10 fTIE MORNING OREGdXTAN. MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1911. LOS ANGELES GETS FIERCE DRUBBING Three Visiting Pitchers Un able to Stem Tide of Beavers Hits, HENDERSON BIO BEAVER PITCHER WHO WON HIS GAME AND HIT OUT A HOMES AND A TWO-BAGGER YESTERDAY CLUBS. 4 4 ' i - ' ; . IS SUPREME li ' I . II Not Only Twirls Wonderful jL'T r'..".. '. ;,' ' J j . ' -H Game, but Knocks Home Run. J r 'I '- ' ;V fi $ ri i ' 1 Score, J 5 to 3. Tells Story . i " ' -r73L? J f "'"'' I t of Horrible Slaughter. '" . ,r V ; ' niJhJ- - - V . ... ,i -; V. . I V' ll : ; i -r iff' ' v.:4 1 : rAcinc coast ixauve. J iT - ' . , v ' r v";' I I 4 .'n Fran I. . 6 1 1 . . I . . !!T ... J If"" s J ' . . '. .. , J I t : : . .1 " 1-- t ill1 -T - V..:: - i. - : : II.;'. . y y'.r'Wt " X jcJ" ' :, . Batter. I " .j r . -.'.' -.' . .... i I- 4 j r"' nnnn nRRrn nrrR I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 l II Mil k 1 -ft U 111 , uuuu onmLu ullii TOO MUCH CQONEY TELLS SAD TALE WiTliams' Tourists Lose Spokane Indians by 3-to-1 Score. to TONNESON'S FORM POOR Portland Twlrlcr Is Ketlred in Third and Garrett Takes Place. Ixne Run of Roadsters Is Se cured In First on Eror. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Tntndar'i Result. Spokana S. Portland 1. Seattle 9. Vancouver 8. Victoria S. Tacoma S. Htandlnc of tbe Clubs. Ppokana Hrattle . Tacoma . Victoria Vancouver .. Portland i Lost 4 o .Sim .50 .so .200 .10T BT W. J. TETBAIX. Mor than loyal Portland fan crowded Into the Vauicbn-itreet park to watch th Beavers and the Angels play the first Sunday same of the season yes terday, and they saw Portland slaughter three Los Angeles twlrlers and pile up a score of li to t. It was a "slugfesf from start to finish on tbe part of McCredle's wallop ers, while on tbe other hand. BenPT Henderson "came back" with a ven geance. The tig pitcher was started In a game for the first time this season, and be had no sooner retired the Angela In the opening round when every one of the vast throng present unanimously agreed that the es"outlaw pitcher was Just as good. If not better, than he was when te captured tbe ting for Portland In 1ML Henderson "Some Not only did Benny heave a splendid . game, but be um-orked some batting stunts that aroused the utmost enthu siasm, for be pasted the bail out of the lot over a sign of a business house which entitles him to worth of furni ture, and followed this by lacing the ball high against the right center wall for two bases on bis next appearance before the veteran, George Wheeler. Henderson's work and the presence of the vast throng proved about the only features to tbe game, for It was Port land all the way and the batting bee kept tip throughout the game. Kvery member of the Portland team scored from one to three b'ts and runs as well. All of them itemed able to hit the ball, and every man on the team scored at least once, which Is a rert arkable Instance In games of this klr.O. In the latter Innings, the Beavers ran wild on the sacks, and Catcher Aobott winged out a number of them. Klein Is Eliminated. Eddie Klein, the young soothpaw who was batted out of the box in the first Inning Friday, was started by "Pa" IMI lnn again yrsterday. but hits by Chad bnurne and Ryan and a pass to Sheehan ftiied the bas-s with none out. and Dillon hustled the kid to the stable and sub stituted Wheeler. Artie Krueger polu a long fly to Daley, and on the catch Cliadboarne scored the first run. The Beavers laid off In the second frame, but after Umpire HUdebrand con tributed a run to the Angels In the first of the third by a fierce decision at third, the home guard got busy and hit the ball to all corners of the lot and out of It. for Ben Henderson wound up a bunch of five tallies by knocking tbe ball over the stockade. This quintet of runs was just an appe tiser for the home team, as they tallied once in the fourth, twice In the fifth, and chased over five more in the sixth, which proved enough for Wheeler, and Frlene was trotted on the hill In the seventh. He got by In that Inning nlcrly. but In the eighth the Beavers brotislit tnelr total up to li tallies by timely bits. Itapps Star In I'iclri. Henderson let up In the eighth and ninth, and Los Angeles managed to put a run over In each of the last two frames, but the home team plainly took things easy, aa they had the game safely stowed away. The bright particular fielding star of the game was Roaring Kill Kappa, who played that first sack like a major leaguer and accepted some extremely difficult chances neatly and cleanly. The Lo Angeles team left for borne last nlcht. where they are scheduled to meet Happlcua Hogan and his fast-going Hooligan snuad. commencing Wednesday. Tuesday afternoon Patsy O'Kourke and his Sacramento Senators will make their bow at the local park, and the new leader of last season's trailers" expects to Introduce Ben Hunt and Frank Arrel anes. as new faces on his new learn. Both pitched for Sacramento last sea son, and were recently returned to that cl'ib by the Boston Americans. The score of yesterday's game follows: LOS ANGELES. AB R H V!n. Sb ? ? I M-taser. ft 1 3 Moor.. If a 1 f. v. rf O t'HIon. lo. 4 I I-lma. 2 o o Siade'le. rf 4 A0oH. e. ........... 4 2 3 Kln p.r Vh.eter. p. ......... 2 O na. D 1 0 O PO 1 : Wheeler 14. runs 14. Hon-.e runs son. Time of game Two hours. HUdebrand. VERXOX DOWNS OAKS Hooligans Edge Out In Morning and Win by line Rally In Afternoin. LOS ANGELES. April 23. Vernon finished the series today by taklnff both games from Oakland, edging out In the morning contest by ! to 1. and with a thrilling nlnth-lnnlng rally came from behind and won In the aft ernoon. 3 to 2. Pearce's home run gave Oakland Its only- score In the morning. At Wash ington Park. In the" second game, with the score 2 to 0 Against them In the last frame. Hogan's men fell on KnlKt's slants for four hits and got three runs across with two men down. Scores: Morning game U H El It H B Vernon 2 6 OlOakland 1 4 S Batteries Raleigh and Brown: Kll roy and Pearce. Umpire Finney. Afternoon came R H E R H E Vernon 3 8 1 Oakland 2 0 Batteries Castleton aad Hogan; Knight and Mltxe. Umpire Finney. HONORS FOR DAY ARE EVEN Total rha4orre. rf. Itn. .( sheehan. 3... K rues r. it. . . . Rapps. lb Vvcktnpaurh. V Ro-ls-ra. t . . - Vurrir. e liaadersoa. p.... si a PORTLANIX AH R ... i t ... 1 ... - 1 ... 4 t ... 3 I 5 S 13 PO 1 A E Total SS IS 1" 27 X SCORE BT INNINGS. Loe Angeles 0 1 0 0 o 0 1 i g Hits O O 1 O O 1 O 2 1 T pvrt.nd I e s I 3 i o I is lilts 3 1 4 1 3 ft O 2 1 SIX MART. Struck eot By Hetid-rson g hr Wher ft. liases on bal'. off Hn!fr.n 2. "ft Klela 1. ff VVh-e.-r S. off Kri-ne 2. . To bits h.ib-.arne. Abbott 12). H-n--rson. Peckicpaush. Kraa. Ljubi plas lt-oaersoa lo Fvekmra." to Kappa. hac r flee By Kraeger. arrn-e kits wheeler, lappa. S'ol-n b Rvan. Uurrar !'. Iiiioib, Haters 2. Hit by t itcO' J ba Is t-aler- Will pltrhee Wbeeler 3. In r'ng. p'teheU tv K's o be WNe-ler . by rlse 3. Baa bits vS Klein 2. tubs Senators Take Morning Game, AYklle Seals Win In Afternoon. SAN FRANCISCO. April 23. Sacra mento and San Francisco halved honors In two fast games here today, the Sen ators nosing out a 6-to-0 victory In the morning and the Seals winning in the afternoon. 4 to 3. Errors at crucial turns cost the Seals the morning match. Miller pitching a two-hit game. The Senators batted Henley hard in the afternoon, landing 12 hits. Henley scored the only home run of tbe day. Tbe scores: Morning game R H E R H E Sacramento. 6 2 l!San Francisco 0 4 3 Batteries Zamlock and La Longe; Miller and Ryan. 'Afternoon game RHE! RHE Sacramento. 3 12 1 San Francisco 4 1 Batteries Nourse and La Longe; Henley and Berry. CAMAS OVERWHELMS GIANTS Illurs Win From Portland Tram by Score of Xine to One. CAMAS, Wash.. April 23. (Special.) Wlnterbotham u In fine form today for the Camas Blues, letting the Port land Giants down with two hits, which gave them one run. The score was to 1. with the home team on the long end. A crowd of 600 person was present. Wlnterbotham struck out 13 of the visitors. Three two-buggers were mane during the game, all of which were made by the home nine. Vernon and llankton were touched up for nine hits. The tilants made five errors. Next Sun day the Blues meet Calef Brothers team of Portland. Tbe score: R.H.E-1 R.H.E. Camas 3 Ptl'dGlants lift Batteries Wlnterbotham and Glea son: Vernon. llankton and Edwards. Tount. Barton Twooy Plnnott t'ampbelt a. ........ . B. Twnhy. Smith f Fammons if blroha T WORE BT INNINGS. Champs vm 13 to I. A week ago the office . Umpire Pulley Clark Railroad Nine Defeats Ltnnton. The OregOEV-Washlngton Railroad Navigation Company general offices team yesterday defeated the Llnnton club on Its home grounds. The acore Sunday Morning League Sea son Is Opened. MUTTS BEAT INSURRECTOS Multnomah Clubmen Play Tno Five-Inning Contests Barton's Team Wins Exciting Struggle From Little Bo-Peeps. Big-league opening-day features took place yesterday at the opening of the Sunday Morning League at the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic Club. Raleigh Trimble, father of the Sunday Morning League, pitched the first ball and A. B. McAlpln. father of Multnomah Club, caught the first bail. These formalities concluded. Umpire Jim Berger shouted "play ball" and the Insurrectos. organized by Dell O'Han lon. and the Mutts, guided by Harry Fischer, took the field, the Mutts win ning, 12 to . In the second game Charles Barton and his "champ" crew defeated the Little-Bo-Peeps, led by Parke Myers. The score was 8 to 6. The games were five innings lontr and full of excitement. In the first game the Mutts began by getting three runs In the first Inning. O'Hanlon's men came back with two. They got an other in tbe second and by landing on Pitcher Schmidt for six lilts in the fourth they got five runs. The Mutts were shut out in the second but got eight runs in the third. In this lnnlti;r Ed Morris was the hero of the game, getting a home run with tnree on the sacks. One more run was acoreo. in the fourth. The players were: SPOKANE. Wash.. April 23. (Spe cial.) It was as much too much Cooney today as too much Casey yesterday, and Portland was only able to drive two safe hits through the infield and two Into the outfield. The Washington-street diamond store robbery was a mild mis demeanor compared to what Cooney did to the Tourist sharp drives. Twice be prevented Portland winning. In the seventh Inning. Portland had two men on bases and two out, when Cooney dug Speas' sharp drive in the dirt back of second base and beat speedy Mundorff to second for the third out. This stunt was overshadowed by another hair-raising pickup of Casey's high slow bounder over the pitcher's head on the far side of second base. Kraft Invincible. With "Hannibal" Kraft pitching faultless ball, it made no difference if Spokane's Infield was crippled. Port land could do nothing with the crafty southpaw and Spokane had little trouble making it five out of six on the series. With the exception of the first and seventh innings not more than three men faced Kraft to the inning. Tonneson got his mates into trouble frequently and they were not up to their usual fielding standard, either. He retired in the third In favor of Garrett. Portland's lone run came In tbe first on an error, an infield out and Williams' single. President Conn announced that all former attendance records were broken. The nald admissions were well over 000. The crowd surged over the bleachers and packed the side-lines from third base down to the fence, also overflowing the right field bleachers. XordykVs Batting Feature. Nordvke'a batting was a feature. A drive through the box in the third that meant a run, nearly took Garrett's finger along with it and in the seventh he. nearly knocked Mundorff down with a slashing drive. Score: PORTLAND. tie won handily. 9 to 3. None of the pitchers showed to advantage. Score: SEATTLE. AB R H PO A E Cocash. cf 5 0 1 S 1 O Raymond, ss. ..ft 2 12 11 Davidson, if 4 1 2 1 0 0 Bues. 3b. 8 1 1 1:0 0 Weed. rf. 3 2 1 4 O 0 Leard. 2b , 2 1 O 4 1 1 Kading. lb. . 1 I 0 S 3 0 Phea. c 8 O 0 7 1 . 0 Zackert. p. 4.1 1 ' 3 2 1 Totals 30 0 7 2T 8 3 VANCOUVER. . AB R E PO A E Brlnker. cf.-p 5 2 2 1 1 0 Bennett. 2b 5 0 0 8 3 0 Brashear. rf 4 O 2 1 0 0 Bwaln. If. 4 1 4 O O 0 James. Sb 3 O O 0 .1 1 Pplesman 1 0 0 O 0 0 Strelb. lb 8 0 0 g , 1 0 Brharnweber. ss 3 O 0 1 0 Lewis, c 3 0 1 3 1 O Cates. D. 1 O O 0 1 0 Adams, cf. 2 0 0 3 0 O Totals 34 3 9 24 11 1 'Batted for James In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Seattle 0 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 9 Vancouver 0 0000101 1 3 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Davidson 2. Brlnker 2. Swain. Brashear. Home run Bues. Sacri fice hits Leard, James. Strelb. Stolen bases Raymond. Davidson. Bues. Weed Kading. Five runs and four hits off Cates In two and one-third Innlnrs: four runs an three hlta off Brlnker In five and two-third! Innlnes. Struck out By Zackert. 6; by Brlnker. 3. Bases on balls Off Zackert. off cates, 1: off Brlnker. 4. Wild pitch Zackert. Hit by pitched ball Weed i Ieard. by Catea. Left on bases Seattle- Vancouver. T. Double plays Cocash Shea: Zackert to Shea to Kading; Leard to Raymond. passed ball Lewis. umpire Kane and Shack leford. LIGHTNING HITS AVERAGE-TABLE Repeated Defeat for Oakland and Angels Causes Per centage Riot. VERNON BASEBALL ROCKET to GREGG TRIMS CHICAGO EX-BEAVER ROUTS DUFFY'S WHITE SOX, 5 TO 2. Writh Confidence of Suffragette, Ho Twirls Second Major League AB It H PO A E Mensor. ss. 3 t o 4 o 0 Casey. 2b 2 O O S 2 1 Stoval. cf. 4 i 0 1 0 0 Mundorff. 3b. 3 0 2 3 4 0 Williams, lb. 3 0 0 7 0 1 Speas. If. 3 O O 1 O 0 Ort. rf 3 0 11 0 1 Harris, c. 3 O 0 4 2 0 Tonne.on. p. 1 O 0 0 1 0 Garrett, p. 2 0 1 J 4 J) Totals 27 1 4 24 13 S SPOKANE. AB R H PO A E Netxel. 3b 4 0 l 0 0 1 Cooney. ss. 3 1 1 6 4 0 Frisk, rf 3 2 1 1 0 0 Nordvke. tb 3 0 2 .13 o 0 Kippert. cf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Tauscher. 2b. 4 O 1 2 3 0 Bauer. If. 2 0 1 O 0 Hastv. c 3 O 1 3 3 0 Kraft, p. 4 0 0 0 5 0 Totals 2S 3 27 17 1 vorttand Spokane Mutts. Gleason Schmidt . MrCletlan Hathaway Ftott Tnsurrertos. e....PovlloK. Mctxger r Tuck. Duff .....".lb Kropp. Vincent -n. .. Vincent, nwinru'ic ...3b Anaerson Fischer ss Tuck. Ireland Morris If. ..Hummel. Heldrlck Pueh ....cf uuff. Irtland Dooley rf Dronca SCORE BY INNINGS. Mutts 3 0 8 1 12 Insurrectos 2 1 0 ft 1 p Umpire Jim Berger. In the second game errorless, hitless and runless ball was played for 'wo in nings. Bunching bits and good base-runn-rtg gave the Champa three In their half cf the third and the opposing team did likewise. Barton's mn got two more In the fourth, while Myers and his followers scored only one. The last year champions scored three more In the fifth and the Little-Bo-Peepa rushed two men across the rubber after two were out. but the game was lost, the final score being 8 to S. The Champs made six hit and two errors, while the Little-Bo-Peeps were let down with three hits and booted four times. The players were: Charr.ps, Ptpp. B. Twohy. npp. p. .. lb. . Ib.. , 3b.. Little-Bo-Peeps Mathlson Maria, ....... Steuilman ......... bliearet M. Mvers P. Mvers Getty .......... Dooler DeNefts n o 8 88 0 0 2 1 2 S employes of the railroad defeated The rwiles club at The Lalles by the score of On country slab and block wood, dry. LIlefsen Fuel Co. you should try. SCORE BY INNINGS. 1 o o 0 0 0 OO 0 i 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 SUMMARY. Two-base hits Cooney. Sacrifice hits Casey. Frisk. Kippert. double plays Mun dorff (unassisted)- Struck out By Kraft, 2; by Garret. 4. Bases on balls Off Kraft. 2- off Tonneson. 4: off Garrett. 2. Seven at bar. one run. two hits off Tonneson In two and a portion Innings Left on bases Portland, s: Spokane. 9. Time of gamo 2:OJ. Umpire Lonnanecker. VICTORIA PITCHER WINS GAMS Thomas Holds Tacoma to One Hit and Gets Two Triples. TACOMA. April 23. Thomas held Ta coma to one hit this afternoon, but Bas sey scored twice by clever base-running. It was a no-hit game up to the ninth inning. Thomas got two triples and won his own game. Score: VICTORIA. Davis. If.. Bavmer, 2b Million, cf (loodman. 3b. . . . Householder, rf. Ret dick, sa Manes, lb Duhwc-od, c... Thimas. p Totals AB . 4 . 8 4 . 4 . 8 . 4 . 4 Warren, rf Bassey. If Rockenfleld. 2b, Coleman. 3b... Burns, cf . ...... Fisher, lb MrKaddan, ss.. Ilevost. o Scbmuts. p Totals 32 3 TACOMA. 4 0 PO 2 1 1 1 1 O 9 10 2 r. n 18 t 3 0 27 2 1 27 SCORE BY INNINGS. 3 19 Game Before 24,000 Fans. Won. Lost. P. C Detroit 7 1 .S75 Washli gton 4 .6K7 New York 4 2 .607 Boston 4 3 .S71 Cleveland 4 S .444 Chicago 4 r. .444 St. Louis 3 7 .3"0 Philadelphia 1 6 .14U ' i CHICAGO. April 23. (Special.) Some consistent swatting sprinkled through nine indifferent rounds by McGuire's Naps terminated in a thorough lacing for the locals today at the South Side Orchard. The curtain dropped on the matinee with the count at 6 and 2, after a Sunday crowd of 24.000 had witnessed the rout of no less than IS Duffyltes who were shunted into the scene of activity at stated intervals. In the main, a youth with the some what catchy name of Venn Gregg, late of Portland, Or., was responsible for what transpired. 'In the second major league game of his career the frail in dividual with the southpaw wing and an ambition to carve out fame of the Rube Waddell variety, did everything that Duffy and his gang bad not counted upon. He had all the self-confidence of suffragette. While Olmstead, Scott and even the newly-arrived Jess Baker were receiving theirs on the firing line, the quiet Yean sailed along supremely and his larboard snoots had the hose crew shaken from stem to stern. The con sternation he created will go down In Duffy's logbook in red Ink. For starter he gave but six safe swats, .but this is of no account, for three of them came in the ninth Inning after the vis itors had done the humiliating stunt to perfection and had the match thorough ly sewed up. Score: H. H. K. R H. E. Chicago .. 2 8 OjCIeveland.. . S 10 Batteries Olmstead, Scott, Baker and Hayne; Gregg and Smith. Detroit 4, St. Louis 3. DETROIT, April 23. Stanago's slncle to center in the lotn, scoring Delahanty, enabled Detroit to take the openln game from St. Louis today, 1 to 3. George was wild but received good sup port in pinches. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Louis.. 3 9 2Detrolt 4 9 1 Batteries George and Clarke; Mul- lln and Stanage. NATIONAL. LEAGUE. Philadelphia Chicago .... Plttsburc .. New York . Boston Cincinnati .. St. Louis . . Brooklyn ... Won. 7 6 4 4 3 2 Lost. 1 o 3 ' 3 6 4 P. C. .S75 .7.-.0 571 Ir.il .333 .3:13 .2S .-00 REDS NOSED OUT BY PIRATES Adams Wins Pitchers' Battle Frcni Gaspar, 1 to 0. CINCINNATI, April 23. Adams won pitchers' battle from Gaspar here to day, Pittsburg getting the decision by to 0. Honors were even up to the ninth. Score: - R. H. E. R. H. E. Pittsburg .1 6 0Cincin 0 4 2 Batteries Adams and Gibson: Gas par and T. Clark. Chicago 7, St. Louis 0. ST. LOUIS, April 23. Chicago made a clean sweep of the series with the local team, winning today's game. 7 to 0. Golden was hit hard. On the other hand. St. Louis got but twoehits from Weaver. It was the fourth consecu tive victory for the Cubs. Score: R. H. E. K. H. E. Chicago ...7 7 1 St. Louis ...0 2 4 Batteries Weaver and Archer; Gold en, LaudermllK and Uresnahan. Um pires O'Day and Brennan. VALLEY LEAGUE OPEXS MAY 7 Ruperts or Piedmont Stars to Be Sixth Team in Race. Los Angeles Is at Bottom of List and Oaks Run Down to Keep Tallenders From Getting Real Lonesome. BY ROSCOE FAWCETT. When I was a youngster, aged just three. I was stuni; on the shin by a bun.ble bee. The bcmbla bee. as he flew away Said, "Wol, you'll get stung again some day." I've been stung again, and I surely rue it. But I never imagined Vernon would do It. WOLVERTON'S WAIL. Sunday's double-barreled defeat for Oakland sent creepy shivers zigzaging through the percentage table, Vernon leaping skyward with a noise not un like a buzz saw with bronchitis, while Los Angeles tumbled to the tunnel with the, spattering of an egg dropped from the top of The Oregonlan build ing. The Angels are now tallenders, with the Oaks not far above them. Wolverton has lost 11 of the last 12 games six out of seven to Vernon so It's little wonder Oakland fans are flabbergasted. Another fortnight like it and it's a safe bet the anvil brigade will be cutting capers like a Fiji Islander in an ice rink. Tomorrow the Sacramento club opens a week's engagement in Portland, re inforced by the addition of three pastimers from the Bostons Outfielder Chris Mahoney, Pitcher Ben Hunt and Frank Arrelanes. Mahoney played stellar role during the sojourn of the Red Stockings in California, hitting on equal terms with that renowned swat ster, Trls Speaker. He hails from Fordham College, where he was the star slabster for five seasons. Arrelanes and Hunt pitched last sea son for the Senators. Arrelanes is great friend of Hal Chase, of the New York Yanks, and Jimmy Byrnes, Ta coma catcher, who is laid up in San Francisco with an injured digit, is of fering odds that Arrelanes will land with Chase before another year is up. "If Boston ever asks waivers on him watch Manager Chase grab him," says Byrnes in a letter. Portland Batters Good. "How do the Portland boys stand In the hitting table?" queried an anx ious fan last night over the telephone following the hailstorm In the after noon at the Vaughn-street lot. A few scratches of the crayon dis close Buddy Ryan leading the Port land regulars with o percentage of ap proximately .330, Sheehan being close second at .328. Then come Pecklnpaugh .292, Rapps .239 and Chadbourne and Rodgers, both under 225. Thomas, of Sacramento, and McArdle, of San Francisco, are the league lead ers, both clouting up close to .400. In the Northwestern League the Portland boys are meeting stiff pitch ing opposition, Williams being the only one to make a showing, with eight hits in 20 times at bat. or an average of .400. Following are some of the Port land batting figures for the first week: Mensor, .105; Casey, .200: Stoval, .218; Speas. .190; Thompson, .111; Ort, '.200. Netzel, former Beaver gardener. Is leading the league with 11 hits in 18 trips to the plate. Weed, another ex- McCredieite. reach .308. The former is with Spokane and the latter Seattle. Trio Leading Base-Stealers. Brashear. Krueger and Daly are the leading base-stealers of the Coast League; Ross. Metzger and Ryan the leading sacrifice hitters; Peckinpaugh. Thornton and Rodgers the premier three-base swatters, and Chadbourne. Ryan, Metzger and O'Rourke the top most run-getters. They say figures never lie, exceot with chorus ladles, so the above may be taken as a fair indication of what's what in balldom to date. noon at 2 o'clock by Charles Hopton. of New York City, formerly of London. Mr. Hopton has Judged many of the best dogs-In the world. Including some owned by British royalty. He has been especially engaged for the Portland show and has not Judged any other showi in the Pacific coast string. Mr. Hopton . will arrive in Portland tomorrow. : "All docs must be In their stalls by 11 1 o'clock Wednesday morning. The show will bo open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 10 o'clock P. M. The exhibit will end Sat- l urday night at 10 o'clock. BASEBALL BETS ARE TABOO ! PRIZE DOGS ARE COMING RIBBON WINNERS TO APPEAR FOR KENNEL CLUB SHOW. ..0 0000120 0 3 . .1 0000100 0 2 Victoria TaA-oma SUMMARY. Stole.i bases Bassey (3). Burns. Goodman. Householder. Double plays Rockennuld to Fisher. Two-base hit Manes. Three-base bits Thomas l2). Sacrifice hits Coleman, Kaymer. Struck out By Thomas 11, by Pchmulx 8 Bases on balls Oft Thomas 7. off Schmuts 4. Wild pitch Thomas Schmuts. Time of cum 1 hour, 87 min utes. L'mplra Ward. TURKS WIN FROM VANCOUVER to 3 No SALEM. Or., April 23. (Special.) Organization of the Willamette Valley League has been completed and ar rangements made for the opening, on May 7. The only question yet to be decided is whether the PiedmeTit Stars or the Ruperts will be the sixth team. John Hunt, of Woodburn. has been (, . elected preniueui, 1.. narnson, 01 0 ' Portland, vice-president; Archie W. Jerman, of Salem, secretary and man ager; Crittenden of Hubbard, treasurer. The league will open with Hubbard at Woodburn; the Dillworth Derbies at Salem, and either the Piedmont Stars or the Ruperts at Dallas. Twenty-one games will be included in the league schedule. Seattle Takes Contest, 9 Star Twirling Seen. SEATTLE. April 23. Vancouver could not hit with men on bases, but the locals were more fortunate, and Seat- son and Kershaw and Ward for Halsey. Roseburg to See. Wrestling. ROSEBURG. Or., April 23. (Special.) An agreement was signed here yes terday by E. J. O'Connell. of Portland, and Peter Buzukous, to meet in a wrestling match in Syke's rink. In Roseburg. May 4. A side bet of $1000 will be deposited by the grapplers. Jefferson Overwhelms Halsey. JEFFERSON, Or., April 23. Jefferson and Halsey clashed on the diamond to day, the visitors losing, 11 to 0. Drlcchet and Sieger did battery work for Jeffer- Frank E. Watklns to Display His Bull Terrier, Which Won Lau rels East, in Stall Here. Dogs to be benched at the 12th annual how of the Portland Kennel Club, which will begin Wednesday night at Fifth and Washington streets, began to assemble in Portland yesterday. A. C. Welch, of Butte. Mont., who owns a strine of the best Airedale terriers In the world, ar- ived in Portland yesterday with his pack of prize winners. Mr. Welch is one of the best-known fanciccs and breeders in the country, and counts on making a snowing at me local Dencn show. Frank E. Watkins. a member of the Portland Kennel Club and famous throughout the United States as a bull- terrier breeder, arrived home from the Tacoma Kennel Club show Saturday with a queer experience to relate. Mr. Wat klns recently purchased the famous bull terrier bitch Vampire, which won at the New York show. He has changed her name to Willamette Sensation, and un der that cognomen entered her in the Tacoma show. The Judge of that benching was not a bull-dog expert and passed the Vampire up, not recognizing tier under the name of the Willamette Sensation. He was a badly surprised man when informed by Mr. Watklns that he had awarded third place to the animal which has swept everything at the New York Kennel Club show In Madison Square Garden. Willamette Sensation will be one of the Portland entries in the show beginning Wednesday. Bonnybred Stiletto, cham pion bull terrier with which Mr. Watkins has won In' almost every part of the United States, will be shown, but for exhibition purposes only. Willamette' Dazzler is another bull terrier which will be shown this year. This week's show will in more ways than one be the biggest and best bench show ever held in Oregon. Last year's show took all prizes up to date, but it will be eclipsed by the '11 exhibition. In point of entries, the number of classes and the list of prizes this show compares favorably with any held on the Pacific Coast. More than S00 dogs have been entered to date. The list of trophies comprises more than TO cups. And there are other prizes, too, in addition 10 prizes for special classes. Judging will begin Wednesday after- Four Alleged Gamblers Are Seized in Bleachers. , ' PAN FRANCISCO. April 23. (Spe cial.) Another crusade to open organ ized gambling on the ball games was started today when four men were ar rested in the right-field bleacher sec tion at Recreation Park charged with accepting bets and violating the state law in that regard. The arrests were made by a posse of policemen in plain clothes. They say that they have evi dence enough to convict the captives. The four men who were arrested when booked at the Mission-street sta tion, gave the following names: Leland Karber, clerk; Joseph Barton, teamster;' Joseph Peiser, coachman and Walter Smith, clerk. These are the first arrests made since the opening of the 1911 season and it is announced by Cal Ewing and the police that officers will watch the situation closely from now on to pre-, vent gambling. Ewing further says that Ed. Kripps, well known in San Francisco and the owner of the Sacra-, mento baseball park, although the Capitol City grounds are leased to the present management, pleaded with him not to prosecute the men who were arrested. "Ed. Kripps came to me as soon as the arrests were made and asked that we go easy with the men," said Ewing.' "But we are not going easy with such men. We do not want any gambling on the baseDau games ana win not countenance It within our grounds. All the credit Is due Captain Gleason and the Chief for the officers who havei been on duty to suppress gambling.; Captain Gleason has promised to back: us up and arrests will continue wher ever there is gambling." It is no secret that during the past few weeks gambling has been going on at Recreation Park and these arrests will doubtless act as a preventive. STANFORD CREW STAYS SOUTH; Oarsmen Will Not Come to Race I Washington in Seattle. SEATTLE. April 23. The Stanford' and University of Washington eight oar crews will not race on Lake Wash Ington thi year, according to a mes sage received by Graduate Manager Victor Zednick. Arrangements had been made to bring the Stanford varsity and fresh man crews to Seattle, the University of Washington guaranteeing $600 for the expenses of the trip. The Univers ity of California crew offered to come, paying their own expenses, making the race a triangular event. Assistant Manager Herbert Siegler. who went to Berkeley with the Washington track team, was authorized to sign contracts with representatives of both California institutions, but today a telegram was received from him saying that the Stanford eight could not meet Wash ington in Seattle, and that Stanford could not take the Washington crew to California. Stanford la willing to send freshmen crews north if Washington will pay $400 for expenses, but Manager Zed nick said toJay that he cannot accept hat proposition unless Stanford will agree to take Washington's eight to California. The local oarsmen are still hopeful that the University of Cali fornia crew will come north to race. ALBANY AVINS OVER CpRVALLIS Swan's Xine Loses, 11 to 3, in Hard-Hitting Contest. ALBANY, Or., April 23. (Special.) Bv hitting the ball hard and frequently Albany vanqu'shed Corvallis today in a game in this city 11 to 3. The Colts began scoring in the third and kept It up to the finish whi'e the best Claud Swan's aggregation could do was to collect three runs on bunched hits in the eighth. Salisbury, pitcher on Portland 3 champion Northwest League team a few years ago, who is now one of Al bany's p'tchers and who played right field today, drove out a home run In the eighth, scoring Baker ahead of him. Eugene Dooly, Albany's first baseman, secured two two-baggers and a single In four times up and Munson got three hits in five trips to the plate. Score: n II FA RHE Albany ...11 13 2,CorvaIlis ..3 7 3 Batteries Albany: W. Patterson and D. Patterson; Corvallis: Looney and Colbert. WALLA WALLA BEARS LOSE Athena Millers Annex Contest by Score of Six to Three. ATHENA, Or.. April 23. (Special.) The Bears, of Walla Walla, had their percentage of 1000 chopped 200 per cent by the Athena Millers In today's game before 700 people, losing the-game 6 to 3. The Bears scored one In the second Inning and the Millers came bacK and scored three times. Then In the third the Bears scored two on a hit. tying the score. It was a tie game until the eighth inning, when a two-base hit. followed by two more clean mis anu a sacrifice brought up the .Miners score to six. ' Other league scores today are: Pen dleton at Milton Milton, 14: Pendle ton, 6. Weston at Echo Weston, 4; Echo 0. League team percentages are: Athena, .800; Walla Walla, .800; Wes ton, .600; Milton, .400; Pendleton. .200J Echo, .200. South Bend in State League. SOUTH BEND, Wash., April 23. (Spe cial.) South Bend fans are happy be cause the city will be a member of the State League, with Raymond, Chehalis and Centralia. The initial game of the league will be played on the South Bend diamond May 6. Officers of the association are A. E. Robinson, presi dent; George J. Dever, secretary-treasurer.' These officers, together with H. L. Gerwlg, L. W. Homan and E. M. Connor, will compose the board of di rectors. William McGinnls. a former manager of the Port Ludlow team, has been elected manager. Aberdeen Winner at Chehalis. CHEHALIS. Wash., April 23. (Spe cial.) A pickup Aberdeen team de feated the Chehalis State League club today. 3 to 1. Chehalis tried out three pitchers, Callahan, Coleman and Kane, with Taylor and Wilkins as catchers. For Aberdeen. Wakefield and Cross pitched with C. Moore, catcher. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Aberdeen ..3 4 3Chehalis ....1 4 a Emporiums Get Jewelers Scalps. The Portland Emporium baseball team played its first. game of the year yesterday afternoon, defeating the All Star Jewelers 6 to 2. Next Sunday the Emporium team will play the News-. boys.