11 TIIE MOKXING OKEGOXIAN, MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1911 V FOURTH WAREHOUSE NIGH PII.H Rock Farmer lo Take Over Building at Interior. PEXDLETOS. Of.. April II. (Spe cial., rarmrt of fmmtlllm County will soon ova their fourth warehouse. Tnea rslnsrowrs of one mora section will be able to handle thalr wheat through their own wtrrkoaw. Ths Pilot Rock local of th Farmers I'nlon. harlot; conducted $10,600 general merchan- ttM nor successfully la that towa fr tha last year, has taken aa option oa the Interior Warehouse Company' bnildlnc la that towa and expects to tlo tha deal soon. A stock company mill be organised mooc tha members of tha union only, but tha business of the warehouse will be extended to all growera of (rata tributary to that towa. A charge suf ficient lo cr tha sxpn of main taining the warehouse will be made and ll.ls wlil be the same to members aa ono-member of the union. The building to bo acquired la on of tee beet and raoat modern storage warehouaea In tha county. It haa capacity of !. sacks of wheat and "a only two year old. Warehouaea are aow owned and operated by th far mers at Adams. Hells and Echo and tha grower believe they are therebg- taring several hundred dollars annually. DAILY XETEOROLOGICAI. KCPOKT. POllTtA.vt). April 2A Mulman tn ipr attsre ft degr; mlPlraum. 4-1 degr. RIv.r rvadlns. A- M .. 4 1 ft; ehang In L.l M bear. I feel talk Total rainfall r. At. to 3 P M . aone; Kin September I. ISto. 30.S4 lnc: aor .al. JS.1 lacbea; de ficiency. ii Inch. Total eoinhlne. 1 hour, poaaibl. 1 4 hour. Barometer re daewd ta M lerelj al S P. SAT laehea. TUB WITHM. State e Weataes T'te ......... fUiltOB . 'lry Cruras. ....... leaver Ie Haloes ra:eth Fireke a;vatoa. . .. Jl...o Jar aaonvt! I.... kanaa City. ... JM rnO-ld Montr!. ...... New nrlrvil. . . New Yr North. Head . . . Nnh Yaklota. - rhceo't Pncatello. ...... rrrl.al- ...... ftnebura . ...... hicrtmnt. .. . t. !.ou!a. ...... M. Paul :t L, . .. raa Dl-o. . .. Francisco.. Siskiyou. , r- kn. , Tjrflml . . Tatoovh leland. IV el la Wells Washington. . . -Wlr Blpea rir Cloudy leer Car 'cir Irt. clood) Iciear llnuiy ICIeer KCATHIR CONDITIONS. A trouh-!pe1 low pressor area erer lla the Pacific States end a tars hlstt pressure r 1 central oer th t'pper Ml e:ppl Valley. Durm th Ut 94 hour aa rata ha faltea. es.eot locally la Tesaa. al.n th ml elope of tn Hocky eiouataln sad la the Iaer Lake Reloa aod th Mid di Atlantic ftt. It I much warmer la th Willamette Valley and th Round coon, try and eiiahtly warmer elwhr oa th p-tnc "lr. Th condition are favorsh! for aaral1y fair weather In this dietrtct Monday with higher temperature In Southern Idaho aod lower temperature la th Interior of West era Oregon. FORECASTS. Portland and vlclntty Fair and cooler; weeterly atnd. Orecon Fair: cooler Interior of west por tion; eeterly winds. Waehlncton Flr: weeterty wlnda EPWAPt a' fkai." ni.'rt. t r.-.cr r M rtTI yn N OTl CKS. Hn.TXhM.tll COfVCtU HOT AL ARCANIM. me-t at K. P lia.'l. llth and Alder trts. th tecond and foorth Mcr.'ler f each r montn it o r. m ... .... - ' ctialiy welcomed. T. Lloyd Coeer, cretary. 44 Talon . M AR MONT LOTXJE. NO. 11. A. T AND A. M. special commanl ca'loa thle (M"n.lj eTeniBC at 5 S V 1 oTclc- tt. work la th P. - x nrML Leltora.ar coraialle in- tlted. W. M DE LIN. Bee. WILLAMETTE LOPOR. NO. 5. A. F AND A M. Special Com manlcatlnn th: t Monday eQlnc 17 at T 34 clock. Work In M. M. detre. Vliltlng hrethrea wl enrme. w. o. WEKKS. Sec. MARTHA WA.'Hty.TOX CHAP TER. NOi 14. O. E. 8. Staled Tne:l-.a th la ( Mn eeenlns. V. tth and Biaraaid. Iegrea. or der W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec ELt.mnN EVAMPMENT. NO. I. I. O. O. P. .p-il meeiins thle (Monday! ., at S o'clock f c the porpo of ronferlFa th Roval Purp. degree on a rise of candi date Bnqut. Vtattlnrx Patriarch always we.'Ome. H. OSOI.D. acrlb. VltJt. HILL At t. Vincent's Hoepltsl. April tX Itnhert HtlL ed 4l ycera Itemalne al Puaalna A McKne'a 1'ndertaiilnc Par. lor. FuBrai aotlce later. rrMEEAL XOTirE. KELLT At th lai ielden. loo.t rortxrt trret. April William J. Nelly. ae K4 year. beloed father of Mr. John W. Gvln. f lkwv; Mr. Fred J. Rosen berg and John W. Kelly. Remains at Dunnlnc antll Wednesday, then al th lta reeideac. Funeral Thuredey. April IT. Srle al St. Larenco church; B terment at Dt. Ma.-f Cemetery. Friend lavited. s Ht'MPHRET In thl rlre.- April 5J. at th reeldence. Noi 3 E et Klftrhth North. Jme tuniphrey. ed d yeare o month and IS day. Fricn-la repectfullv lnlted to sttend th funeral erict. which will h he d t Holinar chepel at 3 P. M. today Monday l. Interment al Lon Fir Cem etery. KIELI. At th famlle residence. 4 M4n street. April V J. J.'hn Hueeeil. seed &u year. I month. 2 J day. Friend tnviled to tlend funeral -rira. whlc.i will b held at the abov residence at 2 P. M. to day (Monday). April 24 Interment Riter. ylew Cemetery. REEDT At Scappooee. Or.. April T2. Mr. Jn Rcedr. aad yer. monlh. dev. Friend inyited to attend funeral service, which will be held at Hclmani chapel. Third nd lmon -eel, at 10.30 A. M. todav (Mnrtey. Ap-ll ii. later ment Riervtew Cemetery. JOHNSON At the family residence. J M inter. ave.. April sf. William H. John. on. ace U yeare- Funeral eeryfee will b held a: Lerch's I'ndrrtaklna Parlor today Monday i. April Jt. at 2 I". M. Interment R" Cl'y Cemetery. RAV April S.I. at Ft. Joeeph Hoa pttal. Vancour. Wan.. Mr. J. O. Kir. Funeral service from Flnley t'ndertak ln Parlor. Tuceday. 3 p. M. Friend in vited. ' EIVJW!CKAt rjood Samaritan Hoapltal. April f2. Harriet I- Hedewiek. ae t year da Funeral at Manltowor. Huron. in. April C. hlcKo yapera p;eaee cpy. TOETH nAIRAL c6I MAKQCAM HI IM... t I.OB ! lFUa. M.ra l: A list. Diuurlac A Mi ntee. I aaeral Director. ?th aod Fine. Puoa Mala 4M. Lady as etetaat. Off lew of tossiy taroaer. ED W A RjTTioT-MT Nt OFuneral PIrWt. er. ad . Lady aaoletant. Pba M. A 7. i. r. I1VIKV mN. sdi ldy stleadaal. Pti"e Mala S. ad MadUaa. A ISO. K AT llr: Funeral IHrectore. siiereeaara ts F. IHaaolag. lor, ;. H. H E I-1 FRniVR Vri TO.. uieral ntrerlaea. J4 Mllllam -: Baxaj pbae lady aa4. LF.KCH. rsdertaker, cor. F ii f" Aid or ao d IHxLB. Eas 1st. S isM. Lady aeslstaat. ' I t? Wind 19 - ill 3 8 h ill Too eo Asr; l1r . 04 4 N B IClardy . .:". o E It 'leer . a o.oo 14 N jr r .1 O 3: 4 NK iC-oudy J 4 o.uo NE 'Cler J ijo.MNK j"Ier J hi - NvtT,tleBr . 7 O.'C SK ."iouJy 44 f: I N: riouljf . i O V I NK l"iear , o o ih U K l-lr o i 4 NW c:er 00.10 Ii .11V it'lear O on UK Ooudr , .vo.iv. 4 R l!owdy 5? .o 1 NW Clear . o f iM J4 '"ler . S it fwv 4 N 'Clear . eoo.vn 12 SW Oil u o.oo i) jrwr" Cl.r TO.OA. SW C!eer 7 0 txv s C'ear 1 o ikv ' r. lit. cloady 5 o ' tt !ler ". 12 'W "Ier . C- o e w . 1 t; o - ltf W I ITCMVl. ... , Ti0 iV 4 NB MOWI N !: n t in V ThA.iiO s 5 rt . ooi 4 h.O OO 4 SB 1 - . t wa-x-w I HEAL ESTATE. I BF.AX, ESTATE. I gj.,-. r-"- AMrMfMF.NT. I yEW TOPAT. I " 1 J iT k.h Tor Sale-House. Ave, SEAT SALE TODAY 1 A. M. nuCES: 1J. too. ft J. A.. tWIery. Adudilna. !.. THE GREAT VIOLINIST ELMAN H-EI'0T ETKJPO. APIU1. t. Heilig Theater rniiBCTiox lOH WTNf STEKRS-COMAN. HEILIG THEATER 7tk and Tayloe rbeaw Mala 1 Bad A lit, TONIGHT TOMORKOW NIOHT. LEW I an prrvrT. DOCKSTADER AND HIS JOTH CENTTRT MINSTREL. Lower Floor 11 rows. $l.M: T rows. II. Palcony First B rows. It; next rows To laet II row. OOo. 0llry Sic. 3o- BEAT OA LB FOR. THE KIRMESS OPENS TODAT. APRIL t. It 1 A. Hi AT THE HEILIG rirmeea aaen Thursday eenln. April ST. Erenlnr price: let floor. scepl lt S row. 42.0": laa S rows. SI SO. Balcony: let S rows. 4Vo: next rowa. tl.uu; f;'i lowlrc row. 7Sc: lost 5 row. tMc. r.a tlr liaMorr. 8c. Hpeclal-prlc Matinee "at -arday. lower Boor, except lat S row, f l.ao; i.-. . a. ,-ui u . i n v let S rowa. 1 : next row TV;; !! II rowa. jOc Gal lery rera, aoc; samawgii. BA K R R Matal"? AaSad. AV ' V Oe L. Baker. Mgr. .nonvfyi enviinuT ATI. WEEK. urr..ii.u ...ivj " Fourth U'Mk of thm Gru Trt-8tr h- va - - tweanTTr ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN la --4rHO-laet ihrea time. Evenlns. -'c. KV. TSc. Mata. 3c o. Next weak The Kight f BUNGALOW THEATER Mala 111 Bad A 4Tt4. Ira. 1 BUW, Xp. Tonlsht All Week Mats Tours, sod Bab Aenmaa nosnuua '"J"" ' OLD HOMESTEAD Double Quartette Great Choir Complete Scenle Production. Er. price. Jic. 3"e. T5c. 1. Mats. Mc, Oe. Neat wwl - pa ttri rnwx iwtwt MAfw a. a lete saAXUCXJB KVA3ST EAT 1S-25S0 NIGHTS THEATER 1 S-25-50-75 WFTTK APRIL 14. W. H. Xnrphy. Blaacea lebole ( -, preweatlag "traaa Zaaa la t aria Tom" J The (. loa Troapo. Ife-oley hoy lee. tUU A NcKran. Laavely Haaa.aU. lb Daly a. Frederick Miller. GRAND Week of AprU24 Too Orlalaalor f t. Miller Keat at Ca, Carl MeCallogh. Imperial Dwacer, Walker aad Otarm. Xartost aad Hoeaell, .R.4OAsCOPK a-ao. mi aau. IS. trcate t eatrtloqalal Act. TROt KLXO. Th Utile (baaf. rear al fi atatise seery day. tnalif partormaac at T:e Bad :ltl aaieaar. lie: lewor iter. 1S: Baa eeota. aaa. CaeMelUJ Taaderula. ALL THIS V4 KF.K -f porta I Enxacemeat Th Bellmont. Kimball Brather and OraaL Tiler and Burton. ( harle Harris. A lie Berry. Teomer aad Mewta. Pantageaeope. Popular price. Mil, dally. 11", ISO, a. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAM ILT PLATHOCSg. v we a reraminciM " "" . - week of th Lyric Theater. K'alins Flood present the Lvrtc Musical l oincdy Co. In MAetaer ftebalisel la Pari." Thro per-forn-ance dally. J:4S. T'45. 1S WdnJy mtht. Elks' nlsht. Fnilr jroceed goeto tha 1K13 Elk- eoontlon fund. Friday nlsht. (-hor'i 1 1 r'W rnnt.it -s oerforrp ano ACCT103 SALB TODAH. At Wllon'a, corner Bctid aad TsmhllU Fa'e st lo A M. J T.-Wt'eri antl"feer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally er gaadsy. rvUe. Ox tlsaa It Hasaa ad tw anratle tlnar ttc twaa ad thrra )a rallea lira. . . . So bam ad alx e saxea reaeeralle 1 1 nee. .A4e Haittavce xaaat ateMisur aat-af-taxra anlera. ' . alx irarda rent as aa Ila aa caa ad Teniscxxtaat aad aw ad caxsated I le the m Uaea. ... H bea aa adeartUimiwt I Bad ram tlx tlsaes th aae-iloaa rata apttUea. t rbarsa af bk adarUexnat tha rharsv will ae tiae aa tbw ariaal aambae ( liaea appeartaa la tbs airK, rawrUae af th auxatoer af ward la earn Ila. la Mew Tsdar all adveniaesaeats ara chary;) by saeaaar aady. 14 Uaea ta the laeh. Th aba rates apply ta aSrrtlaxaata aaaar -.New Taday aad all other elaasUlew Uaa xreTtlaa lb folio wins t ritual ioM W'aaled. HiW. Mlasltoa Masted, lesaale. t er Keat. Koome, rrleat ramlllaa. Keexw aad Board. Prlxat 1 am I Ilea. ItoeMekeepxaa Ifama. meat Fasnlllaa. Tha rat aa th abae elaaalflcaUaa la 1 eraia a liaa eaeb Ineertloa. la aa of aaa afriea addrea I ralrd. cexst this as part sd ta ad. Aaswers t adxertleexnent will be forwarded ta patraa. praelded U-ddrmi i axclopea ara la- toe tha an amsssdstlas) af Datraaa. Tha Oreaoalaa will areept classified ad r ert lea rn nl e over ta telepbaa. prevldiae h ad vertteer U a abrrtbr t ell her phaaa. petrea will aa aaoted ever the pbaa. bat bill will be rendered the fallow lea war. whether aasaaat adeartlaeaiiat will b aereptad axer the phaaa, depad apaa tha prnmptaeea af th patxneBt af telephoaa ad sertliamenta. Mtoalloa Waated aad Far onal advert teemed i a will a4 be accepted ever th telephone. Order for aaa Inaerttoa oale will be areervted for Haaae for Real, laraltar for bale." "BaMlaea Mppartaal tle." "Ileum ln -Bae" aad "waated ta Went. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL Mala sat, A HIS. limtNK OFFICER. Barsseaat Cratf, Residence 14 E. 14th. N. East 4JT. R. A. Daaaalr. Has. 1 Masco St. W. tlaloa. Kes. 11 E. Ktb. East KSi. Hon Ambulant. A 6101: FT. Ex. 4. Nights. Sundays snd Holldajr. A Slut: Pr. ex 4: Traxk t. SEW TOOAT. FOR RENT OR LEASE. All or Part. LARGE BRICK BUILDING on track, close In. Phone A 27. LOANS LAWYERS' ABSTRACT dt TRUST CO, Board of Trade Bulldtnc de r r r s r OOOUU West Side, fine 1JS.000 flat bulldlna; on llth St. Bet thlnsr offered for Income. Good terms. Portlaad-Pa-elfle lav. Ca l Railway Kirxnie. MORTGAGE LOANS t4V, iOH.1 E. CRO-AS, tft J U SO paldlast Bld f U 7w . C Vantages Per Acre ye ii I. aertlnn 2S. T. 1 N". R. 1 XV. I'o yoo know where that Is? Yes? No? It Is ahout 1H mllea from tha end of the King's Heights carllne. about 44 miles irora me Dusineaa cen ter of the city. This Is positively the cheapest piece of acreage on the West Side of the -Iyer. For further Infor mation sea The Hart Land Co. ai Caaaaaar af Commerce) Bnlldlng. Piedmont Larrje new house on corner lot, 100 fet on KillingSTrorth ave. The lot is valued at $5000. The" house cost fi(Wl Tha fltrnn haa instrnrted us to gell for $7250; cash $4250; balance mortgage. MEECHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington streets. CHOICE PROPERTY 105 acres near station and near Portland; 40 acres walnut and peach land; balance rich dairy land; an ideal combination. The orchard can be made worth $1000 per acre. All clear except ten acres wood; all in crop Price $125 per acre, with crop; easy terms. Scenery jrrand. Spring of water. Thomas .Withycombe, 421 Hamilton block. Owner, Main 2275. Fine Orchard, Half Price TO CLOSE ESTATE One thousand bearing trees. 1R00 I years old. ti acres all under Irrigation, with perpetual, water right. In finest fruit district In Oregon where peaches grow to perfection. Over 16000 expend ed In buildings. Price 1:50 per acre. The place will pay for Itaelf in five years and be worth four times Its cost. There) is a cannery within one-half mile. Five thousand dollars will han dle, balance reasonable tlm at S per cent. Call on or address OWXKR, Mtt KpaldlBg Hid-., Portland. Or. West Side Residence roK Sll.OOO, containing eight rooms and large attic. with batlre anil four open grates, in flrst-clara condition, commanding a fine view of tha surroundings, nicely located. In tha fine Nob Hill residence dlstrlcL Now Is your time to secure a home at the right price and on easy terms. rLAJTCHARD CLEMIOJI, 64 suth Street. FLATS J 4 -story flat building on E. 20th. rental value 153 yearly: proHpective business property. Trice 7500, half cash. MF.HCHAJiT ' SAVIN ti-i TRl'ST COMPANY. FACTORY SITE In North Portland Harbor. Two Rail roads. 'Water Transportation. Sal or Leas. H. C. GEARIJV, aa Mohawk Dldg. RKAL F.STATE DEALERS. Perk. TVIlllain O.. 812 Falling bids'. Brabaksr A Bndlct, 602 McKay bids., af S4W. Che pin dk Rarlow. 831 Chamber Commerce. Ceek. B. 8. A Ce 60S Corbf.t bids. Jennint A Co.. Mala US. tOS Oregonlan. PALatER-JONES CtX. H. P., 31S Commer cial Club bids. Tbs Oregon Real Extst 'Co.. Grand ara. aad M'tltnomah ttlolladar Addition!. al. K- THOMPSO! CO., cor. 4th and Oak its. REAL JKSTATE Far Sale Lata. IRVINQTON LOTS. Wa offar a few extra cholra lota for (12ot and I1S50; beautiful corner. Slaoo and $lo.'0: very easy term, or discount for all cash; Improvements bonded; thoss lots are doa to Irrlngton carlln. A. K. DIAMOND A CO., SOT Railway Exchange lUd.. or East IS'h and Knott st. Pbon Main 1S19. East 1TIX1. ROSB CITY PARK. Lot 60x100. H. 4Bth. near carlln. fttO. easy term. for. lot. tOxlOO. B. Bid and Hancock. 430. J. J. 0dr, real estate, notary public, cor. Orand av. snd E. Ankeny. ' lOOxlOO. B. T6TH 8T. Two fine lots In Katharine Addition, en TAth. near Mullnomnh. prlca I100O. 1&U cah and lis per month. URI'SMl A ZADOW. BIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4'.h and Oak. tOxlOO on East Burnstdc; high and sightly; bulltllns rtrlctlon: rimeni walk, curbs, sewer, water and gaa Prlc IM1S0. tn terms to suit. Phnn Main 15u3 or A IftlH. Aek for M r. V rd shK OS PARK. 100x100: ldal apartment sits; chaapaat quartar lft. Also two aingls lota, sant trt. Vsnduya A Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce M FOR LOTS on S2d and W. Stark; U th beat buy In Portlnd; dw carltna aw bulMlng. Call and us. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO. 40 Yeon Bldg., Marshall 148. BELLE CREST, cream of Rosa City Park. 2 cholra at-front lota, near car, only t3M earn (worth S30. Owner. 81s E. S3lb N. C 2UH8. home phone FOR A HOME. Choice resident lot on Overton street. Vsnduya A Walton. 513 Chamber of Com mirc LA ROR lot ner Rose City Prk. cement vlk. graded streets. Bull Kun wster. $5.10: no agents: no commissions. Oaner, SOI-213 Board of Trade. SACRIFICE FOR CASH Will sell mv choice Sl.'iOO Lsurelhurst lot for IlL'oo caeh. This lot Is wsll located and has southeast frontag. Address B 33. Oregonlan. APART MENT OR F IAT SITE 147S0 will buy splendid site In good residence sec tion. Just off Hawthorn ava. phon Mala 451. f14" SICHTLT lot on East llth near Brass, fin view. CELLARS Mt'RTOX CO.. S25 Teon bldg. CASH Fin lot on Broadway, balanc $1000 on ay terms, near Broadway car. ' CELLARS-Jot RTo.N t u.. as eon Dldg. MIST sell my $lilo equity In fins Irvlnu ton corner: maks offer. 4.13 E. Burnslda. Phon Et fuo. LAKCE lot fronting carllne. cloe In; prlc $1000. half down; on good street, water, aewer. etc. AS 30. Oregonlsn. MCtT sell below orlcinsl cost my SOxlo lot In beautiful residence section. AJ 31. Oregonlan. $1S75 BUT9 fm lot on Stanton. near Inlon ave.. Improvements in and paid. Phone owner. Woollwn lf.95. $3.M Oood lot. Mt.- rk-ott carlln st Grays Croaalng: easy terms Frank McFarland Realty Co-' 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. A sightly ! block, overlooking ths city: pries $2T.V. by owner. Tsbor 1S60. TWO lots. 1 block from Alnaworth, I block from 1'nlon sve. Phons Woodlswn 1134. $4i(ZlLOT near Pstton avenue; terms to suit. Owner. OS Swetlsnd bldg. BY OWNER wxloO. Rose City Tsrk. In qulre 41 3d St. LOT 30x100 for sale: 23d on Alberta si; SO ft. of car Una. X 43, Oregonlan. APPLE DALE an INVESTMENT. COME and NEE. . rtnmtk In on tha V.eat Side, they Bra SUb' dividing quarter blocks. I oftsr two AP rledal lota corner or B. S8th and Davis. hv feet abov gTad. for $2000; la 1 years the can b subdivided into four lots, 40x70. and sola for twice invir nt price. In ten years yon can get mora for one Annle.lale lot than I shall maks on tn whole 22 lota I ara a plain rancher, a reasonable oront cattstlea ma; hv year ago you could buy lots nortb of Bumsld on Grard venue for $40K). for which today you must pay $12,000; live years hence ths Panama Canal will be open. Central Oregon and th Inland Emplr will ba rroduclng heavily and pouring their wealth down hill into Portland; Burnld and Ollean will be buslnesa atresia of tha first Importance; Gllsan, 80 feet wlda and free from heavy grades, la likely to out class th 2ss Line in importance; appi, dale, rleht on E. Hilth at- (Wet avenue). between Burnstdo nd Gllsan, -is selling for $oo to $10S0 per lot, 10 per cent off for cash, or for 10 per cent down, 2 per cent a month. Take Montavllla car to E. dOth at., walk block south, ask for Cleveland (owner). VACANT LOTS. $400, on terms. t lot. en 40x100. In th beaut If nl Chula Vlata tract. In East Portland. Chula Vista Is a srlaalr reat rioted traob Investigate thess 2 chesp lots thsre. MARTMA.V A THOMPSON. Relty Dept. Excluslv Agents. Chambsr of Commerce, 4 Lb and Stark sis. MT-HT SELL ROSE CITT PARK LOT. Located on 46th st.. below the hill and across the strt from Besumont; some trees, and room for 1 houses; good soli; sidewalks ara In; corner lot, 10$-foot frontsss. ba It. My prlc. $1S0; on thlrd, cash. Phona C 2744. ETM5EMOXT. Twanty-flrth. near Siskiyou: two lots $200 below the market: low prlc for quick sale. KEASKT, HUMASON A JEFFEK7. Soi Chamber of Commerce. $200 UNDER VALUE. FINE corner lot GOxloo. st Swlnton, cor. Trry and Alblna: price ?MO0 cash. ON EAST CARCTHKR3, NEAR 89TH oTKKKT. NIC full lot. 3 bljcks from WR car line; prlc $800. term. For further par ticulars call on C. PrLUOER A CO., REALTY DEPT.. SCITE 12 MULKEf Bl.LMi.. 2D AND MORRISON. INVESTORS. ATTENTION. Apartment-house site on East loth street, near carllne. 80x100 feet. Will be sold st great sacrifice If taken at once. I need the money and this is your op portunity. If you havs $.1000 cash to in vest you should Investigate this at once. .Address owner. AG 43. Oregonlan. 10 PER CENT rash for $S.10 lot In a re stricted dtstrtrt: lot S. block S, Hancock st. Add., on Hancock St., near Silth St.; hard-surface, paid. Chas. Nunan. Hl bernla Savings Bank. 41x100 on East Everett st.. ons block from . carllne; building restrictions and high-class improvements. Price $103o: terms Phon Main 1303 and A 1315. Ask for Mr. L'r. dshl. IRVTNOTON SNAP. Save agent's commission; east front. $0 xioo. one block from carllne. Owner. O 1S1T. CHOICE BUILDING SITE. TOxlOO, comer Madison and East 60th sts.. 200 feet north Haa-thome ava.; prlca I2QO0. Owner. 302 McKay bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTT. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acresgs. all psrts of Heights, all views snd prlcei; mini bargains: Main ?S5I; A 333a. PORTLAND HEIGHT'S W hav several quarter blocks with good view, on easy t'BL'CARg-MX'RTON CO.. 825 Teon bid g. SACRIFICE. 60x100 lot. closa In, West Side, chesp. good terms. Call J. H. Tipton -Co. For Kale House. IIOME3 ON EASY PAYMENTS. Six-room house, two stories, all modern, east front, beautiful lot. many shad trees, block from car; street Improvement paid; new, ready for occupancy; $ti00 cash, bal ance monthly payments. Flv rooms, large attic, all tnodsrn, fin ished oak floors, bookcases, buffet, fur nxes. full basement, restricted district; Improvements paid; half block from car; $3uO cash, balance monthly payments Six rooms, two-story, square house, iust being completed; oak floors, flreplsce, )utch kitchen, buffet, sll other modern conveniences: 200 feet from carllns; $400 cash, balanc monthly payments. We r.ave several other bouses and bun whlch will bs completed soon; let us show which will be completed soon; let us show them to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT 4k TRUSTEE COMPANY. 201, JOS Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 4T3. A 1022. SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUILD. WHERE I BUILD I WILL LOAN MONEY AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST WITH NO BROKERAGE FEES AND NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. 1 HAVE CLI ENTS WHO WILL LEASE APARTMENTS AND WAREHOUSES. IF YOU HAVE A LOT SUITABLE 1 CAN MAKE TOU A GOOD PROPOSITION. Z. K. LOCKE, bZV xl rt I Blu. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Exceptionally artistic, strictly modern, best construction; bas rooms, full base nst nt, nnlshed attic, bricked furnace, grate. Breplace; larg living-room, built-in fur niture special convenience; cholc neigh borhood; hrd-surface street; south fac ing; rotes, 4rees, vines; room for garage: prlc. $So00: terms sy. 74T East Mad ison U Call U.70 OIBBS-ST. COTTAGE $950. Nir 5-room cottage, gas and electric, hard-surface street and cement sidewalk. seml-bustnes property; prica $3700, $HJ0 cash and $2$ per month. GIIUSSI A ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. T'p-to-duts 6-room. two-story rouse, with concrete basement, attic, furnscs. fireplace, fine lawn, roses, etc.; an attractive home, eany walking distance of over town and near East Side high school. Owner. 87 E. lot h st.. n e s r8 unnysl ds c ar 11 n e. HOUSE FOR TWO FAMILIES. 8-room new house, fine location and a bargain, on Monro st., near Kerby; price $:iou. $1310 cash. . GRI'SSI A ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bids- 4th and Oak. S BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Elegantly finished in oak and mahog any, cholc locations. Irvlngton. Several great bargains tn lots, no sgents. C. 1SHH: Eaat 2T.V W. H. Herdman. BY owner. fMKI cash, new. jnodern. o-room home. AOxloO. .lull basement, rrult, ihiae snd ornamental trees. 2 block car; terms. 3ri0 Montgome ry. Tsbor 2733. MOUNT TABOIl'S best bargain, view lot. 30x113: fruit and flowers Kalore; 5-room house; gss, basement, kitchenette. Owner. s fc. o-Jo. r. IRVJNGTON East 8th t.. new 8-room house, strictly modern: f.'.OOO. $2000 will nouir, strii-nr r"J"" hanUle. Phone owner. E. 1 lfcil. IRVINGTON. "-room modern house, splen did buy. owner. iau itl a. istn su -. Phone East J .'.2. NEW modern five-room bungslow. East 37th St.; must sell. rt. uouglas, Leb anon. Or. IRV'INGTON bargain In new 6-room modern house; $30O below value, fnone owner. Main 574 or fc.ast -4liO, tor terms. 5250 IRVINGTON". ISOO below cost: new 4-room nouse. rnoni owner. &asi iiii or call BJ7 East 12lh North. $30 DOWN. $30 a month buys a T-room Roans. Ugnts. psia. - diuckb car. rnuns oyir before 10. Tsbor 427. PORTLAND Heights oornsr lot, worth 521O0 and - 5-rmm cottage, walking distance. 2.'.0. Brooke. Main 3331. A 3S3I). $000 BUY'S house and lot. East 38th street. near lncoin; casn or nrnu. t 'none a 1303. FOR SALE at a bargain. 2 lots with 3-story house snd furniture, call at TOO xniwauKie street N.. Imports. $250 6-ROOM house. Portland Heights. 10 fiult trees, lot noxiin. m aranau lynn. . MODERN fl-rttom house.. $40 per month. 170 North 23rt st. A fROOM residence at a sacrifice; furniture If wanted. 62 East esth. FOR SALE 7 -room bungalow. 484 East llth N. rnone but 40O PIEDMONT HOME. A client of ours has come to tha P'e where he must sell his new home In this beautiful section of the city; property Is 100x100, corner; 8-room house, finished In very nn shape; It Is double construction, hardwood floors, costly lighting Hxtures. elegant built-in sideboard In dining-room, beamed ceiling, paneled work. If you can lis a really choice place and want it at a close price, let us five you particulars. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark st. FINE IRVINUTON HOME. One of th best of the new homes In Irvlngton, on corner of 24th nd Knott. facing south and east, large living-room with fireplace In recess, mahogany dining-room, large bedrooms, sunroom up stairs, bllllard-room and garage; hot water heat, two bathrooms, three toilets, tn fact. It haa everything that could bo desired. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 312-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8t9. A 2603. SEVERAL five to sight-room modern houses . on Hawthorne ave.. Just completed; 'wa are the ownurs and builders, so will make the prlc right; email payment down, the balance almost like paying rent; do not throw away your money on rent; own a home. Com soon and get choice of bouses. THE CARPENTERS LUMBER CO Phone Tabor 02. C. P. Bush. 266 81st st, BUNGALOWS, $1400 to $3000; easy term. 4 rooms. Hoi gate st., near 40th: $1400, 4 room. Overton I'ark; $1730. 5 rooms, 25th and Gladstone; $2800. 6 rooms. North Albina; $2000. 5 rooms. Alberta district; $2500. 6 rooms on Gladstone ave.; $2500. B rooms, Vlllamead. a dandy; $2100. Photographs at office. FRED W. GERMAN. ' 829 Burnslda St.. Main or A 277a. $400 DOWN. $25 MONTHLY. 81st st- near Lsurelhurst. We offer a nice, modern 6-room resi dence on 50x100 lot, located 1 block from car and on block west of Laurelhurxt, for $3600, at-$400 down and $23 monthly; It Is not often that close-In property like this can be had on such easy term, worth $35 a month for renting purposes here. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Railway Exchange. HOLLA DAY ADDITION. An opportunity to buy that uome you have been looking for. Nice refined relghborhood. convenient to cars, school and rhurches; nine-room house, furnace, two fireplaces, large reception hall, sleep ing porch, fine quarter block, shade and fruit trees, roses and shrubbery. Buy from owner. Prlc will surprise you. Phone E. 2264. GOING TO BUILD T WE DESIGN ARTISTIC HOrSES AND MAKE NO CHARGES FOR PLANS IF WE HCII.D. IT WILL PAY TO f-'EE US. IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FINANCE THE RESIDENCE OR APARTMENT FOR YOU. OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PRO TECTION. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. $S4 ABINGTON BLDG. $15 PER MONTH buys a news well-built, modern 4-room bungalow and a fine Improved lot In Gregory Heights. Call at our office, end of Rose Cltv Park carllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. $200 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. $15 MONTHLY. T rooms, lot 50x100, improvement In nd paid; all the built-in convenience; full basement, fireplace, etc. National Realty A Trust Co.. 828 Si Washington su, room old. Phone .Main 5129. I SACRIFICE QI A NEW IRVINGTON HOME $7000 for an $8500 home. This house Is brand new, and modern In every respct; has 8 larg rooms; fronts east on a 50xl00-foot corner lot. The owner 1 in need of some cash, therefore tha low price. JOHNSON A DODSON, 510-622 Board of Trade bldg. Phon Marshall 149. Horn A 724. ,IRVINGTON HOME, $5750. T-room house, one block from Broadway carllne. facing east. . two fireplaces, bot water heat, sleeping porch. hardwood flocrs. screened-ln Summer kitchen; all street Improvements are in and paid for. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. - Phones Main SHl'9. A 20&3. HOUSE $2100 T rooms, good nelKhborhood; three fruit trees, nice yard for garden, two blocks from S. ti. car; $2100; $500 cash, balance $25 per month. XfERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COM PAX Y. $340 DOWN and $20 per month will buy a nice little home; 4 rooms and reception hall; pantry, parlor and bath, full base ment, frultroom, wood shed, nice lawn and fruit trees; cement walk around home; close to carllne; $1S00. See owner. 85 E. 72d North. Phone Tabor 261). A GOOD HOME CHEAP. 6 rooms, modern, cornor lot, one block from Alberta St., on 15th. owner in East em Oregon and must sell; see me If yon want a bargain. E. A. McGRATH. 831 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' WHY PAY RENT. We will sell you a home and you can pay for it on easy monthly payments; our houses Include furnace, fixtures, hardwood floors tinting, shades, etc. Provident In vestment tk Trustee Co.. 201-303 Board of Trade. Owners. 1IE.AL IIC lb lt i.-suj nujir.o. Built by expert day labor, latest de signs, oak. mahogany and ivory finish; don't be deceived on cheap contract work. There Is a difference. Dolen-Beeklev Co.. 500 Broadway. Phones. East 806. O ivy - r . r TiTirnurtvp TI, pvc $1100. Nic little 4-room cottage, on 50x100 corner lot; graded streets. On ay terms. Photo t office. 32!) Bumside St.' Main or A 2776. pl'iO DOWN, $15 per month, buys new modern 5-room bungalow in Waverly Rlchmond district; sacrifice sale, $2,100. See owner, Hobson the Grocer. E. 41st and IHvlrlon sts. Tsbor 1520. BUILT FOR A HOME. Fin 8-room modern residenre. In best part of Irvlngton st a bargain Half cash. Vanrtuyn & Walton, 613 fTiamber of Commerce MODERN 6-room house, $2100; $150 cash; bal. $20 per montn ana interest; oiggest snap In city. E. A. McORATH. 8 8 1 Chsm her of Commerc bldg. BY OWNER. 4 lot with all kind of shrubbery, nesrly half Imported; smnll house In good condition; well located. 805 Going St., cor. 27th at. 100x100. THREE good houses, on corner. Went Hide, close in. a oargain; siu.uuo down. bHlance easy terms: Income $100 per monlh. Call J. H. Tipton Co. NEW, modern five-room bungalow, every convenience. z nfin. near nHwinurn?; $JMi0, terms. 420 Swatland bldg. Main 3-M2. . . HERE IS WHERE MONEY TALKS. Attractive. 5 rooms. choice district, $230O. half cash: sll cash, cheaper. Phon Owner. Marshall 1564. 413 Fenton bldg. NEW. modem. T-room house, very conven iently located; Dound to increase in value. Price $:l2.o. Inquire of J. E. Dugan, owner. 820 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM bunjralow with . sleeping porch. near rlawtnorne ave., new, moaem; your own terms: cheap from Owner; also have three others. Phone B 2!. A GOOD BUY. Fractional corner lot with 2 houses, close In on 10lh st. $12.0no. Vanduyn & Walton, 315 Chsmber of Commerce. $lfjr0 EASY monthly payments, 5-room piaStereO noun nnar - vui , n aiiHp; make your own terms. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bid. $12.10 3-BOOM cottage with bath, 50x100 lot. lenced. strawoerrics. iruu, very eapy terms: near Mt. Scott car. CELLA RS-MURTON CO.. 82.1 Yeon hldg. SEVENTH STREET. 50x100 lot, ft-room house, easy wslk to P. O. Only $5iMia Vanduyn & Walton, 515 'Chamber of t'ommarce. $47.-,0 IRVINGTON home. 6 rooms. East mn near naisry. rcmou mi aepi. x al $35 per month. CELLA RS-M U RTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. SEVENTH STREET. 50x100 lot. fi-room house, easy walk to P. O. : only $.iooo. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. . GRAND AVE. CORNER. "With 8-room house at a bargain. Van duyn A WaltonrSlo Chamber of Commerce. $10.S00 IS the price put on on of the most attractive homes In Irvlngton: It Is worth more, but must be sold. Phone East 1320. $220 M odern bungalow. 5 rooms, corner. lOOxlOO; this is a snap. Phone Woodlawn 3229 or C 2420 $T200 5-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100, $600 cash: balance mortgage. C 2429, Wood lawn 3229. FOR"SALE by owner, nice 4-rbom cottage at the beach. C 131S. 10-ROOM house: 5th St., near Main. $7U& AB 43, Oregonlan. pnnTt.ivn nBTRHTS. Owner offers for sal splendid! new Heights residence; strictly modern, 8 ,arJ airy and well-lighted bedrooms, also a sleeping porches with dressing-rooms, mir ror doors, living-room 20x34, with large flrenlaca. dining-room 20x20. beautifully paneled, large fireplace and buffet, large Kitcnen? pass pantry, tiled sink, cwi board. etc; paneled dining-room and den, cathedral beamed 'and rustic fireplace; wine cellar and frultroom: lovely screened dining porch and larg porch off from living-room: 2 complete bathrooms, $ toi lets. 5 lavatories, hardwood floors, full basement, cement floor, furnace. 2 wooo lifts, wood and coal chute, clothes chute, room v closets. 1 lota, drlvewav. garage. lovely native trees, everything that makes for attractiveness and comfort. A se cluded location, beautiful surroundings and high-class neighborhood. Price only $14,000. Can arrange terms. K I I . fKLOnu.M.HE., uwnvr, 906 Spalding Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. BARGAIN PRICE $5330. Modern six-room house. Just esst of 15th St., surrounded by fine homes, for sale at an Inside figure: right up In the swell part of the city; a good house cheap. Call at 820 East Morrison St. IN WALNUT PARK Modern 8 room house, by owner; $6000; easy terms. . 1133 RODNEY AVE. av rtw: vi: R new modern 5-room bunga low, fireplace, bookcases, linen closet, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, woodlift, shades, gas and electrio fixture, large attic, fine location, bargain, terms. Call on premises, 1220 Weidler St., two blocks south of Rose City car, on m su A SNAP Eight-room bouse for sale; every L tAAl fllRUl.lWUl " . . . ..ani.nnA. wm rnrltnM en moueru iwuioureuv., - . " . , hard-surfaced streets; beautiful lawn I ,1 I I '.fill . . . T-TT. . U , trees ana iwoti. ... r owner. 901 East Flander St. Phone East 5. Tak n;. Anaenjr car, NICE suburban home with acr? ground. lawn, oernea, -.- - . room house with basement, bath and larg attic rioorea: x oiwi . ...A a bargain, eood, terms. Call A 4350. o: Main 70S3. PUKILA.U ncninif, iw.x.j ... , with fine east and south view. 8 rooms snd attic, lull cement oaemui.. gas and electricity. 2 blocks from car price tsSOO- Caljat906gpaming bldg. New, modern. 7 rooms and sleeping rrcn. aimuy i ,i cvi. ". Bv o . block from car: for sale by owner; terms If wanted. At o. urcgunmu. ...... T. .TVPOIVO II you ouy uiw i t .i.T.i ... . . .- ..... .... on best part Portland Heights; hard sur- fapn streets: rino city ,mw Brooke. Main 3551, A 8S30. Business Property. APARTMENT SITH. On East Couch st., for only $2400. Con venient to $ carllne. Better Investigate HARTMAN THOMPSON, Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Cornerce bid. Acreage. 60 ACRES bottom land, half mile from Sea side uepoi; -J acres " " , " , tlonally fine for cranberries; conditions good ror riooaing ana ariub. v..-... cleared, balance alder wood that will more than pay for clearing. Price vry low. easy terms. Call on or write J. E. Oates, Seaside. Or. ACREAGE. . More than 4000 acres, close to Portland and cut in i. o, r.l fine roads, all graded and In first -class .... . . . ...... r-i.. rmct we condition, in ouio vJ " Vr,, have been 85 years In Willamette alley . In far 11 fl n (1 and 10 years 01 i nn.c acreage business In Portland. We know the soil. We make a specialty of c loso In acreage and our 4000-acre platting Is of the most fertile soil in the state. bee crop of past year. You make the first payment and the crops will do the rest. Pleasant employment and convenient to 111 the advantages of Portland The cheap est acreage tracts around Portland, qual ity and location considered, and sold on "THE SHAW:fEAr' COMPANY." , 103 FOUrtl, St" A 3500. 5 acres garden, berry and orchard land, with deep rich black loam soil; the bast in the valley; located on the Oregon Elec tric line? about 40 minutes from the city limits; Is fenced with woven wire; has young orchard and over an acre of straw berries; lies on a fine county road v. it in a few stops of the railroad; this is sure to grow Into more money; price $100"), $.00 down and $."0 payable, semi-annually. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett niag. ACREAGr $25 to $70 per acre; 2400 acres, subdivided Into 130 tract of 2-, 5. 10, 20. 30 to 100 acres each; best fruit and gar den land, deep soil, fine water, no rocki one hour's ride from Portland, rail and river transportation; town and school In center of tract; good roads In front of very tract. Your chance to get an Ideal money-making homo. These tract sell on sight to practical people. Call and mak an early selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Corbett Bldg. CHICKENRAISERS. VEGETABLE FARMERS. Four tracts of the SPRING HILL FARM wera sold yesterday. We have 4S others; prices ranging from $60 to $200; write or phone for literature. PACIFIC N W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 403 Couch Bldg.. 10K 4th St., nr. Wash. SPECIALISTS OF CLOSE-IS ACREAGE. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking aisiano m B" """""1 water best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres $250 : 3 acres $300, 10 sere $500, 20 acres $S00; 10 per cent cash, easy payments. . . FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 yeon mag., rorunnu 45 ACRES. 18 miles from Portland. 24 miles from Salem Electric, 7-room house, barn, onion-house, root-cellar; Vt mile from 'Willamette River; large stream wa ter through place; 8 acres of pure beaver dam, 15 acres bottom land, bal. upland. Price $5300; will take trade. 316 Henry blug. 160 acres, over i cleared, balance easily cleared. 7 miles from center of city by bird's flight: on Llnnton road; $12,'i per acre- no trillers. negotiate with R. E. P. Kullsch room 1. Ainsworth bldg., 3d and Oak sts. Of best-qualltv. smooth, all tillable land that will produce anything grown In this climate, with pure running water, abund ant wood good roads and only two hours "from Portland. PALMER. 512 Couch bldg.. at 100 4th St. 13 .ACRES, all good soil, no rocks or gravel, sniall creek crosses the tend: near church, school and railroad station: price only $!H)0, half cash. R. L. STANWOOD. Houlton. Oregon. JL'ST THE PLACE FOR OLD PEOPLE. $1000; $300 caah. balance easy, for a nice 2I.-acre place, handy to electric cars. Do not overlook this good chance. V. FUCHS. 221 Morrison Street. loACREHp!anted to 2-year-old Spitzen berg and yellow Newtowns: choice loca tion. 17 miles southwest of Portland on Southern Pacific; station adjoins property. Small cash payment. AB 34. Oregonlan. Ant) TEN acres, unimproved, smooth, till- abls land, best soil: wood on place will pay for clearing: 4-mlle from railroad station, 33 miles from Portland: part cash. Palmer, 512 Couch bldg., at 100 4th st. 80"-ACRE SNAP. On carllne. close in, running water, or- Chard' V?iNDUYN& WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. 10-ACKE "tracts near Coos Bay to sell or "ade" AMADON A CORBIN CO.. 218 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres of land. 5 miles east of Gresham. half mile from Mt. Hood R. R. For Information apply to Carl Anderson, route 2, box 139, Gresham, Or. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up; larije and small tracts. . Call Kinney Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. SO ACRES land, 3 miles from Mount Hood road; well watered, with Improvements: 50 acres level; jrlce $10.10. Call ::Q7 1st st. FOR SALE 12 acres near Portland. Wlll aall cheap if sold at once. All under cultivation. AO 37,Oresonian. TWO miles from city. Improved six acres, $:( 250: pick-up. D 53, Oregonlan. CITY acres, near Mt. Tabor, no agents. Owners. Phone Bast 8860. FOR PLATTING OR FARV.1NG. 80 acres, & W. of Courthouse; mile to S. P. Ky.. 1M miles to Oregon Electric, or would sell in smallar tracts; a bargain. Owner, 658 Halsey, East 4751. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-pag book! gives amount of Government land open ta homestead, in each county in the State of Oregon and Washington, and description of same; gives homestead, desert. Umber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in colors, 21x28, showing R. R. In operation, one snowing all proposed R. R. and electric lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20c each, or throe 60a. Map of Washington In colors. 21x28, 20c ls'inimo, Runey & Co.. Hamilton bldg. RELINQUISHMENTS and homestead. AMADON & CORBIN CO., 216 Lewis Bldg. HOMESTEADS, located near Portland: land level; good value; near railroad. Room 21. 2iT Oak at. . HOME3TEADreiTnquishmcntfor sale; fin wheat lands, improved. Miller, 1026 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 320-acro relinquishment In best valley in Central Oregon. Call East 4447. For Sale Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 21fc acres of choicest orchard land In th Hood River Valley; nearly all planted to standard varieties of commercial ap ples. 7 acres of which is In full bearing; good house, barn, outbuildings, team, im plements and tools Included. Spring wa ter in house; best bargain over offered In Hood River Valley. Will produce a handsome Income this year. An ideal lo cation on county road, overlooking the Valley. If you really want a place In Hood River, where you can have a beau tiful home and become financially tnde- . pendent raising apples, see this property at once; $3000 cash will put you In. pos session. DEVLIN & FIREBAUQH. 90T Teon Bldg. MED FORD FRUIT ORCHARD HOME. 2o acres; 12 acres In apples 7 years old; 4 acres In pears 4 years old; all the best t commercial varieties; new 6-room bunga low; row of English walnuts along road; you can get this place for $6000 casa. Particulars 421 Mohawk bldg. REGAIN your health and - accumulate wealth growing apples In the famous Hood River-Mosler district, on our new plan. A small cash payment will start you right. Call or write for beautiful free booklet HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND JOMPANY 907 Yeon bldg. WALNUTS AND APPLES. 5 and lo-acre tracts planted to walnut ncd apples; terms. Also 1122 hi acroa cheap, all near Sheridan. Yamhill County. N. W. LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO.. Lon "Williams. Mgr.. 432 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. - HOOD RIVER orchard, 25 acres, partly In full bearing, balance 8 years old; well Im proved with all buildings, lmplements.eto. Beautiful home on main county road; deal with owner and save commission good terms. AF 7, oregonlan. NOT Mosier View Orchards, but adjoining SO acres in 6 and 2-year trees, house, well; 1-3 price others ask; $55 cash; can bor row half on place, without coat to you; 6 mile south of town; best buy ever offered at MBjer1014Chambgr Com. 40 ACRES FRUIT LAND. White ' Salmon; something choice and only $100 per acre. VANDUYN &. WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. IN THE true apple belt. 160 acres, five miles from Lyle. Wash., a genuine bar gain; $50 an acre, half cash. Phone East 34L TEN acres best. Income-bearing Hood River orchard; close in; reasonable terms. Sea E. Barker, 160 Front St. For Salt) Farm. LOST LOST LOST Lost forever to the homeseeker living within the boundaries of the United States the CHANCE to buy good, loamy, silty soil, the finest farming land, tha will produce every variety of cereal, all fruit and vegetables that will grow la rood silty soil in a climate like Califor nia. Land that is fre from alkali and adoba that will produce ORANGES AND ALFALFA Is GONE. GONE FOREVER a far as the United States Is concerned. Would you like to find an opportunity to purchase that kind of land at prices Ilk you paid for your land a few yesrs ago. say $2.50 per acre? Wouldn't it be prof itable to you to sell your land that you are offered $200 per acre for and Invest your money In better land. In a better climate, land that will produce a bigger crop with less work and twice as often with cereals that you can sell for a high er price, and locate tn Sonora, the Cali fornia of Mexico, 60 miles from the In ternational Line of the United States. J. N McFATE has 26,200 a :res of that kind of land for sale at $2.30 per acre, wltn plenty of water and on the railroad. Fin est opportunity for promoter, colonizer or party wanting big ranch. Fullest investi gation courted. Address J. N. McFATE. Nogalos, Arizona. DO TOU WANT LAND that you can IRRIGATE DURING THE DRY SUMMER, so you can double or treble your yields! If so, get in on the ground floor of out Willamette Valley Irrigated land. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, ( Ask for Mr. Hartog. ) Branch office on the grounds at WEST STAYTON, OR. Take 4:15 P. M., S. P. train at Union Depot to West Stayton via Woodburn. GUARANTEED A9 ADVERTISED. A fine farm of SO seres. 1 mile fro 1 Postofflce. 8 miles from the town ol Woodland, on Lewis River the Lewis River forming one boundary line; good house; 20 acres cleared; 2t)0 bearing- fruit trees; rich soil; school at corner of farm; V acres cf fine timber convenient to log Into the Lewis River. On can log this timber Into the river and make enough . out of th timber to pay for tha place. Price only $3500. TAYLOR & IMUS. Kalama. Washington. FINE Eastern Oregon wheat farm of 1336 acres. 1130 in cultivation, balance pas ture, 735 acres wheat goes with the place, 500 acres perfectly level, balance a Uttis rolling, good house, barn, windmill and plenty, of fine water, 2 small houses; good deep "soil, no rock; only 4 miles to rail road and mile to school. Price $25 per acre; will divide and sell 1000 acres with, the buildings or 330 acres all In Fall wheat at tha same price and glv very easy terms. T. H. Littlehalea, Forest Grove, Or. 1300 ACRES. S miles to R. K. station. 10 miles ta countv seat town In Willamette Valley, 80 miles south of Portland; 500 acre cul tivated, 500 acres open pasture, 800 acres timber, on sidehill; most of It good fruit land; plenty running water; pood build ings, on county roa;d a splendid farm to cut into smaller tracts: terms easy. Price $"0 per acre. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bld2. CHOICE FARM. 40-acre farm, 33 acres under cultiva tion, 6-room house and large barn and all outbuildings; lies well, 1 miles from Oregon Electric, on good county road, PS minutes' ride from Portland; pried $3500; all personal property and crops. GR1SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. -ith and Oak. 4S0 ACRES 3 miles of good little town; all best or land; -oo acres in cultivation, dsi ance timber, but flneit of fruit land; good road, also R. R. through Place: worth $60, but will take $30 per acre for quick sale. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground Flour. Lewis Bldg. AM having my Estacada farm sub-dl- vided into o and 10-acre lota: all set to choice Spitzenberg and Newtown apples, 2 years old; only one mile from electric line and in midst of the apple district. For partlcuarscall me. C 2245. WHEAT FARM FOR SALE. One of the best farms in Eastern Oregon, containing 520 acres of fine land, situated near MCkkalo station: $23 an acre; reason aide terms given. Room 319, Worcester bldg go ACRES for sale; 2 houses, one, new barn and other outbuildings, 2 good st'rlnrs. 5 acres cleared, running water. Boo.ooo of timber: price $21oO. Address W. H. Row, La Center. 4 miles east of La center. BIG BARGAIN 13.000 acres, near railroad and gteamDoai, ixnuicui iai'iurma. grain and stock: Improved; $12.50 an acre. terms, vv rite .u.. " nuatcr vuiiiynu. 702 Market St.. San Francisco. 10 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. 7-room house, large barn, small orchard, on carline. at station; will sacrifice: must have money at once: $3500. A. L Ritter, 224 Lumber Exchango bldg gNAP A fine farm lii mllei from depot. tOOlS, inil)IU,iU,. ktU 3LU. Come quick. KINNEY A STAMFHFR. 531-32 Lmbr. Ex. Bldg. in theTwillamette VALLEY. Good homes at reasonable prices; for In formation, write the Farmers' Union, Amity. Yamhill County, Oregon; R. 1, Box 100. RANCH. 60 acres, with huildinps. - IS miles from Portland, near eieciric line; nargam for all cash, by owner, l-2 Morrison st. firms of all sized and prices. O. G. Dalaba. Elk City. Or. LINCOLN COUNTY for dairy and trait.