la ttie aroRxixG otcegoxtax. Friday, april 28, 1911. LET IS DEAL ALONE, TUFT'S ADVICE President Opposes Change in Proposed Reciprocity Agreement. CANADA GOT ALL SHE ASKED Taft Sj Proposal Placing of Mv-e Canadian Article on Frr List Would 'ot Aid Consumer and but Hamper Government. rCnnttno-d rrora First Psce. th already lartte Car.aJlan dvniami for thm Vm tendered to th Canadian com mlsstoners absolute, free) trade In all product of either eoantry. tnanufac tared or natural, but the Canadian com itiluioiuri did not frei Justified In going ao far. It la only reasonable t Inf.r therefore, that with wpwl t those article! upon which th-y refuse trmm trade to ui they fell that th orofltable nrlce at whl.h thev could be eolrt b our manufacturer. In Canada was Irn than the price at whli-n theii manufacturer could afford to aril the uma -iih-r to their own reople or to ua. "Hence It follow that their refusal to acres to free trade In these articles a we propoed la the strongest kind f .violence that. If we should take off the existing d'itjr from such, articles eomlns Into the t nlted States. It wouaa not affect In th sllKhtest deuree the price at which those articles could be famished to the public here. Thitt the reason whr meata wera m nut mi the free list In this Cana dlan aareement was because Canada felt that the competition of our pair era would Inlurtnusty affect the prod vctm of their packing houses. If that tv. fm how would It help our on- timer or lower the price of meat In our mmrkeis if we let their meats In free while thev retained a duly on our meat? The same thins; la true of flour. nd yet some irentlemen Insist that the firxfr has been unlustly treated oe- rause we hare not put Canadian flour and meal on the free list. And It is proposed to satisfy the proposed grievance of the farmer by now doing a- without any compensating conce elnns from Canada. -This proposal would be legislation pasd for polltlral platform uses. without accomplishing any real good. In another aspect, however, the ef fect of the proposal might be serious. Of course a mere reduction of our tariff, or the putting of any article on our free list without Insisting on a cor. responding change In the Canadian tariff, will not Interfere with the con tract as made with Canada. Hat If we do make concession without any consideration on the part of Canada, after the contract has been tentatively agreed upon by those authorized to make contracts for ratification In both Governments, then we are In danger of creating an obligation against us in favor of all the foreign countries with whom we have existing treaties con taining what Is called the 'favored na tion clause. liars Tli row n Down to World. "This clause la been construed by our statesmen not to Involve ua In an obligation to extend a privilege to all nations which we confer upon one na tion In consideration of an equally valuable privilege from that nation. Hut the s-rlous question would arise whether, tf now that the contract has been tentatively agreed upon and I about to be confirmed by Canada, we should grant to Canada more than the contract requires, we could claim that this extra concession was not a pure gratuity and one which was necessar ily extended to all ether nations under the favored nation clause. "There are two objections therefore to Inserting In the bill confirm Ins this Ca nadian contract additions to our free list from Canada. The first ia that they are a concession that Is of no value to those whom it la proposed to propitiate by adopting It: and the second la that It may Involve us Indirectly In a doubtful obligation In respect to trade with other countries. "If we desire to put meal and flour and other commodities on the free lift for the entire world, that la one thing: and we ran do it with our ryes open and with a knowledse of what It entails after an Investigation. Hut to put such a pro vision In a Canadian treaty and have It operate aa a free list for the entire world la legislation necessarily Ill-con Mered. Treaty Ioe Xo Injury. "More than this, theae rroposed gratu Itous concessions are In the nature of an admission that In some way or other we have done an Injury to a particular clase by this Canadian reciprocity agree menu I deny IL It Is said that It In jure the farmers. I deny It. "It la etrictly In accordance with th protective principle that we should only nave a protective tariff between us and countries In which the conditions are so dissimilar aa tJ make a Inference In the coet of production. Now, It- la kno of all men that the general conditions that prevail In Canada are the aame aa those which obtain In the United State In the matter of agricultural products. Indeed. If there I any advantage the advantage Is largely on the side of the i nlted Slate, because we hare much greater variety of product. In view of tat varieties of our climate, than they ran have in Canada. "U raise cotton as no other country do-i Of course they raise Don In Can ada. "We raise corn and hoca and cattle fed on corn and. with the exception of a small part of the acreage of Canada, la Ontario. It la not poaelble to rata corn at all in the I-omlnlon." "VVIth rpect to wheat and barley and oat, conditions differ In different part of Canada and in different parta of th I'ntted States. Classing them together, on the whole the conditions are sub stantlally th same. On the price of farm land the differences are no greater between Canada and the United States than between the different states In the United States. On the matter of farm wage, on th whole, they are about th aame. Irloe Steadied. Sot I-owrrrd.. "It Is said that this Is an agreement that affect agricultural products more than manufactures. That la true, but If we are to nave an Interchange of prod uct a between the two countries of any substantial amount, the chief part of It must necessarily be In agricultural prod wets. "As It Is. w export to Canada more agricultural products than we receive from her and so It will be afterwards. The effect Is not going. In my Judgment, to lower the specific prices of sgrt cultural products In our country. It Is going to steady them, and It Is going to produce sn Interchange cf products st a profit which will be beneficial to both countries. "If objection caa be mads to th treaty on the ground that a particular class derived less benefit from any other class, then It Is the ma turers of the country who ought to ob Ject. because the treaty In its nature will not enlnrge hU market as much as It will that of the. farmer. "I am aware that with some motive or another, a great deal of effort and money have been spent In sending circu lars to farmers to convince them that this ranaritan treatv. if n. 'tinted, will do them injury- I do not know that It is possible to silay such rears by argument, pending the consideration of the treaty by the Senate. ' "Hut there Is one way and that a conclusive way of demonstrating the fallacy, the unfounded character, of their I fears, to the farmers or to any other class thrtt believes Itself to be unlustly affected bv this treatv and that la to i Fifth Week try It on. I "Tlorenee There Is no ohllgatM- on either "na tion to continue the reciprocity arrange ment any longer than It desires, and If It be found by actual practice that there la an Injury, and a permanent injury, to the farmers of this country, everv bodv knows that they can sufficiently control legislation to bring about a change and a return to the other condi tions. These of ua who are responsible for the Canadian treaty are willing and anxious to subject It to that kind of a test. "Another and a conclusive reason for closing the contract Is-the opportunity which It gives us to Increase the sup ply of our natural resources, which, with the wastefulness of children, we have wantonly exhuueted. The tim ber resources of Canada, which will oten themselves to us Inevitably, un der the operation of this agreement. are now apparently Inexhaustible and we may derive ample supplies of tlm ber from Canadian sources to the profit of Canada and .for our own benefit. There are other natural resources which 1 need not stop to enumerate, which will become available to us aa If our own. If we adopt anil maintain commercial union with Canada. . , But there are other even broade grounds than this that should lead to the adoption of this agreement. Can ada's superficial area la greater than that of the United Statea between the oceans. Of course, it has a roxi oral of waste land In the Far North, but It has enormous tracts of unoccupied land, or land settled so sparsely aa to be substantially unoccupied, which In the next two or three decades will rap Idly acquire a substantial and valuable population. Canada haa now between .000.000 and 1.000.000 people. They are v hearty, temperate, persistent race. brave. Intelligent and enterprising. . Tbey are good neighbors: we could not have better neighbors. They offer to any nation with whom they have sympathetic relations and with whom It Is profitable for them to deal a constantly Increasing market and an cver-lncreasintr trade. As between Canada, and the United States, the trade and the mutual bene fit from th trade will Increase. It Is amusing and 1 am not sura hat It baa not aome elements of con solation In It. to find that all the bun combe and all of the exaggeration and misrepresentation in polltlca and all of he political ghosia are not confined to our own country. There has entered nto 'he discussion In Canada, as a reason for defeating the adoption of his contract by the Canadian Tarlla- menu that we desire to annex the Io mlnlon: the dreams of Americans with responsible imaginations, who like to talk of the stacxy flags floating from Panama to the Pole, are exhibited by the opponents of the Canadian treaty In Canada aa th declaration of a real policy by this country and as an an nouncement of our purpose to push po litical control over our neighbors of th north. rticular . A-MUSKMr.XTa. t -""- SEAT SALE TODAY IIKIUC THEATER 3 NIGHTS. REOTJTNINO STXHAT. . Special Price Matinee Tuesday. IHEDEKirK WARDE In Shakespeare's Masurplec. -JflJt'H CAESAK Excellent rs.t and production. Kvenlnrs: I,oerer floor $l.SO. $1; tslrony, fl. 76c. flue. Gallery. 3.".. a.""-. Matinee. $1. lie. 60c. 3.V -.V: BA K R 1. Mals7sTJd A 53. A v V I Buker. Mgr. TON ICS HT A 11 WEEK MAT. 8AT. it the Great Trl-star oeason. ThHiHun. Thurlow ROBEEtS ROBERTS BERGEN la "SAPHO." rvenlrss. inc. r.oc lie Mats.. S.V-. IMV. Next week ta.-Uug Monday "The Right of Way. ' BUNGALOW THEATER Mala 117 and A 4tt4. (.ro. I. linker. Mgr. TONIGHT AU. WKKK MAT. SAT. Dcnman Thompson's Kamous Play. The OLD HOMESTEAD Double Quartette Crest Choir Complete 8c.ntc Production, torlrea ?.c Sth. TV- 1 1 Mats.. 55c. Mc Next week, starting Sun. Mai. "The "iil From Rector's." AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Wilson's, corner Second and Yamhill. Bale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. HEETIXO NOTICE. ?$ A. A. O. V. OP THE M. B. Members of Al Ksder Tem ple will take notice that a vacancy exists in the grand I lives to the Im- " NEW TODAT. represents perlal council meeting at Rochester. N. T.. July 11 next. At the regular meet ing tomorrow evening Sat urday. 2th inst.) members will vote to elect another represent stive to flit the va cancy caused by the resignation of Its mem ber. By order the Imperial Potentate. A RCFT1E THURLOW. B. O. WHlTEHOrsE. Recorder. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 44. A. K. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday evening. 6:4.1. E. 8th and Burnslde. M. M. decree. Visitors welcome. Or der V. -M. J. H. RICHMOND, Bee. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M. A stated commu nication this (Friday) evening, at 7 o'clock. Work In the M. M. de gree. Visitors welcome. D. K. YOL'NO. Bee. YOU YOUR a WAGES ROCHESTER NEW TODAT. Inside Property Unplatted BKAXt ESTATE. For Sale Lot. A PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 65. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this t Friday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. degree. Visitora welcome. By order W. M. C. M. STEADMAN. Sec. 8ELT.WOOD LODGE NO. 181. A t- i vn A Vf Kmied eommunl i-iiinn this (Frldart evening, 7:30 in VANCOUVER,WASH. 30 acres, level and all cleared, in the center of Vancouver. Washington: sur rounding Dronertv on all sides lias been platted and nearly all Improved: ad joining lota sollinc fnr frr.m 17n0 to nr. mtiino Hollars In the , flnOu; tract will p at Into about ISO t of the big corporations. I J0'?: streetcar lines on two sides on i. uuiciea streets; easy wiiiMus distance to business nart of the city. only 9 blocks from new postoffice ane. .trice 62,00n, ,32,000 cash, bal ance on time to suit; or $6G,500, $16,500 casn and Palance one-third each In one. iwo ana tnree years. Maps or van- Every year the dollars you earn buy less and less and every year your chance of earning good wages becomes smaller. wnats tne use 01 tunw your pocket of the big corpo PUT A FEW DOLLARS IN ROCHESTER. While you can buy at prices within your reach. Oet a home that will sup port you when you get too old to do oi t cnuver showing tins tract furnished on any use xo tne capitalist, nuu i - ; application, vestment will make you big money. Mail lord, north laKlma, n enaicuee. EUSO M. ROWLEY, SOLE AGE.VT, Cr"".:",1-,.. Y"Zl"fV thi'men who 1 W"hl"'" Vancouver, Wash. bought when these towns started. LOOK AT THIS $25 LEVEL, CLEARED LOTS Did you ever hear of a chance like this? A new town with three lines of railroads already In operation? A town that is growing and building up like Rochester? A town where factories are building? Tou never did and you won't MAtx . A 1010 alAXINU: kVUtl DAT Vai rllmTOk 15-25-50 V THEATER 15-25-50-75e W fKK APRIJ. 2 V. H. Morphy. Blanche Nichols a? to., presenting "Krom Zaxa to Vocle Tvin" The Otlrien Troupe. Ionley A r!ee. Kills McKenna. Lonely liakell. Ihe itaiys. freMTtck .wilier. SEATS NOW ON SALE FOR THE KIRMESS TIU-RMDAV. FRIDAY, SATl'RDAY EVEX- I.X.t A.M Mil MATlNKb HEILIG Klrmess opens Thursday evening. April ST. Kvenlna prices: 1st floor. exceDt last 3 rows. $2.uo: lant 3 rows, si SO. Balcony: 1st A roas. $1.60: next a rows. II. oo; fol lowing rows. 73c: last fi rows. ioc. En tire r.allery. ftoe. rlpeclal-prtce Matinee Sat. urday. lower floor, except last 3 rows. $1.0; laet 3 roue, fi.ixt. Kslcony. 1st 3 rows. i; nexc o row. .c; last 11 riwi, joc. ua,' lery reserved. S.V: a.lnilrilnn. 20e. oviock. In sellwood Masonic Hall. , bul IdlngT 1 ou never . corner 13th st. and Spokane ave. I get this chance again 'REMEMBER THESE PRICES WON'T LAST. BUY ROCHESTER LOTS, AND BUY THEM NOW. 4 Call today and get the best. The lots are all alike, cleared and level as a floor, but the best locations are be ing snapped up like hot-cakes. We sell on terms that anyone can handle. Write for Illustrated folder if you can-t call today. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. 101 Chamber of Commerce. Oat Stark, Bet. 3d and 4th. Portland, Oregon. brethren welcome. By order W. M. C. W. STRONG. Sec MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. in. O E. a Regular meeting this (Friday) evening in Masonic Tem ple at 8 o'clock. Degrees. By or der w. M. JENNIE H. GAbLUI. HAPSAI.O LODGE. NO. 15. L O. O. F. Reaular meeting thla (Frlrtay) evening at T:30 o'clock. 1. O. O. F. Temple, 1st ana Alder Its. First degree. Visitors welcome. F. COZENS. Secretary. BORN. GRAND Week of April 24 Tb Ortxtaator of Art. TRO KLXO. IJItla hanf. fir Ml tier hoM Ktfttvd lam," S. Mlll-r Kfit Co.. Carl MrCulloth. Imperial Danrrn, Walkrr and Mann, Nortoa and Kuaacli, C.KANDASCOl'K IfatltiM alk.. 3:Btt' avn Mat. let. ain m Prl ormtsct at T aa d : 11 aJeoar. laoi lower moor. 30a; koi ata, IH VANTAGES Talk of Annexatloa Rosh. I am not an antl-lmperlallst. but I have had considerable experience In the countries over which we have assumed temporary control. I do not know when that control will end, but I do now that. In respect to those coun tries, we have taken over heavy duties nd obligations, the weight of which ught to destroy any temptation to further acquisition of territory. It would be invidious to Institute a comparison between the government of Canada and this country, but there Is one part of our Jurisdiction and that of Cniiada that come together su Si lently close to enable the Canadians lid ourselves to realize that the sample of government that we exhibit la not llurlng. 1 refer to the control of Alaska as compared with the control by Canada of her northwest territory. The talk of annexation Is bosh. Every one who knows anything about It realizes that It Is bosh. Canada Is a great, strong youth, nxtoua to teat his muscles, rejoicing In he race lie la ready to run. The United states has all It can attend to It ti the territory It Is now governing. and to make the possibility of the an nexation of Canada to the United Statea a basis for objection to any steps to ward their greater economic and com mcrcial union should be treated as one of the jukes of the platform and should not enter Into consideration of serious men engaged In so sertous a problem. "Why should we not have a closer union with Canada? Think of the absurdity of separating Manitoba and Minnesota by as great a distance as Manitoba and Liverpool when certain ly Providence Intended that their sepa ration socially and commercially should only be that of their geographical dis tance. "Canadians have furnished us a large number of our best cltlsens. We are giving them a large number of the pick of our young farmers. Let us open the gateways between ua Let us give to both countries the profit of the trade that Ood Intended between us. Let the political governments remain as they are. Let us abolish arbitrary and artificial obstructions to our asso ciation with our friends upon the north and derive the mutual profit that It will certainly bring. "The Canadian contract baa passed the House substantially aa introduced and In such form that If adopted In the same way by th Senate. It would go Into effect as soon as the bill now pending In the Canadian parliament shall be passed by that Parliament. I desire to express my high appre ciation of the manner In which the present House of Representatives haa treated tne reciprocity agreement. It haa not 'played polltlca. It haa taken the statesmanlike course In respect to It. 1 am hopeful that the Senate will treat the agreement In the aame way and that no amendments there will be added to the MIL For the reasons given. I think they are dangerous. "It may be that the Canadian con tract does not go far enough. In making It we were limited by the reluctance of Canada to go as far aa we would wish to have ber go. but the fact that It does not go far enough la the poorest reason for not going as far as we can. "We were making a contract, we were balancing considerations; we were not making a general tariff law or a general tariff revision. it was no part of our duty to reduce the tariff generally In this contract with other countries. If that la to be done anil If there la a sincere desire to have It done, then It ought to be done by sep arate legislation. "I appeal to thla company, repre senting as It does the press of the Vnited States, to sea to It that It Is made clear to the public that thla con tract ought to stand or fall by Its own terms and that Its passage or defeat ought not to be affected In any regard by other amendmenta to the tariff law. I tLLnk there is a general sentiment for revision of the tariff, schedule by schedule, and of making thla revision dependent on exact Information aa to Uaeooallea Vaudeville. All. THIS Mk.tK-re-pe.lal Engagement lioelnit and Him Imnerl l Vaclil OrrOeetra. The Bellmont. Kimball Brothers and Tler and Harton. Charles llarrU. Alice Iw-rry. roomer and Hew las, I'aolagescope. Popular prices. Mat. dally. 2 3o. ;:30, u. I MATER In this city. April 26, to the wre of money l Mayer, a son. DIED. BA1NET At the family residence, iwo McKenna ave.. an. aauues x. aged 01 years. Punerai announcement later. MANE? In Spokane. Wash., Tuesday. April z.. James M. Manes, ageu o - beloved husband of Florence Manes. HALLABAl'GU-April 20. Mrs. Francis liailabaugn. Notice or rur.erai later. FUNERAL KOTICES. ARNOLD In this city. April 2T. at tne family residence, aiaegiey ew-vi. Phllilp Milne, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira 1'. Arnold, ased 1 year. 11 months. 23 days. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 1:80 P. M. to morrow i Saturday). April 29. Friends la vlted. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. Bl'RGER I.ydla Uurger. mother of Mrs. u. H. rimllh. and jaines A. merger, oi I'nrtland. And K. Flurzer. of Nelson. Cal., aged is years. A monlna. 23 days. The La Porte, or Indiana, and Chicago papers please copy. Funeral notice later. LATHROP At the family residence, 895 Jackson street. April 24. Frank M. Ltn roD. ascd &.1 years. 2 mcnths. 8 diys. Fo nersl services will be held from the resi dence Saturday morning. April 2D. at 10 o'clock. Interment at Klvorvlew Cemetery. Apartment Site On West Side This is a corner lot. 50x100. east and south frontage; 9-room house, good re pair; rental revenue $10u per month: 6 minutes' walk from postoffice and Washington St.; 10,500 will handle, bal ance 10 years at 6 per cent. As an in vestment this a a crack-a-Jack. Let us show you this site. CARTER & VAX ZAMT, 615 Spalding Blclg. FINK Bl'ILDING LOTS. HAWTHORNE VIOISMTT. 125 DOWN AND Slo MONTHLY, fluxion lot" that lie mlshty fine In tna Hawthorne vicinity; prices from S73n. ana on terms not often obtained. No matter whether vou buy to buii'l or to Invest yot. are bound to make money on thse. Come and look them over. Take cars to K. 4:d and Hawthorne ave.. office on corner. Portland-l'acifio Inv. Co.. 41S Railway Exchange. OWNER NEEDS MONEY. For quick ale offers very choice corner lOOxltKi. or will divide Into two lots; butldiny restrictions: at end of Haw thorne avenue cariinc; price $100; part cash, balance on oasv terms: for ap pointment call at Tii'j Yeon bldg., or tele phone Main lyt's. IRVINGTON LOTS. We offer a few extra choice lots for SI 250 and $11150 ; beautiful corner. $1500 and $ir.": very easy terms, or discount for all cash; improvements bonded; these lots are close to Irvlnpton carline. A. R. DIAMOND & CO.. 20T Railway Exchange iJldK.. or East 1.1th and Knott 6ts. Thone Main 1:121. East 1700. One of tile best located lots in the ex. elusive residence district of Hawthorne avenue, at a close figure for cash; no agents. Address owner, P 40. Oregonlan. FOR HOME BUILDER. $1300 for line corner in Laurelhurst, near Ladd Park, three blocks from car. This Is a very cheap lot. near-by lots selling for 2500. Will sell for this price for a short time only. F. E. Clements, A 1515, Main 1502. IRVINGTON LOT SNAP. Fine 50x100. south front, on Multno mah St., near 20th; real snap; $2000, terms. GRVSSI & ZADOW. 81" Board of Trade BldK., 4th ind Oak. 20 P5R CENT DISCOUNT. LAUBELHL'RST LOT, r.uxiuo. NORTHWEST QUARTER. 1 BLOCK FROM SANDY ROAD. G 4S. OREGON I AN. TONSETII HORAI. CO.. MAIUJI AM III. 1X1., t l..v-l UKM(,.S. Fhonea: Mala BI0Z; A 110. VlZf Ysf" PORTLAND'S Week commencing Monday Matinee; last wees or tne L.yric Tneater. Keating a r looo rresent Ihe l.vrte Musical Comedy Co. In Wrtner Schnitzel In Parle." Three per- forn.aneee dally. 2:4.V 7 '45. W:15. Wednesday nlcht. Elks nljtht. Fntlre rroceeds go to the ji12 Kike convention runtl. I- naay nignt. Chorns Girls' Contest after each performance 12TII A l'AL Dog Show OF THE Portland Kennel Club April 26-27-28-29 ecoad Floor old Olds. Wortsnasi King Building Fifth aad Washington. Dunning it McF-ntee, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Plione Main 43U. imi i alstant. Office of C'oonty Coroner. EltWAKJt HOl.MAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 220 M st. utuy aseistant. 1'none M. aui. J. V. UM.EV SON. 3d and Madison. tady attendant, l'bone Mala a, A 1599. i.M Ml UK Funeral Directors, successor to F, n. Dunning, inc. at, a 2623. 7.i:l.l.K.K-HVKM.8 CO.. Funeral Directors 894 Williams ave.j bo to phones; lady asst. I KKC H. Vndertaker, cor. Blxtb. feast 781. B 1bKS. Fast Alder an luly assistant. BASEBALL HKCRF.AT10N PARK, Cor. Vaugha and Twenty-fourth St. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND April 23, 26, 27, 2S, 20, SO. Came Begin Week Days at StOO Sunday 2:30 I'. M. LADIES' DAT Fit ID AY ' Boy Under 12 Free to Bleacher Wednesdn v. each achedule gathered by Impartial Investigators. To amend this Canadian contract and to make Its passage de pendent on other tariff legislation Is to continue the old method of tariff re vision characterised, not without rea son, as a local Issue." CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Ball er Sunday. Per Line. On. time 12e hint ad two consecutive times... t2e fame sd three consecutive time Sue bame ad six or seven cooeecutlve times. .6tte ltemltiauces must accompany out-of-town orders. hlr words connt as one line on cash ad verlisements and no ad counted for lese tiian two lines. W hen an advertisement la cot run cooseca tlve times the oue-llme rate applies. On charge of book advertisement the charge will be baaed on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. In New Today all advertisement are charged by measure only. 14 lines to the Inch. The above rates apply to advertisement under "New Today" and all other classifica tion excepting the following i Pltualions Wanted, Male. situations Wanted, l-emale. For Kent. Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. The rate on the above classification Is 1 cents a line eacn insertion. In case ef box office address Is required, count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisementa will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed envelope are la-closed. tor the accommodation or patrons, in Oregonlso will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, provldlnr tbe ad vertiser Is subscriber to either phone. e prices will be quoted ever the phone, but bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over tbe phone, depends upon the promptness of tbe payment of telephone ad vertisements. Mtuatlon Wanted and Per soaial advertisementa will not be accepted over tba telephone. Orders for one Insertion only will be scceH ed for "llonsea for Kent, Furniture for bale," "Business Opportuni ties." "Koomlng-bonsrs" and "Wanted to Rent." IRVINGTON LOTS 100x100 CORNER. S3XKO 23d and Knott. 3300 18th and Knott. lOOxIOO INSIDB. 2900 33d and Broadway. 78x100 CORNER. $4230 22d and Halsey. 73x1 on. 93000 Clackamas and 24th. BOx 100. S2300 16th, near Tillamook. S170O lth, near Stanton, s 1700 30th, near Stanton. KEASEY nUMASONSJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. 13 TRACT 32 ACRES BASELINE Adjoins Altamead, close Montavilla car and 1100 feet south station Mt. Hood Ry. Line. Exceedingly desir able fractional acres or lots. $1500 PER ACRE. Easy Terms. McCargar,Bates & Lively 301 Yeon Building. Waterfron D.ULT METEOROIXXilCAL REPORT. PORTUNP. April 27 Maximum lm prature. fta dirra: minimum temparaiur, 41 dvefr. klw reading;. 8 A. M., 6.1 lt: chant In last 24 hour. 4X7 feat rU. Total rainfall 45 P. W. to 3 P. M-. none; tnta! rainfall alnr Pptmber 1, lVlO, 30.94 Inrliaa; nnmial. .li.r4 Inchea; deficiency. 8..9 Inch. Total aitnahlna, 1 hour, 43 mlnutea; poaatbla. 1 4 hour. 12 mlnulea. Barometer rroucta o mem ivvei at o f. u.a wU.v lAChea. THE WEATHER. IK m e. 3 (TaTIOia Bolsa liuston Cslsary Chlpago Pavr ! Moinrs Ltuluth ilslvston. ..... Itrlrna Jarssunvllle. . .. Kansas rit..., Msrshflrld Mnntrral Nsw 4.irleans. . . Nsw Tork North Had North Vaalma.. Thoplx I'ooetello 1'ortlaod ........ Kospbura tacramnto. . . . . Ft. I.ouia Ft I'aal Halt Las ban ItffA Mn Francisco.. Siskiyou tfpoltans Taconia , Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla Washington Wmnlp Btat ot Wsatnsa soo.oo xwicioudr i; svv H'hudr Ai 0 ool 4 N 'loudy 7 T. 20 8 "'loudy 74 O.0 SW llrir oti T. 10SE ll'louds i 0.on l ,u I'loudy TDO.l 4 s ll lcsr 41: .34: NWj loudy 74, T. il K il'loudr VI .Ollio K t'louriy .."aiO.nai in NtV ! loudr 72 O.OO l S W jPl. l loud) 2 ' i s ,Clcsr 6.i0.lHlluH ft'loudr h o.ooi 8 IV lt. t'londi 7'.h) liv ,I'I. Cloudj o.i t.VHVt'lrar " .os'14 S1V Jfloudr llO Ou! HfK jt'luudir 54, T. , NW I'loudy ..s T. Ill SV ,Pt. I 'loudl r.'; T. '12 SbT Kain 741 .01 M S PL Cloudj CJ .Oiirws I't. Clouilj '.. 0 I2 NW'flear &J- .l'I14 V Pt. Cloud) 40 O.tsi, 4 N .Cloudy 6 0.001 4;N'WCloudy 61I 11. Oil' 4 N K'loudy r.2 o.mi' 4 w il'lar 14 O.Ot" 4 S I PL Cloud) 74 O.O"; SB Cloudy So o (l 14 B IPl Cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tbe Western storm Is central this evening over Western North Dakota and a aecondary disturbance of no great enersv Is central OTer Knstern Washington. The Eastern high pressure area Is niovina slowly seaward off the Middle Atlantic Coast. During the last 24 hours Haht to moderately heavy rains bare fallen In itouthem Idahe. Nevada. 1'iah, Montana, and In many nlace in the Missis sippi Yslley. It Is much cooler In the North ern Rocky Mountsln state and over a lim ited area 'central about Nebraska. The tanjpeiaiure aa risen (eosrally la tae Northern ststes east of th Mississippi River. The conditions are favorable for showers and thunder storms In Southern Idaho and for generally fslr weather elsewhere in this district on Friday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, westerly wind. Oregon and Washington Fair, westerly w-inds. Idaho Fair north, showers and thunder storms south portion. fcDWAKD A. BEAI.S. District Forecaster. Compasses, field-glasses, barometers, hydrometers. microscopes. scientific apparatus. Woodard. Clarke & Co. On Columbia River Near VANCOUVER, WASH. One-third of a mile of good. deer waterfront on Columbia Kiver near Vancouver, Washington, located be tween the railroad water frontage of nearly one mile, and Vancouver: 100 acre of g-ood. high land, except about 4 acres transterrea to tne s. t. & s. uo. for right of way throug center; all under cultivation and pasture; good gravel foundation for large buildings: an excellent location for large factory site: high land may be platted and is suitable for residence locations. Terms to suit. Price fl60.000.00. Holladay Park 6-roora bungalow; furnace, fireplace, gas and electric light; rental value $360 a year: price $3500; cash $000, balance mortgage. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. IRVINGTON LOTS BY OWNER. The non-resident owner of several choice unimproved lots in Irvineton will sell at a bargain for the next 3o days, while lie remains in the city. Address AB 62. Ore gonlan. BUNGALOW, IRVINGTON The finest 9-room concrete block bungalow In Irvington: has all the latest Improvements and extra well built; must be seen to be appreciated; 3 bedrooms and sleeDine porch upstairs: 2 bedrooms downstairs; price JT500; I izaou casn. Gitrssi & ZADOVV, 817 Board of Trade Bids-., 4th and Oak. EAST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY 100x100 feet Improved business block. almost new. Monthly income i in can Increase rental $100 per month; have two tenants ir you desire to build further. PRICE S1S.OOO half cash, balance 3 years. Always cer tain of your rent. Call at 65 KIRST STREET. Phone Main 6745. REAL, ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 312 Falllnr bldg. Bra baker & Benedict, E02 McKay bldg., II 646. Cbr.pln a: Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 6. & Co., Sua Covbctt bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 188. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONE3 CO.. H. P 213 Commer cial Club bid. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co',, Grand ave. and M'litnomah sl (lioiiaoay aoqiuobi. M. E. THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sta, REAL ESTATE. For S;ile Lota. n'TT JtO-MTNTTTR CAR RIDE. 2 acres, well located, $10 cash down. Level, sightly, rich loair. No agents. . Owner 1, 47, Oregonlan. I JUST have two 60rl00-foot lots left at S."iro In the factory district. Peninsula, streets graded, water In and paid for; 10 per cent down 110 per month. Address M SI. Oreconlan. $50 FOR LOTS on S2d and W. Stark; Is th beat buy in Portland; new caritna now building. Call and see us. EMPIRE! REALTY TRUST CO, 40U Yeon Bldg.. Marshall 849. FORCED TO HAVE MONEY. The best lot in Westmoreland, only block of corner, worth $1100; for two days only $700; speculator, grab this. Call 88 10th. near &tarlc. IRVINGTON SNAF. Eave agent's commission; east front, 50 x1Q0. one block from carline. Owner. C 1S1T. THURMAS ST. T.ot 52x100. near 27th. Price 40uu. 750 cash, bal. terms. KARNOPP KOPF. 323 Ky Ex. Bldg. PIEDMONT 100x100. $2500. Lots 15 and 16. block 39. N. E. corner Mallory and Ainsworth; $1200 cash; ix assessments. Main 4370, room 201. Ger- linger bldg. $1 DOWN 10C A DAY BEST 1100 LOT IN rUHTLAMl. MARSHALL 1200. A 3539. KDSON M. 804 Washington St., ROWLEY Vancouver,, Wash. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICB CITY BALI. Mala 59, A 7589. HUMANE OFFICER. Sergeant Crate, Residence 24 E. 24th, N. East 477. It. A. IJwwenlre, Kes. S36 Waeo St. W. G. Katun. Jtes. 73 B. 16th. East 17$. Horse Ambulsnc. A 0101: Pr. Ex. 4. Klsbts, Sundays and Holidays. A tlOZ: Pr. y.i 4: Trunk 1. NEW TODAT. $400 DISCOUNT Irvlngton lot: best residence section; high and sightly: extra large; owner. AT 46, Oregonlan. I will sell one of the finest building sites in the city, located at the head of Iovejoy st., unobstructed view; lot contains S230 square feet; 93 feet front age on hard-surface street; water, gas ana sewer lata to tnsiue curs; price $8000; Is below market. Geo. D. Schalk Mala 302. A 2302 22S Stark St. 80 ACRES 0 acres readv for the plow; balance oak grubs: land slopes just enough to MORTGAGE LOANS a of iooo ioo-no- 2 of O 0 BZa'Yham. of torn. J 0 FOR It EXT OR LEASE. All or Part. LARGE BRICK BUILDING on track, close In. Phone A $297. LOANS LAWVERV ABSTRACT TRUST CO, Hoard of Trade Building. MORTGAGE LOANS C'VV-l JOH.X E. CnONAK, lln J V e spaddia; Bldg. . f give it drainage; price term. $50 per acre; 300 acres; 100 acres fine bottom land, all in crops; 100 acres good hill land; most of It has been plowed; sbout 40 acres osk and fir timber; balance pas ture land; barns, house, outbuildings; place all fenced; price $30 per acre; terms third down. 1IVLAND JONES & CO, 409 Cerlingrr Bldg, 2d and Alder. TWO WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS LOTS. For sale cheap on easy terms, or will trade for house and assume difference. Phone A 7241. PORTLAND HEIGHTS We have several quarter blocks with good view, on easy I terms. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage, all parts of Heights, all views and prices; some bargains, again gooi; A asaa. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. I have a to.v extra good buys In this choice addition, one for ynt'O. another for $1190. Take Montavilla car to 39th st. In quire at office for Mr. Delahunty or phona East 989. GOT TO SELL a lot in Hancock Addition; must have money; make me a price; cash only; no agents. Address owner, P 47, Oregonlan. For Sale Houses. $1000. Small payment down, balance like rent. Strictly modern 7-room luuse. right on carline. in a beautiful district. The house was Just built and modern In all details. Oorn-r lot 50x100. lawn, cement walks and full basement. This is a bargain. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. S19-20-21 Railway Exchange. SEVERAL five to eight-room modem bouse on Hawthorne ave.. Just completed; we are the owners and builders, so will make the price right; small payment down, the balance almost like paying rent; do not throv away your money on rent; own a home. Come soon and get choice of houses. THE CARPENTERS' LUMBER CO, Phone Tabor 02. C. P. Bush. 260 51st St. GOING TO BUILD? WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE BUILD. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THE RESIDENCE OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO- TECTION. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. S24 ABINGTON BLDG. $15 PER MONTH buys a new, well-built, modern 4 -room bungalow and a tine Improved lot in Gregory Heights. Call at our office, end of Rose City Park carline. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. PAY $20 A MONTH AND OWN A HOME. A substantial slx-roora house In excel lent condition; corner lot, full size, three blocks from carline: good district, good neighbors, big bargain. Price only J1S00. Pay $20 a month (which includes Inter est. A. N. Searle. Take M-V car; get off E. 76th st. (Office on the corner.) $200 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, lot 50x100. improvements rn and paid; all the built-in conveniences; full basement, fireplace, etc. National Realty 4c Trust Co.. 32UV4 Washington st, room Bid, Phone Main 5129. WAKE UP. DON'T pay rent the rest of your life; we can save you money on plans and specifications, build you a house and let v., nv for It as rent. 002 Beck bldg.. Tth and Oak sts. Phone Main 4810. $340 DOWN and $20 per month will buy a nice little home; 4 rooms and reception hall- pantry, parlor and Dam, iuu dhso meni, frultroom. wood shed, nice lawn n.l fruit trees: cement walk around home: close to carline; I1S00. See owner. 85 E. 72d North. Phone Tabor 2869. LARGE ot near Rose City Park, cement walks, eraded streets. Bull Run water. $050; no agents; no commissions. Owner, 2l-.u:i Hoard or Trace. I WANT to sell my lots on the Peninsula. Prlce $275. Streets graded, water in and all paid for. Will take $27.50 and So per month. Address N 52, Oregonlan. $775 ROSSMERE $775. Full lot on 37tll near Brazee st. KARNOPP & KOPF, i2; Ral Iway Ex. bl g. CHEAIT. couple good lots, $40 down, 10 monthly, low price, close to Rose City fark car; iney are snaps, jas .Logan. Mft bpaiaing Diag. WHY PAY RENT. w -will sell vou a home and you can pay for It on easy monthly payments; our housej Include furnace, fixtures, hardwood floors, tinting, shades, etc. Provident In vestment & Trustee Co.. .-uj.-ivij Trade. Owners. YOU cannot but be satisfied with tne ar- rongemeni ot mi" uc"i"u, ... - mont, and we never had a property with terms so easy. Look at It it you want 8mecTKKLOnOK MUELLHAUPT. 10;i2 Chamber of Cominercc. BUNGALOW. Why do you pay rent? 6 rooms, pret tiest in city; lady who does ner own wora -ni ....nriclatB the built-in convenience; restricted district: lot 50x100; also 10 feet oarkinir. Main 4144. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Must sell my equity In Irvlngton lot at once. Will sell way below market price. 40. urcBonwn. KPIiilNDID south-front lot 3 ft. above ararle- 15 min. to oriogr nuKTM szooo: wm sell for $1350 If all cash; WORTH $200u; (.ROOM house, sleeping porcn. urcpiai-e. oaK floors, phower nam, nm mi; - imnuipa ride- gas, furnace. Beauiitul miming Iix tures etc. etc. Owner will sacrifice 54000 if flboO cash is paid. Worth $45U0. N 15. oregonlan. , $56C0 NEW. modern six-room house, largo reception nan. ,-..v,-... facing on one of the beautiful parks in l.add s Auoiuon. jjunt i' uwj.-, o Fhone owner. Kast ul04. GOOD HOUSE FOR NOTHING If you buy this reasonably. priced S0X213 on beat part Portland Heights; hard sur face streets; fine city view forever. Brooke. Main 3551. A 3S39. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. A slgntly t block, overlooking: the city; price $2750. by owner. Tabor 1360. PAY ME $10 and 8 per cent monthly, live on lot MSAB a car, none oeyond 2Uth st. owner, iv i4. oregonian. 11675 BUYS line lot on Stanton, near I nion ave.. niijjiinriiicina in aaa paid. Phone owner. nnmawn j Scott carline at Grays Frank McFarlaud S350 Good lot. Mt. I'rfMii iik: eubv icmii Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg., Portland DFSIRAB1.E quarter block, on Kalelgh st near -Ulll sc.: Illgn anu Bluntly; nrlc and terms address owner, D 4S Oregonlan. COUNCIL CREST PARK, lots from .SO up; both city ana tBiu-y views, y, . .i. uuker. M0 Board of Trade. FOR PALE At Lcr.ts nanuy new -niu cottage, paniij. ri"'. ,'. - drant water, wood shed. l"t jOxlOi). Price J12.10; small payment down. Owner at lO.H r.. ainuiii i- 3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elegantly I'lnished in oak and mahog any choice locations, irvlngton. federal great bargains In lots, no agents. C. lstSO' East 273. W. H. Herdman. BY owner. $X'" casn. new. num. . u, o.,,., home. .'."xiii". iuu ".,,,',..-. nd orniimi in". - ""':;- " it-.o Montirottn-ry. laoor -i.i.i. $4750 IRVINGTON llth near Halsey. homo, rentud 0 rooms, till Sept. East 1 at 50x100 lot. 4 block from car; gas and ce ment walks in ana pain lor. mil sell for $775 cash, o ftl. oregonlan. BY OWNER. Rose City Park business lot, gain. "Phone Main 0252. NOB HILL Eight-room house and lot on Hoyt, between 22d and 23d, at sacrifice price; nets over 7 per cent on price asked; terms J. M. ACHESO.V, Owner, 3H7 Morrison St. TWO lots, beautiful in Capllol Hill, for a home or an Investment on West Fide with in 18 minutes of center of city; consider ably under-priced; easy terms. See owner, C 49. Oregonlan For Mortgage Loans see Henry C. Prudhomme, 906 Spalding Bldg. $5 CASH and $3 per month, level lut near .nr- cltv water. HIGLBY & BISHOP, 132 THIRD ST. WESTMORELAND. 2 lots, corner 17th and Knapp sts.; $1750. W. J. Baker. 510 Board of Trade., $500 CASH Fine lot on Broadway, balance CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. $1450 SIGHTLY lot on East Brazee, fine view. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 82.1 1TH and KUllngsworth. corno: sold. Call 45 East Burnslde. 12th near Yeon bldg. must be 50x100 COR. 23d and Skidmore. Cheap. No agents. 305 Alhlna ave. IRVINGTON Park lot sacrificed, best buy ln the tract. 003 Swctland bldg. MOUNT TABOR-Hawthome district: choice oroperty. 1 or 2 lots. Phone B SUS2. 11.10 BUYS my $i"" equity in Laurelhurst lot. Call Main 3H2S. THREE beautiful lots, east front, one or tosethcr. 0S5 Mississippi ave. m.ilil n. CE Is LA RS-MIRTON CO.. 825 Yeon jlds; NEW, modern, nve-rotim iiunsaww, un venience- full i-oment basement, sidewalk;, pood fr-ms. built far a homo. Male 223. OWNKK must sen niorn new H-ronm nnco term!--. 37th and East Caruthers. Tel. Tal.or -ROOM modern cottas: will rent for $18. Owner moving io iaim, win sen coiiaR for J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber ol Commerce. MODERN. 4-room bungalow, $4,';7.50 rash; $12.rU Per monm. rnce iin; a diocks from car line. Mt. srt district. Own er Main 1007 or Tabor i'70. LOT, 100100, neat cottase, furnished chick ens, garden In; will sell cheap. Address H. 1, Box 175, Portland. PORTLAND Heights corner lot. worth $2100 and 5-room cottase, walking distance. $2."0. Brooke. Main 3.5I. A 3830. TWO lots and four-room house on Mt. Scott to for acrmt, or will sell on easy terms. Frlce$1700. E .U. Oregonlan. 25 MONTHLY buys 5-room bunpalow: bath, attic, basement. Owner, East 2741. FOR SALE by owner, nice 4-room cottage at the beach. C 13SS. $300 BCYS Fold. $100: house and terms. L lot, adjoining lott Yl, OrcKonian. FOR PALE 7-room bungalow. 4S3 East llth N. Phone East 406