TTTE MORMXG OKI-GOXIAX. 1VEDXESDAY, APRIL 26, 1011. . ' - I '. T. IS Poo! at Eddyville Sells at 39.65 Cents a Pound. QUICK JUMP OF 2 CENTS rrjou Market Xow 5 CenU Above the Top Eastern Qnotallon. Competition Between Vc tiH East. Thin j. are getting STtcltlng In h m a!r trad. The mrkil prle of th prod Bet Riml ta cut no rur, with blddr at th pool salea. ElUisr th kx-al dealers ar trying to run up tho prlc o th East ni satlla. or tho rprtatlva " tho East em poop:o ar trying to nii h locml anaaafaclurert pay wll for wht tasy fcuy. At K4drl!lo yesterdsr tho arte of w hair woo fotrod ap to J9.63 cr.I. por pound. Thla lo nearly S ent raor tLaa woo paid tho dr kororo at Hlllaboro. Tho prloo Is as? about ernta or tho Now Tark aud Bootoa aootatloa. It brines tho coot of Or, am mohair laid m la tho Eaat a pari -.r with mm of tho bottor gradoa of foraiga hatr. Tho steep prlc. roaehod at tho Eddyvt.1 a: waa otthor tho roault of a scrap among tho byra. or iw to tho blddora bon-a Bdaly osrltod by tho competition. What vr cause It. tho la that part af Lincoln, Cooaty aro as bo eongrnrolat4 cm getting tha taiga prtra pa, hi many year for mohair Tho tUWlrio at sMdyvtll started My low and waa advanced a cuarttr at a tiro nntll tho IP-rent mark waa passed. Than tho competition beram mora pirud. Xm aaoat for Thoodoro Be-rnhelm Co. pot ta a hid of . coata. which waa ralaad by Brown Co.-a man to V canta. Aa aaoat of Jlarfoar. Oathrla Co. raised thla bid to aa.a coats, and tha ontlra lot waa knocked dowa to him. As Italfour. Outhrto A Co. ara not !b tha mohair basing It la bollrrad they neted a Htnii fur lha Ho:tBomaa jnohalr mil la. Tho firms r.prosowa!lTO baa attaaaod tha dirrmct sale h.ld thla Spring. Tho EJJrrlilo pool contained aboat 1B.000 pun.l of nvhalr. la former ar tarlro as murh mohair waa offered tker. bwt In gol Industry has declined In that ara tt.m roroatry. A ronslderabta amount of hair Is chang ing la tho opoo markot at tho prices timrd al th auction sales- Oa Jaondxy ll'tman Mauser boasht for tho Sanford m.:.s a lot of about aoOw pound at Kooo turr at IT cm:. Tl'ro will bo a pool oalo at Sodavlllo to snorruav. i.mao rnt pi h hat is Liwrrr.o. Bui orfartaBo Ara Mtaail and tho Orala la lory firmly Nrla. Tlio domaad fur wheal la tlmltod. bat so mils Is offorod that tha markot la krpt In a moat Orm poo It Ion. Tho bayora oa tho m.rk't aro PBt Sound and California milLri. bat their wants, thunch urtent at lima. arom small aad It la said that, oa th aholo. not oiror (KNP buohcla ara ehaac lnr baaJa daily bow. rtloootoam, which Is Tory orarco. la hold at Pi enta or mora with boyoro offcrtnc around PO conta. Rod Russian la also ta small supply. Kara club and 4o-fold aro offering- tbaa any other kind. Tho trada la oats and barley waa not hary. Craia men look for ship meats of barley bark Into tho Interior betura long. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by tha Xerehaata EichaBe-a aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay M.inliT T1 a 1 1 2 Tumwiar ..... l-t a T-.. a T"ar aj0...... to 5 & Tt f. to data.. !'''. B' "OAS anj feja Tear ago .... Svt 1224 1M3 10a saol TWO MT'CTf ASPABAOra OX MARKET. FrWo Breaks Badly With aa Local Ar Hraia. Tha market for asparag-aa baa broken bad ly, aa liberal local en-Ira Is has ooma aa top of a full supply of tha California prod Bet. Tho latter sold at almost any price. IS per box being tha limit on fancy. Aspara-g-ns from Tho Dallas aad Hood Blear of-' ferod at II 0 1.3 per doaon aad Walla Wat la asparagus waa quoted at HC1.1S. ' Fiona strawberries Bold well at 1X73 9 per crate. Tha ear of Southern California berrtea was out from Loo Ansel Monday air hi. Instead of being duo hera at that time, aa staled. Two care of bananas ar rived yesterday. Polk Cwawty Room Uok Well. T A 1.1. AS. Or.. April SS. (JpoclaX) Erory Indluatioa potsta to a hoary -bop crop la Polk Coaaty thla year. Many bopbuysra are coming lata tha county trying to con tract tha lll crop. Thsy ara offering IT cents very freely, but few of tho growers aro accepting. Tho growers feel satisfied that they will hara a good crop thla year, and that tha price wtll go coasldarahly higher than IT coata. aVnao af tha loading growers hero, who hav asada qulta a study af tha altuatloa. firmly believe that hope will go ta -S cents this year. Hoa Ara Hell lag Cheaper. Tha poultry markot waa decidedly weak jeeterday aad IS coats wss aaotrd aa a full price oa horns. Arrtvala wera moderate, but bayara declined to tako hold. EgB roootpta were small and tha markot wss fairly active and firm. mtter eras steady at tha lower prloo eo tabtlshed yeotrrdsy. Mop fro Outlook la Cermaay. Hemhard fting wrttea from Nuromburg. umter date of April 4: "Work ta our hopyards haa aommeacod. so rr as ran bo ascertained roots bava passed tho Winter satisfactorily. There la a- notable change oa our market. Tho stock Shi smaller compass tbaa eror b'-forc Prices ara tho asms aa quoted la rr y last report," Prwrto Proeworta la Feel. Cooaity. Dl.!as. Or.. April S3. NpoctaL Thouxh sntae of the fruit la Polk County was ln)ured br tho frost m April, following tre es-ra weather of ilsrcl. still It Is cot believed much damage was dona, and tha frultsrowers .look for a heavy yield. J. C Nuns, ano of tho leading fruitgrowers of th:s community, ballevea thla will be a banner year fur tho fruitmea. Tho princi pal crop raised now ara of prunes. Tho apple orchards are mostly young and not b-artug much. Baak Cteariaga. Rank clearings of the Northwestern eltlea yesterday were as follows: Clcsiince. Balances. pm-tlnnd II.."j';T P-attle 1.7'.n.j Ii.-,.."1J Taoorua ................. Too .3 4 3't Bpokaaa B40.S1 eu.TVB POBTLAND MARKET. Grabs. FTear. Weed. Etc BTTfAT Track prices: Bruestem. pneaic; el uh. ; rH Kuselaa. M r sic; Valley. BARI.ET "hulce feed. 2 per ton. Mlt-l-TUrF!S Br.ii. per too; mld'lUngs shorts. :5.ftt; rolled barley. rwa riAVX Patents. tit box barrel; MOHAIR SOARING straights. : sxporta. Ills; Valley. I4.SI; . i U V .'l- 1 . I eracked lit Per tOB. OAT No. 1 wUIto. l:l; 1 per ton. ( HA V 1 imothy. Kastcrn oreron. jvo. tZl.iOgX! : lliht miied. llVtf;": hesvy mixed. tll JOCJ 1.J0; nl.'a:ra. 1I5: clo ser, liiO( 1J.3U; grain hoy. lJ.S0l.ia Vegetables aad Fruits. 8A?K VEUETABl.KS Csrrota. Wcffll pet hundred, parsnips. Actllll turnips. 3 wll. t-eta 9tcull. TKOflCAL itlClTS Oraage. aaTSls. Si.ewvX.7 per bom; Florida grapefruit. !. teaforuia g.-apefruit. l.lliW. bscanss. 1 ISc per Ih.. ii.eapples. c per lb.; lemoaa. ii:. I.TTJ; tsr.cer.oes. l.t psr hoi. riltfU PRLIT Straw berrloa. Florin. JTliJ per crale; fncy g.v-.-x1: choice. ltfl..Vi. common. T&cl per bos. VKtiETAHI.Ks A.persgu crate, cabbage. LS par hundrodwolght. cauliflower, per due. t oe.ery. csll fuims. per crate; cucumbers. :. per doscn; sggpiaau Ja lb.: gsruc lVlto par lettuca. 6ic per uosen; hothouw lottuco. Illjllu per box; peas. IvvlSSe per pound; peppers, Ic per lh-1 radishes. 3u goo per doses; rnubarn. ltlii Pr box; sprouts. !c. tomatoes. Jv2.u. PUTATOKS uregon. Jobbing price, J 2.30 per hun.lred. new puisl'x-s. (a per pound. OMU.V3 Jobbltg prices: Oregon. per hundred; Australian. It per hundred. Imlrjr aad Country Producw. POfLTKT Hens. 18c: Lrollors. Sfcj turkers. i.'c: dyes.. i-Oc; geese, lie; dressed turkeys, ciiulce, Xic KKi urrl ranch, candled. SOtjSlC per diweo: cim count. ls per dose. IIISEE Full cresm. twins, lij per la.: I'vuni America. Ho. VtAL Faa.y. 84 ta 123 pounds. 10H lie per pound. BUTTtH City creamery extra. 1 and 1 pouad prists, la boxes, zo per pound: leas than sux lots, cartons and delivery extra I'OKK Fancy. lUtflOHc por poaad, bFHIMU UAiliit lc per pound. Crecertee, Dried Fruit. DRIXD FKCITS Apples. I0i:s0 per pound: curraata. US', apricots. llhCl'c; dates, package. )t wo per pound; Bga. bulk, a hue or biack. by sack. Ttc; -s. LiJt 1.JI: is-l.-s. Uc; Ji-Iis. l-s. fie; BmyrnsA lie 8ALMO.V Columbia Blver. t-pjund tails. M per dasen: -pound tails. 1 pound fists. i.40, Alaska plnx, 1-pound tails. 11 5. CoFFslsl Boasted. In drams. UBHo par pound. NLTS Walnuts. ITS Ho par pound; Brasll aula, liglk: nioerts. lie: a'.mosds. Its; it; pescans. lie; coooanuta. JI1 per doseo; chestnuts, J JSC Pr pojau; hickory But. SCrlSc per pound. HON el I Chotco. i.7t par case; strained, So per pound. SALT Oraaulated. Ill per tua; halt ground. Ivos. la per ton; BBS. I per tAa. BtAS'S bmall whits. Sc; lane white. 4Sc; Lima. S; pink. Sc; red Msxicai.s. lac; beyuu, so. KICF. No. 1 Japan. 4c; cheaper trades, fl.freut.l: Southera hesd. ISiyic; im ported lmrial. I c . Imported extra Ho, I. IHSt. -UOAR rry granulaud. fruit aid berry. i : yellow D. It.isr powdered. !.&. Terms oa remlttancea wlthia IS Ua, De duct He per pound; If Istsr than 1J daa sod within I ds, deduct lit per pound. Ala pie ougar. 110 1M per pound. Previa leas. TIAMit t to SI pound. llfylie: li ta 14 pounds. le4ttlVcl 14 to 18 pounds, li Sett 14 sc; skinned. 14c; picnics. 12 c; cotlase rlL Use HMuKrlU MEATS Boef tongues, lie; dried beef sets, none: outsldes. nons; In side. ;;r; knuckles. ZOc. BACON Fancy. :se; standard. Tic; choice. Uc; slnglleh. 17s. IltT SALT CLKKD Kexular short clesrs, i. . . . . - Jt 1,1 . . I. k ttK. ur j i v. lev, iim.r .-a1. " . ' a 1 alt. usee smoked. 14c: backs, heaty. salt. He; smoked. lSc: sx ports, salt, 14c; w i a a. h LAKl Ksttl remlered. tierces. HSc; tubs, 1 Sc;- standard, pur, tierces. Use: tuba. 11 So; cbolce, tierces. 14Sc; tuba, lasc: ahortoalac tierces. BS1 tubs. to. Oils. LINPEED OIL Purs raw. Is barrels. I1.02; boiled. In barrels. IL04: raw. la cas-s. II. -; boiled. In cases, 1.09. TL'RI'KNTINk: VHc; wood barrsla, 3Sc: Iron barrels. hc; 10-case lots, Mo. (iASOLJNb Motor gasoline. Iron barrels, ISSc: casea. 2Sc: 88 gasollna. Iron bar rels. IS;; cuss. J5St COAL, OIL Ordinary test, cases, lAOlec: bulk. In tank.. Sc; high test. 16 So. SHEEP MARKET IS FIRM NOTHING KLaSK AVA1UBLE IX) IT. TRADE AT THE VAHDS. TTnslKara. Wrtlirrs Sell mt $5.10 and Spring Lambs Find Buyers t $7. Tastaxday vu aa off day at tha stock yards, only a few loads of mutton stock being available for trada. Tha market for this class of stock waa firm, aa was shown by tho sale of wooled wethers al 13.10 and of Pp ring lamba at IT. Commenting oa tho markot for prime cat tle at tha eloaa of last wosk. tha Livestock Beportor says: Tha prima steers brought to tha market hy Kldwell caswelL which were fsd al Malad. Idaho, broufht a disappointing price to tbo shippers. . This htemoiit consisted of an unusually Stood tpe of beeves, but when placed on sale Fridsy brought only 6 wo. aberh wss pld ty the l'nion Meat Company. The last week showed that tho packers were filled lo their capacity, for little activity In salea was displayed by them. Tho top price oC tho weok was paid ly the F AS- Packing Company, when tliey raid ?."3 for a shipment f rum Mslau. riabo, which was sold ktoadar. One steer to; ped the market at 7.'J-. but outside of the few sales llttio activity predominated." Hocelpts yesterday were two oattlo and gap sheep. William Shepherd Mrava In :3d of tbo sheep and brought In lis by boat. Mr. llurdKh drove In ths cattle. Tha salss wera as follows: Wt Pries. Kl eol wethers H 3.10 M Spring lambs 34 T OO Prices currsat on ths various classes of stock at tha Portland Union Stockyards were aa follows: lTluie grain-fed atsera 18.739 $7.00 t hotc steers 4211 8 fr Good to choice eleers b-7tf B-t-u Fair to good stosrs. ..... . o.&t7 0.1. CVmraoa steers ........... 4.1ugr Aou prime eows - Abuts -0 Good to caulc oows ft.oV4 u.8 Fir to good cows. .. iv 8-uu I our COS. 4 V1i 4 38 'liulc heifers Life O.T3 t hole bulls .;if I 00 GKd to cnilce bulls ........... 4 b'iJ 4.73 Ct.oico llgnl calves kjiifl 8.73 Go.hI ta ebole light calve B.iHjJ .';3 Fa.r to medium llstil calves..... 7.3of auu (hole heavy calves 6 J0t 800 Fsir ta smJIjoi heavy calvea.... 4-oaf b-UO Choice stss . .V 1.23 1.30 Good to e-uice staga 4.3vif AO Fsir to msdiuxu stags a-awt M Uoss Chotce hogs t.OO T.I3 Good to Oiolco light hogs 8.73 T.ou Choice hesvy B.3 T.u Good to cbtnc heavy............ 4o.. 8.30 Common WJ 8-"0 Ho k h T.OO0 7 73 Grain-led wsthsrs. heavy 4.o"t? 3 O0 choice youug wethers, grain-fed. Auu'y o.a3 Old wetners 4.trt 4 31 Good to choice .horn wethers... 4 130 40 C boics ewes, grsln-fed 4.:'J A73 Fair to medium eaes.. a 73ay 4.0U 0od lo choice shorn t.n. s.73o Choic wool lambs, gram-fed.... 3.0 A73 Uod to choic wool taiuba. graia fed S.23V e.30 Cholc shorn Ismbs, grsjn-fcd... g.As A48 (iood to choice alioia lumha. grain fed f 3 0lt &.S3 Fair to good lambs, grain fed. .'..,4.730 I is Cut.s - 23VU Aoti Tbs "following quotstlons represent prices oa tbla market fur the different rlLt-s of borers: Irafiers. extra heavy. tliuoa ou. draflers. 14'JU lo 17oO lbs. l.vtr?30; drslt. srs. l'.'0 to 1401 lbs, 110020: chunks. IhvstluO; piusa I10B40; driving hones, I3 and up. saddia horse. Iti and up. (lilcag Llrrstork Market. CHICAOO. April 13. Cattle Estimated receipts. :-0. Msrker, slow aud weak. Be. I3.OO1SA30: Texae stsers, 4.Bov 1.30; tt'sstera steers. II.WJ 3.74: stocksrs aud feeders, 14. 00 0)30; cous and hellers. I2.40B3.O3; calves, 11.30 tt 4.30. Moss Estlmatsd recelpia 11.000. Market, stead v to ehsdo up. Lire hi, i3.S:. :; mixed. 13.83(78.13: heavy, 3.S3tr.10: mush. I3.83w3.83; rood to cboico heavy, ! V!3 1-?0; pigs. I3.S04B.13: bulk of sale, .V..l-03. isheep estimated receipts, 13.000. Market, weak. Nstlvs. .1. ! 4 Western. ..3ty 4 o: yearllns. 14 23 v i" : lambs, native. I4.t308.18; Western. 4.73S-7. COPPERS E FIRM Stock Market Is Able to Resist Bear Pressure. LAST PRICES ARE HIGHER Harrlinans ATfccted at tlte Opening by Oregon Land Case Rating, but QolCetlj-"ltecoverxnd Close Strong. KSW YORK, April ST.. Some progress was rnsde In the direction of higher prices OB tho atock exchange, deerplts the fact that th pressur which hss bsen directed against stocks In tha last few days waa not re laxed. Ths msrket displayed strong powers of resistance sad after a period of weakness, which followed th opening, rallied and held firm. A Isrrs part of tho day's buslneas again centered around United Slates Steel. Trading In tha .hares constituted nearly ana-third of the total, many fair-used blocks chsnu Ing hands. Th heaviness of tha stock early In ths day wss ascribed to a report of Chairmen Gary's resignation. Tha re port, however, waa quickly denied by tbs chairman, and ths stuck recovered. Th quarterly statement. Issued sfter th close of the market, wss disappointing, es timates of ths esmings having been In th neighborhood of gliS.OOO.OOO, as compared with K3.M9.0oo shown In th report. Th unexpectedly small nsuras for tho quarter were explained largely by th January sarnlngs. which were less thsa I4.000.0H0. Activity and strength of the copper share daring ths last two days and reports of hug salea of the metal wer followed today by th ststenfvnt that oas of tb largest agencies had reduced Its selling price of copper from 12 S to 12 S cents. It Is an dersiood that large sales wer made at tha latter rate. The Harrlman shsre mer effected ad versely at the opening by the ruling against Doulharn Pacific In ths Oregon land rase, but Southsrn Pacific, which lost a point, quickly recovert-d and Vnloa Pacific was ons of the strongest stocks at the close. High-grsde bonds continued In good de man.!. Total sales, psr value, I3.1.000. United Stales bonds unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Salss. High. Low. Bid. All Is Chal pf -24 Amal Copper .. J2.P0O MS 83 S Am (gricult .. lOO 3d 5l f'3S Am Beet Sugar 81 American Caw. ... 300 0 OS S Am Car A Fily. 300 CIS 80S . M Am Cotton Oil.. I." M 62 S " Am Hd A I.t pf 21 Am Ic Securl. J 23"4 224 ?2s Am Linseed lOO 11S 11 Vs 11 Am Ijocomtlve. St Am Smel A ll-f. 7.4O0 74S "3 ' do preferred.. ...... ..... ..... I1 S Am Pteel Fdy - Am Sugar Kef. loo 117 117 1174 Am Tel A Tel UO0 143 S 144. 143 Am Tohscco pf. Am Woolen . . .. Anaconda al Co Atchison do preferred.. All Cosxt I. Ins.. Halt Ohio . . . fl-'thlehem steal ,. l'( 8o X4S .1.1 34 . 7 no Rk 117 S St J.800 10 1"H , 12S 300 120 120S 12 i , . lw 2n 1I2H 32S 1Vs Mrook It Traa. rHio T7S 77 T7 i-anarilan Par 3 41 Ml i 223 223 Centrsl Ullhar lOO 28 -6 I 'IS do preferred.. ..... ..... Central of N J 27S Ches A Ohio . . . 8.100 70S 78 7S A Alton SO Chi Ot West ..... 2'S do preferred.. 400 4S 42 43 S Chicago A X W Its C. .M A 8t Psul. 2.'0 110 118 11V C. C. C A St L.. o0 47 80S 53 Col Fuel A Iron - 294 Col A Southern. 1 consol tl .s S00 142 141 142 Cora Products .. '34 I 'el A Hudson. I 187 DAK Grsnrte 4 do preferred.." 09 nistlllers' Secur. 4O0 4 84 84 Erie 2.300 ! Xtt do 1st Pf do 2d pf 3' Central Elee ... 500 151 101 lnl Gt North pr ... 200 123 124 124 (it North Ore .. 4UO 5t BP f.S lllmols Central. 10 1.16 138 i:i lntorbr Met ... r.00 18 17 IS do preferred.. H) 49 49 4 Inter Hsrvester 00 118 117S 117 Inter Marine pf J4 Int Paper 100 10 10 10 Int Pump loo 3l S! 3 Iowa Centrsl ... 3"J 1-1 10. 13S K C Southern .. 1W S3 33 do preferred Laclede Gss ... 4K 102 102 102 rouls A Nash .. 300 144 184 1JJ m'"s P a'sS M "iioO 138 136 13 Mo. Kan A Tex. 31 do preferred "7 Mo P.clflc B.3r0 4S 47 4 Not Biscuit .... lOO 131 133 13-1 Nat Le.d P 1.0"' 51 t J" Met N Ity 2 Pf T" 34S 34 34 N T Central ... 1.2' 108 103 106 N T Ont A IVes 1"0 ' 41 41 40 Norfolk A West l.RiMI 1 103 10 v .i. a "Oil 70S 70S 70S Northern Pae . S.000 122 12H HL J - - W Paclfle Mall .. Pennsylvania .. I'eople'a Cos P. C C A St I. Pittsburg Coal . Pressed S Csr. Pull Pal Car . 2S S.POO 124 123 124 MOO 104 104 104 3 10 100 32 82 11 1M0 31 Ky Steel Spring. . Kendlnr 46.500 2 150 131 Renublln Steel ' " 3 P8 82 do preferred.. Rock Island Co. do ref erred. . Ft L A S F 2 pf St L Southwest. do preferred.. Rloss Sheffield Southern Psc .. Southern Tty . .. do preferred.. Tenn Copper ... Texss A Pac . . Tol. St L A Wss do preferred.. Union pacific .. do preferred. -n s tteaity .... J n Hubber ... U 8 Steel do preferred.. Ptah Copper . .. Va-4'sro Cbsm Wsbosh ....... do prefrred,. IVestrn Md . .. Westing Klec Western Union . Wheel ALE., rhi.h Vslley .. 200 400 28 28 2K Ok 3S 3 . 63 "'lOO 49 '-ioS 40 4.200 114 1 1.1 S 114 4.000 d'.'S 2n 2" .-kl 8T.S 2 61 jmt 3rt 36 36 1.6ik) 23 23 23 so is iss is 2Xt 47 47 46 27.200 173 174 174 ..I 03 loo 71 71 71 poo SS 3:' "I 74J. 73 .73 20 118 110 119 2.0 44 S 4.1 44 6.AOO t.9 rS M 16 ""400 36 33 36 1.500 30 80 fUl :::::: ::::: :::::. SI. 3"0 4 4 4 8.SO0 170 liW 170 Total aslea for th day. 270.500 shares. BOXDS. NEW TOBK. April 23. Closing Quota tions: U S. ref. 2 raf.lOlH'N T C g a.. Vdo coupon ...1"IS So Pacific 3s...7 T- 3, reg...l"l No. 1-sclflc 4S. .. dcT coupon v. ..Ml Inlon Psclflo 4s 104 n. K. new 4s rsg.lUSWIs. Central 4s. :i do coupon ...113 Japan 4s 83 D A R 11 4a... 1'2 I xCsotora Mlnlag Stocks, BOSTON, April 23. Closing quotations: Allnues 10'Mohswk 37 Amslg. Copper.. rj; Nevada Con . a 7 L. A sm.. XMS Nlplsslng Minos. 1S Arllona Com... 13 (North Hull 27 Atlantic 4"' i H 4 C C s 14 H- 12ild Dominion .. 3 Hutt Coalition. 17 f cola 0 cat A Arlsona. . 40 IParroit S A C) 11 Cal. A Heela...4M Iwuinry 87 Centennial ll,hannon lo v-a Kan. C. Co. no Kuir1or JO s F.. itutt Cp. 34. HSJSup A Ho Mln. 3 Franklin 8 -up A pitta Cop 13 Clroux Con 6 Tamarack .14 Grsnby Con 82 U. H. S. R. M. 8.1 Greene Cansnea S do pfd 48 I. Koysle tcopl 13S ftsh Con 12 Kerr ljtks " Winona 6 Lake Cupper 2KS Wolverln I0t La Soil Copper IMS I Money, Exrhans. Etc, NEW YORK. April 23. Money on call ateadv. 2Sv2S per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent: closing bid 2 per cent; offered. is per cent. Time loans dull and easy. 00 days. 2 per cent: Wl days. 2 per cent; six months. S per cent. Prime mercantile paper. IS to 4 per cent. Sterling exchange nrm with business In barkers- bills at 14.8440 fur 60-day bills and at ii.Mi!i j 11 1. V'"'o tor demand. Commercial bills. 14 66. Tlar sliver. 34 Sc. Mexican dollars. 45c Government bonds, steady; railroad, firm. SAN FRANCISCO. April 25. Sterling oa London, ta days. 14.14: sight, II. Its. Krafts Sight, psr: telegraph. Ic LONDON. April li. Bar silver Steady, 24 13-16d per ounce. Money :Sf2" percent. Th rats of discouut la tha open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; tbre months' bills, 1 per ecu 1. CHICAGO. April 25.-Exchanga oa New York. 40 premium. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, April 28. At tha begin ning of business today the condition ot ths United States Treasury wss: Working balance la Treasury offices I24.8C8.S64.00 In hsnks and Philippine tress- ury ..' 1. 136,622.00 Total bslanc In general fund 622'.VS2-oO Ordinary rclats yesterday.... S4li.30H.oO Ordinary disbursements 1. 133.610. 00 The deficit to dat this fiscal year Is 12.-671.877.-as against 118.043.122 at this time last year. , These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Coffe and Sugar. NEW YORK. April 13. Coffee futures cloeed stesdy. net 3 points lower to 10 points higher. Sales war reported of 77.738 bars. Closing bids: April. 10.c; May. 18.12c; Jua. lO.ISc; July. ' 10.41c; August, 10.13c; September, 10.15c; October, l.8c; November,. 8.8 7c; December. 8.77o; Janu ary. .February and March. .t7c Spot coffee quiet. Rio No. 7, llVc; San tos Ko. 4. 12c Mild coffee quiet. Cor dova, lJSjl:'C omlal. Sugar Haw Arm. Muscovado, 88 test. 3.42c; cefurlfugal. 88 tent, .jc: molasses sugar, I test. 3.17c; refined, steady. GOOD WEATHER REPORTS CAJIRY T)OW.V WHEAT PRICES AT CHICAGO. Rallies Are Brief and Bring but Much Selling Foreign Mar- . lifts Depressed? . CHICAGO, April 26. Fin rains' falling In th dry sections of Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota carried down wheat prices today. Rallies proved brief in every care, much long grain and more or less of tha short variety -being for sale at all the hard spota in th market. Besides the bear gentl tnent, due to moisture where needed, ad vlres were at hand showing that Spring wheat seeding Northwest should be largely completed on both sides of the International tins this week, and that the Canadian plant ing would reach th huge total of 11.000.000 acres. Momentary sources of encoursge ment for-the bulls were fully offset by news that foreign markets had become depressed, owing largely to Improved conditions for European cropa Furthermore, cash demand turned out poor In all directions. Trading In July delivery ranged from 80e to b7 trS7Sc. with th clus at 7c, a net loss of Sc. - Lightness of offerings late In tha session gsv a show of firmness to corn. High and low limits for July proved lo bs J2o and 8lc with last sales at 32 S (11 32 Sc pre cisely the same as last night. Cash grades were slow. No. 2 yellow finished at 62 V33c Llboral primary receipts and fine weather tended to make oats sasy. July fluctuated between 81 Sc and 31c, closing c net lower at 31 c Aa a result of packers buying, hog prod ucts dlsplsyed a feeling that was almost buoyant. The outcome waa an advance all around pork 17 to 30c; lard 1.?17C to 17Sfj20c. and ribs 16 to 17r20c Th leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. May $ .SO July 87 Sept 11 High. Low. Close. I .10 S I .l I . .S7 6 .87 .86 .is' .81 CORK. Msy 81 .61 July 32 .6JS Sept..;... .81 .81 - OATS. .51 .11 .61 .62 .32 .13 I Msy 11 .81 .31 .31 July 11 .31 .31 .11 MESS PORK. ' Msy 15.17 13.75 1S.: 15.72 July 147 16.22 14.17 11.17 ' LARD. Msy 7 87 1.13 7.7 1.15 July 8.07 1.23 8.87 g.22 Sept 8.13 8.12 S 8.12 8.12 SHORT BIBS. May ISO 8.35 1. 68 8.66 July 8.02 8.22 8.01 822 bept 7.95 8.18 7 S3 8.10. Cash' quotations were as" follows: Flour Klrm. Rys Nc 2. 13c ' Barleys Feed or mixing. 7880c; fair to choice malting, tl.fS tt 1.15- Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, 12. IS; No. I Northwestern, 2.2. Timothy seed $12. . Cloveir 115.25. Pork Mess, per barrel. 815.75? 15.17. Uird Per 180 pounds, 18.12. Clover 815.26. Pork Mess, por barrel, 118.76 15.87 . Lard Pr 108 pounds. 18.12. Short ribs Sides (loose), 7.7i 8.37 . Sides Short, clear (boxed), 8.25Q8.17. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 76,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 321.000 bushels, compared with 184. 800 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Th world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's. decreased 6.6&I.O00 bushels. Kstlmaled receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 12 cars; corn. 161 cars; oata, 114 cam; hogs, 26,008 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bsrrels 13.000 30.800 Wheat, bushels 2U.8'i 79.70 Corn, bushels 262,700 448.300 Oats, bushels 391.2"! 332.300 Rye. bushels 3.000 Barley, bushels 16,606 10,500 ' V Grain at San Francisco. 8AN FRANCISCO, April 15. Wheat - 8teady. Barley Firm. v Spot quotations Wheat .Shipping. $1.47 fl 1.60 per cen tal. Barley Feed. ft. 43 1.47 per cental: brewing, $L60t?1.66 per cental. Oats Red, ILIiffl 47 per cental; white, nominal: black. 11.30 01.35 per cental. 11 l.,A I TJL'l.,,. n . r. .' n Barley December, $1.30 per cental; $1.51 asked per cental. May. Grain Markets of tha North west. TAOOMA. April 28. Whest Bluestem, SSUWoc; forty-fold. 8vr87c: club. Ri'Soc: red Russian. k4c Receipts Wheat. 21 cars, barley. 4 cars, corn and oats, 1 ear ach; bay. 9 cars. FE ATTLK. April 25. Milling quotations: Bluestem, S7c: forty-fold, btic; club, boc; hie, pgc; red Rusntsn. fiOc Yesterdsy's car receipts Wheat. 1:1 cars; oats, 2 cars; bar ley, 3 cars, hay, 28 cars. ( ( European Grain Markets. LONDON. April 23. Cargoes. Arm. Walla Walla for shipment at 34s Cd. English and French country markets firm, LIVERPOOL, April 15. Wheat May. Ca $d; July. 6s d; October, 6s 8d. "Weather cloudy. Minneapolis W heat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 26. Wheat May. t5c. July IWSc September 80 V buSC Cosh: No. 1 hard 09 Sc No. 1 North ern !. t Do ' c. No. 2 Northern 857c. No. 8 steal, 03 tfU3Sc Change la Available Supplies. NEW YORK. April 25. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreets show the following changes In avallnble supplies as compared with pre vious account. Bushels. Whest, United States, east Rockies, decreased. ''. 2.077.00 Canada, decreased 1.117.008 Totsl United States and Canada, d- cressed $.184,008 Arlost for and In Europe, decreased .3.400.004 Total American and European sup ply, decreased $.684,000 Corn, 1'nlted States and Canada, da creased t 2.337.10$ Oats. Lnlted States and Canada, de creased .' 1.173.600 Metal Markets. NEW YORK, April 23. Standard copper dull; spot and April. U.704jll.auc; May. June and July, ll.SO-ill.lH'c; London, steady; spot 8s. '.'1; futures 33. Ar rivals reported in New York today, $10 tons. eustom-House returns showed ex ports of 35.155 tons so far this 'month. Ijike exjpper. 12.37 S ? 12.50c : electrolytic Il.l2(rl2.67c; casting. Il.t712c Tin yulct; spot and April 42.3043c; Msy. 42.30V) 42.73c; June.' 42.O0O42.SOc; Julv, 41.50 42.00r: London easy; spot, fli3. 3s: futures, (100. 5s. Lend Dull: 4.300300. New York; 4.259 80. Kast St. Louis. Lor don. (12. ISs, 8d. Spelter Ensv: 5.404 5.50c, New York; 5.25 1 3.30c, East St. Louis.. London futures, 124. Antimony Dull; Coo It son, BQO.SOc. Iron Cleveland aarrsnts, 40s, 8d lu Lon don. Locally. Iron, was quluU A toundry. Bonds Investments TiraberLands McGRAIH 4 NEUHAUSEN CP. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bid. Portland Oregon Northern. $15.50fil.00: No. 2 $15.25 15.73; No. 1 foundry, Northern and South ern, and No. 1 do. soft, $15.50 18.00. PRODUCE AT SAJf FRANCISCO. Quotations Current In the Bay City Mar keta. - SAX FRANCISCO. April 2S- The follow ing produce prices were current today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 75o$1.2; gar lic 4tn5c: green peas. 4c; string beans 10 20c ; asparagus. 50c$L2S; tomatoes, nominal; egg plant, 1016c. Butter Fancy creamery. 22c EKg. Store. lc; fancy ranch. 20c CneMeYoung America. 11 S 12c Mlllstuffs Bran, $2Jf27; middlings, $33 " Fruit Apples, choice, $1.25: common, $1; Mexican limes. $5 5.50: California lemons, choice. $3.26; common, $L68; oranges, navel, ll.Z.'i u 2.73. Onions J3.7B4. . . Hay Wheat. $11918.50 per ton; wheat and oats. $9fU: alfalfa. 0, Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, $2.$5e$; Ore gon Burbanks. $2&.875. , Receipts Flour, "9675 quarter sacks; wheat, 6145 centals; barley. 4115 centals, oats 8450 centals; potatoes. 4050 sacks; bran. 190 sacks; middlings, 40 sacks; hay, 172 tons. ADVANCE' IN BARLEY SEATTLE PKICE LIFTED 50 CEA'TS A TOX. Government Forage Contract May Xot Be Awarded Until Late in Summer. -. .. , 11 ik rsnelal. SEATTLtii nuu., Apt 11 -J 1 New potatoes arriving on today's boat from j California were quotea iu ' . poucd. or at a decline of 2 cents. The cut In price was due to heavier D' potatoes were In good demand. The famine prices of old potatoes are forcing many con sumers to purchase new stock. ' Two carloads of Florida tomatoes arrived. The supply of asparagus was so heavy that prices were demoralized. Long green did not sell above $2 and flat sold as low as 40 Llve poultry was much more plentiful to dsy. Dealers believe that shipments will in crease from now on. and that the market will be well supplied for several months. Orders were so large today that prices wore not affected. Eggs sold at 24 cents In most Quarters. Dealers have hard work getting the price of cheese up. The tor) price remains at atiout 15 ' cents. Butter waa weak at 28 cents. ' The feature of the day'l operations on the groin exchange, was the advance of 50 cents per ton on barley. Barley Is now quoted at $28, one of the highest quota tions seen on this market In several years. Wheat waa dull and nominally unchanged. The Government has decided not to call for bids for hay and oats for use in the Philippines until July or August, In order to tske advantage of the new crop prices. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. April 25. Evaporated ap ples quiet and steady. On the spot, fancy are quoted at 14c: choice, 13c; prime, 18c Prunes quiet and firm. Quotations. 8c to 13c for California, up to 30-40. and 11 til 13o for Oregons from 80s to 30s. Apricots quiet and steady. Choice. 11 9 13c: extra choice. 14c; fancy. 144?14c Peaches very steady and Inactive. Choice, 767c; extra choice, 7&c; fancy, $ ffic Kaisins are In fairly liberal supply, hut dulL Muscatels, 646c: choice to fancy seeded. 8&7c: seedless, 46c; Lon don layers. $1.40 1.45. London Bullion Movement. LONDON, April 25. Bullion amounting to 153.000 was taken into the Bank of Eng land on balance today. ffj ifriilithic streets are , because they best resist the years of hard and constant THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. 605-808 Electrlo Uldg. Portland. Or. Oekar Huber, ' Manager. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. LONDON PARIS HAMBURG 1 1 Bulgaria. May4.10s.m!t Amertka May 11 Cincinnati May tll'Pres. Lincoln. 2ilayl7 tRits-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. "Hamburg direct. Iriteerage only. falls at Plymouth and Cherbaurg. filBRAl.TAR. ALGIERS, NAPLES, GENOA. 8 . HA.UBl'Ku May 2I, 10 A. M. & t. MOL1KE 4 June 3 TO Land ?Se Midnight Sun TILE NORWAY, SPITZBERGEN. ICELAND AND NORTHERN CAPITALS BY SUPERB TWIN-SCREW STEAMSHIPS BLtJECHER, CINCINNATI. KUONPRINZESS1N CECIL1E, METEOR. . . . . from Hamburg during June. July and August Write for Booklet. Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell St., Man a-'rant-iiwo, CaL, or Northern Pac, 4. K. at ' Burlington and other R. R. Offices, fortltuul. Or. 0.-W. R & N. Astoria Route. STEAMLK HARVEST QUEEN Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8:00 P. M. Makes all way landings. Ar. rives at Astoria at 0:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. L Arrives Portland at 6:0 P. M. Makes di rect connection with ' steamer Nahcott for Hosier. Uwsco. Long Beach and all points on the ilwaco Division. . , I 1 . Growth of the LUMBERMENS bank DEPOSITS April 1, 1908 $1,086,284.49 April 1, 1909 r 1,695,422.13 April 1. 1910 2,744,630.35 April 1, 1911 3,361,226.38 Corner Fifth and Stark THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,850,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Issued in Denominations of $10,$20,$50,$100 which identify the holders and are accepted at full face value by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. These afford the best means for carrying funds while traveling. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 , Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the . Rocky Mountaius Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 - Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings FPrprTirn a mil I. 2 lOll Leave Seattle, Wash., Sundays, at rnidnlght. EaKcSivK APbIiI 1; 1011 Iave Seattle. Wash, Sundays and Vv ednesdajs Mt mlrln Uhr NOTICE Wedneidayi' a l Mil iff o Prince TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CMiADIAN PACIFIC ST1 The Tourist Highway and Scenic Route to Europe via The St. Lawrenc River, the Shortest Ocean Passare. Less than Four Days at Sea by the "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC Weekly Ratlines Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin, $U0; seeona cabin, f47.o, third cabin. 30. Ask local agents, F. R. Johnson. G. A.. 14 Third bt.. or J. J. Forster. T. P. A.. 609 First Ave., Seattls. OPEN RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. FreiRht received dally at Oak-st. dock lor The Dalles. Hood River. Whits Salmon. Umatilla, Ker.nenick. Pasco, Richland. Hanford, White Blurts, Lewis ton. Idaho, and in termediate noints. FIRST-CLASS FAS8EXGKR MERVICK. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER, WHITE SALMON, THE DAI.I.KS. Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tues.. Thurs 7 A. II. Returning leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed . Frl.. 7 A. M-. arrlvlne at Port land about S P. M. same day. W S Buchanan, Sunt.; XV. S. SmaUwood, Gn'l Mgr. Phone Main 2960. A 3027. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S3. CO. From Alnsworth Dock, ''Portland, 9 A. M. 8. S Beaver, Apr. 28, Bear May 8, From San Francisoo, Northbound, 12 M. S. S. Bear Apr. Ztf. Rose City May 1, From San Pedro. Northbound. 12 M. S. S. Rose City Apr. SB, Iteaver May 4, Los Angeles $10.35, 21.80. J2X50, 2a.!H). 8. S. Beaver sails A. M., Friday, Apr. 2S. H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 143 Third Kt. i. W. Kaosom. Agent. Alnsworth loek. fbones; Main 402, 268. A 102. Connecting with S. S. Prince Albert from rnnje "X,r' V.!,' t "V-oo "p M. 1:00 P. M. for Queen Charlotte Islands, and for local points at l.OU f. Wednesdays Kate Include meals and berth north of Vancouver. Kor tf?k. Ind reservations apply to lxcal Railway Ticket Agent or J. H. rmrrlAluVlr,tt and Tesler Way. Seatle. Washington. STEAMSHIPS "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte , Island Points Rupert only until June 11. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP The most delightful spot on entire world, tour for your vacation. Delightful sea bath ing at ths famous beach of Walkikl. Tha splendid SS. slorra U0.00O tons displace ment) makes the round trip In 16 days, and one can visit on a side trip the living vol cano of Kilauea which is tremendously ac tive, and see for himself the process of world creation. No other compared with this for the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islands now, while you can do it so easily and quickly ano - while the volcano is active. Prompt attention to telegrams for berths. SallinRs: April 20. May 20. June 10. July 1. July 22, etc. ( OCEANIC S. 8. CO. 673 Market Street, eja.i Francisco, NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAH FREIGHT SERVICE. , Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bldg. Portland, Or. . Main 8378. A 3922. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paciflo S. 8. Co.'s S. S. Roanoka and 8. S. Eldar sail every Wednesday altvw nately at 6 P. li. Ticket oHic 132 TblrJ St.. near Alder. MARTIN 1. HIGLET, Passenger Agent. W. II. 8I.USSER. Freight Agent. Phones M. 1314. A 1311- COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails front Alaska dock, Portland. "Postponed Sailing,': sails 9 A. M. Wednesday, April 214. Hailing of April 19 canceled. Commencing May 1. 8 A. M.. every five days. Freight received at Alaska dock until S P. M. dally. Passenger fare first-class. $10: second-class, (7, In cluding meals and berth. Tickets on sale aa Alnsworth dock. Phona MaOa, 308 ,V1S3 j r is s-rf a r ar i I