13 Expert Watch Repairing Picture Framing at Lowest Pnces m Portland Card Engraving Gloves Cleaned tor 10c the fair tclipse Manicure Articles fcclipse Ureaseless Cream - mm . - m m . - i r Robinson & Wells English Tailored Hats Prevost & Co., Blackfriars, London, English Sailors - Kayser, lb-Button Length bilk Uloves W. a. and U i5. Corsets tfuttenck Patterns tTTE SrORNTXG OREGOXIA FRIDAY. APRIL 28. 1911. r IKS Dutch Neck, High, Turned Down Collars Tailored Waists, Special 1.45 A collection of some 350 waists made of French percale. Per sian lawn and batiste. Some in strictly tailor-made styles with the regulation full plaited front, side pocket and laundered collar and cuffs. Others are made with Dutch neck and turn down collar, em broidered front and drawn work, elbow sleeves and some with turn back cuffs. Plain white, fancy stripes and polka dots. Manufacturers' Samples on Sale A salesman from one of the large car pet mills having finished his season's busi ness, disposed of all his samples to us at a radical reduction rather than ship them back to the mill. These samples consist of Royal Wil ton, velvet Wilton and body Brussels carpets, and are sold in this sale at a frac tion of the regular price. These samples are bound and ready for use. They make excellent rugs for living-rooms and bedrooms. Below are the special prices. -.-. r II t -r Royal Wilton Samples, 27x54, Special at $2.39 Velvet Wilton Samples, 27x54, Special at SI. 19 Body Brussels Samples, 27x36, Special at 73c Japanese 180-Warp Matting Regular 40c, Special 23c A hundred pieces of this quality Japanese matting in plain, figured and float designs. In both dark and light grounds are offered in our Friday economy sale. Hemstitched German Table Cloths . 60x60 Inches, Special 98c 300 of these cloths go on sale Friday morning. We will be greatly surprised if a single one is left after the day's selling. They come with hemstitched fancy drawn border and plain center in a large variety of the most desirable neat designs, with borders on four sides to match. Silver bleached and actual size 60 by 60 inches. On sale at the lirfen department All Aboard ! Have Your Tickets Ready ' ' Sale of "Stand the Racket" Suitcases $6.50 Rattan suit cases, 24 and 26-inch sizes. Linen lined, full-size pocket, inside leather straps. Solid riveted steel, sole leather, corners. Button lock, brass clasp, hand-sewed handles. Price $450. GENUINE LEATHER SUIT CASES. 24 inches long and 6 inches deep, linen lined. Full size shirt fold and solid riveted cowhide comers. 'Brass locks and straps. Price $3.95. GENUINE COWHIDE SUIT CASE. 24-inch size, linen lined. Solid sewed edge and handles. Sole leather comers. Well riveted, button lock and straps. Price $6.50. Gold-Filled La Valliers at Half These come to us from an importer. One of a kind only, gold-filled, with a 20-year guarantee and sterling silver. These neck chains have pendants copied from Oriental designs, in rose, satin, polished and Grecian gold. Set with pearls, malachite, coral, aquamarine, sapphires, ame thysts and topaz. $1.50 La Valliers 75c $2.00 La Valliers... $1.00 $2.75 La Valliers... $138 $3.00 La Valliers... $1.50 $3.50 La Valliers... $1.75 $5.00 La Valliers... $2.50 $5.50 La Valliers... $2.75 $6.00 La Valliers... $3.00 $7.50 La Valliers... $3.75 $10.00 La Valliers.. $5.00 Friday Is Bargain Day in Our Millinery Department Trimmed Hats at $2.00 Selling normally to $5.95 There are just 57 hats in this little assortment, collected from our various tables and placed on sale for Friday. Every one of them is bright and new in correct shape, and trimmed with the most fashionable materials. They are merely samples and odd hats remaining from Easter 'selling. Bargains. A Milan Mushroom $2.95 This sailor comes in burnt and natural straw color, with broad rum up brim trimmed and bound with black velvet. It is cyie of the newest and most popular sailor hats of the season. Vnirimmed Milan Hats at i 3.95 Black, white and natural straw. " In fourteen different shapes. Four new models were added to our collection yester day that have not been on sale before. We are showing Milan hats, which are immensely popu lar in Portland, also mushroom, helmet and large picture shapes. There is not a desirable style in these untrimmed hats that we do not show in this assortment Beautiful Flowers Special 50c Every day as the season ad vances flowers grow in popular ity for trimming. Reports from New York tell us that the flower bedecked hat will reign supreme within the next three or four weeks. It is economy if you are in terested in hat trimmings to see these beautiful flowers we have on display for this sale. Roses in every size and hue; field flowers and blossoms. Trimmed Hats at $6.75 Very pretty and special Milan hats in burnt and nat ural color. It is useless for us to dwell upon the fact that Milan hats are today the most popular and at the same time scarcest ar ticle in women's wear. This fact makes this sale particularly in teresting, for in the assortment you'll find small, medium and large shapes. Wing and quill trimming are shown, together with floral wreaths of roses and small blossoms. Delightful hats for women, misses and girls; MISSES' SAILORS in burnt and natural rough straw trimmed with figured gauze trimming. Ex actly like illustration. Price $1.50. T xrem IJITUJ onwblfe s Co. 7Aerchondl3G of Tfteril Only:-.- Concerning a Sale of Auto and Traveling Coats $25.00 Navy Serge Coats at $18.50 One of the smartest models ever produced at such a modest price. These coats are made 54 inches long with semi-fitting back, and fastens on one side with large, fancy buttons. Made with plain tailored sleeves and large, round collar with broad revers, with trimmings of natural pongee and deep black braid and satin, which is piped with green and red satin. The cuffs are trimmed to match. $22.50 Pongee Coats at $15.00 . Pongee coat 54 inches long with semi-fitting back and front Built on the long, straight lines with mannish collar and revers and deep cuffs self-trimmed. Has two large pockets. Spe cial $15.00. $22.50 Navy Serge Coats at $15.00 A full length coat of hard twisted serge, in navy and black. Fastens on one side with three fancy buttons'. Has semi-fitting back. Has a large shawl collar and deep turn, back cuffs, which are trimmed, with pongee piped in green or red satin. fPellard Suits in Mid-Season Models i Forsythe Waists and Women's Shirts J New Crepe Waists 75c -Stamped on three yards of full width imported crepe in de signs of beading, couching, French knots and solid embroid ery. New patterns entirely dif ferent from those shown at the beginning of the season. Face Powders 50c La Blache Powder. . .29c 35c Java Rice Powder. . . .26c $1 Pivers Le Trefle Azurea 89c 50c Camnilline Liq'd Powd.26c $1.50 Oriental Cream 98c $ 1 .75 Amber Royal P'wd.$ 1 .50 Hair and Cloth Brushes $2.00 Brushes. 98c A manufacturer's sample line of French bristle brushes with ebony and foxwood backs, sorted shapes. $1.00 Brushes. 48c Ladies' and gentlemen's brushes in assorted styles. Initial Handkerchiefs Special 9c On the bargain table in the center aisle you'll find 1 Ob dozen hand-embroidered initial hand kerchiefs in all letters. They are marked for Friday economy sale very special at 9c P K4 VICTOR Talking Machines $5.00 Down, 50c a Week As- air Chantilly Lace Veils Are in Great Favor Special 69c For Friday we offer an assort ment of black Chantilly lace veils, in many neat designs. Also white washable veils in attrac tive patterns. , MAGGIONI That's All You Have to Know About a Glove Maude Adams Collars 25c Just as you see illustrated in plain white, also white with little embroidered dots in light blu-s pink, violet and other pretty colors. Chafing Dish Aprons, Special 29c These dainty fine lawn aprons come in various patterns. At tractively embroidered in white and colors with both scalloped edge and hemstitched ruffles. Exactly as illustrated in picture. Another Lot of Aprons at Half Price Large lawn aprons for maids, nurses and waitresses with trim mings of embroidery insertions, edging and cluster of tucks or deep hem. Also smaller sizes for tea, serving or sewing with trimmings of lace insertion, embroidery, beading and ribbon. 25c Aprons, special 1 3c 38c Aprons, special J 9c '75c Aprons, special 38c $1.00 Aprons, special, . . .50c $1.50 Aprons, special 75c $2.00 Aprons, special. .$1.00 Newest Summer Models Underpriced $2 C. B. a la Spirite $1.49 This corset is made of fancy stripe coutil with lace trimmings, beading and ribbon. The new medium bust, long hips and back with two pairs of hose supporters attached. W. B. Nuform, Special $1 Made of coutil and lace trimmings, with bust draw strings. Three pairs of hose sup porters attached. Medium bust, long hips and back. $3 W. B. Corset, Special $1.95 The newest approved model in W. B. corsets, made of fine striped coutil finished with embroidery and bust draw strings. Extra long over the hips and back with me dium bust. Has four hose supporters attached. These Messaline Silks at 59c Command Attention Over one hundred different shades of these popular silks are offered in this Friday economy sale. There is no fabric in more demand for dresses, waists and lining purposes than these soft finished messalines. Nor can you duplicate them for less than 75c the yard. SI Colored Pongees Go Now at 79c Three thousand yards of 27-inch wide colored pongee silks for two-piece suits. Shown in all the new shades. It is the best $1 .00 pongee silk ever sold. For Friday economy sale our entire stock of these pongee silks is offered at 79c the yard. A Dress Goods Sale Here are three lines of dress goods, every one of them in con stant demand. None affected by fashion, but all of them at all times in good taste. New Gray Homespuns Reduced to 98c a Yard Iray homespuns of all pure wool 50 inches wide. One of the most satisfactory wearing fabrics for suits and dresses. On Fri day in this economy sale 98c yard. 46-Inch Shepherd Checks on Sale 79c the Yard This year shepherd checks are particularly popular. Indeed, we might say they are foremost in favor for misses, children's and women's wear. In this collection there are a variety of different size checks. They go on sale at 79c the yard. Checks, Stripes and Mixtures on Sale at 39c Yd. 3000 yards of 36-inch wide fancy dress goods in checks, stripes and mixtures, in a full range of color combinations embracing all the fashionable Spring shades. This assortment embraces our best dress goods selling normally at 50c, special 39c yard. Spring Hosiery for Women and Children Stockings for Women, Special 39c Pair Medium weight, full fashioned silk lisle stockings, made extra long with black cotton soles, toes and heels. A splendid stocking to buy at this little price. Stockings for Children at 25c Pair Silky-looking stockings for children, narrow ribbed, in fast black, tan, pink, sky blue or cardinal. Made of fine mercerized cotton. Look like and wear better than silk. HOOD RIVER SUIT OUSTED Supreme Court Jleremr Case in Controversy Over Ferry Landing. ni-r ivrn Or Anri! .27. Soe- i. i r"nuiial Interest Is beln mani fested her In the decision this week r the Orezon Supreme Court In Its tlnn relative to the controversy which arose her (our years ago over the right of reesels navigating me .oiumoia River to land on private property which was overflowed during the Summer freshet. The suit which reached the hi.h.t court of the state, as Dean vs. I Washington Navigation Company, ap- ealed from asco v-ouniy. was re- versed and tne suit aisraisseo. me opinion holding that a petitioner for ferry license must show his ownership or control of the ground la Oregon where his ferry lands, and that the County Court In such matters, acts aa a court of limited Jurisdiction, and every fact essential must affirmatively ap pear. In the other suit. Chapman vs. Dean, also reversed, the opinion holds that appellants are entitled to an Injunction against the respondents restraining toetn from trespassing upon appellants land. Japs Free American Suspects. WASHINGTON". April 27. The two Callfornlana. Richardson and Fletcher, arrested In Japan as spies, because they photographed the Maliuru Naval Sta tion, have been released, and the State Department has been notified by Am bassador O'Brien. An Investigation disclosed that tbey Inadvertently di rected their cameras toward a forbid den son in getting a picture of the harbor from the deck of a steamship. END SENATE. SAYS BERGER Socialist Proposes to Abolish It and Presidential Veto. WASHINGTON. April 27. Victor Berger, of Milwaukee, the Socialist member of Congress. In a resolution In troduced today, not only proposes to abolish the Senate, but alms to strike from the hand of the President the veto power and take from the courts tuthority to Invalidate legislation en acted by the House of Representatives. All this Is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution, which. If petitioned for by 6 per cent of the voters in each state, shall be submitted to a general referendum. "The Senate has run Its course," said Mr. Berger, after his threatening docu ment bad beon dropped into the hopper on the Speaker's desk. "It must some day, as with the Brit ish House of Lords, yield to the popu lar demand for Its reformation or abolition." Wilds to Be Searched for Body. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 27. (Special.) Hoping to be able to find traces of B. B. Bakowski's snowshoes In the Crater Lake National forest, H. E. Homyer, Sr., will make another trip Into the wilds In search of the body of the Bend photographer. BakowskI left Klamath Falls last January for Crater Lake to photograph Winter scenes. Searching parties found his shovel and sled but no trace of him. Mr. Homyer thinks that by going to Crater Lake about the time the snow melts down to the height It had reached when BakowskI left his camp he may I be able to locate his tracks and fol- I low his snowshoe prints to where he ! lost his Ufa PRIVATE BOXES DOOMED Boxes Ordered Removed From Res taurants in Dallas. DALLAS. Or., April 27. (Special.) The City Council has passed an ordi nance compelling the removal of pri vate booths from restaurants in this city. The reason for such action was the practice of taking liquor into these boxes that was being Indulged In quite freely. Persons not able to purchase liquor at the saloons could get some one to take it to these restaurants for them, and thus get around the pro visions of the most stringent regula tion of saloon ordinance in force In this city. Dallas was one of the first cities In the state to pass a model license sa loon ordinance. The promoters of that ordinance . are seeing that it is en forced. Since the city has been "wet" there have been but very few arrests for drunkenness, and most of them were of out-of-town persons. Klamath Wants Shade Trees. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, April 27. (Special.) A committee of three from the Good Government League, com posed of G. W. 'White, banker; O. A. Stearns and M. Mahaffey, was ap pointed to meet with the Chamber of Commerce and City Council to inter est those bodies In plans to beautify the city. One of the first steps to be taken Is the matter of planting trees. It was decided to urge property own ers to plant shade trees. A mass meet ing has been called for next Tuesday evening, when G. S. Ehle. a tree and shrubbery expert, will address the peo ple on that phase of city beautifying'. RUM ON SHIP EXPLODES One Man KiHed In Fire Which De 6troys French Steamer. POINTE-A-PITRE, Guadalupe, AprIl 27. While the French steamer Maronl was loading rum and sugar at the docks here yesterday, fire broke out In the cargo and before It could be put out caused an explosion among the bar rels of rum. which killed one fireman. The monetary loss Is considerable. Following the explosion, it was im possible to stay the flames and the ves sel was towed out In the harbor and abandoned. The cargo already on board consisted of 4000 barrels of rum and Is also a total loss. Germany will establish a record this yeas, by launuhing six new dreadnoughts. I