TIIE MORN7XO OKEGOXTAX. SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1911. - 1- CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oriooxus nxxraoxrs. FrlrniEj-motn ... Citv CirrulaC'Ta . Mnf!n, EJuor S-'ia4ar Elitor .. B-yi. kuiiaiac ... ..Main TT ..Vain 70TO . .Main 7'TO . .Mala TOTO . .Mam T ..aiais 7T.a A A SO9 A !- A A SOvS A vl AjrrstMOTa. HEH.11 THFATEt f8rnta sn Twlw) Kirmm Tnia aitaraooa si 1.14 as a to ..it at 1 11 SAKCR THEATER CTntiti and Mor naon t Floranca Hobarta In "Sapho." Tals a.'trnooB at 2 -la aatf tonight at S:la. EfXOALOW THEATER iTwatfth - and X"rmi ) -OM Horaaataad." Tbia aftar- soos at 1:11 acd toBlbt at I It. Mm. Mast E. McBxui Die. After a rcsldsnc of i yaara la Oregon bavlcg- crossed tha plains with ber parents and tnelr six children In 1874. Mrs. Mary E. McBride. widow of the late H. McBride. former superinten dent of the county poor farm, who died In 1SS. died at her home. IT East Twenty-seventh street, yesterday. Her 13d birthday was to have bees cele brated next Monday. Mrs. McBride was born In Hickory. Pa.. In 112a. The following; children survive her: J. H. McBride. Mrs. Charles A. Clarice. Mrs. C. I- Lambert. Mrs. C il Hawks and Mlts A. McBride. all of Portland, and Mrs. F. W. Hason. of Manor. Wash. The body will be Interred In Rlvervlew Cemetery Monday, the funeral taking place from the home. ForxDs DiT Is Next Tcesdat. n,tvrl. TU.1TrI, ... ... The picnic excursion to Champoeg in vr PHtiii THEATER (jiirron. ftatwean t . . ..... - th and s.vantio VaoOaT.iia. Th J honor of the Stn anniversary of the ROSE SOCIETY WINS Permission to Charge Admis sion Fee Is Granted. DISPLAY WILL BE MADE artaraooa at 3 13 aad tools a I at S.1S. GRAND THEATER (Para an4 Waahlns- ..i Viujivt:: This artaraooa at 2.1; tnnisnt at 7:30 and a. rAXTAOtt THEATER (Foorth aad Stark) v.lt.i l. Tn.a aftaraaoa at J.li. to- aisbt at 1.10 aad a. 1.TR1C TnBATER (Pervath and Aldar I-rtc CuroaUy Cooapaar In "Wiitr aad . nnlu-l ib Parts." Tbia aftaraooa at t 3u and toBlsbt at T 0 aad a. STAR. ARCAD3. OH JOT. ODEOV. Tt- Oil first tua plctuiaa. 11 A. at 12 P. at. RECRrATlOX PARK f Twmty-foirth and Vauan Baba:i. svacntn ante vs. Psrt UaO. TBis artaraooa at Mi Advertlaeaaeats tateadeel far the City Kews la Brief tralaaaas la day's BMist he baadedl la The oresjealaa kaalavaa lt,em by a'dca. satarday evealaar. rx)RATioM Pat to B Onirto, Preparations are under way for tUe obiervance In Portland of Pecoratlua dV May 24. The Joint commltlo from George Wright and Llncola Garfleld posts of the Grand Army of the Republic has appointed the follow Ins" subcommittees: President. O. tl Caukln: secretary. A. . Borthsrlck; treasurer. T. B. McDevItt: prog-ramme, A. 1 Borthwlck. Charles Duksd; ora tory and music T. B. McDevttU H. B. Ballard; arrana-ements for grounds, nc. H. A. Severance. P. C. Mctonald: flowers. Joseph Sommers. T. E. Flynn; carriages, G. K. Caukln. George Smith; markets and flags. A. E. Borthwlck. O. E. Caulkln. It Is expected that the Spanish-American War veterans will participate In the celebration. Bona Ex-Poucexax Pats 150 Fry Terror reigned In tha vicinity of the Union Station. Thursday night, when George M. Flnnell. formerly a member of the Boise police force, ran amuck with a big gun and lots of ammunition. Flnnell had been drinking North End whisky, and opened the proceedings by shooting a hole through a window In a garage at Fifth and Hoyt streets. Than he let loose at the TVells-Fargo express office, narrowly missing one man and causing the clerks to flee In panic In all he fired about 20 shots. but hit no one. Patrolman Lone:, at the railroad station, beard the Bring and arrested FlnnelL He had nothing to say for himself In Municipal Court yes terday, and was fined iiO, which be paid. SwrEFCits Asa Stols. Brooms are again coming into use In many East Side residences, replacing the mora modern carpet-sweeper, because that handy instrument la gone. carried away by a smooth Individual whose collection of them Is known to mount Into the dozens. The sweeper Is se cured npon representations that It will be repaired, but It sever comes back. Report was made yesterday by Kev. Albert Ehrirott. 439 East Thirty-seventh street North, that his carpet-sweeper had been carried away by a young man about I years old. and not more than live feet high, and an Inveterate cigarette smoker. The clergyman said that there were many other victims of tha sweeper thief In his neighborhood. Aero-Truck n Flakes. With Its gasoline tank red-hot and Just at the point of exploding, a big automobile truck, part of It In flames, caused a call for the Fire Department at East Eighth and Multnomah streets, yesterday afternoon. Engine No. 13 responded and extinguished the blase with small damage, though automo bile men said that, had the lira pro gressed much farther, a disastrous ex plosion would hsva resulted. Driven by K. Pryke and W. Beagle, the tru-ik. owned by the Auto Delivery Company, waa passing along the street when Pa trolman Hoy la. mounted, saw It ablase. He pursued the machine calling atten tion to the Ore. Htxnc Is Robbex. Waylaid and robbed by two men whom he had askej to direct him on his way, OJagar Singh, a Hindu, was found In a streetcar at Derby and Kllpatrlck streets, by Pa trolman Davis early yesterdav. bar ln bruises on his fac to attest his story. He said that ha was seeknz the way to the Monarch Lumber Com pany and asked two white men t as sist him. They accompanied him a short distance and then set upon him. taking 112 and bis time check. He was loft destitute and the officer permitted him to unroll his blankets In tiia brush for the remainder of the night. Card to Elks' Credit Or vex. Upon telegraph io request from the Chief of Police of Saa Francisco, based upon complslnt of C P. Doe, a steamship man. M. J. Cocnor was arrested yester day morning by Detectives Carpenter and Price, on a charge of passing a worthless check. Connor Is accused of having used a card of tha local lodge f Elks to bark his credit. The check waa for S40. Members of the order say that Connor la not entitled to use tha card. Mocrr Scott Get Man. PrLTvrRT. Mall delivery In the Mount Scott dis trict begins next Monday and tha resi dents of that section are taking great Interest la complying with the require ments of the Postal Department. Among the other necessary things to do, to secure delivery, la numbering house a Each resident Is required to secure metal numbers for his home. Pstcholoot Ciatb to Msxt. The Psy chology Club will hold Its month-end social today at the residence of Mrs. E. T. Deeming, til East Couch street. Mrs. Deeming will be at home to the club from 1 to 4 o'clock. At 2 o'clock Mrs. Welster will give a short ad dress. Members are permitted 'o brinx a-uesta. Take East Ankeny or Morta villa car to East Twenty-eighth street. Maa W. E. Hams Wins Medal. Mrs. W. E. Hoxter won the medal at the sllver-hatr medal contest held at tha home of Mrs. W. Donaldson. 110 Fremont street yesterday. There were four contestants. "Couraga to Act." a selection from Sam Jones, was given by Mrs. Hoxtar. who Is years old. "Rxuoio as a Natjosax. Assst" will be Luther R. Dyott's theme In tha First Congregational Church tomorrow at 11 A. M. Dr. Dyott's theme at 7:46 P. SL, "Tha Flower Thrown Over tha Wall."" Conceit, or Jbwibh Wom- to Meet. The Coonctl of Jewish Women will hold Its regular meetln In the Selllng Hlrsch building, on Wednesday at S P. M T. E. Beach Oow Pioneer Pa-nt Company, moved from 12& Flnt street to 102 Front street, between Washing ton and Stark. Main 1314. A 7043. Foa Coos Bat axd Enuu, the popular steamer Alliance sails Saturday night at 0. North Pactflo Steamship Company. 131 Third street. Baooage delivered quickly. B. ft. T. Co.. Park and Davis. M. JI0. A 131i. Foa SkLB. By owner, beautiful build Ite: half block. AP . Oregonlan. New Crop Mapl 6ap Srarp. J. X. Bristol. S00 Washington street. Tote fr J. J. Jennings, Council. man-at-Large. (Paid adv.). Zr. W. Arnold IJndacy. Bell'.Eg b3(. Eggs! Hcdoav. Wooster'a, 401 Wash- beginning of American civil govern ment on tha Pacinc Slope, will be on Tuesday next. May 2. Instead of May tl. as announced In recent publications. The Oregon Eleclrlo car will leave Portland at :30 A. M.. and Salem at 1:54 A. M., to connect with the boat at Wllsonvllle for Cbampoeg. Tha hour for leaving Portland on the O. C T. Co.'a boat will be :4S A. M.. as pre viously stated. The birth of American civil government on this coast Is ona of the most Important events, histori cally speaking, that has occurred In our National history. Viewers' Report Not Satistactort. Report of the viewers on the extension of Broadway street from East Fortieth and East Forty-third streets Is not con sidered satisfactory and protest has been made by property owners through Menefee, Wlberg Heights and Elmhurst additions on account of the valuations claced on some of the property and the alleged discrimination said to have been shown. The City Attorney ruled that tha viewers' report and findings ware Illegal, for the reason that damage ware awarded on the same property In both tha widening of Sandy boulevard and the extension of Broadway. Further proceedings for the extension probably will ba stopped. W. C Parsons BL-RrrD. George Bhlet of Spokane, agent for the Portland Flouring Mills, and formerly a resl il.nt nf Pnpilftnd. returned vesterday from San Francisco, where ha at- I clety will have full charge of the show Festival Association Prldnt at Disadvantage When Threat Is Made That Flowers Will' Xot Be Donated. Tha difficulty betwen the Rose Fes tival Association and the Portland Rose Society which threatened to re sult In the concellatlon of the rose show as an adjunct of festival week this year has been settled. The rose show will be held) as usual at the Armory, on Tuesday and Wednesday of festival week, the only departure from previous years being that on the first afternoon an admission fee of 23 cents will be charged and 10 cents will be required as an ad&.isslon fee the re mainder of the time. Ralph W. Hoyt. president of the fes tival association, granted the demands made by the officers of the rose so ciety. He has agreed, according to R. B. Lamson. secretary of the Portland Rosa 8oclety. to permit the charging of an admission fee and In addition has guaranteed to make good any defi ciency which may result. Should there be a surplus It will go Into the treas ury of the rose society and be held In reserve for use In giving rose snows In future years. The rose so- tended the funeral of W. C Parsons. also a former Portland man. well known In the Northwest. In the early Mr. Parsons was Interested with Captain Ankeny In freighting on the Columbia River between Celllo and Umatilla. In tha '70s he went to Arl son a. where he prospected for seversl veara. flnallr meeting with auccess. Then ha became Interested In Florida lands and In timber In Oregon. He was "S years old. Astronomer Fails to See Eclipse. Equipped with astronomical glasses and other paraphernalia. J. W. Daniels, local astronomer, spent a couple of hour yesterday afternoon on tha roof of a downtown hotel striving to eaten a glimpse of an eollps of the sun which occured yesterday by reason of tha moon Intervening between It and the earth. H waa, as ha anticipated. unsuccessful. The eclipse lasted eight minutes and was complete aa con cerns the territory south of a line drawn from Auckland. N. Z.. to Cen tral America. New CHRis-riAjr Church to Be Opened. Arrangements have been made to open the new stone edifice of the Cen tral Christian Church, East Twentieth and East Salmon streets, tha first Sun day In May, when special evangellstto meet Inrs will be held. Tba large audi torlum will be occupied for the first time, but the dedication of the church will not be held until later. Special muslo will not be provided. Rev. J. F. Ghormley will be assisted by aa evangelist. Special services will be con ducted for several weeks. Alberta Street Bnxo Paved. Al berta street Is being paved between East Fifteenth and East Thirtieth streets, snd the work will be completed early In May. Between East Fifteenth street and Union avenue the street will be paved when It .has been widened to (0 feet to correspond with tha re mainder of tha street. Rabbi Wisb Wiu. Speak. At tha regular monthly meeting of the Port land Ministerial Association. Monday, May 1. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will ad dress the association on "The Condi tion of the Russian Jew." "Death: What Is It? Wbt Is ItT Wiu. It Ever Cease T by James H. Cole, of New York City. Oddfellows' hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Sunday at 3 P. M. . Seats free, no col lections. "Taa CRrxsow- Ijxtsi," and "Redemp tion. Not Rejection" Sunday sermon themes. Rev. A. P. HIgley. of Spring field. Ill, at First Presbyterian Church. Alder and Twelfth. Public welcome. IIeut American Woman's Lesgue with magazine subscriptions. Saturday, at J purple booth. Olds at King s, to neip build clubhouse. Ask about free edu cation system. Threb Bio Stories and several worth while articles by well-known writers In tha Paclno Monthly for May, at all newsdealers. Toun doctor located quickly, day or night. Phone Physicians' Telephone Exchange, BO charge. Mala 15t. A ll&S. Who ll A. L. BarburT He is City Auditor. His administration la clean. No. It on the ballot. (Paid adv.). Mitoi-uri Storb Closkd. Margnllus grocery store closed on ac count of death, until Monday. 291 First. The bungalow. 207 West Park, for rant; furniture for sale. Kent. sto. " Votb for J. ' J. Jennings, Oounctl- man-at-Large. (Paid adv.). HOME SCENERY IS BEST Tseomav Conference eka to Divert Travel From Europe. without Interference on the part of officials of the festival association. The difficulty between the two or ganisations arose as a result of the refusal of Mr. Hoyt to allow more than $2000 for the rose show. The rose so ciety officers demanded that 43000 be deposited to their credit In a bank and that they be allowed full control of the show, declaring that no longer would they consent to be treated as children la being denied the handling of funds. Mr. Hoyt refused this de mand on the ground that the festival association could not afford to expend that much money on the rose show Rose society officers then demanded that they be allowed to charge an -ad mission fee. Mr. Hoyt was distinctly at a dlsad vantage In the negotiations for the reason that members of the rose so ciety practically control the roses of the city and had announced their in tentton of not donating roses for the show unless their organization con ducted It. The funds being- needed for other purposes, Mr. Hoyt was re luctantly forced to agree to the ad mission fee plan, which he had opposed vigorously In former years. THE LEADING bankers, lawyers and real estate men of Portland ooniider it the best Protection in their real estate transactions. They use and recom mend CERTIFICATES OP TITLE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Pald-Vp Capital f2BO,OOO.M Lewis Bids, dth and Oak. With the avowed purpose of making popular tha soenlo beauties of tha Pa cific Northwest and diverting travel that now goes to Europe, thus prevent ing f2S0.O0O.0O0 of American money from going Into the coffers of Europe annually Is In the main the object of a conference to be held in Tacoma May 1 under the auaplces of the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce. A. L. Sommers. secretary of the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce, was In Portland yesterday and called on the publicity department of the Portland Commercial Club. C C Chapman will leave today for Tacoma to attend the meeting. After the meeting at Tacoma Is over he will go to North Yakima. Wash., where he will take part In a "booster meeting.' His next stop will be at Helena. Moot, where he will take part In the proceed ings of the Western Development League. It Is likely that Mr. Chapman will accompany Louis W. Hill on his trip to Oregon. The Tacoma tourist gathering will outline plans by which the united forces of publicity can be put back of the distribution ef literature in the East. The railroad compailes have been asked to co-op rate. MOOT SCOTT TO TAKE PART District Plans Attractive Number In Festival Celebration. Residents of the Mount Scott district are determined that they shall not be outdone at the coming Rose Festival, and active plans are being laid for one of the most beautiful demonstrations of any of the suburbs of Portland. A com mittee of the leading spirits has been busy for some time arousing enthusiasm. and the whole design culminated In tha meeting of lsst Tuesdsy night. Not only will the cltlxens Join In the great demonstration on the West Side and the glory of the East Side celebra tion, but they will present a number of their own that will attract visitors and show them Just what the district has to offer to those who love a good home. The plans are to attract home-builders to tha section of the city. Two and possibly three floats will be contributed to tha big parade, each one symbolical of the district'. As outlined at present, one will be modeled after the fine new schoolhousa recently completed and another after one of the many com fortable homes at Mount Scott. At home the plans are elaborate. The telephone and trolley poles for the length of Foster road will be decorated with streamers extending from the center to the sides of the road. The committee has an elaborate plan for pageants and exercises by the school children. A historic pageant hss been suggested which will Include characters and spirits of early pioneer days, snd men and events leading up to the pres. ent. School children will be dressed as people of the days when Indians were more prevalent about the alt of Port land than whit men. A contest will soon be started for Queen of the Festival, who will occupy the float of honor from the district all the downtown events and act queen of the local festivities. The selec tion of queen is to b by vote of the entire district, and many young women have decided to enter the contest. "Mount Scott people have awakened a never before to the Importance of mak ing an elaborate showing, said F. v. Jobleman, secretary of the Clvio Leagu of the district. "Our plans are so far arranged so that Mount Scott certainly will be placed on the map. We have the people and the enthusiasm, and hope to equal. If not eclipse, any of the suburbs of the city." The other members of the committee are W. A. Toting and Rev. W. H. Meyer, who are devoting a great amount of Urn to tbe work. for having broken the 28-hour law regarding the shipment of cattle. Two carloads of cattle were shipped from Gaxelle, Cel.. to Portland, en route to Tacoma. They were taken by the ter minal company to the stockyards to be unloaded for food, water and rest. One tralnload was 34 hours. 45 minutes In transit, and the other tas 30 hours. 10 minutes In transit. CHINATOWN FIRE IS OMEN Police See Indication of Outbreak of War of Tongs. That a firebug Is operating In China town or warring tones are about to break into hostilities with incendiarism Is the belief of the police. Several threatening fires have started In China town recently. Th fire department was called at 7:30 last night to ex tinguish a fire In the rear of Bow Tai Wo & Co.'s store, at 89 North Fourth street. In an unexplained manner a mattress had been Ignited In the nar row stairway In the center of the build ing, which houses several hundred Chi nese. The flra started In the most Inacces sible part of the entire three-story block. It was reached only through narrow, winding passage ways fre- auently barred by blank doors that gave the appearance of solid walls. There has been considerable quar reling among' tenants of the building recently over gambling games that have been raided by th police, smoking-rooms broken Into by the officers and numerous other difficulties, me significance of which none but Ori entals comprehend. ASTORIA HAS BIG PLANS Railroad to Ran Additional Trains for Centennial. G. B. Johnson, general agent for the North Bank road at Astoria, was In Portland yesterday preparing for the accommodation of the Increased busi ness that the line between Portland and Astoria will handle In consequence of the centennial that 1 to be held In that city In August and September. "The people have no idea of the mag nitude of the celebration we snail have," declared Mr. Johnson. "The committee has mora than 1100,000 to spend In entertainment and when this sum Is Judiciously distributed a whole lot of sport can be provided. "Tha event will be one of National Interest, Inasmuch as the Astor family has given official recognition by the contribution of 110.000 to the entertain ment fund and by th promise that some of them will be present for part of the celebration. "It will require additional train fa cilities, but the North Bank will be able to accommodate everybody." I MEET AND BEAT Strongest competition in th city on Men's Suits. Take elevator ride and sav $10. Jlmmt Dunn, room SIS. Ore gonlan bids;. Open Saturdays until 10 P. M. ' WHERE JO DINE! All th delicacies of th season at th Portland Restaurant. Fin private apart, menu for lad!ea 306 Wash, near tin sc. UNION OF CLUBS URGED East 6lde) Would Concentrate Ef forts Toward Improvement. At a meetlnir to be held In the East Side Business Men's Clubrooms Wednes day night. May 10. steps will be taken to merge all the Improvement clubs on the East Side Into one organisation. There are more than SO such clubs on the East Side. Their combined strength. It Is believed, will be effective In local affairs. The Peninsula Development League at Ita last meeting Indorsed this move ment. The league also took steps to have Lombard street hard surfaced from Wabash avenue to Alblna avenue and to Interview property owners on the subject of Improving Patton avenue. Th South Portland brldg was in dorsed and the movement to change the name Oregon Slough to North Portland Harbor, and Columbia Slough to Penin sula Channel was encouraged. YE OREGON GRILLE. Have you beard the French Mexso Soprano. Miss Alicia Petttclerc who Is now filling a short engagement at th above favorlt Grill, in popular and operatio songs T Her reception by th muslo lovers of the city has been ex tremely cordial. Slgnor Pletro Marino and his celebrated orchestra still play at luncheon hour. . Terminal Company Fined 200. Federal Judge Wolverton decided yesterday that th Northern Paclflo Terminal Company should be fined $!00 THE BOWERS HOTEL CAFE Eleventh and Stark. Has established tbe reputation of best cuisine and muslo in th city. Karl Rledelsberger and orchestra. Frauleln Elsa Scharfenberg In classical and popular soprano solo, English and Ger man, dally. C to 8:16 and 10 to 12:15. H. C Bowers, formerly manager Ho tel Portland. A single New Tork office building con tains more than 750 miles of telephone wires. Plant ftlbson loaes. Phone Sellwood 960 WHITE TEMPLE PULPIT :'r w. ' W. - - "- - --- - - Walter BenweU Hlnaoa, Minister. Sunday. 11 A. M. Subject; "IBEXMER." Special Music. MR. FOREST S. CARTWRIGHT. Tba Famous Baritone Soloist. Will sins "The PubUnaa," by Van de Water, at tha mornlsc service. Sunday, T:SO P. M. Subject: -PAt'L'8 OVERCOAT." The prayer meatlnxa are growing in Interest and attendance. Next Sunday. I V. M.. Subject "TUB ACTS Or THE APOSTLES." ' MR. CARTWRIGHT Will sins again Sunday night. Everybody Welcome. eras Has by test 20 I to 25 per cent I ' more raising J power than other ' I kinds. Full Pound Jk 25c I Cfwewt Coffer. Teas, MP- I Inc. 6plce, hTaTorln Ei- 1 I tract, etc.. enjoy a eU de I I terred reputation. Grocers I errry where rl them. . CRESCENT MKO. CO., Seattle. 0 & 4) 0 . 0 The Cordon i7at$3 The Triple Ring $4.00 A. B. Steinbach & Co., Agents BEAUTIFUL BEACH HOMES OVERLOOKING THE PACIFIC OCEAN We have many excellent building sites at Gearhart Park, Oregon's all-year-round resort, the most attractive and fascinating seaside resort on the Pacific Coast. Information regarding sites for the cottage or bungalow, prices of property and terms at office of RUTH TRUST CO. 235 Stark St., Portland, Or. I SUHNYi .iKlSllUSj " . . . . - - A.-s&r".'3.'..V .4.. try A-..sa Jf California Metal Plating Works - A. Uethlvler. proa. COLD, -:IVER. BRASS AJtO KICKS 1, PLATl.MCi. Metal Coloring; a Specialty, sea ikuuitu mthict. stain 721s Poruaad, Oresoa ICE Main 1662 A3136 LIBERTY COAL ct ICE COMPACT. If your time is worth any thing, Sunny Monday Laun dry Soap will be a boon to aT - s V - a you. its wonaenui airt-start- ing qualities enable it to do the work with little assistance from you, while its purity is indicated by its whiteness. It will double the life of your clothes. The best is the cheapest in the end in laundry soaps as well as anything else. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CHICAGO HARRIS TRUNK CO. TRUNKS. BAGS Suit Oases. 132 6th St Opposite Oregonian. I MaHe Your Collections Carry Your Business. Get the Money In. NETH a CO., Collectors. Worcester Bids- Mala 1700, A 1285 WE GET THE MONEY AND SO M ILL YOU. I HJaaesc References, No Membership or Otaer brafta. REYNOLDS Adjustment Service Scleatlfle Settlement Specialists. Tl Iron Bids:. Marabsll 2?T. You Cant Overload Us It's an easy matter when z. sudden heavy de mand is made in the factory to overload its power plant, but you can't overload us. We can meet any demands you can make for power any hour of the twenty-four. Moreover, with electric motors on your ma chines you can force the machines to their highest limit and make them produce their utmost. Our power means the lowest cost per unit of product. Isn't that worth considering? All we want is an opportunity to submit proof. Mt. Hood Railway & Power Co. LEWIS BUILDING PHONE MAIN 1717 SAVING TIME ky TELEPHONE) jjj W HEIST a man feels the necessity of being in two places at the same time he goes to the nearest telephone and sends his .voice. It" is not exaetly the same thing, but when a man talka hundreds of miles in opposite directions from the same Bell Telephone, it is about as good. In the daily use of the telephone a man travels all over town by wire in a few minutes. It is just as easy to travel all over the state and other states by means of the universal Long Distance Service of the Bell System. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. EVERT BEtl, TELEPHONE! IS TUB CENTER OF THE SYSTEM. MINNEAPOLIS and RETURN $60 ATLANTIC CITY and RETURN $ 1 02.40 MAY 12 AND 13 Are the Early Summer Convention Excursions. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY And from May 16, certain days each month, all Sum mer, tickets will be on sale to points in the Middle West, the Eastern States and Eastern Canada at SUMMEE TOURIST EXCURSION FARES Stopovers Allowed. Liberal Time Allowed for Trip. Tickets First-Class. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL FARE June 15 to September 15. Additional time allowed to make the side trip to and through the Park, reached from Livingston, Mont., through Gardiner, the official entrance to the Park. Ask for our Park litera ture and Park fares. Tickets Are Good on North Coast Limited The Train of Trains Between Portland and the East PORTLAND CITY OFFICE, Corner Morrison and Third Streets. Phones Main 244, A 1244. ' Call or write for full details. A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A. Portland, Oregon. ,S lUUaa