll- fiix coar rooma. rent tA leaaa. Excaptlon- aiiy cnoico iw '.,,5 ., You'll aay "baxtaln" anra. 41 i riall. iiTH fciT Kurnltura of 8-room houaa for ": nona for braln. Sultabl, for noma. ta IMl at encfc . rp.KLY now furniture of elht-room booae N ?.fr iai. 0cT..VriBr. yard, Bora; T1,.-.Lrl nrtrJI-J- Eaat .!. bKSIRARLB fiat for rent, fnrnlttira for Vale, baraaln. reference.. terma.Sglllth. iHi-.OV hot;. f"T U.. furniture for Bale. 4.VL-Mlama are. Take U car. FURNITURE room, for Bale, flatter rent: B barcaln If boulht at once. 4. . jjt: pTAKEH-new furniture ot - V-om h ou.e. If3 N. l&tht: . IS ROOMS: Una home, clean, new. modern: money-maner. -- . rTTtOOMS. furnlttira for Bale. &U1 X. l"th t. tonerBeaoTtB. ToUit choice of threw fine lot. InHer moV. l ark. Sea.l.le. at a bargain. Owner. 44 l;h. A if4. fitorea. FOR RENT "tor on trrowlna- bu.lneaa; plenty of customer to draw from, f hone Maui 6;. 43 FRONT ST.. near A.h. ISiluO. 3 floors: . . . - n. c . : 1 m 1 aljAii num- v.ry reaaonaw.e K.r - nR brick tn; 'rrr; rt sve jw l:h at- FlR RENT chlK Cn lrw- a?: :a.t 010. cdih" " ' " . 1 - 1-. u Phohi Main K4o(l. 6TORB for rent at u and Stark ala. IT- OMlr. 75 1st at. . . i 1 s r: brick cor. store. East 11th and Haw th?rnaApPi173 Eaat ISthcorsmulJ. STORE 20x; I71H Third St.; A-l loca- . 1 1.1 4.4 At lion. v j . tiOI corner store for rent, long lease. In. , a rNerr.ree rummircf. . Mil W . - . - . - STORE at 1 Morrison .t.; d feet deep; it tmi fMt rent reaeonable. ITTORE for rent, rnone s.a. ' Office. OFFICES FOR RENT. 110 to .1V MI41CHANTS MVl.Viji TRUST rOaFAJI. . W. Cnr. .t h a nd W a. h I n r t on St. "" . . . . . . . 1.11 4 mm WELL l!rbtd outside office 151 leet. L.X in iwi fcida. Apply 1 lwla bldn. ' FO!"R ood-aicd office. ood llabt end vn .1 .ti... . t Mr mootk at lsa Morn- sua at. . MOST centrally located office, all-mint ele a:or semce, fewtiand bldsv. J en r.or. tth and Wahlntn. NICE Hrht front orflc with us of reception-room. 1T Jtoerd of Trade. Nortk ae.t Realty Co-. Pr J. T. M orrow. Bee. FOR RENT Desk room on Waahlnnton at-; b .-h phone. Call i0 fpaldlnrrbjd. FOR KENT lk room with phone and dealt. 4 Rothctllld bld. DEiiC ROOM, first floor, electri llbt, .learn heat. Fourth t- North. Hi fVO entlr floor., or part In brick bttHd rr with elerator- very reaaonaMe, Apply at rroni st. Phon Main :X TO LCASR OWNER will build brtck warehouse to stilt tenant on beat cloae-ln c,uarter block, wttb tra.kaie. on West Side. FarUcular 3.-0 Rallwsy Kxchania. BrarXK OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED Party with fraa IJOO t T30 t" tak. mtereet In id parms buslne.; wtll stand lnre.tiatlon; wa bar c4 penins In California. The AMI Mercantile Aieney, M . In 414 Ablnntoa bU lOltXO man. we have a Una openlnc tor a ceneral store In rowm suburb of Port land: good new store to rent at low flsur; rothlnc to .ell you. Western Bc Co 414 tpaldir.c bld. TOUNO MAN. STRANGER. Mike rir-ful InresMsatlon at expene t se'.ler before you West money In any proposition. AdTisory Department. T. M. C. A. PARTNER wanted to lne.t S40O0 In busl .... hirK wl.l nT II5.KO net per year; ki f interest len for S years. Answer quick; strictly business. K 60. Ore sontan. WASTED Partner to take chars of offlc; B-od lecltlmate cash bu.lneaa; muit hae i;.oo ca.h; reterencca eacoauseu. a - wo. I re.?nlan. MiVI?--P.OTl"TtE thrtr. clearlnir $.0 to ,4 y liJknc Out. OX 0Uiiav-. ,v- Auu.uiiu idr. WANTKU Physician as partner to conduct electric and hydropathic sanitarium In town or .U'o. WITn larse aurrouuuio. -try. 1'r. J. O. Moxley. Iwl.ton. Idaho. MAN" or woman with a frw hundred dollars to take an intere.i m m """ """ partly furnished. In city. C. 11. Plcfott. owner. 14-JS -1 at . room 24. f one of the best real estats propo- i !!.:i in Ortion; I want a man with llo-ei and services to Join me. AV 4i. Ore- coaian. WANTED Man to furnlah capital to eatab ll.h bank in Dcachutes Vall-y. by eiperl- need banker; rIernces excuansed. U 49, Or-iconlan. , RESTAURANT for sals; will sell laurant In a living-room cheap If taken r.t oaco: too much work. 8e owner. JOS Tnurman at. VI lINn VAN. ro ru want a good-rayln little busl-- of your own for ..oo; Expelienc not necea.ary. 31 Davi. t. WANTED A hustllns; youn man to Join me In the be.t real estate proposition la th btat of Oreon: 10oo required. Answer quick. A V 43.Oreonlan. GROCERY at or tn rood location. West u.. dun stock and new fixture, dome s ood bulnes; lovolo about 2iOO. AO 61. t WA.NTKJI A hustler with about !30O to lo"m In a sure real estato proposition that wi.l pay better than 7 to 1. AV SaOre- arontan. 1'ISTACRASI. A neat clean little lunchroom, not a dead fn. but a weU-payln business, tli um la . . . , . v'SK. In depot, with food r.iomlne and boardlns-hous f-r on account of death. Inquire at 4I K. blaxa. bet een Sard 4 t . 31. FOR SALE Meat, fnh and po-i!try markat: cath .ales over " dally. Muat h sold by May 1. IJIDf leaa ja i . ' 1 i t . . . v i ..i.i corner ana uoins uoi bw e..-" reason for sellln. sickness. J.4 N. 'S St. 11AUI.WAKK m.'SINEdS. In South Imkota. evchang for land or Port a n d prop-Tt y. A . . i. urriuiiaii. I'nH 811 Maat mark.t In good locality. drire a rood bu.lneaa. Cash proposition. Adiiree. K 4. orerooion. . , , v'p: ft "i" i; ni N 1 il.'ST RIAL. 6 TOO KS. Telephone and othar bon.ia bourht and s d. Fletcher Inv. Ui ONCErSIlN3 wanted for Council Creat: r-n'.al or perceui-i.. 4iiiy on mi round. CONFECTIONERY for pale. rood, location, do nr rood b'K'nce-. with lease, rent 1:4. price :. Cll JU7 lat at. PLr'MFINi .hop for aale: beet location In cur for b'fmner. o-0 Union ita, Eaat a-ivTrn Morlnc-plcf ure machine or th ter- rive full Intormallon urt letter; muat be bareain. AO an. oretonian. Gl' iCK-lT-store-for sals at Invoice; c t'raliy located. WM. orefonlan. llT7y Interest In eltlmte bu.ine.s that will Clear .a l ' - ' -' -' " iTFocERY and confectionery, nlc stock. 4 I It In f -room . ew. m w - . - fjZiitar s'.and: a aaap If taken at once. Call at 4 N. 1. BrtINE BTATIOVFRT at special price. Acorn pre.a. JI3 Mocoaoao o.o. aiawn. DAMiY rv.tauraiit for sale; best barcaln la city. '- Waahlnrton at. Main t; TT iTV caih rrocerv. rtowniown, low r-nt. larre trade. Call ?7 Stark St. BOO BUSINESS cards. 1 OO; you must brlasT lh laa d. Roe C ity Priniery. li S. Third. PHYSCIAN want country location; would buy praotloe. Ait ST. Oreioniaa. TITE MORNING ORECONIAX, SATURDAY, BCtONESS OPPORTCNlTlES- METROPOL1TAN CAFE. located In the lane.t town between Portland and fcan Francisco. w , . A caf with bar la connection wnicn enjoys a monopoly on this business. Re ceipts from bar alone sufficient to pay all expen.e.; cafe masnlflcently tur ni.hed. Will Invoice S4400. Can be han dled for lloiwi. Call and lnve.tlal this. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. Slf-M-21 Railway Excliani Bid. BEST IRY GOlDS. k. Tidies and chlldren'a -enorl mercnan dlae. store In the Northwest, to sell ft in at Cash valuation. He THOMPSON A SWAN, eth and Main at. Vancouver. JW aan.. or 583-8 Rotbrhtld bldr.. cor. 4th and Wash. sta. portlano, or. HARNESS and Implement business, e.tsb ll.hed I years, sll roods In Brst-ciaja Map.: owners bave otner oumv-e -cannot lv this business their personal attention: her la a rood opportunity lor an enerretlo man with from t.!0M to fioOO. Will soil or lease the bulldlnga. Addresa owners: Estacada MercanUI Co.. Estacada. Or. FRUIT cannery for sale; all equipped, ready for business; located on raiiroau close to Columbia River, for .hipping; food water, electric llrhts and In a tine ocallty for fruit; will .ell at a bargain: call on T. L Flmmon.. Fl.hers, Wash., or O. A. Allen. l2a and 1023 Yeon bUlc Portland. Orerun. SNAP. M Opera-house lease for sale. 4 years: fully equipped: running licensed motion pic tures; stage, scenery: road shows booked bv John Cort: newly decorated, seats 7K): rent 45; Oregon town of 6ou0; good n-a-sons for selling; big bargain for right party: flotfo caah. F 48, Orcgonlan REAL. ESTATE business In valley town on Oregan Electric; ofllce, young span norses. buggy and harneaa. hack, good large home and 4 lota, large Hat of farm and acreage: sell cheap account retiring: last month's business (400. Address AV 40, Oregon Ian. CHOICE GROCERY. ... Well located on Union ave.. rood trad, can be greatly Increased by adding deliv ery wagon. Invoice stock and fixtures. tl'OOOl. ZAOOW. . .17 Board ot Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. . OUR FACILITIES Will save time and make MONEY FOR YOU. Select list of bargains in real estate and Business chances. TII.OCH REALTY CO.. 2l Alder St, RESTAURANT. Owner must go East to receive an in heritance; will sacrifice at less than one half value: locatod Just right: net profits 10 p.r dav: price IIOOO rash. GRUSSI ZADOW. 31 7 Board of Trade bl d g.. 4th and Oak. . WHO HAS THE CASH Can assure you If you will Invest $5000 with us xou can make 13000 clear In V month See Mr. Haas with J. U. Tipton -a una l'.. ' i. FOR At.E tW.OOO stock of well assorted bard ware, old established, in tne ousines. center of one of the largest cities on the Coast 120. 000 caab, bai. time. AV 11. Oreronlan. HARDWARE. Implement, paint stock. In voice S13.OO0. lauOO caah. balance terms. New Norther California town with sawmills tributary, box factory, big ranch trade. Address AV 83. Oregonlan. POSITIVELY th best suburban location for th drug buslne In th City ot Portland: building nevw in course ot con struction. Bee J. F. Wlneland. 5th floor of Macleay bldg.. Washington s; FIR-T-CLASs delicatessen, confectionery and lea cream bu.lneaa. gooa location, cheap rent: 3 living-rooms, well fur nished. 100 Gtbbs. cor. Front S car south. WANT you to know one thousand dollar In vested para you e.o per year or e" per month. Call or write for particulars. Alaaka Coast Fish Co.. Incorporated. 611 Buchanan bldg.. Portland. Oregon. STOCK companies Incorporated. W Eld to offer entlr issues of stocas or oonu. . for sal for corporations! Th E. Jay Haw kins Company. SOS Elllcolt Squat. Huf fs o. N. Y. PARTNER wanted for caah store; owner tired ot hired help; will guarantee gooa profits; requires very ltltl money. Par ticulars. 244 Stark rt CARPENTER would like to meet builder or Jobber, am In a position to invest ana work: I am a stranger and would prefer an A F. A. M. man. N SI. Oregonlan. SPECIAL $300 with aervlce will secure In terest In a cash business ana pay you a day; experience not necessary, particular S4S4 stark St. MUST MOVE for repair, will sell furniture. equipment tc, or real estate ortice. very cheap today or will Join other firm or man. Phon Main WANTED To buy or lease set of abstract books in Oregon r Washington; win ex change reference. Henry Lockney, Wauaesha. Vri. FOR SALE Newt and Job plant, good pat ronage, easy terms, paving wen: can wora In plant before buying. Address AV 70, oregonlatt- PARTNER wanted, working as silent In a local weekly paper; a good proposition; don't answer unless you hav $000. AO Go. Oreronlan. FOR SAL.B OR LEASE Completely equipped planlng-mlll In city of 1O.000. Address b. M. Barnard, Vancouver. Wash.. Box H!. FOR SALE by owner. 60-room hotel with bar and poolroom In connection; writ, for particulars. Joseph Dalton, North Yakima, Wash. THIS IS A SNAP. Transfer, sal and feed .table, doing a good business, must sacrifice on account of sickness. D 47. Oregonlan. HALF Intorest In a reliable real estate ofllce. best of reasons for selling; your money secured: reference given and re quired, particulars oia noaru oi xraue. SPECIAL opening for steely man In a solid business; wtll pay $133 month: salary also share of profits: money secured. Particu lars IHfts oiars 2uo4 FOR SALE, grocery, sales S40 daily. n atnclr rftAil location, eond lease, rent fur store and living-rooms only $2u. Own r. 8 it. oregonlan. WANTED Partner In livestock brokerage bualnesa at Union Stock Yards; will pay you I J50 montniy. rarucuiars. itoom ou, Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE One of the best general mer chandise buaineas In Lincoln County, do ing $oO per day cash sales. This Is a snap. Address J. C. Dixon, Elk City. Or. FOR SALE -4 shares of etock In ilaxel wood Co.. Spokane, at $120 per share; this 1 less than book value Jan. 1, 1U1L M. Mortensen, Ames, Iowa. FOR SALE Blacksmith tools and shop; good location: established business. Cheap, If taken soon. Call In person. Oeo. Schlat ter.Troutdale.Or; LEASE for sal, reasonable: new. large, red brick apartment house, on Nob Hill; not dealing through agent R ti, Oregonlan. oLd-ESTABI.ISHED real estate man hav ing good buaineas wants Interested help as partner to show customers property. Koom SI'S. Lumber Exchange. WOULD like to aaoetat with man having poultry experience; all ready established. i'l 4 Commercial block. FOR SALE Saloon, re.taurant. cigar and fruit stand, fin location, near dopoL Ap ply 187 North 6th st. DENTAL PRACTICE for sale. If you want a location In Oregon, answer this ad. , and see what happen AV 48. Oregonlan. gSAP Come and see this for a bargain In ' three-chair barber shop. 3o3 East Burn side. S5..0 BUYS one of the best equipped mea markets In Portland; excellent ttand AT 47. Oregonlan. NICELY furnished coffee honae, with lease, for sale aheap. He R. W. Wood. 287 Couch st FOR SALE A flrst-clas three-chair barber shop at a Darxaio ior -'- .it or writ, j.- Hoehn. Jerome. Idaho. IVTEXDINO to move m v business. I will sell my lease, good location tor any busl ne. AP f. Oregonlan. FIKST-CLASS bak.ry. dolnr good tuslncsa. 10 East 2th St.. nesr Burnslde. $;iO PARTNER In estahllshsd real estate Buslne... -I om. .. SHOE repairing shop for sale doing good buaine.s. at &o jeueceoi. Vo"belter cigar Btnnd for the money; has long lease, low rent Call 276 Stark st N-FAT little lucrative butcher shop tin b) had for small amount. X 48. Oregonlan. GOOD location, barber shop, bathhouse, bootblack, cheap rent. Tabor 104. MODERN dy works, complete, lone lease, price reasonable. AP 87. Oregonlan. FOR 6AI.E Tailor shop, good location, 11th at. beu Alder and Morrison. vvaNTED Real estate partner; experience tinnecesaary. MT.aT market doing .V caah per day. owner leaving city. P q3. Oregonlan. SAI XX V f'r sal, a bargain: hurry. D 66, Oregonlan. IF you want th best eonfectlonei-v for th prle ttloOO). call today. 27$ Stark st - ' ' BIT8INES8 OP PO R TTNTT1 ES. , WANT to sell half Interest in splendid acreage and townsite proposition: sur veyed, platted and selling: no preliminary work or expense: step right into rolng business: about 00 seres, unencumberea . adjoining one of best railroad cities in Southern Oreeon: bonaflde and will 'ana inveaugation ; owner . , -----party to go on with buaineas. which ne has not time to do; $7iOO cash necessary and Immediate action; buyer can money back if within year not satisiled. Truly unusual opportunity. b. , or goniaiy r. . . , ., furniture UIV ..!( oi a recently i . and cousefumlshlng business must ra do .mil run i.ii or ... ' in . i j ', . tni. will aell a .now or " Jhio less thnn Inventory; good business . , , . i .. . .v rent gooa DUiiuinit; gooa iw-'i"'1 . . -m oi .000 "'.". "-'-J invest I aiviaenas in .even ji. ;. tlon Invited. Address owner at SJ3 OIM ave.. Portland, or call phone Main 3i. -COM3 TO THB PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Idf. 3 years old. I millions assets. We loan money. H. H. Ward. Mgr.. 712 Spalding bldg. unuusiunr . A well-estsbllshed business, located in one of the best districts In this city: will sell at Invoice, cheap rent, long lease, about IS.'.oo. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. East 34tli and Hawthorn ave. MLOl ecu-. .... acres, good soil, all level, within i miles of Portland. In good fruit district: all subdivided In 6-acre tracts; can re sell this and make you a nice profit in a short time. Room 416 McKay bldg. ROOMI NO-HOC 8KJ. TtOTHNSON COMPANT, A P A RTMENT-HOUSES, HOTEL!" AND ROOMING-HOUSES OUR SPECIALTi. Room 6'J'J Selling llldg. . Phone Main ldS9. SPECIALS TODAY. 10 -room roomlns-houae. ort. la-room rooming-house, ert.".0. 5- room rooming-house. $700. 6- room flat $700. , 1 4-room house. $850. 9 rooms and sleeping porch. JIWO. 8 rooms and two bedro.ims in base ment. 14oa And lots of other good buys In large apartment houses and hotels. V hav the best of the good or.a. ROT1INSON 4 CO.. (22 Selling BMe Phone Main 1039. 60-ROOM Vaiislent hotel. positively' th best transient house In Portland, neat, clean, comfortable, cheap rent good lease. This money-maker Is decidedly the only one of Its kind In Portland. Price $8730. rooming-house? Call 434 Chamber of commerce. FOR SALE 10-room rooming-house, mostly housekeeping rooms; rumiture su goou. $:150 cash, balance terms. 246 Montgomery. WILL give a to lO-year lease. 16 rooms. In gooa country towu, coep itm. jo ... - ber ot commerce. SIX rooms. Burnslde 1175; good furni ture, rent $20; of course, it's a snap. Fred W. German. 829 Burnslde. M or A iitt. WILL, sell my 23-room transient-bouse cheap, phon owner, Mln loot w A VTFfn Roomlne-houae S to 13 rooms will pay $3X0 first payment Call 344 3d. LOST A VP FO UND. FOUND WTiere you can buy genuine bait renovate mattresses and return same day; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. II. Metsger. 226-22o Front Phon Main 474; A lo74. I j l s T tin Oretron electric train No. S. leav lng Portland 7:50 A M-. arriving In Salem t IV. a laoy a aeaiaam nanauats cwuiwio Ing papera of value to owners only. Will nnaer kinaiy notiiy oregouimn i Ijist Near steel bride... nold watch fob, Inscribed "Presented to Capt Rows by Compaoy M." Return 326 Chamber vt rommerce. Reward. l.rifiT Wadnoadav afternoon. coral stlc pin. on Tillamook street, between 33d and 3Sth; reward If returned to Dr. Parrlsh. East 83d and Tillamook. lio-r Cluster diamond rlnr. six small dia monds. one large diamond In center; good reward. Clias. W. Lahboln. 205 East 41st st .South. T.OST Ta4 brown and white dor. an swers to Csrlo; new collar with license; reward. Mathlesen Garage. 13th and Hawthorn. Phon C 113, a lain. LOST Medal from British government to Dr. T. H. Parka Finder pleas return to 343 8d st and claim rewarq. LOST A yellow Persian" cat; return to 400 Vista ave.. Portianq Heignts; rewaru. LOST Down town, stock subscription list; reward If return. a to in coroett Diug, LOST A ten-dollar bill, near the Hlbernla Bank, $3.o0 reward at Tn oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES, proposals Invitid. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB5 UNITED STATES FOR THB DISTRICT OK OREGON. In the matter ot Booth Jewelry Com pany. Bankrupt The undersigned trustee of the above en titled estate will . receive sealed bids up to 13:04 o'clock noon ot May 1. 19H. for ta stock oC diamonds, watches. clocks. Jewelry, etc. and fixtures belonging to said estate, situated at Forest Grove. Ore gon, of the total Inventory valuation of aH7.S2. Cash or a certified check for Id per cent of amount bid to accompany each bid as evidence of good faith, balanc to h oh id uDon confirmation of sale by the court Right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved and any acceptance of bhl subject to combination oy court. Th stock and fixtures may be Inspected upon application at store to H. W. Sltton. Forest Grove. Oregon: copies of Inventory to be examined at store and at (03 Fenton Bldg., Porllana. Oregon. Dated Aprli II, 111- H. S. TUTHILL. Trustee. H. S. McCntchan, tut Fenton Bldg, Attor ney for Trustee. SEALED bids will b received at the of fice of R. H. Thomas, School CltVk, 4u2 Tllford building. Portland. Or., until S P. M.. May 4, 1911, for the buildings on the ground recently purchased by School District No. 1. in block 67, Sell wood. These buildings consist of dwelling-houses. tic., bearing tne louowmg numuer; B"3 Umatilla street 606 Umatilla .treat, 6-0 Latllla strs.t 624 Umatilla street 62. Harney street 18H2 fcast Fifteenth street, -ittoii Fifteenth street vim. to be made on each building sep arately. Certified check of 10 per cent of the amount ot eacn uiu. paaoie m xv. xa. Thorna School Clerk. DUlt ICCOD1PU17 each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any aou an oiub. B. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated April 27.191. MOTICS TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will bo received by the City Recorder of Toledo, Or., until 7-30 p. M., Monday. May 0, 1911. for the construction OI a gravuy water supply aja , .... for fha aaJd city. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the City Recorder, at Toledo, Or., or at the office of Stannard a Rich ardson, 41U Henry uunuius, rgruunu, jr. a di-tltled check payable to the Mayor of Toledo. Or., drawn on some solvent bank, equal to ten (10) per cent of the bid must accompany each proposal. Th successful bidder will b. required to fur nish surety bond equal to 7.1 per cent of' ths total bid to insure the faithful per- formsnc or tne contract. F. N. HAY DEN, Recorder. (Seal.) Toledo, Or. ' V-I1T-1T CANNERY FT)R SALE. Sealed bids will be recolved for the site, manufacturing plant, machinery and all materials on band, of the Lewis River i --. -hi in Company, of Woodland. Wash. Bids will be closed at noon, Saturday. May 13. Address sll oioa ig c r. iwunieiii , nAi.n lah . K F. D. No. 1. it, mi'.at L, accompanied by a certified check of (V per cent of the amount of the bid The board ot aireciora reaervea in. rlKht to reject any or all bids. Plant Is adapted to other manufacturing purposes. For further details apply to t W Robluson, Woodland. Wash.. K. F. D. No. L SEALED bids will be received at tli of fice of R H. Thomas. School ilerk. 4u2 Tllford Building. Portland. Oregon, until D P M.. May 4. 191L for grading and otherwise Improving the grounds st Waahlnrton High and Hawthorne foniea of plans and specifica tions mar be obtained at tne office of the clerk. Certified check for 10 per cent of th amount oi tne oia. payaoie to R. H. Thomaa. c.cnooi viera. rau.t ac comn.nv each Drooosal. Board ot Dl rectors reserves the right to reject any and all b da. Datea April -o. n.ii. R. H. THOM AS. School Clerk. OFFICE of C. Q it.. Vancouver Barracks, -it-.. ai.rtl l. lull. Koaled proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. Msy 1. JD11. for Job prlnllnc at these headquarters during the e ..-a I vear ending June SO, 1912. Lr. S. reserves the right to reject or acc ,t any . or all proposals. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for printing." addressed, G. s. xiinguam. C Q. M AfRIL 29, 1911 SPECIAL JfOTICES. Prouoaala Invited. SEAL.EO BIDS will toe received at the of fice of Bridges & Webber, architects, room 4H Hamilton bldg.. Portland Or. until If A. II.. May a 1911. for the electrlo wiring or mo maia uuiiuhik - ' house at Multnomah Farm, about one me we.t of lroutdaie. No bid will be considered unless accom ranled by a check, payable to the order of the Countv Court of Multr.omah Coun ty. Or., certified to by a responsible bank tor an amount edual to 10 per cunt of the arsrecate bid. and this check is to be forleited as fixed and liquidated dam ages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and to furnish suit able bond tor the faithful performance of said work, in case tne contract is award ed to him. Plans and specifications can ne seen at tfce office of the architects. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby re served. T. J. CLEETOX. County Judge. W. I- LIQHTXEK. Countv Commissioner. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. Mleeellaneous. WHOLESALE Jobbers wishing reliable rep resentative in central oreson. see rucii aids Smith, brokers, manufacturers' .(cents. Address 31 Park. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLL Mil I A LIFE A TRUST COMPANT. 016 Spalding Bldg. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN. On good first mortgages. E. C Easton. 827 Board of 1 rado Bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate- 5 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. Yon are not required to own a lot, as wa loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. This la the ealariea man's plan to own a home. Call or writ for particulars. STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO, J. H. Delaney, State Agent. 425 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. MONET to loan on Insld Portland prop- CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., sl9-2u-21 Railway Exchange. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to S years' time: ,'J,r"' repayment, privileges, mou'i "r, it . building progresses. The Equitable 8"' Ings A Loan Association. 2'g Stark st MONEY TO LOAN. $25,000 to loan on good West Sid real estate at 7 per cent, time to suit. R. F. BRYAN. B05 Chamber of Commerce. MORTAGAGB LOANS. . -. $8500. $3oM and $15u0, available Immedi ately, sceptable Inside city property. SHEFFIELD & RIELY, 903 Yeon wag. PLENTY of money to loan at ft and T per cent on real e.iate icviwi.. EDW P. MALI-, 104 secona a- $500,000 ON Improved cliy or farm property: ....,.!. 1. i . lowest Drlces. DUlluina or luinu . ---- - - - i i . j. H. Mcb-enzl Co . K14-A1S-G16 Gerllnger bids- ' FIRST and second mortgages and contracts , . .. . .. .it. nrooertv any where In Oregon or Washington. E. L Devereaux. Fentonbldg..4 atii st MORTGAGB LOANS lrxeiuBiveiy. EDWARD E. OOUDBI. Lewi xiuiiaiog. $50.0f)0 TO LOAN. West Side Improved real estate. Lnlon Pacifio Lit lnsurnc Co., 604-005 Or- gonisn oiag. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan Urt land property In sums from floO t 150.000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. V A Pn.r, AO3-308 Abiugton bldg. MORTGAGE Investment Company, capital . , ,,,, ruui ....... ... .. - .... ..... contracts .coca .luu.vvv, oua "' 7 , , of sale, etc Offices 409-10-11 Couch bldg.. . .i a TIT elia. eva 1 1 at rtfTSfl. ruriittim, vt. . LOANS xnad on Improved city property: . - ... .re... nriti4ta ti u ft itm Joan IUQUI J 11 V r-lCll AVI f i'vo sr 7- . r . .r- . . I J I kloa- Tsml A 714'' X3.sU II, DUO DVV1UIII i- WE HAVE TODAY $10,000. $.V.00. $2000, . ...aa . . ... . . . . ., t-.tii II . U nnl. A SIHO'J. 4iww a" t,o.. Dlo s MONEY to loan on Improved real tat or for building purposes. Columbia Lit Trust Compsny. 918 Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small building loans: contracts and mortgage ,..hi w. H. Minn. 44 sr.erioca o.os. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. DUlluing lOBJia. lowcwa ... ... 812 ralllii g Diug MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest . ,T 1.1 All Cr. 9,,U Unlf av h I O BT. rates, a. -a- - " - - - -a ana pima- PKIVATB MONET $5000 $200011500 to loan on sood real eatate security. 4all at once afc coo fcj..,m.'o mo. $1000 TO loan on good real estate at T V , , - . , , 'j , T J ' ,,. rA tf Tmrla hid.! per coin. v.a.i - ' no agents; MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. LEWIS BLUO. Etat funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as. slats agent Multnomah Co.. o0 C of C Will loan $10,000 or leas, real estate security. Farrlnrtoa. 116 Commercial Club bldg. MOHEY. any amount 6 to 8 per cent. Good- pough i Seitx, 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. " . a.. ........ -, i ..'r- , i ... c-i- LEWIS BAlAlJiun. w o. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C U Fur- long. MJ Km OI V" ' LOAVS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 808-9 Fenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort rages A. H. Mlley. R. 204 Gerllnger bids'. -COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" F or ral estate loans. 712 Spalding bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans, 6, 7. 8. f-.-l,ickJuelhauPt 1032 Cham. Com. PRIVATE MONEY $0000 to loan on Irving ton real eatate. East 2053. -roNEY to loan on real estate In amounts to mlt borrower. Lawyers Abstract A Trust Co. I HAVE $5000 t loan on West Side realty. M 04. Cjrvauinn. 41TOO $1WK) ALBINA. Irvlngton or Hol laday. Ward. 210 Allsky. M. 7.12& MORTGAGE loans at reasonable rates. Lowenson Bros.. 402 Buchanan bldg. Hwv. PRinjHOMME, H08 Spalding bldg. aloner t l-oa" Chattels and Salaries, WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN -in Balarle only. In amounts of front S to $100, at th lowest possibl rat. Business strictly confidential. an wo require Is that you be employed on .alary and you ot ths money quickly, without worts"' tndoiser or ota.r s-cviri-y. STATE SECURITY CCA, 308 Falling Bldg., Cor. TTilrd and Wrahingtoq 3tc MONEY advanced salaried people, bouse k.eiers and others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest navinent: offices In 08 principal clues; isve yourself by getting my terms Xirsu TQLMAa. on .- lioNEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on ail kinds of securities, furniture, piano or personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential, rVav Cunningham. 201 Kothchild bldg. n,jjiwMcorner 4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCE. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts. ta n" Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO 307 EpslUIng bldg. IMMEDIATE LOANS on real estate, plalnos, .t-irare receipts and all other securities. V' A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. aiamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit- ...ii. trunks, overcoats and musical In -Tromcnla. Uncle Myere. 71 6th, between"" '"rPlne. Main 910. ij-iWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of e ....rltv chattels or real estate; Union Loan Co. 3 l-afavette bldg., th and Wash. St.. nw rates: we loan money on diamonds and' L.we"y. MarxA Eloch. 74 3d st t OANS on diamonds and other securities, William lloll. room 9. Washington bldg. a ' i oa v for th asking, salary or chattel. Ai-i,. lata Co.. 414 Dtfcum bldg. 7rw?Y loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly condentlaJLl 41V. 3d. nearAlder. Loan Wanted. tlBOO f'000. $3000. $4000 at once. Close-in residence property. 8 per cent interest iiooo $4000 In Irvlngton district J. H. , :"' V lion SDaldinr bldir. lipioii i a v-r customer wants $3800. well secured. a oer cent: another wants $1500 on good Incont property. Marsnan Tia. a 43oo. it-.OO ON hlKh-class residence property. 3 - mi tv H ner cent to nrivate narfr. J KtXI . "... f .- . . . i Oreironlan. . t WANT to borrow from private party $1750 on my home. Value $3500. g per cent Interest. 3 years. O 54. Oregonlan. WANTED $1300 8 years at T per cent, on rood residence property. Grussl as Zadow. 317 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WE can Invest your money at good rates of . . . . . j ....trie- erst mort- miere.i, , --- rages; long-term lnvestmsnt Py;denl Investment & Trustee Co.- 301. 303 Board of Trade bldg. ' WE CAN place four loans on first mort gages: two of $2000 and two of eljSO provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201 203 Board of Trade. . WANT $1500 ON MODERN HOME. In good neighborhood. 8 per cent to private party. L 53. Oregonlan. WANT $4000 on best real estate; no agent V 49. Oregonlan LET us place y"our money, good mortgages: references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg SEE PRUDHOMME, 900 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of flees on the Pacific Coast, furnished wltn every therapeutic appliance used by tne most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We hav something better. We. use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat Bake ovens. X-Kays. static, coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, oxone, sinpsolual, helios. colar, i.-i:int and King lights. We a-e the only physicians on the Paclflc Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices, w a have been In Portland over five years and treated thousands of patients ana never bad a death. , . We take no contagious or infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the omce to treat patients. We can CUKE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-callea "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half of th third floor of the Rothchilds bidu. Dr. W. E. Mallory. ,aturopatn. INFORMATION WANTED Any person knowing the address of Alex Nugent ana amen reety, two onuRe taijreu,... -ployed by Bates & Rodger on C. 41. s Puget Sound Railway, at Kyle. Shoshone County. Idaho, in October. 1900. will please, communicate with Woody Woody, or Delo T. White, Missoula. Mont WANTED Name and address of persons who saw elderly lady (Mrs. J. N. ow,"?ri thrown from Union-avenue car at lniru and Alder streets, about 5:20 P. M.. Sat urday. April 22; afterwards taken into Esgert 4V Young's shoe store. Call on or address John C. Shlllock. Gerllnger bldg. Phone Mala 8201. - ' DR. ALICE A GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery: chronic snd nervous diseases treatea according to the latest methods; connne ment cared for; consultation free. . 813 is Washington st Main S928. A 6607. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfor graduate; rheumatism, nervous and t" ach ailments, under physician's aireo . , ..... ... ' ?co 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 200, B lsoo. CLOSING out stock of hair and shell Sods; pure human hair In all shades, aiao fixtures, large mirror, tool for making hair goods, and laboratory: all at cost alia, less; special Jobs to dealers. Grand Leaaer. hair dept.. 6th and Alder. PILES, fistula, fissure and other DISEASES OF THE RECTUM CURED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for names of CTTTl.-T-i DiTIVVTO 4 PFVF.RENCH. Dr. E. K. Scott" suite 922 SelllPgg. WANTED The people to kr.ow that we nav tne only positive cure tui . , the world; one box will convince the most kepticaL Rooms 301 and 302 Alisky blag.. 9 A. M. till 9 P. M. Sundays from -a. M. till 4 p. M. Portland, ore.ou WANTED Pupils to learn bairdrossing, manic, pin- f.,1.1 iflaaaA. BCalD treat ment weaving; great demand for rradu ates. eanitary Beauty College. 40J'1 ua Hum bldg., over Llpman. w oite- MASSAGE given at own home by lady or aentlemnn. F.uronean rraduate: double chin and abdomen reduoed by latot method; great success. Phon Marshall llaaJ. FEB VET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: flnl tock of human hair goods; halrdresslng. manicuring, face and calp treatments. 141 i tn St., near aiorriaon. o - -"-- - DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin aliment, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation tree. Jgl 1st m-. i-unitmp. WANTED Service ot a good newspaper Clipping ... tmctlon Co.. 418 U. S. Bank bid... Salem, Oregon HELEN 60RNS and J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic diseases. 2iji Vi Russell st, Portland, Or. Phone C Jl- ; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 3o2 Merchant Trust bldg., 6tu ana wasnington. mww J DRESS suits for rent $L50 month: keep , , .1... .. ,t hfmimI uilttonl your iuiur - " . ewed on. rip repaired. Prompt call and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 stark. . , . . , ..nn Vo tlanA'm W-J4 A lt, OIBVCU4, J ' - -- inr palmist and clairvoyant ha her late v,..T,v "Palmistrv Made Easy," on sale at 343 n Yamhill, corner Seventh t. MAGNETIC electric treatments for nervous ness, rmfliiiiuiuim - -.- spiritual scientist. 190 11th. Hour 10 to 9. if JOHNSON Electric facial, massage and . . . 4"014. Wa.hlncrton at.. Scalp LI a Line 7. ' Suite D. VIBRATORY treatments, face and cfP massage Dy iraiueu. uui.e. .o. Morrison O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatoriooj. 4 O f mill I n 'Tl TIC 1 1' I! L IQUKIUC "w - exes, steam and water baths Both phones. LORENZ KERVB TONIC TABLETS restore . . .. ..... nr. ...... A hn,. VI 7 fcitln lost vitality. oo. w -.Trine nrnir Co.. 289 MotTIon t WB do everything In ladles' tailoring; suits Klerilch Co.. phoenix Jaldg.. Sth and Oak. cttp r .-flMRINfll Switch 90c; curls and puff. 75c. Sanl- tary 1 ariars. iuj c.u.u.",- KATHRYN MORRIS. 422V Washington t. room lb. manicuring. shajnpooina; no signs. i)R ALYS A. atlXBY. physician and aurgeon. bss removed to 8134 Washington st -Phone Main iwa. a owo.. WILLOW your own PLUMES; illustrated copyright lnttructions, 25 "nts. postpaid. 1,1 Dei .1 1 ari ""1 MRS SOPHIA B. mental scientist. SSoVi Washington St., room 22. Main o2 Meetings vibuihibu.i, " it xl OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of B women. 032 Davis st Main 9215. CHIROPODY, manicuring, vibratory scalp ..,o.a0- Morrison t. room 15. DR KETCHUM treats women' maladies. iTfiu 3d t. corner Yamhill. THBATTLE CREEK bath. .. 246 Yamhill st. bet -a aim --- -ri MliS. Courtwrlght feature and skin special ist. 12i a. in. " - WANTED To adopt small baby; girt pre Mod home. AR 6. Oregonlan. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. 1U11. 42U Fliedner bldg. M 84i3. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD CO.. PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANTS. , AUDITORS. o,.4 Worcester Block. "vlnln 7:t. A 1449 i no exuert In all matter pcr- tamlng to municipal, commercial, factory cost ana inuuuo.i -""-"- cm 1 HBERHIDGE A THOMPSON, PUB COILlC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDTITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and cystematlzlng. 324 wrcete block. Phone Main 6,-.87. .VK b. WILCOX, general accountant. Postinc. checking up. making statement of accounts, verifying balances, also sys tematizing. 7 IS Spalding bldg. Ant Iqne Furniture. nil TIMORE Antique Furniture Co. BA.V.' renalr and rennish antlqu. Co., 471 11 line furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low prices. Phon Mar shall Assayer and Analyst iciia A- Proebstel. mining engineers, chem W and assayer. 204 Washington. xTrvNTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison t Attorney. T p COOPER. attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to ?i-4 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L ltatlis and Swimming. Pnrtlaxd Swimming baths. 167 4th Elegant olupgo: steam, tub and shower bath. 20c SI7 SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment elegant plunge. 595 Front M 451. Chiropody. vr-ll LIAM Estello and Flossie Deveny, the onH- cientilic chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d ind Alder. Phone Main. 1S01. F 5TROPODY and pedicuring. M Hill room 420 Fliedner bldg. J M. D. Main 3473. Contractor. 5? l. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of flce and store sorting, 8 N. 8th st Main 6b81. A 7862. Woodlawn 562. Mi I -- MMMI BUSINESS DIRECTORS'. Contractors. cirpfNTBR and contractor; Jobbing and CA.RirJliia .necialty: sign work. O. P. Bliss. S22?4 Stark. Phone Main 9017 ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 weua-rni," Coal and Wood. rvHY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood $3.90 per load delivered any place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. loo- 107 lltn st Nortn. Jiain m. a oioo. A . ........ ivnnn , " il Sawe 4-ft. cord- wood and slabwood. 9th and GHaan. M. M. b:wi. a CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1606; A 1100. NATIONAL FUEL, CO.. coal aid wood. Marshall DUO, aio w ier . Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and maohlne work, loti N. 5th. Main 2702 Coal and Wood. BURNEIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail, 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. Tth st Phone East 24. a -hi. WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4598. COAL A 4347. Prompt dellv. Neer & I arr. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E, S3P ST. 'OUD Collections. ADJ. A COLLECTION CO. Law and col lections. 1024 Cha. of Com. Main 7810. PORTLAND Collection Agecy 17 Allsky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 4222. Chlropractlo Physician. CHI-F.O-PRAC-TIC T1CK-NER": Say It fast and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 5.i. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Fliedner bldg. Hours 9 to 8. Consulting Kngiiieeia. UNITED' Engineering Construction Co.. Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Danclug;. LESSONS 26c: 4 lessors tor $1; waltx, tivo- tep; three-step; stage aancing, eic. . every morning, afternoon and eve., I'rof. Wal Wlllson's School; oldes: and only rec ognized academv for correct dancing. 3!Gii Wasli. St., bet W. Park and 10th sis. LESSONS 23c. Heath's Daicing School, 109 v . ......... w'a v. n,.,nn anrl StartC streets; stage dancing taught waits and two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday eveiilr.g. 8 to 10; lessons daily. . Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entirely wltn plates, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 106 3d THE old roilabla Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sta. Dog and Horse Hospitai. Dr. Brown. D. V. S., office 129 N. 11th st. Main 40S8; res. E. D440. Hospital 30 12lh. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines ana Doners, suwiu" " Eine. 281-23 E. Morrison st Phone E. 515. Fans and Blower. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 600 Lorlng st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115, E. 329. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MINSER. hay, grain, teed, ce ment, shingles. 2H4 Grand ave. E. 4S2. Glazlng. PLATE glass, window glass, doors, windows, new, second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-7 11th St.. N. Main 37. A 3738. Leather and Findings. CHAS. 8. MASTIC CO., 74 Front Leather of every description, tap s. mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189 Front su Mineral Water. SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottlers for Hires. Manufacturers of high-class carbonated beverages. Notify us of ail empty siphons, bottles and cases. Phones, Main Coal. A I860. Carter-Gratton-Nelsou Bottling Co.. 328 Johnson st , Musical. Emil Thielhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1629. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle. Mo., class of 1SSS; post-graduate, 1907, under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the sci ence. 1123 Selling bldg. M. 1S87. A 193. Dr. It B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekura bldg.. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phono office M. 349, Res.. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HUETER PAINT CO.. 1H1 Second st RASMUSSEN CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Papering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paperhanging; neat, clean work. Phone East 35S. Patent Attorneys. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PATEN1S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of V. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement ca-ies. 604 Deltum blrig. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, C05 60S Electric bidg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years In Portland. 71 6th st Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York st. M. 348a Plumber. VOI At CO.. PLUMBERS. 209 2d St. Main 2001. A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb ers. 493 Glisan. Main 8487 RubDer ferumps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, eta, Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weaver. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rug from old carpels; colonial rag rugs. East 35SO. B 12S0. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, highest grade; factory prices, easy torms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesroom corner Third and Pine. Factory Kenton. Portland. THE MOSLElt SAFE CO.. 108 2d t Safes at factory prices; gecond-hand safes. Second-Hand Goods. WE nay the highest prices for second-hand clcthlna and shoes. A 3190. 53ft'N. 6th. Showcases, Bank and Show Fixtures. THE LU1KE MFU. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt K. Lutka, manager. R. H BIRDSALL. 2U8 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcase In tock; prompt delivery, gales agent. M. Winter Lumbar Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Steamships. ALLEN LINE picturesque St Lawrence Routs. Weekly Sailings From MONT REAL to LIVERPOOL. OXASGOW. LONDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent, or ALLEN CO., 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. jlOVING STOKING MOVING Experts, reliable men, no booxe-fightera, will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone u for an estimate: storage rate the very lowest Van Horn ir"a"" " c O PICK 'Iransfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine stfc pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 591, A 199U. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safe, nianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment 87-89 Front st Telephone Main o-ii 04 jn- - OREGON TRANSFER CO., established ISiO. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage office 310 Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th, Pnone Main 69. A 1169. Taxidermists. MOOSE. cl! heads, full work. F. B. .Flnley. , Columbia. A 1843. Typewriter. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ei change. 287, Washington t TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to SoO, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals, $3 pr month, pacific Stationery St. printing c 203 2d st NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1. pr hour; rat to large houses. B 1660. Kaat 4497. " Well PrUilnr;. DRILLING wells a specialty: priced reason able. Call Main 1346 or write Millar A .West 182 Morrison st. Portland.