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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1911)
TTTE MOTIVTVO OTlEnONTAN.- T1TIIRSDAY APRFL 27, 1911. BUTTING BEE GOES VICTOR OVER HOG AN IN LAST NIGHT'S FIGHT. EXCITING CONTEST TO SEATTLE CREWi Locals Get More Hits Than Visitors, but Sacramento Has Great Luck. Roadsters Have Lead Until Broadway's Latest Slaughter of Bloomfield' Hit .Takes Place. PITCHER BUTLER IS HURT SENSATIONAL PLAYS MADE 12 NT GARNER 1111 ii" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - H F. I "' "'r ' .ood Work In Fir Id Prevents Bcvcr Orel-taking Rivals. Who Win by Hitting Kallc-rtoii Op portunely la Two Innings. TKCltlC COAST LUG IE. TnlfHii'i RraUti. Sirni-nro 2. Portland 1. Oaklaad . 5aB Francisco 2. V.rnaa I. Lorn Anfeles X Studio; mt thm riab. t si si? I 1;? 3 3 I 3 a n HI?! l 7 f I 0 i -CB. fi n Fra. . Vernon .... f4k,:aTi't ... L. Aorl . 11; 1 li 1. 3. 3 It!' .f.TI 3, 1 . . I , I l.l1 .4 t l, r 1 3 IS, .4. l.nt n i: 13 is i is - nr w. j. PETRAIV. Walter McCredlo started Charley Ful lerton acatnst the Sacramento train yes terday, and J. I'at.iy O'Kourke's huskies took ao k'.nd'.y to hi ofTerlnss that they ran up a run In each of the first two trainee, and Portland wa unable to get more than one tally over, even though ratting Jark Kit fte raid, for nearly twice a. many hit aJ the TlMtors registered. The result n. therefore, a 2-to-l victory for the Senatorial squadron. The game was well played by both club. Sacramento bad all of the cus tomary ban bail lack going with the tme. however, and several phenomenal Infield stops and outfield catches held the Beavers to one lone run. when the variance of a foot or two In any one of several drives would have slven the locals a flock of runs. It was one of thse exciting and ken!y Interesting games In which there was Just enough good hitting to keep the fans on the edge of expectancy, and t 'joyed up w'th the hope of an eventual batting rally which would land us the victory but the rally did not come, koestner Goes In. After the Senators bad pulled across a run In each of the first two inninjts. Voredle substituted Elmer Koestner lor Fu.lerton. Koestner pitched a splendid came, Starting Id the third Inntna;. the big. silent twirler allowed but three h't. and was master of the situation t all times. Had he started the game, the tale might have been different. Regrets, however, are useless. Any how, those who saw yesterday s game were treated to a One exhibition, for tiie fleldlng waa excellent and all the runs scored were due to hard-hitting at (Imely intervals. The enators rot the lump on "our hos" by hunchin? a ronple of doubles In the first. Shlnn as an easy out. but Vi:ourke smashed B'-e of FuIIrrtons choicest for two sacks. Thomas was out at first and then "Babe'- ranz!ir. formerly one of "our tribe." tarn me J out another two-nasger. reentering his Celtic captain for the first run of the game. In the second canto. Kullerton soaked Toung Helster In the slats ar.d Iutch" rvhen sacrificed. Thornton fanned and tnincs looked axrea4le. How ever. Fullerton lost Fltxaerald by his Inability to locate the plate and four wide ones put the Senatorial twirler tn first. Jimmy Shlnn then out -rue-wed Kullerton and planted a Ions; two-bit-cer to left center, on which Helster scored, but Fltxseraid was held at tiilrd. and O'Rourke ended the tnnln by a chance to Kogers. That waa all for Sacramento, for Koestner proved invincible, but it was enough, for the Heavers could not damage Jack Fltx xcrald effectively. Cltance to Score Lot ln the third Innlnc Portland bad ts. most s'.orlous chance to win the game, but luck went against the home riuo. Koestner opened the Innlna with . hlnrl to left. fhadbourne followed suit and Buddy Ryan's hunt went for ihirj hit in the Inning because It raiiaht both Shlnn and Klterald nap pine, and the bases were full w-lth none out. Sheehans fly to Van Buren was too close for Koestner to score, and Coue-h then forced the pitcher at the piate. Irrhtun made a seneatlonal stop of Barry's" croundcr and retired txirh for the third out at second. The Beavers- lone run came in the sixth, when Barry got two bases on a drive to left which Helster failed to stop, and scored on a double by Rog ers With Couch on third In the eU-hth. Van Buren robbed Rettera of another double by a great catoli. sav ins; the grime for Sacramento. Score of yesterdsy" ganie follows. 8ACKAMKNTO. AB R H FO A K FMnfi. . H-ur. Sb. Thcinas. e ... tNMiitv lb.... 1 an Buren. ef . li'sir. If... 1 rrhn. ss .. T..rT.!'o. rf.. PltJSTSld. P.. Q 1 w " I . ". 4 1 - " ...... a 1 S T"ta;a SI 5 PORTLAND. AH It i a o I Totals 10 :t i Matted v Vorray la ninth. Baited t r Kacaiacr In ninth. S--lKE BT 1XMSOS. T;.m'0,0..::::::::::i. fTUMMART. struck eut b Fullerton 1. K'estner s. Fingera.d 1. Usees on talis lff Fuller mo 1. ritiserald 5. Tw--base VRoorke. DanXS. Sheehan. fhlua. R-xluers 5. Sacrlfl. hlt Lerrh.n 2. hrry. " rifb.d ball llit by rullertnn. Innlnc. Tvilrhed by ru:i.'toa & Base hit. Off Kul-1-rtoo s. run. "- Chars, d'feat to Fl-l.-tnn. Time of game: l.SUw rmplrs HUdtEbtacU. . . . ..... - . -m. TB ... ... 'W I . Vi-r.MfV Vernon's Rally In Eighth- Ninth and Trnth I.oe for 1nm Angeles. lAd XNGnT.Kg. AprU 2. Willi lis hslboome. If " ;.n. ef hrt.ehan. 3b J " -. I- J ' ... klnpauf h. ss I. -..-r.. UB J Mutr.r j t'qlierton. P " Vvrner P J ? HrMersoa .... Kaba .; .v: 'I . ' . P 'V-'. - :.l AD WOLGAST. score standing f to apramsi inem at the end of Lbe seventh innlntr today. the Vernonites turned defeat Into vic tory by bunching hits in the eighth, ninth and tenth. Delhi, backed by clean fielding, had the game well In hand until the ninth, when hits by Brashear. Stlnson. Bur- rell and Sheehan tied the score. Couch- man then displaced Delhi and the flrst three Vernonites up In the tenth nllc I the bases. Patterson scored on a wild pitch and a single by McDonnell sent Brashear and Stlnson home. Ten In nlngs. The score: It. H. E.I R. H. E. Vernon ....7 1 J 4, Los Anttelcs i 11 0 Batteries Stewart, Brackenrldge. Carson and Brown, Hogan; Delhi, Couchman and Smith. OAKS FATTEN" BATTING RECORD San Francisco Is Given Drubbing to Tone of 8 to 2. SAN FRANCISCO. April Is. Oakland fattened Its batting average while ad ministering a sound drubbing to the locals today. Seven tallies against the Seals two bad been run up by th Oaks In the sixth Inning, when for an hour rain Interfered with the game. With the resumption of play Oakland added another run to its score. Jim Wlggs held the locals to but two hits. On the other hand. Wlllard Alelkle last ed only six Innings for the Seals. He waa replaced by Frank Eastley. Score R. H. E. Oakland ... it lSan Fran ler les Wlggs and Jditxe Kastlcy and Ryan. R.H. E. .1 J Melkle, N.yiONAL I.KfilK. Won. Lost. P. C. Philadelphia. . : .!H I'M-aco. J 1 .7 piit.uu-r 4 . S. Tork - Imlnn.tL . 1 .11 Huston . 4 t .33 M. t.oul 3 7 .ZOO Brooklyn. 3 S .'.'73 CIBS CAPTURE RAGGED GAME Chance Hurt at Cincinnati and Will lie Out S-everal Weeks. CIXC1VXATI. O.. April it. Chicago defeated Cincinnati. 10 to . today in the most ragged game played on the local grounds this season. Reulbach and Mcyulllen were both liberal with bases on balls and both were retired for this reason. Manager Chance, of Chicago, sprained bis ankle while sliding horns In the sixth Inning and will be out of the came several weeks. Score: R. H. E l R. H. E. Chicago ..10' 10 lldncJnantt ..8 4 Batteries Tieulbarh. Richie. Brown and Archer. Kllng: McQulllen. From me and Mclean. Umpires Brennan and Olsr. New York , Boston 3. NKW TORK. April Is. New Tork outplayed Boston In all ways this af ternoon and won, I to J. Raymond, while hit freely, was effective when men were on bases. Score: R. H. E l R. H. E. Boston.. ...11 t;Nw Tork . . 1 1 2 Batteries Mattern and Graham: Raymond and Wilson. Umpires John, stone and Kason. Philadelphia, 10. Broooktyn . BROOKLYN. April I. Philadelphia turned the tables on Brooklyn today. 10 to S. The visitors battled hard and took advantage of Dahlen s colt pitch ers. Score: R.H. E-l R. H. E. Fhlladcl ..10 14 l!Rrooklyn ...3 7 3 Batteries Alexander and Dooln: Ryan. Knetxer, Ragnn and Bergen. Umpires Klem and Doyle. Pittsburg 2, bt, Ixuls 1. FT. IXH'IS. April S6. A double, a sacrifice, a single and an error enabled Pittsburg to score two runs in a sen satlonal nlnth-Innlng rally and defeat ed the local team In the final game of the series. S to I. In the third Inning Ilauser drove the ball Into the left Held seats for a borne run. Score: R. H. E-l R- II- E. Pittsburg .2 7 o;3t- Louis ...1 1 Batteries Steele, Nag.e and Gib son: Golden and Rresnahan. Umpires Rlgler and Flnneman. Teams desiring to enter Saturday Afternoon Baseball League to compete for Reach cup are requested to report without fall to Joe Addleman. at the Columbia Hardware Co. this week. Experiments with the susar beet are wn er way oa 2H tanns la lb. Vnited Klng- WOLGASTSWNHEH "One-Round" Hogan Lasts Less Than Two Rounds. CHAMPION RALLIES FAST In Latter Part oL First Three Min utes Michigan Lad Is Taken Off Ills Feet but He -"Comes Back" and Opponent "Quits Cold." NEW YORK. April IS. Ad Woljrast. of Michigan, stepped from the ring In the Madison Athletic Cluh tonlxht still lightweight champion of the world. In the second round of what was to have been a 10-round bout, be caught "One Round" Hogan. of California, a terrific left swing to the Jaw, followed by a heavy right to the .wind and In stantly had Hogan In distress. A moment more and the latter's seconds threw up the sponge. Quick to see his advantage when he had dazed Hogan. Wolgust followed him up relentlessly. - lie poured In a steady volley of right and left swings to either side of the Jaw. rocking Ho gan's head, beating down his guard, and driving him helplesly . arpund the ring. Hogan Is Helpless. Hogan stood swaying from side to side, his hands banging limp against his thighs, while Wolgast pounded his bloddy fare and still ho could not seem to land the decisive punch. But after a little more than a minute and a half of the second round. Hogan turned his buck on the ring and faced bis own corner and aknowledged defeat. He lifted his hand to his seconds and they signalled to the referee that they con ceded the fight. Before entering the ring. Hogan an nounced that If he were beaten decl- vely lie would never fight again. -In the tlrst round. It seemed as If he might prove worthy of the title to hip nick name of "One Round." He found little difficulty in stabbing the champion with an effective straight left, and, swinging to the Jaw with a heavy right hand sweep, hart Wolgast for a moment rock ing and dazed against the ropes. But Wolgast's wonderful powers of reetiper- tlon came to his rescue. He rallied. fought back again, and at the bell was smiling. When the second round opened, he was as fresh as ever. Wolgast's whole fight was at close range. He was will ing to take punishment for a chance to get at close quarters where he could rip In short heavy punches to the wind. and close coupled nppercuta. Jeffries Sees Bout. At the ringside were J. J. Jeffries. former heavy weight champion: Toung Grlffo. former lightweight champion: "Knockout" Brown, Abe Attell. Owen Moran. Freddie Welsh. Tommy Murphy, Packey MrFarland, and Iach Cross. The detailed story of the fight follows: Ro4 Oae. Both men rushed Into a clinch. Wol gast played for the chin with short up percuts. Hogan stabbed the champion with four lefts. They exchanged punches and In the clinches Wolgast shot short uppercuts to the Jaw. Tho champion was willing to tske straight lefts for a chance to get to close quarters. Hogan hammered Wolgsst with terrific rights and lefts. Wolgast seemed dazed. The house went wild, but Wolgast rallied and the bell found him smiling. Both men were bleeding t the mouth. Rouad Two. They rushed Into another clinch. Ho gan took a heavy left hook to the Jaw, and was badly dazed. Wolgast fol lowed his man vigorously, putting rights and lefts to the face. It waa slaughter. Wolgast bored In constantly and with fearful left and right hooks to the wind and Jaw had- Hogan so dazed he could barely bold up his head. The Callfornlan rolled from one corner of the ring to the other, trying feebly to ward off Wolgast vicious attacks. His knees wobbled under him and as he staggered 'toward bis corner he lifted bis hand In mute appeal to Referee White. He could go 'bo further. Ho gan s second s then- threw up the sponge, and Referee White waved Wol gast back to bis corner. Th round lasted two minutes. Paring Portland's Hitting- Rally Overcome Enemies' Big Lead, Speas Slams Liner at Pat, Breaking Letter's FJnger. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Results. Seattle 12. Portland s. Spokane 8. Victoria S. Vancouver T. Tacoma 1. Standing of the Clubs. rltf n CLCB3. pd1c.ine .. Seattle . . . , Vancouver Tscoma .. . Victoria . . Portland . 8 . RKfl III .7.V1 4 .KK ,3:1.x .3:i3 Ixt SEATTLE. Wash.. April 28. (Spe cial.) With the. score 2 to 1 in favor of Portland at the beglning of the last half of the seventh inning, Seattle bombarded Bloomfield for nine clean hits. Including a double, a triple and two homers, netting seven runs. The locals took kindly to Dorland, who replaced Bloomfield and rushed over four more In the eighth. Portland made a game rally In the ninth, scor ing four on three hits and incidentally putting Pitcher Pat Butler In the hos pital, perhaps ending his days as a twirler. Final score: Seattle, 12; Port land. . Tho Injury to Butler was a broken finger, and, most unfortunately for him It was the forefinger of his pitching hand. Speas drove a terrlflce liner straight at him in the ninth. He could not get out of the way. Ball nits With Thud. The ball struck with a thud that could be heard in the rear of the grandstand and rolled over into short territory where Raymond grabbed it. but not In time to get the runner at first. Butler suffered Intense pain and Imost fell to the ground, but pulled himself together and walked to the clubhouse where he was. attended by a physician. Jack Tlghe says that It is Impossible to tell whether the injury will put him out of the pitching bus- nese Seaton finished the game, and with two men on and one over when Butler retired, had a little trouble ending the proceedings. He walked the first man. filling the bases. Harris went out at flrst, but one more came over. Dorland followed with a hit and two more gotJ over. A force at second ended the game. Bloomfield Wizard for Time. Although Bloomfield was batted out of the box by one of the hardest bom bardlngs a pitcher ever received in Se attle, be was a wizard for six innings, allowing only three scattered hits and holding Seattle to one run, due to wide throw to first by Mensor, a hit- and-run scheme worked by Leard, which advanced tho runner from first to third, and an infield out. He had perfect control, and showed an assort ment of curves that was worm iook- lng over. Granting that ha got it In the neck for one inning, he still looks like a swell twirler and should be beard from. Yesterday's score In detail: SEATTLE. AB R H 4 ro 5 E O Cocash. cf ta idson If. 1 2 2 1 3 o 2 0 0 0 0 Bues. 3b. o o Weed. rf... Leard. 2b. . Kadlng. lb. Fpencer. c. Butler, p.. Semton. p. . Totals .. 1 0 0 o o 0 16 . 34 12 PORTLAND. AB ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4 ... 3 .. . 4 ... 3 ... 4 I ... 1 .. .84 H 0 0 2 1 ' O 1 1 1 . o o 1 PO 1 s 1 n A 1 0 0 -0 o a 1 o o Mensor. ss.... Casey. 2b Stnvall. c-f Munrtorff. rf.. Williams, lb.. fracas. If Ort. Sb Harris, e. . . . . . Wlcn. field, p. Miller -Eorland, p.... Totals 24 13 Batted for Bloomfield in efrhth. SCORE BT INNINGS. Seattle . Portland 0I00O0T4 x 12 0 000002 04 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Weed 3, Raymond. Harris. Three-base hits lard. Homo runs But ler. Bues. Eight runs and 12 hits off Bloom field In seven Innlnirs; 4 runs and 4 hits off Torlnd In one Inning:; 3 runs 6 hits off But ler In 8 1-3 lnnlns. ' 3 runs and 1 hit off Beaton In 2-3 of one Innlnft. Struck out By Butler 8. Bloomfield 5. Dorland 1. Bases on balls Butler 1. Keaton 1. Bloom field L Hit by pitched ball Mentor by Kutler. n eea ana jvaaing- oy uorlsnd. Passed ball Shea.-' Left on base. Se attle A. Portland S. Umpires Kane and Ubacklerord. INDIANS OtTBATTKD BCT AVIX Good Work on Basos and Fine Field ing Save Par at Spokane. SPOKANE. Wash.. April 16. Al though outbatted. Spokane won from Victoria today 8 to 5. by good work on bases and fine fielding. Willis was strong in the pinches bat eased up In the ninth, suid Victoria scored three runs. The score: VICTORIA. AB R II PO A E Pa vis. If 4 2 1 1 0 0 Raymer. 2b. 1 2 S 8 0 Million. Cf. 0 ' 3 3 0 0 (loodman. .lb S 0 110 1 Householder, rf. ' 0 1 2 0 0 Kellar. as 2 0 0 O 2 3 Roddick, ss. X O 1 0 S n Manes, lb. 4 O 1 1 0 ABhwood. e. ...3 o o 3 0 1 McCreery, p 3 n 1 t i n Thomas 3 0 1 1 1 o Hsmanway, c 0 O 0 1 0 0 Totals ' 4 S 11 24 10 4 SPOKANE. AB R H PO A K Xetxel. 3b 4 1 0 1 4 O Cooney. as. 4 0 1 4 3 0 Krl.k. rf .1 2 1 O 0 0 Nordyke. lb 4 1 0 11 1 o Zimmerman. cf......3 2 1 2 0 0 Tatincher. lib. 4 1 1 2 2 1 XJpparU If 1 3 0 0 0 to V 1 OurNew English Model Poiitz; Clothes Shop 285 MORRISON STREET Crystal Billiard Parlors AT 145 THIRD ST." .This elegant Dlace of IS tables will ue inruwn open tonignc at b o ciock. Everybody cordially invited. J. T. ENNIS. Mgr. Hasty, .. .4 ...4 Willis, Totals 33 8 7 27 15 SCORE BT IXNINGS. Victoria 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 .1 jokane 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 SUMMARY. Two-base hit Kiooert. Three-has nit Million. stolen bases Million, Goodman, Householder (2), Netze VI). Cooney. Frisk (-). Zimmerman, Tauscher. Klppert (2). Ftruck out By Willis. 6: by McCreery. 3. eases on bails By Willis 3. bv .McCr.erv 4. WHO pitches Willis. McCreery. Left on bases-r-victorla, 11. Spokane. 5. Time, 2:00 umpire, ix-nganecker. TIGERS SLAIN" BY VANCOUVER Canadians Hit Geeham Hard. Clinching Game Vlth Tacoma. VANCOUVER, B. C, April 26. Van couver hit Geehan hard in the first in ning today, scoring four runs and clinching the game, which they won, 7 to 1. Mike Lynch replaced Geehan in the fifth and held the locals to one hit In the succeeding Innings. Score: VANCOUVER. AB . 3 . 5 . 4 . S . 8 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 PO 1 1 5 .1 3 7 3 4 0 Brlnker, cf . . Bennett. 2b . Brashear, rf . Fwaln. If Harrison. 3b Strelb. lb .. Fcharnweber. Sptesman, c Chappelle, p Totals 36 7 10 27 - TACOMA. AB R H PO A 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 Warren, rf 4 O 1 1 Bassey. If 4 114 Rockenfeld. 21 4 O O 3 Lynch, cf. p 3 0 ! 2 Coleman. 3b 4 0 0 0 Bums. s. cf.. ...... 4 0 2 0 Fl.hor. lb 4 0 1 .8 Devout, o 4 0 0 Geehan, p .......... 2 0 1 0 McFadden, ss a 0 0 1 Totals 35 1 8 24 4 -SCORE BY INNINGS. Vancouver ....4 1 1 1 0000 1 Tacoma 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 SUMMARY. Two-bfiso hit Strain. Stolen bases Ben nett. Strelb, Harrison f3. Sacrifice hits Brlnker 2. Seven hits and 7 run off Gee han In four tnntnss: on. hit and no run. off Lynch In 4 Innings. Htruck out By Chap- elle a. D.r uernan 1, by Lynch 3. Bases on balls Off Chapelle 1. off Geehan 0, off Lynch I. Hit by pitcher Harrison. Left on bases -Vancouver 8. Tacoma 9. Time of game 1:27. umpire Ward. AMERICAN" LEAGUE. Won. Lost. ..1 1 .. 4 -.6 5 .. S ..4 5 .. i 7 ..4 C .. t P. C Detroit Boston ...... New York .. .909 .SCO .500 ..-s .444 Chlcairo. . ... Washington. Cleveland. . .4t Philadelphia. .400 St. Louis .... HITS ARE BCXCHED OS SAPS Detroit's Work In Fourth and Scy enth Is Cleveland's Undoing. DETROIT, April 28. Detroit bunched hits in the fourth and seventh innings and defeated Cleveland today, 9 to 6. WIHetCs home run In the fourth, which struck the centerfleld fence and scored Moriarlty ahead of him, was the fea ture. Score: Cleveland.. 6 10 lDetrolt 9 14 1 Batteries Yingling, Mitchell and Land; Wlllett, Works and Stanage. Philadelphia 7, AA'ashlngton 2. PHILADELPHIA, April 26. Wash ington was again defeated here today, the score being 7 to 2. Groom weak ened in the fifth inning, when three hits. Including doubles by Oldring and Collins, two bases on balls and an er ror netted five runs. The inning wound np by Milan making one of the greatest one-handed running catches ever seen at Shibe Park, the play robbing Davis of a possible home run. Score: Washington 2 6 3Philadelphla 7 6 1 Batteries Groom and Street; Bender and Thomas. Boston 11, New Tork 8. BOSTON, April 26. In a slow game Boston defeated New Tork, 11 to 8. to day. The home team knocked Abies out of the box In the second but lost form later, Clcotte being retired by the visitors in the eighth. Score: Boston.... 11 13 6New Tork. .8 12 6 Batteries Cicotte. Hall and Carrlgan; Abies, Brockett. and Blair, Walsh. - Indians Defeat Salem. SALEM, Or., April 26. (Special.) BLACKSTONE I i 'iMlii. ' fifnnnin(T af THR RT . A PnTSTONF. Jc il Stopping at THE BLACKSTONE is one of the pleasures of a business trip to Chicago. In the dinine rooms, cither at luncheon, dinner or after the theatre, one sees the social life of Chicago. The Club Grill for men is one of the dis tinctive features of THE BLACKSTONE, giving the stranger in Chicago an opportunity to enjoy all the comforts of a metropolitan club. At mid-day ft is the meeting place of the representative business men of Chicago. There are. rooms t THE BLACKSTONE especially designed for directors' meetings and conferences. Located on Michigan Ave., at Hubbard Place,' facing the lake front, it is within walking distance of the business district, the banks, the retail shops and the theatres. The quiet dignity and elegance which characterize THE BLACKSTONE create an atmosphere dis tinctly different from that of any other hotel in the United States. And the prices charged at THE BLACKSTONE are no more than you would expect to pay at any first class hotel Single rooms with lavatory, - " $2.50 and up. Single rooms with bath, ... 3.50 and up. Large, double rooms with bath, - 5.00 and tip. Parlor, reception hall, bedroom and bath, 10.00 and up. (Each bedroom has an outside window) The Drake Hotel Co. Oivneri and Manager! 8 ,T il mi I .1. In a. game characterized by many er rors the baseball team of the Chemawa Indian School defeated the Willamette L'nlversity team by a score of 11 to 5. The feature of the game was the base running by the Indians. State Treas urer Kay umpired the game. Hair Health If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble Take Advan tage of This Offer. We could not afford to-so strongly indorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it aa we do. If we were not certain that It would do all we claim It will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that If your hair Is beginning to unnatural ly fall out or If you have any scalp trouble. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that we know what we are talking about. Out of one hundred test cases Rexall "93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction In ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will grow hair even on bald heads, when, of course, the baldness had not existed for so long a time that the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not be come absolutely lifeless. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly dif ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that it will do more than any other human agency toward re storing hair growth and hair health. It Is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure cold , water. ' Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic 1 so strong that we ask you to try It on our positive guarantee --that your money will be cheerfully refunded without question or quibble if it does not do as we claim. Certainly we can offer no; stronger argument. It comes In two sizes, prices 60 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain It only at The Owl Drug Co Inc., Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. fw f-ri i ii ii . ii i ,M u , i . ii .ii.ii , mi l:-' ''i' '' " " " ' ij -gf ;! ) if 1 hi nn. i , BEAUTIFUL BEACH HOMES OVERLOOKING THE PACIFIC OCEAN We have many excellent building sites at Gearhart Park, Oregon's all-year-round resort, the most attractive and fascinating seaside resort on the Pacific Coast. Information regarding sites for the cottage or bungalow, prices of property and terms at office of RUTH TRUST CO. 235 Stark St., Portland, Or. When nothing else will start dirt You KNOW SAPOLIO WILL DO IT Works Without Waste CLEANS-SCOURS-POUSHES