14 TTIE MORXIXG OREGOXTAN TUESDAY, ArRITi 23, 1911. DAILY XtROtOLOCICAL KEPORT. rORTl.iVn. April 14 Maximum turL 71 din: minlnunt. 4T desreee. i.r nullm at A. 4 4 feat: chanse la !fl 34 boar, as root mm. Total ram fall (1 P. M. to P. M Bona; total rainfall 1nr September 1. lftlo. Inches; normal rainfall since ptmbr 1. a.2a Inch: de- B-iaacT ef ralnfa.1 sm-e tijnbr 1. lWi'X 2 laehea. Total aunahlna April 14 oura: ooaalhle sunshine. 14 hooia llarom t-r i rauucad U it-in;i at P. Si.. .! Inches, THE WEATHER. Wind 3 Tt of CTATTOX& 'J 2 ...... 4rtnQ. ..... Cftivarr Chw-tso..... X-ovr ...... Xa Malai Imiutl.. ..... Furk , c!vtoa. , .. 4 XW I't. cloudy . lr V UVowif S K tlr .) n NE flr . M X jCoudy o 5 ; NK rioudy i 72 WEATHER CONDITIONS. A tmnfh.ihiMd lov-Drcnar rrora Albert south to Arlmnv nd 2r bifd-prtMurt mr-m U cntrl ottr tbo ;rc takM. No prdpltacion of coo ttunr bM occurred In tho Ut 24 hour. cp locally In Color., New Mml-x Tasa and K . It mocb cooler In tho Int-rtor of Wtrn Orvfoo. EIhcro tho rhi)f4 la tmpraiux liavo ba unlm- Tha condition ara farorsbla 1r howra and thunlT itormi 7aeiliT In xtrm ir Wet-thin too and Northern Mho. It i.l h co;r In Or ton alra Wmo Ins ton and Northern Idaho. FORECASTS. mrtland and vicinity Fair and coo!r; wtrty wttiiia. Tro-Fair, coolar. vtirlr wind, Waantntrton Fair. fpl ahowera and thandr torm mtrm t portion; cooler viae portkra; wealcrly wind. Ma ho Fair auta. ahowara and fhund l"TTi nrta portion; cooler nortn portion. LLWAhl) A. Iiatrlrt Forecaatrr. ComptJUfi, tl!4-irlaaseii. barometers, riTdrometera, mlrronopaa. scientific CLASSIFIED AD. RATES DmUr mt Sawlar. rawltefc OM ttBM raws avd laa i.ratl llmr. Maw thrv. navMIn tl leaf .a mi x me av. ro.wntlT. tlame.. ,M saw Una a. aah a a4 taa.ua fa. sea. taa. Is Uava H he. aa aairtln aarat la mot rwa l I. iii.i ta. tlaa rat. ..vtlea. a ckwee f adrttaaaeat. tha rkam .til a. . mm iae awiaal aambac liart appealaa la tb. aaiRer. resartUea. mt tmm aaaatee mt wan. la taro iie. a Taelae all aatrartlaeaaeai rinmw mr aaeaiare mmlj. 14 ita. M ta. Th. ahwe. rate, apply t. adTertlaemeota .ail.n "aw Tedar and all atarr claaatlic.- 14. .teesnlas; tnm T.ltwm. i ntlaaltaa Maated. Make. Mtaatlaaw HMtei, teaaalex. tar Heal. Hnaaaa, rHat. amIMea. II ii ail aa4 Ma.ro. ITrl'ata tasalliea. II .... itriiliia Itaanta. lTlate I amlllea. Tba rata mm lit. mbmim claaalflcatia. to 1 real, a us ear. inaentaau la e.a mt t mltWm nMrrM ta reaalraw aa.t taa a rart mt ta. aw. Aaawera ta ..vertlaeaaeata will mm lemrdes la watrawa. arwvtwew au-aaarsaaa ratrssaae. are aa ar ta. Mfcatlwa mt patrwaa. Ta. Ctei.aataa will a'crot rlaaaiflew awvertlaa aaewta awe. ta. ti Ii nhaae. arwytdlae' ta. a. aertiarr ta . aaaarnber t. ettaer aha.. a alea am a. .!. ste lit. pnaae. b.1 kill will a. r.Ufetl I be (alUwtaa oae. Maerier nwst awfrtiaetai ata will b. aili .ear to. tieaita wnauw ml th aaeaaeat at telrahaa. aaV. tenw.MH. Mtaatiwa H aatew aa. Iwr mml latiil.iwiiu wtll aa a. arewptew wear th tett phawe. turner. 'e aak. laaerlla. awlr wtll he areeptew tmr -M mil fr Meat. I are I tar. far tuale. -Bataeaa Oppartaas- ttea.' Haaaalag tiwn" ss aatea i. Stewt.- Arrnox sale todat. At Faker. A art ion llonae. ISi r.rk (t. rurBltit'e. etc. Mai at l a cioca HtKtIK 4V fKuVCEU. Auctioneers liirnxn oTiria. A. AND A. & RITE. Mult- raah Council of Kadoah. No. 1 Rrralar wie ting la Memor ial Hall cot:lsl Kit. Cathedral, tola (ToewJat) araslns. at S clock. Tt .rrler KM. COMMANDER. WlSltlXiTOS rttAPTFR VOl 1. R. A. M. rpc-ial roov.kcathta this ITueailart r.nlra. at a-jslc ttall. t- Sth and Pum.i.K a , mi O fl-. K. A. dere. Initios companions Wo Iron a. lly aroer of tb E. II. p. J K. MARTIN. See. CORIXTHIAV CHA PTE R. XO. x K. i. tttated romtaunlcatloa Tlea.tay eventnc o'cloh sharp. o.Tlcial lwt W. G. M. Df ra. Hy nrrler W. M Bl'KKEXA HOLT. Re. PORTT.AVO CIR.-I.K SO. ts. WOVEN OF l 'M'RAFT All membera ara rwjueaterf t attent circl. meelln tonight. Important auaiaea. O. j. .v. OMEOtt RrTPEl'i-A t.tiDCrT. NO. T. I. O. P. M.mhera are requratefl to attend tba funeral of oar late alater. J. tx Kar. at Ftn 1 a ebapal. Toaa.ay. April si. at s p. M. BORN. WnLITTTX At "hlcao. III. April IT. to tha wife of m .ard W. Wollstyn a a rlth'-r. nrr.n. ''rHM At 13 Hood St.. April SI. Walter Hushra, rd 4 yrara. Remalna at linn. btng at Montaa'a. Funeral nolle later. TlfHER-AI Oreaco. Or.. Ela PI. her. wlf. " M. riaber. age funeral BoUc. later. riRSOXJ W. C. Parenna. formerly of Port Un.L at Baa fraaclaco. April U. aged 4 sears. 1TNERAL NOTICE. UtrKfl At redenc. s Occident at.. April 14. Beaate A., agd 2t years, daogh-t-r ef Mrs. Aanle J Hicks and a!tr of Mrm. Ella Keaaer. ef Pendleton. Or.. T. W. Keeyra. Robert 1.. William A.. Leeter 14. and Hertha 11. Ilirka. of this city. Tha de. cae.d was a member of the de.re of honor of A. O I . W. of Pendleton. Ke malnV at Iunntng 4 McEnte.'. Parlors. Funeral aotlca latvr. sa MALE April 13. at 1 Here re at.. Michael J ePa .rtmm avu e yearv. r uneral will !eae th. atxira raaldenc Wednesday. April 24. at S.44 A. M. thenca to PL Mary's Church, corner of W'llllama. ave. and Ptantna at., where aemcea will be held at li A. M Friends Invited t. at tend. Interment at Mount Calvary. Xl l.l t Th. funeral of tha lata William X Kelly will h held Thursday morning. April Jf7. from the reshln.-e. lKi Crbett street, at 3d o'.'locb. tbenc. to HL Law r4 burrb. Third and ttherman streets, where mass will be celebrated at S o clo.-k. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery. Priaada Invited. orER At reelfleafe. SIJH rirat St.. April 14. Winnie Kxper. aged ;l year. Friends ara respectfully Invited to attend the fu reral services at Dunning . MrKntee's Parlors. We.lnae.lay. April :. at 14.1 A. M. Intartaenl Roe City Cemetery. 3 t DPOTK 14 Halaey .t.. 8arah Msddork. ed 7S years. Umtlni shipped to Con Ion. Or., thtn T.n t. R. a . train, by at S da Funeral txrectors. 414 East Al der, corner East citsch. TONe.rmt rXORAI. CO MtKl ah huh;.. IIJiKU. Ifl.'4. Maia l A lltrj. Iwa.lag A Mi-tjate. Faaerul IHrectwra. "ta aael Ita. I'hwa Mmim 4 J. Lady aa- l:l IRI H! MAX t O.. fuaeral Inrert aew. ti M a. Uady aaa4eaat. Paoa M- ML J. P. JINI.KTAMtV-sdaadMada-aa. J-ry attiailia. phaaa Mala p. A 15. l lr MIK raaeral INrctra. mm r. ft. DwaaAaa. lac. St. St liTTTthl RA KeT r aaeral IHrect; S4 WllUaea ae. Bwth phaaea. tawy a FM H. lawtAe, eor. fad Alder and atita. las TU H Is. Idy autaat. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ornn tin hiil Mai. sas. a una. m M ttl orrtCER. Sergrsst Crate, Residence 14 . S4th. N. -ast 47;. R. A. Daasalr. has. )4 Wasc. r-t-. ii. tZmlmm. Has. Tl E. 14th. t-aat lift. Xara. Ambolanaa. A I01: Pr. Ex. 4 ..cata. aundara ana MoUdasa A 410C; Pr. A.X. 4; Traaa U The Imperial Oregon Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suite, With Private-Baths. SEW FIREPSOOF BUILD INQ Moderate Rates. Phil Metschsa h Sons, Props. PORTLAND HOTEL HB3 7 L. Q. bin viti C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. )Ps-JTCD SEPT. IPS. PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX aad T. R. JORCE'SM, rrapa. aad Mgra. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. ITa saw r.14 "ar. leas Dlataar. Pb.aa 1st K-rvrp Ra.sa. RATES $1.00and C7p Lartest s 7 Sasspl rt Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Moat Centrally Located Hotel in tho Citr, Recant tl y Modernised RATES 75c TO $3.00 European Plan Frew "Bus IN THE VARIED AND MULTIFORM USES FOR FAM ILY NEEDS THE PUREST STIMULANT IS DEMANDED. IN THE LARDER AND BUFFET. FOR EMERGENCIES OF HEALTH. FOR CHEER AND COMFORT. FOR THE AGED AND FEEBLE, AND IN THE USUAL CON VENTIONAL FORMS OF HOSPITALITY mum mis TAKES PRECEDENCE REGISTERED AND RATED AS "AN ABSOLUTELY PURE RYE WHISKEY" J-1 ft ftM srVIfaRlViDr hy Jtt?r&. WM. LmmKSMBi 4ft N. ilAlUsnom. MtL CHEAP FARMS IN THE TREASURE STATE Homeseekers Excursion Fares to MONTANA via THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & PUGET SOUND RAILWAY The First and Third Tuesday of Every Month. Next Excursions April IS, May 2, May 16 The territorT covered embraces the Famous Gallatin Vallc. Smith River Valley (White Sufphur Sprinfrs), The Judith Basin, The Mussel shell Valley and The Valley of the Yellowstone. Tourist Sleejiers. These spetnl parties are orpani.ed and conducted from Seattle and Tacoma. For full particulars address M. II. W ELTON". IMMI GRATION" AGENT, C, M. & P. S. RY, SECOND AND CHERRY, SEATTLE. Other excursions will follow on the first and third Tues day of every month of the year. ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE FREE FOR THE ASHING. Yor tickets, fleepinpf car reservation, etc., apply to any of the Com pany's Station or Ticket Ajrents in Washington and to J. R. Veitch, C, M. & P. S. Ey, Railway Exchange. Portland. K. I. Kord. f. W. P. S. I'.v.. U Rlrerslde Avenue. Spokane. 1 A. W. Na.'e. M. A P. S. Ky 437 Pender St. W.. Vancouver. B. C. K. A. Valentine. C. M. A P. S. Ry.. 1001 Pacific Avenue. Tacoma. J. I. Crlsweii. ". M. A P. t. Ky.. tfecond and Cherry. Seattle. GEO. W. HIBBARD, General Passenger Agent, Seattle, Wash. vCtiiaEaa'a'B'aa The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward. G. J. KACrMAVX, Mangar. NEW PERKINS Fifth and "Washington Sts. OPENED JUNE. 1908 A bote! in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. Swetland. Secretary and Manajer. THE CORNELIUS The House of Welcome, corner Park and Aider: European plan. new. modern end strictly up to date; fine sample rooms: rates tl per day and up; room with bath. 12 per day up: all outside rooms; our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, ' Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth ancTWashingtoa New Hotel, EUcaraatly Poralikta, Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATES FOR PERMANENT. la Plan. Hae Meeta All Trains. E. rOLET, PBOPRIBTOR, BATHS. The Bowers Hotel Ele-eeata. Kear Wasalast.a Street. Cafe in the Cly Service Unsurpassed 54) Ksa Sl.Ow Per Day M Rasas IIM Per nap TS U Ita Bath S3w Per Dap Raaasa f.r Csasaerrlal Trarelera. II. C BOWER.t, Pres. aa. Mirr, sarrlp Maaaarer at th. PenLaad HoteL jQ-wfietM is' ri!fBl?'j!.!.:3 i -It- ON MEDAL MERIT AMrSEMEXTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor rbonea Mala t and A lilt. LAST TIME TONIGHT lew r n rfnpi.K DOCKSTADER Prlcea: 11 rows, ft.50: T rowi. J1.00. Balcony. 5 rowi $1. next 0 row 70c. last 11 rows SOc Gallery," 3.c-23c SEATS SELLING PRICES: SlO, St.ee, S2.M. S3.00. r.allery. AdmiMlon. Si.oe. TOMORROWNIGHT 8:1S Heilig Theater ELMAN THE GREAT VIOLINIST DIRECTION I.O!S WTSn 6TEERS-COMAN. SEAT BALE TOR THE IORMESS OPENS TODAY. APRIL 24. AT 10 A. M-, AT THE HEILIG Klrmrtm op5ns Thurday evenlnir. April 27. Kvenlnj? prlrea: 1st floor, except last : a rows. 4)2.00; U-t 3 rows. $150. Balcony: j Ini a rows. J1.6; next 6 rows. $1.H); fol- ; lowing n rows. 7c: last 5 wk. r-n-ttrts Oallery. bOc tipci at-price Matinee Sat urday, lower floor, except last 3 rows. i...i", lust 3 rows. SI. 00. Ha Icon v. 1st 5 rows. nxt rows, 7rc; last 11 rows. ItOc Gal- , lcry rrne-rved, 3.V; admission. '2Zc Mala S and A S3A0. . tie. L. Buker, Mgr. TONIGHT ALL WEEK. Fifth Week ot the Great Trl-t?tar Season. Florence Theodore Thttrlow ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN j In "SAPHO." Evenings. 25c. !wc. 7". Mats.. CSc. r.Oc Next week "The night of Way." BUNGALOW THEATER Mnln 117 and A 42S1. tiro. L. Uaker. Micr. Tonight All Week Mats. Thurs. . snd I Ienman Thompson's Famous Plsy. OLD HOMESTEAD Double Quartette Orest Cholr Complete Hcsnlc Fr-durtton. Eve. prices. 2.-ic. 'Oc. T.'.o. $1. Mats., 2"r. 7-0c next week "The t.lrl From Itcclor's." Mint . a ioso MATINEE EVE&T DAT 15-25-50 NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75e U I KK APRIL 14. U'. H. Mnrphy. Blanche irnnia at to., preaentins; "tram xmH to I nrle Tom": The tiildrn Trnulte. Ilw.ley Jt halea. Kills A MeKenna. Lonely Haskell, The llnlj.. Fretlerlrk Miller. GRAND Weekof April 24 The Orlsriaator of 8. Miller Kent A Co.K irrnto tenlrlloqulal Art 4. TKOVKLIA "The Lit lie fhntif frttr at the Hoaton Muad Inn." Carl MrtullolTh, S Imperial I lancers. Walker and Muroi, orton and Kaeell, t.R.VNUAlOFK Btatlne every day. Seenlna parformancea :SO: any asst. IS. SO anil 1:1s; box aaats. aOv ba.eony. 10e: lower floor, 3So; 'WAGES TJnetraalled Taaderllle. ALL THIS WKF.K Special Knrarement Willielml and Hie IniperlHl larht Orrheetra, The Hellmontn. Kimball Itrotbera and heeral. Tler and liurton. t harlea llMrri.. Allt-e Herry, Tonmer and Hewlns. Panlairearoue. Popular Dricea Mat. dally. 2:.i. T ::!. :. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAM ILY PLAVHOU8E. Week commencing: Mondar Mntlnee; lant week of the Lyric Theater. Keating; A Flood E resent the I.vrlc Musical oratiTy Co. In Welaer A Schnltiel la Parle." Three per fi.rrr.ances daily. 'J:4.-.. 7 4.".. H : 1 ."!. Wednesday nlsrlit. Klks night. Fntlre proceeds go to tha 1112 Klks' convention fund, t-ruiav niKni. C homs Cilrls Contest after each performance BASEBALL RRCRKATIOX PARK. Car. Vausha aad Twenty-fourth Sts. SACRAMENTO PORTLAND A aril 2S. 2H, 27, 2S, 2D, .10. Game. Ileal a Week Dnya at 3r00 Snadaya 2t0 P. M. LADIES' VAV FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. NEW TODAY. 30 ACRES On carline and hard surfaced sunacea streets. River view property, Close in and bounded by 300-foot r Znn.fnnt streets on the Peninsula. Will net investor 200 pef cent. Call at' once. rKEASEYi nUMASOHeJEFFERYl 232 Chamber of Commerce. S3000 Sacrifice, larpe new house on corner i lot. 100 feet on KlIllnKsworth ave. The lt la valued at lioOO. The house cost i 16000. The owner has Instructed tis to sell for T2."0; cash J4:.0. balance 6 per cent if taken by Thursday. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRl'ST C'OMPAM. WHAT A SNAP! ' ALBERTA STREET. Handsome new cottage, cost 11800. on 4-ft- front, close-in business lot, worth close to ll'SOO. All for 2ii00 If taken at once. Not less than 1600 cash, re quired. J. Tt. KENNEDY, S.1 l slos A venae, N. BUNGALOW, IRVINGTON Fine new. B-room bunsalov, strictly modern, full lot, on last iltn, near Thompson; must be sold at once. Look at it and then make us an offer. Re member it must be sold. GRI SSI at 7.DOW, 317 Board ef Trade Bldg, 4th aad Oak. wmmm V PLATTING NEW TODAT. Cleveland Acres Get a home where you have enough land for a garden, fruit and poultry. Lots have 1 to 5 acres, at $500 to $750 per acre. All clear and absolutely free from rock, gravel, stumps, roots and brush. Very best of dark chocolate loam soil. Plenty of water. Beautiful loca tion, and a single lot larger than 10 city lots for less than the price of one city lot. Located as addition to the town of Gresham, on the Mount Hood R. R., and also on the O.-W. P., only 35 minutes from the down town business district of Port land. Terms, small cash payment, balance monthly. An unusual opportunity to get a fine piece of ground at an exceedingly low price. For full particulars send your name and address or, bet ter still, come in, examine plat and have our representative show you the proportj-. Northern Trust Company 270 STARK STREET "We have for sale the Au tomobile Club grounds, on the beautiiul bandy Kiver, There are 28 acres of fine level land, the spot of nature for a countrv home, vv e only ask $8000 for this grand site Call and allow us to show this place if you are not fa miliar with it. h KEASEY eg. lilJMASQNSJEFFERY ) 232 Chamber of Commerce.-jj FOR CITY SUBDIVISION 30 Acres $833 Per Acre Which Is Cheap located Ha miles east of Portland city limits and one-fifth mile from station on the Mount Hood electric rosd. Cor ner of Buckley and Villa avenues. Terms can be arranged. Can be sub divided and sold now profitably. If you will call at thin office we will show you just what can he done with this splendid piece. It ia level and partly under cultivation. (475) . HARTMAN & THOMPSON REAL INSTATE DKPT, Chamber of Commerce Bids Fourth and Stark Streets. (Kxclusive agents for this and manv of the choicest offerings in and around Portland. Choice Investment ii r ft tt I .IflQP-f il I .nrnPr VAUtlU AAA VUIIIVI Very desirable for APARTMENTS or ROOMINK-HOUSE. About 125,000 will handle; 20 per cent raise in six months ure. " Vanduyn & Walton SIS Chamber of Commerce. nAny s Large modern house on corner lot, with garage, close in. Must be sold at a sacrifice price. $6000 cash re quired and mortgage to be assumed. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST - COMPANY UNION AVENUE S4SOO FOR S3250 It's tin for a few days 6uxl05 In the heart of business, adjoins two preseed brick business blocks. Never find bar gain like this again In this fine com ing business street: $1875 cash re quired, balance 6 per cent. J. D. KENNEDY, S Lnlon Ave, X. 5 MORTGAGE LOANS EDWARD E. GOCDEY Letvla Bulldinc. AiJTO OWNERS ACREAGE Hoi! NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON HAS Asphalt Pavements. Cement Sidewalks. Wide Parkings. Modern Sewer System. Large Water Mains. Gas Mains. Improvements Bonded. Excellent Car Service. Building1 Restrictions. -NIrvington Public SchooL LOTS 50x100 S1250 and Up TERMS 15 Per Cent Cash, 2 Per Cent Per Month. A. R. DIAMONDS CO. 207 Railway Exchange Bldg., or Irvingtori Office, Cor. East 13th and Knott Sts. You can never know the true condition of tBe title to your property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It All. $300,000 PAID-VP capital behind every abatract we prepare. Members Oregon Association of Title Men. KAST SinB INCOME PROPERTY 100x100 feet Improved business block almost new. Monthly Income JK140 can increase rental 1100 per month have two tenants if you desire to build further. PRICE Slfi.OOO half cash, balance 3 years. Alwavs rcr tain of your rent. Call at 65 KIRST STREET. Phone Main S74.'. MORTGAGE LOANS liOWrnt rates and terms to suit: (tncin rate und favorable forms on larse Inuia on Duuiea properties. Funds loaned for Prlvat Investor. A. H. BIRRELL CO 202 McKay Bids'.. 3d and Stark. FACTORY SITE In North Portland Harbor. Two Rail roads. Water Transportation. Sale or Leaae. H. C. GEARI.V, 432 Mohawk Bids;. LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT & TRUST CO, Board of Trade Building-. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHS E. CROSTAJf, J C H04 Spaldlnar Bids. U REAL ESTATE DKALCR9. Beck. William G.. 312 Falling bids. Brubskar & Benedict. 603 McKay bide, Mb. Chr.pljt A Herlow. 3.12 Chamber Commerce. Cook. E. S. A Co., 508 Corbctt bids. Jennlnirs A Co., Main 1SS. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bids. The Oregon Real Estate 'Co.. Grand ave. and st'lltnomah t. (Holladay Addition). M. E. THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots WAVERI.EIOH HEIGHTS SNAP. Two beautiful lots, one on Tibbets, be tween 33d and 35tn. the otner on tsronn lyn. near 35th. both facing north; Inv provements In and paid for; price $SoO, investisate this, it will pay you. C. F. PFLUGER A CO.. Suite 12 Mulkey Bids., id and Morrison. ESTABLISHED J8S0. IRVINGTON LOTS. We offer a few extra choice lots for tl'-TiO and tl.l.lU; beautiful corner. $1500 and $10.0; very easy terms, or discount for all cash: improvements bonded; these lots are closo to irvinston canine. A. R. DIAMOND & CO.. 207 Railway Exchange Bids., or Eajit 1th and Knott sts. Phone Main l:ia. East 1790. SPLENDID LOTS. 275. We can sell you lots for 1'73. blocks from scod carline. sraded street, cood water. t25 down and $10 per month, 0 ner cent. CHAP1N HERLOW. CR) 332-338 Chamber of t onimerce. 150-FOOT front on Willamette River. 200 feet deep, a fine spring on this trai't, Oregon City carbine within one-half mile, car every 30 minutes until midnight- a grand location for a home on the river. A 31. Oregonlan. SNAP. CLOSE IN. inoxlOO on E. 27th st.. one block to carline: rjrlce $1000. $1.i0 cash. GODDARD & WIEDiUCif. 243 Stark St. ON PARK. 100x100: ideal apartment site; cheapest quarter left. Also two single lots, same street. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. $50 FOR LOTS on 52d and W. Stark; Is the beat buy In Portland: new carline now building. Call and see us. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO, 402 Yeon Bldg.. Marshall 349. IRVINGTON SNAP. Save agent's commission: east front, 60 100, one block from carline. Owner. O 1817. 50x100 ON East Harrison, between Union and Grand aver, $4500. terms $1500 cash. Howard Land Company, 603 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts ana acreage, all parts of Heights, alt views and prices: some bargains. Main 3551; A 3839. LOT 50x100. In Irvlngton. between Stanton and Siskiyou, on carline; faces east; a tine building site; price $1450. McAllister & Lueddemann, 722 Electric bldg. FOR A HOME Choice resident lot on Overton street. Vanduyn-A Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. LARGE lot near Rose City Park, cement walks, graded streets, buu Run water, $."30: no agents; no commissions. Owner, 201 -203 Board of Trade. APARTMENT OR FLAT SITE $4730 will buy splendid site in goou resiaence sec tion. Just off Hawthorne ave. Phone Main S33. $1675 BUYS fine lot on Stanton, near I. nion ave.. improvements iu anu pniu. Phone owner. Woodlawn 3505. $350 Good lot. Mt. Scott carline at Grays trossing; easy lerms. rranii jutrtfiuuu Realty Co.. 8o9 Yeon bldg., Portland. FINE East Side apartment site. 5OX100. on E. 8th N-: price ;ioou. terms. -icAiiiier t Lueddemann. 722 Electric bldg. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. sightly 4 block, overlooking price $2750. by owner. Tabor A city: the 1560. SACRIFICE Choice West Side lot. close in. on Washington St.: all improvements; only $1500. Owner. E 44. Oregonlan. $450 LOT near Patton avenue: terms to suit. owner, sua aweuaau "'us- BY OWNER 80x100. Rosa city i'ark. quire 44 h 3d st. 60x100 FACING Alberta car; $600. Call 603 Swetland bias.. LOT 60x100 for sale; 23d on Alberta St.; 50 It. of car line, a 4o, uregooian. SACRIFICE, 50x100 lot. close In, West Side, cheap, good terms. iau j. n- xiptou vo. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Apartment-house site on East 15th street, near carline. 80x100 feet. Will be sold at great sacrifice If taken at once. I need the money and this is your op portunity. If you have $3000 cash to in vest you should investigate this at once. Address owner. AG 45. Oregonlan. LOTS IN MONT AVI LL A. Fir.e high lots, close to car, good water, in Catharina Addition, ona a corner at $073 and inside lot at 525, terms as fol lows on each lot: $25 down and lt per month, T oer cent. CHAPIN & HERLOW. (R) 332-33 Chamber of Commerce. GRAND AVE. PRICE $1500. Bargain. 50x100 lot, on Grand ave.. south of Alberta street; $550 cash, balanca 2 or 3 years at 6 per cent. KEA6EV, HL'MASOX Jfc JEFFERT. LOTS. Two corner lota, east of Sunnyslde, BOX 100. one block from carline; the best buy on the market: price for the two is $2150, $12.,o cash, balance time. ESPEY, 517 Chamber of Commerce. 4 LOTS. A SNAP. 4 lots, r,trxl04 each. 1 a corner, on E. 63d and E. Ankeny sts.; price tJMJO. $000 ct-sh. balance to suit. 3RUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bid g., 4tli and Oak. A REAL SNAP. 3 lots, each 25 by 100, corner East 3.1d and Morris, near Alameda Park, $'uo each or $ojo for the three. Address owner. P. O. box 117. Seattle SUNNYSIPE 3-room bungalow, hot and cild water, bath, full cement basement; $2ti'0. $1750 down, balance on time. S 2703, Tabor 1778. IRVINGTON lot. 5Hxl00: price $1700; two blocks from Broadway; north front; ce ment walks; terms. Oregon Investment Co., 618 Board of Trade. LADRELHURST BARGAIN. Have two lots in northwest quarter, which I will sell at substantial reduction from list price. Phone Marshall 710. PIEDMONT Will sacrifice beautiful quar ter on Ainsworth, near Union, for quick deal; leavi n gc It y in t e ntl ays . M a i n fl 3 711 . . WE have a few more good lots to sell cheap anil on easy payments. Inquire 438 Chani ber of Commerce. LOT 100x153 ft., 4 blocks from car In Ir vington. $2500. Terms. E 37. Oregonian. 60x100 COR. 3d and Skidmore. Cheap. No agents. 505 Albina ave. LOT In Elmhurst. cement walks; $.i0, terms. Owner, 15-10 E. 0th St., fcellwooa. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $150 DOWN. $3000 Is the price of a modern and cosy home. Cement basement, fireplace, pan elled dining-room, street improvements flaid, sewer in and paid. gas. electricity, shades and fixtures go with house. Bal ance $15 a month. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $500 DOWN. Near base of Mt. Tabor. One of the most attractive California bungalows ever offered for the price. Full cement base ment, laundry trays. fireplace, paneled dining-room, high-grade finish: '.j bloi-k from car. Best district. Prif9 Is $:;0U0; $500 down and balance at. $1'5 month. SUNNYSIDE $1000 $S50 DOWN. Five-room bungalow, with splendid fire place, combination light fixtures and shades, full cement basement, laundry trays, large lot, all street improvements in and paid. Several fruit trees, rose bushes, etc. $S50 down and balanca. at $30 a month, including interest. J. P. FORD & CO.. f.13 Board of Trade bide , Phones Main or A 2657. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Owner offers for sale splendid, new Heights residence; strictly modern, 6 largn airy and well-lighted bedrooms, also 2 sleeping porches with dressing-raoms, mir ror doors, living-room 20x34, with lame fireplace, dining-room 20x0. beautifully paneled, large fireplace and buffet, large Kitchen, pass pantry, tiled sink, cool cup board, etc.: paneled dining-room and den, cathedral beamed and rustic firejla-e; wine cellar and frultroom; lovely screened dining porch and large porch off from living-room: 2 complete bathrooms, i toi lets, 5 lavatories, hardwood floors, full basement, cement floor, furnace. 2 wood lifts, wood and coal chute, clothes chute, roomy closets. 2 lots, driveway, garatre. lovely native trees, everything that makes for attractiveness and comfort. A se cluded location, beautiful surroundings and nigh-class neighborhood. Price only $14,000. Can arrange terms. HENRY C. PRL'DHOMME. Owner. 906 Spalding Bldg. CLOSE IN. This- beautiful 7-room bungalow Is a model of Its kind, with fine buffet kitchen. 4 fine bedrooms and bath, with plenty of good closet room; the dining-room hns built-in buffet and Is paneled; the recep tion hall connects with the llvlng-rooin and dining-room by wide arches with columns and has buiH-lu bookcases and fireplace in living-room; the Int.-rior is slash grain fir stained and finished dark oak; well located, close to Hawthorne ave.: this house will please you: the terms are easv. Ask to see our No. 15. NORTHERN TRl'ST COMPANY, 270 Stark St. A MANSION OR A SHACK. We will build on any 5 or 30-acre tract of our subdivisions and you rttn move on vour land In 2 or 3 weeks; $00 pr acre to $3110; easy terms. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE SPECIALISTS. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 403 Couch Bldg. 109 4th St., near Washington St. HERE IS A GOOD BUY. 3 lots. 114x100. corner Going, occupied by a new. modern store building and a new 5-room strictly modern bungalow.-, fine location for general store, especially suitable for man and wife; on account of sickness owner will sell t'or $-loo. larmi on part. Look this up. Bloch ftealty -'o., 20 Alder st. IRVINGTON HOME. 1 BARGAIN PRICE $3350. Modern six-room house. Just east of 15th St surrounded ny nne nomes. ir saie ai Inside figure: right up in the. swell part of the city: a good house cheap. Call at 320 East Morrison St. IN WALNl'T PARK Modern -room house, by owner; $0000; easy terms. 1133 RODNEY AVE. BY OWNER, new modern 5-room nunga- low. fireplace. nooKcases. linen i-i1", P-itch kitchen, laundrv trays, woodlift, shades, gas and electric fixtures, larce attic. fine location, bargain, terms. Call on premises. 1220 Weidlcr st., two blocks south of Rose City car, on 42d st- SNAP FOR $100 DOWN. 5-room m-w. modern bungalow close to carline; 15 minutes' ride: pric like rent; would consider lot $2300; bal. llrst pay- ment" H. E. JAMES CO.. RS loth St. (near Starki. 8-ROOM bungalow on improved sireeio. nirxl.iO: price s.i.niu. annw ... -$15 per month: this is a snap. Call Mr. Anderson. A 1103 or Main V.ion. COLUMBIA TRUST COMHANi. Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE. 5-room bungalow, in Alberta dis tr ft. lot 50x100 house is modern, worth 5...10O: will sell for a few davs at a sacriilce; a beau tiful view to be had from this place. ESPEY. 517 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP Elght-rooln-house for sale: every modern convenience; two earllnes and hard-surfaced streets: beautiful lawn, trees and flowers. $4500: terms. See owner. 001 East Flanders St. Phone East 6. Take E. Ankeny car. -ROOM bungalow, price f '""j aown. balance 1. per ro'uiiu. -"' ---. A 1103 or Main S'.HiO. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade I'ldg. EW, modern. 7-room house, very conven iently located; oounu lo muieaso ill value. Price $3250. Inquire of J. E. Dugan. owner. g20 Chamber of Commerce. ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch. near Hawthorno ave., new, modern; your own terms; cneap irom uwner; aiso nave three others, rnone a -.tr. 14 LOTS; fine yard, u-room house, cement walks; 1 block irom car; win trade equity for 5-passenger auto. 2i4 Stark st. A GOOD EUY. Fractional corner lot with 2 houses. close In on 10th st. $12,000. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber -of Commerce. SEVENTH STREET. 50x100 lot. 6-room house, easy Tralk to P. O. Only $S000. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. SEVENTH STREET. BOxlOO lot, 6-room house, easy w-nlk to P. O. : only $SOO0. Vanduyn & Walton, B15 Chamber of Commerce. GRAND AVE. CORNER. With 8-room house at a bargain. Van flu y n&VaJonM3CJiajribero 2250 Modern bungalow. 5 rooms, corner. 100x100; this is a snap. Phone Woodlawn 3220 or C 2420. ji;00 3 ROOM cottage, lot 50x100. $600 cash; balance . mortgage. C 2429, Wood lawn 3229. FOR SALE by owner, nice 4-room cottage at the beach. C $2850 6-ROOM house. Portland Heights, 10 fruit trees, lot 60x115. Marshall l.SrtO. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow. 4S5 East lltll N. Thone East 4066. i