'THE MORXIXG OKEGONTAX. TUESDAY, AFKITi 25, 1911. IS FIGHT FOB WOOL TRUTH River Line to Accept Business for Here From North Yakima. RAILWAY CIRCLES STIRRED, Recent Announcement of Large Re dactions in Tariffs by Water Transportation Company 11a Drawn Much Trade. The Opa Hirer Transportation Com pany will make another step In Ita flg-ht against the railroad frf the wool busl nes of the Inland Empire, by accept Inc business at North Taklma for Port land, also for transshipment from this port to Atlantic Coast destinations via oreaa vessels. It Is proposed to route wool from ivth laklma by rail to Kennewlck. the Open Kiver Interests paytns; the local rate, and then ship via their steamers down the Columbl. River, bv way of the Portage road and the middle river service to this city. The recent announcement of an un precedented reduction in wool tariffs by the liver Una has not only drawn business, but caused a stir In railroad circles that has reached to Eastern points, where the assertion Is made that wool can be routed cheaper from Portland by water than by rait from Middle West Ommon points to the Atlantic In support of the campalarn being waged br the open river line there was received here yesterday on the steamer J. X. Teal 90 tons of wool from Fin ley. which goes from Port land to tfan Francisco on the steamer I'alcon. of the American-Hawaiian fleet, and will be transhipped there to the East. On the steamer Twin Cities, which left Lewlston Sunday, there will be more wool loaded at Ftnley and Arling ton that will be reloaded after moving over the portasre In time for the Falcon. Captain W. & Buchanan, superinten dent of the Open Klver fleet, will leave today for Celllo, Intending to, cover the entire territory and his ultimate destination Is Priest Rapids. He says that the aim Is to contract for all the wool and rraln business possible, for even should the railroads lower their tariffs, particularly on wool. It will probably mean a permanently lower rate for producers, as the water lines propose keeping up the flRht for patronaftx SCPFLE IS REPAIRING FLEET Vessels Heine Placed in Readiness for New Season. Supple'e yard Is nearly swamped with work on small steamers, there being a collection on hand yesterday comprising the Evle. Mildred IL Rich ard. Emma. Rnee and Ilver. The Evle. which piles on the Willamette and Columbia. Is to hare new guards and the Diver's pilothouse has been completed so she Is ready for a trip to Yaqulna. where she will ply this season. The Richard Is being placed In readiness for her ocean lourney to Tillamook, as she Is to run on the bay this year. The Sea Otter will soon be hauled out and a new stern con structed. The main engine for a 1 0-Inch suc tion dredge being built for the North Rank road arrived yesterday and will be pat In place. The cabin of that vessel Is being hurried and she will be ready for service May li. Three gasoline engines for the passenger acht Bayocean are on the ground and the first will be Installed today. In another month that vessel Is expected to be practically ready for sea. Two model barges In the fleet of the Corps of VTnglneera. t. S. A . are being re ranlked and their hulls repainted, while decks of both are being re newed. ' INMAN-POrLSEX PLANT BCSY Last of Government Order Ready for Mare Inland Iellvery. Last of i proxlmatlng which will Island. San i Government order ap 1.000.000 feet of lumber, be dispatched to Mare Francisco Bay. has been cut by Inman-t'oulsen s and will go forward on the steamer Nome City. It consists of 600 timbers each 6 feet lone and having a diameter of 12 Imhe. The business was handled through a subcontract from lha Loop l-umbcr Company. A shipment of 20d. 000 feet of material was made to San Pedro on the last voyage of the steamer Shasta and that will be fol lowed by others. In the offshore department there Is an order for 120.000 feet to go to Shanghai on the Oriental liner Henrlk Ibsen, placed by the Pacific Export Lumber Company, and a consignment of ISO.eoO feet fr the L. P. Lee Lum ber Company. There will be 1.000. 00(1 feet from that plant next month tor the L Interests, to be transported on the Bank Line steamer Orterlc fur Shanghai. Of the German ship TVll nelmlne's cargo for the I'nlted King dom. Inman-Poulsen furnished 430.000 feet and there will be a full load of 1.S00.00 feet assembled there for the British tramp Ethel wo If. which the Lee Interests will load here In June for South Africa. mtEAKWATEK HAS NEW BERTH Mramer to Sail Next Voyage JVora Recently Completed Dork. To Captain T. J. Margenn. master of the steamer Breakwater, has been ac rorded signal honor, by General Agent J. W. Hansom, of the allied Harrtman marine line, who has decreed that the Breakwater shall be the first vessel to sail from the new dock which has been completed as an addition to Ainsworth ao-k on the north. The Breakwater was berthed there yesterday on her return from ths Ore gon drydock and Willamette Iron Meel Works, where repairs were made. When she satle Wednesday morning It will be from her old berth at Alaska dock, but with the Inauguration of her Summer schedule. May I, when she will depart at o'clock the morning of every fifth day. the new berta will fm used. Continuous service performed by ths Breakwater sine going on the Portland-Coos Bay route made repairs to her Wall shaft, wheel and machinery Imperative, while she was also cleaned and painted. Navajo Gets Long Charter. Portland residents may not see the new steamer Navajo, which has bad her trial trip at Long; beach. Cai for a lengthy period, as negotiations have been closed through which she Is un der charter to the California at Atlan tic Steamship Company for three years and will operate between Balboa and Han Francisco. She Is to bo commanded by Captain Ahlln. formerly of the Casco. Marine Notes. To work wheat for the Orient the Bank Line steamer Lu eerie yesterday shifted to Oceanic from Montgomery dock No. S. Commander J. M. Ellolcott. Inspector of the 17th lighthouse district, was y terday apprised that the Duwamlsh Head bell buoy waa missing. As soon as the British ship Vincent hauls downstream from Mersey to the North Bank dock today, she will start working wheat for the United Kingdom. Through a mistake at the mouth of the river yesterday the steamer Gener al Hubbard, arriving from the aoutn. was reported to be the Oriental liner Henrlk Ibsen, which Is fully due snJ expected hourly. Utile time will be alloted Captain Errlckson, of the steamer Golden Gate. TKAXXK CTflUIGEXCt Dm te Antra. Kim From. Date Breakwater.. ..Coos Bay. ....In port Bt Sjh Ptdn ... In port Fa. H. rimnre Tillamook. ... In port Oml W. Eldar..ln Fwlra.... In port H.nrik Ibaeo. Jlonckons . ... Apr. tioldea Gate, Tillamook... .Apr. -- fan Francisco Apr. Falcon. .., Alliance.. Bear. .... ttoanoke. . Anvl. Hose City. Eurka Apr. -i gaa P.drtt....Apr. II .Sao Ped.ro. ... Apr. .Hudon. ..... Apr. Baa Pedro. ... May SO SO a Scheduled te Depart. Kama. For. Tata Cut H. ElmoreTlllamoek... Apr. I Ooldea Gate. ..Tillamook.... Apr. Kreak water. .. .Coo Hay. ....Apr. -6 Geo. w. Elder. .feaa pa:ro....Apr. B.ev.r. . San Pedro. ...Apr. 2 - ! t 3 8 Anlaa-e..... Falcon H.nnk Ibssn. . Antll , Roanoke. ... .Fureka Apr. . Fan Francisco Apr. , Xonskong. ...Apr. .Bandon..... lay .Fan Pedro.... May P. San Pedro.. ..May Rose City.... ..San Pedro.. ..May on the present voyage, as the vessel ar rived last night and is due to sail this morning for Tillamook, and will prob ably get away from ber berth before night. Following a conference with Harrl- man officers at San Francisco regard ing the Summer service. W. F. Miller. superintendent of the Portland Coos Bay Steamship Company, has returned and will sail tomorrow on the steamer Breakwater for Marshneld. Repairs to the lighthouse tender Co lumbine are to be finished at Seattle by May 1. Commander Elllcott inspected the vessel while at Seattle Saturday. and found the work advancing satisfac torily. The vessel will coal next week preparatory to proceeding to Alaska. In general rarap from San Francisco the steamers Beaver. Casco and Yosemite yesterday entered at the Custom-House. The Casco cleared with 300,000 feet of lumber, which will be loaded at St. Helens, and she will continue to Wll- lapa Harbor to complete loading for the Golden Gate. Marine sleuths of the lighthouse de partment have failed to forward corrob oration to Commander Elllcott of a re port made by Captain Wagner, of the gasoline schooner Anvil, that a mid channel buoy waa adrift off the mouth of the Columbia, and that none Is miss ing so far as has been ascertained. It may be an old mark that went adrift some time ago. ( Confirmation waa yesterday received that the steamer Washington had been purchased by the Olson At Mahony In terests, and after a few repairs she will be placed In service between Portland and San Francisco. The same firm has purchased the steamer Carlos, which was scheduled to sail from San Pedro yesterday. Strong head winds that beset the big steamer Beaver on ber last voyage from San Francisco and retarded her arrival so she did not reach Ainsworth dock until late Sunday night, worked even greater hardship on her slow competitor, the Geo. W. Elder, which did not reach the river until yesterday morning, though she put out of the Golden Gats In advance of the Beaver. Movements of Vessels. PORTI.AXn. April 24. Arrived Steamer Jnhan Poulaen. from San franclaco; steamer ;eo. w. rider, from Kan Francisco; steamer Kainler. from San Franrlecn. A.i or la. Or.. April 2. Condition at the mouth of the river at 3 P. M.. smooth; wind nonkwe.t. so miles; weather, clear. Arrived at mlilnlaht and left up at 2 A. M Steamer Johan PouI.n. from San Krmnrt.ro: arrived at 6 A. M.. steamer Oen- erai Hubbard, from San Francisco; arrived 9 JO A. M. and left id at 12 noon. ateam.r Geo KMer. from Can Diego and way porta Sailed at 1 1 A. M (iteamer Aaunrlon. for Sao Franclaco. Arrived at X P. at and left up Hteamer Rainier, from Saa Frenrleco: arrived at 3:30 P. M ataam- er Aberdeen, from San Franclaro. San Krenetaro. April - Mailed at 9 A. M. oteamer Kalcon. for Portland. Arrived 1 P. M. Steamer Klamath, from i.- lumbie River: arrived, ateamers Hornet, from rooe Pay; Pvea. from Central!.: J. ft. Stetaon. from lirava Harbor. Kalled tttemmer Attaa. for Seattle, towing barga S3; schooner Philippine, for Oravs Harbor.. Manila. April .'.I. Arrived surerlc from Portland and tieattle. Antw.rO. Aurll 2. Mailed Oalria. tnr Tacoma. t'adtl. April 21 Nailed Aseuan. for Saa Pranctaco. Hamburg. April 21. Mailed Tha Ran. fne San Franclaco ttlaeaow. ADrll 22. Sailed - fmtalliia for Seattle. Kvdnev. X. ft. W Anril " 14.12. Knight of St. Oeorge from San Kranri.cn. Monterey. April 24. Mailed Anrll 22 Steamer J. A. Chaaalor. for Portland. Tatooah T.land. Anrll 24 PumI In a. 12 noon Prill.h ,.tme Inverklp, from Portland, for Victoria rarallonea. April 23 Passed at T P. M Kteamer Ho ma. from San Pedro, for Port- lanu. lale Wight. April 22 Passed German ship twiega. from Portland, for Hamburg. Lureka. April 24. Arrived bteamer Al liance, from Portland. Seattle. Wash.. April 24. Arrived Steam er Pole I. rrake. from San Franclaco; schooner W. A. riraith. from Eagle Harbor: steamer (Governor. from Baa Francisco; bare. Jamea Drummoad. from Gypsum. Mailed bteamer Watson, for San Franrlaco; oteamer Alameda, for Valdes; barge Wash Ington. for bkagway; steamer Argyll, for 6aa Franclaco. Loa Aneeiea. April 24. Arrived Roanoke, from Portland; Sam on a. from Casper. Sailed Hear, for Portland; Carlos, for Wll laua Harbor; F ear leas, for Beliftigbam. Tides at Astoria Taeeday. High. Low. 10 11 A. M....T5 feet 4:1T A. M 2.4 feet 10 4 P. it S I feet 4:23 P. XI. ...1.4 feet Tn't let that cough go on. Brown's Bronchial Trochee afford Immediate relief. The primary cause of Rheumatism tion. indigestion, etc., forming impure accumulations in the system. These sonr and ferment, causing nric acid, which is absorbed from the stomach and intestines into the blood. This changes the circulation from a thick, rich fluid to a thin, acrid stream, depositing inflammatory matter into the mus cles, nerves, and joints. The longer the blood is allowed to remain in this impure condition the more severe will Rheumatism become. Gradually the muscles harden and lose their elasticity, the joints begin to stiffen, and fre quently calculous deposits form knots at the finger joints. There is just one way to CURE Rheumatism, and that is to cleanse the blood of the nric acid poison. S. S. S., by removing every particle of the cause and PURIFYTNG the blood, cures Rheumatism permanently. S. S. S. eliminates the nric acid because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It filters out every trace of the sour, inflammatory matter, cools the acid-heated blood, furnishes the mate rial for multiplying the rich, nutritious corpuscles of the circulation, and by its fine tonic effects assists the system to rapidly overcome the effects of the disease. Soecial book on Rheumatism and medical advice free. S S S is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA. CA. ' BUYERS PAY MORE Steers Again Bring $7 North Portland Yards. at WITH A GOOD DEMAND Hogs Are Steady. With Sales at $7.25 and $7.50 Wool Wethers Firm at $5.25 Spring Lambs Hold Their Own. Business opened up quite actively at the yards yesterday, with a fair supply in all lines and an active demand. Cattle showed some recovery from last week's easing off and tT was again paid tor load of prime steers. Other steer sales were at $0.10 to $6.80. four loads go- Ing at the former and throe at the latter price. A few cows were moved with $3.73 the top sale. Sheep found buyers at 14.83 and 15.23, the latter deal bemg a large bunch of wool wethers. A load of Spring lambs brought ta.so. The hog market was stesdy. A bunch of China fata sold at S7.C0 and a load of good hogs, averaging 1ST pounds, went at S7.S3. The receipts ware 230 cattle, 041 sheep, 177 hogs and 23 horses. Khlppers of the stock were F. E. Llbby, Jefferson. X cars of sheep; 8. T. Smith. Knee- burg. X cars of sheep; Henry Cram, Gate way. 4 cars of cattle; Watson Bros., North Powder, 1 car of horses; R. N. titanneld. StanBeld, 1 car of cattle; T. Beaudotn. Jo seph. X cars of sheep; J. I. Fox. Eaton, Idaho. 3 cars of cattle; E. Tount. Osden, Utah. 2 cars of cattle, and W. B. Kurta, Rlgby. Idaho. 2 cars of cattle and hogs. The day's ( sales were as follows: Weight. Pries. 20 steers 1328 .0 10 steers 13BS 6.00 20 ateers 22 steers 20 steers 2tl steers 26 steers 1 cow 24 steers ............. 1 steers 25 steers 1 cow X cows 7 cows .... X cows 1 bull t bull t X bulls 1 bull 121 1343 1183 1144 1121 1UD0 lolM , 1126 , 1310 , 1130 083 1128 8 HO 1710 730 1B23 , 1H30 . Ill 100 f. 17 148 6.33 6.80 6.10 6.10 6.10 4.30 6.3S 6.10 7.00 6.25 8 75 8 73 4.75 5 IK) 4.00 4.73 4.30 4-t-S S.i'S 6.30 7.23 7.30 219 sheep , 242 wool wethers 7 fcprlng lambs 14 hogs S3 hogs Prices curr-nt on the various classes ot Union Stockyards stock at the Portland were ss follows: Prime grain-fad steers fl 75 17.00 Choice steers J 23J 6.30 Good to choice steers .......... 0.7.4 6.0O Fair to good steera. e.&OiS 0.1. Common ateers 4.7i.d 6.00 Prime cows 6.5un 6.00 Good to choice cows s.oota e-- Fair to good cost .iue v.vv Ioor cows eoo, .m Choice heifers &.! Choice bulls e.. 4-7S 1.00 Good to choice bulls 4.3oJ 4.7 J hole, neat calvee e u e.o Good to choice light calvee 8.00a) 8.23 Fair to medium light calves I sou auo bo Ice heavy calve. o.uo air to medium heavy calves.... 4 3t 6.00 Choice stags t.Z3o 50 Good to cnolce stags 4.30 d 6.00 Fsir to medium stsgs 4.00v 4.60 Unit- Choice hogs T OO 9 T.25 Good to diolce light hogs ...... 6.731 7.00 Choice heavy 6.304? 7.O0 Good to choice heavy 6.0o 6 50 Common 6.lM)u tj.no block hogs 7.60i 7.76 Sheep Grain-fed wethere, heavy 4.R04 goo Choice young wethers, grain-fed. 5. uo s 6.23 Old wethera 4.O0u 4-6u r.iwwl to choice .horn wethers... 4 23t 4.30 Choice ewes, grain-fed 4.309 4.70 Fair to medium ewea S-75tJ 4-Co Good to choice shorn ewes g.75o 4.00 Choice wool Iambs, grain-fed.... s.30t 6.73 Good to choice wool lamba, grain fed 5.23 9 3.50 Choice shorn lamba. grain-fed... 6.23 6.40 Oood to choice shorn lambs, grain fed 800 5.25 Fair to good lamba. grain fed.... 4.750 6 2t Culls 2 50y a.30 The following quotation, represent priaes en this market for the different claseee ot none.: Drafters, extra heavy. $3000 400; drafters. 14i to 1700 lbs.. 61509230; draft era. 12o0 to 1400 lbs. lluOoCiO; chunks, (S09130; plurs. 1109 40: driving horses. 79 and up; saddle horses. (60 and up. Chicago Uveatork Market. CHICAGO. April 24. Cattle Receipts es timated at 26.IXD; market mostly 10c lower. Beeves. S3.109 6.60; Tezaa steers. 14.609 6.63; Western steers, 14. .003.75: atockers and feeders, f 49 6 63; cow. and heifers, 62.59 93 76; calves. 4.7Se.30. Hogs Receipts eetlmatej at 66.000; roer ket elow. generally 13c off. Light. 6S.KG9 S.20; mixed. 65.S09 6.20; heavy. 63.6096.15; rough. 4.Vo3tr6.bO; good to choice heavy. 63 M'tr 6.75; pigs. 43. Ml w 6.75; bulk of sales, I3.P6w6.10. Sheep Receipts esttmsted at 22.000; mar ket steady. Native, 633 4.75: Western, (.1.23 94.80; yearlings. 14.309623; lambs, na tive. 64.60tf6.2i: Western. (4.769 6.23. TONGUE POINT MILL BUSY Lumber Measuring; 3,500,000 I 'cot to lie Loaded In Week. "During this vreelc the Tongue Point Lumber Company will float 3,600,000 feet of material from Its plant, and, be sides having a fleet of coasters to load Vils season, orders have been booked for cargoa on about five deepwater vessels," said Captain Albert Crowe, marine surveyor, on his return yester day from Astoria, where he superin tended the loading of the British tramp Inverklp. The Inverklp sailed from the river yesterday for Fremantle. Ths Norwegian steamer Sark is also taking cargo at the plant for Australia, and the British bark Wlndrueh Is load ing for Valparaiso. Shipments from tha Astoria mill will eclipse former records, and already lower river mills have made a good showing In offshore business as compared with local plants, the season here being backward as compared with that of 1910. The British tramp Beckenham will finish at Linn ton tomorrow. The British steamer St. George, which Is on the way with general European cargo, will proceed from Portland to Puget Pound after DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM results, fmm wair v.vir..... , discharging and load outward In the same trade as the Crown of Gallcla, which sailed from Tacoma April 15 for rjanta Rosalia ans the United Kingdom. Bar Dredging Work Begins. ASTORIA, Or., April 2t (Speclal. Schwlgler Brothers & Behenke will be gin work during the present week on dredging the bar at the mouth of Deep River. The funds to defray the expense have been raised through subscriptions by the transportation and tow-boat com panies operating steamers In th's sec tion. The Improvement will consist of dredging across the shoal for a distance of about 1000 feet and to a depth of three feet, as that will provide sufficient water to accommodate every vessel that en ters the river and at all stages of the tide, whereas. If the channel is dredged to a greater depth. It will result In low ering the water in the upper reaches of the stream. As soon as that Improve ment Is completed the dreuge will be gin work on the contract for building about VA miles of dike to reclaim In the In the neighborhood of 250 acres of land on Ieep River. Booklet Advertises Northwest. An attractive booklet, designed to advertise the Northwest among those who are making up their mlnde) where to SDend their yearly vacations. Is "The Land That Lures." Issued by the pas senger department of the O.-W. R. & N. Co and circulated by W. E. Skinner, general freight and passenger agent at Seattle. It consists of 48 pages or in teresting text and striking pictures. Portland and the country adjacent to this city are given much favorable at tention. The cover design is Deauti- ful. showfng a broad body of water. and Mount Rainier In the distance. A fair Northwestern goddess occupies the position In the foreground. Breaks Wlghted Off Haystack Hock. Captain Wagner, of the gasoline schooner Anvil, has reported to the local Hydrographlc office, that on the last voyage he wlghted two breaks In the vlolnity of Haystack Rock, near Cape Klwanda, the first being about 400 yards east northeast from the southwest end of Haystack Rock, and the second nearly two miles north northwest from the first break. Every Woman at certain periods of her life needs a tonic stimulant to help her overcome the trials and sickness which only a woman knows. Strength and health ren der unimportant the ills and trou bles that otherwise seem so for midable. To build up the body and enrich the blood there's no tonic known so good as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey For over fifty years it has been the standard remedy for every condition where a health and strength-builder is needed. It overcomes weakness in a gradual, natural manner restores the tis sues to a vigorous, healthy con dition. It is a wonderful remedy in the prevention and cure of consump tion, pneumonia, coughs, colds grip, malaria, low fevers, stomach troubles and all wasting and weakening conditions, if taken as directed. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the only Whiskey that was taxed by the Government as medicine during the Spanish - American War. All druggists, grocers and deal ers, or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Write for free medical booklet and doctor's advice. The Duffy Malt Whlakey Co., Rochester. X. T. A TALK TO AILING N -a W do not car to enlist tha Interest of the ctiu-l c.der. but we In. vlte the earnest at tentlon of MEN ONLY, and only men who need treatment. W want especially to talk to the man mho hai ben tak IniT treatment that does not cure. We want to talk to t he rn a n who has dosed himself with Free Trial Sam ples. Patent Kern eUes. Specifics and Cure Alls. We went to talk to the man who has been tislnir secret appliances and similar devices. We want to talk to the man who has sought relief In vain, if this has been your unhappy experience, you are cordially Invited to come to our office, where we will fully and freely explain to you why such treatment haf not cured you, and where we will demon strate to your entire satisfaction why we can cure you safely, quickly and per. manently. DR. GREEN system of MAN-BUILDING treatment will lve you immediate benefit and a quick and !atln; cure. There Is no un certainty about It. No risk to run. Our ru ran tee NO MONEY REQUIRED UN TIL SATISFIED Is your absolute pro tection. We cannot tell you In this an nouncement all we would like to, but will fully and freely explain our proven methods to all at) Ins" men who come to us for the help they need. AFFLICTKU M"KX, before treatlnr ele- wnrre, nanmi iy in veiifcaie our proven meinoas. ion win men anaersimnd now ennllr we cure all cn ruble raaen of VAKI- K FIS. fel'K IH BLOOO POISON. . . - r . f w . . ........ . . . . TIONS. ItLAInl-K and K1I1NEY iroublr. NTKA(.TKI ailmrats, FILES and all Ktl l.lL aiiiuenis. What you want Is s cure. Com to us snd t It. Once under our treatment, you will quickly reallxe bow simple a thins; It Is to act well in the hand, of a sperlallst who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, dally, ft to 6; av.nlnc. T to 8; Sunday. 10 to 1 only. DR. GREEN CO. SOT Waehlngton St., Portland, Or. WAI JING'a CODGH REMEDY The most wonderful coush oicuicine m me world. Also hava aome good ciiicutei icr internal, ex ternal, or Eruptive Dis eases or both sexes. Call or write to s. H. WAI ,'SXO CHIVKSK HERW u w S' HtulL'l.tB CO SOI H Ftrat at fortlaad. MB vrwra. j PAINFUL TROUBLE WITH FINGER 1 Sometimes Three Fingers Without Nails at One Time. Began 25 Years Ago. No Permanent Cure. Began to Use Cuticura SoaD and Ointment. In a Short Time Nails I Were Well. No Further Trouble. "I have suffered from the same trouble painful finger nails at different periods of my life. The first time of its occurrence, perhaps twenty-five years ago, after trying home remedies without getting helped, I asked my doctor to prescribe for me, but ft was not for a year or more that my nails and fingers were well. The laflspimstion and suppuration began at the base of the fingsr nail. Sometimes it was so painful that I bad to use a poultice to Induce suppuration. After the pus was discharged the swelling would go down until the next period of inflammation, possibly not more than a week or two afterwards. These frequent inflam mations resulted in the loss of the nail. " Perhaps tea yean later, I began sgaln to suffer from the same trouble. Again I tried various remedies, among uem a pre scription from a doctor of a mead of mine, -who had suffered from a like trouble. This seemed to help somewhat for a time, but it was not a permanent oure, next tried a pre scription from my own d,octor, but- this was so irritating to the sensitive, diseased skin that I could not use It. I began to use Cuti cura Soap and Ointment. I had used ths Cuticura Ointment previously oa my chil dren's scalps with good effect. I did not use the Soap exclusively, but I rubbed the Cuti cura Ointment into the base of the nail every night thoroughly, and as often beside as I .iilH T hcJT nnt ncH 1 Rut f-w n.V. before my nans were better, and la a short ' lime tney were apparently wen. mere was no more suppuration, nor Inflammation, the nails grew out clean again. One box of Cuti cura Ointment was all that I used in effecting a cure." (Signed) Mrs. I. J. Horton, Kato nah, N. Y., Apr. 13. 1010. On Sept. 21. Mrs. Horton wrote: "I have had no further return of the trouble with my finger nails." Sold everywhere. Potter Drug 4 Oh em. Corn., sole props., 139 Columbus Ave.. Boston. AV4rMsiled tree, samples of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, with 82-p. book on skin treatment. SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but it Paid Chicaeo. I1L "I suffered from a fe male weakness and stomach trouble. and I went to the store to tret a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, but the clerk did not want to let me have it he said it was no good and wanted me to try something else, but knowing all about it 1 in. sisted and finally trot it. and I am so glad I did, for it has cured me. "I know of so man v cases where wo men have been cured bvLvdia E.Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound that I can say to every suffering woman if that medicine does not help her, there is nothing that wilL" Mrs. Janetzki, 2963 Arch St., Chicago, I1L This is the age of substitution, and women who want a cure should insist upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound just as this woman did. and not accept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. women who are passing through this critical period or who are sufferinz from any of those distressing ills pe culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink. ham s vegetable compound. I .CURE Blood Rupture; Kidney, Bladder, Prostatic and All Ailments Peculiar to Men. Diseases, Nervous Decline, Varicose Veins, Obstructions, Piles, I Cure Men Quickly JUen who were drooping and declining In spirit and body are being brought back to youthful vicor. full - blooded health and strength again by the marveloua methods that have grown out of my 30 years of Ktudy and treat ment of every form of masculine ail ment. I am making men well and whole. I am dolnK what no other me dalist can do for men. When all others fail I cure, because my practice has been wider, my experience more varied. because my knowledge is more perfect. What I am doing for others I will do for you. Juot the effort of calling at my office and. without snendinsr one cent, have a confidential chat with me. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to g P. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. ;: ytJZjv catarrh: ( i fMi BLADDER i ! ' Am0JLVe a001,8 ' ' J Bcor oeounlsrsto" ' Cured in 1 lUM Dr. A. G. Smith. I am the only .specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill ind experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. WRITTEV GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund everv dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia. Piles, Fistula. Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours 9 A. M, to 8 P."M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Dr. A. G. Smith I SHOW MEN I CAN CURE THEM I demonstrate my ability in the treatment of ths ailments in my specialty, first, by giving immediate benefits; secondly, by the rapid progress my patients mako from the beginning, and each and every patient knows that he is going to get well from the fact that there is no standstill about the ailment, no weary weeks and months of wait ing, hoping and watching for benefite tha trouble must yield if I tell you in the beginning 1 can parma nently cure you, and it is because I am a scientific specialist and know how to CURE. By the latest and best methods, I cure, to remain cared, Blood and Skin Ailments, VariooM Veins, Files, Kidney and Bladder .Ailments. If afflicted men in Portland and vicinity knew of the permanent (rare I accomplish, of the patients I dis miss who don t have to continue seek ing and paying for treatment, some of them having been treated a dozen times before, they would surely lose no time in seeing me. I prove my success over other specialists. I don't ask you to believe me. I don t ask you to take my word for what I saj a visit and treatment will tell and eonvinoa yon if you have any dombts. I WILL TREAT YOU FREE for ona weak If you daslra to nror thousands to develop my treatment, rperlmant elsewnere, can cure you. While the srllssrr octr la sipassassaitlaaj ea surlai accomplish sure. See aa smw. $5.00 AND $10.09 IS ALL I CHARGE FOR CURING SOME CASES MY PRICES 'ARB ALWAYS THE There is a reason my practice to. lal largest. I am prenar.d to treat the oure rou the oheaDeet. Having; the tific treatment to be had. I oan curs yea the qalokast. It yoa hayr any trouble whatever, coma to ma. COPCSULTATIOjr AJTD BXAHDf ATIOIT fHEE at office or by mail. One personal visit Is preferred, but if this ta Im practicable, write us a full and unreserved history of your case and gret onr opinion free. Many oases ourea our own laboratory. 11-60 to IS.60 par Boors t A. M. t S P. M. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO., Inc. 830H YAMHILL STREET, PORTLAND, OREGO.t. Men and Women Cured The famous S. K. Chan Chi nese Medicine Company, with their remedies. ot herbs and ruots cure won derfully. It has cured many sufferers when other remedies have tailed. Sure cure for chronic, private ailments, nervousness, blood poison, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and lung troubles, consumption, stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. NO OPERATION. Consultation free. Examination for ladies by Mrs. a K,. Chan. Call or write to The S. K. Chan, Chinese Medicine Co., 226 Vi Morrison St.. Portland. Oregon. "I have been using Cascarets for In somnia, with which I have been afflicted for twenty years, and I can say that Cas carets have eiven me more relief than any other remedy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recommend them to my friends as being all that they are represented." Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken.'Weaken or"Gripe. 10c 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The ares nine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to care or your money back. . . , . 824 (2k Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia. Blood Poison Jfo Detention From Occupation, Family or Home NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE 500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARANTEE-THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRITE. I invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debilitv, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. HERNIA (RUPTURE) Disregard of existing hernia has cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the increased liability to strangulation. I cure rupture In selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In one treatment. " 60S " FOR BI.OOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrlich's won derful new discovery, " 606," In cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures In one treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new remedy has been successfully used In thou sands of cases. Let me explain It to you. 234H Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. Dollar Fte4 Urn Fnl TJ air. a Cared, that I cj can oure you. I have spent and I know wbat It will do. Don't Try my treatment free, and be convinced that LOWEST, no matter where you la the largest, my offices are the largest numbers. Therefore I can most aanerlenoed and, best scien at noma, awi llolnaa fresh from course. Siniais, M s IS. MEN CURED Is Our Fee SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, Itching- and Inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. It un able to call, wr'te for list of question.-). Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. 22-414 WASHINGTON TRKET, Corner First. Portland, Or. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Bl!nbla Chin Doctor spent lifetime study C herbs mnd research In China was (-ranted diploma by tha Emperor: guarantees cur all ailment of men and wo toe a when others fall If you suf fer, call or write to YJEB ft fcON'o MKDICINB CO.. U$H first. Cor. s&Ldec. foxtUad, Ot