Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 29, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Store Open THis Evening Until Q:3Q Great "May Merchandising Event" in PreparationSee Sunday Morning Papers
Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today Will Be Charged on Your May Bill, Payable June 1st TaRe Advantage
Sheet Music lc and 5c
In the sheet music department, on the fourth floor, a large
assortment of favorite popular selections, at lc and 5c a copy.
Lunch 25c 11 A. M, to 2
A very inviting, clean, sanitary lunchroom, in connection with
our soda fountain. Menu: Clam Bouillon, Baked Beans or
Potato Salad. Peanut Butter, Ham or Tonpue Sandwiches;
Loganberry or Apple Pie. Your choice of Tea, Cof-OC
fee, Chocolate, llik or Buttermilk. In basement, only
5Qc Hose for 17c
Sale extraordinary of misses' and children's fine black
cotton and lisle stockings, full-fashioned, medium or
light weight, splendid wearing hose in a full line of
sizes. This is the most extraordinary sale of hose we
have ever held. The values range 25c, 35c and 1 '7
50c a pair; for today we price them at, the pair C
ft 11
Thrifty poopI will patherin theen
tr awles to take E'lvantage of these
saving opportunities. Enormous re
ductions on first-gTado merchandise.
Read every word of following items
$2.00 Rid
Gloves 79c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, a most sen
Rational sale of women's Kid Gloves
in all sizes; two or three-clasp styles,
pique or overseam, all colors;
Taiues to $2.00, social at, pair
Women's Vests
Special Each lOc
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, sale of 2000
. t
won:cn esu, low-nccK, aiecveie
styl'- A very nice Summer "j Q
weight, special at only, each
Women's Hose The famous Clarks'
make, fine quality cotton or paoze lisle
in black or colors; offered t 1 Q.
the special price of only, pair
Men's 25c Sox
Special at 11c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, sale ex
traordinary of men's cotton Socks, in
plain black, tan or fancy patterns, fast
colors, in all sizes; extra (rood 11.
20e and values, special, pr.
1.5Q Undwr
Special at 98c
Cooper's Make
Picture Framing at Va Off jc3Qrp
"Vudor" Porch Shades
Closing Sale 4QOO
Prs. Women's $3.50
Shoes for $1.98
In the .basement "underprice store," a lot comprising
4000 pairs of women's Shoes, grouped and priced to
compel speedy and effective closing. Materials are
patents, gunmetals, vici kids, button or blucher styles;
many are built on the popular Spring lasts, Cuban and
conservative heels. The values are good $3 C 1 QQ
and 33.50 kinds; special for today, the pair
$8.00 Cowhide
Suit Case $5.48
In the trnnk and bag store, fourth floor, a sale of gen
uine cowhide Suitcases, 24-inch size, with two straps all
around; brass locks and catches; cloth-lined, with shirt
fold and strap inside; regular $3.00 values, flC AQ
offered special during this sale at only, ea. VJ fO
Boys' 50c Ties at 25c
In the juvenile store, main floor, we offer boys' .Neck
wear, in the Windsor and narrow four-m-hand, QC
wash ties, etc; regular values to 50c, each, only mZJ
3 Great Specials
Men's $22 Shirts
Men's $2 Shirts at 95c
Men's $1.25 Shirts 59c
LOT 1 This assortment is taken from
our regular stock of high-class Shirts, in
the coat styles with cuffs attached ; some
French caffs are included in the lot; the
materials are Russian cords, imported
woven madras, French percales and
zephyrs. Oar regular values CI Q C
up to $2.50, on special sale at V
LOT 2 About 500 dozen white plaited
Shirts in this lot. Splendid materials;
coat styles with caffs attached; the best
fitting shirts made. Our regular QC
$1.50 and $2.00 values, special at -'-'
LOT 3 Here's the banner sale. We
bought them at half price to clean up
stock for the manufacturer. The best
materials and snappiest patterns. CQ.
Worth to $1.25, special at, each'''
6 to 90 P. XL today. The famous
Cooper mercerized lisle Underwear1
the bet Summer garments you buy.
Men who know will come for these be
cause they were never before offered
at this price. Actual $L50QQ
grade, on special sale at only'0
50c Kerchiefs
Special at 29c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. Men's Silk
Handkerchiefs in plain red, green,
blue, navy and all popular shades;
made of fine quality soft silk. O Q
50c values, special, each, only"''
Sale Jewelry
$1 Values lOc
2000 pieces of Jewelry on sale in the
basement "underprice store." The
lot consists of belt buckles, pins, beau
ty pins, brooches, brarelets, pendants
and irasy other articles in gold and
silver effects; worth to $1.00, 1 f
special during this sale, each C
Trimmed Hats Now at $5
In the Millinery Store, 2d Floor, a great sale of new Trimmed Hats, just
received, only in the house two days, large, medium and small shapes
Some are trimmed in flowers alone, others in flowers and ribbon or in
ribbon alone. The hats are worth double the price ashed Your p
choice from the entire lot today at this very low price of, each 40UU
Today is "Raisin Day"
Raisin Bread for 5c Loaf
New Potatoes, 3 Pounds 25c
Fresh Green Peas, 3 Lbs. 25c
Asparagus, Large Wh. O fT
Calif., $1.25 Box, 5 Lbs. iJ
Candy Specials
30c Peanut and Chocolate Brittle, special, pound,
30c Old-Fashioned Hard Candy, the pound, only
25c French Mixed Candy, special price, pound,
25c Swiss Bon Bons, on special sale at, the pound,
25c Choc. Smacks at
25c Cream Fudge at
30c Swiss Caramels,
30o Nut Sponge for 21
40c Butter Scotch at 27
25c Italian Caramels 16
After Dinner Mints, on special sale at, pound,
25c Fruit Gum Drops, on special sale at, pound,
50c Assorted Chocolates, offered special, the lb.,
40o Nut Chewing Nougat, offered special at, lb.,
Folding Go-Carts
$17.50 Values $9.98
Tpday, fourth floor, a sale of very high grade Go-Carts
with npnoistered seat ana duck; gooa springs in seat;
10-inch ball-bearing wheels, -inch rubber tires; storm
cover in front and wind shield on back to protect baby's
head; full nickel-plated frame and wheel CQ QO
guard. Regular $17.50 value, special for P70
Boys S2 Hats $1.29
We have aa exclusive department
devoted to boys' and children's
Hats. Here's a line of good qual
ity Felts in all styles and colors;
our regular $2.00 val- CI OQ
nes, offered special, ea. V
5Qc Underwear 29c
Boys' Shirts and Drawers or Union
Suits, in a good variety of qualities
and all sizes. Our best regular 50c
values offered for 29c, and regular
51.00 values are specialized CfJ
for today at this low price iJvC
$2Wash Suits at 98c
Boys Wash Suits, the Mothers'
Friend make and others of equal
irrade; all stvles and patterns, in
good materials. Sizes 21. to 8
years; regular values up toQO
$2.00, special at only, each'0'
Boya'gl Blouses59c
In the exclusive juvenile store, on
main floor, we will place on sale a
line of boys' Blouses in the best
makes and durable materials; our
best regular $1.00 values, CQ.
special sale at only, ea.v'
Boys' $7.50 Suits for $4-45
In the juvenile store, main floor, a sale of boys' all-wool Suits, full of
style and value; one of the best advertised, best known lines in the coun
try; most of them have two pairs of pants; fall lined, full peg styles.
Best mannish effect Knickerbocker Suit ever sold in Port- Cl A C
land at $6.50 and $7.50; sizes 7 to 17 years, bargainized at PJ
Boys' $15 Suits Now $9.45
Boys' high-grade . Suits in patterns and material a. which will appeal to
young men of refined taste and judgment. The styles are correct;
strictly hand-tailored. Norfolk and Knickerbocker styles, single or double-breasted;
new tweeds, Scotch worsteds, in grays, browns Q A C
and blue. Regular value up to $15.00, offered special, only PJ
There is'a host of satisfaction buying' yonr clothes here, yon
Know In advance that you are going to g'et good fabrics and
the most authentic styles and the highestclass worKman
ship Here's a lot of model salts or rather samples nsed by
the salesmen of the factory to show the styles and worK
manship It's needless to say they are perfect in every re
spect High-grade materials in neat pin checKs, tans,
browns and fancy blues All sizes in the lot, but only two
or three of a Kind Regular values op to $25.
These suits on sale, special for today, at
Men's $6.5Q Pants $3.95
Men's high-grade Trousers in pure worsteds and fine cassimeres, in all the most
pleasing new patterns; perfect-fitting; all sizes, including extras; our n QC
regular $5.00 to $6.50 values, very special for today's sale, the pair 9JmJJ
lOOO Spouses
5Qc Vals. 12c
6 to 9 :30 P. M., center aisle, south, a
sale of 1000 Mediterranean Sponges in
all sizes, suitable for bath or toilet;
new, clean stock, to 50o val- 10
ues; evening price, choice for
V2 oz. Perfume
Absolutely Free
Box Soap 25c
6 to 9:30 P. M., Jergen's finest qual
ity of Toilet Soap, Heliotrope, Peau
de Espagne, Rose de Lorme, White
Lilac odors, very special, heOC
box of three cakes, at, the box1''
AND with each box we will give 4
ounce of Perfume, Boque de Odors,
which sells at 7oc ounce, C
during the sale absolutely
Spool SilK lc
English Pins
Special at 2c
6 to 9:30, evening sale of Spool Silk,
sublime quality, in black and all col
ors, size A, for hand or machine. "I
Very special price, spool, only
PINS Imported English brand, 400
to the paper, assorted sizes, nee- O-,
die points, special price, a paper
Fairy Soap 4c
6 to 9:30 P. M. Think of it a sale of
the very popular Fairy Toilet Soap.
Needs no introduction. Have a little
Fairy in your home. Offered A ,
special during this sale at, cake
Women's Hats
$5 Vals. $1
6 to 9:30 P. M., in the basement "un
derprice store," a sale of 250 tailored
Hats in all the new styles; smart tur
ban effects, dressy mushrooms and
large shapes, lightly trimmed ; a splen
did range of colors; black well repre
sented. Not a hat in this lot worth
less than $3 and on up to f fi
$4 and $5; evening special
Sale Coffee
4Qc Grade at 26c
Our Imperial Roast Coffee comes to
you fresh from the roaster.O?
Our 40c quality, spcl, thelb.OC
DATES 2-lb. package FardO.
Dates, worth 25c, special at"V
5c Chocolate 3 for lOc
Hoyler's Sweet Chocolate, for eating.
3 Bottles Olives 25c
Stuffed or plain. All items in this
column will be on sale 6 to 9 :30 only.
Great Sale Spring; iioiseioli Needs of All Kinds THird Floor
Prrnianent BoiMlnj Will Be Com
pleted In September, ltl 2,
la Gothic St; to.
Instructloa hare Juat been siT tha
architects for Reed Col'ric to prepare
definite epeeif Icattone for the first
. three perrrartest bulldlnre. Theee- will
b ere-trl by- September. 1JI2. Ther
win consist of a main butMlnf and two
halia of resldenT. one for men and
one for wom'B. The main bulMlna; will
coat $15".ooo. and the dormitories will
cost ITS.0OO.
The main bulIJInc at first will eon
tain the recitation rooms and executive
efflces. It will be the central struc
ture of the course for two or three
years. At the expiration of this period
It will be used exclusively as a recita
tion bulMlur. and the administrative
'office will be elsewhere. While the
two dormitories will be permanent
ther will be ocix the first sections In a
system of dormitories that permit of
extension to accommodate any number
of tudnts.
The type of architecture for the col
lege has be-n definitely adopted. The
building wlil follow the collerlate
Itothlo style. This I best shown In the
I'nlted Ststea by the bulldlna-s at
I'rlnceton. Bryn Mawr and Washington
I nlverslty In St. Louis.
It was decided at a meeting- of the
trnstfes of Heed College yesterday that
when classes open next September reol
tatlons will be held In a temporary
building erected on the college campna
Instead ot at Portland Academy, whero
It ss planned to open. Thla action
waa made necessary by tha unexpected
number of "applicant who qualified
for first year work. .
The change of programme also
make it necessary to engage for Sep
tember of this year a number of In
tructora who were provisionally en
gaged to take op their work with the
college In September. 112. President
Poster wa authorised to offer thes
men appointments for September. 19 11.
At the end of tha tint year the
classes will b transferred to the three
permanent buildings already planned.
These structure will. It Is expected.
have been completed by that time.
Aa soon as Mr. Foater ha concluded
arrangements wittt tha professors
special number of the Reed College
Record will be published giving In
formation, about tha members of tha
"The number of applications from
prospective student ha been most
surprising." said Mr. Foster last night.
"New name are being received dally.
At present we do not know how many
we ahall have to accommodate, and
wa have not decided on tha six or
other detail of tha temporary building."
Riverfront "Firctrap" Viewed.
Harbormaster Speler last Wednesday
took Building; Inspector Plummer and
F. W. Mulkey, president of tha Public
Dock Commission, on an Inepacllon tour
of the riverfront from Market attest on
tha south to Sixteenth street on tha
north to show tha "flretraps" that Una
tha riverfront. Tha trip was largely a
preliminary one. with a view of secur
ing the extension of the fire limit to
Include the down-town dockage, and
thua comply with the demand of tha
fire nnderwrlter. President Mulkey
will make a report of his observation
to the member of the Public Dock
Commission. The commission ha power
to enforce any rule tt may deslra to
put into affect regarding fire protec
Lawyer to Be Acquainted With Na
ture of Charges) Prosecutor'
Activity la Scouted.
Activity of District Attorney Cameron
through a grand Jury In Investigating
alleged graft In Portland ha not aerved
to deter the Municipal Association In
It determination to invoke the recall
against that official. A committee rep
resenting the organisation 1 now con
ferring with a prominent lawyer who
will decide finally whether or not he
will run against Cameron after the Mu
nicipal Association baa acquainted him
with tha nature of tha charges that will
be made against Cameron to lustily the
proposed special recall election. Offi
cers of the association refused yester
day to disclose tha name of the pros
pective candidate.
Member of tha Municipal Associa
tion ars not disposed to regard serious
ly tha sudden asrgresslveness of Dis
trict Attorney Cameron. They feel
that It will prove only another of tha
periodical crusade against graft and
corruption Portland ha often wit
nessed, with the result that after tb
agitation for some action on tha part
of tha District Attorney has abated.
conditions that have been interrupted
temporarily will be restored and noth
ing will result from the demand for a
municipal cleaniur-up. Officers of this
association Insist that they are in earn
est and will proceed with their recall
plan lust a soon aa tha right aort of
a candidate can b found to oppose
Cameron in such an election.
When such a candidate ha been
found, petition asking for the recall
election must ba circulated and the sig
natures of 25 per cent of the voter In
this judicial district secured. Thla pe
tition will then be filed with the Secre.
taj-y of State at Salem, the office of
District Attorney being a atata office.
The official against whom tha recall
la directed haa Ova daya following tha
Wing of tha petition in which to re
sign. If ho sils to relinquish the of
fice within the five day, it is lncum
bent on the Secretary of Stats to Issue
a call for an official election within 20
days, to be held in the district from
which tha erring official waa elected.
In tha special election the candidate
ought to ba recalled and the candidate
designated in the recall petitions will
ba the candidates for the office. The
one receiving tha greater number of
votes In the election will complete the
unexpired term of the incumbent.
Petitions Aimed at Malarkey Meas
ure Being Circulated.
After considerable delay petitions for
tha referendum of the Malarkey public
service, commission measure, passed by
tne legislature which enlarges the pow
ers of the State Railway Commission
nd Includes cities, are being circulated.
The object of tha referendum is to hold
up the Malarkey measure until the pub
lic services measure prepared by a com
mittee from Portland push clubs, of
which Ben Rlesland is the chairman,
can be submitted to a vote. The local
committee undertook to defeat the Ma
larkey measure while it was before the
Legislature, but failed.
A few weeks are left In which to cir
culate the petitions, and about 8000 names
will be needed to make tha referendum
effective. The local publio service com
mission measure and the two measures
to tax corporations to meet the ex
penses of the commission will bs voted
on in June ,
the wood blocks will be laid. When
the entire job is done, the thorough
fare will be in first-class condition.
The treated wood block portion will
cost approximately $-2,000.
Mayor Favors Flsher-Tborsen Prop-
""osition to Lay Treated Blocks
. on East Morrison Street.
For the first time since It laid pave
ments on Fourth street and on Wash
lngton, between Third and First streets,
10 years ago, the Carbollneum Wood
Preserving Company, of Portland, yes
terday afternoon submitted a bid for
this character of work. It is to be laid
on East Morrison street, from East
Water to Union avenue. Three com
panles made tenders, but the lowest
was by the company named.
The bid of the carbollneum company
Is $1.88 a square yard for the blocks.
80 cents tor concrete between the
streetcar tracks and 95 cents for the
six-Inch base In the street. Thla is
considered by Mayor Simon to be an
excellent bid and it is believed the
street committee next week will recom
mend the awarding of the contract to
the Carbollneum Wood Preserving
Company, of which Henry J. Fisher and
M. G. Thorsen are local representatives.
It was under the supervision of the
Carbollneum Wood Preserving Com
pany that the treated wood blocks on
Fourth and on Washington streets were
laid and because of the excellent re
sults obtained in these two pieces ot
work. Mayor Simon and many others
have been favorable to more of the
same kind of paving.
Preparations are being made to start
the work early and to complete it in
record time, if the contract is awarded.
The deck of the Morrison-street bridge
and the east approach are being re
planked to East Water street, where ,
Babe's Body Fonnd In Timber Boom.
Floating inside a boom of timbers
alongside the steamer Lucerlc, near the
Irving-street dock, the body of a new
born child was found Thursday night
by members of the steamer's crew, who
turned It over to Serereant Carlson, of
the Harbor Police. A ticket calling
for a first-class seat in the Baker
Theater last Sunday night. Is a clew.
The ticket was found inside a gunny
sack in which the child was inclosed.
The harbor police believe that the
bundle must have been thrown from
the Steel bridge.
For soreness of tne muscles whether
Induced by violent exercise or injury.
Chamberlain's Liniment is excellent.
This liniment Is also highly esteemed
for the relief it affords in cases of
rheumatism. Sold by all dealers.
Sunday Excursions to
4100 feet through Solid Rock. Special round trip
rates for most scenic ride out of Portland. Get off
the cars at North Plains, the town which has grown
from a tent to 40 buildings in two months, the town
all Oregon is talking about. -
Town lots and acreage will prove an excellent
investment at North Plains.
Trains over United Railways to North Plains
leave corner of Second and Stark streets daily at
8:15 and 10 :lo A. M. and 1:15 P. M.
For information call at 235 Stark St., or tele
phone Main 5076 or A 3774.