TIIE SrORXIXG OREGOSTAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1911. SEAL ESTATE. Fee ele - Hoairt. HOME) ON tASV PAYMENTS. Plx-room hoajw. tvo str1ea. alt modern. eat front. beautiful lot, many shade tre, block from car; street Improvement paid; aw. rdr ror ocrupinry, soov cua. FTee room, tsrre at!e. all wMmi. Ha tah4 eah f.oor. bokri, bu3t. fur nace. fu:i butmftil, rsrie:eo; d:strlct; tm rTfmata paid; half bloc a from car; aaa. t4.Qt monthly payments. Ft rMn& two-aloey. square IfmH Jnt being (oraplrtwl; oak floors. fireplace, utrh ki'rhfa. bufTtt. all other modern o.ivrnlrnrrf, ;oo f-t from carllne; $Ji cash, balaace monthly payments. We tav several othr houses and boa- wbich w:;i b comDircd soon: let ni in hul will be romplMM soon; let ue show Ibcm to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT 4k TRUSTEE 201. r3 Board of Trad bids. Marshall -173. A 1013. HERS IS THE CHAVCE TOU HAVE EE EN LOOKING) FOR. 1 mnif a on biti'BMg. art will e!I mr nlace at a sacrifice. irM of ground. I room bungalow, 2 chicken-houses, barn J and ettv water; some potatoes piantea. 20 minutes walk from -eent car far: V acre adjoining selling fr $42-V hmise furnished, will sell for j:;-- rah. balance easy: n boar on tola, a It la A unusual aaT'.nve. CO-OKEKATIVB REALTY CO.. Kai.way icomaga t(iMETinM nrrrrprvT. Pmali p;ac to love by Itaeif; to find pt acta,-h Ilka this oauailr on haa to o i-k In mountains : thta pLac 1 near town Km U a and Columbia River. mlleo from fort land. -Hd ait roai. b-at of aprlna vkit. clprd throuch hua , and over p 1 ace : thta placo la profit nbl for ehlckena. ate. Kxcailent eenery. trotrt fHMnjr. Ideal for Sjmmer home; thia "B t bouant direct from owner, mho h other reaaona than to aell for profit. AV XX Orgon;an. M DOWN 115 PKR MONTH. Eltant. nw, flve-rtin bjncml-'. oniy two blocks from car. in hleh-cla-a itt- trtrt ; rutch ktichen, flrep;ac. built-in boik case and buffet; full basement and lra;e attic: must bo ao: 1 at on- CO-CPKHATIVK RKALTT COalPAXY, ol--2l Kail a ay AUchuiga. IRVINOTON RARijAlN Fine ft-ronm horn. on corner. Toxlim. It!Umk and Kast .'4ch. es cariine to beat Irvinrton difrirt, larva rerpt:on hall, living -rom, l in in (-room. a n. aitrnen ana pa pantries hv strep- tnv-rooma. two fireplaces. cer..eni ba rcent and ftimaca, s;-raxe; beautiful lawn and 10O rose buahaa; ail street Improve- wenta In and paid; price i which la !'V tinier Taiue; must ba anid at inr. Wo Abater A L.uedUemazin. 723 EUactno 100 CASH. EXCLUSIVE HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. S-roora bnngalow; hardwood floors, traya. In fact every modern convenience. PKTPCH At WIT WE R. a l S Board of Trade. A 1W8 Main 13 FFE ME BEFORE TOU MUILD. WHERE I UL'ILD I WILL LOATf f ONE T AT A L"W RATE OF INTEREST WITH NO BRQKRRAi'.E FEF!H AND NO CHAKOF, FOR PLANA. I HAVR CLI- , E.VTS WHO WILL LEA.-S APARTMENTS AND WAREHOUSES. IF YOU UAVS A J-OT BLITAIILE I CAN MAKE TOU GOOD PRUP slTtON. E. K, LOCKB, HENRT BLDOb eVROOM BT7COALOW ...V)0. Thta attractive. thoroughly modern bungalow, with ht water heater, is lo cated la the North Irv Ington dlatrtct on E. lot h at. N . near K not t at. If yon asaire eometninff nice in a choice nelgn- aornooa, oeiier seo tnia AlcCAROAR. HATES A LH'ELT. S01 Teon Building. f 0 IlfNtSAI.OW 0O. Fine 6-room bunralow. electric lights, foil eement basement, china closet. ja:i- I e:d dinicc-riom. beamed c.i;tr.s. Dutch I 'cnn, a bMnomi. nne nxturea, on E. 37th. near Frances av., 1 blocks to rar; price jjijo. uoo rasn. 9iz a month. tiKl SI ft KAUOW, SIT Board ef T r a d eR 1 d g . . 4th a nd Oa k. I4VW-TKRMR Modern and attrartivo A-mom dwelling C1a-kamae st. near E. 2oth: lot 5xl2:i; very fine location, home practUaliy new aj-y icrunmiy trranrd: price with street Improvements all paid. Sttuo Good ivrnn McCAROAR RATESI A LTVELT. aoi Teon building. Slfwvt House, S rooms, lot 5x1 OA, Tat th su Norh. I am going to Mabo and mut sii; cash, John P. Wearon, fcH'H n:Bw ok commerce oiog. r'hune Main evo. a RiOWH $17& TMa as a ona-atory. weii-bttllt frame, not modem, but city water In hooao. two Dtocas rrom Jtntalia ear. near West Avenue, on lot BOxlou; owner needs the money. Pee ilcCAK'i R BATE A LTVELT. K1 Teon Building. A St Bt'KPAM home In Rog'ie River Valley. Ms acres, two In orchard, harries, etc.. four In alfalfa; good bouse, fair barn. f'oi well. lank. ete-tric motor, centrifu gal pump, water In house and barn, loo- trie' I'ghts; Just outetd clt timlta, 10 'at rrorn buameae centor. .Vn, caaU. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. Fp-to-date riB. two-story loose, with. eorcrete easement, anic, pimicr nr.pare. , flna lan. roaea. et--.; an attrarttve horn-. I eaar walking distance f over town and near Vmt &uim hig'i school. Owner. iT E-iy.ii st.. near sun n rnrhnr BEAl'TIFUL horoee In Rose City Park. We nae ior sa.e several n-w and very .nt-tra-tive hu and bunciowa In th: ftna tietrtct; pri.ea from S.ioo to H. very easy terms See us for part'cttlar if you are looktn- fr a home. V;Ai!i:er A l.oeddemarn. 722 EI' rtrtc h!! g MODERN and attrartlve houao In Hoiiaday. on r;rkimii atr?; six rormi, full bar, tnent and furnace, fireplace, sleeping por-. aplendid nelghborhwd, large .t Are alue at ter-ns easy. McAlUster A . I.udemann. 722 : Electric bldg. KS-WHOfSE. WEST VlD E f Jio" Fine modern new It-room house, walk ing distance on 5ibb st.; strevt work ail paid, price 4wvt j.30 rah. CRl sbl A ZAPoW. ! -SIT Bard f Te:dijijndOak. ! T-ROOM hoore. ttunnysMe. between &5th and tth s?s , MorrUon and Hawthorne ava. I lot Wl-Siluo. vno. $imjo wi:i hand!e! balance to suit. Inquire A. H. lencks-ni. I 3 Colon are. Nor lb. Telephone E.st i Na sgenta BEAUTIFUL MOMKA " I FTegantly finished In oak and mahog- anv. choice lc at tons. Irv ington. Seeru i g-fat baryaiia iriy loi. no agenta c I-ed. East 27A W. IL Kerdman. SloVK Good house, r.a y 4"H cash. K. Ninth st. North Lot 0xl"O; you can double your money, bee my agent. John P. W.-ston 9" k. hamoer of Commerce bldg. Phone Main &M7. sROO-at house with rood lot and plenty of berries and rose on the East Side and chance to get a good house at the litcht price; !-7.V. $ Uou casn. Inquire 4JI ' amber of Com merce. I KOOM bortgalow; prlro f -0. $o down, balance to suit. Call Mr. Anderson. A ll.i or Main '.oa COLUMBIA TRUST COM PANT, Board of Trade B;0g. BT owner. 0 caxh. new. modern. 4-room home. ftA-Uno. full baa-men:, fmlt, srn.de snd ornamental treea 2 bk-'k car; terms. 3 Montgom ery. T ahor -TiS. UlRKf.MURST. LOTS $2 LOTS South of snndv Rond. near 3-d KARNOPP as KOPF. 32S Ry. fx. Judg. 20 IOWN. 4-room house; lot 7vxi0, near Glad atone and Av. 37th ata. prtce llt-x Phone Sell. U2- IRVI.NGTON. .-room modem hou. splen did buy. Owner. CaU 4iJ E. lt g. v Phone East Hi. NEW modem five-room bungalow Fast 37th at.; mutt aelL IL E. Louga. Led- IRVINOTON bargain in new 4-room inodVrn housa : f iOO b-low value. Phone owner Main 374 or Est24rtd. fortermx " 33334 IRVINGTON. IS04 below cost : new 4-room house. Phone owner. East 1173 or aa.l 337 East 11th North. RIVER bungalow, ail convenience, with or without furniture; 2" minutea out. Oregon City car. A M l.Oregonia tx. PORTLAND Heights comer lot. worth 2lot) and 6- room cottage, walking distance. i:t3A. Brook. Main 3031. A 1U 10 D-WN. lrt PER MONTH. Lot stI'W, 1-room house. 3 fruit tree, good garden. Price 9&O. Phone svlL :2. $i)0 BL'Ii bo use and lot, Kaat eth atreeL neaur Lineal at aab or terxna. Fboae B 3oaA Ho $3200 Terms. $i5o cash, balance SCO per month : a very pretty new ftve- roora bunralow. in aom city rera; this bungalow ca-Q be occupied Im mediately ; price tncludea window hades, kitchen linoleum, aoraa fl"f- trie fixtures, ate lit ft. Terms $15u0 cash, balance to suit purchaser. A very at tract Ira 2 atory hniee, on Kau Salmon street, near tut 231 at. The owner la fomi to Alaska aoon and haa re duced hia pric from $57uo to effect an Immediate sale. Look at thia If you want eo me thin a; nice at a bargain price. 149!. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, REAL K-STATK DEPT.. CHAMBER OK 1.UMMF.IK E, BLDO.. 4ta and Ktark St. Excluslvs agents for these and for many ft the chotccat offering a la and around Portland. THE EXTERIOR Of thta fin 7 -room bungalow la d!e-ttne-ty different from any other. The Int. nor 1 mad attractive by oak floors, pr-aaed brick mantel, flr ven-e.-r rant lid walnacot. a;id doora and plate ralia: buttreaiwd. aquara roj. umned opanln between hati and !tv-Inic-room. beamad ctllna;a and tlntad walla: wall-tijthtad atalrcas hall. dir-tl3 accaaibta from all rooma; bthrom and two toiteta; flna pan-' try. full baaemv ot wit h vtih traya and furnace, full 60xl lot in Koaa mera, cloa to car. I'rlce 4.MK on trnia of $m cash. Aak for key to No. 2 NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY. 270 tiiark Bu BPNOALOWi, $U'Xi to 300d; aay 4 rooma. Hnlcata a., near 4Mb; $I40a 4 rooma. (Kan on Park; ft'.V). 5 rooms. .th and ;iadstone: $2800. 6 rooma. North Alblna; $T.0. 6 rooma. Albert a diatrlct; 3 rooma on Oiadatone ava. ; S20Ar). 5 rooms. Vlllamead. a dandy; fUOOO. Pboloajraphs at offico. KiiKD V. GKRMAS'. 3-D Burnauoata;ain or A i77- SEVERAL five to eight-room modern houses on Mnwi norne a jwat completed ; w. are in owners and buiiucrs. so win mak the price risht: small payment down, th balanco a? moat like pay In r rent; do not thro' away your mouey on rent: own a honte. Coma aoon and cet choice of nouses. Tiiii CARPENTERS CO. I'nnn Tabor Hush. sUI Slst tt. HOLLA DAT ADDITION. An opportunity to buy that horns yon rave ore a looking for. Nice refined re gliborhood. convenient to care, w-hnoi and churches ; n.ne-rom house, furnace, to fireplaces, large reception hall, sleep- jnr porch. line quarter Mock, snade an fruit trt-s. roses and shrubbery. Hu from owner. Price will surprise you. 1 n one ..04. GOING TO RriLDT WF DESIGN ARTISTIC HOUSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF v t I1L'IUI IT WILL PAY TO SEE US, IF Tut OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THE RESIDENCE OH APARTMENT FO li. ULK KW11A1IU.N 1J 1UIK FttU uv. riu.N. U R. BATLET A CO.. 111 A BINGTON BLDO. $13 PER MONTH buys a new, w.-li-buUt, modern 4 -room bungalow and a fine Improved lot In OrKory Hotghts. Call at our office, end os jios i irv fara canine. OHEGORT INVLrfTMKNT CO. $200 CASH. ROPE CITY PARK. S15 MONTH LT. T rooms, lot &oxi4X, improvements In and paid: all the built-in conventencea: full lasvmrnt, fireplace, etc National Realty & Trust Co.. SSH Washington sX room 611. Phone' Main 6128. PAKIFICE ON A NEW IRVINGTON HOME 7ott for an 100 home. Thl house Is brand new. and modern In every respect: has 8 large rooms; fronts east on bv low-toot corner io. 1 ne owner is In need of sirae cash, therefore the low price. ji n at u S3A-6.-7 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 949. Home A 7:4. A GOOD BUT. In Fouth Portland. T-room house on lot 40X 1 (K : content walks and gas; facing ant. good view ef mountalna. Price 13330 caan. MERCHANTS 6AVl.Ni?! TRUST CijMPANV. 34v Dt"WN and 120 per month will bur r.'f tittle home: 4 rooms ana receotio hall ; pantr . parlor and hath, full base ment, f ruitroom, wood shed, nice lawn and fruit trees; cement walk around home; rioso to caritne; $lon. pee owner. K" E. 72d North. Phone Tabor 2Ml. A GCM1 HOME CHEAP. 0 rooms, modern, corner lot. one b!ok from Alberta at., on 1.th. owner In East ern Oreron and must soil; ace roe If you want a oar rain. E- A- MCO RATH. 831 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W"HT PAT RENT. We will sell you a home and you can pay for It on easrv monthly payments; our rousus mciuue rurnace. iixiures. narnwood floors, tlntinr. shades, stc. provident In vestment A Trustee CO.. 201-30S Board of Trade. Owners. TtEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOMES. Built by expert day labor, late-tt do sfans. oak. mahogany and Ivorr finish d-tn't be deceived on cheap contract work. There Is a dlff-ren-e. Dolsn-Beckley Co. 390 Broadway. Phones. East 8iu, C iia. . . . NEAR PIEDMONT BARNS. SlIiKL Nice little 4-room cottage, en rwx i'H corner lot ; graoeo streets. uo ay terrns. Photo at rrtce. FRED W. GERMAN. 321 Burnstde St. Main or A 3776. 6-ROOM hunga'.ow. In Hawthorne district; lot 4txl'": a rruit tree, inwn. cement walha. house Is modern and the price will Interest you; thia must be aoid; brand new. FaPET, oIT Chamber of Commer.-. NOB HILL ff-room modern realdrnce In fine loa-! tlon: owner leaving town, will sell for T.'-"X j. Smith, slS Chsunber of Coai mrce. BUILT FOR A HOME. Fine S-riM'm modern residence, in Wat part of Irv ington at a bargain Half raah. Vtnduyo A Walton. 013 Chamber or 1 ommerce. MODERN 6-room house. 121 OO: $1.V cash i ii. .o per month and Interest: biggest snap in city. K. A. JiC'iHATH. S3! Chamber of Commerce bldg. T-ROOM house, on comer lot. In Hawthorne Utatrtct: furnace, gas. large rooms, flre p.ace: this place Is a bargain and must he sold. For price see EsPET. 51i Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, roomy reidene. with flt.e east and south lew. 3 rooms and tttc. full cement basement, furnace, gis and electricity. S blot ks from car; p.-i- e I-.300. Ca:iat4Spaldlng btdg. GOOD HOrSE FOR NOTHING tf you buy this reasonably-priced 0x21$ on beat part romana i-ieignts: hard sur face streets; fine cltv viar forever. Brooke. Main 3031. A 3S.1&. XOxlOO, THREE good houses, on corner. West 8lde, close In. a bargain ; 310.004 down, baianr easy terms: Income 91 uO per month. Call J. H. Tipton Co. HERE IS WHY: RE MONET TALKS. Ait 1 active. 3 rooma. choice dlntrlrt. fr.it h). half cash: all rash, cheaper. Phone -w'wuer. j a ran a ii loo-t. ronton bldg. l-ROOM house; 3th at., near Maln.37oa AH 4J. Oregonlan. Bnaineaa IToperty . k PNAP. by owner: a fine, modern 3-story building; 3 stores and fin 3-room flat; bringing In $220 a month; will sell or trade. Write for particulars and Infor mation. T 41. Oregonlan. Acreage. ft ACRE3 cleared land. 3 blocks of car. miles from Portland; new house, fireplace, seeping porch; will sell at a sacrifice or will trade for good ft-paaaenger auto. 274 Stark at. -A'KK, planted to fruit and Lowers with 4-room hn'iae. 2 blocks from large new school, between two good carlines. This Is a bargain: 11 ; good terzna. Call on owner. 414 fr1d fy.bldg. FOR SALE 4 acres fruit and alfalfa land In Roitue River Vailey oa line of new rail road, near Granta Pass; only 330 per acre; on easv terms. Address B 3i, Oregonlan. FIVE acres. cared or otherwise, suitable for rhicken and frutt rtnch; state location, and monthiy payment required. T 47, Ore-' gonian. ft AND 10-acre tracts on electric line. mt'a from station: cleared and In eultlva t'.n; wi!i trade for city property or auto, 27 Stark St. OAR DEN HOM E Acre, right at station. I.mO, very easy terms. Tsbor W76X TW om lies f rora c 1 1 yTim pro v ed-six acrea, S " pick-up. D 53. Oregonlan. OTT axxraa. near Mount Taborv no enta Pho&a owner East 3X t of Sal JE AX ESTATE. Acreace. 90 ACRES bottom land, half mile from ffea alde Depot: 40 acres of this land excep tionally fine for cranberries; condltlona food for fioodlni" and dramas; ona-thlrd cleared, balance alder wood that will more than pay for clearing;. Price very low, easy terms. Call en or write J. E. Oaten, aside. Or. ACREAGE. More than 4HH acres, close to Portland and cut In 1. a, 5, 10 and 20-acre traots; Ana roads, all graded and In flrst-cJnas condition tn front of everr tract. We have been S3 years In Willamette Vally and 15 years ot this time in farm and acreage business In Portland. We know the soil. We make a specialty of close in acreage and our 400-acro platting is of the moat fertile soil tn the state. See crop of past year. Tou mako the first nivmrnt and the crooa will do the rest Pleaaant employment and convenient to all the advantages of Portland. The cheap eat acreage tracts around Portland, qual ity and location conald-red. and sola on libers! terms. to 3.v per arre. THB fcUAW-FEAR COMPACT, Mil Vfinrth R: Mala S3. S00- "IO iPD V RT'RIUBA V HOME. 6 -room house piped for hot and cold water, bathroom. 2 clothes closets, good pantry, etc.; this bouse Is new and haa never been lived In. good, new wood shed and outbuildings. 10 minutes' walk from electric station, on good county road; land rould not be graded better with a scraper, the owner has authorised me to sell this property on easy terms and you can have four years to pay ror 11. i ma is in Washington County and can be made one of the nrettlest places In the country. In quire at room S3. Chamber ot Commerce bid HERE IS TOUR CHANCE. 10 acres, of which 8H acres are cleared and In cultivation, balance In second growth timber, with few Inrse trees: has fruit trees, 8 years old, good 4-room frame house, kitchen built extra; barn Sx22. well; land la free from rock or gravel; Ilea level and Is very fine fruit or garden soil ; mile to imtlon on C'axa dero carllne. Price $2il5". $13i cash, bal ance 3 yvtirs at 7 p.-r cent. NORTHERN TRUPT COMPANY, 270 Stark 8t. SOMETHING GOOD. B acres garden, berry and orchard land, with deep rich black loam soil; the best In the valley: located on the Oregon Elec tric line, about 40 minuses from the city limits; Is fenced with woven wire; has young orchard and over an acre of straw berries; lies on a fine ounty rr.ad, within a few steps of the railroad; this Is sure to grow Into more money; price $1000. 3 J 00 down and L'iO payable semi-annually. RALPH ACKLET. 6Ji Corbett Bldg. ACKEAOK 125 to $70 per acre; 2400 acrea. subdivided Into l.lO tracts of 2. 5. 10, 20. 30 to IOO acres each; best fruit and gar den land, deep soil. One water, no rocki one hour's ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school tn center of tract; pood roads In front of every tract. Tour chance to jret an Ideal money-making home. These tracts sell on sight to practical people. Call and make an early selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. HQ Corbett BMg. 10-ACRE TRUCK AND FRUIT FARM. MILE FROM ELECTRIC STATION. All plowed now and ready for crop. 6 room house, new; new wood shed and out houses, good well, soil rich black loam, not a foot of waste land on the place; two cropa rightly handled will pay for this place, but we will give you four years time, Get your family out on a farm, away from disease and city tcmp tatlons. 8.18 Chamber of Commerce. COUNCIL CREST. TOU can see the Tualatin Valley from Coun cil Crest : for a small payment ou can ' get possession of & or 10 acre tract or more of this land; unequaled soil, plenty of water: 3 railways and only .'0 minutes from Portland; go and see some of our tracts today, or make a date for tomorrow. CLOSSH-IN ACREAGE SPECIALISTS. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 40S Couch Bldg.. 19 4th St.. nr. Wash. PL loooo OWNER must sell quickly. 2 1-3 acres. East Ho'n st. on WAVERLT-WOODSTOCK carllne. near REED INSTITUTE. Can be platted and sold at a big prnttt. Lota are worth $Suo each near by. District . la welt built up. Itnd Is cleared. $2000 cash, long time 6 per cent. 10000 I acres with, pood buildings, a nle home, also other acreage near city. FRANK M'FARLAND RKALTT CO.. 3o9 Yeon B I tig.. Portl a n d. YOU hace the benefit of our judgment In location ana tne oenent or sou ex pi rtr testimony: If you are satisfied and are mnklng money through us. you are our tesi aaventsement; see west we oner in acreage close to electric linea and con venient to Portland's market. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg., lou 4th St., nr. Wash. St. $750 Ten acres best soil, partly Improved; stgnt ly location overlooking Columbia River; four snow mountalna in pluln view; lo minutes' walk to A. at C. Railroad sta tion, one hour to Portland ; suitable for fruit, poultry or dairying; nothing better; easy terms. PALMER. M2 Couch Bid v.. At 109 4th St. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; waiaing Distance to gooa town; runnning water, oest soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 3 acres $23o; 8 acres $300, 10 acres $'0, 20 acres $900; 10 per cent cash, easy payments. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY COv. Sow Yeon Bldg., Portland. IF YOU buy land for $1000 and pay $100 aown. you get interest or iu per cent on $1000. because In a year's time the price of land la sure to double aguln as last year; land from $90 per aero up. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 403 Couch Bldg.. 19 4th St.. nr. Wash. St. Our satl-tfltd customers are our best ad vertisement. GARDEN HOME. 2 minutes out. So trains daily. 5 acres high and sightly all In cul tivation, main road, adjoining land is $rno per acre. This 5 acres for $2o. 3000 cash, balance to suit. Have party who win rent for 3t0O cash per year. 614 Couch bldg. Tabor P7J. A LUCRATIVE BUY. 190 acres, over S cleared, balance easily cleared. 7 miles from center of city by bird's flight : on Linn ton road : $125 per acre; no triflers. negotiate with R. E. I. Ku It sen, room 1. A ins worth bldg., 3d and Oak ata. $373 BUYS 10 ACRE? Of best-quality, smooth, all tillable land that will produce anything grown In this climate, with pure running water, abund ant wood, good roads and only two hours afrom Portland. PALMER. 512 Couch bldg., at 109 4th st. 15 ACRES, all good soli, no rocks or gravuL small creek crosses the land; near church, school and railroad station; price only $100. half raah. R. L. RTANWOOD. Houlton. Oregon. 10 ACRES plsnted to 3-year-old Ppitxen- oerg ana yenow .-vewtowns; choice loca tion. 17 ntlles southwest of Portland on Southern pacific; station ad loins property. Small cash payment. AH 34, Oregonlan. ACRE TRACT. Multnomah station, Oregon Elect rfr. cleared, sightly. 17 minutes out, $? 6 down, balance terms. F. H. Lewis, 8 Lewis bldg. SO ACRES of fine sightly land nenr Mult- noman ma won. covered with Ka.,tw..i trees and wild shrubs. The finest plattJnjr proposition now on the market. Call for particulars. 414 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE Five acres. Inside E. 62d and rrwoii m., bivu inrre i-ucre tracts down the Columbia, If Interested address AL 45. Oregonlan. 80-ACRE SNAP. On carllne. cloae In. running water, or chard, etc VANDCTV AV "WALTON. 015 Ch a inber of Commerce. FOR AN Investment I have 4 acres, the best locatea piece or land on Barnes Heights, 3 blocks to carllne; wi:i sell nil or part of It. Address P. Mickelson, 32 Market sc Main 6S70. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.30 par acre up; large ana sman iracta. call Kinney A Stampher. 381-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. Homestead. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 10O-page book gives amouni 01 uovernmenc iana open to homestead. In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and description ef same; gives hom:r.;ead. desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws: two mapa of Oregon In colors. 21x29, showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 2Uc each, or threa AOa. Map of Washington In colors, 21x28, 2oa fsjmmo. Kuney at co., Hamilton oidg. CAN locate three parties adjoining rial ma. 320 acres each homestead or dfaert, near my home: excellent soil, abundant water 20 feet. Will save you money. Act prompt ly. B. R. Benson. Ogll. Oregon. SPLENDID homestead relinquishment for sale in Clacxamaa county, near transpor tation; easily cleared, with good aoil and plenty of water. AM 43, Oregonlan. HOMESTEADS, located near Portland: land level: good value; near railroad. Room 31. 247 Oak at- WILL locate you a good"homeatead ' on orchard or dairy land. Terms) sasy. Room SO. 323)4 fitark. RFATj kstatr. llouiriie4lft. HOM EST K A n RKI.TXOriKHMENT. loO acres. In Tillamook County, close to good town, road to the place, 10 acrea cleared UD. 10 area mnrt can be out UD der cultivation, watered bv creek: food little house and good barn; 62x40 feet; win matte a nice ato K ranch for only 5 sou; im provementa couldn't bo out on the plac for thia price; call early and be the lucky one to get a Tillamook rajich tor prao- ucaiiy noming. 11. TJ. NOLAN. 412 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Fruit Lsuida. FOR 8 ALE Prune, walnut and apple or- chard, mostly bearing; 100 acres in heart of Dundee Orchards, Tamhlll County. 21 mllea from Portland, exactly 2 miles from aepot: large nsn pona. running spring; o room house, all modern conveniences. bathroom, hot and cold water, septic tank men's house and many outbuildings; .i00 chickens, turkeys. Incubators, piss, cows. norses, wagons, implements ; everymin, goes with nlaco; $23,000 for immedlat sale; cash. One of the world's finest views and a dividend-payer. Address owner, Sanderson, Dundee, Or. REGAIN your health and accumulat wealth growing aooles In the famoui Hood Rlver-Mosier district, on our new plsn. A small cash payment will start you right. Call or write for beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPANY, 907 Teon bld. WALNUTS AND APPLES. B and 10-acre tracts planted to walnuts ar.d apples; terms. Also 11221 acres cheap, all near Sherman, iimnui county, N. W. LAND AND IMPKO hk&M t-U., Ixn Williams. Mgr.. 433 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDQ. HOOD RIVER orchard. 25 acrea. partly In full bearing, balance J years old; wen im proved with all buildings, lmplements.etc arteautirui noma on main county roaa deul with owner and save commission good terms. AF 7. Oregonlan. NOT Moaler View Orchards, but adtolnln 80 acres in 3 and 1-year trees, house, well 1-3 price others ask; $5o cash; can bor row half on Dlace without cost to you 3 miles south of town; best buy ever offered at Hosier. 1014 Chamber com. 40 ACRES FRUIT LAND. White Salmon; somotblng choice and only $U0 per acre. VANDCVN A WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. IV THE true aDDle belt. 160 acres, five miles fmm LyJe. Wash., a genuine bar gain ; an acre, half cash. Phonf TEN acres best. Income-bearing Hood River orchard: close-in; reasonable terms. See E. Barker, 150 Front St. For Hale Farm a. LOST LOST LOST Lost forever to the homeseeker llvlni within the boundaries of the Unltei suare. tha CHAVCE to huv aood. loamy, slity soil, the finest farming land, that will produce every variety of cereaL all fruits an J vegetables that will grow in gnoa amy sou in a climate iiko tauior nla. Land that Is free from alkali and adobe that will produce ORANGES AND ALFALFA Is GONE. GONE FOREVER aa Jnr as the United States is concerneo. W011M vou like to find an onoortunlty to purchase that kind of land at prices Ilka you paid for your iana a rew years eg say $2.r.O per acre? Wouldn't It be prof itable to you to sell your land that you are offered $20y per acre for and Invest your money in better land. In a better climate, land that will produce a bigger crop with less work and 'twice as often with cereals that you can sell for a high er price, and locate In Sonora. tne can fornia of Mexico. 60 milei from the In ternaH"nI Line of the United States. J. N. M fAvTE has 26.200 acrea of that kind of lai:W for sale at - $3.50 per acre, with Llentv of water and on the railroad. Fin est opportunity for promoter, colonizer or party wanting big rancn. unesT. investi gation courted. Addresa J. N. McFAT J& Noaales. Arizona. HAPPY VALLEY LAND MAKES FOR TUNES OlIICK Your last chance at cheap land In the laat rich fruit valley in soutneastern cni leh Columbia. Small or large tract, on easy payments. We ll plant the trees or develop the farm before you come 11 you wish. $500.00 net profit per acre from strawberries, great crops of delicious ap ples, grapes and other fruits immense yields of all vegetables. Cloa mark eta and high prices Insure big. quick profits. Climate and s ill ideal. Fine tram port a- tion and Irrigation systems, low water rates and taxes, guaranteed titles. Buy now while commercial development is new, Prices will aoon soar. For the rich ai well aa the poor tUere are big things alone thia Irrleated Route to Indepen dnce. Break away from the time clock and the "age limit-" Satisfy your land and home hunger. - Come to The Happy Valley of the Columbia River wheri many fortunes will grow fast In tha next few years. . Write for particulars to Columbia Val ley Irrigated Fruit Lends, Limited, 2o4 aiainstreet. wiimer,ritisn (joiumoia. "WHY PAY $150 TO $250 PER ACRE When we can sell you W0 acres, including all stock, tools, machinery and farming Implements, close to H. P. R. R. and only 14 miles from Portland at $03.50 per acre. SO acres under cultivation, and are now all planted and seeded, finest of soli, 50 acres In fir and cedar timber, would cut about 2K0 cords; fine 8-year-old orchard, good 6-room house with water piped into It; fine trout stream running through- proper ty ; fair burn and plenty of outbuildings; there are 3 good horses. 4 milch cows. chickens, 2 wagons, 2 buggies, separators and everything needed In the farming line; If you want a snap, butter let us show you this; easy terms- For further par ticulars call on the old reliable firm of C- F. PFLUOEA CO.. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS, Suite 12 Mulkev Bldg., 2d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED IN IbHO. DO TOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE DCRINO THE DRY SUMMER, ao you can double or treble your yields If so. get tn on the ground floor of our Willamette Valley irrigated land. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland. ( Aak for Ur. Hartog. ) Branch office on the grounds at WEST STAYTON, OR. Take 4:13 P. M.. H. p. train at Union Depot to Wast Stay ton via Wood burn. GUARANTEED A9 ADVERTISED. A fine farm of SO acres. 1 mile from Post office. H milee from the town of Woodland, on Lewis River the Lewis River forming one boundary line; firood house; 20 acres cleared; 0 bearing fruit trees; rich soil; school at corner of farm; 2- acrea cf fine timber convenient to log Into the Lewis River. One can log this timber Into the river and make enough out of tha timber to pay for the place. Price only $:i5o0. TAYLOR A IMUS. Kalama, Washington. FINE Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 1338 acres. 1 iou in cultivation, balance pas ture. TS5 acres wheat goes with the place, 500 acres perfectly leve.1, balance a little rolling, good house, barn, windmill and plenty of fine water, 3 small houses; good deep sot), no rock; only 4 miles to rail road and 4 mile to school. Price 323 per acre: will divide and sell 1000 acres with the buildings or &I0 acres all In Fall wheat at the smie price and give very easy terms. T. II. Llttlehales, Forest Grove. Or. FIVE acres, of cleared, level, fertile land; ery suuaoie ior garden, oemes or chick ens; this land will pay for Itself If put Into potatoes with one crop; mile from railroad station and close to big market; $50 per acre. Call 1016 Chamber of Com- m e rce. I AM having; my Estacada farm sub-di vided into 6 and lo-acre lets; all set to choice Spltxenberg and Newtown apples. 3 years old; only one mile from electric Una and In midst of the apple district. For p a r 1 1 c u I are, ca 1 1 me , C 224 5; W1JEAT FARM FOR SALE. One of the best farms in Eastern Oregon, containing 520 acres of fine land, situated near Mlkkalo station: $25 an acre; reason able terms given. Room 819. Worcester bldg 63 ACRES alfalfa and fruit land in tha Rogue River Valley, near Grants Pass; 1 mile from railroad and- school; can be Irrigated; price $80 per acre; eaey terms. For particulars see Mr. Redln, 403 Spald ing bldg., 3d and Washington. $0 ACRES, SO in crop, balance logged off; good bouse and barn, good bearing or chard, no rock; Mred shot" soil, on county road In Columbia County, Oregon; price $05 per acre. - PALMER. 512 Couch Bldg. BIO BARGAIN 13.000 acres, near railroad and steamboat. Northern California, grain and stock; Improved: $12.50 an acre, terms. Write C. M. Wooster Company, 702 Market St., gan Francisco. SNAP A fine farm 1H miles from depot. too la. Improvements, stock, crops, etc Come quick. KINNEY 8TAMFHFR. 531-32 Lmbr. Ex. F!dg. IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Good homes at reasonable prices; for In formation, write the Farmers Union, Amity, Yamhill County. Oregon; R. 1, Box loo. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner, 12 Morrison st. farms of all sixes and Dalaba, Elk City. Or. prices. a O. LINCOLN COUNTY for dairy and fruit REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. $300 PER ACRE. Snap. 30 acres on Base Line road. Timber on it will pay for clearing1. Close in. $900 per acre. 3 14 acres. On Base Line road, with good 8-room house. aji cleared. Large barn, good well. 2 mllea from MontA-villa, car. 6 minutes' walk trovx new MC Hood line. Easy. terms. 3700 Der acre: ft acres, five minutes' walk from the station, on O. W. P. Ry.. Estacada line. Fine soil. Ad , joining property Is being platted into lots. $3000 80 acres, fine timber, close to TI gardville. 10 miles from city. $35 per acre. Fine Willamette Valley farm; 319 acres: well improved; 3 houses. 3 barns : flna water. 1-3 In cultivation, 1-3 pasture, balance fine timber. $1000 1 acre at Sylvan, on good road, a line home for someone. $4000 11 acres on new United Ry. Co. line: 1 acre frulC eood 7-room house. barn, fine mountain stream, on good road. 10 minutes to station. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 233 Stark St., near 2d. ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. 12 FTNEST PART OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 7$ acres, fine soli, black loam, lies Just like a garden; all fenced and crossfenced; 61 acrea In high state of cultivation and in crop; iz acres line timoer in one cor ner of place; new barn, fair house, new steel windmill and tank, all horses, cows. Implements, tools, crops, in fact every thing goes with the place; 23 miles from Portland: l mile from Oregon Electric county road on two sides; k mile to school, churches and town, and Willamette River: lust think. SSoOO: 32O0 0 or $4000 cash; balance to suit; can't buy a place adjoining ror less than 310 per acre, CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. 142 ACRES: close to McMlnnvllle railroad: runs through center; all under cultivation; extra good house and barn; school, church, pojtoffice close by; this farm is one of the best In Yamhill County; It Joins tha Reed farm, whore land is selling for -o0 acre; our price $100 acre; very easy terms. 1 Oregon Investment Co.. 618 -Board ot ; Trade, 40-ACRR FARM BARGAIN. 20 acrea under cultivation: house, bam. team, wagons, all implements, cow and calf, chickens, l acre oeaveraam garaen: xt.v.O will handle this Dlace: 30 miles from city on railroad and river. Call 421 Mohawk mas;. 1 r.oOn farms hv owner: IStJIi acres well improved, all near; lio acres an ciear and good soil. 931 Chamber of Commerce. , Ask for Hufiill. Miscellaneous. EUGENE. OR. Best home city of state. Population 10.000. Good schools, good society, pure wa ter, no saloons, no poverty. I sell all kinds of Eugene real estate. Established 1882. Ask for what you want. George Melvln Miller, Eugene, Or. 1100 Four Iota, all cleared, ready to build on; nne neignoornoou. ciose iu buwuib j and churches: Deautirui view 01 me mountains: this would make you a nice home or a good Investment 1016 Cham ber of Commerce. 4 WANTED REAL ESTATE. wat n nlch-class Irvinrton home to cost between 310.000 and $i..uuu; must oe ao solutely high-grade, contain every con venience and have large lot; give full par ticulars In letter. Y 40, oregonian. WANTED Bv an Oregon farmer, small acreage In the Tualatin vaney; must oe in eight ot council crest; si ait wrms, price. acrea ax, improvements 11 any. Auurcw a 43. Oregonlan. WAN TED 8-room modern house In Ladd's Add. or vicinity; must oe cneap ior caan. Vanduyn & Walton, olo cnamoer 01 com merce. CASH for improved or unimproved real es tate. Hawthorne, cnion or jvioona. on. , preferred 1 must be bargain. AR 49, Ore gon Jan. WANTED 5 or d room house In Sunnystde or Mt. TAfoor not over ao"w. ta ao, uro- gonian. re a VTrn irt or 20-acre tract. 10 to 20 miles out, irom owner omy. bldg. B-ROOM bungalow, modern, close In, good neighborhood, at right price ana on easy terms, from owner oniy. -a 00. uretputau. FOR 6ALJS TIMBER LAND. ""oft r"T?tra TTOTIEST GROWTH FIR. 1 miio mm oiertric rallwav station. enough timber to pay for land, aoil equal to any in Washington County; will sell 6 acres or more, 4 years time to pay for property. Inquire 33 Chamber 01 com- mer c e. ifift KF.s; timber land in Douglas County. Oregon, heavily timoerea wun nr ana cedar; terms casn. Auureis r rout. 723 Plymouth bldg-.. Minneapolis, Minn. in ifRFS of fln timber land on the Wil son River, has aoout e.uou.uou nr ana. cedar; owner must sell, make an offer. See attorney. ii rtpammg oms. BY owner. 2.500. ono feet rlooa Kiver vai- 4 acres sroou aoote aim w 11 en uitsiuwu. Will sell for value of timber alone. AF 42. Oregonian. TIVBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M' CRACK EN. 304 McKtT Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 105 acres on West Sid of Wil lamette Kiver, one mne rrom uregon uiy, on carllno; modern 4-room house, not ana, cold water, toilet and bath, fine pasture; a dandy place to raise chickens and bees; rent $20 per month, one year's lease sab- j ject to sale. CHAPIN A HERLCW. 338 Chamber of Commerce. COUNTRY home, 21 acres. 8 miles from cltv; nne place ior sanitarium or gar dening and chickens. AR 47, Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken. B04 McKay hidg. TO EXCHANGE. OWN one of the best quarters in ware house district. West Side, that I will . trade for unincumbered property up to $16,000, balance 1 to 5 years. A 37, Ore- I gonian. 1G0 ACRES, unimproved, easily cleared, fine wster power ana reservoir site; wnue Salmon Valley, river through 3 40s. for Improved Portland property, fSOOO. C H. Ptggott. owner, 1414 2d at, room 24. FOR SALE or trade Good 7-room modern ! house on lot OxloO, plenty or irult. near university, two blocks of carllne In Eu- , gene. Address W. W. C. 1040 E. waali- ington st., Portland, or Phone B 2238. WILL exchange 10 suburban acres of 1 Klamath tails for j-oruana nouse ana i"t or clOKe-ln acreage. 1 nil ju acres witnm IS miles of P. O. value $17u0. AD 40. ore gonia n. TO EXCHANGE From $:000 to $10,000 worth or st or k in live lumoer company. and up to $2000 cash for a good farm, or WOUia constaer ceutir luniyago, w tan lo cated. AV in. oregonian. 21 ACRES fronting on Tualatin River, near Reed vl lie; 10 acres in cultivation : run nine water: good house and outbuildings; will consider Portland property in part payment -Mrs. M. L. bundt, 013 7th st. WHAT have you to trade for 20 lots In the rapid-growing town ot tviamam ra-is, the Spokane of Oregon? Would like cheap acreage; vame at- to. uregguiau. FINE apartment site, adjoining business district, but iae, sio.uuu; win uk part suburban property; some cash, mort gage or contracts for balance. V 40, Ore gonian . WILL trade 40 acres unimproved, 12 j miles to Medford; l lz mues 10 n it.; next to planted orchards; value $00 per acre; want fortiana nouse ana im , - wsuma.. rnt? SALE Or will exchange large five- room bungalow ior improvea acreage, close to Portland. Phone Marshall 1526. Main 2516- WILL trade $600 second mortgage on house and lot for some cneap acreage; mort gage repayable io per mon'.ii, 7 per cent. begins june 1. ju orfguiuiin. TtKAlTTIFUL 8-room residence in Laurel- hurst; Will accept auwiuouuo in urai-ciaas condition as part payment. E 43, Ore gonlan. WANT vacant city lot or low-priced land for 9500, 1 year nrsi mortgage, s per cent, on suburban acreage. F 43, Orego nlan. EQUITY $;t;i0, corner 83xloq, for anything of value; id minutea oui. west ssiae south. 304 . Irttn si. jiain uvj. HAVE modern city home, value $5000, will exchange for good acreage or equal value. not mortgagea. ad oo, vrsgooian. WILL trade new, modern home on Morris st. for smaller house and some cash. See attorney. 414 spaining oiag. ACREAGE At Coos Bay. for equity in Portland or Salem suburban property. L. Amadon. 216 Lewis bldg. WILL trade equity In a house or 5 acres on carllne, improved or unimproved acreage for good auto. 274 Stark sU GOOD restauranU well located; lease; will trade for lot, equity or rooming-house; owner leaving. Phone A 12jl 5 WILL exchange excellent acreage for un incumbered house and lot up to $50Oo and pay difference In cash. Y 46, Oregonian. WANTED to exchange; rood lots for furni ture of 8 rooms. A3 44 Orearonlan. TO EXCHANGE. WA VTED. To trade good new apartment-house zurnisnings ror good rancn; mere are tu rooms, new brick building, 4H years' rent. clearing above all expenses $250 per month; every apartment is taken; will exchange for good ranch close to Portland price asuuo. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 316 Abingtoa Bldg. Wanted. We have K acres, all cleared and partly et out to fruit, good new 3-room house, good barn and chicken-house, streetcar service right near the Dlace. the soil I extra rich and level, price $t000; will trade for good rooming-house or hotel and pay some cash. W hat nave you got to oner DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 816 Abingtoa Bldg. HOUSE and lot for timber claim. Hotel and A acre for cltv property. 5 acres, all tn cult., for rooming-house or ousiness. B-room bouse for lots. House and lot for 20 acres, close In, pay some cash. Livery barn, ground and all, for house ana jou What have you? H. W. GARLAND ft CO.. 191 4th St. TO EXCHANGE. 160 acres, in most fertile section of Ida- no; 60 acrea cultivated, timber on bai ance; three miles from railroad and goo town: will take good team of mares a first payment; balance .in cash or Port iana property. '3 J. P. FORD & CO., !Tl3 Board of Trade bid. Phones Main or A 2657. TO EXCHANGE. New 5 -room modern bungalow, close in, H block from car. for 5 to 20 acres with In 20 miles from Portland and 1 mile from carllne; this Is a nne proposition. H. E. JA.IES CO.. 6 3 10 1 h St. (near Stark). EXCHANGE Hood River, 10 acres, close to town : 8 acres In trees, some bearing; acres good pasture, one acr berries be tween trer-s, now In bloom ; $R0O0, mort gatre $10O0, $7000 equity; want Portland describe fully. L. C. Simms, Hood Riv Or. FINE INVESTMENT. 320 acres on Mt. Hood carllne; good fruit land, at a bargain; or might trade ror city property. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE 200 acres Irrigated orchard land 60 miles from Kennewick. Wash., 3 miles from a prosperous town, for lots, apartment-house, hotel or other improved Portland property. Owner. AD 43, Ore gonian. 10 ACRES FRUIT LAND. Mt. Hood district, easy to clear and running water; for small house and two lots In suburbs. . VANDUYN ft WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. TRADE 820 acres in Franklin Co., Wa&h., 3U miles from K. K. station. 300 acres Summer fallow, place is fenced, small house; will trade for city property or good mortgage. ESPEY, 517 Chamber of Commerce. $600 EQUITY, 2 lots, small house. East C res ton. for automobile. P 3G, Oregonian, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Carriages Etc. BAY BEAUTY, Wanted A good home and kind treat ment more than a large price for my pet family mare, Beauty; she Is 6 years old, registered and standard-bred; I have her papers; she cost me, less than ten months ago. at Madison Square Garden, .ftew iorKf S4UO, ana is worth that to day; she has been a trial In 2:14H. which Is no limit of her speed ; she will step a half straight away very close to 1:02 and as, a road mart) she has few equals and no superiors, as she will road natural ly 10 te 12 miles Der hour on her coura.Ee she Is perfectly sound and kind, absolutely fearless of all city sights and noises, day or night, and the most timid person can take care or her tn any place: she is most beautiful cherry bay, with elegant tan and mane; weight about lUJd pounas SO days' trial allowed to responsible par ties; price $150; can be seen by calling at dud Alder st. Mrs. Will s mare. $150 will purchase pleasure out lit, con sisting of handsome horse, age 6, weight lOoO pounds; can trot fast and is clever and reliable; almost new harness and cus tom-built rubber-tireu open buggy; thl out tit was owned by Mr. VIggin, who has accepted a position with a packing-house in tne n;ast ana wisnes to a is pose 01 it trial by calling 505 Afder at. $400 will purchase pair drafters, 2000 lbs. : very closely mated. Drown and nay 6 and 7 years, fat and handsome with good sound feet and legs; work together like one horse and can pull as many pounds as any man's team; trial allowed by calling ou; Alder st. $425 will purchase 2600-pound team with harness; this is ausoiuteiy sounn ana tuna and truo and reliable, fast walkers, both 7 years; genuine Canada blocks; can out- duII any team of their inches in the city: verv closelv mated. both for size, and color; marked exactly alike; trial by call ing 505 Alder at. MULES, MISSOURI MULES. 3250 will ourchase pair young, free- working mules; weight about 2000 pounds; warranted kind and true to worK, per fectly sound and reliable; extra fast walk era; trial allowed. 505 Alder St. EXTRAORDINARY PAIR. $285. Dark cravs. fi and 7 years, very chunky- built, with good feet and legs; weight Zttou pounas; tnis pair win suit, any oubi ness. farm, express or any purpose; trial hv call in o- 505 Aider st. $300 team and harness. 2700-pound team; kind and true, well mated and re liable under any ana an circumstances this team will do as much work as 1 team that cost $600; call and he convinced. 505 Alder at. tr.S will huv vour choice of three horses, weights about 1200 pounds; they are good serviceable horses, right out of hard work. taken on a debt and must oe sold at once. 605 Alder St. $135 will purchase mare ana geinmg, 6 and s years, weight about ziuu pounas. wirh almost new set harness: this is a good, blocky-bullt team, prompt walkers and sure pullers, grand roadsters; trial by calling oua Aiaerjt. M1TLES MISSOURI MULES. Tiinr received, two fresh cars of old- fashioned big-boned, rugged draft mules. They are young and sound and big; if you want 100 cents on tho dollar for your money, come ana see us, as we are xroiu Missouri and can show you. Our prices aa well as our muies are guaranteed. We have a few pairs we can sell for $500, some better ones for $550. some ex tra good ones for $000 and some of the best that grow from $050 to $700. MURPHY HORSE & AlULti JJ-. Portland Union Stockyards. Phone Woodlawn 2400; WE have on hand at all times fine com bination saaaie -ana naroeas noraea umi are fit and ready for immediate use. You come and try our horses at our expense; have them examined by your own vet erinary and when satisfied buy them. Prices from $125 up. We handle only ths best. Kramer Riding School. 16th and Jefferson stsJ $2S5 CASH will purchase reliable pair of dark grays, ztw ids., t years cacn, miiu and true to work both single and doubio, free from all vices in and out of stable, verv closely matched with good short backs and good sound feet and lege; a great bargain at the price; trial by can ing private residence, No. 874 Savler su FOR SALE By private party; pleasure or business outnt, consisting or oiac-K mare. age 7, weight about nuu ids., Kina ana clever and safe for a lady to drive or handle, and custom-made harness and rubber-tired runabout as good as new; price $150; allowing trial; can be seen at private residence. 874 Savler st. i 22 HEAD horses and mares, 900 to 1500 lba. : some cheap teams; inai given; an just off work. Travis Woodyard, E. 8th ana rtawtnorne avc I HAVE cash buyer for span of draft mares. weighing about izuo 10 ju tacn, wun wagon and harness. L. Amadon, 216 Lewis bldg. SEVERAL good, honest work horses at an honest price ior tne nonest man ; aiso 2 good wagons for sale by Van Horn Transfer Co., stable phone A 1598. ONE fine team; young, well-matched horses. weight ZtfUU, sounu, true auu wiinout blemishes; one 3 lumber wagon in first claas condition. 226 Russell su BARGAIN $250 buys 2150-lb. team horses. harness and wagon; eo ior pony. v 00a stock, 57th and 63d ave. phone fiellwood 17SS. TO LET by a coal company, two heavy teams with onvers ny aay or montn. in or out of city; will contract untlUAugust 1. phone jaain 00s. BARGAIN $250 buys 2750-lb. team horses. harness ana wagon; ior pony. v oou- stock, 57th and 63d ave. Phone Sellwood 1788. FOR SALE First-class top buggy and set double Harness. Appiy j. ona su in. corner Sandy road. PORTLAND Stables. 26 N. 15th st. Phone Marshall ins a. inorses, wagons ana busi ness rigs for hire ny day or month. FOR SALE Family horse and buggy cheap. inquire z4 lamnin st. FOR SALE cheap, big sorrel horse. Phone Tabor laus. HORSES, harness and wagon for sale. 754 Thurman st. FAMILY trap for sale, cost SS80; will sell Xor siov Art oragonaaa. FOR SALE. Horaee. Vehicles and Harness. m 4 TEAMS and dump wagons earning $6 per day each; steady job; also 3 Royal Wheeler scrapers, 3 slips, 2 plows. 102S East Alder et. Can be seen after 5 o'clock or at work. ; GOOD, gentle hcrse, cheap. E. Ankeny st. East 427. 774 planoa. lirgama ana M uwical hutrmnenia. WB offer for sale the following unredeemed instruments and other articles, to cover storage charges, freight and advances, , namely: Knabe $113. CUlckering $S0. S?ein woy $65, Decker Bros. $ia3. Chickcrinir $4'0, Emerson $170. Weber $100, Kimball $270. Kelso $lSO. Stelnway $3;.0. S.oddard $165, Angelus piano player $10, music in cluded: Pianola $35, 3 drop-head sewing machines $11 to $15, Angelus piano player $70. Nelsen $162. 1 hese goods are all in fine condition. Terms cash, title guaranteed perfecu Consolidated Storage & Forwarding Co.. C. M. Olsen's warehouse. 248 Pine st., bet. 2d and Sd. YOUNG lady employed would sell atinost new piano for $125. Main 3127. NICE Barred Rock chickens, 3 di-ys eld, for 15c each, at 605 6th su Main 3304. . WANTED To rent piano; auto piano prer ferred. AB 47, Oregonian. PRACTICALLY new Hamilton piano, paid $250, will sell for $1S0. C 52, Oregonian. Automobiles. SECOND-HAND CARS. STEARNS, 1'J09 model. 7-passenger. 4 cylindei. GO h. p.; equipment, top. glass; front, speedometer, gas tank, demountable rims, l extra casing; $3u0. CHALMERS, li'JO. 5-pasaenger, SO b. p fully equipped; $1250. PEERLESS. 1909 modal, 7-passenger; equipment, top, glass front, Warner speed? ometcr, pas tank; $25O0. MAXWELL, 2-cylinder, 5-passengerj equipment, top, glass front, Stewart speed ometer; $450. REO, 2-cyllnder, 5-passcnger. equipped with top and Stewart speedometer; $430. REO, 2-cyllnder, 5-passenier, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer; $100. OLDSMOBILE, 4-cyllndcr, equipped wltfc top nnd glass front; $000. BUICK, 3-cylinder, equipped with top. Wind-fhleld, Stewart speedometer; $450. - ' CADILLAC. 1310. Demi Tonneau. topi front. A-l condition; repainted; $1250. WTNTON 6, 5-passenger. equipped with top. wind-shield and presto; $15U0. , BUICK. modfl IO. 4-rylindcr runabout. In good condition ; $."00. PIERCE. 1910 model, 6-ey!lndpr. 36 h. p.. 5-passnger touring, Al condition; top, wlnd-ihi'ld. speedometer ar.d flock; $.1000. WHITE GAS, 1010 tour, car; top, front speedometer, preeto; $1250. The owners of theo cars have left them for sale with us. they having pur chased 1911 Fierce-Arrow or Cadillac cars. It will pay you to investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Main 6470. 7th and Couch Sts. - v PIERCE ARROW 4S HORSEPOWER. "Pierce Arrow 4S H. F. 7-passengcr 19lft has bevm -un about SO 00 miles, just re ceived complete mechanical overhauling, is now being repainted.. Has a complete equipment of highest grade, including several extra casings. etc. Apply 500 Wells Farpo building. Telephones; pacific; Private Exchange 1, Houa 45; Home, A 6121, House 45. ' AUTOM 0 BILE for sale or trade for good real estate; car Is in perfect condition and one of the best on the Coast; 5-passenger Bix-cvlindor, 1010. KEASEY, H "MASON St JEFFERY. M. llbU. 232 Cham, of Com. A 3S14 1010 BUICK, toy tonneau, motor 40-h.-p., 4-cltnaer ; has been run less trrnn d joj miles and should bring about $1400, but owner la leaving city nnd must have the cash, $U0O takes it. Custom -House Auto Co.. 331 Everett et. 40-H. P. Chalmers-Detroit; will seat 7 peo ple; ffne condition; cost $.1200 : $1500 will buy if taken at once. David Lewis, 2 Lumbermen! bldg. ELEGANT 7 -pas., fl-cyl. Winton. fully equipped; finest possible condition ; cost $l.s0o ; owner going East; big bargain. Main 7040. WILL accept automobile as part payment for my beautiful a-room homo in LRurei hurst; must be in A-l condition. E 42, Oregonian. v FOR fiALE Five-passencer slightly used 1O10 Ford at real barpain; price 50U0. f CARTERCAK SALES CO.. 7th and Oak. A 7207, Main 2120. ' AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain list, Ciistom-Houae Auto Co.. 331 Everett at. Main 1C40. ' 40-H. P. Overland, never been used ; $2iMJ less than factory price; $.li00 Studebakor. for $1000. See Vance, 212 Front st. FOUR-PASSENGER, 4-cyllnder auto in good running oncer, for 5uie or traac. ua Abington. Main 4841. 1910 HUDSON, fully equipped; cannot ba tola rrom new; r,u u t.iKcn ai once, uus-tom-Houso Auto Co., 331 Everett. 1910 BRUSH runabout; a!! equipped, In good order. $400. AD 33, Oregonlan. 4-CYL. Ford runabout; nenrly new; for salo cheap; owner leaving city. Main . SECOND-HAND motor truck for sale at vary reasonable price. AM 4.1, Oregonian. ; WANT speedometer; Warner preferred. 244 21 st. . BlrdH. Dogs and Pet Stock. SETTINGS OF FINEST STRAIN CLOVER- FED BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK BUGS, ROUTLEDGE SEED & FLORAL CO., 16 2D. OR PHONE 206 1 TABOR. Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddix Monarch." Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. Miscellaneous. FOR SALS. Two 100-H. P. horizontal return tubular boilers, complete with Inclosed type feed water heater, Cx3 4z Smith valvs feed pump. Dodge Injectors. safety valves, crown valves. 6-inch beader and all angle valves and Williams feed-water regulator, with safety water columns, in good con dition. Also one 12-H. P. vertical submerged, head tubular bolter, complete with safety1' valve and fittings. Including Buffalo in jector; almost new; only used a short time. For further particulars Inquire at room 201 Oregonian bldg. . ONE MILLION CLEAN 2D-HAND BRICK. $5 per thousaud ; pressid and common brick, now in plds. Wormian &; King and In rhn Corbett buildings, ready for July delivery. PORTLAND WRECKING CO., Mo-107 North 11th SU Main 37, A 3736 STEREOPTICON. Almost new stereopticon for sale, com plete with electric and gasoline light ouu tit. tripod. 125 slides or more, screen sig nal, carrying cases for nu-cbine and slides, suitable for church, school or t ravelin if missionary; price $75 if taken at oncj. Call 221 10th st. . LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER. Second-hand flooring and dimension stock in perfect condition; $6 per thou- PORTLAND WRECKING COMPANY, 105-107 North 11th Su Main 37, A 3736. 400.000 SECOND-HAND brick, out of the Olds, wortman & King mag., on 5tn ana Washington sts. Inquire International Bldg. & Wrecking Co., 307-fiU 4th su Marshall 1834. FURNITURE of 4-room apartment at near ly hair price ; every piece nign-ciass ana new; must be Bold within ten days. Thns looking for cheap Fecond-hand article! need not answer. 171 King st. Inquire Janitor. DOORS AND WINDOWS, new and second hand, 40c up. PORTLAND WRECKING CO., 105-107 North 11th SU Main 37, A 3730. FOR SALE One OOO-'pallon Simplex churn. one lao-ganon cream vat. one z--not no steam cream -tester, butter-worker, molds, etc.. one two-ton wagon with top, hand made and practically new. Call at 144 Front st. 6AFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND: SAFE CO., 85 5th Bt. Main 6309, A 4114 BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No. 7, $25; Fox, No. 3. &Ja; illicit, Ki). o. $17.50; Bllck, No. 7. $25. Tho Northwest Typewriter Co., 90 6th st. OLD jewelry exchanged for watches and' diamonds; unreaeemca pteages xor nac original prices. Uncle Myers. 71 Oth su. between Oak and Pino. CORRUGATED ROOFING IRON, second hand. In good condition, $l.o0 per square. Portland Wrecking Co., 105-107 N. 11th st. Main 87, A 3736; FOR SALE Showcases, wall cases, counters. General fixtures in stocK ana made to order at lowest prices. 233 Grand ave. B.' FOR SALE $45 Davenport, good condition; ior su. I'nono u lov.t. ROYAL typewriter, good as new. Metal case Included. k aii7.Jl imams ave. TWO good bicycles for rale cheap. Violet, 324 vamniii, corner otn. SMITH typewriter tor sale cheap nearly new. 301 Lumbermona bldg. HOUSE painting done, papering and tinting; 2.o room up. x 45, oregonian. SAFES 2 second-hand. Wi;i sen cheap for cash. F 032. Oregonian. FOR SALE Medlumsi fc refrigerator, gool condition, cheap. 384 College. Main 6060. h WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE wants household goods, furniture for cash or commission. East 1022. 369-370 E. Morrison st. That's alL IF YOU have household furniture to sell . call up Georgo Baker A Co., 152 Park at tales at residences specialty.