Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Great "May Merchandising" Event Now in Preparation Watch Sunday Papers Remember Tomorrow "Raisin Day"
All Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today and Tomorrow Will Be Charged on Your May Bill Payable June First
$2.25 Val. 48c
35c Values 17c
We would advise early shopping if you wish to share
in this distribution of Embroideries, the like of which
has not been sten in ail the great Northwest. They
were selected from our regular stock. True, some are
mussed or slightly soiled, but no more so than they
would naturally be after going through the dress
maker's shop. They are actually worth tAQf
S2.25. Special Sura rise Sale mice, the vard "OC
f . m
5000 yards of popular patterns in Embroideries suit
able for every purpose. Widths to 18 inches, 1 "7
and worth to 35c a yard. Special price, yard C
Style Lecture, Today, 3 P
Every Woman Her Own
Dressm'R'r Mrs. Wade
This is the makinsr-up season for Summer
and Mrs. Wade will give practical advice
on how to plan, cut, sew, trim and drape,
also how to construct model of your own
figure for fitting and draping. All women
invited. In the Auditorium, on 4th floor.
Fancy Neckwear
$1.25 Vals. 67c
Surprise Sale of Women's Fancy
Neckwear, the latest style effects in
a broad range of patterns. Jabots,
Cascades, Stocks, Dutch effects, etc.
Values to $1.25 special for i'7
this sale, your choice, each
Picture 1. Nr tiZit&-hh. 01
Framing 7 W1I . ll&ssgg
25c Dairy Lunch In the Basement
Ji I mm.1
57.50 Val. 29.95
m0j 'Raisin Day"
'iJg? Tomorrow
67;5Q Val. 39.95
The great sale of Women's High-Grade Pattern Hats
progresses with renewed interest each day. For to
day's Surprise Sale we will add many new numbers
to insure brisk buying. They are all made of imported
braids, shaped in keeping with the popular vogue,
j trimmed in rich Paradise, Plumes, Flowers, Ribbo,
Silks, Laces, Braids, etc. V alues to aqq QC
$57.50 for $29.95 and vals. to $67.50 at i3y.70
$11 HATS TOR 7.95
$13.60 HATS AT $9.95
$17.50 HATS $12.95
$22.60 HATS $15.95
Todl&y Qtuur llSlstt Pridlay Surprise
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
50 Barrettes
Special at 25c
Featured at the shell goods coun
ter will be the bipgest assortment
of Barrettes to be found in the
city. Kvery new shape and style
in shell or aiuber eoloOC,,
values to 50e each, for only
New SilR Dresses
S28.5Q Vals. $12.75
Here are some exquisite Silk Dresses, which will go on sale
today at the lowest prices ever made on this class of
merchandise. Materials are Messalines, Foulards, Pongees
and Taffetas, neatly trimmed with bands, silk braided
500 Dozen Ties
Reg 5Qc Values
Special Ea. 25c
We effected a complete elean-up
01 tnis lot 01 tics, ine factory
was anxious to unload them quick
so we bid and got them. ide,
cpen-end. narrow reversible, and
knitted four-in-hands; plain col
or and fancy patterns, reg. OP
50n Ties, special at, each-
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
45c Taffeta
Ribbon 25c
Here's the opportunity you have
longed for, 5V-inch Ilair Bow Taf
feta Ribbon, 5' -inch Messaline, 5
inch Satin Taffeta, Scinch Moire,
also fancy ribbons in val- OP
ues to 45c, special, the yL,C
yokes and lace trimmed
sleeves. Stripes, polkadots
and other patterns are
eluded in every wanted color
and size. Fresh, clean, new
stock. Values to $28.50
the sensational
low price
3 $12.75
Take Lunch
Room, on the
in . our Tea
fourth, floor.
3 Or eat Spec'ls
$2.5Q Shirts Are $1.35
$2.00 Shirts For 95c
$1.25 Shirts Only 59c
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
Reg. $1 Auto
Scarfs at 49c
Extra grade and large size mer
cerized Scarfs in every wanted
shade, suitable for traveling, for
street and auto wear; all are neat
ly hemstitched and good A Qw
values at $1.00; spec 'I, ea. T' -''
Men who incline to the most
exclnsiye effects in new Shirts are now given one of
the most remarkable bnying opportunities presented by any
store, as the sale includes three differenflots, priced to fit the
purse of all men who come to take advantage of the savings.
LOT 1 This assortment is taken from our regular stock of
high-class Shirts in the coat styles, with cuffs attached. Some
French cuff styles included. The materials are Russian cords,
imported woven madras, French percales and sephyr ginghams,
etc. All carefully selected patterns and our best or
values to $2.60. Special surprise price, each for Jt OQ
LOT 2 About 600 dozen
white plaited Shirts go into
this disposal. Splendid ma
terials, coat styles. with cuffs
attached. The best fitting
shirts manufactured. If yon
mm vr&n -
1 Iff
$45 Values $28.5Q
You are absolutely sure that the style of your suit is cor
rect; that it is well tailored; that the materials are depend
able, if you buy it here. This lot comprises French Serges,
Scotch Cheviots, Mannish Worsteds, Novelty Materials,
iH English Mixtures, etc. Every
Suit m this lot belongs to the
high-class lines. It's only by
mere chance in buying that
enables us to offer them at this un
usual price.. The maker needed the
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
Reg'. $1.75 Kid
Gloves at $1.35
2000 pairs of women's fine Kid
Gloves, the well-known and popu
lar Brighton and Avalon makes;
pique or overseam, with Paris
point backs. Black, white and all
colors; our best $1.75 fijl OC
values, special, the pr. P
we wanted the
values to $45 for
We are agents for
ebrated Chocolates
Maillard's Cel
: and Bonbons.
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
Re. 85 c Union
Suits Only 63 c
For today '8 Surprise Sale in the
knit underwear section we offer
Women's Union Suits, low neck,
sleeveless styles, trimmed or plain,
tight knee or umbrella style; all
sizes in the lot; regular 0
85c values, special, the suit vJOC
Kid Gloves
$3.50 Values
Special at $2.4-5
Women's fine quality Kid Gloves,
12 and 16 button lengths, black,
tan and cream colors, also black
Suede in the 16 button CO A C
length. Values to $3.50 PJ
Kayser 16 button length Silk
Gloves, black, white (f
and all colors. Pair P vU
$35 Suits at $18.25
All high-grade, new style Suits in a good
selection of colors and materials. Per
fect fitting, exceptional (CI Q OC
values to $35, special, at P
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
Reg'50c Lisle
Hose3Pr. $1
Surprise sale in the hosiery store,
main floor, of Women's Gauze
Lisle Stockings with double hem
tops, extra spliced foot; all sizes.
Hermsdorf dye. ' Our
50c values, 3 pair for
300 Women's Waists
$3.25 Values 98c
SilK Petticoats
$10 Vals. $5.45
$2.50 Hand
Bags at $1,27
Of course you want quality; you won't
buy a bag just because it 'a cheap. For
today we offer 275 satin and moire
Bags, the latest shapes and best sizes.
Gilt or silver frames, with double cord
handles; very striking in appearance,
very popular styles. Worth 1 07
$2.50 each, special price, ea.
Here's another surprise for today. Every
woman admires beautiful waists and every
woman who reads this ad. is going to want
one of these splendid values at these prices.
300 Waists comprise this assortment and the styles are the
very latest high or Dutch neck effects, with long or short
sleeves, and kimono styles, trimmed with dainty Valenciennes
laces, Cluny laces and embroidery. Button front or
back. Regular values to $3.25, specially priced at
PETTICOATS of fine quality messaline and jersey silk tops,
with plaited or tucked silk flounces; black and all mj
wanted colors; adjustable tops; vals. to $10, spec'l pOgQ
gee 'em yoall buy. Valoes are great at $1.60 and $2,
are positively remarkable bargains at the special price.
LOT 3 Doesn't seem possible, but it is. We bought this lot of
shirts at half price and pass them on to yon at the same
ther Ilats sold at
rednctiens. Good $1.25 valnes, specially priced at only
Cheshire Eats are made especially for our
Had them made just a little better than o
particular trade.
Men's Sox
35c Vals.
17c a Fair
Beat it if you can. They are the
best we ever saw. Come and aee
what you think of them. Fine
quality cottons and IislM in plain
black, tan and fancy pat- "I Wg
terns. 2oc and 35c values -
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
BatH Room
$1.50 Plate -glass Shelf, $1.25
55o nickel Towel Bars for 391
50c glass Towel Bars tdr 35
85c Bath Spray and Tube, 65?
$1.00 Toilet Paper Holder at 75
15e Toilet Paper Holder for 10
75c Bath Seat, rubber ends, 59f
50o Tumbler Holders at only 33 e
30c nickel Towel Bar only 25
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
r us
e s
Scrub Brush 11x24, gray 1 f
Tampieo stock, loe value vC
or vegetable Brushes C
handles. Sc values for
Dust Brushes, all white Off-,
bristle. Eejrular 50c values "JC
Floor Brushes, 14-inch ffl AQ
size, $1.33 values, for
$16 Coat
Sp'l $9.98
100 new stylish Coats on sale in
the Jtsasement "Lnderpnce store.
Materials are pongee silk and
light weight serge, full length.
perieotly tailored new sailor col
lar effects, trimmed in contrasting
roiors or emDroidered. TQ qo
Regular $16.50 values J.i0
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
In Aprons
Regular 40c
Specl 23c
la the apron store, second floor, a
sale of White Lawn and Amos-
keag Gicgham Aprons, large size,
with deep hems and wide strings.
Our regular 40o values,
Surprise Sale eaeh only"'''
lOOOWom's Fine
$1.75 Waists 98c
In the Basement "Underpriee Store" 1000 new
dainty Lingerie Waists, made of fine lawn, and
trimmed with Valenciennes laee, embroidery and
insertion, styled with high or low necks,QQ
long or short sleeves, sizes 34 to 44, eachfOC
CORSETS, 300 pairs of Ren go Belt Corssts, sizes
24 to 36, made of fine quality coutil and batiste,
short and medium models, 6 hose sup- Pt f(
porters. Our regular $2.50 values, pair P XJZf
BasKet of
Pure Foods
At $3.00
Here's a sample of the high-grade foodi
sold by us. Everything in the basket
guaranteed to give satisfaction or your
money will be promptly refunded to you.
Order by phone. Exchange 12 A 6231.
25 pounds of Cane Sugar only 551.00
1 pound Layer Raisins for only 15
1 package Imported Macaroni for 20
1 jar Long's Preserves for only 25
1. package of Graham Crackers 10
1 can of if. J. B. Pineapple only 20
2 cans of Fancy Maine Corn for 23
1 bottle Blue Label Catsup for 25
1 can Sifted Peas, special, only 20
1 pound Imported Roast Coffee 40
1 "Market Basket, all for the J0 (f
special low price today, each pJJf
Home Bakery
& Delicatessen
Fourth Floor
Home-made Bread, French Pastry, etc,
all kinds of prepared meats, solids, etc.,
ready to serve. Take elevator to 4th fir.
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
The most practical Petticoats for the new medium !C
and narrow skirts, values to $10.00. Special price."?
Foig'ee Silli Coats
For Children, $3.5Q-$4.5Q
S6.50 Values
Spec'l $4.98
Close Marseilles weave in rich
stripe effects, concealed spreader
at head with pillow, wide extra
full valance, double strings with
rope and cords; colors are tan and
white, black and white, QQ
green and white; $6.50, PtwO
Children's Pongee Silk Coats, box style,
black velvet collars. Specially priced at
Pongee Silk Coats, box style, with plain collar and
85c Union
Suits 59c
In the Basement "Underpriee"
Store a sale of Men's Union Suits.
Balbriggan and mesh mads of fin
est Egyptian yarns, closely woven,
neatly finished, perfect fitting.
Sizes 34 to 44. Our;regu- CQ
lar 85c values at, the suit'7-
We are agents for the famous
"Merode" Underwear. Our new
Spring lines are splendid. See them
cuffs, made of good, heavy material. Come
in ages 2 to 6 years, specially priced at only
Our Infants' Department is located on the second floor.
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
$10 Go-cart
Spec'l $7.69
Collapsible Go-Cart, rubber-tired
wheels. Good strong hood, storm
shield front, wind shield back,
very light weight, easy flj7 f?Q
running. $10 value for P v
Go-Cart, lightweight rubber-tired
wheels, willow back, (1 QQ
wood seat, $3.25 vals. P S'O
At lU Off
In the infants' and children's de
partment, 2d floor, a sale of chil
dren's Straw Bonnets in all the
fancy braids, neatly trimmed in
ribbons and flowers. Prices rang
ing from $2 to $8.75 are Ia
now on sale at reduction of I
Our Regular $3.5Q House
Dresses Special 1.69
Regular $1.5Q Grade
Undermuslins for 91c
In the Basement "Underpriee Store" a sale of 2000 House
Dresses, made of splendid ginghams and percales in light,
medium and dark colors, a splendid assortment of patterns
and styles. Well made. Sizes 34 to 44. Our J1 (ZCk
regular $2.50 and $3.50 values. Special price piIZJ
UNDEBMUSLINS, Gowns and Drawers, made of fine long
cloth. Gowns are well made and trimmed with em- Q 1
broidery, lace and insertion. Drawers circular cut.
Our 1131st Surprise Sale
$3.00 High
Chairs $2.19
$3 Croquet
Sets at $2.29
Fourth floor. Golden Ash High
Chairs, wide 6eat, largo TO I Q
tray, regular $3 value 7
Croquet Sets, 8 balls, long handled
mallets, hard maple, ffO ?Q
well made. $3 grade f