THE SfORXIXG OREGOIflAJf, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 19ii. ' Dellcions $1.00 Dinner Served in Our Seventh-Floor Restaurant Tonight, 5 to 8 Music by Rosebrook's Heilig Theater Orchestra Store Remains Open Tonight Until 9:30 o'clock Continued Today, the Big Spring Sale of Paints, Varnishes and Painters' Supplies 0 We Challenge the Country i THIRD FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. See Our Clothing Display on Morrison Street. SEVEN DIRECT ELEVATORS Young Men's Clothing "We carry a distinct, separate line of Clothes for Youn Men. All the smart, ultra effects that meet the most exacting demands of dressy young fellows who want the "dif ferent." Splendid lines priced rt at $25, $20, $15 arid as low as D 1Z.OU T RECALLS to us that old adage, "The proof of the pud Airtrr ia in tTi PfltlTlT,,I When a man sees in one of our show windows a Suit at $lo that's the identical pattern and quality another store is show ingat$20,he can't help being convinced of our money-saving ability. This is splendidly demonstrated toaay. Our lines of Men's Spring Suits at $15, $20 and $25 have the whole town beaten! Why, we show more Suits at any one of these prices than you 11 find in the en tire stock of many stores. But any one can make claims on paper. Come in today and let us prove every statement to the letter. hi--$15, $20 and $25 Silk-lined Coats $17.50 Our finest lines of.$25, $30 and $35 Silk Lined Chesterfield Overcoats now selling at $17.50. Rich, black Vicunas, nobby tans and brown Cassimejes and Velours, all lined with high-grade Silk. With or without silk-faced, lapels. At J)1 ,5U Sheet Music at 4 for 15c FIFTH FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. OVER 2000 Sheets of Music, including both classical and popular titles. Pieces published to sell at 15c to 25c. Choice for Sat- urday only, four for XOC Men's 95c Shirts-Usual $1.50 FIRST FLOOR, MALV BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. OUR enormous quantity-buying brings you" the best Shirts in America into any other Portland store, you'll not find better under $1.50. Fine mercerized materials with soft attached collars and soft turn-back cuffs. Others in regular golf style solid cuiuia Ui. uiuc, ia.u, CJ-Ccuxi, i v cllu.cj. ctxiu. j. uuxty a.t Our 50c Wash Ties, Now 29c Just received, 1000 Men's beautiful, new Four - in - Hand "Washable Ties in. wide range of smart, . new patterns. Good 50c grades, Oft today at only 17 C $1.50 Spring UndYwr$L19 Men 's high-grade, form fitting, Spring-Needle Un derwear for Spring.- Col ors of pink, blue, ecru, white. $1.50 Shirts and Drawers, to- rt 1 A day at 1 only D X X c 25c, 35c and 50c Socks 17c A big bargain table piled high with Men's Hosiery at 17c, 3 pairs for 50c! Plain black, tans, all solid colors and fancy effects of every j description. Pair X C White Pleated Shirts at 95c Men's 25c to 35c Grades ra at 95c! Go Ties, 17c W Only Store Which Sells Boys' Sampeck Clothes With Label THIRD FLOOR, MOW BIILDI.VG. ORDER BT M AIL- O TILER stores in Portland may claim to sell you "Sampeck' Clothes for boys, but make them show you the original label on the garment. They can't do this, for Meier & Frank's is the sole Portland acrenL "Sampeck" Clothes are made in smart, distinctive mannish styles, which place them high above the ordinary plane of Boys Clothing. Hundreds of beautiful Spring patterns are here to choose from today blue Serges, handsome grays, browns and tans, made with double-breasted or Norfolk coats and full cut, peg-top knickerbockers. $3.50 to $15 Jnvenile Suits, 3 to 10 years $2 to $12. Boys' Wash Suits, 3 to 12 $1 to $8. Boys' Spring Blouses 25c to $1.5Q. Boys' Felt and Straw Hats 50c to $3. April Toiiet Goods Exposition Continued ALL the splendid price-reductions on Toilet Goods and Drug Sundries still in force 1 Remember, we sell Toilet Goods and Drugs at lowest advertised prices. 50c Pond's Vanishing Cream, special, 39 25c Satin Skin Cream, special at only 19 Peroxide Cream, specially priced at 23j New Lemon Quince Cream, jar only 25 Eagle Fountain Syringe, 2-quart size, 59 $1.65 Premium Fountain Syringe at $1.19 35c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes only 23 75c Razor Strops, special price only 49 75c Hand Mirrors, on special sale at 49 11.00 bottle Listerine, special at only 59 50c Glycothymoline, special at only 39 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder, special at 11 25c Listerated Tooth Powder, special, 15 5c Lifebuoy Antiseptic Soap, special at 4 M. & F. Special Soap, the dozen only 23d 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, special, 10 50c jar Pompeian Cream, special for 33 $1.00 Pinaud's Fan de Quinine, only G6 $1.00 Scott's Emulsion, special, only 79 $4 Guaranteed Bicycle Tires $2.39 OTFXII ILUUK, 3fiW BlILDI.Mk ORDER BY MAIL. (( 6--M0. )a w E bought 500 of these Guaranteed Rubber Tires to sell at about regular wholesale price 1 They're all fresh, new, high grade stock and every Tire is positively guaranteed for six months ordinary service. Single lube Tires, sold America over at $4 each f service. ougis $2.39 N 0acvui owi c by Innings in Show Window Direct telephone wire from the Base ball Park permits posting of scores by inninps in win dow at Fifth and Alder streets. BOYS BASEBALL SUITS $1.23 Boys Baseball Suits, made of good quality material in blue, gray or ma roon. Sizes 8 to 16 years. t ! no Regular $1.75 Suits only i X (uu $1.25 Guaranteed Baseballs 93 Boys' 75c Baseball Mitts 59 ROLLER SKATES $2.19 Uigh-gTade, guar anteed Ball-Bearing Roller Skates for boys and girls. Jnst as illustrated. Ex- a v. $2.i9 Men's Hats at $3.00 FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. "IVE us a chance today to show you how much quality and style we have crowded into our lines of $3 Hats for men! All the latest New York shapes in Derbies, including low crown effects and Soft Hats in tele scopes, fedoras and alpines. Get under . one of them today, sir, at low price of Stetson Hats $4.00 and $5.00 "We know of no other Portland store that carries such a big line of renowned John B. Stetson Hats. All of the 1911 styles in Derbies and Soft Hats $4, $5 Roeloff "Smile" Hats now for $3, $4 and $5 Mallory Cravenetted Hats now for $3.50 Trimble and No-Name Hats now $3 and $4 Final Day of the Big Sale of Famous Munsing Underwear $3.00 FIRST FLOOR, MAIX BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. rousing yOUR final opportunity this year to obtain (slightly im perfect) famous Munsing Un derwear Garments at savings! Take advantage! Women's and Children's Union Suits, also Women's Munsing Vests and Pants included at this price-reduction! Pine ribbed, form-fitting in comfortable- warm-weather weights, qa Best 50e to 75c garments forJC Famous Munsing1 Union Suits, also other well-known makes. Light and medium weights in high or low-neck styles. "Worth $1.75 to $2 each. Bargainized for today at only 98c $1.25 to $1.50 Munsing Union Suits for women, fine ribbed, form fitting in varied JQ styles. Special ' price QuC Women's and Children's 75o to 85c Union Suits, Vests and Pants, of fine lisle and mercerized. Special at 47c $3.50 to $4 Silk Parasols, Today for $2.98 FIRST FLOOR, MAI.V BUILDING. ORDKH BY MAIL. FIVE HUNDRED beau tiful Parasols, of silk pongee and taffeta in black and all the season's wanted shades. Made on black or brass frames, with large assort ment of pretty handles. Regular $3.50 and $4 Para sols, today for do QO the low price of V170 Neckwear, 95c Women 's charming Venise Lace Collars, Yokes, Chemisettes and Coat Sets in white and ecru. All widths in the collars. QC $1.25 and $1.50 kinds at 7J $1 Ruffling, 25c Persian Silk Ruffling, also White Net and Lawn with Per sian bands ; 2 to 3 inches OCp wide; 50c to $1 val., yd. To $2.50 Gloves $1.33 Just for today, women's fine real French Kid Gloves in 1, 2 and 3-clasp styles. Suede and glace kid, overseam and pique sewn. Also Valliere's Stainless Suede Gloves. All sizes, 5Y to 7. Regular $1.75 to $2.50 grades, t qo offered special for today at this price, the pairP' Women's Fabric Gloves Lisle and chamoisette, in white, natural, gray and mode ; si ze s 5V '9tJ 7y2. Today, the pair Extra Heavy "Hairbo" Ribbon 5 and o-inch, in plain taffeta or moire. All staple colors. Today, Of special at only, yard Girls' to $ 1.75 Middy Blouses $ 1 .28 rCOD FLOOR. MAIX BCILDIXO. ORDER BT MAIL., NOTHING more comfortable in this weather than a jaunty Aliddy Blouse, with its freedom of move ment and cool lines! And at the beginning of the sea son we offer $1.50 and $1.73 Middy Blouses of splendid quality white materials at ?1.2S! Finished with blue collars and cuffs and d 1 O O come in sizes 8 to 16 years. Special today P l0 Children's White Dresses Specially Priced at $3.75 Just what's wanted for "bet ter" weai" jnrls white Lawn Dresses in charming low-neck mi short-sleevrj styles, dain tily trimmed and with full plait ed skirts. Sizes 6 to tfQ "7C 14 year. Price only J $3.00 to $6.00 White Pique Coats at Half Price Children's Coats of fine white pique, beautifully trimmed, but a trifle soiled and mussed. Fin ished with wide capes, some hand-embroidered. Sizes 2 to 4 years. Wirth $3.00 to U $(3.00 each. Today reduced HairGoods$2.98 TODAY'S extraordin ary Hair Goods spe cial $.j Transformations of fine quality German wavy Hair in all shades at J O QQ the low price of 00 $2.50 Switches at $1.49 Speeial lot of Switches, 20 inches long and made of good quality wavy hair in all popular shades. Worth $2.50 each, to- fcl AQ day's sale priced at Coffman's 40c Choc olate Caramels at 20c FIRST FLOOR, SEW BUILDING. TJR week-end Candy special this time on Coffman's delic ious, creamy Turkish Caramels, plentifully sprinkled with almonds. Regularly 40c the pound. Special for the week-end Coffman's 50c Chocolates, lb. 38 A Corset Special at 79c AND for Saturday's selling only!' Women's $1.50 and $2 Corsets at half and less than half price. Come in wanted high and medium bust effects in sizes "7Q 24 to 36. Extra special at iC Corset Covers Maids Aprons Dainty Corset Covers of fine lawn and nainsook, charmingly trimmed in em broideries and lace some hand-embroidered. Sell regularly at $1.50. QQ. Priced special for today only at Aprons, made bib style, trimmed in embroideries. Of good quality lawn, fin ished with wide hems. Not one worth less than 60c and most at 75c. A Q Priced for today's selling at, ea.," 30cFreshRoasted Coffee20cPoimd BASEMEVT XEW BtTLDIXG. ORDER DT MAIL. . OUR special Saturday sale of deliciously good Coffee that has a rich Java and Mocha flavor! Fresh roasted every hour, but not more than 5 pounds to a customer. Best 30c OA grade, today only, pound ''V The Butter Specials Beechnut Butter, 2 pounds 50 Butternut Butter, 2 pounds 51 Royal Banquet Butter, 2 lbs. 55? Rock Creek Butter, 2 lbs. 59 Wom'n's 50c to 65c Hose, 39c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BCILDI.VG. BOTH plain and silk Lisle Hosiery in black and all the season's most wanted shades, includ ing the tremendously popu lar tans. Also lace and em broidered boot effects. The regular 50c to 65c QQ grades, the pair, at 3iC Women's Black Silk Ho siery, with lisle tops and re inforced heels and toes. Spe cial, 3 pairs $1.25 or AZt the pair for only 4"OC Save on Children's Shoes OVER 2 00 pairs of Misses' and Chil dren's High Shoes in patent colt, and vici kid leathers with patent tips. Plain lace ori blucher. . Also dainty Two Strap Pumps in patent colt or' dull calf. Sizes8V2toll,l AQ Today, the pr. J Sizesliy2to2, djl (Q Today, the pr. PlVi7 Boys Shoes, $ 1 .99 Boys' and Youths' Shoes of box or kangaroo calf and vici kid leathers. Plain lace or blucher cuts, with strong soles and roomy toes. Sizes 10 to 13y2, at $1.59 the pair; C t QQ sizes 1 to 5y2, offered special at only, the pair P A Saturday Sale Carpenters' Tools $1.85 Disston Hand Saws 26-inch, hand-filed and set, ready tfjl A 'J for use. Today P 1 , 75c Disston Plumb and Level Arch top plate, polished; 33 -inch CQp size. Special 'today, 75c Forged Steel Hammers l-lb., every one warranted. Special Satur day only, 64 15c Boxwood Fold's Rule, to 2-ft., special 3 5c Measur ing Tape, illus trated; brass folding OOr handle Ol $1.75 Gem Folding Mitre Boxes Illustrated. Can be attached to board or bench. Takes any saw. Special for to- ( qq day only, each'P 60c Disston Try Squares-No. 1, 9-in. size, as pic-OQ, tured, at, ea. v-7C - 25c Gas and Burner Fli ers, oil - tempered 1 Q polished steel, only 30c Screwdrivers, 6-in., steel taperingOf ' l'