in THE 3IORXIXO OKEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 1911. WE PUT CLHm;. KVL'K VTUINd. H prU-m paid for men s rft( -off riiinnr iri. a iio bue lAdta clottt- Inc. Call vp the GWu Ma;a 2u0. 2- ,f r.if v.j' rj' n6v VNTKD 5 rordi first growth fir ror! noJ. L'i!vcr Mav 13 to 4-t. 15; qc" lric f . o. U. Port. and; glvs address. 1 27. Ot'gonlai. M'JNET LOdT celeaa yota rail tn ford Ao-!!tn Ca. and g-t their pni on wtat )vu have to eeO. Mam a r$. h.iftcji rash nrlra frr aeeoad- hand furniture. Searer A Martin, fboa nn-i East t Hwtftr ave, API.E-POI'IKD mf wanted foe tho U. & orpe. brn tha area f 19 and l-V must o- rtat We b-ra or ha ft rat peoera: m-mtaly Par $13 to additional romnsacicn pwiMr; food. clothing, quarters and medical sttactlon frea; altar 3 years service can retire with 7S per , cent or pay and iiiowtm-n; senr!ce o bard iMp and nhnr In all parts of the world. Apply at U. . Mario. Corp ro rrjr.n office. Hrtfti bia si and WaaAinrtua at a,, Portland. Or. WINDOW TRIMMER. Wanted f.-r a -a:i.-y ton; an experi enced window trimmer and card writer; af fxjiif.'nr, references and salary. J J". Oregonlan. I f ' Lli I Tun AND SALESMEN WANTED i-are and rp-r Me reaity corporation i haa opportunity fr two or three high- J gr.i realtv e-rten. which cannot bo iuld in Portland. Men having the pr snaiirv and ar- l-u: r p-ti-rs In any i will mail good in ral Mtat If thir errorta are pr-n.ert y 4:rML Slat a trtq r .;a-i.n and whether married n einte. y iirfrniAn. JANITOR wanted. n cnmptnl to take fn-c of i: work of a tare mercantile M'i.iihroot. only t h u w a ran furclib bt of rr;trra.ft need apply. R s, Oreauiaa. PCT.MONT AtTO JCTfOOU The on j tSoroqh!y outppd school O.N THE PACIFIC rOAfT. ThSTMCd loafru lion. nrapUBt ne aem-nt m t practical virk. K. i.lL AN D MKKLK'N. Taka -S or Ut. TaUr car. lok ma aa toafjrw dadd.oaT caroll elaew harm. CAFtrKNTKR fr ah-ta work who can p:r i rtra. ?. C'nl. ilT country Iowa; f -0 aud J ma and wivra for far ma; f i0 nd $40 in 1 found. K K. con:riKtioa bands; frea far. Others K- HAN!KVAjCO. Tfl .r'!Lp?--. at EN wasted, aara l-23. f-r firrm-n $100 tnortb.y and brakamea $ on nearby ratl roa1a. EacArlenca uacarasary : no Strlaa. 1 Jo?tin guaranteed com patent Tna. lro anotioo. liai.road mpiuylna' b-d quart era vr 41 mm aant ta p- anions monthly. Pta:a a. nJ 'a:np. Kilwar Aaaocia t Ion. r ar e r f on la n, TWO yoanc men to trarl In Oraon; beat a i line land on the market : one man without fiirVnc. road a laet wrek; ?qjm a J inrtt and mJ romm laaton paid. Cnll affr 10 A. M. at 1014 Cham ber of i'mmTri. Ask for Duncan. R EA L. astata Mlfmw : To sil a-rara tn mail tracts on electric railroad. 1 wii from Tortland This Is a tcoo4 proptattion and 1 will pay salary Q cm- I mtJlon to rticnt party, nowm coam br of Commerce. WANTED- F.oye With wh"e.B to deliver tel cood wages and opportunity for 1 rams: advancement; could aaa a f w boya alter a-hool and on SAturd-iya. WEoTEliX CNH'N TELEGRAPH CO, 7 Third tit. SOLICITORS. I have a good-paying poslttna for thosM who are witling ta use some nerg-v. a big Income for bustlers; call and me. Call at 414 Mohawk, cor. 3d and Morrison s:s.. after A- M. till 12 A iM. Ask for 31 r. Ake. FALESMAN WANTED. Can yoo sell beach property? I want a good man and wtlW pay him well If he ran do business; spndid pmpoettlon to handle. Call Room SIS Lumber Exchange bldr- RAILWAY mart clerks, poatoffico clerka lt:er can l-ra. custom-house and tsteraal revenue) employes, to prepare for eiana tr.a'lon: free book, pacific States School, M-Kav bMr..clty. ROT over 1 to learn photography; small salary to start, but rapid advancement when ability la shown. Apply l to 11 , rmlv. Angelus Photo Co.. Goodnough b'dg. ; SALESMEN callinr on retail rrocery trade In the city and country to carry biich-claes grocery apeclalty as Bide line on Mmmii- a. on tas.s. Apply Mr. Mulicr. Hotel Vort lanu. WANTED Hots In all parte of tho city to 'II aaines during your spare time; good rn nr- and rrlxes to hustlers. Cail at once. 31JS Wslingtoa st.. rwm 1 3. A HOt BEHOLD novelty; demonstration brtnx sale, fail Commercial Hotel, and Waahtccton sis., room 114. Call bet. 4 and 3 P. M. WANTED Pressman f-r sma:i cltv daily and Jb offt'-e. state qualifications and sal- rry desirel In reply; r twser need apply. Guar! aT.nlng t'j.. Kj nt. Or. tiOVERN M EXT EMPLOYES WASTE T Fend patal for Portland. Or . examina tion schedule Franklin Inatittue. Dept. 24 F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to sen a useful article; ran easily clear $5 per day: evervbMly needs it; prints a-e Urge. 227'; Wash In g t o n sr.. riom 2 2 2. WANTED Mia. thorourhlv -eTed In the manufacture of evaporated tnl.W; wli' pay $1 per month for the rl at man. Addreaa AV 24. Orvgonian. WANTED Two men to work country terri tory, good money f..r hustlers. Call wt"3 Rai.way Exrhancebiqg. WANTED Two Trat c:aa solicitors, popu lar article, hotels. oT: , bustnsa houses; salary. Auoress am j.. irrnniaa. LE A KN automotue urw tnc anJ repairing, actual practical eiperlr nee; tfay or fta Irga aK ' tfyingtfta Bt.. room 413. WAXTED Strong lad to work nfghta in bread !et. I'all between 1 and 11 A. M., It oval Rakery. 11th and Everett. Tot'NG siai wanted to d"Uvr bread ard pastry and help In bake hi-p; tt pr I re an-i D-Tani. - y ar injct n St. W A NT ED Machine men. bench men, ft ame-makrra. glue -room men. Nlcuiai-N'pa'-n vo. LOCAL salesman fr 1.1 eta engineers' la str amenta. Tne A. Llets Co.. haa Fran c i.'co. t'al. WANTEI Assistant cleaner and dyer, one wn has had experience. Vienna Cleaning W.vfcs. 2-.N ?. dv Lck'AL KFt E International Correspond enc B -nota. 2.; t Alder at., open till $ P. M. Send for free catalogues. BLAKSMITII and worker, compoar.or mfftil CIuu b;dg. hors PhtK-r, veneer t nonunion. 222 Coiu- TOI'N's man ! dc!iver orders: grocery. ilrUt waxon: must ko-tw city; wags $i a week. n. lams eve. "ttVN T E t An all-aro un d laundr man! tiranti pass Steam Laundry. Grants Pass. Oregon. TRINTING department of manufacturing mn-ern want a foreman . nonunion ; g:t e rrreo-e. A K 42. t 'Tegonlan. MAN of ret apperan-e to solicit for larga j corporation, good talify if silted. Appty a "le r V .. X i etn n i j g. SALESMAN of abllltv to reprea-nt an East ern p'vr'ty coin em In Portland and ictn Itv. Apply R. C. Blue, (aluntef Hotel. ; CHIROPRACTIC doctor wauts partner. w;i teach business witnout cost, o 41. ort go man. SALESMEN a anted for city work. 1119 Yeon Md4. or country STENOGRAPHER who is willing to start at th bcttirn. Ills Yon bidg. WANTED Live salesmen. Call at meretal b!k.. t-etween and It A- :J Cora- M. 1 WANTED Solicitor with cleaning; works; experience Dciary. C':i27:lih si. TA I I.OK w anted as helper on men's coat a Columbia bids . rorrn 21'. FIRST-CLASS bt:sb.'!mn wanted-at oncew Violet Iresstng Parlor. YanhliL THO roG R A P Hcouponan dpor tra it a g en ta7 oew offer. Cutbertn studio. Dekum btJg. SALESMAN, one that can sell Industrial it.Kk. AddressX. 34. Oregonlan. -COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD. to my ed under business opport unit tea. ; ' BARBER wanted. l':h and Washington, steady job. WANTED Good buhrmB at 4 Wash ington si. Fred Rosir.ike. v7aNTE Experienced w.-t r at om e! i.reater portiand Stern Dye trks. WAXTED Bass slnjer; a I so good tenor for vaudeville act. Y 44. Oregootan, SU IN' jLET.S wanted, leth a n dllo!gate sts. PAINTER wantaLApply3a3Msll St. BOY vented la frooary at ore. 9 rtrat gu UILP MXTr.n-MLE, IXCIPKST. OrTca Pacrtary Kmploj-meat Depart mrnt. v. M. c. A. Vojnf futo. Btrancer, oat of work t-0 his. total vaeh aaats If I pay you $5 for iP'fwl n.fiirtjfment membership I will onty bve $H left between ma and ataxva tloa. Se-crtary If yon pay $3 for special sni pjoytnrr.t ir.sribrh!p you will bav tba T. 34. C. A., with ail US raaouicca. bstwaaa Jou and siarva'too. What happened 1 Vounf man t-ok membership. Inslda of two hours be fuund jituXaciory employ ment. Durfns; March. 1TH1. 11? other found mp ormem la a Ilk manner. Employment or refund ol mem bars nip fee sua rant red. f secretary smploment department. T. M. C A, WANTED MOVTXO-PICTVRB OPHRATor.S In t vrr cltr throurhut tba world: no It or ni'luii ri MTV in learn ;'OD-rT!NiJ TUADK. Ol R 4si HOt. j !i K IM-, mku IN THE Kat a t ts fTANO.U l'; w are th factory j-bbrs I I or Oil -lA.MJ.Mil) Mm i.UTi ii rvi- M If'HlNKS. SI I'PI.IW FOUIiNU IIAIKS AND KLEC1KIO riANUS; many thousand beautiful pl--tura film for rent; THKATKH Ewt'lFl'ED COMI'LbTG OS r- n Tt itsrs New Tork Kiim Co,, for snoara deal. AJitS Waih., near 17th. l:l.D CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO., N. Sd SiU a. POtTM tiufTII POITH. M.n and wif. cooks, for losffinr ramp. f T 1 month, nil h.rin fiirnihl. want par ti-s who ha cokd In luicclnK camp In Columbia Rtvr district; must be eabla to sM ve r-rence i?OL"TII. Head sklddT .to build pota and for aud aft road; 1 7s and up. NtItTH. 1 trim saw m.m. s.0u. 1 tallyman. -". teaiaatT. )untlr rard, $2.23. 1 let Ja.k man. -. 2 N 2d Ht. ALEMEN WANTED. Pnecfal opportunity la f Iven. rf th la vt and hrft-kno& firm on the l'r Ast. to lern iha real evtata buelnfaa. No vocation in a hlrjj ou ran enrac ts aa profitable. Wa have t :f proferties and tha method of fetMns; results. t you are hon- et. have the ability and will wrk. reulte are sure. In w rlttns; state ace and previous occupation. X 4a, Uregronian. SALESMEN WANTEDl Wa bara a place for two ood hustlers to work in our lief in r department. We have the property that s-llt. and wa have the svtm. M Flerrhtold. CO-OP r R ATI V K REALTY CuM P ANT. U-:o-:l RailwjT Ki:haxs. I'urUanu. Oregon. WANTED Ambitious men to qualify for positions paying from $ to $hh per year In the NEW PROFESSION created by Federal law. Mr. M. C. Kecre. ex Irsrector of Interstate Commerce Commis sion, now with tha Interstate Onmrnrc I.-p.rtmnt of tha La 8- F- I, of Chicago, would be rind t. meet those Interested and show them hw they can secure post, lion In te New Profrsionr and prscttcaily psy for the same after being placed In position, Kikjto 210 Marquam bu.lding. WE WOPLD LIKE TO HEAR from a man employed In one of the local shops or fac tories, a foreman preferred, or one who Is well acquainted with his fellows; wa hsve a proposition whereby you csn easily earn $4 to $3 per day. tarst les your wages, for Just a little wor that will take up nona of your employer's time. This Is an unusual opportunity for tha right man. Answer at once, stating par ticulars, also phono b-irnber. X 34. Ore gonlan. tLFRK for printing office; must bo experi enced In s-Ulns snd writing up printing orders; gle reference and experience. H 44. Oregor.lan. ITT LP WANTT.O FEMALE. WANTED ReHneo, capabi woman for re sponsible position. Vtavl Co.. 0O9 Roth- chlid bid g . . 4 1 h an ny" as h 1 n g t on. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework, good plain cook, family of two. Call A BCSINES3 firm needs a woman over 25 who Is practical and Tilthful , experience un- ncresiary. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. fam:lv of two; gooa wages. inquire ur. Labbe's residenca, head of I.ovejoy st. WANTED An experienced pantry woman In first-class family hotel; good wages to right partv. T 42, Oretrontsn. LADY fr a position slmllsr to thst of pri vate teacner. uiary rrom sit to e.u a mo Address A K 43. Oregonlan. COMPETENT rlrl for general houttxrk: rwd wages fr right psrty. Apply 743 Weidler st.. .50f-,S2d. Broadway car. EXPERIENCED rlrl or woman for general housework. Call mornings. Hi X. 23d. Main ZZH. GIRL or woman to asst with rare of chil dren, sleep homo nights. 143 N. 23d. 3taln Z3i3. GIRL to d general housework; Grrman or eaele preferre.L Call 3 North 7 th st. phona Main 2 M. I FAMILY cook. $; seennd. $.".0; chamber maids, waitress's, nursra. su Louis Agcny. 3'3lVash. 3lain 2039, A 4773. THOROUGHLY experienced second girl; btrht-st waves to A-l girl. 213 Ford sL Phone Main 730. WAXTED Apprentice. Nice young lady to learn tlrsa;nak:ng : nice j lace for rlt;ht party. Phon A 4403. COAT and skirt hands wanted: ladles' al teration department. R. M. Ray. 2 73-175 Morrison st. GIRL for general housework, where second girl is kept. Scandinavian preferred. 77 M d isons;. M a rshall D1. WANTED 4lored woman, take care year and half boy br week: state wafes want- ed. 31.narl. 344 Fourth St. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCT. $43 Vin:i;nctn st . cor 7th. upstalra, P hone M ln 20&4. K PERIENCED second maid wanted frr pnvata family; good wages. Main 7243; A li YmCNG isdv of go. appearance to travel with magician piaying vaudeville. Experi ence unnecessary. A K 37. Oregon lup. WANTED Toting woman bookkeeper-In of ft - of a m hoi'-sa; house; experience and reg-Tences nec.Tsary. & 41. oregonlan EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and rooking. call arter i o clock. 1 Northrtip st. WANTED Girl fr general housework; must M?t witn cniiaren; rvu waves. Phon East 30J. FIRST-fLASS helper for dressmaker. Washington. (1 EX PERIKNCFD chocolate diapers wanted. Apply 1'3 12th st.; Hotel Rurgoyne. EXPERIENCED clrl for general and cooking: $.": small family hous-work . E, 2S2. LADY presser. up ladies work only. to date; dye works; 67 Union ave. EXPERIENCED girl wanted phones. II y City MarkeU UIRLTfor general housework. Call 871 Cap! Itnl at.. Woodlawn 44. YOl.'NG U ly to answer telephone. $4 per week. 3I3SWashirigton it., room li. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 8 tr. f s m 1 1 r . At a i n JUJ. COMPETENT girl Call mornings. HI for general housework. t Overton st. WAXTED Young lady stenographer. Apply In on handwrltin g. T G7. Ore g o nla n GOOD girl for general housework; 2 tn fani lly; good wag e. 'a sso gclt u yler s u EXPERIENCED girl for cooking; and some housework. 1 11 N. -.-u. WANTED First -cinsj cook. Al references App y at once.l "2Burnslde st. GIRL to do housework In smalt family. 73' four h. G I I'.L wanted fr general housework. Ta bor 42. GIPL for general house oik. small family. o i r lay tor su. corner idin. WOMAN for general housework; family of three. CS3 Fl Alder or 100 Fourth. WANTED Experienced hotel housekeeper; ar.serto manager. AG43. Oregonlan. EXPERT recepl'ontst for photo studio. Vaa- aar Studio. Snetland bldg. TWO solicitors for household article; salary ar d commission. 31 Front st. ; A. M. lit n'SEKEEPER for widower's family. Call afrtr G P. M. 611 Thurman. GtM"D rlrl fT rooking and housework; small famtlv. 730 Kearney. WANTED A housekeeper, snd 13. 1147 Hawthorne. Call between 10 WANTED A girl for cernlvai. Cail A 2TT9 beXoxe 10 A. AL HEI-T WANTED FEMALK. WANTED TOCNO LADIK3 FOR TEI-B-PHONS OPERATINO, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY PACIFIC TXLEPHONB aV TEXSORAPH CO KAJT TH AND ANEINT BTaV AMATKrRS Wo write Tiudevlllo nrtm and prepare ou for a stage career. Voir cul ture, elocution, stake dunrlne; and dramatic tnet ruction. Wa place our etude nta who n CMpiblc Dramatic and musical comedy P-op:o atwjva wanted. Positively the only bona fiilo s hool for practical stage train In tr in th c!rv. ojw-ij Sundnys and fvenlnm. THE ROBERTSON 8CHOOL OF DKA MA TIC ART. a-lO M arquam bid jj. UKAI WAITRESS, $40, and 2 slrto wait resses. $.ltl (out of city) ; rook. $33 and $: pantry woman. $.10: restaurant wait ress. h week; aecond flrl, $-i; kitchen heiper. $T. HANSR.VS LADIES AGENCT, - 3:'i Wsah. Ft.. Room. TOI'NO lady of god appe-tranco. to aollclt lor wen-known house in this city; w that csn do a llrtle hustllns; we ran offer a proposition that will net handsome re turns. Addrese. statins experience, etc.. O 31. Ores;onian. LADIES. I have something that Is needed In every homo and If you can give all of your tlin. you can have a permanent fcall 'r. oltlon with a large Income. Ask for Ake. Ix'tweem V and 12 A. m., tm Mowhawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED Lady with business experience lor office work. wit n an incorporate! coripnny: salary 973 per month; must hava spNHi caab; money secured. Address i '.. Oregonlan. A VOr.Nd or mlddle.ased lady to ke car of 8-year-old girl and aaslst with light housewo.-k; goo I home and permanent If suited: references. Call. Mrs. Brlstow, 603 Everett st., city. OIRL WANTED. ApptT Standard Factory No. ft. Orasd re. and East Taylor si. WOMAN to do icencral housework tn good home, small town near fortiano. tnr-e In family; S3 per week. Address Mrs. W. A. Wing, lioldendale. Wash. $2 WEEK L Y distributing books by mall; bouse work; book ana instructions, owe. Address immediately. L. Clayton. Port land. -r. Ml NIi'IPAL Free Emptcyment Bureau ex tends every courtesy to giriB ana wonie In search of employment. Idy assistant. No fees charged. 272 Madison sL WANTED A girl to do general housework In family of 4; must he good cook; wage $tO; refrencs required. Call butl Wash ington St., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Experienced girl for renera housework; laundress In the house; will pay bt wagus. Apply 7J3 Irvine St., near 22d. WANTED Good girl, cook and assist In housework, small family; out-of-town; modern home. Particulars. Majn 2lt or call lo.T? I'hambr of Commerce. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; must b- good cook; tier man or Scandina vian picfi-rred ; wages $-13 to $40; small f a m I t y. V 3C. Oregon la n. WANTED A cheerful, refined person for companion and help In home, prefer one who can sew and mend. $4 per week. b20 K. Main. WANT E D A capabla g'rl for cooking and general housework. 721 Joinson St.; ap ply tn the morning. MRS. HOWES LADIEo" AGENCY. $2tfH Washmgtou st Room $14. Main bo3d or A 3d0. II LLP W A N TT MALE O R FEMALE. loooo POSITIONS for graduates last year men and women learn barber trade In l weeks, heir to secure position: gradu ats eaws from $13 to S2& weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler Frr tern of Colleges, 33 North 4th su. Portland, Or. BOY3 and girls wanted to work In candy de partment. racine coast xiiscuiv uo., i.i and Davis. WILLIAMS TEACHERS AGENCT Vacan eles for next year; teachers for all depart merits wanted, can at eie onamuer Commerce. HOrsKKFKPING rooms. Drivate family. 2 room front suite; heat, gas, phone, bath, clean, reasonable, accommodations for 2io 12th st. MAKE money writing short stories or for paper- big pay; free booklet teiis now. Lnled Press Syndicate, ban Francisco. F1SK TEACH bUS AbSOClATlON. oil fwet lend bide. MISCF-LLAXEOrS. BARBERS and apprentices will take notice that cneir annual renewal caras win ex pire April 30. The board of examiners will be In session May 1. 3, 3. at 167 H 1st st.. tnis city, ror tne purpose or re newing satd cards as the law provides. T. M . Lea DO. bee. WANT more achoiars In millinery school, makeoer shop; bring; your old hats, let me surprise you both In work and price. SdO1? Aiorrison su PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. Phone Last 1484. PRIVATE School SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $3 mo. 200 14th su Mam o?a RALPH M. HT EARNS Express and bag gage. Main 3.S. East S'-'J. PLAIN sewing, children's work, $1 per day. Phone Wood lawn Bva. SITUATION WANTED MALE. IfcKik keepers and Clerks, 6H EM AN Ten years' experience; first class salesmen and titter; successful buyer In department store; experience In other lines; wants position In Portland or some Orecon town; btt of references. Address F. 021 Miller eve.. Portland. EX PER1ENCED sal sman, 20. Indies and gt-nta wear, la oDen for Doaitlon witn re liable firm; am Industrious and capablo of managing department ; out of town pre ferred. S 40. OrDegonian. A YOUNG man with experience In bank In: wishes position with country bank or general store, r.nergeuc ana amuiuous. Wetl recomminded. K Oregoman. BY competent bookkeeper, experienced In machinery. general merchandise. and creamery business; will leave city; rcf erences. G.R.,32S 6th. YOl'NG married man 25 yre. old wishes a position at ones; can glv No. 1 reference; prefer clerking, but will accept anything. I'none r-jst .:imnl Miscellaoeous. CLOTHING and furnishing goods salesman and window trimmer, tirst-cluss msti. nine years' experience; best of references. AK 44. Oregonlan. COLLECTOR, now working for two good city houses, wants additional current ac counts; reasonable terms; references. Box H 30. Oregonlan. BUTLER, valet, or all-around man wishes position In private family; can furnish leBt of New York reference.. W. 2d North C:h st. NIGHTWATCHMAN in wholesale or de partment house: steady, reliable; first class Portland references. AR 40. Orego nlan. WANTED Work on ranch by young man. Can give reference. Charles fclmond, llUIsboro. Or., care C. Heltmeyer. WANTED Position to drive auto, city or country; experience and food referencea. Addreys 671 Petty grove su Main f549. JAPANESE, good, experienced cook and helper, wants position, country hotel. Y 4S. Oregonlan. WOULD llko a Job of night watchman or some light work; good recommendation. AN 42. Oregonlan. EXPERIEXCED chauffeur wants position; will go out of- town; references. II 4o. Oregon lan. SITUATION In country hotel by first-class meat and pastry cook (colored). F &3. Oregon' An. WANTED Janitor work, steam heating or running; small engine; experienced. G 4?, Oregonlan. WANTED All kinds of Juo carpenter work. Phonos: Mala 1730, A 1730. Shop, Irving St.. beu lth and 17th sts LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. yeors expert, ence. Ana. to Aju Olsson, 073 Mississippi ave.. city. GOOD gardener and orchard man wants work. AL 43, Oregonlan. RELIABLE young man. light work through the day; small wages. AC 47, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. foreigner, wants position ,on I arm. foo tducn su am nirqioit. EXPERIENCED man wants work aa en sin. ear. jn, jars Him, fuouw axaraoau u.u, 8ITrATION WANTED MALE. MIsrellHnrons. BY thoroughly compftent nd experienced men's furnishings salesman, or competent to take charge of department and buy. Married. A-l references aa to competency and experience. 1L G. W-, 4'M K- AJh. I'hone K. 1('7. TOI'NO man. 24. speaks Italian. German. Austrian. French and English, wants po sition as Interpreter or hi companion to a party traveling over Europe. Address O. Zorl. 425 Wcs tPa r k. cl t y WANTED Housecleanlng by a rod. lively working colored man. bv the hour or by the dnv. Phone Marshall 2009. Address 2 Water st. TTPATTON WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers and Stenocraphera. EXPERIENCED young lady, has had charge of entire books and cash In large Eastern furniture house, can run typewriter and bad some experience In stenography, seeks position with reliable firm; first class ref erences. Call Columbia 213, or address AV a. Oregonlan. COMPETENT stenographer, five years' ex perience, desires position; can furnish satisfactory references. Address H. IL. 210 Eugene st. COMPETENT stenographer and offica as sistant, at present employed, wisnea to make a change. A 4:i24, Marshall 4tfd. C M PETEXT stenographer desires posi tion; 10 years experience; best references; $73 monthly. All 40. Oregon Ian. LADY. 20. 4 years experience, office work. wishes position. AN 44, Oregonlan. Dreaamak era. TOCNit widow wants position as house keeper for widower or bachelor. Call 114 X. loth st. DRESSMAKER would like few more en- giisomcnts by day, references. AC 33. Oregunian. DRESS-MAKING of all kinds, reasonable. Soil wood DRESSMAKING, children's clothes clalty. East 637. Call alter 0. PLAIN sewing, babies clothes a specialty. airs, jonnsou. Mam 4ot. Honsekeepera. COMPETENT woman wants situation housekeeper or manager In hotel, boardlng- nouse or rooming-house ; can give douu ; w- II ll e a ive c 1 1 y. M. W 4 6 E as t o a k. LADY would like position ss housekeeper or chamber work. 4 It 2 Columbia su Phono PRACTICAL nurse would like care of In valid or Infant, would go to couniry cr beach; doctor's references, phone B 2152 or H 43. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED children's nurse wants po sition; can sp.ak Frvnch and German; bes t j ity refc r in ccs. AO 4 1 . Oregon! a nJ PRACTICAL nurse would like care of in valid or child, city, or would go out of ton n. Phone gaaM! WANTED Position as child's nurse, by Christian young woman; references. E&st INVALID can hae private room, care, treatments reasonable; city references. Tabor 2213. PRACTICAL nurse for old people, $13 per week. Phone Wood lawn 685. Domestic. EXPERIENCED conk would like a situa tion In private family; can give the best of references. AL 41, Oregonlan. EXPERIEXCED cook wants position In pri vate iamiiy. & zti.t. FAMILY washing and Ironing, suable linen specialty, is 2u23. TWO girls want situation, general house- work prefcrre u. 410 Couch. Mlscelianeoas. TELEPHONE operator, experienced, reliable, wisnes private exenange. Auuress A 4. Ore gqn I an. FIRST-CLASS manicure desires customers at residences; reasonable. AS 23, Orego nlan. WOMAN, washing. cleaning or Janltress. " child's nurse, housekeepers. St. Louis Agency, 3UJ Wash. Main 20!0, A 4773. LADY wants steady work by the day for -Mon., Tues. and wed. Phone Main 6S0!. COLORED woman wants chamber work for half day. Ffione Marshall 1940. A colored woman wishes day work. Call all the week Main MHiS. COLORED woman, washing to take home; shirtwaists a specialty. Phone A 4SUI. POSITION for young girl to work for board and room. Call B 3002. DAY work, whole days. In first-class fami lies, by experienced laundress. A 4780. LADY wbrk Wednesdays and Fridays by clay. 1'hone Alain qr9 after C P. M. LADY wishes day or housework. Phone A ::uti3. roomu. WOMAN wants work for Wednesday and T li u r sd a y. wooaiaw n loll. FIRST-CLASS lady presser and spotter of ladles finest garments. H. 44. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as manicurist In barber shop. 01 l.-ith su North. LACE curtains carefully laundered. 2443. C 2227. LADY wants day work. Phone East 4959. GIRL wants work by day. Marshall 613. W ANTE D A GENTS. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc. ; out fit furnished ; cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company. Orenco, Or. WAXTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To lease from July 1 for one or two years, a mouern rurmsiiea 7 or o room home. East Side preferred; must have furnace and all modern convenlenves. No children, J adults only: best of refer ences furnished. Address F 44. Oregonlan. RENTALS COLLECTED. List your vacant houses, apartments anu riats witn ua ror quick servico and prompt returns. Bloch Realty Co., 206 Aluer ST. STRICTLY modern six or sevon-room house on west Side; Portland Heights preferred. Aisrsnau ius. SMALL furnished cottage In surburbs want ed by young couple. Y 4. Oregonlan. bMALL house. un garden preferred, near car; reasonable renu pnone sen wood &0;j Kooma. MODERATE priced room In private family oy young man ; musi oe nomelike; state conveniences, price; permanent AP 41, Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room In private family by young man: must ie ciose in ana reason ao : will board; state terms. AC 40, Ore gonlan. . LADY bookkeeper wants room and board In refined modern home. May 1; slate full particulars, r 41. oregonlan. WANTED By lady, employed, room and noard near miamook ana union aves. AC 42. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDO." 330 4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASON A BLB. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU Rooms, apartmeuta, nais, nouses. w ash In g ton su M a rshall 2 1 b 0. ROOMS, gas and water, $4 month. Including water. o ' ' roui mi. Furnished Rooms. AUDITORH'M HOTEL 2SH Third street. OP l ween t jf m oauuuu bib. , UOI ana cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates $3.50 and up. &0c day and up. Main 2374, A 3207. Bt'fiHMAHK HOTEL. 17tn and Washington iewiy xurmsnea rooms, single or en suite; private baths, steam beat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonable; transient so 11 ci tea. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin- gle, S3 and a ween; nve minutes' walk to theaters and stores, free phone. Hotel. 209 Market at. NICE clean rooms, furnished or unfur- t .hed. with use 01 reception room and kitchen If desired. 305 14th u THE COLLINS. 30 N. lth st., near Wash ington, juouern, ciean, ugni, airy rooms; hot and cola water; rent reasonable, ICELY furnished front rooms; steam heat: hot and cold water; rates reasonable. The Baker. ztb r "tnsx: FOR first-class rooms, all modern and close in, try tne Maxima xioiei, j.t tia SU, beU Alder and Morrison sts.: $3.60 per week. ICELY furnished front corner room, suit able for two; free phone and bath; rea sonable. 333 13th st. SINGLE rooms, furnished; steam heated; X.JU. uncoil ta. ii? t n m et., near 1 amhlll. NORRIS HOTEL Rooms modern, newly furnished, x.i.w ana up. JJi 17th sU FEW nicely furnished rooms. Apply 66 N. 19th L, or Main 6018. THE LARRABEE. 227 H Larrabee sU Klce- ly furnished rooms, moo, ern. low rates. FURNISHED rooms, close in. steam heat. Xrce AvaiA. avno. xnmo 4 4mxu FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPSM Tho?e three beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL . HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK PARSON3 ROWLAND 213 4th St. 211 Vk 4th st. 07 4th St. On Fourth st., running from Taylor to Salmon il Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly up-to-date In aU respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordlnarv In the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as wa know you will Ilka IL Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAFLESL Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient Bet. 7th and Park sts. Opposite new Heillg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed; nandsomely furnished; every modern convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone end hot end cold water In every room; single rooms and suites wlrh or without private baths, etc.; centrally located, near Postofflce; just off al carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month, phone Marshall 2200. THE WEAVER. 7H Washington st., near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam beat, hot and cold water, and telephone In every room; finest part of the city; the maximum of convenience, tho minimum of expense; we make you feet at home: dining-room In connection; post In the city for the money. HOTEL SAVON. 120 Eleventh St. New. modern, brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade ollc'ted. GRAND UNION HOTEL, lit - East Hurnside st. Fifteen minutes' walk to business center of ity, best location on East Side; 120 modern rooms, single or en suite; rooms with private bath rates $2 to $8 per week. Transient. 75c to $1.30 per day. East 5040. B 1275. CALUMET HOTTSU Park St., between Morrison and Alder. Heart of the city; quiet and modern; free bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single. $1.30 doulie: also iamiiy rooms wnn private imio. etc. Kates per week. CHEAPEST rooms In the city; very mod- j ern. steam beat, hot and cold water and i hones in all rooms, all-night elevator. and only 3 blocks of P. O. ; rates $4 per week and up. 24 u lamnm su LA U HA II EE 227 H Larraben su, modern j nicely furnished rooms, transient; &0c and up; low rates by week or monin. t m nlnhea Kooini tn Private F am lly. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, clean room. In modern home: all conveniences: easy walking distance; $10 to right party. C4 East 1 2th st. North. Ph o n e B 2 oOL BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room, suitable for two; also pleasant small room. modern ; walking distance. Phono East J43 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with pri vate bath, two double beds and open fire place, two gentlemen preferred. Marshall KiO. 320 Montgomery su DESIRABLE, well-furnished room in new, steam-heated private home. Nob Hill; 20 minutes walk to town. Phone A 4303 to rcnoona NICELY furnished front room and alcove. suitable for two gentlemen: electric light, j phone and bath. 70 North 13th su near Davis. NEWLY furnished front room. h.t and cold water, close In, lor gentleman only. 214 13th st. LIGHT, well-furnished room; phone, bath. electric light. 370 Weidler, cor. Lnlon ave. C 210.j. TWO rooms, front and back parlor; fire place, bright and sunny. East Sitte, walk ing distance, i'none evenings, r-asi --ou. NICELY furnished front room and sleeping porch. ftoO Columbia, near est Park. Main 2117. NEWLY furnished rooms in modern resi dence, also 2 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. w alking distance. 04 North 10th st. ONE sleeping-room, steam heat, telephone ana batn. one oioca irora vt asmngion. qui Everett. LARGE sunny rooms in beautiful private residence on nod mil, walking distance; references. u4o.oregonian. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home, conveniences; reference required. 71-3 Johnson. TWO well furnished, large. light rooms, pri vate bath, hot water to midnight, close In, phone; (men) ; stz ui a yst. 1 VERY pleasant newly-furnished rooms, 2 windows; gooa neignoornooa ; preamast it desired. 74 L.ovejoy. Aiarsnaiibiz. NICE pleasant front room to lady employed. yz.ou per week. 3 n w. rarx su $2.75 NICELY furnished sitgle room. 204 nth su ROOMS Large, well-f iirnished, reasonable; modern conveniences. 120 North ISth. FURNISHED room, heat, phone and bath. walking distance. 202 12th su CHEAP, quiet, clean room, bath, desirable location, walking distance, & t n. TWO rooms for housekeeping; bath, gas ana pnone; no emiareu. uonege. A LARGE front room for rent; free phone. Uait at 131 tttn su $1.75 WEEK, neatly furnished room, close in; basement room i.zo. lentn. SINGLE sleeping room furnished, bath and phonos. 450 l am mil. DESIRABLE location, clean room. $2 per week. ana utn, near voiumpia. NICE room for gentleman of good habits. Modern, a week. 44 7tn. YOUNG lady bookkeeper wants room mate. Phone A 41Ja. ONE large front room and one upstairs room, rent reasonable, oi3 Ciay su FURNISHED ROOMS. 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone, gas, bath, am East Main. Unfurnished Rooms. ""DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS.' M1LNER BLDG.. 330 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Kooma With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 2Sd year; rooms with board, use or sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath. supL THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison sU. cor. 13th.: rooms with board; modern conveniences. Rooms With Board In Private Family. 1 STRICTLY home cooking, table board. In private family; no ennaren; w est Mae. 10 minutes walk to P. O. ; rooms near; references. Phone A 5054. LARGE front room for 1 or 2; all conve niences; walking' distance. with board. Marshall 3oo6. 2 15 N. 24th, cor. OvefTon st ree t. PARLOR suite, large light roms, fireplace; other room ; piano; choice board ; rerinea neighborhood. 7ul Marshall, A 4920. WANTED Man and wife or two gentlemen to board and room in private nome in ; Rose Clty Park. call TaDor2340. LARGE front rooms, close, running wattr. also large aide mom, close, tine home cooking. 515 Morrison st. Phone A ofiliS. YOUNG couple want 1 or 2 men; walking distance, tine location; a nomeiike place. reasonable Phone A 6340. 1 SUITE 2 large rooms, gas range, free phone and bath; new furniture. fZV month. 715 Washington. ROOM and board In private family for two I gentlemen. 5i0 L.add ave. I WELL-FURNISHED room with breakfast and dinner. $27. Main 2071. LARGE pleasant room., suitable, for two. breakfast and dinner. Main 201. NICK place to room and board. Call East 23rtO. SUITE with private bath, home cooking; young man preferred. bl Kearney. Apartments. FOR RENT 4-room apartment, furnished complete, new and modern. Kentucky Apartments. Phone B 1432 or East o3S7. COMPLETE furnished apartment. 3 rooms and bath. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. Beryl Apts.. 605 Lovejoy. apu &. ELEGANT, modern three-room apartment. furnished, -uniignt Apartments," 1203 Belmont. Tabor 1 tw. ALTAMONT APTS.. beautifully furnished 3 ar-d 4-room apartment, very reasonable renL Corner Jin ana college, .vain uob-J. 1 a vn 4-room furnished steam-heated apart ments. Oneonta, 187 17th sU. near Yam- bi 1 1. , THE Nordlca Apartments, cor. of Grand ave. and Belmont; two-room apartments, also single rooms. . PAVENPORT APTS. 505 Jefferson st., 3 rooms, furmsnea. moaern, private phone, bathand janitor; reasonable. Main 6435. B07.ANTA APARTMENTS and single rooms fewly rurnisnen; sinewy mouern; rea- sonable rent, asoh Marshall 2b21. NICE 4-room unfurnished apartment, close in. FhoneLast oobi. THE LEONCE Furnished 3-room apart ment ; private oatn anu pnone. ib( 22a E t . -N. FURNISHED apartment. Including piano, 1 11 a uuriuu, aeuiufi iuu sua ST. CLAIR, 715 Wayne aU; modern 1t- FOR RENT. Apartments. "THE IIOUSMAX." FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. 2. 8 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS, NOW OPEN. BEFORE YOU CHOOSE A NEW LOCATION. SEE THESE FINE APARTMENTS. THEY MAY BE JUST WHAT YOU WANT. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. VERY MODERATELY PRICED. READY FOR TENANTS. BRAND NEW FURNISHINGS. A FEW APARTMENTS RENTED. UNFURNISHED IF DESIRED. THE HOUSMAN." Hoyt SL, BeL 22d and 23d Sts. ' NOW OPEN. THE LOVEJOY. COR. 17TH AND LOVEJOY. ONE BLK. FROM S CAR AND 16TH-ST. CAR. PRICES: 2 - room suite. $-7..v to $32.50. 3- room suite, $-40 to New. modern, cornor brick, beautifully furnished, all ready for immediate hous keeping; nice large reception hall, bath, electric dumb elevator to each kitchen, independent phones each apartment, best JANITOR service In the city; plentv of heat and HOT WATER ALL THE TIME; nice large laundry, plenty of storaKo room, every room an outside room and the prices are 30 per cent lower than any in the city. If you want to save money and get the best, come to the Love Joy. I THE EVERETT. 044 Everett. Bet. 20th and Ella Sts. THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED apartment-house in the city, con sisting oi- & rooms, large reception hall, bath. 2 clothes closets. sleeping porch, disappearing and wall beds, automatlo electric elevator and independent Pacific phones: plenty of heat and hot water all the time; not In the apartment-house dis trict, but one of the choicest residence districts, surrounded by elegant homes. If you want the best in the city, come to the EVERETT. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson eta. four and five-room apartments, unfurnished, witn reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States Telephone In every apart ment and the most modern conveniences found in the city. Phune Main 3P68 and Miss Allen. the manager, will show you through the apartments, or call up main office. Main C7G4. THE BARKER Corner 2Jt and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick, opened January L 1011; furnished and unfurnished in two. three and four-room suites with reception hail; Pacific phone in each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room. If you want something extra fine, come to the Barker, phone Marshall 2'dCL HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; r.ew brick building, completely first-class, fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception ball, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning, janitor service; rent per month $2G, $30 and up; must bo ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt Streets. READY FOR OCCUPANCY MAY 1. Most modern, best arranged 3 and 4 room apartments in city. Each apartment has large private bal cony and every modern convenience; rents from $30 to $45. Make reservations with janitor now on premises. PENISULA Apartments One of Portland's finest apartment-houses, 4-mlnute car service, beautiful part city to 11 e, 1133 & Albina ave., cor. Killingsworth. Take Mis- i slsslppl, L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sts., 15 min. ride; 2, 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished, $17.30 to 130 mo.; j a 1 so unf urn i b h ed a pL Woodlawn 22o9. HADDON HALL Choice apartments, fur- ! nisheu and unfurnished, best location in 1 tne city, conveniently arranged, private balcony, porches. Individual telephone in each apartment; new. modern ana thor oughly equipped; rent very reasonable. 414 11th st. phone Marshall 1170 or call at manager s apartment 205. THE PARK HARRIS. It's different. Just what you want, three and four-room homes, some fur nished; good beds with Ostermoor mat tresses, some unfurnisuea. bee them, cor. Park and Harrison. AN apartment of 3 large outside rooms. handsomely xurnishea, clean, new house, furnace heat, constant hot -water supply. electrcity, gas connected to range; very unusual value lor $40 per month; six min utes waiK irom Postomce. 549 4tn su ORpERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark aU New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold water, steam beaU Phone East bOu. KING HILL APARTMENTS. Will have two vacancies. One 4 rooms and one 5-room apartments; if you de sire a choice apartment In this select neighborhood apply immediately of Jan itor. 171 King SU. cor. of Wayne su C A M A R APARTM E N TS. 704 Lo vej oy St. to per cent lower man tne rest, iwo front basement apartments, iurui&ried or unfur nished, reasonable. Take W car, get otX Lovejoy su Phone Marshall 2010. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson sts.; 3-room unfurnished, with bnth all outside rooms, modern, every conven ence; 5 minutes' walk from P. O. ; very reasonable rent. Main 2506. A 3149. KEELEK APTS., 14th and Clay sts., beauti ful 3-room corner apts., private vestibule, bathroom and phone; 2 closets, new brick building, electric elevator. Apply at on co. THE CODY. 431 East Taylor, new. elaborately fur nished 2 and 3-room apartments, private nhone. steam heat, janitor service, also e'?ctriclty. furnlshed, S u miner rates. APARTMENTS. The Albermarle Apartments: un-to- date, furnished and unfurnished apart ments; new brick blug., bummer rates. Call East 4103. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th Ft., near Main. Elegant 3-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished : private balcony for each apartment; every modern conven ience; rents reasonable. RE -UK AN Apts., 624 Marshall. Nob Hill district; modern, cozy, airy, n.OFt home like In city; see and be convinced : 3 rooms furnished: private bath and Dhone. $30 up. Main 6032. W car. MAIIR APARTMENTS. Eleeantly furnished, comforts of home. private phones and baths, elevator, pri vate playground lor children, ideal loca tion. 22s N. 20th su Marshall 2028. FOR RENT One 2-room apartment and one 3-room apartment, elegantly furnished. very reasonable, junnna, 1 rinity Place, between Washington and Everett sts. M'KINLEY. New and beautifully furnished apart ments, with bath ; all modern conveni ence. 420 East Morrison st. THE M OR DAUNT. Two apartments, $;J5 and $40: opposite Christian Scientist Church, 18th and Everett. ST. CROIX Apartments, for renu 1 fur nished ana 1 uniurmsnea 3-room apart ment, modern. 170 St. Clair and Wash- ington. Main 047 ana a 011. THE BERYL One front and ono back apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap ply to the janitor, 6a Lovejoy St., near 2 1 SU ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 706 Everett st.; verv aesiracie two. three ana iour-room apartments, completely furnished, entirely modern. A 7501. THE CECILIA. 22d and Glisan sts. Apart ments: private pnones. porches: pest boarding-house table in the city one block e way. BRUCE APARTMENTS Will have fine 6- room apart men 1 aoout m ay . . car, 23th and Northrup. Janitor, Marshall 1423. IRIS APARTMENTS. Third and Mill sis. 5-room uniurnisnea apartment, .; -.-room unfurnished apartment. .o. .uoacrn im provements. Adults only. ""ROSE FRIEND. 8. W. cor. 7th and Jefferson. Modern B-room apartment (vacant Mav 1). Apply manager, mornings. VERY desirable apartment, reasonable renU Bee Janitor, lua ivearney, zist ana Kear ney, or Morgan. Filedaer A Boyce. Main 015, 2013 FOR RENT. Apartments LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. "NOB" HILL APARTMENTS 19th and Marshall Streets. These are the most elecantly furnished apartments in Port land, having all mod ern conveniences up-to-date in every re ppect. Each apartment is furnished in the most elaborate manner, with fine Bice low Axminster carpets, massive oak and mahogany furniture tn newest designs. Special attention is directed to the ex tremely low rates as follows: Two-room apartments, per month, $?5, Three-room apartments, per month, $43. Four-room apartments, per month, $33. No such prices for the service to be found elsewhere in the eitir. Investigate -and you'll be convinced. Strictly modern and up to date. Telephone Marshall 1012. "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. 19th and Marshall. Flats. FINE, modern upper flat. 7 rooms; bath. nasement. rum ace. etc. choice location. 3 72 v 23d, near Johnson st. Rent, $35. C. H. Korell, 5th and Stark. Lumber men'8 bliig.. ground floor. 540 TAYLOR, between 17th and Chapman, nicely rurntshed 4-room flat; new piano, gas and e lectr 1 c tyjrent $ 35. FOR RENT Well furnished, three-room flat. West Side, $20.00 per month. ln- quire 333 Oak sU NEWLY finished strictly modorn 5-room flats for rent; East 10th and Clay; $27.30 and $30. Apply 227 Madison st. FOR RENT Ono upper and lower 5-room flat, heat, hot and cold .water; cor. 16th and East Main; key 020 East Main. FIVE large rooms, modern, upper flat. East 27th and Division ; porches, basemenu large yard, phone East 5136; evenings. 5-ROOM upper flat, 774 Thurman sL Inquire of 3 GO. N. 23d, near corner of Thurman. FOR RENT 5-room flat, 404 East Burn side, cor. East 10th. Phone East 5651. MODERN 4-room flat.200'McMlilaV3 blocks from Steel bridge. MODERN 4-room upper flat. Main st. 628 H East FOR RENT Furnished flat, modern. Phone GraveB Music Co., Main 1433. MODERN 5-room flat, reasonable to perma nent party. 209 McMIUen, near Steel bridge. MODERN 5-room flat, reasonable to perma- nent party. 209McMlllen, near Steel bridge. FURNISHED 4 rooms, modern, fine location. West Side, close in. phone Marshall 1-J7. UPPER 5-room modern flat, corner Second and Grant. R ent $ 25. FLAT $2250. W. Reldt. East 1187 Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S" or lUth-sL cars nor t h. g et o ff a t M ar s h all st. No do g s. WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms 5-room cottage, $20 month; 4-room lower Hat, $17.50; suites, 2 furnished housekeep ing rooms, $S, $10, $12 month; 3 $15. Ap ply 364 26th st. North. "W" car from de pot, 5th, west on Morrison to 26th, block north. $1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; take U car. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, very comfortably furnished; close in; rent reasonable. 1SS West Park St., near Yam hill FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, with Dutch kitchen, close in. 4Sy Washing ton st. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th; fur nished housekeeping suites; walking dis tance. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, suita ble for two or more working girls, $4 per week. The Idaho. jS9 Oth st. THE ELMS, 2 and 3-room apartments, com pletely furnished. 101 14th at. FURBISHED housekeeping and sleeping roo ms, $ 1 . 50 to $ 2 per week. 291 2d st. FURNISHED housekeeping suites reasonable. JJ, 313 .Mirk et s t . Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family. 2 OR 3 large rooms, partly furnished, East 27th and Clinton, xa ana xio. Pnone bell wood 833. TWO clean, neatly furnished rooms, all con veniences; walking distance; references. 327 7th. NICELY furnlf.hed 2-rooin housekeeping ml tea, also one housekeeping room. 421 rtb. LARGE, light basement room, furnished complete for housekeeping, suitable ior working men, cheap. 528 Morrison. TWO front rooms furnished for housekeep ing; also slue rooms, reasonable. Adults. ITS E. 14th st. SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms; walk ing distance; free gas; 20. &2t Kear ney. CLEAN, light and airy suite of housekeep ing rooms, basement, -uo inn, near xay lor. COMFORTABLE suite for light housekeep ing, modern, close in, reasonable. o .uar rabee st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; one separate sleeping room, read- o n a bl e ,7 S 1 Ke am e y . TWO modern, nicely furnished housekeep ing apartments, reasonable. 109 ISth at. North. TWO furni'hed housekeeping rooms, $10 per month. 5SS Pettygrove sU Phone Main 8428. TWO or three very nicely furnished house keeping rooms, wit h sleeping porch, bath and pnone. East 3S44. C08 Williams ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, excellent location, bath, phone, very reasonable. 262 14lh. 3 NICELY furnished liousekceping rooms, lUht. bath, phone, reasonable. 495 Mont gomery FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking distance, private family, on carllne. 450 Hall sU 53" 20th Newly furnished housekeeplng- rooms, en suite or single. TWO-ROOM housekeeping suites, $10 and u p ; gas, bath, phone. 721 1st su THREE completely furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 214 13th st. TWO rooms for housekeeping, gas ani phone; no children. 340 College st. TWO modern housekeeping rooms, suitable for couple. 450 Market st- TWO connecting, 2d floor front rooms; one large single room. 62S Flanders. NITET.Y furnished front housekeeping suite. 405 W. .Park. Main 4701. NICELY furnished parlor suite for light housekeeping; no children. 408 Main. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. 275 Clay St., cor. 4th. LARGE and small suite, every convenience, also attic room. 340 Hall st. TWO furnished housekeeping ' rooms, lower floor, yard. 450 Yamhill. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 550 Couch st. MarshaII2J44; ROOMS now ready for housekeeping; base ment if desired. 32 N. 11th. 813 14TH, corner Clay; choice 2-room house keeplng suite; running water. ONE room furnished for housekeeping; gas range phone, laundry, batlru 166 I0U1 u 4 a