13 MOUSING OllEGOXTAJf . SATURDAY, APRIL 23; 1911. TTVE MRS. SCOTT AGAIN HEADS DAUGHTERS Tellers Work 24 Hours Before Final Result Is Decided. OTHER OFFICERS ELECTED Only Possible Change In Admlnla tratlon Is One Vice-President for Which Another Vole Mast Be Taken. WASHINGTON. April II. Mr. Mat thew T. Scott, of Illinois, tonljtht was declared re-elected president-General of the Daughters of the Amer.can Rt elation for the next two years. Of the 108 votes cast Mrs. Scott recelred 614; her opponent. Mrs. William C Storey, of K York. 4. and six of the ballots wrre blank as to choice of president-general. The tellers spent almost 2 4 hours In counting yestsr dar's vote. With Mrs. Scott elected the en tire administration ticket except on. lce-presldent-ceneral. who received votes less than the number neces sary to elort. For this position a new ballot will be taken. Sirs. Storey Speaks. When Mrs. Scott entered Continental Hall, after the vote had been an nounced, she was received with wild applause. Mrs. titorey addresina; the convention declared she had no bitter ness In. her heart because of her de feat, and ureed all the members of the ors;anlwtlon to uphold the hands of the newly elected president-general. The others elected were: Vice-presldent-iteneral. In charrs of nrx-anlzatlon of chapters. Mrs. Henry L. Mann: chaplaln-aeneral. Miss Elisa beth Merce: recording secretary-general. Mrs. Howard T. Hopkins: corre sponding secretary-general. Mrs. Wil liam lennls: register-general. Mrs. ftatus Prombaugh: treasurer-general. Mrs. William D. Hoover: historian-general. Mrs. Charles Baasatt: assistant historian - general. Mrs. Eleanor S. Thompson, and librarian-general. Miss Amaryllis Glilett. all residents of the District of Columbia, except Mrs. Bas tt. of Maryland, and Mrs. Thompson, ef Massachusetts. Oregon Officers Chosen. Mrs. Jordan Smith, of Alabama, was e'.ected honorary vice-president-general. Mrs. Ellery M. Avery was re elected editor of the American Monthly Magazine, the official organ of the D. A. It Mr a. Wallace McCamant. of Port land, was chosen state regent for Ore gon, and Mrs. Thomas C. Taylor, vice regent. Mrs. Walter J. Heed and Mr. J. J". Wagner were chosen respectively regent and vice-regent for Washington, and Mrs. Charles W. Puce!) and Mrs. Adnlpb Hilts were elected for Idaho. The session tomorrow will bring the SOth Continental Conrress to a close. KLAMATH TIMBER SOUGHT Seattle Men Want SO. 000,000 Feet of Itcserve Trees. KLAMATH FALLS. Or, April a Special.) Ten government timber cruisers are assembled In the vicinity of Three Mile Creek, in the Crator Na tional Korest where they are to cruise and estimate a large timber belt which will be sold to Seattle capitalists. They were sent to this point a few days ago tinder charge of Assistant Forester Foster In a hury-up order to estimate, map and report the timber. It Is ex pected the work will be done within the next IS days. The timber will then be advertised for 30 days and sold to the highest bidder. As the request for the estimate was made by the Seattle capitalists. If there Is not a higher bid than theirs, the Umber will be sold to them. The timber Is near the north end of the Cpper Klamath Lake Into which Three Mile Creek runs about twomlles from Seven Mile Creek, where 10.000.000 feet was sold recently from the same reserve. The Seattle capitalists apply for 50. 00.00 feet. It la presumed they will establish a big sawmill near the north end of the Vpper Lake. The timber Is In Klamath County and from Its sale a large sum will be added to the county's road fund. Twenty-Ave per cent of the monev obtained for the sale of timber goes to the county In which It stands. GRANTS PASS TEAM WINS High School Debaters Defeat Leb anon Champion Trio. GRANTS PASS. Or, April (Spe cial.) In spirited contest -tonight Leb anon High School debating team, champion of the Western Oregon dis trict, was defeated by the Granta Pass team, champion of the Southern Ore gon district. The question debated was: "Resolved. That National Conser vation ef Natural Resources Is Prefer able to State Conservation. Lebanon debaters were Minnie Wet set Katherlne Klrkpatrtck and Ora Keebler. who took the affirmative. The negative was upheld by Helen Love. Allen Herrtck and Erie Best. Kev. Robert McLean presided and Carlton Spencer and Percy Collier, of Eugene, and Earl Kllpatrick were Judges. At the close of the contest a recep tion took place In honor of the visit ors. - The result decides the champion ship for Southern and Western Oregon. ALBANY LIBRARIAN IS DEAD Miss Gilbert Was 5 Year of Age nd Native of Douglas Coontjr. A LP A NT. Or.. April a Spec!aI. M'.ss Helen Ruth Gilbert, librarian of the Albany public library, died yeeerday at the home of her sister. Mrs. A. M. Hammer. In this city. She mi M years old. re tu a native of Douglas Coun ty, but bed spent almost all her life In Linn County. She lived for many years at Lebanon, where her father, professor J. I- Gilbert, wsai for many yeara principal of Santlarn Academy. Misa Gilbert taucht school . for several rears In both Albany and Lebanon. She IM i member of the Flrat Methodist Church of Albany. She la aurvived by two easters snd two brother: Mrs. F. E. Montague, of. Port land; Mrs. A. M. Hammer, of Albany; J L. Gilbert, poatmseter at Berlin. Linn County, and E. J Gilbert, also of Berlin. r WOMAN Or MATRIMONIAL DIFFICULTIES WHO WILL WED I AGAIN. 0 M R. - I . . v.. . ; -.. 2 -v..-. . &m, - V -4sTf :' - "-"if ". 1 I LODGING HOUSE IS .3. SHAKEN BY BOMB Dynamite Exploded on Front Porch of Oakland Establishment. TENANTS ESCAPE INJURY Bt'RKE-ROC IIG, WHO TO BECOME BRIDE OF ROBERT BERK5FOKD. CUPID KEPT BUSY Mrs. Burke-Roche Meets Some Unfortunate Ventures. ENGAGED AGAIN, . REPORT Kxperlences With James Burke Koclie nd Aurel Batonyl No Dis couragement to Former Heiress and Beauty. CHICAGO. April 21. (Special.) Mrs. Burke-Roche, daughter of the late Frank Work, and reported flanoee of Robert Seton Beresford. has had a re markable career. One of the most beautiful women In America, she was much aought after when she waa Miss Fannie Work, supposed heiress to most of the 1:0,000.000 estate of her father. Her first marriage was In 18S0 to the Honorable Jamea Burke-Roche, heir to the title of Irish Lord Feor moy. The married life of the two was beset early with storms, there fol lowed a disagreement and Mrs. Burke Roche returned to her own country. Later the angry husband came-over and left the twins on the doorstep of her father's home. He advertised far and wide that he would not be re sponsible for any debts aha might con tract. In 1S9I the Superior Court at Wil mington. Del- granted Mrs. Burke Roche an absolute divorce. After the marriage of her daughter. Cynthia, to Arthur S. Burden In 1307 It became known to the disgust of Mr. Work that his daughter bad been secretly married for a year to Aurel Batonyl, the debon air whip of New York and Newport. Mr. Work was emphatic In expressing his disapproval of this marriage, aa he had been of the first, and he Imme diately cut off hla supplies. Batonyl was referred to by Mr. Work as a fortune-hunting coachman. For a time the life of the Batonyls ran smoothly, then dlsoord came and after much wrangling. In which accusations were tossed back and forth, they were divorced. Mrs. Burke-Roche has been noted far and wide as a horsewoman. It was at one of the horse shows la New York she met Batonyl. FALL RESULTS IN DEATH Stewart Smith, Old-Time Sheepman, Succumbs to Injuries.- ASTORIA. Or, April 11. (Special.) Stewart fmlth died this morning from Injuries received Wednesday in failing on the stairs of -the hotel at which he was staying. Mr. Smith was born at Newport. Flfe sblre. Scotland. (0 yeara ago. He came to the United States in 187S with his brother David, and they engaged In sheepralslng In Kastern Oregon, later coming to Astoria. Before coming to this country he had been employed as bookkeeper with a large shipping firm, and. being an expert accountant, has been In tha employ of many of the larg. est canneriea and business firms In this city. He left three sisters and two broth ers, of whom one, David Smith, resides In this city, all the others being In Scotland. DIAZ MAY RETIRE SOON (t-ontlnued rrora first Pai. ) wardneaa. Suddenly the old warrior be gan to take the boy's part. . Dlas Pardons American Boys. "Hold on. senor." he said. "I was a boy once and was fond of fighting. Perhaps only because we are proverbi ally lenient with our own fallings. I think there are worse faults than that. Now I like fighting boys and here Is a' full pardon for' J-our sdn' and Blatt, so that they both may fight another day.' 'But' you" must make a promise for them that they shall not return to take part In our unhappy family quarrel. As may be Imagined, tha promise was gladly made by Mr. Converse, who will go to Juarez with a letter to the authorities which will cause the re lease of the two youths. It can be said today for the first time In many days past that no tension exists between the United States and Mexico and that the manner In which these various complications have been surmounted augurs well for the future Church Will Pray for Peace. How one Important Influential body In the republic, and one hitherto not particularly distinguished by Its warm est support of the Diaz administration, feels toward the revolution and actual Interior situation is shown by an epis copal letter, issued by the Archbishop of- Mexico and read today in all the churches. The venerable prelate or dered all parish priests to read at every mass and at all other religious ceremonies prayers for the early re Mora t tun of peace and concord throughout the republic. OTHERS ARE INVOLVED FRAXKHOCSEK ACCUSED OF FRACD IX FIRE ALARM DEAL. own gracious contribution to the era of food feeling. Having ascertained that It would not be disagreeable to the president. Ambassador Wilson sent H. C Converse, of Lea Angeles, father of Lawrence. F. Converse, who with Bdward tL Blatt has been held In prison at Juares for some time as a filibuster, to General Dlaa house this morning. He was accompanied by an official of the Embassy. The President received the grief-stricken father In a most gracious way and listened courteously to the re cital ef young converse's Juvenile way- Los Angeles Charter Evaded That He Might Buy From Gamewcll Without Competition. LOS ANGELES. CaL. April II. (Spe cial.) The arrest of F. W. Frankhouser In Portland last night may precipitate 1 startling disclosure In the Gamewell Fire Alarm scandal. Frankhouser was arrested on a charge of falsification of public records. The special charge is that be altered dates on requisitions and demands Issued for the purchase ' of I Gamewell Fire Alarm apparatus sev 1 eral years ago. I Under tha last administration an In I vestlgation was begun and startling facts j are aald to have been uncovered. Frank ! houser's connection with certain Irregu larities was discovered early when It waa planned to prosecute him, he Is said to have made a statement telling everything and seriously Implicating oth er city officials. Frankhouser's resigna tion as head of the fire and police tele graph bureau was forced about a year ago. He agreed to remain in the city and to assist in the prosecution of oth ers, lie disappeared soma time ago. The demands and requisitions Frank houser Is said to have altered were for apparatus to have been used In equip ping the university police station. The charter provides that nq purchases call ing for more than J600 may. be made without advertising. The . Gamewell Company did not want to sell If it had to compete. Consequently, whenever a purchase of more than J300 wae. contem plated, requisitions and demands were divided Into amounts of lens than 1500 LAKE MAY BE DRAINED Lewis County Residents Plan to Re claim SOOO Acres. ; CHEHALIS. Wash.. April II. (Spe cial.) Persons living near Morton. 40 miles east of Cbehalls.. have petitioned the Lewis County Commissioners to drain Davis Lake Into the Tlllon R:ver. By carrying out the project, which may be undertaken under the torraa of a new law, 1000 acres of fertile lands will be reclaimed. The petition asks for the formation of a drainage district corporation, and If the Commissioners grant the request the land owners will organise and drain the lake. Under the new law the financial end of the transaction Is in the hands of the corporation that will be formed and the county will not be Involved. To drain Davis Lake It will be nec aaMry to dig a ditch about a mile long from the present mouth- of the lake to the old outlet, where the water can then be turned through natural channels to TUton River, - Police Believe Black Hand Per petrate Deed to Avenge Refusal of Another Merchant to Pay Amomt Demanded. OAKLAND. Cal., April a. (Special.) With a detonation that aroused the en tire neighborhood, a bomb was exploded upon the front porch of the Reno Jodg-Ing-house at 5s8 Fifth street shortly after 2 o'clock this morning. Thirty lodgers were sound asleep at the time of the explosion, but owing to the man ner in which the bomb was placed no one was Injured, the force of the explo sion expending outwardly. It Is the theory of A. Satuer. pro prietor of the Reno House, that the bomb was not intended for his place at all, but for a French bakery at 811 Clay street, running back, to Fifth street.' which is conducted by J. Caa sou and M. Michael. In this connec tion a peculiarly sinister aspect Is given the case by the circumstance that Cassou recently received two let ters signed "Black Hand" and threat ening that If he did not pay 2000 his place of business would be blown up and he with It. Police Make Inquiry. The first letter to Cassou was dated March 28 and the police have been quietly conducting an investigation into the circumstances of Its sending since. ' The second letter was dated April 11. A high barbed wire fence surrounds the bakery and it Is the general theory that the bomb. If thrown, at the bakery, struck the wire and bounded back. landing on the porch of the Reno house,' where It ex ploded. The letter to Cassou is as follows: "March 28. Mr. Cassou: You are obliged to bring i000. between Sixth and Seventh and Jefferson streets, Oak land. In this place Is an empty lot ana right-hand corner is a pile or stones. Remove the atone and place the money there and replace the stone. 11 you don't bring the money by Friday night your place -of business "will be blown up and you will go up with It. If you take later, than Friday mgnt your son, Felice, will be taken away from you, and then you will be obliged to pay toOOO. If you put the cops wise; dam sight worse for you. . Black Hand. The son Felice is 8 yeare) old. A sec ond letter was received April 11, de manding that be placed In Golden Gate Park, and making the same threats. It Is also said that the proprle tors of the bakery have been having trouble, owing to the fact that their establishment Is nonunion, and It is eald that several attempts have been made to burn the place. Newspaper Hides Bomb. In connection with tha Black Hand theory, a significant fact Is that the bomb was wrapped In an Italian news paper, as several fragments of an Italian paper. were found scattered on the porch and .front yard after the nollce commenced making their inves titrations. The windows In the front of the building were shattered and a portion of the front of the building wrecked, but otherwise no serious damage was done, although the shock rocked the neighborhood like an earth auake. It Is believed that the ignorance or the person placing the dynamite was responsible for the Infernal machine not creating greater havoc, and pos sibly loss of life. All that remains of what was evidently a dynamite ar rangement is a piece of ordinary miner's fuse, which Is In the posses sion of the police. The police ex amined the lodgers of the house." but no one waa able to supply a motive for the deed. All claim to be without enemies who would have any desire to adopt such tactics by way of revenge. INSURGENTS -CLAIM PARTY (Continued From First Page.) of one progressive Republican upon each committee be designated by Senators La Follette, Bourne, Curqmins and Bristow, the four progressive Republican mem bers of the committee on committees, which said assignment and designation to improve the present cordial relations between the two nations. Trrient Til as this morning made nis shsll be aDnroved and ratified by the committee on committees." The La Follette resolution waa a bated at length, all the Republican regu lars Insisting there was no precedent ior the recognition of a minority within the party. The vote on the .result follows: For La Follette, Bourne, Cummins and Bristow. Against Gilllnger. Lodge, Penrose, Heyburn, Warren, Smoot and Bradley. Immediately rumors spread that me Insurgents would bolt the committee and refuse to abide btf the committee as signments made under any other plan and would seek an alliance witn mo Democratic minority to overthrow tne control of the regular Republicans, but ; apparently there was no foundation ior . these reports. One Insurgent mernner 01 ( the committee said the future course of j the Insurgents would depend upon whether they were treated fairly by the regulars. The Democratic committee on com mittees met today. The minority lists may be ready tomorrow. OREGON ORATORS LOSE WASHINGTON' LAW SCHOOL TEAM WINS DEBATE. Victors, on Negative Side of Labor Question, Earn Laurels by Good .Use of Federal Reports. The University of Washington Law School was victorious in the annual de bate with the University of Oregon Law School last night at the Women of Woodcraft Hall. The Washington won the unanimous vote of the Judges. The question debated was: "That all labor disputes In the United States should be settled by a system of com pulsory arbitration similar to that of New Zealand." Leo Baisden and Lloyd Black repre sented Washington. E. H. Whitney and Ben F. Wagner composed the Univer sity of Oregon team. The Washington men upheld the megative side of the question. Their argument consisted al most wholly of quotations from reports In the United States Labor Bulletin, placed In a forceful way. Mr. Whitney was probably the star orator. The Judges .were Dr. J. R. Wilson, of Portland Academy: Professor A. S. Shoemay, of Vancouver High School, and Elmer E. Coovert, of Portland.-The members of the two teams and Judges attended a banquet given for them at the Oregon Grill following the contest. JOB HINGES ON RESIDENCE Point Made- That Washington High way Commissioner Is Oregonlan. OLYMPIA, Wash.. April 21. (Spe cial.) It is possible that the Attorney General will be called upon to decide whether W. J. Roberts, of Medford, Or., who was offered the position of State Highway Commissioner of Wash ington, by Governor Hay and who has signified his willingness to accept, is eligible for the place, there having been raised a doubt as to whether he Is a resident of Oregon or Washing ton. Mr. Roberts was a member of the faculty of the State College for some time, but has resided in Medford for a number of years. There is a constitu tional provision that all state officials must be residents of Washington, and Roberts' right to qualify hinges on that question. This cannot be decided un- .11 i .. J .... n in niimnio TnavrfaV 141 m ilco 1,1 v . j - .. j . The question may also be raised as to the ciassincation 01 lae pusiuun ui Highway Commissioner, some main taining that it Is a state office, while others say that since it Is appointive, it cannot come under that head, TAHOMA'S PURSER FINED Steamboat Ofricer Pleads Guilty to Selling Liquor Aboard. HOOD RIVER, Or., April 21. (Spe cial.) Unable to secure evidence be cause of their position as officers, the local authorities secured the services of detectives and yesterday arrested Purser Featherstono. of the steamer Tahoma. plying between this city and Stevenson, on charges of selling liquor. On account of the fact that this county Is dry, Featherstone was doing a good business, it is said, when the Tahoma was tied up at the Hood River landing. Featherstone pleaded guilty before Justice of the Peace A. C. Buck and was fined J75. Pel Is duo to the debilitating weather of the season, and to the Impure, Impoverished, devitalized condition of the bipod caused by too close con finement, too little outdoor air and exercise, too heavy diet during the winter. It Is cured by the great constitutional remedy Blood's Sarsaparilla which effects its wonderful cures, not simply because It contains sarsaparilla, but because It comb&ies the utmost remedial values of more than twenty different ingredients. There is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. If unsed to buy any preparation said to be " Just as good." you may be sure It la Inferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. 100 Doses $1. Ssie if Dr. Marcs' AYaasssn' Honored by Women Wbea a woman speaks of her silent secret suffariog she traits 70a. Millions have be stowed this mark of eoaa deaoe on Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Every where there are wosnen who bear witness to the wonder working, curing-power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering srx frm pain, and success rally grapples with woman's weak nesses aad tlwttm m ills. IT MAKES WEAK WOHEN STRONG IT HAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. No woman's appeal waa ever misdirected or ber con fidence snisplaoed when she wrote ior advice, to the Wokld's DtsrBMsaar Msoical Association, Dr. K. V Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. PclltM Store mlU matmrml hmwmt surswl eaat a day. JL ercnanoise cr avctil.vi iyr - Saturday Children's Da; www a w-. 1 wWTe.l TV 1 Were Keady Witn uispiays q Tailored Suits for Girls and Misses Smart Tub Frocks Entirely New Wash Dresses for Little Girls Middy Blouses in Many New Models New Cloth Coats for School Girls Sweaters for the Athletic Girl . T. A T T IUCVY VUUHlliiviiiiii- - w sr. 11. f f 1 1 W If ' Millinery tor Uirls ana lvnsses The New Mushroofftr Shapes for 95c - i i . - I . l u.i- mithfAMn chanp nranfii wi JCWCU Spill J dp UCLL3 all UIV. Iiu l""4" cream or maise-colored basket gauze, with pretty printed figures. Also some trimmed witn a wiae veivct uuuuu ouu ono. la ments. Jab Braid Hats for 50c r . . . ... i uiHUUtu nai j a j- uiuiu iuiiivi -t half brim and trimmed with' Roman striped ribbons. Sailor Hats at $1.95 Each These are large, girlish shapes with turned-up brims and high crowns, neatly trimmed with ornaments and velvet ribbons. Milan Sailors at $2.95 Mushroom sailor hats of fine Milans trimmed with a ribbon band. Have a rolled-up brim. Roueh Straw Hats for $1.95 These hats come in black and burnt colored straws of rough jap braids in sailor shapes, with a five-inch brim and three and a half-inch crown. The exact shape of the Knox hat for this season. Pretty Dainty Things for Little Tots Coats in Satin, Moire and Silk Dresses in Wool and Tub Fabrics Bonnets in Lace, Silk and Straw Two-Piece Suits for Little Men I ORDERING SUPPLIES TELEPHONE THE retail merchant's telephone serves not only as a salesman, but also as a purchas ing agent. "When a merchant finds that he is going to run out of a line of goods he calls up the wholesaler or factory and not only orders a new stock, but comes to an agree ment on the price and the time of delivery. The unexpected needs of his customers can be met with the least possible delaj. If the merchant cannot find what he wants in town, the Long Distance Service of the Bell System brings hint into immediate communication with other cities and other markets. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. EVERY BELL TELEPHONE IS THB CENTER OF THE SYSTEM. P BULLETIN APRIL 22D on tms day, lau, me cuiuracii iur wie naucici of the Panama Canal property to the United States was signed at fans. ! Vs. 1 J 1 ' - 1