17 T1TE MORXIXG OREGO?AX, TUESDAY, APKIL 25. 1911. TOR RKXT. HnurknplicJtMiii. il Private r"amlly. IWO or three completer? fnrnlahed boueo- Bnpi&f room Attractive n.nne, nea: rtvar. Welkin diinc. Phone Sell wool lu or call morning. $T. E. 4th 4FOUR cornr-letely furnished houeekeepln room, grouaa tioor. u-e f b.aemvnt. .-t pantry, ftrte yard and lane If deelred rio. In. East Sid. . References, pnone lul IUT. liOW la this for $2n? Two-ro.ua furnialie, 8ai ta basement of my home, all v.nVaocee and private entrance. Right aowa town, ibi iita. tWO lovely connecting room ru, batX w nov. water aaater. em, free phone, walk in cutanea, adults, stair. 1st Park at.. uu- IHP. OIIEATER SIKIER a FRANK fTOIl HKSTAL. AND INFORMATION HURalAU. H.mnuntrtL visit our no-to-date ran tal and Information departmenu 4th floor. mala outnliBC. and tha vacanclee have l:.taj of d-alrabla boturi and flat You'll mt. tlru In getting property an comforter: located. Wa keen m touc With all vacant houaea. f'.ata and apart mwnt. la tha city. Wa alao krrp a llat of Tw auT.d'.ng. In court, or conetructlon. Tha combined Ila. of all real aetata deal ere. T him Information la ateoiut:y rr -WHEN TOU WANT TO RrJ.VT A HOUSE T H E M E I E RjfcJF KANKJCOM PAST, WHEN nn mora you'll Bead NEW fl"R NiTCKK. Buy It ludlcloualy ton tha Eaat .Jei and tha aavicfa will excaad your movlr nrf&M Our LOW PRICES, which In I Jeaar. mid. na on. of Portland'e largest rurni tore houaa. mere nuj. poaslnla because wa built on tha Eaat Side, thereby saving V .s Vn a j.r rnl. MOHOAN-ATCHLEY Ft RNITTRB CO, '- Gran d ave . cor. K a.t St ark at. HOUSES and tiata for rent, noma f urn lan ad. AVINCS A TitUST COM PANT. Free map of city for Stranger. te-ROO-a house, ral'able for two famlllaa rant MV Ihon Mala 169 dorlaaT week aad Fla.t 141 8unaa. i-BOfill flat. $42: furniture n.w and must be ao.d at a aoap. !.. il All LAND A Co.. lt 4th St. COR. E. ALTEK and 14th. May 1. modern rocm house. 933. Maranall 744 week days. t-nOOV house walking dt.rane. II?. C H. Plrrott, owner. 142 S 2d at.. room 34. yOR KENT T-rooru hnua. modern, E. SSth aad Albarta: Hi. Wood lawn li:5. r;vE-lnx))l houaa f'r rtt. Ill par month. :i taat lltn at. 'Uth. FOR RKNT 6-rooni hnuaa la Fultoa Park. rhono Main 71. . e. W . an.!rn a and .room bouara. til ca yard. 72 E. Main. Vir ER.V A-roo in o "-... f 40 par monta. 1' North iSd at. A iCui. A XuKEKN -ruom houaa for ronu t-arutnara at. Jl VODKR.V I-roora botaao. IM N. 2lat at. tam'-hrd Unawra. ir tVB a -r'om bona, all f'irnlahad. at 1114 Poaton a. : will rnt f r o mntha ar I '3 a nfln'h to any raliaMa party 'jiran. r:7-ivi Toon blue, rnona Mar. a"ian !.-. A ioCia XEW. aiacancly furntahed motlarn 8 -room btipaalow In Irvtncta. baby irrand piano. oriental ruca. vr)'thliig couiplcta. f.J. A4Ui 1 iiODF.KN furnla&ad ft-room cottaca: alio furni..ia4 3-room flat with Data and saa. Ill Eaat rut.. W-K rar. LMHT. Baatlr fum(.hd rmi; ranca. larga doaat. porch; Hall at. iraa 44 1 M boua. nlcaly fuml.hod. alrrplng pores and vardaa. Pboaa kat 4.Il. : (iO HILL Mealy f ur-i'h-l (.toon flat , adulra; rafar.ncaa A :'li . iltDERN fnrnlahad T-room houaa for rant. 1 Piartmant. i'hop. Eaat 3Mtf. ' NEW a. room formatted hooao. K-a Mr. M-Wada. Arllnston llotrl. from II to 1. TOR RENT Fornl-had bma. Eaat Hlda. l IB. 41 K. Ith X. ( all .v.Dlnfft. T-ROOM furnl. had houaa for rant 'n 2ilh at. . t ar partlculara phono taln ?fA Howaaa tar Wrwf ror-llr tor 4a la. ROOM flat, cloaa In on Waal M; rant only .10 par month: alao rarpara. tor taiaa. ranfo foanartd and aoma fomttora for aala AT 97. Orraonlar XliHT rooma. Una yard. riaca. trvea; a;ood Baiahborhood; four rooma rented. Am laavtar town. w uid aeli vary rhrap rather tnaa etoro ruraitura. ra.t 47X4. i l H RENT Fomtahad a-rtwm hooaa Mill at., rant ltl- par month, between Waat lark aad link at a. liioch Realty t o. .v Aioer at. lVRNiTTr.B of 11-room houae. 3 hooaekeeo- Ina- auttea. all occupied, for a.ila by tha owner: reaaoaania rant: Deaf or location. lamh'.ll. call rrom 1 to 4 K. M. SIX coay rooma, rent 1-3. I, Emcaptlon- ally cbolca location. Vou'U aa.y "Darcala" aura. your terma. 411 Halt FOR SALt At a acr:r.oe. a furn'.tura of fc-room bouaa. If takaa today. 103 N. 13:h. aNAP For aala. new furniture: thraa rc-oma pxr $10 over r-!it and iaavea a rooma for houa- kaeplnx: f.o. 1 ravler. oyer aaloon. a-Ut.M houae. all Louarkaaplna rooma: rent MO: muat all at onca. Owner, 2-"-3 11th at. M-raliil 4.T. lTRNITTRK of T-room houae. iss Uth at., betwaaa Jaffaraoa and Columhim; no acenia. ri'RMTl'RE of T rooma. new and clean. hfua mouem: leavina city; anap. ja $10o dowa. o'.'S Klandrra. iLMOJT new furnltura of a 6 -room houao f.'r aa,e on i.at Maa. muat aall on account or auaneaa. -t,tk AL .J. orvsonlan. aU3 UTH 8T. Kurnltura of (t-room hooaa f r aala: bouaa for rant; barsalo. ealtaoia lor noma r-ea tnta at onca. FIAT for rant and furnltura of alt-room u.i tor aaie reaaonaoia. 39 lata at., bat. " t ana aiarat. 35 ItiXiMS. houarkeeinar: owner muat aall .W wlil hamlle. Ji: Clay at. 14 ROOMS; new. clean and modern; money maaer ana una noma, aui I'.rK at. FOR f ALK ly owner the furnltura of a all room ho.iae. 3 rovma rented. Marahall 3ol, 4-ROOM apartment for rent, fumltora for aaie. liag oS4 Flandera. apt. 24. T-FOOll houaa for leaae. furnltura for aala. William, ava. Tako tT car. TTRVITVRB of a-room houaa f h..p.T:y Ankenyat. for aala 11" Houaekeeplna room. fmlaleH. Weat ri'ir. w,air: i:a:.rj'-. JT" l-fh at. IT'RNITVRE. cut el aaa. ehlna. for at tv. Houaa for rant. 14 I -an a at. B ASIDE HOTEL. For a.'e. lv-raon romplately furnlahed. pianu earremely loar Cail oa ar writa aar modern hotel, hot-water heattna; pnea. aa.y terma. J. K. DATES. Samalda, Or. ON account oe alckneaa I will aall my near and complataly ftirnlahad 4 -room cottaaa at Lao ilaach. Waah.; thla La a anap la prlco to anyona deetroua of aecunna; a claaey hammer beach reaort. lnqutra of ..Bar at ill Sparling bide FIVK druf atora. dowa town, ion leaae; lh-l and per month: atock ran ba aouaht at bitf dlacount. t ni.auaL ttora an Oak atreet. 3o&t. near 6th at with balcoay. electrical auppllea. hard ware, etc; mlcbt conalder nrat-claaa r ra ta n ran t. timall a ore en Ktark at: f'A w H. Webb, ill La a la bl.l. Maxahall 1PT0. FO '1 REST 6tor. -JxtnO. Front at., near Ma.li'on: a cooti lit. aecfoo fur a ama I buameea: rent reaaonaMa. A. f. pirreil Co.. 2;3 McKay blda.. 3d and Stark ata tTOREROOH-iboursikul feet, .niitable for grocery. druaetore and Uia like, with tha tiaa of trie baaemcnt. Inqalra 4i Chamber of Commar-a. ONE room. 14ao. aultabta f-r a reataurant or bakery .rooda. etc.. good locatloa. I Q cuilra 4l'.4 CambT of Commerva. FOR RENT cheap, fre tartra corner atora, Faat tjide. corner ilTth and Foater ava.; long leaaa. phono Main MM FFn E tr U k cor. a - or e Eat-11 1 h and Haw. tborae. Apn y ITS Eaat l'.th. cor. TamhllL STOKEffor rent-at Ctaacd Stark elaIn- aulra T3 let at. tTO H B at Morrlan at.; o feat Oaapi can maka It 10 feet; rent reaaonabla, a TO R E for rent- Phona Eaat 1JS. Office. WELL lighted ootalde office lSzl feet. wnh lavatory, in La via bl.ig. Apply bul Lew la bldaN " ' XKSKROOM. large. Ilirht. finely fuml.hrd front ofnea. rhooa Included, reaaonabla. j -4 Henry b'l iwTOTTN good-alsad fflcaa. rood light aad yon. tl Atloa. at ov par xaeaU. avi iSA Morrl- FOR REVT. OrTlrea. OFFICES FOR RENT. Ill IK) to glO-OU. MERCHANTS BAVIN'-.! at TRU8T COMPANY. R TT. Corner lh and Waahlngtoa. 6VITE of two office for rent. on. fur niahed: will rent aeparately or together. .'-a3 Lafarctte bitlg.. WaehLngton and eth. FULLT furnlahed offlca. Ua. of recaption office. All modern convenience. (03 Commercial Block. Id and Waahlngton. OFFICE and deak room: preferably to real aerate man. Marahail 2S63. 4V3 Common wealth bid. MOST centrally located orTlcea, all-Blght ele vator eervire. '3 wetland blag., or Jan itor, olb and Waahlngton. . Nlr-n light front office with naa of racap tlwn-rooTn. 61T Poard of Trade. North weat Realty Co.. per J. T. Morrow. Sec PART of weil-llchted offlca; alao deak room. -S Railway Exchange. rYarehoaaee. TVO entire floora. or part. In brick build ing, with elevator- very reaaonaMe. Apply at SOU Front at. Phona Main 299:1. TO LEA IE. TO LEASF IoOiI0. lth at.. Couch to Iavia and Trinity place: moat deatrable botel eite In the city; loaf ground leaaa oa very reaaonabla terma. Apply to A. A. Mnrrlaon. t Trinity Place. BrrxE" oppoRTrwrrnc". TAILORS. ATTENTION. For aaie On. of tha beat paying teller buelneaeee. In Portland; eatabllair-d 10 y-ar a All caah buaineaa; clean, new atcck and good. atealy trada W ill aeii at Invoice, which ta .boot l.TioO. Vlrht give terma on part to rlaht rriMy Owner naa other Intereata. Thla will atand cloaa InveeMaaUon. baa M. Maiden. ua Ktretland bid. BUSINESS FOR 's ALE. Tha only exclualve furniture, andertak tng and houae furnlahlng eatahllahment la Lincoln C.unty: eetabllahed l!ill: bueine.e Increaalng dally: building 5tfa50; lot 5oX 14U: DroDrtetor la blind and la falling health r-aaon for eellln: Hia0 will han dle it. For further Information call on or adriree. ownvr. A. Roeebrook. Toledo, or. IF TOU CAN rFLL REAL ESTATE AND AT1K Wll.LINlS TO WORK I CAN Or FEK Ii.ii- I'AItTNURSHIP PHOPOSI T I V THAT WILL NET TOC MORE r.FlTlR.NS FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT THAN ANTTIIlNtl IN PORTLAND TO IV; NO TRIFLERS. 417 BOARD Of TRADE. CHOICE OROCK.RY. Well locate,, on T'nlon ava.. good trade, can be greatly Increaaed by ad-ding de livery wagon; Invoice atock and bxture. ORI 'SI a ZADOVT, SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FIRST-CLASS tranafcr bualneaa for aaie In one of the beat email cltle. In Weetera Waahlngton. doing SJTfHKi to S.ia.000 per year tuaineea; take. .vmn) to $10.ato. ac cording to aecuruy offered; r-aaon for aeilinc. going to Philippine. AV 31. Ora- F1NE. new hotel. In good country town. near 1'ortland. 30 rooina. fu,l baaement furnace heat, rlaatered and furntahed throughout: muat aell on account of 111 health; prlc. x0: will take other prop erty to tl) amount of about ooe-tbird no agent. AV lb. Oregonlan. HERE la the beat bargain In the city: hotel ana grtti with bar; long leaae and doing firat-oiaa. buetaeea; will aell cheap account of atckneea If taken at once. Give phona Bomber or etreet addrea. if you wiab aa anawar. Addrea. O 3a. Oregonlan. "COMIC TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD. Agent, wanted In Factflc Northweat 1'aciflc Mutual Life. 43 year. old Si tnllllone aeeeta. We loan money. H. H. Ward. Msr, T12 Spalding bldg. WANTED party with from $2iOO to 33oa 10 take intereat la good py'g bualaee will atand Inveetlgatloa; wa Cava goat ep.nlr.a la California. The Ame. Mercantile Agency, Main iir.g. 41 Ablngtoa bldg. FOR SALE Good ahop outfit for aa-wmlll. r.wty-inch engine lathe. 24-foot bed; Iroa planer lxlhx-u,; 21-Inch poorer poet dr 7-hurarpoa-er engine and lo-hor.power boiier on one baae: good, order, cheap. Andreas A V .0. orogonlan. . HALF Intereet In a reliable real eatata orTiee. beat of reaaona for ailing: your invratmeot aecured ; reference given ana required: on,y active men win be con aMered: bo agvoia need apply. F 37, oregonlan. GOLDE.f OPPORTUNITY. To get In the aaloon bualneaa; flna lo cation, good long leaae and low rent; will tak. I2uim caah to handlo the propoaltion. A' r. 1 1 L-at a. UL.t.K CO.. 3l-17 Ablngton Bldg. MOTION-PICTURE THEATER. Flna eetabllahed motion-picture theater fn Portland for aala. or will exchange for real eatate. o reaaonabla offer rof uaed. Phone Main eti FOR SALE Reataurant on 8th at., between Burnattle arid Lnlon uepot; doing very good bualneaa; If yoo come todiy you will buy tbie very cheap. For Information call at 134 X. eth at. Phone Main 3424. PARTNER WANTED. Man with paying caah bualneaa want. partner; will make you 3:3 per week; S.4 required. Call roam 31i lAtmber Exchange bldg. TOUNO MAN. STRANGER. Maka cnreful Investigation .t ex pa naa ex eelier oexcre yoo inveat money in any propoaltion. Aaviaory ijeparimeoi. I . M. C A. REAL ESTATE man having a rood bualneaa wanta ateady partner to ahow customer, property. Particular, room 623 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for a .tore: can depend on fa. day clear; experience not neceaaary and ateady man wanted more than big money; partlculara 2laH Stark at. nr. R CTlN'n for Bale at a aacrlflce. to bacco. aiationery. etc.: new fixtures: caan r- a-i-ter, cheap rent, good location. Apply 47 N. -d at- MI1.I1.SF-R and drceamaker to buy .mall atock or millinery ajiu ary roofie. at in vice. Take part caah and building lot. I'hon. B HALF Intereat In aa old-eetabllehed bual aeaa. doing a good bualneaa. For rull par tlculara call Kinney ac Stamper. Lumber Exchange bldg.. rooma A31-632. OWNER of caah atora tired of hired heln. will take ateady partner ana guarantee good proflta; requite very little money; fully aecurcd. tail -15 wtarg at. CASH OIIOCERY AND LUNCH. Money-maker, all new. comer. Weat Ptde. 3 HvtnK-ronm. no delivery, fliloo. HALL. aV OUST1N. 611 Lumtermena Bldg. POOL, HALL. 3 table.; confectionery; leaae; rent 923 per month, l aiace Realty. Mi 14 Yaaahill at- Price, x-no. FOR SALE OR LEAf B Completely eviulppecl piantnx-mrii in city ot ii,oaj. Adrraa S. M. Barnard. Vancouver, Waeh.. Box 149. ClOAR, confectionery, atatlonery atore for aaie: a good ouy anu muat be bought at once If wa aelL tat. N. 3d. Phona M. 4141. FOR SALE New. modern, pool aad card- room. 2dxoo, ailjaeeot only reataurant la dlatrlct, handling over 23 regular board era, labor 2413 RESTAURANT for aala; will aell my res taurant In a living-room cheap ir taker, at once: too much work. See owner, 7o3 Thurmaa et. WANTKD Phyalclan a. partner to conduct electric and hydropathic aanltarlum la towa of 7u.H. with large aurroundln coun try. Ir. J. O. Moxley. Lewlaton. Idaho. FOR SA'J: Aa excellent nothing. dry gooda an.l anoe ouaineae: atoca about 312. 3a; eaay terma given if bought at onca. Addrcas Bjx 3T. city. MAX or woman with a few hundred dollar. to fake an intereat -10 a modem note!, oartly furntahed. In city. C. H- Plaaott. owner. 142S 2d at., room 24. FOR 8ALK 2n aharra of atock In Haiel- wood Co.. bpokana. at iizo par .hare; this I. lea. than book value Jan. 1. 1B1L M. Mortenaen. Am-. Iowa. RE.VX. ESTATE man want, ateady partner to anow properly; muer rve noneat and sober. Particular, git Board of Trade. HVAXT t "ANT to buy a good bualneaa In a good wn In Willamette Valley. AB 43. Ore- to gonlan. WOOD BUSINESS Have fine chance for man witn i.ev: money xuny eecurea: can clear Hbt month. Call Stark ac OR RENT Fumiahaa dining-room and kltcben: ana location, auiiaote xor restau- raat. For particulars phone A 6o.1T. lDC,IN"l-HOUSE OWNERS. NOTICKU H.r. cuatomer I"1 ej or more rooms. PALACE IIKAUT, 243H Yamhill bt. IJOOTHUACK STAND. First St.; 910: fine chairs; anap. PA-LACE REALTY. Yamhill gt. MININO AND IND0J8TRIAL BTOCKS. Ta.ephone and other bonds bought aad so d. Fletcher Inv. Co . 223 Ablngtoa. BARKER SHOP fo' sale; t chair.: muat be aid at once; owner going to leave towa. 12T n. eta. BUSINESS STATIONERY at a nodal price. Acorn Preaa. 313 Buchanan bid. Mala31i4. 300 BUSINESS eerda. $1.00: you muat bring this ad. hoae City Prlntery. Third. OROCERT, stock and fixtures; living rooms; rent 920; lease. t K. 13 lb au Kottn, LADIES- ready-to-wear and millinery bualneaa lor aaie; exceptionally good reaaona tor owner retiring; etoro 32x10 on one of tha beat bualneaa atreeta In Vancouver at low rent with good leaae: atock A-l con dition; purchaeer can have option of cuy lr entire bualneaa for l-'S.ooO, not leaa than HO.COO down, balance to be arranged. For run partlculara apply r, o. Aiox i Vancouver, ii. C. AJt nnuaually good opportunity la offered to a weU-aduoated young lady or young man to eacure a poaltlon aa caahier ana a wora In. lntaraat In a nroatjeroua bualneaa in atltatton. Wa offer a one-fourth Intereat to tne peraon with tha right credentlala and a capital of J.'.Ooa All money need Bot be paid In at once. A entailer Intereat aaa poaition can ba baa witn leaa mouvr. ajl, 4. orogonlan. OPPORTVNITT ta offered man of buaincaa experience to buy controlling Internet In large wholeaale Jobbing toncorn eetab llaheil over 14 yeara. a hoae trade cover. Facino Coaat and Kortnweet: new ont bu'ldlna and fine trackage factlltlca ahould have X.VJ ooO or more to Inveat; thla would make a good branch houae for an Eaatern manufacturer or joDoer. au dree. F 42. OTegonlan. HARNESS and Implement bualneaa. eetab llahed T year., all gooda In flret-claaj ahape; ownera have other bualneaa and cannot give thla bualneaa their peraonal attention: her. la a good opportunity for an enarg-itlc man with from $2000 to ttr.no Will aeli or leaa. tha bullulnga. Addrea. owner.: Eatacada Mercantile Co.. Eatacada. Or. AT INVOICE, about 1S0O. lea cream parlor with soda fountain, cigar and tobaoco. fruit and candle, grocerle. and atapla patent draga; all In flrat-clae. condition. Thla would ba a good place for a vopnc or old doctor, a. there la no comperttton in druiL Km Joe Xaah owner. No. boOS 7-d t- South. Tak. Mount Scott car, get off at Millard ve. 8ea Xaab there. Pbon. Tabor "312. RESTAURANTS. One clearing A200 par month, for $1300. BTnaJl one, well located, $300. A raoaay-maker for (250. OARMN'D CO.. lfll 4th St. HOTEL SUA P. Owner wishes to retire and will sell 60-room botel, rates 92 and 32.10 per day: amend d location, worth 94000. ran ba had for 94UOO It sold wltliln short time. GRt'SSI aV ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bidg.. 4th and Oak. EXPERIENCED, substantial new. paper man who can command a few hundrc.1 dollftra. can buy paying weekly new.psper In one of the moat promlalng small lowm In W 11 lametto Valley: write promptly, riving full details and amount you are prepared to Invert- AV 12. Oregonlan. CENT HAL WaahlngtonTeO mllea from North Yakima, S mllea from a proaperoua town: 6so-acre tract, consisting of orchard, wheat and meadow land; will take Improved Portland property or A No. 1 mercantile bualneaa aa part payment- Addreaa owner. AD 47. Oregonlan. FOR BALE Garage and machlno shop at Pomeroy, Waahlngton; neta a profit of 9?.'0 a month. 83 autoa In the county, no other auto agency or garage In Garfield county; cheap for cash. Write to Ed Rlggs, Pom eroy. Wash. FOR SALE Tranafer bualneaa: 1 3-ton, 1 2-ton and 1 one-ton wagon, ii line1 of tioraea, harness, etc.. doing good hualr.esa: wagons buay all tha tln.r; muat ! sold at once account other bualners. Address O 42. Oregonlan. In good Oregon town, value $11,000, to trade lor farm land or Portland city property. This hotel Is a money-maker, we will give full particulars. Western Pec. Co-, exchange dept., 414 Spalding bMg. BUSINESS man with 310.OO0 to buv one third Intereat In a legitimate manufactur ing bualneaa In Pnrtlnnd. bearing tha etrlrfr.t Investigation. I.-.O.OOO assets, won derful future. AP 42. Oregonlan. . STORE FOR RENT. Good for grocery, confectionery and no tions, lease, rent 920; fixture, for sale rhrap. HALL A GUSTIN. 611 Lumbermen. tilclg. FOR SALE XTO.OOO . t (vTv" o fw c 11 aiaort cd hardware, old eatabllshed. In the business renter of one of the largest cities on the Coaat. $20,000 caah. bL time, AV 1L Oreronlnn. HAKDWARE. Implement, paint stock. In voice ain.vai. ivhpii caan. balance terma New Northern California town with 8 eawmllle tributary, bog factory, big ranck trade. Addreaa AV 23. Oregonlan. WANT you to know one thousand dollars In- veiled pay. you 9240 per year or 920 per month. Call or write for partlculirs. Alaaka Coaat Fish Co.. Incorporated, 611 Buchanan bldg., Portland. Oregon. FOR SALB Grocery and confectionery. arowiog aection or rortland. liv ing rooma. nice stock furniture It desired. Phone Tabor 2773. CIOAR stand on Wsshlncton at., four-year leaae. fine location: doing good business; $1100 will handle It. Call 618 Board of Trade. SALOONS. We are the only people that are touch with the proprietors. See us. PALACE REALTY. 24,H Yamhill St, In WANTED Acttv man to Join me In sal. 01 real estate; orflce work: don t requlr. much money: ground-floor proposltlon. Wrlto me today. AC 48. Oregonlan. HALF intereat In a real eatate otTlc. that Is paying I00O per month: nothing but a good, live man wanted, particulars at 810 Jbpalding bldg. . WELL-EQriPPED ' ladles' and rents' Turkleh baths: must be sold this week: best offer take. it. Yamhill at. Phono Main 1938. . BATHHOUSE. T rooms: heat free; finest In city; near a ana aiomann Bin. PALACE REALTY, 843H Yamhill St. TRANSFER and storage; very small capital win secure tin ousiaess: can pay for It our. or tne proiita. particulars 14! H SALOON for sale cheap; license, lease, stock ann nxture. 34tHH, 11 taken till, week: cen trally located: rent reasonable. AO 42, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. $300; snap; center city; lease; cheap rent. PAXACE REALTY, 245'A, Tamhlll St. FOR PALE Meat market corner store: will invoice, fixtures if taken today. Rent cheap, owner leaving city, sickness. B 33. orogontaa. FINK confectionery store; good location party leaving city. Call at 7S1 Williams ave. i"OR SALE A cleaning and repairing store, rood location. Owner must sell. 10SJ Div ision st- Take W-R car. PARTNER wanted In small caah bualneaa: win pay you an oany witn amall tnvest- ment, Hoom f23 Lum per Exchan ge MEAT BUSINESS Cleared over $6000 last year; win sen cheap on account of sick ness, call 141 H stark st, CONFECTIONERY and cigars. West? Side corner; leaae anu money-maker; price $10re. Call 618 Board of Trad. CASH crocery. complete outfit for hakina. uoon location. At aaertflce If sold at onca. leaving city. ak at. Oregonlan. HARDWARE" BUSINESS. In soutb Dakota, exchange for land or Portland propert y. AN 41. Oregonlan. GROCERY. East Side, no delivery and caah -trade; price ynn; man and wife c clear $8 day. Call 1 Board of Trade. CONFECTIONERY and cigar stnreathat will rty you tiou monthly, at Invoice. Room P-3 Lumber Exchange. BARBER SHOP 4 chairs and baths: fine country town: rood prices: for sale cheap; terms. Call 24 tttark at. PARTY with 9400 can get Interest In bualneaa that will make them a living. Phone Mar ahall 324. FOR SALE Country hotel clearing 92.100 yearly over all expenaea; terms to right party. Room 523 Lumber Exchange. HERE'S a snap. Tbe complete furni.hlnga of a restaurant tor aaie cneap. 2U3 stark to 10 A. M. or to 4 p. M. BARBER SHOP for sale, good paying shop. 3 cnalrs ana oatns. .3 uib SU Leav- Ing city. HAVE few hundred to Inveat In amall bual neaa. What have your Give particulars first letter. H 42. Oregonlan. fXUt SALE A first-class three-chair barber hop at a bargain tor caan. call or write. F. P. Hoehn. Jorome. Idaho. GOOD reataurant In flrst-claaa location for aala. Call for partlculara at Altaian a restaurant. 64 6th St.. cor, pine. BAKERY Good location, doing poo to 1200 loaves OSIlv; reason lor aeninr. xailing health. Inquire A 42. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Coffee bouse or reataurant. with irnae. or win -umiaucu. oee Wood. 287 Couch St, 92iiO REAL ESTATE PARTNER. EXPER IENCES j m c v. a, 00 m a . inifina eoo 6 E LL1NO BLDG. CONFECTIONERY, lunch, modern rooms; lease fur sale, owner. .1.10 xueevil au FOR SALE Woodworking plant- doing rood bualneaa. in tnia city, au i,, oregonlan. FII'.ST-CLASS bakery, dolnr good bualne 10 Eaat 2Stti at., near iiurnaiae. 9300 Cigar stand, quick sal. Call at 40 ft. aq at. FOR RALK-Ottr stand, cheap If taken at eace. IH gtuaseii aw 4 BCHIXKss OPPORTUNITIES. WE RECOMMEND THIS New and Second-Hand FURNlTUMf STORE. One of the best medlum-sixed stores In the city; lino building and location; you can buy a one-half interest or all; stock loei at Invoice: books showing last 7 years business open for your inspection; will take about 9."u00 for a one-ball In terest. NORTHERN TRUST COMPAJJY. 270 Stark St, wnvtva-PTCTl-WW theater the best shoar In town near Portland; this place can be bought cheap. 404 Kotncnliq piag. BOO.MTNO-HOrSES. NEW BRICK APARTM'SXT-HOCPB, On UTH. CLOSE TO WASHINGTON ST. Contains 42 2. 3, 4 -room apartments, ele gantly furnlahed throutchout; steam heat 1 23 rooma rent 35 '2. nee month a room leaae to run to November. 1918. This apartment-bouse Is always full and makes 9uo0 profit psr month; owner has to go to urope: price, 918.O00; $$300 casta, bal- - anc. 9200 per montn. A. J. OANTNER, 400 Henry Bldg- HAVE TOU $1130? If so. we van Put you in possession of a fine little K-ROOM HOUSE, located In heart of city on MORRISON ST., 3-year leaaa at $100 per month; GUARANTEED CLEARING not less than $100 per month. This Is certainly a BARGAIN. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT Suite CIS Yeon Bldg.. 6th and Alder Sts. CO.. OS-ROOM apartment-house, clearlDB $-130 per month; 9llo00. 44-room hotel, clears over $300 per month: 90000. 18 rooms, rent 930, clears 976 per month; price $000. GARLAND AY CO., 191 4th St. 23 WELL furnished rooms. Erlck building. 4-year leaae, rent 9125 month. We are in a position to know that this house clears $li3 ner month above expenaea 91200 caah. Walter McUovorn, 10JS Chamber of Commerce. ' APARTMENT-HOUSE. 02 rooma. new and modern, flneat loca tion In city; walking distance; If sold this week will aell $1000 less than value. GOODNOUGH at SEITZ. SIO Spalding Bldg. BEST location on Union ave.. 30 rooms, housekeeping, new and well-furnished. In new brick, clearing $100 per month; rooms alwav. full: 3 years' lease; buy of owner. Phone East 1345. S3 ROOMS 25. New concrete building 5 years' lease, rent $70, newly and nicely finished. This is a money-maker, for quick sale $1800; easy terms. 311) Board of Trade. 8ACRIFICE SALE. 19 rooms, well finished, close In. West Side. 3 year.' lease. $70 rent; given away for $1050. terma 311) Board of Trade. 10-ROOM house, 2 blocks from Postofflce; f:ood corner location, rooms all large, Irht. clean and well furnished; price rea sonable; direct from owner. 293 Salmon st. LOST Sunday afternoon, between 12th and Hollailay and East 12th and Pine to 7th and East Pine, small Shrlner's stickpin. Kinder plesse call East 213 or C 3002. 22 ROOMS: this Is a first-class house; fur niture good: price $1700; terms; three years' leaae and will g-unrantee to net flOQ month. Call 1 Board of Trade ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 nice rooms, good furniture wltb a long lease; price $1700; $1000 down. In quire 4.'S Chamber of Commerce. BIGHT rooms: furnace heat; rent $22.50; rooms rented; nno furniture and carpeta; price 9300. terms. Call 88 lOtb su, near Stark. ROOMS, elegantly furnlahed. steam beat, leaae. close In; beautiful grounds; a splendid buy: terma 319 Board of Trade. BARGAIN. KO-room hotel in very desirable location; price $.,.0O, 92t-'.o cash. Marshall 303. A BARGAIN, 15 rooms, well located and a good money-maker; lease, rent $00. i ar tlculare 417 Kenton bldg. WANTED Rooming-house from 20 to 30 rooms, give location, price ana terms; no agent. AR 49. Oregonlan. 18-ROOM boardlng-houae, reasonable on ac count of sickness. Pbone A aooi. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED From Ssndy, Friday. April 7. 1 bat mare, white stripe in race and wnite feet, weight about 1J00 pounds; leather halter on her when she left; last seen near Pleasant Home, going towards Port land. Finder will be rewarded by taking same and notifying Shelly, at Sandy. Phone or write. LOST Two horses; ran away from the ranch Dear Nasoma station, on balem Klectric carllne. Finders are requested to notify the following address and hold the horses until owner calls. K. Inouye, R. K. IX, No. 1. box 65, K. Inouye, 53 Vi N. Fourth St., Portland, Or. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wnoiesaie prices; we reuovate mattresses and return same dsy; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger, 220-223 Front- 'Phone Main 474: A 1H74- LOST On the road between Oregon City and Aurora, a large seal-skin collar with stole points; if the finder will return the same to 311 Morrison st,. roruana, suitable reward will be given, STRATED or stolen, sorrel driving mare, weight about 9oo pounds, with 4 wnite feet, white forehead. Call 1M)7 Williams ave. I'hon. woodiawn luus, atter o r. ju. Woodlawn 1103. Reward. LOST Sauraay night, oval brooch, carved head, rold . mounting, valuable a. keep sake; reward. Madison Park Apt., apt. 8u. Pbone Marshall -iwi. LOST Coral bead necklace, Saturday msht In the city; leaf design attached; return to 770 Marshall st- Main 2626. Liberal re ward. LOST Diamond-shaped pin, surrounded by pearls, name on back; reward, c. r UUstrap. 34 N. King st. A 7392. LOST A yellow Jersey cow with brown hal- ter; reward. Call wooaiawn oU4. LOST Child', gold bracelet- In vicinity of 11th and Columbia- Main ssuo; reward. 8rKCI.lL NOTICES. Prupoeule Invited. RA1.E OI? WATKU HONIIS. The Common Council of Central PolnL Oregon, will receive sealed bida up to 3 o'clock P. M.. May 1. 1911. for tbe sale of 314.000. 6 per cent. 80-year bonds, bid. to be accompanied by a certified check equal to 6 per cent of the amount kid for. The right to reject any and all bids 1. reserved. Bid. will be received for any part of said bond issue. Bonds to be delivered to buyer In sums of $2000 or multiples thereof and payment therefor to include accrued intereat to oat. ot un livery. Right reserved to sell any portion of said bunds to local purchasers on earn. terms aa accepted bid. STATEMENT. Denominations. $3oo. Date of bonds, Vav 1. lull. Bonds mature May 1. 101 U Bonds not optional before maturity. In terest and principal payable at option of bolder semi-annually. Bonds lsued pur suant to vote of tbe people March 13. 111 L Bids to be addressed to J. W. Jacobs. City Recorder. Certified check payable to tbe City Recorder, Central Point, Ore gon. No litigation pending this Issue. Tne city has never defaulted in tha payment of either interest or prinripsi. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Have a bonded debt of 923.000. Asaeased valuation 1910. 9430.4X9. Real valuation (estimated I. 91.000,000. Tax rate. 10 mllla. Population, cenaua. 761: preaent population (eatlinated on school census). 1500. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds win be used directly in extending the present water system. I hereby certify that the above state ment is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief Dated at Central Point, Oie gon. April 13, 191L J. W. JACOBS. City Recorder. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Booth Jewelry Com pany. Bankrupt, Th. undersigned trustee of the above en titled estate will receive sealed bids up to 11 :0s o clock noon of May 1. 1911. for the stock of diamonds, watches, clocks. Jewelry, etc, and fixtures belonging to said estate, situated at Forest Grove, Ore- gon. of the total Inventory valuation of $S1S7.:. cash or a certinea eneck lor l. Der cent of amount bid to accompany each bid as evidence of good faith, balance to be paid upon confirmation or sale by the court. Right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved and any acceptance of bid subject to confirmation by court. Tne atock ana fixtures may oe inspected upon application at store to H. W. Sltton, Forest Grove. Oregon: copies of Inventory to be examined at .tor. and at 901 F.nton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated April zi, iu. s H. 6. TUTHILL, Trustee. H. 8. McCutchan, 903 F.nton Bldg., Attor ney for Trustee. NOTICE TO CONCRETE CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals win oe received at tn. office of K. Sauaet, Corvallia. Or., until May L 1911. for the plating of 5000 cubic yards, (mori or leas) of concrete ,ln conduit-Plan, and specifications mar be seen at Che office. K. Bauset, Corvallia, Or, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSAT.S for beef, mutton and Ice. Van couver Barracka, Waeh., April 22, 1911. Sealed proposal In triplicate for furnish ing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning July 1, 1911, will be received until 11 A. M., May 24. lull, and then opened, at offices of commis saries at Fort Stevens, Or.. Boise Barracks, Idaho. Forts Casey, Columbia, Klagler. Lawton, Vancouver. Ward, Worden and George Wright, Wash., also for ice for above posts for one year. Proposals will be considered for delivery of ice at other points than at post. Envelopes containing proposals must bo indorsed, "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton (or Ice) to be opened May 24, 1911," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, Edward E. Dravo. Colo.. A, C. u., cniet com y. OTTARTE RMASTER'S OFFICE. 322 Arcad Annex. Seattle. Wash.. March 1. 191L Seahsd proposals will be received hero until 11 A. M.. May 1. 1911, for trans Pacuio transportation from Portland, Or. or Puget Sound ports. for passengers, animals, freight. United States troops. etc. during tho fiscal year commencin Jnlv 1. 191L For further information ad dress W. H. Miller, Quartermaster, U. S. A, KIN AN CI AL. MORTGAGE! LOANS On Improved city property or for building purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST COMPANY. 916 Spalding jjiag. . Money to Loan Beat Estate. 5 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. Ton are not required to osvn a lot. as wo loan 100 per cent valuation on property that ba a. monthly rentul value. This is tho salaried man's plan to own a home. Call or write for particulars. blANUAUU REAL ESTATE LOAN CO. J. H. Delaney, Slate Agent, 423 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY to loan on lnsido Portland prop erty. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 618-20-21 Railway Jixchaage. MORTGAGE LOAN. Have 93000 to ioan on good city prop erty at per cent lor irom wnw years. R. F. BRYAN. 503 Chamber of Commerce. Ox; tupHOvlrii clrv oronertv or for build in, numni.,: t to vears' time: liberal repayment nrlvlleges. money advanced a building progresae. The Eo.uitaole bav lnga as Loan Aaaociatlon. 210 atar. au PLENTY of money to loan at d and 1 per cent on real eatate security. Ei)W P. MALL, 1U4 Second aUi g.tnn ono on linnroved eltv or farm property h.ill.iin.- or small loans at ioweal prices larae loans a specialty. J. H. Mciveniie Co.. S14-&15-51U Uernnger blut;. FIRST and second mortgages and contract purchased on larm ana city propo. ij, where in oreon or wwuih.w. a. Devereaux. Feuton bids., 84 Ota at. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWAI11I K. UCUDKY. Lewis Aiulidiasv TO LOAN. $4000 at 7 per cent for a term of years $li30 at 7 per cent for 4 or S months mocti Keaity Co.. auo Amur at. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on Portland property in aume from flooo t $30,000 at loest current rate. Morgan, r litdner A Uyce, 603-506 Ablngtoa bldg. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN Portland and Suburban Real Estate. E. C EASTON. b27 iioard of Trade. 3JO.UOO TO LOAN. & vears. 7 per cent. West Side improved real estate. Union Paclhc Lite Insurance Co., 604-ti05 Oregoniaq bldg. 140O0 INCOME oroDcrty of private party, 8 or 6 years, interest every three months. D 61, orusonian, MONEY. to loan on Improved real estate or for bulldinjf purposes. Columbia Life A Trust Company, 010 apaluing blag. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building fuuus; contracts and murtgases bought. W. Ai. N una, 443 St-erlock bias. 3200.000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. ti. iieca. . 312 t ailing biug. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. 14. uirrell Co., -mi alcAvay oiug., 2d and stark. MONEY to loan on city property, long or short time ou easy terms. -21 J Morrison at,, room 6. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLiJG. Stat funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co.. 4t0 C. ol C Will loan 910,000 or less, real estate security. FarringUio, 116 commercial Club bldg. MOlEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nougb A seitz, oao opaiuing oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS BALOMOM. Zii3 SiABK ST. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. c Fur long. tj J - "I V.. UlUt,., A OUL. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security, c w. faiiett, aoa-u jenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- gages. A. AA. Ml icy, lu -P4 oerlmger uldg. 'COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD' For real estate loans. 712 Spalding bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans. 6, 7. 6. Oarlock A luellliaupt, 1Q32 Cham. Cpm. 91000 TO loan on real eatate, reaaonabla raiB. je,,tw, n ...... u,ua. PRIVATE MONEY Stiooo to loan on living ton real estate. East 2053. MONEY to loan on real estate in amounts to suit borrower. Lawyers Abstract & Trust Co. 3400 TO LOAN on approved realty. Van duyn A Walton, 013 Cham, of Com. Money to Loan Chattel and Halaxles. $ $ 3 9 9 T 9 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how eaay our terms are you WOUia POL DO buuii mi uioney. uon t be bothered with a lot of small debts; let US luriusn money 1.0 seme uiea. WE LOAN ON furniture and pianos, storage receipts. livestock, rooming-house and all kinds ot securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity in contracts. 11 K REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton bldg., 121 3d. Main 2ua4. I 1 e a v WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of front 93 to $100, at tne lowest possiui. rates. Business strictly confidential. All we require Is that you be employed on salary ana you im urn money quickly, without mortgage, uidorser'or older se curity. STATE SECURITY CO, 308 Failing Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Stc. MONEY advanced salaried people, house u eei. era and othera upon tbuir own namea without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; otiicea in 00 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terma first. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray A Cunningham, xoi Rotbchlld bldg, northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCEO. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO., 307 Spalding bldg. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical in struments. Uncle Myers. 71 ctb, between Oak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loan, on ail klnda of aa. curlty, cbattela or real eatate. Union Loan Co.. 85 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash, st LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d at. PRIVATE money to loan on chattel mort- g a aa security. v 1 a miian. LOANS on dismonds and other securities. William Holl. room 9, Washington bldg. A LOAN for th asking, salary or chattel. The Loaa Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry; strictly connaentiai.A.As ao, near Alder. Loans Wanted. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gllt-eagea securities; nrst mort gages; long-term investment. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201, 303 Board of Trad bldg. WE CAN place four loans on first mort gages: two 01 szuvu ana two or 91750. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201 203 Board of Trade. j X CAN loan your money from $1000 to 910.- 000 on approvea security at dis rate of Interest, AH 43. Oregonlan. WANTED To borrow $700 on flrst-cla.-s farm security. cnanes aiwooos Arling ton Hotel. WANTED to borrow $SO00 on income-bear ing property paying iv per cent on 3 1S.000. C 33. Oregonlan. WANTED $1500 8 year at T per cent, on ood residence property, urusai at adow, 17 Board of Trad a FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WANTED $r500 on Improved Irvtngton property worth $7300 tt 8 per cent. 3 years. No brokers. AJ 26, Oregonlan. WANTED $3000 on Rose City Park prop erty at 8 per cent; improved, worth $4000. Private parties only. AK 28, Oregonlan. LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewi. bldg. PERSONAL. WB HAVE tbe finest equipped private of fices on the Pacific Coast, furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by the most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica We use no drug;E, we never operate. We cave something better. We uso every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Kays, static coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, hellos, solar, giant and King lights. We are the only physicians on tho Pacific Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and seo our offices. We nave been in Portland over five years and treated thousands of patients and never had a death. We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchllds bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. INFORMATION WANTED Any person knowing the address of Alex Nugent and Albert Peetv. two bridge carpenters em plojed by Bates & Rojtfers on C. M. A Puget Sound Railway, at Kyle. Shoshono County, Idaho. In October. 1909, will please communicate with Woody A Woody, or Delos T, White. Missoula, Mont, DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous disease, treated according to the lutest methods; confine ment cared for; consultation free, 313 Washington SU Main 3U2S. A 5007. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 200, B 1803 CLOSING out stock of hair and shell goods; pure human hair In all shades; also store fixtures, largo mirrors, tools for making hair goods, and laboratory; all at cost and less; special jobs to dealers. Grand Leader, hair dept.. 5th and Alder. PILES, fistula, fissure and other DISEASES OF THE RECTUM CURED. NO PAINFUL OPERATION. CALL or WRITE for names of CTIP.EO pitiwyt a Bvirp.HEvrE. Dr. E. j. Scott." suite 922 Selling Bldg. WANTED Pupils to learn halrdressing. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates. Sanitary Beauty College, 400-12 Be. kum bldg., over Lipman. Wolfe A Co. MASSAGE given at own homes by lady or gentleman, European graduates; double chins and abdomens reduced by latest method; great success. Phone Marshall 2S43. DR. t. J. PIERCE, 2454 Morrison t.; rheumatism, nervous debility, paralysis, in digestion, constipation and diseases ot the kidneys and bladder quickly cured. Ad vlce free. FEB VET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee maker, r- finest stock of human hair goods; halrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th St.. near Morrison. Phone Main 546. ANY doctor having formula for removing smallpox marks; bow long will it take to remove them? International Exch. Co.. 44 N. 3d St., 2d Boor. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin aliments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 161 1st St., Portland. MRS. Stevens, 16 years Portland', leading palmist and clairvoyant, bas her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sal. at 8-13 Yamhill, corner Seventh st, HELEN SORN3 and J. E. Perry, magnetlo healers, treat all chronic diseases. 267 '.a Russell st,, Portland, Or. Phono C 2127; h ours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, button, sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. O. ONNE JURVAS Natural sanatorium, 178 E. 60th. Competent masseuse both sexes, steam and water baths Both phones. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes, $1.23. stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 2S9 Morrison st- OUT OF OOMBINQS. Switch 95c; curls and puffs, 75c Sanl- tary parlors, 400 ucnum ping. LADIES, bring your old bats to tho origi nal "Make-over Shop"; hats reblockeu. cleaned and retrlmmed. 415 Alder St. MAGNETIC electric treatments for nervous ness, rheumatism, lost vitality, mental, spiritual scientist. 180 11th. Hours 10 to 9. DR. ALY3 A. iJlXB Y. physician and surgeon. has removed to 313 wasmngion sr. Fbone Main 3028. A 5607. WILLOW your own PLUMES; Illustrated copyright instructions, 25 cents, postpaid. Liberal Arts College, box 1850, Seattle. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist. AHUM Washington st., room 22. Main OSiA. Meetings . w eunesaay, o r. on. MISS MORRIS 422 Washington st; room 15; manicuring; snampooing. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases ot women. 532 oavls St. Alain traio. CHIROPODY", manicuring, vibratory scalp massage. goQfr Morrison st,, room 10. DR KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179 od st,, corner xamnni. THE BATTLE CREEK baths. 24014 Yamhill St., bet, 2d ana aa. jaain aimb. MME. Courtwright, feature and skin special 1st. 123;i 14tli, cor. wastilngtun. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. A. iitll, 49 fileuuer uiug. iu 01.1, WILLOW plumes made from your old feathers. 210 is. 04m st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Acoountunlft. MACKENZIE. R.AIRD A CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7309. A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. FRANK R. WILCOX, general accountant. Posting, cnecKing up, maaing statements of accounts, verifying balances, also sy tematlzlng. 718 Spalding bldg. E. H. COLL1S & CO, ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Muricipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 6507. Ant iq uo Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 Wash, su, repair ana reuaisn antiques and all bne furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low price. Phone Mar shall 1997. Assayer and Analyst, Welia A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. ..oa. v aeiiuigiun. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-teotniK 1 " jiu.nu , Attorneys. E. COOPEIt. aitorjiey-ai-iaw. General "practice, abstracts examined. Re 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873, itemovea to 73, A 2071. Baths and Swimming. Swedish Sanitarium Hydropathic bake oven and massage uciuio. i. n. a. i.,ia beth. 433 MarkeU M. 7033. A 215L Portlaxd Swimming batha. 167 4th Elegant plungo; Bteam, luu uuu auonoi uaiii.. .uo. HILLS SANITAKtUil rtneumatlc treat- menu elegant pmuge. aw f'mii, aa aox. Brabs and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS F.rasa casting and macniue -it. at, ... .n. mum iuj Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. th. only sclenting Li'i.w.D im .lie city. Parlors 802 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring, lira M. D. Hill, room a-o r uc-mic mug, main oaio. Contractor. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor, jobbing, of fice ana biiiiu o. ..,. oi.11 t. aaain A 7002. Woodlawn 562. D-aii CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remoaeiiiis ... . ....... , Bi,(1 .uib. i. . r. Bliss. 322-ii Stark. Phone Main 9017. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. .4 yy eiia J " a vims, mmu uoo. Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed wltb .mailer yOOd, yO.UO per luau ut-iiverea any PISCO In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 103 107 Uth su North. Main 37. A 8736. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-fU cord- wood ana siaowooa, urn ana unsan. m. 0359. M. 8351. A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coaL Main aouo; A iiuo. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood. Marshall voo. oaa water st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY". Coul and Wood. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail, 4-ft sawed fir a.-td hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. 7th st. Phono East 724. B 2777. , WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4596. COAL A 4547. prompt dellv. Near A Farr. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3."D ST. WOOD Collections. ADJ. A COLLECTION CO. Law and col lections. 1024 Cha, of Com. Main 7S10. FORTLAND Collection Age ." ;117 Alisky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 4222. Chiropractic Physician. "CHI-r.O-PRAC-tlC TICK-NER"; Say it fa.t and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 3:30. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady clilro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Fliedner bldg. Hours 9 to 6. Dancing. PROFESSOR RINGLER, physical culturist. dancing master. 231 fa Morrison, corner 2d. Instruction daily. Engines Gus ana Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en clne. 281-283 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 515. Consulting Eugineeis. UNITED Engineering A Construction Co.. Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Dancing. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessors for $1; waits, two step; three-step; stage dancing, otc; every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Wlllaon's School; oldest and only rec ognized academy u for correct dancing. 3-)0t4 Wash, st.. be W. Park and 10th sts. LESSONS 23c. Heath s Dal cing School, 109 Second-st., between Washington and Stark streets; stage dancing taught, waits anil two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday evening. 8 to 10; lessons dally. Dentist. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work is Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. lot 3d THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison ats. ' Dog and florae Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. office 129 N. Uth St. Main 4ci;0; res. E. 5440. Hospital 30 12th. tlectric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Excavating. EXCAVATING and slipwork. R. I. Craig. J321 E. Madison. Pbone B 17SS, Tabor 2034. Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO, 500 Lorlng" st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115, E. 32S9. Feed .Store. ZIGLER A MINSER. hay. graln feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 482. Cilaxing. PLATE glass, winduw glass, doors, windows, new, second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co, 105-T 11th St.. N. Main 37. A 3730. Lutlies' Tailoring. A PERFECTLY fitting stylish garment is much admired by everybody. Suits to your measure from $30 up. J. M. EHR LICH CO, LADIES' TAILORS, FIFTH and OAK. Phoenix bldg. Locksmith.. EXPERT locksmith and genernl repairing. 105 Park, near Wash. M. 9167. Leather and Findings. CHAS. S. MASTIC A CO, 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 183. 189 Front su Mineral Water. SHASTA WATER AGENCY Sole bottlers for Hires. Manufacturers of high-class carbonated beverages. Notify us of all empty siphons, bottles and cases. Phones, Main K0U1. A 1800. Carter-Gratton-Nelsoo Bottling Co, 328 Johnson SU . Musical. Emil Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Pevcik. 900 Marquam. A 4160, Marshall 1029. Osteopat li ic Physicians. t DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirksvllle, Mo., class of 1898; post-graduate, 1907, under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of tne scl ance. 122 Belling bldg. M. 1987. A 198S. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office M. 349. Res, East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BAbS HUETER PAINT CO, 191 Second BU RAS.MUSSEN & CO, jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Papering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paperhanglng; neat, clean work. Phone East 358. Patent Attorneys. V. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce bid g. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late of t). S. Patent Olfice. Book let free. 719 JJoard of Trade bl.lr;. R. c. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum bide. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 606- Q08 Electric bldg. Oscar nuper, Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. 71 6th SU Main 910. ripe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPS CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 8489. FOX A 209 2d SU CO, PLUMBERS. Main 2001. A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO, sanitary plumb ers. 493 Glisan. Main 487. Rubber Slumps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial ras rugs. East 8580. B 1280. 163 Union ave, nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Hume products, highest grade; factory prices, easy terma; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms corner Third and Pine. Factory Kenton, Portland. THE MOSI.ER SAFE CO, 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-Hand Goods. WB pay the highest prices for second-hand clothing and shoes. A 3190. 53H N. 0th. Showcases, Bank and Show Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co, 6th and HoyU R. Lutke, manager. R. H. BIRDSALL, 20S HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sales agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and aecond-Hana, Main aiuj. caoinet work. Steamships. ALLEN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. IiSDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent, or ALLEN A CO, 171 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.' Storage aud Transfer. MOVING STORING MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-fighters, will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very Iowesu Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co, offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596, A 1396. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shlpmenU 87-89 Front sU Telephone Main 547 or A 2217. OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent Storage office 310 Hoyt su, between 5th and 6th, phones Main 69. A 1169. TaxJUerxnlsts. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. Finley, 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typewriters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer coocern on this Coast; investigate; ali makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 254 vvasnington TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to 360, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Printing t 203 2d sU I NEW. rebuilU second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co, 2.31 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour: rates to large houses. B 1630, East 4497. Well Drilling. MULLING wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1346 or write Millar as West. 185 Morrison sU, Portland. V